Glucocorticoid Signaling From Molecules To Mice To Man
Glucocorticoid Signaling From Molecules To Mice To Man
Glucocorticoid Signaling From Molecules To Mice To Man
Jen-Chywan Wang
Charles Harris Editors
From Molecules to Mice to Man
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
Editorial Board:
Glucocorticoid Signaling
From Molecules to Mice to Man
Jen-Chywan Wang, PhD Charles Harris, MD, PhD
Department of Nutritional Division of Endocrinology
Science & Toxicology Metabolism & Lipid Research
University of California Berkeley Department of Internal Medicine
Berkeley, CA, USA Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, MO, USA
Springer Science+Business Media LLC New York is part of Springer Science+Business Media
JCW would like to thank his parents and family for support. He would also like to
thank his graduate and postdoctoral mentors, Daryl Granner and Keith Yamamoto,
his former and current lab members, and many collaborators and friends for their
immense help during his research career.
CH would like to thank his parents, Stewart and Helen; his wife, Audrey; and his
son, Benjamin for their support. He would like to thank countless mentors who
helped form his perspective as a physician scientist. Specifically, he would like to
thank basic science mentors, Diane Lipscombe, Eugene M Johnson Jr., and Robert
V. Farese Jr., and clinical mentor, James Blake Tyrrell, who introduced him to the
clinical care of patients with the fascinating Cushing syndrome.
viii Contents
x Contributors
Dedication We dedicate this chapter to Gordon M. Tomkins. Gordon was a visionary who, after
direct exposure to the Paris bacterial genetics group in the early 1960s, quite clearly foresaw the
field of mammalian gene regulation. He was one of the founders of the discipline now known as
Molecular Endocrinology. Most importantly, as regards the topic of this book, his scientific passion
was glucocorticoid action. A generation of young scientists was fortunate to spend time in his
laboratory; many others were influenced by his writings, entertaining lectures and the informal
talks he gave during his many visits to universities and research institutes. Gordon was a direct
mentor to two of us, D.K.G. and K.R.Y., and a second generation mentor to J.-C.W.
D.K. Granner, M.D. (*)
Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, University of Iowa Carver
College of Medicine, 169 Newton Road, 4312 PBDB, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA
Department Internal Medicine, Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center,
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, 169 Newton Road, 4312 PBDB, Iowa City,
IA 52242, USA
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
J.-C. Wang, Ph.D.
Department of Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology, University of California Berkeley,
119 Morgan Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720-3104, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
K.R. Yamamoto, Ph.D.
Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology, University of California, San Francisco, 600 16th Street,
Genentech Hall S572D, Campus Box 2280, San Francisco, CA 94143-2280, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
complex processes such as the response to food deprivation, exercise, stress, trauma,
and infection. A constant supply of energy is of central importance in all of these
functions. Glucocorticoid hormones are named for the central role they play in glu-
cose homeostasis, which is an important source of energy for all tissues; in particu-
lar, the brain depends almost entirely on glucose metabolism.
Glucocorticoids are also of interest because of the direct and indirect effects they
have on a large number of apparently diverse physiologic and biochemical pro-
cesses (Table 1.1). And, they play an important therapeutic role as life-saving
replacement treatment in adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s disease; Chap. 4), as a
key component in the therapy of certain malignancies (Chap. 14), as an immuno-
suppressant in transplantation and autoimmune diseases and as an anti-inflammatory
agent (Chap. 9). It is amazing that this class of hormones, which are small (cortisol
is 362 Da), relatively simple derivatives of cholesterol, can accomplish so much.
The current understanding of how these hormones work started first with a descrip-
tion of the adrenal glands, then with a remarkable clinical observation that led to
more than 150 years of research that has employed, and also helped formulate,
many of the basic principles of physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology.
This introductory chapter will trace the discoveries that have led to our current
understanding of glucocorticoid action, and will attempt to set the stage for the suc-
ceeding chapters that delve more deeply into the different processes affected by
these interesting hormones.
The story begins in 1563 when Eustachius described two small organs, located near
and just above (ad-) the kidneys (renal) in humans. Adrenal glands, as they were
subsequently named, are found across vertebrates, but their role in biology remained
unknown until the mid-1800s when Kolliker placed the adrenals among the group
of ductless glands that communicate only with the blood system. Adrenals were
shown to consist of two discrete areas: a firm outer layer, or cortex, and a soft,
spongy inner layer, the medulla. The function of each of these areas was unknown,
and the concept of hormones, molecules synthesized in one organ and transported
through the vascular system to one or more distant target organs, was not formulated
until the studies of the control of secretin secretion were reported by Bayliss and
Starling in 1901–1902 [1, 2].
Thomas Addison made a brilliant clinical-pathologic observation in 1855 that
really launched this field of research. He described a syndrome that included
intense skin pigmentation, weakness, feeble pulse, and general debility with a fatal
outcome in a group of 11 patients, all of whom had small, diseased or absent adre-
nal glands. The title of his monograph, published posthumously, was “On the
Constitutional and Local Effects of Disease of the Suprarenal Capsule” [3].
Curiously, also in 1855, Claude Bernard first described his studies on the glyco-
genic function of the liver whereby this organ “prepares sugar at the expense of the
6 D.K. Granner et al.
elements of the blood passing through it” [4], a concept of central importance once
the full manifestations of adrenal insufficiency were known. Bernard also first
wrote about the importance of maintaining a “stable internal environment”, which
led to the concept of “homeostasis”, a term first used by Cannon in 1926 [5].
Although presented in the same year, the observations by Addison and Bernard
were not connected for about 75 years.
Brown-Séquard showed that adrenalectomy resulted in the death of experimental
animals [6], as was observed in humans affected with what had become known as
Addison’s disease. Attempts to treat persons (or experimental animals subjected to
adrenalectomy) commenced in the latter part of the nineteenth century, even though
the active agent(s) in the adrenals was unknown. Aqueous extracts of the entire
adrenal often had effects on heart rate and blood pressure, but did not resolve the
life-threatening symptoms of Addison’s disease. With clarification of the medullary
source of adrenaline (epinephrine) and its subsequent purification and synthesis, the
separate role of this glandular structure, and its role in the sympathetic nervous
system, became apparent. The search for the critical adrenal cortical factor “cortin”
became the focal point of interest during this time and continued during the early
part of the twentieth century. Cortin was suspected of being a hormone, a concept
which Starling had by then defined [7], but the structure of cortin was a complete
By the early part of the twentieth century, when various clinical parameters could
be reliably quantitated, the syndrome of Addison’s disease was further expanded
to include metabolic and renal components. The inability to maintain glucose
homeostasis, coupled with extreme insulin sensitivity (hypoglycemia), was a seri-
ous problem in patients with Addison’s disease. In time this was attributed to a
reduced ability of the liver to convert amino acids or glycerol into glucose (impaired
gluconeogenesis) or to convert glycogen into glucose, a validation of the early ideas
formulated by Claude Bernard. These observations also led to studies of the hor-
monal regulation of these processes, as is discussed in detail below. The renal
manifestations include excessive retention of potassium and diuresis associated
with excessive loss of sodium in the urine, which contributes to the severe hypoten-
sion noted in these patients. The eventual availability of molecules of known struc-
ture led to the categorization of adrenal corticosteroids into glucocorticoids and
mineralocorticoids, according to their predominant, but not exclusive, action.
Hydrocortisone (cortisol) and corticosterone are the major glucocorticoids in
humans and rodents, respectively; aldosterone is the major mineralocorticoid.
Persons with primary adrenal insufficiency are now usually treated with both a glu-
cocorticoid and a mineralocorticoid.
The production of adrenal androgens (mostly androstenedione) was defined
later, based in part on the serendipitous synthesis of steroids with androgenic activ-
ity in the course of efforts to make glucocorticoids, and on subsequent clinical
observations, which helped explain why some persons with adrenal hyperplasia
develop masculinization. The structures of the primary adrenal hormones are shown
in Fig. 1.1.
A second clinical observation played a major role in advancing this research field.
Harvey Cushing, in 1912, described a syndrome in which an adenoma of the ante-
rior pituitary gland caused hypertrophy of the adrenal glands and a characteristic set
of clinical signs and symptoms [13]. The manifestations of Cushing’s disease were,
in many ways, the opposite of those seen in Addison’s disease: hypertension, fluid
retention, weight gain, obesity with ectopic fat deposition, hyperglycemia with
insulin resistance, masculinization, and thin friable skin with bruising, among oth-
ers. Now known to be due to excessive, unsuppressed release of adrenocorticotropic
hormone (ACTH) from a tumor of the basophilic cells in the anterior pituitary
(or corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) from the hypothalamus), the condition
is mimicked when excessive amounts of exogenous glucocorticoids are adminis-
tered therapeutically, or when primary adrenal tumors overproduce the hormones, so-
called Cushing’s syndrome. Philip Hench, a colleague of Kendall at the Mayo
Clinic, first used a glucocorticoid (cortisone) to treat persons with rheumatoid
arthritis [14]. This treatment had remarkable beneficial effects and led to its subse-
quent use as an anti-inflammatory/immunosuppressant agent. Unfortunately, clinical
8 D.K. Granner et al.
Fig. 1.1 Basic structures and trivial names of major hormones of the adrenal cortex
remission requires long-term use at high doses, and this often leads to the serious
complication of Cushing’s syndrome with its attendant, devastating complications.
These studies, in collection, are an excellent example of how early endocrine
research evolved. The general sequence of discovery was: (1) ablate a gland of inter-
est; (2) observe and quantitate the physiologic and biochemical events that ensue;
(3) isolate, purify and synthesize the putative hormone; and (4) prove the role of the
latter by replacing the pure hormone and restoring normal homeostasis. The next
challenge was to elucidate how glucocorticoids accomplish all these physiologic
and pathophysiologic events.
Once the physiologic effects of glucocorticoid deficiency or excess were defined,
and pure molecules were readily available, the question became “what exactly do
these hormones do and how do they do it?” Emphasis was placed early on the regu-
lation of glucose metabolism because of the notable effects glucocorticoids appeared
to have on this process and because of a considerable body of relevant knowledge
which had been developing contemporaneously. Important concepts such as:
(a) enzymes have a unique structure, (b) precise metabolic pathways exist and they
are coordinated, (c) proteins turnover independent of cell replication, and (d)
enzyme adaptation (induction and repression) were all applied to the study of glu-
cocorticoid hormone action.
1 Regulatory Actions of Glucocorticoid Hormones: From Organisms to Mechanisms 9
The concept that the conversion of foodstuffs into cellular constituents, or into
energy, involved an orderly progression of discrete biochemical reactions, each
catalyzed by an enzyme, first began attracting attention as early as 1752 when de
Réaumur showed that gastric secretions could digest meat [15]. Others demon-
strated that saliva could convert starch to sugar, and in 1833 diastase (amylases)
was described [16]. This work is associated with the subsequent convention of
adding “-ase” to the name of an enzyme, although the word “enzyme” was appar-
ently not used until 1877 [17]. The nature and function of enzymes was unknown.
The prevailing theory, based on the fermentation of sugar into alcohol, was that
the process required a living cell. When Buchner showed, in 1907, that yeast
extracts accomplish the same purpose, the cell-free action of enzymes was estab-
lished [18].
Investigators had shown that enzymatic activity was associated with proteins,
but had not proven that a protein, per se, was capable of this action. In 1926 Sumner
purified and crystallized the protein urease; he repeated this with catalase in 1937
[19]. Northrup and Stanley, who studied pepsin, trypsin and chymotrypsin, among
several other proteins, presented further proof that enzymes are proteins [20, 21].
And importantly, as Northrop stated, “the enzymatic activity is a property of the
protein itself and not due to a non-protein impurity”.
Studies by hundreds of investigators, which started even before the exact nature of
enzymes was established, led to the construction of the “metabolic chart”. The chart
presents a picture (although details are still being added) of the complex, interacting
metabolic events that occur within a cell. This is truly one of the great scientific
accomplishments of the twentieth century, especially when one considers that a great
many of the enzymes on this chart were purified using virtually none of the overex-
pression, chromatographic and affinity techniques available today; very tedious,
nonspecific techniques (e.g., salt fractionation, alcohol and acetone fractionation)
were among those commonly employed.
Knowledge of the metabolic pathways made it possible to finally understand that
the conversion of foodstuffs into cellular constituents or energy involves an orderly
progression of discrete biochemical reactions, each catalyzed by an enzyme. This
begged the question of whether these processes are regulated, particularly in view
of observations such as those that suggested glucocorticoids might play a role in one
or more of these processes and thereby account for some of the manifestations of
Addison’s disease. Subsequent experiments in this area focused on the coordination
and regulation of these complex pathways. A number of investigators formulated
the hypothesis that hormones might provide the means of metabolic coordination
[22]. But another important concept had to be developed before this hypothesis
could be tested.
10 D.K. Granner et al.
Until the late 1930s cells and cellular constituents were thought to turn over at the
same rate. The stable components of a cell somehow replicated themselves and were
equally distributed into the two daughter cells with cell division. This was a conserva-
tive mechanism, but it would not allow for adaptation based on changing the amount
of a cellular constituent (protein) independent of cell replication. The pioneering
work by Schoenheimer, Shemin, Rittenberg, and others, who were among the first
to use isotopes to address biologic questions, showed convincingly that various
lipids and proteins have turnover rates different from that of the cell itself, and have
different turnover rates within a given cell [23–25]. For example, hepatocytes were
found to have a small component of proteins (~3 %) with a t1⁄2 of ~140 days (about
the t1⁄2 of the cell) and a much larger component consisting of two subclasses with
t1⁄2 values of 4.5 and 12 days [24].
The concept that turnover occurs, and is dynamic, was a major advance, as subtle
adjustments of an active synthesis/degradation process could allow for flexible,
rapid and accurate adaptive responses to the challenges of an acutely changing
external and internal environment. This observation offered the possibility that the
enzymatic reactions that govern a certain metabolic pathway could be regulated by
changes of the amount and/or activity of one or more enzymes. These changes could
be facilitated by intercellular signals (e.g., glucocorticoid hormones) that would
allow a cell to respond to various metabolic and environmental challenges.
The observation that cellular components turnover led directly to the concept that
organisms could show adaptive responses to their environment. Remarkable
changes in the amount of enzymes in microorganisms had been demonstrated in the
1940s, generally in response to alterations of substrate concentration [26–28]. This
phenomenon was demonstrated in mammalian cells when tryptophan was shown to
induce a six to eightfold increase in tryptophan oxygenase (TO) [29]. This effect,
which appeared to be an example of substrate induction similar to that observed in
bacteria, was rapid and self-limited. However, subsequent studies showed that other
amino acids and compounds, which were not substrates of TO, also increase activity
of the enzyme. All the substances tested appeared to stress the animals, and the
response only occurred in those with an intact pituitary-adrenal axis [30]. Selye had
proposed that this axis was involved in the stress response [31], which led to the
hypothesis that the adrenal cortical hormones were responsible for the induction of
1 Regulatory Actions of Glucocorticoid Hormones: From Organisms to Mechanisms 11
TO. This concept was validated shortly thereafter when a purified glucocorticoid
(see above) administered to adrenalectomized rats resulted in the induction of TO
[32]. By 1956, many examples of changes of enzyme activity in response to adre-
nalectomy, thyroidectomy, hypophysectomy, and diabetes were known [33]. When
glucocorticoids were also found to induce tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT) [34], the
era of research on the hormonal regulation of enzyme induction by these hormones
was well underway. The timetable of progress is shown in Table 1.2.
Knox and Mahler observed that the changes in TO activity could result from a
change in the amount of enzyme rather than to a change in the catalytic activity of
the protein—“the production of a potential increase in metabolism by increasing the
amount of enzyme, but without affecting the catalytic activity of a given amount of
enzyme may therefore be a general means of metabolic regulation” [29]. This state-
ment seems obvious today but it was presented when much of the effort to deter-
mine the mechanism of action of steroid hormones was confined to cell free systems,
since a prevailing idea was that they acted to alter catalytic activity by serving as
energy transducers, enzyme cofactors or allosteric regulators.
Proof that increased activity of an enzyme was due to an increased amount of the
protein required a purified protein, which was used to produce a specific antibody
that could then be used to selectively immunoprecipitate the radioactively labeled
protein. Such evidence was obtained for TAT [35], and for TO [36]. The concept of
turnover implied that an increased amount of protein could result from an increased
rate of synthesis, from a decreased rate of degradation, or from some combination
of these processes. The theoretical basis for such experiments was defined by
Schimke [37] who then showed that tryptophan slowed hepatic TO degradation
while hydrocortisone enhanced TO synthesis [38]. By contrast, rat liver TAT syn-
thesis was enhanced by hydrocortisone without an effect on degradation [39].
Tryptophan and tyrosine are not significant gluconeogenic substrates, so the
regulation of TO and TAT served mostly as model systems for studies of enzyme
regulation. By contrast, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK), which cata-
lyzes the conversion of oxaloacetate (from pyruvate) to phosphoenolpyruvate, is a
major gluconeogenic enzyme. Thus, the demonstration of the induction of PEPCK
by glucocorticoids was especially significant [40].
12 D.K. Granner et al.
system. The amount of radiolabel incorporated into specific protein (again detected by
immunoprecipitation) was compared to that in the total protein synthesized. The amount
of mRNA was assessed by hybridization to specific cDNA probes once those were avail-
able. Transcription assays, much easier to perform in cultured cells, used longer cDNA
probes to detect the amount of radioisotope incorporated into a specific mRNA. The
progression illustrated in Table 1.2 shows that the glucocorticoid-induced increase of
enzyme activity is accomplished through an enhanced rate of transcription of the TO
[48], TAT [49] and PEPCK [46] genes, measured using an elongation assay. It is note-
worthy that 20 years elapsed between first concept and the final accomplishment, which
underscores the difficulties encountered in performing these experiments.
Glucocorticoids often do not act in isolation on important metabolic processes. An
example is hepatic gluconeogenesis. This process is increased by glucocorticoids
and glucagon (cAMP) and decreased by insulin. It thus is of interest to note that
each of these hormones affect PEPCK activity in parallel with their effect on gluco-
neogenesis. The changes in PEPCK activity caused by the hormones are due to
changes of specific mRNA amount, which are, in turn, directly proportional to the
rate of transcription of the PEPCK gene [46, 50]. The basal rate of transcription of
the PEPCK gene is ~100 ppm of total RNA synthesized; glucocorticoids and cAMP
each increase this rate several fold and their effects are additive. Insulin inhibits
basal and induced transcription, and the insulin effect is dominant [46]. All of these
actions could be studied in the H4IIE rat hepatoma cell line, thus, as is discussed
below, a system existed for analyzing how several hormones interact at the level of
a single gene to regulate an important metabolic function.
of ligands to GR correlates well with the biologic activity of the ligand, and the
biologic effect disappears quickly following removal of the ligand. Cortisol, corti-
costerone and aldosterone all bind to the GR with high affinity, but in humans the
dominant glucocorticoid is cortisol because of its much greater plasma concentra-
tion. (4) The absence of GR in a cell results in a loss of biologic activity of the
ligand. For example, lymphocytes that lack GR are resistant to the cell-killing
effects of glucocorticoids. (5) An activation process results in the transfer of GR into
the nucleus of target cells. GR is associated with one or more chaperones (i.e.,
hsp90) in the absence of ligand. This large, multimeric complex dissociates upon
ligand binding, and the ligand·GR complex can then translocate into the nucleus.
(6) The DNA component of chromatin binds GR. This observation is based on
direct binding studies using DNA, and on the observation that DNase treatment of
chromatin reduces GR binding. Actually, GR binding to DNA exceeds that to chro-
matin, which was early evidence that chromatin can occlude transcription factor
binding to DNA. (7) All tissues known to respond to glucocorticoids exhibit this
pattern of GR behavior. Extension of these studies depended on the availability of
purified GR, and the subsequent isolation of a cDNA specific for the GR.
The GR is not an abundant protein, is relatively unstable, and forms complexes with
several other proteins, so its purification is difficult. In the late 1970s Gustafsson
and colleagues reported substantial success in purifying the GR [54, 55]. A single
polypeptide of ~90 kDa, with hormone binding properties virtually identical to
those of crude cytosol preparations, was obtained. The sequence of GR, deduced
from the open reading frames of cDNAs from human [56], rat [57] and mouse [58],
show that this molecule has been highly conserved across evolution.
Evidence accumulated in the 1970s showed that glucocorticoid receptors bind to
DNA [52, 59, 60], but selective binding, in a region likely to affect gene transcrip-
tion, was not possible until the early 1980s when purified GR became available.
Several studies suggested that the possible association of binding and function
might be established by analyzing the glucocorticoid-enhanced production of mam-
mary tumor virus (MTV) [61], an effect due to enhanced transcription of
chromosomally-integrated MTV proviral DNA [62, 63]. The virus contains all the
information required for glucocorticoid action in the MTV long-terminal repeat
(LTR) segment [64–66], but the regions of the LTR involved, and the specifics of
how the hormone accomplishes this induction, had not been established.
The specific binding of purified glucocorticoid receptor to DNA was demonstrated
by Payvar and colleagues in 1981 [67]. A number of GR binding sequences (GBSs)
in MTV DNA were identified in this and subsequent investigations [67–71]. The
identification of specific receptor-DNA interactions in vitro allowed investigators to
next test whether they were sufficient to regulate transcription and whether they
1 Regulatory Actions of Glucocorticoid Hormones: From Organisms to Mechanisms 15
were independent from the DNA region in the LTR known to be required for tran-
scription initiation.
The strategy employed to demonstrate that ligand-receptor binding to specific
DNA segments could affect the transcription of a specific gene involved the con-
struction of a reporter gene, based in this case on the thymidine kinase (tk) gene,
which has a promoter that is not responsive to glucocorticoids. A 340 bp sequence
of MTV LTR DNA previously shown to contain several sites that bind the ligand-
GR complex [67–71], and known to be lacking in transcription initiation sequences,
was inserted into the reporter gene in various positions and orientations upstream
from the tk promoter. The addition of dexamethasone (a potent, synthetic glucocor-
ticoid) to these fusion genes led to robust induction of tk transcription from the
endogenous tk promoter [72]. This study led to several important conclusions:
(1) the MTV LTR contains a “glucocorticoid response element”, or GRE, the first
response element (i.e., a genomic segment that confers a particular transcriptional
regulatory effect in vivo) and the prototype for all hormone response elements
(HREs); (2) the GR is a transcriptional regulatory factor, the first such factor identi-
fied that is encoded in a eukaryotic genome; (3) the GR combines the two functions
of a receptor, ligand binding and signal transduction, in a single molecule; (4) the
location and orientation of the GRE relative to the transcription initiation site is
quite flexible, revealing a general functional explanation for the phenomenon of
transcriptional “enhancement”, which had been described in the SV40 tumor virus;
and (5) the transcription enhancing function afforded by the GR-GRE interaction is
separable from the process of transcription initiation [72, 73].
Fig. 1.2 Schematic diagram of the structure of the human glucocorticoid receptor. The amino- and
carboxy-termini are illustrated as positions 1 and 777, respectively. The major domain structures:
amino-terminal (NTD), DNA-binding (DBD) and ligand binding (LBD) are demarcated by brack-
ets at the top. AF1, T2 and AF2 represent the transactivation domains. Regions corresponding to
specialized functions are shown as horizontal lines at the bottom
DNA and co-regulator binding [78–80]. This domain is particularly important for
assembly of the co-regulators involved in the assembly of an active transcription
apparatus. Additional domains functional in transcription activation are located in
the LBD (AF2 and tau 2) and in the dimerization region of the DNA binding domain.
Like AF1, AF2 and tau 2 are highly acidic, but they appear to be structurally unrelated
to AF1. The three domains function from different positions relative to promoters,
and when fused to heterologous DBDs [79, 81].
The DNA-binding domain (DBD) is a highly conserved, cysteine-rich, ~75 amino
acid segment located in the middle of the molecule (Fig. 1.2). Analysis of the
cDNA-deduced structure of the DBD revealed an arrangement of eight cysteine resi-
dues (perfectly conserved in all members of the receptor superfamily) that form two
zinc finger structures, each of which coordinates the association of a zinc atom to four
cysteine residues [82]. The first zinc finger is primarily involved in DNA binding,
whereas the second finger stabilizes this binding. GBS recognition is a function of
the first, or N-terminal, zinc finger domain. A three amino acid segment subdomain,
the P-box, is critical to binding specificity for all nuclear receptors. In GR this sequence
is Gly-Ser-Val, whereas in the estrogen receptor it is Glu-Gly-Ala [83].
Modularity of receptor function was demonstrated in domain swap experiments.
When the DBD of the GR was placed into the corresponding region of the estrogen
receptor, this chimeric receptor converted a gene that was normally glucocorticoid-
responsive into an estrogen responsive one [84]. In another experiment, the GR
DBD was replaced by the DBD of the bacterial transcription repressor Lex A, a
helix-turn-helix transcription factor. This chimeric molecule activated transcription
from a Lex promoter-operator construct in response to dexamethasone [85].
The GR binds to GREs as a dimer. The DBD of each receptor monomer contains a
five amino acid segment, the D box, which is located between the two most
N-terminal cysteine residues at the base of the second finger. The D box is involved
1 Regulatory Actions of Glucocorticoid Hormones: From Organisms to Mechanisms 17
The availability of purified receptors and the promoter regions of several hormone
responsive genes led to tests of the relationship between in vitro glucocorticoid
binding sequence (GBS) activity and in vivo GR-mediated transcriptional regula-
tory activity. In these experiments, purified GR was bound to cloned target gene
promoter regions, and the bound sequences determined by DNase I footprinting
[68, 89]. To discover segments of DNA sufficient to confer hormonal regulation,
various promoter-proximal fragments were ligated into expression vectors bearing
basal promoter elements (e.g., from the thymidine kinase (tk) gene) driving a
reporter gene (e.g. chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) or luciferase). The
chimeric construct was transfected into a recipient cell, hormone was added and
expression of the reporter gene quantitated. Such experiments demonstrated that the
18 D.K. Granner et al.
canonical idealized GBS represents a large family of 15 base pair elements related
to the sequence GGTACAnnnTGTTCT [77], and inferred that the GBS is sufficient
for regulatory activity [83, 89, 90]. Importantly, however, as described below,
GBSs are not essential for GR regulation, and bona fide GREs associated with
chromosomal GR responsive genes are substantially more complex than GBSs.
The notion that natural genes, be they chromosomal or viral, would be regulated by
glucocorticoids solely by GR binding to GBSs (termed “simple GREs” in early
work) was soon challenged by experimental observations: two new classes of GREs
were described [91]. Composite GREs are ~0.5–2 kb compound elements [92] com-
posed of one or more GBSs together with binding sites for one, or more typically,
multiple nonreceptor transcriptional regulatory factors, producing functional cross-
talk between the different classes of factors that affects the regulatory outcome.
Tethering GREs are also compound elements encompassing binding sequences for
nonreceptor regulators, but lack GBSs; GR associates at tethering GREs through
protein · protein interactions with one or more of the bound nonreceptor factor
instead of directly with DNA.
The first composite element was described at the proliferin gene, wherein a GBS
and an AP-1 binding site are contiguous (Fig. 1.3). The proteins c-fos and c-jun, two
prominent members of the phorbol ester-activated AP-1 transcription factor family,
activate proliferin expression via either c-jun homodimers or c-fos·c-jun heterodi-
mers. GR regulates proliferin expression through its GBS, but only in the presence
of AP-1, further activating the homodimeric species and repressing the heterodimer
[93]. The ratio of c-jun to c-fos in the cell is therefore the determinant of whether
GR mediates a positive or negative transcription response.
GR represses transcription at tethering GREs proximal to the collagenase gene,
where GR associates through protein · protein interactions with a specifically bound
c-Jun subunit of AP-1 [94, 95], and to the IL-8 gene, where GR binds to the p65
subunit of a NFκB factor bound at a κB binding sequence [96]. Hence, tethering
elements can be viewed as a subset of composite elements in which both GR and
nonreceptor regulators occupy a specific genomic site, but that GRE activity in
these tethering contexts proceeds in the absence of GBS elements.
Involvement of nonreceptor factors in GR-mediated regulation was also suggested
for MTV, where binding sites for nuclear factor-1 (NF-1) and octamer transcription
factor-1 (Oct-1), appear to increase glucocorticoid-induced transcription [97].
The binding sites for these factors lie between the proximal GRE region and the
TATA-box (Fig. 1.3). Binding of NF-1 in vivo occurs only in the presence of
hormone, but there is no evidence of a direct GR·NF-1 interaction. In this case, a
GR-induced alteration in chromatin structure, resulting in loss of a nucleosome near
1 Regulatory Actions of Glucocorticoid Hormones: From Organisms to Mechanisms 19
Fig. 1.3 Presumptive glucocorticoid binding sequences (GBSs) proximal to several glucocorticoid-
regulated genes. The mammary tumor virus (MTV), tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT), tryptophan
oxygenase (TO), proliferin, and angiotensinogen (angioten) promoter-proximal regions are illus-
trated. Glucocorticoid receptor binding sequences (GBSs) each of which binds a GR dimer in vitro,
are shown as shaded ovals or circles. Binding sequences for various nonreceptor transcriptional
regulatory factors are shown as open forms. The numbers indicate the approximate positions of the
elements in relation to the transcription initiation site (arrow)
the transcription initiation site may “open” the chromatin structure, facilitating
binding of general transcription factors, which are required for transcription initia-
tion [98, 99]. Mutation of the NF-1 binding site reduced modestly the glucocorti-
coid response, whereas mutation of the two Oct-1 binding sites located between the
NF-1 site and the TATA box (Fig. 1.3) resulted in a markedly reduced response of
the reporter gene to glucocorticoids [100]; studies suggesting cooperative DNA
binding between GR and Oct-1 on the MTV promoter imply a direct protein · pro-
tein interaction between these factors.
As more candidate GREs close to target genes have been analyzed, it became
apparent that all contain binding sequences for various non-receptor regulatory
factors, either together with or in the absence of GBSs. As illustrated in Figs. 1.3
and 1.4, this includes candidate GREs at the TAT, TO and PEPCK genes, the first
proteins known to be induced by glucocorticoids, as well as other GC-regulated
genes such as proliferin and angiotensinogen. Deletion or mutation of these accessory
DNA elements, with the associated loss of binding of the cognate transcription factor,
blunts or abolishes the response of these promoters to glucocorticoids in reporter
assays (for review see [101]). Also important were the precise sequences of the
GBSs, as were their spacing, multiplicity and location. It may be significant in this
20 D.K. Granner et al.
Fig. 1.4 Promoter-proximal region of the PEPCK gene. Binding sequences for various regulatory
and general transcription factors are shown across the top line. The numbers above these represent
the approximate center of each element with respect to the transcription initiation site (demarcated
by the arrow). The five boxes below represent hormone-specific response units, and the regulatory
factors thought to be bound, for glucocorticoids (GRU), cyclic AMP (CRU), retinoic acid (RARU),
thyroid hormone (TRU) and insulin (IRU) that mediate each hormone’s regulation of PEPCK
transcription. Insofar as the CRU, RARU, TRU and IRU impact the actions of the GRU under
physiological conditions, all of these response units interact functionally, cooperating or compet-
ing, to comprise the PEPCK gene hormone response domain. Details are described in the text
This effect helps explain an observation made more than 50 years ago. Wolf et al. showed that,
in vitamin A deficient rats, hepatic cholesterol and fatty acid synthesis, the citric acid cycle,
glycogen metabolism and glycolysis were all normal. Gluconeogenesis, however, was markedly
impaired [104].
The GC accessory factor elements in the PEPCK gene promoter were originally referred to as
AF1-3. As the designation of the transactivation domains in nuclear receptors became known as
AF1 and AF2, the DNA elements in the PEPCK gene were designated gAF1-3.
22 D.K. Granner et al.
Deletion of either gAF1/gAF3 (gAF1 > gAF3) or the gAF2 element reduces the
glucocorticoid response by ~50 %; deletion of both abolishes the response.
Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays revealed that HNF-4 α, COUP-TF
and FoxA2 occupy the GRU in the absence of dexamethasone; as expected GR does
not [110]. Those gAF proteins increase the affinity of GR for GBS1 and GBS2, as
demonstrated by fluorescence anisotropy [111], thereby nucleating assembly of a
transcriptional regulatory complex that includes co-regulators SRC-1, CBP/p300,
PGC-1, FoxO1, FoxO3, which appear to assemble through protein · protein inter-
actions [112–114]. ChIP assays confirmed recruitment of those factors, as well as
polymerase II, to the PEPCK GRU following addition of dexamethasone [110].
Interestingly, gAF1 and gAF3 also contain binding sequences for heterodimers
of retinoic acid receptor (RAR) and retinoid X receptor (RXR), and in the absence
of dexamethasone but in the presence of retinoic acid, activate PEPCK gene
transcription (Fig. 1.4) [115]. Thus, gAF1 and gAF3, in one context GRU compo-
nents, serve in another as a retinoic acid response unit (RARU).
Similarly, the GRU/RARU, in the absence of their cognate signals, serves as a
cyclic AMP response unit (CRU) to enhance PEPCK transcription upon glucagon
stimulation (Fig. 1.4); in that context, the CRU includes some DNA elements and
corresponding regulatory factors that overlap with those in the GRU and RARU, as
well as others that are distinct [116, 117].
Finally, the dominant effect of insulin is mediated, in part, through the multifunc-
tional gAF2 element [118]; an epigenetic effect involving insulin-induced demeth-
ylation of arginine-17 on histone H3 may also be operative [110]. FoxO1 is clearly
involved in this insulin effect, as it rapidly leaves the IRU (see below) and exits the
nucleus in response to insulin [119]. The ChIP assay was used to demonstrate how
quickly this dominant inhibition happens. H4IIE cells3 were treated with dexameth-
asone and the maximally active transcription complex was allowed to assemble.
Within 3 min following the addition of insulin, p300, FoxO1and FoxO3 are removed
from the IRU and by 10 min most components of the assembly are at, or below, the
basal level, including polymerase II [110].
This complex system, comprised of overlapping but distinct composite response
units and associated regulatory factors, underscores the importance of finely tuned
homeostatic regulation of gluconeogenesis. A mutation of one DNA element or
accessory factor blunts, but does not abolish, the effect of a given stimulatory hor-
mone. Indeed, the complete loss of the response to one of these hormones (or the
absence of the hormone itself) blunts, but does not abolish, the positive regulation
of gluconeogenesis. By contrast, insulin stands alone as the hormonal inhibitor
of gluconeogenesis. Under physiological conditions, the actions of the five
hormones (and other cellular signals) are integrated in a highly context-dependent
manner, so with respect to glucocorticoid-mediated regulation, all of the response
units and their regulatory factors operate in aggregate, cooperating or competing, as
All the experiments described in this section were performed using this cell line, which was
derived from a rat hepatoma [42].
1 Regulatory Actions of Glucocorticoid Hormones: From Organisms to Mechanisms 23
of which are specific to particular contexts, such as cell type or developmental stage.
As the sensitivity, range and discrimination of the methods have increased, the
number of reported GBRs has increased, from hundreds to thousands to tens of
thousands [126–132].
Which of these GBRs are functional GREs, and which GC-responsive target
gene is controlled by which GRE? It is thought that not every GBR is a functional
GRE, at least in the restricted contexts examined, as some can be deleted without
apparent effect, and many are located many megabases from GC-responsive genes.
Lacking unequivocal methods for assessing activity in native chromosomal environ-
ments (rather than reporters or transgenes), researchers have resorted to proximity,
“assigning” GRE activity to one or more GBRs that neighbor GC-responsive genes.
Even with this proviso, most assigned GREs are >10 kb from their presumptive
target promoters [127]. Whether GBRs that appear to lack function in one context
may function in another context is an intriguing untested possibility.
To date, only a single GBR, which resides some 25 kb downstream of the tran-
scription start site for the Per2 circadian rhythm regulatory gene, has been unequiv-
ocally assigned to its target gene [133]. This was discovered only because a deletion
constructed for another purpose fortuitously removed the GBS and the mouse that
ensued had lost GR regulation of Per2 expression [133]. Fortunately, powerful and
facile gene editing methods such as CRISPR [134, 135] now make possible targeted
changes in genome sequence that will enable GRE activities on specific target genes
to be determined with certainty.
The ability to analyze GC regulated genes across the entire genome, in all organs
and tissues, enables rather direct access to many interesting and important questions.
For example, can relationships be discerned between regulatory complex structure
and mechanism and the physiologic processes that they control, e.g., complexes
involved in GC-mediated anti-inflammation or immunosuppression. If this were the
case, it might then be possible to design small molecules that target those genes with-
out affecting the different assemblies involved in metabolism, growth and develop-
ment, and thus avoid or minimize the devastating side effects that complicate, and
limit, current glucocorticoid therapy. This might not have to be an “all or none”
phenomenon. As informed by the regulation of the PEPCK gene, where a complex
array of hormone signals, accessory proteins and co-regulators appears to allow for
a linear degree of gene expression from 0 to 100 %, subtle modifications of the
expression of one class of genes, with full expression of another, may be sufficient
to control unwanted side effects.
Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank Ms. Stacie Vik and Allison McQueen for their
assistance in preparing the manuscript and Michael Stallcup for his incisive comments and encour-
agement during its preparation. We thank the many people who, over the years, performed experi-
ments in our laboratories. All of their contributions could not be discussed, but all are a part of this
story. We also are grateful to the legion of colleagues who, over years of their own work, and in
formal and informal discussions, made our participation in this field so interesting.
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Chapter 2
Molecular Biology of Glucocorticoid Signaling
nuclear receptors are able to integrate multiple signals giving rise to distinct patterns of
gene expression, and rapid non-genomic signaling outcomes yet to be discovered.
Converging signaling pathways act in part by altering receptor phosphorylation that
fosters the recruitment of interacting co-regulatory molecules in the mitochondria,
cytoplasm, synapse and nucleus. This chapter explores how glucocorticoid-mediated
allostasis employs rapid non-genomic and slow genomic mechanisms together with
ongoing neuronal activity, thus providing a molecular framework for understanding
normal and pathological glucocorticoid functions. In particular, the mechanisms
underlying the slow appearance of glucocorticoid resistance in numerous human
disease-states are not understood although several molecular correlates have been
identified. One hypothesis that shows great promise is that the survival/ growth
MAPK pathway modulates glucocorticoid-mediated allostasis, in part, through
the phosphorylation of the glucocorticoid receptors. This chapter synthesizes our
current understanding of glucocorticoid signaling with an emphasis on cellular
networks of the brain.
Fig. 2.1 Typical superimposed ultradian (fine line) and circadian (thick line) circulating corticos-
terone plasma level. Due to a very high affinity for corticosterone, MR are constantly activated
contrary to GR only activated at secretion peaks (adapted from [6])
Secretion Modes
In Response to Stress
Fig. 2.2 A schematic diagram of the functional domains and best characterized phosphorylation
sites of human GR. Sites in red are BDNF-dependent sites. NTD amino terminal domain, AF-1
activation function-1, DBD DNA-binding domain, HR hinge region, LBD ligand-binding domain,
AF-2 activation function-2, S serine, and P proline
multiple, independent functional domains [28]. These include (i) a variable amino-
terminal domain (NTD or A/B region), containing an activation function (AF)-1
with ligand-independent transactivation activity; (ii) a conserved DNA binding
domain (DBD or C region) involved in the recognition of specific DNA ligand
sequences; (iii) a variable hinge region (D) connecting the DBD to the ligand bind-
ing domain (LBD); (iv) and a conserved LBD (E) containing an additional region
for transactivation activity named AF-2. Some receptors contain an additional
highly variable carboxyl-terminal region of unknown function (Fig. 2.2). Of these
functional domains, the NTD is the most variable among nuclear receptors in terms
of length and sequence similarities and is the major target for ligand-dependent
phosphorylation at multiple serine residues [29, 30].
Mineralocorticoid Receptor
MR is encoded by the NR3C2 gene. The human gene is composed of ten exons and
eight introns. The first two exons, 1β and 1α undergo alternative splicing, giving rise
to two different mRNA forms [31]. This alternative transcription is under control of
two distinct promoters whose activities are tissue specific and regulated during
development. The alternative spliced exons encode the 5′ untranslated region of the
transcript and translation starts at exon 2. Both transcript variants result in the same
protein of 984 amino acids [31, 32]. In the adult brain, MR is mostly expressed in
the dorsolateral septum and hippocampus. The highest levels of MR receptors are
detected in the pyramidal layer of the CA1 and CA2 region of the hippocampus and
the granular layer of the dentate gyrus, with lower expression on the pyramidal layer
of the CA3 region of the hippocampus [33, 34]. Outside the brain, the main ligand
for MR is aldosterone, a corticoid hormone also secreted by the adrenal gland at a
concentration 100-fold less than glucocorticoids. Having a similar affinity for glu-
cocorticoids and mineralocorticoids, the coexpression of MR with 11βHSD-2 in
peripheral organs like the kidney provides deterministic signaling properties.
Indeed, the degradation of intra-kidney cortisol by 11βHSD-2 allows MR to bind to
the less abundant aldosterone [22]. Because 11βHSD-2 is mostly absent from the
2 Molecular Biology of Glucocorticoid Signaling 39
adult brain, the preferred MR ligand within the brain is cortisol in humans and
corticosterone in rodents. Corticosterone binding affinity to MR Kd of 0.1–0.3 nM
is very high compared to that of GR Kd of 2–5 nM [35, 36]. One consequence of this
very high affinity is the relatively high occupation of MR with endogenous corticos-
terone that can reach 80 % at a low corticosterone circadian trough level. This trans-
lates into a constant activation of MR signaling regardless of circadian and ultradian
rhythms (Fig. 2.1). What could be the function of a hippocampal glucocorticoid
receptor that would be constantly activated? The hippocampus plays an important
role in the HPA axis regulation as demonstrated by lesion studies [37]. Using differ-
ent pharmacological antagonists, it was demonstrated that blocking MR receptor
activates the HPA axis, suggesting a role of MR on the tonic inhibition of the HPA
axis [36, 38, 39]. Additionally, dentate granular neurons death resulting from adre-
nalectomy can be rescued by hormonal replacement with aldosterone, a specific
MR receptor agonist [40]. Aldosterone treatment also enhances the proliferation
and survival of newly-born granule cells of naïve mice [41]. Given that GR activa-
tion inhibits granule cell proliferation in the hippocampus, it is believed that a
balance of GR/MR activation along the glucocorticoid circadian and ultradian
oscillations controls the electrical activity and number of newly-born neurons in
the adult hippocampus.
Glucocorticoid Receptor
GR is encoded by the NR3C1 gene, comprising 9 exons and 11 introns, and the
protein is coded from exons 2 to 9. Exons 1 and 9 undergo alternative splicing.
Alternative splicing of exon 9 gives rise to two isoforms: the most prevalent GRα
and, and GRβ form that has a shorter C terminus transactivation region [42, 43].
GRα is the majoritarian form and classically shuttles between the cytoplasm and
nucleus depending on signaling. GRβ resides permanently in the nucleus and acts as
a dominant negative inhibitor of the GRα isoform, but can also directly regulate
genes that are not regulated by the α isoform [43, 44]. Additional isoforms of GR
are generated by alternative translation via different initiation sites giving rise to
eight variants with truncated N termini. The resulting isoforms all bind glucocorti-
coids with similar affinities but have different transcriptional activity depending on
the presence or not of the AF1 domain [43]. The expression of GR is ubiquitous and
several isoforms can be co-expressed in many tissues adding to the complexity of GR
signaling. Consequently, GR signaling depends on tissue-specific isoforms, expres-
sion level and glucocorticoid availability (time at exposure, duration and dose).
Given that mice lacking NR3C1 die of lung maturation defects [45, 46], further
tissue specific gene inactivation studies provided valuable information regarding the
role of limbic circuits in the control of the HPA axis and allostatic responses to drugs
of abuse and fear [47–49].
In stark contrast with the MR, it is unlikely that GR is activated at circadian and
ultradian glucocorticoid troughs due to its low affinity for endogenous corticoids.
This is one important feature of glucocorticoid signaling that alternates between
40 M. Arango-Lievano et al.
cycles of MR followed by a MR/GR co-activation both of which are critical for cellular
networks of the limbic system known to co-express both receptor subtypes (Fig. 2.1).
For instance, glucocorticoid circadian peaks are as important as glucocorticoid
troughs for learning and memory. If training at glucocorticoid peaks facilitates the
acquisition of a motor coordination task, the glucocorticoid trough is paramount
for its retention. In vivo imaging studies indicate that glucocorticoid peaks via GR
enhance the formation of dendritic spines, the post-synaptic entity of excitatory
synapses whereas the following troughs via MR permits the elimination of pre-
existing old spines [4]. Overall, the coincidence of glucocorticoid naturally occur-
ring circadian oscillations with procedural learning may favor the patterning of
dendritic spines needed to adjust neural circuit wiring with behavioral demands.
Sub-cellular Distribution
The classic view is that both MR and GR reside in the cytoplasm of cells and shifts
to their nucleus upon ligand binding for transcriptional regulation. Yet, unliganded
GR can be found in the nucleus unbound to chromatin and yet, readily accessible to
cortisol [50–52]. Sub-cellular distribution is actually controlled by the rates of
import and export through the nuclear pores, the directionality being determined by
glucocorticoid binding and recruitment of specific co-factors like importins, HSP90,
FKBP52 and FKBP51. For instance, cytoplasmic location is favored in the absence
of ligand, when GR is bound to a HSP90-FKBP51-based chaperone complex. This
chaperone complex stabilizes the receptor, represses its regulatory activities, and
favors a conformation that facilitates ligand binding [53]. Upon glucocorticoid
binding, the receptor undergoes a conformational change and is released from the
cytoplasmic chaperone-complex. Structural rearrangements elicited upon ligand
binding notably expose nuclear localization signal sequences facilitating the bind-
ing to import proteins and active transport through the nuclear pores. Once in the
nucleus, the interaction of MR and GR with DNA ligands and transcription factors
specify the transcriptional targets involved in the glucocorticoid genomic signaling.
The nucleus is not the only organelle where DNA ligands for the GR have been
characterized [54]. Such discovery opens new avenue for understanding cell auton-
omous metabolic effects of glucocorticoids through the mitochondria [55] (Fig. 2.3).
Since then, mitochondrial GR has been purified in brain extracts from mice sub-
jected to chronic stress [56]. The functional role of mitochondrial GR is still in its
infancy but experiments that forced GR localization to the mitochondria suggests it
is highly toxic [57]. Beyond the dogmatic genomic effects, which are slow at onset
(minutes to hours from the transcription to the bioactivity of regulated genes) exists
rapid non-genomic effects that could rely upon the subcellular distribution of the
receptors. One example is illustrated by the effects of glucocorticoids on neuronal
excitability that cannot be accounted for genomic effects [58, 59], because they are
not only faster than expected from a transcriptional response, but also resistant to
protein synthesis inhibitors [58, 60].
2 Molecular Biology of Glucocorticoid Signaling 41
Fig. 2.3 Subcellular distribution of GR associates with distinct signaling outcomes. Neuronal GR
is abundant in the nucleus, somatic cytoplasm and less abundant but detectable in the mitochondria
and synaptic terminals like post-synaptic dendritic spines. (1) Ligand activated nuclear GR binds
to DNA to induce or repress gene transcription, which target Y may also function as transcription
factor to trigger a second wave of glucocorticoid response involving the gene Z. GR phosphoryla-
tion is tightly control by kinases and phosphatases that regulates the binding of biased signaling
co-factors. (2) Ligand activated GR can translocate to the mitochondria to regulate the production
of ATP and the release of cytochrome C known to endanger the survival prognosis of targeted cells.
(3) Ligand-activated GR signaling from a membrane origin rapidly activates the LIMK1-Cofilin
pathway that impinges on the turnover of the actin cytoskeleton. As a result, glucocorticoids rap-
idly enhance the formation of post-synaptic dendritic spines. (4) The postsynaptic membrane
bound GR first facilitates neurotransmission by enhancing the transport of AMPA receptor sub-
units to the active zone of the synapse, and diminish neurotransmission through a pre-synaptic
mechanism that requires the release of a retrograde messenger (endocannabinoids) that employs a
G-protein coupled receptor (CB1) to suppress the release of the excitatory neurotransmitter
Other Receptors
Ligand-Independent Partners
Chaperone Complex
Numerous proteins have been functionally associated with the liganded MR and
GR. By no means is it the goal of this chapter to enumerate them. Only a small
selection of relevant partners will be emphasized, as it is dependent on post-
translational modifications and subcellular distribution.
2 Molecular Biology of Glucocorticoid Signaling 43
Post-translational Modifications
Nuclear Trafficking
It was long believed that nuclear translocation of GR necessitated the release from
the chaperone complex [90]. The emerging picture is that the entire complex moves
along the microtubule cytoskeleton depending on the recruitment of subtype specific
immunophilins, importins and exportins [91, 92]. GR has two nuclear localization
signals, NL1 and NL2. NL1 supports rapid and hormone independent translocation
[93], whereas NL2 facilitates slower hormone dependent nuclear import [84, 94].
Several importins interact with GR NL regions and mediate its nuclear translocation
across the nuclear pore complex. Importins 7 and 8 bind NL1 and NL2, whereas
importin α/β bind exclusively to NL1 [94]. Evidence of importins and nuclear pore
proteins binding with components of the chaperone complex shed light into the
molecular mechanism of nuclear import. Importin β and nuclear pore glycoprotein
Nup62 bind GR and HSP90, p23, and FKBP52 to accelerate nuclear import rate
[92, 95]. Nuclear export is dependent on exportin/CRM1 as pharmacological block-
ade abolishes GR translocation to the cytosol [52]. Nuclear calcium levels also
impacts upon GR nuclear residency via a direct interaction between the NES
sequences and the calcium-sensing protein calreticulin and other related co-factors
such as SRC-1 and 14-3-3σ [79, 84, 96–98].
DNA Binding
Despite a high degree of homology between MR and GR, common protein complexes,
and similar post-translational modifications such as ubiquitination, sumoylation and
phosphorylation, MR and GR affect distinct gene targets [99]. Yet, GR and MR can
form heterodimers [100, 101], which may modulate transcription of a few target
genes in a unique way that differ from either GR or MR homodimers. One described
example is the serotonin receptor 5HT1A gene which transcription is repressed by GR
and MR alone but GR/MR heterodimers exert an even stronger inhibition [102].
