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Semiconductor diodes & their applications

Chapter 2
Semiconductor diodes & their applications

1. Introduction

Semiconductor device are based on pn junction. In this chapter, the operation and characteristics
of diode are covered. Also, importance of diode in electronic circuit and its application be
overemphasis. Its ability to conduct current in one direction while blocking in the other direction
is essential to the operation many type of circuit. Diode application such as diode limiter, diode
clamper, diode rectification discussed in detail.

What is a diode?

It is a semiconductor device in electronics applications where only a one-way current is required.

It is like a one-way switch that allows current to flow in one direction only. A diode has two
terminals, a cathode, and an anode. The cathode is the negative terminal that carries electrons,
while the anode is the positive terminal that carries holes. Although no element has holes, it just
means that there is a free space for electrons. Diodes are used to convert AC to DC. As we know,
AC shifts between positive and negative cycles and DC stays positive constantly. As the diodes
allow current only in one direction, they filter out the AC signal’s negative cycle and only keep
the positive one.

1.1 Diode operation

A diode is a two-terminal semiconductor device formed by two doped regions of silicon

separated by a pn junction. The most common category of diode, known as the general-purpose
diode, is covered. Other names, such as rectifier diode or signal diode, depend on the particular
type of application for which the diode was designed.

The Diode

As mentioned, a diode is made from a small piece of semiconductor material, usually silicon, in
which half is doped as a p region and half is doped as an n region with a pn junction and
depletion region in between. The p region is called the anode and is connected to a conductive
terminal. The n region is called the cathode and is connected to a second conductive terminal.
The basic diode structure and schematic symbol are shown in

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Figure diode

1.1.1 Biasing in diode

Forward Bias

To bias a diode, you apply a dc voltage across it. Forward bias is the condition that allows
current through the pn junction. Figure 2–3 shows a dc voltage source connected by conductive
material (contacts and wire) across a diode in the direction to produce forward bias.

This external bias voltage is designated as VBIAS. The resistor limits the forward current to a
value that will not damage the diode. Notice that the negative side of VBIAS is connected to the
n region of the diode and the positive side is connected to the p region. This is one requirement
for forward bias. A second requirement is that the bias voltage, VBIAS, must be greater than the
barrier potential.

A diode connected for forward bias.

A fundamental picture of what happens when a diode is forward-biased is shown in Figure

below. Because like charges repel, the negative side of the bias-voltage source “pushes” the free
electrons, which are the majority carriers in the n region, toward the pn junction. This flow of
free electrons is called electron current. The negative side of the source also provides a
continuous flow of electrons through the external connection (conductor) and into the n region as
shown. The bias-voltage source imparts sufficient energy to the free electrons for them to
overcome the barrier potential of the depletion region and move on through into the p region.
Once in the p region, these conduction electrons have lost enough energy to immediately
combine with holes in the valence band.
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Figure A forward-biased diode showing the flow of majority carriers

The Effect of Forward Bias on the Depletion Region As more electrons flow into the depletion
region, the number of positive ions is reduced. As more holes effectively flow into the depletion
region on the other side of the pn junction, the number of negative ions is reduced.

This reduction in positive and negative ions during forward bias causes the depletion region to
narrow, as indicated in Figure below.

Figure effect of applied potential

The Effect of the Barrier Potential during Forward Bias Recall that the electric field between
the positive and negative ions in the depletion region on either side of the junction creates an
“energy hill” that prevents free electrons from diffusing across the junction at equilibrium. This
is known as the barrier potential.

Reverse Bias

Reverse bias is the condition that essentially prevents current through the diode. Figure below
shows a dc voltage source connected across a diode in the direction to produce reverse bias. This
external bias voltage is designated as VBIAS just as it was for forward bias. Notice that the
positive side of VBIAS is connected to the n region of the diode and the negative side is

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connected to the p region. Also note that the depletion region is shown much wider than in
forward bias or equilibrium.

Figure A diode connected for reverse bias.

An illustration of what happens when a diode is reverse-biased is shown in Figure below.

