Scheme of Internship For Post-Graduate - Research Students
Scheme of Internship For Post-Graduate - Research Students
Scheme of Internship For Post-Graduate - Research Students
भारत सरकार/Government of India
साांख्यिकी एवां काियक्रम कािायन्विन मांत्रालि
Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation
प्रशिक्षण इकाई /Training Unit
The Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation (MoSPI) shall be implementing the scheme of
Internship for Post-graduate/Research Students of Statistics/ Mathematical Statistics/ Operations Research/
Economics/ Demography or any of the applied field of Statistics of recognized Universities/Institutions during
2024-25. The scheme is as follows:
1. Aim, Objectives & Scope:
(a) To facilitate the students pursuing post-graduate/research in statistics to study and get familiarized
with the prevailing system of Official Statistics in the Country.
(b) To familiarize the interested and willing post-graduate/research students with the Official Statistical
System of the Country, with specific reference to data collection, processing & analysis, publication
and dissemination needs.
(c) To create awareness amongst the students of Statistics/ Mathematical Statistics/ Operations Research/
Economics/ Demography or any of the applied field of Statistics about the Indian Statistical Service
and Subordinate Statistical Service.
(d) To sensitize the students of Statistics/ Mathematical Statistics/ Operational Research/ Economics/
Demography or any of the applied field of Statistics about choosing their career in the field of
Location/Place of Internship
Sl. No. Topics
(Refer Annex-I)
1 NAD, CSO, MoSPI, New Delhi National Accounts Statistics
2 ESD, CSO, MoSPI, New Delhi Index Numbers, Energy Statistics and National
Economic Classifications
3 SSD, CSO, MoSPI, New Delhi SDGs, Environment Statistics & Environment
Accounting and Global Indices
4 RO, NSSO (FOD), New Delhi Survey subjects such as ASI, AS, SE, UFS, MCPC
5 PSD, CSO, MoSPI, New Delhi Price Statistics
6 Computer Center, MoSPI, New Delhi IT, Program Development
7 PIMD, MoSPI, New Delhi India’s data sources for various Global Indices
8 Intra, Inter International Coordination Statistical Coordination
Location/Place of Internship
Sl. No. Topics
(Refer Annex-I)
9 IPMD, MoSPI, New Delhi Project Monitoring of Infrastructure Projects & e-
Sakshi Portal
10 Research & Analysis Unit, Training Official Statistics
Division, MoSPI, New Delhi
11 DPD, MoSPI, New Delhi Processing/Validation of Survey Data - Household
Consumer Expenditure Survey
12 Central Ministries/Department in Delhi Official Statistics of respective fields
13 DES, Delhi State Official Statistics
CSO: Central Statistics Office, NAD: National Accounts Division, SSD: Social Statistics Division, ESD: Economic Statistics
Division, FOD: Field Operations Division, RO- Regional Office, DES: Directorate of Economics and Statistics; PSD: Price Statistics
Division; PIMD: Policy Implementation and Monitoring Division; IPMD: Infrastructure and Project Monitoring Division, DPD:
Data Processing Division
3. Eligibility:
The applicant should be a citizen of India and pursuing his/her post-graduation/research from a
recognized College/ University/ Research institute in Statistics/ Mathematical Statistics/ Operational
Research/ Economics/ Demography or any of the applied field of Statistics.
5. Remuneration:
A token stipend of ₹10,000/-(consolidated) @₹5000/- per month would be paid to the selected intern on
successful completion of his /her internship, at the end of internship period by respective selection points
only through electronic mode of funds transfer/ Aadhaar Payments Bridge (APB)/Aadhaar Enabled
Payment System (AEPS). If any intern leaves or discontinues the internship in between, that is, before
completion of two months, he/she will not be entitled for any stipend/certificate. A certificate will be issued
to the successful interns, on completion of the internship, by the respective offices where they are attached.
