Material Card Data 230830 145405
Material Card Data 230830 145405
Material Card Data 230830 145405
PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
Prepared for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Customs and Border Protection and Domestic Nuclear Detection Office
under U.S. Department of Energy Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830
Compendium of Material
Composition Data for Radiation
Transport Modeling
Revision 1
RJ McConn Jr
CJ Gesh
RT Pagh
RA Rucker
RG Williams III
March 4, 2011
PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
Compendium of Material
Composition Data for
Radiation Transport Modeling
RJ McConn Jr
CJ Gesh
RT Pagh
RA Rucker
RG Williams III
March 4, 2011
Daniel Stephens,
Approved via email 03/04/11
Principal Investigator
Daniel Stephens,
Approved via email 03/04/11
RPMP Manager
Note: Document approvals that were received via email are retained in the project records.
RADS ADC Identifier: fuIUdJ
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27 Bismuth .............................................................................................................................................. 39
28 Bismuth Germanate (BGO) ................................................................................................................ 40
29 Blood (ICRP)...................................................................................................................................... 41
30 Bone Equivalent Plastic, B-100.......................................................................................................... 42
31 Bone Equivalent Plastic, B-110.......................................................................................................... 43
32 Bone, Compact (ICRU) ...................................................................................................................... 44
33 Bone, Cortical (ICRP) ........................................................................................................................ 45
34 Boral (65% Al-35% B4C) .................................................................................................................. 46
35 Boral (Aluminum 10% Boron Alloy) ................................................................................................. 47
36 Boral (Aluminum 5% Boron Alloy) ................................................................................................... 48
37 Borax .................................................................................................................................................. 49
38 Boric Acid .......................................................................................................................................... 50
39 Boron .................................................................................................................................................. 51
40 Boron Carbide .................................................................................................................................... 51
41 Boron Fluoride (B2F4) ....................................................................................................................... 52
42 Boron Fluoride (BF3) ......................................................................................................................... 53
43 Boron Oxide ....................................................................................................................................... 53
44 Brain (ICRP) ...................................................................................................................................... 54
45 Brass (Typical Composition).............................................................................................................. 56
46 Brick, Common Silica ........................................................................................................................ 57
47 Brick, Fire........................................................................................................................................... 57
48 Brick, Kaolin (White) ......................................................................................................................... 59
49 Bronze (Typical Composition) ........................................................................................................... 60
50 C-552 Air-Equivalent Plastic ............................................................................................................. 61
51 Cadmium ............................................................................................................................................ 62
52 Cadmium Nitrate Tetrahydrate ........................................................................................................... 62
53 Cadmium Telluride............................................................................................................................. 63
54 Cadmium Tungstate (CWO) .............................................................................................................. 64
55 Calcium Carbonate ............................................................................................................................. 64
56 Calcium Fluoride ................................................................................................................................ 65
57 Calcium Oxide.................................................................................................................................... 66
58 Calcium Sulfate .................................................................................................................................. 67
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MCNP is a trademark of Los Alamos National Security, LLC, Los Alamos National Laboratory. The MCNP code
and manuals can be obtained from the Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC), P.O. Box 2008,
Oak Ridge, TN, 37831-6362, (ID#: C00740MNYCP02, RSICC#: CCC-740).
CEPXS is part of the one-dimensional coupled electron-photon multigroup discrete ordinates code system,
CEPXS/ONELD. CEPXS generates cross sections to be input to the ONELD code. ONELD is a one-dimensional
coupled electron-photon transport code. This package is also distributed by RSICC. (ID#: C00544MNYCP02,
RSIC#: CCC-544).
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The MCNP card block provides the material definitions according to the format required by MCNP.
Separate lists of those data are given for neutrons and photons. The neutron data should be used for
neutron or coupled neutron-photon transport calculations. The photon data should be used for photon
transport calculations. Users may choose to input the material data using values of weight fractions, atom
fractions, or atom densities. As required for MCNP input, the weight fractions are listed as negative
values. Note, however, that Volume 2, Chapter 3, of the MCNP manual (X-5 Monte Carlo Team 2003)
recommends that the atom densities be used because the code will convert input weight fractions to atom
fractions based on atomic weight values internal to the code, which may not match the values used to
calculate atom fractions or atom densities in this compendium. While the difference between the atom
fraction listed in this compendium and that calculated by MCNP may be small, it provides a potential
uncertainty calculations.