Zinc fingers of the DNA binding domain mediate of GR-DNA interaction that
usually requires the receptor to dimerize with itself or other transcription factors.
Yet, the GRdim mutant that cannot homodimerize is still capable of robust tran-
scriptional regulation at multiple but not all targets-genes [43]. The DNA sequence
also acts as an allosteric ligand that influences GR structure and activity [99].
Classically, GREs have been grouped into three classes: (i) simple GREs;(ii) com-
posite GREs; (iii) and tethering elements [103]. Each class requires GR binding in
different conformations and orientations as follows. Simple GREs are most often
inverted, repeat hexameric sequences separated by three nucleotides, supporting the
homodimerization model of GR. A few negative GREs (nGREs) that mediate
GR-dependent repression have been well characterized [104]. The inverted repeat
IR nGREs found in numerous glucocorticoid-repressed genes [105, 106] support a
model whereby direct binding of GR as monomer is not always required but may
instead involve the recruitment of specific co-factors like nuclear receptor corepressors
1 and 2 (N-CoR) and (SMRT) [105, 107]. Composite GREs contain non-GR binding
2 Molecular Biology of Glucocorticoid Signaling 45
Transcription Cofactors
that bridges transcription factors and RNA pol II, affecting transcription initiation
[122] and elongation [123]. The assembly of select mediator subunits alters
promoter responsiveness to various transcription factors, so distinct subunits and
confirmations are important for GR transcriptional activity. In cell-based reporter
assays, overexpression of MED14 enhances GR transcriptional activity, while
MED1 only enhanced GR activity in the context of MED14 [124].
Rapid glucocorticoid signaling has been particularly studied in the context of neu-
ronal excitability within the range of seconds to minutes. For instance, the excit-
ability of dorsal hippocampal CA1 neurons is sensitive to glucocorticoids within
minutes of exposure as demonstrated by an increase in the frequency of spontane-
ous excitatory neurotransmission (Fig. 2.3). Pharmacological and genetic proof of
concept studies revealed the contribution of the membrane-bound MR [125, 126].
Pharmacological characterization of downstream signaling revealed the requirement
of the ERK1/2 pathway [126]. An increase in frequency of spontaneous excitatory
neurotransmission usually results from an increased quantal release of the neu-
rotransmitter glutamate, and extracellular glutamate levels are augmented following
acute glucocorticoid treatment. As much as glucocorticoids affect presynaptic
neurotransmitters release, rapid glucocorticoid effects on the post-synaptic neuro-
nal terminal were also characterized. Indeed, glucocorticoids through the mem-
brane-bound MR rapidly (few minutes) increase the mobility and dwell time at the
post-synaptic density of glutamate receptors GluR2-AMPAR [127] (Fig. 2.3). Such
effects are usually interpreted as enhancing neurotransmission. Similar observa-
tions were reported in the basoloateral amygdala (BLA) that yet, expresses much
lower MR levels than the hippocampus [66]. Interestingly, the rapid increase of
neuronal excitability by the membrane-bound MR is context dependent as it varied
with a history of glucocorticoid exposure or stress [66]. That is, a second pulse
stimulation of brain slice preparations with corticosterone after washout of a first
pulse decreased the excitability of BLA neurons that a single pulse could increase
[21, 66]. This suggests that time at exposure with glucocorticoids also determines
the signaling outcome. This picture is not the rule because glucocorticoids cause a
rapid (few minutes) suppression of excitatory synaptic inputs in hypothalamic
2 Molecular Biology of Glucocorticoid Signaling 47
CRH- and AVP-releasing neurons of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) [58, 128].
Physiologically, this effect contributes to one of the rapid components of the nega-
tive feedback that deactivates the HPA axis. In this paradigm, a membrane-bound
GR pathway was highlighted using a synthetic membrane impermeant GR agonist
that curiously cannot be abolished by a specific GR antagonist, suggesting the
involvement of a membrane bound GR with non-canonical pharmacological fea-
tures [58]. Suppression of PVN neuronal excitation employs endocannabinoids
released from the post-synaptic membrane and signaling through the CB1 receptor
at the pre-synaptic terminals to suppress glutamate release [58, 129, 130]. Given
this signaling pathway involves small heterotrimeric G protein, this finding recon-
ciles previous data indicating that glucocorticoid signaling of membrane origin is
sensitive to antagonists of MR, GR and G proteins [58, 129]. Finally, glucocorti-
coids enhance dendritic spine formation in the living cortex within minutes of expo-
sure via GR-mediated activation of a LIMK-cofilin pathway that impinges on the
dynamics of the post-synaptic actin cytoskeleton [4] (Fig. 2.3).
While the rapid glucocorticoid signaling serves immediate purposes like the deac-
tivation of the HPA axis, slow glucocorticoid signaling is classically viewed as an
adaptive response of cellular networks to changing environments like the suppres-
sion of CRH transcription to maintain HPA axis homeostasis [131]. Both the rapid
and slow signaling components often studied separately shall be considered as
integrated response overtime. For instance, it is intriguing that only slow effects of
GR and MR phosphorylation on transcriptional activity have been studied given
that phosphorylation occurs within minutes of stimulation with cortisol. In the hip-
pocampus, GR mediated genomic effects (transcription and RNA decay) follow
the rapid increase of hippocampal excitability mediated by MR in order to reduce
neuronal excitability by changing the expression levels of signaling molecules and
ion channels like the L type calcium channel [21, 132]. Such a short-term increase
of hippocampal neurons excitability is viewed as means to consolidate stress-
related memory whereas the following decrease in excitability is viewed as means
to protect hippocampal cell networks from noise information [21]. This picture is
not the rule because glucocorticoids increase excitability in the BLA that persists
after drug washout and is sensitive to protein synthesis inhibitors, GR inhibitors,
and absent in GR knockout mice, pointing towards a genomic GR-dependent
mechanism [66, 133].
Cell-type specific GR-dependent genomic effects are well-illustrated by the
transcription of crh, the major molecular trigger of the HPA axis that is increased in
the amygdala but decreased in the hypothalamic PVN as a function of elevated lev-
els of glucocorticoids [134]. In the cortex, learning-dependent weaving of neural
networks relies on the formation and elimination of synaptic connectivity as a func-
tion of glucocorticoid levels. At glucocorticoid circadian trough when only MR is
activated, elimination of dendritic spines compensate for the increased GR-dependent
48 M. Arango-Lievano et al.
spine formation that occurred during the glucocorticoid circadian peak [4]. This result
is interpreted as if learning associated new spines are offset by the elimination of
pre-existing old spines within distinct temporal domains to shape neural circuits as
a function of novelty.
Fig. 2.4 Glucocorticoid transcriptional effects diverge as a function of BDNF signaling. On top of
glucocorticoid-mediated GR phosphorylation exists a parallel converging pathway that allows
for site-specific GR phosphorylation by the neurotrophic factor BDNF and its receptor TrkB.
The resulting hyperphosphorylated GR can activate or repress new select target genes enriched
with the indicated transcription factors binding sites, as well as potentiate the expression of
GR-sensitive genes. Thus, BDNF-induced GR phosphorylation rewrites the GR transcriptome
toward a cellular network signature by fostering the recruitment of phospho-specific cofactors
One paramount feature of the body’s allostasis resides in the flexibility of the naturally
occurring glucocorticoid rhythms and signaling to changing environments. For
instance, glucocorticoid-mediated allostasis is critical for behavioral adaptation to
novelty, stress coping, learning and memory. Disruption of glucocorticoid circadian
and ultradian rhythms is a hallmark of numerous diseases notably neuropsychiatric. In
contrast, administration of glucocorticoids, which are mainstay of treatment for
50 M. Arango-Lievano et al.
Fig. 2.5 Glucocorticoids employ GR-dependent mechanisms to enhance the formation and the
elimination of post-synaptic dendritic spines within distinct temporal domains. Rapid transcription-
independent GR signaling facilitates the formation of dendritic spines associated with learning
capabilities whereas the slow genomic GR/MR signaling accounts for the stabilization as well as
the elimination of pre-existing old spines, a process that is critical for memory retention. The pat-
terning of dendritic spines through the processes of formation and elimination is critical to adjust
neural connectivity networks in changing environments
numerous disorders, can produce side effects related to brain functions, like psycho-
sis, depression and memory loss. One hypothesis to account for these effects is that
glucocorticoid resistance whether innate or acquired increases the vulnerability to
neurotoxic insults that slowly contribute to the development of numerous disorders of
the nervous and immune systems. Two examples: glucocorticoids do not cause but
worsen the neuropathological feature of Alzheimer’s disease and glucocorticoid resis-
tance that interferes with inflammation, increases the sensitivity to develop a common
cold. Several studies suggest that the growth/survival MAPK pathway regulates
glucocorticoid signaling because diseases featuring glucocorticoid resistance also
exhibit disrupted MAPK activity like asthma and depression. Evolution may have
selected the MAPK pathway to cope with the allostatic overload of stress and form
new memories. One putative mechanism that shows great promises is that MAPKs
modulate glucocorticoid activities in part through the phosphorylation of the gluco-
corticoid receptors. Indeed, MAPK-mediated modulation of GR function appears to
be a central player in the development of glucocorticoid resistance. Future functional
characterization of the GR and MR phosphorylation codes could help comprehend
how glucocorticoid actions can be changed from harmful to protective.
2 Molecular Biology of Glucocorticoid Signaling 51
Acknowledgement We are thankful to Michael Garabedian (New York University) for support
and Inserm’s AVENIR funding program.
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Chapter 3
Mechanisms of Glucocorticoid-Regulated
Gene Transcription
Sebastiaan H. Meijsing
Although glucocorticoids have been used clinically from the 1940s [1], it wasn’t
until 1984 when the coding sequence for its receptor was initially isolated from rat [2]
and soon after its human homolog was cloned [3]. The human gene coding for GR
Fig. 3.1 Domain structure of GR and sites of post-translational modifications. Shown are the
functional domains of GR: The activation function 1 and -2 (AF1, AF2), the DNA-binding domain
(DBD), hinge region (H) and ligand-binding domain (LBD). Also shown are post-translational
modifications (phosphorylation (P); acetylation (A); ubiquitination (U); sumoylation (S)) of either
Serine (S) or Lysine (K) residues. Amino acid numbering refers to human GR
consists of nine exons and can produce a variety of different gene products through
alternative splicing, alternative translational initiation and by post-translational
modifications. Here we describe the functional domains of GR and how alternative
splicing, translational initiation and post-translational modifications generate recep-
tor isoforms with distinct expression profiles and target genes.
Fig. 3.2 Classical GR signaling pathway. Upon ligand binding, cytoplasmic GR dissociates from
chaperone proteins and translocates to the nucleus where it interacts with specific DNA sequences
to control the expression of associated target genes
Fig. 3.3 DNA binding by GR. Glucocorticoid-activated GR can interact with DNA either directly
(top), indirectly via tethering (middle) or can bind to composite elements where it engages in
cross-talk with neighboring DNA-bound transcriptional regulatory factors (bottom)
Arguing for an important role of the DBD in tethered DNA binding, mutations in
this domain interfere with GR’s function as a transcriptional repressor at sites where
it is tethered to the DNA by either AP1 or NFκ(kappa)B [17, 23].
C-terminal to the DBD the hinge region connects the DBD to the ligand binding
domain (LBD). The LBD consists of 12 alpha helixes [24] and ligand binding is
facilitated by several alpha helixes that together form a hydrophobic pocket [24].
Furthermore, the LBD harbors a second dimerization domain, sequences involved
in nuclear translocation upon hormone binding and the activation function 2 (AF2
domain), which mediates the interaction with several coregulators (reviewed in [25]).
In the absence of ligand, GR is predominantly cytoplasmic where the interaction of
the LBD with chaperone proteins such as hsp90 and p23 keep GR in a hormone-
binding competent state (Fig. 3.2) (reviewed in [26]). Ligand binding results in
Hsp90 dissociation, nuclear translocation and conformational changes in helix 12
3 Mechanisms of Glucocorticoid-Regulated Gene Transcription 63
(Fig. 3.2) [26]. These conformational changes facilitate the interaction of the AF2
domain with a variety of coregulators containing LXXLL motifs [24, 26] including
p160 coactivator family members SRC1 and GRIP1 [27, 28].
Although the domains of GR can function in isolation, recent studies indicate
that the domains of nuclear hormone receptors are both functionally and structurally
connected [29–32]. These domain-connections can be rewired depending on the
context in which GR is active and accordingly, different combinations of GR
domains are required to regulate the expression of individual genes [33].
Although a single gene (NR3C1) codes for the glucocorticoid receptor protein,
this gene can give rise to several isoforms with unique expression profiles [34, 35].
In addition, post-translational modifications of these isoforms further expand the
diversity of responses to glucocorticoids. Besides the predominant GR isoform
GRα(alpha), alternative splicing of GR can generate at least four additional iso-
forms: GRβ(beta), GRγ(gamma), GR-A and GR-P [25]. GRβ(beta) differs from
GRα(alpha) in its LBD and is unable to bind hormone [36]. The GRβ(beta) isoform
appears to be transcriptionally inactive and can antagonize the activity of GRα(alpha)
[37]. Accordingly, increased GRβ(beta) levels have been linked to glucocorticoid
resistance in a variety of diseases including asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and acute
lymphoblastic leukemia [37]. Use of an alternative splice-donor site generates the
GRγ(gamma) isoform, which differs from GRα(alpha) in having a single additional
Arginine inserted in the DBD [38]. The Arginine insertion results in gene-specific
effects with most genes being unaffected, whereas some genes are regulated more
strongly and others more weakly [30]. Consistent with a reduced activity towards
certain target genes, GRγ(gamma) has been linked to glucocorticoid resistance in
childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia and small cell lung carcinoma cells [39, 40].
The GR-A and GR-P isoforms lack exons encoding the LBD and consequently lack
the ability to bind ligand [41]. Similar to GRβ(beta) and GRγ(gamma), GR-P can
antagonize the transcriptional activity of GRα(alpha) and has been linked to gluco-
corticoid-resistance [42].
Additional GR isoforms are produced as a consequence of alternative transla-
tional initiation, which generates GR proteins with shorter N-terminal domains
[43]. These translational isoforms differ in their tissue-specific expression and the
transcriptional programs they initiate [44]. Another mechanism that can generate
functional diversity are post-translational modifications. Such modifications can
alter the function of GR and include phosphorylation, acetylation, sumoylation and
ubiquitination (Fig. 3.1) [25]. One example of a post-translational modification that
influences GR activity is the phosphorylation of Serine residues in the N-terminus
of GR. The phosphorylation modulates GR’s interaction with coregulators and
64 S.H. Meijsing
differentially affects its activity towards individual target genes [45]. Another exam-
ple is acetylation of GR by CLOCK, a histone acetyltransferase (HAT) involved in
circadian rhythm. The CLOCK-dependent acetylation of multiple Lysines in the
hinge region of GR interferes with DNA binding resulting in changes in the expression
level of a subset of GR target genes [46, 47].
Together, alternative splicing, translational initiation and post-translational
modifications generate a variety of GR variants with different target genes.
Consequently, differences between cell types and tissues in the expression level of
these isoforms and of the enzymes responsible for post-translational modifications
likely contribute to the highly tissue-specific effects of glucocorticoids.
Chromosomal Binding of GR
The first described “classical” mode of DNA binding is for liganded GR to associate
as a dimer to GR binding sequences (GBSs) [8]. GBSs are typically imperfect pal-
indromic hexameric half-sites separated by a 3bp spacer (Fig. 3.2). Historically,
mostly for practical reasons, studies to identify regulatory sequences exploited by
GR to regulate target genes were focused on promoter regions and have uncovered
numerous promoter-proximal GBSs [48–50]. In support of a role of these GBSs in
the regulation of associated target genes, genomic regions that harbor a GBS as well
as simply the 15bp GBS are sufficient to facilitate GR-dependent transcriptional
activation when localized upstream of heterologous promoters [10, 49]. However,
up until recently it was unclear whether promoter-proximal binding by GR is the
exception or the rule that governs genomic binding and the control of target gene
expression. Technological advances that combine chromatin immunoprecipitation
(ChIP) with next generation sequencing (ChIP-seq) allow the unbiased genome-
wide identification of GR binding sites [51, 52]. Several ChIP-seq studies have
revealed that promoter-proximal binding by GR appears to be the exception and that
the majority of GR binding is at promoter-distal locations [53–56]. One representa-
tive study showed that for genes that are up regulated in response to glucocorticoid
treatment (likely GR target genes), 50 % of the binding sites were located at a dis-
tance greater than 10 kb from the transcriptional start-site (TSS) [54]. Even more
3 Mechanisms of Glucocorticoid-Regulated Gene Transcription 65
striking, for down regulated genes the median distance to the TSS was >100 kb [54].
The finding that only the minority of GR binds promoter-proximal is not specific
for GR but is also seen for related hormone receptors including ER, PPAR and AR
[55, 57, 58]. This suggests that long-range regulation by GR and other hormone
receptors might be responsible for the regulation of a large fraction of target genes.
In support of this idea, a study using chromatin conformation capture showed that
the promoter of the GR-regulated gene Ciz1 was contacted by a GR binding region
located nearly 30 kb away [59].
Bioinformatical analysis of genomic regions bound by GR shows that the canon-
ical 15 bp GBS is highly enriched at such binding sites with one study reporting that
58 % of the bound regions contains a GBS [56]. This underscores the important role
of the canonical GBS in guiding GR to specific genomic locations. It does however
also hint at the existence of alternative sequences that facilitate GR binding at the
remaining 42 % of GR-bound regions.
Several ChIP-seq studies made the striking observation that only a fraction of all GR
binding regions appears to contain the canonical 15 bp GBS [54, 56]. This indicates
that GR may be able to bind to very degenerate sequences with the assistance of
another transcriptional regulatory factor. Moreover, sequences other than the canoni-
cal GBS might be able to recruit GR to specific genomic loci (Fig. 3.3). Such sequences
could either bind proteins that tether GR to the DNA or alternatively GR might be able
to interact directly with a broader spectrum of DNA sequences. In support of this,
studies with the hormone-repressed gene POMC uncovered GR-bound sequences that
resemble the canonical GBSs somewhat but lack similarity to the consensus motif at
key positions [60]. Interestingly, whereas regulation from canonical GBSs is typically
associated with activation of transcription, the promoter region of the POMC gene
mediated transcriptional repression when fused to a luciferase reporter gene and was
therefore called negative glucocorticoid response element (nGRE). This repression
was lost when the GBS-like sequence was changed to resemble a canonical GBS [60].
In isolation however, this sequence failed to confer repression arguing that its function
relies on other functional elements present at the POMC promoter [60]. Another class
of sequences that has been proposed to directly interact with GR are inverted repeats
of CTCC that have a spacing of either 0, 1 or 2 base pairs [61]. These sequences are
associated with genes that are repressed by GR. Notably, binding of GR to canoni-
cal GBSs strictly requires a 3 bp spacer to position two GR molecules such that they
can effectively dimerize [9]. The variable spacing for these nGREs suggests that
dimerization might not be required at these nGREs and accordingly structural studies
suggest monomeric GR-binding to the half sites (Fig. 3.3) [62].
Together these studies suggest that GR is able to interact directly with a variety
of sequence motifs to control the expression of associated target genes.
66 S.H. Meijsing
The absence of canonical GBSs in ChIP-seq peaks can also be explained by tethered
DNA binding by GR (Fig. 3.3). Tethered GR binding has predominantly been linked
to transcriptional repression and has been proposed for several transcriptional regu-
latory factors including NFκ(kappa)B [21], AP1 [18–20], STAT3 [22, 63] and
NGFI-B [64]. For NFκ(kappa)B, the p65 (RelA) subunit physically interacts with
GR [21] and recruits GR to NFκ(kappa)B response elements [65]. The ability of GR
to repress from NFκ(kappa)B sites can be recapitulated using reporters plasmids
simply harboring NFκ(kappa)B sites driving the expression of a luciferase reporter
gene arguing that tethered binding to NFκ(kappa)B mediates the repressive effects
of GR [66]. Genome-wide studies using ChIP-seq, showed that co-treatment of
cells with dexamethasone, a synthetic GR ligand, and with TNFα(alpha) to activate
NFκ(kappa)B resulted in GR binding to approximately a thousand additional
genomic regions when compared to the binding profile when cells were treated with
dexamethasone alone [67]. These additional binding regions are enriched for
NFκ(kappa)B binding sites suggesting that tethered binding might occur quite fre-
quently [67]. However, it could also be that part or all of the gained binding is a
simple consequence of NFκ(kappa)B-induced changes in chromatin accessibility
that makes previously inaccessible GR binding regions available.
AP1 is another factor that physically interacts with GR [18] and has been impli-
cated in tethering GR to DNA [68]. Similar to the observation for NFκ(kappa)B,
tethered binding by AP1 is linked to transcriptional repression. This repression can
be recapitulated using a luciferase reporter that contains a single copy of the AP1
consensus sequence driving expression of a luciferase reporter gene [69]. Other
proteins implicated in tethering GR to the DNA are members of the signal trans-
ducer and activator of transcription (STAT) family. GR physically interacts with
several STAT proteins including STAT1 [70], STAT3 [63] and STAT5 [71]. Genome-
wide profiling of STAT3 and GR binding suggests that GR may be tethered to the
DNA by STAT3 at about 300 genomic binding sites and that such binding events are
almost exclusively associated with transcriptional repression by GR [22].
Binding sites for GR in the genome are not present in isolation but are surrounded
by sequence motifs that can be occupied by other transcriptional regulatory factors
(Fig. 3.3). Accordingly, analysis of GR ChIP-seq peaks shows a cell-type specific
overrepresentation of various sequence motifs [56]. Recent studies underscore the
important role of combinatorial binding in transcriptional regulation by GR and for
transcriptional regulatory factors in general [72, 73]. The study by Siersbaek and
coworkers analyzed five transcriptional regulatory factors involved in adipogenesis
including GR (out of the more than a thousand transcriptional regulatory factors
encoded in the human genome) [72]. ChIP-seq of these factors showed combinatorial
3 Mechanisms of Glucocorticoid-Regulated Gene Transcription 67
binding of GR with at least one other factor for >93 % and simultaneous binding of all
5 factors for 25 % of all GR binding events [72]. These “hotspots” of transcriptional
regulatory factor binding were also found by the encode consortium that looked at
>100 transcriptional regulatory factors [73, 74]. The co-occurrence of a GR binding
site with recognition sequences for “partner” transcriptional regulatory factors can
give rise to a broad spectrum of signaling cross-talk. A commonly observed type of
cross-talk is a synergetic interaction between GR and other transcription factors.
For example, knockdown of C/EBPβ(beta) results in a reduction of GR binding at
co-occupied sites whereas binding at control sites that are not co-occupied are not
affected [72]. The knockdown of factors co-occupying “hotspots” revealed a highly
cooperative nature of transcriptional regulatory factor binding at these sites [72].
Synergetic interactions likely reflect at least in part effects of chromatin (chromatin
accessibility) where several transcriptional regulatory factors cooperate to keep
genomic sites accessible. This might explain the many synergetic interactions with
other transcriptional regulatory factors that have been described for GR which
include SP1, NF1, STAT3, COUP-TFII and AP1 [75–78].
The cross-talk between GR and other transcriptional regulatory factors at combina-
torial binding sites can also be antagonistic. For example, at the osteocalcin promoter,
the GR binding site overlaps the TATA box and GR binding thereby antagonizes TFIID
binding to the TATA box and transcriptional initiation [79]. Another example of an
antagonistic interaction between GR due to overlapping binding sites is found at the
prolactin gene where the GR binding sites overlaps site for Oct1 and Pbx1 [80]. GR can
also antagonize the activity of other factors via non-overlapping binding sites as was
shown for the glutathione S-transferase A2 gene [81]. Here binding of GR to a GBS-
like sequence results in the recruitment of the transcriptional co-repressor SMRT to
repress C/EBP- and NRF2-mediated activation [81]. For the mouse proliferin gene,
depending on the composition of the proteins that bind to the dimeric AP1 binding site,
GR can either act antagonistically or synergistically [82].
The complex nature of interactions between GR and other transcriptional regu-
latory proteins illustrates the complexity of signaling cross-talk occurring at com-
posite elements. This complexity can potentiate the ability of GR to regulate genes
in a cell type specific manner and to tailor its activity towards individual genes.
Gene-specific effects can for instance be a consequence of differences in the local
sequence of the GR binding site. Similarly, the cell-type specific expression and
binding of transcriptional regulatory factors that engage in synergistic interactions
with GR can explain tissue-specific effects.
Another fascinating fact that the genome-wide analysis uncovered is that the
genomic binding pattern of GR shows little overlap (<5 % [53]) between cell-types
[56], and personal unpublished results). The highly tissue-specific binding by GR
68 S.H. Meijsing
Fig. 3.4 Chromatin features influence DNA binding by GR. Chromatin features either negatively
or positively correlating with genomic DNA binding by GR. Negative: closed chromatin (top).
Positive: closed chromatin, nucleosome free DNA, enrichment for the H2A.Z histone variant, pres-
ence of other transcriptional regulatory factors and of histone modifications H3K4me1 and
H3K27ac (bottom)
indicates that the sequence of GR binding sites alone is insufficient to explain where
in the genome GR binds. Thus, DNA sequence specifies where in the genome GR
could bind and other inputs including the chromatin landscape are needed to specify
where GR actually does bind (Fig. 3.4). One aspect of the chromatin landscape that
appears to be a major contributor is chromatin-accessibility as assayed by DNase-I
accessibility assays [53, 78]. These studies showed that the majority of GR binding
occurs in genomic regions that are DNase-I accessible (“open”) prior to hormone
treatment [53, 78]. Interestingly, which regions of the genome are actually “open”
appears to be highly cell-type specific [53, 73]. So an emerging picture is that
3 Mechanisms of Glucocorticoid-Regulated Gene Transcription 69
Transcriptional Regulation by GR
The transcriptional process begins with the recruitment of RNA polymerases to the
transcriptional start site (TSS) by the pre-initiation complex (PIC). After recruitment,
the RNA polymerases proceed through distinct steps of the transcription cycle:
initiation, elongation and termination. RNA polymerases are multi-protein com-
plexes, which change their composition and/or carry different modifications depen-
dent on the step in the transcription cycle. For example, RNA polymerase II is
differentially phosphorylated in the C-terminal tail domain (CTD) of its largest sub-
unit dependent on whether it is initiating, elongating or terminating (reviewed in
[90]). Gene regulation depends on the action of transcriptional regulatory factors,
like GR. GR can exploit a broad spectrum of mechanisms to influence the expres-
sion level of genes. Such mechanisms include influencing RNA stability [91–93],
sequestering or influencing the activity state of other transcriptional regulatory factors
by protein:protein interactions [94, 95] that thus does not require direct interactions
of GR with DNA or with the RNA polymerase machinery. Here however, we will
focus on transcriptional effects in response to glucocorticoids that involve DNA
binding and RNA polymerase II. GR may affect the state of RNA Polymerase II
directly (e.g., the phosphorylation state of the CTD or the assembly of the PIC).
Alternatively, GR can modulate RNA polymerase II’s regulatory role indirectly by
recruiting coregulators such as histone modifying enzymes, chromatin remodelers
or the mediator complex that bridges the interaction with RNA polymerase II
(Fig. 3.5). GR can either increase the transcription rate (hence acting as an activator)
or can reduce—or even eliminate—transcription (acting as a repressor). This para-
graph presents an overview of different classes of coregulators and their role in
mediating the transcriptional effects of GR.
Fig. 3.5 Coregulators and their role in GR-dependent regulation of promoter activity. Overview
of interacting coregulators (proteins and RNA) of GR that can either directly or indirectly influ-
ence the recruitment or activity of RNA polymerase II and thereby the transcriptional output.
Abbreviations: HATS histone acetyltransferases, HDACs histone deacetylases, NELF negative
elongation factor, PIC pre-initiation complex, TBP TATA-binding protein, eRNA enhancer RNA
The past decades have generated a wealth of mechanistic insight into how GR
orchestrates the transcriptional response of cells and tissues to glucocorticoid
hormones. It is becoming increasingly clear that these responses are highly context-
specific and that chromatin plays a key role in dictating which transcriptional
program is initiation in a particular cell type. In addition to the cell-type-specific
74 S.H. Meijsing
effects, GR also appears to have highly gene-specific effects within a cell. This might
complicate research as there are perhaps few universally applicable operating prin-
ciples for GR in transcriptional regulation. It also provides an opportunity to try to
activate GR in a targeted way that may selectively affect the expression of a subset
of genes and thereby might result in therapeutic usage of glucocorticoids with fewer
side effects. One approach in this regard has been to develop synthetic GR ligands
with selective activities [126, 127]. Several such ligands do indeed regulate subsets
of GR target genes [126, 127]. However, if and to what extend ligands can be identi-
fied that display such selectivity towards the therapeutically relevant target genes
remains to be seen.
There are still lots of open-ended questions related to transcriptional responses to
glucocorticoids that will keep researchers busy for decades to come. For example,
ChIP-seq experiments have uncovered thousands of GR binding sites and although
regulated genes tend to have more GR binding sites in their vicinity, there are plenty
of genes that are not regulated despite having a GR binding site nearby. This raises
the question: What distinguishes a productive GR binding site (resulting in the regu-
lation of associated genes) from ones where nearby genes are not regulated?
A major complication in answering this question is that binding sites are assigned to
a gene based on proximity along the linear DNA chain and not based on established
functional connections between binding sites and genes. Some of these binding
sites are located 100 s of kb away from the TSS and therefore could just as well be
connected to other genes that are perhaps closer when the three dimensional organi-
zation of the nucleus is taken into account. Recently developed techniques to edit
the genome like zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs), transcription activator-like effector
nucleases (TALENs) and the CRISPR/Cas9 RNA-guided system provide the oppor-
tunity to disrupt genomic binding sites of GR and thereby to determine functional
connections between binding sites and regulated genes [128–130]. Another
approach to link binding sites to genes is to systematically determine the physical
contacts between GR binding sites and TSSs of genes. Such long-range looping
interactions can be identified with the use of chromatin conformation capture
(3C)-based techniques and have shown a clear correlation between long-range con-
tacts and transcriptional regulation by transcriptional regulatory factors [131, 132].
A final challenge is to understand how the integration of various inputs warrants that
the right genes are expressed at the correct level in response to glucocorticoids.
Many of these inputs that modulate the transcriptional responses have been identi-
fied including receptor isoform, post-translational modification state, ligand and
interaction with other biological macromolecules including proteins and
DNA. Likely however, additional inputs exist. For example, the role of the non-
coding RNA universe is still largely unexplored and studies with ER have shown
that so called enhancer RNAs (eRNAs, see Fig. 3.5) produced at ER binding sites
are required for long-range looping and the transcriptional regulation of ER target
genes [133]. Ultimately, a detailed knowledge of the signaling inputs and how they
are integrated at individual genes will yield a greater understanding of the heteroge-
neity in GR signaling in health and disease and may one day improve the therapeu-
tic use of glucocorticoids in the clinic.
3 Mechanisms of Glucocorticoid-Regulated Gene Transcription 75
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Chapter 4
Clinical Perspective: What Do Addison
and Cushing Tell Us About Glucocorticoid
Charles Harris
Abstract This chapter is distinct from the others in its clinical subject matter. I will
attempt to outline the major points of interest in glucocorticoids clinically. To aid
the illustration in the evaluation of a patient with Cushing disease I have created a
case study.
The HPA axis is a classic endocrine feedback system. The hypothalamus produces
CRH in response to circadian cues as well as in response to stress from other
regions of the brain. CRH binds to CRH receptors found in the pituitary and
stimulates ACTH release. ACTH binds to the ACTH receptors (MC2R) in the
adrenal gland and stimulates the synthesis and release of cortisol. Cortisol in turn
via the glucocorticoid receptor inhibits release of CRH and ACTH. Glucocorticoid
excess can be broken down into endogenous excess and iatrogenic due to exoge-
nous glucocorticoid administration for the treatment of any of a number of
diseases. Endogenous glucocorticoid excess could theoretically arise from hyper-
activity at each of the levels of the HPA axis. Although there are case reports of
excess CRH secretion causing Cushing’s syndrome, it is a very rare event. The
most common cause of endogenous hypercortisolemia is due to pituitary tumors
of the ACTH secreting corticotroph lineage. Excess glucocorticoid exposure
results in Cushing syndrome and when this is due to an ACTH producing pituitary
tumor it is known as Cushing disease. Less commonly, a tumor of the adrenal
gland can become autonomous of regulation by ACTH and secrete excess gluco-
corticoids. The least common form of endogenous hypercortisolemia is due to
ectopic ACTH syndrome, when a non-pituitary tumor secretes ACTH which can
stimulate the adrenal gland. Therefore, endogenous glucocorticoid excess can be
broken into ACTH-dependent disease (pituitary tumor and ectopic ACTH) and
ACTH-independent disease (adrenal tumor). So the overall evaluation of a patient
with signs of glucocorticoid excess is to determine if it is exogenous or endoge-
nous, confirm the diagnosis of endogenous hypercortisolism and determine
the source.
It has been greater than 100 years since Harvey Cushing published a case report of
23-year old Minnie G who presented with central obesity, elevated systolic blood
pressure and laevulose intolerance. Today, the most common cause of glucocorticoid
excess unfortunately is iatrogenic use of glucocorticoid medications for the treat-
ment of inflammatory diseases. Endogenous glucocorticoid excess is a rare disease,
but must never be forgotten as a cause of Cushing syndrome. The clinician’s job has
become even more difficult given the increasing prevalence of metabolic syndrome
which is a subset of Cushing syndrome. However, patients with metabolic syn-
drome have normal serum cortisol levels. The approach to diagnose Cushing’s syn-
drome varies by nation, medical center and practitioner, but I will put forth a general
approach. First, the diagnosis of endogenous glucocorticoid excess must be made.
This can be done by several complementing approaches. A 24 h urine cortisol is
helpful. A midnight serum cortisol would be very helpful because the normal circa-
dian pattern of cortisol secretion is lost in endogenous glucocorticoid excess.
Therefore, cortisol is very low in normals and does not suppress at night in patients
with endogenous hypercortisolism. Because of the practical difficulties in obtaining
such testing (patient laboratories are generally not open at that hour, and it is not
practical for patients to go to the ER for a blood draw) salivary cortisol levels have
been used to obtain similar information. Salivary tests have the advantage of being
less invasive, which not only do patients prefer, but also are less likely to induce a
stress response as phlebotomy might. The patient collects a saliva sample at midnight
in the convenience of their home and returns the sample to the clinical lab for analy-
sis. In addition to a 24 h urine cortisol, a dexamethasone suppression test is helpful
in establishing a diagnosis of endogenous glucocorticoid excess. The patient takes
a 1 mg dose of the potent glucocorticoid dexamethasone at 11 p.m. at home and then
serum cortisol is measured at 8 a.m. the next day. In normal patients the dexametha-
sone will suppress CRH and ACTH secretion and therefore cortisol secretion to less
than 2. If the patient does not perform their portion of the test properly, i.e., they do
4 Clinical Perspective: What Do Addison and Cushing Tell Us About Glucocorticoid… 85
not take it at the correct time or do not take it at all, the “normal” AM cortisol will
appear non-suppressed and the patient will have a false positive result. In these
cases, and in a few cases of altered dexamethasone metabolism [1], one can obtain
a serum dexamethasone level to determine if the patient has adequate dexametha-
sone levels to suppress cortisol production, but this is rarely necessary in practice.
Once the diagnosis of endogenous glucocorticoid excess is established, one needs
to determine the source. An AM measurement of ACTH indicates whether the
patient has ACTH dependent disease (ACTH is normal or high) or ACTH indepen-
dent disease (ACTH is suppressed). If the ACTH is in the low normal range, the
clinician will need to consider both ACTH dependent or independent disease.
ACTH independent disease is most likely due to adrenal adenomas and a CT scan
is indicated to evaluate for this. If there is a single adenoma, unilateral resection
should be curative. If there is bilateral disease one must decide whether to resect the
dominant (larger) nodule containing adrenal, pursue definitive curative bilateral
adrenalectomy, or medical therapy. If removal of the adrenal containing the domi-
nant nodule is not curative, a second surgery to remove the remaining cortical ade-
noma may be necessary. This is particularly true in cases of macronodular adrenal
hyperplasia. Some centers can perform cortical- sparing resection of such tumors,
or depending on the severity of Cushing’s syndrome, patient may opt for medical
therapy. Cortical sparing adrenalectomy has usually been performed in the setting
of medullary disease, such as pheochromocytoma, but has been reported for
Cushings due to adrenal tumors as well [2].
The advantage of bilateral adrenalectomy is it is a definitive cure, not just for
adrenal Cushing’s, but all forms of endogenous hypercortisolism. The disadvantage
of this procedure is it renders the patient permanently adrenally insufficient and this
has been correlated with decreased quality of life [3]. If bilateral adrenalectomy is
pursued for Cushing’s disease it leaves open the possibility of accelerated growth of
a pituitary tumor. This is because the pituitary tumor has been partially suppressed
by cortisol and if this is removed, unopposed growth of the tumor, so called Nelson’s
syndrome can occur [4]. Furthermore, bilateral adrenalectomy in ectopic ACTH
does not address the underlying problem of the ectopic tumor. For ACTH dependent
disease the clinician must determine if the source of the ACTH is from the pituitary
or an ectopic source. Some centers rely on a second dexamethasone suppression
test, using higher amounts of dexamethasone administered over 2 days and the
percent dexamethasone suppression as an indicator of pituitary vs. ectopic disease.
This “hi-dose dexamethasone suppression test” takes advantage of the fact that pitu-
itary tumors can be partially suppressed, while suppression is completely lacking in
ectopic ACTH. However, given that the pre-test probability of pituitary disease in
ACTH dependent disease is ~90 % and is comparable to the sensitivity of this
high-dose dexamethasone suppression test, I do not use it in my practice. The next
step is an MRI of the pituitary gland. Because most pituitary adenomas causing
Cushing’s disease are small, a negative MRI does not exclude the possibility of
Cushing’s disease. The sensitivity of MRI is ~3–4 mm and remarkably pituitary
tumors smaller than this can cause full-blown Cushing’s disease. Generally, if there
86 C. Harris
Case Study
A 45 year old female presents with worsening weight gain, diabetes and hypertension
over the last 3 years. During that time she has gradually gained 30 lbs and gone
from having a normal blood pressure to elevated blood pressure that is poorly con-
trolled on three blood pressure medications. In addition, she stopped menstruating 2
years ago, and notices some disturbing growth of facial hair. She developed excess
urination 1 year ago and was diagnosed with diabetes at that time. On physical
88 C. Harris
exam she is afebrile, hypertensive (BP 180/100) with a pulse of 90, she has a round
“moon” facies, dorsorcervical fat (buffalo hump), supraclavicular fat, her heart is
beating with regular rate and rhythm, and her breath sounds are normal. Her abdo-
men shows central obesity and her extremities are thin. Her skin is thin when rubbed
between the examiners fingers and she has purple stretch marks (striae) on the sides
of her abdomen. She is tearful, when describing her recent problems and adds that
her moods have been much more labile over the last 2 years. She is alert and ori-
ented to person, place and time. She has mildly decreased strength and has difficulty
rising from a chair without using her hands.
Her current medications include: Lisinopril, hydrochlorothiazide, atenolol, met-
formin, glipizide. She denies taking any glucocorticoid medications.
She has had some blood work done by her primary care provider
HgbA1C 9.0 (normal <6.0)
Cortisol 22 mcg/dL (done at 9 a.m., normal 9–24 mcg/dL)
ACTH 65 pg/mL (done at 9 a.m., normal 6–55 pg/mL)
You tell her, you suspect she has Cushing’s syndrome due to endogenous gluco-
corticoid excess, but that you will need to run some additional tests. You order a test
for 24-h urine cortisol. In addition, you order a blood serum cortisol to be done
8–10 a.m. the morning after she takes a 1 mg dose of dexamethasone that you write
a prescription for. Importantly, you tell her to do the dexamethasone suppression
test after she has completed the 24-h urine collection.
She returns to the clinic 1 week later with the following results
24-h urine cortisol is 302 mcg (normal <50 mcg), creatinine is 900 mg in a volume
of 2.1 L.
Cortisol in the AM 10.0 (after having taken 1 mg of dexamethasone the night prior
at 11 p.m.).
The case is informative as to the effects of glucocorticoids on the body. One of
the most important elements of this patient’s history is that she did not take gluco-
corticoids. This is important because glucocorticoids are given as medications for
several common conditions including asthma, emphysema (COPD), inflammatory
bowel disease and rheumatoid arthritis. As a practical point, since patients may
not be familiar with the term “glucocorticoid” it is useful to list the names of the
commonly used glucocorticoids such as prednisone, hydrocortisone, cortef, dexa-
methasone, etc. Usually Cushing’s syndrome is only seen with systemic glucocorti-
coid exposure, but it is possible to receive enough systemic exposure from injections
into the joint, inhaled preparations, or topical preparations [8–10]. There were a
large number of cases of Cushing’s syndrome in HIV patients taking the inhaled
glucocorticoid fluticasone because the commonly used anti-viral medication ritona-
vir inhibited the body’s system of breakdown for the inhaled glucocorticoid, thereby
raising levels of the inhaled glucocorticoid in the blood [11]. Another relevant point is
that one cannot rule in or rule out Cushing’s disease with the serum cortisol levels alone.
Cortisol is secreted in a circadian manner with peaks in the early morning and nadirs
4 Clinical Perspective: What Do Addison and Cushing Tell Us About Glucocorticoid… 89
in the evening and night. Patients with endogenous hypercortisolemia often have
normal peak cortisol levels but have failure to reduce levels in the evening. This is
why either a 24-h urine collection or a midnight salivary cortisol test is needed.
Glucocorticoids are known to increase adiposity, but the exact mechanisms under-
lying this are unknown. Glucocorticoids are known to increase appetite, and in fact
are used off-label for this purpose for such conditions such as cancer cachexia [12].
Megestrol is a commonly used glucocorticoid appetite stimulant in patients with
cachexia due to cancer or AIDS. Glucocorticoids are also known to stimulate adipo-
genesis, the formation of fat cells from fat cell precursors such as adipocytes. In fact
much of what we know about adipocyte biology has been learned using a cell line
3T3-L1 that is a fibroblast, but can be differentiated into adipocytes with a chemical
cocktail including glucocorticoids. This patient has evidence of lipodystrophy with
the buffalo hump, supraclavicular fat, central obesity, and loss of fat from her arms
and legs. Although there is a net gain of fat mass the redistribution of fat in Cushing’s
syndrome is more prominent. This redistribution is due to increased breakdown of
fat in some depots and enhanced synthesis in other. All depots undergo futile cycling
of fat continuously breaking it down and resynthesizing it, so it is not difficult to see
if the net synthesis/breakdown of the various depots was altered, one could get
fat redistribution. In fact, it is remarkable that we are able to keep our fat depots
in a constant distribution. Similarly, it is known that glucocorticoids raise blood
pressure. This is likely due to effects on the endothelium, the kidney, and the heart
(see Chap. 13). In addition, some of the effects of glucocorticoids to raise blood
pressure are mediated by the mineralocorticoid receptor and some are mediated
through the glucocorticoid receptor. Glucocorticoids can bind to the mineralocorti-
coid receptor, but when glucocorticoids are present at normal levels, they are inac-
tivated locally in the kidney via the 11-b-HSD2 enzyme. However, when endogenous
glucocorticoids are found at very high levels, they can overcome this inhibition and
are free to bind to the mineralocorticoid receptor which increases blood pressure
and lowers serum potassium. However, it is also clear that glucocorticoids raise
blood pressure through the glucocorticoid receptor as well because synthetic gluco-
corticoids that do not bind the mineralocorticoid receptor also raise blood pressure.
Usually, the increase in blood pressure is more severe than that seen in the general
population (“essential” hypertension). The fact that this patient’s blood pressure is
very high while on three blood pressure medications is an indicator of the severity
of the problem. The loss of menses can also be directly attributed to glucocorticoids
as glucocorticoids suppress the hypothalamic-pituitary gonadal axis. Of course, loss
of menses could be due to menopause. This patient had loss of menses at age 43,
which is several standard deviations away from the population mean of age 51. If she
did not have an obvious cause such as her Cushing’s syndrome, other hormone testing
would be helpful. It is possible she is having early menopause. In that case her FSH
and LH would be elevated due to loss of negative feedback from estrogen that is no
longer being produced by her ovaries. If her lack of periods (amenorrhea) is due to
Cushing’s syndrome, we expect her serum FSH and LH to be low. Ockham’s razor,
that the simplest explanation is usually the correct one, would dictate her amenorrhea
90 C. Harris
is due to Cushing’s. Other common hormonal abnormalities that could cause loss
of menses include hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and elevated prolactin levels.
These scenarios would involve a distinct set of associated signs and symptoms.
The growth of facial hair is common in endogenous glucocorticoid excess. In both
ACTH-dependent and independent disease the adrenal gland is stimulated. The
adrenal gland makes both glucocorticoids and androgens and the latter class of
compounds will cause the increased facial hair in women. The excess urination
(polyuria) is a direct consequence of diabetes and the diabetes could also be due to
glucocorticoid excess. Although the exact mechanisms for this are not known,
glucocorticoids are known to stimulate gluconeogenesis by the liver. Increased
production of glucose by the liver can raise the serum glucose causing diabetes.
In addition, glucocorticoids cause insulin resistance in peripheral tissues such as
muscle and adipose tissue. Normally insulin stimulates these tissues to take up
glucose from the blood, but in a state of insulin resistance glucose uptake is reduced,
also raising serum glucose. Her skin is thin, because glucocorticoids suppress the
synthesis of collagens. It is difficult to appreciate skin thickness visually so it is
necessary to pick up the skin, usually on the back of the patients hand, between the
examiner’s thumb and forefinger. Of course, skin thickness decreases with age in
the general population, so this must be taken into account. The glucocorticoids also
cause the pigmented stretch marks, known as striae. Striae are virtually pathogno-
monic for Cushing’s syndrome; i.e., when they occur, the patient usually has
Cushing’s syndrome. Her neurological exam was notable for muscle weakness as
evidenced by her difficulty rising from a chair without using her arms. Glucocorticoids
cause myopathy or muscle wasting. The pattern shows a proximal myopathy, with
the larger muscles towards the center of the body being preferentially affected.
Because, these are the muscles required to rise from a seat (without using one’s
hands), this is a good clinical test for proximal myopathy. Again, there are multiple
causes of proximal myopathy, but in the setting of this patient it is likely due to
glucocorticoid excess. Glucocorticoids induce muscle wasting by transcriptionally
activating genes encoding proteases that breakdown muscle protein into amino
acids. These amino acids are sent to the liver where they are converted to glucose.
Her neurological history and exam are notable for mood changes and labile moods.
Glucocorticoids cause pronounced cognitive changes including depression, psychoses
and impairments in learning and memory. The patient’s further laboratory testing
confirms endogenous glucocorticoid excess as evidenced by increased urine corti-
sol and failure to suppress cortisol secretion in the dexamethasone suppression test.
Ingesting 1 mg of dexamethasone at 11 p.m. should suppress serum cortisol levels
to less than 2 mcg/dL the next morning (reference range in the morning in the
absence of dexamethasone is 9–24 mcg/dL). Since, a diagnosis of endogenous
hypercortisolism has been confirmed we can use the serum ACTH to distinguish
whether she has ACTH-dependent or -independent disease. Since her ACTH is
above 20, she has ACTH dependent disease. We tell her she needs an MRI of her
pituitary gland, which is obtained and shows a 4 mm tumor in her pituitary. Because
the tumor is quite small and could be an incidental finding in any person “off the
street”, we tell her we need to confirm that this small tumor is the source of ACTH
4 Clinical Perspective: What Do Addison and Cushing Tell Us About Glucocorticoid… 91
that is causing her glucocorticoid excess. In fact the incidence of pituitary tumors in
autopsy series and MRI or CT scans of normal people ranges from 5 to 20 % and have
been given the humorous name pituitary incidentaloma [13, 14]. If her pituitary
tumor had been larger (>6 mm), such petrosal sampling would be deemed unneces-
sary by some and she could be referred directly to a neurosurgeon. She undergoes
petrosal sampling and has a petrosal-peripheral gradient of ACTH of 4 before CRH
and 6 after CRH. This confirms that the pituitary is the source of excess ACTH driv-
ing her adrenal to produce excess cortisol. You tell her she stands a good chance of
being cured following surgical resection of the tumor. You send her to a neurosur-
geon that has experience operating on these tumors using the transphenoidal
approach. The pituitary is in the center of your head, underneath the region of the
brain known as the hypothalamus. A craniotomy (cutting through the skull) can be
avoided if the surgeon goes through the sphenoid sinus by cutting through the back
of the patient’s nose. The patient goes for neurosurgery and the surgeon finds the
tumor, excises it and sends it to the pathology lab. The next morning the patient’s
cortisol level is 0.6 and she is started on glucocorticoids: hydrocortisone 20 mg in
the AM and 10 mg at 3 p.m. It does seem counter-intuitive to give glucocorticoids
to the patient after their body has been plagued by too much glucocorticoids, but it
is necessary as the patient will have adrenal insufficiency because the HPA axis has
been suppressed. If the patient is not given glucocorticoids, they could have adrenal
crisis and die. Patients can be started on a replacement dose of glucocorticoids.
