Academic Programme 2023-24
Academic Programme 2023-24
Academic Programme 2023-24
1 M.B.B.S.
Any conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act which. has t~e ~ffect of
harassing, teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any other student, indulging in rowdy
or undisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or
psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior will not in
the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or
embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior
The conduct includes but is not restricted to any act by a senior student that prevents, disrupts t
the regular academic activity of any other student or a fresher; tasks assigned toan individual
or a group of students; any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure byrden,R~t on a
fresher or any other students; any act of physical abuse including all variant\ 1t ~exual
abuse, homosexual assaults, stripping, health or person; any act or abuse by Sr-- · r,1:,1 9rds,
emails, post, public insults which or passively participating in the discomfiture ;_t"' :, ,- 'i 1er or
any other student with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showihg cit f: ';~er,
authority or superiority by a student over any fresher or any other student. --
Depending upon the nature and gravity of the offence as established by the Anti-Ragging
committee of the institution, the possible punishments for those found guilty or ragging at the
institution level shall be any one or any combination of the following:
• Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges. •
• Withholding / withdrawing scholarship/ fellowship and other benefits.
• Debarring from appearing in any test I examination or other evaluation process.
• With holding results.
• Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international
meet, tournament, youth festival, etc.
• Suspension I expulsion from the hostel.
• Cancellation of admission.
• Rustication from the institution for period ranging from 1 to 4 semester.
• Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other
institution for a specific period.
• Fine of Rs. 25,000/- and Rs. 1 Lakh.
• Collective punishment : When the persons committing or abetting the crime of ragging
are not identified,_the institution shall resort to collective punishment.
(As per NMC notification U.14021/8/2023, Dated-01/08/2023)
*All the dates are provisional and likely to change as per National Medical
Commission guidelines/ Decision of Dharmsinh Desai University
Attendance requirements are 75% in theory and 80% _in practica~ /clinical for
eligibility to appear for the examinations in that subje~t. In subjects_ that are
taught in more than one phase - the learner must h_ave 75 ¼ a~endance m theory
and 80% in practical in each phase of instruction m th~t subject: There shall be
minimum of80% attendance in family visits under Family adoption p~o~amme.
Each student shall adopt minimum 3 families and preferably five fam1hes.
If an examination comprises more than one subject (for e.g., General Surgery
and allied branches), the candidate must have a minimum of75~ attenda~c~ in
each subject including its allied branches, and 80% attendance m each clm1cal
Learners who do not have at least 75% attendance in the electives will not be
eligible for the Third Professional - Part II examination/NExT.
75% attendance in Professional Development Programme (AETCOM Module)
shall be mandatory for eligibility to appear for fmal examination in each
professional year
Internal assessment shall be based on day-to-day assessment. It shall relate to
different ways in which learners participate in learning process including
assignments, preparation for seminar, clinical case presentation, preparation of
clinical case for discussion, clinical case study/ problem solving exercise,
participation in project for health care in the community.
Internal assessment shall not be added to summative assessment. However,
internal assessment will be displayed under a separate column in detailed marks
Learners must have completed the required certifiable competencies for that
phase of training and completed the log book appropriate for that phase of
training to be eligible for appearing at the final university examination of that
Regular periodic examinations shall be conducted throughout the course.
An end of posting clinical assessment shall be conducted for each clinical posting
in each professional year.
When subjects are taught in more than one phase, the internal assessment will be
done in each phase and will contribute proportionately to final assessment.
For example, General Medicine will be assessed in second Professional, third
Professional Part I and third Professional Part II, independently.
Day to day records and log book (including required skill certifications) will be
given importance in internal assessment. Internal assessment will be based on
competencies and skills.
Submission of the log book/ case record to the department is required for
eligibility to appear for the final examination of the subject.
The final internal assessment in a broad clinical specialty (e.g., Surgery and
allied specialties etc.) shall comprise of marks from all the constituent
specialties. The pr~portio~ of the_ marks for each constituent specialty will be
determined by the time of mstructton allotted to each.
Learners must secure at least 50% marks of the total marks (combined in
theory and practical /clinical; not less than 40% marks in theory and
practical separately) for internal assessment in a particular subject in order
to be eligible for appearing at the final University examination of that
subject. Internal assessment marks will reflect as separate head of passing at the
summative examination.
