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CMPN Autonomy Syllabus

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Vivekanand Education

Society’s Institute of

Bachelor of Engineering
Computer Engineering

Second Year with Effect from AY 2023-2024

Third Year with Effect from AY 2023-2024
Final Year with Effect from AY 2023-2024

Autonomous Scheme
Program Structure for Second Year Computer Engineering

Scheme for Autonomous Program

(With Effect from 2023-2024)

Semester III

Course Course Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Code (Contact Hours)

Theory Pract Tut. Theory Pract Tut. Total

CSC301 Engineering Mathematics- 3 -- 1** 3 -- 1 4


CSC302 Discrete Structures 3 -- 3 -- -- 3

& Graph Theory

CSC303 Data Structure 3 -- 3 -- -- 3

CSC304 Digital Logic & 3 -- 3 -- -- 3

Computer Architecture

CSC305 Computer Graphics 3 -- 3 -- -- 3

CSL301 Data Structure Lab -- 2 -- 1 -- 1

CSL302 Digital Logic & -- 2 -- 1 -- 1

Computer Architecture

CSL303 Computer Graphics Lab -- 2 -- 1 -- 1

CSL304 Skill base Lab course: -- 2+2** -- 2 -- 2

Object Oriented
Programming with Java

CSM301 Mini Project – 1 A -- 4$ -- 2 -- 2

Total 15 14 1 15 07 1 23
Examination Scheme

Theory & Total
Course Name Internal End Exam
Assessment Sem Duration
Exam (Hrs)

Mid CA*

CSC301 Engineering 20 20 60 2 25 -- 125

Mathematics III

CSC302 Discrete Structures & 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

Graph Theory

CSC303 Data Structure 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

CSC304 Digital Logic & 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

Computer Architecture

CSC305 Computer Graphics 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

CSL301 Data Structure Lab -- -- -- -- 25 25 50

CSL302 Digital Logic & -- -- -- -- 25 -- 25

Architecture Lab

CSL303 Computer Graphics Lab -- -- -- -- 25 25 50

CSL304 Skill base Lab -- -- -- -- 50 25 75

course:Object Oriented
Programming with Java

CSM301 Mini Project-1 A -- -- -- -- 25 25 50

Total 100 100 300 -- 175 100 775

* indicates Continuous Assessment **Should be conducted batch wise

$ indicates workload of Learner (Not Faculty), Students can form groups with minimum 2 (Two) and not
more than 4 (Four), Faculty Load: 1 hour per week per four groups
Semester IV

Course Course Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Code (Contact Hours)

Theory Pract Tut. Theory Pract Tut. Total

CSC401 Engineering Mathematics 3 -- 1** 3 -- 1 4


CSC402 Analysis of Algorithm 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3

CSC403 Database Management 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3


CSC404 Operating System 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3

CSC405 Microprocessor 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3

CSL401 Analysis of Algorithm -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1


CSL402 Database Management -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1

System Lab

CSL403 Operating System Lab -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1

CSL404 Microprocessor Lab -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1

CSL405 Skill Base Lab Course: -- 2+2** -- -- 2 -- 2

Python Programming

CSM401 Mini Project 1-B -- 4$ -- -- 2 -- 2

Total 15 16 1 15 8 1 24
Course Course Name Examination Scheme
Theory Term Pract Total
Work & oral

Internal End Exam.

Assessment Sem Duration
Exam (in Hrs)

Mid CA*

CSC401 Engineering 20 20 60 2 25 -- 125

Mathematics IV

CSC402 Analysis of Algorithm 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

CSC403 Database Management 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100


CSC404 Operating System 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

CSC405 Microprocessor 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

CSL401 Analysis of Algorithm -- -- -- -- 25 25 50


CSL402 Database Management -- -- -- -- 25 25 50

System Lab

CSL403 Operating System Lab -- -- -- -- 25 25 50

CSL404 Microprocessor Lab -- -- -- -- 25 -- 25

CSL405 Skill Base Lab Course: -- -- -- -- 25 -- 25

Python Programming

CSM401 Mini Project 1-B -- -- -- -- 25 25 50

Total 100 100 300 -- 175 100 775

* indicates Continuous Assessment, **Should be conducted batchwise and

$ indicates workload of Learner (Not Faculty), Students can form groups with minimum 2 (Two) and not
more than 4 (Four), Faculty Load: 1 hour per week per four groups.
Program Structure for Third Year Computer Engineering

Scheme for Autonomous Program

(With Effect from 2023-2024)

Semester V

Teaching Scheme
Course (Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Course Name
Theory Pract Theory Pract Total
Theoretical Computer
CSC501 3 -- 3 -- 3
CSC502 Software Engineering 3 -- 3 3
CSC503 Computer Network 3 -- 3 -- 3
Data Warehousing &
CSC504 3 -- 3 -- 3
Department Level Optional
CSDLO501x 3 -- 3 -- 3
Course- 1
Software Engineering Lab
CSL501 -- 2 -- 1 1
CSL502 Computer Network Lab -- 2 -- 1 1
Data Warehousing &
CSL503 -- 2 -- 1 1
Mining Lab
CSL504 -- 2+2** -- 2 2
Communication & Ethics-
CSM501 Mini Project: 2 A -- 4$ -- 2 2
Total 15 14 15 07 22
Examination Scheme

Term Pract
Theory Total
Work & oral

Course Internal End Exam

Course Name
Code Assessment Sem Duration
Exam (Hrs)

Mid CA*
Theoretical Computer
CSC501 20 20 60 2 25 -- 125
CSC502 Software Engineering 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100
CSC503 Computer Network 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100
Data Warehousing &
CSC504 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100
Department Level
20 20 60 2 -- -- 100
CSDLO501x Optional Course -1
CSL501 Software Engineering -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
CSL502 Computer Network -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
Data Warehousing &
CSL503 -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
Mining Lab
CSL504 -- -- -- -- 50 -- 50
Communication &
Ethics- II
CSM501 Mini Project : 2A -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
Total 100 100 300 -- 175 100 775

* indicates Continuous Assessment, ** Theory class to be conducted for full class and $ indicates workload
of Learner (Not Faculty), students can form groups with minimum 2(Two) and not more than 4(Four).
Faculty Load: 1 hour per week per four groups.
Department Optional Courses

Department Level
Semester Code & Course
Optional Courses

CSDLO5011: Probabilistic Graphical Models

Department Level Optional
Course -1 CSDLO5012: Internet Programming
CSDLO5013: Advanced Database Management
Program Structure for Third Year Computer Engineering

Scheme for Autonomous Program

(With Effect from 2023-2024)

Semester VI

Teaching Scheme
Course (Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Code Course Name
Theory Theory Pract Total
System Programming &
CSC601 3 -- 3 -- 3
Compiler Construction
Cryptography & System
CSC602 3 -- 3 3
CSC603 Mobile Computing 3 -- 3 -- 3
CSC604 Artificial Intelligence 3 -- 3 -- 3
Department Level Optional
CSDLO601x 3 -- 3 -- 3
Course -2
System Programming &
CSL601 -- 2 -- 1 1
Compiler Construction Lab
Cryptography & System
CSL602 -- 2 -- 1 1
Security Lab
CSL603 Mobile Computing Lab -- 2 -- 1 1
CSL604 Artificial Intelligence Lab -- 2 -- 1 1
Skill base Lab Course: Cloud
CSL605 -- 2+2** -- 2 2
CSM601 Mini Project Lab: 2B -- 4$ -- 2 2
Total 15 16 15 08 23
Examination Scheme
Theory Term Pract Total
Work & oral
End Exam.
Course Course Name
Internal Sem Duration
Assessment Exam (in Hrs)

Mid CA*
System Programming &
CSC601 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100
Compiler Construction
Cryptography & System
CSC602 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100
CSC603 Mobile Computing 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100
CSC604 Artificial Intelligence 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100
Department Level
CSDLO601x 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100
Optional Course -2
System Programming &
CSL601 -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
Compiler Construction
Cryptography & System
CSL602 -- -- -- -- 25 -- 25
Security Lab
CSL603 Mobile Computing Lab -- -- -- -- 25 - 25
CSL604 Artificial Intelligence Lab 25 25 50
Skill base Lab Course:
CSL605 -- -- -- -- 50 25 75
Cloud Computing
CSM601 Mini Project :2B -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
Total 100 100 300 -- 175 100 775

* indicates Continuous Assessment, ** Theory class to be conducted for full class

$ indicates workload of Learner (Not Faculty), students can form groups with minimum 2(Two) and not
more than 4(Four). Faculty Load: 1 hour per week per four groups.
Department Optional Courses

Department Level
Semester Code & Course
Optional Courses

CSDLO6011: Internet of Things

Department Level Optional CSDLO6012: Digital Signal & Image Processing
Course -2 VI
CSDLO6013: Quantitative Analysis
Program Structure for Fourth Year Computer Engineering

Scheme for Autonomous Program

(With Effect from 2023-2024)

Semester VII

Course Course Name Teaching Credits Assigned

Code Scheme
(Contact Hours)

Theory Pract/ Theory Pract Total


CSC701 Machine Learning 3 -- 3 -- 3

CSC702 Big Data Analytics 3 -- 3 3

CSDC701X Department Level 3 -- 3 -- 3

Optional Course-3

CSDC702X Department Level 3 -- 3 -- 3

Optional Course-4

ILO701X Institute Level Optional 3 -- 3 -- 3


CSL701 Machine Learning Lab -- 2 -- 1 1

CSL702 Big Data Analytics Lab -- 2 -- 1 1

CSDL Department Level -- 2 -- 1 1

701X Optional Course-3 Lab

CSDL702X Department Level -- 2 -- 1 1

Optional Course-4 Lab

CSP701 Major Project I -- 6$ -- 3 3

Total 15 14 15 7 22
Course Course Name Examination Scheme
Theory Term Pract Total
Work & oral

Internal End Exam.

Assessment Sem Duration
Exam (in Hrs)

Mid CA*

CSC701 Machine Learning 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

CSC702 Big Data Analysis 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

CSDC701X Department Level 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

Optional Course-3

CSDC702X Department Level 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

Optional Course-4

ILO701X Institute Level 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

Optional Course-1

CSL701 Machine Learning Lab -- -- -- -- 25 25 50

CSL702 Big Data Analytics -- -- -- -- 25 25 50


CSDL701X Department Level 25 - 25

Optional Course-3 Lab

CSDL702X Department Level -- -- -- -- 25 - 25

Optional Course-4 Lab

CSP701 Major Project 1 -- -- -- -- 50 25 75

Total 100 100 300 -- 150 75 725

* indicates Continuous Assessment.

Semester VIII

Course Course Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Code (Contact Hours)

Theory Pract/ Theory Pract Total


CSC801 Distributed Computing 3 -- 3 -- 3

CSDC801X Department Level Optional 3 -- 3 -- 3

Course -5

CSDC802X Department Level Optional 3 -- 3 -- 3

Course -6

ILO801X Institute Level Optional 3 -- 3 -- 3

Course -2

CSL801 Distributed Computing Lab -- 2 -- 1 1

CSDL801X Department Level Optional -- 2 -- 1 1

Course -5 Lab

CSDL802X Department Level Optional -- 2 -- 1 1

Course -6 Lab

CSP801 Major Project II -- 12$ -- 6 6

Total 12 18 12 9 21
Course Course Name Examination Scheme
Theory Term Pract Total
Work & Oral

Internal End Exam

Assessment Sem Duration
Exam (in Hrs)

Mid CA*

CSC801 Distributed 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100


CSDC801X Department Level 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

Optional Course -5

CSDC802X Department Level 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

Optional Course -6

ILO801X Institute Level 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

Optional Course -2

CSL801 Distributed -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
Computing Lab

CSDL801X Department Level -- -- -- -- 25 25 50

Optional Course -5

CSDL802X Department Level 25 25 50

Optional Course - 6

CSP801 Major Project- 2 -- -- -- -- 100 50 150

Total 80 80 240 -- 175 125 700

* indicates Continuous Assessment

$ indicates workload of Learner (Not Faculty), students can form groups with minimum 2(Two) and not
more than 4(Four). Faculty Load: 1 hour per week per four groups.

Major Project 1 and 2 :

∙ Students can form groups with minimum 2 (Two) and not more than 4 (Four)
∙ Faculty Load : In Semester VII – ½ hour per week per project group
-In Semester VIII – 1 hour per week per project group
Department and Institute Optional Courses and Labs

Semester Department/ Subject

Institute Optional
Courses and Labs

VII Department Optional CSDC7011: Machine Vision

Course -3 CSDC7012: Quantum Computing
CSDC7013: Natural Language Processing

Department Optional CSDL7011: Machine Vision Lab

Lab -3 CSDL7012: Quantum Computing Lab
CSDL7013: Natural Language Processing Lab

Department Optional CSDC7021 : Augmented and Virtual Reality

Course -4 CSDC7022 : Block Chain
CSDC7023 : Information Retrieval

Department Optional CSDL7021 : Augmented and Virtual Reality

Lab -4 Lab CSDL7022 : BlockChain Lab
CSDL7023 : Information Retrieval Lab

Institute level ILO7011. Product Lifecycle Management

Optional ILO7012. Reliability Engineering
ILO7013. Management Information System
ILO7014. Design of Experiments
ILO7015. Operation Research
ILO7016. Cyber Security and Laws
ILO7017. Disaster Management & Mitigation
Measures ILO7018. Energy Audit and
ILO7019. Development Engineering
Department and Institute Optional Courses and Labs

Semester Department/ Subject

Institute Optional
Courses and Labs

VIII Department CSDC8011 : Deep Learning

Optional Course -5
CSDC8012 : Digital Forensic
CSDC8013 : Applied Data Science

Department CSDL8011 : Deep Learning Lab

Optional Lab -5 CSDL8012 : Digital Forensic Lab
CSDL8013 : Applied Data Science Lab

Department CSDC8021 : Optimization in Machine Learning

Optional Course -6
CSDC8022: High Performance Computing
CSDC8023: Social Media Analytics

Department CSDL8021 : Optimization in Machine Learning

Optional Lab -6 Lab
CSDL8022: High Performance Computing Lab
CSDL8023: Social Media Analytics Lab

Institute level ILO8021. Project Management

Optional Courses-II ILO8022. Finance Management
ILO8023. Entrepreneurship Development and
ILO8024. Human Resource Management
ILO8025. Professional Ethics and CSR
ILO8026. Research Methodology
ILO8027. IPR and Patenting
ILO8028. Digital Business Management
ILO8029. Environmental Management
Second Year
With Effect from AY 2023-2024
Program Structure for Second Year Computer Engineering

Scheme for Autonomous Program

(With Effect from 2023-2024)

Semester III

Course Course Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Code (Contact Hours)

Theory Pract Tut. Theory Pract Tut. Total

CSC301 Engineering 3 -- 1** 3 -- 1 4

Mathematics- III

CSC302 Discrete Structures 3 -- 3 -- -- 3

& Graph Theory

CSC303 Data Structure 3 -- 3 -- -- 3

CSC304 Digital Logic & 3 -- 3 -- -- 3

Computer Architecture

CSC305 Computer Graphics 3 -- 3 -- -- 3

CSL301 Data Structure Lab -- 2 -- 1 -- 1

CSL302 Digital Logic & -- 2 -- 1 -- 1

Computer Architecture

CSL303 Computer Graphics -- 2 -- 1 -- 1


CSL304 Skill base Lab course: -- 2+2** -- 2 -- 2

Object Oriented
Programming with

CSM301 Mini Project – 1 A -- 4$ -- 2 -- 2

Total 15 14 1 15 07 1 23
Examination Scheme

Term Pract
Theory Total
Work & Oral

Course Internal End Exam

Course Name
Code Assessment Sem Duration
Exam (Hrs)

Mid CA*

CSC301 Engineering 20 20 60 2 25 -- 125

Mathematics III

CSC302 Discrete Structures & 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

Graph Theory

CSC303 Data Structure 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

CSC304 Digital Logic & 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

Computer Architecture

CSC305 Computer Graphics 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

CSL301 Data Structure Lab -- -- -- -- 25 25 50

CSL302 Digital Logic & -- -- -- -- 25 -- 25

Architecture Lab

CSL303 Computer Graphics -- -- -- -- 25 25 50


CSL304 Skill base Lab -- -- -- -- 50 25 75

course:Object Oriented
Programming with Java

CSM301 Mini Project-1 A -- -- -- -- 25 25 50

Total 100 100 300 -- 175 100 775

* indicates Continuous Assessment **Should be conducted batch wise

$ indicates workload of Learner (Not Faculty), Students can form groups with minimum 2 (Two) and not
more than 4 (Four), Faculty Load: 1 hour per week per four groups
Semester IV

Course Course Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Code (Contact Hours)

Theory Pract Tut. Theory Pract Tut. Total

CSC401 Engineering 3 -- 1** 3 -- 1 4

Mathematics IV

CSC402 Analysis of 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3

CSC403 Database 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3
Management System

CSC404 Operating System 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3

CSC405 Microprocessor 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3

CSL401 Analysis of Algorithm -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1


CSL402 Database -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1
Management System

CSL403 Operating System -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1


CSL404 Microprocessor Lab -- 2 -- -- 1 -- 1

CSL405 Skill Base Lab -- 2+2** -- -- 2 -- 2

Course: Python

CSM401 Mini Project 1-B -- 4$ -- -- 2 -- 2

Total 15 16 1 15 8 1 24
Course Course Name Examination Scheme
Theory Term Pract Total
Work & oral

Internal End Exam.

Assessment Sem Duration
Exam (in Hrs)

Mid CA*

CSC401 Engineering 20 20 60 2 25 -- 125

Mathematics IV

CSC402 Analysis of Algorithm 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

CSC403 Database Management 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100


CSC404 Operating System 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

CSC405 Microprocessor 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

CSL401 Analysis of Algorithm -- -- -- -- 25 25 50


CSL402 Database Management -- -- -- -- 25 25 50

System Lab

CSL403 Operating System Lab -- -- -- -- 25 25 50

CSL404 Microprocessor Lab -- -- -- -- 25 -- 25

CSL405 Skill Base Lab Course: -- -- -- -- 25 -- 25

Python Programming

CSM401 Mini Project 1-B -- -- -- -- 25 25 50

Total 100 100 300 -- 175 100 775

* indicates Continuous Assessment, **Should be conducted batchwise and

$ indicates workload of Learner (Not Faculty), Students can form groups with minimum 2 (Two) and not
more than 4 (Four), Faculty Load: 1 hour per week per four groups.
Course Code Course Title Credit

CSC301 Engineering Mathematics III 4

Prerequisite: Engineering Mathematics-I, Engineering Mathematics-II

Course Objectives:

1 To build a strong foundation in mathematics, provide students with mathematics

fundamentals necessary to formulate, solve and analyse complex engineering problems.

2 To prepare student to apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to

engineering practice, to work as part of teams on multi-disciplinary projects.

3 To describe the ideas of Fourier and Laplace transforms and illustrate their application in the
fields of PDE, Digital Signal Processing, Image Processing, Image Processing, Theory of
wave equations, Differential equations, and many others .

4 To prepare the students to use the information from Laplace transform to convert a
continuous signal from the time domain to the frequency domain.

5 To prepare the students for transforming a problem with inconvenient geometry into a one
with appropriate geometry by the use of Complex mapping.

Course Outcomes:

1 Laplace transform: . Students will be able to apply Laplace transform and its properties to
find the transform of a given function and evaluate some integrals of real value functions.

2 Inverse Laplace transform : Students will be capable of solving ordinary differential

equations using Laplace transform as well as problems based on determining the inverse
Laplace transform of specified functions.

3 Fourier Series : Students will be able to expand a periodic function as a Fourier series in
terms of sine and cosine functions

4 Complex Variable: Students will be proficient to construct an analytic function, obtain a

family of orthogonal trajectories.

5 Complex Integration : Students will be able to evaluate integration of complex variable

functions using the knowledge of Cauchy integral formula, residue of singular points.

6 Z-transform : Students will be able to find Z-transform of sequences using Properties and
Inverse Z-transform using series expansion, partial fraction
Module Content Hours

1 Laplace Transform 7

1.1 Definition and Condition of Existence of Laplace transform.

1.2 Laplace transform of standard functions like e^at , sin(at), cos(at),

sinh(at),cosh(at) and t^n , n ≥ 0.

1.3 Properties of Laplace transform: Linearity, First Shifting, Second Shifting,

Change of Scale, Multiplication by t, Division by t, Laplace Transform of
derivative, integral and convolution of two functions.

1.4 Evaluation of real improper integrals using Laplace transformation.

1.5 Laplace transform of some special functions: Heaviside’s Unit Step

function,Dirac Delta function.

2 Inverse Laplace Transform 7

2.1 Definition and Inverse Laplace transform of standard functions.

2.2 Inverse Laplace transform using Partial fractions, derivatives property.

2.3 Inverse Laplace transform using Convolution property.

2.4 Applications to solve initial and boundary value problems involving

Ordinary differential equations.

3 Fourier Series 7

3.1 Drichlet’s conditions, Definition of Fourier series and Parseval’s


3.2 Fourier series of periodic function with period 2π and 2L

3.3 Fourier series of even and odd functions.

3.4 Half range Sine and Cosine Series.

4 Complex Variables 6

4.1 Function of complex variable f(z), Limit, Continuity and

Differentiability of f(z), Analytic function. Necessary and sufficient
conditions for f(z) to be Analytic. Cauchy-Riemann equations in
Cartesian coordinates.

4.2 Milne-Thomson method: Determine analytic function f(z) when real

part (u), imaginary part (v) or its combination is given

4.3 Harmonic function, Harmonic conjugate and Orthogonal trajectories.

5 Complex Integration

5.1 Line Integral, Cauchy’s Integral theorem for simple connected and
multiply connected regions, Cauchy’s Integral formula.
5.2 Taylor’s and Laurent’s series expansion.

5.3 Definition of Singularity, Zeroes, Poles of f(z), Residues, Cauchy’s Residue


6 Z-Transform

6.1 Definition and Region of Convergence, Transform of Standard


6.2 Properties of Z-Transform: Change of Scale, Shifting Property,
Multiplication, and Division by k, Convolution theorem.

6.3 Inverse Z-Transform: Partial Fraction Method, Convolution Method.

Total 39

1 Higher Engineering Mathematics, Dr. B. S. Grewal, Khanna Publication

2 Linear Algebra and its Applications, D. C. Lay, Pearson

3 J.L Schiff , The Laplace Transform, Springer (1999)

4 H.Dym and H.P . Mckean , Fourier series and Integrals, Academic Press , 1972.

5 S.Ponnusamy and H. Silverman , Complex Variable with applications,Birkhauser,Boston , 2006

Reference Books:

1 J H Mathews and R W Howell, Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering, Narosa.

2 Advanced Engineering Mathematics, R. K. Jain and S. R. K. Iyengar, Narosa Publication.

3 Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley Eastern Limited.

4 Complex Variables and Applications, Brown and Churchill, McGraw-Hill Education.

5 M.R. Spiegal , Laplace Transforms (Schaum’s Series), Mc Graw – Hill , 1965.

6 R.Radha and S. Thangavelu . Fourier Analysis , Lecture Notes,2012

Internal Assessment:

Internal Assessment will consist of one Midterm test which will be conducted when
approximately 50% of the syllabus is completed. The duration of the test will be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered based on
following rubrics on approval by the subject teachers.
1. Content beyond syllabus presentation (10 marks)
2. Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) (5 marks)
Two Quiz/ Presentations (10 Marks each) of one hour duration can be taken based on overall syllabus
and will be conducted during a semester (Preferably before and after mid semester exam).
Term work:
Total 25 Marks Term work will be based on overall performance in the subject.
Attendance+Tutorials/Assignment/Viva/Mini Project is based on the entire syllabus.
Batch wise tutorials have to be conducted.

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Name Credits

CSC302 Discrete Structures & Graph Theory 3

Prerequisite: Basic Mathematics

Course Objectives:

1 Cultivate clear thinking and creative problem solving.

2 Thoroughly train in the construction and understanding of mathematical proofs. Exercise

common mathematical arguments and proof strategies.

3 To apply graph theory in solving practical problems.

4 Thoroughly prepare for the mathematical aspects of other Computer Engineering courses

Course Outcomes:

1 Understand the notion of mathematical thinking, mathematical proofs and to apply them in
problem solving.

2 Ability to reason logically.

3 Ability to understand relations, functions, Digraph and Lattice.

4 Ability to understand and apply concepts of graph theory in solving real world problems.

5 Understand use of groups and codes in Encoding-Decoding

6 Analyse a complex computing problem and apply principles of discrete mathematics to

identify solutions

Module Content Hours

1 Logic

1.1 Propositional Logic, Predicate Logic, Laws of Logic, Quantifiers, 6

Normal Forms, Inference Theory of Predicate Calculus, Mathematical

2 Relations and Functions 6

2.1 Basic concepts of Set Theory

2.2 Relations: Definition, Types of Relations, Representation of
Relations, Closures of Relations, Warshall’s algorithm, Equivalence
relations and Equivalence Classes

2.3 Functions: Definition, Types of functions, Composition of functions,

Identity and Inverse function

3 Posets and Lattice

3.1 Partial Order Relations, Poset, Hasse Diagram, Chain and Anti chains,
Lattice, Types of Lattice, Sub lattice

4 Counting

4.1 Basic Counting Principle-Sum Rule, Product Rule, Inclusion Exclusion 6

Principle, Pigeonhole Principle,

4.2 Recurrence relations, Solving recurrence relations

5 Algebraic Structures and advanced topics

5.1 Algebraic structures with one binary operation: Semi group, Monoid,
Groups, Subgroups, Abelian Group, Cyclic group, Isomorphism
5.2 Algebraic structures with two binary operations: Ring

5.3 Coding Theory: Coding, binary information and error detection, decoding
and error correction ,Maximum likelihood

6 Graphs

Graphs Types of graphs, Graph Representation, Sub graphs, Operations on 8

6.1 Graphs, Walk, Path, Circuit, Connected Graphs, Disconnected Graph,
Components, Homomorphism and Isomorphism of Graphs, Euler and
Hamiltonian Graphs, Planar Graph, Cut Set, Cut Vertex,


1 Bernad Kolman, Robert Busby, Sharon Cutler Ross, Nadeem-ur-Rehman, “Discrete

Mathematical Structures”, Pearson Education.

2 C. L. Liu “Elements of Discrete Mathematics”, second edition 1985, McGraw-Hill Book

Company. Reprinted 2000.

3 K. H. Rosen, “Discrete Mathematics and applications”, fifth edition 2003, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company


1 Y N Singh, “Discrete Mathematical Structures”, Wiley-India

2 J. L. Mott, A. Kandel, T. P. Baker, “Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists and

Mathematicians”, Second Edition 1986, Prentice Hall of India.

3 J. P. Trembley, R. Manohar “Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Computer

Science”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company

4 Seymour Lipschutz, Marc Lars Lipson, “Discrete Mathematics” Schaum‟s Outline, McGraw
Hill Education.

5 Narsing Deo, “Graph Theory with applications to engineering and computer science”, PHI

6 P. K. Bisht, H. S. Dhami, “Discrete Mathematics”, Oxford press.

7 Rajesh Maurya,Ganesh M Magar,Swati R Maurya “Discrete Structures”,Wiley Publication

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will be
one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by the
subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by small

3 5 Marks
report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject
4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks

Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on recent

5 10 Marks
trends in the said course

Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment / Question paper

6 10 Marks

NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4 weeks or

7 10 Marks

8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Title Credit

CSC303 Data Structure 3

Prerequisite: C Programming

Course Objectives:

1 To understand the significance of Data structures as a computer Professional.

2 To appreciate the concept of Linear data structures - Stack & Queues along with its

3 To recognize the different types of Linked Lists and identify the appropriate one to solve a
specific real world problem.

4 To introduce various types of Trees and their applications in practical scenario

5 To instigate the concept of Graphs and their traversals along with applications.

6 To understand various searching techniques and appreciate the role of Collision resolution
Techniques in Hashing

Course Outcomes:

1 Appreciate the role of Data Structures in day to day life.

2 Perform various operations like searching, insertion, deletion and traversals on Linear data
structures - Stack & Queues.

3 Explain the different types of Linked List and select a suitable one for the given scenario

4 Illustrate the various types of Trees and identify an appropriate Tree data structure to solve a
real life situation

5 Analyse and implement Graph traversals on a given problem..

6 Perform various searching techniques and collision resolution techniques in Hashing

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction to Data Structures

1.1 Introduction to Pointers and Structures in C; Single and

Multidimensional arrays: Memory representation, Operations on Arrays,
Introduction to time and space complexity. —-3

1.2 Introduction to Data Structures - Concept of ADT; Types of Data

Structures - Primitive and Non Primitive Data structures; Linear and Non
Linear Data structures; Operations on Data Structures.

2 Stack and Queues

2.1 Introduction to Stack - ADT of Stack; Operations on Stack; Array

Implementation of Stack; Applications of Stack: Well form-ness of
Parenthesis, Infix to Postfix Conversion, Postfix Evaluation, Recursion 10

2.2 Introduction to Queue - ADT of Queue; Operations on Queue; Array

Implementation of Queue; Types of Queue - Circular Queue, Priority
Queue, Introduction of Double Ended Queue; Applications of Queue

3 Linked list

3.1 Introduction to Linked List - Representation of Linked List; Linked List

v/s Array; Types of Linked List - Singly Linked List, Circular Linked
List, Doubly Linked List; Operations on Singly Linked List and Doubly
Linked List; Implementation of Stack and Queue using Singly Linked
List; Singly Linked List Applications - Polynomial Representation and
Addition, Multiplication

4 Trees

4.1 Introduction to Trees - Tree Terminologies; Binary Tree Representation;

Properties of Binary Tree; Types of Binary Trees; Operations on Binary
Tree; Applications of Binary Tree - Expression Tree, Huffman
Encoding.Binary Search Tree - Operations on BST. Search Trees - AVL
Tree, Rotations in AVL Tree, Operations on AVL Tree; Introduction of B
Tree, B+ Tree.

5 Graphs

5.1 Introduction to Graph - Graph Terminologies; Representation of Graph;

Graph Traversals - Depth First Search (DFS) and Breadth First Search 4
(BFS); Graph Application - Topological Sorting, Graph Colouring

6 Searching Techniques

6.1 Searching - Linear Search, Binary Search 2

Introduction to Hashing, Hash Functions, Collision Resolution

Total 39

1 Aaron M Tenenbaum, Yedidyah Langsam, Moshe J Augenstein, “Data Structures Using C”,
Pearson Publication.

2 Reema Thareja, “Data Structures using C”, Oxford Press.

3 Richard F. Gilberg and Behrouz A. Forouzan, “Data Structures: A Pseudocode Approach

with C”, 2ndEdition, CENGAGE Learning.

4 Jean Paul Tremblay, P. G. Sorenson, “Introduction to Data Structure and Its Applications”,
McGraw-Hill Higher Education

5 Data Structures Using C, ISRD Group, 2ndEdition, Tata McGraw-Hill.

6 Classic Data Structures, D. Samanta, Prentice Hall India Pvt., Limited, 2004

Reference Books:

1 Prof. P. S. Deshpande, Prof. O. G. Kakde, “C and Data Structures”, DreamTech press.

2 E. Balagurusamy, “Data Structure Using C”, Tata McGraw-Hill Education India.

3 Rajesh K Shukla, “Data Structures using C and C++”, Wiley-India

4 GAV PAI, “Data Structures”, Schaum’s Outlines.

5 Robert Kruse, C. L. Tondo, Bruce Leung, “Data Structures and Program Design in
C”, Pearson Edition

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will be
one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by the
subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by small

3 5 Marks
report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject
4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks

Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on recent

5 10 Marks
trends in the said course

Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment / Question

6 10 Marks
paper solution

NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4 weeks

7 10 Marks
or more

8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Title Credit

CSC304 Digital Logic & Computer Architecture 3

Prerequisite: Knowledge on number systems

Course Objectives:

1 To have a rough understanding of the basic structure and operation of basic digital circuits
and a digital computer.

2 To discuss in detail arithmetic operations in digital systems.

3 To discuss generation of control signals and different ways of communication with I/O

4 To study the hierarchical memory and principles of advanced computing.

Course Outcomes:

1 To learn different number systems and basic structure of computer systems.

2 To demonstrate the arithmetic algorithms

3 To understand the basic concepts of digital components and processor organization.

4 To understand the concept of control unit design

5 To demonstrate the memory organization.

6 To describe the concepts of parallel processing.

Module Content Hours

1 Computer Fundamentals

1.1 Introduction to Number System and Codes

1.2 Number Systems: Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal,

1.3 Codes: Grey, BCD, Excess-3, ASCII, Boolean Algebra

1.4 Logic Gates: AND,OR,NOT,NAND,NOR,EX-OR

2 Data Representation and Arithmetic algorithms

2.1 Binary Arithmetic: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division using
Sign Magnitude, 1’s and 2’s complement, BCD and Hex Arithmetic
Operation. 8

2.2 Booth's Multiplication Algorithm, Restoring and Non-restoring Division


2.3 IEEE-754 Floating point Representation.

3 Processor Organization and Architecture

3.1 Introduction: Half adder, Full adder, MUX, DMUX, Encoder,

Decoder(IC level).

3.2 Introduction to Flip Flop: SR, JK, D, T (Truth table).

3.3 Overview of computer organization and architecture. 6

3.4 Basic Organization of Computer and Block Level functional

Units, Von- Neumann Model.

4 Control Unit Design

4.1 Hardwired Control Unit: State Table Method, Delay Element Methods
4.2 Microprogrammed Control Unit: Micro Instruction-Format, Sequencing
and execution, Micro operations, Examples of microprograms.

5 Memory Organization

5.1 Introduction and characteristics of memory, Types of RAM and ROM,

Memory Hierarchy, 2-level Memory Characteristic,
5.2 Cache Memory: Concept, locality of reference, Design problems based on
mapping techniques, Cache coherence and write policies.
Interleaved and Associative Memory.

6 Principles of Advanced Processor

6.1 Introduction to parallel processing concepts,pipeline processing,

instruction pipelining, pipeline stages, pipeline hazards.Basic Pipelined
Data path and control, data dependencies, data hazards, branch hazards, 8
delayed branch, and branch prediction, Performance measures-CPI,
Speedup, Efficiency, throughput

6.2 Flynn’s Classification, Introduction to multicore architecture.

Total 39

1 R. P. Jain, “Modern Digital Electronic”, McGraw-Hill Publication, 4thEdition.

2 William Stalling, “Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing and Performance”,

Pearson Publication 10TH Edition.

3 John P Hayes, “Computer Architecture and Organization”, McGraw-Hill Publication,


4 Dr. M. Usha and T. S. Shrikanth, “Computer system Architecture and Organization”, Wiley

Reference Books:

1 Andrew S. Tanenbaum, “Structured Computer Organization”, Pearson Publication.

2 B.Govindarajalu, “Computer Architecture and Organization”, McGraw-Hill Publication.

3 Malvino, “Digital computer Electronics”, McGraw-Hill Publication, 3rdEdition.

4 Smruti Ranjan Sarangi, “Computer Organization and

Architecture”,McGraw-Hill Publication.

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will be
one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by
the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by

3 5 Marks
small report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject

4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks

Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on

5 10 Marks
recent trends in the said course
Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment /
6 10 Marks
Question paper solution

NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4

7 10 Marks
weeks or more

8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code: Course Title Credit

CSC305 Computer Graphics 3

Prerequisite: Knowledge of C Programming and Basic Mathematics.

Course Objectives:

1 To equip students with the fundamental knowledge and basic technical competence in the
field of Computer Graphics.

2 To emphasise on the implementation aspect of Computer Graphics Algorithms

3 To prepare the student for advance areas and professional avenues in the field of
Computer Graphics

4 To comprehend and analyse the fundamentals of augmented reality, virtual reality,

underlying technologies, principles, and applications.

Course Outcomes:

1 Describe the basic concepts of Computer Graphics

2 Demonstrate various algorithms for basic graphics primitives and curve representation

3 Apply 2D and 3D geometric transformations on graphical objects.

4 Use various clipping algorithms on graphical objects and explore 3D projections methods.

5 Explain visible surface detection techniques and Animation.

6 To design an application with the principles of virtual reality and augmented reality
Module Content Hours

1 Introduction and Overview of Graphics System:

1.1 Definition and Representative uses of computer graphics, Overview of

coordinate system, Definition of scan conversion, rasterization and

1.2 Raster scan & random scan displays, Architecture of raster graphics
system with display processor, Architecture of random scan systems

2 Output Primitives

2.1 Scan conversions of point, line and circle: DDA algorithm and
Bresenham algorithm for line drawing, midpoint algorithm for circle,
(Mathematical derivation for above algorithms is expected)
Curves Generation: Bezier Curve, B-Spline Curve, Fractal-Geometry:
Fractal Dimension, Koch Curve. 10

2.2 Aliasing, Antialiasing techniques like Pre and post filtering, super
sampling, and pixel phasing).

2.3 Filled Area Primitive: Inside outside tests, Boundary Fill and Flood fill
algorithm, Scan line Polygon Fill algorithm.

3 Two Dimensional and 3D Geometric Transformations

3.1 Basic transformations: 2D Transformations: Translation, Scaling,

Rotation, Reflection and Shear, Composite Transformations,3D
Transformations: Translation, Scaling, Rotation, Composite 8
Transformations , Rotation about an arbitrary axis (3D)

3.2 Matrix representation and Homogeneous Coordinates (2D and 3D)

4 Two-Dimensional Viewing and Clipping

4.1 Viewing transformation pipeline and Window to Viewport coordinate


4.2 Projections – Parallel, Perspective. (Matrix Representation) 8

4.3 Clipping operations: Point clipping, Line clipping algorithms: Cohen-

Sutherland, Liang: Barsky, Polygon Clipping Algorithms: Sutherland-
Hodgeman, Weiler-Atherton, Text Clipping.

5 Visible Surface Detection and Animation:

5.1 Visible Surface Detection: Classification of Visible Surface Detection 5

algorithm, Depth Buffer method,Area Subdivision method
5.2 Animation: Introduction to Animation, Principles of Animation, Key
framing: Character and Facial Animation

6 Augmented reality and Virtual Reality:

6.1 Virtual Reality: Basic Concepts, Overview and perspective on virtual 5

reality, Human sensation and perception. Classical Components of VR
System, Types of VR Systems.

6.2 Technology and features of augmented reality, Difference between AR

and VR, Challenges with AR, Augmented reality methods, visualisation
techniques for augmented reality

Total 39


1 Hearn & Baker,“Computer Graphics C version”, 2nd Edition, Pearson Publication

2 James D. Foley, Andries van Dam, Steven K Feiner, John F. Hughes, “Computer Graphics
Principles and Practice in C”, 2ndEdition, Pearson Publication

3 Samit Bhattacharya,“Computer Graphics”,Oxford Publication

4 R. K Maurya, “Computer Graphics with Virtual Reality”, Wiley India.

Reference Books:

1 D. Rogers, “Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications.

2 Zhigang Xiang, Roy Plastock, “Computer Graphics”, Schaum‟s Outlines McGraw-Hill


3 Rajesh K. Maurya,“Computer Graphics”,Wiley India Publication.

4 F.S.Hill, “Computer Graphics using OpenGL”, Third edition, Pearson Publications.

5 Grigore Burdea, Philippe Coiffet, “Virtual Reality Technology”, Wiley

6 Vince, “Virtual Reality Systems”, Pearson Education.

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will be
one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by the
subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by

3 5 Marks
small report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject

4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks

Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on

5 10 Marks
recent trends in the said course

Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment /

6 10 Marks
Question paper solution

NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4

7 10 Marks
weeks or more

8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSL301 Data Structures Lab 1

Prerequisite: C Programming Language.

Lab Objectives:

1 To implement basic data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks and queues

2 Solve problem involving graphs, and trees

3 To develop application using data structure algorithms

4 Compute the complexity of various algorithms.

Lab Outcomes:

1 Students will be able to implement linear data structures & be able to handle operations like
insertion, deletion, searching and traversing on them.

2 Students will be able to implement nonlinear data structures & be able to handle operations
like insertion, deletion, searching and traversing on them

3 Students will be able to choose appropriate data structure and apply it in various problems

4 Students will be able to select appropriate searching techniques for given problems.

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 10 experiments.