The students opting for NSSO (FOD) Zonal/Regional Offices will be paid additional amount of ₹250/-
per day, so as to enable them to undertake field visits, if required, which should not exceed a maximum of 10
days in the entire period of 2 months of internship. The decision on field visit, if required, is to be taken by
the Head of respective Zonal/Regional Offices and should preferably be in the nearby areas.
The selected Candidates have to report to/join the concerned offices, where the internship has been
offered to them. No Travelling Allowance or Daily allowance etc. will be paid by the Ministry for joining
the place of internship allotted to them or after the completion of internship. The selected candidates
have to make their own arrangements for their lodging, boarding and transport etc.
6. Facilities:
To facilitate the interns in the pursuit of their assignment, internship offices/centers would try their best
to provide a minimum logistics support i.e. office space, with intercom facility and computer, with internet
facility etc. However, interns may have to bring their own laptop if situation demands so. For study material,
the intern will have access to the literature available in the Library/Office and can interact with the concerned
Division(s)/Officer through the guide, with whom they would be attached. Internship Centers will designate
a guide/nodal officer for each intern allocated to them.
(a) The applicant would be required to submit one and only one application for internship as per
instructions given at Annex-III. Last date for submitting applications is 26th April 2024.
(b) The selection of interns would be done by Training Unit, MoSPI for Group “A” and by respective
Regional Heads of ROs of NSSO (FOD) for ROs, ZOs, DESs and other internship centers located in
that particular city. Data Processing Division (DPD) will be selection point in respect of all internship
centers at Kolkata.
(c) In case of State Capitals where more than one offices are associated with internship, the representative
of all the offices involved will be part of the Selection Committee headed by Head of the NSSO (FOD)
Regional Office/ DDG (DPD), Kolkata as the case may be. It is the responsibility of the head of the
NSSO (FOD) Regional office/ DDG (DPD), Kolkata as the case may be, to invite concerned officers
from other offices where interns have to be attached. The list of selected candidates will be prepared
at every selection point separately.
(d) Selection of the candidates will be done purely on the basis of the aggregate marks obtained in
graduation (excluding qualifying subject(s)) and allocation of internship office will be done
taking into account the above selection criterion and the place option exercised by the
candidates. Candidates should also mention the qualifying subjects of graduation while
mentioning the aggregate marks obtained in the graduation. In case of CGPA, candidates should
also mention the conversion formula from CGPA to percentage marks.
(e) The selected candidates/applicants would be informed through e-mail besides displaying the list of
selected interns on the website of the MoSPI in the case of Group “A” and notice board of the
respective offices in the case of Group “B”. All the candidates are required to furnish their e-mail id
clearly and mandatorily in the application form.
(f) The internship will be for a period of 2 months from the date of joining. Selection points/Internship
Centres may decide about joining date depending on local circumstances. However, internship should
be over by August 2024. If any intern leaves or discontinues the internship in between, that is, before
completion of two months, he/she will not be entitled for any stipend/certificate.
(g) Stipend to interns would be transferred directly into their bank account only through electronic mode
of funds transfer/ Aadhaar Payments Bridge (APB)/ Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AEPS) by
selection points and no cash payments would be made. Selected candidates should submit their
bank account details after joining the internship.
(h) No enquiries will be entertained by offices other than designated offices and officers for receipt of
applications/selection of candidates etc.
Disclaimer: - The award of internship to the applicant is not and cannot be construed as any kind of
job or assurances for any job in the Government of India.
S. Centre for Internship Area of Internship No of Nodal Office/
No Internship Designated
selection point
where applications
to be sent
1 National Accounts Division, Central Statistics National Accounts 4 Deputy Director,
Office, MoSPI, Khurshid Lal Bhawan, Statistics Training Unit,
Janpath, New Delhi Ministry of Statistics
2 Economic Statistics Division, Central Development of Energy 3 & Programme
Statistics Office, MoSPI, Khurshid Lal Data Management Implementation,
Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi (EDM), Updation of Room No.-520D
Economic Classification, 5th Floor, K. L.
