13 Surface Area Volume
13 Surface Area Volume
13 Surface Area Volume
two cases is
Justify. INCERT Exemplar]
14. The length of a hall is 20 m and width 16 m. The sum
(a) 1:4 6) 1:3 of the areas of the floor and the flat roof is
c) 2:3
equal to
d) 2:1 the sum ofthe areas of the four walls. Find the
[NCERT Exemplar] and the volume of the hall.
4. A rectangular pit of dimensions 20 m x 15 mx 10 15. Navinchal received a white card board cube of side
m is dug and the earth taken out has to be 0.5 m. He did not like the raw cube and decided to
off in truck which can carry a load of 300 m' of earth.
put the blue stars on the surfaces, without folding.
The number of rounds truck has to make to
dispose Area of each star is 40 cm. Calculate the area of
off the earth are the remaining if he put 372 blue stars in total on the
(a) 10 (6) 12 surface
c) 15 (d) 20 16. Volume of a cube is 64,000 m. Find the cost of
5. The number of planks of dimensions 4 m x 50 m painting its total surface at the rate ofT5 per m2.
x 20 cm which can be stored in a pit 40 m long, 12 [CBSE 2010]
m wide and 160 m deep is
Short Answer Type Il Questions [3 Marks]
(a) 1900 (b) 1920 17. A gift pack is in the shape of cuboid of dimensi
c) 1800 (a) 1840 1.5 m, 0.75 m, 0.5 m. Sanya did not like the paper
6. A
heap of wheat in cylindrical wrapped on the gift pack, so she removed it and
grains is put a
box of radius 7 m and height 3.5 m, but this wrapped the gift pack with a paper of her choice but
bOX was not sufficient, so the remaining grain left the base 7.5 m >x 0.75 m, which she said to fill
was put in a cuboidal box of dimensions with her name. Calculate the difference in areas of
m x 3 m x 2 m. Still 13 m3 grain was left. How wrapping papers used. HOTS]
grain was there in the heap? 18/The length of a cold storage is double its breadth. Its
(a) 539 m3 (6) 569 m height is 3 metres. The area of four walls excluding
c) 530 m3 (d) 582 m a door of dimension 4 m x 2m is 100 m. Find its
A cone is 8.4 cm high and the radius of its base is
2.1 cm. It is melted and recast into a sphere. The 19. If V is the volume of cuboid of dimensions a, b, c
diameter of sphere is and S is the surface area, the prove that
made of the open box is 43. A solid cylinder has a total surface area 462 54
remaining sheet. Find the volume of the total
DOX. lts curved surface areais one-third ot
surface area. Find the volume of the cylinder
Surface Areas and Volumes 315
ASSESS YOURSELF I8. A solid cube is cut into two cuboids of equal volumes
1. Find the length of the longest rod that can be placed
in a room of dimensions 30 m x 24 m x 18m. Find the ratio of the total surface area of the
cube and that of one of the cuboids.
2. Four cubes each of side 5 cm are joined end to end.
19. A cuboidal tank is 6 m long, 5 m wide and 4.5 m deer
Find the surface area of the resulting cuboid. eep.
How many litres of water it can hold?
3. Find the volume and total surface area ofa cube ofcdge 20. Volume of a cube is 5832 m. Find the cost of paintin
15 cm.
its total surface area at the rate of R 3.50 per m2
4. Two cubes have volumes in the ratio 27 64. Find
the ratio of their surface areas. IHOTS CBSE 20101
21. A storage tank is in the form of a cube. When it is
5. If each edge of a cube is increased by 25%, then find
full of water, the volume of water is 42.875 ms. If the
the percentage increase in its surface area. [HOTS]
of water is 2.3 m, find the volume of
6. A is 3 m
cylinder and the circumference of its
high present depth
already used from the tank.
base is 22 m. Find its curved surface area. water
has inner circumference 22. The size of the base of a cane full of kerosene is
7. A hollow cylinder pipe
44 dm and outer circumference 45 dm. Find the 20 cm 20 cm
X height
and its is 45 cm. The kerosene
2 per ms, if is poured into another cane having base
of painting it from both sides
at of this cane
into a
= 3.14)
27. Solid spheres of diameter 6 cm are dropped
volume is some water arc and
14. Find the total surface area of cube. If its cylindrical beaker containing
diameter of the beaker 15
3375 cm. fully submerged. If the
15. Find the volume and surface area of a sphere ofradius 18 cm and the water rises by 40 cm, find the
4.3 cm. (Use n = 3.14) of solid spheres dropped in the water. is
area is
hollow surface
16. The internal and external radius of a
28. Find the volume of a sphere whose
hemispherical vessel are 12 cm and cm 154 cm.
radius and
respectively. 29. A circus pandal is 240 m in to
cloth used
The cost of painting 1 sq. cm of surface is 7 0.07.
height is 100 m. Then the length of the m.
is 100t
Find the total cost to paint the vessel. make the pandal when width of the cloth
From the given cuboid of dimensions, I 5 cm,
The total surface area ofa cube is 96 cm. The volume ) 250 m2 (i) 550 m
30. is
ofthe (il) 450 m2 (iv) 150 m
(a) 8 cm3 (b) 512 cm
c) Boxes are to be sent in different slums,
(c) 64 cm3 (d) 27 cm so volunteers have decided to label them
INCERT Exemplar]1 diagonally with one white strip and write the
name of locality. What will be length of tape
1. 100jugs full ofwater are emptied in a conical flask.
Theheight of the water level is 75 cm, the diameter required to cover one box?
of the water level, when each jug contains 3850 cm3 )350 m (i) 50 m
of water is
(ii) 150 m (iv) 250 m
(a) 70 cm (b) 35 cm
(d) What will be the cost of sheets of paper for
(c) 140 cm (d) 210 cm
5 boxes, if cost per 100 m is 7?
32. The radius of
a sphere is 2r, then its volume will be ) T 150 (i') F 192.50
4 (b) 473
a) ii) T 200.50 (v) 70
study came which has shown that in Lucknow, the great activity which helps kids development in many
monthly by 62% i.e. from
income of labour fill ways. Every child needs experience that
matches his
9,500 per month in pre-pandemic times to 3,500 or her developmental level. Playing with clay involves
now. This is not even 3500 in all the both left and right brains. Left brain focuses on the
per month
cases. Some people have lost their jobs and not able discipline and right brain creates the imagination.
to get survive. There is severe crisis of employment It also helps to resolve stress and offers positive
opportunities in real labour market. An NGO "Meal division. It promotes sensory development. In
for All" is helping the people in this difficult time.
teaching Mathematics also, clay modelling is used
They have cuboidal boxes and kept them in
designed in classrooms. Students of class IX have made some
different residential societies. People can put things 3D shapes from clay modelling. Out of these, two
Such as medicines pulses, flour, oil etc. in packets. shapes are hemispherical dome and sphere having
These boxes are then taken to different slum areas
circumference of base 132 cm.
nearby for distribution.
10 m