Sr. Name of the Experiment


1 Implement Stack ADT using array.

2 Convert an Infix expression to Postfix expression using stack ADT.

3 Evaluate Postfix Expression using Stack ADT.

4 Applications of Stack ADT.

5 Implement Linear Queue ADT using array.

6 Implement Circular Queue ADT using array.

7 Implement Priority Queue ADT using array.

8 Implement Singly Linked List ADT.

9 Implement Circular Linked List ADT.

10 Implement Doubly Linked List ADT.

11 Implement Stack / Linear Queue ADT using Linked List.

12 Implement Binary Search Tree ADT using Linked List.

13 Implement Graph Traversal techniques:

a) Depth First Search
b) Breadth First Search

14 Applications of Binary Search Technique.

15 Implementation of Topological sort.

16 Implementation of hashing functions with different collision resolution techniques

17 Implement Huffman Encoding

Useful Links:

1 www.leetcode.com

2 www.hackerrank.com

3 www.cs.usfca.edu/~galles/visualization/Algorithms.html

4 www.codechef.com

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

3 The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

4 Total 25 Marks
(Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Practical & Oral exam

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSL301and CSC303

Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSL302 Digital Logic & Computer Architecture Lab 1

Prerequisite: C Programming Language.

Lab Objectives:

1 To implement operations of the arithmetic unit using algorithms.

2 Design and simulate different digital circuits.

3 To design memory subsystem including cache memory.

4 To demonstrate CPU and ALU design.

Lab Outcomes:

1 To understand the basics of digital components

2 Design the basic building blocks of a computer: ALU, registers, CPU and memory

3 To recognize the importance of digital systems in computer architecture

4 To implement various algorithms for arithmetic operations.

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 10 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

1 To verify the truth table of various logic gates using ICs.

2 To realise the gates using universal gates

3 Code conversion.

4 To realise half adder and full adder.

5 To implement logic operation using MUX IC.

6 To implement logic operation using DEMUX IC.

7 To implement logic operation decoder IC.

8 Study of flip flop IC.

9 To implement carry look ahead adder.

10 To implement Booth’s algorithm.

11 To implement restoring division algorithm.

12 To implement non restoring division algorithm.

13 To implement ALU design.

14 Study of CPU.

Useful Links:

1 Link http://cse10-iitkgp.virtual-labs.ac.in

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

3 The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

4 Total 25 Marks
(Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments: 05-marks)

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSL302and CSC304

Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSL303 Computer Graphics Lab 1

Prerequisite: C Programming Language.

Lab Objectives:

1 Understand the need of developing graphics application

2 Learn algorithmic development of graphics primitives like: line, circle, polygon etc.

3 Learn the representation and transformation of graphical images and pictures

Lab Outcomes:

1 Implement various output and filled area primitive algorithms

2 Apply transformation, projection and clipping algorithms on graphical objects.

3 Perform curve and fractal generation methods.

4 Develop a Graphical application/Animation based on learned concept

5. Explore Virtual Reality Concepts.

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 10 experiments.

Sr. Name of the Experiment


1 Implement DDA Line Drawing algorithm (dotted/dashed/thick)

2 Implement Bresenham’s Line algorithm(dotted/dashed/thick)

3 Implement midpoint Circle algorithm.

4 Implement Area Filling Algorithm: Boundary Fill, Flood Fill.

5 Implement Scan line Polygon Filling algorithm.

6 Implement Curve: Bezier for n control points, B Spline (Uniform)(at least one)

7 Implement Fractal generation method (anyone)

8 Character Generation: Bit Map method and Stroke Method

9 Implement 2D Transformations: Translation, Scaling, Rotation, Reflection, Shear.

10 Implement Line Clipping Algorithm: Cohen Sutherland / Liang Barsky.

11 Implement polygon clipping algorithm (at least one)

12 Program to perform 3D transformation.

13 Program to perform projection of a 3D object on Projection Plane: Parallel and Perspective.

14 Program to perform Animation (such as Rising Sun, Moving Vehicle, Smileys, Screen saver

15 Case Study: Virtual reality and sample program on VRML

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

3 The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

4 Total 25 Marks
(Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Practical & Oral exam

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSL303and CSC305

Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSL304 Skill base Lab course:Object Oriented Programming with Java 2

Prerequisite: C Programming Language.

Lab Objectives:

1 To learn the basic concepts of object-oriented programming

2 To study JAVA programming language

3 To study various concepts of JAVA programming like multithreading, exception Handling,

packages, etc.

4 To explain components of GUI based programming.

Lab Outcomes:

1 To apply fundamental programming constructs.

2 To illustrate the concept of class, object, packages, array, string and vector.

3 To implement the concept of inheritance and interfaces.

4 To implement the concept of exception handling and multithreading.

5 To develop GUI based application.

6 To illustrate the concept of MVC architecture,framework and design patterns

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming

1.1 OOP concepts: Objects, class, Encapsulation, Abstraction,

Inheritance,Polymorphism, message passing.
1.2 Java Virtual Machine

1.3 Basic programming constructs: variables, data types, operators,

unsigned right shift operator, expressions, branching and looping.

2 Class, Object, Packages and Input/output

2.1 Class, object, data members, member functions,
Constructors, types, static members and functions, Packages
in java, types, user defined packages, Input and output
functions in Java

2.2 Array, Strings, String Buffer, Vectors

3 Inheritance and Interface

3.1 Types of inheritance, Method overriding, super, abstract class and 4

abstract method, final, Multiple inheritance using interface, extends

4 Exception handling and Multithreading

4.1 Exception handling using try, catch, finally, throw and throws,
Multiple try and catch blocks, user defined exception 6
Thread lifecycle, thread class methods, creating threads using
extends and implements key word.

5 GUI programming in JAVA

5.1 AWT: working with windows, using AWT controls for GUI design
5.2 Swing class in JAVA

5.3 Introduction to JavaFX- Animation,Button,Canvas,Chart

6 MVC Architecture

6.1 Introduction to MVC architecture:Model Component,View 4

Component,Controller Component MVC

6.2 Design Patterns in MVC:Observer pattern,Strategy pattern,Factory

pattern ,Composite pattern

Total 26

1 Herbert Schildt, ‘JAVA: The Complete Reference’, Ninth Edition, Oracle Press.

2 E. Balagurusamy, ‘Programming with Java’, McGraw Hill Education.

Reference Books:

1 Ivor Horton, “Beginning JAVA‟, Wiley India.

2 Dietal and Dietal, “Java: How to Program‟, 8th Edition, PHI .

3 JAVA Programming‟, Black Book, Dreamtech Press.

4 Learn to Master Java programming‟, Staredu solutions

Note : All the experiments below will be based on a case study. The case study will consist of CRUD
operations to be performed on the entities involved in the scenario

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 12 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

1 Implementing Many-to-Many Relationships using Classes and Objects

Description: This experiment aims to explore the implementation of a many-to-many

relationship in Java using classes and objects. The objective is to create a robust and
efficient solution to handle complex relationships between entities by designing an elegant
and scalable system.

2 Interactive Object Creation: Empowering Users to Generate Objects through Java


Description: The goal of this experiment is to empower users to generate objects

interactively through Java input. The objective is to create the procedure to accept user
inputs via different methods for the respective case study

2 Implementing polymorphism using Method and Constructor for String Manipulation

in Java

Description: The objective of this experiment is to demonstrate the concept of

polymorphism in Java by implementing methods and constructors for string manipulation.
The goal is to show how different methods with the same name but different parameter lists
can be used to manipulate strings in various ways, and how constructors can be used to
create objects with different initializations.

3 Implementing Inheritance and Interfaces for the entities involved in the relationship of
the case study.

Description: The objective of this experiment is to understand and compare the concepts of
inheritance and interfaces in Java and their practical implementations. Also to know how the
subclasses can override the methods inherited from the base class to provide their own

4 Implementation of Abstract Class and Abstract Method for the entities of the

Description: This experiment aims to understand the concepts of abstract classes and
abstract methods in Java and their practical implementations. The experiment involves
creating an abstract class and defining abstract methods within it. Object is to demonstrate
how abstract classes and methods can be utilized to achieve code reusability and
polymorphism for your chosen case study.

5 Implementing Model Class in MVC Framework with JSON File Handling in Java to
implement Create, Update and Delete data objects.

Description: Objective: The objective of this experiment is to implement the Model

component of the MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework in Java, using JSON as the
data format. This experiment will focus on handling JSON files, deserializing them into
Java objects, and updating the Model accordingly.

6 Implementing View Class & Model Class in MVC Framework with JSON File
Handling in Java to view data objects.

Description : The experiment aims to implement the View and Model classes in the
Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework using Java programming language. The primary
focus of this experiment is to enable the viewing of data objects stored in a JSON file.

7 Implementing View Class & Model Class in MVC Framework with 2D Array to
handle the relationship between the entities of the case study.

Description : The objective of this experiment is to implement MVC and use 2D array to
handle relationships between entities in a case study. The goal is to analyze how the MVC
framework facilitates separation of concerns and how the 2D array enhances the
representation and manipulation of entity relationships.

8 Implement Exception Handling for your chosen case study with User Defined

Description : The experiment aims to implement exception handling with user-defined

exceptions in Java to handle exceptional situations effectively. The experiment involves
creating custom exception classes, throwing and catching exceptions, and demonstrating the
usage of try-catch blocks.

9 Developing a Controller Class in Java for your chosen case study using MVC

Description : The objective of this experiment is to implement the Controller class in Java
within the context of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern for your
chosen case study. The goal is to demonstrate how the Controller mediates between the
Model and View, handling user input, updating the Model, and reflecting changes in the

10 Implementing View Class in Java using Swing and AWT for your chosen case study
using MVC Architecture

Description : The objective of this experiment is to develop a View class in Java using
Swing and AWT within the context of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural
pattern for your chosen case study. The goal is to demonstrate how the View class interacts
with the Model and Controller to display and update student-related information in the user

11 Implementing Action Listeners for View Class in Java for your chosen case study using
MVC Architecture

Description : The objective of this experiment is to implement Action Listeners for the View
class in Java within the context of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern
for your chosen case study. The goal is to demonstrate how the View class interacts with the
Controller through Action Listeners to handle user actions and update the Model

12 Implementing Multi-Threading in Java for a File Processing Task needed to read data
in the model

Description : The objective of this experiment is to implement multithreading in Java to

enhance the file processing performance for a case study. The goal is to demonstrate how
multi-threading can effectively distribute the workload among multiple threads and improve
the overall processing speed.

Useful Links

1 www.nptelvideos.in

2 www.w3schools.com

3 www.tutorialspoint.com

4 https://starcertification.org/Certifications/Certificate/securejava

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 12 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments

3 Mini Project based on the content of the syllabus (Group of 2 students)

4 The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

5 Continuous Assessment: 50-Marks

- Experiments: 15-marks
- Attendance: 05-marks
- Assignments: 05-marks
- Mini Project: 20-marks
- MCQ as a part of lab assignments: 5-marks)

Practical & Oral exam

Based on the entire syllabus of CSL304: Skill base Lab course:Object Oriented Programming with
Course code Course Name Credits
CSM301 Mini Project 1A 02

1 To acquaint with the process of identifying the problem domain.
2 To identify and analyze real world problems by conducting appropriate literature survey.
3 To familiarize the basic engineering fundamentals for solving the problem.
4 To develop a feasible solution using systematic approach
5 To develop team building among the group members.
6 To inculcate the process of self-learning and research.
Outcome: Learner will be able to…
1 Identify problem statements based on societal /research needs.
Conduct a literature survey in the preferred field of study.
2 Apply knowledge gained to solve societal problems in a group.
3 Determine the inference model and analyze the impact of the solution in societal and environmental
4 Use standard norms of engineering practices.
5 To present the findings of the study in well documented format.
6 Identify problem statements based on societal /research needs.
Guidelines for Mini Project
1 Students shall form a group of 3 to 4 students, while forming a group shall not be allowed less than
three or more than four students, as it is a group activity.
2 Students should identify needs, perform literature survey for the respective problem statement for
the problem statements for mini projects in consultation with project guide / head of department /
internal committee of faculties.
3 Students shall submit an implementation plan in the form of Gantt/PERT/CPM chart, which will
cover weekly activity of mini projects.
4 A logbook to be prepared by each group, wherein the group can record weekly work progress, the
guide/supervisor can verify and record notes/comments.
5 Students in a group shall understand problems effectively, propose multiple solutions and select the
best possible solution in consultation with the guide/ supervisor.
6 Students shall convert the best solution into a working model using various components of their
domain areas and demonstrate.
1 To acquaint with the process of identifying the problem domain.
2 To identify and analyze real world problems by conducting appropriate literature survey.
3 To familiarize the basic engineering fundamentals for solving the problem.
4 To develop a feasible solution using systematic approach
5 To develop team building among the group members.
6 To inculcate the process of self-learning and research.
Outcome: Learner will be able to…
1 Identify problem statements based on societal /research needs.
Conduct a literature survey in the preferred field of study.
2 Apply knowledge gained to solve societal problems in a group.
3 Determine the inference model and analyze the impact of the solution in societal and environmental
4 Use standard norms of engineering practices.
7 The solution to be validated with proper justification and report to be compiled in standard format
of the college.
8 With the focus on self-learning, innovation, addressing societal problems and entrepreneurship
quality development within the students through the Mini Projects, it is preferable that a single
project of appropriate level and quality be carried out in two semesters by all the groups of the
students. i.e. Mini Project 1 in semester III and IV. Similarly, Mini Project 2 in semesters V and VI.
9 However, based on the individual students or group capability, with the mentor’s recommendations,
if the proposed Mini Project adhering to the qualitative aspects mentioned above gets completed in
odd semester, then that group can be allowed to work on the extension of the Mini Project with
suitable improvements/modifications or a
completely new project ideas in even semester. This policy can be adopted on a case by case basis.

Term Work
The review/ progress monitoring committee shall be constituted by the senior faculty members. The
progress of mini project to be evaluated on continuous basis, minimum two
reviews in each semester.
Continuous Assessment:
In continuous assessment focus shall also be on each individual student, log book maintained and weekly
meeting based on the same.
Distribution of Term work / Continuous assessment marks for both semesters Marks
shall be as below:
1 Marks awarded by guide/supervisor based on logbook 10
2 Marks awarded by review committee 10
3 Quality of Project report 05
Review / progress monitoring committee may consider following points for assessment based on either
one year or half year project as mentioned in general guidelines
One-year project

1 In the first semester the entire theoretical solution shall be ready, including components/system
selection and cost analysis. Two reviews will be conducted based on the presentation given by the
student group.
1. First shall be for finalisation of problem
2. Second shall be on finalisation of the proposed solution of the problem.
2 In the second semester expected work shall be procurement of component’s/systems, building of
working prototype, testing and validation of results based on work completed in an earlier semester.
1. First review is based on readiness of building working prototypes to be conducted.
2. Second review shall be based on poster presentation cum demonstration of working model
in last month of the said semester.

Half-year project:
1 In this case in one semester students’ group shall complete project in all aspects including,
1. Identification of need/problem
2. Proposed final solution
3. Procurement of components/systems
4. Building prototype and testing
2 Continuous assessment will be weekly based on a logbook. Two presentations will be conducted for
review before a panel.
1. First shall be for finalization of the problem and proposed solution.
2. Second shall be for implementation and testing of solutions.
Assessment criteria of Mini Project.

Mini Project shall be assessed based on following criteria;

1 Quality of survey/ need identification

2 Clarity of Problem definition based on need.
3 Innovativeness in solutions
4 Feasibility of proposed problem solutions and selection of best solution
5 Cost effectiveness
6 Societal impact
7 Innovativeness
8 Cost effectiveness and Societal impact
9 Effective use of skill sets
10 Effective use of standard engineering norms
11 Contribution of an individual’s as member or leader
12 Clarity in written and oral communication
13 Full functioning of working model as per stated requirements
14 Project report
In one year, project, first semester evaluation may be based on first six criteria and
remaining may be used for second semester evaluation of performance of students in mini projects.
In case of half year project all criterias in generic may be considered for evaluation of
performance of students in a mini project.

Guidelines for Assessment of Mini Project Practical/Oral Examination:

1 Report should be prepared as per the guidelines issued by the College.
2 Mini Project shall be assessed through a presentation and demonstration of a working model by the
student project group to a panel of Examiners. Each team will prepare a report that will summarize
the results of the literature survey and the project proposal. The list of papers surveyed must be
clearly documented.

3 Students shall be motivated to publish a paper based on the work in Conferences/students

4 Oral exams will be conducted on the project done by the students.

Mini Project shall be assessed based on following points;

1 Quality of problem and Clarity
2 Innovativeness in solutions
3 Cost effectiveness and Societal impact
4 Full functioning of working model as per stated requirements
5 Effective use of skill sets
6 Effective use of standard engineering norms
7 Contribution of an individual’s as member or leader
8 Clarity in written and oral communication

Assessment: Total Marks = Term work +Oral = (25+25)

Term Work for 25 Marks:
Term work will be based on assessment of Project Implementation and a Logbook which is filled by
students on a weekly basis as per their weekly progress.

Oral Exam for 25 Marks: Based on Project Implementation and Presentation.

Course Code Course Title Credit

CSC401 Engineering Mathematics IV 4

Prerequisite: Engineering Mathematics-I, Engineering Mathematics-II, Engineering


Course Objectives:

1 To build a strong foundation in mathematics, provide students with mathematics fundamentals

necessary to formulate, solve and analyses complex engineering problems.and make aware the
students about the applications of various forms of Linear Programming.

2 To prepare student to apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to engineering

practice, to work as part of teams on multi-disciplinary projects.

3 To acknowledge the importance of sampling design and analysis methods for research and
management in many other fields

4 To get familiar with the mathematical formulation of a real world problem, acquaint with the
problem solving techniques theoretically, tackle several parameters into account while dealing
with the problem and make aware the students about the applications of various forms of Linear

5 To prepare students to apply linear algebra concepts to model, solve and analyse real-world

6 To prepare students to apply the concept of eigenvalues and Eigen vector which will further be
useful in applications like Google page rank algorithms, principal component analysis
(biometric systems), and natural frequency for a structure.

7 To prepare the students to use a powerful statistical software platform SPSS (Statistical Package
for the Social Sciences) for the analysis of statistical data in the future.

Course Outcomes:

1 Probability theory: Students will understand various probability measures, distribution

functions, and their characteristics. They will be able to Compute probability using probability
distribution of discrete and continuous Random variable.Additionally,the knowledge regarding
Bayes theorem will help them
take various real-life problems that arise in the medical fields and industries

2 Probability Distribution and Sampling Theory : Students will know fundamental concepts of
testing of hypothesis, formulation of statistical hypothesis in real-life situations, developing best
test procedures to test the hypothesis, and the principles underlying sampling as a means of
making inferences about a population. They can also apply the idea of probability distribution to
engineering problems

3 Statistical Techniques: Students will apply the concept of Correlation and Regression, fitting of
curve to the given data sets.
4 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: Students will be able to execute matrix diagonalization and
perform basic eigenvalue and eigenvector computations.

5 Linear Programming Problems: Students should be able to formulate a given simplified

description of a suitable real-world problem as a linear programming model in general, standard
and canonical forms.linear programming models can be solved by them using the simplex
method , Big M method and Dual simplex method.

6 Non Linear Programming Problems: Students will be able to solve Non Linear
Optimization problems using Lagrange’s multiplier method and Karush Kuhn Tucker Method.

Module Content Hours

1 Probability

1.1 Definition and basics of probability, conditional probability.

Total Probability theorem and Bayes’ theorem.

1.2 Discrete and continuous random variable with probability distribution and
probability density function. 8

1.3 Expectation, Variance, Moment generating function, Raw and central

Moments, Covariance, Skewness and Kurtosis of
distribution and their properties.

1.4 Probability Distribution: Binomial, Poisson and Normal distribution.

2 Probability Distribution and Sampling Theory

2.1 Sampling distribution, Test of Hypothesis, Level of Significance, Critical

region, One-tailed, and two-tailed test, Test of significance of mean and
difference between the means of two samples for Large samples.
2.2 Degree of freedom, Student’s t-distribution, Test of significance of mean
and difference between the means of two samples for Small samples.

2.3 Chi-Square Test: Test of goodness of fit. Contingency table and Test of
independence of attributes..

3 Statistical Techniques

3.1 Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation ®.

3.2 Spearman’s Rank correlation coefficient (R) (with repeated and 5

non-repeated ranks).

3.3 Fitting of first and second degree curves

3.4 Lines of regression

4 Linear Algebra (Theory of Matrices)

4.1 Characteristic Equation, Eigen values and Eigen vectors, and properties.
4.2 Cayley-Hamilton Theorem ,verification and reduction of
higher degree polynomials.

4.3 Similarity of matrices, diagonalizable and non-diagonalizable matrices.

5 Linear Programming Problems

5.1 Types of solutions, Standard and Canonical of LPP, Basic and Feasible
solutions, slack variables, surplus variables, Simplex method.
5.2 Artificial variables, Big-M method (Method of penalty)

5.3 Duality, Dual of LPP and Dual Simplex Method.

6 Nonlinear Programming Problems

6.1 NLPP with no constraint, one equality constraint (two or three

variables) using the method of Lagrange’s multipliers.
6.2 NLPP with two equality constraints.

6.3 NLPP with inequality constraint: Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT)


Total 39

1 Advanced Engineering Mathematics, R. K. Jain and S. R. K. Iyengar, Narosa.

2 Gupta and Kapoor, Fundamental of Mathematical Statistics, S Chand

3 Operations Research, Hira and Gupta, S. Chand Publication.

4 E.K.P. Chong, and S.H. Zak: An Introduction to Optimization , 3rd Edn, Wiley
Interscience 2008

5. Linear Algebra and its Applications, D. C. Lay, Pearson.

Reference Books:

1 Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszig, John Wiley & Sons.

2 .Probability, Statistics and Random Processes, T. Veerarajan, McGraw-Hill Education.

3 Operations Research: An Introduction, Hamdy A Taha, Pearson..

4 D.G. Luenberger , Linear and NonLinear Programming, 2nd Edn, Kluwer,2003.

5 5 Draper ,N.R., and Smith, H .(2003) , Applied Regression Analysis,New York Wiley

6 Feller , William. An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications. Vol. I and II . New
York,NY: Wiley ,1968-1971
Internal Assessment:

Internal Assessment will consist of one Midterm test which will be conducted when
approximately 50% of the syllabus is completed. The duration of the test will be one hour .

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered based on following
rubrics on approval by the subject teachers.
1. Content beyond syllabus presentation (10 marks)
2. Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) (5 marks)
Two Quiz/ Presentations (10 Marks each) of one hour duration can be taken based on overall syllabus and
will be conducted during a semester (Preferably before and after mid semester exam).
Term work:
Total 25 Marks Term work will be based on overall performance in the subject.
Attendance+Tutorials/Assignment/Viva/Mini Project is based on the entire syllabus.
Batch wise tutorials have to be conducted.

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Title Credit

CSC402 Analysis of Algorithms 3

Prerequisite: Data structure concepts, Discrete structures

Course Objectives:

1 To provide mathematical approaches for Analysis of Algorithms

2 To understand and solve problems using various algorithmic approaches

3 To analyze algorithms using various methods

Course Outcomes:

1 Analyze the running time and space complexity of algorithms.

2 Describe, apply and analyze the complexity of divide and conquer strategy.

3 Describe, apply and analyze the complexity of greedy strategy.

4 Describe, apply and analyze the complexity of dynamic programming strategy.

5 Explain and apply backtracking, branch and bound.

6 Explain and apply string matching techniques.

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms

1.1 Performance analysis, space, and time complexity Growth of function,

Big-Oh, Omega Theta notation Mathematical background for algorithm
analysis. Analysis of selection sort, insertion sort.

1.2 Recurrences: The substitution method, Recursion tree method, Master 10


1.3 Divide and Conquer Approach: General method, Merge sort, Quick sort,
Analysis of Binary search

2 Greedy Method Approach

2.1 General Method, Single source shortest path: Dijkstra Algorithm 6

Fractional Knapsack problem, Job sequencing with deadlines,
Minimum cost spanning trees: Kruskal and Prim’s algorithms
3 Dynamic Programming Approach

3.1 General Method, Multistage graphs, Single source shortest path: Bellman
Ford Algorithm 9
All pair shortest path: Floyd Warshall Algorithm, Assembly-line scheduling
Problem, 0/1 knapsack Problem, Travelling Salesperson problem, Longest
common subsequence

4 Backtracking and Branch and bound

4.1 General Method, Backtracking: N-queen problem, Sum of subsets, Graph

colouring 6

4.2 Branch and Bound: 15 Puzzle problem, 0/1 knapsack problem- LC Branch
and Bound solution, FIFO Branch and Bound solution.

5 String Matching Algorithms

5.1 The Naïve string-matching algorithm, The Rabin Karp algorithm, The 4
Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm

6 Non-deterministic Polynomial Algorithms

6.1 Complexity class: Definition of P, NP, NP-Hard, NP-Complete 4

Total 39


1 T. H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest, and C. Stein, “Introduction to algorithms”, 2nd

Edition, PHI Publication 2005.

2 Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, S. Rajsekaran. “Fundamentals of computer algorithms”

University Press.

Reference Books:

1 Sanjoy Dasgupta, Christos Papadimitriou, Umesh Vazirani, “Algorithms”, Tata McGraw Hill

2 S. K. Basu, “Design Methods and Analysis of Algorithm”, PHI.

3 J. Kleinberg and E. Tardos, Algorithm Design, Pearson International Edition, 2005.

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will be
one hour.
Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by the
subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by

3 5 Marks
small report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject

4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks

Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on

5 10 Marks
recent trends in the said course

Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment /

6 10 Marks
Question paper solution

NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4

7 10 Marks
weeks or more

8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Title Credit

CSC403 Database Management System 3

Prerequisite: Data Structures

Course Objectives:

1 Develop entity relationship data model and its mapping to relational model

2 Learn relational algebra and Formulate SQL queries

3 Apply normalization techniques to normalize the database

4 Understand the concept of transaction, concurrency control and recovery techniques.

Course Outcomes:

1 Recognize the need of database management system

2 Design ER and EER diagram for real life applications

3 Construct relational model and write relational algebra queries.

4 Formulate SQL queries

5 Apply the concept of normalization to relational database design.

6 Describe the concept of transaction, concurrency and recovery.

Module Contents Hours

1 Introduction Database Concepts

1.1 Introduction, Characteristics of databases, File system v/s Database 3

system, Data abstraction and data Independence, DBMS system
architecture, Database Administrator

2 Entity–Relationship Data Model

2.1 The Entity-Relationship (ER) Model: Entity types: Weak and strong
entity sets, Entity sets, Types of Attributes, Keys, Relationship 6
constraints: Cardinality and Participation, Extended
Entity-Relationship (EER) Model: Generalization, Specialization and
3 Relational Model and relational Algebra

3.1 Relational Model: Relational schema and concept of keys. Mapping 8

the ER and EER Model to the Relational Model
Relational Algebra: Unary and Binary operators, Relational Algebra

4 Structured Query Language (SQL)

4.1 Overview of SQL: Data Definition Commands, Integrity constraints:

key constraints, Domain Constraints, Referential integrity , check 10
constraints, Data Manipulation commands, Data Control commands,
Set and string operations, aggregate function-group by, having,
Views in SQL, joins, Nested and complex queries, Triggers.

5 Relational-Database Design

5.1 Relational-Database Design: Pitfalls in Relational-Database

designs, Concept of normalisation 6
Function Dependencies:Attribute Closure and applications
Decomposition: Lossy and Lossless Decomposition
Normal Forms: First Normal Form, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF.

6 Transactions Management and Concurrency and Recovery

6.1 Transaction concept, Transaction states, ACID properties, Transaction

Control Commands, Concurrent Executions, Serializability-Conflict 6
and View, Concurrency Control: Lock-based, Timestamp-based
protocols, Recovery System:
Log based recovery

Total 39

1 Korth, Slberchatz, Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, 6thEdition, McGraw Hill

2 Elmasri and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, 5thEdition, Pearson Education

3 Raghu Ramkrishnan and Johannes Gehrke, Database Management Systems, TMH

Reference Books:

1 Peter Rob and Carlos Coronel, Database Systems Design, Implementation and
Management‖, Thomson Learning, 5thEdition.

2 Dr. P.S. Deshpande, SQL and PL/SQL for Oracle 10g, Black Book, Dreamtech Press.

3 G. K. Gupta, Database Management Systems, McGraw Hill, 2012

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will be
one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by the
subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by

3 5 Marks
small report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject

4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks

Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on

5 10 Marks
recent trends in the said course

Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment /

6 10 Marks
Question paper solution

NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4

7 10 Marks
weeks or more

8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Title Credit

CSC404 Operating System 3

Prerequisite: Data structures and Computer architecture

Course Objectives:

1 To introduce basic concepts and functions of operating systems.

2 To understand the concept of process, thread and resource management.

3 To understand the concepts of process synchronization and deadlock.

4 To understand various Memory, I/O and File management techniques.

5 To study the need and fundamentals of special-purpose operating systems with the advent of
new emerging technologies.

Course Outcomes:

1 Understand the objectives and functions of OS.

2 Analyze the concept of Process Management and evaluate performance of process scheduling

3 Understand and apply concepts of Synchronization and deadlock

4 Evaluate Performance of Memory allocation and replacement policies

5 Understand the concepts of file Management and I/O management and analyze techniques of
disk scheduling

6 Compare the functions of various special-purpose Operating Systems

Module Content Hours

1 Operating system Overview

1.1 Introduction, Objectives, Functions and Evolution of Operating

System 4
1.2 Operating system structures:Layered, Monolithic and Microkernel

1.3 Linux Kernel, Shell and System Calls

2 Process and Process Scheduling 8

2.1 Concept of Process, Process States,Process Description, Process
Control Block.

2.2 Uniprocessor Scheduling-Types:Preemptive and Non-preemptive

scheduling algorithms (FCFS, SJF, SRTN, Priority,RR)

2.3 Threads:Definitions and Types,Concept of Multithreading,Introduction

to Thread Scheduling

3 Process Synchronization and Deadlocks

3.1 Concurrency: Principles of Concurrency, Inter-Process

Communication, Process Synchronization.
Mutual Exclusion: Requirements, Hardware Support (TSL),
Operating System Support (Semaphores), Producer and Consumer
problem, Dining Philosophers Problem,Solution to Dining Philosophers 8
Problem using Semaphores.
3.3 Principles of Deadlock: Conditions and Resource, Resource Allocation
Graph,Multi - Instance Resource Allocation Graph, Deadlock
Prevention,Deadlock Avoidance: Banker’s Algorithm, Deadlock
Detection and Recovery.

4 Memory Management
Memory Management Requirements,Memory Partitioning: Fixed, 9
4.1 Partitioning, Dynamic Partitioning, Memory Allocation Strategies:
Best-Fit, First Fit, Worst Fit,Paging and Segmentation, TLB
4.2 Virtual Memory: Demand Paging, Page Replacement Strategies: FIFO,
Optimal, LRU,Thrashing, Belady’s Anomaly

5 File Management and I/O management

Overview, File Attributes and File Organization and Access, File

5.1 Directories structures, File Allocation methods
Sharing,Real Time OS, Mobile OS

5.2 I/O devices, Organization of the I/O Function, Disk Organization, I/O
Management and Disk Scheduling:FCFS, SSTF, SCAN, CSCAN,
6 Special Purpose Operating System

6.1 Open-source and Proprietary Operating System; Fundamentals of

Distributed Operating System; Network Operating System;Embedded
Operating Systems;Cloud and IoT Operating Systems; Real-Time
Operating System;Mobile Operating System; Multimedia Operating
System;Comparison between Functions of various Special-purpose
Operating Systems.

Total 39

1 William Stallings, Operating System: Internals and Design Principles, Prentice Hall,
8thEdition, 2014, ISBN-10: 0133805913 • ISBN-13: 9780133805918.

2 Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin and Greg Gagne, Operating System Concepts,
John Wiley &Sons, Inc., 9thEdition, 2016, ISBN 978-81-265-5427-0

3 A. Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems, Pearson, 4th ed., 2015.

Reference Books:

1 Achyut Godbole and Atul Kahate, Operating Systems, McGraw Hill Education, 3rdEdition

2 Andrew Tannenbaum, Operating System Design and Implementation, Pearson, 3rdEdition.

3 Maurice J. Bach, “Design of UNIX Operating System”, PHI

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will
be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by
the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by

3 5 Marks
small report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject

4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks

Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on

5 10 Marks
recent trends in the said course

Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment /

6 10 Marks
Question paper solution

NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4

7 10 Marks
weeks or more

8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Title Credit

CSC405 Microprocessor 3

Prerequisite:. Basic Knowledge of Digital Logic and Computer Architecture

Course Objectives:

1 To equip students with the fundamental knowledge and basic technical competence in
the field of Microprocessors.

2 To emphasize on instruction set and logic to build assembly language programs.

3 To prepare students for higher processor architectures and embedded systems

Course Outcomes:

1 Describe core concepts of 8086 microprocessors.

2 Interpret the instructions of 8086 and write assembly and Mixed language programs.

3 Design 8086 based system using memory and peripheral chips.

4 Understanding the Interrupt structure and its servicing

5 Correlating the core concept of 80386 with 8086

6 Appraise the architecture of advanced processors

Module Content Hours

1 The Intel Microprocessors 8086 Architecture

1.1 8086 CPU Architecture,

1.2 Programmer’s Model

1.3 Functional Pin Diagram

1.4 Memory Segmentation

1.5 Banking in 8086

1.6 Demultiplexing of Address/Data bus

1.7 Functioning of 8086 in Minimum mode and Maximum mode

1.8 Timing diagrams for Read and Write operations in minimum and
maximum mode
2 Instruction Set and Programming

2.1 Assembler Directives and Assembly Language Programming, Macros,


2.2 Addressing Modes 6

2.3 Instruction set-Data Transfer Instructions, String Instructions, Logical

Instructions, Arithmetic Instructions, Transfer of Control Instructions,
Processor Control Instructions

3 Memory and Peripherals interfacing

3.1 Memory Interfacing - RAM and ROM Decoding Techniques – Partial

and Absolute
3.2 8255-PPI-Block diagram, CWR, operating modes, interfacing with

3.3 8257-DMAC-Block diagram, DMA operations and transfer modes.

4 8086 Interrupts

4.1 Interrupt structure and its servicing

4.2 Programmable Interrupt Controller 8259-Block Diagram

4.3 Interfacing the 8259 in single and cascaded mode

5 Intel 80386DX Processor

5.1 Architecture of 80386 microprocessor

5.2 80386 registers–General purpose Registers, EFLAGS and Control

5.3 Real mode, Protected mode, virtual 8086 mode

5.4 80386 memory management in Protected Mode – Descriptors and

selectors, descriptor tables, the memory paging mechanism

6 Pentium Processor

6.1 Pentium Architecture

6.2 Superscalar Operation,

6.3 Integer & Floating-Point Pipeline Stages,

6.4 Branch Prediction Logic,

6.5 Cache Organization and

6.6 MESI protocol

6.7 Comparative study of 8086, 80386, Pentium I, Pentium II and Pentium


6.8 Pentium 4: Net burst microarchitecture.

Total 39


1 John Uffenbeck, “8086/8088 family: Design Programming and Interfacing”, PHI.

2 Yu-Cheng Liu, Glenn A. Gibson, “Microcomputer System: The 8086/8088 Family,

Architecture, Programming and Design”, Prentice Hall

3 Walter A. Triebel, “The 80386DX Microprocessor: hardware, Software and Interfacing”,

Prentice Hall

4 Tom Shanley and Don Anderson, “Pentium Processor System Architecture”, Addison-

5 K. M. Bhurchandani and A. K. Ray, “Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals”,

McGraw Hill

Reference Books:

1 Barry B. Brey, “Intel Microprocessors”, 8thEdition, Pearson Education India

2 Douglas Hall, “Microprocessor and Interfacing”, Tata McGraw Hill.

3 Intel Manual

4 Peter Abel, “IBM PC Assembly language and Programming”, 5th Edition, PHI

5 James Antonakons, “The Pentium Microprocessor”, Pearson Education

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will be
one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by the
subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by

3 5 Marks
small report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject

4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks

Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on

5 10 Marks
recent trends in the said course

Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment /

6 10 Marks
Question paper solution

NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4

7 10 Marks
weeks or more

8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Name Lab Name Credit

CSL401 Analysis of Algorithms Lab 1

Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of programming and data structure

Lab Objectives:

1 To introduce the methods of designing and analyzing algorithms

2 Design and implement efficient algorithms for a specified application

3 Strengthen the ability to identify and apply the suitable algorithm for the given real-world

4 Analyze worst-case running time of algorithms and understand fundamental algorithmic


Lab Outcomes:

1 To introduce the methods of designing and analyzing algorithms

2 Design and implement efficient algorithms for a specified application

3 Strengthen the ability to identify and apply the suitable algorithm for the given real-world

4 Analyze worst-case running time of algorithms and understand fundamental algorithmic


Suggested Practical List:

Sr No Suggested Experiment List

1 Introduction

1.1 Selection sort, Insertion sort

1.2 Divide and Conquer Approach: Merge sort, Quick sort, Binary search

2 Greedy Method Approach

2.1 Single source shortest path- Dijkstra

Fractional Knapsack problem
Job sequencing with deadlines
Minimum cost spanning trees-Kruskal and Prim’s algorithm
3 Dynamic Programming Approach

3.1 Single source shortest path- Bellman Ford

All pair shortest path- Floyd Warshall
0/1 knapsack
Travelling salesperson problem
Longest common subsequence

4 Backtracking and Branch and bound

4.1 N-queen problem

Sum of subsets
Graph coloring

5 String Matching Algorithms

5.1 The Naïve string-matching Algorithms

The Rabin Karp algorithm
The Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm

6 Non-deterministic Algorithms

6.1 Write a case study on Complexity Classes: P, NP, NP-Hard, NP-Complete

Note:Programs to be implemented in Programming Languages like C ,java, Python.

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

3 The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

4 Total 25 Marks
(Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Practical & Oral exam

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the entire syllabus of CSC401: Analysis and Algorithms and CSL401: Analysis
and Algorithms Lab
Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSL402 Database Management System Lab 1

Prerequisite:Discrete Structures

Lab Objectives:

1 To explore design and develop of relational model

2 To present SQL and procedural interfaces to SQL comprehensively

3 To introduce the concepts of transactions and transaction processing

Lab Outcomes:

1 Design ER /EER diagram and convert to relational model for the real world

2 Apply DDL, DML, DCL and TCL commands

3 Write simple and complex queries

4 UsePL / SQL Constructs.

5 Demonstrate the concept of concurrent transactions execution and frontend-backend


Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 10 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

1 Identify the case study and detailed statement of the problem. Design an
Entity-Relationship (ER) / Extended Entity-Relationship (EER) Model.

2 Mapping ER/EER to Relational schema model.

3 Create a database using Data Definition Language (DDL) and apply integrity constraints
for the specified System

4 Apply DML Commands for the specified system

5 Perform Simple queries, string manipulation operations and aggregate functions.

6 Implement various Join operations and Views

7 Perform Nested and Complex queries.

8 Perform DCL and TCL commands

9 Implementation and demonstration of Transaction and Concurrency control techniques

using locks .

10 Implement procedure and functions(PL/SQL)

11 Implementation of Triggers.

12 Implementation of Explicit Cursor

13 Demonstrate Database connectivity

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

3 The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

4 Total 25 Marks
(Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Practical & Oral exam

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSL402and CSC403

Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSL403 Operating System Lab 1

Prerequisite: Knowledge on Operating system principle

Lab Objectives:

1 To gain practical experience with designing and implementing concepts of operating

systems such as system calls, CPU scheduling, process management, memory management,
file systems and deadlock handling using C language in Linux environment.

2 To familiarise students with the architecture of Linux OS.

3 To provide necessary skills for developing and debugging programs in Linux environment.

4 To learn programmatically to implement simple operation system mechanisms

Lab Outcomes:

1 Demonstrate basic Operating system Commands, Shell scripts, System Calls and API wrt

2 Implement various process scheduling algorithms and evaluate their performance.

3 Implement and analyze concepts of synchronization and deadlocks.

4 Implement various Memory Management techniques and evaluate their performance.

5 Implement and analyze concepts of virtual memory.

6 Demonstrate and analyze concepts of file management and I/O management techniques.

Suggested List of Experiments

Sr. No. Content

1 Explore Linux Commands

1.1 Explore usage of basic Linux Commands and system calls for file, directory and
process management.
For eg: (mkdir, chdir, cat, ls, chown, chmod, chgrp, ps etc.
system calls: open, read, write, close, getpid, setpid, getuid, getgid, getegid,
geteuid. sort, grep, awk, etc.)

2 Linux shell script

2.1 Write shell scripts to do the following:
a. Display OS version, release number, kernel version
b. Display top 10 processes in descending order
c. Display processes with highest memory usage.
d. Display current logged in user and log name.
Display current shell, home directory, operating system type, current path setting,
current working directory.

3 Linux- API

3.1 Implement any one basic commands of linux like ls, cp, mv and others using
kernel APIs.

4 Linux- Process

4.1 a. Create a child process in Linux using the fork system call. From the child
process obtain the process ID of both child and parent by using getpid and get
ppid system call.
b. Explore wait and waitpid before termination of process.