Index Number Bhawan,
3 Social Statistics Division, Central Statistics SDGs, Environment 3 Janpath, New Delhi -
Office, MoSPI, Khurshid Lal Bhawan, Statistics & Environment 110001
Janpath, New Delhi Accounting, Global Contact No: - 011-
Indices, Gender 23455551
Statistics Email: -
4 Field Operations Division, NSSO (FOD), Survey subjects such as 4 training-
MoSPI, Sankhyiki Bhawan, GPOA Building, ASI, AS, SE, UFS, [email protected]
CBD Shahdara (Near Karkardooma Court), MCPC etc.
New Delhi-110032
5 Price Statistics Division (PSD), Central Price Statistics 2
Statistics Office, MoSPI, Khurshid Lal
Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi
6 Computer Center, MoSPI East Block-10, IT, Program 4
Sector-I, R. K. Puram, New Delhi- 110066 Development
7 Infrastructure and Project Monitoring Division Project Monitoring of 4
(IPMD), MoSPI, Khurshid Lal Bhawan, Infrastructure Projects &
Janpath, New Delhi-110001 e-Sakshi Portal
8 Data Processing Center, MoSPI Processing/Validation of 1
Sankhyiki Bhawan, Maharshi Valmiki Marg, Survey Data - Household
Near Karkardooma Court, Sahadara, New Consumer Expenditure
Delhi-110032 Survey
9 Intra, Inter International Coordination Unit Statistical Coordination 1
Policy Implementation and Monitoring India’s data sources for 2
10 Division (PIMD), MoSPI various Global Indices,
Issues and concerns in
Combination of
Administrative/ Survey
data & Prescriptive
analyses with various
MoSPI datasets
11 Research and Analysis Unit, Training Official Statistics 2
Division, MoSPI, New Delhi
12 Directorate of Economics & Statistics Govt. DES Statistics related 2
of National Capital Territory of Delhi ‘B’ subjects
Wing, 3rd Floor, Vikas Bhawan-II, Near
Metcalf House, Upper Bela Road, Delhi -
S. Centre for Internship Area of Internship No of Nodal Office/
No Internship Designated
selection point
where applications
to be sent
13 Department of School Education & Literacy, Education Statistics 4 Deputy Director,
Ministry of Education, West Block-2, Wing Training Unit,
No.-6, R. K. Puram New Delhi-110066 Ministry of Statistics
14 Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education Statistics 3 & Programme
Human Resource Development, West Block Implementation,
II, Wing VI, R. K. Puram, New Delhi- 110066 Room No.-520 D
15 Ministry of Steel, Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi Industry, Environment 1 5th Floor, K. L.
and Trade Bhawan,
16 Minor Irrigation (Statistics) Wing, Department Minor Irrigation Census 2 Janpath, New Delhi -
of Water Resources, River Development & & Census of Water 110001
Ganga Rejuvenation Ministry of Jal Shakti, Bodies Contact No: - 011-
Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi 23455551
17 Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Centre, Agriculture Statistics and 2 Email:-
Pusa Campus, New Delhi-110012 Yield Modelling training-
18 STT Section, Department of Posts, Ministry of Postal Data 2 [email protected]
Communication, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-
19 Office of Registrar General & Census Population Census, Vital 4
Commissioner, NDCC-II Building, A Wing, Statistics, Demography
1st Floor, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi-110001
20 Directorate General of Foreign Trade, Trade Statistics 1
Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Udyog
Bhawan, H Wing Gate No. 2, Maulana Azad
Road, New Delhi-110001
21 Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Forest Statistics 2
Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhavan, Jor Bagh
Road, New Delhi-110003
22 Statistics Division, Department of Rural Statistical Analysis 4
Development, Ministry of Rural
