Human, All Too Human Animal Studies and The Humanities
Human, All Too Human Animal Studies and The Humanities
Human, All Too Human Animal Studies and The Humanities
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nental philosophy but also in certain wings the PBS series Nature. Similarly, it owes its T
of the analytic tradition. And there's plenty existence in no small part to the emergence of
of crossover (mainly from the analytic side) the animal rights movement in the 1970s and
between philosophy and the legal sphere in to that movement s foundational philosophi W
the burgeoning area of animal rights law, led cal works, Peter Singers Animal Liberation 3*
by scholars such as Gary Francione and Ste and, later, Tom Regans The Case for Animal "0
ven M. Wise. (According to the Animal Legal Rights (works that animal studies, signaling 0
Defense Fund, more than eighty law schools its recent critical turn, has sought to revisit ft
in the United States offer courses in animal and question). VI
second type of "not being able," which is the This is not to say that most of the work done 3"
finitude we experience in our subjection to thus far in animal studies is not in the cultural
the radically ahuman technicity and mecha studies mode (it is); nor is it to say that there ft)
is not valuable work to be done in the cultural 3
nicity of language (understood in the broad W
est sense as a semiotic system through which studies vein in animal studies. It is simply to 5*
creatures "respond" to each other). This fact point out that one would think animal studies
has profound consequences for what we too would be more invested than any other kind 0
hastily think of as "our" concepts, "our" read of "studies" in fundamentally rethinking the ft
ings, "our" histories, which are in an impor question of what knowledge is, how it is lim (/>
5.1 say "a certain mode" here because, as has been duly -. The Postmodern Animal. London: Reaktion, 2001.
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6. This is not to say that using existing legal and juridi Bataille, Georges. Theory of Religion. Trans. Robert Hur 3
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absence of other viable options. It is simply to observe, Bekoff, Marc. Minding Animals: Awareness, Emotions, f
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7.1 discuss the question and theory of disciplinarity Burt, Jonathan. Animals in Film. London: Reaktion,
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8. Many critics have articulated this charge. See in UP, 2008. Print.
particular ch. 1 of my Animal Rites (21-43); Calarco Cavalieri, Paola. The Animal Question: Why Nonhuman
6-10; Diamond, "Difficulty." For a detailed exposition of Animals Deserve Human Rights. Oxford: Oxford UP,
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to the animal play out on the terrain of contemporary Cavell, Stanley, et al. Philosophy and Animal Life. New
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