5 Process Management: Scheduling

5.1 a. Write a program to demonstrate the concept of non-preemptive scheduling

b. Write a program to demonstrate the concept of preemptive scheduling

6 Process Management: Synchronization

6.1 a. Write a C program to implement solution of Producer consumer problem

through Semaphore

7 Process Management: Deadlock

a. Write a program to demonstrate the concept of deadlock avoidance through

7.1 Banker’s Algorithm
b. Write a program demonstrate the concept of Dining Philospher’s Problem

8 Memory Management

8.1 a. Write a program to demonstrate the concept of MVT and MFT memory
management techniques
b. Write a program to demonstrate the concept of dynamic partitioning placement
algorithms i.e. Best Fit, First Fit, Worst-Fit etc.

9 Memory Management: Virtual Memory

9.1 a. Write a program to demonstrate the concept of demand paging for simulation
of Virtual Memory implementation
b. Write a program in C demonstrating the concept of page replacement policies
for handling page faults eg: FIFO, LRU etc.

10 File Management & I/O Management

10.1 a. Write a C program to simulate File allocation strategies typically sequential,

indexed and linked files
b. Write a C program to simulate file organization of multi-level directory
c. Write a program in C to do disk scheduling - FCFS, SCAN, C-SCAN
d. Write a C program to simulate file organization of multi-level directory structure
e. Building own file system

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

3 The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

4 Total 25 Marks
(Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Practical & Oral exam

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSL403 and CSC404

Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSL404 Microprocessor Lab 1

Prerequisite:Basic Knowledge of Digital Logic and Computer Architecture

Lab Objectives:

1 To emphasize on use of Assembly language program.

2 To prepare students for advanced subjects like embedded system and IOT.

Lab Outcomes:

1 Demonstrate the execution and debugging of assembly language program

2 Use of appropriate instructions to perform various task

3 Develop the program in assembly/ mixed language for Intel 8086 processor

4 Apply the concept of Interfacing 8086 with peripheral devices

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 10 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

1 IntroductiontoTASM/MASM to perform basic arithmetic operations on 8-bit/16-bit data

2 Assembly programming for 16-bit addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (menu

3 Assembly programming for 16-bit Logical operators(AND,OR,NOT,XOR,Shift Rotate


4 Assembly program based on string instructions (overlapping/non-overlapping block

transfer/ string search/ string length)

5 Assembly program to display the contents of the flag register.

6 Any Mixed Language programs.

7 Assembly program to find the GCD/ LCM of two numbers

8 Assembly program to sort numbers in ascending/ descending order

9 Assembly program to find minimum/ maximum number from a given array.

10 Assembly program using procedure.

11 Assembly program using macro.

12 Program and interfacing using 8255.

13 Program and interfacing of ADC/ DAC/ Stepper motor.

14 Program for device driver (printer / mouse / keyboard)

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

3 The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

4 Total 25 Marks
(Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSL404and CSC405

Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSL405 Skill Base Lab Course: Python Programming 2

Prerequisite: Knowledge of some programming language like C, Java

Lab Objectives:

1 Basics of Python programming

2 Decision Making, Data structure and Functions in Python

3 Object Oriented Programming using Python

4 Web framework for developing

Lab Outcomes:

1 To understand basic concepts in python.

2 To explore contents of files, directories and text processing with python

3 To develop a program for data structure using built in functions in python.

4 To explore the django web framework for developing python-based web applications.

5 To understand Multithreading concepts using python.

Module Detailed Content Hours

1 Python basics

1.1 Data types in python, Operators in python, Input and Output, Control 5
statement, Arrays in python, String and Character in python, Functions,
List and Tuples, set & Dictionaries, Exceptions

2 Advanced Python

2.1 Files in Python, Directories, Building Modules, Packages, Text 4

Processing, Regular expression in python. Link List, Stack, Queues,

3 Python Integration Primer

3.1 Graphical User interface, Networking in Python, Python database

4 Introduction to Django 3
4.1 Django Intro ,Django Get Started,Create Virtual Environment,Install
Django,Create Project, Create App, Views, URLs, Templates, Models,
Insert Data, Update Data, Delete Data, Update Model

5 Classes and Objects

5.1 Overview of Object-oriented programming, Creating Classes and Objects,

Self-Variable, Constructors, Inner class, Static method, Namespaces.
Inheritance: Types of Inheritance (Single, Multiple, Multi-level,
Hierarchical), Super() method, Constructors in inheritance, operator
overloading, Method overloading, Method overriding, Abstract class,
Abstract method, Interfaces in Python.

6 NumPy and Pandas

6.1 Creating NumPy arrays, Indexing and slicing in NumPy, creating

multidimensional arrays, NumPy Data types, Array Attribute, Indexing
and Slicing, Creating array views copies, Manipulating array shapes I/O, 6

6.2 Basics of Pandas, Using multilevel series, Series and Data Frames,
Grouping, aggregating, Merge Data Frames

Total 26


1 Dr. R. Nageswara Rao, “Core Python Programming”, Dreamtech Press

2 Beginning Python: Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1. James Payne, Wrox Publication

3 Anurag Gupta, G. P. Biswas, “Python Programming”, McGraw-Hill

4 E. Balagurusamy, “Introduction to computing and problem-solving using python”,

McGraw Hill Education


1 Learn Python the Hard Way, 3rd Edition, Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series

2 Laura Cassell, Alan Gauld, “Python Projects”, Wrox Publication

Digital material:

1 "The Python Tutorial",http://docs.python.org/release/3.0.1/tutorial/

2 Beginning Perl,https://www.perl.org/books/beginning-perl/

3 http://spoken-tutorial.org

4 https://starcertification.org/Certifications/Certificate/python
Suggested experiments using Python

Sr.No Title of Experiments

1 Exploring basics of python like data types (strings, list, array, dictionaries, set, tuples) and
control statements.

2 Exploring Files and directories

a. Python program to append data to existing file and then display the entire file
b. Python program to count number of lines, words and characters in a file.
c. Python program to display file available in current directory

3 Creating GUI with python containing widgets such as labels, textbox, radio, checkboxes and
custom dialog boxes.

4 Menu driven program for data structure using built in function for link list, stack and queue.

5 Program to demonstrate CRUD (create, read, update and delete) operations on

databases (SQLite/ MySQL) using python.

6 Creation of simple socket for basic information exchange between server and client.

7 Creating web application using Django web framework to demonstrate functionality of user
login and registration (also validating user detail using regular expression).

8 Write python programs to understand Classes, Objects, Constructors, Inner class and Static
a. Different types of Inheritance
b. Polymorphism using Operator overloading, Method overloading, Method overriding,
Abstract class, Abstract method and Interfaces in Python.

9 Exploring basics of NumPy Methods.

10 Program to demonstrate use of NumPy: Array objects.

11 Write python programs to implement Different types of plots using Numpy and Matplotlib

12 Program to demonstrate Data Series and Data Frames using Pandas.

13 Program to send email and read content of URL.

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 12 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments

3 Mini Project based on the content of the syllabus (Group of 2-3 students)
4 The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

5 Total 25 Marks (Journal: 10-marks, Attendance: 05-marks, and Mini Project: 10-marks)

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject content and related lab of CSL405

Course code Course Name Credits

CSM401 Mini Project 1 B 02

1 To acquaint with the process of identifying the problem domain.
2 To identify and analyse real world problems by conducting appropriate literature survey.
3 To familiarise the basic engineering fundamentals for solving the problem.
4 To develop a feasible solution using systematic approach
5 To develop team building among the group members.
6 To inculcate the process of self-learning and research.
Outcome: Learner will be able to
1 Identify problem statements based on societal /research needs.
2 Conduct a literature survey in the preferred field of study.
3 Apply knowledge gained to solve societal problems in a group.
4 Determine the inference model and analyze the impact of the solution in societal and
environmental context.
5 Use standard norms of engineering practices
6 To present the findings of the study in well documented format.

Guidelines for Mini Project

1 Students shall form a group of 3 to 4 students, while forming a group shall not be allowed
less than three or more than four students, as it is a group activity.
2 Students should identify needs, perform literature survey for the respective problem
statement for the mini project in consultation with project mentor / head of department /
internal committee of faculties.
3 Students shall submit an implementation plan in the form of Gantt/PERT/CPM chart, which
will cover weekly activity of mini projects.
4 A logbook to be prepared by each group, wherein the group can record weekly work
progress, project guide should verify and record notes/comments.
5 Students in a group shall understand problems effectively, propose multiple solutions and
select the best possible solution in consultation with the project guide.
6 Students shall convert the best solution into a working model using various components of
their domain areas and demonstrate.
7 The solution to be validated with proper justification and report to be compiled in standard
format of the college.
8 With the focus on self-learning, innovation, addressing societal problems and
entrepreneurship quality development within the students through the Mini Projects, it is
preferable that a single project of appropriate level and quality be carried out in two semesters
by all the groups of the students. i.e. Mini Project 1 in semester III and IV. Similarly, Mini
Project 2 in semesters V and VI.
9 However, based on the individual students or group capability, with the mentor’s
recommendations, if the proposed Mini Project adhering to the qualitative aspects mentioned
above gets completed in odd semester, then that group can be allowed to work on the
extension of the Mini Project with suitable improvements/modifications or a
completely new project ideas in even semester. This policy can be adopted on a case by case

Term Work
The review/ progress monitoring committee shall be constituted by the senior faculty members. The
progress of the mini project to be evaluated on a continuous basis, minimum two reviews in each
Continuous Assessment:
In continuous assessment focus shall also be on each individual student, assessment based on
individual’s contribution in group activity, their understanding and response to questions, log book
maintained and weekly meeting based on the same.

Distribution of Term work / Continuous assessment marks for both semesters Marks
shall be as below:
1 Marks awarded by project guide based on logbook 10
2 Marks awarded by review committee 10
3 Timely submission of project report 05
Review / progress monitoring committee may consider following points for
assessment based on either one year or half year project as mentioned in general guidelines
One-year project:

1 In the first semester the entire theoretical solution shall be ready, including components/system
selection and cost analysis. Two reviews will be conducted based on the presentation given by the
student group.
1. First shall be for finalisation of problem
2. Second shall be on finalisation of proposed solution of problem.
2 In the second semester expected work shall be procurement of component’s/systems, building of
working prototype, testing and validation of results based on work completed in an earlier
1. First review is based on readiness of building working prototypes to be conducted.
2. Second review shall be based on poster presentation cum demonstration of working
model in last month of the said semester.
Half-year project:

1 In this case in one semester students’ group shall complete project in all aspects including,
1. Identification of need/problem
2. Proposed final solution
3. Procurement of components/systems
4. Building prototype and testing
2 Continuous assessment will be weekly based on a logbook. Two presentations will be conducted
for review before a panel.
1. First shall be for finalization of the problem and proposed solution.
2. Second shall be for implementation and testing of solutions.
Assessment criteria of Mini Project.
Mini Project shall be assessed based on following criteria:
1 Quality of survey/ need identification
2 Clarity of Problem definition based on need.
3 Innovativeness in solutions
4 Feasibility of proposed problem solutions and selection of best solution
5 Cost effectiveness
6 Societal impact
7 Innovativeness
8 Cost effectiveness and Societal impact
9 Effective use of skill sets.
10 Effective use of standard engineering norms
11 Contribution of an individual’s as member or leader
12 Clarity in written and oral communication
13 Full functioning of working model as per stated requirements
14 Project report
In one year, project, first semester evaluation may be based on first six criteria and
remaining may be used for second semester evaluation of performance of students in mini projects.
In case of half year project all criterias in generic may be considered for evaluation of
performance of students in a mini project.

Guidelines for Assessment of Mini Project Practical/Oral Examination:

1 Report should be prepared as per the guidelines issued by the College.
2 Mini Project shall be assessed through a presentation and demonstration of a working model by
the student project group to a panel of Examiners. Each team will prepare a report that will
summarize the results of the literature survey and the project proposal. The list of papers
surveyed must be clearly documented.
3 Students shall be motivated to publish a paper based on the work in Conferences/students
4 Oral exams will be conducted on the project done by the students.
Mini Project shall be assessed based on following points;
1 Quality of problem and Clarity.
2 Innovativeness in solutions.
3 Cost effectiveness and Societal impact.
4 Full functioning of the working model as per stated requirements.
5 Effective use of skill sets.
6 Effective use of standard engineering norms.
7 Contribution of an individual as member or leader.
8 Clarity in written and oral communication.

Assessment: Total Marks = Term work + Oral = (25+25)

Term Work for 25 Marks:
Term work will be based on assessment of Project Implementation and a Logbook which is
filled by students on a weekly basis as per their weekly progress.

Oral Exam for 25 Marks: Based on Project Implementation and Presentation.

Third Year
With Effect from AY 2023-2024
Program Structure for Third Year Computer Engineering

Scheme for Autonomous Program

(With Effect from 2023-2024)

Semester V

Teaching Scheme
Course (Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Course Name
Theory Pract Theory Pract Total
Theoretical Computer
CSC501 3 -- 3 -- 3
CSC502 Software Engineering 3 -- 3 – 3
CSC503 Computer Network 3 -- 3 -- 3
Data Warehousing &
CSC504 3 -- 3 -- 3
Department Level Optional
CSDLO501x 3 -- 3 -- 3
Course- 1
Software Engineering Lab
CSL501 -- 2 -- 1 1
CSL502 Computer Network Lab -- 2 -- 1 1
Data Warehousing &
CSL503 -- 2 -- 1 1
Mining Lab
CSL504 -- 2+2** -- 2 2
Communication & Ethics-
CSM501 Mini Project: 2A -- 4$ -- 2 2
Total 15 14 15 07 22
Examination Scheme

Term Pract
Theory Total
Work & oral

Course Internal End Exam

Course Name
Code Assessment Sem Duration
Exam (Hrs)

Mid CA*
Theoretical Computer
CSC501 20 20 60 2 25 -- 125
CSC502 Software Engineering 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100
CSC503 Computer Network 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100
Data Warehousing &
CSC504 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100
CSDLO5 Department Level
20 20 60 2 -- -- 100
01x Optional Course -1
CSL501 Software Engineering -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
CSL502 Computer Network -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
Data Warehousing &
CSL503 -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
Mining Lab
CSL504 -- -- -- -- 50 -- 50
Communication &
Ethics- II
CSM501 Mini Project : 2A -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
Total 100 100 300 -- 175 100 775

* indicates Continuous Assessment, ** Theory class to be conducted for full class and $ indicates
workload of Learner (Not Faculty), students can form groups with minimum 2(Two) and not more
than 4(Four). Faculty Load: 1 hour per week per four groups.
Department Optional Courses

Department Level
Semester Code & Course
Optional Courses

CSDLO5011: Probabilistic Graphical Models

Department Level Optional Course -1 CSDLO5012: Internet Programming
CSDLO5013: Advanced Database Management
Program Structure for Third Year Computer Engineering

Scheme for Autonomous Program

(With Effect from 2023-2024)

Semester VI

Teaching Scheme
Course (Contact Hours) Credits Assigned
Code Course Name
Theory Theory Pract Total
System Programming &
CSC601 3 -- 3 -- 3
Compiler Construction
Cryptography & System
CSC602 3 -- 3 3
CSC603 Mobile Computing 3 -- 3 -- 3
CSC604 Artificial Intelligence 3 -- 3 -- 3
Department Level Optional
CSDLO601x 3 -- 3 -- 3
Course -2
System Programming &
CSL601 -- 2 -- 1 1
Compiler Construction Lab
Cryptography & System
CSL602 -- 2 -- 1 1
Security Lab
CSL603 Mobile Computing Lab -- 2 -- 1 1
CSL604 Artificial Intelligence Lab -- 2 -- 1 1
Skill base Lab Course: Cloud
CSL605 -- 2**+2 -- 2 2
CSM601 Mini Project Lab: 2B -- 4$ -- 2 2
Total 15 16 15 08 23
Examination Scheme
Theory Term Pract Total
Work & oral
End Exam.
Course Course Name
Internal Sem Duration
Assessment Exam (in Hrs)

Mid CA*
System Programming &
CSC601 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100
Compiler Construction
Cryptography & System
CSC602 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100
CSC603 Mobile Computing 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100
CSC604 Artificial Intelligence 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100
Department Level
CSDLO601x 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100
Optional Course -2
System Programming &
CSL601 -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
Compiler Construction
Cryptography & System
CSL602 -- -- -- -- 25 -- 25
Security Lab
CSL603 Mobile Computing Lab -- -- -- -- 25 - 25
CSL604 Artificial Intelligence 25 25 50
Skill base Lab Course:
CSL605 -- -- -- -- 50 25 75
Cloud Computing
CSM601 Mini Project :2B -- -- -- -- 25 25 50
Total 100 100 300 -- 175 100 775

* indicates Continuous Assessment, ** Theory class to be conducted for full class

$ indicates workload of Learner (Not Faculty), students can form groups with minimum 2(Two) and not
more than 4(Four). Faculty Load: 1 hour per week per four groups.
Department Optional Courses

Department Level
Semester Code & Course
Optional Courses

CSDLO6011: Internet of Things

Department Level Optional CSDLO6012: Digital Signal & Image Processing
Course -2 VI
CSDLO6013: Quantitative Analysis
Course Code: Course Title Credit

CSC501 Theoretical Computer Science 3

Prerequisite: Discrete Structures

Course Objectives:

1 Acquire conceptual understanding of fundamentals of grammars and languages.

Build concepts of theoretical design of deterministic and non-deterministic

finite automata and push down automata.

3 Develop understanding of different types of Turing machines and applications

4 Understand the concept of Undecidability.

Course Outcomes:
Identify the central concepts in theory of computation and differentiate between deterministic
and nondeterministic automata, also obtain equivalence of NFA and DFA.

2 Acquire conceptual understanding of fundamentals of grammars and languages.

3 Devise regular, context free grammars while recognizing the strings and tokens

Build concepts of theoretical design of deterministic and non-deterministic push down


5 Develop understanding of different types of Turing machines and applications.

6 Understand the concept of Undecidability.

Module Content Hours

1 Basic Concepts and Finite Automata

Importance of TCS, Alphabets, Strings, Languages, Closure properties,

Finite Automata (FA) and Finite State machine (FSM)

Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) and Nondeterministic Finite 09

Automata (NFA): Definitions, transition diagrams and Language
1.2 recognizers, Equivalence between NFA with and without ε- transitions,
NFA to DFA Conversion, Minimization of DFA, FSM with output: Moore
and Mealy machines, Applications and limitations of FA.

2 Regular Expressions and Languages

Regular Expression (RE),Equivalence of RE and FA, Arden‘s Theorem,

RE Applications
Regular Language (RL), Closure properties of RLs, Decision properties
of RLs, Pumping lemma for RLs.
3 Grammars

3.1 Grammars and Chomsky hierarchy

Regular Grammar (RG), Equivalence of Left and Right linear grammar,

Equivalence of RG and FA. 08

Context Free Grammars (CFG)

Definition, Sentential forms, Leftmost and Rightmost derivations, Parse
3.3 tree, Ambiguity, Simplification and Applications, Normal Forms:
Chomsky Normal Forms (CNF) and Greibach Normal Forms (GNF),
Context Free language (CFL) - Pumping lemma, Closure properties.

4 Pushdown Automata(PDA)

Definition, Language of PDA,PDA as generator, decider and acceptor of 04

CFG, Deterministic PDA , Non-Deterministic PDA, Application of PDA.

5 Turing Machine (TM)

Definition, Design of TM as generator, decider and acceptor, Variants of 09

5.1 TM: Multitrack, Multitape, Universal TM, Applications, Power and
Limitations of TMs.

6 Undecidability

Decidability and Undecidability, Recursive and Recursively Enumerable 02

6.1 Languages, Halting Problem, Rice‘s Theorem, Post Correspondence

Total 39


John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffery D. Ullman, “Introduction to Automata Theory,

Languages and Computation”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2008.

2 Michael Sipser, “Theory of Computation”, 3rd Edition, Cengage learning. 2013.

Vivek Kulkarni, “Theory of Computation”, Illustrated Edition, Oxford University Press, (12 April
2013) India.

Reference Books:

J. C. Martin, “Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation”, 4th Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill Publication, 2013.

N. Chandrashekhar & K.L.P. Mishra, “Theory of Computer Science, Automata Languages &
Computations”, PHI publications.
Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The Mid
Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will be one

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by the
subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by small report and

3 5 Marks
certificate of participation relevant to the subject

4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks

Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on recent trends in the said
5 10 Marks

6 Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment / Question paper solution 10 Marks

7 NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4 weeks or more 10 Marks

8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to comple
the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3 then part
(b) will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of respective
lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Title Credit

CSC502 Software Engineering 3

Prerequisite: Object Oriented Programming with Java , Python Programming

Course Objectives:

1 To provide the knowledge of software engineering discipline.

2 To apply analysis, design and testing principles to software project development.

3 To demonstrate and evaluate real world software projects

Course Outcomes: On successful completion of course, learners will be able to:

1 Identify requirements, apply modeling techniques & assess the process models.

2 Plan, schedule and track the progress of the projects.

3 Create software architecture styles and design patterns for the software projects.

Develop test cases and perform manual and automated testing of software projects using
various approaches.

5 Explore and manage the configuration changes and to assure quality in software projects.

6 Understand and integrate the software development life cycle process using Devops tool

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction To Software Engineering and Process Models

1.1 Software Engineering-process framework, the Capability Maturity Model

(CMM), Advanced Trends in Software Engineering.
1.2 Prescriptive Process Models: The Waterfall ,V Model, Incremental
Process Models, Evolutionary Process Models: RAD & Spiral.

1.3 Introduction to Agile process model.

2 Software Requirements Analysis and Modeling

2.1 Introduction to requirement gathering :

Requirement gathering techniques - Open ended and close ended
questionnaires, Survey, Joint Application Design, Functional and
non-functional requirements, user requirements, system requirements,
interface specification. 6

2.2 Structured Modeling : Data flow diagram, Deployment Diagram.

Behavioural Modeling - Sequence Diagram, Use case Diagram, State
Transition Diagram.
2.3 Software Requirement Specification document format(IEEE).

3 Software Estimation and Project Scheduling

3.1 Software Metrics: LOC, FP, Introduction to Basic COCOMO model and
COCOMO II Model. 5

3.2 Project Scheduling & Tracking : Work breakdown structure – Gantt Chart –

4 Software Architecture and Design Patterns

4.1 Design Patterns (According to industry specifications)

● Software design – cohesion – coupling – types of coupling and
● Concepts of software architecture – Architectural Patterns –
connector roles – connector types - examples
● Architecture styles – Conventional architectural styles – Applied
architectures and styles.
● Domain specific software architecture

5 Software Testing Automated Industrial Tools

5.1 Unit testing, Integration testing,Validation testing, System testing

5.2 Testing Techniques: white-box testing - Basis path, Control structure
testing. Black-box testing - Graph based, Equivalence, Boundary Value,
Introduction to automated industrial software testing tools (Selenium).

6 Software Configuration Management, Quality Assurance and

Maintenance and Latest Trends in Software development

6.1 The Software Configuration Management : Introduction, SCM Process,

Version Control and Change Control management, Industrial Trends for
version Control and change control (Github).
6.2 Quality Concepts and Software Quality assurance Metrics, Formal
Technical Reviews, Software Reliability.

6.3 Types of Software Maintenance, Re-Engineering, Reverse Engineering.

6.4 DevOps: DevOps Architecture, DevOps Toolchain.

Total 39

1 Roger Pressman, “Software Engineering: A Practitioner‘s Approach”, 9th edition ,

McGraw-Hill Publications, 2019

2 Ian Sommerville, “Software Engineering”, 9th edition, Pearson Education, 2011

3 Ali Behfrooz and Fredeick J. Hudson, "Software Engineering Fundamentals", Oxford University
Press, 1997

4 Grady Booch, James Rambaugh, Ivar Jacobson, “The unified modeling language user guide”,
2nd edition, Pearson Education, 2005

5 “Machine Learning Applications in Software Engineering” Volume 16, World Scientific by Du

Zhang and P Tsai

6 “Software Architecture: Foundations, Theory , and Practice” by Richard N. Taylor, Nenad

Medvidovic, Eric Dashofy, ISBN:978-0-470-16774-8

Reference Books:

1 Pankaj Jalote, "An integrated approach to Software Engineering", 3rd edition, Springer, 2005

2 Rajib Mall, "Fundamentals of Software Engineering", 5th edition, Prentice Hall India, 2014

3 Jibitesh Mishra and Ashok Mohanty, “Software Engineering”, Pearson , 2011

4 Ugrasen Suman, “Software Engineering – Concepts and Practices”, Cengage Learning, 2013

5 Waman S Jawadekar, “Software Engineering principles and practice”, McGraw Hill

Education, 2004
Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The Mid
Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will be one

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by the
subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by small report and

3 5 Marks
certificate of participation relevant to the subject

4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks

Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on recent trends in the
5 10 Marks
said course

6 Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment / Question paper solution 10 Marks

7 NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4 weeks or more 10 Marks

8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to comple
the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3 then
part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Title Credit

CSC503 Computer Network 3

Prerequisite: None

Course Objectives:

1 To introduce concepts and fundamentals of data communication and computer networks.

2 To explore the inter-working of various layers of OSI.

To explore the issues and challenges of protocol design while delving into TCP/IP protocol

4 To assess the strengths and weaknesses of various routing algorithms.

5 To understand various transport layer and application layer protocols.

Course Outcomes: On successful completion of course, learners will be able to:

Demonstrate the concepts of data communication at the physical layer and compare ISO -
OSI model with TCP/IP model.

2 Explore different design issues at the data link layer.

3 Design the network using IP addressing and subnetting / supernetting schemes.

4 Analyze transport layer protocols and congestion control algorithms.

5 Explore protocols at the application layer.

6 Study advanced concepts of Computer Networks such as Network Performance Assessment

and Software Defined Networking.

Content Hours

1 Introduction to Networking

Introduction to computer network, network application, network

software and hardware components (Interconnection networking devices),
Network topology, protocol hierarchies, design issues for the
layers,connection oriented and connectionless services.
Reference models: Layer details of OSI, TCP/IP models. Communication
between layers.

Physical Layer: Introduction to Communication Electromagnetic Spectrum

Guided Transmission Media: Twisted pair, Coaxial, Fiber optics.

2 Data Link Layer

2.1 Data Link Layer:
Design Issues: Framing, Error Control: Error Detection and Correction
(Hamming Code, CRC, Checksum), Flow Control: Stop and Wait, Sliding
Window (Go Back N, Selective Repeat), Elementary Data Link protocols.

Medium Access Control Sublayer:

Channel Allocation problem, Multiple Access Protocol (Aloha, Carrier
Sense Multiple Access (CSMA/CA, CSMA/CD), Wired LANS: Ethernet,
Ethernet Standards, Virtual LANs.

3 Network layer

Network Layer design issues, Communication Primitives: Unicast,

Multicast, Broadcast. IPv4 Addressing (classful and classless), Subnetting,
Supernetting design problems, IPv4 Protocol,Network Address Translation
(NAT), IPv6.

Routing algorithms 11
3.2 Dynamic Routing : Distance Vector Routing, Link state routing, Path
Vector Routing, RIP, OSPF, BGP.

3.3 Network Layer Protocols - ARP,RARP, ICMP, IGMP.

Congestion control algorithms: Open loop congestion control, Closed loop

congestion control, QoS parameters, Token & Leaky bucket algorithms.

4 Transport Layer

The Transport Service: Transport service primitives, Berkeley Sockets,

4.1 Connection management (Handshake), UDP, TCP, TCP state transition, 7
TCP timers.

4.2 TCP Flow control (sliding Window), TCP Congestion Control: Slow Start.

5 Application Layer
Application Layer :DNS: Name Space, Resource Record and Types of
Name Server. HTTP, SMTP, Telnet, FTP, DHCP.

6 Advance Networking

6.1 Introduction to Network measurement, design and management. 4

6.2 Software Defined Networking: Introduction and Overview.

Total 39

1 A.S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks,4th edition Pearson Education

2 B.A. Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, 5th edition, TMH

James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross, Computer Networking, A Top-Down Approach

Featuring the Internet,6th edition, Addison Wesley

J. Richard Burke, Network Management: Concepts and Practice: A Hands-on Approach, Prentice Hall,

Reference Books:

1 S.Keshav,An Engineering Approach To Computer Networking, Pearson

Natalia Olifer & Victor Olifer,Computer Networks: Principles, Technologies &

Protocols for Network Design, Wiley India, 2011.

Larry L.Peterson, Bruce S.Davie, Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, Second

Edition ,The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The Mid
Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by the
subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by small report and

3 5 Marks
certificate of participation relevant to the subject

4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks

Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on recent trends in the said
5 10 Marks

6 Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment / Question paper solution 10 Marks

7 NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4 weeks or more 10 Marks

8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to comple
the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3 then part (b)
will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of respective
lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Title Credit

CSC504 Data Warehousing & Mining 3

Prerequisite: Database Concepts

Course Objectives:

1 To identify the significance of Data Warehousing and Mining.

2 To analyze data, choose relevant models and algorithms for respective applications.

3 To study web data mining.

4 To develop research interest towards advances in data mining.

Course Outcomes:On successful completion of course, learners will be able to:

Understand data warehouse fundamentals and design data warehouse with dimensional
modeling and apply OLAP operations.

2 Perform ETL process to create the data warehouse and apply OLAP operations.

3 Understand data mining principles and perform data preprocessing and visualization

4 Identify appropriate data mining algorithms to solve real world problems

Compare and evaluate different data mining techniques like classification, prediction,
clustering and association rule mining

6 Describe various aspects and methods with respect to spatial & web mining

Module Content Hours

1 Data Warehousing Fundamentals

Introduction to Data Warehouse, Data warehouse architecture, Data

warehouse versus Data Marts, Top-down versus Bottom-up approach, 5
1.1 E-R Modeling versus Dimensional Modeling, Information Package
Diagram, Data Warehouse Schemas; Star Schema, Snowflake Schema,
Factless Fact Table, Fact Constellation Schema. Slowly Changing


Major steps in ETL process, Data extraction: Techniques, Data 6

2.1 transformation: Basic tasks, Major transformation types, Data Loading:
Applying Data, OLTP Vs OLAP, OLAP definition, Dimensional
Analysis, Hypercubes, OLAP operations: Drill down, Roll up, Slice,
Dice and Rotation, OLAP models: MOLAP, ROLAP.

3 Introduction to Data Mining, Data Exploration and Data

Data Mining Task Primitives, Architecture, KDD process, Issues in Data
Mining, Applications of Data Mining, Data Exploration: Types of 9
3.1 Attributes, Statistical Description of Data, Data Visualization, Data
Preprocessing: Descriptive data summarization, Cleaning, Integration &
transformation, Data reduction, Data Discretization and Concept
hierarchy generation.
4 Classification and Clustering
Basic Concepts, Decision Tree Induction - ID3, C4.5 & CART, Naive
Bayesian Classification, Accuracy and Error measures, Evaluating the
Accuracy of a Classifier: Holdout & Random Subsampling, Cross 10
Validation, Bootstrap. Types of data in Cluster analysis, Partitioning
Methods (k-Means, k-Medoids), Hierarchical Methods (Agglomerative,
Divisive), Density Based Clustering (DBSCAN)
5 Mining frequent patterns and associations 6

Market Basket Analysis, Frequent Item sets, Closed Item sets, and
Association Rule, Frequent Pattern Mining, Apriori Algorithm,
Association Rule Generation, Improving the Efficiency of Apriori,
Mining Frequent Itemsets without candidate generation, Introduction to
Mining Multilevel Association Rules and Mining, Multidimensional
Association Rules.
6 Spatial and Web Mining
Spatial Data, Spatial Vs. Classical Data Mining, Spatial Data Structures, 3
6.1 Web Mining: Web Content Mining, Web Structure Mining, Web Usage
mining, Applications of Web Mining
Total 39


1 Paulraj Ponniah, “ Data Warehousing: Fundamentals for IT Professionals”, Wiley India.

2 Han, Kamber, “Data Mining Concepts and Techniques”, Morgan Kaufmann 2nd edition.

3 M.H. Dunham, “Data Mining Introductory and Advanced Topics”, Pearson Education.

Reference Books:

1 Reema Theraja, “Data warehousing”, Oxford University Press 2009.

Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach and Vipin Kumar, “Introduction to Data Mining”,
Pearson Publisher 2nd edition.

3 Ian H. Witten, Eibe Frank and Mark A. Hall, “Data Mining”, Morgan Kaufmann 3rd edition.
Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The Mid
Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will be one

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by the
subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by small report and

3 5 Marks
certificate of participation relevant to the subject

4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks

Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on recent trends in the
5 10 Marks
said course

6 Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment / Question paper solution 10 Marks

7 NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4 weeks or more 10 Marks

8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3 then part
(b) will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of respective
lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Title Credit

CSDLO5011 Probabilistic Graphical Models

Prerequisite:Engineering Mathematics, Discrete Structure

Course Objectives:

1 To give comprehensive introduction of probabilistic graphical models

2 To make inferences, learning, actions and decisions while applying these models

3 To introduce real-world trade-offs when using probabilistic graphical models in practice

To develop the knowledge and skills necessary to apply these models to solve
real world problems.

Course Outcomes: On successful completion of course, learners will be able to:

1 Understand basic concepts of probabilistic graphical modeling.

Model and extract inference from Bayesian Networks and represent real world

3 Model and extract inference from Markov Models and represent real world problems

4 Understand Hidden Markov Model and its applications

5 Perform learning task using probabilistic graphical models

6 Take actions and decisions using probabilistic graphical models

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction to Probabilistic Graphical Modeling

Introduction to Probability Theory:

Probability Theory, Basic Concepts in Probability, Random Variables and
Joint Distribution, Independence and Conditional Independence,
Continuous Spaces, Expectation and Variances
Introduction to Graphs: Nodes and Edges, Subgraphs, Paths and Trails,
Cycles and Loops

Introduction to Probabilistic Graph Models: Bayesian Network,

Markov Model, Hidden Markov Model

2 Bayesian Network Model and Inference

2.1 Directed Graph Model: Bayesian Network-Exploiting Independence
Properties, Naive Bayes Model, Bayesian Network Model, Reasoning
Patterns, Basic Independencies in Bayesian Networks, Bayesian Network
Semantics, Graphs and Distributions. Modeling: Picking variables,
Picking Structure, Picking Probabilities, D- separation

2.2 Local Probabilistic Models: Tabular CPDs, Deterministic CPDs,

Context Specific CPDs, Generalized Linear Models.

2.3 Exact inference variable elimination: Analysis of Complexity,

Variable Elimination, Conditioning, Inference with Structured CPDs.

2.4 Application of Bayesian Networks: Classification, Forecasting,

Decision Making

3 Markov Network Model and Inference

3.1 Undirected Graph Model : Markov Model-Markov Network,

Parameterization of Markov Network, Gibb's distribution, Reduced
Markov Network, Markov Network Independencies, From Distributions
to Graphs, Fine Grained Parameterization, Over Parameterization
3.2 Exact inference variable elimination: Graph Theoretic Analysis for
Variable Elimination, Conditioning

3.3 Application of Markov Models: Cost Effectiveness Analysis, Relational

Markov Model and its Applications, Application in Portfolio

4 Hidden Markov Model and Inference

4.1 Template Based Graph Model : HMM- Temporal Models, Template

Variables and Template Factors, Directed Probabilistic Models,
Undirected Representation, Structural Uncertainty.

4.2 Application of HMM: Speech Recognition, Part of Speech Tagging,


5 Learning Graphical Models

5.1 Goals of Learning, Density Estimation, Specific Prediction Tasks,

Knowledge Discovery. 4

5.2 Parameter Estimation: Maximum Likelihood Estimation, MLE for Bayesian

6 Taking Actions and Decisions

6.1 Causality: Conditioning and Intervention, Correlation and Causation,

Causal Models. 3

6.2 Utilities and Decisions: Maximizing Expected Utility, Utility Curves,

Utility Elicitation. Structured Decision Problems: Decision Tree
Total 39

Daphne Koller and Nir Friedman, "Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques”,
Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2009 (ISBN 978-0-262-0139- 2).

David Barber, "Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning", Cambridge University Press,
1st edition, 2011.

Reference Books:

Finn Jensen and Thomas Nielsen, "Bayesian Networks and Decision Graphs (Information
Science and Statistics )", 2nd Edition, Springer, 2007.

2 Kevin P. Murphy, "Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective", MIT Press, 2012.

Martin Wainwright and Michael Jordan, M., "Graphical Models, Exponential Families, and
Variational Inference", 2008.

Useful Links:

1 https://www.coursera.org/specializations/probabilistic-graphical-models

2 https://www.mooc-list.com/tags/probabilistic-graphical-models

3 om/&httpsredir=1&article=2690&context=cmc_theses

4 https://www.upgrad.com/blog/bayesian-networks/

https://www.utas.edu.au/ data/assets/pdf_file/0009/588474/TR_14_BNs_a_resour

6 Finite_Mathematics_(Sekhon_and_Bloom)/10%3A_Markov_Chains/10.02%3A_A
pplications_of_Markov_Chains/10.2.01%3A_Applications_of_Markov_Chains_(E xercises)

7 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-43742-2_24

8 https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~pedrod/papers/kdd02a.pdf

9 https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/191938826.pdf


11 %20and%20applications.pdf

13 LocalProbabilisticModels.pdf

Internal Assessment:
Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The Mid
Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will be one

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by the
subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by small report and

3 5 Marks
certificate of participation relevant to the subject

4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks

Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on recent trends in the
5 10 Marks
said course

6 Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment / Question paper solution 10 Marks

7 NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4 weeks or more 10 Marks

8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3 then part
(b) will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of respective
lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code: Course Title Credit

CSDLO5012 Internet Programming

Prerequisite: Data Structures, Programming Languages- JAVA, Python

Course Objectives:

1 To get familiar with the basics of Internet Programming and web UI Design.

To acquire knowledge and skills for creation of web site considering both client and
server-side programming.

To gain the ability to develop responsive web applications and explore different web
services standards.

4 To explore and design web applications using RIA and appropriate web frameworks.

Course Outcomes: On successful completion of course, learners will be able to:

1 Design user friendly web application wireframes using digital prototype tools.

2 Implement interactive web page(s) using HTML and CSS.

Design a responsive web site using Client side and server side scripting languages
with MySQL.

4 Demonstrate Rich Internet Application using Ajax and jQuery.

5 Develop the mini project and Integrate the web application using APIs.

6 Explore web frameworks and develop mini projects using Django.

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction to Web Essentials and UI Design

Web Essentials: Clients, Servers and Communication, Web System

Architecture, HTTP Request Message, HTTP Response Message 4

Web UI Design : Designing the User Interface - Paper Prototype and

Digital prototype. User Interface prototyping,Introduction to Wireframing.

2 Front End Web Technologies 12

HTML5 – Fundamental syntax and semantics, Tables, Lists, Image,

2.1 HTML5 control elements, Semantic elements, Drag and Drop, Audio Video

CSS3 – Inline, embedded and external style sheets – Rule cascading,

2.2 Inheritance, Backgrounds, Border Images, Colors, Shadows, Text,
Transformations, Transitions, Animation.
Java Script: An introduction to DHTML, JavaScript DOM Model, Built-in
2.3 objects, Regular Expressions, Validation, Event Handling, Exception

3 Back End Development

Introduction to PHP- Data types, control structures, built in functions,

building web applications using PHP- Session handling Mechanisms, PHP
and MySQL database connectivity with example,
JSON introduction – Syntax, Http Request , SQL.

4 Rich Internet Application (RIA)

Characteristics of RIA,Introduction to AJAX: AJAX design basics, AJAX 4

4.1 vs Traditional Approach, Rich User Interface using Ajax, jQuery
framework with AJAX.

5 Full Stack Development

React js: Introduction, React features, App “Hello World” Application,

Introduction to JSX, Simple Application using JSX.
Introduction to Web APIs: REST Architecture. Web form API, Web Storage
API, Web Fetch API.

Introduction to GraphQL: Simple application using ReactJS and jQuery

client to consume the graphQL API

6 Web Framework
Introduction to Django, Django Installation, Django project creations,
Django Models and CRUD Operations.

Total 39

Ralph Moseley, M.T. Savliya, “Developing Web Applications'', Willy India, Second
Edition, ISBN: 978-81-265-3867-6

2 “Web Technology Black Book”, Dreamtech Press, First Edition, 978-7722-997

Robin Nixon, "Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS & HTML5" Third Edition,
O'REILLY, 2014.
L_Javascript_CSS_HTML5 Robin_Nixon_3e.pdf)

Dana Moore, Raymond Budd, Edward Benson,Professional Rich Internet Applications:

AJAX and Beyond Wiley publications. https://ebooks-it.org/0470082801-ebook.htm

Alex Banks and Eve Porcello, Learning React Functional Web Development with React and
Redux,O'REILLY, First Edition

Staiano, F. (2022). Designing and Prototyping Interfaces with Figma: Learn Essential UX/UI
6 Design Principles by Creating Interactive Prototypes for Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop. United
Kingdom: Packt Publishing.