The MCNP user should also note that in the base information block, the total atom density is listed, ready
for use in the cell definition cards and, depending on type, in some tally cards. Cross-section information
is given in each row of weight fraction, atom fraction, and atom density value as the element (Z) and
isotope (A) portion of the ZAID cross-section identification number as provided in Volume 1, Appendix
G, of the MCNP manual (X-5 Monte Carlo Team 2005). They appear as a string of integers for each
element. For example, 1001 specifies the neutron cross section for hydrogen. The neutron ZA numbers
for certain elements (Li, B, Ge, Se, Br, Kr, Sr, Pd, Ba, Ce, and Lu) are omitted, as indicated by a dash, in
the MCNP card block. The dash indicates that users should input different ZA numbers for each of the
isotopes that are present in that element. Users must also apportion the weight fraction/atom
fraction/atom density by the isotopic fraction of each of those isotopes.
The ZA values and the values of weight fraction, atom fraction, or atom density for each element are
formatted in this compendium so they can be pasted directly into an MCNP input file using a text editor.
After pasting, however, users must replace any resulting tabs with spaces. If the user does not want the
MCNP default cross-sections in the data, then the user needs to specify the ID fractional part of the
complete ZAID number (e.g., by adding “.50c” to 1001 for hydrogen).
The CEPXS material card block provides the data according to the format required by the cross-section
generation part of the CEPXS/ONELD package. The first section of the format block is the material
composition. The word “material” is followed by a listing of elements defined by the standard elemental
symbols followed by values defining the weight fraction of that element. CEPXS requires that the weight
fraction of the elements sum, within a small tolerance, to unity. The second section of the format block is
the material name. This is the name for this material in the cross-section file generated by CEPXS. The
third section of the format block contains the density information. Using the density provided in this
document, CEPXS will generate macroscopic cross sections for use in radiation transport codes. To
generate microscopic cross sections, this density value will need to be modified to an appropriate value.
Note that the word “gas” must be located below the density in the CEPXS material card block for a
material that is a gas, but it is not included in this document. Therefore, for a material that is a gas, the
word “gas” must be inserted below the word “density” in a CEPXS input file.
Weight fractions for about 10% of the 372 materials in this compendium were adjusted so they would
sum to unity. The process of normalizing the weight fractions usually was done by dividing the weight
fraction for each element in a material by the sum of the non-normalized values. For small changes,
normalization occasionally was achieved by adjusting the largest weight fraction so that the weight
fractions of all elements in the material would sum to unity.
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Finally, users are cautioned regarding the precision of the values listed here. The calculated weight
fractions, atom fractions, and atom densities are all formatted in scientific notation using a fixed format
that keeps five digits to the right of the decimal point. Do not infer from this convention that these values
are all significant, since in almost every case, the input density has a much larger uncertainty than this.
For example, the density used for wood (0.65 g/cm3) is for southern pine, which generally has a range of
0.61 to 0.67 g/cm3, but other types of pine can range from 0.43 to 0.71 g/cm3, and other types of wood can
range from 0.11 to 1.33 g/cm3. But, the weight fractions, atom fractions, and atom densities for wood are
calculated using the input density of 0.65 g/cm3 as though it is an exact value. Users ultimately must take
into account the effect of uncertainties in the material density and composition.
Comments regarding this document or suggestions for materials to be included in possible future
revisions may be submitted to RJ McConn, Jr. (mailto: [email protected].).
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2 Acetone
Formula = C3H6O Molecular weight (g/mole) = 58.07914
Density (g/cm3) = 0.789900 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 8.190E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Acetone
density 0.789900
Comments and References
Density and weight fractions from (NIST 1998).
Formula from
(Automation Creations 2010).
Formula and density = 0.7845 in Lide (2008), pgs 3 - 4.
3 Acetylene
Formula = C2H2 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 26.03728
Density (g/cm3) = 0.001097 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.015E-04
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
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matname Acetylene
density 0.001097
Comments and References
Density and weight fractions from (NIST 1998).
Formula from Lide (2008), pgs 3 - 6.
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5 Alanine
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 1.420000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.248E-01
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Alanine
density 1.420000
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6 Aluminum
Formula = Al Molecular weight (g/mole) = 26.981538
Density (g/cm3) = 2.698900 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 6.024E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Aluminum
density 2.698900
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
7 Aluminum Oxide
Formula = Al2O3 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 101.961276
Density (g/cm3) = 3.970000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.172E-01
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
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Mn 0.000280
Fe 0.004530
Cu 0.001700
Zn 0.000570
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16 Anthracene
Formula = C14H10 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 178.2292
Density (g/cm3) = 1.250000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.014E-01
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
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matname Anthracene
density 1.250000
Comments and References (APACE 2009).