Development, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi
23 Ministry of Development of North Eastern Official Statistics in 4
Region, Vigyan Bhawan Annex, Maulana respective areas
Azad Road, New Delhi
24 Economics, Statistics and Evaluation Division Agro- Economics, 5
(ESE&D), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Agriculture Statistics &
Welfare, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Cost of Cultivation
25 Statistics Division, Ministry of Coal, 5th Coal statistics 4
Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market,
New Delhi-110003
26 Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Official Statistics 2
Finance, 47 B1, Ground Floor, North block,
27 Animal Husbandry Statistics Division Livestock census and 2
Department of Animal Husbandry And Integrated Sample
Dairying Ministry Of Fisheries, Animal Survey
Husbandry & Dairying Second Floor,
Chanderlok Building, 36, Janpath Road New
Delhi -110001
Total 74
33 Regional Office, NSSO Survey subjects such 2 Regional Head, RO, NSSO (FOD)
(FOD), Burdwan, as ASI, AS, SE, UFS, , Burdwan, Choudhary Market,
Badamtala, Choudhury Market, 2nd CPI, RPC etc., CPI Badamtala, Kaima Road, Burd
Floor wan-713101
Purba Burdwan, West Bengal – Phone:-0342-2663123,
713101 2662309
Email: [email protected] Email: - [email protected]
Phone No-0342-2960005
34 Regional Office, NSSO(FOD), Survey Subjects such 2 Regional Head, RO, NSSO (FOD)
Malda, 1/3 Netaji Subhash Road, as SE, ASI, AS, SE, , Malda, Holding No. 1/3
Near Roopkatha Cinema Hall, PO & UFS, CPI, RPC etc. , Netaji Subhash Road, near Ru
Dist. Malda, PIN-732101 kantha Cinema Hall, Kutubpur, P.
O. & Dt. Malda-732101
Phone: - 03512-252770
Email: - [email protected]
35 Regional Office, NSSO(FOD), RAN Survey subjects such a 2 Regional Head, Regional Office,
CHI , 5th Floor, Zila Parishad Marke s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, C NSSO(FOD), RANCHI, 5th
ting Complex,( Near nagar Nigam Of PI, RPC etc. Floor, Zila Parishad Marketing
fice) Kutchery Road, Ranchi-834001 Complex,( Near nagar Nigam
Office) Kutchery Road, Ranchi-
Contact- 06512208038
Phone: - 0651-2213628, 0651-221
Email: - [email protected]
36 Regional Office, NSSO (FOD), BHU Survey subjects such a 4 Regional Head, RO, NSSO (FOD)
BANESHWAR Commercial Comple s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, C , Bhubaneshwar, Commercia
x, 1st floor, Acharya Vihar, Bhubane PI, RPC etc. l Complex, 1st Floor, Acharya
shwar- 751013 Vihar, Bhubaneswar-751013
37 Directorate of Economics and Survey subjects such 1 Phone: - 0674-2544843
Statistics, Odisha, Bhubaneswar, as ASI, AS, SE, UFS, Email: - [email protected]
Arthaniti 'O' Parisankhyan Bhawan CPI, RPC etc.
Heads of Department Building
Unit- V, Bhubaneswar - 751001
38 Regional Office, NSSO (FOD), SAM Survey subjects such a 2 Regional Head, RO, NSSO (FOD)
BLPUR, DTO Building, BSNL Samb s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, C , Sambalpur, DTO Building, BSN
alpur PI, RPC etc. L Sambalpur
Phone- 0663-2400053, 0663-2520
Email: - [email protected]
39 Zonal Office, NSSO (FOD), GUWA Survey subjects such a 2 Regional Head, RO, NSSO (FOD)
HATI, 3rd Floor, Housefed Complex s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, C , GUWAHATI, 3rd Floor, Housef
, (Central Block), Baltola, Basistha R PI, RPC etc. ed Complex, (Central Block), Balt
oad, Guwahati- 781006. ola, Basistha Road, Guwahati-781
40 Regional Office, NSSO (FOD), GU Survey subjects such a 4 Email: -josephine.thadou76@gov.
WAHATI, 3rd Floor, Housefed Com s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, C in
plex, (Central Block), Baltola, Basist PI, RPC etc. Mobile No.8638554673
ha Road, Guwahati- 781006.
