Mint HD Delhi 13 04 2024
Mint HD Delhi 13 04 2024
Mint HD Delhi 13 04 2024
SATURDAY, APRiL 13 2024 With an ongoing retrospec-
tive show in the US, the Par-
is-based designer talks to
Lounge about why the ‘Man-
ish Arora brand is so me’, dis-
covering his love for food,
and why he hasn’t thought
about succession plans
m S T H AT E C H O
C E R N S. W iT H E
, HiNdi
SOURCE A portrait
Pretty things Food and of Indian
to wear by drinks get a youth
the pool summer vibe
02 SAturDAy, 13 April 2024
New Delhi FIRST
allery Espace, Delhi, is
COURTESY PRARTHNA SINGH AND TARQ hosting a new exhibition,
Cloud Pruning. The show
marks artist Valay Gada’s first
solo in the city, and features
recent drawings, sculptures in
metal, ceramics and fibre, and
an interactive multimedia
installation. The works, created
over the past year, are rooted in
feelings of anxiety and uncer-
tainty stemming from the cov-
id-19 pandemic. Through his art,
Gada tries to transform this
despondence into hope and
resurgence. Nature, climate
change and urbanisation have
been central to his practice. The
SUGAR title of the show is a term from
From the exhibition, ‘Notes From A Generation’. Hardboiled noir has made something Japanese topiary art, suggesting
of a comeback on TV in recent times. a continuity of thematic con-
Sugar is a weekly Apple TV series with cerns. On view at Gallery Espace,
Little else has dominated conversations as have the elections Colin Farrell as a private eye who is New Friends Colony, Delhi, till 11
over the past few weeks. By next weekend, we’ll be in the thick hired to find a movie producer’s miss- May, 11am-7 pm (Sunday closed).
of it with the first of the states going to the polls. Rather than ing granddaughter. Directed by Fer-
look at vote shares and candidates, our lens at Lounge is a bit nando Meirelles. (Apple TV+)
different. It’s the way elections affect lives that is of interest to
us, and we approach it through ideas of art and culture. And
so, the first of our stories for this election season is about cin-
ema’s long association with the democratic process. Films
have always been a vehicle for parties to get their agenda
across to their existing and potential supporters, with Tamil
Nadu’s DMK being the first party to have built its base entirely
by scripting films that read like party manifestos. More than
stars, films have been a vehicle for campaigning and our PERFECT DAYS
cover story examines the impact, either obliquely or directly, A memorable, serene film from Wim Wenders is about a Japanese man named
that such films have on people’s decisions. Hirayama, a toilet-cleaner in Tokyo. A man of habit, Hirayama has a daily rou-
What will you vote for or against? That’s a question to pon- tine he adheres to strictly. The film patiently follows him as he conscientiously
der, because it’s not just about people and parties, but also the works, drives his car, listens to American rock ‘n roll, and takes photographs of
ideas that need representation. A few stories in this issue a particular tree. Kōji Yakusho is wonderful in the lead. (MUBI) CELEBRATING BONDS
address these concerns, which may seem arcane but are
deeply relevant to everyday living, such as climate action, the new show at Experimen-
idea of history and the future of young people. We have a BADE MIYAN CHOTE ter, Mumbai, celebrates
piece on a multimedia exhibition on the shifting aspirations MIYAN the bonds forged by artist
and worries of 18-to-25-year-olds. Conceptualised between Firoz and Rakesh are super Krishna Reddy through life. In
2019 and 2024, the show, Notes from a Generation, by Snigdha soldiers on a mission to stop his career, he influenced a gen-
Poonam and Prarthna Singh, is a collection of stories of the Kabir, a scientist attempting to eration of artists, thinkers and
lives of young people that encapsulates a generation’s views use AI to destroy India. The film students, and the exhibition, Of
on the world they inhabit, and is a pointer to the things we marks the first teaming up of Friendships: Krishna Reddy &
should think of when we vote, no matter our age. Akshay Kumar, almost certainly His World, emphasises that.
As always, the elections coincide with summer, which chefs Hindi cinema’s longest serving Besides works by Reddy, the
and bars are welcoming with new menus that spotlight unu- action star, and Tiger Shroff, show also showcases art by Stan-
sual ingredients. As our story points out, everything from ant who could do with a decent film ley William Hayter, Zarina,
pupae to vetiver root are being pressed into service as the to go with his undeniable Ramkinkar Baij, Judith Blum
temperature rises. And if your palate runs to more traditional fighting and acrobatic skills. Reddy, Benode Behari Mukher-
tastes, you’d be interested to read about the strategy and Abbas Ali Zafar, a director with a jee, Nalini Malani, and more.
ideas behind Karnataka’s beloved MTR Foods, which started feel for commercial silliness, The show, which marks an early
life as a place famous for its rava idlis but is now also helms this action film. Other co- beginning to Reddy’s centenary
known for its easy-to-cook packaged foods. stars include Prithviraj year, “underscores the greatness
Sukumaran, in a villainous role, of his visionary practice, his
Write to the editor at [email protected] Sonakshi Sinha, Manushi enduring influence...”, says the
@shalinimb Chhillar, and Alaya F. gallery note. On view at Experi-
(In theatres) menter, till 15 June, 10.30am-
6.30pm (Sunday closed).
Compiled by Uday Bhatia —Compiled by Avantika Bhuyan
[email protected] In How To Lounge >> Books In Food >> Discover In Fashion >> Trends In Health >> Wellness
he name of Suryakant Tri- it is impossible to miss and clean English text is not
pathi “Nirala” is familiar to his rage against the merely to critique the choices
readers of Hindi mostly for capitalist machine or made by the translator but
his pioneering poetry. As empathy for the also to point out
the writer himself once wretched of the earth. the difficulty of
implied to M.K. Gandhi, he was to Hindi In the story Devi, the culturally trans-
what Rabindranath Tagore is to Bengali. character of Pagli lating a writer
But, for the rest of the world, his mythical stands in for everything like Nirala,
reputation, especially his larger-than-life that’s wrong with the modern world. whose creative
personality and unconventional antics, A young woman, who is mentally ill, energy derived
often precedes his literary genius. is forced to eke out a living on the from an intimate
A leading light of the modernist Chha- streets for herself and her baby, understanding of
yavad (shadowism) trend in Hindi poetry while the rest of humanity goes the specific tradi-
that followed the trails of English romanti- revival of translations of Nirala, with Satti It is impossible to miss Nirala’s Nirala’s vast oeuvre. As Choubey writes, about their business as usual. Nir- tions of his time,
cism, Nirala was a singular figure by any Khanna bringing to life his controversial rage against the capitalist “So compelling are the similarities ala’s rage, mixed with helpless sad- and the systemic
measure. Born in 1896 in Midnapur in memoir, Kullibhat, in English as A Life machine or his empathy for the between his life and works that one may ness, gives the story a particularly prejudices per-
West Bengal, he grew up speaking Bengali Misspent in 2016. Scholar and writer wretched. ISTOCKPHOTO attempt an intellectual biography of Nir- haunting quality, a feeling often petuated by vile
as his first language, and was educated in Gautam Choubey’s A Portrait Of Love: Six ala by just following his writings and the evoked by the acerbic sketches of practices followed
Sanskrit, over which he gained mastery. Stories, One Novella is the latest attempt to order of their appearance. We see him not Sadaat Hasan Manto. by rural and urban
Later in life, on the insistence of his wife take the works of the iconic writer to a just doing literature, but, in fact, living it.” Yet, there is in Nirala a unique- India.
Manohara Devi, he decided to learn Hindi wider audience. Apocryphal stories abound about Nir- ness, true to his chosen moniker, that A writer much
properly—the rest is history. Choubey, who translated Pandey ala’s rebellion against the status quo, all of makes it difficult to give his style a struc- ahead of his time, Nirala not only shook
Like Joseph Conrad, who learned Kapil’s Bhojpuri novel Phoolsunghi in which made their way into his stories and tured appreciation, as one would, for his contemporaries by paying little heed
English as an adult only to become one of 2020, has picked some of Nirala’s most poems. His un-Brahminical lapse into instance, with a story by Manto. Driven by to norm or form, he also left us, people
the greatest stylists of the language, Nir- celebrated works: the stories Sukul’s Wife, non-vegetarianism, fury at exploitative a chaotic force, made even more wobbly who are reading him decades after his
ala became a peerless writer in Hindi, Jyotirmayee, Portrait Of A Lady-Love, editors and publishers, and utter disre- by his unreliable characters, Nirala’s prose death, a lens to look at the India we have
pushing the language against the limits What I Saw, Chaturi Chamar and Devi, gard for caste and religious purity when it strikes the consciousness at a visceral inherited, a nation where caste and reli-
of decorum and wringing a deeply sensu- with the novella Billesur Bakriha coming Nirala’s prose strikes the came to friendships, are a part of his lore. level, not so much for its craft or exquisite gious purity stick stubbornly to this day.
ous flavour out of it. If his experiments in as the grand finale. The volume also has So are his notoriously poor financial skills. turns of phrase as its dramatic leaps and English, with its clipped prissiness,
with language remain a source of schol- an introduction, a rarity for translations consciousness at a visceral In the autumn of his life, when Nirala bounds, and unpredictable conclusions. seems like an inadequate tool to commu-
arly interest and readers’ delight, it also that come out from trade publishers in level, not so much for its was awarded a pension, through Jawahar- While Choubey succeeds in giving us a nicate the audaciousness of Nirala’s sub-
poses a challenge to translators, espe- India, which puts Nirala’s chequered life craft as its dramatic lal Nehru’s intervention, it was paid to his flavour of the topsy-turvy world that Nir- versive vision.
cially the wicked puns and idioms he and writings in perspective. friend, fellow writer Mahadevi Verma, ala made his own, there are moments he
played with so often. Indeed, there’s much to be made of the
leaps and bounds, and who managed it on Nirala’s behalf. Left to is trumped by the limitations of English. Somak Ghoshal is a writer and editor
In the recent past, there has been a autobiographical streak that runs through unpredictable conclusions himself, the author would likely have The word “sister-in-law” at the end of based in Delhi.