17 Argon
Formula = Ar Molecular weight (g/mole) = 39.948
Density (g/cm3) = 0.001662 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 2.505E-05
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Argon
density 0.001662
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
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18 Asphalt
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 1.300000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.373E-01
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Asphalt
density 1.300000
Comments and References
Asphalt is often called asphaltum or bitumen. It is a sticky tar-like form of petroleum with a consistency
much like cold molasses. It is primarily used in road construction as the glue or binder for the aggregate
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The weight fractions are an average of the 4 asphalt compositions from different crude sources from
Table 2 of Wess et al. (2004) at
Density = 1.1 to 1.5 g/cm3 in Table 6.1.5 of Avallone and Baumeister III (1996). Also in Table 2 - 120 of
Green and Perry (2008).
19 Asphalt Pavement
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 2.578400 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 8.943E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
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20 Bakelite
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 1.250000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 9.935E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Bakelite
density 1.250000
Comments and References
Chemical name: phenol-formaldehyde resin or polymer. (NIST 1996).
21 Barium Fluoride
Formula = BaF2 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 175.3238064
Density (g/cm3) = 4.890000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 5.039E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
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22 Barium Sulfate
Formula = BaSO4 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 233.3896
Density (g/cm3) = 4.500000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 6.967E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
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23 Benzene
Formula = C6H6 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 78.11184
Density (g/cm3) = 0.876500 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 8.109E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Benzene
density 0.876500
Comments and References
Density and weight fractions from (NIST 1998).
Same density in Lide (2008), pgs 3 - 32, but NIST density = 0.87865.
Formula from
(Automation Creations 2010).
24 Beryllium
Formula = Be Molecular weight (g/mole) = 9.012182
Density (g/cm3) = 1.848000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.235E-01
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
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matname Beryllium
density 1.848000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
25 Beryllium Carbide
Formula = Be2C Molecular weight (g/mole) = 30.035064
Density (g/cm3) = 1.900000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.143E-01
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
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26 Beryllium Oxide
Formula = BeO Molecular weight (g/mole) = 25.011582
Density (g/cm3) = 3.010000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.449E-01
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
27 Bismuth
Formula = Bi Molecular weight (g/mole) = 208.98038
Density (g/cm3) = 9.747000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 2.809E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
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matname Bismuth
density 9.747000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
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29 Blood (ICRP)
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 1.060000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.017E-01
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
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37 Borax
Formula = NA2B4O7-10(H2O) Molecular weight (g/mole) = 381.37214
Density (g/cm3) = 1.730000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.175E-01
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
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matname Borax
density 1.730000
Comments and References
Density and formula from Lide (2008), pgs 4 - 91, for sodium tetraborate decahydrate. Also listed in
Brewer (2009), pg II.F.1-1 of Carter et al. (1968), and Automation Creations (2010).
38 Boric Acid
Formula = H3BO3 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 61.83302
Density (g/cm3) = 1.500000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.023E-01
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
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39 Boron
Formula = B Molecular weight (g/mole) = 10.811
Density (g/cm3) = 2.370000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.320E-01
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Boron
density 2.370000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
40 Boron Carbide
Formula = B4C Molecular weight (g/mole) = 55.2547
Density (g/cm3) = 2.520000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.373E-01
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
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43 Boron Oxide
Formula = B2O3 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 69.6202
Density (g/cm3) = 1.812000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 7.837E-02
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The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
44 Brain (ICRP)
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 1.030000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.040E-01
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
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47 Brick, Fire
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 2.100000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 6.174E-02
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The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
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Cu 0.874157
Zn 0.036037
Sn 0.024503
Pb 0.012957
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51 Cadmium
Formula = Cd Molecular weight (g/mole) = 112.411
Density (g/cm3) = 8.650000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 4.634E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Cadmium
density 8.650000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
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53 Cadmium Telluride
Formula = CdTe Molecular weight (g/mole) = 240.011
Density (g/cm3) = 6.200000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 3.111E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
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55 Calcium Carbonate
Formula = CaCO3 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 100.0869
Density (g/cm3) = 2.800000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 8.424E-02
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The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
56 Calcium Fluoride
Formula = CaF2 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 78.0748064
Density (g/cm3) = 3.180000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 7.358E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
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57 Calcium Oxide
Formula = CaO Molecular weight (g/mole) = 56.0774
Density (g/cm3) = 3.300000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 7.088E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
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58 Calcium Sulfate
Formula = CaSO4 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 136.1406
Density (g/cm3) = 2.960000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 7.856E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
59 Carbon Dioxide
Formula = CO2 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 44.0095
Density (g/cm3) = 0.001842 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 7.562E-05
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
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60 Carbon Tetrachloride
Formula = CCl4 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 153.8227
Density (g/cm3) = 1.594000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 3.120E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
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61 Carbon, Activated
Formula = C Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 0.320000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.604E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
62 Carbon, Amorphous
Formula = C Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 2.000000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.003E-01
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
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Boron Equivalent of Graphite Impurity.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B
237(3-4):602-612). A boron equivalence of 1.0 ppm was selected for nuclear graphite based on
Evaluation of High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Physics Experiments as VHTR Benchmark
Problems, by T.A. Taiwo, et al., ANL-GenIV-059, Sept. 15, 2005. A detailed list of impurities in graphite is
The density and boron equivalence of impurities can vary significantly for different types of graphite, and
the boron equivalence of non-burnable impurities should be distinguished from the boron equivalence of
burnable impurities in burnup calculations. The user should use values appropriate for his purpose.
