Revision FA
Revision FA
Revision FA
Values/Principles of FA:
● Student Focused
● Instructionally Informative
● Outcome Based
● Informal questioning
● Semi-formal exercises and quizzes
● Self-assessment
● Peer assessment
● Observation
● Portfolio assessment
● Feedback
● Learning blogs/journals
● Teacher conference
Sample questions:
Put the activities in the box below into the right categories of testing and
assessment. Which are the odd ones out and why? (2 points)
15-minute test portfolio presentation peer assessment eacher
Đánh giá tổng kết Đánh giá thường xuyên Đánh giá định kì
1, 2, 3, 4 5 6
Focus on language Focus on process of Focus on products of
learning learning
Teacher-centered Learning-centered Learner-centered
Cho tiết 1,2,8 Cho đống còn lại
Use a sufficient
Write and speak with
Produce oral and about of vocabulary
repetition in word
written work with items but with little
Use words and choice. There are
flexibility. There are flexibility. There are
phrases about spelling, wordform and
no spelling, wordform some spelling,
household chores wordchoice mistakes
or wordchoice wordform or
that causes difficulty for
mistakes. wordchoice
Needs improvement
Criteria Excellent (9-10) Good (7-8)
Took initiative to
improve project work. Assumed responsibility
Did not show any
Cooperation Actively listened to and when tasked by the
valued the opinions of group or group leader
Contributed high Contributed adequate
Did not contribute to
quality to the quality to the
Contribution the completion of the
completion of the completion of the
project work
project work project work
Participated in most of Did not participate in
Participation participated in the
the group discussions the group discussions
group discussion
Step 6: Reflection:
- T asks the students some of the questions such as:
● What are the three important things you discovered today?
● What did you find difficult?
● What do you wonder?
This is my version of PBL based on the 4 steps Mr. Tung has recommended to the
class. He said he advocated for the 4-step approach since it was easier to do. Feel
free to give feedback on this work if you see any errors.
Unit 7, English 10
1. Project
Students write a description in English about cultural aspects of Vietnam and
present their findings in class.
2. Project objectives
Students will be able to:
- produce a 140-word description on an aspect of Vietnamese culture and some
Dos and Don'ts related to it.
- use comparative and superlative adjectives as well as articles correctly in the
- describe their findings using clear pronunciation and correct intonation in an oral
- apply words and phrases related to cultural characteristics and lifestyles
appropriately in an oral presentation.
3. Rubrics
Category Excellent (9-10) Good (6-8) Needs improvement
Use ofAll sentencesMost sentencesHalf or fewer sentences
comparativcontaining thecontaining thecontaining the
e andcomparative/superlativecomparative/superlativecomparative/superlative
superlative orms and articles are orms and articles are orms and articles are
adjectives, used correctly used correctly used correctly
PronunciationClear with minorClear with severalMany
errors. No errorserrors. Some errors ncomprehensible
nterfere with meanings. nterfere with meaning. words and sentences.
VocabularyVocabulary related toMost vocabularyMany mistakes in
related tocultural characteristicscultural characteristicsvocabulary related to
cultural and lifestyles isand lifestyles iscultural characteristics
characteristiaccurate accurate and lifestyles
cs and
4. A step-by-step plan
Step Due Date Evidence
Form a group with 03 other Time to work in class –
people. April 5
Choose an aspect of
Vietnamese culture that you Bring draft to class
find interesting and write a First draft – April 6
description of it using
Bring draft to class – this
comparatives, superlatives
Final draft – April 8 will be graded according
and articles correctly.
o rubric
Make sure you are also
accurately using vocabulary
related to cultural
characteristics and lifestyles.
The description must be at
least 140 words long and
must also include at least 03
do’s and 03 don’ts when
getting involved in that
particular cultural aspect.
With your group, prepare a Time to work in class –
5-minute presentation about April 10
an interesting aspect of Be prepared to share
Vietnamese culture, along First practice in class – your presentation with
with some do’s and don’ts April 13 another group – give
related to it. All group and receive
members must speak. feedback.
Review pronunciation of all
the key words to make sure Final presentation – April
16 This will be graded
you are pronouncing them
according to the