Sonali Gupta Google Podcasts has registered more than 500 million downloads on the Play Store. PHOTOGRAPHS COURTESY GOOGLE
or people in their 40s and 50s, who
are taking care of their parents as
well as their own children, being the
“sandwich generation” comes with a
variety of anxieties and stressors. A
49-year-old female client recently told
Into the Google Graveyard?
me that after her father’s death eight Google Podcasts has Weekly on Google Podcasts. For Android data points. “On the creative side, some
years ago, her mother’s health began users, this was perhaps the go-to app of the data analytics that Google could
deteriorating to the extent that she Multi-generational care can be tough. ISTOCKPHOTO
been taken off app before Spotify entered India in 2019. provide are still not available on other
requires dialysis twice a week. To help stores in the US, and it The 2024 Media Morph report platforms. It used to give you impres-
out, they moved her into a flat in their The term “sandwich generation” was threshold is continually being tested. released on 1 April by YouGov, a UK- sions and searchability information...
building complex, even as their 21-year- coined in 1981 by social workers Dorothy Both the individual and family resil- may not be long before based market research and data analytics You could find keywords being used
old daughter began looking for a job and
needed help with the process. “My
Miller and Elaine Brody. More women
than men bring this up in therapy as they
ience gets compromised. There is no
guidebook or manual that tells us how to
India follows suit firm, reveals that Google Podcasts is the
second most popular podcast app with
for your podcasts when someone
searched for it,” says Fanthome. “You-
father-in-law, who lived by himself, had find themselves juggling multiple roles. attend to these concerns that may show 20% of Indian users, after Spotify (at Tube Music is an excellent opportu-
a fall last week and my husband is trying What I also see in my clinic is what Carol up in very subjective ways across families. Nitin Sreedhar 44%). Audible (15%) comes in third. Spo- nity. The integration is great, YouTube
to bring him to Mumbai so we can care Abaya, an elder care expert, calls the My understanding is that the stress [email protected] tify is popular among GenZ and has being the second largest search engine
for him,” she said, adding that they are “club sandwich” generation. This refers around care can only be managed, rather grown in the last two years, going from in the world.”
also pet parents and don’t have the space to adults who are supporting their ageing than solved. This at the family level, oogle Podcasts is hitting the stop 33% in 2022 to 44% in 2024. Google Pod- If you are not a fan of YouTube Music,
in their home for elderly parents. “I feel parents, their adult children and young requires an acknowledgement that it’s button. The announcement on casts saw a drop, going from 24% to 20% there are other podcast apps that can do
stretched whether it’s financially, emo- grandchildren. This also includes a sec- tough, and a process of structure, clear the winding up of the podcast app in the same time span. Seven in 10 Gen-Z the job: Spotify (for creators: Spotify for
tionally or physically. My husband and I tion of young people, who are supporting communication and larger conversa- came in September last year. The service respondents said they listen to podcasts Podcasters, formerly known as Anchor),
only discuss logistics, we have forgotten their parents, their grandparents and tions around financial awareness so that has not been available in the US since 2 each week (71%) as compared to two- Pocket Casts, Overcast and Podbean
what’s it like to laugh and pause.” their own children. there aren’t any assumptions around April, and users were asked to migrate thirds of the overall urban Indian popula- Podcast App & Player, among others.
Others in this age group who find Multi-generational care is tough at who’s supposed to do what. their subscriptions to YouTube Music, tion (67%). Delhi-based Razi Hasnain, who produ-
themselves in this position talk about every level. What makes it more chal- There is a risk of burnout and empathy which seems like it will be Google’s “Just like Apple Podcasts, which is ces the Shuffling Notes podcast on music,
their responsibilities that range from lenging is that families choose not to fatigue, so making space for self-care and prime “podcatcher” going forward. native to iOS devices, there was a lot of has relaunched his podcasts in video for-
caregiving and hospital visits to caring actively talk about the responsibilities, being aware of one’s own unmet needs is While Indian users can still access Goo- hope when Google Podcasts came into mat on YouTube. “But the most traffic I
for their own children, paying bills and scheduling and emotional challenges crucial. Companies too need to recognise gle Podcasts on both app and web, multi- the market because it was a native app on have seen comes from Spotify. Some-
managing finances, while also juggling that come with it. Often there are unsaid this issue in their workforce and focus on ple reports suggest it will not be long Android devices.... I know a few people times more than YouTube,” he says.
their own jobs. expectations and beliefs around caring building spaces, either through work- before other regions follow suit . who preferred Google Podcasts because While Stitcher’s closure last year
They show up in therapy feeling and sharing of duties, which becomes a shops or resources, where employees Launched in 2018, Google Podcasts of its clean interface and searchability. It meant we are slowly witnessing the death
unhappy, anxious, irritated and lost trigger for conflict between couples. feel that their concerns are seen and has registered more than 500 million also meant downloading one less app to of the podcast aggregator app, Google
when it comes to planning for their own Continuous caregiving can lead to heard. downloads on the Play Store. For me, it listen to podcasts,” says Shaun Fan- Podcasts now joins an unwanted list
life. They are overwhelmed with respon- hypervigilance and put individuals in a was an early introduction to the podcast- thome, producer and chief operating known among internet history enthusi-
sibilities and feel a loss of autonomy. chronic state of uncertainty. Given this Sonali Gupta is a Mumbai-based clini- ing world through an app that was mini- officer at Maed in India, a podcast pro- asts as the “Google Graveyard”—a host of
Then there is also guilt about having degree of anxiety, many individuals who cal psychologist. She is the author of the mal design-wise and simple to use. It also duction company and audio consultancy products shelved by the tech giant down
unpleasant feelings and a lingering fear are caring for others in the family report book Anxiety: Overcome It And Live had the option to add podcasts via an RSS based in Mumbai. the years: Google Play Music, YouTube
that they are not doing enough for their feeling dissatisfied with their quality of Without Fear and has a YouTube channel, feed. Six years down the line, I still have Fanthome says the app’s analytics Stories, Google Stadia and Google Duo
children or their parents. life and how their patience and stress Mental Health with Sonali. subscriptions to Reply All and Science also helped creators access interesting and Hangouts. Remember those?
04 SAturDAy, 13 April 2024
Source A compendium of stylish objects for a party by the pool All you need
is loathing
Judith Leiber
Martini Crystal-
Silver-tone clutch RETRO HAUTE
sculpted like a Dolce&Gabbana Ruched Floral-
dirty martini. print Halterneck Swimsuit
Available on 1960s-inspired swimsuit featuring
net-a-porter. a plunging neckline and ruched
com; ₹6,09,899 waistline. Available on myther-; ₹1,00,618.
The Infinity Cyber Run in Revo Red ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ was built around the vantage point of Larry David.
Maroon cat-eye glasses handcrafted in
Italian acetate from the Outhouse x John
Jacobs limited edition capsule. Available
was 19 years old when Curb Your Enthusiasm first aired.
on; ₹10,500. In that opening episode—The Pants Tent, October 2000, streaming in
India on JioCinema—Larry David has a fight with his friend Richard Lewis.
After much yelling, Lewis asks David to call him “by sundown”. David is
stunned by the word, not the demand. “By sundown? What are you, Gary
Cooper?” Lewis cracks up. He makes it clear that he’s still angry, but points
out that, comedian to comedian, David has scored. “I’m trying not to laugh,
FOOT CUSHION but that’s funny.” That instantly set Curb Your Enthusiasm apart from any-
Tory Burch Bubble thing we had seen.
Jelly Sliders The show was built around the unique vantage point of Larry David, an
Bright red and grape purple-hued entertainer so successful he had nothing left to prove. He had co-created
open toe sliders with lightweight Seinfeld, a landmark in television comedy whose influence on our lives and
air bubble soles. Available on our language continues to grow, and on the show, David put his feet up. He’d; ₹23,516. ticked the box already. Early episodes and seasons see David unmotivated to
find new projects, shelving plans for the fussiest of reasons, eager to goof off
instead. Imagine Henry Ford right after having made the Model T. (No won-
der there was never a Model U.)
To me that is the biggest difference between the on-screen David—legend-
ary curmudgeon and real-world version of Seinfeld character George Cos-
tanza—and the actual Larry David, who set out to bottle lightning all over
again by taking on social niceties and hypocrisy.
“Hell is other people,” wrote Jean-Paul Sartre. Over 24 years, Curb
embraced and exemplified that, complaining and arguing about societal con-
vention and acceptable behaviour. Yet—and here is the show’s unpretentious
brilliance—David is no messiah of the misfit, but a selfish miser, one who
GREEN DREAM refuses to go out of his way for anyone and, regardless, expects the world to be
Ulla Johnson ‘Gallia’ Printed BY THE BRIM nice to him. He wants courtesy without giving it. We, the viewer, oscillate
Cotton-blend Voile Mini Dress Fairbanks Mocha Panama between siding with Larry, our champion, and laughing at Larry, the oaf.
“Gallia” dress in a loose, gathered Men’s Hat Curb’s loudest laughs come when the show holds up a mirror to our own dou-
silhouette featuring a flowers- Mocha-coloured Panama hat ble standards.
and polka dots print. Available handcrafted from 100% Ecua- David started Curb as a modest series, featuring his famous friends mostly
on net-a-porter. com; ₹49,352 dorian toquilla straw. Available playing versions of themselves, improvising funny lines around David’s plot
on; ₹83,150. outlines. It’s loose, unbuttoned, vérité. The dialogue is spontaneous and
unpredictable, complete with digressions and dirty jokes—even when servic-
ing the meticulous plots and subplots. This contrasts dramatically with Sein-
feld’s metronomically precise punchlines, avoiding comparisons even when
VACAY CORE SUMMER SLAKER Curb borrows entire characters and plot-lines.
