Datasheet Bluetooth
Datasheet Bluetooth
Datasheet Bluetooth
V3.3 ylppuS rewoP tibM8 hsalF II ssalC rewop tuptuO RDE+0.2V noisrev htooteulB )lanretxE -4eroCeulB( 341714CB RSC tespihC .edom atad tnerapsnart dna edom dnammoc TA neewteb sedom gnikrow eht hctiws nac resu ,11OIP nip OI fo level lacigol gnillortnoc yB .sdnammoc lortnoc dnes dna eludom eht erugifnoc nac resu ,edom dnammoc TA nI .noitarugifnoc rep locotorp PPS troppus taht secived rehto yb detcennoc eb ro ot tcennoc lliw ti dna ,sedom tnereffid eerht kcabpooL ro evalS ,retsaM ot derugifnoc eb nac ti ,edom tnerapsnart atad gnidnib citamotua nI .edom atad tnerapsnart gnidnib citamotua dna ,edom dnammoc TA :edom gnikrow owt sah eludom TRAU htooteulB noitareneg dnoces ehT .refsnart atad rof detegrat yllaicepse si tI .sgnittes erawmrif deddebme eht ot gnidrocca stcudorp tnereffid ni desu eb nac tI .eludom noitcnuf-itum a si XMB .ylppus rewop V3.3 stroppus dna ,egarots erawtfos rof hsalf tibM8 sdebme tI .stespihc lanretxE -4eroCeulB RSC sesu eludom TRAU ot htooteulB XMB igiDetuC
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Other pins used by Bluetooth UART module: 1. PIO8 is used to control LED indicating the status. It will blink after power on. Different blink intervals are used to indicate different status. 2. PIO9 is used to control LED indicating paring. It will be steady on when paring is successful. 3. PIO11 is used to switch the working mode. High level-> AT command mode; Floating or low level-> normal transparent data mode. 4. The module has built-in power on reset circuitry.
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Steps to configure the module as master device: 1. PIO11 is set to high. 2. Power on, and the module will enter into AT command mode. 3. Use hyper terminal or other serial console, set baud rate 38400, data 8 bit, stop bit 1, no parity, no flow control. 4. Send AT+ROLE=1\r\n, if successful, it will return OK\r\n. 5. PIO is set to low, and power cycle, the module will be master device and automatically search for slave device and do binding.
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AT Commands
(AT commands can be upper or lower case, and also end with \r\n) #1 : Test Comamnd Command AT Return OK Argument NONE
#2 : Reset Command Return AT+RESET OK Results: It works as power cycle. Argument NONE
#3: Poll the software version Command AT+VERSION? Example: at+version?\r\n +VERSION:1.0-20090818 OK Return +VERSION:<Param OK Argument Param: software version
#4: Restore the default setting Command Return AT+ORGL OK Restore the default setting: 1. Device class: 0 2. Inquiry code: 0x009e8b33 3. Device mode: Slave mode 4. Binding mode: SPP 5. Serial port: 38400 bits/s; 1 stop bit, no parity 6. Pairing code: 1234 7. Device name: HHW-SPP-1800-2 Argument NONE
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#5: Poll the address of the Bluetooth device Command AT+ADDR? Return +ADDR: <Param> OK Argument Param: the address of the Bluetooth device
Representation of the address: NAP:UAP:LAP (HEX) Examples: The address of the Bluetooth device is: 12:34:56:ab:cd:ef At+addr?\r\n +ADDR:1234:56:abcdef OK
#6: Set and poll device name Command AT+NAME=<Para1> AT+NAME? Return OK 1: +NAME: <Param> OK --- successful 2: FAIL --- fail Argument Param: device name Default: HHW-SPP-18002
Example: AT+NAME=HHW-SPP-1800-2\r\n Set Device name as HHW-SPP-1800-2 OK AT + NAME=HHW-SPP-1800-2\r\n Set Device name as HHW-SPP-1800-2 OK at+name?\r\n +NAME: Beijin OK
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#7: Poll remote device name Command AT+RNAME? <Param1> Return Argument 1: +RNAME: <Param2 > Param1: remote device address OK --- successful Param2: remote device name 2: FAIL --- fail Representation of the address: NAP:UAP:LAP (HEX) Examples: The address of the remote Bluetooth device is: 00:02:72:od:22:24, the device name is: Bluetooth t+rname? 0002,72,0d2224\r\n +RNAMELBluetooth OK
#8: Set/Poll device role Command AT+ROLE= <Param> Return OK Argument Param: 0 slave 1 Master 2 Slave-loop Default: 0
Explanation of device roles: Slave be connected by other device Slave-loop be connected by other device, receive and send back whatever received Master Actively poll the nearby device and initialize binding to other devices.