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Ca 0.007300
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66 Cellulose Acetate
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 1.420000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.108E-01
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
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67 Celotex
Formula = C6H10O5 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 162.1406
Density (g/cm3) = 0.240000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.872E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
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O 0.493380
matname Celotex
density 0.240000
Comments and References
Celotex, which is a registered brand name, refers to a lignocellulosic fiberboard made by Celotex
Density is about 15 lb/ft3 = 0.24 g/cm3 from Table 4 of
The density range can be 0.18 up to 0.31 g/cm3 pg 134, of Brewer (2009). This reference uses cellulose
(C6H10O5) as the formula of celotex.
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density 1.030000
Comments and References
Density and weight fractions from (NIST 1998).
69 Cerium Fluoride
Formula = CeF3 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 197.1112096
Density (g/cm3) = 6.160000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 7.528E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
70 Cesium Iodide
Formula = CsI Molecular weight (g/mole) = 259.80992
Density (g/cm3) = 4.510000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 2.091E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
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PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
71 Chromium
Formula = Cr Molecular weight (g/mole) = 51.9961
Density (g/cm3) = 7.180000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 8.316E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Chromium
density 7.180000
Comments and References
Density and weight fractions from (NIST 1998).
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PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
72 Clay
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 2.200000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 6.333E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
Page 78 of 357
PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
matname Clay
density 2.200000
Comments and References
The element weight fractions are calculated based on the listed weight fractions of compounds in 19 clays
from 8 regions in the world. Data is from Applied Clay Science, pgs 461 - 473 of Vol. 4 (1989), pgs
379 - 395 of Vol. 5 (1991), pgs 247 - 266 and pgs 463 - 477 of Vol. 12 (1998), pgs 337 - 366 of Vol. 15
(1999). Also from and
Density = 2.2 g/cm3 from Table 51.14 of Hungerford (1960). This is consistent with a density of 1.8 to
2.6 g/cm3 listed under minerals for marl clay in Table 6.1.5 of Avallone and Baumeister III (1996). There
is a wide variation of densities for clay depending on the type of clay. For example, densities for clay from
1.07 to 1.83 g/cm3 are listed at (Walker 2009); densities from
0.48 to 0.96 g/cm3 are listed at (Powder and
Bulk Dot Com 2010), and densities from 1.0 to 2.9 are listed in Table 51.59 of Hungerford (1960).
73 Coal, Anthracite
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 0.840000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 5.269E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
Page 79 of 357
PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
74 Coal, Bituminous
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 0.750000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 5.954E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
Page 80 of 357
PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
75 Coal, Lignite
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 0.750000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 5.264E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
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PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
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PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
77 Concrete, Barytes-limonite
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 3.360000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 8.732E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
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PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
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PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
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PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
79 Concrete, Colemanite-baryte
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 3.200000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 7.845E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
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PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
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PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
80 Concrete, Ferro-phosphorus
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 4.800000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 9.039E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
Page 88 of 357
PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
P 0.197000
Ca 0.042000
Fe 0.612000
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PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
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PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
83 Concrete, Iron-limonite
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 4.400000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 7.222E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
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PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
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PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
84 Concrete, Iron-Portland
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 5.900000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 8.633E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
Page 93 of 357
PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
Mn 0.003522
Fe 0.880459
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PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
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PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
87 Concrete, Luminite-colemanite-baryte
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 3.100000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 8.194E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
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PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
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PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
88 Concrete, Luminite-Portland-colemanite-baryte
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 3.100000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 8.300E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
Page 98 of 357
PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
89 Concrete, M-1
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 4.500000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 8.790E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
Page 99 of 357
PNNL-15870 Rev. 1
90 Concrete, Magnetite
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 3.530000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 7.970E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
92 Concrete, Magnuson
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 2.147000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 7.128E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
93 Concrete, MO
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 5.500000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 8.760E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Concrete, MO
density 5.500000
Comments and References
Density = 5.2 to 5.8 g/cm3 and weight fractions from Tables 51.93 and 51.95 of Hungerford (1960).