Shivan & Narresh Surocco Dune Homes Frosted & Speaking of which… Any Seinfeld admirer has a favourite episode, but few
Crew-neck ResorTee Textured Tall Glasses would pick the show’s finale, one of the most viewed events in TV history.
Make a striking vacation state- Elevate your party with this David had quit Seinfeld after season 7,
ment in this “resortee” that comes set of four textured tall but returned to script the finale—
in a relaxed fit. Available on glasses. Available on perni- by which time the protagonists,; ₹19,950.; ₹1,680. four irredeemably selfish
New Yorkers, had become STREAMING TIP
Compiled by Mahalakshmi Prabhakaran
beloved, cherished icons. OF THE WEEK
David gave these nasty
Curb Your Enthusiasm relied heavily
people comeuppance: a
on its regular cast, and one of the
fictitious Good Samari-
funniest and most quotable was the
tan law saw them in
late Bob Einstein, who played Marty
court attacked by many a
Funkhouser. The Super Bob Einstein
classic adversary, finally
Movie (JioCinema) is a great
held accountable.
documentary that charts
Sitcoms traditionally
Einstein’s groundbreaking
leave viewers on a high, with
body of work.
characters finding romance or
Things to watch, read, hear, do—and other curated experiences from the team closure. David and Jerry Seinfeld,
ending their show at its peak, left
FOOD TRAILS their characters inside a prison cell, bicker-
ll of us have an elusive food memory—a ing over the same shirt-button as they did at the very start of the series.
dish or drink that embodies perfection When the final Curb season suggested David may end up in court—and
but we just can’t recreate or find again with several characters mentioning Seinfeld’s infamous finale all season—it
(in my case, it’s my great-grandmother’s besan was obvious the ending would be a reprise, featuring a parade of people David
ladoo). That’s the premise of the charming has wronged over the years. David leans into the conceit beautifully alongside
best-seller The Kamogawa Food Detectives by comrade Jerry Seinfeld, doubling down to make sure that Curb ends with a
Hishashi Kashiwai—people who can’t forget a flourish—even as it gleefully skewers those who didn’t like the Seinfeld finish.
dish they’ve eaten just once find their way to a “The good thing about an opinion is that you can keep it to yourself,” David
café in Kyoto where a father and daughter is told during the final season. “But then everybody would walk around not
listen to slippery memories, ask questions, saying anything,” he retorts. That is Curb in a nutshell—Kant-ian and self-
investigate and recreate the dish. As every serving, thoughtless and particularist—the philosophy of one who always
story shows, food is linked to joy, dreams, puts themselves first. No wonder the show, which connected with me as a
circumstances, even closing a chapter and teenager, continues to entrance young people today—it demonstrates how
A WINE WITH GRAVITAS moving on. There is much else to savour in A CHARMED CARRY-ALL any idiot can have what kids now call “Main Character Energy”.
ast weekend, at the Sip & Savour this book, from the delicate descriptions of ver since I bought the Daily Curb has always been fearlessly provocative and politically incorrect.
wine festival in Mumbai, I tasted a food to the tableware and the changing of the Objects’ Pole Convertible Tote- Recent seasons have included plot-lines about David having a fatwa on his
Syrah and Merlot blend, vintage seasons. —Shalini Umachandran pack, I’ve secretly wondered if head, David wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat to get away from
2021, by the Indian winery Vallonné. Hermoine (from the Harry Potter uni- social engagements, and David being polite to a Klansman. The 12th and final
The ripe red fruit notes of the grapes verse) graced it with a cheeky exten- season sees David becoming, improbably enough, a liberal darling. He—acci-
remain intact, pronounced tannins EVERGREEN ELEPHANT sion charm—a spell that expands the dentally—breaks a real-life law and is heralded as an equal-rights activist and
add heft, and some ageing—six recent visit to the bank became a good internal dimensions of an object with- humanist, “the most popular white man in America right now.”
months each for the Merlot and excuse for me to walk down to a out changing its outside, while also With David so readily embraced (and rejected) by the liberal left, the final
syrah—lends a distinct oak flavour. restaurant nearby, one that I hadn’t making it lighter. Impossibly, it fits season shows us how meaningless a trial by media can be. This is David rally-
The full-bodied, dry style makes it visited in over a decade: Rogue Elephant. everything I need on chaotic days, ing against groupthink and cancel culture, knowing that his critique will not
perfect for smokey foods like roasts. Located in Basavanagudi, a south Bengaluru including a water bottle, a coffee flask, change anything. “I’m 76 years old,” he tells a child during the final episode,
There are hints of peppery aromas to neighbourhood, the open-air restaurant is a couple of books, a few vanities “And I have never learned a lesson in my entire life.”
elevate the food experience. It doesn’t picture-postcard pretty. And it’s also, I think, accompanied always by more than a My top moment from the finale is, unsurprisingly, a digression. Larry David
have a flamboyant personality; maybe, one of the city’s best kept secrets. Because few forgotten lip balms, as well as my and Jerry Seinfeld step away from the trial to laugh about the idea of dating a
even wine shops won’t push you to while you may not see many mentions of it on bulky laptop. Even with all of these bearded lady. This is a sublime non sequitur, two old friends choosing to talk
buy it. But, if you are looking for a social media, it’s a name that conjures up things in it, this bag has also somehow about nothing while the world burns.
well-made wine with sophistication, smiles among those who have stepped into its been able to accommodate a change of We may as well laugh, for the burning never stops. There will be no more
bring home this bottle. Make an even- lush surroundings and enjoyed its continental clothes. On days my back is especially Curb Your Enthusiasm. Richard Lewis, who fought David in that first episode
ing of it by turning on some Leonard fare. In a city where new restaurants and cafés creaky, I use it as a matter-of-fact and that last episode, is dead. I am not 19 anymore. Curb has left me older and
Cohen’s music or a Cillian Murphy open every second day—and disappear at an backpack, and on days I feel younger, I wiser, more respectful of wood and less afraid of being me. Thank you, Larry
movie. Sipping it while tending to equal rate—it was a small wonder to see an pull up the straps to make it a relaxed David. Take a bow, take a break, maybe go sell some cars. When you feel like
tedious chores, like laundry and dish- old, beloved place, still standing. As things tote. It’s the closest my muggle self has it, come back to make TV great again.
washing, will make them a tad pleas- change, some things, mercifully, remain the come to a bit of practical magic. Raja Sen is a screenwriter and critic. He has co-written Chup, a film about
urable. —Jahnabee Borah same. —Mahalakshmi Prabhakaran —Vangmayi Parakala killing critics, and is now creating an absurd comedy series. He posts @rajasen.
THINK SAturDAy, 13 April 2024
New Delhi 05
Sarmistha Dutta
Gupta’s new book on
Jallianwala Bagh
grapples with the idea
of erecting memorials
versus memory
Somak Ghoshal
n this day, exactly 105
years ago, a peaceful
crowd gathered at Amrit-
sar’s Jallianwala Bagh dur-
ing the annual Vaisakhi
fair to protest against the draconian Row- The Jallianwala Bagh
latt Act. Formally known as the Anarchical Journals: By Sarmistha
and Revolutionary Crimes Act of 1919, this Dutta Gupta, Jadavpur
British law gave the police the power to University Press,
detain, arrest and imprison without trial 256 pages, ₹1,200
any person suspected of committing “rev-
olutionary crimes”, a nebulous and all-en-
compassing category of offences. rifice in lieu of ₹50,000,” Usha Devi says,
Punjab had already faced the worst even though Kaur was expecting her
brunt of colonial brutality since the early youngest son at the time and was already
decades of the century, as hundreds of a mother to two other children.
men were rounded up and conscripted for History, in the eyes of the nation-state,
the British effort in World War I. But on 13 tends to reside in the monuments and
April 1919, the atrocities peaked to an memorials that have stood the test of time.
unprecedented level. Under instructions But a truly human history is made of the
from Brigadier General R.E.H. Dyer, the small voices of ordinary men and women
police opened fire on the gathering, kill- like Kaur or, as Nehru noted in shorthand
ing hundreds in the next few minutes and on his visit to the site, “Remarkable case of
unleashing a reign of terror on the citizens little boy age 5 or so who remained on
for days on end. The official figure of casu- open roof right through the firing and
alties was 379, though the actual number escaped unhurt. Thought they were fire-
is likely to be in the thousands. memorials which we can revere.” Amritsar’s Jallianwala anwala Bagh And Rabindranth Tagore’s watchful eyes of long-dead colonial gen- works. Walls round about him riddled
Cut to the 2000s and the fields of Tagore’s apprehension about the gen- Bagh; and (below) Response To The Massacre had opened at try. Sadly, the show, which was meant to with bullets.”
