Module 3 Em&i
Module 3 Em&i
Module 3 Em&i
Instrument Transformers
9' l. Introduclion. Transformers are used in a c. systems for the measurement of'current,
voltage, power and energy. They are also used in connection with measur~})lent of power factor, .
frequency and for indication of synchronism, , ·. . ' ·
Transformers find awide applicaiion in protection circuits of power systems for the .operation.
·of over current, under voltage and various other types of relays. ·
. In all the above applications, the transformer is put for measurement .puriioses, the actu11l
measurements being done by measuring instruments. Transformers used in conjunction with measur•
ing instruments for nieasurement purposes ate called "Instrument Transformers". The transformer
used for measurement of current is called a ''Current Traosftlrmer" or simply "C.T." Transformers
for voltage measurement are called "Volfage Transformers" or "Potential Transformers" or simply
I' I
' ) "P.T."for short., ·
9'2. Use or Instrument Transformers.. The extension of instrument range, so that current,
voltage, power and energy can be measured· with instruments or meters . of moderate ~ize is of vory .
great importance in commercial metering. Here currents and voltages handled are very large and,
therefore, direct measurements are not possible as these cu.rrents a11d voltages are far too .large for any,
meter of reas.onable size and cost. The sol11tion lies in stepping down these currents and·
voltages with instrument transformers so that they c~uld be metered with instruments of moderate
·~- ' '
Fig. 9' l shows current being measured by a C.T. · The primacy winding is so connected
that the current being measured passes through it and the secondary is connected to an amm~ter. Tho
"C.T." Steps down the. current to the level. of ammeter. ,
Primary Secondary
o~p 0
t:i r 1
I I,
' ...
rn '•
' '
Fl11. 9'J, Current tr&11sformor. fig: 9.2. Potential transformer,
{ , . Fig. 9'2 show~ voltage measurement with P.T. The 'primary is conn~cted to the voltage
bemg measured and the secondary, to voltmeter. The 'P.T.' steps down the voltage to tho level of
ll voltmeter. ··
It might appear that extension of range could be' conve~iently done by the use of shunts for
currents, and multipliers for voltage measuremenls, af·ia done in d.c·, measurements. But this method
' . is suitable only foi' small values of current and voltage. There are certain disadvantages wfth the ulo
of shunts and multipliers. . .. ·. . · · · .• ·. . ..·
Disadvantages of Shunts. .(i) It is difficult to achieve accuracy . with a· shun~ on a.c., since \
division· of current between a meter and shunt depends upon· the reactance and resistance of two
jlatbs. For proper measurements, time constants of meter and shunt should be the same. Therefore, a
separ,atc sbunt would be needed for each instrument.
Also since measurements are made over a wide frequency range it becomes difficult to obtaia
. good accuracy with shunts. .
Ui) The shunt 'method is limited to capacities of a few hundr.ed ampere at most, since the
power comumed by shunts at large c.urrents would be considerabl.e large.
1·, l1 '1i (iii) The problem of insulation of instrument and shunt Is quite difficult to solve if measure-
ments are done at high voltages of several hundred or thousand volt above ground,
· '
(iv) The measuring circuit is not isolated electrically .from the power circuit.
Disadvantages of Multipliers. Multipliers for voltage measurements do not present any seri~us
difficulties below 1000 V. But their use above this limit becomes impractical owing to the followmg
' '·
. ·reasons :
(i) Th~ power consumed by multipliers becomes large as the voltage increases. A power
: , llissipation of about 7'5 W is the upper limit for a self·.contained. instrument. · • .· ·.
(ii) Ca~ hali to be exercised to ke'ep leakage currents In· high voltage multipliers dowri to
, negligible values.,. However, insulation of multipliers required to prevent leakage currents and the
reduction of distributed capacitance to avoid shunt capacitance currents becomes very difficult above
a few thousand volt. Special types of construction are needed to prevent !he above effects. Hence
the construction of multipliers for use at high voltages is very costly and complicated.
(Iii) The measuring circuit Is not electrically isolated from the power circuit.
Adva1ta11es of loslrument Transformers. The iUrrent and voltage transformers are extensively
used for very precise r. easurements as weJI .as for routine measurements as they have many
advantages :
(i) When instruments are used In donjunction with lmtrument transformers, their readings
do not depend upon their constants (R, L C) as is the case with 11hunts and multipliers. The
instrument traneformen produce practii:ally .the same instrument reading regardless of the constants
of the instrument or, In fact, the number of Instruments connected In the circuit.
(II) Current transformers bavo boea standardized at 5 A· secondary current and the voltage
transformers at from 100 to 120 V 11ecoodary voltage. These are very moderate ratings and the
instruments for measurements are. rated near these.· Thus a 5 A ammeter may be used to measure
1000 A with the help of a 1000/3 A ratio current transformer or a 110 V voltmeter may be used to
measure a voltage· of 66 kV with the help of a 66,000/110 V potential tran11former. Therefore, very
cheap moderate r~ting instruments lj'tay be used to measure large currents and high voltages.
(iii) With the standardization of C.T. and P.T. secondary ratings, it is possible to standardize
instrument& around these ratiop and, therefore, there is great reduction in the costs of transformers
and instruments. Replat~cnt Is' also very easy.
(Iv) The measuring olrcuit ts ltolated from the power circuit. The fact that the meters in the
secondary circuit of an instrtl$1t\t transformer are isolated electrically from the primary side is of
very great importan~ 111 hlgli:~ltage systems. Large alternators usually operate at voltages between
11 kV to 20 kV whit~ transmllilon voltase11 as high as 750 kV are being used. Therefore, in all electri-
cal systems It Is necesaar.t to h~ve 1 measure of currents and voltages, both for metering
purposes nod for tbe operatic~ of proteafve relays and other equipment. It is Impossible to bring lhe
high voltage lines directly,to t~ switchbuard to be connected to instruments as even for voltages upto
. a fewJbousand volt it IV~ &D ~if\lcult to insulate the equipment to provide safety for the operating
persont, ~l . ·. . · ·
'~e,~Jtu~tioo is completelp chaliged with the. use of instrument transformers, as only the leads
from th "«lndaries of the tnstruments transformers are brou~ht to the switchboard for copnection to
··I ' :'
" I
} 1
the metering equipment. The voltages, between these leads and between leads and ground a~· very
·low and hence the operators can. work"safely. ·
. . ' In fact instrumenttransformers .are so important for Insulating and range extension purpo_ses
that it is difficult to imagine the operation on an a.c. system without them. · ·· · · ·
. . ., Summarizing the above, we can say that the .use or insiruniMt transformers for range ex ten· .
sioh has the following advantages : .· . .
(I) Moderate si~ instruments are used for metering I.e., 5 A for current and 100 to 120 V for .i
voltage measurements. " . . . · I
, . . (2) Jnstruments 11nd Dl.etera ..~. be standardized so that there is a saving in overall costs. · . I
' pril11ary
. .d . .
~ a p •.
v()\tage. 1or T
... (9'3~
.. SCC()D ary voltage . ··
Nominal Ratio, If Is. the ratio of rated 11rima~ current (or voltage) ··to the rated seconda1y
current for voltage).
., · ra·t.ed pr.imar')i cril'icnt , .. CT · I
Nominal ratio · . ---,---- · ' · 10f 8 • ,
·.. · rated secon411rY current . . .. (~'4) I
.. ' : ·: ..:,;'.
. ~:
. .
Total ~ndary burden
(secondary induced voltage) 2
,. (""im-ped--,c-a-nce-o~fc-s-eco-n~darycii:cuit ineluding imped·a~n~ce_o_f-se_c_o_nd_a_r_y_w_incling)
=(secondary current) 2 x (impedance of secondary circuit including secondary winding)
. .. (9 9)
S d b d d t ·d . (secondary terminal voltage)2
econ ary ur en. ue 0 1oa (impedanee of load on secondary winding)
· =(secondary current)2X(impedance of load on secondary winding) ... (9'10)
9·s. CURRENT TRANSFORMERS. The current transformer is used with its primary
winding connectep in series with line carrying the current to be meas~red and,. therefore, the primary
current is not determined by thi: load cin the current transformer secondary. The primary consists
of very few turns and, therefore, there is no appreciable voltage acrpss it. The secondary of the
current transformer has larger·. number of turns, the exact number being determined by the turns
ratio. The ammeter, or wattmeter current coil, is connected directly acro&s the secondary terminals.
Thus a current transformer operates its secondary nearly .under short circuit conditions. One. of the
-terminals of the secondary winding is earthed so as to protect equiqment and personneHn .the vicinity
in the event of an insulation breakdown in the current transformer. Fig. 9' 3 shows a circuit for
measurement of current and power with a current transformer. ·
9'6. Theory. Fig. 9'4 represents· the equivalent circuit and Fig.· 9·5 the phasor diagram
of a current transformer. .
The diagrams are same as for any other '
· _ number of secondary winding turns
n=turns rat 1o-
. num ber ·of primary. wm . d'mg turns '·
Fig, 9·3, Use of C.T. for current end power measurement ..
. Nv=number of primary winding turns, N1=number of secondary winding turns,
V.=voltagc at the s.econdary winding terminals, !.-secondary winding current,
Iv=primary winding current, &=phase angle of transformer,
ll>=working flux of the transformer, .
S=angle between secondary induced voltage and secondary current,
. phase angle of total burden inclu?ing impedance of secondary winding=tan-i (~:t:.·)
/::; ... phase angle of secondary load ~ircuit I.e., of external burden.,. tan-1 :: ,
/o=exciting current, · . . · ·
·Im a. ma$Iletisting component of excititig·current, /, . loss component of exciting current,
. ~.-~·.·..
0t=angle between exciting current lo and working.flux fl>. i
rp .
. '· '• )t~
:.~ Es
r. '·
ER x.
Fig. 9'4, Equivalent circuit of a C.T. Fig, 9~5. Pbasor diagram of a C.T.
Transformation Ratio. Consider a small section of the phaser diagram as shown in Fig.· 9'6,
We have Lbac=90°-6-0t, ac=lo, oa=nl. and oc /,. ·
bc=lo sin (90°-ll-0t)=lo eos (B+0t), ab=Io eos.(90'-3-0t)=/o sin (B+0t),
Now (Oc)2=(oa+ab)2+(bc)2 or J,1 =[nlo+Io sin (ll+0t))2+[Io cos (3+0t)]2
. =n21,2+102 sin 2 (8+0t)+2nl1lo sin ca+o)+Jo2 cosl (t+0t)
=n2I,2+2nlolo sin (ll+«)+Io2 . I
· 1,=[n 1. +2n1,1o sin (3+0t)+Io Jl/2
2 2 2 ...(9'11)
.Transformation ratfo . 1)
R=.!!.. 2 8
[n I. +2nlolo sin (3+0t)+IolJlJI ( ,. ' "
. [, 1. ... 9'12)
I ...
i l
Now in a well designed current transformer Io<nl••
Usually .lo is less than 1 per cent of I, and I, is, therefore, very.
(\ ,-"
, ' Ip
. I. Ii
i~ i
I .. . , '
nearly eqµal to n lo. . · ·· .· a ,, 1
nl '5 I
:. Eqn. 9'12 can~ written as I
R,....,[n2J, 2+2nl•lo sin (ll+«)+Io1 sin2 (8+oc)]1/2 I
- . .L . I .
1. ' 1.
e:1.nl1+lo sin (ll+0t)c:!n+ lo sin (llf0t) ...(9'13) '
[, [, i
' --'--~~--'-------~
_ Now lo is very small as compared to nf, and iherefore, we can neglect the term Io sin (8tll) ·
.. 0= lo cos ~IH-a) rad. · ... (9'l()).