However, patients on a replacement dose often have symptoms of glucocorticoid
deficiency, so-called “glucocorticoid withdrawal syndrome”, because they are
accustomed to much higher doses of glucocorticoids. There is likely a reset rheostat
of glucocorticoid “tone”. The clinician must weigh the need to wean patients to
replacement doses of glucocorticoids to minimize excess glucocorticoid exposure
with patient discomfort at physiological levels of glucocorticoids. Patients should
be able to be weaned to replacement dose of glucocorticoids within a few months of
surgery. At this point, one can assess patients periodically with AM cortisol to deter-
mine when their HPA axis will become non-suppressed. I typically check an AM
cortisol every 3 months, until the AM cortisol is greater or equal than 7 at which
point I perform an ACTH stimulation test. If they pass the ACTH stimulation test,
I will slowly withdraw the replacement glucocorticoids. Again here one is balanc-
ing minimizing the need for glucocorticoids with the inconvenience and cost of
performing too many ACTH stimulation tests. Two-weeks after her surgery our
patient develops right calf pain and swelling. She undergoes ultrasound of the veins
in her leg which show a deep vein thrombosis. She is started on anticoagulant ther-
apy. Our patient was told to hold her dose of hydrocortisone the morning of her
blood test and obtain an AM cortisol 3 month post-operatively. It is 4 (low) so she
is told to obtain another test 3 months later (6 months post-operatively) and it is now
9 (lower limit of normal). She returns for an ACTH stimulation test and her cortisol
is now 21 45 min after receiving an IM injection of 250 μg of cosyntropin (ACTH).
Her dose of hydrocortisone is weaned by 2.5 mg every week (alternating reducing the
AM and PM dose) so that after another 6 weeks she is off all medication. Her anti-
coagulant therapy is discontinued. On her next visit she states her menses have
92 C. Harris
returned and a repeat 24-h urine cortisol is in the normal change. She obtains an
MRI 6 months post-operatively to obtain a baseline image of the post-surgical
changes. Given all these obvious signs and symptoms, one may ask whether there
are any negative health consequences of Cushing’s syndrome that are less obvious.
In fact, one of the gravest health concerns in these patients is silent: osteoporosis.
The rates of fracture in patients with Cushing’s syndrome are quite high and higher
than one would predict based on patients’ bone mineral density [15]. This is likely
due to poor bone quality, but also other non-bone related factors that contribute to
fractures. Glucocorticoids impact bone on many levels. Glucocorticoids cause osteo-
blast apoptosis, osteoclast activation. In addition glucocorticoids cause hypogonad-
ism in males and females which has a negative impact on bone health. In addition,
glucocorticoids cause GH deficiency further impacting bone. In addition, glucocor-
ticoids act as functional antagonists of vitamin D decreasing absorption of calcium.
In addition, the glucocorticoid induced muscle weakness contributes to falls, which
increases the likelihood of fractures. Bisphosphonates and recombinant PTH
(Forteo, Teriparatide) have been shown to treat glucocorticoid induced osteoporo-
sis. Although it is prudent to treat with either an anabolic or anti-resorptive in a
patient with active endogenous hypercortisolism to prevent active bone loss, the
case for anti-resorptive after a surgical cure is less clear. This is due to the fact that
there is spontaneous recovery of bone mass following cure [16], which theoretically
could be blunted by an anti-resorptive.
Many of the same principles discussed above pertain to the converse situation of
adrenal insufficiency. Adrenal insufficiency can be primary or secondary. In pri-
mary adrenal insufficiency, the problem lies in the adrenal gland. In this case there
is loss of negative feedback at the level of pituitary ACTH and the circulating level
of this hormone is very high. Since ACTH is derived from a larger protein pro-
opiomelanocortin (POMC) which also yields melanin stimulating peptides the
result is the dark pigmentation associated with primary adrenal insufficiency. In
primary adrenal insufficiency both glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid secretion
is diminished. Patients with primary adrenal insufficiency will need replacement of
glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoids, whereas patients with secondary adrenal
insufficiency only require glucocorticoids. This is an important distinction as
inappropriate use of mineralocorticoid can have negative effects including hyper-
tension, hypokalemia, and heart failure. Conversely, if one were to omit mineralo-
corticoids in a patient with primary adrenal insufficiency they would develop
hyperkalemia. This is due to the major effects of mineralocorticoids to promote
sodium absorption and potassium excretion in the kidney. The distinction between
primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency is usually obvious based on patient
history, physical exam, and laboratory testing.
4 Clinical Perspective: What Do Addison and Cushing Tell Us About Glucocorticoid… 93
will not be elevated. One advantage of this test is that it has an “internal control”.
If the cortisol level is not low, it means the patient did not take the metyrapone
properly. So, in a metyrapone test a normal patient has low cortisol levels and ele-
vated deoxycortisol levels and a patient with AI has low cortisol and deoxycortisol
after ingesting metyrapone. Specifically, adequate metyrapone exposure is evident
with a cortisol <5 mcg/dL and normal adrenal function is defined as deoxycortisol
levels >7 mcg/dL. Of note, in the absence of metyrapone, the normal circulating
levels of deoxycortisol are <0.1 mcg/dL. Of course deoxycortisol can be elevated
not only with metyrapone, but also with genetic mutations in 11-β-hydroxylase,
which is a cause of congenital adrenal hyperplasia, beyond the scope of this chapter.
It is essential to determine if the patient has primary or secondary adrenal insuffi-
ciency. These distinct entities have different causes, treatments and implications for
the patient. Patients with primary adrenal insufficiency have a problem at the level
of the adrenal glands themselves. This can be caused by an autoimmune process,
hemorrhage, infection. Tuberculosis used to be a common cause, but is rare today.
The patient with primary adrenal insufficiency will have an elevated ACTH (due to
loss of negative feedback of cortisol on POMC transcription in the pituitary).
Because POMC pro-protein is cleaved to melanocyte stimulating hormone peptides
in addition to ACTH, the patient with primary adrenal insufficiency will be hyper-
pigmented. This is evident on the skin as well as on mucous membranes. The patient
with primary adrenal insufficiency will require replacement of both glucocorticoids
and mineralocorticoids. It is not feasible to replace catecholamines produced by the
adrenal medulla, and they are also made by the sympathetic nervous system. The
adrenal cortex makes androgens, but in males, the adrenal production is much
smaller than that produced in the testes. Androgen replacement in women with pri-
mary adrenal insufficiency is a controversial issue [20]. Some have postulated low
dose androgens should be replaced to ensure normal sexual function and libido in
women. However, no androgen formulation exists that can be safely administered
to women without the risk of virilization. Some have also proposed patients with
primary adrenal insufficiency would benefit from replacement of DHEA-S, but
there are not strong data to support this [21]. DHEA has not been shown to have
function other than as a precursor to adrenal hormones. Therefore, if the end-prod-
uct hormone is being replaced, there should be no need to replace DHEAS. Similarly,
in the absence of normal adrenal function, the DHEAS will unlikely be metabolized
into end product hormones. Therefore, the standard regimen includes a mineralo-
corticoid and a glucocorticoid. Although cortisol has inherent mineralocorticoid
activity, a high dose would be required to overcome HSD2 in the kidney and would
result in iatrogenic Cushing syndrome. The dose of mineralocorticoid should be
titrated to the patients’ blood pressure and serum potassium. There are a large num-
ber of glucocorticoid agonists available for replacement. In my practice, I usually
use hydrocortisone with a total daily dose of 15 mg that is broken up into 10 mg in
the morning and 5 p.m. mid-afternoon. This is done to try to mimic the circadian
fluctuation in serum cortisol levels. Other commonly used oral GC agonists include
prednisone. A replacement dose of prednisone is 4–5 mg per day as it is ~4 times
4 Clinical Perspective: What Do Addison and Cushing Tell Us About Glucocorticoid… 95
more potent that hydrocortisone. Prednisone has MR agonist activity. The synthetic
GC dexamethasone is 30 times more potent than hydrocortisone so a replacement
dose is usually 0.25 mg and dexamethasone has no mineralocorticoid agonism.
Dexamethasone is rarely used for adrenal insufficiency because of its higher
potency, difficulty in finding an appropriate replacement dose without inducing
iatrogenic Cushing’s. It does have a role in the non-compliant patient given its very
long biological half-life. Patients with adrenal insufficiency should be monitored
for adequate replacement as well as iatrogenic Cushing syndrome. Patients with
primary adrenal insufficiency usually require 100–200 mcg of a synthetic mineralo-
corticoid such as fludrocortisone. Interestingly, the most common cause of gluco-
corticoid deficiency today is glucocorticoids themselves. When glucocorticoids are
taken for a length of time, there is suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal
axis. There are no clear cut rules as to the amount and duration of exposure needed
to suppress the HPA axis. Certainly patients taking greater than 15 mg of prednisone
for longer than 3 months are at risk and should undergo ACTH stimulation testing
prior to discontinuing therapy If patients are taking prednisone, it is best to slowly
lower their dose to 5 mg per day, the equivalent to what the body makes on its own.
At that point, I find it helpful to switch to hydrocortisone. Given its short half-life
and twice a day dosing to more closely mimic the circadian variation seen with
cortisol secretion and may contribute to more paid recovery of the HPA axis.
Because of the different potency the replacement dose of hydrocortisone is given as
10 mg first thing in the morning and 5 mg in the afternoon. A common error is to
prescribe it merely as “bid” which means twice a day. Patients should be instructed
to take the medication first thing in the morning and at 3 p.m., not bedtime, to more
closely approximate endogenous rhythms. Once the patient is on replacement glu-
cocorticoids one can perform ACTH stimulation testing every 6 months for 2 years
or until they pass. Once they pass, and only once they pass, should their dose of
glucocorticoid be lowered. Theoretically, once they pass an ACTH stimulation test
they could stop glucocorticoids cold turkey, but I usually do this over a 6-week
period having the patient lower their dose of hydrocortisone by 2.5 mg per week. If
patients do not pass an ACTH stimulation test after 2 years of being on a replace-
ment dose, it is unlikely they will recover HPA function and will likely require life-
long glucocorticoid treatment. I will end this chapter with another case presentation.
A 70 year-old male with severe emphysema presents to the emergency room with
nausea and vomiting. He has required oral glucocorticoids to control his emphy-
sema and has been on 20 mg of prednisone daily for 3 years. He ran out of predni-
sone 1 week ago and has had nausea and vomiting for the past 5 days. On physical
exam, he appears Cushingoid with moon facies, central obesity, a buffalo hump and
pigmented striae. When he comes to the emergency room he has some laboratory
testing of blood which shows a serum cortisol level of 1 mcg/dL (taken at 8 a.m.)
and his ACTH is undetectable (<5 pg/mL). This patient has both Cushing’s syn-
drome and adrenal insufficiency! He has iatrogenic exogenous Cushing’s syndrome
from the prednisone, but adrenal insufficiency from suppression of his hypotha-
lamic-pituitary-adrenal axis from said prednisone.
96 C. Harris
Glucocorticoids (GC) are stress hormones that play a key role in the regulation of
mammalian glucose homeostasis. The name “glucocorticoids” originates from their
profound effects on plasma glucose levels. GC regulate multiple aspects of glucose
1. Promote gluconeogenesis
Liver 2. Increase glycogen storage
Fig. 5.1 Glucocorticoid effects on glucose homeostasis. The effects of cortisol on glucose homeo-
stasis in peripheral tissues
homeostasis (Fig. 5.1). First, GC promote hepatic gluconeogenesis [1, 2] and reduce
glucose uptake and utilization in skeletal muscle and white adipose tissue (WAT) [3,
4]. These effects are critical for metabolic adaptation during stress, such as fasting/
starvation, when plasma glucose needs to be preserved because it is the brains’ pri-
mary energy source, and transiently raising blood glucose is important to promoting
maximal brain functions [5]. Insulin, a hormone secreted from pancreatic β cells,
exerts opposite effects on these physiological processes by inhibiting hepatic gluco-
neogenesis and promoting glucose utilization in skeletal muscle and WAT. Thus, to
exert their responses, GC need to antagonize insulin actions. These effects are criti-
cal during stress, which in short term does not affect or even enhances glucose toler-
ance. However, chronic GC exposure results in hyperglycemia and insulin resistance
[3, 4, 6]. Second, GC exert tissue-specific effects on glycogen metabolism. In liver,
GC increase glycogen storage, whereas in skeletal muscle GC play a permissive
role for catecholamine-induced glycogenolysis or inhibit insulin-stimulated glyco-
gen synthesis [7–9]. Third, GC modulate insulin and glucagon secretion from pan-
creas. GC treatment increases plasma glucagon levels [10, 11], whereas the effects
of GC on insulin secretion are complex [12–16]. GC induce pancreas islet hyperpla-
sia in vivo that leads to hyperinsulinemia [12, 17–19] and have been shown to exert
cytotoxic effects on β cells [20, 21]. Overall, in this chapter we will discuss the
current understanding of the mechanisms underlying these distinct aspects of
GC-regulated glucose homeostasis.
5 Regulation of Glucose Homeostasis by Glucocorticoids 101
endoplasmic reticulum
glycerol DHAP G3P
pyruvate 1,3-BPG
PC malate malate
malate-aspartate shuttle OAA
aspartate aspartate PCK1
Fig. 5.2 Gluconeogenic pathway in hepatocytes. Lactate and alanine are converted to pyruvate,
which enters the mitochondria and is then converted to OAA by enzyme PC. Through malate-
aspartate shuttle, OAA exits the mitochondria to form PEP. OAA can also be converted to PEP
directly within the mitochondria. PEP then feeds into the gluconeogenic pathway. In addition,
glycerol is metabolized to DHAP, which is then converted directly or indirectly through G3P to
F1,6BP. The final product, glucose, is produced in the ER by enzyme G6PC. The key enzymes are
boxed, with GR primary targets shown in yellow. Abbreviation: OAA oxaloacetate, PEP phospho-
enolpyruvate, DHAP dihydroxyacetone phosphate, G3P glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, F1,6BP
fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, 2-PG 2-phosphoglycerate, 3-PG 3-phosphoglycerate, 1,3-BPG
1,3-bisphosphoglycerate, G3P glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, F1,6BP fructose-1,6-bisphosphate,
F2,6BP fructose-2,6-bisphosphate, F6P fructose-6-phosphate, and G6P glucose-6-phosphate.
Enzyme abbreviation: PC pyruvate carboxylase, m-PCK1 mitochondrial phosphoenolpyruvate
carboxykinase, PCK1 cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, FBP1 fructose-1,6-
bisphosphatase 1, PFK1 phosphofructokinase 1, PFKFB1 phosphofructokinase 2/fructose bispho-
sphatase 2, G6PC glucose-6-phosphatase catalytic subunit
Rat Pck1 gene contains two GREs, GRE1 and GRE2 (Fig. 5.3) [45]. GRE1 is
located between −388 and −374 (relative to transcription start site, TSS), whereas
GRE2 is located between and −367 and −354 in the Pck1 gene promoter. When
GRE1 or GRE2 is placed in front of TATA box in a synthetic reporter gene, neither
mediates a GC response [46]. The combination of GRE1 and GRE2 also fails to
confer GC-induced transcription [46]. In fact, both GRE1 and GRE2 bind GR very
weakly in vitro [46]. However, in cooperation with other accessory elements on the
104 T. Kuo et al.
Fig. 5.3 Hormone response units in the PEPCK gene. Binding sites for various regulatory and
transcription factors are shown in the top row, with the number indicating the center nucleotide
position of each element with respect to the transcription start site. Four hormone-specific response
units are drawn: proximal glucocorticoid response unit (GRU), cyclic AMP response unit (CRU),
retinoic acid response unite (RARU), and insulin response unit (IRU). In the absence of the other
hormones, the components of each response unit are depicted. These units interact functionally,
cooperating or competing, to comprise the PEPCK promoter. Except for gAF2, DNA elements
involved in IRU are not yet identified
Pck1 promoter, they confer a robust GC response. These accessory elements include
gAF1 [45], gAF2 [45], gAF3 [47] and the cAMP response element (CRE) [48].
Both gAF1 (between −451 and −434 of rat PCK1 promoter) and gAF2 (−416 and
−407) are located 5′ from GRE1 and GRE2, whereas gAF3 and CRE are located in
3′ of these GREs (Fig. 5.3). Hepatic nuclear factor 4 (HNF4, NR2A1) and chicken
ovalbumin upstream transcription factor (COUP-TF, NR2F2) bind to gAF1 and
serve as accessory factors for a complete GC response [49]. The gAF1 element also
serves as a retinoic acid response element (RARE). An all-trans retinoic acid recep-
tor (RAR) and 9-cis retinoic acid receptor (RXR) heterodimer binds to gAF1 and
confers retinoic acid (RA)-activated Pck1 gene transcription [50]. RA has been
shown to synergize with GC to stimulate Pck1 gene transcription [51].
The gAF2 element binds to members of the forkhead box transcription factor fam-
ily that include FoxA1 (also called hepatic nuclear factor 3 α, HNF3α), FoxA2
(hepatic nuclear factor 3 β, HNF3β), FoxO1 (FKHR) and FoxO3A (FKHRL1).
FoxA2 have been shown to act as accessory factors for GR-regulated Pck1 gene tran-
scription in vitro [52]. Liver specific deletion of FoxO1 but not FoxO3A significantly
reduces fasting-induced Pck1 gene expression [53]. Because GC play an important
role in fasting-induced Pck1 gene transcription, these results suggest that FoxO1 may
serve as an accessory factor for GR in vivo. The gAF2 element also serves as an insu-
lin response sequence (IRS) that confers at least part of repressive effect of insulin on
Pck1 gene transcription [54, 55]. The ability of insulin to suppress Pck1 gene expres-
sion is compromised in liver specific FoxO1 knockout mice [53] or mice overex-
pressed dominant negative FoxO1 [56]. Notably, the ability of insulin to reduce Pck1
5 Regulation of Glucose Homeostasis by Glucocorticoids 105
gene expression is not affected in FoxO3A deletion mice [53]. These results support
the key role of FoxO1 in the regulation of Pck1 gene expression in vivo. The potential
role of FoxA2 inhibiting insulin effects has been reported [57], although more studies
are needed to confirm the importance of FoxA2 in insulin-suppressed Pck1 gene
Streptozotocin is a relatively specific pancreas β cell cytotoxin. Treatment of
mice with streptozotocin induces a state that mimics type 1 diabetes. Circulating
GC levels are increased in such animals and Pck1 gene expression is augmented. In
mice bearing a reporter gene containing a construct containing −2 kb rat Pck1 gene
promoter with a mutation at gAF2, streptozotocin-induced reporter gene expression
is markedly reduced [58]. These results confirm the importance of the gAF2 ele-
ment in GC-activated Pck1 gene in vivo.
The gAF3 element (−337 and −321) binds to COUP-TF [47] and, like gAF1, also
serves as a RARE that binds to RAR/RXR heterodimer [59]. The cAMP response
element (CRE, between −90 and −82) is also required for a complete GC-stimulated
Pck1 gene transcription [48]. CCAAT enhancer binding protein β (C/EBPβ) binds
to the CRE to mediate the accessory activity for the GC response [60].
Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) was used to monitor the recruitment of
GR and various accessory factors to their respective binding sites in rat H4IIE hepa-
toma cells. GC treatment increases the recruitment of GR, FoxO1, FoxO3A and RNA
polymerase II (Pol II) to the Pck1 promoter [61]. FoxA2, C/EBPβ, HNF4 and
COUP-TF occupy the Pck1 promoter before GC treatment and their occupancy is not
altered after GC treatment [61]. The recruitment of transcriptional coregulators, SRC-
1, p300 and CREB binding protein (CBP), to the Pck1 GRU is markedly increased by
GC treatment [61]. This suggests that GC treatment initiates the assembly of multi-
protein transcriptional regulatory complex on the Pck1 promoter. Insulin treatment
for just 3 min markedly decreases the GC-induced recruitment of GR, FoxO1,
FoxO3A, FoxA2, SRC-1, p300, CBP, and Pol II, and only the occupancy of C/EBPβ,
HNF-4 and COUP-TF remains unchanged [61]. Thus, insulin treatment rapidly dis-
rupts the assembly of GC-induced transcriptional complex on the Pck1 GRU. Analyzing
epigenetic marks showed that the most significant change is the methylation at his-
tone H3 arginine residue 17, which is significantly increased upon GC treatment and
is abolished by insulin [61]. CARM1/PRMT4, is the histone methyltransferase that
methylates histone H3 tail arginine 17 residue (H3R17) [62, 63]. CARM1 has been
shown to serve as a transcriptional coactivator for GR. However, the occupancy of
CARM1 on the Pck1 promoter is not significantly changed upon GC or insulin treat-
ment. One way to explain these results is that CARM1 is present on the Pck1 GRU
before GC treatment and the activity of CARM1 is modulated by insulin treatment.
The activity of CARM1 is regulated by post-translational modifications [64].
Alternatively, it is possible that an unknown histone methyltransferase is involved in
the elevation of H3R17 methylation on the Pck1 GRU.
An analysis of the rat Pck1 promoter in human hepatoma HepG2 cells identified
two additional accessory elements (dAF1 and dAF2) that are involved in
GC-stimulated Pck1 gene transcription. The dAF1 element is located at −993 and
has sequence similarity to the gAF1 element, whereas the dAF2 element, located at
−1365, resembles more proximal gAF2 [65]. HNF4 and peroxisome proliferator
106 T. Kuo et al.
G6PC gene transcription is induced by GC, whereas insulin suppresses both basal
and GC-activated G6PC gene transcription. Mouse G6pc also contains a complex
GRU in the proximal promoter region. This GRU consists of three GREs, a CRE, a
HNF4 binding site, a hepatic nuclear factor 1 (HNF1) binding site, and multiple
FoxO/FoxA binding sites (FREs) [75]. GC significantly activate the expression of a
reporter gene that contains the G6pc GRU. Mutation at any of these accessory ele-
ments in the G6pc GRU reporter gene reduces the GC response [75]. Mutations at
FREs that bind FoxO1 and FoxO3A also reduce both the inhibitory effect of insulin
and basal expression of G6pc gene [76]. In liver specific FoxO1 deletion mice the
expression of G6pc in 18 h fasted mice is markedly lower than that of 18 h fasted
wild type mice [53]. Moreover, the ability of insulin to suppress the expression of
G6pc is abolished in liver specific FoxO1 deletion mice [53] or mice overexpressed
dominant negative FoxO1 [56]. In contrast, liver specific FoxO3A deletion does not
affect basal expression of G6pc and the ability of insulin to inhibit G6pc remains
intact [53]. These results are reminiscent of the regulation of Pck1 gene and sug-
gests that FoxO1 plays a key role in the regulation of gluconeogenic genes in vivo.
Also, similar to the regulation of Pck1 gene, transcription coregulator PGC1α posi-
tively regulates basal G6pc gene transcription and enhances GC-stimulated G6pc
gene transcription through interaction with HNF4 [77, 78]. FoxO1 and PGC1α
appear to synergistically activate G6pc gene transcription [73, 79].
GC also activate the transcription of the G6P transporter (SLC37A4) gene, which
encodes a protein that is responsible for shuttling G6P from the cytoplasm to the ER
lumen. The mouse Slc37a4 gene promoter contains a GRE [80, 81] and a FoxO1
binding site is identified nearby the GRE [81]. GC increase the activity of a luciferase
reporter gene under the control of the Slc37a4 gene promoter in 293 cells, whereas the
mutation at the FoxO1 binding site reduces the ability of GC to potentiate this reporter
gene activity [81]. Overexpression of FoxO1 in 293 cells potentiates the ability of GC
to activate the reporter gene activity [81]. These results suggest that GC stimulate the
Slc37a4 gene through a GRU that contains at least a GRE and a FoxO1 binding site.
Hepatic rat Pfkfb1 gene transcription is stimulated by GC and a GRU has been
identified in the intronic region of this gene. In addition to the GRE, this GRU con-
sists of binding sites for FoxA2, hepatic nuclear factor 6 (HNF6, a.k.a. Onecut1), C/
EBP and Nuclear factor 1 (NF1) [82]. Insulin antagonizes the stimulatory effect of
GC on Pfkfb1 gene [82, 83]. While insulin acts through PI3K and Akt to inhibit
Pck1 and G6pc gene expression [84, 85], this pathway is apparently not involved in
the suppressive effect of insulin on GC-induced Pfkfb1 gene. Instead, insulin acti-
vates the Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK) pathway to inhibit GC-induced Pfkfb1 gene
expression [86].
108 T. Kuo et al.
Glucose Utilization
GC inhibit glucose utilization by reducing both glucose uptake and glucose oxida-
tion in skeletal muscle and WAT, two major tissues involved in insulin-responsive
glucose utilization [94, 95]. These GC effects counteract those of insulin, which
promote glucose uptake, glycolysis and glucose oxidation. These result in a tran-
sient increase of circulating glucose, which is considered beneficial during stress
[5]. In both mouse and human myotubes GC reduce insulin-stimulated glucose
uptake [96–98] by attenuating insulin-induced GLUT4 translocation to the cell
membrane. By contrast, reduced GC signaling improves insulin sensitivity and glu-
cose utilization in mouse and human skeletal muscle. Circulating GC levels are
increased in genetically obese ob/ob, db/db and lipotrophic A-ZIP/F-1 [99] mice as
compared to wild type. These mice are insulin resistant, but adrenalectomy improves
insulin-stimulated muscle glucose disposal [100, 101]. In high fat diet-induced
obese mice, adrenalectomy or treatment with the GR antagonist, RU-486, improves
insulin sensitivity and increases glucose utilization in skeletal muscle. Moreover,
110 T. Kuo et al.
Myotube Liver
IR Palmitoyl-CoA
pIR Tyr
pIRS-1 Ser307 IRS-1
3-keto-dihydro sphingosine
pIRS-1 Tyr608 Pik3r1
mTOR Cers1
pS6K Thr389 S6K
Notably, Brennan-Speranza et. al. also reported that GC inhibit the expression of
osteocalcin, a secreted protein from bone that reduce adiposity and hepatic steato-
sis, to decrease insulin sensitivity.
GC also inhibit glucose oxidation by stimulating the expression of several mem-
bers of the pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase family (PDK). PDK regulates glucose
oxidation by inhibiting the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex that converts pyruvate
to acetyl-CoA [120]. Among the PDK family, PDK4 is a GR primary target gene;
GREs have been identified in human PDK4 and rat Pdk4 genes [121, 122]. FoxO1
binding sites have been identified near the human PDK4 gene GRE and they are
required for the maximal induction of PDK4 gene transcription by GC. These FREs
also mediate the inhibitory response of insulin on PDK4 gene transcription [122].
For the rat Pdk4 gene, an FRE located approximately 6 kb away from the GREs is
thought to participate in both the insulin and GC responses [121]. Thus, the mecha-
nisms governing the transcriptional regulation of the PDK4 gene by GC appear to
be similar to GC-activated Pck1 and G6pc gene transcription discussed above.
In addition to skeletal muscle, GC reduce glucose uptake and glucose oxidation in
many other tissues. GC inhibit insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in both mouse 3T3-
L1 and primary adipocytes. The mechanisms governing these GC effects are mostly
unknown. Overexpression of dual specificity protein phosphatase 1 (Dusp1, a.k.a.
MAP kinase phosphatase 1, Mkp1), a primary GR target gene, inhibits insulin-
stimulated glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes [123]. However, the exact role of
Dusp1 in GC-induced insulin resistance in adipocytes has not been established. Most
reports indicate that GC inhibit glucose uptake by antagonizing the insulin response,
though the direct inhibition of glucose transporter 4 (Glut4) trafficking process by
GC in 3T3-L1 adipocytes has also been reported [124]. Pik3r1 expression is also
increased by GC in adipocytes [125]. Thus, Pik3r1 may also participate in the
GC-inhibited insulin response in adipocytes. Studies of human adipocytes found that
GC inhibit insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and signaling in omental but not subcu-
taneous adipocytes [126]. In fact, studies in human primary subcutaneous adipocytes
show that GC pre-treatment potentiates insulin-stimulated glucose uptake [102, 127].
This suggests that GC affect insulin signaling in a depot-specific manner in humans.
The ability of GC to inhibit glucose oxidation has been linked to GC-induced
apoptosis in leukemia cells. GC inhibit the expression of glucose transporter 1
(GLUT1) that results in a decreased glucose uptake into leukemia cells [128]. GC
also suppress glucose uptake and oxidation in certain regions of brain, such as the
hypothalamus and hippocampus [129–131]. The exact mechanisms of these GC
effects on these cell types are mostly unclear.
Glycogen Metabolism
GC Effects on Pancreas
As an endocrine organ, the pancreas secretes several hormones that include insulin
(from β cells in the islets of Langerhans), glucagon (from α cells), and somatostatin
(from δ cells). Insulin secreted during the fed state promotes glucose uptake and
114 T. Kuo et al.
GC also regulates the expression of genes that modulate insulin secretion. The
blunting of GSIS by dexamethasone is significantly restored in islets isolated from
serum and glucocorticoid-induced kinase (Sgk1) knockout mice compared to wild
type [158]. Sgk1 is a well-established GR primary target gene. Moreover, GC treat-
ment of MIN6 mouse insulinoma cells and mouse islets augments the expression of
corticotropin-releasing factor receptor type 2α (CRFR2α) and inhibits the expression
of CRFR type 1 (CRFR1) [163]. CRFR1 potentiates both glucose-induced insulin
secretion in vitro and in vivo and the proliferation of neonatal rat β cells [164].
GC can stimulate β cell proliferation in vivo; however, GC exposure could also
have cytotoxic effects on mouse isolated pancreatic islets of Langerhans and MIN6
cells [165]. Interestingly, increased intracellular cAMP levels have previously been
shown to attenuate dexamethasone-induced β cell death using exendin-4 [20] and
forskolin [166]. Co-treatment with RU486, an antagonist of GC, abolished these
GC effects. Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) such as p38 MAPK and
JNK regulate apoptosis. In MIN6 cells, inhibition of p38 MAPK reduces
glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis [167]. This may be due to decreased phosphoryla-
tion of mouse GR at serine residue 220 by p38 MAPK. Phosphorylation of GR at
serine 220 is positively associated with GR transcriptional activity [168, 169].
Moreover, in isolated islets, inhibition of p38 MAPK decreases glucocorticoid-
induced formation of cleaved caspase 3, which plays a key role in the execution
phase of apoptosis [167]. Thus, p38 MAPK is required for glucocorticoid-induced
cytotoxicity. In contrast, JNK signaling dampens glucocorticoid-induced cytotoxic-
ity, as inhibition of JNK potentiates the cytotoxic effect of GC in MIN6 cells [167].
A plausible explanation is that JNK is responsible for phosphorylating GR at serine
234, which is negatively associated with the transcriptional activity of GR [170].
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) may also mediate glucocorticoid-induced cyto-
toxicity [171]. Thioredoxin-interacting protein (Txnip) could exert its pro-apoptotic
effect by blocking the activity of thioredoxin, which is involved in a major pro-
survival thiol-reducing pathway in cells. In db/db mice, overexpression of thiore-
doxin suppresses the progression of hyperglycemia, likely through the prevention of
the reduction of Pdx1 and V-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene
homologue A (MafA) transcription factors [172]. GC induces Txnip expression in
human and mouse islets, and in MIN6 cells [165]. Overexpressing Txnip mimicked
pro-apoptotic effect of GC, while knocking down Txnip partially rescued this phe-
notype in MIN6 cells. Furthermore, thioredoxin overexpression protected MIN6
cells from GC-induced cytotoxicity [165]. Interestingly, GC-induced Txnip is
dependent on the presence of p38 MAPK. Studies in leukemia and other cell types
have shown that Txnip is a primary GR target gene [173].
In addition to insulin secretion, GC has been shown to modulate glucagon secre-
tion. GC treatment causes both hyperinsulinemia and hyperglucagonemia. Rodents
treated with GC have unaltered insulin/glucagon ratio from the fasted state to the
fed state. They tend to have increased α cell mass, and show impaired high glucose-
suppressed glucagon secretion. This hyperglucagonemia leads to hyperglycemia
through the activation of hepatic glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis [174].
Notably, co-treatment of GC and a glucagon receptor antagonist on rats resulted in
116 T. Kuo et al.
Acknowledgment We thank Drs. Daryl Granner and Richard O’Brien for their insightful
comments and suggestions for this chapter. The Wang laboratory is supported by NIH DK83591.
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Chapter 6
How Do Glucocorticoids Regulate
Lipid Metabolism?
Fig. 6.1 The lipoprotein pathway. ABCA1 ATP-binding cassette transporter A1, CM chylomi-
crons, HDL high-density lipoproteins, IDL intermediate density lipoproteins, LDLR LDL receptor,
LPL lipoprotein lipase, LDL low-density lipoproteins, LRP LDL receptor-related protein, LSR
lipolysis-stimulated lipoprotein receptor, SRB1 Scavenger receptor class B member 1, TRL
triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, VLDL very-low-density-lipoproteins
6 How Do Glucocorticoids Regulate Lipid Metabolism? 129
depend on the varying lipid and apolipoprotein contents of each particle [6].
Triglycerides and cholesterol esters comprise the core of the particle while amphipa-
thic phospholipids, unesterified cholesterol, and proteins are found in the outer
shell. Apolipoproteins function by activating or inhibiting enzymes important in the
transport process and by serving as ligands for cell surface receptors [6]. ApoB and
apoE, for example, can be recognized by the LDLR and LSR receptors while
ApoCII activates lipoprotein lipase that hydrolyzes triglycerides [7]. Dietary (exog-
enous) lipids are transported through chylomicrons while endogenous lipids from
the liver are transported by very-low density lipoproteins (VLDL) which can give
rise to intermediate density (IDL), low-density (LDL), and remnant lipoprotein par-
ticles. High density lipoproteins (HDL) are involved primarily in the transport of
cholesterol from the peripheral tissues to the liver [2, 6].
The triglycerides and fatty acids being transported from the liver come from dif-
ferent sources: (1) from the chylomicron remnants, (2) de novo lipogenic pathway
(DNL), and (3) fatty acids from lipolysis in adipocytes [1, 8]. Cholesterol, on the
other hand, is provided from (1) the diet via chylomicron remnants, (2) de novo
synthesis of cholesterol, and (3) from other lipoproteins internalized by the liver [9].
In the cell, fatty acids can be converted into triglycerides or used as source of
energy during starvation through mitochondrial β-oxidation. Triglycerides can be
packaged into lipoprotein particles (liver) or stored in depots (adipose tissues). In
β-oxidation, long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) are channeled across the mitochondrial
membrane, with the help of carnitine palmitoyltransferase-I (CPT-I), and acetyl-
CoAs are generated and extracted for energy via the Kreb’s cycle and electron
transport chain. Fatty acids can also be used for the synthesis of eicosanoids (pros-
taglandins, thromboxanes, leukotrienes), glycerophospholipids (plasmalogens and
phosphatidates), and sphingolipids (sphingomyelin, cerebrosides, gangliosides) [10].
Cholesterol is then used as component of biomembranes and for the synthesis of
bile acids (cholic, glycocholic, taurocholic, lithocholic acids), steroid hormones
(androgens, progestins, estrogens, glucocorticoids, and mineralocorticoids), and
secosteroids (vitamin D) [11].
Insulin and counter-regulatory hormones, which include the glucocorticoids
(GCs), play major roles in keeping the balance of metabolites in the cell by activat-
ing or deactivating key enzymes involved in different anabolic and catabolic path-
ways [12]. Furthermore, inter-organ nutrient cross-talk depends primarily on the
hormonal signals perceived by the cells. These are true for glucose, amino acid, and
lipid metabolism. Below, we present collective information on how GCs regulate
lipid metabolism in adipocytes, the liver, and other tissues. Most of the enzymes that
are regulated by GCs in lipid pathways are in fact the same ones that are dysregu-
lated in chronic conditions of GC excess i.e. Metabolic and Cushing’s syndromes.
The adipose tissues are the major fat depot of the body. Excess triglycerides that can-
not be used by the body as well as excess glucose can be stored as fats in white adi-
pose tissues [2]. Here, triglycerides remain until needed in times of nutrient deprivation.
130 R.M. de Guia and S. Herzig
Abdominal and visceral adiposity are now regarded as an important criteria contributing
to the collective dysfunctional phenotypes of the Metabolic Syndrome [13].
Interestingly, this abnormal deposition of fats in the body is likewise observed in
Cushings syndrome where the individual suffers from hyperactive HPA axis and
hypercortisolemia [14, 15]. However, one key distinction between metabolic syn-
drome and Cushing syndrome is that patients with Metabolic Syndrome have normal
or increased amounts of peripheral adipose and patients with Cushings syndrome
typically have decreased peripheral adipose. This partially overlapping phenotype
between Metabolic and Cushings syndrome demonstrates potential important role
of GCs in adipose tissue physiology.
GCs have been reported to possess pro-adipogenic function. This was realized in
transgenic mice over-expressing 11beta (β)-HSD1 in adipocytes thus increasing
active local GC levels. In these mice, a significant increase in abdominal fat was
observed whereas peripheral fats were less affected [16]. Furthermore, the specific
elevation of GCs in adipose tissues resulted in the manifestation of major pheno-
types of the metabolic syndrome such as abdominal obesity, glucose intolerance,
and hypertriglyceridemia. The adipocyte hypertrophic phenotype observed in these
animals also results in decreased levels of adiponectin, an insulin-sensitizing adipo-
kine, and increased local and systemic levels of the cytokine tumor necrosis factor-
alpha (TNF-α), a marker of insulin resistance [16–19].
Apart from the adipocyte hypertrophic phenotype of mice over-expressing 11β
(beta)-HSD1, GCs have been shown to promote differentiation in vitro [20]. Cortisol
and dexamethasone, a synthetic glucocorticoid, have been widely used as a compo-
nent of the adipogenic induction cocktail for adipose stromal cells, primary and
3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes [21, 22]. This function of GCs can be attributed to both
transcriptional and non-transcriptional action of the GR. The GR has been reported
to act on specific histone deacetylase 1 complex for degradation by the 26S protea-
some, thus promoting the expression of transcription factors (i.e. C/EBP-alpha (α)
and STAT5) necessary for the differentiation process [23, 24]. In primary adipo-
cytes isolated from 11β (beta)-HSD1-over-expressing mice, peroxisome-proliferator
activated receptor—gamma (PPARγ), an important regulator of lipogenesis and
adipogenesis, has been reported to be up-regulated [25–27]. In other recent reports
where the GR function was rendered deficient pharmacologically or genetically [28],
adipogenesis was shown to be inhibited in vitro which may depend on GR-induced
expression of genes such as Krüppel-like factor 15 (KLF15) [29]. Since elevated
11β (beta)-HSD1 activity has been reported in both human and mouse obesity, these
are therefore, indicative of the possible contribution of GC/GR signaling in the
development of the Metabolic Syndrome by regulating the expression of transcrip-
tional regulators and complexes [30–32].
6 How Do Glucocorticoids Regulate Lipid Metabolism? 131
During fasting and starvation, fatty acids and glycerol are release from their storage
form as triglycerides in adipose tissue fat depots. Lipases are involved in catalyzing
the hydrolysis of the ester bonds between fatty acids and glycerol. Adipose triglyc-
eride lipase (ATGL/desnutrin) hydrolyzes triglyceride into diacylglyceride (DAG)
and fatty acid. DAG is in turn hydrolyzed by hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) into
monoacylglyceride (MAG) and another molecule of fatty acid. The final hydrolysis
step that completely liberates fatty acids and glycerol is catalyzed by monoglyceride
lipase (MGL). Under normal, basal (fasted) physiologic state, GCs promote lipolysis
in adipose tissues by inducing activity of all three lipases and reducing LPL activity
[33–37]. This lipolytic function of GCs is more pronounce in peripheral adipose
than in abdominal depots where adipogenic and lipogenic programs are favored
[38, 39]. GCs are also known to induce expression of FoxO transcription factors
which are known regulators of the lipases [40, 41].
In addition to the possible direct GR regulation [34] or indirect effects via FoxO,
GCs can also affect lipolysis by acting on upstream regulators. Cyclic adenosine
monophosphate (cAMP)–protein kinase A (PKA) pathway which is stimulated by
catecholamines via G-protein coupled, β (beta)-adrenergic receptor activates HSL
and the lipid droplet surface protein perilipin which facilitates fatty acid release by
promoting ATGL and HSL function [42, 43]. This process is actually inhibited by
insulin via phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI3K)-protein kinase B (PKB/Akt) signaling
which activates the cAMP-hydrolyzing enzyme, phosphodiesterase 3B (PDE3B)
[42, 43]. The lipolytic action of catecholamines via beta (β)-adrenergic stimulation
occurs rapidly compared to glucocorticoids which takes several hours [44]. It has
been postulated that GCs increase intracellular cAMP levels by (1) increasing PKA
activity, (2) inhibiting PDE3B expression and/or (3) by inducing expression of
angiopoietin-like 4 (ANGPTL4) [44–46].
ANGPTL4 is a hypoxia-induced, secreted glycoprotein that can interact with
proteoglycans of the extracellular matrix [47, 48]. It has been reported that GCs
promote secretion of ANGPTL4 from the liver and white adipose tissues [49].
ANGPTL4 in turn activates adipose tissue lipolysis and inhibits LPL activity result-
ing in elevation of free fatty acids in the circulation [50]. Furthermore, ANGPTL4
expression is found to be highly induced during fasting, when the levels of GCs are
high, and is inhibited by treatment with RU486, a GR antagonist. [51] Mice lacking
ANGPTL4 have reduced fasting-induced WAT lipolysis further demonstrating
the possible role of the GC/GR signaling in the process [51]. In line with this, a
conserved GRE is present in the rat, mouse, and human ANGPTL4 gene locus [45].
The exact mechanism by which GC-dependent, ANGPTL4-induced lipolysis works
remains to be elucidated, but the main hypothesis points to cAMP activation which
was observed to be deficient in WAT of ANGPTL4 knockout mice [45]. The impor-
tance of this protein in adipose tissue biology, nevertheless, is justifiable as increased
ANGPTL4 expression is demonstrated to be associated with elevated fatty acids in
both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes mouse models [52]. This process is also implicated
132 R.M. de Guia and S. Herzig
in fatty acid redistribution from adipose tissue to the liver which in turn increases
triglyceride synthesis in hepatocytes [33].
Studies on the lipolytic action of GCs in humans have been largely inconsistent
across different steroidal preparations, length of GC administration, distinct fat
depots, and characteristics of the study population itself. To mention a few, in
Cushing’s patients [53, 54] and individuals who received chronic GC treatments
[55–57], the rate of non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) turnover is unaffected. This
potential anti-lipolytic activity of GCs is also observed in vitro in 3T3-L1 cells
treated with high concentration of corticosterone (>1 μM). The effect though, is
reversed upon removal of the GC from the medium favoring once more lipolysis
[35]. In other studies in humans involving infusion of fatty acid stable-isotope and
acute physiological hypercortisolemia, an increase in blood NEFA levels is observed
[58, 59]. This is probably due to an increased lipolysis from subcutaneous fat depots
when insulin levels were normal [58].
With regards to fatty acid oxidation, there has been no concrete report on how
GCs could possibly affect this pathway. Furthermore, no study has examined the
role of adipose tissue GR using genetic gain- or loss-of-function models which
could further provide insight on how GCs regulate lipid metabolism.
Fatty acids can be synthesized from non-lipid materials, like glucose, via the de
novo lipogenic pathway (DNL). DNL takes place both in the liver and the adipose
tissues with synthesized fatty acids stored as triglycerides as cytosolic lipid drop-
lets [60]. In adipocytes, TG is made by successive acylation and dephosphorylation
of a glycerol-3-phosphate backbone. Specifically, glycerol-3-phosphate is acylated
by GPAT resulting in lysophosphatidic acid which is acylated by AGPAT to form
phosphatidic acid. Phosphatidic acid is dephosphosphorylated by phosphatidic acid
phosphatase, otherwise known as lipins to yield diacylglycerol. In the final step
DAG is acylated by DGAT to form triglyceride. There are several isoforms of each
enzyme class. Interestingly, some, but not all isoforms are induced by glucocorti-
coids in mice [34].
In contrast to lipolysis, lipogenesis is activated by insulin in times of nutrient
excess. One might expect that in this case, GCs might be inhibitory but experimen-
tal evidence said otherwise. Despite the low levels in the fed state, GCs have been
shown to potentiate the lipogenic function of insulin by regulating the expression of
some genes in the pathway [61]. This synergistic response in lipogenesis is shown
to be important also in adrenalectomised rats [62] and human adipocytes [63].
The synthesis of fatty acids from glucose starts with acetyl-CoA, the product of the
action of pyruvate dehydrogenase on the final metabolite of the glycolytic pathway.
Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) then converts acetyl-CoA to malonyl-CoA which
is in turn the substrate for fatty acid synthase (FASN), a rate-determining enzyme
of lipogenesis. GCs have been reported, both in vivo and in vitro, to regulate the
6 How Do Glucocorticoids Regulate Lipid Metabolism? 133
expression of ACC and FASN [44, 61, 64, 65]. GR-binding regions in or nearby
the genes coding for these enzymes have been identified in both mouse and human
genome [34, 63, 66]. In one study, mRNA levels of ACC and FASN in a human
adipocyte cell line are shown to be induced by GC treatment [64]. The lipogenic
program, however, is decreased and could only be increased by addition of insulin
which supports previous reports on the GC-insulin synergism [62, 63].
GCs are known to affect the oxidation of fatty acids in both adipose tissues and
the liver. In the former, one proposed mechanism is via the induction of expression
of Tribbles-homologue 3 (TRB3) by GCs. TRB3 expression is induced in adipose
tissues during fasting and over-expression of the protein resulted in increased fatty
acid oxidation and protection of mice against diet-induced obesity [67]. In contrast
to pro-lipogenic effect of GCs, TRB3 has been shown to promote ubiquitin-
mediated degradation of ACC explaining how the oxidative pathway could have
been favored [67]. In a similar report but in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
cells where resistance has been observed with GC treatments [68], dexamethasone
is found to induce the expression of PPAR-α (alpha) and δ (delta) [69]. PPARα and
δ are known to regulate fatty acid oxidation [70]. Whether the same mechanism
works in adipose tissues and the liver remains to be investigated. Nevertheless, all
these reports prove that GCs play an important role in the regulation of lipid homeo-
stasis in adipose tissues.
The liver is a central metabolic organ involved in the control of mammalian glucose
and lipid homeostasis [71]. Genome-wide analysis of GC-regulated target gene net-
works has shown that the GR controls many aspects of hepatic energy metabolism.
More than 50 genes seem to be direct, regulatory targets of GC action. In many cases,
the GR functionally interacts with other transcription factors to control specific
genetic networks in the liver [72], among which only few have been characterized.
Besides ACC and FASN, other enzymes involved in lipogenesis and TG synthesis
have been reported to be regulated by GCs in the liver. Stearoyl-CoA desaturase
(SCD1/2), glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (GPAT3/4), 1-acylglycerol-3-
phosphate acyltransferase (AGPAT2), lipin 1 (LPIN1), and diacylglyceride acyl-
transferase (DGAT1/2) are all implicated to be regulated directly or indirectly by
the GR [73–75]. As in adipose tissues, GC/GR pro-lipogenic activity in the liver
seems to require insulin signaling [74, 76]. This process is possibly important in
134 R.M. de Guia and S. Herzig
With the exception of macrophages and smooth muscles, little attention has been
given to how glucocorticoids affect lipid metabolism in other tissues. In muscles,
most studies have focused on the effects of GCs on protein metabolism. With regards
6 How Do Glucocorticoids Regulate Lipid Metabolism? 137
Apart from the peripheral functions of the GC/GR axis in metabolic control
(Fig. 6.2), recent studies have established further ties between GC/GR signaling and
regulatory functions of the central nervous system, osteoblasts as well as intestinal
cells in energy homeostasis and lipid handling.
Together, these studies have substantially broadened the spectrum of GC target
organs in energy homeostasis and revealed unexpected communication routes
between peripheral and/or central organ compartments. GC/GR-dependent endo-
crine control beyond the classical GC-mediated pathways therefore represents a
largely unexplored area of research that holds the promise for exciting discoveries
in endocrine circuitry in the future. It can be anticipated that recent advances in –
OMICS technologies and systems biology will provide substantial support for our
further understanding of endocrine GC/GR signaling and its impact on metabolic
health and disease.
R.M. de Guia and S. Herzig
Fig. 6.2 GC/GR targets in lipid metabolism. Overview of lipid metabolic processes regulated by the GC/GR signaling in adipose tissues, the liver,
bone, muscles, macrophages, and adrenal glands. Genes regulated by GCs in each metabolic process are listed in square-round boxes: genes in black
texts are up-regulated; genes in red texts are inhibited by GCs
6 How Do Glucocorticoids Regulate Lipid Metabolism? 139
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144 R.M. de Guia and S. Herzig
Skeletal muscle comprises ~40 % of body mass and is a major target of glucocor-
ticoids (GC), whose actions primarily alter protein and glucose metabolism.
Glucocorticoids are released endogenously in response to a variety of physically
and psychologically stressful conditions including fasting, illness and exercise.
The effect of elevated levels of circulating GCs on skeletal muscle is a decrease in
Fig. 7.1 Fiber types and glucocorticoid-induced atrophy. (a) Skeletal muscles are composed of
fibers that express different myosin heavy chain isoforms (MHC) and have varying metabolic
properties. There are four MHCs expressed in rodent skeletal muscles (I, IIa, IIx and IIb), while
there are only three MHCs expressed in human skeletal muscle (I, IIa, and IIx). The metabolic
profiles of fibers vary with respect to their capacity for oxidative metabolism and glycolysis. Fibers
can be classified into three types based on their myosin ATPase activity, oxidative capacity and,
glycolytic capacity: SO slow oxidative, FOG fast oxidative glycolytic, and FG fast glycolytic. The
cross-sectional area of muscle fibers vary with the largest fibers being the FG fibers and the small-
est being the SO fibers. (b) Data taken from Gardiner et al. [6] demonstrating fiber type specific
atrophy following 6 weeks of glucocorticoid treatment (1 mg/kg triamcinoloneacetonide-21 phos-
phate) in male rats. Gastrocnemius muscle weights and mean areas of each fiber type in GC-treated
and pair-fed rats are expressed as a percentage of control values. The control means ± SE are given
to the right of the bars. MGR and MGW refer to regions of the medial gastrocnemius muscle con-
taining high percentages of “Red” (i.e. oxidative) and “White” (i.e. non-oxidative) fibers. Gardiner,
PF Montanaro, G Simpson, DR Edgerton, VR Effects of glucocorticoid treatment and food restric-
tion on rat hindlimb muscles. The American journal of physiology.1980; 238(2): E124–30
muscle mass are the sex of the animal and the animal species. In general, rats are
more sensitive to the atrophy-inducing effects of glucocorticoids than mice. Whereas
a dose of <0.5 mg/kg of dexamethasone will induce significant muscle atrophy in the
rat over a 7-day period, doses in the range of 1–3 mg/kg are required to induce atro-
phy in the mouse. Furthermore, male and female rodents show different sensitivities
to glucocorticoids, with male rodents requiring higher doses than female rodents to
achieve similar amounts of atrophy [12]. The mechanisms responsible for the sex
differences are unclear, but may relate to the ability of testosterone to protect against
the catabolic effects of glucocorticoids [13, 14, 15].