41 NSSO, FOD RO Agartala, Sree Ram Survey subjects such 2 Regional Head, Regional Office,
villa, near SBI, PO- Kunjaban as ASI, AS, SE, UFS, NSSO (FOD) RO Agartala, Sree
Agartala, Tripura -799006. CPI, RPC etc. Ram villa, near SBI, PO-
Kunjaban Agartala, Tripura -
Contact- 9436454794
Email: - [email protected],
[email protected]
42 Regional Office, NSSO (FOD) Itana Survey subjects such a 1 Regional Head, Regional Office,
gar, 1st Floor, Near Gellam Public Sc s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, C NSSO (FOD) Itanagar, 1st Floor,
hool, Chandranagar, NH-415, Itanaga PI, RPC etc. Near Gellam Public School, Chan
r-791111 dranagar, NH-415, Itanagar-79111
Email: - [email protected]
43 Regional Office, NSSO(FOD) Gangt Survey subjects such a 1 Regional Head, RO, NSSO(FOD),
ok, Rinzing Building, Gairigaon, Pos s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, C Gangtok, Rinzing Building,
t Office- Tadong, Gangtok-737102, E PI, RPC etc. Gairigaon, Post Office- Tadong,
ast Sikkim Gangtok-737102, East Sikkim
Email- [email protected]
Ph-03592-231882, 03592-231196
Ph- 8637027543
44 Regional Office, NSSO (FOD), SHIL Survey subjects such a 2 Regional Head, RO, NSSO (FOD)
LONG, Bishop Cotton noad, Near C s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, C , SHILLONG, Bishop Cotton noa
RPF Bungalow, Shillong-793001. PI, RPC etc. d,Near CRPF Bungalow, Shillong
Ph- 9862064019
Phone: - 8974524901
Email: - [email protected]
45 Regional Office, NSSO(FOD) RO Di Survey subjects such 1 Regional Head, RO, NSSO (FOD)
brugarh, 2nd Floor, DDA Commerci as ASI, AS, SE, UFS, , RO Dibrugarh, 2nd Floor, DDA
al Complex, Phoolbagan, Opposite D CPI, RPC etc. Commercial Complex, Phoolbaga
TO Office, Dibrugarh-786001 n, Opposite DTO Office, Dibrugar
Email: - [email protected]
46 Zonal Office, NSSO (FOD), NAGPU Survey subjects such a 2 Regional Head, RO, NSSO
R, CGO Complex, A-Block, East Wi s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, C (FOD), NAGPUR, CGO
ng, IIIrd Floor, Seminary Hills, Nagp PI, RPC etc. Complex, A-Block, East Wing,
ur-440006. IIIrd Floor, Seminary Hills,
47 Regional Office, NSSO (FOD), NAG Survey subjects such a 4 Nagpur-440006
PUR, CGO Complex, A-Block, East s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, C Mobile: 9561213896, Phone:0712
Wing, IIIrd Floor, Seminary Hills, N PI, RPC etc. -
agpur-440006. 2511606, 0712 – 2513170
Email: - [email protected]
48 Regional Office, NSSO (FOD), AH Survey subjects such a 4 Regional Head, RO, NSSO (FOD)
MEDABAD, Near- Urban Health Ce s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, C , AHMEDABAD, Near- Urban H
ntre, Nava Vadaj, Ahmedabad-38001 PI, RPC etc. ealth Centre, Nava Vadaj, Ahmed
3. abad-380013. Phone: - 079 -29752
49 Directorate of economics and Statisti Consumer Price Index 1 Email: - [email protected]
cs, Sector-18, Gandhi nagar (CPI)
Index of Industrial Pr 1
oduction (IIP)
Center for monitoring 1
in Gujrat Econoomy (
Local Body Account 1
Business Register 1
50 Sustainable Develop 1
ment Goal
Directorate of Gujrat Social Infrastuc Aspirational Districts 1
ture Development Society, Sector- 18
Aspirational Block 1
, Gandhinagar
51 Directorate of Evaluation, Sector-18, Evaluation of Differe 2
Gandhinagar nt Central/stste Gover
nment schemes
