Carbon Cycle and Global Warming
Carbon Cycle and Global Warming
Carbon Cycle and Global Warming
You are going to carry out research and produce a report to show your understanding of the carbon cycle and
global warming.
Task 1: Find a diagram of the carbon cycle showing the different stores of Carbon and the processes that cause
Carbon atoms to move from one source to another. Explain how the processes of Photosynthesis, Respiration,
Burning of Fossil fuels, and Diffusion of gases between the Ocean and Atmosphere cause carbon to move from
one store to another. You should discuss:
● The main forms of Carbon in each store
● A description of the process
● Any chemical word equations to show the process occuring
Research scaffold:
Burning fossil fuels Fossil fuels are made Carbon dioxide is Fuel + oxidizer through
from the remains of dead released into the product
plants and animals. We atmosphere by human
use them to get energy movement
and produce electricity
that powers our lives. The
main fossil fuels are oil,
coal and natural gases.
When fossil fuels are
burned carbon and
hydrogen react with
oxygen in air to carbon
dioxide (CO2) and water
Greenhouse effect As CO2 soaks up this infrared energy, it vibrates and re-emits the infrared energy
back in all directions. About half of that energy goes out into space, and about half
of it returns to Earth as heat, contributing to the 'greenhouse effect.
Greenhouse gases Greenhouse gases are gases in the earth's atmosphere that trap heat. During the
day, the sun shines through the atmosphere, warming the earth's surface. At night
the earth's surface cools, releasing heat back into the air. But some of the heat is
trapped by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Human activities Burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests and destroying our land and farming
affecting the cows. This adds enormous amounts of greenhouse gases to those naturally
greenhouse effect occurring in the atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect and global warming.
Task 3: Discuss 2 issues caused by an enhanced greenhouse effect (eg. Sea level rise, Ocean acidification,
Climate Change). You should:
● Describe the implications
● Explain how the implications are caused
● For one implication, suggest a solution and evaluate its effectiveness
Research scaffold:
Issues (choose 2) Describe the Implications Explain how the issue occurs
and link this to the implications
Sea level rise When sea levels rise as rapidly as Consequences include increased
they have been, even a small intensity of storm surges, flooding,
increase can have devastating and damage to coastal areas.
effects on coastal habitats farther
inland, it can cause destructive
erosion, wetland flooding, aquifer
and agricultural soil contamination
with salt, and lost habitat for fish,
birds, and plants.
Ocean acidification Can affect seafood supplies and Ocean acidification can create
the ocean's ability to store conditions that eat away at the
pollutants, including future carbon minerals used by oysters, clams,
emissions. lobsters, shrimp, coral reefs, and
other marine life to build their shells
and skeletons.
Climate change Climate change has an impact on Burning fossil fuels, cutting down
all different regions of the world. forests and destroying our land and
The main effect though is the polar farming cows. This contributed to
ice shields are melting and causing the earth's rising temperature.
the sea level to rise slowly more
and more over time. There are all
the effects of heavy rainfall,
droughts and intense heat waves.
Possible solution
- Cycle, walk or take public - Cycle, walk or take public - Cycle, walk or take public
transport transport - It creates less transport - More exercise
- Eat more fruits and noise, less air pollution, and and more distance
vegetables results in fewer emissions
- Reuse, Reduce, Recycle that are warming the - Eat more fruits and
and Repair atmosphere vegetables - reduce an
- Switch to renewable energy individual's annual carbon
sources - Eat more fruits and footprint by up to 2.1 tons
- Change your car eg. hybrid, vegetables - It stops us with a vegan diet or up to
electric car from eating more meat 1.5 tons for vegetarians.