The document discusses the fundamental concepts of statistics including the nature and importance of statistics. It defines statistics and describes the two main categories of descriptive and inferential statistics. It also outlines some key terms and concepts in statistics as well as importance and applications of statistics in different fields.
The document discusses the fundamental concepts of statistics including the nature and importance of statistics. It defines statistics and describes the two main categories of descriptive and inferential statistics. It also outlines some key terms and concepts in statistics as well as importance and applications of statistics in different fields.
The document discusses the fundamental concepts of statistics including the nature and importance of statistics. It defines statistics and describes the two main categories of descriptive and inferential statistics. It also outlines some key terms and concepts in statistics as well as importance and applications of statistics in different fields.
The document discusses the fundamental concepts of statistics including the nature and importance of statistics. It defines statistics and describes the two main categories of descriptive and inferential statistics. It also outlines some key terms and concepts in statistics as well as importance and applications of statistics in different fields.
STATISTICS (Part 1 – The Nature of Statistics) - In counting activities, events and things, the measurements that are collected from the 1.1 The Nature of Statistics original information are called raw data. Statistical knowledge helps us use the proper - These data may be treated by statistical methods to collect the data, employ correct methods that are used to describe, to relate, analyses, and effectively present the results. It is a or associate, and make inference, crucial process behind how we make discoveries in depending on the nature or purpose of the science, make decisions based on data, and make research problems on hand. predictions. TWO CATEGORIES OF FIELD OF STATISTICS Statistics is a branch of mathematics which deals • Descriptive Statistics with the collection, presentation, analysis, and - is concerned with the gathering, interpretation (CPAI) of numerical data which may classification and presentation of data and be used for prediction or verification of relationships the collection of summarizing values to among variables. describe the group characteristics of the Statistics may have different meanings. Generally, data. the term means numerical observation of any kind. - The most used summarizing values to describe group characteristics of data are Originally, statistical data took the forms of figures percentage, measures of central tendency or birth, death, tax returns, population, frequency of and location; of variability or dispersion; of failures in schools, crop yield, etc. Scientifically, skewness and kurtosis. and from the research point of view, statistics as a - Examples of descriptive statistics are class study refers to the methods of collection, average of examination, range of student presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data. scores, average salary, means of managerial From the definition of Statistics, we can identify the satisfaction, and average return of basic statistical operations. investment. • Inferential Statistics ✓ Data gathering or collection may be done - demands a higher order of critical judgment through interview, questionnaires, tests, and mathematical methods. It aims to give observation, registration, and experiments. information about large groups of data ✓ Presentation of data refers to the organization without dealing with each element of these of data into tables, graphs, charts, or groups. paragraphs. Hence, presentation of data may - It pertains to the methods dealing with be tabular, graphical, or textual. making inference, estimates or prediction ✓ Analysis of data pertains to the process of about a large set of data using the extracting from the given data relevant and information gathered. noteworthy information and this uses - It is not merely to provide a description of a statistical tools or techniques. particular data set but also to make ✓ Interpretation of data refers to the drawing of predictions and inferences based on the conclusions or inferences from the analyzed available information gathered. data. This may involve the formulation of - In inferential statistics, the conclusions on forecast prediction about a large group based the important characteristics apply to a on the data collected from small or large set of data called the population. representative group. Results of data analysis - the subset or a representative group of the are explained and interpreted which include population is called the sample. relating the findings to the existing theories - Commonly used inferential statistical tools and earlier studies in the area. or techniques are testing hypothesis using the z-test, t-test, simple linear correlation, analysis of variance (ANOVA), chi-square, assessment and evaluation for the regression, and time series analysis. improvement of personal relation. In - Some of the examples of problems involving economics, it determines, trends, helps inferential statistics are to