death have transformed into a tourist erational burden of the “black memory of Rabindranath Tagore with the Victoria Memorial Hall in Kolkata in be a public history project, was shut down Dutta Gupta’s book, taking Tagore’s
spot. As writer Sarmistha Dutta Gupta anger” has come to haunt us in more ways Jawaharlal Nehru in 1940. March 2020. It was an ambitious installa- within days due to the outbreak of the cov- cue, leaves the reader to grapple with the
recalls in her powerful new book, The than he could have imagined. One of the tion project, drawing on a massive collec- id-19 pandemic. question of erecting memorials versus
Jallianwala Bagh Journals, during her unique strengths of Dutta Gupta’s book is tive effort of researchers, artisans and art- In its afterlife as a book, the project has memory. In recent years, our government
visit to the site in 2016, she saw, “people her ability to connect the dots between ists. The entire setup, laid out on a blood- not only gained more definition, through has spruced up the killing fields of Jallian-
swarming inside the Jallianwala Bagh. 1919 and 2020s India, via the Partition of red carpet, subverting the usual the descriptive passages that Dutta Gupta wala Bagh, not only sanitised it into a pic-
The lawn inside was curated, and even 1947, tracing the bitter legacy of state symbolism of the red carpet, was auda- puts in to elaborate the concept, its scope nic spot but also twisted the narrative of its
topiaries of sepoys stood with guns. Peo- oppression from colonial times to the ciously imagined. Images, recordings, and execution, but also in its ability to trig- heroes. For instance, Udham Singh, a fol-
ple were busy taking pictures in front of present. Contemporary India is riddled texts, stories in multiple media brought ger a wealth of emotions in the reader. Par- lower of Bhagat Singh who killed Michael
the topiary and clicking selfies in front of with “Jallianwala Baghs”, a stand-in for together a whole tapestry of feeling inside ticularly, her close attention to the forgot- O’Dwyer, believed to be the chief architect
the bullet-marked wall. Some people had the myriad forms of violence that citizens the Portrait Gallery, looked over by the ten faces of history is deeply affecting. In of the massacre, in 1940, has been depicted
opened their picnic hampers in the gar- have had to face at the hands of subse- GETTY IMAGES an early chapter, for instance, she at the memorial site as a turbaned Sikh. In
den and listened to loud music. The quent governments in independent India. describes meeting the late Prof. V.N. Datta, reality, he called himself Ram Mohammad
inside thrummed with crowds, and From the farmers’ protest against the then in his 90s, one of the great historians Singh Azad, a true embodiment of our syn-
flashy shops lined the outside.” agricultural black laws to the plight of of Jallianwala Bagh. The elderly man, who cretic and secular roots. Narratives of our
The people of a country are a product of migrant workers during the pandemic, could only speak for 10 minutes due to his past get rewritten through such subtle but
their times. Most of them take their cues the spectacle of suffering crowds appears failing health, broke down remembering insidious distortions.
from the state. In 1961, under Jawaharlal with a terrifying regularity in the annals of the events that happened a century back. As Dutta Gupta puts it with ringing clar-
Nehru’s government, a memorial was India’s living history. However, instead of Especially moving are Dutta Gupta’s ity, “Jallianwala Bagh is a symbol of unity
built on the killing fields of Jallianwala taking a dry academic look into the social attempt to record the voices of women, among Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs
Bagh, a move that Rabindranath Tagore, and political narratives of Jallianwala who have been erased from the narrative against an oppressive regime. Perhaps this
who relinquished his knighthood to pro- Bagh, Dutta Gupta presents her years- of the massacre. The story of Attar Kaur, commercialisation of history by trans-
test against the tragedy, had strongly long research in the form of a journal. The the widow who sat all night with the forming Jallianwala Bagh is an attempt to
objected to until his death in 1941. The result is refreshingly authentic and pow- corpse of her husband and offered water keep the visitors distracted. Those who
poet was not opposed to preserving the erful. Not only does she bring in a profu- to the dying, is part of the lore of Jallian- are spending taxpayers’ money today to
memory of the event, as Dutta Gupta sion of unheard voices, along with images, wala Bagh. But the moment suddenly reorient a historic site, may tomorrow
points out, but rather to the idea of “mon- through her extensive use of oral history, leaps out of the pages of history as Dutta hand over the responsibility of the Bagh’s
umentalising memory”. In his prescient but she also contextualises many of mod- Gupta and her fellow researchers track maintenance to a private company.”
address to the Congress in April 1920, ern India’s present crises in the light of its down, after much effort, the house where All things considered that day may not
later published in Modern Review, he had complicated past. Kaur had spent her final days. From Usha be far away.
made his position abundantly clear: “Let Dutta Gupta’s journals trace their ori- Devi, a former tenant of the house, Dutta ‘The Jallianwala Bagh Journals’ will be
those who wish, try to burden the minds of gins in an earlier project that she had Gupta learns about the British govern- available online and in bookstores end
the future with stones, carrying the black co-created with artist and scholar Sancha- ment’s attempts to “compensate” Kaur April.
memory of anger, but let us bequeath to yan Ghosh in 2020. Bringing history and twice, only to be rebuffed by the brave Somak Ghoshal is a writer and editor
the generations to come only those art together, Ways Of Remembering Jalli- widow. “She didn’t sell her husband’s sac- based in Delhi.
06 SAturDAy, 13 April 2024
New Delhi TASTE
Yes, there are mangoes; Japan to Russia. Each dish is dedicated to
historic kingdoms. Ants appear in the fifth
but don’t miss ant course as an ode to the kingdom of the
Aztecs. There’s a thick, piquant relish
pupae, 1990s’ inspired made with red weaver ants, and it’s paired
drinks and bold flavours with tortilla.
“I want to break pre-conceived notions of
as chefs introduce food. For instance, why should non-vege-
tarians stick to only chicken, when just a few
menus for the summer
Jahnabee Borah
kilometers from this city people depend on
other sources of protein, like ants. Or, we
can use ants to replace the zestiness of a
lemon in a relish—both have similar fla-
The vintage tea
vours,” says chef and Ekaa co-founder
sets of 1980s
[email protected]
Niyati Rao. She believes that when fine dine
s spring gives way to summer, restaurants put an ingredient on their
restaurants and bars are cele- menu, it has a trickle-down effect. “With
brating a new season with ants, hopefully an effort like this will strip it
fresh menus. Incorporating off the perception of chi chi (disgust) and it Aravinda Anantharaman
seasonal produce is inevita- will find more acceptance,” she adds.
ble, but chefs and bartenders have upped Farmlore has a course with ant pupae har- y mother hands me a box in which sits a bone china
their game by being adventurous with vested from their farm. Ant nests were pro- teapot, sugar bowl and creamer with six cups and sau-
ingredients like ants, and imbibing the feel liferating in the many mango trees on the cers, all in a dull pink with a gold rim. It was a wedding
and flavours of the city in which they are 37-acre plot and they used the pupae to turn gift to my parents from my father’s friend.
located. It is a little bit of play and a whole lot milk into curd. This is served as an appetiser It’s a little over 50 years old but has kept so well. What nice
of imagination. named Ant Bite. “If ants build a nest in a presents tea sets make, I think. Are they still a popular gift at
One of Bengaluru’s most innovative res- mango or lemon tree, they will absorb the weddings? I don’t recall getting one at my own. “You gifted me
taurants, Farmlore, captures these aspects flavours of those trees,” says Ebenezer. a tea set,” says a friend, and I am happy to hear it’s still in use.
in its 10-course tasting menu launched in While ants are a long way from being as In the Museum of Material Memory, a digital repository of
March. For a dish with quail, it draws inspi- popular as avocados, chefs are trying to material culture of India, its founder and oral historian, Aan-
ration from artist Nandalal Bose’s water- present them in innovative, palatable ways chal Malhotra, writes about Hitkari, a homegrown brand that
colour painting Tiller Of The Soil (1938), for curious, open-minded diners. changed the Indian market for teaware. “Found in nearly
which depicts a farmer ploughing a field Food isn’t the only area for new discover- every china cabinet in India, Hitkari Pottery began to appear
and is on display at Bengaluru’s National ies—wines are also being introduced for the in the trousseau of young brides—the delicate pink and white
Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA). The dish summer. Typically port wines are red, but flowers on pristine teacups and saucers reserved for grand
pays homage to the painting by using the Indian Accent has a rare white bottle, W&J occasions only,” she writes.
four ingredients of rice, wheat, corn and Graham’s fine white port from Portugal, The idea of British-style afternoon tea popularised tea sets.
pigeon peas tilled in the artist’s homeland of which is reserved for the dessert course. Bone china itself was a British invention and remained exclu-
Kharagpur in West Bengal. “Apart from the Ekaa has a new cocktail menu infused sively British well until the 20th century. It’s non-porosity
painting’s connection with food, the with Ayurvedic ingredients, such as jata- suited tea as it helps retain flavour. Brands like Spode, Wedg-
dish draws attention to an manshi (spikenard), camphor and khus root wood, Royal Doulton, Aynsley were the ones to seek. Japan
important work on display (camphor). In Pune, the bar Cobbler & Crew was the first country outside England to start bone china pro-
in Bengaluru,” says chef introduced a cocktail menu in early April duction with Noritake. In India, Bengal Potteries (closed)
Johnson Ebenezer, celebrating the 1990s, in drinks such as started in 1964 and was followed by Hitkari (still around).
co-founder, Farm- Summer of 95 (gin, mint cordial and vetiver The Hitkari story is captured in marvellous detail by Mal-
lore, exemplifying aperitif blend), Pen Pals (bourbon, amaretto hotra. The story goes that Krishan Kapoor, who started Hit-
how menus can (clockwise, from left) Cobbler & Crew’s vodka-based cocktail and fig compote) and OK Boomer (gin, cit- kari, trained in pottery in Japan. On his return, he raised ₹1.5
go beyond the Drinkur Veggies; smoked Marwari ‘papad’ at Indian Accent rus and bubble gum soda) as a nod to the OG lakh to start the factory in Faridabad in 1966.
plate. Mumbai; and ‘Ant Bites’ at Farmlore, Bengaluru. bubble gum Boomer. This is the kind of The 1980s were the best of times for bone china teaware in
In Delhi, menu that will please a whole generation India. There’s a 1988 India Today story about a new range of
Indian Accent and spicy crab that grew up listening to Britney Spears, bone china in India that emulates the English “in design, shine
unveiled their accompanied Backstreet Boys and Lucky Ali. and shape”. The hallmark of quality is the “feel of the lip on the
seven-course with a tiny pav The Chennai restaurant Pandan Club that cup is smooth and the clink of the cup on the saucer is sharp”.
tasting menu slathered with specialises in Peranakan cuisine recently There was demand from abroad too. Hitkari was exporting to
two weeks ago. green chutney launched a cocktail menu called Shortest Canada, Australia, the Netherlands and the US. There was
Its appetiser as mains. Both Chefs and bartenders are Route that ties together flavours and cul- some aggressive marketing at play, urging people to choose
course includes dishes are a nod to tural facets of the city. The gin-based drink a different set for a different occasion. For instance, a light flo-
chaats, hare matar ki Mumbai’s taste celebrating summer by being Serangoon Smith with a shimmering yellow ral cup was recommended for a morning liquor tea. It turned
tikki (green peas cutlet), preferences. There’s adventurous with ingredients hue has an edible stamp clipped as a garnish many of our parents into ardent collectors.