Mg 0.032649
Al 0.010830
Si 0.034479
K 0.001138
Ca 0.321287
Fe 0.007784
98 Concrete, Portland
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 2.300000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 8.143E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
99 Concrete, Regular
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 2.300000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 8.178E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
102 Copper
Formula = Cu Molecular weight (g/mole) = 63.546
Density (g/cm3) = 8.960000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 8.491E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Copper
density 8.960000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
Ca 0.003945
Fe 0.006434
106 Ethane
Formula = C2H6 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 30.06904
Density (g/cm3) = 0.001253 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 2.008E-04
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Ethane
density 0.001253
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
109 Ethylene
Formula = C2H4 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 28.05316
Density (g/cm3) = 0.001175 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.513E-04
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Ethylene
density 0.001175
Comments and References
Density and weight fractions from (NIST 1998).
Formula and density (0.5678 g/cm3) in Lide (2008), pgs 3 - 244.
N 0.185040
O 0.634096
120 Felt
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 0.185000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.272E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Felt
density 0.185000
Comments and References
Density and weight fractions from pg II.F.1-3 of Carter et al. (1968).
Ca 0.000276
Br 0.000330
127 Freon-12
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 1.120000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 2.789E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Freon-12
density 1.120000
Comments and References
Density and weight fractions from (NIST 1998).
128 Freon-12B2
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 1.800000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 2.583E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Freon-12B2
density 1.800000
Comments and References
Density and weight fractions from (NIST 1998).
129 Freon-13
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 0.950000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 2.738E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Freon-13
density 0.950000
Comments and References
Density and weight fractions from (NIST 1998).
130 Freon-13B1
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 1.500000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 3.033E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Freon-13B1
density 1.500000
Comments and References
Density and weight fractions from (NIST 1998).
131 Freon-13I1
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 1.800000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 2.767E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Freon-13I1
density 1.800000
Comments and References
Density and weight fractions from (NIST 1998).
132 Gadolinium
Formula = Gd Molecular weight (g/mole) = 157.25
Density (g/cm3) = 7.900400 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 3.026E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Gadolinium
density 7.900400
137 Gasoline
Formula = C8H18 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 114.22852
Density (g/cm3) = 0.721000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 9.811E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Gasoline
density 0.721000
Comments and References
Gasoline is sometimes called petrol. It is a mixture consisting almost exclusively of hydrocarbons
(compounds with only C and H) in four series: paraffins (CnH2n+2), olefins (CnH2n), cycloparaffins
(CnH2n), and aromatics (CnH2n-6). There are probably several hundred such compounds in any one
gasoline. The paraffins in gasoline have 4 to 12 carbon atoms (Guthrie 1960) with an average of C8H18
(Table 51.101 of Hungerford 1960).
Density = 0.721 g/cm3 from Table 6.1.5 of Avallone and Baumeister III (1996). Density = 0.737 g/cm3 at (Walker 2009), and
densities-d_743.html (Engineering Toolbox n.d.). Density = 0.70 to 0.77 g/cm3 in Table 7.4 of Speight
(2001). Density = 0.70 to 0.74 in Table 51.102 of Hungerford (1960).
Weight fractions from Table 7.1.8 of Avallone and Baumeister III (1996).
O 0.534000
Na 0.161000
Si 0.279000
S 0.010000
147 Glycerol
Formula = C3H8O3 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 92.09382
Density (g/cm3) = 1.261300 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.155E-01
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Glycerol
density 1.261300
Comments and References
Density = 1.2613 g/cm3 and weight fractions from
bin/Star/ (NIST 1998).
Density = 1.2613 g/cm3 at 20°C from
(Automation Creations 2010). Also called glycerin (
Formula from pgs 3 - 268 of Lide (2008) and Table 51.120 of Hungerford (1960).
148 Gold
Formula = Au Molecular weight (g/mole) = 196.96655
Density (g/cm3) = 19.320000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 5.907E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Gold
density 19.320000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
152 Hydrogen
Formula = H2 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 2.01588
Density (g/cm3) = 0.000084 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 5.004E-05
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Hydrogen
density 0.000084
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
153 Incoloy-800
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 7.940000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 8.672E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
Ti 0.003750
Cr 0.210000
Mn 0.009750
Fe 0.435630
Ni 0.325000
Cu 0.004880
matname Incoloy-800
density 7.940000
Comments and References
Density and weight fractions from
(Automation Creations 2010).
Weight fractions for Al, Ti, Cr, and Ni set at the average of the allowed range. Weight fractions for C, Si,
S, Mn, and Cu assumed to be 65% of their upper limits. Weight fraction of Fe was set above its lower limit
value so the total sums to unity.
154 Inconel-600
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 8.470000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 8.966E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Inconel-600
density 8.470000
Comments and References
(Automation Creations 2010).
