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Environment and Natural Resources Journal 2023; 21(3): 211-221

A Combined DPSIR Framework and Logical Framework Approach for

Sustainable Water Resources Management in the Lagoon Floodplain
Benchawan Teerakul1, Chaiwat Rongsayamanont1,2, Rotchanatch Darnsawasdi1, and
Peerapat Kosolsaksakul1*
1Faculty of Environmental Management, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla 90110, Thailand
2Southern Natural Disaster Research Center, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla 90110, Thailand


Received: 3 Sep 2022 This article describes a combination of the driver-pressure-state-impact-response
Received in revised: 6 Feb 2023 (DPSIR) framework and the logical framework approach (LFA) to develop water
Accepted: 8 Feb 2023 management strategies for a lagoon floodplain in Thailand. The DPSIR
Published online: 13 Mar 2023
framework identified the cause-effect relationship between water and
DOI: 10.32526/ennrj/21/202200170
anthropogenic activities. LFA developed management strategies based on a
Keywords: systematic and logical approach. DPSIR analysis for the issue of water shortages
Water management/ DPSIR/ LFA/ for irrigated areas revealed the need for income from agriculture is a major driver,
Lagoon floodplain/ Sathing Phra as indicated by agricultural development policy. The driver exerted pressure on
peninsula increasing irrigation water demand, which increased the risk of a water shortage.
The impact of water shortage was indicated by loss of farmer income. Existing
* Corresponding author: responses led to inadequate problem-solving, for example, the promotion of
E-mail: [email protected] mixed farming. Using data captured from DPSIR analysis for LFA analysis,
proposed strategies to address the root causes of “ineffective irrigation water
allocation” focused on improving (1) the performance of rotating irrigation
systems; (2) monitoring water allocation; and (3) water use efficiency. The
strategies developed using the combined DPSIR framework and LFA are
effective because: (1) this method provides insight into complex water systems;
(2) the strategies are developed logically to solve the problem at its root cause;
and (3) there is intensive stakeholder participation and in-depth study of the area.
This method is a helpful tool for developing a management strategy for a complex
water system and is suitable for application by decision-makers. Stakeholder
verification is required for future research to ensure that the strategies are
appropriate and capable of being implemented.

1. INTRODUCTION Environment Agency to help decision-makers

Water-related issues are often complex and structure and organise cause-effect relationships
challenging to address. Understanding the entire between environmental and human systems (OECD,
system associated with water management is required 1993; EEA, 1999; Tscherning et al., 2012). It
to manage water effectively (Enteshari and Safavi, identifies the cause-effect relationships in five
2021). Therefore, tools that can be used to structure economic and social development categories: driving
problems and help policymakers address complex forces (D) that exert pressure (P) on the environment;
water issues are required. Previous studies have shown changes in the state of the environment (S) and
that the DPSIR framework is an analytical framework impacts (I) on the ecosystem, human health, and other
essential in promoting policy and regulation design to materials; and society’s preventive, adaptive, or
manage ecosystems effectively (Gari et al., 2015; Roy curative solution responses (R) to the driving forces,
et al., 2017; Chen et al., 2022). DPSIR was developed pressures, states, or impacts (Jago-on et al., 2009).
in the late 1990s by the Organisation of Economic DPSIR has been wildly used for analysing
Cooperation and Development and the European environmental problems emanating from human

Citation: Teerakul B, Rongsayamanont C, Darnsawasdi R, Kosolsaksakul P. A combined DPSIR framework and logical framework approach for
sustainable water resources management in the lagoon floodplain. Environ. Nat. Resour. J. 2023;21(3):211-221.

Teerakul B et al. / Environment and Natural Resources Journal 2023; 21(3): 211-221