moth dal ki batata puri just one course common and imbibing the feel and made with jaggery and coconut; the flavours In a story in the digital magazine Tea Journey, caterer and
(deep-fried bread stuffed with to both cities and the season’s are evocative of the popular south Indian writer Rhea Dalal writes about her mother and aunt who
potatoes and moth beans) and quinoa most popular fruit mango binds
flavours of the city in which candy, kamarkattu. Another drink, Movie often visited antique stores and weekly markets in Kolkata in
dahi vada. them. It’s a dessert: cheesecake topped with they are located. Night, which has Old Monk infused with search of tea ware. Dalal has inherited the collection along
Culinary director chef Manish Mehrotra, crisp mini puris placed in a moat of aamras butter popcorn, champions Chennai’s love with a love of tea.
who grew up in Patna, Bihar, brings a bit of (mango pulp). for films and rum, and is one of their most I don’t know how much variety tea offered in the 1980s but
his childhood memories in a main course of While Indian Accent’s menus are all popular cocktails now. tea ware did not disappoint. If you own or have inherited any
green jackfruit, sattu (roasted gram flour) about comfort and familiar flavours, there On Monday, Masque in Mumbai tea ware from that time, do bring it out of the woodwork. If
roti and an ole (elephant yam) chutney. are restaurants that encapsulate the spirit announced a new menu; and Lupa in Benga- you’d like to know more about it, look for the seal on the
Indian Accent Mumbai released a new menu of adventure with ingredients and tech- luru posted on their Instagram page about underside and then google it. It may yet surprise you with a lit-
at the same time, and it’s distinctly different. niques. Earlier this month, Ekaa launched introducing their refreshed dinner menu tle story all its own.
“We have a few guests travelling between their new 10-course menu soon. It seems like Tea Nanny is a fortnightly series on the world of tea. Aravinda
cities and eating in both the restaurants. So, that takes diners on a there’s a new gour- Anantharaman is a Bengaluru-based tea blogger and writer
we cannot have repeats,” Mehrotra explains. gastronomic jour- met experience for who reports on the tea industry. She posts @AravindaAnanth1
The Mumbai menu has pav bhaji filled in ney from India to every week of the on Twitter.
golf ball-sized crusty bread as an appetiser Mexico and month.
first tasted arugula or rocket on a trip regular one looks more like radish Half tsp rock salt Wash all the greens well and drain
to the UK in 2006 or so, and it was greens with broader leaves. What I Quarter tsp chilli flakes excess water.
love at first bite. Like blue cheese, asa- recently found out is that both these 1 tsp chia or toasted flaxseeds (optional) In a blender, combine the garlic,
foetida and mustard oil, it had a unique leaves that go by the name “rocket”, are Rocket flowers or any edible flowers chillies, peanuts, fennel seeds and salt.
punchy flavour that I love in my food, in fact different species—the bigger leaf (optional) Blend until coarsely crushed. Now add
flavours that wake up your taste buds. I rocket (Eruca vesicaria), also called salad all the greens (coarsely chopped), salt
had never heard of it or eaten it in India rocket, is a crucifer related to mustard Method and lemon juice and blend to get a
and I was desperate to get my hands on family. It is a short season annual plant Scatter rocket leaves and diced water- smooth chutney— up to 3-4 tbsp of
this leafy green back home. The follow- and in hot weather, bolts to give white melon on a platter.Top with crumbled water.
ing year, a friend visiting India from flowers and seeds. The mature leaves feta. Drizzle extra virgin olive oil and How to use this chutney:
abroad got me a packet of seeds for have a stronger flavour than the younger balsamic vinegar all over the salad. u As a sandwich spread
mixed salad greens, which I instantly tender leaves. Wild rocket (Diplotaxis (left) Watermelon rocket salad; and rockets+greens chutney. PHOTOGRAPHS BY NANDITA IYER In a mortar pestle, crush together u On grilled paneer, chicken or fish
sowed in a shallow tray in my balcony in tenuifolia) is also a crucifer. The tiny yel- chilli flakes and rock salt to get chilli u Whisk in some extra virgin olive oil
Mumbai and lo and behold, I had my low flowers carry the distinct peppery salads. The best part about growing 10 times the flavour. Don’t waste expen- salt. Sprinkle the chilli salt, chia seeds and use as a salad dressing
first harvest of arugula among other flavour and can be used as edible flowers rocket (especially the wild variety) is sive pine nuts in this pesto as the flavour and edible flowers as a garnish over the u Toss boiled potatoes or sweet pota-
varieties of lettuce. The latter did not in garnishes and salads. Rocket belongs that after the first round of sowing seeds may end up being overshadowed by salad and chill for 1-2 hours before serv- toes in this chutney
survive the harsh Mumbai sun, but aru- to the same family as kale but is entirely and harvesting, it is self-seeding. The rocket’s intense flavour. Use toasted ing. u Mix into hung yogurt to get a green
gula, being its hardy self, continued to different in appearance and taste. lightweight seeds fall to the soil and the almonds or cashews or a mix of the two Notes: Lemon juice can be used dip to go with veggie sticks or crackers
thrive and give me a handful for salads Rocket leaves are my favourite thing cycle continues. nuts instead. You can also use half rocket instead of balsamic vinegar. u Thin it with olive oil and drizzle over
every now and then. to grow and they never disappoint. It is Due to its sharp, pungent flavour, leaves and half basil if you are new to the Use any cooked or canned beans in avocado toast.
When I moved to Bengaluru in 2011, quick to grow (you can start harvesting rocket pairs well with bland or sweet pungency of rocket. The leaves also add the salad.
my first order of business was to dedi- in four-six weeks), hardy against pests, ingredients like eggs, potatoes, water- much flavour as a pizza topping (add Double Tested is a fortnightly column on
cate a substantial area of my small ter- perennial (grows year round) and packs melon, mango, avocado, beet, corn, fresh leaves after the pizza is out of the ROCKET + GREENS CHUTNEY vegetarian cooking, highlighting a single
race garden to growing my favourite a bomb when it comes to flavour. mak- mushroom, pear, cucumber and roasted oven), in a wrap or in a sandwich. Makes 1 cup ingredient prepared two ways. Nandita
edible greens—arugula. It took off with ing it a top pick for any kitchen garden pumpkin or butternut squash. If you I hope this has convinced you to buy a Ingredients Iyer’s latest book is The Great Indian
such gusto that I had huge bunches to or window sill pot. It is quite expensive have a generous harvest or ended up bunch of rocket or get the seeds and 1 cup rocket leaves Thali—Seasonal Vegetarian Whole-
deal with. From using a tiny handful, when you buy it and there’s nothing ordering a big bag of rocket, pesto is the grow your own greens and try these 1 cup coriander leaves, packed someness (Roli Books). She posts @saf-
sparingly, I had a problem of plenty and better than freshly plucked rocket in way to go. It is as tasty as basil pesto with recipes. Handful of mint leaves frontrail on Twitter and Instagram.
STYLE SAturDAy, 13 April 2024
New Delhi 07
A little bit of
drama, a lot
of colour
Refreshing your living room could be as
simple as adding a statement piece that
becomes a talking point. Take your pick
from this selection of unusual seats
Add some fun to your
living room with these
unique pencil-inspired
chairs by Studio Metal-
lurgy for children and
adults. Available on;
starting from ₹15,500
and why he hasn’t thought of succession yet Shaped like an ice-cream cone,
this chair by French firm
Moustache will be a
Pooja Singh conversation starter at
recalls. “It was mad but also brilliant. Very every house party.
[email protected] India, very glocal (global-local). That’s Available on
why the West also recognised him, and; €780
f Indian fashion has a mad genius, let’s not forget that at that time there was (around ₹70,000)
it is Manish Arora. And if there no social media, no corporate backing.”
was any doubt about that, take a Arora debuted at the London fashion
look at his milkshake glass- week in 2005, three years after present-
shaped purse, complete with ing his show at the inaugural India Fash-
straws and a cherry on top, designed seven ion Week in Mumbai. Two years later, he
years ago, or a short kaftan-like dress was invited to stage a catwalk show at the
resembling a butterfly in psychedelic col- Paris Fashion Week, the first such BOLD PRINT
ours, which was part of his 2016 spring instance for an Indian designer. On the Want to experiment without
collection. They’re all part of an ongoing side, he was designing exclusive collabo- being too bold? Take the
retrospective show for the designer that rations with some of the world’s leading prints route, like this Magno-
opened last month in the US. brands, including Swarovski, Reebok, lia Rosa Love Seat, and infuse
Each of the 100-plus garments and Swatch, MAC and Amrapali. an old-world charm into any
accessories, on show till 18 August at In between, he became the creative space. Available on Magnolia-
SCAD (Savannah College of Art and director of the womenswear collection of; ₹103,900
Design) FASH Museum of Fashion + Film the French fashion house Paco Rabanne
in Atlanta, is an example of street art going for a year—another first for a home-
couture, while painting a fun and colour- grown designer. Side by side, Arora was
ful story of India. It is visible in a dress with growing his retail presence in India and (from top) Manish Arora’s (inset, left) retrospective show at SCAD; food made by the
sepia-tinted photographs of 1990s Bolly- abroad. A-listers like Priyanka Chopra designer; a look from his 2009 show at the Paris Fashion Week.
wood actors—faces you might still find and Katy Perry were flaunting his crea-
adorning a Delhi auto or filling a studio tions, much before the trend of global directions, from installations and stage
wall in a rural area—and in a jacket celebrities wearing Indian designer costumes (he made costumes for ABBA’s
embroidered with gummy bears and jelly clothes became a familiar sight. Manish Voyage digital tour last year) to cooking.
beans. The exhibits in the Manish Arora had become the breakout He now holds pop-ups in restaurants like
Arora: Life Is Beautiful show star of Indian fashion at a time Desi Road in Paris.
have been part of his run- when the Indian economy “During covid, since I was all by myself
way presentations and was just finding its feet in Paris, I used to cook, like dal makhani.
collaborations. Other and the customer was I would call my chachi (aunt), my ma, and
pieces have been starting to under- ask them kitna masala dalna hai (how
loaned by his custom- stand the idea of glo- Fashion is when somebody much masala to use?). I used to make my
ers spread across balisation. own paneer, I still do. Once the lockdown
Japan, China, Europe “While his work is
has a vision that a person eased, I invited some friends over and one
and the US. fun and colourful, it is expresses without any of them happened to own a restaurant in
“There’s a skirt with also timeless and filter. I just want to design Paris. And she said, ‘it is so divine that I
chain-stitch embroi- translatable, like a print and do different things. would like you to do a collaboration with
dery that was done in or an embroidery on a my restaurant’.”