52 Regional Office, NSSO (FOD), VAD Survey subjects such a 4 Regional Head, RO, NSSO (FOD)
ODARA, NSSO Bhawan, Plot No. 2 s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, , VADODARA, NSSO Bhawan, P
4, Near office of Akota ward no. 6, A MCPC etc. lot No. 24, Near office of Akota w
kota, Vadodara – 390020 ard no. 6, Akota, Vadodara – 3900
Mobile: 9426983415
Email: - [email protected]
53 Regional Office, NSSO (FOD), MU Survey subjects such a 4 Regional Head, RO, NSSO (FOD)
MBAI 4th Floor, A/2-3, Wing, Near s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, C , MUMBAI, 4th Floor, A/2-3, Wi
Konkan Bhawan, CGO Complex Bui PI, RPC etc. ng, Near Konkan Bhawan, CGO C
lding, Navi Mumbai- 400614 omplex Building, Navi Mumbai- 4
54 Directorate of Economics & DES Statistics relate 1 00614
Statistics, Govt. of Maharashtra 8th d Subjects Phone: - 022-27580058, 022-
Floor, Administrative Building, 27572217, 022-27572256
Government Colony, Mumbai Email: - [email protected]
Suburban, East Mumbai
55 Regional Office, NSSO (FOD), AUR Survey subjects such a 2 Regional Head, RO, NSSO(FOD)
ANGABAD, Hall no. –I/II, I Floor, C s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, C Aurangabad, Hall no. –I/II, I Floo
entral Facility Building, N-7, CIDCO PI, RPC etc. r, Central Facility Building, N-7, C
, Opp Garware Factory, Aurangabad- IDCO, Opp Garware Factory, Aur
431003 angabad- 431003
Phone- 0240-2487417
Email: - [email protected]
56 Regional Office, NSSO(FOD), Survey subjects such a 4 Regional Head, RO, NSSO (FOD)
PUNE, Kendriya Sadan, 2nd Floor, s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, C , PUNE, Kendriya Sadan, 2nd Flo
"A" and "B" Wing Opposite to PI, RPC etc. or, "A" and "B" Wing Opposite to
Akurdi Railways Station, Akurdi, Akurdi Railways Station, Akurdi,
Nigadi Pradhikaran, Sector No.26, Nigadi Pradhikaran, Sector No. 26
Pune 411044 , Pune-411044
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 9540881899
57 Regional Office, NSSO(FOD), Survey subjects such a 2 Regional Head, RO, NSSO(FOD),
RAIPUR 2nd Floor, Bhakta Mata s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, C RAIPUR, 2nd Floor, Bhakta Mata
Karma Commercial Complex, Room PI, RPC etc. Karma Commercial Complex, Ro
No.8-25, New Rajendra Nagar, om No.8-25, New Rajendra Nagar
Raipur-492001 , Raipur-492001
Phone: 0771-2432706/2420377
Email: - [email protected]
58 Zonal Office, NSSO(FOD), Survey subjects such 2 Regional Head, RO, NSSO(FOD),
Bangalore, 2nd floor, B Wing, as ASI, AS, SE, UFS, Bangalore, V Floor E&F Wing, K
Kendriya Sadan, CGO Complex, CPI, RPC etc. endriya Sardan (CGO), 17 Main, 2
Koramanagala, Bangalore- nd Block, Koramangala, Bengalur
560034 u-560034
59 Regional Office, NSSO(FOD), BAN Survey subjects such a 4 Phone: 080-25630646, 080-25538
GALORE Vth Floor E&F - Wing, K s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, C 167
endriya Sadan (CGO), 17 Main-2nd PI, RPC etc.. E-mail: - [email protected]
Block, Koramangala, Bangalore- 560
60 Regional Office, NSSO (FOD), KAD Survey subjects such a 2 Regional Head, RO, NSSO(FOD),
APA 1/403-3, Near Press Club, Maru s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, C Kadapa, 1/403-3, Near Press Club
thinagar, Kadapa 516001 PI, RPC etc. , Maruthinagar, Kadapa 516001
Phone: - 08562-240318