Food restriction and starvation, which cause an increase in circulating glucocor-
ticoids, also induce fiber-type specific atrophy [6, 8]. Supraphysiologic doses of
synthetic glucocorticoids can cause a reduction in food intake, especially in rats,
and thus the atrophy inducing effects of glucocorticoids are often compared to
pair-fed animals (i.e. food intake matched to the glucocorticoid-treated animals).
In general, the degree of body weight loss, or muscle atrophy, observed in response
to pair-feeding is significantly less than that observed in response to glucocorticoid
treatment [6, 7]. Thus, the mechanisms regulating muscle atrophy under
glucocorticoid-treatment and food deprivation may overlap, but likely are not
identical. Furthermore, glucocorticoids are thought to increase food intake in
humans and still cause muscle atrophy. One indication that this may be the case is
the observation that deletion of the E3 ubiquitin ligase, MuRF1, can spare muscle
fibers from atrophy induced by glucocorticoid-treatment, but not nutritional depri-
vation [12].
Synthetic glucocorticoids are used to treat a variety of inflammatory diseases in
humans and can induce muscle atrophy in both the acute and chronic phase of
treatment. Glucocorticoid-induced myopathies are most often associated with
fluorinated glucocorticoids, but can occur with all formulations depending on
dose, length of treatment, and underlying diseases [11]. The risk of acquiring a
glucocorticoid-induced myopathy is higher in the elderly and in patients with can-
cer, respiratory distress syndrome, and those who are physically inactive and in
negative nitrogen balance at the onset of glucocorticoid treatment [1, 16]. Acute
muscle atrophy associated with glucocorticoid treatment often occurs in the inten-
sive care setting where high doses of glucocorticoids are given to patients who are
immobilized, often are mechanically ventilated, given paralyzing agents, and have
additional complications such as nutritional deficiencies and sepsis.
Acute muscle wasting associated with high doses of glucocorticoids can affect
both respiratory and limb muscles [1, 17]. In humans, chronic glucocorticoid-
induced weakness and wasting is generally associated with proximal muscles,
especially the pelvic girdle muscles, but can also affect distal muscles [11].
Glucocorticoid-induced atrophy in humans is fiber type specific, as observed in
animal models, being greatest in the type IIx, glycolytic, non-oxidative fibers [18,
19]. It should be noted that in human limb muscles the fast glycolytic fibers express
the type IIx myosin heavy chain and not IIb, which is not found in human limb
muscles (Fig. 7.1). Type II specific atrophy is also observed in diseases with ele-
vated endogenous glucocorticoids, such as Cushing’s syndrome and sepsis [20].
7 Glucocorticoids and Skeletal Muscle 149
Excess glucocorticoids also cause a decrease in muscle strength that parallels the
loss of fiber cross-sectional area. For example, patients with Cushing’s syndrome
and patients receiving glucocorticoid treatment have decreases in muscle strength
[20–22]. On physical exam, a patient with chronic glucocorticoid excess (Cushing
syndrome) will have difficulty rising from a chair without use of the hands, a test of
proximal muscle function. The use of glucocorticoids as treatment of an inflamma-
tory disease can often exacerbate the deleterious effects of the disease on muscle
strength. For example, measurement of isometric and isokinetic muscle strength in
rheumatoid arthritis patients found significantly greater decreases in strength in those
patients treated with prednisone compared to those patients who received no treat-
ment [23]. Furthermore, glucocorticoid-mediated muscle atrophy in patients with
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can negatively affect their pulmonary func-
tion due to decrease muscle (bellows) function.
Decreases in muscle force output are also found in animal disease models associ-
ated with increases in endogenous glucocorticoids, such as sepsis and critical care
illness [24–26]. In some animals, exogenous glucocorticoid treatment produces
comparable decreases in both muscle contractile force and fiber cross-sectional [9, 27].
Interestingly, while treatment of rodents with no underlying disease with a synthetic
glucocorticoid, such as dexamethasone, causes a loss of muscle mass, especially in
predominantly fast-twitch muscle, there is often no measurable decrease in maxi-
mum muscle force output leading to an increase in specific force output (i.e., force
per cross-sectional area) [12, 28, 29]. This increase in specific force is apparent in
limb muscles, especially fast-twitch muscles, but not in the diaphragm of juvenile
rodents given synthetic glucocorticoids [8, 30]. In rodents, the mechanism respon-
sible for the increase in specific force is unclear, but does not appear to be related to
a change in sarcolemmal excitability or excitation-contraction coupling [29].
unclear [31]. A study performed on mdx mice showed that daily administration of
prednisolone resulted in early (initial 50 days) improvements in muscle strength and
motor coordination, but these benefits were lost after 100 days of continuous treat-
ment [33]. Further, there was a deterioration of cardiac function and increased fibro-
sis of the heart with prolonged glucocorticoid treatment [34].
The mechanism by which glucocorticoids improve muscle strength in DMD
patients is unknown, and thought to occur through a suppression of inflammation.
DMD patients often show pseudohypertrophy of muscles, especially in the calf,
which is thought to be due to inflammation. However, other immunosuppressive
drugs that reduce inflammatory infiltrates in the muscles of DMD patients do not
improve strength, as seen with prednisone. In mdx mice, treatment with predniso-
lone increases specific force in muscle while having no affect on muscle fiber size
[35, 36]. The increase in specific force output is similar to what is seen in normal
mice and rats given glucocorticoids. The mechanism by which glucocorticoids
improve force output in DMD and mdx is still unclear and may be distinct from the
anti-inflammatory actions of the glucocorticoids.
Fig. 7.2 Signaling pathways downstream of insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) that
are affected by glucocorticoids. The mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) is
activated by growth factors such as insulin and IGF-1 and branch chain amino acids such as leucine,
leading to increases in mRNA translation and protein synthesis. Glucocorticoids potentially inhibit
protein synthesis through multiple mechanisms including (1) a decrease in amino acid uptake, (2)
a decrease in insulin and IGF1 levels (3) a decrease in the activity of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase
(PI3K) leading to a decrease in Protein Kinase B/Akt activity, (4) a decrease in mTORC1 activity
leading to a decrease in the phosphorylation and activation of S6K1 and 4E-BP1, and (5) an increase
in GSK3β activity leading to a decrease in β-catenin and possibly inhibition of eIF2B
and its downstream targets the ribosomal protein S6 kinase (S6K1/p70s6k) and the
translational repressor eukaryotic initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 (4E-BP1).
In muscle, mTOR can be found in at least two distinct complexes: the rapamycin-
sensitive mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) and the rapamycin-insensitive mTOR
complex 2 (mTORC2) [39]. Activation of mTORC1 is critical for the regulation of
muscle mass and is regulated by many pathways including growth factor signaling
through PI3K/Protein Kinase B (PKB/Akt), amino acids, and mechanical loading
[40, 41].
In response to moderate to high doses of glucocorticoids the synthesis of muscle
proteins is significantly reduced in both humans and rodents [10, 42, 43].
Glucocorticoids delivered acutely at low doses do not produce significant decreases
in basal protein synthesis, but do attenuate the ability of branched chain amino acids
and insulin to activate protein translation [44, 45]. Chronic levels of low doses of
glucocorticoids could induce muscle loss through anabolic resistance to elevated
levels of insulin and amino acids as would occur following a meal.
152 S.C. Bodine and J.D. Furlow
a small amount [55]. Tomas et al. found that skeletal muscle proteolysis increased
only when plasma glucocorticoid levels were significantly greater than resting lev-
els, which occurred only at the highest doses of corticosterone treatment (5 and
10 mg/100 g body weight/day) and not at lower doses (0.2, 0.5 or 1.0 mg/100 g
BW/day) [53]. The peak plasma corticosterone concentrations (40–80 μg/100 mL
of plasma) that caused muscle proteolysis were in the range of corticosterone levels
measured following burn injury and prolonged psychological/physical stress (50–
100 μg/100 mL plasma).
These data revealed that in a fed state, glucocorticoids can increase muscle pro-
teolysis but only if given in exceptionally high doses. In a fed state, low levels of
glucocorticoids do not induce muscle breakdown due to the presence of insulin.
However, in a fasted state, elevated levels of glucocorticoids and low insulin pro-
duce increases in muscle proteolysis [56, 57]. Glucocorticoids given directly to iso-
lated muscles in a perfused bath or to myotubes in culture increase proteolysis,
however, the effect is suppressed in the presence of insulin [58].
The importance of glucocorticoids in promoting muscle proteolysis under condi-
tions of fasting and acidosis was demonstrated using adrenalectomized rats. Wing
and Goldberg showed that the rate of protein degradation increased ~50 % in the
extensor digitorum longus muscle of rats fasted for 24 h. In contrast, fasting of
adrenalectomized rats induced a significantly smaller increase in muscle degrada-
tion (2.5-fold difference between fasted and fasted adrenalectomized rats).
Administration of dexamethasone to fasted, adrenalectomized rats elevated the rate
of protein breakdown to that observed in normal fasted rats thus demonstrating the
role of glucocorticoids in regulating muscle proteolysis under conditions of fasting.
Elevated levels of plasma glucocorticoids have also been shown to be required for
the increase in muscle protein breakdown observed in response to metabolic acido-
sis [59, 60]. Glucocorticoids together with elevated cytokines also contribute to an
increase in muscle proteolysis in various catabolic diseases such as sepsis, cancer
and burns [57].
Fig. 7.3 The ubiquitin proteasome pathway (UPP). Excess glucocorticoids can lead to an increase
in protein degradation through an increase in components of the UPP and an increase in the number
of ubiquitin-tagged proteins. The process of ubiquitination is controlled by the ubiquitin-activating
enzymes (E1), ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (E2) and ubiquitin-protein ligases (E3). MuRF1 and
MAFbx are both E3 ubiquitin ligases that control the ubiquitination of specific substrates. Ubiquitin
can be added to a substrate as a chain of ubiquitins of variable length on a single lysine (polyubiq-
uitination). Polyubiquitination of a substrate with an ubiquitin chain using K48 linkages generally
results in proteasomal degradation. Deubiquitinating enzymes (DUB) associated with the protea-
some or in the cytoplasm are responsible for disassembly of the polyubiquitin chains and mainte-
nance of the pool of free ubiquitin
[68]. These peptides are quickly digested into amino acids that can be reused to
synthesize new proteins or metabolized to provide energy. Deubiquitinating
enzymes (DUBs), associated with the 26S proteasome and also found in the cyto-
plasm, are responsible for disassembly of the polyubiquitin chain and release of free
ubiquitin that can be reused to tag additional substrates.
The selection of proteins to be ubiquitinated and subsequently degraded by the
proteasome is dependent on the specific E2 and E3 ligases present in the cell.
Specificity of the process is determined largely by the E3 ligase, which binds the
substrate and interacts with the E2 ligase to direct the transfer of ubiquitin to the
substrates [69]. The specific E2-E3 pairings dictate the type of ubiquitin linkage and
the length of the ubiquitin chains. In mammals, ~40 E2 ligases and over 600 E3
ligases have been identified. The E3 ligases can be classified into two major groups:
the HECT (Homologous to the E6AP Carboxyl Terminus) E3 ligases and the RING
(Really Interesting New Gene) E3 ubiquitin ligases [70]. The RING E3 ligases con-
stitute the majority of E3s found in mammals and function as a scaffold that medi-
ates the transfer of ubiquitin directly from the E2 ~ Ub to substrate.
Under catabolic conditions in which glucocorticoids are elevated, genes encod-
ing components of the ubiquitin proteasome pathway and proteasome subunits have
been shown to increase in skeletal muscle. An increase in ATP-dependent protea-
some activity has been measured in both L6 and C2C12 myotubes exposed to dexa-
methasone in vitro and in hindlimb muscles of rats treated with dexamethasone [71,
72]. Interestingly, no increase in 20S or 26S proteasome activity was measured in
hindlimb muscles of C57BL6 mice treated with dexamethasone for up to 14 days
[12, 73]. In these mice, significant muscle atrophy occurred and was associated with
a decrease in protein synthesis, as opposed to elevated proteolysis. The difference in
the reported proteolytic response of rats versus mice to dexamethasone may be
related to the nutritional status of the animals and the levels of plasma glucocorti-
coids achieved. In general, glucocorticoid-treatment in rats, is accompanied with a
decrease in food consumption and rapid loss of muscle mass (especially when fluo-
rinated glucocorticoids are used). In contrast, in mice no changes in food consump-
tion are observed, at least at doses of 3–5 mg/kg of dexamethasone. Increases in
proteasome-mediated degradation have been noted in catabolic disease states such
as starvation, metabolic acidosis, sepsis, diabetes and cancer [74–80]. Associated
with increases in proteasome activity are increases in the amount of ubiquitin-
conjugates isolated from skeletal muscle. In addition, increases in the mRNA
expression of ubiquitin, proteasome subunits and several E2 ligases (E214k, E217k)
have been measured.
A number of E3 ubiquitin ligases have been identified in skeletal muscle, but two
muscle-specific E3s, Muscle RING Finger 1 (MuRF1) and Muscle Atrophy F-Box
(MAFbx)/atrogin-1, have been shown to be transcriptionally increased under a
156 S.C. Bodine and J.D. Furlow
rats, a catabolic dose of dexamethasone has been shown to decrease muscle IGF-1
levels, as well as, decrease the phosphorylation levels (and thus activation) of both
PKB/Akt and S6K1 [89, 90]. Evidence to support a role for decreased IGF-1 levels
and reduced activation of PKB/Akt in glucocorticoid-induced muscle atrophy has
come primarily from over-expression studies. Using in vitro myotube culture sys-
tems, IGF-1 has been shown to prevent glucocorticoid-induced loss of myotube
diameter through the activation of PI3K/Akt and blockage of the nuclear transloca-
tion of the FOXO transcription factors and downregulation of the E3 ubiquitin
ligases, MuRF1 and MAFbx/atrogin-1 [91, 92]. Moreover, in vivo systemic admin-
istration [93–95] and direct overexpression of IGF-1 into skeletal muscle [90] has
been shown to attenuate glucocorticoid-induced muscle atrophy.
The attenuation of muscle atrophy in response to overexpression of either IGF-1
or constitutively active PKB/Akt is associated with an increase in mTOR signaling,
a decrease in the nuclear translocation of FOXO1/3a, decreased expression of
MuRF1 and MAFbx/atrogin-1 and an increase in β-catenin expression [96]. The
responses to IGF1 and PKB/Akt-1 activation suggest that the attenuated atrophy is
related to both an anabolic effect (maintenance of protein synthesis through activa-
tion of mTOR and its downstream targets) and anti-catabolic effect (reduced activa-
tion of the FOXO transcription factors and reduced expression of genes associated
with elevated proteolysis, such as MuRF1, MAFbx and cathepsin-L). The increase
in β-catenin expression in response to IGF-1 and PKB/Akt activation was interest-
ing given that the transcription factor has been reported to play a role in skeletal
muscle hypertrophy [97].
The amount of β-catenin in the cell is regulated by its phosphorylation and deg-
radation by the proteasome. Phosphorylation of β-catenin is controlled by glycogen
synthase kinase 3β (GSK-3β) whose activity in turn is inhibited by phosphorylation
by PKB/Akt. In response to dexamethasone-treatment, a significant reduction in
β-catenin protein levels were also reported, which is consistent with the hypothesis
that GSK3β is activated in response to glucocorticoids leading to an increase in the
phosphorylation and degradation of β-catenin [90]. An increase in β-catenin in
response to IGF-1 or Akt activation is consistent with inactivation of GSK3β. Over-
expression of a stable β-catenin protein, which is resistant to proteasomal degrada-
tion, in skeletal muscle is capable of blocking GC-induced muscle atrophy, thus
providing some evidence that β-catenin may be an important regulator of the nega-
tive effects of glucocorticoids [90].
Independent of changes in growth factor availability, glucocorticoids can also
decrease the activation of PI3K through mechanisms that modify the amount of
insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) and the relative levels of the regulatory subunit
of PI3K, i.e., p85α, and not the catalytic subunit, p110. Glucocorticoid-treatment
consistently leads to a decrease in the amount of IRS-1 protein and inactivation of
IRS-1 by serine-phosphorylation (ser307) in vitro in C2C12 myotubes [98–100].
Acceleration of the degradation of IRS-1 could come about through multiple mech-
anisms involving either an increase in the amount of the tyrosine phosphatase,
C1-Ten [101] or the E3 ubiquitin ligase, Cblb [98].
158 S.C. Bodine and J.D. Furlow
Another mechanism that can account for a decrease in PI3K activity following
glucocorticoid treatment is the selective increase in the regulatory subunit of PI3K,
p85α (a.k.a. Pik3r1). An increase in the regulatory subunit of PI3K (p85α), without
a concomitant increase in the catalytic subunit (p110) occurs in response to gluco-
corticoids, and could contribute to the inhibition of PI3K activity [102, 103].
Overexpression of p85α in vitro results in a decrease in the diameter of C2C12 myo-
tubes [102]. In contrast, inhibition of p85α in C2C12 myotubes, with small interfer-
ing RNA (siRNA), reduced the ability of glucocorticoids to suppress PI3K activity,
inhibit protein synthesis and induce muscle atrophy. These data suggest that
increased expression of p85α, the regulatory subunit of PI3K, is a major regulator
of glucocorticoid-induced atrophy through the suppression of PI3K activity and
protein synthesis.
Downstream of PI3K/Akt is the serine-threonine kinase, mTOR, which is a
major regulator of skeletal muscle size [40]. As previously noted, mTORC1 activ-
ity, as measured by the phosphorylation of S6K1 and 4E-BP1, is suppressed in
response to glucocorticoid treatment. Suppression of mTOR activity may be related
to the inhibition of PI3K/Akt activation, but could also be a consequence of other
mechanisms. Recently, it has been shown that suppression of mTORC1 in response
to glucocorticoids is related to the up-regulation of genes such as REDD1 [104,
105]. The upregulation of REDD1 has been directly associated with a decrease in
phosphorylation of the mTOR targets S6K1, 4E-BP1, and ULK1, as well as a
decrease in protein synthesis. More recently it was demonstrated that mice with a
deletion of REDD1 were resistant to the effects of dexamethasone [73]. The lack of
REDD1 expression in skeletal muscle prevented dexamethasone-induced muscle
atrophy and prevented the suppression of mTOR activity and protein synthesis. The
mechanism underlying glucocorticoid-mediated mTOR inhibition has been unclear,
however, recent studies suggest that inhibition is dependent on Akt/PRAS40 signal-
ing [73]. It appears that overexpression of REDD1 leads to a decrease in Akt thr308
phosphorylation, which lessens the inhibition on PRAS40, allowing it to inhibit
mTOR. An alternative hypothesis is that the REDD1 induced dephosphorylation of
Akt on Thr308 leads to TSC1-TSC2 complex assembly and attenuation of Rheb-
GTP and mTORC1 activation [106].
As discussed in more detail in other chapters, the major means by which natural and
synthetic GCs exert their actions in skeletal muscle as in other tissues is through the
intracellular glucocorticoid receptor (GR), a member of the steroid receptor gene
superfamily [107]. Although widely expressed in mammalian tissues, GR is
7 Glucocorticoids and Skeletal Muscle 159
relatively highly expressed in skeletal muscle and at higher levels than in more well-
studied tissues such as the liver or adipose tissue. The GR is most closely related to
the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) that is best known for its role in sodium and
potassium balance via its cognate hormone, aldosterone, in many vertebrates.
However, the MR is expressed at much lower levels in skeletal muscle than other
cell types. There is only one GR gene in mammals (GRα), although humans express
a GRβ splicing isoform that appears to be expressed at low levels in skeletal muscle
[108]. Internal ribosome entry may generate further diversity in the major GRα
isoform (GR A-D), which alters target gene selectivity. Additional GR encoding
genes and various alternately spliced isoforms have been reported in other verte-
brates, most notably in fish [109]. In this chapter, for simplicity sake, we will refer
to the skeletal muscle GRα generically as the GR.
The GR is expressed at much higher levels in fast-twitch glycolytic fibers versus
slow-twitch oxidative fibers, which is consistent with the much greater sensitivity
of fast twitch glycolytic fibers to the atrophy-inducing effects of glucocorticoids
[110]. GR expression in muscle is not static, but is commonly down-regulated by its
own cognate ligand [111] and also varies in a circadian manner with peak levels in
the morning in rodents when endogenous glucocorticoids are low [112]. GR expres-
sion levels have also been reported to vary as a consequence of aging and obesity,
although the significance of these expression changes has not been clearly estab-
lished [113]. Skeletal muscle GR expression is also regulated by other nuclear
receptors such as retinoic acid (RARs) [114], and estrogen receptor-related (ERR)
receptors [115]; in the latter case, this has been linked to metabolic reprogramming
by this orphan member of the gene superfamily.
The GR is a modular protein with interacting but separable domains that allow
the versatile receptor to bind ligand, as well as, interact with specific DNA sequences,
additional DNA-bound transcription factors, and transcriptional coregulatory pro-
teins. As a result, activation of the GR by synthetic or natural ligands leads to a
change in the expression of dozens to hundreds of genes in skeletal muscle, with the
number and magnitude reported dependent on expression platform, dose and dura-
tion of exposure, and whether cultured myotubes or intact animals were used. The
identified regulated genes in skeletal muscle include: (1) known, classical GR target
genes that have been identified in many other tissues and (2) genes involved in sub-
strate metabolism, insulin signaling, inflammation, the extracellular matrix, and
angiogenesis as the most common functional clusters [102, 103, 116–118]. A subset
of these genes, including their presumed mode of regulation by glucocorticoids, are
highlighted in Table 7.1. In addition to protein encoding genes, potential roles for
GR mediated transcriptional upregulation of microRNAs such as miR1 have been
described [119].
In the unliganded state, the GR is retained in the cytoplasm as a complex with
Hsp90 and other chaperones, and upon binding ligand releases these chaperones
and exhibits nuclear translocation [107]. Recent chromatin immunoprecipitation
experiments in C2C12 myotubes identified multiple direct genomic targets of the
GR in muscle [102]. A DNA sequence was commonly observed in the vicinity of
both up and down-regulated primary response genes that was similar to a consensus
160 S.C. Bodine and J.D. Furlow
Table 7.1 Selected glucocorticoid regulated genes in skeletal muscle related to atrophy
Gene Mode of regulation Roles References
MuRF1/TRIM63/RNF GRE/FOXO1/KLF15 E3 ubiquitin ligase [84, 110,
(directa) 134]
MAFbx/Atrogin-1/Fbxo32 FOXOs (indirect) E3 ubiquitin ligase [83, 84, 167]
PI3kr1 GRE (direct) PI3 kinase subunit [102]
REDD1/Ddit4 GRE (direct) mTOR inhibitor [73, 102,
KLF15 GRE (direct) Transcription factor [110]
FOXOs GRE (direct) (FOXO1b) Transcription [128, 168]
Myostatin/GDF8 GRE (direct) Muscle growth [169, 170]
Both direct (via GRE) and indirect (via induced FOXO, KLF15 and other transcription factors) possible
Only FOXO1 regulation by glucocorticoids has been investigated to date
are not. SMYD3 recruits the bromodomain containing, chromatin remodeling protein,
BRD4, to specific muscle promoters activated during atrophy. A specific role in
skeletal muscle for these transcriptional cofactors is proposed, however, they may
simply be generally supporting GR transcriptional activity in myotubes given that
HATs like p300/CBP are recruited to GR regulated promoters in many other cell
types and target gene promoters. Indeed, SMYD3 also interacts with other steroid
receptors as a mediator of steroid hormone action in several contexts [126].
While glucocorticoids directly up-regulate a number of genes implicated in
skeletal muscle protein turnover and lipid/carbohydrate metabolism, multiple tran-
scription factors are also induced by glucocorticoids in this tissue, serving to
expand and integrate the hormone regulated transcriptional network in these cells.
One important class of transcription factors discussed in previous sections is the
forkhead domain containing class O transcription factors (FOXOs). FOXO1, 3 and
4 are all induced by exogenous glucocorticoids in skeletal muscle and are also con-
sistently induced under a variety of conditions that elevate endogenous glucocorti-
coids [117, 127, 128]. Functional GREs may be present in at least one FOXO gene
promoter [129]. FOXO transcription factors are important mediators of insulin
action in multiple tissues, and are also involved in the transcriptional regulation of
metabolic enzymes, response to oxidative stress, and autophagy [130, 131]. FOXO
activity is inhibited via activation of Akt and phosphorylation at specific serine resi-
dues that inhibit FOXO nuclear localization. FOXO binding sites have been reported
in multiple atrophy-associated and metabolic enzyme genes in skeletal muscle and
inhibition of FOXO activity by growth factor addition or genetic means strongly
suppresses muscle atrophy and associated gene expression [92, 132–135], suggest-
ing that FOXOs may serve as key mediators of glucocorticoid-induced atrophy.
FOXOs are also subject to acetylation by p300 in addition to phosphorylation, but
in an isoform specific manner [136]. For example, nuclear translocation of FOXO1,
the family member particularly linked to GR actions, is activated by p300-mediated
acetylation, whereas FOXO3 transcriptional activity and localization are inhibited.
Class I histone deacetylase activity supports muscle atrophy in disuse models pre-
sumably by targeting FOXO3a (at least in part) [137]; however, isoform specific
FOXO activity in the context of glucocorticoid treatment models, where histone
acetyltransferases are actively recruited by the GR to target gene promoters will
need to be clarified.
In addition to FOXOs, several other glucocorticoid regulated transcription factors
have been identified that may also play a key role in mediating the steroid’s effects
on muscle mass and function. For example, members of the C/EBP family, in particu-
lar C/EBPβ and δ, are up-regulated in cultured myotubes and in vivo [138] in
response to glucocorticoids, and C/EBPβ may be necessary but not sufficient to
support atrophy and associated gene expression in cultured myotubes [139]. Another
transcription factor of note, Kruppel-like factor 15 (KLF15), is a strongly induced,
direct GR target in multiple cell types, including skeletal muscle. This factor partici-
pates in regulation of previously described atrophy associated genes such as MuRF1
and MAFbx, on one hand, as well as a key enzyme involved in branch chained
amino acid metabolism, BCAT2, on the other, resulting in compromised mTOR
162 S.C. Bodine and J.D. Furlow
While the previous section focused on the “classical” actions of the GR in skeletal
muscle, there is growing evidence that the GR can also mediate the effects of glu-
cocorticoids via specific protein-protein interactions with signal transduction
machinery in the cytoplasm. For example, the GR can directly interact with and
inhibit the activity of mitogen activated kinases (MAPK), IkB kinase, and PI3
kinase [143]. While most of these interactions have been studied in the context of
immune system modulation, the best studied with respect to skeletal muscle mass is
the direct physical interaction between GR and the p85 regulatory subunit of PI3
kinase. GR/p85 binding inhibits the p110 catalytic subunit interaction with IRS-1,
thus contributing to subsequent downstream Akt inhibition, FOXO activation, and
transcriptional regulation of atrophy-associated genes, among other consequences
[144]. Elevated growth factor exposure, including insulin and IGF-1, can override
the inhibitory PI3K/GR interaction; thus, atrophy stimulated by physiological glu-
cocorticoid levels must be coupled with abrogated insulin signaling or decreased
7 Glucocorticoids and Skeletal Muscle 163
Despite considerable evidence for the bona fide GR in control of skeletal muscle
mass and metabolism, nongenomic, non-GR mediated effects of glucocorticoids
have been reported, particularly in the brain [147]. Rapid effects of the steroid
appear in these cases to be mediated by a membrane bound receptor distinct from
the GR itself [148]. While this response is still understudied relative to the classical,
nuclear receptor pathway, a few reports of very rapid effects of glucocorticoids have
appeared that support an alternative mode of glucocorticoid action in both cardiac
and skeletal muscle [149–151]. Since the pharmacological profile of putative mem-
brane receptors maybe distinct from the GR, it is noteworthy that particularly in
cultured myotubes, very high doses of synthetic glucocorticoids are often used in
order to observe the most robust effects on atrophy and associated gene expression
[152, 153]. The GR equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) for dexamethasone is
very low (low nanomolar to subnanomolar range) yet concentrations of 100 μM are
often reported as being required to observe maximal responses in these models. The
necessity for very high doses of synthetic glucocorticoids in cultured myotubes has
not adequately been explained to date.
While the GR is critical for the actions of glucocorticoids in skeletal muscle, prere-
ceptor control of access to high affinity ligands is another important regulatory
point. Cells that express 11β hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type I (11β HSD I) are
164 S.C. Bodine and J.D. Furlow
Most of the discussion thus far has focused on the direct actions of glucocorticoids
in myofibers and myoblasts or satellite cells. However, systemic glucocorticoid
exposure has important effects in several other cell types within skeletal muscle, in
particular connective tissue and blood vessels. Glucocorticoids such as methylpred-
nisolone acutely decrease blood flow to skeletal muscle, which correlates with
decreased glucose up-take and systemic hypertension observed with prolonged glu-
cocorticoid treatment [44, 155]. Transient up-regulation of transcripts related to
vasoconstriction have been observed (e.g. endothelin-1) [156], presumably originating
in associated blood vessel endothelial cells rather than in myofibers themselves.
Likewise, in several gene expression profiling experiments, collagen gene expres-
sion is suppressed in intact muscle consistent with prior biochemical studies,
presumably in fibroblasts supporting the muscle extracellular matrix.
Lastly, elevation of systemic glucocorticoids alters the levels of other circulating
hormones and various metabolites that may indirectly impact muscle mass and
function, in addition to metabolic adaptation and development of insulin resistance.
In addition to effects on IGF1 described above, elevated glucocorticoids affect the
levels of growth hormone, catecholamines, inflammatory cytokines, and other cir-
culating factors which all may affect skeletal muscle structure and function indi-
rectly [157–159]. In addition, central effects of glucocorticoids on food intake are
well known [160], but this response varies among species. Furthermore, glucocor-
ticoid excess causes hypogonadism, which could also indirectly affect muscle.
Therefore, to examine the direct actions of glucocorticoids in skeletal muscle fibers
themselves, it was important to develop experimental models with skeletal muscle
specific reduction of or absent glucocorticoid signaling.
7 Glucocorticoids and Skeletal Muscle 165
Table 7.2 Genetic approaches to studying glucocorticoid receptor activity in skeletal muscle
GR mutant Atrophy model References
GR dimerization Dexamethasone [134]
mutant mice
GR floxed exon Diabetes/starvation [144]
2 × MCK-cre mice
GR floxed exon Dexamethasone/starvation/denervation [161]
3 × MCK-cre mice
GR floxed exon Cachexia/lipopolysaccharide/chemotherapy [162, 163]
2 × MCK-cre mice
166 S.C. Bodine and J.D. Furlow
atrophy associated gene expression via reduced Akt activity and increased FOXO
activity in the nucleus.
In a separate set of studies, Watson et al. [161] created a MGRKO mouse model
(MGRe3KO) by targeting a floxed exon 3 allele of the GR, again by crossing those
mice with the MCK-cre transgene. These authors demonstrated that lack of the GR
in skeletal muscle essentially prevents excess synthetic glucocorticoid induced atro-
phy and up-regulation of several atrophy associated genes including MuRF1 and
MAFbx/atrogin-1. Up-regulation of atrophy-associated genes was blunted, but not
completely prevented, in a nutritional deprivation model in the MGRe3KO mice.
Atrophy induced in a very different model, denervation of the sciatic nerve, was not
different between wild type or MGRe3KO mice nor was atrophy induced gene
expression altered, demonstrating that the GR is not uniformly required for all
conditions resulting in atrophy and it may be restricted to catabolic states [161].
These studies followed from prior work with a dimerization mutant GR expressing
mouse line that surprisingly did not prevent excess glucocorticoid induced muscle
atrophy, despite the presence of a near perfect palindromic GRE in the MuRF1
promoter [134]. MuRF1 induction was inhibited to a degree in the treated mice, but
not enough to inhibit atrophy. Interestingly, dimerization mutant GRs alone fail to
activate the palindromic GRE in the proximal MuRF1 promoter in transfection
assays, but co-expression of FOXO1 re-establishes the strong synergistic activation
of the promoter that is greater than observed upon expression of either the GR or
FOXO1 on their own [134].
In a third mouse model, muscle specific disruption of the GR gene with the
same strategy as in Hu et al. [144], and muscle atrophy was induced in a model of
inflammation using systemic lipopolysaccharide (LPS) injection as well as a can-
cer cachexia model via implantation of Lewis lung carcinoma cells [162]. Muscle
atrophy and induction of several associated muscle atrophy genes including
MuRF1 and MAFbx/atrogin-1 were strongly abrogated in both challenges in exon
2 deleted MGRKO mice. The study also clarified the role of cytokines in inflam-
mation and cancer induced atrophy with strong evidence that rather than acting
directly on muscle itself, instead, increase circulating glucocorticoids that then in
turn induce gene expression and subsequent atrophy via activation of the skeletal
muscle GR [162]. Recently, this group also used the exon 2 deleted MGRKO
model to demonstrate the requirement for skeletal muscle GR in atrophy induced
by cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agents, again likely via increasing endogenous glu-
cocorticoids that in turn induce muscle atrophy via the GR [163]. Taken together,
the above studies clearly establish the critical central role of the skeletal muscle
GR in regulating atrophy in rodent models of diabetes, excess glucocorticoid treat-
ment, starvation, inflammation (as modeled by LPS exposure), cancer cachexia,
and chemotherapy.
In addition to genetically modified mouse models, other approaches to investi-
gate the role of the GR in skeletal muscle are emerging. Small interfering RNA
(siRNA) directed against the GR inhibited glucocorticoid regulated atrophy and
gene expression in cultured myotubes [164]. In an alternative intact vertebrate
7 Glucocorticoids and Skeletal Muscle 167
The preponderance of evidence published to date is consistent with a central role for
the GR, when bound by natural or synthetic glucocorticoids, in (a) interaction with
cytoplasmic growth factor signal transduction machinery and (b) direct activation of
genes that result in an interacting gene expression network leading to imbalances in
protein synthesis and degradation pathways and ultimately muscle atrophy. A simplified
model for the mechanisms underlying acute and chronic effects of glucocorticoids in
initiating muscle atrophy is shown in Fig. 7.4. Under normal circumstances,
Fig. 7.4 Schematic for the mechanism underlying glucocorticoid induced skeletal muscle atro-
phy. More details are found in the text. Red, steps or proteins whose expression and/or activity are
inhibited by glucocorticoids; Blue, steps or proteins whose expression or activity are induced by
glucocorticoids. GR glucocorticoid receptor, GRE glucocorticoid response element, FOXO fork-
head class O transcription factor, FBE forkhead transcription factors, PIK3r1 phosphatidylinositol
3-phosphate kinase regulatory subunit 1 (PI3K p85), p110 PI3K catalytic subunit
168 S.C. Bodine and J.D. Furlow
adequate insulin and growth factor activity keeps the pro-catabolic actions of nor-
mally fluctuating endogenous glucocorticoids in check via PI3 kinase, Akt, and
mTOR activities. However, in cases of compromised insulin/IGF-1 levels or signal
transduction (diabetes, starvation, inflammation), elevated endogenous glucocorti-
coids can acutely and directly interact with and inhibit PI3 kinase activity, decreas-
ing downstream Akt activity and activating FOXO transcription factors that enter the
nucleus and activate their pro-atrophy associated target genes. Excess synthetic glu-
cocorticoid exposure, as the result of anti-inflammatory steroid use, may also over-
come the brakes normally in place via insulin or IGF-1. The endogenous or synthetic
ligand activated GR also translocates to the nucleus and directly activates atrophy
associated genes via GREs; some of these targets are regulated in close collaboration
with FOXO1 like MuRF1, and others (perhaps) more independently such as the
regulatory subunit of PI3 kinase (p85), FOXOs themselves, and transcription fac-
tors or other effector genes like KLF15 and REDD1. Increased PI3 kinase p85 and
FOXO expression with continued ligand occupation of the GR may then “feed-
forward” to further inhibit Akt and downstream targets (including preventing inhibi-
tion of accumulating FOXOs), leading to an expanding network of downstream
events and accelerated muscle loss seen in chronic glucocorticoid exposure.
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Part III
Specific Effects of Glucocorticoids
on Tissues
Chapter 8
Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis
which plays a pivotal role in osteoblast replication, function and survival. They
transcriptionally stimulate expression of Wnt inhibitors of both the Dkk and Sfrp
families, and they induce reactive oxygen species (ROS), which result in loss of
ß-catenin to ROS-activated FoxO transcription factors. Identification of dissociated
GCs, which would suppress the immune system without causing osteoporosis, is
proving more challenging than initially thought, and GIO is currently managed by
co-treatment with bisphosphonates or PTH. These drugs, however, are not ideally
suited for GIO. Future therapeutic approaches may aim at GC targets such as those
mentioned above, or newly identified targets including the Notch pathway, the
AP-1/Il11 axis and the osteoblast master regulator RUNX2.
even daily doses as low as 2.5 mg of prednisone are associated with increased risk
for vertebral and hip fracture [2, 3]. BMD decreases as a function of cumulative
exposure [4] and fracture risk depends additionally on the maximum daily dose [4].
The highest risk is observed in the spine, where the incidence of fracture compared
to controls increases by more than fivefold with daily doses equivalent to or greater
than 7.5 mg prednisolone [3]. Within the first year after treatment initiation, patients
on oral GCs show an average of 54 % increased fracture risk, which far outpaces the
decrease seen in BMD [3]. The apparent BMD-independent fracture risk may reflect
effects of GCs on neurons and muscle cells, as well as microanatomical changes to
the bone microarchitecture and/or material properties not captured by conventional
imaging techniques [5]. Nonetheless, a decrease in BMD is readily detectable by
the 12th week of GC administration and rapid bone loss continues through the 24th
week of treatment. Thereafter, the BMD loss rate appears to slow, although fracture
risk continues to accumulate [4, 6, 7]. Bone is lost from both the cortical and the
trabecular compartments, and even though the latter is affected more severely, the
trabecular thinning is usually not associated with perforations [4, 8, 9].
In addition to oral GC administration, many patients with severe obstructive
respiratory diseases such as asthma and COPD are treated with high-dose inhaled
corticosteroids. While there has been some controversy over whether or not inhaled
GCs lead to an increased risk of fracture, or whether increased fracture rates were
secondary to the underlying disease, the EOLO (Evaluation of Obstructive Lung
Disease and Osteoporosis) Study group has recently shown that inhaled GCs at the
highest doses, >1500 μg/day, have a 1.4-fold increased risk of fracture compared
with controls and patients on lower doses of inhaled steroids. Additionally, univari-
ate and multivariate analyses did not show any independent association between
obstructive lung disease and fracture risk [10, 11].
Several recent reviews provide excellent coverage of clinical manifestations and
management of GIO [12, 13]. When applicable, local GC administration should be
preferred over systemic treatment, and chronic treatment with oral GCs should be
considered a last resort. Once prescribed, oral GCs should be accompanied with
prophylactic therapy to minimize deleterious side effects. This includes cases where
high dose GCs are prescribed for short periods of time to control “flares” (exacerba-
tions) of common inflammatory diseases because, as mentioned above, GC increase
fracture risk within a few weeks of administration. Specialists treating autoimmune
and inflammatory diseases often fail to take the necessary measures to prevent
osteoporosis, and GIO-related fractures are frequently the basis for successful liti-
gation [12]. The American College of Rheumatology advocates management of
patients initiating ≥3-month treatment with a daily dose of ≥7.5 mg of prednisone
equivalents with anti-resorptive therapy (e.g., bisphosphonates) to ameliorate GIO
[14]. Recently, however, the bone anabolic peptide PTH(1-34) has been shown to
counteract deleterious effects of GCs on osteoblasts in vitro and in mice [15], and a
clinical trial suggested that it was in fact superior to anti-resorptive therapy for GIO
[16]. The results of this clinical trial are consistent with the central role of osteo-
blasts in GIO (section “Cellular Mechanisms of GIO: Osteoblasts at the Center
Stage”), and provide the prospect that further improvement of patient care may be
182 B. Frenkel et al.
The multifaceted and complex mechanisms underlying GIO have been extensively
reviewed [12, 13, 31–33]. Early anecdotal evidence suggested indirect effects of
GCs on bone through their actions in the gonads and in calcium-regulating organs
(kidney, intestine). However, more recent clinical observations and in vivo investi-
gation of mouse models argue against such indirect effects as primary pathogenic
mechanisms in GIO [12, 13, 44]. Instead, it is now widely accepted that GIO is
caused primarily through direct effects of GCs in bone cells.
Bone loss in the chronic state of GIO is mostly attributable to decreased bone
formation by osteoblasts [13], secondary to impaired osteoblast cell replication
(section “Glucocorticoids Inhibit Osteoblast Cell Cycle” below), diminished osteo-
blast differentiation and function (section “Glucocorticoids Inhibit Osteoblast
Differentiation and Function” below), and accelerated osteoblast and osteocyte
apoptosis (section “Glucocorticoids Promote Osteoblast Apoptosis” below).
Additional considerations will be briefly reviewed in the section “Involvement of
Cells Other than Osteoblasts in GIO”.
184 B. Frenkel et al.
Mesenchymal progenitors that reside in the bone marrow give rise to osteoblasts for
the life-long process of filling eroded surfaces with new bone matrix. The early
progenitors, commonly referred to as bone marrow stromal pluripotent cells, or
mesenchymal stem cells, can select one of several developmental fates with
appreciable plasticity, including a well documented reciprocal relationship between
osteoblastogenesis and adipogenesis [42–47]. Many in vitro studies suggest that
GCs influence this competitive cell fate choice, promoting the differentiation of
bone marrow stromal cells into adipocytes at the expense of osteoblasts. Treatment
of ST2 bone marrow-derived pluripotent cells with cortisol strongly stimulated the
adipocytic genes PPARγ, C/EBPα, C/EBPδ and Adipsin [43] and inhibited RUNX2
(See also section “RUNX2”). Stimulation of C/EBPα and C/EBPδ was also observed
in a microarray-based global gene expression study of dex-treated MC3T3-E1 pre-
osteoblasts [48]. Similar to the commitment stage described in primary osteoblast
cultures [37] and in MC3T3-E1 cells [49], GCs drive ST2 cells towards the adipo-
cyte lineage and away from the osteoblastic cell fate only when administered early;
once cells undergo commitment to the osteoblast lineage, the bone phenotype con-
tinues to develop normally even in the presence of GCs [50]. The idea that GIO is
mediated in part by favoring differentiation of bone marrow pluripotent mesenchy-
mal cells into adipocytes at the expense of osteoblasts is circumstantially supported
by the increased marrow adiposity observed in GC-treated mice and humans [44],
although direct in vivo evidence is lacking. Recent advances in the identification of
skeletal stem cells may facilitate lineage tracing experiments to overcome this
shortcoming [51, 52].
GCs at pharmacological concentrations suppress fundamental osteoblast func-
tions, which can be partially traced to their influence, as described above, on cell
fate at the osteoblast/adipocyte decision fork. Most significantly, GCs inhibit the
biosynthesis of type I collagen, the predominant organic component of the bone
matrix, in vitro [53] and in vivo [54]. Contributing to this inhibition, GCs first inhibit
Procollagen α1(I) transcription; this was demonstrated in primary rat calvarial osteo-
blast cultures using nuclear run-off assays, where strong inhibition was evident
within as little as two hours of treatment with 1 μM cortisol [55]. Secondly, GCs
destabilize the Procollagen α1(I) transcript [55]. Thirdly, GCs inhibit collagen accu-
mulation in a manner independent on Procollagen α1 mRNA; this was demon-
strated, for example, by Sirius red-based assay of collagen accumulation in
BMP2-treated MC3T3-E1 cultures. Co-treatment of these cultures with 0.1 or 1 μM
dex resulted in a ~4-fold decline in the collagen accumulation rate even though
Procollagen α1(I) mRNA levels did not decrease, but in fact increased [56]. The
mRNA-independent decrease in collagen accumulation is attributable to inhibition
of collagen translation, secretion, assembly, and/or accelerated collagen breakdown
by GC-inducted collagenases [57].
Beside collagen accumulation, investigators in the GIO field often rely on assays
of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and mineral deposition to assess GC-mediated
186 B. Frenkel et al.
Osteocytes. Not all osteoblasts undergo apoptosis after depositing new bone mate-
rial at sites that have just been resorbed. Some give rise to flat lining cells that
remain on the bone surface and many others incorporate into the newly formed
matrix, where they continue to live for lengthy periods of time, contributing to the
largest subpopulation of bone cells—the osteocytes. Through neuronal-like pro-
cesses embedded in a highly interconnected canalicular system, osteocytes serve as
biological relays, which stimulate osteoclasts, osteoblasts and their precursors in
response to microdamage and mechanical loading. In fact, osteocytes are a major
source of RANKL, a quintessential osteoclastogenic factor [77, 78], and their role
in bone homeostasis is increasingly appreciated [79]. Thus, skeletal effects of GCs
through osteocytes are both direct (as discussed immediately below) and indirect
via osteoclastogenesis (see ‘osteoclasts’ thereafter).
There is significant evidence that high-dose GCs increase fracture risk not only
by decreasing bone mass, but also by compromising bone material quality [13]. One
of several explanations for this phenomenon entails GC-induced osteocyte apopto-
sis [17]. Contrasting osteocyte autophagy induced by GCs at physiological concen-
trations, which may protect these cells against stress [80], osteocyte apoptosis in
response to high-dose GCs may deprive osteoclasts and osteoblasts the input, based
on which they would otherwise respond to biomechanical needs. GC-induced osteo-
cyte apoptosis is attributable to inhibition of survival mechanisms including Wnt
signaling, Akt, and Pyk2 (section “Molecular Targets of Glucocorticoids in
Osteoblasts” below). Additionally, recent evidence suggests that osteocytes directly
modify the bone matrix in which they are embedded and that GCs interfere with a
post-osteoblast mineralization process, whereby osteocytes regulate their immedi-
ate microenvironment [5]. This novel effect of GCs, hypomineralization of peri-
osteocytic bone material, was demonstrated using a nanoindentation technique
assisted by atomic force microscopy, and cannot be detected by conventional
imaging or histmorphometric methods [5].
Osteoclasts. The early and most destructive phase of GIO is driven not only by the
inhibition of osteoblastic bone formation as described above, but also by simultane-
ous stimulation of osteoclastic bone resorption. After prolonged treatment, how-
ever, bone resorption is suppressed to sub-physiological levels [28], contributing to
the overall low bone turnover rates typical of GIO.
Stimulation of osteoclastogenesis by GCs at the early disease phase is attribut-
able to both cell autonomous and paracrine mechanisms. Because osteoclastogene-
sis is a process that usually requires a few days for completion, the fast increase in
osteoclast number observed immediately after GC administration has been attrib-
utable to extended life span of pre-existing osteoclasts. GC-mediated extension of
the osteoclast life-span appears to be cell-autonomous because it occurred in iso-
lated osteoclasts in vitro [28], and because osteoclast number was lower in wild
8 Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis 189
As with several other cell types, Wnt signaling in osteoblasts increases cell prolif-
eration by promoting cell cycle progression and by inhibiting apoptosis [82].
Because Wnt ligands are known to promote asymmetric stem cell division [83],
they can be expected to allow early pre-osteoblast pool expansion to supply cells for
the formative arm of bone remodeling, while preserving a mesenchymal stem cell
pool in the bone marrow microenvironment. The central role of Wnt signaling in
bone biology was initially indicated by the inactivating mutations in LRP5, coding
a Wnt co-receptor, in patients with the familial bone disease osteoporosis-pseudo-
glioma [84]. The opposite, high bone mass (HBM), is observed in patients carrying
LRP5 activating mutations [85, 86]. Alterations to many additional Wnt-related
190 B. Frenkel et al.
genes have been linked to bone mass control, and experiments manipulating such
genes in mice solidified the notion that Wnt signaling plays a pivotal role in bone
metabolism and bone mass control (reviewed in [82]). Accordingly, experimental
stimulation of Wnt signaling in osteoblasts results in increased proliferation,
increased expression of differentiation markers, decreased apoptosis, as well as
attenuated osteoblast-driven osteoclastogenesis [82].
Bioinformatic analysis of global gene expression in bone tissue of GC-treated
versus control mice linked the differentially expresed genes to the Wnt pathway,
with indications for reduced signaling due, in part, to low expression of Wnt ligands
[5]. GCs also decrease Wnt signaling in osteoblast cultures as indicated by decreased
expression of Wnt targets, both endogenous genes and reporter constructs [37, 60,
87–90]. Mechanisms underlying inhibition of Wnt signaling in GIO are reviewed
below and schematically summarized in Fig. 8.1.