Reference Books:

Harvey & Paul Deitel & Associates, Harvey Deitel and Abbey Deitel, Internet and World Wide
Web - How To Program, Fifth Edition, Pearson Education, 2011.

Achyut S Godbole and AtulKahate, ―Web Technologies, Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,

Thomas A Powell, Fritz Schneider, ―JavaScript: The Complete Reference, Third Edition,Tata
McGraw Hill, 2013

4 David Flanagan, ―JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, Sixth Edition, O'Reilly Media, 2011

5 Steven Holzner ―The Complete Reference - PHP, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008

6 Mike Mcgrath―PHP & MySQL in Easy Steps, Tata McGraw Hill, 2012.

George, Nigel. Build a Website with Django 3: A Complete Introduction to Django 3. N.p.:
GNW Independent Publishing, 2021.

8 Masse, M. (2011). REST API Design Rulebook. Germany: O'Reilly Media.

Porcello, E., Banks, A. (2018). Learning GraphQL: Declarative Data Fetching for Modern Web
Apps. China: O'Reilly Media.

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will be
one hour.

Continuous Assessment:
Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by the
subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by small report and

3 5 Marks
certificate of participation relevant to the subject

4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks

Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on recent trends in

5 10 Marks
the said course

Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment / Question paper

6 10 Marks

7 NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4 weeks or more 10 Marks

8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3 then
part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code: Course Title Credit

CSDLO5013 Advanced Database Management System 3

Prerequisite: Data Structure , XML, Database Management System

Course Objectives:

1 To provide insights into distributed database designing

2 To specify the various approaches used for using XML and JSON technologies.

To apply the concepts behind the various types of NoSQL databases and utilize it for

4 To learn about the trends in advance databases

Course Outcomes:

1 Design distributed database using the various techniques for query processing

2 Measure query cost and perform distributed transaction management

3 Organize the data using XML and JSON database for better interoperability

4 Compare different types of NoSQL databases

5 Formulate NoSQL queries using Mongodb

6 Describe various trends in advanced databases

Module Content Hours

1 Query processing and Optimization in centralized Databases

Query Processing : Overview , Measures of Query cost , Selection

1.1 6
operation ,Join Operations, and other Operations Evaluation of Expression
Query Optimization : Translations of SQL Queries into relational algebra,
Heuristic approach & Cost based Optimization
2 Distributed Databases

Introduction,Distributed DBMS Architecture, Data 4

2.1 Fragmentation,Replication and Allocation Techniques for Distributed
Database Design.

3 Distributed Database Handling 8

3.1 Distributed Transaction Management – Definition, properties, types,

architecture Distributed Query Processing - Characterization of Query
Processors, Layers/ phases of query processing.

3.2 Distributed Concurrency Control- Taxonomy, Locking based, Basic TO

algorithm,Recovery in Distributed Databases: Failures in distributed
database, 2PC and 3PC protocol.

4 NoSQL Distribution Model

4.1 NoSQL database concepts: NoSQL data modeling, Benefits of

NoSQL,comparison between SQL and NoSQL database systems.

Replication and sharding, Distribution Models Consistency in distributed 9

4.2 data, CAP theorem, Notion of ACID Vs BASE, handling
Transactions,consistency and eventual consistency

Types of NoSQL databases: Key-value data store, Document database

4.3 and Column Family Data store, Comparison of NoSQL databases w.r.t
CAP theorem and ACID properties.

5 NoSQL using MongoDB

NoSQL using MongoDB: Introduction to MongoDB Shell, Running the

5.1 MongoDB shell, MongoDB client, Basic operations with MongoDB
shell,Basic Data Types, Arrays, Embedded Documents
Querying MongoDB using find() functions, advanced queries using
logical operators and sorting, simple aggregate functions, saving and
5.2 updating documents.
MongoDB Distributed environment: Concepts of replication and
horizontal scaling through sharding in MongoDB

6 Trends in advance databases

Temporal database: Concepts, time representation, time dimension,

incorporating time in relational databases
Graph Database: Introduction, Features, Transactions,
consistency,Availability, Querying, Case Study Neo4J

6.3 Spatial database: Introduction, data types, models, operators and queries

Total 39

1 Korth, Siberchatz,Sudarshan, “Database System Concepts”, 6thEdition, McGraw Hill

2 Elmasri and Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, 5thEdition, Pearson Education

Ozsu, M. Tamer, Valduriez, Patrick, “Principles of distributed database systems”,3rd

Edition,Pearson Education, Inc.

Pramod Sadalge, Martin Fowler, NoSQL Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Emerging World of
Polyglot Persistence, Addison Wesely/ Pearson

5 Jeff Friesen , Java XML and JSON,Second Edition, 2019, après Inc.

Reference Books:

Peter Rob and Carlos Coronel,Database Systems Design,Implementation and

Management,Thomson Learning, 5thEdition.

2 Dr. P.S. Deshpande, SQL and PL/SQL for Oracle 10g, Black Book, Dreamtech Press.

3 Adam Fowler, NoSQL for dummies, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

4 Shashank Tiwari, Professional NOSQL, John Willy & Sons. Inc

5 Raghu Ramkrishnan and Johannes Gehrke, Database Management Systems, TMH

6 MongoDB Manual : https://docs.mongodb.com/manual

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will be
one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by the
subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by small report and

3 5 Marks
certificate of participation relevant to the subject

4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks

Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on recent trends in the
5 10 Marks
said course
6 Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment / Question paper solution 10 Marks

7 NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4 weeks or more 10 Marks

8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is
unable to complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3 then part
(b) will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSL501 Software Engineering Lab 1

Prerequisite: Object Oriented Programming with Java , Python Programming

Lab Objectives:

1 To solve real life problems by applying software engineering principles

2 To impart state-of-the-art knowledge on Software Engineering

Lab Outcomes:

1 Identify requirements and apply software process models to selected case study.

2 Develop architectural models for the selected case study

3 Plan, schedule and track the progress of the projects.

4 Use computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 10 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

1 Select case study using Traditional model or Agile Model as per the given problem statement.

Apply requirement gathering techniques and prepare Software Requirement Specification

(SRS) documents in IEEE format.

3 Design UML Diagrams for the selected Case Study( draw.io).

4 Implement an appropriate design pattern for chosen problem Statement

5 Apply software metrics to estimate the cost of the project using COCOMO 2.0

Prepare a timeline chart (Gantt chart) for the selected case study using automated tool (MS

7 Design Test cases and perform the black box testing using automated tools.(selenium)

Design test cases and perform white box testing. (evaluate code and the internal structure of

9 Identify the various software engineering tools and implement version control for the selected
problem statement using Github.

10 Case Study on DevOps application.(gitlabs)

Useful Links:
1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105182/

2 https://www.mooc-list.com/course/software-engineering-introduction-edx

3 https://www.selenium.dev/

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

Total 25 Marks
(Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments: 05-marks)

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSC502 and CSL501 syllabus
Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSL502 Computer Network Lab 1

Prerequisite: None

Lab Objectives:

1 To practically explore OSI layers and understand the usage of simulation tools.

To analyze, specify and design the topological and routing strategies for an IP based
networking infrastructure.

To identify the various issues of a packet transfer from source to destination, and how they
are resolved by the various existing protocols

Lab Outcomes:

1 Design and setup networking environment in Linux.

Use Network tools and simulators such as NS2, Wireshark etc. to explore networking
algorithms and protocols.

3 Implement programs using core programming APIs for understanding networking concepts

4 Apply the concepts of subnetting, routing and Software Defined Networks.

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 10 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

Understand and interpret the roles and functions of components like routers, switches, access
points, servers, endpoints, firewalls, IPS, and controllers.

2 To build a simple network topology and configure it for static routing protocol using
packet tracer. Setup a network and configure IP addressing, subnetting, masking.
Understand and apply the basic networking commands in Linux (ping, tracert, nslookup,
netstat, ARP, RARP, ip, ifconfig, dig, route )

Understand the operation of TCP/IP layers using Wire shark

Ethernet Layer: Frame header, Frame size etc.
● Data Link Layer: MAC address, ARP (IP and MAC address binding)
● Network Layer: IP Packet (header, fragmentation), ICMP (Query and Echo)
● Transport Layer: TCP Ports, TCP handshake segments etc.
● Application Layer: DHCP, FTP, HTTP header formats

Installation & Configuration of Network Simulator (NS2) in Linux environment. & Building
of wired & wireless topology using NS2.

6 Apply network simulator tools (viz NS2/Netsim) to understand the functioning of ALOHA,

Design a network
a) to set up multiple IP addresses on a single LAN.
b)to use nestat and route commands of Linux, to explore the following
● View current routing table
● Add and delete routes
● Change default gateway
c)To Perform packet filtering by enabling IP forwarding using IPtables in Linux.

8 Demonstrate network communication using Socket programming (TCP and UDP)

9 Perform File Transfer protocol using FTP and Remote login using Telnet.

10 Stop and wait protocol/ sliding window (selective repeat / Go back N )

11 Illustrate basic Mininet operations for Software Defined Networking

WAP(in java) to Implement a Shortest Path Routing Algorithm . Explore the same using a
12 virtual lab :Bellman ford Algorithm).

Useful Links:

1 https://www.netacad.com/courses/packet-tracer/introduction-packet-tracer

2 https://www.coursera.org/projects/data-forwarding-computer-networks

3 https://www.edx.org/course/ilabx-the-internet-masterclass


Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

Total 25 Marks
4 (Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Continuous Assessment Exam:

Based on the subject and related lab of CSC503 and CSL502

Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSL503 Data Warehousing and Mining Lab 1

Prerequisite: Database Concepts

Lab Objectives:

1 Learn how to build a data warehouse

2 Learn about the data sets and data preprocessing.

Demonstrate the working of algorithms for data mining tasks such Classification,
clustering, Association rule mining & Web mining

4 Explore open source software (like Orange) to perform data mining tasks

Lab Outcomes:

1 Design data warehouses and perform various OLAP operations

2 Implement data mining algorithms like classification.

3 Understand & Implement various clustering algorithms on a given set of data samples.

4 Implement Association rule mining & web mining algorithm.

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 10 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

One case study on building Data warehouse/Data Mart

1 ● Write Detailed Problem statement and design dimensional modeling (creation of star and
snowflake schema)

2 Implementation of all dimension table and fact table based on experiment 1 case study

Implementation of OLAP operations: Slice, Dice, Rollup, Drilldown and Pivot based on
experiment 1 case study

4 Implementation of Bayesian algorithm

5 Implementation of Data Discretization (any one) & Visualization (any one)

Perform data Pre-processing task and demonstrate Classification, Clustering, Association

algorithm on data sets using data mining tool (Python)

7 Implementation of Classification algorithm (ID3/C4.5)

8 Implementation of Clustering algorithm (K-means/K-medoids)

9 Implementation of Clustering algorithm (DBSCAN)

10 Implementation of Association Rule Mining algorithm (Apriori / FP Growth)

Useful Links:

1 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs12/preview

2 https://www.coursera.org/specializations/data-mining

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

Total 25 Marks
4 (Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSC504 and CSL503

Course Code: Course Name Credit

CSL504 Professional Communication and Ethics-II 2

Prerequisite: Professional Communication and Ethics-I

Course Objectives:

1 To discern and develop an effective style of writing important technical/business documents.

2 To investigate possible resources and plan a successful job campaign.

3 To understand the dynamics of professional communication in the form of group discussions,

meetings, etc. required for career enhancement.

4 To develop creative and impactful presentation skills.

5 To analyze personal traits, interests, values, aptitudes and skills.

6 To understand the importance of integrity and develop a personal code of


Course Outcomes:

1 Plan and prepare effective business/ technical documents which will in

turn provide solid foundation for their future managerial roles.

2 Strategize their personal and professional skills to build a professional

image and meet the demands of the industry.

3 Emerge successful in group discussions, meetings and result-oriented

agreeable solutions in group communication situations.

4 Deliver persuasive and professional presentations.

5 Develop creative thinking and interpersonal skills required for effective

professional communication.

6 Apply codes of ethical conduct, personal integrity and norms of

organizational behaviour.

Module Topics Hours

1.1 Purpose and Classification of Reports:
Classification on the basis of: 6
● Subject Matter (Technology, Accounting, Finance, Marketing, etc.)
● Time Interval (Periodic, One-time, Special)
● Function (Informational, Analytical, etc.)
● Physical Factors (Memorandum, Letter, Short & Long
1.2 Parts of a Long Formal Report:
● Prefatory Parts (Front Matter)
● Report Proper (Main Body)
● Appended Parts (Back Matter)
1.3 Language and Style of Reports
● Tense, Person & Voice of Reports
● Numbering Style of Chapters, Sections, Figures, Tables and
● Equations
● Referencing Styles in APA & MLA Format
● Proofreading through Plagiarism Checkers
1.4 Definition, Purpose & Types of Proposals
● Solicited (in conformance with RFP) & Unsolicited Proposals
● Types (Short and Long proposals)
1.5 Parts of a Proposal
● Elements
● Scope and Limitations
● Conclusion
2.1 Cover Letter & Resume 6
● Parts and Content of a Cover Letter
● Difference between Bio-data, Resume & CV
● Essential Parts of a Resume
● Types of Resume (Chronological, Functional & Combination)
2.2 Statement of Purpose
● Importance of SOP
● Tips for Writing an Effective SOP
2.3 Group Discussions
● Purpose of a GD
● Parameters of Evaluating a GD
● Types of GDs (Normal, Case-based & Role Plays)
● GD Etiquettes
2.4 Personal Interviews
● Planning and Preparation
● Types of Questions
● Types of Interviews (Structured, Stress, Behavioural, Problem
● Solving & Case-based)
● Modes of Interviews: Face-to-face (One-to one and Panel)
● Telephonic, Virtual
3.1 Conducting Business Meetings
● Types of Meetings
● Roles and Responsibilities of Chairperson, Secretary and Members
● Meeting Etiquette
3.2 Documentation
● Notice
● Agenda
● Minutes
4.1 Effective Presentation Strategies
● Defining Purpose
● Analyzing Audience, Location and Event
● Gathering, Selecting &Arranging Material
● Structuring a Presentation
● Making Effective Slides
● Types of Presentations Aids
● Closing a Presentation
● Platform skills
4.2 Group Presentations
● Sharing Responsibility in a Team
● Building the contents and visuals together
● Transition Phases
5.1 Interpersonal Skills
● Emotional Intelligence
● Leadership & Motivation
● Conflict Management & Negotiation
● Time Management
● Assertiveness
● Decision Making

6.1Intellectual Property Rights
● Copyrights
● Trademarks
● Patents
● Industrial Designs

Case Studies
● Cases related to Business/ Corporate Ethics
Total 26


1 Fred Luthans, “Organisational Behavior” , McGraw Hill, edition

2 Robbins Stephen judge timothy “Organisational Behavior” Pearson

3 R.C Sharma and Krishna Mohan, “Business Correspondence and Report Writing”

4 Foundation course in Human values and Professional Ethics L R R Gaur, R. Asthana, G.P. Bagaria

Reference Books:

1 Lesiker and Petit, “Report Writing for Business” , McGraw Hill, edition

2 Wallace and Masters, “Personal Development for Life and Work” , Thomson Learning, 12th edition

3 B N Ghosh, “Managing Soft Skills for Personality Development”, Tata McGraw Hill.Lehman,
Internal Assessment:
Internal assessment will be for 50 Marks as given below
Sr No Headings Marks
A Assignments 10 Marks
B Continuous Assessment 20 Marks
C a)Report 10 Marks 10 Marks
b)Presentation 10 Marks
D Group Discussion 10 Marks
Total 50 Marks
A) Assignments : List of assignments are as given below. The assignments have to be discussed in the
group and approach approved by faculty. Each student in the group will have to write the
assignments individually ( 10 Marks)
Sr No List of Assignments
1. Proposal
2. Resume and Cover Letter /SOP
3. Notice ,Agenda and Minutes of Meeting
4 Case Study /Role Play on Interpersonal Skills
5 Case study on Ethics
B) Continuous Assessment:-
Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by the
subject teachers. The rubrics can be any 2 or max 4 of the following:-
Sr.no Rubrics Marks
1. *Certificate course for 4 weeks or more:- 10 marks
NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC
2. Wins in the event/competition/hackathon 10 marks

3. Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 marks

4. Creating Proof of concept 10 marks

5. Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 marks

6. GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 marks

7. Participation in event/workshop/talk / competition followed by 5 marks

small report and certificate of participation relevant to the
subject(in other institutes)

8. Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 marks

C) Report on presentation: A detail typed report has to be prepared of minimum 25 pages and
maximum 30 pages in the given format.
D) A final Group Discussion Round will be conducted and every student must participate in the group
⃰Tutorials will be conducted batch wise⃰⃰.
Course Code: Course Title Credit

CSM501 Mini Project 2A 2


Course Objectives:

1 To understand and identify the problem statement

To apply basic engineering fundamentals and attempt to find solutions to the

chosen problem statement

Identify, analyze, formulate and handle programming projects with a

comprehensive and systematic approach

4 To develop communication skills and improve teamwork amongst group members.

To apply standard principles of project management and validate the project using
appropriate evaluation measures

6 To inculcate the process of self-learning and research.

Course Outcomes:

Identify societal / research / innovation / entrepreneurship problems through

appropriate literature surveys

Identify methodology for solving above problem and apply engineering knowledge
and skills to solve it

Validate, Verify the results using test cases/benchmark data/theoretical/


Analyze and evaluate the impact of solution / product / research / innovation /

entrepreneurship towards societal / environmental / sustainable development

Use standard norms of engineering practices and project management principles

during project work

Communicate through technical report writing and oral presentation.

● The work may result in research / white paper / article / patent / blog writing and
research publication
● The work may result in business plan for entrepreneurship product created

Gain technical competency by participating in project competitions, hackathons,


8 Demonstrate capabilities of self-learning, leading to lifelong learning.

9 Develop interpersonal skills to work in a group.

Guidelines for Mini Project

Mini project may be carried out in one or more form of following: Product preparations,
prototype development model, fabrication of set-ups, laboratory experiment development,
1 process modification / development, simulation, software development, integration of software
(frontend-backend) and hardware, statistical data analysis, creating awareness in society /
environment, research oriented and application areas, etc.

Students shall form a group of 3 to 4 students, while forming a group shall not be allowed less
than three or more than four students, as it is a group activity.

Students should do surveys and identify needs, which shall be converted into problem
3 statements for a mini project in consultation with project mentor / head of the department /
internal committee of faculties.

Students shall submit an implementation plan in the form of Gantt / PERT / CPM chart using
state-of-the-art industry tools, which will cover weekly activity of mini projects

A logbook may be prepared by each group, wherein the group shall record weekly work
progress, project guide shall verify and record notes / comments.
Students under the guidance of the project guide shall convert the best solution into a working
model using various components of their domain areas and demonstrate.
The solution to be validated with proper justification and report to be compiled in standard
7 format . Software requirement specification (SRS) documents as per IEEE format, research
papers, competition certificates may be submitted as part of annexure to the report.
With the focus on self-learning, innovation, addressing societal / research / innovation
problems and entrepreneurship quality development within the students through the Mini
Projects, it is preferable that a single project of appropriate level and quality be carried out in
two semesters by all the groups of the students. i.e. Mini Project 2 in semesters V and VI.

However, based on the individual students or group capability, with the mentor’s
recommendations, if the proposed Mini Project adhering to the qualitative aspects mentioned
9 above, gets completed in odd semester, then that group can be allowed to work on the
extension of the Mini Project with suitable improvements / modifications or a completely new
project idea in even semester. This policy can be adopted on a case by case basis.

Term Work

The review / progress monitoring committee shall be constituted by the heads of departments of each
institute. The progress of the mini project to be evaluated on a continuous basis, based on the SRS
document submitted. Minimum two reviews in each semester

Distribution of Term work marks for both semesters shall be as below: Marks (25)

1 Marks awarded by project mentor based on logbook 10

2 Marks awarded by review committee 10

3 Timeliness of Project report 05

Review / progress monitoring committee may consider following points for assessment based on either
one year or half year project as mentioned in general guidelines

One-year project:

In the one year project (sem V and VI), first semester the entire theoretical solution shall be
1 made ready, including components / system selection, cost, feasibility analysis, conceptual and
Detailed design. Two reviews will be conducted based on a presentation given by a student
group. ● First shall be for finalization of problem ● Second shall be on finalization of the
proposed solution of the problem

In the second semester expected work shall be procurement of component’s / systems,

building of working prototype, testing and validation of results based on work completed in an
2 earlier semester. ● First review is based on readiness of building working prototypes to be
conducted. ● Second review shall be based on poster presentation cum demonstration of
working model in the last month of the said semester.

Half-year project

In this case in one semester students’ group shall complete project in all aspects including,
● Identification of need/problem
1 ● Proposed final solution
● Procurement of components/systems
● Building prototype and testing

Two reviews will be conducted for continuous assessment,

2 ● First shall be for finalization of problem and proposed solution
● Second shall be for implementation and testing of solutions.

Mini Project shall be assessed based on following point

1 Clarity of problem and quality of literature Survey for problem identification

2 Requirement Gathering via Software Requirement Specification (SRS) / Feasibility Study

3 Completeness of methodology implemented

4 Design, Analysis and Further Plan

5 Novelty, Originality or Innovativeness of project

6 Societal / Research impact

7 Effective use of skill set : Standard engineering practices and Project management standard

8 Contribution of an individual’s as member or leader

9 Clarity in written and oral communication

Verification and validation of the solution / Test Cases using open source testing tools as per
trends in industry

11 Full functioning of working model as per stated requirements

12 Technical writing /competition/hackathon outcome being met

In a one year project (sem V and VI), first semester evaluation may be based on the first 10 criteria and
remaining may be used for second semester evaluation of performance of students in mini projects.

In case of half year projects (completing in V sem) all criterias in generic may be considered for
evaluation of performance of students in mini projects.

Guidelines for Assessment of Mini Project Practical / Oral Examination

1 Report should be prepared as per the guidelines issued.

The Mini Project shall be assessed through a presentation and demonstration of the working
model by the student project group to a panel of Internal and External Examiners preferably
from industry or research organizations having experience of more than five years approved
by the head of Institution.

Students shall be motivated to publish a research paper / patent / participate in competition

based on the work in conferences / students competitions
Course Code Course Title Credit

CSC601 System Programming & Compiler Construction 3

Prerequisite: Theoretical computer science, Operating system. Computer Organization and

Architecture .

Course Objectives:

To understand the role and functionality of various system programs over application

2 To understand basic concepts, structure and design of assemblers, macro processors.

To understand the basic principles of compiler design, its various constituent parts,
algorithms and data structures are required to be used in the compiler.

To understand the need to follow the syntax in writing an application program and to learn
4 how the analysis phase of the compiler is designed to understand the programmer’s
requirements without ambiguity.

To synthesize the analysis phase outcomes to produce the object code that is efficient in
terms of space and execution time.

Course Outcomes:

1 Identify the relevance of different system programs.

2 Explore various data structures used for assembler design.

3 Explore various data structures used for macro processor design.

4 Understand fundamentals analysis phase of compiler design.

Explore different methods for intermediate code generations and machine code optimization
techniques for the synthesis phase of compiler design.

6 Apply various Error Recovery mechanisms.

Content Hours

1 Introduction to System Software

Concept of System Software, Goals of system software, system

program and system programming, Introduction to various system 2
1.1 programs such as Assembler, Macro processor, Loader, Linker,
Compiler, Interpreter, Device Drivers, Operating system, Editors,

2 Assemblers
2.1 Elements of Assembly Language programming, Assembly scheme, pass
structure of assembler, Assembler Design: Two pass assembler Design
(IBM 360/370) and data structures used.

3 Macros and Macro Processor

Introduction, Macro definition and call, Features of Macro facility: 6

3.1 Simple, parameterized, conditional and nested. Design of Two pass
macro processor, data structures used.

4 Compilers: Analysis Phase

Introduction to compilers, Phases of compilers:

4.1 Lexical Analysis- Role of Finite State Automata in Lexical Analysis,
Design of Lexical analyzer, data structures used. 10

Syntax Analysis- Types of Parsers: Top down parser- LL(1), Bottom up

4.2 parser- SR Parser, Operator precedence parser, SLR.
Semantic Analysis: Syntax directed definitions.

5 Compilers: Synthesis phase

Intermediate Code Generation: Types of Intermediate codes: Syntax

tree, Postfix notation, three address codes: Triples and Quadruples,
indirect triple.
Code Optimization: Need and sources of optimization, Code
optimization techniques: Machine Dependent and Machine
Code Generation: Issues in the design of code generator,
code generation algorithm. Basic block and flow graph.

6 Runtime Environment Management

Data Structures for symbol table, representing scope information,

Error detection and recovery, Error handling Storage allocation
strategies, parameter passing, introduction to garbage collection and

Total 39

D. M Dhamdhere: Systems programming and Operating Systems, Tata McGraw Hill,

Revised Second Edition

A. V. Aho, R. Shethi, Monica Lam, J.D. Ulman: Compilers Principles, Techniques and
Tools, Pearson Education, Second Edition.

3 J. J. Donovan: Systems Programming Tata McGraw Hill, Edition 1991

Reference Books:

John R. Levine, Tony Mason & Doug Brown, Lex & YACC, O ‘Reilly publication, second

2 D, M .Dhamdhere ,Compiler construction 2e, Macmillan publication, second edition .

3 Kenneth C. Louden ,Compiler construction: principles and practices, Cengage Learning

Leland L. Beck, System software: An introduction to system programming, Pearson

publication, Third Edition

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will be
one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by the
subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by small report and

3 5 Marks
certificate of participation relevant to the subject

4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks

Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on recent trends in the
5 10 Marks
said course

6 Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment / Question paper solution 10 Marks

7 NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4 weeks or more 10 Marks

8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3 then part
(b) will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code: Course Title Credit

CSC602 Cryptography & System Security 3

Prerequisite: Computer Networks

Course Objectives:

1 To introduce system security goals, ethical hacking and system security concepts.

To explore the classical encryption techniques, working principles and utilities of

2 various cryptographic algorithms including secret key cryptography, hashes and
message digests, and public key algorithms.

To explore the design issues and working principles of various authentication protocols,
3 PKI standards and various secure communication standards including Kerberos, IPsec,
and SSL/TLS.

To develop the ability to use existing cryptographic utilities to build programs for secure

5 To understand cyber crimes and cyber security.

Course Outcomes:

Understand system security goals, ethical hacking and concepts, analyze and apply
system security concepts to recognize malicious code.

Understand classical encryption techniques, compare and apply different encryption and
decryption techniques to solve problems related to confidentiality and authentication

Understand and analyze the symmetric public-key cryptography, RSA and other
public-key cryptosystems ,the key distribution and management schemes

Apply different message digest and digital signature algorithms to verify integrity and
achieve authentication and design secure applications

Understand network security basics, analyze different attacks on networks and evaluate
5 the performance of firewalls and security protocols like SSL, IPSec, and PGP and

6 Understand various cyber crimes and cyber security

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction - Number Theory and Basic Cryptography

Security Goals, Attacks, Services and Mechanisms, Techniques.

Concept of Ethical Hacking and essential 8
terminologies-Threat,Attack,Vulnerabilities, Reconnaissance and
System Security: Buffer Overflow, malicious Programs: Worms and

Modular Arithmetic: Euclidean Algorithm, Fermat‘s and Euler‘s

Classical Encryption techniques, Symmetric cipher model,
monoalphabetic and polyalphabetic substitution techniques: Vigenere
cipher, playfair cipher, Hill cipher, transposition techniques: keyed and
keyless transposition ciphers

Symmetric and Asymmetric key Cryptography and key


Block cipher principles, block cipher modes of operation, DES,

2.1 Double DES, Triple DES, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 8
Introduction to Stream Ciphers

Public key cryptography: Principles of public key cryptosystems- The

RSA Cryptosystem

3 Cryptographic Hash Functions & Key Distribution

Cryptographic Hash Functions: Properties of secure hash function,

SHA-512, MAC, HMAC 6
Symmetric Key Distribution: KDC, Needham-schroeder protocol.
Kerberos: Kerberos Authentication protocol, Symmetric key
Diffie Hellman, Public key Distribution: Digital Certificate: X.509

4 Authentication Protocols & Digital Signature Schemes

User Authentication, Entity Authentication: Password Base, Challenge 4

Response Based

Digital Signature, Attacks on Digital Signature, Digital Signature

Scheme: RSA.

5 Network Security and Applications

Network security basics: TCP/IP vulnerabilities (Layer wise), Network

Attacks: Packet Sniffing, ARP spoofing, port scanning, IP spoofing.
Denial of Service: DOS attacks, ICMP flood, SYN flood, UDP flood,
Distributed Denial of Service.

Internet Security Protocols: SSL, IPSEC, PGP.

Network security: IDS, Firewalls.

6 Cyber Crime And Cyber Security

CyberCrime and Information Security, Classifications of Cyber Crimes

6.1 – Tools and Methods –Password Cracking, Keyloggers, Spywares, 5
SQL Injection – Network Access Control.

6.2 Web Security: Electronic Payment SET.

Total 39

William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security, Principles and Practice”, 6th
Edition, Pearson Education, March 2013

2 Behrouz A. Ferouzan, “Cryptography & Network Security”, Tata McGraw Hill

Behrouz A. Forouzan & Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, “Cryptography and Network Security” 3rd
Edition, McGraw Hill

Nina Godbole, Sunit Belapure, “Cyber Security: Understanding Cyber crimes, Computer
Forensics and Legal Perspectives”, First Edition, Wiley India, 2011.

Open Source Intelligence Methods and Tools: A Practical Guide to Online Intelligence by
Nihad A. Hassan (Author), Rami Hijazi (Author)

Reference Books:

Bruce Schneier, “Applied Cryptography, Protocols Algorithms and Source Code in C”, Second
Edition, Wiley.

2 Atul Kahate, “Cryptography and Network Security”, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2003.

Charles Pfleeger, Shari Pfleeger, Jonathan Margulies, "Security in Computing", Fifth Edition,
Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2015.

4 Eric Cole, “Network Security Bible”, Second Edition, Wiley, 2011.

OSINT Techniques - Resources for Uncovering Online Information - 10th Edition (2023) by
Michael Bazzell

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will
be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by
the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by small report and

3 5 Marks
certificate of participation relevant to the subject

4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks

Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on recent trends in the
5 10 Marks
said course
6 Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment / Question paper solution 10 Marks

7 NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4 weeks or more 10 Marks

8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3 then
part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Title Credit

CSC603 Mobile Computing 3

Prerequisite: Computer Networks

Course Objectives:

To introduce the basic concepts and principles in mobile computing. This includes major
1 techniques involved, and networks & systems issues for the design and implementation of
mobile computing systems and applications.

2 To explore both theoretical and practical issues of mobile computing.

To provide an opportunity for students to understand the key components and technologies
3 involved and to gain hands-on experiences in building mobile applications.

Course Outcomes:

1 To identify basic concepts and principles in computing, cellular architecture.

2 To describe architecture and interfaces of GSM,GPRS , UTRAN,LTE,VoLTE and SON-LTE

3 To describe the concepts of Infrastructure based WLAN and its standards.

4 To identify Ad hoc WLAN networks- Bluetooth, MANET and VANET.

5 To identify various components and components of Mobile IP and Mobile TCP

6 To describe advancements in the field of mobile communication

Content Hours

1 Introduction to Mobile Computing

Introduction to Mobile Computing, Electromagnetic Spectrum, 4

1.1 Telecommunication Generations, Cellular systems, Spread Spectrum:
DSSS & FHSS, Co-channel interference

2 Cellular Networks

GSM Mobile services, System Architecture, Localization and Calling,

Handover, GSM security (A3, A5 & A8)

2.2 GPRS system and protocol architecture 9

2.3 MTS , LTE, Voice over LTE (VoLTE)

Self-Organizing Network (SON-LTE), Comparison between Different

Generations (2G, 3G, 4G and 5G)
3 Wireless Local Area Networks - Infrastructure

Wireless Local Area Networks: Introduction, Infrastructure and ad-hoc

3.1 network, Medium Access Protocol: CSMA/CA, MACA (with
Hidden/Exposed station problems) 6

IEEE 802.11:System architecture , Protocol architecture , Physical layer,

3.2 Medium access control layer, MAC management, 802.11x, WiFi
Security: WEP ,WPA

4 Wireless Local Area Networks - Adhoc Networks

4.1 Bluetooth: Introduction, User Scenario, Architecture, protocol stack 8

4.2 MANETs : DSR, DSDV, AODV, VANETs : Architecture

5 Mobile Networking

Mobile IP: IP Packet Delivery, Agent Advertisement and Discovery,

5.1 Registration, Tunneling and Encapsulation, Reverse Tunneling.
Mobility Management : Introduction, IP Mobility, Optimization 8

Mobile TCP: Traditional TCP, Classical TCP Improvements like Indirect

5.2 TCP, Snooping TCP & Mobile TCP, Fast Retransmit/ Fast Recovery,
Transmission/Timeout Freezing, Selective Retransmission

6 Trends in Mobile Computing

IOT Mobile App , AI Mobile App, Mobile Cloud Computing, Edge
Computing, AR/VR Applications, M Commerce, Mobile Cross Platform

Total 39

1 Jochen Schiller,‖Mobile Communication, Addision wesley,Pearson Education

.Wireless Communications & Networks,By William Stallings, Second Edition, Pearson


3 Raj Kamal, Mobile Computing, 2/e , Oxford University Press-New Delhi

Reference Books:

LTE Self-Organizing Networks (SON): Network Management Automation for Operational

Efficiency, Seppo Hamalainen, Henning Sanneck , Cinzia Sartori, Wiley publications

Christopher Cox, ―An Introduction to LTE: LTE, LTE-Advanced, SAE and 4G Mobile
Communications,‖ Wiley publications

Mobility Protocols and Handover Optimization: Design, Evaluation and Application By

Ashutosh Dutta, Henning Schulzrinne, IEEE Press, Wiley Publication

4 Michael Gregg, ―Build your own security lab,‖ Wiley India edition

Emerging Wireless Technologies and the Future Mobile Internet, Dipankar Raychaudhuri, Mario
Gerla, Cambridge.

6 Andreas F.Molisch, ―Wireless Communications,‖ Second Edition, Wiley Publications.

Agilent Technologies, Moray Rumney ,“LTE and the Evolution to 4G Wireless_ Design and
Measurement Challenges”,Wiley Publication(2013)

8 Jonathan Rodriguez - Fundamentals of 5G Mobile Networks-Wiley (2015)

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will
be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by
the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by small report and

3 5 Marks
certificate of participation relevant to the subject

4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks

Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on recent trends in

5 10 Marks
the said course
Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment / Question paper
6 10 Marks

7 NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4 weeks or more 10 Marks

8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Title Credit

CSC604 Artificial Intelligence 3

Prerequisite: Discrete Mathematics, Data Structures, Analysis of Algorithms

Course Objectives:

To conceptualize the basic ideas and techniques underlying the design of

intelligent systems.

To understand problem formulation and various searching techniques for solving


To analyze and create knowledge base, represent knowledge and apply reasoning using
AI language.

4 To impart the knowledge of various types of planning and forms of learning

Course Outcomes:

Develop a basic understanding of AI building blocks presented in intelligent


2 Analyze appropriate searching techniques for problem solving.

3 Understand adversarial search algorithms to develop gaming applications.

4 Apply knowledge base and reasoning for a given problem.

5 Plan and design an AI model using appropriate learning methods

6 Design and develop AI applications in real world scenarios

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Agents

Introduction, History of Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Systems:

Categorization of Intelligent System, Components of AI. 4
1.1 Intelligent Agents: Agents and Environments, The concept of rationality,
The nature of environment, The structure of Agents, Types of Agents,
Learning Agents.

2 Problem Solving and Searching Techniques

Solving problems by Searching: Problem Solving Agent, Formulating

Problems, Example Problems.
Uninformed Search Methods: Breadth First Search (BFS), Depth First
Search (DFS), Uniform Cost Search, Depth Limited Search, Depth First
Iterative Deepening (DFID), Informed Search Methods: Greedy best
first Search, A* Search, Memory bounded heuristic Search.

3 Optimization and Adversarial Search

Local Search Algorithms and Optimization Problems: Hill climbing
search Simulated annealing, Local beam search, Genetic algorithms

Adversarial Search: Game Playing, Min-Max Search, Alpha Beta


4 Knowledge and Reasoning

Knowledge based Agents, Brief Overview of propositional logic, First

4.1 Order Logic: Syntax and Semantic, Inference in FOL, Forward
chaining, backward Chaining. 10

Knowledge Engineering in First-Order Logic, Unification, Resolution,

Various approaches to Knowledge Representation.

Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning: Uncertainty, Representing

4.3 knowledge in an uncertain domain, Introduction to Bayesian Belief

5 Planning and Learning

The planning problem, Planning with state space search, Partial order
5.1 planning, Hierarchical planning and Introduction to Planning and Acting
in Nondeterministic Domain. 8

Learning: Forms of Learning, Theory of Learning, PAC learning.

5.2 Introduction to Reinforcement learning: Learning from Rewards,
Passive Reinforcement Learning, Active reinforcement Learning.

6 AI tools and Industrial Trends

AI tools : Stable diffusion using Dreamstudio, Lumen5, Deep Nostalgia,

6.1 4

6.2 Industrial trends in AI : Generative AI, Ethics and regulation

Total 39

Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig, "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach”, Fourth
Edition" Pearson Education, 2020.

2 Saroj Kaushik, “Artificial Intelligence”, Cengage Learning, First edition, 2011

George F Luger, “Artificial Intelligence” Low Price Edition, Fourth edition, Pearson

Practical Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning, Bots, and Agent Solutions Using C#,
Arnaldo Pérez Castaño

Applied Artificial Intelligence: A Handbook For Business Leaders, Mariya Yao, Adelyn
Zhou, Marlene Jia.

Reference Books:

1 Nils J. Nilsson, Principles of Artificial Intelligence, Narosa Publication.

2 Deepak Khemani, A First Course in Artificial Intelligence, McGraw Hill Publication

3 Patrick H. Winston, Artificial Intelligence, 3rd edition, Pearson Education

Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight, "Artificial Intelligence”, Third Edition, McGraw Hill

AI-Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving., George Lugar, . 4/e, 2002,
Pearson Education

6 https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse473/06sp/pddl.pdf

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will
be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by
the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by small report and

3 5 Marks
certificate of participation relevant to the subject

4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks

Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on recent trends in the
5 10 Marks
said course

6 Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment / Question paper solution 10 Marks

7 NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4 weeks or more 10 Marks

8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3 then
part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Title Credit

CSDLO6011 Internet of Things (IoT) 3

Prerequisite: C programming, Digital Logic and Computer Architecture, Microprocessor, Computer


Course Objectives:

To equip students with the fundamental knowledge and basic technical competence in
the field of the Internet of Things (IoT).

2 To emphasize to learn core IoT functional Stack and application layer protocols

To study and understand the different sensors, actuators, and IoT enabling technologies
IoT and apply the knowledge to IoT industries.

To examine prototyping boards like Arduino and Raspberry Pi to develop useful projects
or products.

Course Outcomes:

Understand the concepts of IoT and the Things in IoT. Understand the concepts of the
IoT and its architecture.