Email: - [email protected]
61 Regional Office, NSSO (FOD), HYD Survey subjects such a 4 Regional Head, RO, NSSO (FOD)
ERABAD 293/7, Ist Floor, R&B Co s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, C , HYDERABAD, 293/7, Ist Floo
mplex, Mahavir Marg, A.C. Guards, PI, RPC etc. r, R&B Complex, Mahavir Marg,
Hyderabad-500004. A.C. Guards, Hyderabad-500004
Mob. No. 8828494974
Phone: - 040-23376258, 040-2337
Email: - [email protected]
62 Regional Office, NSSO(FOD), VIJA Survey subjects such a 4 Regional Head, RO, NSSO(FOD),
YWADA 5th Floor, CGO Complex, I s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, C VIJAYWADA, 5th Floor, CGO C
ndustrial Estate, Autonagar, Vijayaw PI, RPC etc. omplex, Industrial Estate, Autona
ada-520007 gar, Vijayawada-520007
Ph. no: 9890658039
Phone: - 0866-2551315, 0866-255
Email: - ro.vjw- [email protected]
63 Regional Office, NSSO (FOD), PAN Survey subjects such a 2 Regional Head, RO, NSSO(FOD),
AJI (GOA), Sarvekshana Bhavan, 13 s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, C Goa, Sarvekshana Bhavan, 1309/1
09/1, Goa Housing Board Colony, Po PI, RPC etc. , Goa Housing Board Colony, Por
rvorim, Bardez, Goa – 403521 vorim, Bardez, Near Air India Qu
arters, Goa – 403521
Phone: - 0832-2414266
Email: [email protected]
64 Regional Office, NSSO (FOD), KOZ Survey subjects such a 4 Regional Head, RO, NSSO (FOD)
HIKODE, Kerla(North) , Kallai (PO) s ASI, SE, UFS etc. , KOZHIKODE, Kerla (North) , K
, A-Block, Fourth Floor, Kendriya B allai (PO), Kozhikode-673006.
havan, Kallai-PO, Kozhikode-67300 Phone: - 0495 2323455
3. Email: [email protected]
65 Regional Office, NSSO (FOD), Bloc Survey subjects such a 4 Regional Head, RO, NSSO(FOD),
k B, Ground Floor, CGO Complex, P s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, C Trivandrum, Block B, Ground Flo
oonkulam, Vellayani P.O., Trivandru PI, RPC etc. or, CGO Complex, Poonkulam, V
m- 695522 ellayani P.O., Trivandrum- 69552
66 Directorate of Economics & Agriculture Statistics, 2 2 Trivandrum- 695522
Statistics, Govt. of Kerala Vikas Price Statistics Phone: - 9871714734
Bhavan, Thiruvananthapuram- Email: [email protected]
67 Regional Office, NSSO (FOD), Survey subjects such a 2 Regional Head, RO, NSSO (FOD)
COIMBTORE 43, Sengupta Street, s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, C , COIMBTORE, 43, Sengupta Str
Ram Nagar, Coimbatore-641009 PI, RPC etc. eet, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore-6410
Phone- 0422-2236180, 0422-2233
797, 0422- 2232420
Email: [email protected]
68 Regional Office, NSSO(FOD), CHE Survey subjects such a 4 Regional Head, RO, NSSO(FOD),
NNAI, B Wing, II Floor, III Block, S s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, C CHENNAI, B Wing, II Floor, III
hastri Bhawan, Haddows Road, Nung PI, RPC etc. Block, Shastri Bhawan, Haddows
ambakkam, Chennai- 600006. Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai-
69 Directorate of Economics and DES Statistics Re 2 600006. Mob. No. 85880846
Statistics, Govt. of Tamil Nadu Block lated Subjects 72
II, Administrative Office Building,
259, Annasalai,Teynampet, Chennai- Phone: - 044-28271677, 044-2827
600006. 0072
Email: - [email protected]
70 Directorate of Economics & State Domestic Produ 2
Statistics, Puducherry ct (SDP)