'::!.lo cos 8 cos «-lo sin 8 sin(.(':::!.!'" cos IJ-/, sin 8 d
· nl. - nf, ra · ... (9' 17)
.., 180(
- - Im cos 8-/, sin 8)· degree ... (9'18)
II nf.-
_ 9·7, Errors. It is clear from Eqn. 9'14 that the value of transformation ratio (actual ratio)
is not equal to the turns ratio .. Also the value is not constant, but depeJJds upon the magnetizing and
toss components of the exciting current, the secondary load current and its power factor. This means
that the secondary current is not a.constant fraction of the primary cur~ent but depends upon the
faqtors listed above. This introduces considerable errors into current measurements. -
. Jn power measurements, it is necessary that the phase of secondary current shall be displaced
by exactly '1 SO' from that of the primary current. It is seen · that the phase difference is dilfcrene from
J Bu' by ail analo 6. Thus in power measurements, owing to use of C.T. two types of errors are
introduced ; one due to actual transformation ratio being different from the turns ratio, and the other
due to secondary current not being 180' out of phase with the primary current.
Ratio error; Ratio Error is defined as :
nominal ratio-a~tual ratio x
Percentage ratio .error= actual ratio , 100
. , "Kn-R
=-R-xJOO ... (9'19)
, Approximate formulfte for errors. The u~ual instrument burden is largely resistive with some
inductance and therefore, 6 is positive and is generally small. ·
Hence sin a,:..,o and cos 8':::!.l. Therefore, we cao write Eqns. 9'14·and 9·1s as
· R':::!.n+ ~: . •.. (9 20)
1 I
and 9=
~O [~~J degree .... (9'21)
But /,=nf, and therefore, Eqns. 9'ZO and 9'21 can be rewritten as :
R=n+" ' -n (
e= 180 lm degree
and fl /p
'- rHigh-imptdrntc
t · ~ burdrn
. ---- . ,
- t
,Sr<ondory curr1nt _ _....
· H1gh-imprdrnct
·1~ t burdrn
r· 1mpcdrncr
$ccondary curirnl - -
Fig. 9'7, Variation of tran(orma1ion ralio and phase fig, 9'9, Variation of phase lllillo with sCC!)ndary ·
angle with p.f. of secondary winding circuil. current, . ..
The variation of transformation ratio R and phase angle 0 with II is shown in Fig. 9'7. These
. conclusions are based 11pon the assumption that the magnitude of secondary impedance remains ·
constant. ·
2. Ettect or Change of Primary Current. If the primary current changes the secondary
. current changes proportionately. A.t low values of current fp (or/,) exciting current Tm and Joss
compotient [, are a greater propo{tion of Iv and, therefore, the errors are greater. ·As the current
Iv increases, there is ari increase in /, and there is a decrease in ratio error and phase angle. It is
clear from Eqns; 9'22 and 9'23. The variation of ratio error and phase angle with secondary
· current is shown in Figs. 9'8 and 9·9, . · · · ·
3, Effect of Change. in Secondary Burden. An increase in secondary burden impedance
·means an increase in vol! ampere rating. This necessitates an increase in the secondary induced
voltage which can be generated by an increased flux and flux density.. Therefore both magnetizing
romponentlm and [, are 'increased. · Thus it is expected that errors will increase with increase in
secondary burden. ·In general, .a greater burden impedance .not nnly increases. the transformation
ratio, but also shifts the phase angle between pri!lJary and secondary to moro positive value as shown
in Figs. 9~8 and 9·9, · ·
•i. Ell'ect or Change of Frequency, The effect of increase in frequency will result in propor·
tionate decrease in flilit density. Thus, in general, the effect of increase. in frequency is similar to
·. that produced t y decrease in impedance of secondary burden.
. A current transformer is seldom med at a frequency which is very different from the one ·
· or which it is designed and, t~.erefore, consideration of this effect is not very important.
. 9·9. Cause~ or Errors. ~In an ideal transformer, the actual transformation ratio would be
.equal to the tum~ ratio and the. pb~se ~ngle would be zero. However, as a result of physicat. li!llitations
inherent in electric and magneuc cucmts of the transformer, there are departures from this ideal and
consequently there are errors ciuised. The reasons are : ·
(I) There is some exciting mmf required by the .primary winding to produce flux and,
therefore, the transformer draws a magnetizing current Im. · ·
(ii) 1he transformer input must have a component which supplies the core losses (eddy
current and hysteresis losses) and 12R losses of transformer windings. . .
Therefore, loss component/. is required to feed the losses associated with the flux and also
the associated copper loss in winding due to flow of[,, ·
· (ill) The fluit density in the core is not a linear function of the magnetizing force, I.e., the
transformer core· becomes saturated. . . . · . : .
(Iv) There ia always a magnetic leakage and consequt:ntly the primary flux linkages are not
tqual to the secondary flux linkages. . · . .
9· 10. · Reduction of Errors. It is clear from Eqn. 9'22 and 9'23 that for usual types of
burdens 'the difference between actual transformation ratio and the turns ratio depends largely on
the loss 'component [, and the transformer phase angle depends largely on magnetizing current Im.
It is obvious that if the ratio has to· be close to the tµrns ratio and the phase angle is to be small,
· J, and /,. must be small as compared to /., . . ' ·. · .
. . . . there are· some design features which help us to minimize the errors aitd they are discussed
below : .
· ·Dealan Featurrs
l. Core. In order to minimize the errors the magnetizing, current Im and loss component
10 must be kept to a low value.· This means that the core must have a low reluctance and a low
. core loss. The reduction of reluc~ance of flux path can be. brought about by. using ·materials of. ·
high permeability, short magnetic paths, large cross-sec\ion of core and a low value of.flux density.
~The current transformers are, in fact, designed for much lower. flux densities than that for power
·transformers. This is especially important for current transformers used for. poi tective relays which
are frequently to. have a fair accuracy at currents many· times the rated current (20Jo 30
' I
I l
r f'ig. 9'10. Ring type core. Fig; 9·11. Spiral type core. I
• High permeability nickel .iron cores ai'e used fof high' precision current transformers. Mumetal
(76%. Ni) cores are very common as it has the property of high permeability, low loss and small
retentivity-all of which are advantageous in current tranform,er work. But _its maximum relative
permeability (90,9~0) :occ~rs Vi'.itba flux· density '?f only 0·3~ Wb/m1 as C9mparod wit.h maximum
. relative permeab1hty of s1.hcon ~tee! (4500) occumng at a Hux density of about O'S Wb/m•. Thus
Mumetal saturates at low flux density-and is, therefore, not useful for protective currenttrand'ormen
· ·nice t'bosc·used for overload ;relays etc; Also Mumetal ~·also other nickel ir()n alloys) are coatller;
.. Permender {49%C) hits the a(lvantage of a very high satili'atlon dorisity of 2 to '4 Wb/ml
as compared with 0'7 to. 0'8 Wb/m 2 of other high permeability alloys. · · •. ·
· · ·. Hiperni~ (50% Fe and 50% Ni) has high permeability at low fiux· densities and reasonable
·high saturation
density. and thertrore it is ~requently used .for current transformers.
- .
, ·.·
. 2. Primary,· Current Ratings.· Whatever eq1,1ipme~t II: ~.T.' Is feeding, it is ·desirable that
the ratio of exciting current· to priinary current ·should be small. Thi~ means. that the ratio or
. excitation mmf. to primary
. mmf should be low.. It .is dlfficillt ·to achieve this condition if tho latter
quaniity (primdry current mmf) is small and ~n improvement in performance is always obtained
·by increasing the primary mmf.. Satisfactory resulls can usually be achieved if the total primary ..
mmf at reated current is 500 A. Thus transformers· with a rated current" of 500 A or more are provided
. with a.single turns primary. Transf~rmers for ratings below 500 A are where possible, provided
·with multiturn. windings, if th_is ena~le the core size to be reduced. .
· With the advent of improved magnetic materials and the development of methods for biasing
. the core to improve permeability single turn primary winding can be used for even 100 A primary
3. Leakage Reactance. Leakage reactance tends to increase ratio error. Therefore, the two
windings, primary and secondary should be close together to reduce the secondary leakage reactance.
Use of ilng ~haped cores around which toroidal windings are uniformly distributed also leads to low
leakage reactance.
4. Turns Compeosatlou. We have, actual transformation ratio
R=n. +-/, (Eqn. 9·20) -.
Thus if we make the "nominal ratio'~ equal to the· turns ratio the actual transformation ratio
becomes more than !lie nominal ratio.
. Now if we reduce the turns ratio and keep the nominal ratio equal to the earlier value, t)le
actual transformation ratio will be reduced. This would make actual transformation ratio nearly
equal to the nom_inal ratio .. Let us make it clear with the help of an example.
· We consider a 1000/5 A current transformer witli loss component equal to 0'6 percent of
primary current. •
0'6 ,
Its nominal ratio Kn,. l~OO · =200. Loss component I.'= . xl000=6 A.
Let the number of prim~ry turns N.=1.
If the turns ratio is equal to the nominal ratio, we have n=200.
;, Secoq,~ary turns N1=1J N,=200 X l =200.
no dQ11bt, reduces the ratio error, bul'it hao no effect on the phase angle error. - Also this mt>.thnd
is too coarse a method for ratio adjustment and theret'ore we roust use a method which exercises a
finer control, say, which is equivalent to reduction to a fraction of a turn.
A compensated type of design was given by S. Wilson of the General Electric Company
(Fig. 9' 12). This method gives finer adjustments. ·
It employs a few turns of wire called auxiliary secondary turns passed through a hole in the
core and connected in series with the secondary winding. · A short circuited turn is. placed around one
position of core to improve the phase relationships.
The auxiliary turns are connected to magnetize in the same direction around the core as the
main secondary winding and thus their effect opposes the Hux set up by the primary. The auxiliary
turns tend to set up a circulating flux around the hole as indicated by the dotted line in Fig. 9' 12 (b).
The two fluxes are addative in the section A of the core and subtractive in section B. At low flux
densities tlie addition in flux is equal to the subtraction in flux. However, as the flux densities increase
twith larger currents/, and J,) section A tends to saturate, so that the flux ir. section A is' no longer
linearly proportional to the current and the increase in 0.ux in this portion is less than linear propor·
. tional to the current. The action is equivalent to transforming some of the core flux. to section B of
the core, where it links with the auxiliary turns and gives the effect of increased secondary turns. An
·.' increase of secondary turns means a reduction of J, as compared with an uncompensated transformer
causing an increase in ratio R. This action is needed to flatten the curves relating the ratio and
p1l3se angle with secondary current (Fig. 9'8 and 9'9) are flattened out so that the errors are
·practically constant (and of course known over a wide range of secondary current), This is the
greatest advantage of this method. The curves can be lowered or raised by adjusting the number of
auxiliary turns.
The shorted turns around part of the core makes the flux in that part lag in phase behind the
main flux. The action of this turn is 'like that of a shading iband. The small lag effect produced
on'secondary current J, btings it closer to primary current J, and thus the phase angle errors are
Core 1\u'
(a) (b)
Fig. 9"12, Wilson compensalioo method,
7, Two Stage Design. This design utilizes a second current transformer to correct the error
l in secondary current of first transformer. This method in general is applicable to an energy meter
because a second coil is needed in the meter fo carry the error-correcting current, unless an auxiliary
transformer is usi:d. .
9·11. Construction of Current Traµsformers; The current transformers may be classified as :
r. (I) Wound type. A current transformer having a prim~ry winding of more than one full
turn wound on core. · ,
.'·,·.: ...
~------------ -·- - · - - -
, i
of ring stampings. Defore pulling secondary windi~g on the core; the latter is insulated by 11.'eans l
of end collars and circumferential wraps of elephantrde or presspahn. These pressboards, in addition l
to acting as insulating medium, must also protect the secondary winding conductor from mechanical
damage due to sharp corners. The secondary winding conductor is put on the core by a toroidal
winding machine although hand winding ls still frequentJy·adopted if the number of secondary turns
is small. ·
,._,__,...,... - ~ORE
Fig, 9'13. Wound type C.T. Fig. 914. Bar typo C.T. ·
After the secondary. winding has been placed on the core, the ring type transformer is ·;1
completed by exterior taping with or without first applying exterior and rings and circumferential '
insulating wraps.