determine financial analysts make investment whether the impact of the new decisions and determines the potential of advertisement of various age groups is an investment including inventory turn-over significant or not, whether there is a ratio of cash flow to total assets; the quick significant relationship between job ratio which is the ratio of the difference satisfaction and performance of employees, between current assets and inventory or whether the use of a module is values to current liabilities; return on assets significantly effective than the traditional before taxes; and controls of the quality of method of teaching. goods produced and many others. - A descriptive measure of the population is - Methods for the statistical designs of called a parameter. Greek letters are used experiments are useful and valuable in to represent parameters, like μ (mu) for medicine and physical sciences, causes population mean, σ (sigma) for population and effects of factors which affect standard deviation, and σ2 for population experiments once evaluated. variance. - Psychologists and sociologists can - A descriptive measure of a sample is called understand human beings better, through a statistic. The Roman letter is used to systematic and personality tests or through denote a test statistic. Examples of test observations. A study of conditions of the statistics are sample mean (x), sample people may be analyzed and interpreted variance (s2) and sample standard deviation effecting positive action for the (s). improvement of the society. - The basis for inferential statistics is the - To cope with the present demands and with ability to make decisions about parameters the growing complexity of the world and as without having the complete census of the activities and functions of the various fields population. of endeavor become more complicated, the use of statistics increases and becomes of Importance of Statistics great importance. - Some of the uses of statistics as a science Important Terms are evident in empirical studies. Among the contributions of statistics are it aids in 1. Universe. A universe is the set of all the decision making, summarizes or describes individuals or entities under consideration. data, helps to forecast or predict future 2. Variable. A variable is a characteristic of outcomes, aids in making inferences, and interest measurable on each individual of the helps in comparisons or establishing universe. It is a quantity which may take on relationships. several different values. - In education, statistical techniques and 3. Population methods are used to get information on a. A population is the set of all possible values enrollment, finance, physical facilities, of a variable. dropout rate, proficiency level and many b. A population is the set of all observations others. In research, statistical tools are used made on all objects under study for a given to test differences, effectiveness, impact, characteristic or variable. relationship, or independence of some 4. Sample variables. a. A sample is a set of observations which - Management uses statistics in decision constitute a part of a population. making and in varied aspects such as b. A sample is the representative part of the organizational behavior, labor relations, population selected for the purpose of human-resource allocation, performance making inference about the population 5. Sampling. Sampling is the process or technique have this type of data, that is, the average of drawing the sample from the population. number of children per family in a certain 6. Parameter. A numerical characteristic of a barangay is 3.4. population is called a parameter. Parameters of C. According to Data Relationships a given population are constants or fixed for that population (population mean, population 1. Independent variables are those variables variance, population standard deviation, and where the occurrence of the first is not population size). Parameters are usually relative to the existence of the second denoted by Greek letters and/or capital English variable (for example, the number of letters. fishermen is independent of the number of 7. Statistic. A quantity calculated from the deaths in a given province). observations in a sample is called a statistic 2. Dependent variables are those variables (sample mean, sample median, sample mode, where the existence of the first is influenced sample variance, and sample standard by the occurrence of the second variable. deviation). Statistics are usually denoted by D. According to Measurement Scales small English letters. 1. Nominal Scale (Categorical) consists only of Two Types of Variables names, labels or categories which are used 1. Quantitative variables are those which merely for identification or classification change in quantity. They are measurables purposes. (intelligence, height, weight, size, length, Student Sex Course etc.). 