Students not satisfying above criteria will not be allowed in university exam of that
year (detained students)
Detained students will have to satisfy the criteria related to ATTENDANCE and
INTERNAL ASSESSMENT (as mentioned above) before being eligible in
'supplementary university exam.'
Supplementary examinations and declaration of results will be processed within
3-6 weeks from the date of declaration of the results of the main examination for
every professional year, so that the candidates, who pass, can join the main batch
for progression.
If the candidate fails in the supplementary examination of first MBBS, he shall
join the batch of next academic /subsequent year. There shall be no
supplementary batches. Partial attendance of examination in any subject shall be
counted as an attempt.
A candidate, who fails in the First Professional examination, shall not be allowed
to join the Second Professional.
A candidate, who fails in the second Professional examination, shall be allowed
to join the third Professional Part I training, however he shall not be allowed to
appear for the examination unless he has passed second professional
A candidate who fails in the third Professional (Part I) examination shall be
allowed to join third Professional part II training; however he shall not be
allowed to appear for the examination unless he has passed second professional
All the students are required to pay fees as per instruction on Google classroom notice
board & college notice board. The penalty of Rs. 100/day for GQ and Rs. 250/day for
MQ students will be levied for fees paid after due date but within 40 days of passage of
due date. After passage of more than 40 days of due date, additional Rs. 200/day for
GQ and Rs. 500/day for MQ students will be levied.
Students will need to deposit entire remaining amount of total fees in case of,
1. Anatomy
Title Author Publisher Edition
General Anatomy B. D. Chaurasia CBS latest
Human Anatomy B. D. Chaurasia Vol. 1,2,3 CBS latest
Human Anatomy Vishramsin!!h Vol. 1,2,3 Elsevier latest
Human Anatomy A. K. Datta Vol. 1,2,3 Current book Vol. -1:
international Vol.-2:
Human Anatomy lnderbir Sin!!h Jaypee Brothers latest
Histology G. P. Pal, Paras latest
t Inderbir Singh
Embryology A. K. Datta, Current Book
Inderbir Singh International
Cunnigham' s Rachel Koshi Vol. -1,2,3 Oxford Medical latest
manual & Practical (These volumes are Publication
Anatomy compulsory and should be
brought during dissection)
Genetics G. P. Pal, Bhatnagar, Kothari, Stosiusinc/Advent -
Mehta Books Division
2. Physiology
Name of the book Author name Publisher
DM Vasudevan
Textbook of Biochemistry for Jaypee Brothers Medical
Sreekumari S Publishers (p) Ltd.
medical students
kannan Vaidyanathan
Textbook of Medical Biochemistry Dinesh Puri Elsevier
S KGupta Arya Publishing
Textbook of Medical Biochemistry
Binita Goswami Company
Lippincott Illustrated Reviews -
Biochemistry Denise R. Ferrier Wolters Kluwer Holiday
1. Makar sankranti
2. Reoublic day
3. Mah a shivratri
4 Holi 2 nd day
5 Ramazanid
6 Independence day
7 Rakshabandhan
8 Janmashtami
Mahatma Gandhi iayanti
10 Dushera
Bhai bij
Dr. N. D. Desai Faculty Of Medical Sciene and Research
Dharmsinh Desai University
EVENT CALENDAR for 2023-24
Date Event Co-ordinator Department
8/1/2023 To 8/7/2023 Brestfeeding week Dr. Nawaz Patel and Paediatrics and obstetrics And
Dr. Priyanka Gynaecology
04-08-2023 Bone and joint day Dr. Pathik Vala Orthopaedics
06-08-2023 National mental health awareness day Dr. Kinjal Vasava Psychiatry
12-08-2023 Anti Ragging Day Dr. Anuj Modi College