#9: Set and poll device type Command AT+CLASS=<Param> Return OK Argument Param: device type Device type is a 32-bit parameter. It is used to indicate the device class and the service it supports Default: 0 The actual meaning is explained in appendix 1.
In order the effectively filter the nearby device and quickly locate the users self defined device, user can set the device to be nonstandard device, such as 0x1f1f (hex) 6 / 23
#10: Set/Poll Inquire Access Code Command AT+IAC=<Param> AT+IAC? Return 1: OK 2: FAIL +IAC: <Param> OK Argument Param: Inquire Access Code Default: 938b33 Detailed explanation can be found the appendix.
If the inquire access code is set to GIAC(General Inquire Access Code: 0x9e8b33), it can be used to discover or be discovered by all nearby devices. If user wants the device to be able to be found quickly, user can set the Inquire Access Code to be code not as GIAC and LIAC, such as 0x928b3f. Example: AT+IAC=928b3f\r\n OK AT+IAC?\r\n + IAC: 928b3f OK #11: Set and poll Inquiry mode Command Return AT+INQM=<Param1>, <Param2>, 1. OK <Param3> 2. FAIL Argument Param1: Inquiry Mode 0 inquirey mode standard 1 inquiry mode rssi Param2: max response number Param3: time out, 1-48 (1.28s-61.44s) Default: 1,1,48 AT+INQM=1,9,48\r\n -- Set inquiry mode: with RSSI, max device response number 9 then stop inquiry, max time out 48X1.28=61.44s OK AT+INQM?\r\n +INQM:1,9,48 OK
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#12: Set and poll paring password Command AT+PSWD=<Param> AT+PSWD? Return OK +PSWD:<Param> OK Argument Param: paring password Default: 1234
#14: Set and poll serial port parameters Command AT+UART=<Param1>,<Param2>, <Param3> Return OK Argument Param1: baud rate (bits/s) 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200 230400 460800 912600 1382400 Param2: stop bit 0- 1 bit 1- 2 bits Param3: parity bit 0- None 1- Odd 2- Even Default: 9600,0,0
+UART:<Param1>,<Param2>,< Param3> OK
Example: Set serial port parameters to 115200, 2 bits stop bit, and even parity AT+UART=115200, 1,2 \r\n OK AT+UART? +UART:115200,1,2 OK
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#14: Set and poll connection mode Command AT+CMODE=<Param> Return OK Argument Param: 0 specific address mode (the address is specified in binding command) 2- No specific address Default: 0
+CMODE::<Param> OK
#15: Set and poll binding device address Command AT+BIND=<Para1> AT+BIND? Return OK +BIND:<Param> OK Argument Param Binding Bluetooth device address Default address: 00:00:00:00:00:00
The address can be represented as NAP:UAP:LAP (hex) The binding command is only valid in specific address mode. Example: AT+BIND=1234,56,abcdef\r\n OK AT+BIND?\r\n +BIND:1234:56:abcdef OK #16: Set/Poll the polarity of LED indicator driver Command AT+POLAR=<Param1>, <Param2> AT+DEFAULT Return OK Argument Param1: 0 PI08 outputs low level to turn on LED 1- PI08 outputs high level to turn on LED Param2: 0-PI09 outputs low level to turn on LED 1-PI09 outputs high level to turn on LED Default: 1,1 9 / 23
PI08 drives the working status, and PI09 drives the link status. Example: PI08 outputs low level to turn on LED, and PI09 outputs high level to turn on LED. AT+POLAR=0,1 \r\n OK AT+POLAR?\r\n +POLAR:0,1 OK
#17: Set single PIO output Command AT+PIO=<Param1>,<Param2> Return OK Argument Param1: PIO port number (decimal) Param2L PIO port output 0- Low voltage 1- High voltage
The useable port is PIO2- PIO7 and PIO10. Example: 1. PIO10 outputs high level AT+PIO=10,1\r\n OK 2. PIO10 outputs low level AT+PIO=10,0\r\n OK #18: Set multiple port output Command AT+MPIO=<Param> Return OK Argument Param: PIO port number mask combination (hex)
The useable port is PIO2- PIO7 and PIO10. PIO port mask = (1 << port number) PIO port mask combination = ( PIO port mask 1| PIO port mask 2 |PIO port mask 3 |) Example: PIO2 mask= (1<<2)=0x004 PIO10 mask = (1<<10)=0x400 PIO port mask combination= (0x004 | 0x400)=0x404 PIO 2 and PIO 10 output high: AT+MPIO=404\r\n OK
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#19: Poll PIO port input Command AT+MPIO? Return +MPIO: <Param> OK Argument Param- PIO port value (16 bits) Param[0]=PIO0 Param[1]=PIO1 Paramp2]=PIO2 Param[10]=PIO10 Param[11]=PIO11
#20:Set/Poll Inquiry parameters Command Return AT+IPSCAN=<Param1>,<Param2>, OK <Param3>, <Param4> AT+IPSCAN? +IPSCAN:<Param1>, <Param2>,<Param3>,<P aram4> Argument Param1: inquiry time interval Param2:continous poll time Param3: call time interval Param4: call continuous time All above are decimal numbers Default: 1024, 512, 1024, 512