Kashmir. Only one artisan sari can be easily used in a In 2021, he came out with We Are Fam-
worked on that piece for T-shirt as well,” says Priya ily, a French book detailing the recipes he Ñ
months,” says Arora, 51, over the Paul, chairperson of The Park had learnt from his family members. Arora
phone from the US. “It’s impossible to Hotels and among the initial first Manish doesn’t want to restrict himself to food,
This multicoloured
make it again. Most of the pieces are like Arora buyers. “You can’t say that about though, and says he wants to dab-
glass coffee table by
that; they don’t have duplicates.” many designers today.” ble in filmmaking as well. He’s
Dutch design manu-
This is Arora’s biggest retrospective By 2020, his business had currently on a project, details of
facturer Polspotten
show after four years, when all his busi- shut down. A 2020 New which he didn’t wish to share.
brings functionality
nesses shut down in 2020 amid the pan- York Times article “At 49, I realised that I can do
to sharp design.
demic and reports of financial trouble and claimed his “business is what I want to do. I don’t have
Available on
unpaid dues to employees. He’d had a in tatters”. When I ask responsibilities. I don’t have chil-;
dream run for over two decades, launch- about what went wrong, dren. I don’t have to think of
$1,728 (around
ing brands, working with international Arora says he would prefer saving for them,” he says.
₹1.40 lakh)
and Indian celebrities and showing at not to comment. Does this mean we will not
some of the world’s most prestigious fash- He did address The New see a new collection for India? No,
ion weeks. York Times article in a 2023 inter- comes his reply. “I never left the
When Arora started his namesake label view with Dirty magazine, saying, fashion world. I’ve just stopped
in 1997 in Delhi, the Indian fashion indus- “... I never thought I was so important making collections every three Ô This 20kg sculpture-meets-stool, the Cinnabar
try was still taking shape. The Mumbai- for somebody to give me 4,000- months,” he says. “I would like to do
born Arora was a young designer in a nas- something words in The New a collaboration without the headache Lacquer Camel Stool, by Lotus Arts de Vivre is
cent industry, wanting to add fantasy, fun York Times. Because there are of manufacturing and production. I embellished with sterling silver. Available on
and satire via vintage prints, appliqué and bigger brands who have bigger just want to design.”; price on request.
traditional embroideries. “I used to go to issues. I did feel that a lot of things in that Unlike other designers who are
Kinari bazaar (in old Delhi), see all the article were not correct. It felt like an securing corporate funding and
kitsch imagery, the posters and all…and agenda against me.” looking at succession plans, Arora
then make clothes,” says Arora, who is Aparna Bahl, a show director, who’s is in no rush. “It’s not like I have retired.
now based in Paris. “I was attracted to worked with designers like Arora, Tarun Fashion is when one has a vision that
these things for some reason. You can see Tahiliani and Gaurav Gupta, for over three they express without filters, that this is
women wearing red, blue, green, orange, decades, offers a point of view: “Like every what I want people to wear. And when
yellow, purple, all together, unknowingly, other sector, some businesses fail in the people accept it, you make your own
and still look very convincing. I took that fashion space as well.” tribe,” he says. “For example, I did a collec-
with me subconsciously when I started tion called Candy Tribe because I was
doing my collections.” LIVING IN THE NOW obsessed with playing Candy Crush.”
Arora’s love for funky designs and col- Arora doesn’t want to dwell on the past. “I It’s this kind of risk-taking and eccen-
ours was evident to his National Institute have come to this phase of my life where I tricity that has helped Arora make a mark
of Fashion Technology (NIFT) classmates want to do things at my pace. I did collec- on the international stage even though his
in Delhi as well. Designer and friend Nam- tion after collection for more than 20 India business failed. He has inspired
rata Joshipura, who was in the same 1994 years,” says Arora, who looks up to the many to adapt his signature whimsical
batch, shares an instance when they were work of Rick Owens and Dries Van Noten. GETTY IMAGES style but no one has managed to make
given a class project. “Manish came up “I never had time for myself.” street art couture on a similar scale. “The
with ‘Guatemala Rainbow’. The fabrics Since shifting to Paris in 2019, the Manish Arora brand is so me,” he says. “I Compiled by Pooja Singh
and prints were bright and colourful,” she designer has branched out in several am not sure if anybody else can do it.”
08 SAturDAy, 13 April 2024
New Delhi COVER
BOLLYWOOD C Real-life politics has been spilling into Bollywood over the past few mo
Uday Bhatia made any leaps, or even small hops, in the last five tary, PMO, Rajeshwari (Priyamani) are the prime
[email protected] or six years. movers; also in prominent roles are the prime minis-
Compared to other language cinemas, it looks ter played by Arun Govil—Lord Ram in the popular ‘ARTICLE 370’
othing is as powerful as an idea whose slow-footed and timid, unsure of how to capture the TV series Ramayan (1987)—and the home minister
time has come, except when every- popular imagination or make an incisive point. The played by Kiran Karmarkar.
one has the same idea. Over a five- slant has as much to do with political climate as it If Uri showed the Prime Minister’s willingness to
week stretch starting 25 January, I does with opportunism. act decisively, Article 370 is a tribute to his and home a pre-election release.
saw the same scene play out thrice on Films favourable to the government are offered minister’s determination to get the job done. Dhar The polls might have shone a light on establish-
the big screen in three different films. First came tax breaks (four BJP states made the controversial said as much at the trailer launch: “The current gov- ment-friendly cinema, but this has been an ongo-
Fighter, which had a recreation of the attack by a 2023 film The Kerala Story tax-free), talked up by ernment doesn’t need a small film like ours to win an ing trend. Hindi cinema has moved steadily right-
Jaish-e-Mohammed suicide bomber on a Central leaders in rallies, their makers given awards and, election. They made Ram Mandir for us. It took us wards over the last decade, towards Hindutva and
Reserve Police Force convoy at Pulwama in 2019, in occasionally, party tickets (Kangana Ranaut is con- 500 years to get that.” hawkishness and away from social criticism and
which 40 soldiers were killed. A month later, Article testing her first election from the Mandi Lok Sabha At a rally in Sangareddy in Telangana on 5 March, inclusivity. At the same time, the box office has
370 showed the Pulwama attack. A week after that constituency in Himachal Pradesh, as is Arun Govil the Prime Minister referenced the film and sug- ceded more and more ground to Hollywood. The
came Operation Valentine, which again recreated the from Meerut in Uttar Pradesh). It all adds up to a gested abrogation and the Ram temple as twin genre spectaculars that have tried to wrest back
attack and used newsreel footage of the funerals. All unique situation: one of the largest popular cinemas examples of the “Modi guarantee”. The film was also that audience have been spy films, war films and
three films had actors essaying the role of the prime in the world, overwhelmingly for the State, but not praised by the defence minister, and made tax-free historicals—genres that, in India, are inherently
minister, either attending the funerals or addressing by the State. in two BJP states. conservative, pro-government and sometimes
rallies and promising retaliation. Will we see a triumphant Ram Mandir film in Hindutva-leaning.
Every other week this year, a film has released that PARTY FAVOURS 2029? The temple at Ayodhya was finally conse- The Hindi blockbuster space today is a fascinat-
extols the achievements or reflects the concerns of Exactly three months before the last general elec- crated on 22 January, on the site of the erstwhile ing web of historical revisionism, ancient grudges
the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its affiliates— tion, Aditya Dhar’s Uri: The Surgical Strike (2019) Babri mosque. The ceremony was attended by a gal- and geopolitical posturing. Hindu iconography is
the existence of Pakistan, the rights of Hindus, the released. It broke with previous Hindi action films axy of Bollywood stars, including Alia Bhatt, Ranbir all-pervasive, from the eve-of-battle prayers in war
abrogation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir. in emphasising the role of the government, includ- Kapoor, Amitabh Bachchan, Vicky Kaushal, Katrina film Bhuj: The Pride Of India (2021) to the unex-
Since the official announcement of the polling dates ing the prime minister (played by Rajit Kapur) and Kaif and Madhuri Dixit Nene. All four hours were plained underwater aums in Ram Setu. Historical
(19 April to 1 June), there are some restrictions on national security adviser Govind Bhardwaj (Paresh screened in PVR Inox cine- films sell the Hindutva belief
campaigning. But films continue to play in theatres Rawal), in the covert operation conducted on Paki- mas in over 70 cities. A friend that India was ruled by
across the country that openly or tacitly make a case stani soil in 2016. The prime minister isn’t named, who sat through it said there “invaders” from the death of
for the ruling dispensation. and Kapur doesn’t do any imitations, but styled and wasn’t an empty seat in the Prithviraj Chauhan in 1192
“A particular piece of propaganda by itself is presented as he is, audiences are left to draw their hall, even though it was Mon- right up till independence
unlikely to shift the way somebody votes,” says own conclusions. day morning. The volume of material— from the British in 1947.
