Chapter One International
Chapter One International
Chapter One International
International marketing may be defined as an activity related to the sale of goods and services of one
country in the other, subject to the rules and regulations framed by the countries concerned.
In simple words, it refers to marketing activities and operations among the countries of the world
International marketing is marketing abroad i.e., beyond the political boundaries of the country.
International marketing brings countries closer due to economic needs and facilitates understanding
International marketing can, therefore, be defined as, marketing carried on across national
International Marketing is the multinational process of planning and executing the conception,
pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create an exchange that satisfy
Single currency
Marketing research very difficult, costly and cannot give desired accuracy, etc.
technical knowhow for building the industrial base in the country with a view to rapid
All most all underdeveloped countries have been receiving external aid over the years for their
industrial development. Hence it is necessary to aim at sufficient export earnings to cover both
country should have to utilize domestic resources and to provide technological improvement and
and fertilizers to raise the production of agricultural produce and that can provide a base
natural resources available in the country by making the necessary imports of plant and
underdeveloped countries, the problem of the employment and underemployment is very serious
The imports of necessary item for consumption can be made which may help improve
Exports are responsible for the rapid industrialization of the country. New items are
produced for consumption in domestic market, which increases the level of standard of
In order to face the competition in the international market, the producer improves the
quality of the product by applying the latest technology. In this way, people get better
quality products at cheaper rates. It helps improve the standard of living of the people.
9. International collaboration
Export marketing results in international collaboration. Developed country fixes their import
created by governments to restrict trade and protect domestic industries. Examples include the
following: -
1. Tariff: - a tax imposed on a product entering a country. Tariffs are used to protect
domestic producers and / or to raise revenue. E.g. Japan has a high tariff on imported rice.
2. Import quota: - a limit on the amount of a particular product that can be brought into a
unstable governments that exposed foreign firms in business risks and profit repatriation.
instability decrease the value of a country’s currency. Profit repatriation for foreign firms
many regulations on foreign firms. For example: - they might require joint ventures with
the majority share going to the domestic partner, a high number of nationals to be hired,
world). They award business to the highest briber rather than the lowest bidder. Etc.
about foreign managers learning how to make its product and breaking away to compete
Once a company decides to target a particular country, it has to determine the best mode of entry.
Its broad choices are indirect exporting, direct exporting, licensing, joint ventures and direct
investments. Each succeeding strategy involved more commitment, risk, control and profit
1. Indirect Export
Companies typically starts with indirect exporting that is they work through
A. Domestic – based export merchant: Buys the manufacturer’s products and then
sells them abroad.
B. Domestic based export agent: Seeks and negotiate foreign purchases and is paid a
C. Cooperative organization: Carries on exporting activities on behalf of several
producers and is partly under their administrative control. Often used by producers of
primary product – fruits, nuts and so on.
for a fee.
Indirect export has two advantages: -
It involves less investment and
somewhat greater. The company can carry on direct exporting in several ways;
A. Domestic based export department or division
An export sales manager carries on the actual selling and draws market assistance as
needed. The department might evolve into a self – contained export department
performing all the activities involved in export and operating as a profit center.
B. Overseas sales branch or subsidiary
An overseas sales branch allows the manufacturer to achieve greater presence and
programs control in the foreign market. The sales branch handles sales and distribution
and might handle warehousing and promotion as well. It often servers as a display center
These distributors and agents might be given exclusive rights to represent the
manufacturer in that country or only limited rights. Whether companies decide to enter
foreign markets through or indirect exporting, one of the best ways to initiate or extend
The licensor license a foreign company to use a manufacturing process, trademark,
The licensor thus gains entry into the foreign market at a little risk.
The license gains production expertise or a well-known product or name without having
ii) Management contracting is a low risk method of getting into a foreign market, and it
yields income from a beginning. Management contracting prevents the company from
Contract manufacturing has the drawback of giving the company less control over the
offers the company a chance to start faster, with less risk and with the opportunity to form
c) Franchising
A company can enter a foreign market through franchising, which is a more complete form
of licensing. Here the franchiser offers a franchisee a complete brand concept and operating
system. In return, the franchisee invests in and pays certain fees to the franchiser.
d) Joint Venture
Foreign investors may join with local investors to create a joint venture in which they share
Forming a joint venture might be necessary or desirable for economic or political reasons.
The foreign firm might lack the financial, physical or managerial resources to undertake the
venture alone. Or the foreign government might require joint ownership as a condition for
Joint ownership has certain drawbacks. The partners might disagree over investment,
marketing or other policies. I.e. one partner might want to reinvest earnings for growth, and
manufacturing facilities.
The foreign company can buy part or full interest in a local company or build its own facilities. As
a company gains experience in export, and if the foreign market appears large enough, foreign
1. The firm could secure cost economies in the form of cheaper labor or raw materials,
2. The firm will gain a better image in the host country because it creates jobs.
3. The firm develops a deeper relationship with government, customers, local suppliers,
and distributors, enabling it to adapt its products better to the local marketing
environment. Etc.
A firm exposes its large investment to risks such as blocked or devalued currencies,
The firm will find it expensive to reduce or close down its operations, since the best
global organizations.
They have stopped thinking of themselves as national marketers who have ventured abroad
and now think of themselves as global marketers. Their top corporate management and staff
plan worldwide manufacturing facilities, marketing policies, financial flows, and logistical
The global operating units report directly to the chief executives or executive committee, not
to the head of an international division. Executives are trained in worldwide operations; not
geographic or national markets are fundamentally affected by their overall global positions.”
global firm is a firm that operates in more than one country and captures R&D,
production, logistical, marketing, and financial advantages in its costs and reputation that are
with exploitation and ruthlessness. They are often criticized for moving resources in and out of a
country, as they strive for profit, without much regard for the country’s social welfare.
On the other hand, MNCS have power and prestige. Additionally they create social benefits by
facilitating economic balance. As explained by Miller, “with resources, capital food, and
technology unevenly distributed around the planet, and all in short supply, an efficient instrument
of quick and effective production and distribution of a complex of goods and services is a first
does business and the citizenship of corporate owners and top managers.
2. Performance
Definition by performance depends as such characteristics, as earnings, sales and assets. These
3. Behavior
performance, though it is no less important. Thus a company becomes more multinational as its
management thinks more internationally. Such thinking, known as Geocentricity, must be
distinguished from the two other attitudes or orientations, known as ethnocentricity and
1. Ethnocentricity: - is a strong orientation toward the home country. Markets and consumers
abroad are viewed as unfamiliar and even inferior in taste, sophistication and opportunity.
Centralization of decision-making is thus a necessity. The usual practice is to use the home
base for the production of standardized products (i.e. without significant modification) for
The attitude places emphasize on differences between markets that are caused by variation
with in, such as income, culture, laws and politics. The assumption is that each market is a
unique and consequently difficult for outsiders to understand. Thus, managers from the host
country should be employed and allowed to have a great deal of discretion in market decision.
polycentricity. Geocentricity is an orientation that considers the whole world rather than any
do not exist because the company does not designate anything international or foreign about a