1-_,.....---- --· -·
-- 1
: :;
' .
bl·, ll1NG t I RE,CTANC.Ul ~~
al ~TAQ{UM i.
·This is, in fact, indistinguishalile from the o~dinary ring type but the term. is u~ when the cur~ent ,, - i
transfo1mer fitll over a' folly inslllait<:il pr1m111y ~onductor such as over th_e or! en~ of a termmal ~
buabing of a power transformer or oil circuit breaker.. '
~ . -
·.J''.,<\'l, -,,,-.. ,.·.. ~~ .(J._.:i
_ - ..\r•·~,:.:
. . ;,.-,_.
.·. __ ,.'••',··.·,\i.. -_;_,_,_-_.<J-i:.;/r:-_:\_~.t~
- - -
' iNS'rRtll.rnNr TRANSFORMBRS 301
.,·ui~.~·t:i'. 1 ~"':0)
At very high voltages, the insulation of the current carryin~' .conduct9r from, .the measuring
circuit becomes an expensive· problem. At 750 kV, cascaded' current ·fraiisto·rmers are used or
alternatively a coaxial shunt is used tO' modulate a radio frequency signal 'that iS'tran~mitted from
the ~hunt placed in the high voltage line to receiving equipment on the ground, thereby overcoming
the 10sulation problem. However, this type of system has severe limitation in its power output·whicb
has to be amplified in order to operate relays etc.
. In a split core current transformer (Fig. 9' 16), the core is split, each half. having two finely·
ground or lapped gap faces. These current transformers are assembled ori to the primary conductor
''on site'' for either permanent or temporary duty. ,' .,
~n a bar type current transformer, the core and secondary windings are the same as in a ring
type transformer but the fully insulated bar conductor constituting the single· tlirn .primary is now an
integral part·of the current transformer. The insulation on the primary conductor may be bakelized
paper tube or a resin directly moulded on the bar. .
In a low voltage wound type current transformers the seco11dary winding is wound on a
bakelite former or bobbin and the heavy primary conductor is either wound directly on top of
secondary, suitable ins11lation being first applied over the secondary windmg or the primary is wound · \I
entirely separately, taped with suitable insulating material and then -assembled with 1
the secondary
winding on the core.
In the manufacture or current transformers the assembly of lamination stacks demands ·
somewhat greater care lhan ordinary 'transformers in order to keep down \he relucta11ce of the ·
interleaved corners as low as p'ossible so as to minimize · the magnetizing curreat . So',put
cores are used.· . . · · · · , • - I .
Whenever possible secondary windings should utilize the whole available winding lengt~ ,.ori
the core, the secondary turns being suitably spaced to accomplish this and the insuJ11tion, ~elw~eii
secondary winding and core and earth must be capable of withstanding the hig~ peak Voltages cil,il~ed '.'if i_, I
the secondary winding is open 'circuited when primary current is flowing. In the'case of a farge
number of secondary turns, requiring more than one winding layer, tne frequently adopted technique
is to sectionalize the secondary winding so as to considerably reduce the peak voltage between. layers.
. - . _. ' '. j - . ~- ;. ; :; j , - ' .'
With wound primary current transformers this particular p_roblem is rarely' niet bµt ffis of
importance to try to obtain good relative positioning of primary and secondary coils, th~s lllinimizin~
the axial forces ol:Lboth coil~ caused by primary short circuit currents. · · · ·- ··. ;·
I _ ·:·:: ':-'. · ; : i' '-.
Windings. The windings should be close together to reduce the ~econdary )eakage. .reactance
as the leakage reactance increases. the ratio error. Round copper, wire of aboii(3 mm2 1Jrea is
frequently used for secondary windings rated at 5 A. Copper strip is used for prim~rY winding,:, the
dimensions of which depend upon the primary current. . . · · .. , " . · ; ·- . !
r. . __ I • • , • _ ,:_ ' •. ' ! . '• . ' • 1/ ''
. When using bar primary, the external diameter of the tube must be large enough to' keep the ',.
voltage gr4dien!,1in the dielectric at its surface, to an acceptable value in order to. ayoid, corona effect. 1·1·
The windings must be designed to withstand, withou~ damage, the large short circuit forces I ,
that are caused when a short circuit takes place on the system in which the current trarisfornier .Is !
connected. ' · ·• · ·· ., • ' .,
The' windings are separately wound, and are insulated by tape arid varnish' for sfuaU 'ilrie · 1
voltages. For voliages above 7 kV the transformers arc oil immersed or compound filled; ··
· 9·12. ·Clamp on Ammeters. A current transformer with a single coii.d.~ct~r.-is. ~s~d; iil' com-
bination with a bridge rectifier and a d.c. milli·ammeter to produce a very JJseful service meter.\ .The
core of the transformer can be split with the help of a. trigger switch (Fig, 9~16), and .. therefore, ;~he
core can be clamped around a live conductor to measure the current. ThUt thls,,arrangement avoids
the necessity of breaking the circuit in order that a current measuring device be h:iserted in ,s~nes with
it to measure the value of current flowing. By changing the shunt resistance of the milli·ammeter
~uit ran$es from 0-;:- 5 A. to Q-600 A can be obtained.
' \,
. '-?
Br'1dge D.C.
rectifier milllammeter .} '
,l '
Universal shunt '
splitting of core
Fig. 9'16. Combined voltmeter andclamp on ammeter circuit, :\
Range selector switch for curreat rangei. Position Vused for measuring voltage, ..I
•'. :•
·The same milli-ammeter and rectifier are used with two external binding posts and a range ./
selecting switch for a multi·range a.c. voltmeter.. -.:~
. This type of. clam p·on transformer (or split core transformer) is used with r~cording · ti
ammeters. These transformers are designed for a voltage of5 kV between the primary and the secondary ·0,;
windings. There are several variations of this cl~mp on transformer which are used for measuring o:
maximum current in a line, real and reactive powers, and the power factor. . ~f'
9'13, Effect of Secondary Open Circuit. Current transformers are always used with the ·.:._':.)
secondary circuit closed through ammeters, wattmeter current coils, or relay coils. A precaution ·
which should always be observed in using current transformers is the following : · .\i
Never open the secondary circuit of a curre11t transformer while its prjmary Is energised.. 11
failure to observe this precaution may lead to serious ,consequences both to be operating personnel' . :~
and to the transformer. This is clear from the followiag : . :'.Ii
Thedifference between a powe~ transformer and a current transformer is that in a power 'r
. transformer the current flowing in the primary winding is largely the reflection of that flowing in the Ji
sccondury circuit, whereas In the current transformer, t_hc primary winding is connected in series with . ,'.'f.
1he line whose current is being measured or indicated ail~ this cilrtcnt is no way controlled or deter.i . )!•.
111i11cd by the COnditfons Of (he SCCOOdary Circuit Of the Current transiqi'mer, . . ' . .. : :° , I
Under operating conditions both primary ~nd seeonda; windings produce mmfs which .
act against each other. The secondary mmf is slightly less t_han the primary mmf and Consequently '
!he resultant mmf is small .. This resultant mmf is r~sponsible for production of flux in the core and as
this rnmf is small, the flux· density is quite low under normal operating conditions and. hence a small
secondary voltage is induc;ed. ·
' If winding is open circulated when the primary is carrying current, the primary mmf . •,i .
remains the ~a111e while the opposing secondary mmf reduces to zero. Therefore the resultant
lilf!Jf is equal to the primary mmf /,N, which is very large. Thi's large mmf pro~uces"a large fluit in fbll .. i .
coi'c till it satu,rotes. ,This large flux Jin~ing t~e turns of the secondary. winding, would induce a hig~. 1,;;
~ec~nd:try v,ol.tage wbrch. could .b~ dangcr'ou~ to .~heMansfwmer iosula!ion (11lth~iug~. modern; CTs ar~_':>n;
designed to withstand thrs voltage) ar;td to tlic person who bas opened the c1rcu1t.. · Al&o the e4dy :- i ;l ·
current and hysteresis losses would bp very hi~b uqder th\lSe · conditions 1111d due_fo this the tra_~f ·. ~
former may be 6verhcated and completely damaged. Even if it does not happen, the core may
become permanently magnetized, and this gives appreciable ratio and phase angle errors·.
Many current transfo~mers are provided with a short circuiting link or a switch at the secon-
dary terminals. If such a link is provided, it should always be closed before any change is made in
the secondary circuit with primary excited. The secondary winding can safely be short-circuited since I
when used for measurement it is practically short-circuited as the impedance of the burden i.e. an I
ammeter or a current coil of a wattmeter is very small. I
8'14. Permanent Magnetization and its Demagnetization. The permanent magnetization ·or . I
core may result from any of the following effects :
(i) W~en the secondary is open-circuited with primary energiZed. This causes a iarge mag- I
n.etizalion force which produces a high value of fiux density in the core. Now when this force is taken
off, it leaves a large residual magnetism.
(ii) A switching transient may leave behind a: residual magnetism.
· (iii) Permanent magnetization may also result froin d.c. eurte.nt in either winding. · This may
be due to .passage of d.c. current through ·the windings ·for· finding resistance or t<> check the
polarity. Permanent magnelization may also be due to transient short circuit currents contained in
the line in which it,is connected. These currenls contain·d.c. current components in addition to a.c.
The presence of permanent magnetization in the core of a C.T. may reduce its permeability at
the fiux densities at which it is n01mally operated and, therefore, results in increase of both its ratio
. and phase angle errors. Thus, for. proper current transformer operation, this permanent magnetization
should be removed and the transformer restored to its normal conditiol)s.
Demagnetization of Core. There are several methods of demagnetization of core ano the
following two methods are usually adopted : .- ·
I. 'The first method is to pass a current through the primary winding equal to that which
was passing when C.T. secondary open circuit took place. The secondary circuit is left open. The ·'
primary current is drawn from a motor alternator set The motor is shut down with alternator field
still excited. As the speed of the set falls the alternator voltage gradually falls to zero, and the core of
the C.T. is passed through a large number of cycles of mJgnetization of gradually decreasing ampli-
tude, finishing at zero magnetization. ·
},, In the second method, the primary winding is excited with full current and a very high
variable resistance of several hundred ohm is connected across the secondary. This amounts to practi-
cally open circuiting the transformer. This secondary resistance is then gradu~lly reduced to zero as
uniformally as r.ossible. By this means the magnetizati.on of the transformer core is redu~ed from a
very high value its nornial
\ . .
value .graduatly
' ' 9'15. Current Transformers for. High FreqdeDcies. ' There are certain applications for which '
., current tran'sformers are u_sed to extend th'e current range_ of insiruinenis workrug at high frequencies:
'one bf lhese applications is e:xten~ion of current range of thermocouple lns_trull)ents whioh are .mainly
. 'used atbigh frequencies. Ordinary" silicon steel cores are not used for these current ·transformers as
they would result in considerable core loss (and 'also non-uniform. distribution of Hux. in the cross-
section of the core) resulting hi latge eHors. The current transformers used at high frequencies are
either air cored or use dust cores. · · ·
The theory of these current transformers is developed from a different concept siiice the
leakage reactance of windings in air cored coils is considerably large as compared to the one in iron
cored coils.
Let L,=self-inductance of primary wind,ing ;. H,
Li:-self-ln<l4ctance _ofseccindaty w,inding; H,
·_ M9 mutual fodubtanc~ 'betwee~ prj 0111iy and sec<lndary whidings ; ij,
I .
. .R• resistance ,or ~ndary winal!is' 9irQµlt ;
- . ' ;: .'
. .. .
' 'l
/,=primary winding current ; A,
/,=secondary wi~ding curre~t ; A,
K=co·efficient of coupling
f =frequency ; Hz,
Cti=211f=angular frequency, rad/s.
Emf induced in the secondary winding, "E, = -jwMlP
. . . Transformation
. ratio, R = 11.•
\, .
At high frequencies storage factor Q, is very high and even if Q•> 5 the term 1/Q,2 becomes
very small as compared to unity.