Because unlike charges attract, the positive side of the bias-voltage source “pulls” the free
electrons, which are the majority carriers in the n region, away from the pn junction. As the
electrons flow toward the positive side of the voltage source, additional positive ions are created.
This results in a widening of the depletion region and a depletion of majority carriers.

Figure Diode during the short transition time immediately after reverse-bias voltage is applied.

In the p region, electrons from the negative side of the voltage source enter as valence electrons
and move from hole to hole toward the depletion region where they create additional negative
ions. This results in a widening of the depletion region and a depletion of majority carriers. The
flow of valence electrons can be viewed as holes being “pulled” toward the positive side.

1.2 IV characteristics of diode

V-I Characteristic for Forward Bias

When a forward-bias voltage is applied across a diode, there is current. This current is called the
forward current and is designated IF. Figure below illustrates what happens as the forward-bias
voltage is increased positively from 0 V. The resistor is used to limit the forward current to a

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value that will not overheat the diode and cause damage. With 0 V across the diode, there is no
forward current. As you gradually increase the forward-bias voltage, the forward current and the
voltage across the diode gradually increase. A portion of the forward-bias voltage is dropped
across the limiting resistor. When the forward-bias voltage is increased to a value where the
voltage across the diode reaches approximately 0.7 V (barrier potential), the forward current
begins to increase rapidly. As you continue to increase the forward-bias voltage, the current
continues to increase very rapidly, but the voltage across the diode increases only gradually
above 0.7 V. This small increase in the diode voltage above the barrier potential is due to the
voltage drop across the internal dynamic resistance of the semiconductive material.

Graphing the V-I Curve If you plot the results of the type of measurements shown in Figure
below on a graph, you get the V-I characteristic curve for a forward-biased diode, as shown in
Figure. The diode forward voltage (VF) increases to the right along the horizontal axis, and the
forward current (IF) increases upward along the vertical axis.

Figure Relationship of voltage and current in a forward-biased diode.

As you can see in Figure above, the forward current increases very little until the forward voltage
across the pn junction reaches approximately 0.7 V at the knee of the curve. After this point, the
forward voltage remains nearly constant at approximately 0.7 V, but IF increases rapidly. As
previously mentioned, there is a slight increase in VF above 0.7 V as the current increases due
mainly to the voltage drop across the dynamic resistance. The IF scale is typically in mA, as
indicated. Three points A, B, and C are shown on the figure. Point A corresponds to a zero-bias
condition. Point B corresponds to where the forward voltage is less than the barrier potential of
0.7 V. Point C corresponds to where the forward voltage approximately equals the barrier

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potential. As the external bias voltage and forward current continue to increase above the knee,
the forward voltage will increase slightly above 0.7 V. In reality, the forward voltage can be as
much as approximately 1 V, depending on the forward current.

Dynamic Resistance The V-I characteristic curve in part illustrates dynamic resistance. Unlike a
linear resistance, the resistance of the forward-biased diode is not constant over the entire curve.
Because the resistance changes as you move along the V-I curve, it is called dynamic or ac
resistance. Internal resistances of electronic devices are usually designated by lowercase italic r
with a prime, instead of the standard R. The dynamic resistance of a diode is designated Below
the knee of the curve the resistance is greatest because the current increases very little for a given
change in voltage The resistance begins to decrease in the region of the knee of the curve and
becomes smallest above the knee where there is a large change in current for a given change in

1.2.1 V-I Characteristic for Reverse Bias

When a reverse-bias voltage is applied across a diode, there is only an extremely small reverse
current (IR) through the pn junction. With 0 V across the diode, there is no reverse current. As
you gradually increase the reverse-bias voltage, there is a very small reverse current and the
voltage across the diode increases. When the applied bias voltage is increased to a value where
the reverse voltage across the diode (VR) reaches the breakdown value (VBR), the reverse
current begins to increase rapidly.