activities in policy-making and research (Gari et al., analysing the water resources system and formulating
2018; Lu et al., 2022; Agramont et al., 2022), logical and effective management interventions. This
including water issues (Kagalou et al., 2012; Hashemi article demonstrates a combination of the driver-
et al., 2014; Gari et al., 2018; Ashfaq et al., 2018; Lu pressure-state-impact-response (DPSIR) framework
et al., 2022). Hashemi et al. (2014) found the and the logical framework approach (LFA) to develop
framework useful for analysing the changing state of water management strategies for the Sathing Phra
floods, structuring data, and examining leverage peninsula lagoon floodplain.
points at which appropriate responses can be exerted.
Although DPSIR was widely applied, 2. METHODOLOGY
oversimplifying the complex reality of socio- 2.1 Study area
ecological systems was criticised (Wang et al., 2018; Floodplains are defined as areas periodically
Agramont et al., 2022). As the complexity of the inundated by the lateral overflow of rivers and lakes.
socio-environmental systems relies on several layers Floodplains support diverse ecosystems which provide
of social, political, and economic institutions and the critical benefits to people, especially in agricultural
environmental consequences behind their interactions development (Binh et al., 2022). Floodplains are among
(Teodosiu et al., 2009), the simplicity of DPSIR can the most threatened ecosystems in which the annual
be misguiding, ignoring the possible synergistic flood cycle critically impacts productivity (Islam and
relations existing between DPSIR categories (Maxim Braden, 2006). Threats are severe in lagoon floodplains
et al., 2009). Thus, the responses defined by DPSIR because the hydrological regime is highly dynamic and
analysis governed by a standardised framework may impacted by salt water (López-Juambeltz et al., 2020).
disregard such aspects. In addition, DPSIR does not The Sathing Phra peninsula, a lagoon floodplain
explicitly prioritise responses and cannot individually in Thailand was selected as a study area. It is an
determine the effectiveness of each response when important rice production area, holding approximately
working with complex systems (Gari et al., 2015; 31% of the rice field area in Southern Thailand. Water
Malmir et al., 2021). To define responses that consider shortages occasionally occur during the dry season.
relevant layers under D-P-S-I-R categories and Floods occur in the wet season. In 2013, severe floods
determine the effectiveness of DPSIR responses, there caused damage to 10,654 households, affecting 36,725
is a need to use other tools with this framework. people (Songkhla Provincial Disaster Prevention and
The logical framework approach (LFA) is a Mitigation Office, 2017). Ban Khao Sub-District was
strategic planning and project management selected to demonstrate a combined DPSIR and LFA
methodology that guides the systematic and logical (Figure 1).
analysis of key interrelated elements that constitute
well-designed management interventions (The World 2.2 Method
Bank, 2000). LFA was developed in the 1960s to 2.2.1 Historical water resource development
assist the US Agency of International Development and management
(USAID) in improving project planning and Participatory Rapid Appraisal (PRA)
evaluation systems (Republic of Serbia Government (Chambers, 1994) was applied to study the history of
European Integration Office, 2011). LFA has been water resource development and management. PRA
used in many development projects (Musiyarira et al., tools, including secondary data reviews, semi-
2019). The problem tree, objective tree, and analysis structured interviews, and focus group discussions,
of strategies is an LFA methodology for identifying were conducted during 2012-2019. Sixty-nine people
main problems and their causes and effects, helping from government organisations, local administrative
project planners formulate clear and manageable organisations, communities, academics, private
objectives and strategies for achieving them. The sectors, and NGOs participated.
problem tree can identify the underlying causes of D- The communities and community leaders
P-S-I-R categories, that is, the layers that cannot be provided information and jointly surveyed the area to
identified using DPSIR. The underlying causes will be understand its context and suggested management
translated into solutions and formulated logically to guidelines. Relevant government agencies share
formulate management interventions. information about water management, analyse
The combination of DPSIR and LFA will form problems, and discuss appropriate management. The
water management tools for comprehensively qualitative data was validated by triangulation.

Teerakul B et al. / Environment and Natural Resources Journal 2023; 21(3): 211-221

Figure 1. Sathing Phra peninsula floodplain

2.2.2 DPSIR framework - Pressures (P) include all human activities

DPSIR was used to describe water resource undertaken due to increased needs, which apply
problems using data from the PRA step. The cause- pressure on the stage.
effect relationship between the water resources - Stage (S) is the current status of water
systems and anthropogenic activities was identified in resources.
terms of the following elements: - Impacts (I) are categorised as loss of functions
- Drivers (D) are the driving forces acting on or services of water resources to humans.
water resources systems comprising human needs. - Response (R) included management practices
for managing water resources in the area (Ashfaq et
al., 2018).

Teerakul B et al. / Environment and Natural Resources Journal 2023; 21(3): 211-221

This study first identified water resources water management strategies and measures. The
problems (S) and their impacts (I). Next, pressures (P) indicators in Table 1 were also used. Data captured
and drivers (D) were analysed. Finally, existing from DPSIR analysis were transferred into a problem
responses (R) were analysed. The link between tree and disaggregated into causes, root causes, and
categories is shown in the diagram. Statistics for consequences. State (S) was placed as a problem at the
analysing water resource status are descriptive centre of the problem tree diagram. Major causes and
statistics data such as mean, percentage, etc. root causes that contribute to the problem were
DPSIR indicators for agriculture’s water replaced with drivers (D), pressures (P), and causes of
shortage are shown in Table 1. ineffective responses (R). The effects were replaced
with Impacts (I). Negative situations were converted
2.2.3 LFA into objectives in the objective tree diagram. The
LFA was applied to analyse the underlying means to achieve the objectives of the root causes were
layers/causes of D-P-S-I-R categories and formulate determined as management strategies.

