Are Rich People Meaner in General - Quora

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Are rich people meaner in general?

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There is no evidence to suggest that wealth

correlates with meanness. People of all income
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levels can display a range of

How come a lot of rich people seem

rude? — Related

Candy Cottrell
Self Employed (2005–present) · Author has 773 answers
and 428.5K answer views · 4y

I think many feel that having money puts them above

others who has less.

Totally untrue, but money can ruin good character.

46 5

Richard Rayner
Various in Electrical and Electronics Engineering &
Mathematics, Lord Mayor Treloar College/University
(Graduated 1973) · Author has 1.5K answers and 5.2M…
answer views · 2y
Fair question. There are two kinds of wealthy people. The
first kind are those who are born wealthy and come from
“Old” wealth and thus usually carry a title and have a
“country seat” and they are born to the wealth & have
grown up with it and it is a part of them and they generally
understate their wealth and are governed on the whole by
Nobles Oblige

I knew a Lady (name withheld) who always used to use

her given name, Jean, and used to drop her title and was
always down to earth tho’ she could be quite imperious if
you got her dander up. She came from really old money.
She was a Lady in every sense of the word.

But there are the Self Made Wealthy people who never
got the upbringing either because they were poor, or
because of those they mixed with as they acquired their
wealth. These are the Nouveau Riche who have the
money, but lack the taste and the “breeding” to carry it
off. They are the ones who are generally rude.
ostentatious and brag endlessly how much they’re worth
and enjoy rubbing poorer peoples noses in it.

It’s also a fact the same thing is true at the other end of
the social scale. There are some real diamond people who
are extremely poor, but they have excellent manners and
extremely polite, but there are also extremely rude and
obnoxious poor people. So perhaps it’s not down to
breeding, but about the person themselves.
3.8K views · View upvotes · View 2 shares 1 of 35 answers

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Rodney Tavares
Architect no more (2018–present) · Author has 2.6K…
answers and 3.9M answer views · 4y ·
Because they didn't get rich by thinking a whole lot about
others. At best, getting rich involves ignoring most people
in your life while you pursue wealth, and at worst, it
involves screwing other people over. Either way, it's
naturally the more selfish among us who will pursue
wealth. Nicer people, by nature, take most of their
pleasure and satisfaction in life through interacting with
others. They have love in their lives and are thus less likely
to need to pursue wealth despite the cost of doing so.
Now, there are many exceptions to this. You'll find plenty
of rich people that are nice, and plenty of poor people
who are rude. I'd even say that most poor people are
quite rude as well. It seems that both extremes, rich and
Access this answer and support the author as a
poor, tend to attract, and to turn out, rude people. This is
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why it's such a tragedy that the middle class is
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all answers another
reserved post. Tavares for
by Rodney
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4.3K views · View upvotes · View 1 share · Answer 1 of 35 answers

requested by MyLiege

15 1 3

Related questions (More answers below)

Why are the rich so mean?


Why do common people think rich people are jerk?


How come a lot of rich people seem rude?


Why do people hate rich people?


As a rich person do you look down on poor people?

Why or why not?

Why are the rich so mean? — Related

Business Development and Entrepreneurship · Mar 18

I come from generational wealth, my family has been in

real estate development for decades. Its not always a
product of being raised wrong. From my experience the
only reason I’ve been closed off to most people is
because of the amount of times so-called friends have
used me or community leaders (and church leaders) have
pretended to give a sh** when all they want is a

Or the amount of times women have hit on me only for me

to realize all they want is a sugar daddy. Or the amount of
times I’ve been treated like sh**
Continue for no reason whatsoever
because of some “eat the rich” bullsh**. I p
16 2

Raghvendra Singh
Being Banker · 5y

You must have been thinking that if a person has more

money then he should be more giving, kinder and more
empathetic but it is not like that practically in a real
situation. Then why it is so that they are the opposite
even though they are lucky enough to reach to that level
and God has given them a chance to help the poor and
the needy?

Firstly due to some psychological biases :

1. Self serving attribution bias - In this they

believe that there is no role of anyone's help or
luck in their success and they have achieved it all
through their own work and work only.

2. Fundamental attribution error - In

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Ali O. AlShamsi
Investor, Trader, FinTech Entrepreneur · Author has 1.3K
answers and 40M answer views · Updated 6y

Well, some of them are mean. But others expect people to

see them as Genie of the lamp, asking them for favors.
Some of them are bosses and at work, some bosses are
Continue Reading
But most balanced ones are kind. Rich people in Quora
263 example of them.
are good 1 10

You can use my level 100 Caterpie to fend off the mean
Shumita M.
ones anytime.
Sep 19

Promoted How do you know if your ex thinks of you?

When my ex broke up and didn’t even bother to tell me
why, my world had gone blank. I am embarrassed to say it
here (knowing that thousands of people will see my
answer)… but the breakup almost pushed me into

I used to ask the same question as you… “Does he miss

me?” “Has he forgotten the amazing times we spent
together?” “Does he remember how I used to sing sweet
songs for him?”... Trust me, every night I used to cry
like a baby.

The worst part was that I had to behave like a normal

person in front of myContinue
family, friends,
Reading and in the office… I
just HAD to talk to someone with priva
2.8K 60

Jim Gleeson
I have been examining human behavior since birth. ·…
Author has 2.8K answers and 4.8M answer views · 4y ·
Are rich people jerks?
Originally Answered: Are rich people jerks?

People are jerks. Doesn’t matter if they are rich or poor,

young or old, fat or thin, straight or gay, black or white. No
one has the monopoly on the jerk store. You can go in and
try on whatever jerk fits your whimsy. You can get one a
dollar store and you can get one found in a million dollar
Ferrari. You can findContinue
them at Reading
McDonalds or at a fine
French restaurant. Jerks are everywhere. They are p

Briany O’ Gine
Former Narcissistic Abuse Survivor · Author has 446
answers and 142.3K answer views · 4y

Are rich people jerks?

