Declaration Form 1
Declaration Form 1
Declaration Form 1
1. I know that plagiarism means taking and using the ideas, writings, works or
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2. I acknowledge and understand that plagiarism is wrong.
3. I understand that my assignment/exam answers must be accurately referenced.
4. This assignment/exam file/portfolio is my own work. I acknowledge that copying
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others constitutes a form of plagiarism.
5. I have not allowed, nor will I in the future allow, anyone to copy my work with the
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6. I understand that I can be awarded 0% if I have plagiarized.
7. I understand that my assignment/exam file/portfolio may be submitted
automatically to Turnitin.
8. I confirm that I have read and understood the following UNISA policies:
8.1 Policy for Copyright and Plagiarism
8.2 Policy on Academic Integrity
8.3 Student Disciplinary Code
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University of South Africa (UNISA)
ENG1503 Assignment 02
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Disabled students were excluded by their institutions in such a way that some
institutions if not many would not intake blind people as students. This was because of
institutions having a lack of understanding for blind student needs and lack of staff who
understood their way of learning, braille. Institutions giving special attention to disable
students are taking a step towards a better academic future for these students.
Faculties with inclusive education approaches point out their professional characteristics
to work, flexibility, use of cooperative approaches, or/and their part as guides in the
teaching and learning, amongst others including empathy, closeness, involvement and
vocation are highlighted (Beatriz Margato, Manía Nieves Sánchez, 2024). In this essay I
disagree that disabled students should be presented with the same conduct/treatment
as abled students. With three points, I will disclose why disabled students should not be
treated the same as abled students. Firstly, I will show disabled students have different
unique learning needs than non-disabled students. Secondly, I will show they require
special access to learning resources to navigate their academic journey. Thirdly, I will
show inclusion of disabled students facilities and teaching practice.
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Disabled students should be supported by campuses including disability offices,
institutional and social support systems, and accommodations(Santos, D.L., 2019).
Institutions cannot ignore disabled students special needs, they have different unique
needs. The adoption of digital technology does not cater to all students, especially the
visually impaired (Lee, B.A.; 2024). But better understanding and diagnosis mental
illness opened opportunity for college education that would have not been possible a
generation for disabled students(Lee, B.A.; 2024). Many institutions now have disabled
students and have to cater to their unique learning to ensure their academic success.
An increase in disabled students attending college, graduation rates are falling behind
their abled peers(Francis et al., 2019). Disabled students should be afforded special
access to resources. Students should have special student transport allocated to them
and their special needs, accommodation that is easily accessible to them and have
trained teachers that are well equipped to teach disabled students. But all is in the
hands of the institutions, to ensure that disabled students are not discriminated.
In conclusion by institutions ensuring all three points are mobilised, disabled students
would have access to resources to ensure their academic success, a inclusive
environment in the classroom, disabled students not leaving with a feeling of not being
left out in certain activities by training teachers on how to teach disabled students. By
acknowledging their special needs to the point of catering to them to make mobility to
classes easier and better, accommodation of their individual disabilities. By doing this
we ensure success in their academics.
548 Words…….
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Reference List:
Lee, B.A (2024) ‘Students With Disabilities: Opportunities and Challenges for Colleges
and Universities ‘ Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning . Vol46(1) p40-45.
Available at:
scroll=top&nedAccess=true [Accessed: 08/04/2024]
Morgado, B.; Sánchez-Diaz, M.N.(2024) ‘Teaching for All: Profile of Facilitate the
Success and Inclusion of Students with Disability’, European Journal of Special
Education, Vol39(2) p281-296 . Available at:
q=Students+with+disabilities+in+university+&id=EJ1414450 [Accessed:09/04/2024]
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