Table 1. The DPSIR indicators for agriculture’s water shortage

DPSIR DPSIR component Indicators Unit

Drivers Need of income from agriculture (rice) Existence of policies that support agricultural Yes/no
Pressures Intensive irrigation water demand Irrigated area (off-season rice farming) km2
Climate variation Annual rainfall mm/year
State Water shortage for irrigated area Number of years in which salt water intrudes Year
during off-season rice cultivation
Uncultivated irrigated paddy field km2
Impacts Loss of income Income from the sale of off-season rice baht/year
Conflict on irrigation water use Level of conflict Level (low, medium,
Responses Activities to prevent water shortage for irrigated area
- Promotion of mixed agriculture/ oil - Rice field area promoted to mixed km2
palm agriculture/ oil palm
- Promotion of less water rice farming - Rice field area promoted to less water km2
- Improving irrigation canals - The distance of irrigation canals has been km/year
- Establishing water user groups for - The existence of water user groups Yes/no
managing irrigation water
Activities to reduced impact from water shortage
- Compensation for rice farming damage Amount of compensation baht/rai (equivalent to
0.0016 km2)
- Conflict mediation The existence of a conflict mediator Yes/no

3. RESULTS conduct rice farming twice a year, with some

3.1 Historical water resources management in the increasing to five times in two years. The off-season
Sathing Phra peninsula rice fields in Ranod district increased steadily from
Timelines of Ban Kao Sub-District water 29.2 km2 in 1988 to 182.7 km2 in 2004.
resources management are shown in Figure 2. The third phase involved community
Pre-irrigation development, the main activity adaptation. In 2005, a severe flood destroyed much of
was rainfed rice farming. Water shortages were the in-season rice, after which most farmers shifted the
common in the dry season. In the second phase, in-season rice farming period to after the rainy season
irrigation systems were developed to address the water and postponed their off-season rice farming. The
shortage. The Thung Ranod Irrigation Project adaptation increased the dependence on irrigation
supported 136 km2 of rice fields (RID, 2012). Farmers water, resulting in more severe water shortages.

Teerakul B et al. / Environment and Natural Resources Journal 2023; 21(3): 211-221

3.2 DPSIR water resources system analysis linked causal loops: (a) water shortage for the irrigated
The water resources system of the Sathing Phra area; and (b) flooding. This study only describes
peninsula is depicted in Figure 3, which shows two causal loop (a) (Table 2).

Figure 2. Timelines of water resources development and management in the Ban Kao Sub-District

Figure 3. DPSIR analysis for the Sathing Phra peninsula

Teerakul B et al. / Environment and Natural Resources Journal 2023; 21(3): 211-221

Table 2. DPSIR for causal loop (a) water shortage for the irrigated area

DPSIR DPSIR component Indicators Phase 1: pre- Phase 2: Irrigation Phase 3: Community
framework irrigation development adaptation to water
development (1948-2005) shortage
(before 1948) (2005-2015)
Drivers Need to increase Existence of policy Most rice farming Policy to increase Policy to promote
income from that supports was rainfed agricultural mixed agriculture/oil
agriculture (D1) agricultural productivity through palm and less water
development irrigation farming
Pressures Increasing of Irrigated rice farming 0 rai Increase of 100% Increase of 100%
irrigation water area (Off-season rice from phase 1 from phase 1
demand (P1) farming)
Climate variation Annual rainfall n/a During 1974-2005, During 2006-2011,
(P2) annual rainfall no annual rainfall
below 1,500 below 1,500 mm/year
mm/year for 3 years
State Water shortage for Number of years in n/a 4 years during 1 year during
irrigated area (S1) which salt water 1992-2005 2006-2010
intrudes during off-
season rice
Uncultivated None 20.64 km2 for 4 20.64 km2 for 1 year
irrigated paddy field years (1992-2005) (2006-2010)
Impacts Loss of income Income from the sale - 23.5 million baht 45.9 million baht
(I1) of off-season rice (0.71 million (1.39 million USD)/
products USD)/year year (for 1 year)
(for 4 years)
Conflict on Level of conflict None Low Low
irrigation water use
Responses Activities to prevent water shortage for irrigated area
- Promotion of - Rice field area None n/a 1% of the total area
mixed farming/oil promoted to mixed of irrigated rice
palm cultivation agriculture/oil palm farming
- Promotion of less - Rice field area None None None
water rice farming promoted to less
(R2) water farming
- Improving - The distance of n/a n/a n/a
irrigation canals irrigation canals has
(R3) been improved
- Establishing - The existence of No Yes Yes
water user groups water user groups
Activities to reduce impact from water shortage
- Compensation for Amount of No Insufficient Insufficient
rice farming compensation
damage cause by
water shortage
- Conflict The existence of No (no conflict) Yes Yes
mediation (R6) conflict mediator
n/a=not available