As you continue to increase the bias voltage, the current continues to increase very rapidly, but
the voltage across the diode increases very little above VBR. Breakdown, with exceptions, is not
a normal mode of operation for most pn junction devices.

Graphing the V-I Curve If you plot the results of reverse-bias measurements on a graph, you get
the V-I characteristic curve for a reverse-biased diode. The diode reverse voltage (VR) increases
to the left along the horizontal axis, and the reverse current (IR) increases downward along the
vertical axis. There is very little reverse current (usually) until the reverse voltage across the
diode reaches approximately the breakdown value (VBR) at the knee of the curve. After this
point, the reverse voltage remains at approximately VBR, but IR increases very rapidly, resulting
in overheating and possible damage if current is not limited to a safe level. The breakdown

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voltage for a diode depends on the doping level, which the manufacturer sets, depending on the
type of diode. A typical rectifier diode (the most widely used type) has a breakdown voltage of
greater than 50 V. Some specialized diodes have a breakdown voltage that is only 5 V.

Figure V-I characteristic curve for a reverse biased diode

1.2.2 The Complete V-I Characteristic Curve

Combine the curves for both forward bias and reverse bias, and you have the complete V-I
characteristic curve for a diode, as shown in Figure below.

Figure The complete V-I characteristic curve for a diode.

The general characteristics of a semiconductor diode can be expressed by the following equation,
which is also known as Shockley’s equation.

where IS is the reverse saturation current

VD is the forward bias voltage of the diode

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n is ideality factor, which ranges from 1 to 2 for the operating conditions

In equation 1, VT is the thermal voltage.

where k is Boltzmann’s constant, 1.38 x10-23 J/K

T is the absolute temperature in kelvins.

Kelvin temperature = Celsius temperature + 273

q is the magnitude of electronic charge, 1.6 x 10-19 C

1.3 Analysis of diode circuit

Ideal diode

An ideal diode’s characteristics look like the following diagram. There is no breakdown voltage
in the case of an ideal diode. Hence, it does not get destroyed when excess voltage is supplied in
reverse polarity. It is an ideal insulator. In the case of reverse polarity, it will not let any reverse
current through it. Also, it can conduct unlimited forward current.

Silicon diodes have an approximate voltage of 0.7 V to make them functional. It means if we
supply less than 0.7 V, the diode will not switch on, and it will not let the current pass through it.

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This state is an open circuit. As soon as we exceed 0.7 V at the supply, the diode conducts
current. Similarly, germanium diodes work at 0.3 V.

Diode circuit analysis

One way to analyze a diode is to assume the diode like a switch. In ON condition, it acts as a
short circuit whereas, in OFF condition, it acts as an open circuit. Similarly, on testing voltage
drop across the diode if we notice some voltage, then it is in working condition. Let us assume to
analyze a circuit we tested the voltage across the diode, we should get voltage in one direction
only, not in reverse polarity. If there is a voltage drop in reverse polarity, then the diode needs to
be replaced. Suppose we assumed the diode to be conducting current, but on inspection, we came
to know it is showing the flow of current in reverse polarity, this means the current we are seeing
is reverse saturation current.

Load line analysis

To solve electrical circuits, we first need to analyze them and find if there is a more efficient
method to solve them. The above figure is a simple configuration of diode circuits. While doing
circuit analysis, we see we need the value of ID, VD, VR, and IR so that these values satisfy both
the diode characteristics and network parameters.

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In the above figure, we can see the load line meeting the diode curve at one-point Q. It is called a
load line because resistances are also known as load in practical examples. Since the line meets
the current axis and is defined by load R, therefore this analysis is called load line analysis. It is a
simplified way to approach diode circuits instead of solving mathematical equations.
As soon as we turn the voltage supply on, we see a clockwise current flowing through the diode
circuit. Since it is a clockwise current, we can deduct from this that the diode is now in
forwarding bias condition. Hence, the I-V characteristics of the diode can be seen in the figure in
ideal diode section. If we apply Kirchhoff’s voltage law in the circuit, then we will get the
following equation.

where VS is the source voltage in volts.

