Are Rich People Meaner in General - Quora
Are Rich People Meaner in General - Quora
Are Rich People Meaner in General - Quora
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Candy Cottrell
Self Employed (2005–present) · Author has 773 answers
and 428.5K answer views · 4y
Richard Rayner
Various in Electrical and Electronics Engineering &
Mathematics, Lord Mayor Treloar College/University
(Graduated 1973) · Author has 1.5K answers and 5.2M…
answer views · 2y
Fair question. There are two kinds of wealthy people. The
first kind are those who are born wealthy and come from
“Old” wealth and thus usually carry a title and have a
“country seat” and they are born to the wealth & have
grown up with it and it is a part of them and they generally
understate their wealth and are governed on the whole by
Nobles Oblige
But there are the Self Made Wealthy people who never
got the upbringing either because they were poor, or
because of those they mixed with as they acquired their
wealth. These are the Nouveau Riche who have the
money, but lack the taste and the “breeding” to carry it
off. They are the ones who are generally rude.
ostentatious and brag endlessly how much they’re worth
and enjoy rubbing poorer peoples noses in it.
It’s also a fact the same thing is true at the other end of
the social scale. There are some real diamond people who
are extremely poor, but they have excellent manners and
extremely polite, but there are also extremely rude and
obnoxious poor people. So perhaps it’s not down to
breeding, but about the person themselves.
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Rodney Tavares
Architect no more (2018–present) · Author has 2.6K…
answers and 3.9M answer views · 4y ·
Because they didn't get rich by thinking a whole lot about
others. At best, getting rich involves ignoring most people
in your life while you pursue wealth, and at worst, it
involves screwing other people over. Either way, it's
naturally the more selfish among us who will pursue
wealth. Nicer people, by nature, take most of their
pleasure and satisfaction in life through interacting with
others. They have love in their lives and are thus less likely
to need to pursue wealth despite the cost of doing so.
Now, there are many exceptions to this. You'll find plenty
of rich people that are nice, and plenty of poor people
who are rude. I'd even say that most poor people are
quite rude as well. It seems that both extremes, rich and
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poor, tend to attract, and to turn out, rude people. This is
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why it's such a tragedy that the middle class is
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all answers another
reserved post. Tavares for
by Rodney
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Business Development and Entrepreneurship · Mar 18
Raghvendra Singh
Being Banker · 5y
Ali O. AlShamsi
Investor, Trader, FinTech Entrepreneur · Author has 1.3K
answers and 40M answer views · Updated 6y
You can use my level 100 Caterpie to fend off the mean
Shumita M.
ones anytime.
Sep 19
Jim Gleeson
I have been examining human behavior since birth. ·…
Author has 2.8K answers and 4.8M answer views · 4y ·
Are rich people jerks?
Originally Answered: Are rich people jerks?
Briany O’ Gine
Former Narcissistic Abuse Survivor · Author has 446
answers and 142.3K answer views · 4y
I’ll let you know soon. I’ll be rich. But there are a lot of rich
people who don’t have respect for people they feel are
beneath them. There are also some rich people who
would give you the shirt off their back. There are
definitely more rich jerks though than rich kindhearted
Ben F.
Side-Hustle Addict, Writer for ·
Updated Aug 28
Andrew Garrett
♥ · Author has 2.5K answers and 3.3M answer views · 7y
Ticket Tailor
The world's best-loved event ticketing platform ·
Updated 1y
High fees:
Eventbrite charges some of the highest fees in the
industry. They take a percentage plus a high flat fee per
ticket. In the US most event organizers
Continue Reading pay 3.5% + $1.59
on every ticket sold. So for a $50 ticket, their website
675 6 20
Iulian Arion
Graduated in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics
(science grouping), University of Bucharest (Graduated
1987) · Author has 3.2K answers and 2M answer views ·…
Sep 8
You are saturated with hate due to indoctrination.
Probably you are from a rich country with poor people
except the politicians, secret services and propagandist
who educated you to hate.
Kirk Scott
Consultant (2005–present) · Author has 27.7K answers
and 137.5M answer views · Sep 13
32 3
Maura Rudd
I live among the wealthy. Don't tell them I'm here. · Author
has 19.1K answers and 48.7M answer views · Sep 8
No Name
Somehow finished college · Author has 10.6K answers
and 5.4M answer views · 1y
Brock Newitt
Lives in Chicago · Author has 715 answers and 313.4K
answer views · 1y
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Bruce Doran
Author has 14.7K answers and 3.8M answer views · 2y
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