Kamineni Hyd - 2023 UG Documents Required
Kamineni Hyd - 2023 UG Documents Required
Kamineni Hyd - 2023 UG Documents Required
21. Declarntion by Candidate /Parent (on non-judicial stamp paper ofRs.10/).(Notary)forB & C Category{ANX- V)
22. Bank G uarantcc(BG) (From any Nationalized Bank) forB & C Category only.(ANNEXURE - VI)
Signature of deponent
Solemnly affirmed and signed m my presence on this date: _ _ _ _ _ after reading the
contents of this affidavit.
Signature of deponent
Name of the parent:
Mobile No:
Signature of deponent
Solemnly affirmed and signed in my presence on this date: _ _ _ _ _ after reading the
contents of this affidavit.
Signa ture of the Candi date
Witnesses: Mobile .No:
1. S ignature
Signa ture of the Paren t
Name & Address
Mobil e No
Addre ss:
2. Signat ure
Mobil e .No:
Name & Addre ss
Mobil e
1. Signa ture:
No ...... ......................... .
1............................................................................................................ Wo/
F/0............................................ ..................... ...... ..... bearing UG NEET 2023 Rank No
hereby give an undertaking as below. in connection with o ur claim with regard to certificates submitted
for admission Into UG Medical course for the Academic year 2023-24 in colleges affiliated to KNR.
University of Health Sciences .We .hereby declare that all o ur certificate.s are genuine.
I am aware that if the submitted relevant certificate (s) is /are found to be not genuine at a later date. my
admission is liable to be cancelled and I am liable for criminal prosecution. as may be legally deemed
fit.Further I agree that I abide by the Ru les and Regu lations of KNR University of Health Sciences.
I also hereby undertake that I shall not enter into legal litigation, if the seat allotted to me is
Adhar No : AdharNo :
Address: Address :
Date (DD/MtvVYYYY):Place:
l,Mr/Mrs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Parent of
(T his declaration is to be given by a student/pa rent/Blood R elative (family member) who is seeking
Rank NEET-2023(UG) ..... ............... ........ ...Son/daughter of Mr /Ms ......... .. .. ... ................. .. .
Seeking admission into UG course in Management Quota (NRI quota seats) for the academic year 2023-2024
into ............. ............ .......... ................... ..... .... .... ........................................... ..college of
Telangana Private Noll-Minority /Minority Medical Colleges do hereby declare and state as under.
I declare that , I am Son/Daughter/Niece/Nephew/Brother/ Sister of Mr/Ms ......... . ..... ............ .. ... . .... .
S/o D/o .. ... ............... .. ... .. ............... .. . .. ......Rio ............. ........... ........ .. ...... ............. ...... .. ..
(here incorporate the complete address of NRl to whom the candidate is related}.
J declare that lhe said family member NRJ is paying m y fee for my UG course and I further declare that the
above facts stated arc true and correct and I am liable for any action in the event of concealmeDt of facts.
I , ........ .... . .... .... ............... .. .......... ..... ....... ..S/ o here declare and confirm that the above candidate viz ,
Mr/Ms ...... ......................................... . . .... ......... is related to m e as Son/ Daughter/ Niece/ Nephew/
Brother/ Sister and I hereby irrevocably agree and undertake to provide financial support to lnim/ her by
payment of entire fees and other expenses for pursing UG course in the Medical College of Telangana State
- - - - - - - - - E ND- - - - - - - - - - -
Date of Issue:
B.G. Amount: Rs: /-
Date of expiry: 30/06/ 2024
WHEREAS the above named Student got admitted into p t MBBS Course
for the academic year 2023- 24 and paid the p t year fee of Rs. .. ../-.
(Rupees ........................................................................................................ ) and is also
obligated to pay the fees of Rs. / - for the remaining period of the
course as follows on -
Pee,- 1 el l
WHEREAS as per the conditions for admission, the Student is required to
furnish an I rrevocable Bank Guarantee to the Beneficiary from any Nationalized
Bank to protect the interest of the Beneficiary in the event of any default of the
Student in payment of balance fee as above during the entire course.
Hence in the event of default on the part of the Student in payment of fee
of Rs. / - per year for 2nd year period i.e. 1st Jun 2024, Rs. /-
(Due date of Payment of Fees)
or any part thereof during the balance course period of MBBS, the Bank on
behalf of the Student hereby irrevocably, unequivocally and unconditionally
agrees and undertakes to pay forthwith the said sum of Rs. / - or part
thereof to the Beneficiary without any condition, protest, demur or proof and
without reference to any consent of the Student and irrespective of and not
withstanding any contest / objection from the Student or the existence of any
dispute between the Student and the Beneficiary upon the Beneficiary invoking
this Bank Guarantee with the Letter of Invocation for any part amount of the
bank guarantee to the bank. The Bank agrees to make the payment of invoked
amount to the Beneficiary simultaneously on the Beneficiary submitting the
Letter of Invocation for any part amount of the Bank Guarantee.
Not with standing anything contained herein, the bank further under takes
to pay the full amount of the bank guarantee to the beneficiary without any
reference to the due date of the payment of the fee structure as mentioned in
the guarantee, simultaneously on the beneficiary submitting the letter of
invocation along with the original bank guarantee.
Finally, the Bank confirms that a mere letter from the Beneficiary that
there has been a default on the part of the Student in payment of the fees, shall
without any other or further proof be final, conclusive and binding on the Bank
hn l ofJ
to treat the same as a valid invocation along with submission of t he original
Bank Guarantee for making the simultaneous payment of the demanded amount
up to the maximum of Rs. /-
and all claims should be received by the Bank on or before within three
months from the said date.
The Bank's liabilities under this guarantee is restricted to Rs. /-
(Rupees: ...................................................................... Only) and the guarantee shall
remain in force up to dt. 30/ 06/ 2024. Unless a claim is made on the Bank within
three months from the said date i.e.30/ 09/2024 all the claims rights and interest
etc. Whatsoever of the Institute Kamineni Academy of Medical Sciences and
Research Centre, LB Nagar, Hyderabad, under this guarantee shall be lapsed
and shall have no right to enforce this guarantee and the Bank shall be relieved
and discharged from all liabilities there from.
Dated :
h crJofJ