2 Describe the things in IoT and IoT enabling technologies.

3 Understand the core IoT functional Stack and application protocols for IoT.

4 Apply the knowledge to build a small application using development boards.

5 Apply IoT knowledge to key industries that IoT is revolutionizing.

6 Gain and apply the knowledge to integrate AI with IoT for necessary applications.

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) and IoT Architecture

What is IoT? - IoT and Digitization, Convergence of IT and OT, IoT


1.2 Drivers Behind New Network Architectures 7

Comparing IoT Architectures: The oneM2M IoT Standardized

Architecture, The IoT World Forum (IoTWF) Standardized Architecture

1.4 A Simplified IoT Architecture

2 The “Things” in IoT and Enabling IoT Technologies

Sensors and actuators definition, principles, classifications, types,

2.1 7
characteristics, and specifications
2.2 Smart Objects: A Definition, Trends in Smart Objects

Sensor Networks – Architecture of Wireless Sensor Network, Network


Enabling IoT Technologies - Radio Frequency Identification Technology,

Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), NFC (Near Field
Communication),Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), LTE-A (LTE Advanced),
IEEE 802.15.4–Standardization and Alliances, ZigBee

3 Core IoT Functional Stack and application layer protocols

The Core IoT Functional Stack

Layer 1 – Things: Sensors and Actuators Layer
Layer 2 – Communications Network Layer, Access Network Sublayer,
3.1 Gateways and Backhaul Sublayer, Network Transport Sublayer, IoT
Network Management Sublayer
Layer 3 – Applications and Analytics Layer, Analytics Vs. Control
Applications, Data Vs. Network Analytics 10

IoT Data Management and Compute Stack – Design considerations and

3.2 Data related problems, Fog Computing, Edge Computing, The Hierarchy
of Edge, Fog and Cloud

IoT Application Transport Methods, Application Layer Protocol Not

3.3 Present, SCADA, Generic Web-Based Protocols,Application Layer
protocols: COAP, MQTT and REST API

4 Build your own IoT

Introduction to Arduino- Features, pin configuration, interfacing to

build an application 5

Introduction to RaspberryPi- Features, pin configuration, interfacing to

build an application. Comparison of Arduino and RaspberryPi

5 IoT applications

Home Automation and smart cities – Smart Parking, Smart Lighting,

Smart Appliances,smart roads

5.2 Health & Lifestyle – Health & Fitness Monitoring, Wearable Electronics

5.3 Agriculture – Smart Irrigation, GreenHouse Control, Precision agriculture

Industry – Machine Diagnostics & Prognosis, Indoor Air Quality


5.5 Logistics – Route Generation & Scheduling, Shipment Monitoring

Environment – Weather Monitoring, Air Pollution Monitoring, Noise

Pollution Monitoring, Forest Fire Detection

5.7 Energy – Smart Grids, Renewable Energy Systems

Retail – Inventory Management, Smart Payments, Smart Vending


6 IIoT: Industrial Internet of Things and AIoT: Integration of AI with IoT

6.1 Introduction to IIoT, challenges and applications

6.2 Introduction to AIoT, Necessity, Benefit and applications

Total 39


David Hanes, Gonzalo Salgueiro, Patrick Grossetete, Rob Barton, Jerome Henry, “IoT
1 Fundamentals – Networking Technologies, Protocols, and Use Cases for the Internet of
Things”, 1st Edition, Published by Pearson Education, Inc, publishing as Cisco Press, 2017

Hakima Chaouchi, “The Internet of Things - Connecting Objects to the Web”, 1st Edition,
Wiley, 2010

3 Perry Lea, “Internet of things For Architects”, 1st Edition, Packt Publication, 2018

Arshdeep Bahga, Vijay Madisetti, “Internet of Things – Hands-On Approach”, 2nd Edition,
Universities Press, 2016.

Reference Books:

Adrian McEwen & Hakim Cassimally, “Designing the Internet of Things”, 1st Edition, Wiley,

2 Donald Norris, “Raspberry Pi – Projects for the Evil Genius”, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2014.

3 Anand Tamboli ,“Build Your Own IoT Platform”, 1st Edition, Apress, 2019.

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will be
one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by the
subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by small report and

3 5 Marks
certificate of participation relevant to the subject

4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks

Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on recent trends in the
5 10 Marks
said course
6 Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment / Question paper solution 10 Marks

7 NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4 weeks or more 10 Marks

8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3 then part
(b) will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code: Course Title Credit

CSDLO6012 Digital Signal & Image Processing 3

Prerequisite: Applied Engineering Mathematics

Course Objectives:

1 To understand the fundamental concepts of digital signal processing and Image processing

2 To explore DFT for 1-D and 2-D signal and FFT for 1-D signal

3 To apply processing techniques on 1-D and Image signals

4 To apply digital image processing techniques for edge detection

Course Outcomes:

1 Understand the concept of DT Signal and DT Systems

2 Classify and analyze discrete time signals and systems

3 Implement Digital Signal Transform techniques DFT and FFT

Differentiate between the advantages and disadvantages of different edge detection


5 Use the enhancement techniques for digital Image Processing

6 Apply image segmentation techniques

Module Content Hours

1 Discrete-Time Signal and Discrete-Time System

1.1 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing, Sampling and Reconstruction,

Standard DT Signals, Concept of Digital Frequency, Representation of
DT signal using Standard DT Signals, Signal Manipulations (shifting,
reversal, scaling, addition, multiplication).

1.2 Classification of Discrete-Time Signals, Classification of 10


1.3 Linear Convolution formulation for 1-D signal (without mathematical

proof), Circular Convolution (without mathematical proof), Linear
convolution using Circular Convolution. Auto and Cross Correlation
formula evaluation, Concept of LTI system, Output of DT system using
Time Domain Linear Convolution.

2 Discrete Fourier Transform 5

2.1 Introduction to DTFT, DFT, Relation between DFT and DTFT, IDFT
Properties of DFT without mathematical proof (Scaling and Linearity,
Periodicity, Time Shift and Frequency Shift, Time Reversal,
Convolution Property and Parseval’s Energy Theorem). DFT
computation using DFT properties.

2.3 Convolution of long sequences, Introduction to 2-D DFT

3 Fast Fourier Transform

3.1 Need of FFT, Radix-2 DIT-FFT algorithm

3.2 DIT-FFT Flow graph for N=4 and 8, Inverse FFT algorithm

3.3 Spectral Analysis using FFT

4 Digital Image Fundamentals

Introduction to Digital Image, Digital Image Processing System,

Sampling and Quantization
4.2 Representation of Digital Image, Connectivity

4.3 Image File Formats: BMP, TIFF and JPEG.

5 Image Enhancement in Spatial domain

5.1 Gray Level Transformations, Zero Memory Point Operations,

5.2 Histogram Processing, Histogram equalization. 9

Neighborhood processing, Image averaging, Image Subtraction,

5.3 Smoothing Filters - Low pass averaging, Sharpening Filters-High Pass
Filter, High Boost Filter, Median Filter for reduction of noise

6 Image Segmentation

6.1 Fundamentals, Segmentation based on Discontinuities and Similarities

Point, line and Edge Detection, Image edge detection using Robert, 6
Prewitt and Sobel masks, Image edge Detection using Laplacian mask

Region based segmentation: Region Growing, Region Splitting and


Total 39

John G. Proakis, Dimitris and G .Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing: Principles,

Algorithms, and Applications”, 4th Edition, Pearson Education, 2007

2 A. Anand Kumar, “Digital Signal Processing”, 2nd Edition, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 2014

Rafel C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, “Digital Image Processing”, Pearson Education
Asia, 4th Edition, 2018.

4 S. Sridhar, “Digital Image Processing”, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, 2012.

Reference Books:

Sanjit Mitra, “Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based Approach”, 4th Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2013

S. Salivahanan, A. Vallavaraj, and C. Gnanapriya, “Digital Signal Processing”, 2nd Edition,

Tata McGraw Hill Publication, 2011.

S. Jayaraman, E. Esakkirajan and T. Veerkumar, “Digital Image Processing”, 3rd Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill Education Private Ltd, 2009.

Anil K. Jain, “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall of India
Private Ltd,.1989

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will be
one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by the
subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by small report and

3 5 Marks
certificate of participation relevant to the subject

4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks

Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on recent trends in the
5 10 Marks
said course

6 Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment / Question paper solution 10 Marks

7 NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4 weeks or more 10 Marks

8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3 then part
(b) will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code: Course Title Credit

CSDLO6013 Quantitative Analysis 3

Prerequisite: Applied Mathematics

Course Objectives:

1 Introduction to the basic concepts in Statistics

2 Understand the concept of data collection & sampling methods.

3 Introduction to Correlation and Regression

4 Introduction to Multiple Linear Regression

5 Draw inference using Probability Distributions

6 Tests of Hypothesis

Course Outcomes:

1 Recognize the need of Statistics and Quantitative Analysis

2 Apply the data collection and the sampling methods.

3 Analyze using concepts of Correlation and Simple Linear Regression

4 Analyze using concepts of Multiple Linear Regression

5 Apply the concept of Probability Distributions in real life examples

6 Apply Testing of Hypothesis

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction to Statistics

Functions – Importance – Uses and Limitations of Statistics. Statistical 4

1.1 data– Classification, Tabulation, Diagrammatic & Graphic
representation of data

2 Data Collection & Sampling Methods

Primary & Secondary data, Sources of data, Methods of collecting data. 6

2.1 Sampling – Census & Sample methods –Methods of sampling,
Probability Sampling and Non-Probability Sampling

3 Introduction to Regression
3.1 Mathematical and Statistical Equation – Meaning of Intercept and Slope
– Error term – Measure for Model Fit –R2 – MAE – MAPE.
4 Introduction to Multiple Linear Regression

Multiple Linear Regression Model, Partial Regression Coefficients, 6

4.1 Testing Significance overall significance of Overall fit of the model,
Testing for Individual Regression Coefficients

5 Probability Distributions
Binomial Distribution, Poisson Distribution, Normal Distribution,
Standard Normal Variate, Central Limit Theorem, Chi-Square Test

6 Tests of Hypothesis

Hypothesis, Null and Alternative hypothesis,

6.1 Types of errors: Type - I and Type - II errors, One Tailed and Two
Tailed Test, Student’s t-distribution (Small Samples test), z-test (Large
Samples Test),

Total 39


1 Agarwal, B.L. (2006):-Basic Statistics. Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi

2 Gupta, S. P. (2011):-Statistical Methods. Sultan chand & Sons, New Delhi

3 Sivathanu Pillai, M & Rajagopal, K. R. (1979):-Statistics for Economics Students.

Hogg ,R.V. and Craig, A.T.(2006), An introduction to mathematical statistics, Amerind


Reference Books:

Arora, P.N., SumeetArora, S. Arora (2007):- Comprehensive Statistical Methods. Sultan

Chand, New Delhi

Montgomery,D.C. ,Peck E.A, & Vining G.G.(2003). Introduction to Linear

Regression Analysis. John Wiley and Sons,Inc.NY

Mood AM, Graybill FA, and Boes, D.C.(1985), Introduction to the theory of
statistics, McGrawhill Book Company, New Delhi.

Kapur, J.N. and Saxena,H.C.(1970), Mathematical statistics, Sultan Chand & company,
New Delhi..

Internal Assessment:
Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The Mid
Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will be one

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by the
subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by small report and

3 5 Marks
certificate of participation relevant to the subject

4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks

Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on recent trends in the said
5 10 Marks

6 Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment / Question paper solution 10 Marks

7 NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4 weeks or more 10 Marks

8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3 then part
(b) will be from any other module other than module 3

4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of respective
lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSL601 System Programming and Compiler Construction Lab 1

Prerequisite: Theoretical computer science, Operating system. Computer Organization and


Lab Objectives:

1 To understand the basic concepts and designing of assembler and macro processor.

2 To Explore the analysis and synthesis phase of the compiler.

3 To understand the role of compiler generation tools like LEx and YACC.

Lab Outcomes:

1 Generate machine code by implementing two pass assemblers.

2 Implement a two pass macro processor.

3 Parse the given input string by constructing Top down/Bottom-up parser.

Identify and Validate tokens for given high level language and Implement synthesis phase
of compiler.

5. Explore LEX & YACC tools and implement phases of compiler using the same.

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 10 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

1 Implementation of Lexical Analyzer in C / Java / Python.

Implement Lexical Analyzer using FLEX

a. Count no of Vowels & Consonants.
b. Count no of Words, characters & lines
2 c. Count no of keywords,identifiers & operators.
d. Identify Even & odd integers.
e. Count of printf & scanf statements in C program.
f. Classify English words as verbs, adverbs, adjectives etc..

3 Implementation of Left Recursion Removal.

4 Write a program to find FIRST & FOLLOW Symbols for the given grammar.

Implement Syntax Analyzer(LL1) using C / Java / Python

a. Generate the Predictive Parsing Table (take FIRST and FOLLOW as input for any
5 grammar).
b. Perform Parsing action for valid & invalid inputs based on the Parsing Table

6 Implement programs using parser generator tool : YACC

a. Implement Simple Calculator.
b. Recognize nested ‘If’ statements and display levels.
c. Write a program to recognize a valid variable in C language.

7 Implement code optimization techniques.

8 Implement Intermediate Code Generation using LEX and YACC.

9 Implement data structure for Pass-1 of Two Pass Assembler.

10 Implement Pass-2 of Two Pass Assembler taking required data structure as input.

11 Implement data structure for two Pass Macro-Processor.

Useful Links:

1 https://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/flex.htm

2 https://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/bison.htm

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

Total 25 Marks
4 (Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSC601 and CSL601 syllabus
Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSL602 Cryptography & System Security Lab 1

Prerequisite: Computer Network

Lab Objectives:

1 To apply various encryption techniques

2 To study and implement various security mechanism

3 To explore the network security concept and tools

4 To incorporate ethical usage of OSINT tools

Lab Outcomes:

1 Apply the knowledge of symmetric and asymmetric cryptography to implement simple ciphers.

2 Explore the different network reconnaissance tools to gather information about networks

Explore and use tools like sniffers, port scanners and other related tools for analysing packets in
a Network.

Set up firewalls and intrusion detection systems using open-source technologies and to explore
email security.

5 Explore various attacks like buffer-overflow and web application attacks.

6 Use Open Source Intelligent tools for analysis of fake news, image, video data.

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 10 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

Design and Implementation using Substitution ciphers:Caesar Cipher Auto Key Cipher,
PlayFair Cipher

Design and Implementation using Transposition ciphers:Keyed transposition cipher, Keyless

transposition Cipher

(i) Implementation and analysis of RSA cryptosystem.

(ii) Implementation of Diffie Hellman Key exchange algorithm

For varying message sizes, test integrity of message and analyse the performance of the
protocols. Use crypt APIs.

(i) Download and install nmap. Use it with different options to scan open ports, perform OS
fingerprinting, do a ping scan, tcp port scan, UDP port scan, xmas scan etc.
(ii) Detects ARP spoofing using nmap and/or open-source tool ARPWATCH and wireshark.
Use arping tool to generate gratuitous arps and monitor using wireshark

6 (i) Explore the GPG tool of linux to implement email security

(ii) SQL injection attack, Cross-Site Scripting attack simulation

Using OSINT tools such as (theHarvester) you can gather information like emails,
7 subdomains, hosts, employee names, open ports and banners from different public sources like
search engines, PGP key servers.

(i) Utilize website crawling OSINT tools to gather a comprehensive list of URLs, internal
links, and structure of the website.
8 (ii) Use OSINT Tools to identify the technologies and frameworks used by the website, such
as content management systems (CMS), server software, programming languages, or analytics
tools and create vulnerability reports.

Determine the geolocation (country, city, or approximate location) of each IP address (atleast
10) One can use online IP geolocation tools, databases, and various techniques to gather
information and accurately identify the physical location associated with each IP
Link: https://www.kali.org/tools/spiderfoot/

Case Study /Seminar: Topic beyond syllabus related to topics covered.

10 Example: Fake News detection - Analyze at least 5 OSINT tools to detect, verify,
authenticate, fake news and report .

Useful Links:

1 https://www.kali.org/tools/theharvester/

2 https://www.kali.org/tools/spiderfoot/

3 https://www.kali.org/tools/gospider/

4 https://seon.io/try-for-free/

5 https://help.shodan.io/command-line-interface/0-installation

6 https://www.kali.org/tools/recon-ng/

7 https://www.kali.org/tools/metagoofil/

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

Total 25 Marks
4 (Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSC602 and CSL602

Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSL603 Mobile Computing Lab 1

Prerequisite: Computer network

Lab Objectives:

1 To learn , design,develop and deploy mobile applications for popular platforms

2 To Learn and apply UI/UX design principles for mobile interface development

Lab Outcomes:

1 Design Mobile Application UI keeping principles of UI design

2 Implement creative UI using Animations,Navigation and Multiple screens

3 Implement forms and storage for mobile applications and data handling using RESTFUL API

4 Implement user data security with authentication and authorization

5 Implement multimedia and device features

6 To test and optimize the designed UI

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 10 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

Title : Basic UI Design

Objective: Understand the fundamentals of UI design for mobile applications.
● Introduction to mobile UI design principles and guidelines.
● Analyze popular mobile apps to identify common UI elements.
● Design a basic UI layout using wireframing tools like Figma / Adobe XD
● Implement basic UI elements such as buttons, text fields, and labels.
● Experiment with different layout options and color schemes.
● Test the UI design on a mobile device or emulator for usability and

Title : Implementing Animations

Objective: Explore animations and create visually appealing UI effects.
● Build an app that incorporates animations.
● Experiment with different animation types such as fade-ins, slide transitions, or
rotation effects.
● Apply animations to widgets, screens, or specific UI elements to enhance the
user experience.

Title : Navigation and Multiple Screens

Objective: Understanding Screen Navigation using buttons or gestures.
Experiment :
● Expand on the previous experiment by adding multiple screens to your mobile
● Implement navigation between screens using buttons or gestures.
● Experiment with different navigation patterns such as tab bars or side menus.

Title : Data Input and Storage

Objective : To understand working of forms and storage in mobile app
Experiment :
● Add functionality to input data into your app, such as a form or questionnaire.
● Explore different data input controls like checkboxes, dropdowns, and sliders.
● Store and retrieve data using local storage or a simple database like SQLite.

Title : RESTFUL API Integration

Objective : To learn Data handling using API’s
Experiment :
● Make your own API to Connect your mobile app (Flask / Django)
● Connect your mobile app to an external API (e.g., weather, news, or social media
● Retrieve data from the API and display it in your app.
● Implement basic error handling and data validation.

Title : User Authentication and Authorization

Objective: To implement data security with authentication and authorization
● Implement user registration and login functionality in your app.
● Use a standard secure authentication mechanism
● Restrict access to certain app features based on user roles or permissions.

Title : Multimedia Features

Objective: To learn handling on multimedia content on mobile app
● Incorporate multimedia features like the camera, photo gallery, or audio/video
● Implement a QR code scanner

Title : Device Features

● Experiment with device-specific features like
a. GPS
b. Bluetooth
c. Biometric
d. Accelerometer
e. Gyroscope
● Implement features like shake detection, tilt control, or step counting.

Title : UI Testing(using UI Automator)

Objective: To test the how different features are supported by the UI
9 ● Add UIAutomator library dependency
● Create a UIAutomator test
● Write the test case
● Run the test

Title : Performance Testing

Objective: To use standard tools to test the performance of the app (Eg: Espresso /
● Analyze and optimize your app's performance, including startup time, response
time, and memory usage.
● Test your app on different devices and network conditions to identify and address
performance bottlenecks.

Title : Optimization
Objective: To optimize the performance of the app in different scenarios (Eg: Espresso /
● Implement techniques like lazy loading, caching, or background processing to
improve performance.

Useful Links:

1 https://www.coursera.org/learn/smart-device-mobile-emerging-technologies 2

2 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/106/106106167/

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

Total 25 Marks
4 (Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSC603 and CSL603

Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSL604 Artificial Intelligence Lab 1

Prerequisite: Theoretical computer science, Operating system. Computer Organization and


Lab Objectives:

1 To realize the basic techniques to build expert systems

2 To apply appropriate search techniques used in problem solving

3 To create knowledge base and apply reasoning for real world problems

4 To distinguish between various planning and learning techniques

Lab Outcomes:

1 Identify languages and technologies for Artificial Intelligence

Understand and implement uninformed, informed and local searching techniques for real
world problems.

3 Create a knowledge base and apply reasoning using any AI language

4 Identify and analyze the appropriate planning and learning techniques.

5 Design and implement expert systems for real world problems.

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 10 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

Identify and formulate an appropriate real world problem statement relevant to AI and
define its PEAS descriptor and various properties of the environment.

2 Implement Family Tree / Tower of Hanoi / Water Jug Problem in PROLOG

Implement any one of the uninformed Searching algorithms (BFS / DFS / DLS / IDDFS)
by identifying and analyzing the given problem to reach the goal state.

Implement A* search algorithm by identifying and analyzing the given problem to reach
the goal state.

5 Implement Adversarial search for Game playing algorithms.

Implement Local Search algorithm for optimization : Hill climbing search / Genetic

To create a knowledge base for a Rule based Expert System in a real world scenario
using FOL in PROLOG.
8 Identify, analyze, implement a planning problem using PDDL

9 Implement passive or active reinforcement learning.

Implement AI trends using any one of the AI tools - Dreamstudio, Looka, Lumen5, Deep

Useful Links:


2 https://influencermarketinghub.com/ai-trends


Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance
of laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

Total 25 Marks
4 (Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSC604 and CSL604

Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSL605 Cloud Computing Lab 2

Prerequisite: Computer Networks

Lab Objectives:

1 To make students familiar with key concepts of virtualization.

To make students familiar with various deployment models of cloud such as private,
2 public, hybrid and community so that they start using and adopting appropriate types of
cloud for their application.

To make students familiar with various service models such as IaaS, SaaS, PaaS and
Security as a Service (SECaaS) .

To make students familiar with security and privacy issues in cloud computing and how
to address them.

Lab Outcomes:

1 Implement different types of virtualization techniques.

Analyze various cloud computing service models and implement them to solve the given

Design and develop real world web applications and deploy them on commercial

4 Explore security issues in the cloud and mechanisms to address them.

Explore various commercially available cloud services with their features and
recommend the appropriate one for the given application.

6 Implement the concept of containerization

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 10 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

Title: Introduction and overview of cloud computing.

Objective: To understand the origin of cloud computing, cloud cube model, NIST model,
characteristics of cloud, different deployment models, service models, advantages and

Title: To study and implement Hosted Virtualization using VirtualBox & KVM.
Objective: To know the concept of Virtualization along with their types, structures and
2 mechanisms. This experiment should demonstrate the creating and running Virtual
machines inside hosted hypervisors like VirtualBox and KVM with their comparison
based on various virtualization parameters.
Title: To study and Implement Bare-metal Virtualization using Xen, HyperV or VMware
Objective: To understand the functionality of Bare-metal hypervisors and their relevance
in cloud computing platforms. This experiment should have demonstration of install,
configure and manage Bare Metal hypervisor along with instructions to create and run
virtual machines inside it. It should also emphasize on accessing VMs in different
environments along with additional services provided by them like Load balancing,
Auto-Scaling, Security etc.

Title: To study andImplement Infrastructure as a Service using AWS/Microsoft Azure.

Objective: To demonstrate the steps to create and run virtual machines inside Public cloud
4 platform. This experiment should emphasize on creating and running Linux/Windows
Virtual machine inside Amazon EC2 or Microsoft Azure Compute and accessing them
using RDP or VNC tools.

Title: To study andImplement Platform as a Service using AWS Elastic Beanstalk/

Microsoft Azure App Service.
Objective: To demonstrate the steps to deploy Web applications or Web services written in
different languages on AWS Elastic Beanstalk/ Microsoft Azure App Service.

Title: To study andImplementStorage as a Service using Own Cloud/ AWS S3, Glaciers/
Azure Storage.
6 Objective: To understand the concept of Cloud storage and to demonstrate the different
types of storages like object storage, block level storages etc. supported by Cloud
Platforms like Own Cloud/ AWS S3, Glaciers/ Azure Storage.

Title: Serverless computing - Develop a simple serverless function using a platform like
AWS Lambda or Google Cloud Functions. Trigger the function based on events or
Objective: Explore the serverless computing paradigm, understand its benefits (e.g.,
reduced operational overhead, scalability), and gain hands-on experience with
event-driven architectures

Title: To study andImplementSecurity as a Service on AWS/Azure

Objective: To understand the Security practices available in public cloud platforms and to
demonstrate various Threat detection, Data protection and Infrastructure protection
services in AWS and Azure.

Title: Provisioning and scaling resources

Objective: To know provisioning by using a cloud platform like Amazon Web Services
(AWS) or Microsoft Azure to provision virtual machines (VMs) or containers, and
experiment with scaling resources up and down.

Title: To study and Implement Containerization using Docker

Objective: To know the basic differences between Virtual machine and Container. It
involves demonstration of creating, finding, building, installing, and running
Linux/Windows application containers inside local machine or cloud platform

Title: To study and implement container orchestration using Kubernetes

Objective: To understand the steps to deploy Kubernetes Cluster on local systems, deploy
applications on Kubernetes, creating a Service in Kubernetes, develop Kubernetes
configuration files in YAML and creating a deployment in Kubernetes using YAML

Mini-project: Design a Web Application hosted on public cloud platform

12 [It should cover the concept of IaaS, PaaS, DBaaS, Storage as a Service, Security as a
Service etc.]

Useful Links:
/itl/cloud/NIST_SP-500-291_Version- 2_2013_June18_FINAL.pdf

2 https://phoenixnap.com/kb/ubuntu-install- kvm\

3 https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/xenserver/7- 1/install.html

1) AWS https://docs.aws.amazon.com/
2) MS Azure https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure

5 https://docs.docker.com/get-started/

6 https://kubernetes.io/docs/home/

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

Total 50 Marks (Experiments: 15-marks, Mini project (Implementation) 15 marks,

4 Mini Project Presentation & Report [for deployment, utilization, monitoring and billing]
10 Marks, Attendance 05-marks, Assignments: 05-marks)

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSL605

Course Code Course Title Credit

CSM601 Mini Project 2B 2

The project work facilitates the students to develop and prove Technical, Professional and Ethical
skills and knowledge gained during graduation program by applying them from problem identification,
analyzing the problem and designing solutions.

Course Objectives:

1 To understand and identify the problem statement

To apply basic engineering fundamentals and attempt to find solutions to the chosen
problem statement

Identify, analyze, formulate and handle programming projects with a comprehensive and
systematic approach

4 To develop communication skills and improve teamwork amongst group members.

To apply standard principles of project management and validate the project using
appropriate evaluation measures

6 To inculcate the process of self-learning and research.

Course Outcomes:

Identify societal / research / innovation / entrepreneurship problems through appropriate

literature surveys

Identify methodology for solving above problem and apply engineering knowledge and
skills to solve it

Validate, Verify the results using test cases/benchmark data/theoretical/


Analyze and evaluate the impact of solution / product / research / innovation /

entrepreneurship towards societal / environmental / sustainable development

Use standard norms of engineering practices and project management principles during
project work

Communicate through technical report writing and oral presentation.

● The work may result in research / white paper / article / patent / blog writing and
research publication
● The work may result in business plan for entrepreneurship product created

7 Gain technical competency by participating in project competitions, hackathons, etc.

8 Demonstrate capabilities of self-learning, leading to lifelong learning.

9 Develop interpersonal skills to work in a group.

Guidelines for Mini Project

Mini project may be carried out in one or more form of following: Product preparations,
prototype development model, fabrication of set-ups, laboratory experiment development,
1 process modification / development, simulation, software development, integration of
software (frontend-backend) and hardware, statistical data analysis, creating awareness in
society / environment, research oriented and application areas, etc.

Students shall form a group of 3 to 4 students, while forming a group shall not be allowed
less than three or more than four students, as it is a group activity.

Students should do surveys and identify needs, which shall be converted into problem
3 statement for a mini project in consultation with project mentor / head of the department /
internal committee of faculties.

Students shall submit an implementation plan in the form of Gantt / PERT / CPM chart
using state-of-the-art industry tools, which will cover weekly activity of mini projects
A logbook may be prepared by each group, wherein the group shall record weekly work
progress, project guide shall verify and record notes / comments.
Students under the guidance of the project guide shall convert the best solution into a
working model using various components of their domain areas and demonstrate.
The solution to be validated with proper justification and report to be compiled in standard
format as per guidelines. Software requirement specification (SRS) documents as per IEEE
format, research papers, competition certificates may be submitted as part of annexure to the
With the focus on self-learning, innovation, addressing societal / research / innovation
problems and entrepreneurship quality development within the students through the Mini
8 Projects, it is preferable that a single project of appropriate level and quality be carried out
in two semesters by all the groups of the students. i.e. Mini Project 2 in semesters V and

However, based on the individual students or group capability, with the mentor’s
recommendations, if the proposed Mini Project adhering to the qualitative aspects
mentioned above, gets completed in odd semester, then that group can be allowed to
work on the extension of the Mini Project with suitable improvements / modifications or
a completely new project idea in even semester. This policy can be adopted on a case by
case basis.

Term Work

The review / progress monitoring committee shall be constituted by the heads of departments of
each institute. The progress of the mini project to be evaluated on a continuous basis, based on the
SRS document submitted. Minimum two reviews in each semester

Distribution of Term work marks for both semesters shall be as below: Marks 25

1 Marks awarded by project mentor based on logbook 10

2 Marks awarded by review committee 10

3 Timeliness of Project report 05

Review / progress monitoring committee may consider following points for assessment based on either
one year or half year project as mentioned in general guidelines

One-year project:
In the one year project (sem V and VI), first semester the entire theoretical solution shall be
made ready, including components / system selection, cost, feasibility analysis, conceptual
and Detailed design. Two reviews will be conducted based on a presentation given by a
student group.
● First shall be for finalization of problem
● Second shall be on finalization of the proposed solution of the problem

In the second semester expected work shall be procurement of component’s / systems,

building of working prototype, testing and validation of results based on work completed in
an earlier semester.
● First review is based on readiness of building working prototypes to be conducted.
● Second review shall be based on poster presentation cum demonstration of working
model in the last month of the said semester.

Half-year project

In this case in one semester students’ group shall complete project in all aspects including,
● Identification of need/problem
1 ● Proposed final solution
● Procurement of components/systems
● Building prototype and testing

Two reviews will be conducted for continuous assessment,

2 ● First shall be for finalization of problem and proposed solution
● Second shall be for implementation and testing of solutions.

Mini Project shall be assessed based on following point

1 Clarity of problem and quality of literature Survey for problem identification

2 Requirement Gathering via Software Requirement Specification (SRS) / Feasibility Study

3 Completeness of methodology implemented

4 Design, Analysis and Further Plan

5 Novelty, Originality or Innovativeness of project

6 Societal / Research impact

7 Effective use of skill set : Standard engineering practices and Project management standard

8 Contribution of an individual’s as member or leader

9 Clarity in written and oral communication

Verification and validation of the solution / Test Cases using open source testing tools as
per trends in industry

11 Full functioning of working model as per stated requirements

12 Technical writing /competition/hackathon outcome being met

In a one year project (sem V and VI), first semester evaluation may be based on the first 10 criteria
and remaining may be used for second semester evaluation of performance of students in mini

In case of half year projects (completing in V sem) all criterias in generic may be considered for
evaluation of performance of students in mini projects.

Guidelines for Assessment of Mini Project Practical / Oral Examination

1 Report should be prepared as per the guidelines issued .

The Mini Project shall be assessed through a presentation and demonstration of the
working model by the student project group to a panel of Internal and External Examiners
preferably from industry or research organizations having experience of more than five
years approved by the head of Institution.

Students shall be motivated to publish a research paper / patent / participate in competition

based on the work in conferences / students competitions
Final Year
With Effect from AY 2023-2024
Program Structure for Fourth Year Computer Engineering

Scheme for Autonomous Program

(With Effect from 2023-2024)

Semester VII

Course Course Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Code (Contact Hours)

Theory Pract / Theory Pract Total


CSC701 Machine Learning 3 -- 3 -- 3

CSC702 Big Data Analytics 3 -- 3 3

CSDC701X Department Level 3 -- 3 -- 3

Optional Course-3

CSDC702X Department Level 3 -- 3 -- 3

Optional Course-4

ILO701X Institute Level Optional 3 -- 3 -- 3


CSL701 Machine Learning Lab -- 2 -- 1 1

CSL702 Big Data Analytics Lab -- 2 -- 1 1

CSDL Department Level -- 2 -- 1 1

701X Optional Course-3 Lab

CSDL702X Department Level -- 2 -- 1 1

Optional Course-4 Lab

CSP701 Major Project I -- 6$ -- 3 3

Total 15 14 15 7 22
Course Course Name Examination Scheme
Theory Term Pract Total
Work & oral

Internal End Exam.

Assessment Sem Duration
Exam (in Hrs)

Mid CA*

CSC701 Machine Learning 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

CSC702 Big Data Analysis 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

CSDC701X Department Level 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

Optional Course-3

CSDC702X Department Level 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

Optional Course-4

ILO701X Institute Level Optional 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100


CSL701 Machine Learning Lab -- -- -- -- 25 25 50

CSL702 Big Data Analytics Lab -- -- -- -- 25 25 50

CSDL701X Department Level 25 - 25

Optional Course-3 Lab

CSDL702X Department Level -- -- -- -- 25 - 25

Optional Course-4 Lab

CSP701 Major Project 1 -- -- -- -- 50 25 75

Total 100 100 300 -- 150 75 725

* indicates Continuous Assessment.

Semester VIII

Course Course Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Code (Contact Hours)

Theory Pract / Theory Pract Total


CSC801 Distributed Computing 3 -- 3 -- 3

CSDC801X Department Level Optional 3 -- 3 -- 3

Course -5

CSDC802X Department Level Optional 3 -- 3 -- 3

Course -6

ILO801X Institute Level Optional 3 -- 3 -- 3

Course -2

CSL801 Distributed Computing Lab -- 2 -- 1 1

CSDL801X Department Level Optional -- 2 -- 1 1

Course -5 Lab

CSDL802X Department Level Optional -- 2 -- 1 1

Course -6 Lab

CSP801 Major Project II -- 12$ -- 6 6

Total 12 18 12 9 21
Course Course Name Examination Scheme
Theory Term Pract Total
Work & Oral

Internal End Exam

Assessment Sem Duration
Exam (in Hrs)

Mid CA*

CSC801 Distributed Computing 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

CSDC801 Department Level 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

X Optional Course -5

CSDC802 Department Level 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

X Optional Course -6

ILO801X Institute Level 20 20 60 2 -- -- 100

Optional Course -2

CSL801 Distributed Computing -- -- -- -- 25 25 50


CSDL801 Department Level -- -- -- -- 25 25 50

X Optional Course -5

CSDL802 Department Level 25 25 50

X Optional Course -6

CSP801 Major Project- 2 -- -- -- -- 100 50 150

Total 80 80 240 -- 175 125 700

* indicates Continuous Assessment

$ indicates workload of Learner (Not Faculty), students can form groups with minimum 2(Two)
and not more than 4(Four). Faculty Load: 1 hour per week per four groups.

Major Project 1 and 2 :

∙ Students can form groups with minimum 2 (Two) and not more than 4 (Four)
∙ Faculty Load : In Semester VII – ½ hour per week per project group
-In Semester VIII – 1 hour per week per project group
Department and Institute Optional Courses and Labs

Semester Department/ Subject

Institute Optional
Courses and Labs

VII Department Optional CSDC7011: Machine Vision

CSDC7012: Quantum Computing
Course -3
CSDC7013: Natural Language Processing

Department Optional CSDL7011: Machine Vision Lab

CSDL7012: Quantum Computing Lab
Lab -3
CSDL7013: Natural Language Processing Lab

Department Optional CSDC7021 : Augmented and Virtual Reality

CSDC7022 : Block Chain
Course -4
CSDC7023 : Information Retrieval

Department Optional CSDL7021 : Augmented and Virtual Reality Lab

CSDL7022 : BlockChain Lab
Lab -4
CSDL7023 : Information Retrieval Lab

Institute level ILO7011. Product Lifecycle Management

Optional ILO7012. Reliability Engineering
Courses-I ILO7013. Management Information System
ILO7014. Design of Experiments
ILO7015. Operation Research
ILO7016. Cyber Security and Laws
ILO7017. Disaster Management & Mitigation
ILO7018. Energy Audit and Management
ILO7019. Development Engineering
Department and Institute Optional Courses and Labs

Semester Department/ Subject

Institute Optional
Courses and Labs

VIII Department CSDC8011 : Deep Learning

Optional Course -5 CSDC8012 : Digital Forensic
CSDC8013 : Applied Data Science

Department CSDL8011 : Deep Learning Lab

Optional Lab -5 CSDL8012 : Digital Forensic Lab
CSDL8013 : Applied Data Science Lab

Department CSDC8021 : Optimization in Machine Learning

Optional Course -6 CSDC8022: High Performance Computing
CSDC8023: Social Media Analytics

Department CSDL8021 : Optimization in Machine Learning Lab

Optional Lab -6 CSDL8022: High Performance Computing Lab
CSDL8023: Social Media Analytics Lab

Institute level ILO8021. Project Management

Optional ILO8022. Finance Management
Courses-II ILO8023. Entrepreneurship Development and
ILO8024. Human Resource Management
ILO8025. Professional Ethics and CSR
ILO8026. Research Methodology
ILO8027. IPR and Patenting
ILO8028. Digital Business Management
ILO8029. Environmental Management
Course Code Course Title Credit

CSC701 Machine Learning 3

Prerequisite: Engineering Mathematics, Data Structures, Algorithms

Course Objectives:

1 To introduce the basic concepts and techniques of Machine Learning.

2 To acquire in depth understanding of various supervised and unsupervised algorithms

3 To be able to apply various ensemble techniques for combining ML models.

4 To demonstrate dimensionality reduction techniques.

Course Outcomes: Students will be able

1 To acquire fundamental knowledge necessary for developing machine learning models.

2 To select, apply and evaluate an appropriate machine learning model for the
given application.

3 To identify the classification problem and apply the SVM for classification purposes.

4 To demonstrate ensemble techniques to combine predictions from different models.

5 To apply the clustering methods for an appropriate application and demonstrate the
dimensionality reduction techniques.

6 To emphasize on applying the knowledge to solve real world problems and study the
latest trends.

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction to Machine Learning

Machine Learning, Types of Machine Learning- Supervised,

unsupervised and reinforcement, Issues in Machine Learning,
Application of Machine Learning, Steps in developing a Machine
Learning Application.

Training Error, Generalization error, Overfitting, Underfitting,

Bias Variance trade-off.

2 Learning with Regression and Trees

Learning with Regression: Linear Regression, Multivariate Linear

Regression, Logistic Regression. 08
Learning with Trees: Decision Trees, Constructing Decision Trees using
Gini Index (Regression), Classification and Regression Trees (CART)

Performance Measures : Model evaluation and selection, Confusion

Matrix & Basic Evaluation Metrics, Precision-recall and ROC curves

3 Learning with Classification

Introduction to classification, Training binary classifier, Multi

classification, Multilabel and multioutput classification
Support Vector Machine
Introduction to SVM, Hyperplane,Optimal decision boundary, Margins
and support vectors, linear SVM, Nonlinear SVM, Kernelized SVM,
SVM Regression.

4 Ensemble Learning

4.1 Understanding Ensembles, K-fold cross validation, Boosting, XGBoost

Bagging, Random Forest, Comparison with Boosting, Different ways to
combine classifiers

5 Learning with Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction

Introduction to clustering with overview of distance metrics and major

clustering approaches.

Graph Based Clustering: Clustering with minimal spanning tree Model 08

5.2 based Clustering: Expectation Maximization Algorithm, Density Based
Clustering: DBSCAN

Dimensionality Reduction Techniques, Principal Component Analysis,

Linear Discriminant Analysis, Singular Value Decomposition.

6 Current Trends and tools used in ML 06

6.1 Introduction to Reinforcement learning, Transfer Learning

Machine Learning projects handling different types of data and tools in

industries such as Education, Health Care, Agriculture, Energy.

Total 39


1 Peter Harrington, ―Machine Learning n Action‖, DreamTech Press

2 Ethem Alpaydın, ―Introduction to Machine Learning‖, MIT Press

3 Tom M. Mitchell, ―Machine Learning‖ McGraw Hill

4 Dr. Deepali Vora, Dr. Gresha Bhatia, Python for Machine Learning projects

5 Stephen Marsland, ―Machine Learning An Algorithmic Perspective‖, CRC Press


1 Han Kamber, ―Data Mining Concepts and Techniques‖, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers

Margaret. H. Dunham, ―Data Mining Introductory and Advanced Topics,

Pearson Education

3 Kevin P. Murphy , Machine Learning ― A Probabilistic Perspective‖

Machine Learning For Absolute Beginners: A Plain English Introduction (Second

Edition), Oliver Theobald

Richard Duda, Peter Hart, David G. Stork, ―Pattern Classification‖, Second Edition,
Wiley Publications.

6 Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem, Abhishek Thakur

Useful Links

1 Datasets for Machine Learning algorithms: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets

2 Machine Learning repository- https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/index.php

3 Machine Learning from Coursera

4 https://towardsdatascience.com/machine-learning/home

5 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs85/preview

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks.
The Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its
duration will be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval
by the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks
Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by
3 5 Marks
small report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject
4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks
Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on
5 10 Marks
recent trends in the said course
Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment /
6 10 Marks
Question paper solution
NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4
7 10 Marks
weeks or more
8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module
3 then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3
4 Only Four Questions need to be solved
In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number
of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code: Course Title Credit

CSC702 Big Data Analytics 3

Prerequisite: Database, Data mining.