... . R=-..
Ratio L• L.
=- lv•·
... (9'26)
It is clear from above relationships (Eqns. 9'25 and 9'26) that the current ratio is independent
of the frequency in case storage factor is secondary winding Q• is greater than 5. .·
- '·
Example 9' l. A current transformer has a single turn primary and a 200 turns secondary
· winding. The secondary supplies a current of 5A to a non· inductive burden of 1n resistance. The
requisite tlux is set up in the core by an mmf. of 80 A. The frequency is 50 Hz a11d the net cross sec·
-tion of the core is 1000 mm2, . ' \ . ..
.- Calculate the ratio and phase angle of the transformer. Also find the flux ~ensity in the core.
Neglect the effects of magnetic lea~e, iron losses and copper losses. • · i'
. Solution. If we neglect the magnetic leakage, the secondary lea~age reactance becomes zero. l
Therefore, the secondary burden is purely resistive and the impedance of burden .is equal to the resis- I
tlllee of the secondary winding. · I
. l
l ·
.' '. ·-··:., . ,! i :) : .- ' -
~ ' ' .., • 1 _'.: j.. ,_ ;
•. r
r and
""Im·= magnetizing c·omporient :·
••. : .~ i
Magne\izing component of no load current
Im= -~agneti~iil~_ll1111f _ = 80 = 80 A.,,;
primary wmdmg turns 1 ·
,_- . .f i~
Maximum flux densiif:B., ,o·u2sx 10~: (;,;0·112S'Wb'lrrl2.:"t ,,,, i-.-i' ·. ,.j "' ·
. ,. '; :- ... ·' . ., . . J09~/X l9 ~:: '. ·:-'. _:. · ." \ ;{;·h,- (~'J')Ufi;~L;: '"'i!t(1 f(f'J')/
Exa~ple 9·2. T~e magnetizin~ curre~~- of a ring core current. tran$~orm~r! ,~f r~t.i\l \~l5 /\, ,,
when operatmg at full pnmary current and 'with a scco11dary burd~n of qon-mduclt\'e resistan~' otl 'n
is I A at a power factor of O' 4. . ..
Calculate: (i) the phase displacemeni'between piimifr il~d set6nc1iNY 1 ¢iir~brii~1 '( 1 , f'•,n:,•\
(ii) the ratio error at full load, assu111in~ thanhere has been nQ compensation._
- . . ,.._ __ I·;·.·_,, · !~··;'_· -·· ·· _'c ·-"'t', ~!··.t~!ufJ,'Or;•~_.;.··-:·,_1--
SOJUliOn, The sec~~~ary b~f(J~1 is, pur, re'sistive a_n~~ 'theref~~e'. s,~condary P.,f: !s unlt1,
or '.'····a····o:. . ·• Reterfing to Fig'.'9'18 ·.· ''" '"·· 1•1·" 11 "''·' .:;;,. .. ,. "' '""'·,;•·I
, I; ''. .:.\ ..
Since there is no turn compen,~ati6ri/the tµms ratio fa~qu'aHoinoµiin,~I ratio "!ii;; 11 ,1,.,,\
or n=Kn=200. · , . , .· '. ·: _ . ~ .
When the. primary winding carries rated curiel)tof IOOO A'se~_6hdary winding , earrtos • ·
current of 5 A. '' · · '-._C
Loss componen t 1• =ironE,loss =. __!1_ ="?'•
" ~ A. .
The 'magnetizing component Im is assumed to be zero as there is no data given,
As the burden is purely resistive' and, therefore, the secondary load angle is assumed zero
or 8=0.
From Eqn.9'14,·
Actual rat1o
Ratio error
, Example 9'4. A current t;~hsfonper· with a bar primary has 300 turns ln its secondary win<l·
ing. The resistance and reaciance of the secondaty \:lrciiit are 1'5 f.I 1·o n respectively including the
transformer windiug. With 5 A flowing in the secondary winding, the magnetizing mmf is 100 A and
the iron loss is l '2 W; Determine the 'ratio and phase angle errors. · (.
Solution: Primary turns N,=l,, Secondary turns Ns=300.
r :. Turns ratio n= NN.·'
Secondary induced volta~e E.=5 x 1'8=9'0 V.. Primary induced voltage E,= ~· = {o0 V.
Loss component of current referred to prima·ry. l - iron loss 1' 2 40 A
•- E, = 9/300 '
· .. magnetizing mmf 100
Magnet!Zlng current Im= . . . d. . t =-- = 100 A.
prtmary Will 1ng urns . 1
. R +I.cos a+Jm sin 3 , 00+ 40X0'833+100X0'555 .
c uaI rat10 =n 1, - = 3 5 -:--= 317 6·
In the absence of any iafo~mation to ·the contrary we can take nominal ratio to be equal to
the turns ratio,
or K.. =n=300.
. · Kn-R · ~00-31T6 . % •.
Precentage rat10 error= R x 100 = . · 5 54
317 6
From Eqn. 9'18, we have ,,
Exampfo 9·5, A current transformer has a bar primary .and 200 secondary turns. The
secondary burden is an ammeter of resistance I'2 n and reactanee o·s U, the secondary winding
bas a resistance of 0'2 n and reactance 0·3 n. The core requires the equivalent of an mmf of 100 A,:T-
for magnetization and 50 A for core losses.
(I) Find the primary current and ratio error when tile secondary ammeter indicates 5 A.
(Ii) By how many turns could the .secondary winding be reduced in order that the ratio
· error be zero for this condition. .
. Solution. Total secondary circuit resista11ce....:.1 ·2+0·2= I '4 n.
Total secondary circuit reactance=o·s+o·3 =0'8 n.
l, Sec9ndary circuit phase angle 6=tan-1 ~:: =29' 42' or cos 3.,,0'868~ and sin 11""0'495\
Primary winding turns N,= I· Secondary winding turns N, =200. '•,
Magnetizing current
' \
j -------~~~~~~---'---------------------=
Primary currentrn!P, '"'a9,tu~h ~HJ.V!l?.mi~tipn ratio xsec9ndaff curre11_h=2 I8!6 x5= 1093 ·A:
·i (ii) In order to eliminate t~e ratio error, we must reduce the .secondary turns or in other
words we must reduce the turns ratio. . .'J:ic ., ·.... · · ··· · ·•'.,· :: ' ' .
, h Id bThe nomtinathl ratio i~ 20 Oat~d theref9~r· 1 f~~iliVi)~; r,~tip1 \yrrp[,t,~~''·''~R~µ\l1Jr.ap~foriµation·ratio.
s ou e equa1 o e nomma1ra 10, · · · · · · .· • · · · · ,
Nominal ratio . Kn=2oo. : ~t~t:· '{·~ ';)-:-·n-·_. .;.,,._)':_ 1 ~: .• -~ .• ,_~·, ··_r,:·,
n ;,'
\{C ' ,_- •• l -- '""o' )'!ililci50'>00'1~61l69£lOOX0'4955'!. ·. l ,, ·> .·\ ;·•,,,,JC •' ' .:,: ',',' ',!'J::•
'drr n 2u =llf · ·
~ =n+ 18'6 ·
. . n= 1··8 I·4 '-'Ol "'"'
){'(/rio ·_"Or; ·-
' "
·cH-;i;:;1:-{ -:_.:'ti·~~'".'.',.-,~.---!:~~;~
. ; ... __ ;;r / .s· .1:·"::. ·-
•• -.,·..
1 I ·~ ( _' •
• cos (8+,q:); lie·g·r"e.e": ,..1~0 ..,., 1-; 9,R9S 49:4'." ·. 0·•70.8• •-·H'"' "
180. lo
Ph asc ans Ic •=-11- •nl. u = II A . ~iQI) x I~= . --=- ~ ..
·: EJiB111Pl!li.!)17iu; ,l\:,J,QQ'fS /1,,,. 1~9 J:I,~ ?uqe(lt Jprns~d~merJ1,as il b,~r prill1~It, ,a11g a ~ated secq.Q~ary
burden of 12· 5 VA. The secondary v1mdmg has 196. •turns and a leakage mduclance of 0'96 mH.
With a purely. resistive '1111~de,J\\ ~~ 1 ;,Q,t,:ihfµH !C!ll~r.Jh!}· magne,t,iz~tion m.Jl1f)s J6,A., a11~,t~p1loss
excitation requues 12 A. Fmd the ratto and phase angle ~r,5~r~... ··...._ ,. · <' "r .
Solution. Secondary burden~ 12·5 VA.: .. Seco,ndary ~1,nding current b=S_A, ·,
~ 1!>! t ~.:1).1_1,.1 ~!/'.l3'~Y:'H~). •?.f•- - .
.i\UJ1.-.7:· - :-~,- .:i~.~ _·-;,:.~r_\1;1.>~i,·'-~:·~-~·~l
.r:.t:i.'.i.t '~ri~~-n-·;i;!
' ·~ ·' r ·, "i . 1 • . -. ·-,
' '
; i·
• . • ' . ' ' - • '.-, _: ~ ~ ' ' ; '- ',' ' .. " <
: . I· - ~ '_\ . '\ ·: L _I _- - • ' I. ; . -~, - ; • , ' ' ,. • - - .
Loss component/,- e/(citation_~or loss __ .)2,,;__'.,i'fN' '·''''; "l' '''" ''"' ·,.;; :,d;:'•"•;i ,
. primary winding turns - 1 - · ·. · · "'''".\!:
Actual ratio• ;,R=n+. /, cos •j;I·~ sin)) '196+ .12):(_()'8~ 16x0'6 ,, '19'9'-~'4'." :; n: "', '
·, ; .. ;; , ....
Ratio error = nominalratio-ac~ual ~atio x = 2J0- ! 99'84 x '"" +o·.os% ..
·'' , · '· ··199'84" · "' 100
· ,.. ,_,.,,,., "" :·: ... _.,,,·:·actual·rat10 .,,,., .,, ...100 ..,, "''"" < 0 •
Phase angle 0= 180 [Im CQs18-:J. sj.'1J J····r8o'[) 6.?< 0'8-112 x O:&c] ..::.:o·327" , i9·6' .
. Tl nls . . . . . , . J 96 X 5
. _.;_. ··.· -· -__ : ·;,·.'·' ;~_-;· .. !1':·1i.' ·- '-, :r;·,;;i.:." ~)~il''.('·... r.__':._·.;·.·
Example 9'8, A current transformer ofturlis·iatkd ! 19'~-18 rated as 1000/5 A, 25 VA.
The core loss and magnetizing component of .the primary current, are 4 and 7 A under rated condi·
tions. Determine the phase angle aad;.n1tio errors for the rlited'burden and rated seco11dary,.. :1;urrent
at o·s p.f. lagging and 0'8 p.f. leading. Neglect the'resislance and 'leakage resistance of secondary
winding. ;~i ·1·.'l "''·>'t~r:' .: t:1'.f·:·.:·,•'·
Solution :
Priiilary winding tµrns N,= I. nSecond,atx wiridlng tuhns,Ns'. 1·99;n;(r;,,;Turns ratio' n'\"199.
! "! '.',, . '
·: '·' .•·. ·; ; •·· .• 1•. · '[, cos.,ll+Jm 1sin.ll · . ' ·.,. 4'X 0'8+,7 )(.0:6 , ,
FromEQn.9'14,J(ctua]rat10, ·· R=n+ · .· /, .. 199+ ··. 5. ~,++""'20048.
Actual ratio R=n /,cos S+Im sin 3. "' 199 + 4XO'S-7X0'6 198'8.
. h 5
. ,.. Rallo _K.-R
. error- R x 100 200-198'8
. x 100 =.+0'60.. 3%o ,
198 8
and · Phase angle O= 180 Im cos 3,-~, sin~ = 180 [?X0'8+4X0'6J~o· 46 o= 2 7' 6 ', \:
II . nf, II. 199X5
Example 9·9, A current transformer having a I turn primary is rated at 500/5A, 50 Hz with
an output of 15 VA. At rated load with non-inductive burden, the inphase and quadrature compo-
nents (referred to the flux) of the exciting mmf are 8 and IO A respectively. The number of turns in
the secondary is 98, and the resistance and leakage reactance pf the secondary winding are 0'35 n and
0'3 n respectively. . '
Calculate the current and phase angle error. . 1
Primary winding turns N."= I. Secondary winding turns Ns=98. :. Turns ratio n=98.
