Pelleting Bermuda Grass
Pelleting Bermuda Grass
Pelleting Bermuda Grass
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forages were offered daily in excess of con- vest season. In contrast, the uniformity of
sumption thus providing ad libitum intakes. A forage production (figure 1) was similar for
mineral mix (composed of 50% trace mineral all three grass varieties and the two harvest
salt and 50% defluorinated rock phosphate) intervals in this study.
and water were offered free choice. The average chemical analyses for the three
Proximate analyses for the metabolism trial grass varieties cut at 4- and 8-week intervals
and chemical analyses of forage constituents are shown in table 1. The crude protein con-
were determined by the methods of the tent was negatively ( P < . 0 1 ) correlated with
A.O.A.C. (1960), Van Soest (1963) and Van the cellulose (r-=--.614) and acid detergent
Soest and Wine (1967). Analysis of variance fiber ( r z - - . 7 5 5 ) content of the forages. A
(Snedecor, 1956) was used to detect differ-
reduction in crude protein paralleled an in-
ences between forage varieties and harvesting
intervals. When F tests indicated significant
main effects and no age x variety interaction 4-WEEK HARVEST INTERVAL
( P < . 0 5 ) , Duncan's multiple range test (Dun- --~'-- PENSACOLA BAHIA
can, 1955) was used for mean separation. - ' 0 " - COASTCROSS-I BERMUDA ~ -
Correlation among variables was obtained ~4 8-WEEK HARVEST INTERVAL /
from the residual mean squares and cross PENSACOLA BAHIA / /El
products of a least square analysis. p- 9--O-- COASTAL BERMUDA /
O ---t3-- COASTCROSS-- I / /
~2o BERMUDA / / ,,.,0
Results and Discussion o)
Forage Yield and Characterization. Har- I..-
crease in cellulose and acid detergent fiber. for Coastcross-1 bermudagrass and lowest
Harvesting the various grasses at 4-week in- ( P < . 0 5 ) for Coastal bermudagrass. Lowrey,
tervals contrasted to 8-week intervals in- Knox and McCormick (1969) conducted a
creased the crude protein, ether extract and similar study with Coastal bermudagrass and
ash content of the material. Nitrogen free Pensacola bahiagrass harvested at 3-, 5- and
extract, crude fiber, cellulose, acid detergent 7-week intervals and obtained similar apparent
fiber, acid detergent lignin and cell wall con- digestibility coefficients.
tent were all considerably lower in the younger Feeding Trial. The average daily gains and
forage. forage intakes of steers fed the three grasses
Digestion Trial. The apparent digestibility harvested at 4- or 8-week intervals and pel-
coefficients for Pensacola bahiagrass, Coastal leted are shown in table 3. Both grass variety
bermudagrass, and Coastcross-1 bermudagrass and age at harvest were significant sources of
harvested at 4- and 8-week intervals are variation ( P < . 0 1 ) and no age x variety inter-
shown in table 2. Cellulose digestibility was action was found ( P > . 0 5 ) when tested by
highly ( P < . 0 1 ) correlated to the digestibility analysis of variance. Steers fed pelleted Coast-
of dry matter ( r ~ . 7 0 6 ) , crude fiber (r=.672) cross-1 bermudagrass gained 42% faster
and cell wall content (r=.627). With the ex- ( P < . 0 1 ) than steers fed Coastal bermuda-
ception of ether extract digestibility by steers grass and 12% faster ( P < . 0 5 ) than animals
fed Pensacola bahiagrass and Coastcross-1 fed Pensacola bahiagrass. Coastcross-1 ber-
bermudagrass pellets, all nutrients tested were mudagrass harvested at 4-week intervals pro-
more digestible ( P < . 0 5 ) when the forage was duced 18% greater gains than Pensacola ba-
harvested at 4-week intervals compared with hiagrass and 52% greater gains ( P < . 0 5 )
8-week intervals. When comparisons were than Coastal bermudagrass. The same trend
made between varieties, the dry matter diges- was noted when the grasses were cut at 8-
tibilities of Pensacola bahiagrass and Coast- week intervals but the mean gains for grass
cross-1 bermudagrass were greater ( P < . 0 1 ) varieties were not different ( P > . 0 5 ) .
than for the Coastal bermudagrass within both Average daily gain tended to parallel
age groups. The crude protein digestibilities voluntary intake. More forage ( P < . 0 5 ) was
of the two bermudagrasses were similar and consumed by steers fed Coastcross-1 bermuda-
higher ( P < . 0 5 ) than for Pensacola bahiagrass grass than was consumed by animals fed Pen-
when harvested at 4 weeks of age. The variety sacola bahiagrass or Coastal bermudagrass.
differences were magnified with 8-week har- Harvesting Coastcross-i bermudagrass at 4
vesting intervals. The digestibility of crude weeks, contrasted to 8 weeks of age, increased
protein in the older forages was 9% greater the voluntary consumption of this grass ( P <
( P < . 0 5 ) for Coastcross-1 bermudagrass than .05). In comparison, age at harvest did not
for Coastal bermudagrass and the crude pro- affect ( P > . 0 5 ) the intake of Pensacola bahia-
tein fraction in Coastal bermudagrass was grass or Coastal bermudagrass pellets. Feed
10% more digestible ( P < . 0 5 ) than in Pensa- required per kilogram of steer weight gain
cola bahiagrass. The apparent digestibility of was less ( P < . 0 5 ) for 4-week-old grass com-
the nitrogen-free extract, crude fiber and cel- pared with 8-week-old forages of all three
lulose fractions was greatest ( P < . 0 5 ) for varieties. Four-week-old Coastcross-1 bermu-
Pensacola bahiagrass, intermediate ( P < . 0 5 ) dagrass and Pensacola bahiagrass were util-
ized most efficiently; whereas, 8-week-old grass than for Coastal bermudagrass. Steers
Coastal bermudagrass was least efficiently fed pelleted Coastcross-1 bermudagrass gained
converted to animal gain ( P < . 0 5 ) . faster ( P ~ . 0 5 ) than steers fed Pensacola ba-
McCormick et al. ( 1 9 6 7 ) attributed an in- hiagrass and faster ( P ~ . 0 1 ) than steers fed
creased average daily gain in calves fed Pensa- Coastal bermudagrass. Four-week-old Coast-
cola bahiagrass h a y compared with Coastal cross-1 bermudagrass and Pensacola bahia-
bermudagrass hay to a greater total digestible grass were most efficiently converted ( P ~ . 0 5 )
n u t r i e n t ( T D N ) content. T a b l e 2 shows that to animal gain; whereas, &week-old Coastal
Pensacola bahiagrass and Coastcross-1 ber- bermudagrass was least efficiently utilized
mudagrass pellets contained greater percent- (V<.05).
ages of T D N ( P < . 0 5 ) than Coastal bermuda-
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