Fig. 8.1 GCs stimulate GSK3ß and inhibit Wnt signaling. Filled (colored) shapes represent com-
ponents of the canonical Wnt pathway and empty (white) shapes represent signaling molecules
that intersect with the Wnt pathway. GSK3ß is positioned at an interesection between the Wnt
pathway and protein tyrosine kinase signaling. Lightning bolts indicate phosphorylation. Inhibitory
and stimulatory effects of GCs are depicted by red and green circled G’s, respectively. GCs inhibit
growth factors (GF) and the downstream PI3K/Akt pathway. Consequently, the inhibitory phos-
phoryltion of GSK3ß on Ser9 (octagon) is attenuated and GSK3ß is thus activated. Outside the
canonical Wnt pathway, active GSK3ß phophorylates c-Myc on Thr58, resulting in c-Myc degrada-
tion. Within the canonical Wnt pathway, GSK3ß phosphorylates ß-catenin, resulting in its degrada-
tion. This adds to increased rates of ß-catenin degradation due to stimulation of Wnt inhibitors of
the SFRP and DKK families, as well as inhibition of Wnt ligands. Inactivation of the Wnt receptor
complex stabilizes the ß-catenin destruction complex, where ß-catenin is phosphorylated, tagging
it for degradation. Accumulation of ß-catenin is thus inhibited. Because ß-catenin is a critical co-
activator for LEF/TCF transcription factors, their target genes (i.e., Wnt target genes) are sup-
pressed. Additionally, GCs attenuate expression of some LEF/TCF transcription factors and
stimulate that of HDAC proteins, which inhibit both ß-catenin and LEF/TCF. Abbreviations: APC
adenomatous polyposis coli, CK-Iα casein kinase-Iα, DVL disheveled, GSK glycogen synthase
kinase, HDAC histone deacetylase, LRP5 low density lipoprotein-related protein 5, SFRP secreted
freezled-related protein
a role in regulating RANKL levels in these patients [99]. Dkk1 mRNA was also
elevated in mouse bones in vivo after 56 days of prednisolone treatment [20]; this
study, however, raises the question of whether GC-mediated stimulation of Dkk1 is
a primary event in the mouse because the early time point in vivo (7-days) indi-
cated decreased, not increased DKK1 mRNA levels [20]. Further questioning the
role of DKK1 in GIO, its levels decreased, not increased in a prospective study
with patients initiating GC therapy [100]. Additional work is therefore needed, for
example using conditional knockout mice, to rigorously test the potential role of
DKK1 in GIO.
The first step in activating Wnt signaling is the binding of Wnt ligands to frizzled
family receptors. A group of decoy receptors, the secreted frizzled-related proteins
(SFRPs) compete with membrane bound frizzled receptors for Wnt binding (Fig. 8.1),
thus attenuating both canonical and non-canonical Wnt signaling [93, 101]. Sfrp1
knockout mice have increased trabecular bone mineral density [102] and injection of
rats with recombinant SFRP1 decreased bone mineral density [62]. Both canonical
and non-canonical Wnt signaling in osteoblasts have been implicated in the regulation
of osteoblast proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis by SFRP1 [102].
Dex at concentrations ≥0.1 μM dramatically stimulated Sfrp1 mRNA expression
in primary rat bone marrow stromal cell cultures, and this was independent of new
protein synthesis [62]. Dex also stimulated Sfrp1 expression in mouse primary cal-
varial osteoblast cultures [92]. Furthermore, siRNA knock down of SFRP1 led to
increased β-catenin accumulation, enhanced Runx2 activity and high levels of ALP
and osteocalcin expression, culminating in robust nodule formation even at high dex
concentrations [62]. Hence, SFRP could serve as a therapeutic target, inhibition of
which may ameliorate GIO.
Wnt ligands. GCs regulate the expression of some Wnt ligands, potentially contrib-
uting to inhibition Wnt signaling in osteoblasts. For example, corticosterone at 100
nM inhibited by ~50 % expression of Wnt 7b and Wnt 10b in mature green fluores-
cent protein (GFP)-expressing osteoblasts of Col2.3-GFP mice. Interestingly, 10
nM corticosterone had the opposite effect, potentially accounting for paradoxical
anabolic effects often observed with low GC doses [92]. Loss of the autocrine/para-
crine activity of Wnt ligands at high GC concentrations may amplify the aforemen-
tioned anti-Wnt effects of Dkk1, which were confirmed in the Col2.3-GFP-expressing
cells [92].
GSK3ß. GC-treated osteoblasts from both human and mouse origin display a
decrease in the inhibitory phosphorylation of GSK3β on its Ser9 residue, resulting in
8 Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis 193
increased enzyme activity [46, 49]. The role of GSK3β in the anti-mitogenic effect
of GCs was demonstrated by the rescue of cell cycle progression in GC-arrested
MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts co-treated with lithium chloride, a GSK3β inhibitor [49].
GC-stimulated GSK3β attenuates cell cycle progression both by inhibiting ß-catenin/
LEF-mediated transcription [87] and by phosphorylation of c-MYC on Thr58, which
marks the protein for proteasomal degradation [49]. The phosphorylation of GSK3β
represents an important point of intersection between growth factor signaling and
the canonical Wnt pathway (Fig. 8.1). Specifically, following the activation of PI3K
by receptor tyrosine kinases [section “Akt”], Akt phosphorylates GSK3β’s serine9
residue, which results in loss of GSK3β activity upon its targets, such as β-catenin
and c-Myc. Accordingly, pharmacological and molecular inhibition of PI3K/Akt in
GC-treated MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts is associated with decreased phosphorylation of
GSK3β’s Ser9 as well as c-MYC’s Thr58 [49]. Thus, GC-mediated stimulation of the
inhibitory kinase GSK3β results in (i) attenuation of β-catenin/LEF-driven tran-
scription, adding to other inhibitory effects of GCs within the canonical Wnt path-
way; and (ii) abrogation of GSK3β functions outside the canonical Wnt pathway
(Fig. 8.1).
ß-catenin. Ligand-bound GR has been shown to physically interact with β-catenin
itself in U2OS/GR cells [103]. This could contribute to inhibition of LEF/TCF-
mediated cyclin D transcription and to GIO in vivo, even though GCs did not inhibit
cell cycle progression in the U2OS/GR cell culture model [103]. Additionally, GCs
may inhibit Wnt signaling by translocating β-catenin from the cell nucleus to the
cytoplasmic membrane, which is mediated though interactions of GR with calre-
ticulin. Indeed, silencing of calreticulin abolished dex-mediated inhibition of cyclin
D1 expression [104]. Finally, as will be described in section “FoxO Proteins”, GCs
interfere with canonical Wnt signaling at the level of β-catenin by generating
reactive oxygen species, resulting in activation of FoxO transcription factors, which
interact with β-catenin at the expense of LEF/TCF transcription factors.
Recent work suggests that GC-mediated suppression of Wnt/β-catenin signaling
is mediated in part through inhibition of mir-29a [105]. In murine calvarial osteo-
blasts, both primary and MC3T3-E1 cells, mir-29a promotes bone phenotypic prop-
erties by suppressing expression of HDAC4, a β-catenin deacetylase [105].
GC-mediated downregulation of mir-29a, and the subsequent deacetylation and
inactivation of ß-catenin by HDAC4 appear critical for suppression of the bone
phenotype because anti-sense-mediated silencing of HDAC4 rendered the cultures
resistant to GCs. Consistent with these findings, GC-mediated inhibition of cell
cycle progression in MC3T3-E1 cultures was partially negated in the presence of
the HDAC inhibitor trichostatin A [87].
LEF/TCF. Signals elicited by binding of Wnt ligands to their cell surface receptors
ultimately lead to changes in gene expression by the binding of activated β-catenin to
transcription factors of the LEF/TCF family (Fig. 8.1). In newborn mouse calvarial
osteoblast cultures, 1 μM dex decreased the expression of Lef1, Tcf1 and Tcf4 (but not
Tcf3) mRNA [37]. Interestingly, the effect of dex on Lef1 and Tcf1 expression depended
on the developmental stage with respect to a commitment stage defined based on
194 B. Frenkel et al.
In addition to the well documented role of the Wnt signaling pathway in bone
pathophysiology in general, and GIO in particular, GCs affect several other path-
ways in osteoblasts, any of which may ultimately prove an effective target for thera-
peutic intervention. We briefly review here evidence for the involvement of Notch
and BMP signaling, as well as several growth factor pathways, in GIO.
Notch Signaling
BMP Signaling
indirect lines of evidence for a role that BMP signaling may play in GIO. In fact,
dex did not inhibit the activity of a SMAD-BMP reporter in cultures of MC3T3-E1
cells [67], and some investigators even demonstrated stimulation of BMP signaling
by GCs in osteoblasts [32]. Paradoxically, stimulation of BMP signaling by GCs
may contribute to GIO through inhibition of Wnt signaling [112], although this
conjuncture remains to be tested. Another interesting speculation is that GCs con-
comitantly stimulate and inhibit BMP signaling in a target gene-dependent manner.
Be that as it may, global inhibition of BMP-SMAD signaling does not appear to
occur in GIO, or at least not in the MC3T3-E1 culture model; high expression levels
of other BMPs, in particular BMP-4, could have sustained activity of the BMP-
SMAD reporter in the presence of GCs [67]. Still, decreased BMP2 levels may
contribute to GIO when alternative osteogenic BMP genes are not expressed. Under
such circumstances (and not in MC3T3-E1 cells), inhibition of Bmp2 transcription,
through regulatory sequences located >50-kb downstream of the transcription start
site [67], might reduce BMP-SMAD signaling below a threshold necessary for
development of the osteoblast phenotype.
Growth Factors
GCs inhibit the biosynthesis of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF, a.k.a. Scatter Factor)
in human osteoblasts [113, 114], which could interrupt an autocrine mechanism
whereby HGF stimulates osteoblast proliferation by binding to its c-Met receptor on
the osteoblast membrane [115]. Indeed, inhibition of HGF signaling mimicked the
anti-mitogenic effect of GCs in human osteoblast-like cultures, and GCs no longer
inhibited cell proliferation in the presence of added recombinant HGF [114]. These
results suggest that HGF may play an important role in GIO, although direct evi-
dence to this effect is lacking.
Growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) influence bone
metabolism through both endocrine and paracrine/autocrine mechanisms, of which
the latter are more likely to play a role in GIO [116]. Indeed, osteoblast proliferation
and collagen synthesis, probably the two most important functions inhibited in GIO,
are stimulated by IGF-I and IGF-II, and GCs have been shown to inhibit IGF signal-
ing at several levels. First, GCs inhibit IGF-I transcription and secretion in primary
rat calvarial osteoblast cultures [117, 118], which again may be related to the pro-
motion of the alternative, adipocyte cell fate decision. Indeed, the GC-induced adip-
ogenic factors C/EBPα and C/EBPδ appear to bind Igf-1 regulatory sequences and
block transcriptional initiation or elongation [119]. Second, GCs inhibit expression
of IGF-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and IGFBP-5 in human osteoblast cultures
[120]. The strong inhibition of Igfbp5, which occurs at the transcriptional level in
rat calvarial osteoblast cultures [121], is of particular interest because IGFBP5 has
an additional, autonomous effect on human osteoblast proliferation [122] and a
selective bone anabolic effect in mice in vivo [123–125].
196 B. Frenkel et al.
In addition to kinase activity directly associated with the receptors reviewed above,
downstream kinases with roles in osteoblast growth and differentiation have been
implicated in GIO. Chief among them, ERK is a central hub downstream of a vari-
ety of osteogenic stimuli elicited by interaction of growth factors and extracellular
matrix proteins with their respective receptor tyrosine kinases and integrin receptors
[126–129]. Activated ERK executes much of its function in the osteoblast nucleus,
where it associates with specific DNA elements to activate key regulators of cell
growth and differentiation, including the osteoblast master regulator RUNX2 [130,
131]. Accordingly, stimulation and inhibition of ERK results in enhancement and
impediment, respectively, of osteoblast differentiation and bone formation in vivo
and in vitro [41, 132, 133].
High dose GCs inhibit ERK signaling and its downstream effectors, and these
inhibitory activities are similar to those observed after treatment of osteoblasts with
the MEK/ERK inhibitor U0126 [41]. Both dex and U0126 decreased thymidine
incorporation into newly synthesized DNA in serum- and TPA-stimulated MBA-
15.4 and MG-63 osteoblastic cells [41]. Attenuated ERK activity in GC-treated
osteoblasts is likely related to many aspects of GIO, including inhibition of osteo-
blast proliferation, differentiation and survival [75, 129]. Protection of ERK from
GCs has the potential of partially reversing GIO [134].
In MLO-Y4 osteocyte-like cells, the two highly homologous kinases, FAK and
Pyk2, play opposing roles with regard to interaction with the extracellular matrix
(ECM). Whereas FAK promotes ECM attachment and cell survival, Pyk2 activation
8 Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis 197
Transcription Factors
FoxO Proteins
The FoxO (forkhead box O) family, consisting of FoxO1, FoxO3a, FoxO4, and
FoxO6 [156], play important roles in cellular responses to ROS as well as regulation
of cell cycle progression and apoptosis [157]. As in other cells, FoxO family mem-
bers defend osteoblasts against ROS [89, 158]. The balance between protective and
deleterious effects of ROS and FoxO transcription factors is therefore key to for
bone health [143]. GCs severely impair this balance by super-activating FoxO tran-
scription factors. This results in the concomitant inhibition of Wnt signaling [143,
159, 160], thus compromising osteoblast proliferation and differentiation (see sec-
tions “Glucocorticoids Inhibit Osteoblast Cell Cycle”–“Glucocorticoids Promote
Osteoblast Apoptosis”).
Similar to the transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of FoxO3 in
non-bone cells [161], GCs stimulate FoxO transcription factors in osteoblasts
through several independent mechanisms. First, FoxO mRNA levels are upregu-
lated by GCs. Indeed, FoxO3a and FoxO1a were two of the mRNAs most strongly
upregulated in a microarray study of GC-treated primary human osteoblasts [74].
Second, GC-induced ROS stimulate the PKCβ/p66shc axis, resulting in activation of
JNK and the subsequent phosphorylation of FoxO [143] [see section “Pyk2, JNK
and p66shc”]. Third, GCs inhibit Akt [see section “Akt”], which results in the activa-
tion of FoxO proteins at the expense of LEF/TCF transcription factors [89].
When treated with pharmacologic doses of GCs, activated FoxO proteins bind
and compete for a limited supply of ß-catenin [143, 162, 163]. Direct interaction
8 Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis 199
RUNX2 is the most powerful osteoblast lineage specifying factor known to date.
Runx2 ablation in the mouse resulted in absence of osteoblasts and a general failure
to form any mineralized tissue [177, 178]. Accordingly, manipulation of RUNX2 in
cell culture models led to corresponding gain or loss of osteoblast phenotypic
200 B. Frenkel et al.
properties [179–181]. Because functional osteoblasts are needed not only for
embryonic bone development, but also to balance the resorptive activity of osteo-
clasts at bone multicellular units (BMUs) throughout life, suppression of RUNX2 in
adults can be expected to result in bone loss [182] [183]. Therefore, the inhibition
of Runx2 expression by GCs, observed in several osteoblast culture systems and
in vivo, may play an important role in GIO [19, 43, 184, 185].
Because RUNX2 activity is strongly regulated post-translationally by covalent
modifications and protein-protein interactions [186, 187], data on its mRNA and
even protein expression levels can be misleading. It is therefore important to note
that, in addition to inhibition RUNX2 expression, GCs have been reported to sup-
press the expression of RUNX2 targets, both endogenous genes such as osteocalcin
and artificial constructs designed to specifically report on RUNX activity [61, 184].
Furthermore, a recent study demonstrated that GCs inhibit the activity of RUNX2
even when constitutively expressed from an exogenous lentiviral vector [61]. The
implied post-translational inhibition of RUNX2, without a decrease in its mRNA or
protein levels [61], is likely the primary effect leading secondarily to changes in the
expression levels of endogenous RUNX2 because endogenous Runx2 is subjected to
auto-regulation [188]. Indeed, exceptional cases where endogenous Runx2 expres-
sion is not inhibited by GCs [185] may represent culture models, in which RUNX2
autoregulatory loops are not operative. Alternatively, inhibition of RUNX2 activity
by GCs may be specific for differentiation stages represented by some and not other
tissue culture models [56, 185].
Like several other steroid hormone receptors [189–191], the GR physically inter-
acts with RUNX2 [61, 192], possibly inhibiting its DNA-binding and/or transcrip-
tional activation activity. Such inhibition may vary depending on the target gene,
including the topographic relationships between local sites occupied by RUNX2,
GR and possibly other transcription factors [61, 193]. Additionally, GCs may inhibit
RUNX2 indirectly, by suppressing Wnt [section “The Wnt Signaling Pathway”],
ERK [section “ERK”] and Akt signaling [section “Akt”], all of which have been
implicated in stimulating RUNX2 [130, 131, 140, 141, 194], or by stimulating
Notch signaling, which inhibits RUNX2 [109, 110] [section “Notch Signaling”]. A
comprehensive understanding of GC-mediated regulation of RUNX2 activity may
ultimately lead to the development of novel therapeutic approaches for the manage-
ment of GIO.
The suppression of RUNX2 discussed in the previous section may constitute a criti-
cal mechanism underlying GC-mediated inhibition of osteocalcin, both a clinical
marker of bone formation and a classical model for osteoblast-specific gene expres-
sion. The inhibition of osteocalcin expression by GCs, reproducibly observed both
in vitro and in vivo, both in humans and mice, has been investigated for decades,
with initial reports focusing on GR binding to osteocalcin proximal promoter ele-
ments [20, 195–201]. The inhibition of RUNX2 itself, however, is likely much more
8 Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis 201
relevant to GIO than the inhibition of Osteocalcin, because Osteocalcin does not
play any critical role in bone formation [202]. Still, an additional mechanism of
osteocalcin transcriptional repression has been discovered using the MC3T3-E1 cell
line, in which GCs do not inhibit Runx2 [56, 185]. In these cells, GCs inhibit osteo-
calcin transcription by strongly repressing expression of Krox20 [48, 203], which
has been implicated in embryonal bone development in vivo [204]. Recent studies,
however, have raised a doubt regarding the role of Krox20 in osteoblast suppression
in GIO because its main function in the adult mouse skeleton in vivo appears to be
inhibition of osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption [205, 206].
Microarray-assisted profiling of gene expression in GC-arrested MC3T3-E1
osteoblast cultures [48] confirmed the GC-mediated stimulation of the adipogenic
regulators C/EBPß and C/EBPδ and the inhibition of Krox20 (see section
“Glucocorticoids Inhibit Osteoblast Differentiation and Function” and previous
paragraph, respectively). Together with Krox20, another zinc finger transcription
factor gene, the Kruppel-like factor 10 gene (Klf10; a.k.a TGFß-inducible growth
response, or Tieg), displayed the strongest suppression (6-fold) in the GC-arrested
as compared to control cultures [48]. The relevance of these repressed transcription
factor genes to GIO, as well as that of GC-stimulated transcription factors including
Klf 13, Period circadian clock 1 (Per1) [48] and Glucocorticoid-Inducible Leucine
Zipper (Gilz) [207], is less certain. Unexpectedly, some of the GC-upregulated
genes play positive roles in osteoblast differentiation [207] and may explain para-
doxical anabolic effects of GCs. Alternatively, these genes may play a role in GIO
by abrogating a finely tuned circadian rhythm of gene expression [208, 209], and
thus mediate the impact of GCs on proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts.
Dissociated Glucocorticoids
such as C/EBP in liver and fat cells [218, 219], Stat3 in pituitary cells, and AP-1 in
mammary epithelial cells [220] often determine accessibility. They are often lineage-
specific master regulators, and serve as pioneering transcription factors. Thus, the
view of interactions between GR and other transcription factors is changing: early
studies of individual genes were mostly interpreted as tethering of the GR by other
transcription factors via direct protein-protein interaction. The more recent, genome
wide analyses, however, suggest a more complex picture. For example the combinato-
rial activation of GR and NF-κB leads to the creation of novel binding sites in addition
to those occupied after activation of either GR alone or NF-κB alone [221]. Moreover
NF-κB target genes sometimes bear GR DNA binding sites close to the NF-κB sites,
leading to gene activation or repression dependent on the inflammatory state of innate
immune cells [222]. These complex regulatory mechanisms explain, in retrospect,
why early attempts to develop bone-sparing dissociating GR ligands were unsuccess-
ful; they relied on transactivation/transrepression of a small number of genes and
reporter constructs, which miss the big picture, where GR-mediated transcriptional
control is heavily context-dependent. It greatly varies as a function of the individual
target gene and it strongly depends on the cellular milieu, which itself depends on the
cell type, on whether it is cycling or quiescent, and on the stage of differentiation.
New principles are sought after towards the identification of bone-sparing glucocor-
ticoids, which do not depend on dissociating dimerization-dependent transactivation
from dimerization-independent transrepression. Candidate dissociating ligands will
have to be assessed for their bone-sparing property in primary cell systems. That
such efforts may be fruitful is demonstrated by the discovery of the plant-derived GR
ligand compound A (CpdA). CpdA does not compromise osteoblast differentiation
[223]. In contrast to the classical ligand dex, CpdA does not antagonize AP-1-
dependent IL-11 expression [223], a pivotal mechanism leading to inhibition of
osteoblast differentiation [19]. Consequently, the anti-inflammatory activity of CpdA
in arthritis [224, 225], experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) [226,
227] and asthma [225], which is attributable to inhibition of NF-κB [225] and thus
decreased levels of cytokines such as IL-6 [223], is not associated with a decrease in
bone mass [229]. Future cell-based screens may result in the discovery of additional
GR ligands that spare osteoblasts, and some of these ligands may serve as lead com-
pounds for the development of novel bone-sparing anti-inflammatory GC drugs.
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Chapter 9
Effects of Glucocorticoids in the Immune
The human body is constantly exposed to a host of pathogens that disturbs its proper
function and survival. These pathogens, which are mainly microorganisms, gain
access to the body through infections or through tissue injuries. However, the body
is able to defend itself by making use of cells, tissues and organs which function to
protect it from harm. Collectively, the network of these interacting cells, tissues and
organs and the mechanisms for protection, form the immune system.
Without a proper functioning immune system, exposure of the human body to
simple infections can be detrimental. The first line of defense by the immune system
is the innate immune system [1]. It is a nonspecific response and it acts rapidly.
Components of this system are the physical, chemical and cellular barriers that offer
protection against an invading pathogen [2]. These include the skin, the mucous
lining of the digestive tract, the respiratory and the urogenital systems. Certain flu-
ids found in the body such as tears, sweat, saliva, urine and gastric juice contain
components that are not conducive for microbial growth and these form chemical
barriers to infection [2]. The cellular aspect of the innate immune system is made up
of cells that are programmed to recognize and destroy microorganisms. They act by
engulfing or releasing toxic contents to destroy the invading organisms. In addition
to the rapid innate immune system, there is a second line of defense, termed adap-
tive immune system, which has a slow onset of action and is very specific in the type
of immune response it initiates [2, 3]. With regards to this type of immune protec-
tion, the primary response to an exposure of antigen elicits the production of
immunoglobulins. These immunoglobulins subsequently initiate a robust response
when the same antigen is later encountered.
In its quest to protect the body from injurious agents, the immune system triggers
reactions that may damage tissues and organs in the body. This response, which
alters the normal physiological function of various tissues and organs, occurs
through the release of mediators such as cytokines and chemokines as well as
prostaglandins and is termed inflammation [4, 5]. Inflammation seeks to establish
tissue homeostasis, but it is also associated with deleterious effects such as pain,
swelling, itching, redness and heat that do more harm than good. The inflammatory
response involves a complex interplay of cells of the immune system. While some
cells function to detect and alert the immune system of an impending danger, others
are involved in terminating the response [5, 6].
As inflammation is a “harmful” process, there are efforts to attenuate or control
it by steroids. Glucocorticoids are steroidal compounds that influence both arms of
the immune system at multiple levels [7, 8]. Their effective action in terminating
inflammatory responses has made them a gold standard in anti-inflammatory ther-
apy. Dexamethasone, prednisolone methylprednisolone, triamcinolone and beta-
methasone are some of the synthetic glucocorticoid analogs that have been
successfully used to manage various inflammatory diseases, ever since Hench and
his colleagues first reported the anti-inflammatory effect of the natural hormone,
cortisol, in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in the early 1950s [9–11].
The actions of glucocorticoids are mediated by the glucocorticoid receptor (GR),
a ligand inducible transcription factor (TF). In target cells, the hormone activated
receptor diminishes inflammation by either inhibiting the activity of pro-
inflammatory TFs, terminating signaling pathways or upregulating the expression
of anti-inflammatory proteins. Over the years, studies carried out in different
immune cell types have revealed novel insights into the mechanism of action of
glucocorticoids in the immune system. Thus, the objective of this chapter is to give
an overview of various mechanisms used by glucocorticoids to modulate the behav-
ior and function of the different immune cells.
9 Effects of Glucocorticoids in the Immune System 219
The white blood cells, also referred to as leucocytes, form the class of cells involved
in the defense against pathogens. They are derived from specialized progenitor cells
in the bone marrow and they differentiate and mature into other cell types under the
influence of different cytokines and transcription factors [12]. Based on the pres-
ence or absence of granules in their cytoplasm, leucocytes can be classified as either
granulocytes or agranulocytes respectively [13]. Granulocytes have multi-lobed
nuclei and are made up of neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils and mast cells. They
can be distinguished from each other microscopically by the appearance of charac-
teristic granules upon staining with hematoxylin and eosin as well as by the expres-
sion of cell type specific genes. Each cell type plays a specific role during an injury,
infection or inflammation. For example, at inflammatory sites, local signals gener-
ated in response to chemokines and cytokines act as chemoattractants for neutro-
phils. These cells are recruited to the inflammatory sites where they exhibit very
potent phagocytic and microbicidal activity which is characterized by the activation
of myeloperoxidase that contributes to clearance and resolution of the inflammatory
response [14–16]. Eosinophils are involved in protection against parasites and hel-
minth infections [17, 18] and mast cells mediate allergic responses. These latter
cells are characterized by the presence of cytoplasmic granules which consist of
histamine, heparin and the proteases tryptase and chymase. When activated by aller-
gens, they degranulate and release the contents of their cytoplasmic granules and
they also increase the expression of cytokine genes [19, 20]. These events contribute
to the symptoms of allergic and inflammatory reactions that are characteristic of
mast cells. Basophils form a class of granulocytes with a rather unknown physiolog-
ical function although they are thought to have a role in host defense just like other
immune cells [21].
The second major class of immune cells is made up of agranulocytes. They are
single nucleated cells that consist of monocytes and lymphocytes. Monocytes
migrate from the blood and differentiate into either macrophages or dendritic cells.
Macrophages are large, irregularly shaped cells which contain numerous vacuoles
that are used for phagocytosis of cellular debris from tissue necrosis and invading
microorganisms [22]. In contrast, dendritic cells are star shaped cells whose main
functions are to capture, process and present antigens to B and T lymphocytes to
prime and boost immunity [23, 24]. B lymphocytes are involved in antigen-specific
antibody production and T lymphocytes are involved in cell-mediated immunity
and cytokine production. Nearly all these immune cells are sensitive to the immune
suppressive and anti-inflammatory actions of glucocorticoids and a summary of
their response to the hormone is presented in Table 9.1.
220 E. Oppong and A.C.B. Cato
cells, allergens were patterned on a glass surface, to immobilize and activate the
mast cells [51]. This approach was used to visualize in real time the recruitment of
a GR tagged with GFP to the site of interaction of the allergen with the cell [52].
Further analyses using photobleaching techniques revealed slower dynamics of the
receptor at the membrane of the activated mast cells compared to non-activated
cells, indicating possible interaction of the GR with membrane bound components
in the activated cells [52]. With these brief descriptions of the pathways and meth-
ods used for studying glucocorticoid action in immune cells, we will now take a
look at the effect of the hormone on individual immune cells.
Macrophages act as scavenger cells of the immune system since they clear cel-
lular debris and invading microorganisms by phagocytosis [22]. They are acti-
vated by bacteria components such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or endotoxin that
bind to toll like receptors (TLRs) located on their surfaces. This triggers intracel-
lular signaling cascades such as the MAP kinases (p38 MAPK, ERK and JNK)
resulting in enhanced transcription of pro-inflammatory cytokine genes.
Glucocorticoids interfere with these signaling pathways to dampen the inflamma-
tory responses. For example, pretreatment of bone marrow derived macrophages
with the synthetic glucocorticoid, dexamethasone, following TLR activation by
LPS, resulted in the suppression of phosphorylation of JNK and p38 MAP kinase.
However, phosphorylation of ERK was unaffected [53], indicating a differential
action of glucocorticoids on the MAPK pathway in these cells. Additionally, pro-
inflammatory cytokines and chemokines such as interferon gamma (IFNγ), inter-
leukin 1α and interleukin 1β (IL-1α and IL-1β) were inhibited at both the mRNA
and protein levels [53]. The anti-inflammatory action of glucocorticoids in mac-
rophages was also reported to occur through an upregulation of the expression of
dual specificity phosphatase one, DUSP1, a negative regulator of the MAPKs.
Ablation of DUSP1 impaired the anti-inflammatory action of glucocorticoids in
these cells [53, 54].
The ligand activated GR also negatively regulates pro-inflammatory gene expres-
sion through crosstalk with TFs such as AP-1 and NF-κB at the promoter of target
genes [35]. Downregulation of the activities of these TFs by the GR was reported to
involve the coregulator protein GRIP1, that was previously identified as a coacti-
vator of the GR [55, 56]. GRIP1, possesses a unique domain that confers repression
to target genes when it is bound by the GR and it is through this region that the
negative regulation by the GR is achieved [57]. Conventional GRIP1 knock-out
mice show defects in normal growth of the adrenal glands and glucocorticoid
9 Effects of Glucocorticoids in the Immune System 223
Dendritic Cells
Dendritic cells (DCs) are antigen presenting cells that differentiate from precursor
monocytes [23]. They exist either as freshly differentiated immature cells or termi-
nally differentiated mature cells in resident tissues such as the spleen and lymph
node. In response to tissue damage or injury, immature DCs capture invading patho-
gen, process them and present them to T cells for initiation of an immune response
[23]. In general, immature DCs have increased antigen capturing and processing
capability but low T cell stimulatory potential [23]. On the contrary, mature DCs are
characterized by low antigen uptake capacity, increased ability of antigen presenta-
tion and are effective T-cell stimulators [24]. Dexamethasone interferes with the
lifecycle of DCs. In vitro maturation of DCs by TNFα or CD40 ligand to express
costimulatory molecules such as MHC I, MHC II and CD80 is impaired by dexa-
methasone and as such glucocorticoid treated DCs exhibit reduced T-cell stimula-
tory capacity and production of cytokines [63, 64]. Thus, it is likely that by keeping
DCs in an immature state, glucocorticoids may enhance the clearance of invading
pathogens and microorganisms. Other effects of glucocorticoids on DCs are
presented in Table 9.1.
224 E. Oppong and A.C.B. Cato
T Lymphocytes
T Lymphocytes, also referred to as T cells are immune cells that arise from lym-
phoid progenitors in the bone marrow and mature in the thymus [65]. They are clas-
sified as naïve, effector or memory cells based on their function during the immune
response. Naïve T cells are nonactivated, short-lived cells that die when no antigen is
encountered. However, upon activation, naïve T cells differentiate into distinct effec-
tor T cell types (Th1, Th2, Th17 and Tregs cells) based on their pattern of cytokine
production [66, 67]. For example, IL-12, IFN-α and IFN-γ induce differentiation of
Th1 phenotype to secrete IL-2, TNF-α and IFN-γ whereas IL-4 drives the Th2 to
produce IL-4, IL-10 and IL-13 [68, 69]. Generally T effector cells disappear after
removal of the antigenic agent. However, a subpopulation remains to form a third
class of cells, termed memory T cells [70]. Upon reexposure to the same antigen,
memory T lymphocytes are activated to mount a rapid and potent immune response.
Nearly all the subtypes of T lymphocytes are sensitive to the actions of glucocorti-
coids, which result in changes in their survival, differentiation or function.
Glucocorticoids also influence the pattern of cytokines that drive the differentiation
of T cells into the distinct subtypes. These effects of the hormone have been USE
extensively instead of intensively reviewed by Elenkov 2004 and Flammer et al. 2011
[71, 72] and readers are referred to these articles for further information on this topic.
One of the mechanisms by which the immune system elicits its protective role is
by inducing programmed cell death, also termed apoptosis, of the different immune
cells [73]. The Bcl-2 family of proteins which contain up to four Bcl-2 homology
domains (BH1-BH4) mediate programmed cell death [74]. While some members of
this class of proteins protect against cell death, other members initiate cellular apop-
tosis. In T lymphocytes, apoptosis is induced either by the intrinsic pathway which
is usually activated by cellular stress or by the extrinsic pathway induced by aggre-
gation of surface receptors such as Fas [73, 75]. The intrinsic pathway is initiated by
a subset of proapoptotic proteins that contains only the BH3 domain such as Bid,
Bad and Blk. These proteins trigger cell death by either activating other proapop-
totic bcl-2 family members (Bax and Bak) or by inhibiting the antiapoptotic pro-
teins Mcl, Bcl-2 and Bcl-x [73]. Consequently, cytochrome c is released from the
mitochondria and an apoptosome consisting of cytochrome c, protease activating
factor 1 (Apaf-1) and caspase 9 activate effector caspases that lead to cell death [76,
77]. In the extrinsic pathway, activation of cell surface “death” receptors recruits
caspase 8 which in turn activates downstream effectors such as caspase 3 to trigger
apoptosis of the cells [73]. Alternatively, caspase 8 can also cleave the BH3-only
propaptotic member, Bid, resulting in the release of cytochrome c and initiation of
apoptosis as described above [73, 74]. Glucocorticoids potently induce T cell death
via both mechanisms. Studies documenting this action of the hormone have been
reviewed by Distelhorst 2002, Ashwell et al. 2000 and Herold et al. 2006 [78–80].
The effects of glucocorticoids in T cells described above are not the only
action of the hormone in these cells. There are reports that glucocorticoids also
exert non-genomic actions in these cells by modulating the activities of kinases.
Several kinases are activated when the T cell receptor (TCR) expressed on
9 Effects of Glucocorticoids in the Immune System 225
Neutrophils are immune cells that are rapidly recruited to inflammatory sites for
phagocytosis and destruction of invading organisms [87]. After their phagocytic
action, they undergo apoptosis and are subsequently cleared from the inflamed tis-
sue by macrophages. The removal of neutrophils is valuable to the resolution of
inflammation and return to tissue homeostasis [88]. However, when neutrophils per-
sist for long periods, they accumulate and release cytotoxic serine proteases such as
neutrophil elastase and metalloproteinases which further aggravate the inflamma-
tory process [89–91]. Long-lived neutrophils at inflammatory sites are therefore
undesirable. Intriguingly, glucocorticoids have been shown to increase the accumu-
lation and survival of neutrophils [92, 93] with the half-lives of glucocorticoid
treated neutrophils doubling compared to non-treated controls [92]. This
glucocorticoid-mediated prolongation of neutrophil survival involves induced
expression of anti-apoptotic proteins such as members of the Bcl-2 family of pro-
teins and/or suppression of apoptotic signaling pathways [94]. Thus the action of
glucocorticoids on neutrophils maybe detrimental since the hormone enhances the
ability of neutrophils to survive and to secrete pro-inflammatory mediators [95].
This notion is supported by the finding that glucocorticoids are ineffective in neu-
trophilic inflammation [94]. This pro-inflammatory effect of neutrophils is therefore
thought to contribute to the clinical disorder of glucocorticoid resistance [94, 96].
Besides, glucocorticoids also increase the concentration of neutrophils in the blood
by causing demargination of these cells from the walls of the blood vessels [97].
Mast Cells
Mast cells are effector cells of allergic and inflammatory reactions. They express on
their surface IgE receptor (FcεRI), TLRs, mast/stem cell growth factor receptor
(SCFR), (also referred to as c-kit receptor) and IgG receptor that are involved in the
activation of the cells. However, most studies exploring the behavior and function of
226 E. Oppong and A.C.B. Cato
these cells have concentrated on the FcεRI pathway since this is the main signaling
pathway of mast cells. The FcεRI consists of α, β and γ subunits that play distinct
roles during activation of mast cells (Fig. 9.1). The α subunit contains an extracel-
lular domain that is important for IgE binding while the β and γ domains contain
immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) for signal amplification
and propagation respectively [98, 99]. Allergen-mediated aggregation of FcεRI trig-
gers a chain of signaling events where Lyn, a proximal Src-like kinase, is recruited
to phosphorylate the ITAMs of the β and γ subunits. This leads to the recruitment of
spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk) which further transduces the signal to downstream
targets [100, 101] (Fig. 9.1). Signal transduction in mast cells can also occur through
an alternative pathway involving Fyn kinase, Grb2- associated binder 2 (Gab2) and
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) [102] (Fig. 9.1). All these signaling events
result in three main downstream effects: degranulation, cytokine/chemokine gene
expression and arachidonic acid and eicosanoid production (Fig. 9.1). Glucocorticoids
inhibit mast cell activation at different levels in this signaling cascade as recently
described (Oppong et al [37] and Fig. 9.1). For example, following long-term treat-
ment (16–24 h), glucocorticoids downregulate the activity of Erk1/2 [103], which
could have an impact on their effect on arachidonic release and cytokine gene
expression. Activation of PI3K and the release of calcium from intracellular store as
well as degranulation are other examples of markers of mast cell activation that are
inhibited by long-term glucocorticoid treatment of mast cells [37, 104].
Glucocorticoids also use rapid non-genomic actions to modulate mast cell action
[105, 106]. Here, it has been shown that following allergen-mediated crosslinking
of FcεRI of mast cells, the GR is rapidly recruited to the plasma membrane (Fig. 9.1)
and this process is further transiently enhanced by glucocorticoid treatment [52]. It
therefore appears that the membrane-localized GR may serve as an early sensor for
the hormone to amplify its main genomic action [52]. In kinetic studies of hormone-
dependent nuclear translocation of the GR, a transient delay in the mobility of the
GR was observed in allergen-activated compared to non-activated mast cells [52].
This lag phase in nuclear translocation of the GR was suggested to have arisen from
the time the receptor spent at the plasma membrane. The function of the membrane
localized-GR was therefore postulated to modulate cell signaling pathways that
could eventually be relevant to the genomic action of the receptor [52], a definitive
proof for this mechanism is however lacking.
One of the downstream targets for this rapid action of glucocorticoids is the
rapid- and transient- increase in FcεRI-dependent phosphorylation of Erk1 and 2
[52]. Along with the long-term action on phosphorylation of Erk-1/2, glucocorticoids
therefore exert a dual effect on Erk phosphorylation in mast cells. The significance
of these two regulatory pathways is not fully understood. However it is likely that
the rapid upregulation of phosphorylation of the Erk-1/2 may prepare the cell for the
later events that lead to the downregulation of the kinase activity. The latter negative
action of the glucocorticoid is however thought to be the basis for the anti-allergic
and anti-inflammatory actions of glucocorticoids since Erk1/2 regulates several of
the pro-inflammatory pathways in mast cells that are downregulated by
9 Effects of Glucocorticoids in the Immune System 227
β α FcεRI
A GR Lyn A
T γ T PLCγ
2 Gab2 Syk
Non Genomic PLCγ
Pathway IP3 DAG
GC H8090
GR Ca2+
Genomic MAPK
Pathway (p38/ERK/JNK)
GR Cyokine gene
+ expression
Lipid mediators
Fig. 9.1 Signal transduction in mast cells following crosslinking of FcεRI and activation of the
glucocorticoid receptor (GR) in mast cells. Signaling pathways through the Lyn-Syk-LAT pathway
following FcεRI crosslinking are indicated by red arrows. An alternative pathway involving Fyn-
Gab2-PI3K initiated after aggregation of the FcεRI is also indicated by red arrows. Activation of
the mast cell leads to three main downstream events: degranulation, cytokine gene expression and
production of lipid mediators. The GR signaling pathway in mast cells is shown by black arrows.
In the genomic effect of the GR, the receptor dissociates from heat shock proteins upon hormone
binding and translocates to the nucleus to modulate gene expression such as the induction of
expression of the DUSP1 gene, whose product inhibits MAPK activation. In the non-genomic
action of glucocorticoids, allergen mediated activation of mast cells recruit the GR to the FcεRI
complex. Components of the mast cell signaling pathway reported to be inhibited by glucocorti-
coids are indicated by the symbol
understood since glucocorticoids exert diverse effects in these cells. Some effects of
the hormone are apparently beneficial as they negatively regulate signaling pathways
and downregulate pro-inflammatory cytokine gene expression. On the other hand,
other actions such as hormone-increased survival and accumulation of neutrophils
or enhanced Erk1/2 phosphorylation in mast cells are still not understood. However,
positive regulatory effects of glucocorticoids may contribute to the anti-inflammatory
action of glucocorticoids. In T-cells, glucocorticoids positively regulate the expres-
sion of IL-10, a cytokine that possesses anti-inflammatory effects and that has a
valuable role in diseases such as asthma [108, 109]. These complexities in the action
of glucocorticoids emphasize the need for further research to be carried out to
clarify their effects in the immune system.
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Chapter 10
Glucocorticoids and the Brain: Neural
Mechanisms Regulating the Stress Response
Abstract In this chapter, we describe the central role of the brain in the glucocor-
ticoid mediated stress response. We describe the mechanisms by which the brain
gauges the severity of stress, mechanisms of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
(HPA) regulation, and how various sub-systems of the brain respond to glucocor-
ticoid (GC) signaling to regulate stress behavior. In particular, we focus on the
hippocampus, pre-frontal cortex, and amygdala, where GCs can induce a series
of changes. Finally, we briefly discuss an apparent paradox in GC signaling:
while exposure to glucocorticoids promotes the survival of an organism during
acute stress, these same hormones in chronic excess can also cause damage and
promote illness.
organism must perceive the stressor and select appropriate behavioral strategies
(brain) and optimize energy resources towards a “fight, flight or freeze” response
(cardiac, respiratory, skeletal) in part by shutting down systems that are not imme-
diately essential (digestive, reproductive, growth).1 In the vertebrate stress response,
the activation of these various systems is initiated by the release of glucocorticoid
(GC) stress hormones from the adrenal glands, and also by catecholamine signaling.
Importantly, the stressful situations that an organism encounters are diverse.
Stressors may be acute and severe (e.g., predation), chronic and severe (e.g.,
drought), or mild (e.g., social interactions) and each type of stressor requires a
unique adaptive response. On the other hand, some types of challenges are predict-
able, and in these cases GC secretion can allow the organism to prime its physiolog-
ical response in anticipation of the pending challenge. For example, in diurnal
animals GCs are secreted in a daily circadian cycle, with high GC secretion induc-
ing arousal during the early morning and a GC trough promoting rest during the
evening. To respond to these wide variety of environmental challenges, ranging
from mild to severe and predictable to unpredictable, vertebrates have evolved a
complex regulatory system, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, to
perceive the severity of environmental challenge and release an appropriate amount
of GCs for a measured, homeostatic behavioral response.
In this chapter, we describe the central role of the brain in the GC-mediated stress
response. We describe the mechanisms by which the brain gauges the severity of
stress and initiates an appropriate systemic response—in other words, regulation via
the HPA axis. Secondly, we describe how various sub-systems of the brain respond
to GC signaling to regulate stress behavior. In particular, we focus on the hippocam-
pus, pre-frontal cortex, and amygdala, where GCs can induce a series of changes
(Fig. 10.1). These include alterations that underpin behavioral responses such as
alertness and cognitive function, appetitive versus aversive thresholds to various
threatening stimuli and rewards (i.e., motivation vs. avoidance), fear, and memory
formation. On a cellular and molecular level, this entails modulations of neurotrans-
mitter levels, alterations in dendritic morphology, receptor density, and changes in
signal transduction. Thirdly, we briefly discuss an apparent paradox in GC signal-
ing: while exposure to glucocorticoids promotes the survival of an organism during
acute stress, these same hormones in chronic excess can also cause damage and
promote illness. Chronic stress is a risk factor for multiple diseases, including
diseases of central and peripheral nervous systems such as stroke, mental illness,
and multiple sclerosis [122–127]. Within the CNS, chronic glucocorticoid exposure
can suppress neurogenesis, bias cell fates of neural precursor cells, contribute to
dendritic atrophy, and alter neuronal excitability in key regions of the brain involved
in anxiety and depression [reference]. Therefore, an organism’s best option is to
mount as efficient a stress response as possible, limiting its exposure to high levels
of catabolic and metabolically demanding glucocorticoids. Fine-tuning of the stress
Hans Selye, the father of modern stress research defined stress as the “non-specific response of
the body to any demand made upon it” [96].
10 Glucocorticoids and the Brain: Neural Mechanisms… 237
Fig. 10.1 Selected limbic structures involved with HPA axis regulation
response can have a dramatic influence on health. Importantly, the calibration and
reactivity of the stress response is partly dependent upon early life environmental
contexts and developmental programming, which help prepare organisms for
future and current environmental challenges.
As a first step in activating the HPA axis, the brain integrates external and internal
sensory information pertaining to the immediate challenge, and this information is
transduced into endocrine responses within the paraventricular nucleus of the hypo-
thalamus (PVN) [45]. The hypophysiotropic neurons within the PVN secrete
corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) into the
hypophyseal portal system, a system of blood vessels that link the hypothalamus
with the pituitary gland. Upon reaching the anterior pituitary, CRH stimulates the
release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) into circulation. Elevated ACTH
levels, in turn, stimulate the synthesis and release of glucocorticoids via binding to
melancortin-2 receptors within the cortex of the adrenal glands [1]. HPA activation
results in a maximal rise in circulating GCs after 15–30 min, and returns to baseline
levels at roughly one hour after the termination of a stressor [93]. The crucial ability
to terminate the stress response, or inhibit the secretion of CRH and ACTH, is via
glucocorticoid negative feedback on key neural regions, such as the PVN, anterior
pituitary, medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), and hippocampus.
238 S.N. Shirazi et al.
The stress response, as a whole, does not solely depend on GCs to alter physiol-
ogy and behavior—it also requires the concerted actions of several other neuropep-
tides. These include: urocortins, which interact with CRH; vasopressin, which is
implicated in stress-related social memory and emotionality; and orexins, which are
involved with stress-related energy and circadian homeostasis. Furthermore, CRH
acts in many other brain regions outside of the PVN of the hypothalamus. For example,
CRH is released in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BnST) where it plays a
role in stress-related anxiety. In the nucleus accumbens, CRH acts to suppress dopa-
mine release in response to rewards, and shift appetitive and aversive behaviors [61,
113] while in the amygdala and in the hippocampus it is involved in stress-related
emotional memories, anxiety, and learning processes [89, 92]. A review of the
actions of GCs on the brain is incomplete without considering the coordinated influ-
ence of the aforementioned peptide mediators, however, its discussion exists outside
the scope of this chapter. For an excellent review of CRH, see [53].
The ability of the HPA axis to respond dynamically to stress or to tonic secretion of
glucocorticoids via circadian rhythm is determined, in part, by the ability of
glucocorticoids to adjust ACTH secretion. This negative feedback occurs when GCs
penetrate the blood–brain barrier and exert rapid (non-genomic) and slower
(genomic) effects on the various neural regions that regulate ACTH release [24, 38,
101]. Two classes of brain steroid receptors mediate negative feedback: the miner-
alocorticoid receptor (MR), and glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Both MR and GR
belong to the nuclear receptor superfamily and function as transcription factors
regulating gene expression [85].
MRs have a relatively limited distribution, exhibiting the highest expression
within the subiculum/CA1 field and dentate gyrus of the hippocampus [85]
(Fig. 10.2a). GRs are expressed nearly ubiquitously (Fig. 10.2b). There are, how-
ever, areas of greater GR density within the hippocampus, amygdala, cerebellum,
hypothalamus (most notably the PVN), neurons of the ascending aminergic path-
ways of the brainstem, and to a lesser extent, the caudate nucleus and putamen
[34, 78]. While both receptor subtypes bind corticosterone, MRs have a roughly
tenfold greater affinity for GCs relative to GRs (Kd of ~0.5 nM for MR vs. Kd
~2.0–5.0 nM for GR) [85]. Consequently, MRs preferentially bind GCs over GRs
and reach near-saturation levels during troughs of the circadian cycle (i.e., low basal
levels), and are fully saturated during circadian peaks and stress. GRs are activated
only when glucocorticoid levels reach a high concentration beyond the level that
saturates MRs, such as during an acute stressor or during the zenith of the circadian
rhythm. It is hypothesized that MRs are a critical component of the circadian regu-
lation of baseline HPA tone (via fast-feedback, non-genomic actions), while GRs,
occupied at higher corticosteroid concentrations, mediate feedback actions follow-
ing stress [7]. Thus, the balance of MR and GR receptor types, their occupancy, and
10 Glucocorticoids and the Brain: Neural Mechanisms… 239
Fig. 10.2 (a) MR distribution in the mouse brain. (b) GR distribution in the mouse brain
Four brain regions are strongly implicated as sites for HPA regulation and synthesis
of CRH and AVP. These include the PVN of the hypothalamus, frontal cortex,
amygdala and hippocampus.
The PVN is the main gateway for initiating the hormonal stress response, and thus
a primary target for regulating HPA negative feedback. It contains one of the densest
populations of CRH neurons, which express GRs [17, 110]. Exogenous application
of GCs in the PVN results in a rapid decrease in CRH mRNA expression [56] lead-
ing to a corollary decrease in HPA activation. Conversely, lesioning PVN afferents
serves to increase expression of CRH and AVP mRNA demonstrating that neuronal
inhibitory pathways are also necessary for the maintenance of HPA tone [44, 45].
Non-genomic, fast feedback inhibition of the HPA axis within the PVN is depen-
dent on both endocannabinoid and GABAergic mechanisms [106]. GCs stimulate
the synthesis and release of endocannabinoids within the PVN by binding to
membrane-bound MRs. These endocannabinoids then bind to presynaptic CB1
receptors to suppress glutamatergic transmission, thus inhibiting the activation of
PVN neurons and reducing secretion of CRH [24, 29, 48]. GCs also bind to receptors
on inhibitory magnocellular neurons of the PVN to stimulate fast, G-protein-dependent
240 S.N. Shirazi et al.
release of GABA to inhibit downstream CRH secretion [106]. In this fashion, MRs
act in a rapid, non-genomic pathway for negative feedback within the PVN of the
right mPFC lesion was found to be greater in response to chronic stress than to acute
stress, suggesting that the mPFC is associated with regulating HPA activity during
highly stressful conditions [13].