Course Objectives:

1 To provide an overview of the big data platforms, its use cases and Hadoop ecosystem

To introduce programming skills to build simple solutions using big data technologies
such as MapReduce, Scripting for No SQL and distributed processing using Spark

To learn the fundamental techniques and principles in achieving big data analytics
with scalability and streaming capability

To enable students to have skills that will help them to solve complex big data real-world
problems for business

Course Outcomes:

1 Understand the building blocks of Big Data Analytics.

Apply fundamental enabling techniques like Hadoop and MapReduce in solving real
world problems

3 Understand different NoSQL systems and how it handles big data.

4 Apply advanced techniques for emerging applications like stream analytics

Achieve adequate perspectives of big data analytics in various applications like

recommender systems, social media applications, etc.

6 Apply distributed processing techniques for analyzing big data.

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction to Big Data and Hadoop

1.1 Introduction to Big Data - Big Data characteristics and Types of Big Data

1.2 Traditional vs. Big Data business approach 02

1.3 Case Study of Big Data Solutions

1.4 Concept of Hadoop, Core Hadoop Components; Hadoop Ecosystem

2 Hadoop HDFS and MapReduce

2.1 Distributed File Systems: Physical Organization of Compute Nodes,
Large Scale File-System Organization.

MapReduce: The Map Tasks, Grouping by Key, The Reduce Tasks,

Combiners, Details of MapReduce Execution, Coping With Node

Algorithms Using MapReduce: Matrix-Vector Multiplication by

MapReduce, Relational-Algebra Operations, Computing Selections by
MapReduce, Computing Projections by MapReduce, Union
,Intersection, and Difference by MapReduce

2.4 Hadoop Limitations


3.1 Introduction to NoSQL, NoSQL Business Drivers

NoSQL Data Architecture Patterns: Key-value stores, Graph stores,

3.2 Column family (Bigtable)stores, Document stores, Variations of NoSQL
architectural patterns, NoSQL Case Study

NoSQL solution for big data, Understanding the types of big data
problems; Analyzing big data with a shared-nothing architecture;
Choosing distribution models: master-slave versus peer-to-peer; NoSQL
systems to handle big data problems.

4 Mining Data Streams

The Stream Data Model: A Data-Stream-Management System, Examples

4.1 of Stream Sources, Stream Queries, Issues in Stream Processing.

4.2 Sampling Data techniques in a Stream

4.3 Filtering Streams: Bloom Filter with Analysis. 10

Counting Distinct Elements in a Stream,Count Distinct Problem,

4.4 Flajolet-Martin Algorithm, Combining Estimates, Space Requirements

Counting Ones in a Window: The Cost of Exact Counts,The

4.5 Datar-Gionis-Indyk-Motwani Algorithm, Query Answering in theDGIM
Algorithm, Decaying Windows., Data Ste

5 Real-Time Big Data Models 04

Page rank algorithm, A Model for Recommendation Systems,

Content-Based Recommendations, Collaborative Filtering

5.2 Case Study: Product Recommendation

Social Networks as Graphs, Clustering of Social-Network Graphs, Direct

Discovery of Communities in a social graph

6 Distributed Data Processing with Spark

6.1 Spark Basics, RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets)
Functional Programming in Spark, working with spark,Pair
RDDs,Machine Learning with MLlib.

6.2 SparkSQL and Data Frames,Machine Learning with

MLlib,Developingand Deploying Spark Applications

6.3 Common Spark Use Cases, Iterative Algorithms in Spark Graph

Processing and Analysis,Data Visualization: Types, Applications

Total 39


Cre Anand Rajaraman and Jeff Ullman ―Mining of Massive Datasets‖, Cambridge

2 Alex Holmes ―Hadoop in Practice‖, Manning Press, Dreamtech Press.

Dan Mcary and Ann Kelly ―Making Sense of NoSQL‖ – A guide for managers and the
rest of us, Manning Press.

4 Learning Spark, by Karau, Konwinski, Wendell, and Zaharia

5 EMC Education Services,‖Data Science and Big Data Analytics‖,Wiley

Reference Books:

Bill Franks , ―Taming The Big Data Tidal Wave: Finding Opportunities In HugeData

2 Chuck Lam, ―Hadoop inAction‖, Dreamtech Press

Jared Dean, ―Big Data, Data Mining, and Machine Learning: Value Creation for Business
Leaders and Practitioners‖,Wiley India Private Limited, 2014.

Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber, ―Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques‖, Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, 3rd ed, 2010.

Lior Rokach and Oded Maimon, ―Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook‖,
Springer, 2nd edition,2010.

Ronen Feldman and James Sanger, ―The Text Mining Handbook: Advanced Approaches
in Analyzing Unstructured Data‖, Cambridge University Press, 2006.

Vojislav Kecman, ―Learning and Soft Computing‖, MITPress, 2010.

Useful Links
1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106104189

2 https://www.coursera.org/specializations/big-data#courses

3 https://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/106106169/L01.html

4 https://www.coursera.org/learn/nosql-databases#syllabus

5 https://www.coursera.org/learn/basic-recommender-systems#syllabus

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will
be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by
the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by
3 5 Marks
small report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject
4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks
Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on
5 10 Marks
recent trends in the said course
Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment /
6 10 Marks
Question paper solution
NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4
7 10 Marks
weeks or more
8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module
3 then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3
4 Only Four Questions need to be solved
In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number
of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Title Credit

CSDC7011 Machine Vision 03

Prerequisite: Computer Graphics

Course Objectives:

1 To understand the need and significance Machine Vision

2 To explore basics of image processing

3 To explore the components of Machine Vision System

4 To develop application using machine Vision

5 To study transformation, interpolation, filters

Course Outcomes:

1 Elaborate the components of Machine Vision Application

2 Perform image ,video preprocessing operations

3 Explain various transformations, interpolation

4 Elaborate motion tracking in video

5 Analyze and Implement appropriate filtering techniques for a given problem

6 Develop applications based on machine vision..

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction to Machine Vision

Computer and Human Vision Systems., The Human Eye, Computer

versus Human Vision Systems, Evolution of Computer Vision, 04
Computer/Machine Vision and Image Processing, Applications of
Computer Vision

2 Digital Image Fundamentals

Digital Image, Monochrome and Color Images, Image Brightness and

Contrast., 2D, 3D, and 4D Images, Digital Image Representation,
Digital Image File Formats, Fundamental Image Operations, Points, 08
2.1 Edges, and Vertices , Point Operations , Thresholding ,Brightness,
Geometric Transformations , Spatial Transformation , Affine
Transformation, Image Interpolation ,Nearest-Neighbor Interpolation
,Bilinear Interpolation , Bi-cubic Interpolation ,Fundamental Steps in
Digital Image Processing.

3 Machine Vision and System Components

Machine Vision System, Machine Vision Camera: CCD and CMOS

Image Sensors, TDI Sensor, Camera Type - Area Scan Cameras, Line
Scan Cameras, Smart Cameras, Camera Lens Resolution, Contrast and
Sharpness, Lenses and their parameters: Types of Lenses, Lens Mounts,
Lens Selection Examples-Field of View Much larger than Camera sensor
size or Smaller or close to Camera Sensor size, Machine Vision
3.1 08
Lighting: Lighting: Light Sources in Machine Vision, Illumination
Techniques-Backlighting, Front Lighting, Diffused Lighting, Oblique
Lighting, Dark Field Lighting, Infrared and Ultraviolet Light, Filters,
Machine Vision Software, Machine Vision Automation, Integration of
Machine Vision Components

4 Digital Image Processing for Machine Vision Applications

Preprocessing., Image Filtering, Normalized Box Filter Gaussian Filter

Bilateral Filter, Comparison of Filter Techniques, Sub sampling/Scaling
Histogram, Image Segmentation, Threshold Based Segmentation
Edge-Based Segmentation First-Order Derivative Edge Detection. 10
Second-Order Derivative Operators, Comparison of Edge Detection
Techniques, Region-Based Segmentation Region Growing Methods,
Region Split and Merge Method, Morphological Image Processing:
Dilation, Erosion, Opening, Closing, Hit-or-Miss transformation, Object
Recognition. Template Matching. Blob Analysis

5 Motion Analysis

Differential motion Analysis, Optical Flow, Analysis based on 04

5.1 correspondence of interest points, Detection of specific motion
Patterns, Video Tracking

6 Emerging Trends in Machine Vision

History of Industrial Revolution(s), Machine Vision and Industry 4.0,

6.1 Emerging Vision Trends in Manufacturing, 3D Imaging, Emerging
Vision Trends in Manufacturing,

Applications in Machine/ Computer Vision: Face detection, face

recognition, eigen faces, car on roads

Total 39


Sheila Anand and L.Priya , ―A Guide for Machine Vision in Quality Control‖, Taylor &
Francis Inc, Imprint CRC Press Inc, Dec 2019

2 Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, ―Digital Image Processing‖, Pearson


Carsten Stegar, Markus Ulrich, and Christian Wiedemann , ―Machine Vision Algorithms and
Applications‖,Second completely Revised and Enlarged Edition

Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac, Roger Boyle, ―Image Processing Analysis and Machine
Vision‖, Second Edition, Cengage Learning.

Reference Books:

Chiranji Lal Chowdhary, Mamoun Alazab, Ankit Chaudhary, SaqibHakak and Thippa
Reddy Gadekallu ,‖Computer Vision and Recognition Systems Using Machine and Deep
Learning Approaches, Fundamentals, technologies and applications‖ , IET COMPUTING

Joe Minichino Joseph Howse ,‖Learning OpenCV 3 Computer Vision with Python‖, Second
Edition, Packt Publishing Ltd.

Alexander Hornberg,, ― Handbook of Machine and Computer Vision The Guide for
Developers and Users,

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will
be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by
the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by
3 5 Marks
small report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject
4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks
Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on
5 10 Marks
recent trends in the said course
Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment /
6 10 Marks
Question paper solution
NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4
7 10 Marks
weeks or more
8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module
3 then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3
4 Only Four Questions need to be solved
In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number
of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Name Credit

CSDC7012 Quantum Computing 03

Prerequisite: Engineering Mathematics, Data Structures and Algorithm, Python Programming

Course Objectives:

1 To understand basics of quantum computing

2 To understand mathematics required for quantum computing
3 To understand building blocks of quantum computing and design algorithms
4 To understand quantum hardware principles and tools for quantum computing.

Course Outcomes: After successful completion of the course student will be able to

1 Understand basic concepts of quantum computing

2 Illustrate building blocks of quantum computing through architecture and programming
3 Appraise various mathematical models required for quantum computing

4 Discuss various quantum hardware building principles.

5 Identify the various quantum algorithms
6 Describe usage of tools for quantum computing.

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction to Quantum Computing

Motivation for studying Quantum Computing Origin of Quantum 07

1.1 Computing Quantum Computer vs. Classical Computer Introduction to
Quantum mechanics
Overview of major concepts in Quantum Computing Qubits and
multi-qubits states Bloch Sphere representation Quantum Superposition
Quantum Entanglement Major players in the industry (IBM, Microsoft,
Rigetti, D-Wave etc.)

2 Mathematical Foundations for Quantum Computing

Matrix Algebra: basis vectors and orthogonality, inner product and 05
2.1 Hilbert spaces, matrices and tensors, unitary operators and projectors,
Dirac notation, Eigen values and Eigen vectors.
3 Building Blocks for Quantum Program

Architecture of a Quantum Computing platform Details of q-bit system of

information representation: Block Sphere
Multi-qubits States Quantum superposition of qubits (valid and invalid
Quantum Entanglement Useful states from quantum algorithmic
perspective e.g. Bell State Operation on qubits: Measuring and
transforming using gates.Quantum Logic gates and Circuit
No Cloning Theorem and Teleportation

Programming model for a Quantum Computing Program Steps

3.2 performed on classical computer Steps performed on Quantum Computer
Moving data between bits and qubits

4 Quantum Algorithms and Error correction

Quantum Algorithms, Shor‘s Algorithm, Grover‘s Algorithm, Deutsch‘s

Algorithm, Deutsch -Jozsa Algorithm 06

Quantum error correction using repetition codes 3 qubit codes, Shor‘s 9

qubit error correction Code

5 Quantum Hardware

Ion Trap Qubits, The DiVincenzo Criteria, Lagrangian and

Hamiltonian Dynamics in a Nutshell: Dynamics of a Translating

5.2 Rotor Quantum Mechanics of a Free Rotor: A Poor Person‘s Atomic

Model: Rotor Dynamics and the Hadamard Gate, Two-Qubit Gates

The Cirac-Zoller Mechanism:Quantum Theory of Simple Harmonic 10
5.3 Motion,
A Phonon-Qubit Pair Hamiltonian, Light-Induced Rotor-Phonon
Interactions, Trapped Ion Qubits, Mølmer-Sørenson Coupling
Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics (cQED): Eigenstates of
theJaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian Circuit QED (cirQED): Quantum LC
5.4 Circuits, Artificial Atoms,Superconducting QubitsQuantum computing
with spins:Quantum inverter realized with two exchange coupled spins
in quantum dots, A 2-qubit spintronic universal quantum gate.
6 Quantum Mechanics of a Free Rotor:
6.1 IBM quantum experience Microsoft Q, Rigetti PyQuil (QPU/QVM)

Total 39

1 Michael A. Nielsen, ―Quantum Computation and Quantum Information‖, Cambridge University

2 David McMahon, ―Quantum Computing Explained‖, Wiley ,2008

3 Qiskit textbook https://qiskit.org/textbook-beta/

4 Vladimir Silva, Practical Quantum Computing for Developers,2018

Reference Books:

1 Bernard Zygelman, A First Introduction to Quantum Computing and Information,2018

2 Supriyo Bandopadhyay and Marc Cahy, ―Introduction to Spintronics‖, CRC Press, 2008

3 The Second Quantum Revolution: From Entanglement to Quantum Computing and Other
Super-Technologies, Lars Jaeger
4 La Guardia, Giuliano Gladioli ―Quantum Error correction codes‖Springer,2021

Useful Links



Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will
be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by
the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by
3 5 Marks
small report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject
4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks
Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on
5 10 Marks
recent trends in the said course
Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment /
6 10 Marks
Question paper solution
NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4
7 10 Marks
weeks or more
8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3
4 Only Four Questions need to be solved
In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Title Credit

CSDC7013 Natural Language Processing 03

Prerequisite: Theory of Computer Science, System Programming & Compiler Construction

Course Objectives:

To define natural language processing and to learn various stages of natural language

To describe basic concepts and algorithmic description of the main language levels:
Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics & Discourse analysis.

3 To design and implement various language models and POS tagging techniques.

4 To design and learn NLP applications such as Information Extraction, Question answering.

5 To design and implement applications based on natural language processing.

6 To learn advanced NLP techniques for developing real world NLP applications.

Course Outcomes:

1 Have a broad understanding of the field of natural language processing.

2 To design a language model for word level analysis for text processing.

3 To design various POS tagging techniques and parsers.

4 To design, implement and test algorithms for semantic and pragmatic analysis.

5 To formulate the discourse segmentation and anaphora resolution.

To apply advanced NLP techniques to design and develop real-world NLP applications,
6 including machine translation, text categorization, text summarization, information
extraction etc.

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction to NLP 03

Origin & History of NLP; Language, Knowledge and Grammar in

language processing; Stages in NLP;Ambiguities and its types in English
and Indian Regional Languages; Challenges of NLP;Applications of

Self-Learning topics: Variety types of tools for regional languages

pre-processing and other functionalities
2 Word Level Analysis 08

Basic Terms: Tokenization, Stemming, Lemmatization;

Survey of English Morphology, Inflectional Morphology, Derivational
Regular expression with types; Morphological Models: Dictionary
lookup, finite state morphology; Morphological parsing with FST (Finite
State Transducer);Lexicon free FST Porter Stemmer algorithm;
Grams and its variation: Bigram, Trigram; Simple (Unsmoothed)
N-grams; N-gram Sensitivity to the Training Corpus; Unknown Words:
Open versus closed vocabulary tasks; Evaluating N-grams: Perplexity;
Smoothing: Laplace Smoothing, Good-Turing Discounting;

Self-Learning topics: Evaluating parsers, Parsers based language

modeling, Regional languages POS tree banks

3 Syntax analysis 08

Part-Of-Speech tagging(POS); Tag set for English (Upenn Treebank);

Difficulties /Challenges in POS tagging; Rule-based, Stochastic and
Transformation-based tagging;
Generative Model: Hidden Markov Model /HMM Viterbi for POS
tagging; Issues in HMM POS tagging; Discriminative Model: Maximum
Entropy model, Conditional random Field (CRF);
Parsers: Top down and Bottom up;Bottom Up Parser: Shift Reduce

Self-Learning topics: Evaluating parsers, Parsers based language

modelling, Regional languages POS tree banks

4 Semantic Analysis 07

Introduction, meaning representation; Lexical Semantics; Corpus study;

Study of Various language dictionaries like WorldNet,
Relations among lexemes & their senses –Homonymy, Polysemy,
Synonymy, Hyponymy;
Semantic Ambiguity; Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD); Knowledge
based approach( Lesk‘s Algorithm), Supervised (Naïve Bayes, Decision
List), Unsupervised (Hyperlex)

Self-Learning topics: Dictionaries for regional languages, Distributional

Semantics, Topic Models

5 Pragmatic & Discourse Processing 05

Discourse: Reference Resolution, Reference Phenomena, Syntactic &

5.1 Semantic constraint on coherence; Anaphora Resolution using Hobbs

5.2 Self-Learning topics: Discourse segmentation, Conference resolution

6 Applications of NLP & Neural Models for Advanced Applications 08

Case Studies in Machine Translation, Text Summarization, Sentiment
Analysis, Information Retrieval, Question Answering Systems,
Information Extraction, NER, and ChatGPT

Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing (NLP): Exploring the

6.2 Bag-of-Words Model, Word Embedding Model, Word2Vec, GloVe,
BERT etc.

Neural Models for Document Classification and Sentiment

Analysis,Enhancing Language Understanding and Generation with
Neural Networks,Character-Based and Word-Based Neural Language
Models for text generation

Self-Learning topics: Applications based on Deep Neural Network with

NLP such as LSTM network, Recurrent Neural network etc

Total 39


Daniel Jurafsky, James H. Martin “Speech and Language Processing” Second Edition,
Prentice Hall, 2008.

Christopher D.Manning and Hinrich Schutze, “ Foundations of Statistical Natural Language

2 Processing “, MIT Press, 1999.

Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing,by machine learning mastery by Jason


Siddiqui and Tiwary U.S., Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval, Oxford
University Press, 2008.

Daniel M Bikel and ImedZitouni ― Multilingual natural language processing

applications:from theory to practice, IBM Press, 2013.

Alexander Clark, Chris Fox, Shalom Lappin ― The Handbook of Computational

Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, John Wiley and Sons, 2012.

Nitin Indurkhya and Fred J. Damerau, ―Handbook of Natural Language

Processing,Second Edition, Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, 2010.

Niel J le Roux and SugnetLubbe, A step by step tutorial: An introduction into R application
and programming.

Steven Bird, Ewan Klein and Edward Loper, Natural language processing with
Python:analyzing text with the natural language toolkit, O ̳Reilly Media, 2009.

Useful Digital Links

1 http://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/~cs626-449

2 http://cse24-iiith.virtual-labs.ac.in/#

3 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106105158

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will
be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by
the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by
3 5 Marks
small report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject
4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks
Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on
5 10 Marks
recent trends in the said course
Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment /
6 10 Marks
Question paper solution
NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4
7 10 Marks
weeks or more
8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module
3 then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3
4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number
of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Title Credit

CSDC7021 Augmented and Virtual Reality 3

Prerequisite: Computer Graphics

Course Objectives:

1 To understand the need and significance of Virtual Reality.

2 To explore the concepts of Virtual reality and develop 3D virtual environments.

3 To understand the technical and engineering aspects of virtual reality systems.

4 To analyze various techniques for applying virtual reality.

To provide a foundation to the fast growing field of AR and make the students aware of
the various AR devices.

Course Outcomes:

1 Describe how VR systems work and list the applications of VR

2 Elaborate geometric presentation of the virtual world and its operations.

3 Explain the concepts of motion and tracking in VR systems.

4 Design and implementation of the hardware that enables VR systems tobe built

5 Describe how AR systems work and analyze the hardware requirement of AR

6 Analyze and understand the working of various state of the art AR devices.

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction to Virtual Reality

What is virtual reality? ,The beginnings of VR , VR paradigms , 05

Collaboration, Virtual reality systems, Representation ,User interaction

2 The Geometry of Virtual Worlds

Geometric Models, Changing Position and Orientation, Axis-Angle
Representations of Rotation, Viewing Transformations, Chaining the

3 Motion in Real and Virtual Worlds

Velocities and Accelerations , The Vestibular System , Physics in the Virtual
World , Mismatched Motion and Vection

4 Applying Virtual Reality

Virtual reality: the medium, Form and genre, What makes an application a 07
good candidate for VR, Promising application fields, Demonstrated benefits
of virtual reality , More recent trends in virtual reality application
development, A framework for VR application development

5 Augmented Reality

Terminology, Simple augmented reality, Augmented reality as an emerging

technology, Augmented reality applications, Marker detection, Marker pose, 08
Marker types and identification: Template markers, 2D bar-code markers,
Imperceptible markers: Image markers, Infrared markers, Miniature markers,
Discussion on marker use, General marker detection application

6 AR Development & Applications

User interfaces, Avoiding physical contacts , Practical experiences with

head-mounted displays , Authoring and dynamic content ,AR applications
and future visions, How to design an AR application ,Technology adoption
and acceptance , Where to use augmented reality

Total 39


1 Virtual Reality, Steven M. LaValle, Cambridge University Press, 2016

Understanding Virtual Reality: Interface, Application and Design, William R Sherman and
2 Alan B Craig, (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)‖. Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, San Francisco, CA, 2002

Developing Virtual Reality Applications: Foundations of Effective Design, Alan B

Craig,William R Sherman and Jeffrey D Will, Morgan Kaufmann, 2009.

4 Theory and applications of marker-based augmented reality SanniSiltanen

Reference Books:

AR Game Development‖, 1st Edition,Allan Fowler, A press Publications, 2018, ISBN

1 978- 1484236178

Augmented Reality: Principles & Practice by Schmalstieg / Hollerer, Pearson

Education India; First edition (12 October 2016),ISBN-10: 9332578494

3 Learning Virtual Reality, Tony Parisi,O‘Reilly Media, Inc., 2015, ISBN- 9781491922835

Digital Useful Links

1 https://freevideolectures.com/course/3693/virtual-reality

2 https://www.vrlabacademy.com/

3 https://arvr.google.com/ar/

4 https://konterball.com/

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will
be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by
the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by small
3 5 Marks
report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject
4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks
Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on recent
5 10 Marks
trends in the said course
Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment / Question
6 10 Marks
paper solution
NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4 weeks
7 10 Marks
or more
8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module
3 then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3
4 Only Four Questions need to be solved
In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number
of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Title Credit

CSDC7022 Blockchain 3

Prerequisite:Cryptography and System Security

Course Objectives:

1 Understand blockchain platforms and its terminologies.

2 Understand the use of cryptography required for blockchain

3 Understand smart contracts, wallets, and consensus protocols.

4 Design and develop blockchain applications.

Course Outcomes:

1 Explain blockchain concepts

2 Apply cryptographic hash required for blockchain

3 Apply the concepts of smart contracts for an application.

4 Design a public blockchain using Ethereum.

5 Design a private blockchain using Hyperledger

6 Use different types of tools for blockchain applications.

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction to Blockchain:

What is a blockchain, Origin of blockchain (cryptographically

secure hash functions), Foundation of blockchain: Merkle trees
Components of blockchain, Block in blockchain, Types: Public,
1.2 Private, and Consortium, Consensus Protocol, Limitations and
Challenges of blockchain

2 Cryptocurrency:

Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin, Altcoin, and Tokens (Utility and

Security), Cryptocurrency wallets: Hot and cold wallets,
2.1 08
Cryptocurrency usage, Transactions in Blockchain, UTXO and
double spending problem
Bitcoin Blockchain, Consensus in Bitcoin, Proof of Work (PoW),
Proof of Burn(PoB), Proof of Stake (PoS), Proof of Elapsed Time
(PoET), Life of a miner, Mining Difficulty, Mining Pools and its

3 Programming for Blockchain:

Introduction to Smart Contracts, Types of Smart Contracts,

3.1 Structure of a Smart Contract, Smart Contract Approaches,
Limitations of Smart Contracts
Introduction to Programming: Solidity Programming – Basics,
functions, Visibility and Activity Qualifiers, Address and Address
3.2 Payable, Bytes and Enums, Arrays-Fixed and Dynamic Arrays,
Special Arrays-Bytes and strings, Struct, Mapping, Inheritance,
Error handling

Case Study – Voting Contract App, Preparing for smart contract


4 Public Blockchain

Introduction to Public Blockchain, Ethereum and its Components,

Mining in Ethereum, Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM),
Transaction, Accounts, Architecture and Workflow, Comparison
between Bitcoin and Ethereum 08

Types of test-networks used in Ethereum, Transferring Ethers

using Metamask, Mist Wallet, Ethereum frameworks, Case study
of Ganache for Ethereum blockchain, Exploring etherscan.io and
ether block structure

5 Private Blockchain

Introduction, Key characteristics, Need of Private Blockchain,

Smart Contract in a Private Environment, State Machine
Replication, Consensus Algorithms for Private Blockchain -
PAXOS and RAFT, Byzantine Faults: Byzantine Fault Tolerant
(BFT) and Practical BFT, Byzantine Faults: Byzantine Fault
Tolerant (BFT) and Practical BFT

Introduction to Hyperledger, Tools and Frameworks, Hyperledger

5.2 Fabric, Comparison between Hyperledger Fabric & Other

6 Tools and Applications of Blockchain:

Blockchain in Action: Use Cases

Financial Services, Insurance, Government, Supply Chain
Management, Healthcare, Healthcare payments pre-authorization,
The Internet of Things (IoT)

Total 39

Blockchain Technology, Chandramouli Subramanian, Asha A. George, Abhilash K. A and

Meena Karthikeyen, Universities Press.

Mastering Ethereum, Building Smart Contract and Dapps, Andreas M. Antonopoulos Dr.
Gavin Wood, O’reilly.

Imran Bashir, Mastering Blockchain: A deep dive into distributed ledgers, consensus
3 protocols, smart contracts, DApps, cryptocurrencies, Ethereum, and more, 3rd Edition, Packt
“Mastering Bitcoin, PROGRAMMING THE OPEN BLOCKCHAIN”, 2nd Edition by
4 Andreas M. Antonopoulos, June 2017, Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc. ISBN:
“Blockchain for Enterprise Application Developers”, Ambadas, Arshad SarfarzAriff, Sham –
Reference Books:

1 Blockchain for Beginners, Yathish R and Tejaswini N, SPD

2 Blockchain Basics, A non Technical Introduction in 25 Steps, Daniel Drescher, Apress.

Blockchain with Hyperledger Fabric,Luc Desrosiers, Nitin Gaur, Salman A. Baset,
Venkatraman Ramakrishna, Packt Publishing

Digital Useful Links

Blockchain By Example, Bellaj Badr, Richard Horrocks, Xun (Brian) Wu, November 2018,
Implement decentralized blockchain applications to build scalable Dapps.
2 Blockchain for Business, https://www.ibm.com/downloads/cas/3EGWKGX7
3 https://www.hyperledger.org/use/fabric

4 NPTEL: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_cs63/preview

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration
will be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by
the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by
3 5 Marks
small report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject
4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks
Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on
5 10 Marks
recent trends in the said course
Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment /
6 10 Marks
Question paper solution
NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4
7 10 Marks
weeks or more
8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module
3 then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3
4 Only Four Questions need to be solved
In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number
of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Title Credit

CSDC7023 Information Retrieval 03


Course Objectives:

1 To learn the fundamentals of Information Retrieval

2 To analyze various Information retrieval modeling techniques

3 To understand query processing and its applications

4 To explore the various indexing and scoring techniques

5 To assess the various evaluation methods

6 To analyze various information retrieval for real world application

Course Outcomes:

1 Define and describe the basic concepts of the Information retrieval system.

2 Design the various modeling techniques for information retrieval systems.

3 Understand the query structure and various query operations

4 Analyzing the indexing and scoring operation in information retrieval systems

5 Perform the evaluation of information retrieval systems

6 Analyze various information retrieval for real world application

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction to Information Retrieval

Introduction to Information Retrieval, Basic Concepts, Information

Versus Data, Trends and research issues in information retrieval 04

The retrieval process, Information retrieval in the library, web and

digital libraries.

2 Modeling in Information Retrieval 08

Taxonomy of Information Retrieval models, Classic Information
2.1 Retrieval, Alternate set: Theoretical model, Alternative Algebraic
models, Alternative Probabilistic models

2.2 Structured text Retrieval models, Models for browsing

3 Query and Operations in Information Retrieval

Query structures, Keyboard based querying, Pattern matching,

Structured queries 08
User relevance feedback, Automatic local analysis, Automatic global

4 Indexing and Scoring in Information Systems

Introduction, Inverted Files, Other Indices for Text, Boolean queries

and Introduction to Sequential searching

Scoring, term weighting and the vector space model, Parametric and
zone indexes, Weighted zone scoring, Learning weights, The optimal 08
weight, Term frequency and weighting, Inverse document frequency,
4.2 Tf-idf weighting.
The vector space model for scoring, Queries as vectors, Computing
vector scores, Efficient scoring and ranking, Inexact top K document

5 Evaluation of Information Retrieval Systems

Information retrieval system evaluation, Standard test collections,

5.1 Evaluation of unranked retrieval sets, Evaluation of ranked retrieval
results, Assessing and justifying the concept of relevance

System quality and user utility, System issues, Refining a deployed


6 Applications of Information Retrieval Systems

6.1 Introduction to Multimedia Information Retrieval 05

6.2 Introduction to Distributed Information Retrieval

Total 39


1 Modern information retrieval, Baeza-Yates, R. and Ribeiro-Neto, B., 1999. ACM press.

Introduction to Information Retrieval By Christopher D. Manning and PrabhakarRaghavan,

Cambridge University Press

3 Information Storage & Retrieval By Robert Korfhage – John Wiley & Sons

Reference Books:

1 Storage Network Management and Retrieval, Vaishali Khairnar

2 Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval. G.G. Chowdhury. NealSchuman

3 Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval by Tanveer Siddiqui, U.S Tiwarey

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will
be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by
the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by
3 5 Marks
small report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject
4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks
Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on
5 10 Marks
recent trends in the said course
Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment /
6 10 Marks
Question paper solution
NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4
7 10 Marks
weeks or more
8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.
Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module
3 then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3
4 Only Four Questions need to be solved
In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number
of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code: Course Title Credit

ILO7011 Product Life Cycle Management 3


Course Objectives:

1 To familiarize the Learner with the need, benefits, and components of PLM

2 To Enable the learners to product design and development processes.

3 To acquaint Learner with Product Data Management & PLM strategies

To give insights into new product development program and guidelines for
designing and developing a product

5 To familiarize the Learner with Virtual Product Development

6 To familiarize the Learner with design for environments, Life cycle assessment.

Course Outcomes:

1 Gain knowledge about phases of PLM, PLM strategies and methodology for
PLM feasibility study.

2 Illustrate various approaches and techniques for designing and developing products.

3 Apply product engineering guidelines / thumb rules in designing products.

Understand the concept of product data ,product data management and PDM

Understand and illustrate the concept of product design for the environment and life cycle

6 Acquire knowledge in applying virtual product development tools

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction to Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) 08

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Need for PLM, Product

Lifecycle Phases, Opportunities of Globalization, Pre-PLM
Environment, PLM Paradigm, Importance & Benefits of PLM, spread
of PLM, Focus and Application
PLM Strategies: Industrial strategies, Strategy elements, Developing
PLM Vision and PLM Strategy , Change management for PLM

2 Product Design

Product Design and Development Process, Engineering Design,

2.1 Organization and Decomposition in Product Design, Typologies of
Design Process Models, Reference Model,
Methodological Evolution in Product Design, Concurrent
Engineering, Characteristic Features of Concurrent Engineering,
2.2 Concurrent Engineering and Life Cycle Approach, New Product
Development (NPD) and Strategies, Product Configuration and
Variant Management,

The Design for X System, Objective Properties and Design for X

2.3 Tools, Choice of Design for X Tools and Their Use in the Design

3 Product Data Management (PDM)

Product and Product Data, PDM systems

3.1 and importance, Components of PDM, Reason for implementing a 05
PDM system

3.2 Financial justification of PDM, barriers to PDM implementation

4 From sustainable Development to design for environment

Sustainable Development, Key factors in sustainable Development,

Design for Environment

The Environment driving PLM- External Drivers: scale, Complexity , 06

cycle times, globalization, regulations , Internal Drivers- Productivity
4.2 innovation, collaboration, quality. Boardroom Driver-IT Value Map:
income, revenue, costs. Comparing lean manufacturing, ERP,CRM
and PLM

5 Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Cost Analysis

Premises,Properties, and Framework of Life Cycle Assessment,

5.1 Phases of LCA in ISO Standards, Fields of Application and
Limitations of Life Cycle Assessment. 06

Cost Analysis and the Life Cycle Approach, General Framework for
5.2 LCCA, Evolution of Models for
Product Life Cycle Cost Analysis

6 Virtual Product Development Tool

Introduction VPD, 3D CAD systems and realistic rendering 04

6.1 techniques, Digital mock-up, Model building, Model analysis,
Modeling and simulations in Product Design, Examples/Case studies.

Total 39
Reference Books:

John Stark, ―Product Lifecycle Management: Paradigm for 21st Century Product
Realisation‖, Springer-Verlag, 2004. ISBN: 1852338105

Fabio Giudice, Guido La Rosa, Antonino Risitano, ―Product Design for the environment- A
life cycle approach‖, Taylor & Francis 2006, ISBN: 0849327229

Saaksvuori Antti, Immonen Anselmie, ―Product Life Cycle Management‖, Springer,

Dreamtech, ISBN: 3540257314

Michael Grieve, ―Product Lifecycle Management: Driving the next generation of lean
thinking‖, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006, ISBN: 0070636265

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will
be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by
the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No. Rubrics Marks

1. *Certificate course for 4 weeks or more:- 10 marks

NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC
2. Wins in the event/competition/hackathon 10 marks
3. Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 marks

4. Creating Proof of concept 10 marks

5. Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab etc 10 marks

6. Case based Assignment/test/Tutorials etc 10 marks

7. Participation in event/workshop/talk / competition followed by small 5 marks

report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject(in other
8. Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 marks

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

3 Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3
4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

5 In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code: Course Title Credit

ILO7013 Management Information System 03


Course Objectives:

1 To discuss the roles played by information technology in today’s business.

2 To understand the Intelligent Techniques for Data Analytics.

3 To determine ethical and privacy issues in management systems.

4 To understand the requirements for various Business Operations

5 To define various technologies on which information systems are built

To determine the types of systems used for enterprise-wide knowledge management and
the way they provide value for businesses.

Course Outcomes: Learner will be able to understand

1 The impact of information systems on an organisation’s growth.

The principal tools and technologies for accessing information from databases to improve
business performance and decision making.

3 The ethical frameworks and security concerns in information systems.

4 The various business models used for social computing.

5 IT infrastructure and its components and its current trends

6 Various enterprise-wide knowledge management systems and its functionalities.

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction to Information Systems (IS):

Computer Based Information Systems, Impact of IT on organisations, 04

Importance of IS to Society. Organizational Strategy, Competitive
Advantages and IS

2 Database and Business Intelligence: 08

Database Approach, Big Data, Data warehouse and Data Marts, Managing
data resources:establishing an information policy, ensuring data quality
Business intelligence (BI): Decision Making Process, BI for Data analytics
and Presenting Results

3 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems:

Ethical issues and Privacy, Information Security. Threat to IS, and Security 06

4 Social Computing (SC):

SC in business-shopping, Marketing, Operational and Analytical CRM, 07

E-business and E-commerce – B2B B2C. Mobile commerce.

5 Emerging Technologies:

The Emerging Mobile Digital Platform:

Consumerization of IT and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), Grid
Computing, Virtualization, Cloud Computing, Green Computing,
High-Performance and Power-Saving Processors, Autonomic Computing 07
Contemporary Software Platform Trends: Web Services and
Service-Oriented Architecture, Software Outsourcing and Cloud Services
Management Issues: Dealing with Platform and Infrastructure Change
Management and Governance

6 Information System within Organization:

Knowledge management System, Knowledge management value chain, 07

Decision Support System, Transaction Processing Systems, ERP and ERP
support of Business Process.

Total 39


1 Kelly Rainer, Brad Prince, Management Information Systems, Wiley

K.C. Laudon and J.P. Laudon, Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm,
13th Ed. © Pearson Education Limited 2014

Reference Books:

1 MIS: Management Perspective, D.P. Goyal, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, 4th Edition.

D. Boddy, A. Boonstra, Managing Information Systems: Strategy and Organization, Prentice

Hall, 2008.
Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will
be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by
the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1. Certificate course for 4 weeks or more: - 10 marks

NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC
2. Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 marks

3. Mini Project 10 marks

4. Participation in event/workshop/talk / competition followed by 5 marks

small report and certificate of participation relevant to the
subject(in other institutes)
5. Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 marks

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

3 Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3
4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

5 In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Title Credit

ILO7016 Cyber Security and Laws 3


Course Objectives:

1 To understand and identify different types cybercrime and cyber law

2 To recognized Indian IT Act 2008 and its latest amendments

3 To learn various types of security standards compliances

Course Outcomes:

1 To be able to understand the history of cyber crime and need for cyber law.

2 To be able to recognise various types of cyber crimes and related security issues

3 To be able to identify the tools and methods used in cyber crime

4 To be able to discuss the need for cyber space for transactions and interactions

5 To be able to appreciate the evolution of IT act.

6 To be able to interpret the necessity of information security standards and compliances.

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction to Cybercrime

Cybercrime definition, history and threats to security goals,

Classifications of cybercrime, How criminal plan the attacks 04

The Need for an Indian Cyber Law, Introduction to Indian ITA


2 Cyber frauds and Security issues

Social Engg, Cyber stalking, Online Drug Trafficking, Botnets,

2.1 Attack vector, Credit Card Frauds in Mobile and Wireless
Computing Era
Cloud computing, Proliferation of Mobile and Wireless Devices,
Trends in Mobility, work from home cybersecurity Tips and Risks

2.3 Attacks on Mobile/Cell Phones, Mobile Devices: Security

Implications for Organizations, Organizational Measures for
Handling Mobile, Devices-Related Security Issues,
Organizational Security Policies and Measures in Mobile
Computing Era, Laptops

Self Learning Topics: Types of Cyber Frauds and security


3 Tools and Methods Used in Cybercrime

Phishing, Password Cracking, Keyloggers and Spywares, Virus and 10

Worms, Steganography

3.2 DoS and DDoS Attacks, SQL Injection, Buffer OverFlow,

3.3 Attacks on Wireless Networks, Phishing, Identity Theft (ID Theft)

4 The Concept of Cyberspace

E-Commerce , The Contract Aspects in Cyber Law ,The Security

4.1 Aspect of Cyber Law ,The Intellectual Property Aspect in Cyber
Law 07

The Evidence Aspect in Cyber Law , The Criminal Aspect in Cyber

4.2 Law, Legal Framework for Electronic Data Interchange Law
Relating to Electronic Banking

5 Indian IT Act
Cyber Crime and Criminal Justice : Penalties, Adjudication and
Appeals Under the IT Act, 2000, IT Act. 2008 and its Amendments

Self Learning Topics: Case Studies

6 Information Security Standard compliances

6.1 SOX, HIPAA, ISO 06

Self Learning Topics: FISMA, NERC, PCI, GLBA

Total 39


1 Nina Godbole, Sunit Belapure, Cyber Security, Wiley India, New Delhi 2 3

Cyber Security and Lawas, Madhumati Chatterjee, Sangita Chaudhary, Gaurav

Sharma, Staredu solutions
Cyber Law & Cyber Crimes By Advocate Prashant Mali; Snow White Publications,

Reference Books:

1 The Indian Cyber Law by Suresh T. Vishwanathan; Bharat Law House New Delhi

The Information technology Act, 2000; Bare Act- Professional Book Publishers, New

3 Nina Godbole, Information Systems Security, Wiley India, New Delhi

Kennetch J. Knapp, Cyber Security & Global Information Assurance

Information Science Publishing.