From Figure 3 and Table 2, in developing the described as a first driver (D1). This driver was
area from phase 1 to phase 2, farmers’ poverty led to investigated based on the existence of policies to
needing to increase income from agriculture which is support agricultural development. In phase 2, under

Teerakul B et al. / Environment and Natural Resources Journal 2023; 21(3): 211-221

the 2nd National Economic and Social Development However, the off-season rice farming area is similar to
Plan, the important policy regarding agricultural the second phase. This indicated that the new policies
development focused on increasing productivity via have little impact on the water resource system. The
developing irrigation systems (National Economic and reason is that new policies have implementation
Social Development Board, 1967). Therefore, the limitations, for example, inappropriate area, farmer
Thung Ranod irrigation project was developed. budget, and land tenure problems.
The pressure reflected by the driver is
increasing irrigation water demand (P1) which is 3.2 LFA
considered based on irrigated rice farming area. In the Taking causal loop (a) as an example for the
second phase, the irrigated rice farming area increased LFA analysis, the problem tree analysis showed three
100% from the first phase, increasing irrigation water significant causes of water shortage for the irrigated
demand (RID, 2012). The change in the state due to area: (1) insufficient water in the dry season, which the
pressures is water shortage for the irrigated area (S1) indicator showed that during 1992-2005 there were
which one indicator is the number of years that four years that the area of uncultivated irrigated rice
saltwater intrusion caused uncultivated rice farming, farming was 20.64 km2/year; (2) increased water
which occurred in 1991, 1992, 1993, 2005, and 2010. demand for rice farming which is indicated by an
The other indicator is the uncultivated irrigated rice increase of irrigated rice farming area of 100%
farming area, which indicated 20.64 km2 in the four compare to the pre-irrigation development phase; and
years that the aforementioned saltwater intrusion (3) ineffective irrigation water allocations which is
occurred (Regional Irrigation Office 16, 2011). indicated by the area of uncultivated irrigated rice
The impacts of water shortage caused loss of farming mentioned above. The root causes of each
income (I1) and conflict in irrigation water use (I2), major cause are also shown in Figure 4.
which is quantified by indicators including income The major causes were then transformed into
from the sale of irrigated rice products and level of objectives which were: (1) sufficient water; (2) water
conflict between water users. Inability to do irrigated demand for rice farming appropriate to the water
rice farming in 1991, 1992, 1993, 2005, and 2010, available; and (3) effective irrigation water allocations
caused the area a loss of income of approximately (Figure 5).
23.5 million baht (0.71 million USD)/year (Songkhla After the desired future situation, the most
Provincial Agriculture and Cooperatives Office, feasible strategies and measures were identified. In
2022). In addition, because irrigation water supply is this study, only the third chain of the objective tree in
limited, conflicts between farmers occurred almost Figure 5 (effective irrigation water allocation) was
every year. selected as an example. The target of management
In the second phase, the results from the study strategies for this chain is at least 70% of farmers
indicated that the existence of the water user group having enough water for off-season rice farming. This
(R4) helped prevent water shortages as the water user is achieved by:
group set rules for equitable allocation of limiting 1) Improving the performance of the rotating
irrigation water among users, while other responses irrigation systems through developing an automatic
did not show clear results due to lack of information. water-level monitoring system and strengthening the
The compensation for rice field damage from water water user groups.
shortage (R5) is insufficient as the cost of 2) Improving the monitoring and evaluation of
compensation was only 28% of the actual cost (actual irrigation water allocation and delivery through
cost 2,700 baht (81 USD)/rai (Regional Irrigation participatory monitoring and evaluation of irrigation
Office 16, 2011) and compensation 1,113 baht (34 water allocation and delivery.
USD)/rai (Songkhla Provincial Agriculture and 3) Improving irrigation water use efficiency
Cooperatives Office, 2020). through applying economic instruments.
For the third phase, policy regarding The details of management strategies and
agricultural development changed to promoting mixed indicators are shown in Supplementary Table S1.
agriculture/oil palm and less water rice farming.

