Assessing The Frequency of Drought/flood Severity in The Luvuvhu River Catchment, Limpopo Province, South Africa
Assessing The Frequency of Drought/flood Severity in The Luvuvhu River Catchment, Limpopo Province, South Africa
Assessing The Frequency of Drought/flood Severity in The Luvuvhu River Catchment, Limpopo Province, South Africa
The Luvuvhu River catchment experiences rainfall variability with a high frequency of extremely dry and wet SM Mazibuko
conditions. Understanding the frequency of drought and floods in this catchment area is important to the
agriculture sector for managing the negative impacts of these natural hazards. This study was undertaken to EMAIL
investigate the frequency and severity of drought/floods and linkages with the El Niño Southern Oscillation [email protected]
(ENSO) phenomenon. Poor and resource-limited small-scale farmers in the Luvuvhu River catchment area
struggle to adjust due to decreasing crop yields and livestock mortality caused by drought and floods. DATES
Monthly rainfall data from 15 grid points (0.5° × 0.5°) was used to compute the Standardised Precipitation Received: 15 May 2020
Index (SPI) for the period between 1979 and 2016. The 3-month SPI was calculated for the December–January– Accepted: 17 April 2021
February (DJF) period. The second half of the agricultural season was selected because the influence of ENSO
is high during the late summer season (DJF) in the catchment. The SPI results indicate that the agricultural
Standardised Precipitation Index
seasons 1982/83, 1991/92 and 2015/16 were characterised by extreme drought. Conversely, the SPI values drought/flood frequency
also show that the wettest seasons were recorded in 1998/99 and 1999/00. The catchment experiences a high rainfall
frequency of moderate to severe drought in the north and north-eastern parts. Spatially, the occurrence of ENSO
moderate to severe dry conditions covers large areas in the north and south-western parts. Severe to extreme Oceanic Niño Index
wet conditions cover large areas in the north and south-eastern parts of the catchment. The SST index (Niño
3.4) shows a strong influence on rainfall variability in the catchment, resulting in either dry or wet conditions. COPYRIGHT
Therefore, this study recommends further research focusing on more climatic modes that influence rainfall © The Author(s)
variability, as well as further development of drought and flood forecasting to improve farmers’ adaptations Published under a Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0
options and reliability of weather forecasts used as a tool to manage crop production.
International Licence
(CC BY 4.0)
The occurrence of drought and floods is common in the Luvuvhu River catchment (LRC), impacting
negatively on crop production and agricultural income as a result of reduced crop sales, harvest failure
and livestock mortality (Devereux, 2007; Mathivha et al., 2016). Rainfall variability can result in either
drought or floods and affects agricultural production in especially rain-fed farming areas (Afifi et al.,
2016; Kori et al., 2012; Murali and Afifi, 2014; Oseni and Masarirambi, 2011). Small-scale farmers
in the LRC rely mainly on rainfed farming and are therefore highly vulnerable to frequent droughts
and floods (Masupha and Moeletsi, 2018). Prolonged decreases in rainfall results in the occurrence
of drought. Conversely, the abundance of rainfall may result in soil saturation and eventually heavy
flooding (Muluneh et al., 2017). Therefore, there is a need to assess the frequency of drought and floods
in order to raise awareness on the areas that are vulnerable to these natural hazards.
By their nature, droughts and floods are destructive, resulting in devastating impacts on crop
production and livestock farming (Chhabra et al., 2016; Revilla-Romero et al., 2015). For instance,
across the whole of southern Africa small-scale farmers who have limited access to irrigation systems
struggle to maintain crop production during times of drought (Mkuhlani et al., 2019a; Ntombela et
al., 2017), while they incur considerable losses during floods due to destruction of crop fields and
increased livestock mortality after heavy rainfall (Newton et al., 2011; Serdeczny et al., 2017).
Rainfall in South Africa is influenced by the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon, resulting
in drought or floods (Odiyo et al., 2019; Tfwala et al., 2018). The ENSO phenomenon is the oscillation
between warm phases (El Niño characterised by abnormal warming of surface ocean waters of the central
and eastern Pacific) and a cold phase (referred to as La Niña characterised by abnormal cooling of the
ocean waters) in the same region (Ganguli and Reddy, 2013; Saunders et al., 2017). Considering studies
by Rapolaki et al. (2019), Crétat et al. (2019), Tfwala et al. (2018) and Manatsa et al. (2017), ENSO has
been identified as the main driver of rainfall variability in southern Africa, making it a key determinant
of drought and flood occurrence within this region. The relationship between ENSO and rainfall over
southern Africa has been proven to be strong, but there are some ambiguities which still need to be
clarified (Crétat et al., 2019). This is because the occurrence of below-average rainfall is not only associated
with ENSO, since there are other weather systems that influence rainfall variability (Rapolaki et al.,
2019). For example, rainfall variability in southern Africa is not always due to ENSO influence because
the ocean-atmosphere interaction is also influenced by the concurrent occurrence of other weather
systems (e.g. Southern Annular Mode) during either El Niño or La Niña phase (Manatsa et al., 2011).
Figure 1. Location of the Luvuvhu River catchment area within the Limpopo Province and spatial variability of rainfall. Source: produced by the
author using CRU rainfall data
Figure 3. Temporal patterns of 3-month SPI (DJF) from 15 grid points which cover the Luvuvhu River catchment area from 1979 to 2016
Frequency of droughts and floods in the LRC the northern parts, due to the higher occurrence of orographic
rainfall in its mountains. Generally, rainfall within the LRC area
The frequency of dry and wet seasons was mapped using 3-month
is influenced by elevation, though drought can occur in both low
SPI values for the 15 grid points covering the LRC (Fig. 4). The
and high rainfall areas (Odiyo et al., 2015).
SPI results show that the south-western tip of the catchment, a
relatively small area, experiences a high frequency of extreme The spatial variation of the SPI results reveals that the north-
drought (>25%). The frequency of moderate to severe drought western parts of the catchment experience a high frequency of
increases from the south towards the north, with a large portion severely to extremely wet conditions. The positive SPI results
of the catchment affected by severe drought conditions, skewed further show that severely wet and extremely wet conditions
towards the north-eastern parts of the catchment. Generally, the dominated the northern and south-eastern parts (>25%) as
lack of rainfall for a period of time (days or months) increases shown in Fig. 4. The frequency of extremely wet conditions
the severity of drought, therefore in the LRC severity of drought decreases towards the southern parts, to a value of <5%. The
usually starts as moderately dry conditions and escalates to occurrence of extremely wet conditions affects communities
extreme conditions as the dry conditions continue for a longer in both steeply inclined and flat areas, as indicated by Musyoki
period. The frequency of severe drought was low towards et al. (2016). High run-off on steep slopes removes the fertile
the south-western parts of the LRC, with <5% frequency of topsoil and deposits it in low-lying areas and riverbanks, which
occurrence. This area suffered less severe drought compared to influences the establishment of farming activities on riverbanks
Figure 4. Frequency of 3-month SPI showing the frequency of drought/flood severity in the Luvuvhu River catchment area during the period
1979 to 2016
Figure 6. Statistical analysis of the relationship between sea surface temperature (SST) index (Niño 3.4) and standardised precipitation index
(SPI) from grid points (A – O)
Figure A1. Validation of grid rainfall data using weather station data