VD is the voltage drop across the diode.

VR is the voltage drop across the resistor R.

ID is the current through the diode in ampere.

R is the resistor value in ohms.

Which is also known as Shockley’s equation. The sole purpose of using this analysis is because
we are dealing with nonlinear components like diodes and transistors whose V-I curve is in
exponential form rather than linear or a straight line. We use the resistors connected in series
with the diode to form a load line on the graph and the point where it meets is where we get all
our required values. Load line analysis solves the problem in a shorter time than the
mathematical equation.

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Instead of using the mathematical formula, we can use load line analysis to get the diode values

If we take ID=0,

By plotting both VS and ID obtained from equation 5 and 6 on the graph and connecting them, we
will get the load line.

Point Q denotes the point of intersection between the device characteristics (known as a
quiescent point). The operating point sometimes refers to Q. By drawing a horizontal line from
the Q point to the current axis, we will get IDQ. Similarly, drawing a vertical line from the Q
point of the voltage axis will give us VDQ. Both these values are approximation values as
compared to the mathematical solution.

Diode model

Bias connection

Forward bias: The positive terminal of the source is connected to the anode through a current-
limiting resistor. The negative terminal of the source is connected to the cathode. The forward
current (IF) is from cathode to anode as indicated. The forward voltage drop (VF) due to the
barrier potential is from positive at the anode to negative at the cathode.

Reverse bias: The negative terminal of the source is connected to the anode side of the circuit,
and the positive terminal is connected to the cathode side. A resistor is not necessary in reverse
bias but it is shown for circuit consistency. The reverse current is extremely small and can be
considered to be zero. Notice that the entire bias voltage (VBIAS) appears across the diode

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Diode Approximations

The Ideal Diode Model The ideal model of a diode is the least accurate approximation and can
be represented by a simple switch. When the diode is forward-biased, it ideally acts like a closed
(on) switch. When the diode is reverse-biased, it ideally acts like an open (off) switch. Although
the barrier potential, the forward dynamic resistance, and the reverse current are all neglected,
this model is adequate for most troubleshooting when you are trying to determine if the diode is
working properly.

In, the ideal V-I characteristic curve graphically depicts the ideal diode operation. Since the
barrier potential and the forward dynamic resistance are neglected, the diode is assumed to have
a zero voltage across it when forward-biased, as indicated by the portion of the curve on the
positive vertical axis.

Figure The ideal model of a diode.

The forward current is determined by the bias voltage and the limiting resistor using Ohm’s law

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VF = 0 V

Since the reverse current is neglected, its value is assumed to be zero,

IR = 0 A

The reverse voltage equals the bias voltage.

You may want to use the ideal model when you are troubleshooting or trying to figure out the
operation of a circuit and are not concerned with more exact values of voltage or current.

The Practical Diode Model The practical model includes the barrier potential. When the diode is
forward-biased, it is equivalent to a closed switch in series with a small equivalent voltage source
(VF) equal to the barrier potential (0.7 V) with the positive side toward the anode, as indicated in
Figure below. This equivalent voltage source represents the barrier potential that must be
exceeded by the bias voltage before the diode will conduct and is not an active source of voltage.
When conducting, a voltage drop of 0.7 V appears across the diode.

Figure The practical model of a diode

When the diode is reverse-biased, it is equivalent to an open switch just as in the ideal model, as
shown in Figure 2–16(b). The barrier potential does not affect reverse bias, so it is not a factor.
The characteristic curve for the practical diode model is shown in Figure 2–16(c). Since the
barrier potential is included and the dynamic resistance is neglected, the diode is assumed to

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have a voltage across it when forward-biased, as indicated by the portion of the curve to the right
of the origin.

VF= 0.7 V

The forward current is determined as follows by first applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law to Figure

The diode is assumed to have zero reverse current, as indicated by the portion of the curve on the
negative horizontal axis.

IR = 0 A


The practical model is useful when you are troubleshooting in lower-voltage circuits. In these
cases, the 0.7 V drop across the diode may be significant and should be taken into account. The
practical model is also useful when you are designing basic diode circuits.