Administration, No. 505, Kamaraj Agriculture Statistics
Salai, New Saram, Puducherry- Official Statistics
71 Regional Office, NSSO(FOD), MAD Survey subjects such a 3 Regional Head, RO, NSSO(FOD),
URAI 2nd Floor BSNL Stone Buildi s ASI, AS, SE, UFS, MADURAI, 2nd Floor BSNL Sto
ng Rathinasamy Nadar Road, B B ku ne Building Rathinasamy Nadar R
lam Madurai – 625002 oad, B B kulam Madurai – 62500
2 Mob. No. 04522343376
Email: - [email protected]
72 Regional Office, NSSO (FOD), POR Survey subjects such a 2 Regional Head, RO, NSSO (FOD)
T BLAIR Kendriya Sadan, B-Block, s ASI, SE, UFS etc. , Port Blair, Kendriya Sadan, B-Bl
2nd Floor, PB No. 540, Dairy Farm r ock, 2nd Floor, PB No. 540, Dairy
oad, Junglighat, Lambaline, Port Blai Farm road, Junglighat, Lambaline,
r-744103. A & N Islands Port Blair-744103.
73 Directorate of Economics & DES related subjects 2 Phone: - 03192-232889
Statistics, Andaman & Nicobar, Email: - [email protected]
Quarry Hill, Andaman & Nicobar
Administration, Port Blair- 744101
Total 208
(i) Register on the National Career Service (NCS) Portal ( and keep NCS ID ready
for filling application form.
(ii) Download application format in MS Excel File by clicking at Group A or Group B
(iii) Fill the application form in Excel File itself. Message displayed while moving cursor on a cell
may be read carefully before filling information in that cell.
(iv) Take printout of the duly filled-in application form. On the printed form, affix your passport size
recent coloured photograph and sign the undertaking.
(v) Photograph of the applicant and No Objection Certificate should be attested by Head of Institution
where applicant is pursuing study.
(vi) The following documents should be sent through email to the concerned nodal offices/selection
point given at Annex-I & II with a copy to [email protected] with subject line “Application
for Internship for Post-Graduate/Research Students – 2024-25”
− Scanned copy of the duly filled-in and signed/attested application form. Selected
candidates would be required to submit original hard copy to selection point while
joining the internship.
− Duly Filled-in MS Excel File of the application form
− Graduation mark sheets consisting of 3 years result/marks
− Self-attested copy of Identity Card issued during PG Course/Research or any other
document showing that the applicant is Post Graduate/Research Student of Statistics/
Mathematical Statistics/ Operations Research/ Economics/ Demography or any of the
applied field of Statistics
− If marks are in CGPA, attach document giving conversion formula from CGPA to
− If not given on application form itself, a separate no objection letter from the
Institute/Head of Department where applicant is pursuing study indicating the status
of study (class, year, university etc.).
− If applicant wishes to incorporate any other relevant details, he/she may do so on an
extra sheet to be attached.
(vii) In absence of filled-in MS Excel File with application form, the application would be rejected.
(viii) All internship related queries should be sent through email to the nodal officers of respective
internship centers with subject line “Internship for Post-Graduate/ Research Students – 2024-25”
(ix) Emails received with subject line other than as mentioned above may not be considered.