Teerakul B et al. / Environment and Natural Resources Journal 2023; 21(3): 211-221

Figure 4. Problem tree analysis for causal loop (a) water shortage for the irrigated area

Figure 5. Objective tree analysis for causal loop (a) water shortage for the irrigated area

4. DISCUSSION which is associated with water user groups and is

Water management strategies for the Sathing difficult to change. Growing demand for irrigation
Phra peninsula were developed using the combined water, combined with natural factors, posed a risk of
DPSIR framework and LFA. DPSIR analysis showed water shortages. Current responses, such as
the important driver for the issue of water shortage in government policies to promote the transition from
irrigated areas is the need for income from agriculture, rice farming to mixed farming and the promotion of

Teerakul B et al. / Environment and Natural Resources Journal 2023; 21(3): 211-221

less water rice farming, which have very little The proposed strategies differ from strategies
application, are ineffective and unable to mitigate suggested by the Royal Irrigation Department using
water shortages and their impacts. The results rational planning (RID, 2012). Regarding the IWRM
illustrated that DPSIR analysis allowed understanding component (Global Water Partnership, 2000), for the
the variables affecting the system, the weights of the institutional roles, this study suggests strategies
variables, the roles of stakeholders, and evaluating the related to water user groups, while RID emphasises the
effectiveness of existing responses. This study’s functions of regulators. For the management
findings are consistent with Agramont et al. (2022), instruments, this study proposed economic
who discovered that DPSIR allows understanding the instruments for optimising water use, while the RID
sources of socio-ecological distress and reveals the proposed guidelines on the effective use of irrigation
ineffectiveness of policy responses in Bolivia’s Katari water and public relations to educate farmers. The
River Basin. However, the root cause of the problem, result indicated that strategies proposed by this study
which is useful for developing management strategies, focus on improving management mechanisms of water
is difficult to identify by DPSIR analysis. user groups differently from those proposed by the
Using the results from the DPSIR analysis to rational planning method, which focuses on the
formulate strategies to resolve the root causes using function of regulators. The reason is that DPSIR helps
LFA, three strategies to increase the efficiency of structure the information on water resources issues
irrigation water allocation were proposed. First, and clearly explains the relationship between DPSIR
improving the rotating irrigation systems' performance categories. From this study, DPSIR analysis showed
by developing an automatic water-level monitoring that the important driver is the need for income from
system and strengthening water user groups. The agriculture which is associated with water user groups,
system provides real-time data that helps water as mentioned above. While the rational planning
managers and users track transmission and method does not analyse the system-wide problem, it
conveyance losses and take decisions to improve is too narrow in focus due to the focus on water
water use efficiency (Reddy et al., 2016). management by the responsible authorities and the
Strengthening the water user group will lead to emphasis on infrastructure development.
continuous, more efficient, and concrete management Our results demonstrated that the combined
of water resources, consistent with the study of DPSIR and LFA enable the development of
Teamsuwan and Satoh (2009), which concluded that appropriate and realistic water management solutions.
the Water User Organisations (WUOs) in the Chao DPSIR provides a framework for comprehensively
Phraya Delta, Thailand, demonstrate successful long- analysing cause-effect relationships, factors, and
term management because of the clear definition of the actors’ influences in the complex water resource
WUOs’ common management activities and a budget system. Analysing the data with stakeholders and
to guarantee the activities. Second, improving revising the DPSIR diagram several times gives us an
monitoring and evaluating the irrigation system in-depth and comprehensive understanding of the
through participatory monitoring and evaluation of relationships among variables affecting water systems.
irrigation water allocation and delivery. The In addition, an intermediary study with no interest in
advantage of this strategy is collaborative problem- the area resulted in facts that reflected water
solving through the generation and use of knowledge management problems in the area better than studies
that leads to corrective action by involving all levels by agencies or decision-makers due to the
of stakeholders in shared decision-making. Uprety et embarrassment of the informants in providing
al. (2019) also suggested that the principles of citizen information. From the comprehensive understanding
science can help improve the spatial coverage of data, of the water system obtained from DPSIR analysis,
aiding local decision-makers in the water resource when further analysed using LFA, it is possible to
management realm. Third, improving water use identify root causes contributing to the problem, which
efficiency in irrigated agriculture by applying enables the development of feasible solutions/
economic instruments is instrumental in achieving strategies to solve at the leverage point. Combined
efficient and equitable use and encouraging DPSIR and LFA is a modified method for analysing
conservation and protection of water resources (Rey et water resource systems, an essential step in planning.
al., 2019). DPSIR has been used with other tools for analysing
water resource systems; for example, Zare et al. (2019)

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