The Complete Diode Model The complete model of a diode is the most accurate
approximation and includes the barrier potential, the small forward dynamic resistance
and the large internal reverse resistance The reverse resistance is taken into account because it
provides a path for the reverse current, which is included in this diode model. When the diode is
forward-biased, it acts as a closed switch in series with the equivalent barrier potential voltage
(VB) and the small forward dynamic resistance as indicated in Figure (a). When the diode is
reverse-biased, it acts as an open switch in parallel with the large internal reverse resistance as
shown in Figure (b). The barrier potential does not affect reverse bias, so it is not a factor.

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The characteristic curve for the complete diode model is shown in Figure 2–17(c).
Since the barrier potential and the forward dynamic resistance are included, the diode is assumed
to have a voltage across it when forward-biased. This voltage (VF) consists of the barrier
potential voltage plus the small voltage drop across the dynamic resistance, as indicated by the
portion of the curve to the right of the origin. The curve slopes because the voltage drop due to
dynamic resistance increases as the current increases. For the complete model of a silicon diode,
the following formulas apply:

The reverse current is taken into account with the parallel resistance and is indicated by
the portion of the curve to the left of the origin. The breakdown portion of the curve is not shown
because breakdown is not a normal mode of operation for most diodes. For troubleshooting
work, it is unnecessary to use the complete model, as it involves complicated calculations. This
model is generally suited to design problems using a computer for simulation. The ideal and
practical models are used for circuits in this text, except in the following example, which
illustrates the differences in the three models.

Example 1

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(A) Determine the forward voltage and forward current for the diode in Figure (a) for each of
the diode models. Also find the voltage across the limiting resistor in each case. Assume
at the determined value of forward current.
(B) Determine the reverse voltage and reverse current for the diode in Figure (b) for each of
the diode models. Also find the voltage across the limiting resistor in each case. Assume
IR = 1 Ma

1.4 Half-Wave Rectifier Operation

Figure below illustrates the process called half-wave rectification. A diode is connected to
an ac source and to a load resistor, RL, forming a half-wave rectifier. Keep in mind that all
ground symbols represent the same point electrically. Let’s examine what happens during one
cycle of the input voltage using the ideal model for the diode. When the sinusoidal input voltage
(Vin) goes positive, the diode is forward-biased and conducts current through the load resistor, as
shown in part (a). The current produces an output voltage across the load RL, which has the same
shape as the positive half-cycle of the input voltage.

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When the input voltage goes negative during the second half of its cycle, the diode is
reverse-biased. There is no current, so the voltage across the load resistor is 0 V, as shown in
Figure (b). The net result is that only the positive half-cycles of the ac input voltage appear
across the load. Since the output does not change polarity, it is a pulsating dc voltage with a
frequency of 60 Hz, as shown in part (c).

Effect of the Barrier Potential on the Half-Wave Rectifier Output

When the practical diode model is used with the barrier potential of 0.7 V taken into account,
this is what happens. During the positive half-cycle, the input voltage must overcome the barrier
potential before the diode becomes forward-biased.

1.5 Full-wave rectifier

A full-wave rectifier allows unidirectional (one-way) current through the load during
the entire of the input cycle, whereas a half-wave rectifier allows current through the load only
during one-half of the cycle.

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The result of full-wave rectification is an output voltage with a frequency twice the input
frequency and that pulsates every half-cycle of the input, as shown in Figure.

The number of positive alternations that make up the full-wave rectified voltage is twice
that of the half-wave voltage for the same time interval. The average value, which is the value
measured on a dc voltmeter, for a full-wave rectified sinusoidal voltage is twice that of the half-
wave, as shown in the following formula:

VAVG is approximately 63.7% of Vp for a full-wave rectified voltage.