2. Qualitative variables are those which Abril, Wilson Male Engineering change in quality. They are rankables De Guzman Male Education (kindness, temperament, loyalty, Fajutagana, Donna Female Education truthfulness, etc.). Palma, Ivy Female Comp. Sci Classification of Statistical Data 2. Ordinal Scale (Ranked) not only classify items, but also give the order or ranks of classes, items A. According to the Source or objects. The differences between data values 1. Primary data refer to information which are either cannot be determined or meaningless. gathered directly from an original source, or Student Contest Performance Abril, which are based on direct or first-hand Wilson ` 3rd Satisfactory experience (autobiographies, diaries, De Guzman, 1st Excellent interviews, etc.). Fajutagana 4th Fair 2. Secondary data refer to information which Palma, Ivy 2nd Very Good are taken from published or unpublished data which are previously gathered by other 3. Interval Scale are numbers assigned to items individuals or agencies (published books, not only to identify and rank the objects but also newspapers, biographies, business reports, measure the degree of differences between any etc.) two classes. It may lack inherent zero starting point. B. According to the Ways Data Are Collected Student BodyTemp Performance 1. Continuous data are those obtained by measurements (length of a room, weight of Abril, Wilson 37.3C 85 a stone, 4 meters, 15 pounds, etc.). De Guzman 37.1C 86 2. Discrete or discontinuous data are those Fajutagana 37.2 C 82 obtained by counting (number of days, Palma, Ivy 37.0 C 79 number of students, etc.). Remarks: In Statistics, although some data are discrete, they may be treated as continuous. We may 4. Ratio Scale is an interval scale modified to c. The interviewer may cheat by turning in include inherent zero starting point. dishonest responses if their expected or desired responses are not obtained. Student Age Weight, lbs 2. Indirect or Questionnaire Method. Abril, Wilson 16 130 - This is one of the easiest methods of data De Guzman 17 125 gathering. It takes time to prepare because Fajutagana 16 140 questionnaires need to be attractive. Palma, Ivy 18 123 - The content of a typical questionnaire, COLLECTION OF DATA directions included, must be precise, clear and self-explanatory. Illustrations and A. According to Scope of Collection pictures may be used to add clarity and 1. Survey is limited to a particular area or attractiveness. locality. 2. Census considers the national boundary of Here are the advantages of questionnaire method: a country. a. It is less expensive since questionnaires can B. According to the Methods used be distributed personally or by mail - There are several methods of collecting b. It is less time-consuming since it can be data, however, there is no best method to distributed over a wider geographical area in get the desired information under a shorter time investigation. c. It can give confidential responses since the - The choice of appropriate methods to be respondents can answer the questionnaire utilized depends on some factors such as privately the nature of the problem, the population d. The answers obtained are free from any under investigation, the time, and the influence coming from the interviewer. material factors. - So, to obtain the needed accurate The limitations of the questionnaire method are as information at minimum cost and least follows: possible time, a combination of the a. It cannot be accomplished by illiterates following methods of data gathering may be b. It has a high proportion of nonresponse or applied: non-return 1. Direct or Interview Method. c. It tends to give wrong information since - This is one of the most effective methods of answers cannot be corrected right away collecting original data. To obtain accurate 3. Registration Method. responses, well-trained interviewers may do - Through this method, the respondents the interview. provide information in compliance with - The interviewers can be of great help to the certain laws, policies, rules, regulations, respondents in answering questions that the decrees or standard practices. respondents cannot understand. - Data which can be collected by the - It provides consistent and more precise registration method are as follows: marriage information; however, it can be time- contracts, birth certificates, motor consuming, expensive and has limited field registrations, license of firearms, coverage. registration of corporations, real estates, The following are other attributes of the interview voters, etc. method. 4. Observation Method. - This method is utilized to gather data a. It can give complete information needed in regarding attitudes, behavior, values and the study. cultural patterns of the samples under b. It can yield inaccurate information since the investigation. interviewer can influence the respondent’s answers through his facial expression, tone of voice, or wording of the questions. 5. Experiment Method. - This method is applied to collect or gather data if the investigator wants to control the factors affecting the variable being studied. - An example is when the researcher aims to determine the different factors affecting the academic performance of the students such as methods or approaches used in teaching, etc. - Experiments are conducted to determine the cause-and-effect relationship of certain phenomena under controlled conditions. 6. Telephone Interview. - This method is employed if the questions to be asked are brief and few. An example is the check made on listeners to certain radio programs like asking what program his radio is turned on to. This method is used to find the most popular TV or radio programs.