. 500
Nominal ratio Kn•= - -=JOO.
Examule 910. At its rated load of 25 VA, a 100/$ A current transformer has an iron loss of
0 2 Wand a 1c:ignetizing current cif 1·5 A. Calculate its ratio ertor and phase angle when supplying
rated output IC· a meter 'having a ratio of resistapce to reactance. of S. . ·
. 100
Solution .. Normal ratio K.=5=20.
In the absence of any other data,,the turns ratio is taken equal to the nominal ratio
or n= K.=20. ·
Neglecting the burden of the secondary winding, the total burden of the secondarY circuit is
equal to the burden of the meter. .
:. Burden of secondary clrcuit=25 VA.
. ' ' d'mg ·Er = --y;-
VA = 10025 0'25 V
Vo1!age across pnmary wm = ·
· iron loss 02 ·
Loss component of current l•= --g;- . 0.25 =0'8 A.
Primary magnetizing comp onent Al 0'9
1'5 2'5
I 3'2 4' 0
Primary c(Jre loss compon ent Ar . 0'5 1'3 2'7
I I 4'6
An ammeter and a wattmeter current coil are connected in •Series with the secondary winding.
Their respective resistances are 0·04 and 0'06 n and reactances 0'06 and o·o) n. Calculate the ratio
and phase angle errors of the C.T. when a current of 5 A passes through the instruments, if there is
no turns compensation. What should be the.turns ratio to minimize the ratio error for this burden ?
5 0
Solution. Normal ratio K. = ~ =JOO.
. .
rib .
' ·- .,
:1he turns
,. . .t. ; : · 1 .
rarlo ' -is equai
- . ' . ' ' ·, . .
tq th~
·- .·' • - -
' -:. . " .
9·1ihe characteristics of the current_transfO,r~er 'are plotted)µ .. ' so•· . -.. ' r-' ..
Corresponding to J,, o·ss, we have from fig,, 9'I9,,, .. ,.:
J,= 2·4 A and J,~.c.2·26 A..
R~,n+ le cos a+Jm sin 3 .:·•-. . ,_,
Actual ratio ],
Actual ratio with n=99 is, R=99+0'66=99'6r. Error·- 100~~%~66 x·;~o" ·~.;6~~'. ·;;1 .1:·~,=~~
. /- 1,·; ; ' . \,; ,. .' -. 't) - \ ; - ) '-
Example 9·12. Therani:c of a thermocouple inMrumcnt is extended by an iron cored currenJ______ '
. transformer. Calculate the ~alue of sccond~ry winding ct11rent if the ·primary winding current -is · ·.
500 µA, the primary,. secondary an~. m.utual. inductanc,es are.SO, 500 and· JOO yHrcspecti1'eiy,_.'Fhe1\"h'1
frequency is I MHz and secqndary circuit resistance is 50 11 ohm. ·
· , .. - - .. ··- .- . wl, 211 X()<!QG X500 X10-G -
Sol,ullon : Storage factor qf~.econd~ry c1rcu1t Q..= -R-:" 'J · --~;- - Slfff<"· .. ,, --,c 'F 2,0, 1 \>l»mh'\
. ;, 500 . .
Secondary winding current 1.. -~ R · · = ;09,~A. ' 1
= "; ... ' ·.' , ./ rnfo}1
5 ( 1
9' 16. Potcn1ial Transformers.. Potential transformers are used to operate voltmeters, the
potential coils of watt meters and relays from high voltage lines. 1 he. primary ~inding of the trans:
, :-
former is connected across the lines carrying the voltage to be measured and the voltage circuit is
co,nn~cted across the secondary winding.
The design of a potential transformer is quite 8imilar to that of a power transformer but th~
loading of a potential transformer is always small, sometimes only a few volt-ampere. The secondary
winding is designed so that aj voltage of 100 to 120 V is delivered to the instrument load. The normal
secondary voltage rating: is ll 0 V.
9' 17. Difference between C.T. and P.T. There are a few differences in the operation of a
current transformer and a potential transformer.
(i) The potential transformer may be considered as a 'parallel' transformer with its secondary
nearly under open circuit conditions whereas the current transformer may be thought as a 'series'
transformer under virtual short circuit conditions. Thus the secondary of a P. T. can be open-circuited
without any damage being caused either to the operator or to the transformer.
(ii) The primary current in a C.T. is independent of the secondary circuit conditions while
the primary current in a P.T. certainly depends upon the seconda,ry burden.
(iii) In a potential transformer, full line voltage is impressed upon its terminals whereas
a C.T. is connected in series with one line and a small voltage exists across its terminals. However,
the C.T. carries the full line current.
(iv) Under normal operation the line voltage is nearly constant and, therefore, the flux density
and hence the exciting current of a potential transformer varies only over a restricted range whereas
the primary current and excitation of a C.T. vary over wide limits in normal operation. ·
9·'1s. Theory. The theory of a potential , transformer is essentially the same as that of a
power transformer. The main point of dilTerence is that the power loading of a P.T. is very small
and consequrntly the exciting currentis of the same order as the secondary current while in a power J
transformer the exciting cnrrenl is a very small fraction of secondary load current.
Figs. 9'20 and 9'21 show the equivalent circuit and phasor diagram respectively of a potential
· transformer. Vp
r, x,
r, t,
!, v.
YI-:;. . E, v.
.·L,·.·. · -~
Pig. <nd .. Equiva\enl circuit of a poteniial transformer. Fig, 9'21. Phasor diagram of a potential
Now e is very small usually less than l' and, therefore, cos 9"'. l and hence we can write
Substituting the above values in (i), we have :
v.=nV.+111.(r, cos 6+x• sin 6)+(1.+ ~cos 6 )r•+( Im+~· cos 6 )xv
'[, . [, ..
=nV. + -n cos 6 R,+- · 6 x.+Itr.+lmXp
n Sill 'i
I .I
-.-:nv. + !!_(R,,
n . sin 6)+!,r,+J..x,.
cos 6.+X.
-· Actual tra~sformation
. (voltage) ratio R= _y,,
':-; '
=n+ Vs ... (9'29)
Phase Angle. tan e= ab_ J, X.• cos ~-;-I• r, sin ~+n .1. X• cos f).-n .1. ,, &in 6:
, .. oa nV.+n [,''cos b. +nla x, sm 6+J, r, cos ~+J, x, sm ~
.- , ·. ·-~ .I - . . .
· · · The Jermil hi the ~enominator involying I, and /, are small and, therefore, they can be negleO.
led as comlll!red ~t!Oi v,. , , . · , ·, .· , .
' -... ·. ''i'' . - .
. 8= ]p X1 COS ~- /p r, sin ~t Ii/a X1 COS 6 -n/1 ra sin /::,.
tan . . nV. , . .
:__ x.( J,+~ cos 6 )-r.(lm+-[f- sin 6 }t-n/, X• co.s A-nls rs sin 6
-.. - . ' \ \' - .
.-.) ,,
' j ... -
,· ·..•. ,316
·'~_.,:.' -. I
/ IN
1, cos 6 (
n x, +. n 2xs ) - 1, sin_6 ( r,Tn
-n / "- 2r )+le XP-11!1 rp
' bi
n y, ;.- i
'' !
ls cos 6 x, - -
Is sinR A - Rp Slllu
. A)t/eXp- /'m r,
r: lei
- p +1, 1 .
Xp-1m fp Is
- (X p COS u !
n n ----- n
-------------- ·'"
n V, nV, A I
1 i1 wl
' (X, cos 6-R, sin 6)+1• Xp-/mrp. '.~· i be
·n. .
Since 0 is small, 0=ta'n 0. ,'. /0 · rad. ... (9'34)
nV. .J';! tu1
=-v],s, (Xs cos 6-R, . } J,x,-lm r, d '1
sm 6 + V ra . ... (9'35) ''
, n s . ' co
9'19. Errors. It is clear from above that like current transformers, the potential transformers 'i' (I,
also introduce errors into measurements. be
Ratio (Voltage) Error. eq
\ .•j
· The actual ratio of transformation varies with operating conditions and the error in secondary .1
voltage may be 'defined as : · · . · .:l·! eit
Kn-R j it
Percentage ratio error=~ x JOO ... (9'36) Vii
' I
' in
Phase Angle Error "
In an ideal voltage transformer there should not be any phase· difference between primary :.l,
voltage and the secondary voltage .reversed. However, in an actual transformer there exists a phase :)· i tra
difference between v, and Vs rev~l'sed. of
·'· I'
The phase angle is taken as + ve when secondary voltage reversed leads the primary voltage.
-~ I in·
The angle fa - ve when secondary voltage rtversed lags the primary voltage. ,; '
It should be clear that while measuring voltage, ratio error is only important while for ,;•
\ ' tra
power measurements both ratio and phase angle errors are involved. · I i rar
~: . hig
9'21. Reduction ii! Errors. There has been improved accuracy of potential transformers '\'
· with the advent of new materials .. There are some modifications in design which lead to smaller '\- '
total errors. · . · ·· -.. \
-,,_l J
. (ii) Reduction of Magnetising and Loss Components. From Eqn. 9'33 it is clear that the' ;'~
difference between actual ratio ·and the turns ratio is made up of two parts. One is dependent upon ' ~!' to
the secondary current •and the other upon the two components of no load current. It should be ·.; ..
_., nei
understood that unlike in the case of current transformers and power transformers, the values of the .(;
two components of no load current are. quite comparable with that of the load current. Hence a '•
considerable improvement in the performance can be made by reducing the values of /.n and I.. Such
a reduction requires short magnetic paths, good quality core material, low flux density and suitable
precautions in the assembly and interleaving of core. t
(ii) Reduction of Resistance and Leakage Reactance Winding resistance con be minimized
by using thick conductors ,and by"' ~dopting the.- smallest length of mean turn. ·
. The leakage reactance of' windings depends upon the magnitudes' of primary and secondary
leakage fluxes a~d, · th~re~ore, :N,e keep the two windings as close. as possible. The spacing
should be compa!tble with !nsula!lon reqmrements. · ·
. Act~ally We should keep th.e flux density in the cor~ as high a.s feasible withou.t approaching
the saturation too closely. A high value ·of flux denslly results 1.n lower cross-sectwn of the core
which means that the length of mean turn. would be small and tlrns the, .resistance of. ihe winding
becomes smaller. · . · . , ·
A high fiUJI. density means a high flux in the core and so the windings have lesser number of
turns. A small number of turns naturally results in smaller leakage rcactance of the windings ..
· It is generally agreed that the new grain oriented steels allow a flux density of l '5 Wb/m2 as
compared wilh the older materials which allow about l' 2 Wb/m2. ·. ·
(Ill) Turns. Compensation. At no load the actual ratio exceeds the turns ratio by an amount
(f,r,+ lmx,)/V. (See Eqn. 9'29). With an inductive or resistive foad there is a further increase of ratio
because of voltage drops i11 resistance and leakage .reactance of the windings.· If tbe turns ratio is
equal to the nominal ratio, the actual ratio differs from the nominal ratio and thus tbere are errors.
· ·. ·The solution lies in making the; turns ratio less than the nominal ratio. This· can he done by
either reducing the of.primary turns or in~reasing the number of secondary turns. This makes
it possible to make the actual ratio <if transformation equal to the nominal ratio for ·one particular
value and. type Of burden. At the same time there is a general reduction in 'tb'e ratio error over
the entire W,Orking range ofburden. The phase angle e is practically unafected by' a small. I
in the .turns ratio. ·· .