Center-Tapped Full-Wave Rectifier Operation
A center-tapped rectifier is a type of full-wave rectifier that uses two diodes connected to
the secondary of a center-tapped transformer, as shown in Figure below. The input voltage is
coupled through the transformer to the center-tapped secondary. Half of the total secondary
voltage appears between the center tap and each end of the secondary winding as shown.

For a positive half-cycle of the input voltage, the polarities of the secondary voltages are
as shown in Figure (a). This condition forward-biases diode D1 and reverse-biases diode D2. The
current path is through D1 and the load resistor RL, as indicated. For a negative half-cycle of the
input voltage, the voltage polarities on the secondary are as shown in Figure (b). This condition
reverse-biases D1 and forward-biases D2. The current path is through D2 and RL, as indicated.
Because the output current during both the positive and negative portions of the input cycle is in
the same direction through the load, the output voltage developed across the load resistor is a
full-wave rectified dc voltage, as shown.

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Peak inverse voltage across either diode in a full-wave center tapped rectifier is

Effect of the Turns Ratio on the Output Voltage If the transformer’s turns ratio is 1, the peak
value of the rectified output voltage equals half the peak value of the primary input voltage less
the barrier potential, as illustrated in Figure A. Half of the primary voltage appears across each
half of the secondary winding (Vp(sec) = Vp(pri)). We will begin referring to the forward voltage
due to the barrier potential as the diode drop. In order to obtain an output voltage with a peak
equal to the input peak (less the diode drop), a step-up transformer with a turns ratio of n = 2
must be used, as shown in Figure B. In this case, the total secondary voltage (Vsec) is twice the
primary voltage (2Vpri), so the voltage across each half of the secondary is equal to Vpri.

Figure a

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Figure b

Peak Inverse Voltage Each diode in the full-wave rectifier is alternately forward-biased
and then reverse-biased. The maximum reverse voltage that each diode must withstand is the
peak secondary voltage Vp(sec). This is shown in Figure 2–35 where D2 is assumed to be
reverse-biased (red) and D1 is assumed to be forward-biased (green) to illustrate the concept.

Bridge Full-Wave Rectifier Operation

The bridge rectifier uses four diodes connected as shown in Figure 2–38. When the input
cycle is positive as in part (a), diodes D1 and D2 are forward-biased and conduct current in
the direction shown. A voltage is developed across RL that looks like the positive half of
the input cycle. During this time, diodes D3 and D4 are reverse-biased.

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Bridge Output Voltage A bridge rectifier with a transformer-coupled input is shown in

Figure (a). During the positive half-cycle of the total secondary voltage, diodes D1 and D2
are forward-biased. Neglecting the diode drops, the secondary voltage appears across the load
resistor. The same is true when D3 and D4 are forward-biased during the negative half-cycle.

Vp (out) = Vp(sec)

As you can see in Figure (b), two diodes are always in series with the load resistor
during both the positive and negative half-cycles. If these diode drops are taken into account, the
output voltage is

Vp (out) = Vp(sec) + 1.4 V

Peak Inverse Voltage Let’s assume that D1 and D2 are forward-biased and examine the
reverse voltage across D3 and D4. Visualizing D1 and D2 as shorts (ideal model), as in Figure
(a), you can see that D3 and D4 have a peak inverse voltage equal to the peak secondary voltage.
Since the output voltage is ideally equal to the secondary voltage,

PIV = Vp(out)

If the diode drops of the forward-biased diodes are included as shown in Figure (b),
the peak inverse voltage across each reverse-biased diode in terms of Vp(out) is

PIV = Vp(out) + 0.7 V

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The PIV rating of the bridge diodes is less than that required for the center-tapped configuration.
If the diode drop is neglected, the bridge rectifier requires diodes with half the PIV rating of
those in a center-tapped rectifier for the same output voltage.

Diode Limiters
Figure 2–52(a) shows a diode positive limiter (also called clipper) that limits or clips the
positive part of the input voltage. As the input voltage goes positive, the diode becomes forward
biased and conducts current. Point A is limited to +0.7 V when the input voltage exceeds this

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When the input voltage goes back below 0.7 V, the diode is reverse-biased and appears as an
open. The output voltage looks like the negative part of the input voltage, but with a magnitude
determined by the voltage divider formed by R1 and the load resistor, RL, as follows:

If R1 is small compared to RL, then

If the diode is turned around, as in Figure above b, the negative part of the input voltage is
clipped off.