Intra-region specificity of the mPFC (brake vs. gas) is stressor specific. It modu-
lates its responses based on the nature of the environmental challenges presented,
such as psychological stress vs. physical stress. The pre-limbic cortex (brake) is of
particular note in its role in inhibiting the HPA axis, especially with respect to
psychogenic stressors. This is evidenced by inhibition of CRH and AVP expression
after GC infusion into mPFC during restraint stress, a psychological stressor, but
not the anesthetic ether, a physical stressor. Conversely, the infra-limbic cortex can
initiate HPA activity. It responds robustly to both physical and psychogenic stress
[70, 84, 103]. For instance, repeated social stress, but not noise stress, significantly
increases ∆FosB expression, an immediate early gene used as a marker for neuronal
activation, within the infra-limbic mPFC [50]. This suggests that the mPFC plays a
role in the ability to discriminate between psychogenic and physical stressors,
thereby increasing the efficiency and specificity of HPA axis regulation [27, 31, 84].
Similarly to the PVN, mPFC-mediated HPA inhibition is dependent in part on
GR-mediated endocannabinoid signaling. CB1 receptor antagonism within the
mPFC up-regulates HPA activity and results in prolonged GC secretions.
Furthermore, GC exposure results in endocannabinoid release, indicating homeo-
static negative feedback. Mechanistically, increases in endocannabinoids lead to a
decrease in GABA release. This results in a net gain in excitation on pre-limbic
(brake) neurons [49]. The pre-limbic cortex has direct afferents onto GABAergic
neurons within the BnST, which in turn send projections to the neurosecretory cells
of the PVN. In this fashion, GC-induced CB1 activation of the pre-limbic mPFC
results in an activation of inhibitory BnST-PVN circuitry. The net result is the sup-
pression of HPA activity.
Responding to psychogenic and physiological stressors, the mPFC is a key
component in the top-down regulation of the HPA axis. Part of this regulation is
mediated by serotonergic mPFC-amygdala connectivity [32]. For example, decou-
pling serotonergic mPFC-amygdala circuitry leads to alterations in stress related
behaviors [5, 116]. However, the amygdala also regulates the mPFC, thus is another
critical component in the emotional guidance of behavior [26].
Receiving direct and indirect connections from limbic structures, including mPFC
and hippocampus, the amygdala is thought to be a major integrating center for emo-
tional and arousing stimuli. The amygdala is highly involved in the systemic stress
response and is sensitive to both glucocorticoids and catecholamines. Direct stereo-
tactic infusions of GC to the amygdala greatly increase CRH mRNA expression
within the PVN during psychogenic stress, illustrating the amygdala’s capacity to
alter HPA activity during elevated GC exposure [97].
242 S.N. Shirazi et al.
Like the mPFC, the amygdala’s influence over HPA systems is region specific.
The amygdala is a complex of many sub-nuclei, often segregated into three regions:
corticomedial (MeA), central (CeA), and basolateral (BLA) nuclei groups [100].
The CeA is further divided into a lateral component (CeL), and a medial (CeM)
component. The balance of excitation and inhibition in each of these sub-regions
modulates HPA reactivity [12, 68, 98, 100]. The amygdala has both “anxiogenic”
and “anxiolytic” pathways. Stimulation of the BLA itself has been shown to increase
HPA activity (anxiogenic), while direct stimulation of the CeM, results in anxiolytic
effects. Since both the CeA and the BLA sends projections to the PVN via the
BNST, the net effect of amygdala activation on the HPA axis is contingent upon
the circuitry that is invoked [80, 109].
As described above, many brain regions that integrate sensory information, such as
the mPFC, amygdala, and hippocampus, can exert control of the PVN to fine tune
the stress response according to the immediate experiences of the animal. In turn,
once the stress response is initiated, the animal also has to enact appropriate behav-
ioral strategies to cope with the stressor. Thus, beyond acting as a negative feedback
signal, GCs also modulate brain function in these same regions to coordinate appro-
priate stress-response behaviors.
Stress, both mild and severe, can lead to functional and structural changes in the
prefrontal cortex [6, 39, 51]. This includes alterations in dendritic arborization and
spine density in all regions of the mPFC (IL, PL, and AC) and neighboring orbito-
frontal cortex, which is driven in part, by GR signaling [11, 15, 62, 63, 82, 121]. For
instance, 3 weeks of corticosterone administration [115] or daily restraint stress
[20], is capable of reducing dendritic arborization and spine density in the mPFC
and dorsomedial striatum [21, 25]. Functionally, both glucocorticoid administration
and stress leads to deficits in working memory [11, 15, 76, 90], mPFC dependent
set-shifting [63], as well as reversal learning [14, 15, 60].
Paradoxically, under some conditions, chronic stress can facilitate reversal
learning [40, 41]. One hypothesis by Dias-Ferreira and colleagues as well as
Schwab and Wolf, posits that stress leads to a disinhibition of PFC functions and
towards striatal mediated learning [25]. The effect is bias in an organism’s behavior
towards habit formation [25, 41, 94, 95]. Indeed, severe, repeated stressors result in
an increase in apical dendrite arborization in both the dorsolateral striatum and
orbitofrontal cortex, regions involved in habitual strategies, reward valuation, and
reversal learning [25, 63]. These studies suggest that the effects of stress and gluco-
corticoids may be beneficial to shift behaviors toward optimal behavioral adaption
to environmental stress.
244 S.N. Shirazi et al.
Its activation by GCs can lead to alterations in learning and memory [88]. However,
it is important to note that amygdala contributions to autonomic functioning are
with respect to emotional arousal, not circadian or homeostatic HPA regulation.
Both acute and chronic stress results in the remodeling of synapses and dendritic
branching within the amygdala [72, 73]. Stress induced synaptic plasticity is modu-
lated by GABAergic inputs [23]. These changes are correlated with an increase in
anxiety-like behaviors and enhanced fear conditioning [19, 73, 118]. High levels of
corticosterone reduce GABA transmission, which results in an increase in the firing
rate of excitatory neurons in the basolateral amygdala [28]. This suggests that high
levels of glucocorticoids can change the balance between excitation and inhibition,
resulting in modifications in synaptic connectivity. These changes can influence
neuronal plasticity even in distal brain regions. Recent findings demonstrate that the
BLA can alter synaptic plasticity and long-term potentiation in the striatum and
hippocampus. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly clear that glucocorticoids
within the amygdala can be far-reaching and impactful [4, 81].
Finally, the amygdala also plays a central role in enhancing memory consolida-
tion following emotionally arousing events. High levels of circulating GCs can
improve the recall of a stressful event [9, 77, 89]. However, GCs effects may be
mediated by ß-adrenergic activation; blockade of ß-ardrenergic receptors within the
BLA prevents memory enhancements following GR activation. Furthermore, acti-
vation of BLA via emotional arousal is critical in GC-mediated memory enhance-
ments [83]. Enhanced memory performance following a stressful event can be
advantageous, as future encounters to similarly arousing stimuli would result in a
feed-forward HPA activation to prime physiological systems in anticipation of a
stressor. However, more investigations are needed to fully determine how stress,
NE, and GCs influence different phases of fear learning and its expression in
much higher relative concentration of MR [87]. This suggests that the effect of
stress on hippocampal function may be more nuanced and region-specific, such that
high levels of GCs do not simply suppress hippocampal memory function in
general, but rather specifically suppress the contextual memory functions of dorsal
hippocampus while promoting the emotional cognitive functions of the ventral hip-
pocampus [65, 66]. This model fits well with the overall paradigm of the stress
response as an adaptive mechanism that manifests stress-specific behavioral strate-
gies suited to overcoming stressful challenges [65, 66].
Stress effects on hippocampal-mediated behaviors may also be regulated
through the contributions of hippocampal NSCs. NSCs express functional GRs (but
not MRs) [18, 36], and their rate of proliferation and differentiation, as well as
the survival of the new neurons that they produce, are altered by GCs [58, 117,
128–130]. The effects can be via direct activation of GR in the NSC [36] or
indirectly, through activation of GR-dependent mechanisms in other cells in the
hippocampal niche. For instance, acute corticosterone exposure elicits release of
fibroblast growth factor-2 from astrocytes in the dorsal hippocampus, leading to
increased proliferation of neural stem cells in the area [58].
The effects of stress on adult neurogenesis can be divided into the effects of acute
stress and repeated, chronic stress. Chronic, repeated stressors inhibit NSC survival,
proliferation, and neuronal differentiation within the dentate gyrus [57, 71, 117].
However, the effects of acute stress display a more mixed picture, ranging from a
decrease, increase, or no change in NSC proliferation [22, 43, 107, 108]. One expla-
nation for discrepancies in the literature may be that, like cognitive performance in
response to stress, adult hippocampal neurogenesis follows an inverted U function—
increasing in response to acute stressors and decreasing in response to high, chronic
GC exposure. For example, high levels of transient GCs can inhibit NSC prolifera-
tion in the SGZ, and this effect can be blocked through adrenalectomy [105].
Beyond proliferation, high levels of GCs may also reduce the total number of
new neurons by decreasing the survival of immature neurons as they begin to incor-
porate into the network [117]. Furthermore, GCs cause a shift in the cell fate of
differentiation NSCs, causing them to more frequently differentiate into oligoden-
drocytes at the expense of neurogenesis [18]. Given that new neurons ultimately
confer additional plasticity onto hippocampal networks, by forming new synaptic
connections and showing enhanced capacity for LTP [37, 42, 67], the reductions in
neurogenesis in response to elevated GCs may be one of the mechanisms underly-
ing reduced memory capacity in stressed animals.
Glucocorticoids regulate the brain and behavior in multiple domains. They help
adjust basal and peak HPA axis reactivity [93], as well as alter limbic structures
(PVN, mPFC, amygdala, hippocampus), both structurally and functionally. This
includes alterations in synaptic plasticity, long-term potentiation, and neurogenesis,
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Chapter 11
Glucocorticoid Regulation of Reproduction
Studying the reproductive system of males offers a simpler “model” of HPG axis
to begin examining reproductive physiology, due to its relative consistency over the
lifetime post-puberty, as opposed to the cycling of female reproductive hormones
during the post-pubertal and pre-menopausal years. Gonadotropin-releasing hor-
mone (GnRH) is secreted from the hypothalamus in a pulsatile manner, crossing the
hypophyseal portal system into the anterior pituitary. In the pituitary, GnRH stimu-
lates the synthesis and release of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating
hormone (FSH). LH and FSH circulate systemically to trigger testosterone release
from the testes and gametogenesis. In turn, testosterone (T), as well and LH and
FSH, negatively feedback on the axis to maintain homeostasis [1–6] (Fig. 11.1).
Females, however, present a much more complicated picture. Unlike males,
females experience hormonal surges to trigger ovulation, a phenomenon where
estrogen switches from exerting negative feedback on the axis to positive feedback
[7–12]. In rats, ovulation occurs once every 4 days. Similarly to males, GnRH is
released from the hypothalamus, and LH and FSH circulate to the ovaries to trigger
the release of estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P) as well as development of the
ovum [6, 12–14]. Estradiol from the ovaries tightly regulates the HPG axis, exerting
negative feedback onto the hypothalamus to inhibit GnRH release. However, when
the developing ovum is near completion, and ovulation is due to occur, there is a
switch in the hormonal system. Increasing estradiol secretion from the developing
follicle triggers a change from negative to positive feedback of estradiol on the
hypothalamus, resulting in an increase of GnRH secretion and leading to a surge of
LH secretion from the pituitary to trigger ovulation [15, 16]. However, until recently
it was unknown what triggered the switch between negative and positive feedback.
Research in the last decade has shed more light on that switch during ovulation
while also revealing that the axis is not nearly as simple as it appeared. There are
currently two different hypotheses on what triggers the switch between negative and
positive feedback in the HPG axis: The first one focuses on progesterone as the
culprit, whereas the second one points to allopregnanolone. Supporting the first
hypothesis, earlier research found that the estrogen surge initiates synthesis of pro-
gesterone receptors (PRs) in the hypothalamus, indicating progesterone is just as
critical for ovulation as the estrogen surge [17–19]. However, studies on ovariecto-
mized (OVX) and andrenalectomized (ADX) rats indicate that this progesterone
does not come from the ovaries or adrenals, areas typical for steroid synthesis and
systemic release. OVX rats given a normal dose of E2 can still exhibit LH surges
[20]. Additionally, this surge can be blocked by administering trilostane, which
inhibits the enzyme 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD), an enzyme criti-
cal for synthesis of progesterone [20]. This data suggests that not only is pre-LH
surge progesterone necessary for a successful LH surge, it is progesterone synthe-
sized outside of the ovary and adrenals that regulates the surge. Hypothalamic pro-
gesterone synthesis, also known as neuroprogesterone, is a likely location,
particularly hypothalamic astrocytes, which have been found to be the main source
of neuroprogesterone in the hypothalamus, as they have all the steroidogenic
enzyme machinery necessary for synthesis, regulate releasing factors and possess
both types of estradiol receptors—Erα and ERβ receptors, which enable them to
respond to the estradiol peak that precedes the LH surge [20–25].
While GnRH is the main coordinator of the HPG axis, secreted from the hypo-
thalamus through the hypophyseal portal system to the anterior pituitary to stimu-
late release of LH, there are many factors upstream of GnRH that can impact its
release, preventing successful ovulation. Two in particular, directly in the HPG
axis, have been recently discovered: kisspeptin (KISS1) and gonadotropin-inhibi-
tory hormone (GnIH) [26–34]. These two neuropeptides have opposing effects—
KISS1 stimulates GnRH release from the hypothalamus [35–40], while GnIH
inhibits it [30, 41–45]. A proposed mechanism of KISS1 action in the neuroproges-
terone model of the LH surge states that the peak of estradiol also triggers an
increase of progesterone receptors (PRs) on KISS1 neurons in the hypothalamus,
which respond to the neuroprogesterone secreted from the astrocytes (activated
also by estradiol to trigger the neuroprogesterone synthesis, likely through mem-
brane estrogen receptors, specifically mERα). Neuroprogesterone, binding to the
PRs on the KISS neurons, trigger the release of KISS, which then activates the
GnRH neurons, leading to increased secretion of GnRH to trigger the LH surge
from the pituitary [24, 46–48].
An alternative hypothesis for the switch between negative and positive feedback
of E2 in the hypothalamus argues that progesterone is not the driving factor of ovu-
lation, but it is a derivative of progesterone, allopregnanolone, that modulates GnRH
11 Glucocorticoid Regulation of Reproduction 257
release from the hypothalamus via increasing glutamate release. This in turn could
act on NMDA receptors on the GnRH neurons, stimulating GnRH release [49–51].
While it is still not clear exactly what mechanism is truly responsible for positive
feedback of E2 during ovulation, the many regulators of GnRH and GnRH itself are
all impacted by glucocorticoids, and stress can lead to a disruption of homeostasis
that results in both short-term reproductive dysfunction and long-term infertility.
Stress, whether psychological or physical, via the activation of the HPA axis, and
subsequent increase in serum concentration of glucocorticoids, can inhibit the
reproductive axis at every level, from the hypothalamus down to the ovaries or testes.
Due to how closely regulated the HPG axis is, even small interferences in the
hormonal milieu responsible for successful breeding can cause major dysfunction
in the system (Fig. 11.2). The female ovulatory system discussed above, as well as
Fig. 11.2 Summary schematic of glucocorticoid and HPA axis interaction with the HPG axis and
reproductive function
258 A.C. Geraghty and D. Kaufer
GnRH afferents such as GnIH and KISS, exhibit many points at which stress can
disrupt the axis and cause fertility issues. While acute stress inhibiting the repro-
ductive axis is found to be adaptive, preventing animals from breeding when times
are not optimal for raising young, chronic stress and long-term shutdown of the
reproductive axis can lead to prolonged dysfunction and infertility. In addition to
causing infertility, this hypogonadism can contribute to other medical conditions
such as osteoporosis. We will examine how stress impacts each part of the reproduc-
tive axis individually, and how this can add up to detrimental fertility issues.
spectrum of effects on the LH surge that range from complete inhibition, to little or
no effect to a positive activator of LH release. It emphasizes the importance of
comparing stress paradigms and understanding how different stressors trigger the
HPA axis. Acute stress tends to provide variable results on many different
outcomes—life history, age and gender can influence this response greatly. In con-
trast, chronic stress has been consistently shown to inhibit the LH surge and ovula-
tion in the literature, indicating that while short-term stressors may exert variable
effects on reproduction, likely due to the type of stressor, long-term stress reliably
causes reproductive dysfunction.
While many of the stress effects on GnRH can lead to downstream pituitary dys-
function, glucocorticoids also directly influence reproduction at the level of the
pituitary. This inhibition can happen via many different mechanisms, including
modulating the sensitivity of the pituitary to changes in GnRH secretion, a decrease
in synthesis of the gonadotropes LH and FSH, as well as decreasing the secretion of
LH and FSH from the pituitary. However, the effects of glucocorticoids directly on
the pituitary in secretion and synthesis are highly variable, indicating that the type
262 A.C. Geraghty and D. Kaufer
of stressor and duration is very important when discussing this. This variability may
stem from only looking at a part of the inhibition, such as focusing on just LH
secretion as the output, rather than examining the mechanisms of synthesis and
responsiveness of the pituitary itself.
Synthesis of LH and FSH is a highly regulated process involving not just GnRH
levels, but steroid gonadal hormones as well [92, 93]. LH and FSH are glycoprotein
heterodimers that consist of a common glycoprotein alpha-subunit (aGSU) and a
specific β-subunit for either FSH or LH (LHβ and FSHβ) [94]. As rat and mice
gonadotrope cells express GRs [95], it is likely that GR transcriptional regulation
influences the synthesis of these subunits, both the specific β-subunits as well as the
common alpha subunit to also regulate expression levels. Breen found that
both daily immobilization stress and CORT administration led to reduced LH-β
mRNA levels, as well as decreased LH release from the pituitary in vivo. They also
showed in vitro, using a gonadotope cell line, Lβ T2 that CORT decreases GnRH-
induced increase in LHβ mRNA levels as well as identified the LHβ promoter
regions that are CORT and DEX responsive [96].
Similar to the effects seen in the hypothalamus, acute stress leads to variable
results. Several studies utilizing multiple types of acute stressors on gonadotropin
synthesis and release found that acute stress stimulated the HPG axis, leading to
increased levels of LH, prolactin (PRL) and FSH in the plasma [97, 98]. Others have
found though that acute administration of glucocorticoids can reduce the LH peak
in females [99, 100] and injection of CRH peripherally has been shown to inhibit
ovulation and block the LH surge completely [54]. Baldwin and Sawyer found that
an acute injection of DEX early in the estrous cycle of rats can delay the onset of
ovulation. Administration of LH though, in addition to DEX, can recover the ovula-
tory event, indicating that this delay of the estrous cycle is due to DEX inhibiting the
LH surge necessary for ovulation, rather than a problem within the ovary [101].
There is some debate over timing of sample collection—some studies see an initial
stimulation of LH but an inhibitory response later [102]. Collu found that after
the first 15 min of an acute stressor, female rats exhibited an increase in LH plasma
levels, however after 6 h of immobilization stress LH plasma levels in the females
had dropped below control levels, supporting the theory that the acute stimulation
of the HPG axis is only transitory [102]. Differences in the stressors, duration,
sample collection and timing of the experiment may explain the differences found
in LH release from the pituitary after acute stress and so it is hard to make concrete
conclusions about acute stress and pituitary function in reproduction.
Chronic immobilization stress, on the other hand, has been shown to reliably
reduce LH levels in both males and females [102–110]. One such study found that
chronic immobilization stress reduced plasma levels of LH, and prolactin (PRL)
with no change in FSH. However, pituitary levels of LH and FSH protein increased,
showing that synthesis and secretion are not always matched up-it appears in this
study, chronic stress did not influence synthesis, but inhibited release in some way
[109]. This difference is critical when comparing studies—most studies do not look
at both synthesis and secretion simultaneously, which may explain differences in
11 Glucocorticoid Regulation of Reproduction 263
The final component of the HPG axis, the gonads, is yet another level in which GCs
regulate the HPG axis. In the gonads, GCs can act to inhibit many critical steps to
complete the reproductive process. Corticosterone can inhibit steroidogenesis,
inhibiting the synthesis of testosterone (T), estrogen (E2) and progesterone (P), as
well as directly inhibiting the release of these steroids from the gonads. GCs modu-
late the expression of the LH-receptor (LHR) on the gonads, changing how the
gonads respond to LH and leading to downstream effects on steroids. GCs can also
regulate gametogenesis, the development of mature sperm and ovum, to inhibit
264 A.C. Geraghty and D. Kaufer
reproduction at the levels of the gamete. These effects can all be completed in the
absence of influences from the hypothalamus and pituitary, emphasizing how pro-
foundly stress can influence reproduction.
Research has shown that GR is localized in several different cell populations within
the testes, including importantly the Leydig cells, which is where steroidogenesis
occurs within the testes, as well as in the Sertoli cells, primary spermatocytes and
the epididymis [121–123]. This indicates that GRs can regulate not only steroido-
genesis and the release of T, but spermatogenesis as well, either through affecting
the primary population of cells or affecting the last steps of maturation in the epi-
didymis. Both acute and chronic stress experiments have shown that high GCs
inhibits testosterone secretion, spermatogenesis and libido [124–128] as expected.
This effect is due specifically to circulating GC levels in the blood and action via
GR because ACTH treatment in adrenalectomized animals fails to replicate these
findings [129]. Some studies show that this decreased testosterone release can occur
either via downregulation of the LH receptor in Leydig cells [130] or through inhi-
bition of the enzymes necessary for testosterone biosynthesis [125, 126, 128, 129,
131–133]. Overall, these changes result in decreased testosterone synthesis and
release from the gonads.
Glucocorticoids may also impact spermatogenesis, as GRs are present on the
primary spermatocytes as well as within the epididymis. High glucocorticoids have
been found to induce testicular germ cell apoptosis [134, 135] as well as Leydig
cell apoptosis [136], which has a profound inhibitory influence on male reproduc-
tive abilities. Chronic stress has been shown to also decrease the number of sper-
matids within the testis [137], and in humans it has been shown that chronic stress
leads to decreased sperm numbers, likely through a combination of the above
responses [138]. Expression of GR in all these spermatogenic area indicates that
glucocorticoids can act directly on the testes to regulate sperm production. Stress
and high levels of GCs likely inhibit reproduction both indirectly and directly at the
level of the gonads, with decreased secretion of LH from the pituitary decreasing
testosterone release, and direct inhibition of testosterone synthesis and sperm
production by GCs.
The role of glucocorticoids within the ovary is somewhat more complicated than it
is within the testes. Rather than a straight inhibitory role of GCs on ovarian func-
tion, some GC effects are actually beneficial to the ovaries and are necessary for
maintenance of the follicular development pathway. During each cycle, many
11 Glucocorticoid Regulation of Reproduction 265
follicles are activated for development within the ovaries, however not all fully
develop to maturity and it appears GCs are an active part in that selection process.
This is necessary for normal ovarian function, but likely is very finely controlled,
and high stress may tip the balance between a “good” level of GCs and a “maladap-
tive” level that leads to ovarian dysfunction.
A way in which the ovaries control levels of GCs through follicular development
during the female estrous or menstrual cycle is via expression of the enzyme
11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11β-HSD). 11β-HSD is a family of enzymes
responsible for catalyzing the conversion of inactive cortisone to cortisol or vice
versa to regulate glucocorticoid exposure. 11β-HSD1 activates cortisol predomi-
nately, however the reaction is bidirectional, and 11β-HSD1 can also inactivate cor-
tisol. 11β-HSD2 on the other hand unidirectionally inactivates cortisol, converting
it back to cortisone [139, 140]. Researchers have identified that many of the cells
within the ovaries, including the follicles and corpus luteum, express 11β-HSD1,
11β-HSD2 and GR [141–145], indicating that there are possibly many regulatory
effects of glucocorticoids on follicular development and ovarian function.
Interestingly, the ovaries differentially regulate 11β-HSD1 and HSD2 throughout
the cycle. 11β-HSD2, which inactivates GCs, is highly expressed in developing fol-
licles in the ovary, while 11β-HDS1, which activates GCs, is highly expressed in
follicles that have been luteinized, meaning they have been activated by an LH
surge and ready for an ovulatory event [141, 146, 147]. This indicates that the ova-
ries upregulate 11β-HSD2 while developing in order to inactivate GCs present in
the ovary while the follicles are maturing in order to enhance development, but
choose to activate circulating GCs once the follicle is released for ovulation. These
activated and functional GCs may act as an anti-inflammatory response triggered by
the rupturing of the ovarian surface epithelium during ovulation [148, 149]. These
two examples show how GCs are likely necessary for normal function of the ova-
ries, however their levels are tightly regulated via variability in expression of the
11β-HSD1 and 2. These enzymes are actually manipulated via gonadotropin signals
from the pituitary, with LH controlling expression of 11β-HSD1 expression (thus
activating GCs during ovulation). This regulation via gonadotropins provides a
mechanism through which excess GCs could influence enzymatic regulation of
GCs. As these two enzymes are so narrowly regulated during the ovarian cycle,
stress and high GC secretion from the adrenals can easily dysregulate these signals
and cause profound fertility problems in both ovarian function during ovulation and
uterine function during fertilization, implantation and pregnancy.
In the ovaries, high amounts of GCs, surpassing the amount that is typically
inactivated by 11β-HSD2, can suppress LH function and inhibit estrogen release
and synthesis [131, 146, 150]. Studies both in vivo and in vitro have shown that GCs
can influence not only LH response, but also inhibit transcription of the enzymes
necessary for steroid biosynthesis, critically inhibiting p450 aromatase, necessary
for conversion of testosterone to estrogen. In rat granulosa cell cultures, FSH trig-
gers the increase of aromatase activity, promoting estrogen synthesis for ovulation.
Administration of both CORT and DEX inhibited this FSH-induced increase, how-
ever stimulated progesterone synthesis and did not inhibit pre-existing aromatase
266 A.C. Geraghty and D. Kaufer
function. This indicates that GCs act to inhibit induction of aromatase activity spe-
cifically, not necessarily affecting granulosa cell function as a whole [151].
Glucocorticoid treatment was also found to decrease LH receptor in cultured granu-
losa cells [152], indicating that GCs can act directly on the ovarian cells to decrease
FSH-stimulated functions, including aromatase activity and LH receptor binding.
Interestingly, GC effects on oocyte maturation appear to be species dependent.
Studies in humans and pig have shown that GCs can inhibit meiotic development in
the oocytes [153, 154], however studies in sheep and mice have shown no effect of
GCs on final oocyte maturation [155, 156]. However a recent study in mice showed
that high levels of CRH in the cytoplasm of the ovaries due to restraint stress induced
ovarian apoptosis, decreasing follicular development independent of GR. This
increase of CRH was acting on thecal cells in the ovary, decreasing testosterone and
estrogen levels and increasing progesterone, creating a hormonal imbalance between
estrogen and progesterone that led to decreased oocyte success [157]. These differ-
ences are likely due to problems intrinsic to in vitro models that utilize only the
ovarian granulosa cells. In addition, another in vivo study in mice utilizing preda-
tory stress found that while high GCs did not affect oocyte maturation, blastocyst
formation was significantly decreased in these mice, showing that GCs may have a
stronger effect on embryo development or the oocyte potential for fertilization,
rather than maturation of the oocytes in general [158]. The next section will explore
GCs effects on pregnancy and fertilization more closely.
The role of glucocorticoid function in the ovary is incredibly complex and nar-
rowly regulated. The actions of GCs are regulated via differential transcription of
the two 11β-HSD enzymes, transcription of which is controlled through gonadotro-
pin release form the pituitary. Glucocorticoids are critical for maintenance of ovar-
ian function, involved in functional apoptosis of follicles to maintain normal
follicular development, as well as its anti-inflammatory role necessary for ovulation
to occur. However, high stress can tip the scales from functional to dysfunctional,
overwhelming the ability of 11β-HSD to regulate GC levels and causing ovarian
problems ranging from a decreased responsiveness to LH levels, decreased synthe-
sis of estrogen due to inhibition of aromatase release, and potentially inhibiting the
final step of oocyte maturation.
Even if an ovum can be successfully developed in times of stress, and the HPG axis
still functional enough to trigger ovulation, GCs can still act to influence the uterus
to prevent successful implantation and completion of pregnancy. Glucocorticoids
typically act in opposition to estrogenic actions, and this becomes increasingly criti-
cal in implantation. For successful implantation of a blastocyst, progesterone and
estrogen regulate uterine cell proliferation, and are necessary for the changes in
both the blastocyst and uterine epithelium for successful adhesion. Glucocorticoids
11 Glucocorticoid Regulation of Reproduction 267
HPA axis can act upon every level of the HPG axis, both directly and indirectly
inhibiting gonadotropin release from the pituitary and exerting direct effects on the
gonads. Stress and high GCs decrease the release of GnRH from the hypothalamus,
either by directly inhibiting GnRH pulses or inhibiting upstream regulators of
GnRH release. This can lead to downstream decreases in LH release form the pitu-
itary, however GCs can also directly inhibit the synthesis and release of gonadotro-
pins from the anterior pituitary. The decrease of LH and sometimes FSH from the
pituitary can decrease steroid release form the gonads, and circulating GCs can also
act directly on the gonads to inhibit the transcription of enzymes necessary for
gonadal steroid biosynthesis. There are sex and species differences in all these
responses. It is a complex and confusing field, however new techniques utilizing
cell-specific knockdowns of GR and/or other peptides involved in this response can
help clarify the more specific roles of GCs and reproductive dysfunction. This
becomes increasingly important as we find that infertility rates continue to increase
in humans, likely due to high stress exposure in day-to-day lives. Understanding the
molecular mechanisms behind how stress impairs fecundity and reproductive suc-
cess, especially in females, is critical to helping improve fertility rates.
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Chapter 12
Glucocorticoids and the Lung
Anthony N. Gerber
Glucocorticoids are used to treat a wide variety of lung disease, ranging from mater-
nal administration to prevent newborn respiratory distress syndrome of prematurity
[1], to their dominant role in treating inflammatory lung diseases, such as asthma, in
both children and adults [2]. A great deal of research has therefore focused on the
effects of exogenous glucocorticoids on various aspects of lung biology, and our
overall understanding of glucocorticoid signaling in the lung is largely informed by
in vitro and in vivo studies on the effects of supplemental, generally synthetic, GR
agonists on a subset of lung cell and tissue types, and pulmonary developmental
processes. Reflecting clinical use, particular areas of focus have been aimed at
understanding how glucocorticoids regulate lung maturation and surfactant expres-
sion, and also how glucocorticoids exert therapeutic effects on airway inflamma-
tion, notably in airway epithelial and smooth muscle cells. In this chapter, I will
review the literature that has established a key role for supplemental glucocorticoids
in promoting airway maturation and surfactant expression, and I will provide an
overview of our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underpinning these
effects. I will also summarize recent loss of function studies that have indicated a
seemingly contradictory role for endogenous GR signaling in the developing lung.
In addition, I will review the use of glucocorticoids in the treatment of obstructive
lung disease, and summarize the large and growing body of literature exploring the
mechanisms responsible for therapeutic effects of glucocorticoids in airway inflam-
mation. Important areas for future research will also be discussed.
Fig. 12.1 The structures of the Type 1 coherent and incoherent feed-forward loop (FFL) as indi-
cated. (a) In a coherent FFL, factor A induces factor B, and both factors exert the same effects on
expression of a third downstream gene, referred to here as target gene Z. (b) In an incoherent FFL,
the two factors exert opposing effects on target gene Z expression
The transrepression model for the effects of GR on SFTPA expression is, however,
complicated by data indicating that treatment of Type II cells with GCs results in
increased TTF-1 expression [26]. Thus, GR appears to exert an inductive effect on
SFTPA expression through promoting TTF-1 expression, while also directly antago-
nizing TTF-1 function at the SFTPA promoter. These opposing effects provide a
possible mechanistic basis for the complex biphasic expression response of SFTPA
to GCs. The pattern of seemingly antagonistic regulation of SFTPA expression by
GR is consistent with GR and TTF-1 comprising an incoherent feed-forward loop
that controls SFTPA expression. The general circuit design of coherent and incoher-
ent feed-forward loops are depicted in Fig. 12.1. Feed-forward loops are widely
utilized in bacteria and yeast to confer specific properties to downstream gene
expression, including delayed induction and biphasic expression patterns [27, 28].
Two recent studies have indicated that feed-forward logic may result in similar
expression patterns in response to GCs [29, 30], with incoherent feed-forward regu-
latory logic implicated as the mechanism underlying biphasic expression responses
of several genes to GCs in U2OS and A549 cells. A theoretical GR:TTF-1 incoher-
ent feed-forward loop controlling SFTPA expression is shown in Fig. 12.2. Whether
GR directly induces TTF-1, thus fulfilling the formal requirements for GR:TTF1
feed-forward control of SFTPA, remains to be determined.
Similar to SFTPA, SFTPB and SFTPC are both transcriptional targets of TTF-1
[31–33]. This suggests that the inductive effect of GCs on TTF-1 expression is at
least one mechanism through which GR signaling promotes SFTPB and SFTPC
expression in a cell-autonomous manner during alveolar epithelial differentiation. It
is likely, however, that GCs exert additional effects on SFTPB and SFTPC expres-
sion beyond a simple linear cascade in which GR induces TTF-1, with TTF-1 in turn
regulating SFTPB and SFTPC. In elegant work by Kolla et al, the effects of viral-
driven TTF-1 over-expression on various markers of differentiated alveolar epithe-
lium were assessed [17]. In this study, TTF-1 over-expression increased SFTPB and
SFTPC expression. However, expression of both SFTPB and SFTPC was further
increased when a dexamethasone containing cocktail was added to the culture
medium. The mechanisms underlying the additional induction of SFTPB and
SFTPC expression have yet to be established. One possibility is that GR, in addition
12 Glucocorticoids and the Lung 283
Fig. 12.2 Putative feed-forward regulation of SFTPA and SFTPB by GR and TTF-1. (a) In this
model, GR induces TTF-1 expression, which induces SFTPA. However, GR also negatively
regulates SFTPA expression, thus creating a feed-forward loop that may be responsible for biphasic
expression patterns of SFTPA. (b) In this case, GR induces TTF-1 and both GR and TTF-1 induce
SFTPB expression
The data reviewed above strongly suggest that exogenous administration of gluco-
corticoids promotes surfactant expression and epithelial maturation through epithe-
lial cell-autonomous mechanisms. In further support of this notion, deletion of GR
in the lung epithelium during murine development reduced, but did not eliminate
surfactant expression [36], and also reduced viability. However, additional experi-
ments comparing systemic and mesenchymal restricted knockout of GR in mice
indicate that the dominant physiological effects of endogenous GR signaling during
lung development likely occur through mesenchymally expressed GR. Systemic
knockout of the murine GR resulted in highly penetrant perinatal lethality second-
ary to defective lung development. In particular, there was a marked reduction in
alveolar Type I cell number and surfactant expression, indicating a defect in termi-
nal alveolar differentiation [37]. In an initially surprising finding, given the impor-
tant effects of exogenous GCs on epithelial maturation, the pulmonary phenotype of
GR−/− mice was largely recapitulated with tissue-specific removal of GR from the
mesenchyme [38, 39]. For example, in one recent study, germline deletion of GR
was compared with conditional removal of GR in the endothelium, mesenchyme
and epithelium. Mice lacking GR in the mesenchyme were found to display lethal
effects similar to germline GR knockout, while the epithelial and endothelial KO
strains did not exhibit perinatal respiratory failure [40]. Although there was reduced
viability in a third publication that reported on epithelial deletion of GR [36], and
hyper-cellularity has been observed consistently with epithelial GR deletion, in
aggregate, the data indicate that normal lung development and surfactogenesis has
a greater requirement for GR activity in the mesenchyme than within the developing
airway epithelium. Thus, the effects of exogenous GCs, which can drive cell auton-
omous maturation of the epithelium, and the physiologic role of endogenous GR
signaling in murine lung development, which appears to predominantly depend on
GR activity in the mesenchyme, are somewhat divergent.
Efforts to explain this non-cell autonomous role of GR signaling on epithelial
development have focused primarily on well-known, obligate signaling between the
epithelial and mesenchyme layers that mediates branching morphogenesis and later
stages of lung development [41]. One model that is consistent with mesenchymal
GR regulating epithelial proliferation and differentiation is that GR induces a
secreted mesenchymal factor (or factors) that is required for normal alveolar
differentiation [42]. In support of this general notion, Sweezey and colleagues have
shown that LGL1 (also known as CRIPSDL2) is a mesenchymal target of GR that
signals to the epithelium [42]. Specifically, in rat lung, immunohistochemistry
revealed mesenchymal LGL1 expression and co-localization of LGL1 with markers
of the Golgi and ER, consistent with it functioning as a secreted protein. Moreover
epithelial cells were shown to import extracellular LGL1. Antisense inhibition of
LGL1 in developing rats resulted in decreased branching morphogenesis [43]. Thus,
LGL1, although unlikely to be the primary mesenchymal factor that drives the
effects of GR on the epithelium, exemplifies the notion that secreted GR-regulated
proteins in the mesenchyme can control epithelial development. Intriguingly, gluco-
corticoids induce the expression of LGL1 in Beas-2B airway epithelial cells [44].
12 Glucocorticoids and the Lung 285
This suggests that high doses of exogenous GCs may promote ectopic expression of
mesenchymal factors such as LGL1, thus driving cell-autonomous effects of GR
signaling on epithelial cells, as is observed in cultured systems. In that regard, it
would be interesting to determine whether prenatal administration of exogenous
GCs to fetal mice would reverse, at least partially, the severe basal phenotype asso-
ciated with mesenchymal GR deletion.
In summary, GR signaling is required for normal lung development and
treatment of prenatal mammals with exogenous GCs accelerates alveolar matura-
tion and surfactant expression. The latter effect is the basis for widespread and
effective use of GCs during threatened pre-term labor to prevent neonatal respira-
tory distress. However, the mechanisms underpinning the discordance between the
effects of exogenous GCs on the epithelium, and the requirement for mesenchymal
GR in mediating normal lung development, have yet to be fully elucidated. Future
mechanistic studies of GR action in the pulmonary mesenchyme, epithelium,
and representative cultured cells, using both loss of function and exogenous GC
administration, will undoubtedly further enhance our understanding of the molecu-
lar basis of the clinical effects of GCs on alveolar maturation and surfactogenesis.
In addition to the use of GCs to prevent RDS of prematurity, GCs are used to treat a
spectrum of lung disease in children and adults, including autoimmune associated
interstitial lung disease [45], hypersensitivity pneumonitis [46], cryptogenic orga-
nizing pneumonia [47], eosinsophilic pneumonia [48], asthma [49], and chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) [50]. Of these, the most extensive literature
involves the use of GCs in two of the most prevalent chronic diseases of the lung—
asthma and COPD. Moreover, therapeutic responses in these diseases are at least in
part due to direct effects of GCs on pulmonary structural cells, notably the airway
epithelium and airway smooth muscle, which are the primary tissue types found in
the conducting airways (see Fig. 12.3). Although tissue resident immune cells cer-
tainly contribute to airway pathology and corticosteroid effects [51], the role of GCs
in modulating immune cell function is covered elsewhere in this book. In the
remainder of this chapter, therefore, I will predominantly focus on mechanisms and
consequences of GR signaling in the airway epithelium and smooth muscle.
Asthma and COPD both fall within the broad category of obstructive lung disease
and there is considerable overlap in the symptoms associated with both diseases
[52], and to a lesser extent, their associated physiologic perturbations and
286 A.N. Gerber
Fig. 12.3 A schematic of airway structure and a partial list of therapeutically relevant targets of
glucocorticoid signaling in the airway epithelium and in airway smooth muscle
In the late 1940s and 1950s it was recognized that administration of cortisone, and
various derivative formulations, provides substantial clinical benefit to asthma
patients [57, 58]. In 1951, a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine from
Gelfand reported on the use of an aerosolized cortisone preparation to treat asthma
[59]; this intervention improved symptoms in a small cohort of patients and fore-
shadowed the eventual predominant role of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) in asthma
control. By the early 1970s, with the development of more modern ICS formula-
tions, the promise of the pilot data from the Gelfand study was realized and expanded
on by numerous other investigators [60, 61]. For example, Lal et al. reported on an
inhaled preparation of beclomethasone that exhibited similar clinical efficacy to
systemic prednisolone [62]. Increasingly potent ICS formulations have led to
dramatically improved control of asthma symptoms, with the localized dosing
afforded through inhalation resulting in substantially fewer side effects and inci-
dence of adrenal suppression in comparison to systemic GCs [24, 63]. Consequently,
ICSs are now the standard of care for treating the majority of asthma patients [2].
Similarly, secondary to reducing the frequency of disease exacerbations, ICSs are
also frequently prescribed in COPD [50], whereas systemic use of GCs has been
associated with a number of debilitating morbidities.
In addition to these important clinical benefits of ICSs over systemic GCs, the
efficacy of ICS formulations in limiting asthma symptoms suggests that airway
structural cells, which receive the majority of GCs dosed through inhaled prepa-
rations, are likely crucial in mediating therapeutic effects of GCs. The primary
constituents of the airway are the airway epithelium and smooth muscle. A vari-
ety of studies indicate that both tissues harbor an active GR signaling apparatus
and that both tissues respond to inhaled steroids in human subjects at the tran-
scriptional level. Mechanisms and consequences of GCs on both tissue types are
reviewed below.
The airway contains an internal epithelial layer that serves as the conducting surface
through which air passes to and from the alveoli during the respiratory cycle
(Fig. 12.3). Although this surface contains a number of different cell types, includ-
ing goblet and club cells, few studies have discriminated between epithelial cell
subtype and GC effect, nor shall distinct effects of GCs on cell types within the
airway epithelium be addressed here. With that general caveat, beginning in the
early 1990s, a large number of studies have employed various airway epithelial
cell models to examine the effects of GCs on the expression of individual cytokines
and other factors implicated in asthma and/or COPD pathogenesis. For example, in
a representative publication, van de Stolpe and colleagues showed that ICAM
288 A.N. Gerber
expression was repressed by GCs in H292 cells [64], a cancer cell model of mucus
producing airway epithelium. Similarly a study by Levine and colleagues in 1993
established that corticosteroids could block the secretion of IL-6, IL-8 and G-CSF
from Beas2B cells [65], a standard model of cultured human airway epithelial cells.
Another study showed that TSLP, whose misregulation is implicated as a genetic
risk factor in asthma [66], is induced by dsRNA in normal human bronchial epithe-
lial cells; this induction is repressed by GCs. Several groups have also shown that
GCs reduce mucin gene expression, notably MUC5AC, both in cultured human air-
way epithelial cells and in ex vivo murine airway epithelial progenitor cells [67]. As
increased mucus is strongly implicated as driving symptoms in asthma and in
COPD, down-regulation of MUC5AC by GCs in the airway epithelium is thus
implicated as at least part of the underlying therapeutic effects of GCs in both dis-
eases. Taken together, these and other in vitro studies, as reviewed in greater detail
by Stellato [68], clearly establish that GCs modulate transcriptional programming
in a cell autonomous manner in airway epithelial cells, including exerting repressive
effects on cytokine expression and other pathways implicated in asthma and COPD
These in vitro studies have been mirrored by various clinical studies in which
inhaled corticosteroids have been shown to reduce the expression of pro-
inflammatory cytokines [69] and other aspects of airway pathology in airway epi-
thelial cells in patients. For example in a study by Sousa et al. [69], inhaled
beclomethasone led to a significant decrease in the expression of GM-CSF and
IL-8 in the airway epithelium. Likewise RANTES expression was reduced in patients
after treatment with corticosteroids [70]. Thus, the clinical efficacy of GCs in treat-
ing asthma is associated with both in vivo and in vitro effects on airway epithelial
cells, establishing the airway epithelium as a steroid responsive tissue that mediates
important therapeutic effects of GCs in the lung.
More recent investigations have expanded on these studies through applying
genomics technology to study in vivo effects of glucocorticoids on airway epithelial
gene expression. One particularly well–designed study assessed airway gene
expression on a genome-wide basis in normal volunteers, smokers and asthmatics,
both before and after treatment with an ICS for 2 weeks [71]. Microarray-based
expression profiling of epithelial cells from airway brushings identified a set of
genes whose expression changed significantly after 1 week of inhaled fluticasone.
The investigators also found a set of genes whose expression levels differed in the
airway epithelium between asthmatics and healthy controls. The overlap of these
sets was comprised of three genes, periostin, Clca1, and serpinB2. Each of these
three genes exhibited elevated expression in asthmatic epithelium in comparison to
control, and expression of each gene was reduced after treatment with fluticasone.
Moreover, the decrease in serpinB2 expression caused by fluticasone was correlated
12 Glucocorticoids and the Lung 289
The wide range of studies, which indicate that GCs exert beneficial effects in
obstructive airway disease through induction of GR signaling in the epithelium, has
led to a growing body of research focused on the molecular mechanisms underpin-
ning GR-mediated gene regulation in the airway epithelium. Although such work is
complicated by intricacies inherent to airway disease, including multiple pheno-
types, and environmental and infectious contributions to airway pathology, a num-
ber of underlying mechanistic principals governing GR activity in airway epithelial
cells have emerged. First, and similar to results from a range of non-airway cell
types and disease models, repression of inflammatory transcription factor activity,
exemplified by NF-kB, appears to be an important mechanism through which GCs
repress cytokine expression in the airway epithelium. This appears to occur through
a combination of direct effects of GR on NF-kB (or on other inflammatory tran-
scription factors, e.g. AP-1) activity, and through two-step processes in which GR
induces an inhibitor of inflammatory gene expression, such as DUSP1 [73].
Evidence for the first mode of repression (generally referred to as transrepression)
occurring specifically in normal airway epithelial cells (i.e. not tumor-derived cell)
is somewhat limited, with support garnered from studies that applied protein syn-
thesis and or transcriptional inhibitors to infer both direct and indirect repression of
cytokine transcription by ligand-activated GR [73, 74]. Corroborating these
290 A.N. Gerber
findings, repression of NF-kB activity in airway epithelial cells has been associated
with changes in histone acetylation to marks consistent with gene repression at
several loci [75]. For example, work from Rose and colleagues encompassed in
several publications established that GR directly represses MUC5AC expression
through recruiting HDAC2 [76]. Moreover, stimulation of MUC5AC expression by
IL-1b, which occurs through induction of NF-kB activity, is antagonized by dexa-
methasone [77], implicating GR-mediated recruitment of HDAC2 as a mechanism
through which NF-kB activity is repressed by GCs in the airway epithelium.
Despite these insights into GR-mediated repression of MUC5AC, and several
other studies of the molecular events involved in repression of NF-kB activity at
specific loci in airway epithelial cells [78], genome-wide analysis of GR cross-talk
with inflammatory transcriptional regulators implicated in airway disease, such as
NF-kB, in relationship to RNA Polymerase II occupancy and histone modification
has yet to be reported on in airway epithelial models. Such studies would dramati-
cally enhance our understanding of mechanisms through which GR represses cyto-
kine expression in the airway and would also serve as a foundation for studying the
mechanisms through which specific airway disease phenotypes and environmental
factors reduce the efficacy of GCs, which is a major clinical problem in asthma and
COPD [79]. In that regard, although a number of mechanisms through which GR
activity is potentially reduced in airway disease have been proposed [80, 81], with-
out a more detailed understanding of GR activity in specific disease-relevant mod-
els, e.g. mechanisms whereby GR reduces symptoms in IL-4/IL-13 dominant
asthma, it will be difficult to fully characterize resistance mechanisms, and to ratio-
nally improve GC-based therapies.
In addition to the direct effects of GR on NF-kB and other inflammatory tran-
scription factors, it is also clear the GR induces the expression of various factors that
negatively regulate inflammatory gene expression. For example, the induction of
DUSP1 by GR, which occurs through GR binding to several canonical GC response
elements within the DUSP1 locus [82], is strongly implicated as contributing to
repression of cytokine expression in airway epithelial cells by GCs [73]. Likewise,
we have recently shown that TNFAIP3, a potent negative feedback regulator of
NF-kB, is induced by ligand-activated GR [83]. Intriguingly, induction of TNFAIP3
by GR involves cooperation with NF-kB, indicating that crosstalk between GR and
inflammatory transcription factors is likely to be combinatorially complex and
result in divergent regulatory outcomes depending on the specific target gene. Yet a
third GR-induced gene that mediates inflammatory repression is ZFP36, which
decreases the stability of various cytokine mRNAs, thus implicating post-
transcriptional regulation as another important element of GR-mediated inflamma-
tory repression [84]. Thus, genes that are induced by GCs are implicated in
mediating a variety of effects on airway epithelial inflammatory gene expression,
and likely contribute to therapeutic effects.
In summary, agonist-induced GR directly regulates gene expression in the air-
way epithelium, which contributes to the effectiveness of GC-based therapies in
treating airway disease. A number of specific genes and mechanisms have been
identified as important in this process, with notable findings including profound
12 Glucocorticoids and the Lung 291
The other major tissue type that is targeted by glucocorticoid-based therapies in the
treatment of obstructive airway diseases is airway smooth muscle (ASM), which
forms the outside layer of the conducting airways (Fig. 12.3). ASM dysfunction,
including hyperresponsiveness to methacholine, a specific constrictor of ASM, is
one of the major pathophysiologic hallmarks of asthma [85], and ASM also exhibits
significant pathology in COPD [86]. In addition to hyperresponsiveness and exuber-
ant contractility, ASM can also show both hypertrophy and hyperplasia in asthma
[87, 88], which is believed to contribute to chronic airway thickening and fixed
airway obstruction [89]. Given these central roles for ASM pathology in obstructive
airway disease, a growing body of research has been focused on the potential that
GC signaling in ASM may result in therapeutic benefit.
Investigations of GC action in ASM have been enabled by the development of
techniques that allow for culturing ASM from explanted and post-mortem lungs
[90], including following fatal asthma attacks, and also from material obtained
with airway biopsies [91]. Culture cells derived from these sources have been
shown to have many characteristics that are associated with airway smooth in vivo.
