Data Structure MCA Question Bank

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[Subject code] ⁸ Semester – 1st






1. Define data structure. List all the data types with examples. 6

2. Illustrate the operations associated with linear data structures. 6

3. Explain the concept of Abstract Data Type (ADT) with an 6


4. Describe any six string-processing techniques in data structures with 6

suitable examples.

5. Express any six data structure operations with suitable examples.

6. Discuss insertion and deletion operations in the front, back and in- 6
between of existing elements of an array.
7. Outline the Time-Space tradeoff of algorithms with examples.

8. Briefly describe the notations of the

i) complexity of an algorithm and
ii) space - time tradeoff of algorithms.
9. Illustrate the algorithmic notation choosing a suitable example.

10. Describe any three types of flow control with flowchart. 10

11. Construct the worst and average case complexities for Linear
Search algorithm.
12. Write notes on the following asymptotic notations.
i) Big Oh
ii) Omega
iii) Theta
iv) Little Oh
13. Compare and contrast among local, non local and global
14. Explain the fixed-length storage structure of Strings with an
15. Explain the variable-length storage structure of Strings with an
16. Explain the linked storage structure of Strings with an example.

17. Outline any six string operations with examples.

18. Given some text, illustrate the following word processing.

i) Replacement of one string with another
ii) Insert a string in the middle of the text
iii)Delete a string from the text
19. Discuss any one of the pattern matching algorithms.

20. Explain how recursion is applied in solving problems using examples. 6

21. Write a C program to find the length of a string using pointers. 6

22. Write a C program to find the sum of two metrics 6

23. Write a C program to find the reverse of a string using pointers 6

24. Why are the Abstract Data Types required ? Give reasons 6

25. Explain the concept of time-space trade-off in algorithms. 6

26. Discuss the importance of asymptotic notations in analyzing algorithm 6


27. Summarize the purpose of pattern matching algorithms. 6

28. Implement a function to concatenate two strings in C without using in- 6

built function..
29. Design a program to sort an array using the quicksort algorithm. 6

30. Assess the trade-offs between time and space complexity in algorithm design. 6

31. Analyze the efficiency of a given algorithm in terms of worst-case and 6

average-case scenarios.

32. Compare and contrast the performance of the loop-based summation approach 6
with the recursive approach.
33. Design a function to compute the average of array elements. 6

34. Write a program to reverse the elements of the array. 6

35. Create an algorithm to search for a pattern in a given text. 6



1. Define data structure. Give an example of an elementary data organization. 10

2. Explain the concept of abstract data types (ADTs). How do ADTs differ from 10
regular data types.

3. Given a specific algorithm, analyze its time-space trade-off. Provide examples 10

where this trade-off is crucial.

4. List the mathematical notations commonly used in algorithm analysis. 10

5. Describe the significance of asymptotic notations in analyzing algorithm 10

complexity. Give examples of commonly used asymptotic notations.

6. Design an algorithm to efficiently store and process words in a given text. 10

Discuss its time and space complexities.

7. Critically evaluate the efficiency of different string storage methods in C 10

programming. Compare their advantages and disadvantages.

8. Recall the basic control structures used in algorithm design. 10

9. Implement a binary search tree in C and demonstrate its operations (insertion, 10

deletion, searching) with suitaRBTe examples.
10. Write a C program to calculate the factorial of a given number using both 10
recursive and iterative methods. Compare their performance.
11. List and define the basic elements of an algorithm. 10

12. Define variaRBTes, constants, and data types in C programming. 10

13. Differentiate between pass-by-value and pass-by-reference mechanisms in 10

function calls in C programming, providing examples for each.
14. Develop a C program that implements a sorting algorithm of your choice 10
(e.g., bubRBTe sort, insertion sort) and demonstrate its functionality with a
sample array input.
15. Compare and contrast the efficiency of iterative and recursive approaches in 10
solving the Fibonacci sequence proRBTem in C programming.