Biased Limiters The level to which an ac voltage is limited can be adjusted by adding a
bias voltage, VBIAS, in series with the diode, as shown in Figure below. The voltage at point
A must equal VBIAS + 0.7 V before the diode will become forward-biased and conduct. Once
the diode begins to conduct, the voltage at point A is limited to VBIAS + 0.7 V so that all input
voltage above this level is clipped off.

Diode Clampers

A clamper adds a dc level to an ac voltage. Clampers are sometimes known as dc restorers.

Figure 2–63 shows a diode clamper that inserts a positive dc level in the output waveform. The
operation of this circuit can be seen by considering the first negative half-cycle of the input
voltage. When the input voltage initially goes negative, the diode is forward biased, allowing the
capacitor to charge to near the peak of the input as shown in Figure 2–63(a). Just after the
negative peak, the diode is reverse-biased. This is because the cathode is held near by the charge
on the capacitor. The capacitor can only discharge through the high resistance of RL. So, from
the peak of one negative half-cycle to the next, the capacitor discharges very little. The amount
that is discharged, of course, depends on the value of RL.

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Positive clamper operation

If the diode is turned around, a negative dc voltage is added to the input voltage to produce the
output voltage as shown in Figure below.

Negative clamper.

Voltage multipliers

Voltage multipliers use clamping action to increase peak rectified voltages without the
necessity of increasing the transformer’s voltage rating. Multiplication factors of two,
three, and four are common. Voltage multipliers are used in high-voltage, low-current
applications such as cathode-ray tubes (CRTs) and particle accelerators.

Voltage Doubler

Half-Wave Voltage Doubler A voltage doubler is a voltage multiplier with a multiplication

factor of two. A half-wave voltage doubler is shown in Figure 2–67. During the positive
half-cycle of the secondary voltage, diode D1 is forward-biased and D2 is reverse-biased.

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Capacitor C1 is charged to the peak of the secondary voltage (Vp) less the diode drop with the
polarity shown in part (a). During the negative half-cycle, diode D2 is forward-biased and D1
is reverse-biased, as shown in part (b). Since C1 can’t discharge, the peak voltage on C1 adds
to the secondary voltage to charge C2 to approximately 2Vp. Applying Kirchhoff’s law
around the loop as shown in part (b), the voltage across C2 is

Under a no-load condition, C2 remains charged to approximately 2Vp. If a load resistance is

connected across the output, C2 discharges slightly through the load on the next
positive half-cycle and is again recharged to 2Vp on the following negative half-cycle. The
resulting output is a half-wave, capacitor-filtered voltage. The peak inverse voltage across
each diode is 2Vp. If the diode were reversed, the output voltage across C2 would have the
opposite polarity.

Full-Wave Voltage Doubler A full-wave doubler is shown in Figure 2–68. When the
secondary voltage is positive, D1 is forward-biased and C1 charges to approximately Vp, as
shown in part (a). During the negative half-cycle, D2 is forward-biased and C2 charges to
approximately Vp, as shown in part (b). The output voltage, 2Vp, is taken across the two
capacitors in series.

Prepared by Biruk S.
Semiconductor diodes & their applications


Voltage Tripler

The addition of another diode-capacitor section to the half-wave voltage doubler creates
a voltage tripler, as shown in Figure 2–69. The operation is as follows: On the positive
half-cycle of the secondary voltage, C1 charges to Vp through D1. During the negative halfcycle,
C2 charges to 2Vp through D2, as described for the doubler. During the next positive
half-cycle, C3 charges to 2Vp through D3. The tripler output is taken across C1 and C3, as
shown in the figure.

Voltage Quadrupler (reading assignment)

Prepared by Biruk S.

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