Monologue Rubric B1

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Monologue Rubric Level B1

Student: __________________ Group___________________ Grade ____________

ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTORS 2,5 points 2 points 1,25 points 0,5 points 0 points
Comprehensibility All the parts of the Most of the parts of the Some parts of the response Only a few parts of the Most parts of the response
monologue are response are are comprehensible; speaks response are are not comprehensible to
comprehensible except for comprehensible, except for with clarity trying to comprehensible; does not the listener.
abstract topics. Speaks with abstract topics. Speaks with highlight the most relevant highlight the most relevant
clarity highlighting the most clarity highlighting the most information. The speech information. The register is
relevant information. The relevant information. The adapts to the purpose, either wrong or mixed. The
speech adapts to the speech adapts to the listener, and context. At speech does not adapt to
purpose, listener, and purpose, listener, and times uses the incorrect the purpose, listener, or
context. The register is context. The register is register. context.
correct. mostly correct.

Organisation All the ideas are well Most of the ideas are well Some ideas are well Only a few ideas are well There is no clear
connected. The monologue connected. The monologue connected. Most of the connected. The monologue organization of ideas. The
is very well organized, is well organized, adapts to monologue is organized, is poorly organised, or it monologue is NOT
adapts to the type of text the type of text and adapts to the type of text does not adapt to the type structured.
and listener. Examples are listener. The information is and listener. Sufficient of text or listener.
provided and information is presented in detail. information. Insufficient information
presented in detail.
Use of English Grammar In accordance with the In accordance with the In accordance with the In accordance with the Below the standard level.
and vocabulary level, grammatical level, grammatical level, grammatical level, grammatical Multiple repetitions of
structures and vocabulary structures and vocabulary structures and vocabulary structures and vocabulary basic vocabulary. Grammar
are well used, some errors are moderately used, some are limitedly used, some are limitedly used, multiple structures are incorrect,
may occur in complex errors may occur, but they errors may occur, and they errors may occur, and they which impedes
structures, or they are self- do not affect affect communication at impede communication. comprehension.
corrected as well. communication. times.
Fluency, intonation and Ideas expressed Speech is delivered with Slow and/or irregular Halting and irregular Struggles to find right
pronunciation completely with no or few frequent pauses and speech but manages to speech with long pauses or words, pauses frequently,
pauses or hesitation. hesitation but finishes with complete ideas. Some incomplete ideas. Multiple constantly repeats
Pronunciation is clear and complete ideas. Some mispronunciation errors mispronunciations interfere themselves. Multiple
accurate; some errors do mispronunciations and interfere with with communication. The mispronunciation errors
not interfere with errors may interfere with communication. The intonation patterns do not make the speech
communication. The communication. The intonation patterns mainly correspond to the incomprehensible.
intonation patterns intonation patterns mainly correspond to the monologue.
correspond to the correspond to the monologue.
monologue. monologue.

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