These include response to various asthma associated mitogenic factors, expression
of smooth muscle contractile markers, and hypertrophy in response to stimuli such
as TGF beta, which is also implicated in hypertrophy in vivo [92–94]. With physi-
ological relevance of the cultured ASM cell model established, investigators have
gone on to study specific effects of GCs on ASM that may be responsible for limit-
ing inflammation and ASM dysfunction. Similar to analogous work on cultured
airway epithelial cells described above, in the pre-genomics era, a number of stud-
ies analyzed the effects of glucocorticoids on gene and protein expression to
establish that glucocorticoids suppress ASM cytokine expression [95]. This led to
the notion that ASM, in addition to serving a physiologic role in asthma pathol-
ogy, likely also serves an immunomodulatory role in which cytokines released
from ASM promote epithelial dysfunction [96]. Again, similar to epithelial cells,
mechanisms underlying the effects of GCs on ASM include trans-repression of
inflammatory transcription factor function by GR, with co-regulators such as
GRIP1 and IRF1 implicated in this process [97]. Induction of negative regulators
by GR also appears to be important for cytokine repression, with DUSP1 well
characterized as a mediator of IL6 repression by GCs in ASM; GC-mediated
292 A.N. Gerber
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Chapter 13
Glucocorticoids and the Cardiovascular
Julie E. Goodwin
The glucocorticoid receptor is widely expressed in the kidney, and yet, its role there
is poorly understood. While glucocorticoid receptor mRNA has been identified in
most cells of the (rat and rabbit) nephron, it is most abundant in the glomerulus,
proximal tubule, and thick ascending limb segments [19]. Conversely, immunoreactive
(human) glucocorticoid receptor has been demonstrated by light microscopy pri-
marily in the distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts, with moderate detection
in the glomerulus, and a faint presence in the proximal tubule. Within the glomeru-
lus, light microscopy and electron microscopy identified the glucocorticoid receptor
in all cell types, including visceral epithelial cells, parietal epithelial cells, mesan-
gial cells, and endothelial cells [20].
Despite its wide expression within the kidney, the role of glucocorticoids within
any cell of the nephron is not clear, as data on functional effects of glucocorticoids
in the kidney have been contradictory [19]. Glucocorticoids have been ascribed a
number of roles within the kidney via in vitro studies, including a role in increasing
glomerular filtration rate [21], regulation of renal ammoniagenesis [22], gluconeo-
genesis [23], sodium-hydrogen ion exchange [24, 25], and sodium-phosphate
cotransport [24, 26]. Micropuncture studies suggest that dexamethasone increases
the rate of sodium transport in the loop of Henle [27], as well as Na-K-ATPase
activity in the medullary thick ascending limb [28], but in situ microperfusion
showed no effect of glucocorticoid hormones on loop sodium transport [29]. In the
distal nephron, there is increasing evidence that glucocorticoids serve to regulate
the sodium reabsorption machinery. Dexamethasone increases mRNA abundance of
a number of genes central to renal sodium reabsorption, including SGK1, α-ENaC,
and GILZ [17]. RU28362, a pure glucocorticoid agonist devoid of mineralocorti-
coid effects, induces mineralocorticoid like effects in cultured collecting duct cells;
this activity is blocked by glucocorticoid but not mineralocorticoid antagonists [30].
Finally, dexamethasone induces a kidney-specific WNK1 isoform in cultured cells
[31] while decreasing expression of WNK4 as well [32]; elevated expression of
WNK1 and decreased activity of WNK4 have both been associated with a heredi-
tary form of human hypertension and hyperkalemia via up regulation of thiazide
sensitive cotransporter activity [33–35]. It should be noted, of course, that this
potential activation of the distal nephron glucocorticoid receptor by glucocorticoids,
as with activation of the mineralocorticoid receptor, would require glucocorticoids
to evade 11β-HSD2 machinery metabolizing glucocorticoids, at least in aldosterone-
sensitive epithelia.
Although the sum of these in vitro observations would seem to point to an anti-
natriuretic role of glucocorticoids in the distal nephron, studies performed in live
animals have consistently demonstrated that glucocorticoids induce natriuresis in
conjunction with a more prominent kaliuresis [16, 17]. As such, the contribution of
302 J.E. Goodwin
The rapidity with which glucocorticoids induce a rise in blood pressure is inconsis-
tent with glucocorticoids inducing hypertension via augmentation of renal sodium
reabsorption and suggests, perhaps, a profound effect of glucocorticoids on vascular
tone. Perhaps the most concentrated efforts to date have been focused on trying to
understand the vascular effects of glucocorticoids and how they may contribute to
clinically observed hypertension. There is evidence that the glucocorticoid receptor
is present both in vascular smooth muscle [37–39] and in the vascular endothelium
[38, 40, 41]. The majority of studies that have investigated glucocorticoid activity at
either of these sites have employed in vitro models.
Studies in smooth muscle cell culture have observed an up regulation in angio-
tensin II type I (AT I) receptors induced by glucocorticoids, which are hypothesized,
to result in alterations in blood pressure [42, 43]. Other in vitro studies using vascu-
lar smooth muscle cells have indicated that the glucocorticoid receptor as well as
the mineralocorticoid receptor may mediate the effect of glucocorticoids on the
influx of Na+ and/or Ca2+ into cells [38, 44]. Molnar et al. previously demonstrated
that corticosterone-induced signaling pathways in rat aortic vascular smooth muscle
cells involved phosphorylation of the mitogen-activated protein kinases, Src and Akt
which is believed to be mediated through the classical mineralocorticoid receptor. In the
same study, the authors showed that corticosterone enhanced phenylephrine-induced
13 Glucocorticoids and the Cardiovascular System 303
This finding raises the possibility that the preserved “pressure natriuresis” is respon-
sible for the absent hypertensive response and that the glucocorticoid receptor’s pres-
ence in the vascular smooth muscle serves as an obstacle to pressure natriuresis.
This proposal is speculative, but it seems clear that the preserved “pressure natriure-
sis” in the absence of elevated blood pressure suggests a complex relationship
between glucocorticoids and the systemic and renal vasculature, which requires
further investigation.
Glucocorticoids are essential for fetal health and development and are tightly regu-
lated during the embryonic period. Fetal glucocorticoid levels rise abruptly toward
the end of gestation in mammals in preparation for post-natal life [57]. It has been
shown that pre-natal glucocorticoid treatment can elicit growth-inhibitory [58] or
stimulatory [59] effects in cardiomyocytes, though direct in vivo effects on the heart
are unknown. Recent work using a mouse model with global absence of glucocorti-
coid signaling has shown that fetal heart function is severely impaired under these
conditions [60]. The authors of this study proceed to show that deficiency of gluco-
corticoid signaling in the cardiomyocytes and vascular smooth muscle only produce
nearly the identical phenotype demonstrating that many aspects of heart maturation
are highly dependent on glucocorticoid signaling within these tissues. In addition
there are robust data showing that post-natal vessel reactivity and even onset of
hypertension may be determined by the pre-natal steroid milieu. Roghair et al.
have nicely demonstrated that administration of dexamethasone to pregnant ewes
results in increased coronary artery vasoconstriction to acetylcholine and attenu-
ated vasodilatation to adenosine in newborn lambs [61]. In addition lambs from
steroid-treated mothers had decreased endothelial nitric oxide synthesis compared
to controls. In a follow-up study, coronary arteries from dexamethasone-exposed
lambs demonstrated greater vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and greater
production of reactive oxygen species compared to controls and suggest a link
between abnormal intrauterine environment and future risk for coronary artery
disease [62].
While excess prenatal glucocorticoid has been linked to adverse cardiovascular
outcomes in adulthood, prenatal glucocorticoid deficiency is no less worrisome.
Preterm birth increases the risk of cardiovascular disease [63], occurring before the
surge of cortisol in late gestation. Cardiovascular complications in pre-term infants
include persistence of the foramen ovale and the ductus arteriosus, delay in the
13 Glucocorticoids and the Cardiovascular System 307
decrease of pulmonary vascular resistance and delay in the increase in cardiac out-
put necessary to support post-natal life [64]. Many of these complications can be
improved by exogenous steroids. While it is difficult to dissect the long-term effects
of prematurity vs. the effects of glucocorticoid in humans, animal models are useful
in this regard to evaluate the effect of ‘programming’ [65, 66].
It has long been known that glucocorticoids exert many of their effects on the
cardiovascular system via genomic effects, i.e. rapid (within hours) nuclear translo-
cation of cytoplasmic glucocorticoid receptor and binding to glucocorticoid
response elements (GREs) in the promoter region of target genes. However, genomic
effects cannot explain all the effects of glucocorticoids on the cardiovascular system.
Non-genomic effects, that is responses that occur on the order of several minutes, in the
absence of transcription may also be playing a role. The importance of non-genomic
effects in the cardiovascular system is further obscured by the fact that endogenous
cortisol rises with stress, which is itself a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
In general, non-genomic effects may be separated into (i) those with GR and
another cytoplasmic signaling molecule and (ii) protein-protein interactions. The
rationale for these protein interactions lies in purported alteration in biochemical
properties in adjacent membranes via insertion of glucocorticoid in plasma mem-
branes or secondary to altered lipophilicity or polarity [67]. Components of the GR
complex released during GR-ligand binding, including heat shock proteins (HSPs),
have been shown to influence cell signaling. For example, Src, which is released
from this complex has been shown to initiate a signaling cascade in non-
cardiovascular systems [68]. GR has also been reported to activate the PI3K-Akt
pathway [69] which in turn can activate eNOS and has been shown to reduce myo-
cardial infarct size in a mouse model [70]. Additional non-genomic effects mediated
via stimulation of cytoplasmic signaling include dexamethasone-induced increase
in coronary lipoprotein lipase by an AMP-activated protein kinase and p38 activated
protein kinase in cardiomyocytes resulting in decreased cardiac glucose oxidation
[71, 72], stimulation of the phosphoinositide system in vascular smooth muscle
cells by cortisol [73], and increased inotropic effect by possible direct potentiation
of calcium channels by hydrocortisone in cardiomyocytes [74].
The non-genomic effects of protein-protein interactions are most notably illus-
trated by the anti-inflammatory effects of dexamethasone in endothelial cells by
direct NF-κB-GR interaction [75]. There is also some evidence that corticosteroid-
binding globulins (CBG), responsible for transporting glucocorticoids in the blood,
may exert a non-genomic role in the cardiovascular system as it has been shown that
elevated CBG levels could result in increased blood pressure [76]. It has also been
shown that bovine serum albumin-bound glucocorticoids can cause non-genomic
effects at the cell surface [77] begging the question of whether glucocorticoid bound
308 J.E. Goodwin
preconditioning effects of hyperoxia and steroids are additive. Kaljusto et al. did
indeed show that combined pretreatment of male rats with hyperoxia (95 % O2) and
a modest dose of dexamethasone (3 mg/kg) before 30 min of ischemia followed by
120 min of reperfusion did result in more attenuation of infarct size and enhanced
endothelium-independent vessel relaxation compared to groups without dexameth-
asone pretreatment [86].
As opposed to existing in such black and white terms, there is probably a set of
conditions under which steroids will be helpful and another set under which they
will be harmful for any given disease. Nakamura et al. explored this using a mouse
model of viral myocarditis [87]. In a series of experiments the authors showed that
modest dose dexamethasone (0.75 mg/kg) administration before or directly follow-
ing cocksackie virus infection resulted in improved survival and attenuated fibrosis
and systolic dysfunction. However, if the dexamethasone was given at a late time
point (>7 days after induction of myocarditis) then these beneficial effects were lost
and it resulted in decreased mouse survival and increased cardiac tumor necrosis
factor-α. As the beneficial effects were shown to be completely reversed by a selec-
tive COX-2 inhibitor, the authors speculated that it was the action of dexamethasone
on cardiomyocytes directly and not its anti-inflammatory effects which conferred
the beneficial effects at the earlier time point.
While rodent models seem to indicate a somewhat more negative view of using
steroids in the treatment of cardiovascular disease, the opposite is generally true for
human trials. One cardiovascular intervention which lends itself with relative ease
to outcomes testing with regard to steroid effect is drug-eluting stent placement
after myocardial infarction. Coronary stent implantation has superior outcomes
compared to fibrinolysis or balloon angioplasty [88–90], but is limited by re-stenosis
with repeat intervention rates of about 10 % at 6 months post-procedure [89].
Coronary restenosis after stenting is a highly inflammatory process driven by the
secretion of cytokines and adhesion molecules in response to endothelial damage
[91]. Dexamethasone-eluting stents have been used with good effect and in several
trials have been associated with low rates of target lesion revascularization, reinfarc-
tion and late stent thrombosis [91, 92].
Oral steroid therapy in combination with bare metal stents has also been studied
in patients who had received percutaneous coronary interventions after myocardial
infarction. Interestingly there appears to be a prednisone dose response effect in this
setting. Known as the IMPRESS (Immunosuppressive Therapy for the Prevention
of Restenosis After Coronary Stent Implantation) trials, there were both high dose
(HD) and low dose (LD) protocols tested [93, 94]. HD treatment consisted of a total
of 45 days of oral prednisone after myocardial infarction with a dose of 1 mg/kg/day
prescribed in the first 10 days, 0.5 mg/kg/day for days 11–30 and 0.25 mg/kg/day
for days 31–45. LD therapy was considered to be prednisone 1 mg/kg/day for 5 days,
0.5 mg/kg/day for days 5–15 and 0.25 mg/kg/day for days 16–30 [95]. In these studies
the LD prednisone regimen was ineffective in preventing major adverse cardiac
events and had a restenosis rate of ~5× greater than that observed in the HD group.
The authors speculated that the LD protocol, with its abbreviated duration and lower
total steroid dose was insufficient to enact the systemic suppression of inflammation
310 J.E. Goodwin
that was observed in the HD group. These results argue that the systemic effect of
steroids may, in some cases, be necessary for beneficial cardiovascular outcomes and
perhaps superior to tissue-specific steroid effects under some conditions.
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Chapter 14
Glucocorticoids and Cancer
Miles A. Pufall
Abstract Unlike other steroid hormone receptors, the glucocorticoid receptor (GR)
is not considered an oncogene. In breast cancer, the estrogen receptor (ER) drives
cell growth, proliferation, and metastasis, and the androgen receptor (AR) plays a
similar role in prostate cancer. Accordingly, treatment of these diseases has focused
on blocking steroid hormone receptor function. In contrast, glucocorticoids (GCs)
work through GR to arrest growth and induce apoptosis in lymphoid tissue.
Glucocorticoids are amazingly effective in this role, and have been deployed as the
cornerstone of lymphoid cancer treatment for decades. Unfortunately, not all patients
respond to GCs and dosage is restricted by immediate and long term side effects. In
this chapter we review the treatment protocols that employ glucocorticoids as a cura-
tive agent, elaborate on what is known about their mechanism of action in these
cancers, and also summarize the palliative uses of glucocorticoids for other cancers.
Glucocorticoids in Cancer
Unlike other highly related nuclear hormone receptors, the glucocorticoid receptor
(GR) is not considered an oncogene. In breast cancer, the estrogen receptor (ER)
drives cell growth, proliferation and metastasis. The androgen receptor (AR) plays
a similar role in prostate cancer. Accordingly, treatment of these diseases has
focused on blocking estrogen or testosterone production, or directly blocking
steroid binding to their respective receptors. In contrast, glucocorticoids (GCs)
work through GR to perform a variety of functions, including arresting growth or
inducing apoptosis in lymphocytes. Glucocorticoids are so effective in this role that
they are the cornerstone of treatment for all lymphatic cancers, though often
Lymphoid Cancers
Arround the same time, in the early 1950s, other agents were being tested for their
anti-tumorigenic properties. Folic acid had been shown to increase the growth of
lymphoid tumors, likely by upregulating amino acid and purine biosynthetic path-
ways. Much as with GCs blocking these pathways with anti-folates, such as the
early aminopterin and later methotrexate, produced, a dramatic, but temporary
remission in lymphoid malignancies. A dark, but serendipitous, observation brought
14 Glucocorticoids and Cancer 317
another agent to the fore. Exposure to mustard gases in World War I was shown to
deplete bone marrow and lymph nodes. The alkylating properties of these gasses
were developed into drugs, such as cyclophosphamide, that proved to be potent
anti-tumor agents in rodent models and later in human trials. Inhibition of nucleo-
tide synthesis was effective as well, with 6-mercaptopurine showing promise both
in acute leukemias and other cancers [7]. Interestingly, although each of these
classes of drugs was shown to reduce or even clear the cancerous disease, none of
the remissions proved durable.
Three treatment breakthroughs came in the early 1960s. First, vinca alkaloids
(later vincristine), isolated from plants, were found to disrupt microtubules and have
potent anti-tumorogenic properties [7]. Next, it was discovered that leukemic blasts
are unable to make their own asparagine, and thus needed to absorb it from their
medium to survive. To exploit this, a component of guinea pig serum, l-asparaginase,
was isolated that converts free asparagine to aspartic acid, effectively starving the
cells [8]. Perhaps most importantly, in the early 1960s intrepid cancer physicians
took the radical step of administering agents in combination. The first successful
protocol, called VAMP (vincristine, amethopterin, 6-mercaptopurine, and predni-
sone), improved. The 5 year survival of children with leukemia from 25 % with
single agents to over 60 % [7].
For childhood leukemia, these basic components have evolved over the years to
today’s treatment, which is administered in three phases: remission induction, inten-
sification (consolidation), and maintenance. Glucocorticoids can be administered
during all three phases, but are used most intensely during remission induction, with
the goal of eliminating greater than 99 % of the disease tissue (minimum residual
disease, MRD) [9]. During this phase a glucocorticoids are administered with vin-
cristine and asparaginase and are 98 % effective in inducing remission in childhood
B-cell leukemias. In intensification, mercaptopurine is combined with polyethylene
glycol conjugated asparaginase (pegasparaginase), and methotrexate. Intensification
may also include cyclophosphamide or cytarabine (araC) or cycles of reinduction,
using the same agents described above. GCs may again be administered during
maintenance therapy, though at a lower dose, and less frequently [9]. These advances
in treatment have led to cure rates approaching 90 % in children with both B and
T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, making it one of the most treatable cancers.
In addition, the success of these trials have informed the treatment of other lymphoid
cancers, discussed below.
Though only effective as a curative agent in combination, GCs are central to the
effectiveness of treatment. This has been best elucidated in European studies from
the Berlin-Frankfurt-Muenster (BFM) group, who have developed treatment proto-
cols in parallel with those in the US. This consortium showed that the initial response
of infants and children with leukemia to prednisone alone was the best predictor of
eventual outcome to full treatment [10, 11]. Importantly, other groups showed that
318 M.A. Pufall
Unfortunately, despite the clear benefits of using high-dose potent GCs in disease
treatment, the side effects and potential late effects limit what can be administered.
Although dex is much more effective than pred in children, it is only well-tolerated
in children under ten. For children over ten, and adults, dex is significantly more
likely to cause avascular necrosis (AVN), psychiatric issues, muscle wasting, and
mortality [14, 15]. The late effects, or effects that arise years after cessation of treat-
ment, are also a concern. The muscle wasting, osteoporosis and metabolic effects of
GCs can persist after treatment ends, and the eventual neuro-psychiatric effects are
of concern. More recently it has been shown that pulsing dex during maintenance
can produce the same outcomes with more acceptable side effects. Nonetheless,
physicians are currently challenged with the choice of which GC to use, what dose,
and for how long. A more complete understanding of how GCs function in leukemic
blasts and other tissues will help inform these choices.
Mechanism of Action
The biological function of GCs in hematopoietic cells and why they induce cell
death of lymphoid cells is not clear. However, seminal work performed by John
Ashwell at the NIH indicates that glucocorticoids serve as a negative signal in lym-
phoid development. By knocking out GR in developing thymocytes he showed that
the mice were immunocompromised due to a reduction in T cell repertoire. He
further showed that intact glucocorticoid signaling was important for proper T cell
selection, perhaps pointing to a role for endogenous GCs in developing lympho-
cytes [16]. More recently, experiments in mice indicate that GCs may have a similar
role in B cells [17].
Although non-genomic effects of GR have been proposed, cell death appears to
require GC-induced gene regulation. General blocks of transcription or translation
by actinomycin D and cycloheximide, respectively, block GC-induced cell death
14 Glucocorticoids and Cancer 319
Glucocorticoid Resistance
More general changes in transcription have been also been linked to GC resistance.
For example, ALLs that have translocations in the MLL gene are more likely to not
respond to treatment [33]. MLL encodes a histone methyl transferase that methyl-
ates lysine 4 of histone H3 and is a mark of active enhancers including response
elements and active genes [34, 35]. Translocations that impair the methyltransferase
activity of MLL show widespread changes in the chromatin state that are thought to
reprogram, and generally downregulate gene expression [36]. In addition, muta-
tional analysis of diagnostic and relapsed patients shows a significant enrichment
for transcription factor mutations over other gene sets, again implicating transcrip-
tional defects [37].
More recently, alterations in GR regulation have been implicated in resistance.
Phosphorylation of S134 of GR was shown in to be associated with GC resistance in a
T-ALL line (CEM). In a heterologous cell system, AKT phosphorylation of GR at this
site appeared to impair translocation, providing a mechanism of resistance [38]. This
finding, however, is at odds with another study showing that phosphorylation of S134
is able to translocate to the nucleus, but alters gene expression [39]. In other studies, a
failure to increase GR levels through a positive feedback loop has been shown to impair
GC induced apoptosis, though how this feedback is disrupted has not been established
[40, 41]. Lastly, not all GR isoforms have the ability to induce apoptosis, suggesting
that mechanisms that regulate isoform selection may play a role [42].
The treatment for adult ALL is modeled on the treatments that are so successful in
children. Unfortunately, response rates in adults are significantly worse, with an
80–90 % initial response rate, but only 25–50 % disease free survival after 5 years.
Why the response of adults is so much worse is not clear, but has been attributed to
two factors. The first is that significantly more mutations accumulate in adult ALL
blasts, though few have been directly attributable to treatment response. The second
is that adults are not able to tolerate the treatment regimens as well as children. For
example, with similar dosing of vincristine, daunorubicin, and dexamethasone dur-
ing induction, treatment related death is almost 10 % in adults compared to ~1 % in
children. To avoid some of these side effects, dex is given in pulses, rather than
continuously during induction [43]. Because response rates are worse, bone marrow
transplants are often the best route to a durable remission.
Intensification (consolidation) and maintenance are also similar to the children’s
protocol. Typical consolidation includes methotrexate, cytarabine, cyclophos-
phamide, and asparaginase. Clinical trials using hyper CVAD (cyclophosphamide,
vincristine, doxorubicin, and dex) have shown somewhat better responses [44].
Maintenance therapy consists of 6-mecaptopurine and methotrexate with monthly
pulses of vincristine and prednisone.
14 Glucocorticoids and Cancer 321
Treatment of T-ALLs are similar [43], except for cases with mutation in the
NOTCH pathway. Notch is a cell surface receptor, whose intracellular domain is
liberated by cleavage with γ-secretase upon ligand binding. This domain translo-
cates to the nucleus and acts as a coactivator of transcription. Activating mutations
in NOTCH are found in ~50 % of T cell ALLs and correlate with GC resistance.
Administration of γ-secretase inhibitors reverses this resistance, but causes gut tox-
icity. Fortunately, GCs protect against gut toxicity [45], allowing inhibitors to be
used in clinical trials (NCT01088763).
Multiple Myeloma
Multiple Myeloma is the clonal expansion of plasma cells, the mature B cells that
emerge from germinal centers. The resulting cells both overpopulate the bone marrow
and secrete excessive immunoglobulin, resulting in impaired immune function,
renal disease, and bone lesions. At this point, multiple myeloma is not curable, but
can be managed with chemotherapy. Like ALL, chemotherapeutic regimens have
dramatically improved prognosis, from months in 1950s to 7 years or more for stan-
dard risk patients today [46].
The treatment for multiple myeloma has, until recently, involved alkylating
agents and glucocorticoids almost exclusively. Like ALL, mustard gases and their
derivatives, such as malphalan, were initially used for treatment of the disease.
They also induced remission, but at a lower rate (about 1/3 response), and also
quickly relapsed. Prednisone also exhibited initial effectiveness, with an average
complete response rate of 44 %. In 1969 these two agents were combined to pro-
duce a much more robust response rate of 60 %. Unlike ALL, however, these treat-
ments did not fully cure the disease, but improved survival. In the early 1970s,
multiple alkylating agents (carmustine, cyclophosphamide, and melphalan) were
combined with GCs and vincristine to increase initial response rates, though sur-
vival was not improved. Subsequently, dex was combined with doxorubicin and
vincristine under the VAD protocol, which was used for years as the main treat-
ment [46]. While these formulations were being used in the clinic, researchers
were exploring the use of thalidomide, the teratogenic treatment for nausea and
morning sickness used in the early 1960s. In 1990s, thalidomide was shown to
have anti-angiogenic properties, including specific action on multiple myeloma.
Combination of thalidomide and its derivatives with GCs and cyclophosphamide
proved effective in treatment of relapsed multiple myeloma and was installed as
the main treatment for most patients [47].
Proteasome inhibitors have also emerged as having activity in myeloma and syn-
ergy with GCs [48]. Combination therapy of bortezomib with GCs began in 2003,
with other proteasome inhibitors being developed since then that have proven effec-
tive both in initial and relapse treatment. These include carfilzomib, which target
different proteolytic activities within the proteasome.
322 M.A. Pufall
Although less is known about how GCs induce cell death in multiple myeloma, there
are some clear parallels with their mechanism of action in ALL. First, they modulate
the expression of Bcl2 family members, tipping the balance to apoptotis. Second,
GCs also inhibit proliferation by suppressing c-MYC. Lastly, it has been shown that
GCs also affect the redox balance of multiple myeloma cells, which makes them
more susceptible to cell death. GC activation of the transcription factor GilZ has also
been implicated in apoptosis. GilZ is regulated by GR in all known tissues, but, in
contrast to other tissues, induces apoptosis in multiple myeloma [49].
Resistance to GCs show similarities, but also some differences. Like ALL, acti-
vation of Akt attenuates the cytotoxic effects of GCs. However, in multiple myeloma
the disease microenvironment shows a clear effect. Secretion of IL6 by either the
disease itself or the supporting tissue severely impairs the response of multiple
myeloma to GCs and treatment in general, and appears to work though NFκB [50].
Like ALL, unfortunately, not enough is known about the GC-induced program of
cell death to account for how resistance arises in most cases.
Hodgkin’s Disease
Hodgkin’s disease occurs within lymph nodes as the clonal expansion of mature
B cells. The disease is characterized by starting in one node then spreading systemi-
cally. First described in 1832, it was initially treated with radiation. Response was
poor, and the treatment was stopped in 1920s. Many of the agents that worked in
ALL were tried for Hodgkin’s disease, including alkylating agents such as chloram-
bucil and cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and glucocorticoids. ACTH and cortisone
used as single agents were found to induce remarkable, but temporary remission. It
was not until 1967 that an effective combination therapy was formulated. The
MOPP protocol included a mustard alkylator, vincristine (oncovin), procarbazine
(another alkylator), and prednisone and achieved a 50 % cure rate. When combined
with involved field radiation, MOPP produced even better results, with response
rates as high as 70 % [43]. The MOPP protocol was unfortunately associated with a
number of late effects, including nerve damage, infertility, and secondary malignan-
cies such as acute leukemia. A better tolerated alternative called ABVD (Adriamycin,
bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine) was developed in 1970s, and by 1990s
had supplanted MOPP as more effective an better tolerated. Over the last few years,
a new protocol, once again involving GCs, was developed called BEACOPP (bleo-
mycin, etoposide, Adriamycin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, procarbazine, and
prednisone), and has demonstrated better initial response. This response comes at a
cost. First, the BEACOPP treatment has a higher mortality rate, a higher secondary
malignancy rate, and sterility risk. Second, the rate of recovery for those who fail to
respond or relapse, called the “salvage rate” is lower. When taken into account, the
rate of initial response plus the salvage rate for ABVD and BEACOPP are not signifi-
cantly different [51]. The relative benefits of BEACOPP vs. ABVD are the subject
14 Glucocorticoids and Cancer 323
of debate as of the writing of this chapter, though it is clear that ABVD is better
tolerated by most patients.
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia differs from ALL in that it is a disease of later stage
B cells that accumulates over time, rather than as a result of hyperproliferation. CLL
cells are refractory to apoptosis, and accumulate in the blood stream, lymph nodes,
and bone marrow. The disease becomes pathological when CLL cells crowd out the
production of other blood cells. In the early 1950s, the effect of ACTH or GCs on
CLL was tested along with several other lymphoid malignancies [52]. When tested
as a monotherapy, only ~11 % of patients had even a partial response [53]. Later,
when used as part of combination therapies such as CHOP (cyclophosphamide,
doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone), GCs were found to have no effect on
eventual outcome while still causing side effects, and were not included in treatment
regimens. When high dose prednisone was tested in patients in 1990s, a better initial
response was observed, but the response was not durable [53]. The most severe side
effects in these studies were opportunistic infections, and have limited the useful-
ness of GCs in CLL.
More recently monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have become an essential agent
in treatment of CLL. The most common therapy for CLL is FCR which consists of:
an alkylating agent, such as cyclophosphamide; flutarabine, a nucleoside analog;
and rituximab, a mAb directed against the B cell specific CD20 cell surface marker.
This combination therapy has a very high initial response rate (some reports as high
as 90 %) with an overall response rate over 50 % [43]. Based on the success of
rituximab, other mAbs have been developed, including Ofatumumab (also against
CD20), and alemtuzumab (against CD52). Recently, high dose GCs have been com-
bined with mAbs in clinical trials for CLLs refractory to standard therapy. Although
overall response rates have been over 50 %, the median progression free survival is
less than a year [53].
Use of GCs in CLL is still being considered because of their role not in cell
death, but in lymphocyte redistribution. In the late 1940s and early 1950s, patients
with CLL treated with ACTH or cortisone experienced a reduction in nodal or
splenic tumor masses. Surprisingly, this was accompanied by an increase in the
circulating leukocytes, called leukocytosis. It was thought that, in addition to prob-
ably modest cell death, GCs induce a redistribution of leukocytes to the blood
stream that is reversed upon removal of GCs. This behavior mirrors the normal,
circadian redistribution of B cells. Under non-pathological conditions, when GCs
are low, B and T cell circulation is high, but when cortisol spikes in the morning,
cells home to tissue locations. Why CLL cells would leave tumors is not clear,
but GC induced expression of CXCR4 causes B and T cells to enter the bloodstream,
and eventually migrate to environments, such as the bone marrow or lymph nodes,
that express CXCR12 [54]. This window of time when lymphocytes are circulating
provides an opportunity for other agents to attack.
324 M.A. Pufall
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas
Solid Tumors
Prostate cancer afflicts about one in five men in the US, making it their second
most common cancer. The growth and proliferation of prostate cancer is driven by
androgens, which work through the androgen receptor exclusively. Accordingly, an
important part of treatment for prostate cancer is to block production of androgens,
typically through castration. Though this is effective in blocking production of
testosterone and inducing cancer regression, the cancer often returns in 2–3 years
[56]. The relapsed tumor is able to grow in the apparent absence of testosterone,
and is termed either castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) or Hormone
Refractory Prostate Cancer (HRPC). Small molecule inhibitors that block testos-
terone binding to the androgen receptor have been developed, and can once again
induce regression [57]. However, once resistance to these anti-androgens develops,
the treatment options for CRPC are significantly less effective. Glucocorticoids are
not used in initial therapy, but the glucocorticoid receptor has two opposing func-
tions in anti-androgen refractory CRPC.
Prostate cancer is diagnosed and staged based on biopsies of the prostate gland
and invasion to nearby tissues. Concomitant measurement of Prostate Specific
Antigen (PSA), a gene driven specifically by AR in the prostate, serves as a
marker for activity of AR in the prostate and a potential indicator of PC growth.
14 Glucocorticoids and Cancer 325
regulated by AR. Further, it was shown that GCs could induce growth of these cells
in the presence of AR antagonists, and that effect could be blocked by GR antago-
nists [62]. This recent work suggests that in cells conditioned with anti-androgens,
the highly homologous AR and GR can complement each other. The cellular factors
that allow this complementation have not been identified, but this dependence on
GR function for PC growth suggests that combination therapy with anti-glucocorti-
coids, such as RU-486, may be useful in resistant PC.
These two examples highlight the potential dangers of using GC therapy in hor-
mone dependent cancers in which the mechanism is not well understood. GCs have
a clear though modest, effect on CRPC, with a >20 % response rate. However, GCs
can also be AR-like in hormone resistant PCs. Since the cellular determinants of GC
action in these two relapsed PCs have not been determined, administering GCs may
carry substantial risk.
Kaposi Sarcoma
Kaposi’s Sarcoma is a virally induced cancer that is best known for being activated in
patients with HIV/AIDS. Although mostly disfiguring, KS can have cause serious
problems, including lymphedema, gastrointestinal blockage, and in rare cases, death.
First-line treatment includes ABV (doxorubicin, bleomycin, and vincristine) among
several formulations. These treatments manage the disease, but are not a cure.
A retrospective study concluded that the Hodgkin’s formulation of EVAD (eto-
poside, vincristine, doxorubicin and dexamethasone) (EVAD) was an effective
treatment for advanced or relapsed Kaposi’s Sarcoma, though no mechanism was
proposed [63].
Chemotherapeutics, radiation, and surgery, all of which are important tools in the
fight against cancer, are often poorly tolerated by patients. In addition to their side
effects, they can cause severe nausea and vomiting that result in weakness, dehydra-
tion, and an unwillingness of patients to continue with therapy. The relative emetic
risk of chemotherapeutic agents have been categorized and published by American
Society of Clinical Oncology [75]. The categories range from high likelihood
(>90 %), with cisplatin being at the top of this range, to minimal likelihood (<10 %),
which includes agents such as vincristine and rituximab. The virtual universal reac-
tion of patients to cisplatin, which began being used in 1978, prompted the search
for effective anti-emetic agents [76, 77].
There are a number of agents that are used to ameliorate these effects, including:
dopaminergic blockers (e.g. metoclopramide); serotonin type 3 (5-HT3) receptor
inhibitors antagonists; NK1 receptor inhibitors (aprepitant); and low dose glucocor-
ticoids such as dexamethasone and methylprednisolone. The ASCO guidelines rec-
ommend how to administer these classes of drugs. For moderately emetogenic
treatments, a combination of dex and 5-HT is recommended. For highly emetogenic
agents, such as cisplatin, combinations of GCs, 5-HT, and NK1 inhibitors are rec-
ommended. Although the mechanism for dopaminergic blockers, 5-HT, and NK1
inhibitors are well established, how GCs work is not well understood [78].
Some mechanisms for how GCs work have been hypothesized. First, physiological
levels of GCs appear to be required for general well-being. Low levels of GC in and
328 M.A. Pufall
of themselves have been linked to nausea and vomiting [79]. Second, the anti-
inflammatory actions may be sufficient on some cases. Cyclooxegenase inhibitors
or ibuprofen, both of which suppress inflammation, can ameliorate the effects of
both radiation and some chemotherapeutic agents [80]. Third, GCs have been shown
to reduce 5-HT production, perhaps effectively blocking serotonin receptors in the
vagal nerve complexes that transmit the vomiting response [81]. Lastly, GCs inhibit
production of prostaglandins and substance P, both of which have been implicated
in the vomiting response [80]. Other mechanisms have been suggested as well, such
as reducing pain and direct effects on brain centers, but further research needs to be
done to uncover which GC effects are most beneficial. In addition GCs are used as
appetite stimulants in patients with cancer cachexia [82].
T cell development and GC-induced cell death [85]. As this gene does not yet appear
to have a function in bone, development of compounds that separate allow KLF13
regulation, but not BIM or BCL2, might allow GC-induced apoptosis in leukemic
blasts but not bone. There are other strategies currently under investigation to develop
activity and tissue specific GC function. One is to develop a deeper of understanding
of not just which genes are regulated, but how they are regulated in different tissues
to identify alternative targets that enhance specific GR functions. One key may be in
understanding which GR cofactors are used in each tissue. For examples, the GR
cofactors NCOA1, 2, and 3, are differentially expressed in tissues [87]. If one, such
as NCOA2, is the primary GR cofactor in bone, but not B cells, then it could be
targeted to block bone-cell death but still allow GC-induced apoptosis in leukemic
blasts. Lastly, it may be possible to develop GCs whose chemical makeup or deliv-
ery method partition uptake specifically to lymphoid cells over bone. In this way,
the drug would provide selective modulation of GR function at the tissue level, but
not at the level of gene regulation. Each of these strategies are the subject of current
research efforts.
14. Inaba H, Pui C-H. Glucocorticoid use in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Lancet Oncol.
2010;11(11):1096–106. doi:10.1016/S1470-2045(10)70114-5.
15. Teuffel O, Kuster SP, Hunger SP, et al. Dexamethasone versus prednisone for induction ther-
apy in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Leukemia. 2011;25(8):1232–8. doi:10.1038/leu.2011.84.
16. Mittelstadt PR, Monteiro JP, Ashwell JD. Thymocyte responsiveness to endogenous glucocor-
ticoids is required for immunological fitness. J Clin Invest. 2012;122(7):2384–94. doi:10.1172/
17. Gruver-Yates AL, Quinn MA, Cidlowski JA. Analysis of glucocorticoid receptors and their
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Part IV
Miscellaneous Topics
Chapter 15
Animal Models of Altered Glucocorticoid
Charles Harris
Abstract In this chapter we will review genetically engineered mice with alterations
in glucocorticoid signaling. Most of the mice involve direct alterations to the gluco-
corticoid receptor locus, but we will touch briefly on other relevant models includ-
ing 11-β-HSD transgenics which alter tissue levels of ligand as well as mice with
glucocorticoid excess. Of course, the number of mice with mutations in genes such
as GR targets and transcriptional coregulators is beyond the scope of this chapter.
The scientific community was quite eager to know the function of the glucocorticoid
receptor in vivo. Transgenic mice were introduced in 1981 [1], but gene targeting via
homologous recombination was not introduced until 1990 [2] and did not become
commonplace until the mid-1990s. GR was cloned in 1985 [3–5]. Therefore, in order
to probe the function of GR in vivo in the early 1990s, multiple groups created trans-
genic animals with transgenes encoding antisense for GR coding sequence, thereby
creating in essence a “tissue specific knockdown” governed by the promoter driving
the anti-sense construct. The first paper expressed a rat antisense GR sequence under
the control of a human neurofilament gene promoter. These mice were obese, had
decreased but detectable glucocorticoid binding and GR mRNA in the brain, mildly
increased serum corticosterone and very increased ACTH levels [6]. Another group
used a similar approach to knockdown GR with a transgene encoding 3′ UTR rat GR
antisense driven by lck, an early T-cell specific promoter. These mice had small
C. Harris (*)
Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Lipid Research, Department of Internal
Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, 660 S Euclid Avenue,
Campus Box 8127, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
GR-null mice have been generated separately from several different groups [8–10].
GR-null mice are born at the expected Mendelian frequency, but die within hours of
birth due to respiratory difficulties and defects in lung maturation. This finding is
concordant with clinical observations showing infants born prematurely suffer from
similar defects in lung maturity if mothers are not given glucocorticoids shortly
before birth. In addition, in GR-null mice, circulating ACTH and corticosterone
levels are high due to loss of negative feedback. The elevated corticosterone does
not activate GR in these animals (there is none), but would be predicted to activate
MR and cause a syndrome of apparent mineralocorticoid excess. This phenomenon
has been described in persons with resistance to glucocorticoid hormone [11].
GR-null mice also have cortical adrenal hyperplasia, presumably from increased
ACTH levels stimulating intact ACTH receptors (MC2R) in the adrenal cortex.
The role of GR in the adrenal chromaffin lineage has been subject to reinterpretation
over the years. GR-null mice were originally reported to be missing adrenal medullae
[8], but more careful studies showed the existence of adrenal chromaffin cells in
normal numbers with the more specific phenotype of conversion of adrenergic to
noradrenergic cells due to loss of GR-mediated activation of the enzyme PNMT
(Phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase), that converts noradrenaline to adrena-
line). More recently, a study of tissue-specific loss of GR in noradrenergic cells
(using the cre-lox system and a dopamine beta hydroxylase driven cre line) revealed
loss of chromaffin cells as adults [12]. The synthesis of these findings is that GR is
not required for the formation of adrenal chromaffin cells but does help maintain
these cells into adulthood. An attempt to rescue neonatal mortality due to the lung
phenotype by crossing GR-null mice to transgenic mice expressing GR under the
SP-C promoter was unsuccessful [13]. GR-null mice have a defect in epidermal dif-
ferentiation and skin barrier function [14]. Because neonatal mortality has pre-
cluded analysis of adult GR-null animals, several investigators have alternatively
studied GR-null cells in vitro, in transplant experiments, GR heterozygous mice
in vivo [10] and later tissue specific null mice. GR-null erythroid progenitors have
decreased erythropoiesis in vitro [15]. In an elegant set of experiments it was dem-
onstrated that E18.5 GR-null mice have a disorganized endocrine pancreas. GR-null
pancreas appeared normal at E15.5 and the disorganization that occurred between
E15 and E18.5 could be rescued by transplanting the pancreas under the kidney
capsule of a GR expressing mouse. The conclusion of these experiments was the
disorganization of the GR-null pancreas was an indirect effect [16].
15 Animal Models of Altered Glucocorticoid Signaling 339
The advent of cre lox technology allows specific deletion of gene products from
tissues or cell types of interest. A thorough review of the subject can be found here
[17]. Briefly, a critical region of the gene of interest is modified to be flanked by 34
base pair loxP sites, which are introduced by homologous recombination in such a
manner so as not to disrupt gene function. So called “floxed” (flanking loxP mice)
are then crossed to transgenic mice expressing the bacteriophage cre recombinase
driven by the promoter of interest. The cre recombinase is expressed only in the tis-
sue of interest where it excises the DNA between the two loxP sites, resulting in a
null allele.
The pleiotropic actions of glucocorticoids have made it difficult to draw direct
links between specific gene activations with physiological observations. For exam-
ple, glucocorticoids are known to cause osteoporosis, but this could be due to direct
actions on bone, both osteoblasts and osteoclasts, but also indirectly through reduc-
tions in sex hormones, reductions in Growth Hormone, along with actions on the
intestinal absorption of calcium. Another example is the known sarcopenic effects of
glucocorticoids which could be explained by direct actions on muscle, but indirectly
through suppression of the GH-IGF1 axis as well. Tissue specific deletion of GR
has allowed a dissection of these pleiotropic actions to determine the contribution of
cell-autonomous effects on respective phenotypes. Tissue-specific deletion of GR
has confirmed effects on bone (osteoblast) and muscle are largely cell autonomous
(see below). This is of clinical importance as novel therapeutics with tissue-specific
delivery of GR modulators becomes a possible avenue in the future [18–20].
Glucocorticoid Receptor has been deleted in many different tissues. We do not have
sufficient room to include all of these mice, but rather describe a handful and direct
the reader to MGI for a complete listing. With respect to GR several different floxed
mice have been generated with loxP sites flanking different exons of GR genomic
locus [21–25]. Recently a comparison between exon 2 floxed mice and exon 3
floxed mice was used using the Sim1-cre mice with expression in the hypothalamus.
Exon 3 mice gave an interesting expected phenotype of Cushing’s syndrome (due to
loss of GR-mediated negative feedback on CRH in the hypothalamus, but exon 2
flanked mice crossed to the same cre transgenic mouse did not display the pheno-
type. This may be due to inefficient excision of exon 2 in exon 2 floxed mice bearing
certain cre transgenes. Alternatively, there may be truncated GR after exon 2 exci-
sion that can retain some transcriptional activity [26]. These observations do not
derail previous results obtained with exon 2 floxed mice, as some cre lines do result
in complete excision and loss of function when exon 2 is excised. However, given
the potential for residual function with exon 2, we anticipate greater use of exon 3
floxed mice for future studies.
340 C. Harris
Since GR-null mice died due to defects in lung maturation, it was of great interest
to know which cell type was responsible for the phenotype. Unfortunately there has
not been consensus among investigators in this area. One group found that mesen-
chymal expression of GR governed the phenotype since mesenchymal-specific
deletion of GR using col1-cre or dermo1-cre mice recapitulated the neonatal mor-
tality phenotype [27, 28] but deletion using epithelial SPC-cre did not have a
phenotype whereas another group observed decreased viability with an epithelial
specific GR KO mouse that was generated by crossing GR floxed mice to mice
carrying SPC-rtTA and tetO-Cre transgenes [29]. So, there is disagreement as to
the necessity of GR in these cell types. As mentioned above, attempts to rescue
the GR-null mouse by crossing to a transgenic expressing GR under the control of
surfactant protein C regulatory elements were unsuccessful. It would be interest-
ing to attempt a similar rescue with a mesenchymal targeted GR transgene.
However, it is not clear whether a GR-null mouse rescued from the lung pheno-
type would survive given defects in other cell types or gain of function phenotype
from excessive action on the mineralocorticoid receptor (syndrome of apparent
mineralocorticoid excess).
The skin phenotype of global GR-null mice was described above. This phenotype is
recapitulated in keratinocyte specific GR KO mice generated using cre lox technology
and keratin14-cre mice [30]. These epidermal GR KO mice also have increased
susceptibility to chemical induced skin tumors [31]. Overexpression of GR in trans-
genic mice driven by the keratin5 promoter results in abnormal skin including hypo-
plasia and impaired hyperplastic response to topical TPA [32].
Cardiovascular System
GR action in the distal nephron is not critical for glucocorticoid mediated hyperten-
sion [33] as mice with GR deleted in the distal nephron (Ksp-cre) had a hypertensive
response to dexamethasone similar to WT mice. In contrast, mice with endothelial
specific GR KO mice were created by using tie2-cre mice. Endothelial GR KO mice
are resistant to dexamethasone mediated hypertension and have increased sensitivity
to hemodynamic shock associated with sepsis as mimicked by systemic LPS injec-
tions [34]. This effect is thought to be mediated by loss of negative regulation of
iNOS in maintaining vascular tone. A conditional induction of a GR transgene in the
heart resulted in arrhythmia [35]. Deletion of GR in the heart (α-MHC-cre) results in
15 Animal Models of Altered Glucocorticoid Signaling 341
death at age 6 months from heart failure, indicating a previously unknown role for
GR signaling in the heart [22]. These findings have potential clinical implications for
the development of GR antagonists in metabolic disease. In addition global GR-null
embryos were found to have decreased cardiac function [36].
Gastrointestinal System
Immune System
Because GR-null animals die at birth one must use either tissue-specific knockouts
or alternatively one can isolate fetal liver from GR-null animals and perform bone
marrow transplants or perform bone marrow transplants from a tissue-specific KO to
narrow down the cell type. Such bone marrow transplants were performed to show
that macrophage GR was dispensable for atherogenesis in LDLR-null mice, but
342 C. Harris
One group found osteoblast specific deletion of GR (Runx2-cre) rendered mice resis-
tant to glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis whereas deletion of GR in osteoclasts
(LysM-cre) had no effect [47]. This same group did not see any defects in bone
development as assessed by GR-null mice analyzed at E18.5 and also reported com-
plete sensitivity of GR dim mice (see below) to glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis,
implicating GR monomers in this process. Another group has implicated an anabolic
function of glucocorticoids in bone development from the phenotype of transgenic
mice expressing the glucocorticoid inactivating 11-β-HSD2 in osteoblasts [48].
Another group showed that action of GR in osteoclasts was the dominant determinant
on the bone phenotype using a similar LysM-cre breeding strategy to create osteo-
clast deficiency of GR [49]. From these studies it is clear GR action on the osteoblast
is critical for glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis, but there may be a role in the
osteoclast as well. The actions of GR mediating osteoporosis do not require func-
tional dimers. This has implications for the possible development of selective GR
modulators as treatments for osteoporosis or to be used in conjunction with another
glucocorticoid to attenuate glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis.
Other Tissues
The most well studied GR knockin mouse is the dim mouse (MGI:1931329). Site
directed mutagenesis studies identified this mutation in vitro as inhibiting transacti-
vation while leaving repression intact [63]. Alanine to threonine mutation was gen-
erated by homologous recombination. Unlike GR-null animals, GR dim mice are
viable [64]. However, we have observed most GRdim/dim mice on a C57/BL6
background die at birth [65]. Interestingly, viability is normal on a mixed (BALBC
and C57) background (C.H., unpublished observation). This could be due to genetic
modifiers affecting GR signaling. In addition, although the dim allele was originally
described as being a loss of function allele for all transactivation targets [64], more
detailed analysis in the age of genomics has uncovered that some targets are still
activated by the dim allele and in addition the dim allele has some gain of function
properties [66, 67]. In other words, a subset of genes is activated in a ligand depen-
dent manner by the dim allele that is not normally activated by wildtype GR. These
so called “rogue” genes have been identified in vitro [66, 68] as well as in vivo [69
and our unpublished results]. One potential explanation for gain of function proper-
ties of the dim allele is gene activation by an increased concentration of GR mono-
mers in the absence of dimer formation. Therefore, though the dim mouse is a
powerful tool to dissect whether biological effects are mediated by dimers experi-
ments using them must be interpreted with this in mind.
GR dim mice had blunted response to anemia by phenylhydrazine and also did
not increase red blood cell counts in response to hypoxia [15]. As opposed to wild-
type mice, GR dim mice did not potentiate hippocampal calcium currents or enhance
serotonin response in the hippocampus when treated with glucocorticoids [70].
Water maze experiments demonstrated that GR dim mice have impairments in spa-
tial memory [71]. GR dimerization is required for inhibition of contact hypersensitiv-
ity by glucocorticoids [45]. The defects in skin observed in GR-null mice were not
seen in GR dim mice suggesting that GR dimers are dispensable for skin development
[14]. GR dim mice undergo a muscle atrophy similar to WT mice when treated with
glucocorticoids despite attenuated induction of MuRF1, indicating that muscle atro-
phy is a dimer independent process [72]. Glucocorticoids induce osteoporosis in GR
dim mice indicating this is a dimer independent process [47, 65]. GR dim mice were
resistant to the therapeutic effects of glucocorticoid in an antigen induced arthritis
15 Animal Models of Altered Glucocorticoid Signaling 345
model of rheumatoid arthritis [46] indicating GR dimers are essential for this pro-
cess. GR dim mice did not increase intestinal glucose uptake in response to glucocor-
ticoids indicating this process is dependent on GR dimers [41]. GR dim mice were
not immune to glucocorticoid-mediated changes in triglyceride metabolism in adi-
pose, indicating this is a GR dimer independent process [65].
