2019 Geography Olympiads
2019 Geography Olympiads
2019 Geography Olympiads
The study of the population in relation to the number, characteristic and population
growth is called ………………
2. Name the type of mineral that has been discovered in the Sahara Desert which has
attracted a number of settlers …………………
3. An imaginary line through the centre of the earth from South to North Pole, around which
the planet rotates is called …………………
4. Which type of coal is the hardest and has highest hydrocarbon content
5. The scientific study and interpretation of the earth quarks is called …………
6. Name the type of rainfall which occurs along the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone
7. Earthquakes that are less violet hence are only felt but not destructive are called ……….
9. Suppose the local time at Greenwich Meridian is 12:00 hours what is the local time at
point X which is longitude 450,
10. Which meridian has been adopted in Zambia for the standard time calculation?
11. The industry which produces products which a country used to import and make the
country save on foreign exchange is called_ _ _ _
12. Name the type of fold formed when both limbs are inclined at the same angle of
13. The size of population which is felt to be most desirable for the full utilization for its
resources and which produces the highest standard of living is termed as …………..
14. The water that falls as rain and flow on the ground surface during and after precipitation
is called ……………
15. …………….……… Is the wear and tear of transported materials themselves in the river
when they role and collide with one another
16. Name the planet which orbits the sun in a crock wise direction?
17. What term is used to refer to the increase in the earth’s surface temperature?
18. With reference to town planning, the letters CBD stand for_ _ _ _ _ _
19. The earth has an oblate, spheroid shape. What is the other term which describes this
shape of the earth?
20. Presence of CFCs in the atmosphere leads to green house effects. CFCs stands for
21. What do we call the circular depressions cut into the river bed by swirling pebbles
carried in the water as it flow in a circular manner?
22. What term is used to describe a tree with special characteristic to withstand drought
23. The diversion of the head-waters of a weaker river into system of parallel and powerful
river due to head wards, vertical and lateral erosion of the dominant river is called ……
24. Which layer of the atmosphere contains most of the elements of weather?
25. The act of predicting the future of the weather conditions of a place within a given time is
known as ………………….
26. Name the type of rainfall experienced on the wind ward of the Zambezi Congo water
27. Relaxation of previous government in social, political or economic policies is known as...
28. Give a reason why the part of the rain gauge should be sunk into the ground.
29. On weather maps, lines joining places receiving the same temperature are called ………
30. What is the name of the star which produces its own light?
31. Apart from anemometer what else can be used to obtain wind speed?
32. What is the total percentage of solar radiation which reaches the earth and warms the
earth’s surface…………………………………………………………
33. Name the oven used to smelt iron ore to produce pig iron.
34. What do we call a thick cloud formed when moisture is cooled and condensed to its due
Point near the ground?
35. What term is used to describe the savanna vegetation with roots which remain in the soil
during dry season and produce new shoots and leaves when rain season comes?
36. When two or more cities join together to form one it is known as ……………….…
37. Name the specific type of coal which is very important for extraction of iron from its ore.
38. A feature formed by steep sided river valleys which are both narrow and deep is called …
39. Cultivation of tropical raw material for export is known as ……………..
40. When a section of earth’s crust is subjected to compressional forces, it bends upwards or
down wards. The down folds are called…………………………