Weight fractions for Cr and Fe set at the average of the allowed range. Weight fractions for C, Si, S, Mn,
and Cu assumed to be 65% of their upper limits. Weight fraction of Ni was set above its lower limit value
so the total sums to unity.
155 Inconel-625
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 2.320000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 7.799E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Inconel-625
density 2.320000
156 Inconel-718
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 8.190000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 8.547E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Inconel-718
density 8.190000
Comments and References
Density and weight fractions from
(Automation Creations 2010).
Same weight fractions also in the technical bulletin from
Weight fractions for Al, Ti, Cr, Fe, Ni, Nb, and Mo set at the average of the allowed range. Weight
fractions for B, C, Si, P, S, Mn, Co, and Cu set to be 91% of their upper limits so all weight fractions sum
to unity.
157 Indium
Formula = In Molecular weight (g/mole) = 114.818
Density (g/cm3) = 7.310000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 3.834E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Indium
density 7.310000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
158 Iron
Formula = Fe Molecular weight (g/mole) = 55.845
Density (g/cm3) = 7.874000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 8.491E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Iron
density 7.874000
164 Kaowool
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 0.096000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 2.841E-03
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Kaowool
density 0.096000
Comments and References
Fibers in a Kaowool insulating blanket are made from Kaolinite, which is a naturally occurring clay mineral.
The density of the Kaolinite fibers is 2.65 g/cm3 on pg II.F.1-4 of Carter et al. (1968). The density of the
mineral is given as 2.16-2.68 g/cm3 at, and 2.6 at The density of the fibers (2.65 g/cm3) must be
multiplied by the volume fraction of the fibers to get the bulk density of the blanket. Bulk densities range
from 0.048 to 0.192 g/cm3 for five examples at
(Automation Creations 2010).
Density = 0.096 g/cm3 for one example of a Kaowool blanket at this reference, and this value is the
closest to the average of the five values. This reference also gives the composition for a Kaowool blanket.
166 Kennertium
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 16.800000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 8.122E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Kennertium
density 16.800000
167 Kernite
Formula = Na2B4O7-4(H2O) Molecular weight (g/mole) = 273.28046
Density (g/cm3) = 1.950000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.074E-01
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Kernite
density 1.950000
Comments and References
Density and formula from pg II.F.1-4 of Carter et al. (1968). Density = 1.95 g/cm3 also at
(Automation Creations 2010).
168 Kerosene
Formula = C14H30 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 198.388
Density (g/cm3) = 0.819000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.128E-01
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Kerosene
density 0.819000
Comments and References
Kerosene is sometimes spelled kerosine. It is usually called paraffin (sometimes paraffin oil) in the United
Kingdom, Southeast Asia, and South Africa. Kerosene is a clear liquid consisting of a mixture of
hydrocarbons containing between 6 and 16 carbon atoms per molecule (Collins C. 2007. “Implementing
Phytoremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons” in Methods in Biotechnology 23:99-108).
Average composition (near C14H30), weight fractions, and density (0.819 g/cm3 at 16°C) from
Table 51.104 of Hungerford (1960). Density also 0.819 g/cm3 in Table 7.1.8 of Avallone and Baumeister
III (1996). Density = 0.817 g/cm3 at (Walker 2009). Density =
0.820 at and 0.810 g/cm3 at Density = 0.77 to 0.82 g/cm3 in Table 7.4 of Speight (2001). Density = 0.775
to 0.840 g/cm3 for jet kerosene at
(Automation Creations 2010).
169 Krypton
Formula = Kr Molecular weight (g/mole) = 83.798
Density (g/cm3) = 0.003478 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 2.500E-05
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Krypton
density 0.003478
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
170 Kynar
Formula = H2C2F2 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 64.0340864
Density (g/cm3) = 1.790000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.010E-01
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Kynar
density 1.790000
171 Lead
Formula = Pb Molecular weight (g/mole) = 207.2
Density (g/cm3) = 11.350000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 3.299E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Lead
density 11.350000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
173 Lithium
Formula = Li Molecular weight (g/mole) = 6.941
Density (g/cm3) = 0.534000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 4.633E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Lithium
density 0.534000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
182 Lucite
Formula = C5O2H8 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 100.11582
Density (g/cm3) = 1.190000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.074E-01
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Lucite
density 1.190000
Comments and References
Also called polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), plexiglas, perspex, acrylite, acrylic glass, or acrylic.
Density = 1.19 g/cm3 and weight fractions from
(NIST 1998).