. . 9·22; Constrnctlon of Potential Transformers. The design and construction of potential
transformers are. basically the same a:s those of power transformer> but there are fe~1 major points
of dilfer~nce : • · · · ·
(i) Power transformers are designed keeping in view the efficiency, regulation and cost.
The cost being reduced by. usicg small core and conductor sizes. In designing a potential transformer,
economy in material is not a big consideration .and the transformers are designed to give desired, per-
formance /.e, constancy of ratio. and. smallness of phase angle. · Compared to a power transformer, a
potential transformer has.Jarger core.and c~nductor sizes. Economic designs may lead to large ratio
and phase angle error which are .very undestrable 'features. · . . ·
· · (II) The output of a voltage transformer is' always small and the size is quite large. There-
fore, the temperature ·rise is small and hence there are no thermal problems caused by overloads as .j
in power transformers.. In fact, the loading on a po~ential transformer is limited by accuracy consi· ,,I
derations while i11 a pqwer transformer the load limitation is 6n heating basis. Actually, t~e potential u
transformers,)lre;-!!ble to 9arry loads on ~ thermal basis many times their rated loads. These loads
range from. 2 fo 1·~:'times for loiv. voltage potential transformers and upto 30 or more times for some
high vqltlige transforll)ers;: · · ··
C.or~. Th~ core nlb ~e· of shell or core type of construction. Shell type construction is
normally 'only use!I for' low voltage frarisformers; Special precautions should be taken. to assemble
and interJeave so that the effect of air gaps at the .ioints may be minimized. ·
.. \\4n.dipg~, The pri?Jar~ and se~onda~y windings are coaxial to red~~ t~e leakage reac.tance
to mm1mum. 'In order to stmphfy the msulat1on problems, the low voltage wmdmg (seconc;lary) 1s put
nexno the core. The primary winding may be a single coil in low voltage transformers ~ut must be
subdivided into a number of short coils in high voltage transformers in order to reduce the insulation
needed between ·coil layers. · · · · · ,
Insulation. Cotton tape and varnished cambric are used as jnsulation for coil construction.
'Hard fibre separators are used between coils. At low (voltages, the trarisformets are usually filled
without compound but potential transformers for use at voltages above :7000 .volt are oil· immersed,
Dry type, r,orcelain insulated transformers hav~ been developed in the continent fof use upto 45 kV.
I -----------
·,I ..
- I . . '
.' . . Busl1iug~. Oil. filled bushings are usually u1ed for .. oil tilled potential transformer~ as r ;,
mmunizes the overall size of the transformer. ·· · ...
,, Twb bushings are used. when neither side of the line is at ground· potentlali Some potenti<il
transformers, connected from lme to neutral of gro111deJ neutral systems hlYe. only one hi'gh _,,rt•· e
~shing. ' · - ~~-
Protection. Potential transformers can be continuously opern:ed
~t· I ·2 time~:' tii~' ~ated
"c' • · '.. '
of the transformer. In order to p_rotect t~e power syst~m agamst short cm(u.1!s 1n th~.pot.e.Mi,al
transformers, fuses are used on the pnmary (high voltage) side. Fuses are -used 10 the .secoqdary
: -. . .
,A short circuit on the secondary side of a potential ~ransfor~er can lea~ to . co!11plet,e ,;:iam~ge
! ' ~ -, l ' . I j f ' _• i '·
. I
_side to protect the P.T. against faulty switching and defective earthing. _. ,_.. , ·. · · " · : f: i
•· J. I
· .9'24. · Capacitive Potential Transformers. At voltages above about JOO kV 'phase).Jhe
conventwnal electro.magnetic type of potential transformer becomes expensive owing to insulation I·, i
requirements. A less expensive alternative is capacitive voltage transformer.. ' . . ·
~~l:~or::: ~~~:~~:s ::0 ,(; ~~u~~ar~~ ~f .. 1·· ... ·' ,p .. .·.· ~~transformer
leakage inductance of the windings of
auxiliary transformer. ··The value of this
. t·;··!·
· ·' "
·· ·· Cz ·
··. T "
· ~-___:_)-' ·
inductance L may be adjusted to equal -
1 Fig. 9'24. ' Capacitive potential transformer,
w2(Ci +C ) 10 that the voltage drop, due
2 . fr.·:·
!o the ~ur~en~ drained froni the divider is largely comp~n~ated;, Thus the overall voltage transformat·
ion ratio 1s independent of burden. The overall ratio 1s the product of the divider and transformer
ratios. This has been explained in the chapter on High Voltage Measurements.
In practice, however, the compensation is not complete because of the losses i~ the inductance
and also due to small changes .in frequency which might occur. Nevertheless, the performance of
c capacitor voltage tran~formers is not mu~h inferi?r to'that of the .e!ectro-magnetic type of potential
transformers and, provided the current m the primary of the aux1hary tran~former does not exceed ·
about 10% of that in the divider. · · ·
·. · · . .· 4. Effect of Primary Voltage. There is no wide vatiati~n of su~ply. voltage to whi~h the
. primary winding of the P.T. is connected. Therefore the study of-variation of ratio and phase angle
errors with supply voltage are of no importance. · · · .· " (
Example 9·13, A potential transformer, ratio 1000/100 voJt, has tlie following constants:
Primary resistance=94'5 !l, Secondary resistance ... =0.86 !l, . .. tr
Primary reactance=66'2 n, Total equivalentreactance"=l 10 il,
Magneiising current=0'02 A at 0·4 power factor.
Calculate : (i) phase angle error at no load .
(ii) .load in VA at unity power factor at which the phase angle will be zero.
Solution :
No load power factor cos «=0'4 sin«= v (1)2-(0'4)2 · 0'917 .
le=ln cos «=0'02x 0'4=0'008 A. lm=lo sin c<=0'02 x 0'917==0'01834 A."
i • • •
· TtJros ratio 11= = 10.
100 /
At no load /, =0
O=J.x,-lmr~ =o·oosx66'2-0'0l834x94'5 d=- '1' ·
; ... . nVs · IOXIOOO · fa .4 '
(iii) At unity power factor cos 6=1 and sin 6 =0.
[, . .
It x.f1.x.-lmrp
' I .
nf,, ·
For B=o. !!....
n X,+J,x,-J,.r,=0.
. . ..
n JO . . .
or ls= X, (lmr1-J.x,) {i<J (0'01834 X94'5-.0'008 X.66 2)=0'109 A.
Secondary winijing resistance:= 0'4. !l, . Sccori\fbry winding reacta~5~• 0·1 Cl, · .
(I) Find the 'se~ond~ry current and terminal voltage, using Jhe"lpplicd prirnary voltage
Vp=6900+ jO as reference. Fmd the load burden also. .· . .. ·
(ii) Find the actual transformation ratio and also the phll'S~llt)glt. .
.· (iii) If the actual ~a0o is equal to the nominal ratilf under ~bove "onditions, what change
·should.he made in· the primary turns ? ·. ' · · · ·.. . . ·
Solution : Nominal ratio K·=w =60.
Primary turns Nv 22500 .. Sec0ndary turns N.=375
11 · (rcversed)=n X rfI =60(0'0061:.;.j 0'0025)=
. .
0'366-! 0'312.
' or lo=:-(0'366.:...}_0'312)=:-0'366+./ 0'312 :. Secondary current/,=0'48 A.
i>rimary)nduced voltage E,= v,-1, z, · ·
. -69oQ...:.J 0-(0'0075-j ffOJ)(\200tj 2000)=69GO-J 0-(9+ j 3)=689 i:--j 3 V.
·. ., · .· ·. ~ . • E 6891-J 3 . ·. , . . ·. .
Secondary ind_uce(i voltage E~J~ersed)= : 1,,,,_. - = \ 14'85-:)0'05 V.
Eo= -(114:ss....:~ 0'05)=-H4,:SS-j 0'05 V.
Secondary terminal voltage V1=E.-1,z: ·
, =-I 14'8St j o·o5-( ...,.0'366fj 0'312)(0'4tj 0'7)=-l 14'49tj 0·18 or v,=1114·49 V.
Secondary burden=Vif,"':'Il4'49X0'48=55 VA.
(II) Actual ratio=Y· = ~6 ~?0'=60'27.
· ,y, H448
v, (reversed)= -(-114'49+} 0'18)=114'49:-J 0'18 V.
I b Ji· h (.
A.nge ).· ... 0'18 ...., 0'18 d --°.:.!!...x~
y ~ 1c v. rcyersed lags V,=tan 1 114.49 -rr4.4 ra .-, 14·49
' . 9 TC
(i) Absolute Methods. In these methods the transformer errors are determined in terms of
(OllStanlS-re~ist~nce, inductanve add C~pacitaoce the testing circuit. of .....
(ii) Comparison Method. Jn these, methods, the errors of the transformer under test are
cO!llPitrcci, with those of a stan.dard current transformer whose ·errors are'known. i. • •. ·· \ '
. Each or' tbes.e two test.\n~thods. can 'be classified, according tO ·measurement technique
employed as : ·" · · .· . · . · . .. . .· ,. .
(I) Deftection Methods, .. These' 'metho~s use the dcjlections of suitab]e.instruments like
c\tctrodynamometer wattmeters for measuring· quantities related t.o t})e;Phl\sors under consideration· or
lo their deflection. ' The required ratio and phase angles are then found Out from the magnitudes of
dellcctiop. These me,thods may be made direct reading in some cases.. .. •
(ill Null Methods. Tbese'metbods make use or a network in which the appropriate pbasor
quantitief arc balanced againstoqe anoth~r. The ratio and pha,se a~gl~ are then found out
from the impedance elements of the network. The method may be l11ade dirett reading in terms of
calibrated scales on the adjustable elements in tbe network.
9 27. Current Transformer Testing l
l. Munrnl ·Imluctence .Method. This is an 'absolute n;ietbod using null technique'. The
con1n anons are showq in Fig. 9'25. · ·' · ·iv. ·· · · · ·
. Rv and Rs ar~ low resistau9e, qoq-inductive shunts. JI, is variable while JI,, isrfixed. R, has
a slide wire for fine adjustment 'of resistance. ·The •voltage drop' across· resistance R. is matched
against voltage dmp across Rs. A vibration galvanometer is put in the circuit to indicate the balance
couc1i1ions. Assuming, for the mom.ent that there is no 'phase difference pet\veen,/p and /, the
vibrat.on galvanometer will indicate zero deflection if
" . ,·,.
J, R·
or ' "' __,;__ c=.:..._._
f• . Rj,
o ; ; < •• : I>
' . .- . ~.
. Therefore, R, and Ro should be so ch.osen tbat the rati'6 Ri{R •. is 1pearjy, equal to;tbe nominal
ratio of the current transformer. · . ·
Operation. Resistance Rs is adjusted to render the two v,oltage drops.equal. Jn order to
, , obtttin zero deflection the magnitude and also the ph~c-llrthe voltage d.rops sbould. be same. Thus
. a mutual inductance M is put to compe 1sate .fili'pltaff difference bet '.l'een /p and Is as without any
pha$e compensating device it will be imposSfble to obtain balance with resistance alone.
r----<----"---------./-·'-·~-... 1
. ,. , ~,
. ' ;·, .
~~Sftnnda•y I f '~ :
,. >r.S ,: ;· - _I .
·aurdln L ..J s 1
- .. -. .
~.Slide .wire •;.
h .•
Pi~. 9'25. Mutu&I iqd4ct&oce method. fig, 9'26. Phasor dia:!ram for mutual mduclaace method.
Theory. Fig, 9'2€ represents the phasor diagram under balance conditions
tan 0 and
- wM · !
From these relatioµs we, Phase angle 0.:: R. rad,
Actual ratio Rs
R =[,/p- = -~------ -
Rp cos 0 RP
~. as 0 1s
"' - . very sma II . I
It should be noted that the secondary load circuit includes the .resistance Jl1, impedance of
. primary winding of mutual inductance and also the impeda11ce marked burden. This must be taken
into account while stating the bur.den at which th\) errprs hav7 ~een measur<d.