Another knockin mouse (MGI strain 3842978), of interest is a mutation that
made GR more sensitive to ligand by mutation M610L in the LBD. These mice
did not have a phenotype of glucocorticoid excess because their HPA axis was
reset such that the circulating levels of glucocorticoids were lower than WT [73].
Muglia generated a knockin for a GFP-GR fusion protein allowing visualization of
GR in vivo (MGI:3577992) [74].
The advent of CRISPRs has made gene targeting more accessible given reduced
cost, time and labor involved. First generation CRISPRs experiments were able to
introduce double-strand breaks repaired in a stochastic manner involving non-
homologous end-joining resulting in deletions and insertions [75]. Newer approaches
allowed coinjection of a large single stranded donor oligonucleotide or double
stranded DNA donor plasmid to induce targeted mutations via homologous recom-
bination. Further advances have been made rapidly allowing the introduction of
loxP sites to create floxed mice for conditional null alleles [76]. We predict this
technology will lead to the creation of even more mice genetically modified in GR
signaling. What mice will we see in the near future? Additional knock-in mice with
point mutations leading to altered AF1 and AF2 function [77] would be insightful.
In addition, point mutations for GR residues shown to be post-translationally modi-
fied would be informative as to the role of these post-translational modifications
in vivo. In addition, there are a number of additional polymorphisms in GR that
have been linked to human disease states including metabolic syndrome and depres-
sion [78] which could be informative in the function of GR in vivo. Finally, the ease
of using CRISPRs to generate targeted germ line mutations could be the solution to
a problem that has existed in the field of transcriptional regulation. We have access
to whole genome transcriptional data and chromatin-immunoprecipitation data for
regulation by glucocorticoids. It has been difficult to demonstrate that a given bind-
ing site is directly responsible for a given gene regulation event. Often this correla-
tion is made by way of parsimony: Ockham’s razor argues that the closest GR
binding region to a gene regulated by GR is responsible for that gene’s regulation.
However, it is clear that there are a number of transcriptional events regulated from
distal DNA elements. Therefore, gene targeting of a GRE would enable one to
determine what genes are governed by the GRE. While it is not feasible to do this
on a wide scale, and it is more feasible to do this in cell lines, we would not be sur-
prised if we saw some GRE targeted CRISPRs in the near future. A handful of such
mice might reveal rules to the logic of transcriptional regulation previously undeci-
pherable. Candidates for such approaches would be GR primary target genes that
are critical in a glucocorticoid-mediated phenotype with a well-defined GRE.
346 C. Harris
We will not have space to describe all of the genetically altered mice related to
glucocorticoid action, but a few notable mutations are described here. Given the
regulation of glucocorticoid synthesis by the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis,
it was of great interest to know the phenotype of CRH-null mice. CRH-null mice
have reduced but detectable corticosterone levels. CRH-null animals born to hetero-
zygous mothers survive, but CRH-null mice born to CRH-null mothers die at birth
due to defects in lung maturation, similar to GR-null animals. If CRH-null mothers
are given corticosterone in the drinking water, their CRH-null pups will survive.
The peptide ACTH is encoded by the POMC gene which gives rise to several other
peptides. Therefore, the phenotype of the POMC-null mice can not be attributed
only to defects in ACTH. Mice lacking 7B2, a cofactor for proconvertase 2 (a pro-
tease that processes several endocrine protein hormones) display Cushing’s disease,
due to hypersecretion of ACTH [79]. Recently, a Cushingoid mouse was identified
as part of an ENU mutagenesis screen [80]. The mutation was mapped to the CRH
promoter (120 basepairs upstream of the transcriptional start site) in a caudal-type
homeobox response element (CDXARE). The mutation leads to increased CRH
expression and is recapitulated with a luciferase reporter. The phenotype of this
mouse is similar to the CRH-Tg mouse as well as the mice with deletion of GR in
tissues governing negative feedback in the hypothalamus including Sim1-cre and
Nestin-Cre. Vale’s group created a Cushingoid mouse by placing the CRH gene
under a constitutive metallothionein promoter [81]. Interestingly, the investigators
found that the transgene was only expressed in the hypothalamus and CRH levels
could not be detected in the circulation. Yet, these mice had increased ACTH levels.
The investigators postulated that a cryptic regulatory site within the coding region
was responsible for this tissue specific transgene expression. While their peak corti-
costerone levels are not significantly different from WTs, their nadir levels are much
higher, abrogating the circadian rhythmicity of corticosterone production similar to
patients with endogenous glucocorticoid excess. CRH-Tg mice have increased adi-
posity, decreased bone density, decreased skin thickness and skin collagen produc-
tion. Interestingly, CRH-Tg mice have large increases in adipose triglyceride futile
cycling with increased rate of both lipolysis and reesterification [82]. CRH-Tg mice
display age-dependent malabsorption that is due to a “transdifferentiation” of exo-
crine pancreas to express hepatocyte markers [83].
Dehydrogenase Mutants
To test the hypothesis that increased glucocorticoid signaling in adipose tissue plays
a role in the etiology of metabolic syndrome Flier’s group created an aP2-11-β-
HSD1 transgenic mouse. Selective expression of this GC activating enzyme in adi-
pose should raise tissue corticosterone levels in adipose. These mice displayed
features of metabolic syndrome while on a chow diet [84]. Similarly, the converse
15 Animal Models of Altered Glucocorticoid Signaling 347
GR Targets
The last 25 years have seen a proliferation of our knowledge about glucocorticoid
signaling. Essential to this has been the ability to probe the role of GR in vivo in mice
using first anti-sense transgenics, the traditional knockouts, and then tissue specific
knockouts. The tissue-specific GR KO mice have allowed a better understanding of
which effects of glucocorticoids are cell autonomous and which are indirect. For
example, muscle atrophy which could have been due to effects directly on muscle as
well as indirectly through effects on liver (IGF1 secretion), the HPA axis (reduced sex
steroids) appears to be largely cell autonomous. Similarly, a priori, effects on bone
could be direct or indirect through reductions in other pituitary axes including
GH-IGF1, hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal, intestinal absorption of calcium, etc.
Here, too effects seem to be direct on bone, and while the osteoblast appears to be
critical, the osteoclast may play a role. Furthermore, some phenotypes are agreed
upon by multiple investigators, such as the muscle specific KO mouse which has
been made by three different investigators. Areas of discrepant data include the
critical cell type in the lung responsible for the lethality of GR-null mice. The appar-
ent discrepancy in phenotype of liver specific GR-null mice can be explained by the
timing of activation of the cre lines used by the different investigators. Given the
recent breakthrough in gene editing with CRISPRs, it is likely many more GR mutant
mice will be generated and contribute further to our understanding of how GR signals.
In addition CRISPRs may enable investigators that use other experimental models
such as rat to also generate additional animals with gene modifications.
After detailing the multiple effects of the glucocorticoid receptor in the sections
above, it is quite remarkable that the GR-null mouse makes it to birth and is not
348 C. Harris
embryonic lethal. In other words, although GR has been implicated in cell fate deci-
sions, GR-null mice do not have an obvious loss of an essential cell type. The excep-
tions are the maintenance of adrenal chromaffin cells as adults and maintenance of
some pancreatic cell types as mentioned above. Similarly, glucocorticoid excess
alters some cell fate decisions with the best evidence in vivo being hepatic conver-
sion of exocrine pancreas in CRH-Tg mice. Although the focus regarding neonatal
mortality of GR-null mice has been on the lung, it is possible than even if this were
rescued, GR-null mice might die due to effects on other tissues, such as skin or the
heart. We predict the answers to these questions will come in the years ahead.
Additional Resources
In addition to this chapter, we suggest the reader use the following websites to
assemble the most up to date information. Mouse genome informatics ( This is a comprehensive listing of mouse genes with links to
individual mice (i.e. separate listings for different strains created by different labs
including knockout projects). There is a separate listing for the GR gene (NR3C1)
as well as a listing for each mutant mouse. Each mutant mouse line is assigned a
unique MGI number which is occasionally referenced in this chapter. There are
links to references, as well as to many other data bases, including IMSR (interna-
tional mouse strain resource,, a database listing where
various mouse strains are held internationally.
Nuclear Receptor Signaling Atlas (NURSA, contains
valuable information on nuclear receptors and coregulators including links to MGI
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Chapter 16
The Dehydrogenase Hypothesis
GCs, synthesized from cholesterol precursors, are produced primarily by the adrenal
cortex (zona fasiculata) under the influence of the HPA axis in a classical circadian
rhythm, regulated by negative feedback.
16 The Dehydrogenase Hypothesis 355
There are multiple pathways involved in cortisol and cortisone metabolism. These
include A-ring reduction to from tetrahydrocortisol and it’s 5α (alpha)-isomer allo-
tetrahydrocortisol, hydroxylation to 6β (Beta) hydroxycortisol and reduction of the
20-oxo group giving cortols. Among the various distinct pathways, perhaps the
most critical of these is the inter-conversion of cortisol and cortisone mediated by
the 11β (Beta)-HSD isozymes. 11β (Beta)-HSD interconverts cortisol and cortisone
by altering the hydroxyl group at C11 (see Fig. 16.1).
Glucocorticoids were discovered in the 1940s and 1950s and were heralded as a
potentially curative treatment for many ailments [16]. Kendall et al. published the
discovery of what they believed to be a treatment that could reverse rheumatoid arthri-
tis in the 1950s [17]. What they referred to as Compound E; was actually cortisone, a
precursor of cortisol (Compound F). We now know that the cortisone administered,
was converted to cortisol by 11β (Beta)-HSD1. The hydroxyl group at C11 is crucially
important for cortisol to be effective. 11β (Beta)-HSD1 reduces inactive cortisone to
active cortisol by adding a hydroxyl group at C11. Thus, unbeknownst to the authors
they had actually made two discoveries—the first that the glucocorticoid cortisol has
dramatic therapeutic effect on arthritis and second that the enzyme 11β (Beta)-HSD1
has the ability to convert inactive cortisone to active steroid.
Subsequently to Kendall’s paper, cortisol, and not cortisone, was established as
the active steroid. It also became apparent that inter-conversion between cortisone
and cortisol is possible [18, 19]. This conversion is made possible by the enzyme
11β (Beta)-HSD1, a member of the dehydrogenase/reductase superfamily. Short-
chain Dehydrogenase/Reducatse (SDR) enzymes are NADP(H) dependent enzymes,
that are involved primarily in breaking down hormones and chemical messengers
[20]. There are more than 3,000 members in the SDR family [7].
Early studies identified 11β (Beta)-HSD activity in different tissues such as pla-
centa, kidney and liver. However, 11β (Beta)-HSD did not have the same activity
between different tissues. The “set point” of the enzyme varied from tissue to tissue
with dehydrogenase activity (cortisol conversion to cortisone) predominating in the
placenta and kidney and reductive activity (cortisone conversion to cortisol) predomi-
nating in liver [7]. The answer lay in the fact that there are two distinct isozymes of
11β (Beta)-HSD namely type 1 being predominantly reductive and type 2 acting
solely as a dehydrogenase. In addition 11β (Beta)-HSD type 1 is a bi-directional
capable of acting in either direction but dependent on co-factors such as NADPH.
In vivo in intact tissues the 11β (Beta)-HSD1 enzyme acts as an oxo-reductase
converting cortisone to cortisol. Purified 11β (Beta)-HSD1 enzyme behaves princi-
pally as a dehydrogenase, oxidizing cortisol to cortisone.
11β (Beta)-HSD1 was initially purified and cloned from rodents in the 1980s by
Carl Monder’s group [21, 22]. In humans the gene for 11β (Beta)-HSD1 (HSD11B1)
is located on chromosome 1, is 30 kb in length and has six exons and five introns.
It comprises of 292 amino acids and shares 77 % homology with rat amino acid
sequence [23]. Human 11β (Beta)-HSD1, cloned in 2002 [24], exits as a dimer [25]
and is bound to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) with its catalytic domain within the
ER lumen [26] (see Fig. 16.2). The catalytic directionality of the enzyme is based
on the position of 11β (Beta)-HSD1 within the ER lumen where it co-localises with
Hexose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase (H6PD). H6PD generates the reduced co-
substrate NADPH. Thus the ratio of NADPH/NADP confers directionality to 11β
(Beta)-HSD1 [27, 28]. Purified 11β (Beta)-HSD1, in the absence of H6PD, behaves
principally as a dehydrogenase, oxidizing cortisol to cortisone. The enzyme 11β
(Beta)-HSD1, has Michaelis Menten (Km) constants of 1.83 ± 0.06 μm for corticos-
terone and 17.3 ± 2.2406 μm for cortisol [7].
16 The Dehydrogenase Hypothesis 357
Fig. 16.2 Localization and co-factor dependency of 11β (Beta)-HSD1 within the endoplasmic
The ontogeny of 11β (Beta)-HSD1 has been studied predominantly in rodents and
sheep animal models. The expression of mammalian 11β (Beta)-HSD1 is predomi-
nantly post-natal. In general 11β (Beta)-HSD1 is detectable in many tissues but
there is a lack of activity in early gestation with reductase activity only becoming
apparent after delivery and rising steadily throughout infancy [7, 29]. The ontogeny
of 11β (Beta)-HSD1 in humans is not well documented with few published studies.
Cortisone therapy is not useful for treating congenital adrenal hyperplasia in early
infancy most likely due to absent or significantly reduced liver 11β (Beta)-HSD1
activity [30]. Both reductase and dehydrogenase activity has been demonstrated in
fetal lung tissue [31, 32]. 11β (Beta)-HSD1 activity remains unchanged throughout
childhood in both boys and girls [33]. At puberty there is a reduction in 11β (Beta)-
HSD1 activity in women [33] and this appears to remain. In adults, there is a well
described dimorphism in cortisol metabolism between men and women with an
apparent reduction in 11β (Beta)-HSD1 activity in women [34, 35]. However, not
all studies have shown this dimorphism [36].
11β (Beta)-HSD1 expression increases steadily until 1 year of age at which time
peak levels are reached. 11β (Beta)-HSD1 is expressed in many tissues including
liver, adipose tissue, gonads, GI tract, kidney, eye, anterior pituitary, leukocytes and
358 C. Woods and J.W. Tomlinson
bone [7]. 11β (Beta)-HSD1 expression is highest in liver, brain gonads and adipose
tissues [37]. Many factors contribute to alterations in tissue expression of 11β
(Beta)-HSD1. In general glucocorticoids, pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNFα,
IL-1β) peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ agonists and CEBPs increase
11β (Beta)-HSD1 expression whereas Growth Hormone (GH) and liver X receptor
agonists inhibit 11β (Beta)-HSD1 expression [7]. Recently salicylates have been
shown to down regulate 11β (Beta)-HSD1 expression [38] in adipose tissue and
improve insulin sensitivity. The effects of sex steroids, insulin and other hormones
are variable across tissues and between species. 11β (Beta)-HSD1 has been shown
to be expressed more in adipose tissue in lean women compared to lean men [39].
High dose oestradiol has been shown to repress 11β (Beta)-HSD1 expression in rat
liver and kidney but testosterone did not alter expression [40].
Adipose Tissue
11β (Beta)-HSD1 is highly expressed in human adipose tissue [3, 41]. Broadly
speaking, studies have shown similar expression levels of 11β (Beta)-HSD1 between
visceral and subcutaneous compartments [39, 42, 43]. However, H6PD and GR
have been shown to have different levels of expression between adipose tissue
depots [43].
As in other tissues, 11β (Beta)-HSD1 acts primarily as a reductase generating
active GCs. Its expression and activity are induced by GCs and inflammatory cyto-
kines such as interleukin 1 and TNFα [7, 44–47]. 11β (Beta)-HSD1 expression
and activity increases upon adipocyte differentiation [48] and inhibition of 11β
(Beta)-HSD1 blocks cortisone-induced adipocyte differentiation [49]. 11β (Beta)-HSD1
activity within adipose tissue depots is controversial with some studies demonstrating
increased activity in omental tissue compared to subcutaneous adipose tissue.
Dysregulation of 11β (Beta)-HSD1 activity has been postulated to be critical in
the pathogenesis of metabolic complications associated with obesity. In rodent
models increased 11β (Beta)-HSD1 activity has been demonstrated in visceral
adipose tissue of obese rodents compared to wild type [50, 51] although expression
in adipose tissue was reduced following high fat feeding in mice [52]. Short term
high fat diet reduced the activity of 11β (Beta)-HSD1 in both subcutaneous and
visceral adipose tissue in Wistar rats [53]. Genetically modified rodent models have
contributed significantly to our understanding of the role of 11β (Beta)-HSD1 in
adipose tissue. 11β (Beta)-HSD1 knockout mice are resistant to the metabolic side
effects of a high fat diet compared to wild type [54]. Conversely over expression of
11β (Beta)-HSD1 in adipose tissue leads to weight gain and metabolic complications
compared to wild type [55] even on a chow diet.
Clinical studies have yielded varied and sometimes conflicting results. In human
adipose tissue, the majority of studies have examined subcutaneous adipose tissue.
11β (Beta)-HSD1 activity in subcutaneous adipose tissue has been shown to be
16 The Dehydrogenase Hypothesis 359
increased in obese patients compared to non-obese controls [56]. Both 11β (Beta)-
HSD1 activity and expression were shown to correlate positively with BMI by Lindsay
et al. in 2003 [57]. Whilst the majority of studies show a positive relationship of 11β
(Beta)-HSD1 expression and activity with BMI, this is not the case for all studies.
Data with regards to the omental depot are more sparse, but some studies have identi-
fied increased expression in women in association with increased omental adiposity
[58]. The impact of diet induced obesity on 11β (Beta)-HSD1 activity and expression
is not clear. Obese Zucker rats have increased visceral adipose tissue 11β (Beta)-
HSD1 expression compared to lean rats [51] however Wistar rats, fed a short term
high fat diet show reduced 11β (Beta)-HSD1 activity [53]. Diet induced obese mice
also have reduced expression of 11β (Beta)-HSD1 [59]. In these diet induced obese
mice 11β (Beta)-HSD1 expression is increased by NFκ (Kappa) B and reduced by
HIF-1. H6PD is also important in the directionality of 11β (Beta)-HSD1 and some
studies suggest a role in visceral adipose tissue [60]. Pro inflammatory cytokines and
glucocorticoids (increased in obesity) are also known to induce 11β (Beta)-HSD1
expression in adipose tissue [7]. In vitro studies highlight the role of transcription fac-
tors (CEBPs) for controlling 11β (Beta)-HSD1 expression in adipocytes [61, 62].
GCs have key metabolic effects on the liver, augmenting insulin stimulated lipogenesis
[63] and reducing lipolysis in hepatic tissue [64]. Indirectly, they increase hepatic
lipid accumulation by inducing surrounding adipose tissue lipolysis thus increasing
the delivery of free fatty acids to the liver via the portal circulation [65].
11β (Beta)-HSD1 expression and activity has been extensively studied in hepatic
tissue. In animal studies global 11β (Beta)-HSD1 knock out mice are protected from
diet induced hepatic steatosis when fed a high fat diet [54, 55]. Transgenic mice
with hepatic 11β (Beta)-HSD1 overexpression, develop hypertension, hepatic ste-
atosis and dyslipidemia but interestingly do not develop steatohepatitis and minimal
insulin resistance [66]. Other factors including HPA axis activation and adipose
tissue 11β (Beta)-HSD1 activity may play a role in the development of hepatosteati-
tis. Liver specific HSD1-null mice have minimal phenotype (ref) suggesting vis-
ceral adipose HSD1 is the key site of action and excess adipose-generated GCs act
on the liver via visceral portal drainage.
11β (Beta)-HSD1 is highly expressed in human liver [23], predominantly in a
centripetal pattern histologically with maximum expression around the central vein
[67]. Hepatic 11β (Beta)-HSD1 appears to act exclusively as an oxo-reductase gen-
erating active GC [68]. In animal rodent models over expression of 11β (Beta)-
HSD1 in visceral adipose tissue was associated with Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver
Disease (NAFLD) [69]. In humans, some studies have demonstrated increased
expression of 11β (Beta)-HSD1 in liver tissue in obese persons with metabolic syn-
drome [70] however other studies have not confirmed these findings [71, 72]. Liver
11β (Beta)-HSD1 activity, as measured by urinary steroid metabolite analysis is
reduced in obesity compared to non-obese controls [73]. Liver 11β (Beta)-HSD1
activity (using serum cortisol generation form oral cortisone) is also reduced in
360 C. Woods and J.W. Tomlinson
obesity compared to non-obese controls [73]. These reductions in both liver 11β
(Beta)-HSD1 activity and expression contrast with increased activity and expres-
sion in adipose tissue in obesity. Ahmed et al. have described a switch in the expres-
sion of 11β (Beta)-HSD1 across the spectrum of liver disease from lower expression
of 11β (Beta)-HSD1 in steatosis to higher levels of 11β (Beta)-HSD1 expression
associated with steatohepatitis [74]. The authors concluded these changes might
reflect a response to a more inflammatory phenotype.
Skeletal Muscle
Data on tissue cortisol metabolism within skin is only recently becoming an area
of interest and investigation. Skin has been shown to be an active site of cortisol
production and metabolism [81, 82]. Excess skin exposure to GC’s cause skin
changes similar to the natural aging process. These include reduced elasticity,
reduced collagen and fibroblast numbers, thinning of dermis and epidermis and a
general reduction in the repair capacity of skin [83]. Increased exposure to GC’s has
been postulated as a factor in age related changes, inflammatory and auto-immunity
changes seen in skin [84]. It has been postulated that skin changes seen over time
are in part as a result of 11β (Beta)-HSD1 activity [82].
Both 11β (Beta)-HSD1 and 2 are expressed in skin [81, 82, 85]. 11β (Beta)-HSD2
is expressed in association with the mineralocorticoid receptor on sweat glands how-
ever its role (if any) within the dermis and epidermis is debated. In wound healing,
11β (Beta)-HSD2 expression has been shown to be induced 48 h after tissue injury
with subsequent return to basal levels at 96 h [81]. This has been postulated to be a
mechanism to reduce local cortisol excess following inflammation.
11β (Beta)-HSD1 is widely expressed in human and mouse dermis and epider-
mis [82, 85, 86]. Upon differentiation of keratinocytes 11β (Beta)-HSD1 expression
increases [85], somewhat akin to the changes seen with pre adipocyte differentiation
[87]. Interestingly despite reducing levels of expression of 11β (Beta)-HSD1 in
16 The Dehydrogenase Hypothesis 361
elderly subjects, a paradoxical rise in 11β (Beta)-HSD1 activity is seen with increasing
age in both humans and mice [82]. This gives credence to the concept of age related
skin atrophic changes being in part due to increased cortisol exposure secondary to
increased 11β (Beta)-HSD1 activity.
11β (Beta)-HSD1 has been shown to have a pivotal role in skin repair following
injury [88] and tissue remodeling [85]. In mice 11β (Beta)-HSD1 is contributory to
impaired wound healing. Blocking 11β (Beta)-HSD1 improved wound healing in
mice and prevented age induced skin changes [89]. These data suggest that 11β
(Beta)-HSD1 generated local cortisol is critically important in wound healing and
in aging skin changes. Inhibitors of 11β (Beta)-HSD1 inhibitors (topical or oral)
may therefore have therapeutic potential.
Cardiovascular System
Both isozymes are expressed in blood vessel walls [90] and heart [91], however oxo
reductase directionality (11β (Beta)-HSD1) predominates in vascular smooth
muscle [88]. There is evidence linking 11β (Beta)-HSD1 activity with atheroscle-
rosis. Mediastinal adipose tissue 11β (Beta)-HSD1 has been linked with coronary
atherosclerosis [92]. The same authors demonstrated increased 11β (Beta)-HSD1
expression in aortas of obese patients with the metabolic syndrome [93]. 11β (Beta)-
HSD1 inhibition in apoE knockout mice achieved significant reduction atheroscle-
rotic load suggesting a role in plaque formation [94]. Carbenoxolone treatment has
been shown to reduce atherosclerosis in mice [95]. 11β (Beta)-HSD1 knock out mice
show improved angiogenesis to infarcted regions possibly through reduced GC
regeneration locally [96].
GCs are required for normal brain development and normal brain function. Excess
GCs are associated with alterations in mood, memory and brain function [97, 98].
Both 11β (Beta)-HSD1 and 2 are expressed in the brain [99–102], but 11β (Beta)-
HSD2 is expressed at lower levels. 11β (Beta)-HSD1 acts principally as an oxo-
reductase in brain tissue [103] but interestingly H6PD does not always co-localise
with 11β (Beta)-HSD1 in the CNS [101]. This lack of universal co-localisation sug-
gests other enzymes providing the necessary co factors for 11β (Beta)-HSD1.
Elevated 11β (Beta)-HSD1 is seen with ageing and is associated with cognitive
decline. Altered 11β (Beta)-HSD1 activity in the CNS is associated with changes in
appetite, affective behavior and circadian rhythm [104].
A putative role for 11β (Beta)-HSD1 in cognitive impairment is postulated
along with investigations looking at the link between 11β (Beta)-HSD1 and human
eye disease including thyroid eye disease [105] and glaucoma. 11β (Beta)-HSD1
inhibitors have been shown to improve cognitive function in elderly persons with
T2 DM [106].
362 C. Woods and J.W. Tomlinson
Genetic defects in both HSDB1 and H6PD encoding genes demonstrate the effect
of alterations in tissue 11β (Beta)-HSD1 on clinical phenotype. Both Cortisone
Reductase Deficiency (CRD) from HSDB1 gene defects and apparent Cortisone
Reductase Deficiency (ACRD) from H6PD gene defects show the impact of
reduction in tissue 11β (Beta)-HSD1 activity with low urine cortisol, significantly
elevated cortisone with subsequent compensatory increased HPA activity leading to
hyperandrogenism, early adrenarche and PCOS in women [7, 125].
CRD was first described in the 1980s. The majority of cases are female and
present with clinical and biochemical hyperandrogenism, with males presenting with
precocious puberty [7, 37]. CRD has been described as the “human 11β (Beta)-HSD1
knockout” [7]. The condition is ameliorable to dexamethasone therapy. It shares
some clinical and biochemical features and should not be confused with non-classical
congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
Due to evidence that has implicated 11β (Beta)-HSD1 in the pathogenesis of disease
states including obesity, diabetes and the metabolic syndrome, it represents an
exciting therapeutic target to limit local GC availability [2, 126]. Many inhibitors
of the 11β (Beta)-HSD enzymes have been described. These include naturally
occurring inhibitor compounds such as liquorice derived glycyrrhetinic acid [127],
flavanone/hydroxyl flavanones [128], bile acids [129], progesterone metabolites
[130] and even coffee [131]. Most of these naturally occurring compounds inhibit
both 11β (Beta)-HSD1 and 11β (Beta)-HSD2, with subsequent hypertension and
hypokalaemia limiting their possible benefits.
Carbenoxolone, a non-selective inhibitor derived from glycyrrhetinic acid, was
the first drug to show benefit in human studies [4, 132]. In healthy volunteers it
364 C. Woods and J.W. Tomlinson
improved insulin sensitivity and reduced glucose production rates via a reduction in
glycogenolysis but not gluconeogenesis in patients with type 2 diabetes [132].
Carbenoxolone has also been shown to reduce local cortisol availability in subcuta-
neous adipose tissue and inhibits glucocorticoid induced lipolysis [4]. These early
small “proof of principal” studies demonstrated that 11β (Beta)-HSD1 in metabolic
disease could be targeted for drug manipulation and importantly that tissue specific
effect could be demonstrated, despite a relative lack of specificity of carbenexolone
on 11β (Beta)-HSD1. Several pharmaceutical companies have developed potent
selective 11β (Beta)-HSD1 inhibitors. Indeed 11β (Beta)-HSD inhibition has
become a significant area of investment for many companies [133] and an extensive
array of chemical compounds have been patented and reviewed extensively else-
where [134]. In general, they are highly selective for 11β (Beta)-HSD1 over 11β
(Beta)-HSD2 and have high potency for inhibition.
A small number of clinical trials have been published with relatively short dura-
tions of intervention (all no more than 12 weeks) and have demonstrated improve-
ments in biomarkers including cholesterol profiles, weight, glycaemic control and
blood pressure [8, 135, 136]. The first outcome study to be published investigated
the addition of an 11β (Beta)-HSD1 inhibitor (INCN13739) to metformin in
patients with type 2 Diabetes. The drug was well tolerated and the 12 week study
demonstrated improvements in weight, glycaemic control and lipid profiles in
those people that received the inhibitor [135]. Of note, in this trial there was a
compensatory increase in the HPA axis with a dose dependent increase in ACTH
and subsequent increase in certain androgens. In women there was a small and
significant increase in testosterone levels but biologically active testosterone was
felt to be unchanged as sex hormone binding globulin also increased. Whilst all
blood results remained in the normal reference range these alterations and small
elevations in androgens from HPA activation will remain a clinical concern in the
long term, especially for women.
In a further study using a different compound (MK0916) again in the setting of
type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome, modest improvements in glycaemic con-
trol with no reduction in fasting glucose levels were seen [8]. Again however there
was mild activation of HPA with elevations in adrenal androgen secretion. Overall,
the long-term side effects of 11β (Beta)-HSD1 inhibition remain unknown and
while the benefits may outweigh any side effects the possible disruption of HPA
axis will remain a concern alongside the magnitude of the clinical response.
In 1993, Seckl et al. isolated an enzyme with exclusive 11β (Beta)-HSD dehydroge-
nase activity from both human placenta and rat kidney [137]. In 1994, Krozoski et al.
isolated human 11β (Beta)-HSD from human kidney [138], identical to the dehydro-
genase enzyme found in placenta. This second enzyme was found to be distinct from
16 The Dehydrogenase Hypothesis 365
11β (Beta)-HSD1 and was called 11β (Beta)-HSD2 and is also a member of the SDR
family [139]. Both 11β (Beta)-HSD1 and 11β (Beta)-HSD2 isozymes are members of
the Short-Chain Dehydrogenase/Reductase (SDR) superfamily of enzymes, however
each isozyme has a distinct gene sequence with exons found on different chromo-
somes. There is little similarity or overlap in sequence between isozymes (18 % iden-
tity), except for similar co-factor binding regions at the NH2-terminal [6].
The human 11β (Beta)-HSD2 gene is located on chromosome 16, has 5 exons
and is only 6 kbs in length [140]. Human 11β (Beta)-HSD2 measures 405 amino
acids in length and has a molecular mass of 44 kDa [138]. It is also anchored to the
ER and loses its dehydrogenase activity once removed from tissue membranes
[141]. 11β (Beta)-HSD2 universally acts as a dehydrogenase across species [6] and
has a Km for cortisol of 50–60 nM and 10–13 nM for cortisone [6, 142]. Mutations
in 11β (Beta)-HSD2 leading to apparent mineralocorticoid excess (AME) and
hypertension have been extensively reported [143–145].
11β (Beta)-HSD2 has an important role in fetal development with intra uterine
“programming” affecting subsequent adult physiology. 11β (Beta)-HSD2 plays an
important role in gestation in humans and mammals protecting tissues against GC
exposure prematurely. 11β (Beta)-HSD2 is expressed and active in placenta [36, 51]
and steadily rises throughout gestation and declines 2 weeks prior to labour [29,
137, 146]. Placenta 11β (Beta)-HSD2 is localized to the syncytiotrophoblast where
it has been described as a barrier to maternal corticosteroid which is considerably
more concentrated [6]. GCs play a critical role in the development of fetal organs,
in particular, towards the end of pregnancy, in lung tissue. Excess GC exposure in
utero is associated with physiological and metabolic complications [147–149].
There is mounting evidence that 11β (Beta)-HSD2 plays a key protective role in
normal development of the fetus and in particular brain development [148]. Altered
or disrupted 11β (Beta)-HSD2 activity with subsequent excess intra-uterine expo-
sure to glucocorticoid has a “programming” effect on the fetus leading to low birth
weight and lifelong physiological consequences such as increased cardiovascular,
metabolic and psychiatric complications [150]. This role in the development of the
fetus and its role in subsequent lifelong physiology has led some to consider the
degree of prenatal GC exposure as a potential prognostic biomarker [6].
region has been inversely associated with 11β (Beta)-HSD2 expression and influences
the development of hypertension, intrauterine growth, birth weight and neurobehav-
ioural movement [151, 152] in rats. Intrauterine growth retardation has been associ-
ated with increased methylation of 11β (Beta)-HSD2 gene promoter with subsequent
repression of 11β (Beta)-HSD2 in adult kidneys [153].
Factors that increase 11β (Beta)-HSD1 expression tend to reduce 11β (Beta)-HSD2
such as TNFα [154]. Oestrogen increases 11β (Beta)-HSD2 expression [40, 155].
Vasopressin has been shown to stimulate 11β (Beta)-HSD2 [156]. Glucocorticoids
down-regulate 11β (Beta)-HSD2 in foetal placenta but not foetal kidney [157].
Dexamethasone up-regulates 11β (Beta)-HSD2 in lung cells [158]. Hypoxia has been
shown to reduce 11β (Beta)-HSD2 expression [159]. In colonic epithelium, aldoste-
rone increases 11β (Beta)-HSD2 expression [160].
In the adult brain, 11β (Beta)-HSD2 is expressed in a select few regions [161].
Before birth, 11β (Beta)-HSD2 is expressed in several additional brain regions,
including the thalamus and cerebellum, where this enzyme protects proliferating
granule cells from the growth-limiting effects of glucocorticosteroids [162, 163].
In adults, however, mRNA and protein are no longer detectable in these regions.
Instead, 11β (Beta)-HSD2 expression is found in just a few small sites in adult mice
and rats [161, 164] most prominently in a group of neurons found inside the nucleus
of the solitary tract (NTS). NTS neurons with 11β (Beta)-HSD2 expression are the
only cells in the brain shown to express both this enzyme and the mineralocorticoid
receptor (MR); these “HSD2 neurons” are activated along with salt appetite after
dietary sodium deprivation or volume depletion, and may trigger salt appetite. The
only other brain sites in which 11β (Beta)-HSD2 expression (mRNA and protein)
was identified consistently in adult animals are the subcommissural organ (a cir-
cumventricular organ comprised of modified ependymal cells which do not express
MR) and a small subdivision of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (neurons
that lack MR immunolabeling). Information regarding 11β (Beta)-HSD2 expression
remains incomplete for non-neuronal tissues such as the meninges, choroid plexus,
ventricular ependyma, and cerebral vasculature.
Cardiovascular System
11β (Beta)-HSD2 is perhaps best known for its role in the kidney where it protects
the mineralocorticoid receptor from excess exposure to GC. 11β (Beta)-HSD2 is
widely expressed in distal nephrons [141]. Although the inherent enzyme ability
of 11β (Beta)-HSD2 to clear cortisol (converting it to cortisone) should not be
enough, given concentrations and binding affinities, in reality it protects the miner-
alocorticoid receptor from GC exposure [6, 167]. Lack of 11β (Beta)-HSD2 in
kidney (AME discussed below), leads to hypertension and other sequelae. 11β
(Beta)-HSD2 activity, measured by urinary metabolite ratios, reduces with age
suggesting a role in age related hypertension [168]. Some studies show a role of 11β
(Beta)-HSD2 in hypertension although not all studies are in agreement [169].
In kidney disease reduced 11β (Beta)-HSD2 activity has been shown in persons
with hypertension [170, 171].
As mineralocorticoid target tissues, both skin and salivary glands express 11β
(Beta)-HSD2. In the skin expression is mainly restricted to sweat glands [174] 11β
(Beta)-HSD2 is expressed in both parotid and sub-mandibular glands [174, 175].
Measuring salivary cortisone has been postulated a potential biomarker of serum
free cortisol [176]. In addition, reduced activity of 11β (Beta)-HSD2 in sweat glands
has also been linked with essential hypertension [177].
In normal anterior pituitary tissue 11β (Beta)-HSD2 mRNA expression is seen, but
immunofluorescence reveals absent 11β (Beta)-HSD2 isozyme. Interestingly,
ACTH secreting tumours induce 11β (Beta)-HSD2 expression and may in part
explain the re-setting of GC feedback control seen in Cushing’s disease [99].
368 C. Woods and J.W. Tomlinson
AME is a rare clinical disease that presents in early childhood with hypertension,
sodium retention, potassium loss, suppressed renin activity and a metabolic alkalo-
sis [178]. This condition was hallmarked by an increased ratio of urinary cortisol to
cortisone metabolites as a result of a lack of conversion of cortisol to cortisone.
There was also a low level of circulating of mineralocorticoid despite having evi-
dence of apparent excess with metabolic derangement. Usually fatal in childhood
adults with AME were discovered and successfully treated with dexamethasone.
Physiological replacement with cortisol caused a return of symptoms and signs [179].
Stewart et al. in 1996 demonstrated that AME was caused by a defect in the 11β
(Beta)-HSD2 gene [180] (similar to the effect seen with liquorice ingestion [181]).
These and other observations led to the understanding that 11β (Beta)-HSD2 in the
kidney protected the mineralocorticoid receptor from glucocorticoid binding. Under
normal circumstances 11β (Beta)-HSD2 deactivates cortisol to cortisone and thus
protects the MR receptor. In AME, with loss of 11β (Beta)-HSD2 activity unop-
posed cortisol binds to MR with subsequent clinical mineralocorticoid excess.
inhibition, we must not forget that these two enzymes are tightly associated not
least of all because the activity of 11β (Beta)-HSD1 is entirely dependent upon
substrate availability (cortisone) that is generated by 11β (Beta)-HSD2. It is entirely
plausible that cortisone availability may represent a rate-limiting step regulating
11β (Beta)-HSD1 activity through substrate availability and this needs to be further
explored [184].
Inhibition of 11β (Beta)-HSD1 and specifically within tissues is a promising
target as a potential disease prevention/modifying pathway. There is strong evidence
to date that dysregulated 11β (Beta)-HSD1 activity is involved in many disease
states including obesity and diabetes among many. We have also begun to see early
human clinical trials that demonstrate clinical benefit with 11β (Beta)-HSD1 inhibition.
However, as outlined above both the small number, and the short nature of studies
to date have not yielded strong robust evidence to use 11β (Beta)-HSD1 inhibitors.
Limited benefits and possible side effects including HPA activation will likely
impede and slow the process of these inhibitor compounds from entering phase 3
trials and into clinical use.
One area of possible clinical use, which has not been looked at yet, is to help
antagonise the effects of excess glucocorticoid side effects. Published data demon-
strate a key role of 11β (Beta)-HSD1 in contributing to GC side effects in Cushing’s
[182] and in bone metabolism [184]. 11β (Beta)-HSD1 global knock out mice treated
with excess GC are protected against GC side effects when compared to wild type
controls [183]. This suggests that in conditions with excess circulating GC’s, it is the
re-activation of cortisone to cortisol within tissues by 11β (Beta)-HSD1, rather than
simple cortisol delivery to tissue from the circulation that is the crucial step deter-
mining Cushingoid side effects. Data on the role of 11β (Beta)-HSD1 activity in
humans with excess GC’s is lacking. GC’s are widely prescribed with estimates of
1–2 % [185] of the population taking prescribed steroids for various inflammatory
conditions. Despite their efficacy, up to 70 % of patients experience an adverse
systemic side-effect profile [186]. Inhibiting 11β (Beta)-HSD1 activity may play a
beneficial role in preventing glucocorticoid side effects therefore making 11β (Beta)-
HSD1 an exciting therapeutic target for patients with Cushing’s syndrome.
Lastly, as mentioned previously there is evidence in the literature that 11β (Beta)-
HSD1 activity increases with age and is associated with tissue damage and dysfunc-
tion. Therefore using tissue specific inhibitors or 11β (Beta)-HSD1 may be a target
in conditions such as sarcopaenia and osteoporosis.
activating cortisol from inert cortisone. Both isoforms have a potent ability to
manipulate clinical phenotype entirely independent of circulating GC levels.
The complexity of this system and the intricate and finely tuned control that is able
to exert at a tissue-specific level to govern ligand access to corticosteroid receptors
has highlighted a fundamental shift in our approach. It adds weight to the argument that
simple measurement of circulating steroid hormone levels provides an over-simplistic
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16 The Dehydrogenase Hypothesis 377
it is a well described phenomenon that premature infants can have their lung maturation
accelerated by administering glucocorticoids when pregnant mothers are threatening
preterm labor. The treatment of these women with glucocorticoids has greatly
reduced infant mortality due to prematurity. Thus it is clear, that understanding glu-
cocorticoid action has great clinical benefits. In addition to treating patient with adre-
nal insufficiency (Addison’s disease) glucocorticoids are used to treat a wide variety
of common inflammatory diseases such as asthma, inflammatory bowel disease and
rheumatoid arthritis. However, treatment of inflammatory disease with glucocorti-
coids has powerful adverse effects including osteoporosis, insulin, resistance, hyper-
tension and behavioral problems. Therefore, the identification of selective GR
modulators that retain anti-inflammatory properties with less adverse effects has
great promise for safer steroids in the twenty-first century. Hope from this model
comes from prior successes developing selective modulators of the estrogen receptor
for the treatment of osteoporosis. Key to the development of selective GR modula-
tors will be a better understanding of how these effects are mediated. It is clear that
early models linking GR transactivation to adverse effects and repression to immu-
nosuppression are overly simplistic. We are hopeful, that new models will replace
them so that such selective molecules will be possible in the future. One barrier to a
more complete understanding of glucocorticoid action is linking GR binding sites
identified in whole genome approaches (such as Chip-seq) to the genes that are
regulated by these binding sites. Early hopes that a binding site would regulate the
gene nearest to it do not appear to always be the case. Techniques such as HiC and
FaireSeq have shown that binding sites can regulate genes far away due to looping
of chromatin. Therefore, understanding which genes are regulated by which binding
sites is currently a hurdle. New techniques such as CRISPRs have facilitated genetic
modification so that in the future it might be possible to mutate binding sites indi-
vidually to determine the exact transcriptional consequences. We are confident the
coming years will be an exciting time for research on glucocorticoid action.
ACTH. See Adrenocorticotropic hormone Behavior, 14, 35, 40, 49, 149, 218, 225, 227,
(ACTH) 236, 238, 240–246, 254, 323, 325,
Addison, T., 5–7, 9, 83–95, 136, 382 343, 361, 382
Adipose tissue, 37, 90, 127, 129–135, 138, 11-β-HSD transgenics, 337
159, 305–310, 346, 354, 357–361,
Adrenal gland, 5–7, 34, 38, 83, 84, 90, 92, 94, C
136, 138, 222, 236, 237, 325 Cardiomyocyte, 306–309
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), 7, 34, Chemotherapy, 166, 316, 321, 325–328, 341
36, 83–86, 88, 90–95, 237, 238, Cholesterol metabolism, 127
240, 258, 264, 316, 322, 323, 337, Chromatin, 14, 18, 19, 23, 40, 45, 64–70, 72–74,
338, 343, 346, 364, 367 103, 116, 160, 161, 202, 220, 320, 382
Airway epithelium, 280, 284–292 Cis-regulatory elements, 59
Airway smooth muscle (ASM), 280, 285–287, Context-dependent signaling, 48–49
291–292 Coregulators, 23, 60–63, 70–73, 103, 105,
Akt, 107, 110, 111, 131, 151, 156–158, 106, 116, 220, 348, 381
161, 162, 166, 168, 184, 188, Corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH), 7,
191, 193, 196–198, 200, 302, 34–36, 47–49, 83, 84, 86, 91,
319, 320, 322 237–242, 258–260, 262, 266, 339,
Allostasis, 34, 39, 46, 48–50 343, 346, 348
Altered glucocorticoid signaling, 48, 337–348, Cortisol, 5, 7, 13, 14, 34, 35, 37–40, 43, 47,
381 83–95, 100, 109, 113, 130, 164,
Amygdala, 36, 47, 48, 236, 238–245 185, 218, 263, 265, 267, 300,
Animal models, 36, 110, 114, 148, 149, 182, 305–308, 318, 323, 354–357,
204, 223, 243, 300, 307, 308, 310, 359–361, 363–365, 368–370
337–348, 357, 359, 362, 363 Cortisone, 6, 7, 37, 109, 152, 164, 265, 287,
Apoptosis, 92, 112, 115, 183, 184, 187–190, 316, 322, 323, 354–359, 363–365,
192, 197, 198, 204, 224, 225, 264, 367–370
266, 308, 315, 319, 320, 322, 323, CRH. See Corticotrophin releasing hormone
328, 329, 338 (CRH)
Asthma, 48, 50, 63, 88, 146, 180, 181, 203, Cushing disease, 84
228, 279, 285–292, 354, 382 Cushing syndrome, 84, 94, 95, 130, 149
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER), 101, 356, 357 Hippocampus, 36, 38, 39, 46, 47, 112,
Endothelium, 89, 284, 302, 304–305, 308, 236–245, 344
309, 366 HPA axis. See Hypothalamic pituitary adrenal
ERK, 43, 187, 196–198, 200, 222, 319, 325 axis (HPA axis)
H6PDH, 353
HPG axis. See Hypothalamic-pituitary-
F gonadal (HPG) axis
Feed-forward loop (FFL), 282, 283 Hypertension, 7, 87, 89, 92, 164, 300–304,
FFL. See Feed-forward loop (FFL) 306, 340, 354, 359, 363, 365–368,
FoxO, 107, 131, 157, 160–162, 166–168, 187, 382
193, 197–199 Hypomorphs, 337
Hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis (HPA
axis), 34–36, 39, 47, 83–84, 86, 91,
G 95, 130, 135, 236–246, 254, 257,
Gene expression, 10–13, 24, 33, 34, 48, 64, 258, 260, 343, 345–347, 354–355,
71, 104–110, 114, 160, 161, 163, 359, 363, 364, 369
164, 166, 167, 182, 185, 190, 193, Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG)
194, 200, 220–222, 226–228, 259, axis, 89, 254–258, 261–263,
281, 288–290, 306, 320, 346 266, 268, 347
Gene transcription, 12, 14, 20–23, 41, 59–74, Hypothalamus, 7, 36, 48, 83, 91, 112,
103–108, 112, 113, 116, 160, 197, 237–240, 254–262, 264, 268, 339,
354, 362 343, 346
GIO. See Glucocorticoid-Induced
Osteoporosis (GIO)
Glucocorticoid hormones, 3–25, 33, 34, 73, I
301, 338 Immune cells, 160, 203, 218–227, 267, 285,
Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis (GIO), 362
92, 179–205, 342 Inflammation, 37, 50, 116, 136, 146, 150, 159,
Glucocorticoid receptor (GR), 13, 34, 59, 83, 166, 168, 218, 219, 225, 280, 286,
103, 158, 180, 218, 238, 259, 299, 291, 304, 308, 309, 328, 354, 360,
315, 337, 354, 381 362, 363
Glucocorticoids (GC), 3–25, 33–50, 59–74, Insulin, 7, 90, 100, 129, 146, 195, 306,
83–95, 99–116, 127–138, 145–168, 358, 382
179–205, 217–228, 235–246,
253–268, 279–292, 299–310,
315–329, 337–348, 354–356, 358, L
359, 362, 364–366, 368, 369, 381, 382 Leukemia, 63, 112, 115, 133, 204, 316–318,
Gluconeogenesis, 4, 7, 13, 21, 22, 37, 90, 320–324, 328
100–103, 108–109, 113, 115, 116, Lipid metabolism, 127–138
146, 301, 364 Lipoprotein metabolism, 127
Index 385
Liver, 4, 35, 90, 100, 127, 146, 202, 306, 245, 266, 284, 292, 306, 315,
341, 354 322–326, 344, 347
Lymphoma, 221, 316, 324, 328 Protein synthesis, 13, 40, 47, 111, 146, 150–152,
155–158, 162, 167, 192, 197, 289, 354
Proteolysis, 60, 146, 152, 153, 155, 157
MAPK. See Mitogen-activated protein kinases
Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK), Reproduction, 253–268
34, 50, 115, 162, 184, 197, 220, RUNX2, 182, 185, 192, 194, 196, 199–201, 204
222, 227, 302
MKP-1, 197–198
Muscle atrophy, 146–149, 155–158, 160–163, S
165–167, 341, 344, 347, 360 Stent, 309
Stress, 4, 35, 83, 99, 145, 187, 224, 235, 254,
307, 343
N Surfactant, 4, 280–285, 340
NADPH, 356
Negative feedback, 36, 47, 87, 89, 92, 94,
237–243, 255, 290, 325, 338, 339, T
343, 346, 354 Tissue specific KO, 239, 339–344
Nephron, 301, 302, 340, 354, 367 Tissue-specific transgenics, 339–344, 346
Nitric oxide, 304–306, 308 Transcription, 12, 33, 59, 90, 103, 130, 157,
Notch, 194, 200, 204, 321 180, 221, 238, 259, 281, 305, 318,
Nuclear receptors, 15–17, 21, 33, 34, 37, 339, 354, 381
38, 41, 44, 159, 163, 221, 238, Transcription factors, 14, 16, 18–20, 33, 40,
354 41, 44–46, 49, 104, 106, 114, 130,
133, 157, 160–162, 167, 180, 191,
193, 198–203, 218–220, 281,
O 289–291, 320, 322, 359, 381
Osteoblast, 92, 134, 180, 339, 363,
P Ubiquitin proteasome pathway, 153–155
Palliative, 316, 326, 327
Pancreas, 100, 105, 113–115, 127, 128, 338,
346, 348 V
Phosphorylation, 15, 34, 38, 41, 43–45, 47–50, Vascular smooth muscle, 302–304, 306, 307, 361
60, 63, 70, 71, 110, 113, 115, 132,
137, 150–152, 157, 158, 161, 163,
191–193, 197–199, 220, 222, 225, W
226, 228, 302, 320 Wnt signaling pathway, 21, 34, 47, 48, 61,
Prefrontal cortex, 36, 237, 240–241, 243 103, 106, 111, 150, 151, 156, 184,
Proliferation, 4, 39, 115, 184, 186, 187, 189, 186–200, 204, 218, 221, 222,
190, 192, 195–198, 201, 204, 220, 225–228, 302, 319, 362