#21:Set/Poll SNIFF energy saving parameters Command AT+SNIFF=<Param1>,<Param2>,< Param3>,<Param4> AT+SNIFF? Return OK +SNIFF:<Param1>,<Param2>,< Param3>,<Param4> Argument Param1: max time Param2: min time Param3: try time Param4: time out All above are decimal numbers Default: 0,0,0,0
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#22: Set/Poll Security and Encryption modes Command AT+SENM=<Param1>,<Param2> AT+SENM? Return 1: OK 2:FAIL +SENM:<Param1>,<Par am2> OK Argument Param1: Security mode 0- Sec_mode0_off 1- Sec_mode1_non-secure 2- Sec_mode2_service 3- Sec_mode3_link 4- Sec_mod_unknown Param2:encryption mode 0- hci_enc_mode_off 1- hci_enc_mode_pt_to_pt 2- hci_enc_mode_pt_to_pt_ and_bcast Default: 0,0
#23: Delete Authenticated Device from the authenticated device list Command AT+RMSAD=<Param> Return OK Argument Param: Bluetooth device address
Example: Delete device with address: 12:34:56:ab:cd:ef at+rmsad=1234:56:abcdef\r\n OK Or at+rmsad=1234:56:abcdef\r\n FAIL ==== there is no such device in the list #24: Delete all Authenticated Devices from the authenticated device list Command AT+RMSAD Return OK Argument None
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#25: Locate Authenticated Device from the authenticated device list Command AT+FSAD=<Param> Return 1. OK - exists 2. FAIL- no-exisit Argument Param: Bluetooth device address
Example: Finddevice with address: 12:34:56:ab:cd:ef at+FSAD=1234:56:abcdef\r\n OK Or at+fsad=1234:56:abcdef\r\n FAIL ==== there is no such device in the list #26: Obtain the total Authenticated Device number in the authenticated device list Command AT+ADCN?=<Param> Return +ADCN:<Param> OK Argument Param: total number of device in the authenticated device list
#27: Obtain the most recently used Authenticated Device Command AT+MRAD? Return +MRAD:<Param> Argument Param: most recently authenticated device
#28: Obtain the working status of the Bluetooth device Command AT+STATE? Return +STATE:<Param> OK Argument Param: working status INITIALIZED READY PAIRABLE PAIRD INQUIRING CONNECTING CONNECTED DISCONNECTED NUKNOW
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#29: Initialise the spp profile lib Command AT+INIT Return 1. OK 2. FAIL Argument NONE
#30: Inquire nearby devices Command AT+INQ Return +INQ: <Param1>,<Param2>,<Param3> . OK Argument Param1: address Param2: device class Param3: RSSI
Example 1: at+init\r\n Initialize SPP (cant repeatedly initialize) OK at+iac=9e8b33\r\n inquire general inquire access code OK at+class=0\r\n inquire all devices types OK at+inqm=1,9,48\r\n Inquire mode: RSSI, max number 9, timeout 48 At+inq\r\n inquire +INQ:2:72:D2224,3E0104,FFBC +INQ:1234:56:0,1F1F,FFC1 +INQ:1234:56:0,1F1F,FFC0 +INQ:1234:56:0,1F1F,FFC1 +INQ:2:72:D2224,3E0104,FFAD +INQ:1234:56:0,1F1F,FFBE +INQ:1234:56:0,1F1F,FFC2 +INQ:1234:56:0,1F1F,FFBE +INQ:2:72:D2224,3E0104,FFBC OK #31: Cancel Inquire nearby devices Command AT+INQC Return OK Argument None
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#32: Device pairing Command AT+PAIR=<Param1>,<Param2> Return 1. OK 2. FAIL Argument Param1: remote device address Param2:timeout
Example: Pair with remote device: 12:34:56:ab:cd:ef, timeout 20 s. At+pair=1234,56,abcdef, 20\r\n OK #33: Device Connection Command AT+LINK=<Param> Return 1. OK 2. FAIL Argument Param: remote device address
Example: Link to remote device: 12:34:56:ab:cd:ef At+fsad=1234,56,abcdef\r\n -- check if remote device is in the authenticated device list or not OK At+link==1234,56,abcdef\r\n -- it is in the list, doesnt need to be inquired and can be directly linked OK #34: Device Disconnection Command AT+DISC Return 1. +DISC: SUCCESS 2. +DISC:LINK_LOSS 3. +DISC:NO_SLC 4. +DISC:TIMEOUT 5. +DICS:ERROR #35: Enter into energy saving mode Argument None
Command AT+ENSNIFF=<Param>
Return OK
#36: Exit energy saving mode Command AT+EXSNIFF=<Param> Return OK Argument Param: Bluetooth device address