2. Sllsbee's Method. S1lsbee's method is.a . comparison: metho4. There are two iypes of
Silsbee's methods ; deffectional and null. Only the de.6ectional meth9d fa described hero.'
The arrangement for this method is· sho\V.n sche'lllatic11lly in Fig. 9'27. Here the ratio and
phase angle of the test' transformer X are determined, iri terms ,of that of a standard transformer S
having the same nominal ratio. ·
The two transformers are c9nnected with their· primaries ·n series. An adjustable burden i~
put in the secondary circuit of the transformer under test, --- ---.
An ammeter is included .in the secondary circuit of the standard transformer. s~ ti1at the
current may be set to the desired v~lue. W1 is a wattmetcr whose current coil is connected to carry lhc
secondary current of the standard transformer. The current coil of wattmeter W2 carries a current
f:ll which is the difference between the secondary currents oftbe standard and test transformers The
voltage circuils of the watt'meters (i.e:; their pressure coils) are supplied in parallel from ta phase .1hift-
. ing transformer at a coristan~ voltage V.. ,
. ·~ -
'~ -
\ I
\ I O_
ex: vs
\ I
\ I ~ ~· .
- ,
'; '(.. .'_
/ :,~/
vq ' ' ./
· · Burden
! ----~~~~~--'~~--'~•
Phost VP
J. 1hiltlng
•' tronsforrr.., . . ,
Sils~'s defteellonal methOd.
fig. 9·21. Fig. 9·28. Phasoi diagram f9r Silslno's JDeihod, · • 'I
Operation and Theory. Tb~ pbasor diagr~m 1.·s shdwn. iq Fig.· 9'28. . · : ·- ' -- ·
1. · The phase of the voltage is so adjpsted t at wa~tmeter . 1 IC!\ s z · , .. . . . . iI
· · b · W - d ero 't:Judottheae
' .
------- -·-
. c~ndil,ions, voltage T' is in quadrature with current/,;, Tpe p·ositio~ of voltage'phasor for this case is
~ho11n as V,,. . . · i · · ·
Reading of wat!meter W1, Wi. = V.f,, cos 90'=0. .
Reading of wattmeter W2. W2.= v.xcomponent of curren(6/ in phase with
v,,= V,,f,= V,J,. sin (0.~0,) . . . ,' . ' . .
where 0.t= phase angle of C. T. under test, 0,= phase angle of standard C. T.
2. The phas~ •lf vollage Vis shifted through 90':so that it occupies a position Vv and is in
phase with /." , · .· .
· Reading of.wattmeter W1, W11•= V,/,. cos 0=::! Vvlu, ,. . ~' · . . .
Readii1g of wattu.eter W2, W21•= V, x component of cu1'r,ent 6f in phase with Vv
=·v,.xJ,, .~v,. [f,.-·f,.._cos (6.-6,)] . : · · . ·,·~ · . . .·
It' the' voltage is kept same for both sets"of readings,~ ;then v_,,, V. 7 V,. ,.
We have, Jf:,, -. VJ'" sfo (0.-0,), W1v= VJ.. •: •• , .· ·, ·
w~,, = Jl[/,,-1, ms (0,- a,)]= V/s.-'-'Vf,. ~OS (0. - 0s)= W1.-''VJ,. cos (0 - O,)"'-WlP- n.•.
a~ (P,-· P.) is ;cry snrnll a1ld, t~eref0;1e, cos (0,-'·ij,) = 1: '· . ·· . r,
. For a rove, VJ,,= WJP- Wi!v. '
., . 111 \
Actual ratio of transformer under test R.=-· · · .,
·"v'.;-, - ~.,,, ·'
. R.'=..:.___.__.'
Iv ' ,.
Ac: uul ratio of st;ndard ttausformer . /,. .
' ··. •' . (."\ : .: ., ' . ' ' .:
, 15!.-_f.'_~_-..!'.f".~~-.-~~::-LL-~'-L,·~)+W2P ,,
'' J!, ~- Lx :-. VI,o -- W1j,..,. W2v , I ;--(W2v/W1v) ... ff'.'iv ....
. . .( . , W2i• ) . ,,, (O ' o) Wv.P ·( · ·. o · · .) ·. Vf;, - W2v '-- WJv - Wz,
R., •. Jc. t f·--- . , sm .- , = ··~1-, co.s . •:- 0·' =. ·v..1·--· . - - - - -
· • ·'• · ,. .
.,. VJ,.
' .. ·(o . ol w2, _,,
, , -~tan ·,,.. - ·' = WJ.p- W2J' - or
. (0
0) , .
i = W ,,, ra
. · lv...,... rr2p
. Ip
od---- .
as, W2,, is very small. ~l.J . . ···-
Thus if the ratio and phase· angle errors ··s~~lM'L·· ..• ; '•'
of standard transformer are known, y,e can. com•
pule the errors of the test
''· l!i.5'
..... ·'
· W2 must be a sensitive instrument. Its I,,
current roil may be designed. for small values. It
is normally designed to ·carry about 0)5 A for :>
testing Cl's having a secondary current of 5~. t,, .
3. Arnold's Method. This is a comparison ) 1 ill ~t
method involving r.ull techniques.
·This method is used for ,Jgetting very :1>T'A·
accurate results, The errors oft ransformer under
teit 'X (Fig · 9·29) are compared' with those of a
standard transformer S. -Jn ord~r'to isolate th~
mtasuring circuit from the ~econdari~s of crs,
a S/5 cµrrent transrorn\er T' is"used, This traql• ·". ~' : . ' ... ·
former bas negligible errors, fif. ?·i9: Arnold's MeU1od.
We u'Se the same notations as.We did in case of Silsbee's method. Balance is obtained wh~n
- 61><Rtl'ss r-1',;JwM=O · ... (i) ,,
. : Ll.<- . '·
Now 61=J,,~I,. t,18s .tP... 1.-o\9~ -;I IJ~'·
Eaxample 9· 15 Two cur rent transform.ers of ~be same l)O!Qin,al ratio 500/S A, 11re · tested
by Silsbee's ·method. With the current in the secondary of the standard transfotlller adjtJs'ted at
its rated value, the current in the middle conductor 6 1=0'05e-H26 ·0• A ' ·· '
· expressed \vith respect to current in the secondary ·of stand11rd tfunsformer · 1,.,
as the reference. It is known 'that the standard transformer has• a' ratio
correction factor (RCF) of 1·0015 ao~ phase error +8'. Find RCF. and
phase angle error of transfo1 mer under test.
Solution :. Nominal ratio= ~~O = 100, /u=S A;
61 =0 05 e-J126·9•
=0'05 [cos 126'9' -j sin1126'9')
·= -0·03 -j 0'04. I ,
Now, current in the secondary of test transformer' .
J.,=I .. ~ L.1-.St j0-(0'03-j0'04)
= +s·o3tj o·q4 "
or J..,,,,,5·03 A.
1 d 21 ·3'
I betweeo· 1••an d 1."= · o·o
Ang_e 1 --- ra . = ·. · · ··
betw~m rey~se~'11l.'."'
. .- .
+27'3'+&·:, ii .
·+ 35"31•
Ratio correction factor RCF of standatd transformer"' l '0015
.! ' . '· ,. ' - .
By m11~ing1 +::2.,2 =L, the ~i~i4e~ i~ qpn-reactive ap~~ o~er~'ing frequency, which is usually 50
' .
and. . the t(italimpedance
. -
is then.:
.' -
. .. ·. r
·z R-r+ 1+w2c2r2 . '
The term iii 2C2r:i is normally small compared with ~nity and may be neglected, so -th~t the impedance
of the divider is equal to R. If thisterm is not negligible, the resistance of the upper '"part of the
· di_vider, can:\be increased by a small amount to correct for Hat the operating frequeney.
. · 1n c'arrying out the test, the contact on the slide-wWe: and the mutual inductgr are adjusted /
.,until the vilirntion galvanometer gives no deflection. . . . · .· , , . ·
:fhe;,phasor di,~gram' cb.trciponillfig'fcHbe'·balaticed ·c0ndition is shown in Fig. 9'31, ii). whlcli
I · I• ·.1i".:"1suie ctitr~W_!!,tbediviaer. ,Th~ Phasi·~~gl~'e ~f ,~he tes~ transfo.rineds small .so ~hat ·- -.
·. .-. - ;. . ~,··...:. . ..,,~-·Pp-.!:·,· . ~. -/:~. -- ·. 1 ! ,_
,-, · V.=l(R1fdR)o:;R(RitdR), .
. .' ' \ ' -· . . . !
: ... · ·-.'• . •. '1.
·:-,·· .
. .· _ noml~al r.atio-:-actunl ratio
The ratio error - .·'·!-
· · actual ratio · '. . ,
·-' ._ ... ,-,
R .- 'R:. . '.
. LB~\J~1~+ Rd'- - R1 +·aR. -.> 1 ~· 4~ ·,
~ ' ' '
~. - ' , ·. i. . ; . ". R, ~. _ . ·. R::- · ,, . -, " Ri
The slide,wire can therefore be calibratrd directly in v,alues. ofratio error. -
· ·.. "· . : ..-.;:: ·- .: · ... : '-·'· : • wM- -.· '•)M
~b1tse A11gle. · tb,e phasor diagram, t,aQ 0... 0= Ri+-dR ...... R;-
and _the mutual ind!!pJpr can be caH.bratec! cjirectly in terms o_f phase angle. - ._ ·
· Special sliietcii~-g '-ar-range~eQt~ hav~ to \ie adopl~4 fQr t,he'higb-_yoltage resistor. If it is sur-
rounded by a simple earthed shield; the capacitance currents flowing between' the resistor and shield
can causc _serious errors. ·Such errors can tie reduced by keeping the resistance of' the . divider as low
'as· possible/ 'arid a• Val_ue: of 20 O./V is conil)lonly adoph:d,' Tbe method of shielding is shown in
,i chapter on high. voltage-testing (Chapier 17). - The divideris.broken iritQ a nuniber of sections, each
· · enclosed ill its own screen, and each screen is held at the midpotenti11I. of the, section it._ encloses· . by :
means· of an auxiliary diy)der. Ther~is therefJre· a considerable reduction·in tli~:capacltance-curhni _:/'
from the divider. to the shield. . · . · '' ".· · · <· ,, • . ..,, · ·
.. >: , · .. _,qs qot cqn~tructtJl.sis\a~c~ diyi~e~~;s.11i~?:~l~,f~r,,vol~agQ, ~rn11sfQ~IJlQt testing at
, _. volt11g~s w~cb 11bo.Y.\: 4p,~v ;_ tbe us,e, of. a ~an~c1tanc(: d1~\~~r, ts .PfeJ~r11bl~ at h1gMr y9lt~ges, .· . . _.
;,. . Method~ '.employing ·Capacitance OMder~- . A Y(ide \v11iiet~ of methods_. of testing voltage I
transformers with the aid of capacitance dividers have been used. Fig. 9'32 gives the connections of i!
~ me~ho~ ?\testi~&PT, ~~j~g~ap~cit~~q~ ~o\\ag~ dlvid~~·-
._ , . - _.·.·. .
..---q·~-· :,•, . -,~ : ·'·· ,
3· lermina\ . -·.- ,_
.; . .-·. ,\:-:!'! ~
-.-, --<,·l:;_---
' '
'i -
Fig, 9'32. ~o~~~~~!fi~=D~}~~;,~r~elhcd of1es1iag- __ ., > ·. , ;]· •. ·. }i~· 9'3? _ - 1
.. c~ is a. high VOl!age, CO!Dpre~sed-gas, three·ter~iiial eapaclto( of value 10 J>F.·· ~nd Ca is a
h!g~·qua!ttY m1c~ capacitor ha vrng a. very small po1ferJaci9r, (l,1,1e of)he difficulties. V!ith capacitan~
d1v1d~rs 1s t~e existence o~ the oapac1tanc~ c::'a. of the \ow-vol.t:i~~ el~cr,rqde a.nd gua~ nng of C1 .. This/
capac1ta~ce 1s_ oft~n ~ssoyi_a~ed_ W\. tb ~ loss r_es1sta11ce,_Ra; and· it 1s .tberefo_ r~J!DP_ o. rta t . that t.he _value
of the m1c" capJ1.c1tor Ca should be large so rthat C2 +Ca and' Rs have 11 neghgtble p wer factor._ The:1
. . ~ . . . ' '1
,' ~.