1. Define a linear array. 6

2. Recall the definition of a stack. 6

3. Define the basic concept of a linked list. 6

4. With an example state the purpose of memory allocation in linked lists 6

5. Mention the different representations of linear arrays in memory. 6

6. List the operations that can be performed on a queue. 6

Introduce dynamic memory allocation in C programming using

functions like malloc() and calloc(). Discuss their usage and
7. Discuss on the memory allocation differ between arrays and linked lists? 6

8. Describe the process of converting infix expressions to postfix expressions. 6

9. Compare and contrast the array representation of stacks with the linked 6
10. Differentiate between simple, circular, and double-ended queues. 6

11. Explain the process of traversing a singly linked list. 6

12. Discuss the role of the header node in a linked list. 6

13. Given a linear array, demonstrate how to perform insertion and deletion 6
14. Implement a priority queue using a suitable data structure. 6

15. Design an algorithm to convert infix expressions to postfix expressions. 6

16. Evaluate the postfix expression : 854 2+ ¿ 6293∗¿−¿ 6

17. Convert the following infix expression to postfix expression 6

18. Analyze the efficiency of array and linked list representations for various 6
operations on linear data structures.


1. Implement a stack data structure using an array in a programming language C. 10
Demonstrate its functionality by performing push, pop, and peek operations
on the stack.
2. Compare and contrast the array representation of stacks with the linked 10
representation of stacks.
3. List the different types of queues and briefly describe each type. 10

4. How does memory allocation work in a singly linked list? Discuss the process 10
and potential issues
5. Explain the process of traversing a singly linked list. Provide a step-by-step 10
6. Create a program to convert an infix expression to postfix using stacks. 10

7. Demonstrate the process of converting the infix expression to postfix 10

expression with a stack simulation.

Expression : A+B/C
8. Design a priority queue and demonstrate its usage in a real-world application. 10

9. Compare and contrast recursion and iterative approaches in solving the GCD 10
10. Demonstrate the conversion of the following arithmetic expression from infix 10
to postfix notation: (a + b) * (c - d) / (e + f)
11. Explain the concept of Polish Notation in arithmetic expressions. 10

12. Write a program to simulate queue operations such as enqueue, dequeue, and 10




1. Define a binary tree in context of non linear data structure 6

2. Explain the concept of a greedy algorithm. 6

3. Describe the structure of a heap data structure. 6

4. Illustrate how binary search tree differ from a binary tree? 6

5. Explain the process of graph traversal. 6

6. Describe the mathematical background of graphs. 6

7. Describe the significance of AVL trees in data structures? 6

8. Differentiate between a heap and a binary search tree. 6

9. Define a graph in the context of computer science. 6

10. Write the basic mathematical background required to understand 6

11. State the purpose of a greedy algorithm in the context of graph 6
12. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using adjacency 6
matrix and adjacency list for representing graphs.




Describe the process of building a binary search tree

1. from a given list of elements. 10

Critically evaluate the use of a greedy algorithm for

2. solving the traveling salesman problem. 10

Create a real-world application scenario where the use of

3. trees is beneficial and describe the implementation 10

Apply Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path

4. between two vertices in a weighted graph. 10

Analyze the advantages of using B-trees for external

5. searching in large databases. 10



Describe the purpose of sequential search
1. 6

Illustrate on hashing used for in computer science

2. 6

Describe the primary goal of selection sort

3. 6

Describe the key characteristic of merge sort

4. 6

Explain the concept of collision resolution with open

5. addressing. 6

Describe how quick sort operates on a contiguous list.

6. 6

Compare the efficiency of quick sort and Merge sort.

7. 6

Write a C function to perform selection sort on an array

8. of integers. 6

Analyze the time complexity and binary search

9. algorithms. 6

Critically analyze the efficiency of quick sort for different

10. types of input data. 6

Develop a C program to implement insert sort on a list of

11. integers. 6

Write a note on the efficiency of heap sort.

12. 6



Given an array of integers, demonstrate how to perform

1. a binary search to find a specific element. 10

Array = {23,24,44,56,78,88,90,134} find x= 88.

Write a C program to perform insertion sort on a given

2. array. Explain each step of the sorting process. 10

Design a hash function suitable for a given set of strings.

3. Discuss its effectiveness and potential collisions. 10

Implement the merge sort algorithm for a linked list.

4. Provide step-by-step explanations. 10

Compare sequential search and binary search

5. algorithms. Highlight their differences and similarities 10

Compare selection sort, insertion sort in terms of their

6. efficiency and implementation complexity. 10

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