Lab Manual BCA 4 Semester SL 2023
Lab Manual BCA 4 Semester SL 2023
Lab Manual BCA 4 Semester SL 2023
10. Write an html program to create form to input name and email using get and or post method
and write a php program to retrieve the input using $_get and or $_post and or $_Request
11. write a php program to upload image to the server.
12. write php program to set session value in to the server using session.
13. write PHP program to set cookie value in the server
14. Write a php program to create table in the database, insert values to the table, and retrieve the
values from the table. (Consider the table columns as (ID, Name, District, email, phone).
15. write php program to create a class and objects and perform addition and subtraction operation
using method.
16. write a program to create a class and inherit its property from another child class.
17. Write a php program to create your own exception and handled it.
18. Write program to hide and unhide image using jQuery