Science Term1 SA2 Revision

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Summa%ve Assessment 2



1. (a) Fig 1.1 shows the human gas exchange system.

Which labelled part is the lung? [1]

Fig 1.1
(b) Complete the word equaUon for aerobic respiraUon. [2]

Glucose + …………………. à Water Vapor + ………………….

2. Which reacUons are exothermic? [2]

3. Fig. 3.1 shows a sample blood which has been separated into three parts.
(a) Name the two parts marked A and B. [1]
A - ……………………………….
B - ……………………………….
(b) What is the funcUon of a red blood cell? [2]
4. What changes are observed in a diaphragm during inhalaUon. [2]

5. Fig. 5.1 shows an air sac and a blood capillary.

Fig 5.1
(a) Label the blood capillary. [1]
(b) Label the wall of the air sac. [1]
(c) Draw two red blood cells in the correct place. [1]
(d) Draw an arrow to show the direcUon in which oxygen diffuses. Label the arrow a [1]

6. Yusef is tesUng the food color used in drinks for children. He places drops of drinks on chromatography
paper. He uses water to allow the coloring to separate. He also makes another chromatogram of all the
permided chemical colorings. If he finds anything that does not match with these colorings, she will
have to carry out further test.
Fig. 6.1 shows the result of two chromatography results.

Fig. 6.1
(a) Why is the spot of drink placed above the water line at the start of the process? [1]
(b) How many different colorings has Yusef found in the drink? [1]
(c) Draw a circle around the dye in the drink that is not on the permided list of colorings. [1]
(d) Explain why Yusef should carry out further tests on the coloring that is idenUfied in part (d). [2]

7. Fig 8.1 shows a football player kicking a football. The ball travels straight up in the air before failing to
the ground and stopping.

Fig. 8.1
Fig. 8.2 shows the speed-Ume graph of the ball aher leaving the players foot unUl it’s hit the ground.

Fig. 8.2
(a) State the speed of the ball as it leaves the player’s foot. [1]
………………………….. m/s
(b) On Fig 8.2, mark X when the ball has non-constant deceleraUon. [1]
8. The graph below shows how the climate change has changed over a hundred and sixty years. The global
temperature anomaly is used to show how the temperature of the globe has changed compared to the
zero (0) reading in the middle of the axis.

Does this graph show a padern or a trend? Explain your answer. [3]

9. (a) What galaxy does Fig 9.1 represent. [1]

Fig 9.1
(b) How many light years is it from one side to the other side? [1]
(c) What is the other name for stellar dust? [1]
10. (a) What does the object in Fig 10.1 represent? [1]

Fig. 10.1
(b) What is the region where most asteroids are found? [1]
(c) Between which planets in the solar system would you find most asteroids? [1]

11. Sofia walks from home to shop.

She walks at a constant low speed.
She stops to talk to a friend.
She conUnues walking to the shop at a higher speed that before.
Sketch a distance/Ume graph of Sofia’s journey from home to shop. [4]

12. What does a scienUst mean by a ‘pure element’? [2]

13. The table shows the temperatures at which four substances were seen to melt and boil. (These
substances are not real; they have been created only for the purpose of this quesUon.)
Which of these substances are pure? Explain your answer. [3]

14. Zara and Arun are carrying out an invesUgaUon into the heat given off when they add pieces of calcium
to water. They both use 10cm3 water and add pieces of calcium.
These are Zara’s results.
Mass of Calcium Start temperature Final Temperature Temperature
added in g in °C in °C change in °C
1 19 20
2 19 21
3 19 22
4 19 23

These are Arun’s results.

Mass of Calcium Start temperature Final Temperature Temperature
added in g in °C in °C change in °C
1 21 22
2 21 22
3 21 24
4 21 25
a. What trend is shown by both sets of results? [2]

b. Predict what would happen if 5g of calcium was added. [1]


c. Complete the table for both student’s results. [2]

d. Zara and Arun plot a graph of their results.

i) Which variable and unit should they put along the horizontal axis? [1]
ii) Which variable and unit should they put on the verUcal axis? [1]

e. Zara and Arun carried out a third set of experiments, using 20cm3 water instead of 10cm3. Could
they use these results to add to the first 2 sets, to calculate the mean temperature change? Explain
your answer. [3]

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