5 William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security, Pearson Publication

Useful Links:

1 The Information Technology ACT, 2008- TIFR : https://www.tifrh.res.in

2 A Compliance Primer for IT professional : https://www.sans.org/reading-

room/whitepapers/compliance/compliance-primer- professionals-33538
Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will
be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval
by the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1. *Certificate course for 4 weeks or more:- 10 Marks

NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC
2. Wins in the event/competition/hackathon 10 Marks
3. Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks
4. Creating Proof of concept 10 Marks
5. Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks
6. GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks
7. Participation in event/workshop/talk / competition followed by small 5 Marks
report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject(in other
8. Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

3 Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3
4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

5 In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSL701 Machine Learning Lab 1

Prerequisite: Data Structures, Analysis of Algorithms

Lab Objectives:

1 To implement an appropriate machine learning model for the given application.

2 To acquire an in-depth understanding of various supervised and unsupervised algorithms.

3 To apply various ensemble techniques for combining ML models

4 To apply various ensemble techniques for combining ML models

Lab Outcomes:

1 To study and use different methods of data visualization in machine learning.

2 To study and apply various regression techniques.

3 To implement ensemble techniques to combine predictions from different models.

4 To identify and implement suitable classification technique for a given problem

5 To apply and use different clustering techniques and dimension reduction methods.

6 To apply knowledge for solving real world problems across various domains.

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 8 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

1 To study and implement different data visualization methods..

To apply Linear Regression for prediction purposes and estimate the errors associated
with it.

To identify the classification problem which can be solved using trees, evaluate the
performance measures.

To use Support Vector Machine to solve the classification problem and evaluate the
performance measure

To implement Ensemble Learning(bagging/boosting) for complex pattern recognition

6 To study and implement Multivariate Regression

7 To use DBSCAN/K Means clustering for an appropriate problem statement

8 To apply PCA/SVD for dimension reduction

To implement a Mini project for solving a real world problems in domain agriculture,
energy, healthcare or any other domain for societal use

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 8 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance
of laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

Total 25 Marks
4 (Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSL701and CSC701

Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSL702 Big Data Analytics Lab 1

Prerequisite: C Programming Language.

Lab Objectives:

1 Solve Big Data problems using Map Reduce Technique and apply to various algorithms.

2 Identify various types of NoSQL databases and execute NOSQL commands

3 Understand implementation of various analytic techniques using Hive/PIG/Spark etc.

4 Apply streaming analytics to real time applications.

Lab Outcomes:

To interpret business models and scientific computing paradigms, and apply software tools
for big data analytics.

2 To implement algorithms that uses Map Reduce to apply on structured and unstructured data

3 To perform hands-on NoSql databases such as Cassandra, HadoopHbase, MongoDB, etc.

4 To implement various data streams algorithms.

5 To develop big data analytics applications using spark.

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 10 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

Hadoop HDFS Practical:

-HDFS Basics, Hadoop Ecosystem Tools Overview.

-Installing Hadoop.
-Copying File to Hadoop.
-Copy from Hadoop File system and delete file.
-Moving and displaying files in HDFS.
-Programming exercises on Hadoop

Use of Sqoop tool to transfer data between Hadoop and relational database servers.
a. Sqoop - Installation.
b. To execute basic commands of Hadoop ecosystem component sqoop.

To install and configure MongoDB/ Cassandra/ HBase/ Hypertable to execute NoSQL


Experiment on Hadoop Map-Reduce:

Write a program to implement a word count program using MapReduce.

Experiment on Hadoop Map-Reduce:

Implementing simple algorithms in Map-Reduce: Matrix multiplication, Aggregates,
Joins, Sorting, Searching, etc

6 Create HIVE Database and Descriptive analytics-basic statistics.

Data Stream Algorithms (any one):

7 Implementing DGIM algorithm using any Programming Language -

Implement Bloom Filter using any programming language
Implement Flajolet Martin algorithm using any programming language

8 Implement iterative algorithm/Page rank using Spark

9 Create Big data analytics application dashboard using Hive and Impala

10 Design and Develop Big data application using Mllib and Spark

Mini Project: One real life large data application to be implemented (Use standard
Datasets available on the web).

-Streaming data analysis – use flume for data capture, HIVE/PYSpark for analysis of
twitter data, chat data, weblog analysis etc.
-Recommendation System (for example: Health Care System, Stock Market
Prediction, Movie Recommendation, etc.)
SpatioTemporal DataAnalytics

Useful Links:

1 https://spark.apache.org

2 https://hadoop.apahe.org

3 https://www.cloudera.com

4 http://www.mongodb.com

5 https://kafka.apache.org

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

3 The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance
of laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

4 Total 25 Marks
(Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSL702and CSC702

Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSDL7011 Machine Vision Lab 1

Prerequisite: C Programming Language.

Lab Objectives:

1 To perform basic image processing operations

2 To explore different preprocessing technique

3 To develop application related to Machine vision

4 To detect and recognize objects

Lab Outcomes:

1 Students will be able to read image and video file, perform different processing

2 Students will be able to do edge detection ,depth estimation

3 Students will be able to choose appropriate algo for segmentation

4 Students will be able to implement object detection technique

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 8 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

Handling Files, Cameras, and GUIs

Basic I/O scripts ,Reading/writing an image file, Converting between an image and raw
1 bytes, Accessing image data with numpy.array, Reading/writing a video file Capturing
camera frames, Displaying images in a window, Displaying camera frames in a

Processing Images with OpenCV 3

2 Converting between different color spaces, The Fourier Transform, High pass filter,
Low pass filter,

Edge detection with Canny,

Contour detection,
3 Contours – bounding box, minimum area rectangle, and minimum enclosing circle,
Contours – convex contours and the Douglas-Peucker algorithm, Line and circle

Depth Estimation
Capturing frames from a depth camera
Creating a mask from a disparity map
Masking a copy operation
Depth estimation with a normal camera

Object segmentation using the Watershed and GrabCut algorithms

5 Example of foreground detection with GrabCut
Image segmentation with the Watershed algorithm

Detecting and Recognizing Faces

Conceptualizing Haar cascades
6 Getting Haar cascade data
Using OpenCV to perform face detection
Performing face detection on a still image

Performing face detection on video

Performing face recognition
Generating the data for face recognition
7 Recognizing faces
Preparing the training data
Loading the data and recognizing faces
Performing an Eigenfaces recognition

Retrieving Images and Searching

Using Image Descriptors ,
Feature detection algorithms,
8 Defining features
Detecting features – corners
Feature extraction and description using DoG and SIFT
Anatomy of a keypoint

Detecting and Recognizing Objects

Object detection and recognition techniques
HOG descriptors
The scale issue
The location issue
Non-maximum (or non-maxima) suppression
Support vector machines
People detection

Creating and training an object detector

BOW in computer vision
Detecting cars in a scene

Useful Links:

Learning OpenCV 3 Computer Vision with Python Second Edition, by Joe

Minichino Joseph Howse Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

2 http://iitk.ac.in/ee/computer-vision-lab

3 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108103174
4 https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/d9/df8/tutorial_root.html

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of at least 8 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance
of laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

Total 25 Marks
4 (Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSDL7011 and CSDC7011

Lab Code Lab Name Credit
CSDL7012 Quantum Computing Lab 1

Prerequisite: Python Programming Language.

Lab Objectives:

1 To implement fundamental quantum computing concepts

2 To learn quantum computation and quantum information

3 To understand quantum entanglement, quantum algorithms

4 To understand quantum information theory and channels

Lab Outcomes: Students will be able to

Implement basic quantum computing logic by building dice and random numbers using open
source simulation tools.
2 Understand quantum logic gates using open source simulation tools.

3 Implement quantum circuits using open source simulation tools.

4 I implement quantum algorithms using open source simulation tools.

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 10 experiments.Faculty may

develop their own set of experiments for students. List below is only suggestive.
Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

1 Building Quantum dice

2 Building Quantum Random No. Generation

Composing simple quantum circuits with q-gates and measuring the output into classical
4 Implementation of Shor‘s Algorithms

5 Implementation of Grover‘s Algorithm

6 Implementation of Deutsch‘s Algorithm

7 Implementation of Deutsch-Jozsa‘s Algorithm

8 Quantum Circuits

9 Qubit Gates

10 Bell Circuit & GHZ Circuit

11 Accuracy of Quantum Phase Estimation

Mini Project such as implementing an API for efficient search using Grover‘s
Algorithms or Integer factorization using Shor‘s Algorithm.

Useful Links:
1 IBM Experience: https://quantum-computing.ibm.com/

2 Microsoft Quantum Development Kit

3 Forest SDK PyQuil: https://pyquil-docs.rigetti.com/en/stable/
4 Google Quantum CIRQ https://quantumai.google/cirq
5 Qiskit Labs IBM https://learn.qiskit.org/course/ch-labs/lab-1-quantum-circuits

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 8 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance
of laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

Total 25 Marks (Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks,

Assignments: 05-marks)

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSDL7012 and CSDC7012

Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSDL7013 Natural Language Processing Lab 1

Prerequisite: Java/Python

Lab Objectives:

1 To understand the key concepts of NLP.

2 To learn various phases of NLP.

3 To design and implement various language models and POS tagging techniques

4 To understand various NLP Algorithms.

5 To learn NLP applications such as Information Extraction, Sentiment Analysis, Question

answering, Machine translation etc.

6 To design and implement applications based on natural language processing.

Lab Outcomes:

1 Apply various text processing techniques.

2 Design a language model for word-level analysis.

3 Model linguistic phenomena with formal grammar.

4 Design, implement, and analyze NLP algorithms.

5 To apply NLP techniques to design real-world NLP applications such as machine translation,
sentiment analysis, text summarization, Information extraction, Question Answering systems

6 Implement a proper experimental methodology for training and evaluating empirical

NLP systems.

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 10 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

Study various applications of NLP and Formulate the Problem Statement for Mini
Project based on chosen real world NLP applications: [Machine Translation, Text
1 Categorization, Text summarization, chat Bot, Plagiarism, Spelling & Grammar
checkers, Sentiment / opinion analysis, Question answering, Personal Assistant,
Tutoring Systems, etc.]
Apply various text preprocessing techniques for any given Indian Regional Language
text: Tokenization and Filtration.

Apply various other text preprocessing techniques for any given text: Stop Word
Removal, Lemmatization / Stemming.

4 Implement the N-Gram model for the given text input.

Study the different POS taggers, perform POS tagging on the given text, and Perform
Chunking for the given text input.

Implement a Named Entity Recognizer for the given text input. (Domain-specific
example bank, political news, tourism)

Implement a Text Similarity Recognizer(news similarity) for the chosen text


8 Exploratory data analysis of a given text (Word Cloud)

9 To develop a Bag-of-Words Model for Sentiment Analysis.

10 Develop a Character-Based or word-based Neural Language Model for text generation.

11 Mini Project Report: For anyone chosen real-world NLP application.

12 Implementation and Presentation of Mini Project

Useful Links:

1 Natural Language Toolkit NLTK https://www.nltk.org/

2 SpaCy https://spacy.io/

3 PyTorch-NLP https://pytorchnlp.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

4 StanfordNLP https://corenlp.run/

5 KenLM : https://kheafield.com/code/kenlm/

6 SRILM : http://www.speech.sri.com/projects/srilm

7 Google n-gram viewer : https://books.google.com/ngrams/

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance
of laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.
Total 25 Marks (Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks,
Assignments: 05-marks)

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSDL 7013 and CSDC7013
Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSDL7021 Augmented and Virtual Reality Lab 1

Prerequisite: Computer Graphics, Image Processing, Python

Lab Objectives:

1 To perform installation of Unity

2 To explore working of VR Gadget

3 To develop scene VR application

4 To track objects in virtual environment

Lab Outcomes:

1 Setup VR development environment

2 Use HTC Vive/ Google Cardboard/ Google Daydream and Samsung gear VR.

3 Develop VR scene and place object

4 Work with Augmented Faces features.

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 8 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

Installation of Unity and Visual Studio, setting up Unity for VR development,

understanding documentation of the same.

Demonstration of the working of HTC Vive, Google Cardboard, Google Daydream and
Samsung gear VR.

Develop a scene in Unity that includes:

3 i. a cube, plane and sphere, apply transformations on the 3 game objects. ii. add a video
and audio source

Develop a scene in Unity that includes a cube, plane and sphere. Create a new material
and texture separately for three Game objects. Change the colour, material and texture
4 of each Game object separately in the scene. Write a C# program in visual studio to
change the colour and material/texture of the game objects dynamically on button
Develop a scene in Unity that includes a sphere and plane . Apply Rigid body
5 component, material and Box collider to the game Objects. Write a C# program to
grab and throw the sphere using the vr controller.

Develop a simple UI(User interface ) menu with images, canvas, sprites and buttons.
6 Write a C# program to interact with UI menu through VR trigger button such that on
each successful trigger interaction display a score on scene

7 Place a three-dimensional ARCore pawn on detected AR plane surfaces

8 Using the Augmented Faces feature in your own apps.

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 8 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance
of laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

Total 25 Marks
4 (Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSDL7021 and CSDC7021

Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSDL7022 Blockchain Lab 1

Prerequisite: Cryptography and Network Security

Lab Objectives:

1 To explore Blockchain concepts.

2 To implement public and private Blockchain.

3 To create applications using Blockchain.

Lab Outcomes:

1 Creating Cryptographic hash using merkle tree.

2 Design Smart Contract using Solidity.

3 Implementing ethereum blockchain using Geth.

4 Demonstrate the concept of blockchain in real world application.

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 10 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

1 Cryptography in Blockchain, Merkle root tree hash

2 Create a Blockchain using Python

3 Create a Crypto Currency using Python for the blockchain implemented experiment 2

4 Case Study on different blockchain platforms.

Identify a Domain as per your choice and perform the below experiments with respect to the selected

5 Creating Smart Contract and performing transactions using Solidity and Remix IDE

6 Implement the embedding wallet and transaction using Solidity

7 Implement the Blockchain platform ethereum using Geth

8 Implement the Blockchain platform Ganache

9 Testing Interoperability and Cross-Chain Communication between platforms

10 Presentation on a suitable platform that meets the need of the Mini Project
Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance
of laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

Total 25 Marks
4 (Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSDC7022 and CSDL7022

Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSDL7023 Information Retrieval Lab 1


Lab Objectives:

1 To understand the formation of queries.

2 To implement the various modeling techniques for IR.

3 To execute query expansion techniques.

4 To evaluate Information retrieval systems.

Lab Outcomes:

1 To frame queries for information retrieval

2 To implement modeling techniques

3 To perform query expansion techniques

4 To demonstrate evaluation techniques for IR

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to perform any 5 experiments from the suggested
list along with a case study (* indicates compulsory experiment)

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

1 To understand the query structure and execute various structured queries

2 To implement any IR modeling technique

3 To implement Pattern matching method used for IR

4 To execute query expansion technique (Local/Global)

5 To design inverted indices for any information retrieval model

6 To implement tf-id weighting

7 To evaluate the system/application under study

8 To understand the Case Study and generate a report for the same
Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 5 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance
of laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

Total 25 Marks
4 (Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSDL7023 and CSDC7023

Course Code Course Title Credit

CSP701 Major Project 1 3

The project work facilitates the students to develop and prove Technical, Professional and Ethical
skills and knowledge gained during graduation program by applying them from problem
identification, analyzing the problem and designing solutions

Course Objectives:

1 To identify and define an appropriate problem statement.

To perform extensive literature survey and feasibility study for the chosen
problem statement.

3 To propose suitable methodology for solving the defined problem.

To design and implement solutions which will impact society and the
environment in a positive manner.

To inculcate team spirit, professional, ethical behavior and leadership


6 To create well formatted documents using standard engineering practices

Course Outcomes:

1 Develop the understanding of the problem domain through extensive review of literature.

Identify and analyze the problem in detail to define its scope with
problem specific data.

To know various techniques to be implemented for the selected problem and related
technical skills through feasibility analysis.

To design solutions for real-time problems that will positively impact society and the
4 environment..

To develop clarity of presentation based on communication,teamwork and leadership


6 To inculcate professional and ethical behavior.


1. Project topic selection and allocation:

Project topic selection process to be defined and followed:

● Project orientation can be given at the end of sixth semester.
● Students should be informed about the domain and domain experts whose guidance
can be taken before selecting projects.
● Student‘s should be recommended to refer papers from reputed conferences / journals
like IEEE, Elsevier, ACM etc. which are not more than 3 years old for review of
● Students can certainly take ideas from anywhere, but be sure that they should evolve
them in a unique way to suit their project requirements. Students can be informed to
refer to Digital India portal, SIH portal or any other hackathon portal for problem
Topics can be finalized with respect to following criterion:
● Topic Selection: The topics selected should be novel in nature (Product based,
Application based or Research based) or should work towards removing the
lacuna in currently existing systems.
● Technology Used: Use of latest technology or modern tools can be encouraged.
o Students should not repeat work done previously (work done in the last three
● Project work must be carried out by the group of at least 3 students and
maximum 4.
● The project work can be undertaken in a research institute or organization/
industry/ any business establishment (out-house projects).
● The project proposal presentations can be scheduled according to the domains
and should be judged by faculty who are experts in the domain.
● Head of the department and senior staff along with project coordinators will take
decisions regarding final selection of projects.
● Guide allocation should be done and students have to submit weekly progress
reports to the internal guide.
● Internal guide has to keep track of the progress of the project and also has to
maintain attendance reports. This progress report can be used for awarding term
work marks.
● In case of industry/ out-house projects, visit by internal guide will be preferred
and external members can be called during the presentation at various levels.

2. Project Report Format:

At the end of semester, each group needs to prepare a project report as per the guidelines
A project report should preferably contain at least following details:
● Abstract
● Introduction
● Literature survey of existing system
● Limitation of existing system or research gap
● Problem statement and objectives
● Timeline Chart for Term1 and Term-II (Project Management tools can be used.)
● Proposed system
● Conceptual(block & modular diagram)
● Detailed design (DFDs, Use case, activity diagrams, etc,.)
● Methodology (your approach to solve the problem)
● Proposed Experimental Set up
● Details of Dataset
● Performance Evaluation Parameters (for Validation)
● Conclusion
● References
● Implementation Plan for Next Semester
Students can be asked to undergo Certification courses during the semester timeline (for
the technical skill set that will be useful and applicable for projects.)

3.Term Work: (50)

Distribution of marks for term work shall be done based on following:

● Weekly Log Report
● Project Work Contribution
● Project Report (Spiral Bound) (both side print)
● Term End Presentation (Internal)
The final certification and acceptance of TW ensures the satisfactory performance on the
above aspects.

In continuous assessment focus shall also be on each individual student,assessment based on

individual’s contribution in group activity, their understanding and response to questions.

4. Oral and Practical:

Oral and Practical examination (Final Project Evaluation) of Project 1 should be

conducted by Internal and External examiners approved ,at the
end of the semester.
Suggested quality evaluation parameters are as follows:
● Quality of problem selected
● Clarity of problem definition and feasibility of problem solution
● Relevance to the specialization / industrial trends
● Originality
● Clarity of objective and scope
● Quality of analysis and design
● Quality of written and oral presentation
● Individual as well as team work
Course Code: Course Title Credit

CSC801 Distributed Computing 3

Prerequisite: Computer Networks and Operating Systems.

Course Objectives:

1 To provide students with contemporary knowledge in distributed systems.

2 To explore the various methods used for communication in distributed systems.

3 To provide skills to measure the performance of distributed synchronization algorithms.

To provide knowledge of resource management, and process management including

process migration.

5 To learn issues involved in replication, consistency, and file management.

6 To learn the concept of a distributed file system and middleware technologies

Course Outcomes:

Demonstrate knowledge of the basic elements and concepts related to distributed system

Illustrate the middleware technologies that support distributed applications such as RPC,
RMI and Object based middleware.

Analyze the various techniques used for clock synchronization, mutual exclusion
and deadlock.

4 Demonstrate the concepts of Resource and Process management.

5 Demonstrate the concepts of Consistency, Replication Management and fault Tolerance.

6 Apply the knowledge of Distributed File systems and middleware technologies.

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction to Distributed Systems

1.1 Characterization of Distributed Systems:,Issues, Goals, and Types of

distributed systems, Hardware and Software Concepts: NOS, DOS. 04

1.2 Middleware: Models of middleware, Services offered by


2 Communication 04
2.1 Interprocess communication (IPC): Remote Procedure Call (RPC),
Remote Method Invocation (RMI).

2.2 Message-Oriented Communication, Stream Oriented

Communication, Multicast Communication, Gossip Protocol,
Group Communication

3 Synchronization

3.1 Clock Synchronization: Physical clock, Logical Clocks, Election


3.2 Distributed Mutual Exclusion, Requirements of Mutual Exclusion

Algorithms and Performance measures. Non- token Based
Algorithms: Lamport, Ricart–Agrawala’s and Maekawa’s
Algorithms; Token-based Algorithms: Suzuki-Kasami's Broadcast 10
Algorithms and Raymond’s Tree-based Algorithm; and Comparative
Performance Analysis

3.3 Deadlock detection in distributed systems: Introduction – System

model – Models of deadlocks – Chandy–Misra–Haas algorithm

4 Resource and Process Management

4.1 Desirable Features of Global Scheduling algorithm, Task assignment

Approach, Load balancing approach and load sharing approach 07

4.2 Introduction to Process Management, Process Migration, Code


5 Replication, Consistency and Fault Tolerance

5.1 Distributed Shared Memory: Architecture, design issues.Algorithms

for Implementing DSM, Memory Coherence, Coherence Protocols

5.2 Introduction to replication and consistency, Data-Centric and 08

Client-Centric Consistency Models, Replica Management.

5.3 Fault Tolerance: Introduction, Design Issues, Failure Masking and

Replication, Agreement in Faulty Systems, Failure Detection,
Process resilience, Recovery.

6 Current Trends and Case studies 06

6.1 Introduction and features of DFS, File models, File Accessing models,
File Caching Schemes, File Replication, File System Performance and

6.2 Case Studies of Distributed File Systems ,Hadoop HDFS, Google File
System, Apache Cassandra File System (CFS),Amazon S3 etc.

6.3 Case studies of middleware:

Content Management Middleware, Payment Gateway Middleware,
Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM), API Management
Middleware, CORBA etc.
Total 39


Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Maarten Van Steen, Distributed Systems: Principles and
Paradigms, 2nd edition, Pearson Education.

Mukesh Singhal, Niranjan G. Shivaratri, "Advanced concepts in operating systems:

Distributed, Database and multiprocessor operating systems", MC Graw Hill education.

3 Pradeep K.Sinha, "Distributed Operating System-Concepts and design", PHI.

Reference Books:

1 M. L. Liu, ―Distributed Computing Principles and Applications‖, Pearson Addison Wesley,


2 George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, Tim Kindberg, "Distributed Systems: Concepts and
Design", 4th Edition, Pearson Education, 2005

Useful Digital Links

1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106107

2 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106168

3 http://csis.pace.edu/~marchese/CS865/Lectures/Chap7/Chapter7fin.htm

4 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106104182

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will
be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by
the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by
3 5 Marks
small report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject
4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks
Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on
5 10 Marks
recent trends in the said course
Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment /
6 10 Marks
Question paper solution
NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4
7 10 Marks
weeks or more
8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3
4 Only Four Questions need to be solved
In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Title Credit

CSDC8011 Deep Learning 3

Prerequisite: Basic mathematics and Statistical concepts, Linear Algebra, Machine Learning

Course Objectives:

1 To learn the fundamentals of Neural networks.

2 To gain an in-depth understanding of training Deep Neural Networks.

To acquire knowledge of advanced concepts of Convolution Neural Networks,

Autoencoders, and Recurrent Neural Networks.

4 Students should be familiar with the recent trends in Deep Learning

Course Outcomes:

1 Gain basic knowledge of Neural Networks.

2 Acquire an in-depth understanding of training Deep Neural Networks.

3 Design appropriate DNN model for supervised applications.

4 Design appropriate DNN model for unsupervised applications.

5 Design appropriate DNN models for sequence learning applications.

6 Gain familiarity with recent trends and applications of Deep Learning.

Module Content Hours

1 Fundamentals of Neural Network

Biological neuron, Mc-Culloch Pitts Neuron, Perceptron, Perceptron

Learning, Delta learning, Multilayer Perceptron
Linearly separable, linearly non-separable classes, Deep Networks:
1.2 Fundamentals, Brief History, Three Classes of Deep Learning Basic
Terminologies of Deep Learning,

Training, Optimization and Regularization of Deep Neural


Training Feedforward DNN

Multi-Layered Feed Forward Neural Network, Learning Factors,
2.1 10
Activation functions: Tanh, Logistic, Linear, Softmax, ReLU, Leaky
ReLU, Loss functions: Squared Error loss, Cross Entropy, Choosing
output function and loss function
Optimization: Learning with backpropagation, Learning
2.2 Parameters: Gradient Descent (GD), Stochastic and Mini Batch GD,
Momentum Based GD, Nesterov Accelerated GD, AdaGrad, Adam,

Regularization: Overview of Overfitting, Types of biases, Bias Variance

Tradeoff Regularization Methods: L1, L2 regularization, Parameter
sharing, Dropout, Weight Decay, Batch normalization, Early stopping,
Data Augmentation, Adding noise to input and output,

3 Autoencoders: Unsupervised Learning

Introduction, Linear Autoencoder, Under complete Autoencoder,

Overcomplete Autoencoders, Regularization in Autoencoders
Denoising Autoencoders, Sparse Autoencoders, Contractive

3.3 Application of Autoencoders: Image Compression

4 Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN): Supervised Learning

Convolution operation, Padding, Stride, Relation between input, output

and filter size, CNN architecture: Convolution layer, Pooling Layer,
Weight Sharing in CNN, Fully Connected NN vs CNN, Variants of 06
basic Convolution function

Modern Deep Learning Architectures: LeNET: Architecture,

AlexNET: Architecture

5 Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN):

Sequence Learning Problem, Unfolding Computational graphs,

Recurrent Neural Network, Bidirectional RNNBackpropagation
Through Time (BTT), Vanishing and Exploding Gradients, Truncated 08

Long Short-Term Memory: Selective Read, Selective write, Selective

Forget, Gated Recurrent Unit

6 Recent Trends and Applications: 06

Transfer Learning, Customize a pre-trained model: Feature Extraction,

6.1 Fine-Tuning, Transfer Learning Implementation using VGG16 Model/
MobileNetV2/YOLO/GloVe/ ResNet50

Generative Adversarial Network (GAN): Architecture, Applications:

Image Generation, DeepFake, ChatGPT

Total 39

1 Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville. ―Deep Learning‖, MIT Press Ltd, 2016

2 Li Deng and Dong Yu, ―Deep Learning Methods and Applications‖, Publishers Inc.

3 Satish Kumar "Neural Networks A Classroom Approach" Tata McGraw-Hill.

4 JM Zurada ―Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems‖, Jaico Publishing House

5 M. J. Kochenderfer, Tim A. Wheeler. ―Algorithms for Optimization‖, MIt Press..

Reference Books:

Buduma, N. and Locascio, N., ―Fundamentals of deep learning: Designing next-generation

machine intelligence algorithms" 2017. O'Reilly Media, Inc.".

2 François Chollet. ―Deep learning with Python ―(Vol. 361). 2018 New York: Manning.

3 Douwe Osinga. ―Deep Learning Cookbook‖, O‘REILLY, SPD Publishers, Delhi.

Simon Haykin, Neural Network- A Comprehensive Foundation- Prentice Hall

International, Inc

5 Charu.C.Aggarwal, “Neural Networks and Deep Learning”, Springer, 1st Edition

6 S.N.Sivanandam and S.N.Deepa, Principles of soft computing-Wiley India

Useful Links
1 https://nptel.ac.in https://deeplearning.cs.cmu.edu/S21/index.html
2 http://www.cse.iitm.ac.in/~miteshk/CS6910.html
3 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/106/106106184/
4 https://www.deeplearningbook.org/
5 https://www.coursera.org/specializations/deep-learning

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks.
The Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its
duration will be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval
by the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.
Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by
3 5 Marks
small report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject
4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks
Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on
5 10 Marks
recent trends in the said course
Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment /
6 10 Marks
Question paper solution
NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4
7 10 Marks
weeks or more
8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module
3 then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3
4 Only Four Questions need to be solved
In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number
of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Title Credit

CSDC8012 Digital Forensics 3


Course Objectives:

1 To discuss the need and process of digital forensics and Incident Response Methodology.

To explore the procedures for identification, preservation, and acquisition of

digital evidence.

To explore techniques and tools used in digital forensics for Operating system and
malware investigation

4 To explore techniques and tools used for Mobile forensics and browser, email forensics

Course Outcomes:

Discuss the phases of Digital Forensics and methodology to handle the computer
security incident.

2 Describe the process of collection, analysis and recovery of the digital evidence.

3 Explore various tools to analyze malwares and acquired images of RAM/hard drive

4 Acquire adequate perspectives of digital forensic investigation in mobile devices

5 Analyze the source and content authentication of emails and browsers

6 Produce unambiguous investigation reports which offer valid conclusions.

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction to Digital Forensics

Digital Forensics Definition, Digital Forensics Goals, Digital Forensics

1.1 Categories - Computer Forensics, Mobile Forensics, Network
Forensics, Database Forensics 06

Introduction to Incident - Computer Security Incident, Goals of

1.2 Incident Response, CSIRT, Incident Response Methodology, Phase
after detection of an incident

Digital Evidence, Forensics Duplication and Digital Evidence


Digital evidence, Types of Digital Evidence, Challenges in acquiring

2.1 Digital evidence, Admissibility of evidence, Challenges in evidence 09
handling, Chain of Custody
Digital Forensics Examination Process - Seizure, Acquisition,
2.2 Analysis, Reporting. Necessity of forensic duplication, Forensic image
formats, Forensic duplication techniques,.

Acquiring Digital Evidence - Forensic Image File Format, Acquiring

Volatile Memory (Live Acquisition), Acquiring Nonvolatile Memory
(Static Acquisition), Hard Drive Imaging Risks and Challenges,
Network Acquisition

3 Forensics Investigation

Analyzing Hard Drive Forensic Images, Analyzing RAM Forensic 04

Image, Investigating Routers

Malware Analysis - Malware, Viruses, Worms, Essential skills and

3.2 tools for Malware Analysis, List of Malware Analysis Tools and

4 Windows and Unix Forensics Investigation

Investigating Windows Systems - File Recovery, Windows Recycle Bin

Forensics, Data Carving, Windows Registry Analysis, USB Device
Forensics, File Format Identification, Windows Features Forensics
Analysis, Windows 10 Forensics, Cortana Forensics
Investigating Unix Systems - Reviewing Pertinent Logs, Performing
Keyword Searches, Reviewing Relevant Files, Identifying
4.2 Unauthorized User Accounts or Groups, Identifying Rogue Processes,
Checking for Unauthorized Access Points, Analyzing Trust

5 Mobile Forensics

Android Forensics, Mobile Device Forensic Investigation - Storage

location, Acquisition methods, Data Analysis

GPS forensics - GPS Evidentiary data, GPS Exchange Format (GPX), 08

5.2 GPX Files, Extraction of Waypoints and TrackPoints, Display the
Tracks on a Map.

SIM Cards Forensics - The Subscriber Identification Module (SIM),

SIM Architecture, Security, Evidence Extraction.

6 Browser, Email Forensic & Forensic Investigation Reporting

Web Browser Forensics, Google chrome, Other web browser

6.1 Email forensics - Sender Policy Framework (SPF), Domain Key 04
Identified Mail (DKIM), Domain based Message Authentication
Reporting and Confirmation (DMARC)
Investigative Report Template, Layout of an Investigative Report,
Guidelines for Writing a Report

Total 39


Kevin Mandia, Chris Prosise, ―Incident Response and computer forensics‖, Tata
McGrawHill, 2006

Digital Forensics Basics A Practical Guide Using Windows OS — Nihad A. Hassan,

APress Publication, 2019

Xiaodong Lin, ―Introductory Computer Forensics: A Hands-on Practical Approach‖,

Springer Nature, 2018

Suggested MOOC Course Links

Course on ―Ethical Hacking‖


Course on ―Digital Forensics‖


Course on Cyber Incident Response


Course on ―Penetration Testing, Incident Responses and Forensics‖


Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will
be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by
the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by
3 5 Marks
small report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject
4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks
Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on
5 10 Marks
recent trends in the said course
Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment /
6 10 Marks
Question paper solution
NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4
7 10 Marks
weeks or more
8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module
3 then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3
4 Only Four Questions need to be solved
In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number
of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code: Course Title Credit

CSDC8013 Applied Data Science 3

Prerequisite: Engineering Mathematics, Machine Learning, Data Structures & Algorithms

Course Objectives:

1 To introduce students to the basic concepts of data science.

2 To acquire an in-depth understanding of data exploration and data visualization.

3 To be familiar with various anomaly detection techniques.

4 To understand the data science techniques for different applications.

Course Outcomes:

1 To gain fundamental knowledge of the data science process.

2 Apply different methodologies and evaluation strategies.

3 To apply data exploration and visualization techniques

4 To apply anomaly detection techniques.

5 To gain an in-depth understanding of time-series forecasting.

To apply Optimization Techniques and explore data science techniques to real world

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction to Data Science

1.1 Introduction to Data Science, Data Science Process

Motivation to use Data Science Techniques: Volume, Dimensions and 05
Complexity, Data Science Tasks and Examples
Overview of Data Preparation, Modeling, Difference between data
science and data analytics
2 Data Exploration

Descriptive Statistics:
Univariate Exploration: Measure of Central Tendency(Methods to
calculate Arithmetic Mean,Weighted Mean,Median,Mode) Measure of
Dispersion(Range,Quartile Deviation,IQR),Measures of Skewness (Karl
Pearson Coeff.of skewness, Bowley’s Coefficient of skewness),
Measures of Kurtosis
Multivariate Exploration:Correlation Analysis, Concept of
Correlation,Bivariate Distribution,Covariance Types of correlation, Karl
Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation

Inferential Statistics:
Overview of Various forms of distributions: Normal, Poisson
Statistical Inference-Tests of Significance: Procedure for testing a
2.2 Hypothesis,Significance tests in Attributes,Test of significance of a
single Mean, Central limit theorem, Confidence Interval, Z-test, t-test,
Type-I, Type-II Errors,
F-Distribution and Analysis of Variance( ANOVA)

3 Methodology and Data Visualization

Methodology: Overview of model building, Cross Validation, K-fold
cross validation, leave-1 out, Bootstrapping
Data Visualization
Univariate Visualization: Histogram, Quartile, Distribution Chart 06
Multivariate Visualization: Scatter Plot, Scatter Matrix, Bubble chart,
Density Chart, Roadmap for Data Exploration
Self-Learning Topics: Visualizing high dimensional data: Parallel
chart, Deviation chart, Andrews Curves.

4 Anomaly Detection
Outliers, Causes of Outliers, Anomaly detection techniques, Outlier
4.1 06
Detection using Statistics
Outlier Detection using Distance based method, Outlier detection using
density-based methods, SMOTE
5 Time Series Forecasting
Taxonomy of Time Series Forecasting methods, Time Series
Smoothening Methods: Average method, Moving Average smoothing,
Time series analysis using linear regression, ARIMA Model,
Performance Evaluation: Mean Absolute Error, Root Mean Square Error,
Mean Absolute Percentage Error, Mean Absolute Scaled Error
Self Learning Topics: Evaluation parameters for Classification,
regression and clustering.
6 Optimization Techniques and Applications of Data Science

Optimization: Global and local optima; Unconstrained and constrained

optimization; Introduction to least-squares optimization
6.2 Predictive Modeling: House price prediction, Fraud Detection 04
Clustering: Customer Segmentation,Use cases for Health care, Time
series forecasting: Weather Forecasting, Recommendation engines:
Product recommendation
Total 39
Vijay Kotu, Bala Deshpande. “Data Science Concepts and Practice”, Elsevier, M.K. Publishers.

Steven Skiena, “Data Science Design Manual”, Springer International Publishing AG


Samir Madhavan. “Mastering Python for Data Science”, PACKT Publishing


Dr. P. N. Arora, Sumeet Arora, S. Arora, Ameet Arora, “Comprehensive Statistical Methods”,
4 S.Chand Publications, New Delhi.

Reference Books:

1 Jake VanderPlas. “Python Data Science Handbook”, O’reilly Publications.

Francesco Ricci, Lior Rokach, Bracha Shapira, Paul B. Kantor, “Recommender Systems
Handbook”, Springer.
S.C. Gupta, V. K. Kapoor “Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics”, S. Chand and Sons,
New Delhi.

4 B .L .Agrawal. “Basic Statistics”, New Age Publications, Delhi.

Useful Links
1 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cs32/preview
2 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs69/preview
3 https://www.coursera.org/specializations/applied-data-science
4 www.IntroDataScience.com.
5 https://rapidminer.com/
6 https://julialang.org/
7 https://towardsdatascience.com/machine-learning/home

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will
be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by
the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks
Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by
3 5 Marks
small report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject
4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks
Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on
5 10 Marks
recent trends in the said course
Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment /
6 10 Marks
Question paper solution
NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4
7 10 Marks
weeks or more
8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module
3 then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3
4 Only Four Questions need to be solved
In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number
of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code: Course Title Credit

CSDC8021 Optimization in Machine learning 3

Prerequisite:Engineering Mathematics, Algorithms and data structures

Course Objectives:

1 Understand, analyze and apply existing derivative based optimization algorithms

2 Analyze and apply stochastic methods in optimization

3 Analyze convex optimization for machine learning problems

4 Understand real life problems and apply evolutionary methods to optimize them

Course Outcomes:

1 To apply foundational optimization ideas

2 To understand first order optimization methods

3 To compare various stochastic methods of optimization

4 To apply convex optimization algorithm

5 To analyze and demonstrate several population methods in Evolutionary Computation

To apply advanced evolutionary algorithms such as particle swarm and ant colony

Module Content Hours

1 Introduction and Background to Optimization Theory

1.1 Basic Ingredients of Optimization Problems, Optimization Problem

Classifications, Optima Types, Optimization Method Classes, Overview
of Unconstrained and Constrained Optimization, Basics of convex

2 Derivative based Optimization

2.1 The Basics of Optimization (univariate, bivariate and

multivariate optimization), Convex Objective Functions
2.2 First-Order optimization Methods : Gradient Descent, Conjugate
Gradient, Momentum, Nesterov Momentum, Adagrad, RMSProp,
learning rate optimization

2.3 Second order optimization: Newton method

3 Stochastic Methods 06

Noisy Descent, Mesh Adaptive Direct Search, Cross-Entropy Method,

Natural Evolution Strategies, Covariance Matrix Adaptation

4 Convex Optimization

Optimization problems, Convex optimization, Linear optimization 06

problems, Quadratic optimization problems, Geometric programming,
Overview of Generalized inequality constraints and Vector optimization

5 Evolutionary Methods

5.1 Introduction to Evolutionary Computation: Generic Evolutionary

Algorithm, Representation: The Chromosome, Initial Population,
Fitness Function, Selection: Selective Pressure, Random Selection,
Proportional Selection, Tournament Selection, Rank-Based Selection, 08
Elitism and Evolutionary Computation versus Classical Optimization,
Stopping conditions

5.2 Canonical Genetic Algorithm, Binary Representations of Crossover and

Mutation: Binary Representations, Control Parameters

6 Advance Evolutionary Methods

6.1 Basic Particle Swarm Optimization, Global Best PSO, Local Best PSO,
g-best versus l-best PSO, Velocity Components, Geometric Illustration,
Algorithm Aspects, Social Network Structures 05

6.2 Ant Colony Optimization Meta-Heuristic, Foraging Behavior of Ants,

Stigmergy and Artificial Pheromone, Simple Ant Colony Optimization,
Ant System, Ant Colony System

Total 39

Algorithms for Optimization, Mykel J. Kochenderfer, Tim A.Wheeler, The MIT Press

Computational Intelligence-An Introduction, Andries P Engelbrecht, Second-Edition,

Wiley publication

Linear Algebra and Optimization for Machine Learning, Charu C. Aggarwal, A

Textbook, Springer (2020)

Reference Books:

Convex Optimization, Stephen Boyd, Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford

1 University and Lieven Vandenberghe, Electrical Engineering Department, University of
California, Los Angeles, Cambridge University Press

Genetic Algorithms in Search, optimization and machine learning, David D

Goldberg, Addison Wesley

Optimization for Machine Learning, Suvrit Sra, Sebastian Nowozin, Stephen J.

Wright, - The MIT Press

Optimization techniques and applications with examples, Xin-She Yang Middlesex

University London, Wiley

5 Introduction to Evolutionary Computing, A.E. Eiben, J. E. Smith, Springer

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will
be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by
the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by
3 5 Marks
small report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject
4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks
Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on
5 10 Marks
recent trends in the said course
Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment /
6 10 Marks
Question paper solution
NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4
7 10 Marks
weeks or more
8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module
3 then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3
4 Only Four Questions need to be solved
In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number
of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Title Credit

CSDC8022 High Performance Computing 3

Prerequisite:Computer Architecture, Operating System, Cloud Computing

Course Objectives:

Introduce the fundamental concepts of high-performance computing (HPC) architecture

and parallel computing

Provide foundations for developing, analyzing, and implementing parallel algorithms

using parallelization paradigms like MPI, OpenMP, OpenCL, and CUDA.