Originally Answered: Are rich people jerks?

I’ll let you know soon. I’ll be rich. But there are a lot of rich
people who don’t have respect for people they feel are
beneath them. There are also some rich people who
would give you the shirt off their back. There are
definitely more rich jerks though than rich kindhearted

Ben F.
Side-Hustle Addict, Writer for ·
Updated Aug 28

PromotedWhat is your highest-paying side gig right

now (and how much do you make)?
I’ve probably tried 20+ side hustles over the past year or
two. Here are the ones that have paid me the most.

They’re all (reasonably) easy to pull off:

1. Playing speed bingo on my phone - (Earning

potential: up to £3,000/week).

Sounds nuts, obviously, but the idea of playing cash bingo

as a side gig has been around for years, and can be
surprisingly lucrative (if you’re good enough, anyway).

The whole thing revolves around Bingo Cash (it’s one of

those free iOS games) .

The game itself is really simple: You play bingo head-to-

head against another real person.
Continue Whoever solves their
card the fastest
548 6 45

Related questions (More answers below)

Why are the majority of wealthy people so stingy

and cheap?

How are rich people able to get away with being


I feel uncomfortable when I am around people who

are rich and beautiful than me. How do I deal with it?

What do rich people think of poor people?


Why do wealthy people look down on people that

are less well to do? Is it because they feel superior?

Are rich people "more likely" to be mean to

others for no reason or be arrogant? — Related

Barbara Van den Berg

Lives in Australia · Author has 949 answers and 137.5K
answer views · 5y

For the same reason as anyone else. It all depends on

how they are raised.

Andrew Garrett
♥ · Author has 2.5K answers and 3.3M answer views · 7y

Are rich people meaner in general?

No, money simply amplifies your current values. Generous
people with money tend to become more generous when
they become richer. Greedy people become more greedy
when they become richer. Mean people who become rich
get meaner.

Many of us have been trained by our culture and media to

focus on the bad more than the good, so there's a myth
that most rich people are greedy and mean. It's not really
true though and this becomes apparent the more rich
people you personally get to know.

Also, if you hold the Continue

belief that rich people are mean you
will tend to search out evidence in support of that belie

Ticket Tailor
The world's best-loved event ticketing platform ·
Updated 1y

Promoted What are the best alternatives to

More and more event organizers are looking for
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Eventbrite - but why?

Here at Ticket Tailor , a leading independent ticketing

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reasons they give us

High fees:
Eventbrite charges some of the highest fees in the
industry. They take a percentage plus a high flat fee per
ticket. In the US most event organizers
Continue Reading pay 3.5% + $1.59
on every ticket sold. So for a $50 ticket, their website
675 6 20

Why are rich people so vindictive? — Related

Iulian Arion
Graduated in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics
(science grouping), University of Bucharest (Graduated
1987) · Author has 3.2K answers and 2M answer views ·…
Sep 8
You are saturated with hate due to indoctrination.
Probably you are from a rich country with poor people
except the politicians, secret services and propagandist
who educated you to hate.

Kirk Scott
Consultant (2005–present) · Author has 27.7K answers
and 137.5M answer views · Sep 13

32 3

Maura Rudd
I live among the wealthy. Don't tell them I'm here. · Author
has 19.1K answers and 48.7M answer views · Sep 8

Some people are vindictive, regardless of their wealth.

Human nature, I’m afraid.

There is a lot of jealousy of the rich, which often causes

people to make blanket statements like this.

I have known many wealthy people throughout my life,

and very few of them could be called vindictive.
6 1

Why are poor people more likely to behave rude

while the rich do the opposite? — Related

No Name
Somehow finished college · Author has 10.6K answers
and 5.4M answer views · 1y

It's usually a matter of confidence. Poor people are often

less confident about their identity and try to cover the
lack of confidence with assertiveness and rude behaviour.
4 5

Brock Newitt
Lives in Chicago · Author has 715 answers and 313.4K
answer views · 1y

Lol. What? Context please..

Working in food service for many years tells me the Exact

Opposite is true as a general rule.
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In what ways do super wealthy people behave

differently compared to average folks? — Related

Bruce Doran
Author has 14.7K answers and 3.8M answer views · 2y

They behave very much like average folks in most ways,

except that they can buy things on a whim that average
folks could never buy, even with careful planning; they
can easily go places that are not accessible, or accessible
only with great difficulty, to average folks, and they have
access to powerful people who are deferential to them in
a way they would not be to average folks.

Money cannot buy happiness.

But it can buy luxurious toys, access to rare sights of the

world, and power.
3 7

Related questions

Why are the rich so mean?


How come a lot of rich people seem rude?


How come in my whole life I’ve noticed that

richer/rich people tend to be mean/meaner and not
as nice as poorer people and poorer people were
nicer most of the time? Why is this? Is there a
correlation? If so, why?

Is there a slur for rich people?


Does being wealthy make people meaner?


Why are the majority of wealthy people so stingy

and cheap?

How are rich people able to get away with being


I feel uncomfortable when I am around people who

are rich and beautiful than me. How do I deal with it?

What do rich people think of poor people?


Why do wealthy people look down on people that

are less well to do? Is it because they feel superior?

Are rich people actually nice humans?


As a rich person do you look down on poor people?

Why or why not?

Why are working class people often treated as if

they are worthless?

Is it really fair for the rich people to be vilified and

the poor to be idealised as though the latter are
better people? Why do people resent the rich, when
everybody is richer than somebody?

Why are rich people so cruel and brutal towards

those who are poor and suffering?

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