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Explanation AT command error The result is default value PSKEY write error Device name is too long (more than 32 bytes) Device name is 0 byte Bluetooth address: NAP is too long Bluetooth address: UAP is too long Bluetooth address: LAP is too long PIO port mask length is 0 Invalid PIO port Device class is 0 byte Device class is too long Inquire Access Code length is 0 Inquire Access Code is too long Invalid Inquire Access Code Pairing password is 0 Pairing password is too long (more than 16 bytes) Role of module is invalid Baud rate is invalid Stop bit is invalid Parity bit is invalid No device in the pairing list SPP is not initialized SPP is repeatedly initialized Invalid inquiry mode Inquiry timeout Address is 0 Invalid security mode Invalid encryption mode
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The Class of Device/Service(CoD)is a 32 bits number that is made of 3 fields. One field specifies the service supported by the device. Another field specifies the major device class, which broadly corresponds to the type of the device. The third field specifies the minor device class, which describes the device type in more detail. The Class of Device/Service (CoD) field has a variable format. The format is indicated using the 'Format Type field' within the CoD. The length of the Format Type field is variable and ends with two bits different from '11'. The version field starts at the least significant bit of the CoD and may extend upwards. In the 'format #1' of the CoD (Format Type field = 00), 11 bits are assigned as a bit-mask (multiple bits can be set) each bit corresponding to a high level generic category of service class. Currently 7 categories are defined. These are primarily of a 'public service' nature. The remaining 11 bits are used to indicate device type category and other device-specific characteristics.Any reserved but otherwise unassigned bits, such as in the Major Service Class field, should be set to 0.
Figure 1.2: The Class of Device/Service field (first format type). Please note the order in which the octets are sent on the air and stored in memory. Bit number 0 is sent first on the air.
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Bit no 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Major Service Class Limited Discoverable Mode [Ref #1] (reserved) (reserved) Positioning (Location identification) Networking (LAN, Ad hoc, ...) Rendering (Printing, Speaker, ...) Capturing (Scanner, Microphone, ...) Object Transfer (v-Inbox, v-Folder, ...) Audio (Speaker, Microphone, Headset service, ...) Telephony (Cordless telephony, Modem, Headset service, ...) Information (WEB-server, WAPserver, ...) TABLE 1.2: MAJOR SERVICE CLASSES
2. MAJOR DEVICE CLASSES The Major Class segment is the highest level of granularity for defining a Bluetooth Device. The main function of a device is used to determine the major class grouping. There are 32 different possible major classes. The assignment of this Major Class field is defined in Table 1.3. 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 X 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 X 10 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 X 9 0 0 1 1 0 8 0 1 0 1 0 Major Device Class
Miscellaneous [Ref #2] Computer (desktop,notebook, PDA, organizers, .... ) Phone (cellular, cordless, payphone, modem, ...) LAN /Network Access point Audio/Video (headset,speaker,stereo, video display, vcr..... Peripheral (mouse, joystick, keyboards, ..... ) Imaging (printing, scanner, camera, display, ...) Uncategorized, specific device code not specified
[Ref #2: Used where a more specific Major Device Class code is not suited (but only as specified in this document). Devices that do not have a major class code assigned can use the all-1 code until 'classified'] 18 / 23
3. THE MINOR DEVICE CLASS FIELD The 'Minor Device Class field' (bits 7 to 2 in the CoD), are to be interpreted only in the context of the Major Device Class (but independent of the Service Class field). Thus the meaning of the bits may change, depending on the value of the 'Major Device Class field'. When the Minor Device Class field indicates a device class, then the primary device class should be reported, e.g. a cellular phone that can also work as a cordless handset should use 'Cellular' in the minor device class field. 4. MINOR DEVICE CLASS FIELD - COMPUTER MAJOR CLASS 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 4 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 X 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 X 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 X Minor Device Class bit no of CoD Uncategorized, code for device not assigned Desktop workstation Server-class computer Laptop Handheld PC/PDA (clam shell) Palm sized PC/PDA Wearable computer (Watch sized) All other values reserved