3 Introduce range of activities associated with HPC in Cloud

Course Outcomes:

1 Understand parallel and pipeline processing approaches

Design a parallel algorithm to solve computational problems and identify issues in parallel

Analyze the performance of parallel computing systems for clusters in terms of execution
time, total parallel overhead, speedup.

Develop efficient and high-performance parallel algorithms using OpenMP and message
passing paradigm

5 Develop high-performance parallel programming using CUDA framework

Perform the range of activities associated with High Performance Computing in


Module Content Hrs

1 Introduction to Parallel Computing

1.1 Parallelism (What, Why, Applications), Levels of parallelism

(instruction, transaction, task, thread, memory, function)
1.2 Classification Models: Architectural Schemes (Flynn‘s, Shore‘s,
Feng‘s, Handler‘s) 05

1.3 Memory Access: Distributed Memory, Shared Memory, Hybrid

DistributedShared Memory
1.4 Parallel Architecture: Pipeline Architecture: Arithmetic pipelines,
Floating Point, Array Processor
2 Parallel Programming Platform and Algorithm Design

2.1 Parallel Programming Platform: Physical Organization of Parallel

Platforms, Communication Costs in Parallel Machines
2.2 Algorithm Design: Preliminaries, Decomposition Techniques,
Characteristics of Tasks and Interactions, Mapping Techniques for
Load Balancing, Methods for Containing Interaction Overheads,
Parallel Algorithm Models.

3 Performance Measures
Performance Measures: Speedup, execution time, efficiency, cost,
scalability, Effect of granularity on performance, Scalability of
Parallel Systems, Folk Theorem, Amdahl's Law, Gustafson's Law,
Performance Bottlenecks, The Karp Flatt Metric.
4 Message Passing 05

Principles of Message Passing Programming, The Building Blocks

Operations, Message Passing Interface, Topology and Embedding,
Overlapping Communication with Computation, Collective
Communication and Computation Operations

5 HPC Programming: OpenMP and MPI

Thread Basics, The POSIX Thread API, Thread Basics Thread

Synchronization, Attributes, Thread Cancellation, Composite
Synchronization Constructs. Share memory Architecture, Multi-core
processors and Hyperthreading, Fork and join model. OpenMP 10
directives, Processes, Multiprocessor programming model,
Distributed system programming model, Inter-process
communication using message passing: Asynchronous and
Synchronous, MPI Programming, Message passing vs Share
memory communication: Advantages and disadvantage

6 Parallel programming using accelerators and recent trends

6.1 An Overview of GPGPUs, Introduction to CUDA, Introduction to

Heterogeneous Computing using OpenCL, An Overview of OpenCL 05
API, Heterogeneous Programming in OpenCL.

6.2 Virtualization and Containerization, HPC in the Cloud Use Cases.

Total 39
AnanthGrama, Anshul Gupta, George Karypis, Vipin Kumar ―Introduction to Parallel
Computing‖, 2nd edition, Addison Wesley, 2003.
Shane Cook, Morgan Kaufmann ―CUDA Programming: A Developer's Guide to Parallel
Computing with GPUs, 2012.

3 M. R. Bhujade ―Parallel Computing‖,2nd edition, New Age International Publishers, 2009.

Kai Hwang, Naresh Jotwani, ―Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability,

Programmability McGraw Hill, Second Edition, 2010.
Georg Hager, Gerhard Wellein, Chapman ―Introduction to High Performance Computing for
Scientists and Engineers Hall/CRC Computational Science Series, 2011.
Reference Books:

Michael J. Quinn ―Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMPI‖ by, McGraw Hill
Education, 2008.
Kai Hwang, Zhiwei, Scalable Parallel ComputingTechnology,
Architecture,Programming‖, McGraw-Hill Education, 1998.
Laurence T. Yang, Minyi Guo, ―High-Performance Computing: Paradigm
and Infrastructure‖, by, Wiley, 2006.

Useful Links
1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112105293
2 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/128/106/128106014/

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will
be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by
the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by
3 5 Marks
small report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject
4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks
Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on
5 10 Marks
recent trends in the said course
Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment /
6 10 Marks
Question paper solution
NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4
7 10 Marks
weeks or more
8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3
4 Only Four Questions need to be solved
In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Title Credit

CSDC8023 Social Media Analytics 03

Prerequisite: Graph Theory, Data Mining, Python/R programming

Course Objectives:

1 Familiarize the learners with the concept of social media

Familiarize the learners with the concept of social media analytics and understand its

Enable the learners to develop skills required for analyzing the effectiveness of social

4 Familiarize the learners with different tools of social media analytics.

5 Familiarize the learner with different visualization techniques for Social media analytics.

Familiarize the ethical and legal implications of leveraging social media analytics for
business intelligence.

Course Outcomes:

1 Understand the concept of Social media

2 Understand the concept of social media Analytics and its significance.

3 Learners will be able to analyze the effectiveness of social media

Learners will be able to use different Social media analytics tools effectively and

Learners will be able to use different effective Visualization techniques to represent social
media analytics.

6 Acquire the fundamental perspectives, hands-on skills, and ethical knowledge to

responsibly leverage social media data for informed business decision-making,

Module Content Hours

1 Social Media Analytics: An Overview

Core Characteristics of Social Media, Types of Social Media, Social 06

media landscape, Need for Social Media Analytics (SMA), SMA in
small & large organizations.
Purpose of Social Media Analytics, Social Media vs. Traditional
Business Analytics, Seven Layers of Social Media Analytics, Types of
Social Media Analytics, Social Media Analytics Cycle, Challenges to
Social Media Analytics, Social Media Analytics Tools

2 Social Network Structure, Measures & Visualization

Basics of Social Network Structure - Nodes, Edges & Tie Describing

the Networks Measures - Degree Distribution, Density, Connectivity,
Centralization, Tie Strength & Trust
Network Visualization - Graph Layout, Visualizing Network features,
Scale Issues.
Social Media Network Analytics - Common Network Terms, Common
Social Media Network Types, Types of Networks, Common Network
Terminologies, Network Analytics Tools.

3 Social Media Text, Action & Hyperlink Analytics

Social Media Text Analytics - Types of Social Media Text, Purpose of

Text Analytics, Steps in Text Analytics, Social Media Text
Analysis Tools 08
Social Media Action Analytics - What Is Actions Analytics? Common
Social Media Actions, Actions Analytics Tools
Social Media Hyperlink Analytics - Types of Hyperlinks, Types of
Hyperlink Analytics, Hyperlink Analytics Tools

4 Social Media Location & Search Engine Analytics

Location Analytics - Sources of Location Data, Categories of Location

Analytics, Location Analytics and Privacy Concerns, Location 06
Analytics Tools
Search Engine Analytics - Types of Search Engines, Search Engine
Analytics, Search Engine Analytics Tools

5 Social Information Filtering

Social Information Filtering - Social Sharing and filtering , Automated

Recommendation systems, Traditional Vs social Recommendation
Understanding Social Media and Business Alignment, Social Media
KPI, Formulating a Social Media Strategy, Managing Social Media

Digital Marketing, Social Media Analytics Applications and


6.1 Social media applications in public and private sector, 07

Digital Marketing, Digital marketing and its significance in today's
business landscape,Predictive Analytics in Digital Marketing
Privacy - Privacy policies, data ownership and maintaining privacy
Seven Layers of Social Media Analytics_ Mining Business Insights from Social Media Text,
1 Actions, Networks, Hyperlinks, Apps, Search Engine, and Location Data, GoharF.
Khan,(ISBN-10: 1507823207).

2 Analyzing the Social Web 1st Edition by Jennifer Golbeck

Mining the Social Web_ Analyzing Data from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and
Other Social Media Sites, Matthew A Russell, O‘Reilly
Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die 2nd Edition,
Kindle Editionby Eric Siegel (Author)
Reference Books:

Social Media Analytics [2015], Techniques and Insights for Extracting Business Value Out of
Social Media, Matthew Ganis, AvinashKohirkar, IBM Press

Social Media Analytics Strategy_ Using Data to Optimize Business Performance, Alex
Gonçalves, APress Business Team
Social Media Data Mining and Analytics, Szabo, G., G. Polatkan, O. Boykin & A.
Chalkiopoulos (2019), Wiley, ISBN 978-1-118-82485-6

Useful Links
1 https://cse.iitkgp.ac.in/~pawang/courses/SC16.html
2 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs78/preview
3 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106146
4 https://7layersanalytics.com/

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will
be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by
the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

2 Literature review of papers/journals 5 Marks

Participation in event/ workshop/ talk / competition followed by
3 5 Marks
small report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject
4 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon pertaining to the course 10 Marks
Case study, Presentation, group discussion, technical debate on
5 10 Marks
recent trends in the said course
Project based Learning and evaluation / Extra assignment /
6 10 Marks
Question paper solution
NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC Certificate course for 4
7 10 Marks
weeks or more
8 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

9 Creating Proof of Concept 10 Marks

10 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 Marks

11 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 Marks

*For sr.no.7, the date of certification exam should be within the term and in case a student is unable to
complete the certification, the grading has to be done accordingly.

Indirect Assessment

1 Mock Viva/Practical

2 Skill Enhancement Lecture

3 Extra Assignments/lab/lecture

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3
4 Only Four Questions need to be solved
In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Title Credit

ILO8021 Project Management 3

Prerequisite: Software Engineering and its concepts.

Course Objectives:

To familiarize the students with the use of a structured methodology/approach for each
and every unique project

Awareness about the utilizing project management concepts, tools and techniques in
managing the Project

To appraise the students with the project management life cycle and make them
knowledgeable about the various phases from project initiation through closure

4 Focus on Planning and Risk management techniques in the development of a Project

5 Effective Techniques for Monitoring and Control of the Projects.

6 Awareness about the ethics to be followed in a project and quality of leadership.

Course Outcomes:

To understand the Necessity of Project management and Project Management Knowledge


2 Apply selection criteria and select an appropriate project from different options.

Perform SWOT Analysis and Prepare a Work Breakdown Structure for a project and
develop a schedule based on it.

4 Identify the Risk and solution to it

5 To understand Project Monitoring and Control using various Techniques

6 Project Management towards Effective Leadership and Quality of the project.

Module Content Hours

1 Project Management Foundation:

Definition of a project, Project v/s Operations, Necessity of project

management, Triple constraints, Project life cycles (typical & 06
atypical) Project phases and Role of project manager.
Different Forms of Project Management, Project Environment,
Project Management for Industry, Service Sector and Public Sector.
Negotiations and resolving conflicts. PM knowledge areas as per
Project Management Institute (PMI).

2 Initiating Projects:

How to get a project started, Selecting projects strategically, Project

selection models (Numeric /Scoring Models and Non-numeric
models), Project portfolio process, Project sponsor and creating
charter; Project proposal. Effective project team, Stages of team
development & growth (forming, storming, norming & performing),
team dynamics.

3 Software Project Planning & Software Cost Estimation:

Business Case, Project selection and Approval, Project charter,

Project Scope management, Creating the Work Breakdown 08
Structures (WBS). Networking and Scheduling techniques. PERT,
CPM, GANTT chart. Introduction to Project Management
Information System (PMIS).
Software Estimation: Size Estimation: Function Point
(Numericals). Cost Estimation: COCOMO (Numericals),
COCOMO-II (Numericals) till Early design model.

4 Planning Projects:

Crashing project time, Resource loading and leveling, Goldratt's

critical chain, Project Stakeholders and Communication plan.
Software Risk Management:
Identify IT Project Risk, Risk Analysis and Assessment, Risk
Strategies, Risk Monitoring and Control, Risk Response and

5 Monitoring and Controlling Projects:

Project Organization, Agile Project Management and Team Building,

Earned Value Management techniques for measuring value of work 06
completed; Change Management.
Project Contracting : Project procurement management, contracting
and outsourcing

6 Project Leadership and Ethics:

Introduction to project leadership, ethics in projects. Multicultural

and virtual projects.
Project Quality Management:
Concept of Quality, Process of Quality Management , Quality
Assurance Techniques
Closing the Project:
Process of project termination, completing a final report; doing a
lessons learned analysis; acknowledging successes and failures;

Total 39

Jack Meredith & Samuel Mantel, Project Management: A managerial approach, Wiley India,

2 Gido Clements, Project Management, Cengage Learning.

3 Gopalan, Project Management, , WileyIndia

John M Nicholas, Herman Steyn , Project Management for Engineering, Business and
Technology, Routledge, Taylor Francis Group.

Reference Books:

1 Dennis Lock, Project Management, Gower Publishing England, 9 thEd.

Managing Information Technology Project, 6th Edition, by Kathy Schwalbe, Cengage

Learning publication

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration
will be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1. *Certificate course for 4 weeks or more:- 10 marks

NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC
2. Activity on Design Thinking and Agile Methodology 10 Marks
3. Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 Marks

5. Extra Assignment / Case Studies Assignment 10 Marks

7. Participation in event/workshop/talk / competition followed by 5 Marks

small report and certificate of participation relevant to the
subject(in other institutes)
8. Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 Marks

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

3 Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3
4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

5 In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code: Course Title Credit

ILO 8022 Finance Management 3


Course Objectives:

1 To know about the Indian financial system, instruments and market.

To understand the relationship between risk, return and time value of


3 To understand the financial statements and ratio analysis.

4 To understand capital budgeting and working capital management.

5 To know about Capital structure and its approaches.

6 To understand different dividend policy theories.

Course Outcomes:

1 To explain Indian financial system , instrument and market

To determine risk, return and time value of Money with respect to

financial decisions.

To decide investment decisions for projects with the help of financial


4 To explain capital budgeting structure and working capital management.

5 To discuss the concept of capital structure and its approaches.

6 To apply dividend policies with respect to various scenarios.

Module Content Hours

1 Indian Financial System

Characteristics, Components and Functions of Financial System.

Financial Instruments: Meaning, Characteristics and Classification of
1.1 Basic Financial Instruments — Equity Shares, Preference 08
Shares,Bonds-Debentures, Certificates of Deposit, Treasury Bills, Trade
Financial Markets: Meaning, Characteristics and Classification of
1.2 Financial Markets — Capital Market, Money Market and
ForeignCurrency Market

Financial Institutions: Meaning, Characteristics and Classification of

1.3 Financial Institutions — Commercial Banks, Investment-Merchant
Banks and Stock Exchanges

2 Financial Risk and Returns

Concepts of Returns and Risks: Measurement of Historical Returns and

Expected Returns of a Single Security and a Two-security Portfolio

Measurement of Historical Risk and Expected Risk of a Single Security 06

and a Two-security Portfolio

Time Value of Money: Future Value of a Lump Sum, Ordinary Annuity,

2.3 and Annuity Due; Present Value of a Lump Sum, Ordinary Annuity, and
Annuity Due; Continuous Compounding and Continuous Discounting

3 Corporate Finance

Overview of Corporate Finance: Objectives of Corporate

3.1 Finance;Functions of Corporate Finance—Investment Decision,
Financing Decision, and Dividend Decision

Overview of Financial Statements,Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss 09

Account, and Cash Flow Statement.

Financial Ratio Analysis: Purpose of Financial Ratio

Analysis.Liquidity Ratios; Efficiency or Activity Ratios; Profitability
Ratios; Capital Structure Ratios; Stock Market Ratios; Limitations of
Ratio Analysis.

4 Capital Budgeting

Capital Budgeting: Meaning and Importance of Capital Budgeting;

Inputs for Capital Budgeting Decisions

Investment Appraisal Criterion—Accounting Rate of Return, Payback

Period, Discounted Payback Period, Net Present
Value(NPV),Profitability Index, Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and 10
Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR)

Working Capital Management: Concepts of Meaning Working Capital;

Importance of Working Capital Management; Factors Affecting an
4.3 Entity‘s Working Capital Needs; Estimation of Working Capital
Requirements, Management of Inventories; Management of
Receivables, and Management of Cash and Marketable Securities

5 Capital Structure

Factors Affecting an Entity‘s Capital Structure, Overview of Capital 03

Structure Theories
Capital Structure Approaches— Net Income Approach, Net Operating
Income Approach; Traditional Approach, and Modigliani-Miller
Approach. Relation between Capital Structure and Corporate Value;
Concept of Optimal Capital Structure

6 Dividend Policy

Meaning and Importance of Dividend Policy; Factors Affecting an

Entity‘s Dividend Decision; Overview of Dividend Policy Theories and
Approaches—Gordon‘s Approach, Walter‘s Approach and Modigliani
Miller Approach

Total 39

Reference Books:

Fundamentals of Financial Management, 13th Edition (2015) by Eugene F.

Brigham and Joel F. Houston; Publisher: Cengage Publications, New Delhi.

Analysis for Financial Management, 10th Edition (2013) by Robert C. Higgins;

Publishers: McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi

Indian Financial System, 9th Edition (2015) by M. Y. Khan; Publisher: McGraw Hill
Education, New Delhi.

Financial Management, 11th Edition (2015) by I. M. Pandey; Publisher: S. Chand

(G/L)& Company Limited, New Delhi.

Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will
be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval
by the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

*Certificate course for 4 weeks or more:- 10 marks

NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC
2. Wins in the event/competition/hackathon 10 marks

3. Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 marks

4. Creating Proof of concept 10 marks

5. Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 marks

6. GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 marks
Participation in event/workshop/talk / competition followed by small 5 marks
7. report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject(in other
8. Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 marks

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

3 Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3
4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

5 In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Title Credit

ILO8023 Entrepreneurship Development and Management 3

Prerequisite: Computer Networks and Operating Systems.

Course Objectives:

1 To acquaint with entrepreneurship and management of business

2 Understand Indian environment for entrepreneurship

3 Idea of EDP, MSME

Course Outcome

1 Understand the Difference between Entrepreneur and Businessman

2 Understand the concept of business plan and ownerships

3 Importance of Women Entrepreneurs in Development

4 Interpret key regulations and legal aspects of entrepreneurship in India

5 Understand government policies for entrepreneurs

6 Concept of success in small business

Module Content Hours

1 Overview of Entrepreneurship:

1.1 Definitions, Businessman v/s entrepreneur, competencies , Roles and

Functions of Entrepreneurship,

1.2 History of Entrepreneurship Development, Role of Entrepreneurship

in the National Economy, Functions of an Entrepreneur 04

1.3 Entrepreneurship and Forms of Business Ownership Role of Money

and Capital Markets in Entrepreneurial Development:

1.4 Contribution of Government Agencies in Sourcing information for


2 Business Plans And Importance Of Capital To Entrepreneurship:

Entrepreneurship And Business Development
2.1 Preliminary and Marketing Plans, Management and Personnel,
Start-up Costs and Financing as well as Projected
Financial Statements

2.2 Legal Section, Insurance, Suppliers and Risks, Assumptions and

Conclusion, Capital and its Importance to the Entrepreneur

2.3 Starting a New Business, Buying an Existing Business, New Product


2.4 Business Growth and the Entrepreneur Law and its Relevance to
Business Operations

3 Women‘s Entrepreneurship Development

3.1 Social entrepreneurship-role and need

3.2 EDP cell, role of sustainability

3.3 sustainable development for SMEs, case studies, exercises

4 Indian Environment for Entrepreneurship:

4.1 key regulations and legal aspects , MSMED Act 2006 and its
implications, schemes and policies of the Ministry of MSME, role
and responsibilities of various government organisations,
departments, banks etc., 08

4.2 Role of State governments in terms of infrastructure

developments and support etc., Public private partnerships,National
Skill development Mission, Credit Guarantee Fund, PMEGP,
discussions, group exercises etc

5 Effective Management of Business:

5.1 Issues and problems faced by micro and small enterprises and
effective management of M and S enterprises
5.2 BCG matrix,risk management, credit availability, technology

5.3 Supply chain management, linkage with large industries, exercises,


6 Achieving Success In The Small Business

6.1 Stages of the small business life cycle, four types of firm-level growth
strategies, Options 05

6.2 harvesting or closing small business Critical Success factors of

small business

Total 39

1 Vasant Desai, Entrepreneurial development and management, Himalaya Publishing House

Education Robert D Hisrich, Michael P Peters, Dean A Shapherd, Entrepreneurship, latest

edition, The McGrawHill Company

Reference Books:

1 T N Chhabra, Entrepreneurship Development, Sun India Publications, New Delhi

C N Prasad, Small and Medium Enterprises in Global Perspective, New century

Publications, New Delhi

3 Maddhurima Lall, Shikah Sahai, Entrepreneurship, Excel Books

Poornima Charantimath, Entrepreneurship development- Small Business Enterprise,


5 Rashmi Bansal, STAY hungry STAY foolish, CIIE, IIM Ahmedabad

Law and Practice relating to Micro, Small and Medium enterprises, Taxmann Publication

7 Kurakto, Entrepreneurship- Principles and Practices, Thomson Publication

8 Laghu Udyog Samachar

9 www.dcmesme.gov.in
Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will
be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval
by the subject teachers. It should be minimum 2 or maximum 4 from the following table.

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1. *Certificate course for 4 weeks or more:- 10 marks

NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any MOOC
2. Wins in the event/competition/hackathon 10 marks
3. Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 marks

4. Creating Proof of concept 10 marks

5. Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 marks

6. GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 marks

7. Participation in event/workshop/talk / competition followed by small 5 marks

report and certificate of participation relevant to the subject(in other
8. Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 5 marks

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

3 Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3
4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

5 In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Course Code Course Title Credit

ILO8029 Environmental Management 3

Prerequisite: Knowledge of Environmental Sciences

Course Objectives:

1 Understand and identify environmental issues relevant to India and global concerns

2 Understand the global environmental concerns.

3 Learn concepts of ecology

4 Familiarise environment related legislations.

5 Understand concepts of quality management and corporate responsibilities

6 Learn all environmental acts

Course Outcomes:

1 Understand the concept of environmental management

2 Understand global warming, ozone depletion , and hazards.

3 Understand ecosystem and interdependence, food chain etc.

4 Understand and interpret environment related legislations.

5 Understand total quality management and ISO certification.

6 Understand acts related to air, water, pollution, factories, wildlife and forest protection.

Module Content Hrs

1 Introduction and Definition of Environment:

Significance of Environment Management for contemporary

managers, Career opportunities. 10

Environmental issues relevant to India, Sustainable Development, the

Energy scenario

2 Global Environmental concerns :

2.1 Global Warming, Acid Rain, Ozone Depletion, Hazardous Wastes. 06

Endangered life-species, Loss of Biodiversity, Industrial/Man-made
disasters, Atomic/Biomedical hazards, etc.

3 Concepts of Ecology:
Ecosystems and interdependence between living organisms, habitats,
limiting factors, carrying capacity.

4 Scope of Environment Management:

Role & functions of Government as a planning and regulating

agency. 10

Environment Quality Management and Corporate Environmental


5 Total Quality Environmental Management

5.1 ISO-14000, EMS certification

6 General overview of major legislations

General overview of major legislations like Environment Protection 03

6.1 Act, Air (P & CP) Act, Water (P & CP) Act, Wildlife Protection Act,
Forest Act, Factories Act, etc

Total 39

Reference Books:

C J Barrow, Environmental Management: Principles and Practice, Routledge

Publishers London, 1999

Jon C. Lovett and David G. Ockwell, A Handbook of Environmental Management, Edward

Elgar Publishing

3 T V Ramachandra and Vijay Kulkarni, Environmental Management, TERI Press

Indian Standard Environmental Management Systems — Requirements With

4 Guidance For Use, Bureau Of Indian Standards, February 2005

S N Chary and Vinod Vyasulu, Environmental Management: An Indian Perspective, Maclillan

India, 2000

Mary K Theodore and Louise Theodore, Introduction to Environmental Management, CRC

Press Environment and Ecology, Majid Hussain, 3 rd Ed. Access Publishing 2015
Internal Assessment:

Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks. The
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approximately 50% syllabus is completed and its duration will
be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:

Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval
by the subject teachers.

Sr No. Rubrics Marks

1 Content beyond syllabus presentation (case studies) 10 Marks

2 Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 10 Marks

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question Paper will comprise a total of six questions

2 All Question carries equal Marks

3 Questions will be mixed in nature(For Ex.-Suppose question 2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) will be from any other module other than module 3
4 Only Four Questions need to be solved

5 In the question paper, the weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSL801 Distributed Computing Lab 1

Prerequisite: C Programming Language.

Lab Objectives:

1 To understand basic underlying concepts of forming distributed systems

2 To learn the concept of clock Synchronization

3 To learn Election Algorithms.

4 To explore mutual exclusion algorithms.

5 To study deadlock handling in the distributed system

6 To understand the Distributed File System

Lab Outcomes:

Develop test and debug using Message-Oriented Communication or RPC/RMI based

client-server programs.

2 Implement techniques for clock synchronization

3 Implement techniques for Election Algorithms.

4 Demonstrate mutual exclusion algorithms .

5 Implement techniques of Deadlock handling in distributed system

6 Describe the concepts of distributed File Systems along with case studies.

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 10 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

Write a program to demonstrate Inter-process communication in Client Server

2 Write a program to design a client server application using Java RMI.

3 Write a program to implement gossip protocol.

4 Write a program to demonstrate Berkeley Clock Synchronization algorithm

5 Write a program to Implement Bully Election algorithm.

6 Write a program to demonstrate Lamport’s Algorithm for Distributed Mutual Exclusion

Write a program to demonstrate Chandy Mishra Hass algorithm for Deadlock

Management in Distributed Systems.

Experiment with the application programming interface OpenMP which supports

multi-platform shared-memory and multiprocessing programming

9 Experiment with Message Passing Interface Standard (MPI).

10 Case study on any Distributed File System (AFS,HDFS.GFS,NFS, CFS,SMB etc)

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance
of laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

Total 25 Marks
4 (Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSL801and CSC801

Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSDL8011 Deep Learning Lab 1

Prerequisite: C Programming Language.

Lab Objectives:

1 To implement basic neural network models for simulating logic gates.

2 To implement various training algorithms for feedforward neural networks.

3 To design deep learning models for supervised, unsupervised, and sequence learning.

Lab Outcomes:

1 Implement basic neural network models to learn logic functions.

2 Design and train feedforward neural networks using various learning algorithms.

3 Build and train deep learning models such as Autoencoders.

4 Build and train deep learning models such as CNNs, RNN, LSTM, and GRU.

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 10 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

McCulloch Pitts model using Virtual Lab

1. Implement McCulloch Pitts model for binary logic functions.
2. To explore Python libraries for deep learning e.g. Theano, TensorFlow,
Lasagne , Keras, Scikit-learn, Caffe, MXNet etc.

Perceptron Model using Virtual Lab

2 1. Implement the Perceptron algorithm to simulate any logic gate.
2. Implement a Multilayer Perceptron algorithm to simulate the XOR gate
Training, Optimization, and Regularization of Deep Neural Network
Apply any of the following learning algorithms to learn the parameters of the supervised
single-layer feed-forward neural network.
a. Stochastic Gradient Descent
3 b. Mini Batch Gradient Descent
c. Momentum GD
d. Nestorev GD
e. Adagrad GD
f. Adam Learning GD
4 Implement a backpropagation algorithm to train a DNN with at least 2 hidden layers.

Design and implement a fully connected deep neural network with at least 2 hidden
5 layers for a classification application. Use appropriate Learning Algorithm, output
function, and loss function

1. Design the architecture and implement the autoencoder model for Image
6 Compression.
2. Design the architecture and implement the autoencoder model for Image

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

7 1. Design and implement a CNN model for digit recognition applications.
2. Design and implement a CNN model for image classification.

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) (any two)

1. To design and implement RNN(Recurrent Neural Network) by using LSTM
layer for Multiclass Classification on text data
2. To design and implement an RNN(Recurrent Neural Network) by using GRU
layer for Multiclass Classification on text data
3. Implement Dinosaur Island - Character-Level Language Modeling using RNN

9 Case study on Transfer Learning

Mini Project focusing on Agriculture / Healthcare / Education /Society domain need to

be carried out by the students by using the concepts of deep learning

Useful Links:

1 TensorFlow (www.tensorflow.org)

Keras (keras.io)

PyTorch (pytorch.org)

4 Scikit (https://scikit-learn.org/stable/)
OpenNN (www.opennn.net)
Theano https://github.com/Theano/Theano
Caffe https://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance
of laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

Total 25 Marks
4 (Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSDL8011and CSDC8011

Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSDL8012 Digital Forensics Lab 1

Prerequisite: Computer Network, Cryptography and System Security

Lab Objectives:

To demonstrate the procedures for identification, preservation, and acquisition of digital


To demonstrate techniques and tools used in digital forensics for operating systems and
malware investigation.

3 To demonstrate tools for mobile forensics and browser, email forensics

4 To explore scenario based crime forensics investigations.

Lab Outcomes:

1 Explore various forensics tools and use them to acquire, duplicate and analyze data
and recover deleted data.

2 Implement penetration testing using forensics tools.

3 Explore various forensics tools and use them to acquire and analyze live and static data.

4 Verification of source and content authentication of emails and browsers.

5 Demonstrate Timeline Report Analysis using forensics tools.

6 Discuss real time crime forensics investigations scenarios.

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 10 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

1 Analysis of forensic images using open source tools.

● FTK Imager
● Autopsy

2 Explore forensics tools in kali linux for acquiring, analyzing and duplicating
data. ● dd ● dcfldd

3 Performing penetration testing using Metasploit - kali Linux.

4 Performing RAM Forensic to analyze memory images to find traces of an

attack. ● Capturing RAM Using the DumpIt Tool ● Volatility tool
5 Network forensics using Network Miner.

6 Windows Recycle Bin Forensics

7 Data Carving using open source tools

● Foremost
● Scalpel
● Jpg Carver

8 USB Device Forensics using

● USBDeview
● USB Detective

9 Web Browser Forensics using DB Browser for SQLite

10 Generate a Timeline Report Using Autopsy

11 Email Analysis

12 Case Study

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance
of laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

Total 25 Marks
4 (Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSDC8012 and CSDL 8012
Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSDL8013 Applied Data Science Lab 1

Prerequisite: Engineering Mathematics, Machine Learning, Programming fundamentals

Lab Objectives:

1 To explore various stages in the data science lifecycle

2 To understand data preparation, exploration and visualization techniques.

3 To model and evaluate different supervised/unsupervised learning techniques

Lab Outcomes:

1 Apply various stages of the data science lifecycle for the selected case study.

2 Apply inferential statistics, predictive analytics, and data mining to informatics-related field

3 Demonstrate data preparation, exploration and visualization techniques

4 Implement and evaluate different supervised and unsupervised techniques.

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 8 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

1 Explore the descriptive and inferential statistics on the given dataset.

2 Apply data cleaning techniques (e.g. Data Imputation)

Explore data visualization techniques.
Implement and explore performance evaluation metrics for Data Models
(Supervised/Unsupervised Learning)
Use SMOTE technique to generate synthetic data.(to solve the problem of class
5 imbalance)

6 Outlier detection using distance based/density based method.

7 Implement time series forecasting for Healthcare diagnosis

Illustrate data science lifecycle for selected case study. (Prepare case study document
for the selected case study)
Suggested Case Studies:
1. Customer Segmentation
2. Fraud Detection
3. House Price prediction
4. Product Recommendation
5. Stock price prediction
6. Weather prediction

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 8 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance
of laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

Total 25 Marks
4 (Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSDL8013and CSDC8013

Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSDL8021 Optimization in Machine Learning Lab 1

Prerequisite: Engineering Mathematics, Algorithms and data structures

Lab Objectives:

1 To apply derivative based optimization techniques

2 To understand evolutionary optimization to a given machine learning problem.

3 To apply advanced evolutionary optimization

4 To design and analyze optimization problems for real world applications

Lab Outcomes:

1 To implement derivative based optimization techniques

2 To implement evolutionary optimization

3 To implement advanced evolutionary optimization

4 To apply efficient optimization algorithm for real world applications

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 8 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

1 To implement Gradient Descent algorithm

2 To implement the Stochastic Gradient Descent algorithm

3 To implement Newton method

4 To apply Genetic Algorithm for real world problem

5 To compare and implement different selection mechanism using genetic algorithm

6 To implement various mutation and crossover mechanisms

7 To implement Particles Swarm optimization

8 To implement Ant colony optimization

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 8 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance
of laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

Total 25 Marks
4 (Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSDL8021 and CSDC8021

Lab Code Lab Name Credit

CSDL8022 High Performance Computing Lab 1

Prerequisite: C Programming

Lab Objectives:

1 Enable students to build the logic to parallelize the programming task.

2 Give insight about performance of parallel computing systems.

3 Provide hands-on experience on parallel programming platforms/frameworks

Lab Outcomes:

1 Perform Linux based commands on remote machine

Compare the performance of sequential algorithms with parallel algorithms in terms

of execution time, speedup and throughput.

3 Implement parallel program using OpenMP library and analyze its performance

4 Implement parallel program using MPIplatform and analyze its performance

5 Implement parallel program using OpenCL framework and analyze its performance

6 Implement parallel program using CUDA framework and analyze its performance

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 8 experiments..

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

1 To analyse the Linux based computer systems using following commands:

a. top , b.ps , c. kill, d. cat /proc/cpuinfoe.vmstat
Hardware/Software Requirement: Linux Operating System

2 To set up SSH passwordless logins for two or more Linux based machines and execute
commands on a remote machine.
Hardware/Software Requirement: Linux Operating System,
Multi-core computer systems

3 Write a program in C to multiply two matrices of size 10000 x 10000 each and find its
execution-time using the "time" command. Try to run this program on two or more
machines having different configurations and compare execution-times obtained in each
run. Comment on which factors affect the performance of the program.
Hardware/Software Requirement: Linux Operating System, gcc compiler,Multi-core
computer systems

4 Writing a "Hello World" program using the OpenMP library also displays the number of
threads created during execution.
Hardware/Software Requirement: Linux Operating System, gcc compiler,Dual core
with HT or Quad-core or higher computer system.

5 Write a parallel program to calculate the value of PI/Area of Circle using OpenMP
Hardware/Software Requirement: Linux Operating System, gcc compiler,Dual core with
HT or Quad-core or higher computer system

6 Write a parallel program to multiply two matrices using openMP library and compare
the execution time with its serial version. Also change the number of threads using
omp_set_num_threads() function and analyse how thread count affects the execution
Hardware/Software Requirement: Linux Operating System, gcc compiler,Dual core
with HT or Quad-core or higher computer system.

7 Install MPICH library and write a "Hello World" program for the same.
Hardware/Software Requirement: Linux Operating System, MPICH, Multi-processor
systems or MPI Cluster.

8 Write a parallel program to multiply two matrices using MPI library and compare the
execution-time with its OpenMP and serial version.
Hardware/Software Requirement: Linux Operating System, MPICH, gcc, Multi
processor systems, or MPI Cluster.

9 Implement a parallel program to demonstrate the cube of N number within a set range
using MPI/OpenMP/OpenCL/CUDA.
Hardware/Software Requirement: Linux Operating System, MPICH, Multi-processor
systems or MPI Cluster.
A CUDA-capable GPU,A supported version of Microsoft Windows,A supported version
of Microsoft Visual Studio, The NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit

10 Implement Two Vector addition using OpenCL/CUDA/ Parallel Matlab

Hardware/Software Requirement: A CUDA-capable GPU, A supported version of
Microsoft Windows,A supported version of Microsoft Visual Studio, The NVIDIA
CUDA Toolkit

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance
of laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

4 Total 25 Marks
(Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSDL 8022and CSDC 8022
Lab Code Lab Name Credit

Social Media Analytics Lab 1


Prerequisite: Types of Graphs, Data Mining, Data Analytics

Lab Objectives:

1 To understand the fundamental concepts of social media networks.

2 To learn various social media analytics tools and evaluation matrices.

3 To collect and store social media data.

4 To analyze and visualize social media data

5 To design and develop social media analytics models.

6 To design and build a social media analytics application.

Lab Outcomes:

1 Understand characteristics and types of social media networks.

2 Use social media analytics tools for business

3 Collect, monitor , store and track social media data

4 Analyze and visualize social media data from multiple platforms

5 Design and develop content and structure based social media analytics models.
Design and implement social media data based predictive analytics application for business

Suggested Experiments: Students are required to complete at least 10 experiments.

Sr. No. Name of the Experiment

Study various -
i) Social Media platforms ( Facebook, twitter, YouTubeetc)
ii) Social Media analytics tools ( Facebook insights, google analytics net
1 iii) Social Media Analytics techniques and engagement metrics (page level,
post level, member level)
iv) Applications of Social media analytics for business.
e.g. Google Analytics https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics/
Data Collection-Select the social media platforms of your choice (Twitter,
2 Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Web blogs etc) ,connect to and capture social media
data for business ( scraping, crawling, parsing).
Data Cleaning and Storage- Preprocess, filter and store social media data for
business (Using Python, MongoDB, R, etc).
4 Exploratory Data Analysis and visualization of Social Media Data for business.
Develop Content (text, emoticons, image, audio, video) based social media analytics
model for business.
(e.g. Content Based Analysis :Topic , Issue ,Trend, sentiment/opinion analysis,
audio, video, image analytics)
Develop Structure based social media analytics model for any business.
( e.g. Structure Based Models -community detection, influence analysis)
7 Develop a dashboard and reporting tool based on real time social media data.

8 Design the creative content for promotion of your business on social media platform

Develop social media text analytics models for comparing competitors and your
existing product/service by analyzing customers reviews/ comments.
Develop social media data based predictive analytics application ( Identifying prospect
customers/ predicting analytics for digital marketing campaign ,etc)

Reference Books:

Python Social Media Analytics: Analyze and visualize data from Twitter, YouTube,
GitHub, and more Kindle Edition by Siddhartha Chatterjee, Michal Krystyanczuk
Learning Social Media Analytics with R,byRaghav Bali, Dipanjan Sarkar, Tushar
3 Jennifer Golbeck, Analyzing the social web, Morgan Kaufmann, 2013

Matthew A. Russell. Mining the Social Web: Data Mining Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin,
Google+, Github, and More, 2nd Edition, O'Reilly Media, 2013

5 Charu Aggarwal (ed.), Social Network Data Analytics, Springer, 2011

Term Work:

1 Term work should consist of 10 experiments.

2 Journal must include at least 2 assignments.

The final certification and acceptance of term work ensures satisfactory performance
of laboratory work and minimum passing marks in term work.

4 Total 25 Marks
(Experiments: 15-marks, Attendance Theory & Practical: 05-marks, Assignments:

Continuous Assessment Exam:

1 Based on the subject and related lab of CSDL8023 and CSDC 8023
Course Code Course Title Credit

CSP801 Major Project 2 6

The primary objective is to meet the milestones formed in the overall project plan decided in Project -
I. The idea presented in Project -I should be implemented in Project -II with results, conclusion and
future work. The project will culminate in the production of a thesis by each individual student.

Course Objectives:

1 To identify and define an appropriate problem statement.

To perform extensive literature survey and feasibility study for the chosen
problem statement.

3 To propose suitable methodology for solving the defined problem.

To design and implement solutions which will impact society and the
environment in a positive manner.

To inculcate team spirit, professional, ethical behavior and leadership


6 To create well formatted documents using standard engineering practices

Course Outcomes:

1 Develop the understanding of the problem domain through extensive review of literature.

Identify and analyze the problem in detail to define its scope with
problem specific data.

To know various techniques to be implemented for the selected problem and related
technical skills through feasibility analysis.

To design solutions for real-time problems that will positively impact society and the

To develop clarity of presentation based on communication,teamwork and leadership


6 To inculcate professional and ethical behavior.


Project Report Format:

At the end of semester a student needs to prepare a project report as per the guidelines issued. Along
with the project report a CD containing: project
documentation, Implementation code, required utilities, Software‘s and user Manuals need to be

A project report should preferably contain at least following details:

1. Introduction
2. Literature Survey
3. Requirement Gathering for the Proposed System
4. Proposed Design
5. Implementation of the Proposed System
6. Testing of the Proposed System
7. Results and Discussion
8. Conclusion
9. References

Term Work: (100)

Students have to submit a weekly progress report to the internal guide and the internal guide
has to keep track of the progress of the project and also has to maintain attendance reports.
This progress report can be used for awarding term work marks. In case of industry projects,
visits by an internal guide will be preferred to get the status of the project.
Distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
a) Weekly Attendance on Project Day
b) Project work contributions as per objective
c) Project Report (Hard Bound)
d) Term End Presentation (Internal)
e) Mid term Review
f) Paper Publications
e)Effort taken by students

• Paper publish/publishing patent/creation of product/start-up

• Idea/project/poster/TPP competition (National/international)
The final certification and acceptance of TW ensures the satisfactory performance on the above
In continuous assessment focus shall also be on each individual student, assessment based on
individual’s contribution in group activity, their understanding and response to questions.

Oral and Practical:

Oral & Practical :

Oral & Practical examination of Project- II should be conducted by Internal and External
examiners approved. Students have to give presentation and demonstration on the Project II

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