187 Magnesium
Formula = Mg Molecular weight (g/mole) = 24.305
Density (g/cm3) = 1.740000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 4.311E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Magnesium
density 1.740000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
190 Masonite
Formula = C6H10O5 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 162.1406
Density (g/cm3) = 1.300000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.014E-01
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Masonite
density 1.300000
191 Melamine
Formula = C5H7N6 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 151.14928
Density (g/cm3) = 1.350000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 9.682E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Melamine
density 1.350000
Comments and References
Also called melamine resin or melamine formaldehyde. It is a hard thermosetting plastic often used for
kitchen utensils and plates (Melmac), and is the main constituent of Formica and laminate flooring
( Density and formula from Table 51.2 of Hungerford (1960).
192 Mercury
Formula = Hg Molecular weight (g/mole) = 200.59
Density (g/cm3) = 13.546000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 4.067E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Mercury
density 13.546000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
194 Methane
Formula = CH4 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 16.04246
Density (g/cm3) = 0.000667 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.252E-04
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 5 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Methane
density 0.000667
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
195 Methanol
Formula = CH4O Molecular weight (g/mole) = 32.04186
Density (g/cm3) = 0.791400 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 8.924E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Methanol
density 0.791400
Comments and References
Density and weight fractions from (NIST 1998).
Formula from Lide (2008), pgs 3 - 326.
Also called methyl alcohol (Table 51.120 of Hungerford 1960).
197 Molybdenum
Formula = Mo Molecular weight (g/mole) = 95.94
Density (g/cm3) = 10.220000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 6.415E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Molybdenum
density 10.220000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
203 Neon
Formula = Ne Molecular weight (g/mole) = 20.1797
Density (g/cm3) = 0.000839 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 2.502E-05
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 5 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Neon
density 0.000839
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
204 Nickel
Formula = Ni Molecular weight (g/mole) = 58.6934
Density (g/cm3) = 8.902000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 9.134E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Nickel
density 8.902000
205 Niobium
Formula = Nb Molecular weight (g/mole) = 92.90638
Density (g/cm3) = 8.570000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 5.555E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Niobium
density 8.570000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
206 Nitrogen
Formula = N2 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 28.0134
Density (g/cm3) = 0.001165 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 5.010E-05
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Nitrogen
density 0.001165
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
218 Oxygen
Formula = O2 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 31.9988
Density (g/cm3) = 0.001332 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 5.012E-05
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Oxygen
density 0.001332
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
221 Palladium
Formula = Pd Molecular weight (g/mole) = 106.42
Density (g/cm3) = 12.020000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 6.802E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Palladium
density 12.020000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
225 Platinum
Formula = Pt Molecular weight (g/mole) = 195.078
Density (g/cm3) = 21.450000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 6.622E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Platinum
density 21.450000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
Am-241 0.000000
Pu-241 0.009914
Pu-242 0.001685
Am-241 0.008526
245 Polycarbonate
Formula = C16H14O3 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 254.28056
Density (g/cm3) = 1.200000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 9.378E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Polycarbonate
density 1.200000
Comments and References
Also called Makrolon or Lexan (
Density and weight fractions from (NIST 1998).
Formula from pg 137 of Brewer (2009).
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
263 P-terphenyl
Formula = C14H10 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 178.2292
Density (g/cm3) = 1.230000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 9.974E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname P-terphenyl
density 1.230000
Comments and References (APACE 2009).
Bulk Dot Com 2010). Density for solid granite (an average of granite densities from 8 regions) =
3.09 g/cm3 from pg 53 of Washburn (2003). Knovel online version is available at
0. Density = 2.65 g/cm3 in Table 51.64 of Hungerford (1960).
Na 0.002969
Mg 0.007240
Al 0.025417
Si 0.366185
S 0.000280
K 0.011628
Ca 0.039328
Ti 0.001199
Fe 0.010031
Pb 0.000671
277 Sand
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 1.700000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 5.876E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Sand
density 1.700000
Comments and References
Element weight fractions calculated based on 78.1 wt.% SiO2, 6.5% Al2O3, 1.9% Fe2O3, 2.8% CaCO3,
2.3% Na2O, 1.4% K2O, and 7.0% H2O from Table 51.62 of Hungerford (1960). Density = 1.7 g/cm3 for
normal sand (4 to 23 wt.% water) at and
1.65 g/cm3 for totally dry sand at
(Automation Creations 2010). Data for sand density is at
(Walker 2009),
(Powder and Bulk Dot Com 2010), and in Hungerford (1960).
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
280 Sepiolite
Formula = Molecular weight (g/mole) = 647.83036
Density (g/cm3) = 2.140000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 9.350E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Sepiolite
density 2.140000
Comments and References
Non-clumping cat litter is often made of zeolite, diatomaceous earth, and/or sepiolite.