TABLE 1.4: SUB DEVICE CLASS FIELD FOR THE 'COMPUTER' MAJOR CLASS 5. MINOR DEVICE CLASS FIELD - PHONE MAJOR CLASS 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 4 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 X 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 X 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 X Minor Device Class bit no of CoD Uncategorized, code for device not assigned Cellular Cordless Smart phone Wired modem or voice gateway Common ISDN Access Sim Card Reader All other values reserved
6. MINOR DEVICE CLASS FIELD - LAN/NETWORK ACCESS POINT MAJOR CLASS 7 0 0 0 0 1 1 6 0 0 1 1 0 0 5 0 1 0 1 0 1 Minor Device Class bit no of CoD Fully available 1 - 17% utilized 17 - 33% utilized 33 - 50% utilized 50 - 67% utilized 67 - 83% utilized 19 / 23
1 1 0 83 - 99% utilized 1 1 1 No service available [REF #3] X X X All other values reserved TABLE 1.6: THE LAN/NETWORK ACCESS POINT LOAD FACTOR FIELD [Ref #3: "Device is fully utilized and cannot accept additional connections at this time, please retry later"] The exact loading formula is not standardized. It is up to each LAN/Network Access Point implementation to determine what internal conditions to report as a utilization percentage. The only requirement is that the number reflects an everincreasing utilization of communication resources within the box. As a recommendation, a client that locates multiple LAN/Network Access Points should attempt to connect to the one reporting the lowest load.
4 0 X
3 0 X
2 0 X
Minor Device Class bit no of CoD Uncategorized (use this value if no other apply) All other values reserved
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0
3 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Minor Device Class bit no of CoD Uncategorized, code for device not assigned Device conforms to the Headset profile Hands-free (Reserved) Microphone Loudspeaker Headphones Portable Audio Car audio Set-top box HiFi Audio Device VCR Video Camera Camcorder Video Monitor Video Display and Loudspeaker Video Conferencing (Reserved) 20 / 23
0 1 0 0 1 X X X X X
0 X
[Ref #4: Only to be used with a Gaming/Toy device that makes audio/video capabilities available via Bluetooth] TABLE 1.8: SUB DEVICE CLASSES FOR THE 'AUDIO/VIDEO' MAJOR CLASS
7 0 1 1 X
6 1 0 1 X
Minor Device Class bit no of CoD Keyboard Pointing device Combo keyboard/pointing device All other values reserved
TABLE 1.9: THE PERIPHERAL MAJOR CLASS KEYBOARD/POINTING DEVICE FIELD Bits 6 and 7 independently specify mouse, keyboard or combo mouse/keyboard devices. These may be combined with the lower bits in a multifunctional device.
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 X
4 0 0 0 0 1 1 X
3 0 0 1 1 0 0 X
2 0 1 0 1 0 1 X
Minor Device Class bit no of CoD Uncategorized device Joystick Gamepad Remote control Sensing device Digitizer tablet All other values reserved
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7 X X X 1 X
6 X X 1 X X
5 X 1 X X X
4 1 X X X X
Minor Device Class bit no of CoD Display Camera Scanner Printer All other values reserved
TABLE 1.11: THE IMAGING MAJOR CLASS BITS 4 TO 7 Bits 4 to 7 independantly specify display, camera, scanner or printer. These may be combined in a multifunctional device.
3 0 X
2 0 X
Minor Device Class bit no of CoD Uncategorized, default All other values reserved
TABLE 1.12: THE IMAGING MAJOR CLASS BITS 2 AND 3 Bits 2 and 3 are reserved
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The General- and Device-Specific Inquiry Access Codes (DIACs) The Inquiry Access Code is the first level of filtering when finding Bluetooth devices and services. The main purpose of defining multiple IACs is to limit the number of responses that are received when scanning devices within range.
1 2 3
The Limited Inquiry Access Code (LIAC) is only intended to be used for limited time periods in scenarios where both sides have been explicitly caused to enter this state, usually by user action. For further explanation of the use of the LIAC, please refer to the Generic Access profile. In contrast it is allowed to be continuously scanning for the General Inquiry Access Code (GIAC) and respond whenever inquired.
General/Unlimited Inquiry Access Code (GIAC) Limited Dedicated Inquiry Access Code (LIAC)
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