8/12/2023 to 8/18/2023 Anti Ragging week Dr. Anuj Modi College
8/25/2023 to 9/8/2023 Eye donation fortnight Dr. Chitali Patel Ophthalmology
Date Event Co-ordinator Department
9/1/2023 to 9/7/2023 Foundation Course for newly admitted Dr. Ravi Thaker Medical Education Unit
1st MBB5 students
September Sports eye safety month Dr. Chitali Patel Ophthalmology
05-09-2023 Teachers' Day Dr. Mansi obstetrics And Gynaecology
07-09-2023 FOGSI Adolescent Health Day Dr. Shwetambari obstetrics And Gynaecology
10-09-2023 World suicide prevention day Dr. Kinjal Vasava Psychiatry
14-09-2023 Radiation safety day Dr. Nila Gandhi Radiodiagnosis
15-09-2023 World Lymphoma Awareness Day Dr. Jyoti Sapre Pathology
17-09-2023 International Micro-organism Day Dr. Rachana Bhavsar Microbiology
and Dr. Bansari Tank
9/17/2023 to 9/23/2023 Pharmacovigilance Week Dr. Deep Lakhani Pharmacology
9/17/2023 to 9/25/2023 Patient Safety Programme Celebration Dr. PukurThekdi & Dr. Hospital
Jwalit Mehta
21-09-2023 World Alzheimer's day Dr. Kinjal Vasava Psychiatry
25-09-2023 NMC Foundation Day Dr. Ravi Thaker College
26-09-2023 World Day of the Deaf Dr. Mohan Bansal Otorhinolaryngology
29-09-2023 World Heart Day Dr. Hetal Pandya General Medicine
Date Event Co-ordinator Department
01-10-2023 Voluntary Blood Donation Day Dr.Yagnik Tank Pathology
10-10-2023 World mental health day Dr. Kinjal Vasava Psychiatry
12-10-2023 World arthritis day Dr. Pathik Vala Orthopaedics
15-10-2023 World Anatomy Day Dr. S. S. Saiyad Anatomy
16-10-2023 World Anaesthesia Day Dr. Mukesh Shukla Anaesthesiology
17-10-2023 World Trauma Day Dr. Pukur Thekdi General Surgery
17-10-2023 World Pain Awareness Day Dr. Mukesh Shukla Anaesthesiology
18-10-2023 FOGSI Menopause Day Dr. Janaki obstetrics And Gynaecology
20-10-2023 world osteoporosis day Dr. Pathik Vala Orthopaedics
20-10-2023 National mammography day Dr. Nila Gandhi Radiodiagnosis
26-10-2023 World Obesity Day Dr. Pukur Thekdi General Surgery
29-10-2023 Word Psoriasis Day Dr Amit Mistry Dermatology
2nd Thursday of World sight day Dr. Chitali Patel Ophthalmology
October, 2023
2nd Week of October, International Infection Prevention Week Dr. Jigar Gusani and Microbiology
2023 Dr. Purvi Khristi
Date Event Co-ordinator Department
November Diabetic eye disease awareness month Dr. Chitali Patel Ophthalmology
Date Event Co-ordinator De__11_artment
April Sports eyecare month Dr. Chitali Patel Ophthalmology
April Women's eye health and safety month Dr. Chitali Patel Ophthalmology
Date Event Co-ordinator Department
June ICataract awareness month Dr. Chitali Patel Ophthalmology
6/1/2024 to 6/7/2024 CPR week Dr. Mukesh Shukla Anaesthesiology
05-06-2024 World Environment Day Dr. Divyesh obstetrics And Gynaecology
10-06-2024 International eye donation week Dr. Chitali Patel Ophthalmology
10-06-2024 Hellen keller deaf blind awareness week Dr. Chitali Patel Ophthalmology
14-06-2024 World Blood Donor Day Dr.Anand Kansagra Pathology
19-06-2024 UG quiz college round Dr. Sonu Akhani Paediatrics
21-06-2024 International Day Of Yoga Dr. Hinal and Dr. obstetrics And Gynaecology
Janardan Bhatt and Physiology
25-06-2024 World Vitiligo Day Dr. Amit Mistry Dermatology, Venereology and
Date Event Co-ordinator Department
July Dry eye awareness month Dr. Chitali Patel Ophthalmology
July Eye injury prevention month Dr. Chitali Patel Ophthalmology
01-07-2024 Doctor's Day
01-07-2024 National Doctor's Day Dr. PukurThekd i and General Surgery and obstetrics
Dr. Chokshi And Gynaecology
D.D. University-Nadiad
Dr. N. D. Desai Faculty of Medical Science and Research