., . .· · The adopti~ihofa \O/l·'rati~ i~ the 'tireasuriog resistance' <\ivlder permit~ ratid.errors of either ·
sig11,fo b,e rneas~red. · It b~s the a<\dcd. ~dy,ant~~ that the ..:atio -0fth'e _cai>a.citaiice divider is. I~ t!°:JCS,,
the noln 1Lal rat1q of. the te~Ur._al!sfo,rmer flerm1tt1ng.tbe use of a large v11lue of C2 and thus m1mm1z1~g
the effect· of Ca ani.L,Ra in 1the simple arrangement; . · ·
.· · .The compensatio~ Bf the n\easud~g r~istance divide?; ·~nd ud setti11g, can be very ~asily
\ •' -·-checked
·:- .._ . ·-, ·. it with'
' ' by: con'ij:iari(lg -i:·~·. ,_.. tb(i
_,,. a' slinplo _·· - ··._ratiO resistance divider,
1,.·-·1:· . ,., . - . ··''
:,, . ' • Cl~thier· and M~4ii!• Methotl.(:T~i~ method bas been/'dev~ioped quite recently 'and ;Uses a
,, variablt·l~p,piog .tron~former fo'f the! fueasu(i,,g, devke. Fig. 9·34 is a .simplili~d circuitdiagram. I
• ,C1 and Ca arc thtee:terll)h1al cap~citoff.whoseratio' is equaL!O the. nomirial..r(ltio of the test tians-
•. former J. T~~ wi11dfiJgs of• trlmsformer<l are in seti~s aiding. The transfor~er 1 are balanced
by means Qf, transformer ·2 'Whose ratio carrbc adjusted a littl.e above or below unity by . using .decade
· switches to select the primary turns. · · · · . ' . . ·. · . . , · ' . · ·
Phase.'angle errors 11re b~la1,()(ld by sUpplyiiJg a current IP. throµgh a high resjstanqe R to the
junction ofC1 arid .C2: la is In 'phasewiah the sec·;ndary voltage and thetefore in quadrature with
the current in C2• The. value· of /ii is adjusted by a switch. on· tr~nstormer 2 .using a tuned electronic
detector. ·
. r ' . ," .' '~:, . . . . . ,·.. . . :·
.., T~eory. Since the 4etector voltage is'zero at bal~nce, t~e current in R is aV/R, where aV Is
the voltage across R with respect to earth aod,V is the. voltage across. C2 . aV can have either sign.
- •-''
At balance l1-:-l2fla. .
. Ii=:=JwC1VD, I2=JrilC2V, and IR~aV/R. ;,/wC1V1 JwCaV[lfa/JwCzR]
' , or
If the pliase afigle of the liu~liary tr~n~ormer. is. negligible,
and its voltage is very nearly ,.
equal to its turns ratio, then, If T1 and T2 are primary and seeondary1 turns on Transformer 2, and
if T=Tr"T1. . . .
·, 1i_
' '
:-t:'! : ~·
. ,-.. ' : -, I. - . . ' ~ ~ ·. /
·-. . . . -. ~ .. : ( ·\,:' ' . ~ ·. ' . >~.
If the ratio of the capacitance divider .is .adjust~d so t.hai.: C2/C1 is equal' to ·the ;nominal ratio
K. of the transformer; their , · ./ : .,
, -.. I . . . ., . , . "
---~. =i-vV 1+e2 i::!l:+-D+v2+1e2 ·,_· -
. I .
unity, how~ver, and in these conditions it is not:djfficuU to Construct ·a trailsfo.rmer haying very small
. . . · ._ . . . · .• _ · . . · i· L
ratio error and phase angle · · · · ·
The guard rings \vhich constit~te the third r~fmin~ls_of cap~citors C1 and C2 are. not shown
i11 Fig. 9·34 ; both are connec_t~cHo eartli, . . .• .,. .. · I
.·,, .· . ., '
·.-r--. ·. ·. ,; : ~1· ; .·
f_ I '
·. ,, ( J ,. • "\
. 'I
-~{ • • - - • J
. I - - - "'.·",'
~ ·' -'..• ,
. . ,,,,_~
.• r ...,
11 ,-
I / I I I'
.., fi..V I. f I
'i·-1 ~----<'/ il
{j B
f -
- ' . - - .... '
. .
' .
·.I I
' I
I I?.
. .·. r-' 1•• ,.
_L 12 ...... ,. ..i' .
C2: .
l ~ I •
. shilling
Trans 2 i ;
.transformtr I
l lg, 9'34, Clothier and Medina absolute method or. Fig. 9'35. Coioparjson Jl!clhod using 'fattmefm.
testing po1en1ial
transformer;·" . '·. . '· '
__ ,,.,--·
secpndary circuit of· test ,transformer. · W,1. is a w11ttmeter'. pot~nHal coil. is cqnnect~d. across
the secondary of standard transformer .. Th~ pressure coil of wattmeter W2·;.i~. so conhected that a
vo'itage 6. v. which is the 41fferen~e ~t\\'~ensecondary volt11ges ·of ~ta11d,ard and t~.~prarisformers; i'~
impressed across
. .
it. The
c9il~.:of '''·
th.e twd
. . . -. .are
in series
·ilnd ar~:supplied
. ' - - ' ., .) ' ' '
.. ·.,\,
.. , .. I. The phas~ of. the cuurent /is s,o,adjustef! t,h~t the wattmeter Wfreads Under these.
con~d~t1ons current I 1s m · quadrat.ure ,w1t_h· yqllage,Y••, · The V.
p9s1t1oa of current phasor for tbw case is sb()wil iti Fig. 9 36 P
as J,, ·· · ·
Reading of wattmeter W1, fV10 = f'•.i. /o cos 90'=0.
Reading of wattmeter W2 · . . .. ., : ·,. ' 1) .
11 ' Wzq ··.component of.~~\ 4Ki~ phase whh J, xJ,
c W2,, ·. tv.. -v
.. cos (0.--0,)J 1 · ··· . '
, 1 .'!·i' =V.. 1- v.. 1 cos (0"~0.) ':" wlP-v•• 1 Fig; 9'36 Phasor dlagtJrn for l'ig; 9"35.
as (0~-0,) is very small. ;·. v:;·]=Wi~ -W2p .
.. v
Actual ratio of test transformer R1 ~ ~-..!.
. ' • VP
Actual ratio of ~tandard tratlsformer R. = V
-· ..· ' . 121
. . '- ~ '
' . .w~titneter W2 shouid have a'very .IQW 'v61tage range since only a small; voltage t;:V is .. impre~ '
i;ed·u'pon its pressure coil. · . · 1 :· · . . '.,,, . · .;,,, i , . ,, ..;;, ,,.
~I • i. Clothier' and Medina' Comparison Method. A1siinplifi~d ;;diagram of the test circ~it
'devised by:Clothier and Med!~.a. is sh\)wn i~ ,J1ig. ~'37.,,. T~e prim.aries gf,the. tw~ tra.nsfo~~r,fs';~·.a:·~e
connected in parallel and fac1ht1es are provided for fine adjustments of magnitude and pllasc · of'lthe
secondary voltage.of standard transtofrner uritil'it equals that bf the test ti'Allsformet; .'. · ' ,: .·:,,,,ff·.
' Ratio balance is effected by adJl)stment Of 'primary turns T1 of an autotransformer connected
to the secondary of the current trarlsforrner.... , -~ . . · ''' · - '"--'--'- --~'-4
The phase balance is done by .adjustment of ~ "'I ·- - . - ··· ..;;
\at resistance r throug' h which a current flows, '"~- ' ~\aodard 1
-1rQi,sfc1r·mcr · · . . , .. ,catt,.,..r,
' ' .. .~ ',__
his curr~nt being in quadrature with, tpe g, rv 0
".. s mer x
6econdary voltage. The sign of the secondary ~ · · · "' '•
vo)tage is selected by a reversing ,switqh. -~ .
Adjustments of resistance r can be made in -----JM>- .•. •-'f-j
. . . ·.
.' .· V2 ..•.·· · ·. ·_ ~C
,·';(j . ; ,;
RCF of test transformer= act~al rati~ · = ~oo· 3~ = 1·0018. v..
nommal ratto 7.QO
k Fig. 9'~8
.: ,'i . .~ '
0·3 180 .· . . .
:;Angle between ·v,,aud Vu=-:-1 19 .78X 71 x_60'."'-8'6' .
. ,', Phase aogle of test transformer Op= -(Ii' +s·6') . .,..20·_6'. (See Fig. 9' 38) .
. ' . J. A crlng~j>re cu.rrent transformer . with B nomiQal ratio of 50Q/5 .and a bar primary has a seeondary
resistan_ce of0'5 Q. 'and negligiJJe secondary re1ctaiice. ,The resultant of n\agoetizlog and iron Joss components of.the
primary curr~nt asso,i~d with a full load secondary current of 5 A in a burden of 1·o Q. · (non-inductive) is 3 A at a
power fJctor of Q'4' _C.trculale t~~ true ratio and the pha!e a11 Jle error 11f traosfJr1ner on full load. Calculate also the
total nux •n the core assumln! a fr~q1iency .of 50 Hz {Ans. 100·24 ; 0'314° ; JJ 7x10-• Wbl
., 2.. Ao 8/t cur[Cnt transformer' has an ,a,ccurate. c,urreat ratio when the secoodJry is short circuited. T~e
inductance of secondary 1s 60 mII and its resistaac~s 0·5 Q., and the frequency is 50 Hz. Estimate the current rauo
and phl1c angle error whe11 !he i!J!trumc.nt load resistance is 0·4 Q. and inductance ts 0·7 mH. Assume no iron loss
and- magnetizing current equal
to I percent
. " -
of primary current, The permeability remaina..constant,
8'001 ; O' 2'J
3, A current transformer with S primary tu.ra1 has a secondary burd~n consisting of a resistance of 0'16 il
arid _an Inductive resis1ance,of Q' 12 Q. Wb'en the prim 1ry· curreat Is 200 A, the magnetizi11g current IS l '5. A and .the
iriin loss· current is 0·4 A. Determine anv expression~ used, the number Of secondary turns needed to make the current
ratio )00'1 and also the pha e angle u ._der .these conditions. [Aas 497; 0'275']
.· 4, A current transformer -or nominal ratio JO:J0/5 A, is operating with total secondary imp.:daocc
0'4t/0'3 Q., At rated current the components of the primary curteot associated with toe core-magnetizing and cure loss
effects arc re~pec1i_veiy 6 A and .I'S A 'the primary bas 4 turns. Calculate the ratio error and. phase angle at rated
primary ~uneut if the secondary has :a) 800 turns (b) 795 turns: ' [Ans. (a, -0 48% ; 13', (bJ • t0' 14% ; 13']
,: • , - ' L • •
'· 5. 'A bar' type cur~nt transform :r of toroidal construction requires 400 A to maanetize ii, and 300 A to
sup.ply the iron f iss for each volt per 'turn induced in the se~ondary wmding and rated freQU!ocy. Across the secondary
terminal is connected an mpcdance or 2 il with a phase angle~. aiil the resi>1ance of se :0:1dary winding is 0'5 il,
The nominal .ratio is JOJ0.15 A, and ·it is required to minimize both ra •io and phase errors. Determine th~ necessary
values of secondary· turns and phase angle'(>. · · [Ans. 194 ; 64' 40']
' .
· 6 tlic resistance and rcactance of the sr~a~dary or a 500/5 A current transformer are 0·02 Q. and 0 OJ il
. are
respectively an 1 the :ransformers characterhtlcs g v~n by. : . ..
,i '• .,