Formula from and
Density = 2.14 and 2.18 g/cm3 at Density = 2.08 g/cm3 at
281 Silicon
Formula = Si Molecular weight (g/mole) = 28.0855
Density (g/cm3) = 2.330000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 4.996E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Silicon
density 2.330000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
285 Silver
Formula = Ag Molecular weight (g/mole) = 107.8682
Density (g/cm3) = 10.500000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 5.862E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
matname Silver
density 10.500000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
287 Sodium
Formula = Na Molecular weight (g/mole) = 22.98977
Density (g/cm3) = 0.971000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 2.544E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Sodium
density 0.971000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
P 0.000228
S 0.000149
Cr 0.188100
Mn 0.009900
Fe 0.694713
Ni 0.091575
Fe calculated so elements sum to unity. Weight fractions for all elements set at specified value, except
weight fraction for Fe decreased by 0.00305 so weight fractions sum to unity.
306 Sterotex
Formula = (C17H35CO2)3-C3H5 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 891.4797
Density (g/cm3) = 0.862000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.007E-01
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Sterotex
density 0.862000
Comments and References
Paxton and Pruvost (1986) revision issued July 1987, pg 200.
308 Sulphur
Formula = S Molecular weight (g/mole) = 32.065
Density (g/cm3) = 2.000000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 3.756E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 2 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Sulphur
density 2.000000
Comments and References
Density = 2.00 g/cm3 from (NIST 1998).
Density = 2.07 g/cm3 for rhombic sulphur and 2.00 g/cm3 for monoclinic sulphur on pgs 4 - 92 of
Lide (2008).
309 Tantalum
Formula = Ta Molecular weight (g/mole) = 180.9479
Density (g/cm3) = 16.654000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 5.543E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Tantalum
density 16.654000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
310 Thorium
Formula = Th Molecular weight (g/mole) = 232.0381
Density (g/cm3) = 11.720000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 3.042E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Thorium
density 11.720000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
312 Tin
Formula = Sn Molecular weight (g/mole) = 118.71
Density (g/cm3) = 7.310000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 3.708E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Tin
density 7.310000
Na 0.001000
P 0.001000
S 0.002000
Cl 0.001000
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
N 0.026000
O 0.761828
324 Titanium
Formula = Ti Molecular weight (g/mole) = 47.867
Density (g/cm3) = 4.540000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 5.712E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Titanium
density 4.540000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
328 Toluene
Formula = C7H8 Molecular weight (g/mole) = 92.13842
Density (g/cm3) = 0.866900 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 8.499E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Toluene
density 0.866900
Comments and References
Also called F1063.
Density and weight fractions from (NIST 1998).
Formula and density = 0.8623 from pgs 3 - 486 of Lide (2008). Formula = C6H5CH3 and density =
0.8669 at
(Automation Creations 2010).
331 Tungsten
Formula = W Molecular weight (g/mole) = 183.84
Density (g/cm3) = 19.300000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 6.322E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Tungsten
density 19.300000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
U-236 0.000117
U-238 0.822181
U-238 0.088520
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
Ca 0.016353
Ti 0.009854
Fe 0.057732
356 Wax, M3
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 1.050000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 1.134E-01
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Wax, M3
density 1.050000
Comments and References
Density and weight fractions from
(NIST 1998).
Baumeister III 1996). Plywood density = 0.42 to 0.68 g/cm3 for 9 types of plywood in Table 51.115 of
Hungerford (1960).
See Table 11-15 of Parker (1967) for green and dry densities.
360 Xenon
Formula = Xe Molecular weight (g/mole) = 131.293
Density (g/cm3) = 0.005485 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 2.516E-05
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Xenon
density 0.005485
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
365 Zinc
Formula = Zn Molecular weight (g/mole) = 65.409
Density (g/cm3) = 7.133000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 6.567E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Zinc
density 7.133000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
368 Zircaloy-2
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 6.560000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 4.348E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Zircaloy-2
density 6.560000
Comments and References
k=1 (Automation Creations 2010) and pg 201 of Paxton and Pruvost (1986), revision issued July 1987.
Weight fractions normalized to 1.0.
369 Zircaloy-4
Formula = - Molecular weight (g/mole) = -
Density (g/cm3) = 6.560000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 4.350E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 3 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data were calculated from the input weight fractions.
matname Zircaloy-4
density 6.560000
Comments and References
(Automation Creations 2010).
Weight fractions normalized to 1.0.
370 Zirconium
Formula = Zr Molecular weight (g/mole) = 91.224
Density (g/cm3) = 6.506000 Total atom density (atoms/b-cm) = 4.295E-02
The above density is estimated to be accurate to 4 significant digits. Uncertainties are not addressed.
The following data was calculated from the input formula.
matname Zirconium
density 6.506000
Comments and References
Density from (NIST 1998).
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