Aakar Patel, author of Our Hindu Rashtra. “But it all Uri grossed approximately ₹340 crore on a budget Reclaiming Ram Janma- whether it’s through social War and spy films also play
helps. The volume of material—whether it’s through of ₹44 crore and ushered in a new kind of hard- bhoomi was the primary on the threat of incursion
social media or on the big screen or the small screen edged political action film. In the wake of its success, emotive BJP issue for dec- media or on the big screen or (always Pakistan, rarely
or radio—will consolidate the message the party is the film was referenced and its rallying cry (“How’s ades. There are a few little- the small screen or radio—will China), but show an India that
trying to send out.” the josh?”) used by BJP leaders in the run-up to the seen, alarmist films (Ram Ki consolidate the message the isn’t “afraid to use force”.
These films range from big studio releases to polls. They are still using its language. “This is new Janmabhoomi, 2019; Six Kashmir is a source of anxiety,
shoestring provocations. Some of the makers have India,” Bhardwaj famously says in the film. “It’ll Nine Five, 2024) about the party is trying to send out. or outright villainy, in many
a discernable political agenda; others just want to enter your home, and it’ll kill you too.” Earlier this movement itself. The last act of these films; one of the ugli-
turn a profit. If we consider only the films released week, the BJP dropped a minute-long, military- of Tejas has Ranaut’s fighter AAKAR PATEL est moments in Fighter is Hri-
this year, three broad categories emerge: war and themed video featuring the Prime Minister that pilot scrambling to prevent a AUTHOR thik Roshan’s air force pilot
foreign policy (Fighter, Operation Valentine); inter- begins with “This is new Bharat.” terrorist attack on a Ram growling, with reference to
nal politics (Article 370, Bastar: The Naxal Story); and A lean, focused alternative to the maximalist temple about to be inaugu- Kashmir, “Maalik hum hain
right-wing history (Main Atal Hoon, Swatantra Veer action favoured by star vehicles, Uri has had an out- rated. The Akshay Kumar- (we are the masters)”.
Savarkar, the Telugu film Razakar). size influence on the Hindi cinema of the past five starrer Ram Setu can be seen The prime minister in the
There are also a handful of incendiary films with years. New action films reference it unthinkingly, as an allegory for the move- film says “Unhe dikhana
trailers out that could release in the next month- the way romantic dramas quote Dilwale Dulhania ment, the mythical bridge from India to Sri Lanka padega ke baap kaun hai (we’ll have to show Pakistan
and-a-half: The Sabarmati Report, Accident Or Le Jayenge (1995). “How’s the josh?” becomes a silly standing in for another Hindu structure lost in the who daddy is)”, and indicates that this is something
Conspiracy: Godhra, The Diary Of West Bengal, The joke in Fighter (“How’s the ghosht?”); the Ranaut- mists of time, whose veracity is decided at the end the governments of the last five decades were too
UP Files, JNU: Jahangir National University. And starrer Tejas (2023) reuses the “enter your home” by a court case. timid to do. Compared to this, the social message
there’s Emergency, directed by and starring BJP line verbatim. But it’s Article 370 that takes Uri’s Ram the deity remains a huge draw. Adipurush, films built around BJP-era initiatives—like the
candidate Kangana Ranaut as Indira Gandhi, less-appreciated tweak—politicians as prime mov- a ludicrous, VFX-heavy retelling of the story of Akshay Kumar-starrers Toilet: Ek Prem Katha (2017)
slated for release on 14 June, after the election ers in action thrillers—and creates a new sort of Ram, was a failure, but that hasn’t put a dampener and Mission Mangal (2019)—feel quite benign.
results are declared. propaganda film. on a proposed Ramayan trilogy with Ranbir Kapoor When it comes to films concerning earlier
This flurry of right-leaning films comes on the Aditya Suhas Jambhale’s film is about the abroga- (who already has one Hindu mythology-inspired regimes—both BJP-led and otherwise—a compli-
back of 10 years of increasingly conservative Hindi tion of the erstwhile Article of the Constitution that franchise in Brahmastra) as Ram. cated dance ensues. Sam Bahadur (2023) credits
cinema. Secular overtures in commercial films— allowed for “special status” for Jammu and Kashmir. Field Marshall Sam Manekshaw (Vicky Kaushal)
once as common an ingredient as song and dance— Abrogation had been a long-standing objective of JOIN THE ASSISTANCE with the entirety of the 1971 Bangladesh liberation
are less frequent now. Spy and war films boast of an the BJP, mentioned in successive election manifes- Shohini Ghosh, professor, AJK Mass Communica- campaign, regarded as one of India’s greatest mili-
aggressive “new India”. Dissenting voices have dried tos. It was achieved in August 2019, and the state was tion Research Centre Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi, tary successes. In the film, Jawaharlal Nehru
up. The idea of India as a Hindu nation is often reorganised into two Union Territories of Jammu says that although she’s sceptical about the recent (Neeraj Kabi) is a weak old man who allows China
touted, especially by historical films that portray and Kashmir, and Ladakh. glut of pro-establishment films affecting voting and Pakistan to threaten India. Indira Gandhi (Fat-
Muslim kings as cruel invaders and play up the Article 370 is produced and co-written by Uri decisions, they do “give us an insight into how the ima Sana Shaikh) is green and unsure, deferring to
resistance of the Rajputs and Marathas. Meanwhile, director Aditya Dhar, and stars his wife, Yami agenda of Hindutva, of right-of-centre nationalism, Manekshaw in matters of strategy and diplomatic
films from Brahmāstra: Part One—Shiva (2022) to Gautam Dhar, who also featured in Uri. Sharp, stri- has permeated Bombay cinema. Politics has become action. He addresses her as “sweetie”; they have a
Ram Setu (2022) to Adipurush (2023) promote dif- dent and divided into “chapters” like in Uri, the film inescapable.” few moments bordering on flirtation. It’s not a
ferent shades of Hinduism, from quasi-science to oscillates between efforts to track separatists and the She points out how Siddharth Anand in his action mean portrait of Gandhi, but arguably one that
baroque fantasy. legal and political maneuvering that allowed the films War (2019) and Pathaan (2023) succeeded in diminishes her steely acumen, just as The Acciden-
How has this pronounced slant affected Hindi abrogation to happen. National Investigation “troubling the idea of the enemy”, but didn’t in the tal Prime Minister (2019) diminished Congress
cinema? Few would argue that Bollywood has Agency operative Zooni (Gautam) and joint secre- more strident Fighter. A casualty, perhaps, of being leader and former Prime Minister Manmohan Bollywood actors at the consecration of Ayodha tem
R STORY SAturDAy, 13 April 2024
New Delhi 09
Roy’s Walking With The Comrades). Despite its seen through the eyes of one Muslim family. The
childish provocations, this is a repellent film.
Sudipto Sen pulls a leaf from the classic propaganda
FIVE INDIAN arcs are presented non-chronologically, as if to com-
pel the viewer to piece together a timeline of
playbook, showing Naxals as depraved, bloodthirsty
and animalistic; the scene with a soldier spilling as
POLITICAL FILMS national failures. It’s a sombre film, but Banerjee
does have some fun.
Singh’s capabilities.
she eats reminded me of the Black man gnawing at
a chicken leg in D.W. Griffith’s noxious 1915 land-
TO WATCH A writer (played by Shashank Arora) is sum-
moned by the literature committee to discuss an
Yodha (2023) has the opposite problem. This 15 mark, The Birth Of A Nation. It’s difficult to take Newton (2017) innocuous cookbook he’s submitted in the hope of
March release with Sidharth Malhotra as a special Sen’s film seriously—there’s a meeting in the jungle In this smart, caustic film by Amit Masur- being left alone. They are unhappy with “Kash-
forces soldier is loosely inspired by the 1999 Indian attended by representatives of the Naxals, LTTE, kar, Rajkummar Rao’s earnest civil ser- miri” being attached to dum aloo, and also that 18%
Airlines Flight 814 hijack that led to the release of Lashkar-e-Taiba, ULFA and communist parties of vant tries to conduct fair polls in a of the words in the manuscript are Urdu. It’s a
terrorists Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, Masood Spain and the Philippines. Yet, the vitriol is real and Naxal-controlled village. send-up of censor board meetings by a director
Azhar and Mushtaq Ahmed Zargar. Though the BJP- unsettling. who’s seen his share.
led National Democratic Alliance was in power in While We Watched (2022) I’d expected a howl of despair, but Tees is more
1999 (and in 2001, which is when the hijack in Yodha CULTS OF PERSONALITY Vinay Shukla’s documentary examines thoughtful and pained than angry. It’s the sort of film
happens), the film hints it was a Congress govern- In March, a BJP worker approached the Election the state of news media through the that could conceivably draw viewers through word-
ment by partly blaming the hijack on a dithering pol- Commission to ban the films of Kannada actor Shi- figure of TV anchor Ravish Kumar. of-mouth on a streaming platform. But Indian
itician who refuses to allow commandos to storm the varajkumar, whose wife Geetha is contesting as a streaming has been tamed, with makers under
plane without the go-ahead of “high command”, a Congress candidate, until the elections are over. The Iruvar (1997) intense pressure to excise political content.
term generally used for the Gandhi family. The film request was denied, but there’s some irony in its Mani Ratnam’s musical explores the Banerjee says the targeting of the Amazon Prime
ties itself in knots to avoid references to then Prime coming from a party worker whose leader is all over complicated relationships of star-politi- political series Tandav (2021) was a tipping point.
Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, to the extent of not the big screen, albeit in slightly altered avatars, as the cians M.G. Ramachandran, M. Karunan- “The government calculated correctly that a large
identifying the character played by Sanjay Gurbax- country goes to polls. idhi and Jayalalithaa. part of the film community is in it to maintain their
ani as PM at all (he’s referred to as “head of state”, This year itself, we have seen Modi doppelgangers social status, their prestige, not to say something
which in India is the President). Yet, he’s clearly in Article 370, Operation Valentine and Six Nine Five. Hun Hunshi Hunshilal (1992) provocative. The moment you put a hold on the
meant to be the PM, and is There are the prime minis- Sanjiv Shah’s film, set in a fictitious land privileges, they are quite ready to cave in. They
shown travelling to Pakistan ters of Uri and Fighter, who ruled by a despot, is both a charming sussed out the film community correctly, pressed
for a peace summit, as Vaj- only partially resemble Modi musical comedy and a deft political the right buttons. Everybody toed the line.”
payee did. but fit the popular perception satire. Dissent in Hindi film today, while not entirely
A far more insidious film of him. The Prime Minister’s absent, is sporadic. There’s nothing with the bite
opened on the same day as ...a large part of the film voice is heard in the climactic The Battle of Banaras (2014) of the politically minded films from the early years
Yodha. Bastar: The Naxal community is in it to maintain scenes of two madly patriotic This documentary by Kamal Swaroop is of the current government like Haider (2014) or
Story is the second collabora- space films, Mission Mangal an atmospheric look at the holy city of Mukkabaaz (2017). Still, two films from last year,
tion between director their social status, not to say and Rocketry: The Nambi Varanasi during the 2014 election. Bheed and Afwaah, managed theatrical releases
Sudipto Sen, actor Adah something provocative. The Effect (2022); the latter was despite being critical of the government. A lot was
Sharma and producer Vipul moment you put a hold on inexplicably judged Best Film also made of Shah Rukh Khan in Jawan (2023)
Amrutlal Shah after last at the 69th National Awards. of the great moments of 20th-century propaganda telling viewers heading into an election year to
year’s runaway hit The Kerala the privileges, they cave in. Avrodh: The Siege Within cinema anywhere”. Their leaders—most famously vote carefully.
Story, a fear-mongering and (2020), a series on the Uri actor M.G. Ramachandran and writer M. Karunan- Tougher criticisms, and far more innovative film-
largely inaccurate story of DIBAKAR BANERJEE attack and the retaliatory sur- idhi—made dozens of wildly popular films that func- making, can be found in recent Hindi non-fiction
PTI Malayali Muslim men trick- FILMMAKER gical strikes, and its standal- tioned as political mission statements. cinema: Reason (2018), The Great Abandonment and
ing young women into join- one 2022 sequel about how Historian M.S.S. Pandian writes in The Image A Night of Knowing Nothing in 2021, All That
ing the Islamic State. the BJP brought in demone- Trap: M.G. Ramachandran In Film And Politics of Breathes, Writing With Fire and While We Watched
At a rally in Ballari ahead of tisation to combat terrorism, an election promise in 1967 to provide 4.8 kilo- in 2022. But outspoken political documentaries
the Karnataka state election had prime ministers as prom- grams of rice at the nominal price of one rupee. rarely make it to streaming platforms or show out-
in May last year, the Prime inent characters. Another This became a song praising the government in the side of a few festivals here.
Minister said the film had “exposed terrorist con- series, Modi: Journey Of A Common Man (2019-20), 1968 MGR film Oli Vilakku: When a measure of rice/ It’s a very different Bollywood from six or seven
spiracies taking place in the beautiful state of Kerala” tracked his rise from childhood. And, of course, is sold for a rupee/why should we go begging. It was years ago. The Film Certification Appellate Tribu-
and that “the Congress is striking backdoor political there’s PM Narendra Modi, the biopic with Vivek implemented “with obvious reluctance” when the nal—a vital option for redressal if the censors
deals with people with terrorist tendencies”. Oberoi as the PM that released just after the 2019 party came to power. blocked your film’s release— was abolished in 2021.
Bastar, which presents the Naxals as a well- election. When journalist Vaasanthi writes in Cut-outs, The proposed Broadcasting Bill, if passed, will result
funded terrorist outfit, unfolds in the late 2000s, The BJP isn’t the only party to use film to its Caste and Cine Stars that “The dramatic expres- in even greater State control over the streaming
and recreates the 2010 Dantewada ambush, in advantage. There is a long history in this country sions of popular (Tamil) cinema are seen reflected space. In big and small ways, the government has
which 76 CRPF personnel were killed. The BJP of politicians benefitting from popular cinema. In in the expressions of real-life politics as if the mov- slowly tightened the screws on the industry.
was then in power in Chhattisgarh and the Con- the years after independence, Jawaharlal Nehru’s ies were just one arena for colourful dramas,” she “The celebration of lack of meaning will con-
gress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) at the Congress was aided by filmmakers buoyed by a could be describing the rhetoric of some present- tinue,” Banerjee says. “And in this the film-makers
Centre. The minister whom Sharma’s straight- sense of national duty. In his 2022 book Planning day BJP leaders. But there’s a fundamental differ- and the audience will collude.
shooting CRPF officer clashes with is probably Democracy, Nikhil Menon tracks how the Five- ence: the DMK’s was an authored propaganda, In the 1958 film Phir Subha Hogi, Sahir Ludhianvi
meant to be a home minister. There’s a flurry of Year Plans turned up in the 1957 Dilip Kumar hit while the pro-government films of recent years are turned Allama Iqbal’s Tarana-e-Milli on its head in
disclaimers at the end, with unsubstantiated num- Naya Daur; in K.A. Abbas’ Char Dil Char Rahein made by people with a variety of interests: some in a stunning critique of Nehru’s India: Cheen-o-Arab
bers indicating that the region has changed for the (1959); and in a song in the 1956 film Kya Baat Hai the party, others close to it, some with no particular humara, Hindustan humara/Rehne ko ghar nahin hai,
better in the last decade. (“We will ensure the success of the Five-Year political outlook. saara jahaan humara (China and Arabia are ours,
Bastar echoes the party line on other matters as Plan”). Chetan Anand’s war film Haqeeqat (1964), India is also ours/There is no roof over our heads/yet the
well. Students at Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru Univer- dedicated to Nehru, was a propaganda kindness, DISABLING DISSENT entire world is ours). Contrast this with the bland
sity, which has consistently been in the cross-hairs an account of the Sino-Indian War of 1962 which Last week I watched, via private screener, Dibakar boasting of Vande Mataram (The Fighter Anthem) in
of the BJP, are shown celebrating a massacre by softens the debilitating loss it was for the military Banerjee’s Tees, a film commissioned by Netflix but 2024—India is a celebration, winning is in our every
Naxals. A famous liberal writer, Vanya Roy (Raima and Nehru’s reputation. never released. Its three timelines span past, present fibre, even enemies salute us. Election film season
Sen), acts as a liaison between wine-drinking Delhi Even more remarkable is the case of the Dravida and future—Kashmir in the uneasy days before the will be over soon, but Hindi cinema’s crisis of confi-
liberals, leftist leaders and Naxal fighters—Sen’s Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK), which engineered, in exodus of the Pandits; the Mumbai of today; and a dence looks likely to continue. The first step to recov-
mple in January; (above) Kangana Ranaut in Mandi. idea of an Arundhati Roy type (she’s shown reading the words of film scholar Ashish Rajadhyaksha, “one heavily surveilled future two decades from now— ery is to stop flattering the powers that be.
10 SAturDAy, 13 April 2024
New Delhi ZOOM
interwoven with
history in Jon
Westborg’s personal
take on carpet
traditions in India
Avantika Bhuyan
[email protected]
arpet-making traditions of
India have been a matter of
study for decades. Several
well-researched books have
focused on varied, and often (left) The Smiseth Carpet, produced probably in the ‘nizam’s’ workshop, Hyderabad,
niche, aspects of this craft. For instance, in between 1875-80; and (above) circa 1910: young boys weaving an Indian rug at Zorasters
The Atlas Of Rugs & Carpets (1996), David in Jaipur
Beyoncé sets
the ball rolling
Creating a portrait of
the Indian youth A multimedia exhibition looks at the inner worlds of youth, the
Beyoncé at the iHeartRadio Music Awards in Los Angeles, on 1 April. REUTERS
demographic that will shape the future of India in the years to come
ver the past decade or so, no major artist has done as much to expand
our notion of what a pop album could do than Beyoncé Knowles-
Carter. Her eponymous 2013 album revived the old visual album for-
PHOTOGRAPHS COURTESY PRARTHNA SINGH AND TARQ mat, its songs accompanied by a set of short films that illustrated the record’s
Avantika Bhuyan feminist themes of black sexuality, oppressive beauty standards, marriage
[email protected] and motherhood. She followed it up with 2016’s Lemonade, an incandescent
account of emotional discord and marital breakdown (and eventual reconcili-
t Tarq, Mumbai, one walks ation) as she drags her husband—rap mogul Jay-Z—for his infidelity. That
through rooms full of por- album marked a definite break from Beyoncé’s youthful, pop-lite image,
traits. The firm outward establishing her as an art-pop savant with something real to say. In her capa-
gaze of the sitters seems to ble hands, the pop album became something more than escapist perform-
be appraising the visitors, ance, each record a deeply researched thesis on race, sexuality and the fester-
trying to engage them in conversation. ing fissures of American society.
While the 26 portraits have been treated In recent years, Beyoncé has focused her attention on legacy—her own, and
in a similar manner—closeups, with indi- that of black America. Her 2022 album Renaissance—the first of a trilogy—
viduals looking straight at the camera— paid tribute to the black and queer pioneers of dance music, drawing heavily
they differ in expression, attire, demean- from the ballroom, Chicago house, Detroit techno and disco scenes. Cowboy
our, and more. These subtle variations Carter, her eighth album and the second in the trilogy, continues in the same
give you hints about the sitters—whether vein, but applies Beyoncé’s critical, historically revisionist (in the positive,
they are students or professionals, does academic sense) to country and Americana, both scenes with rich black histo-
that empty gaze conceal something? ries that nonetheless remain strictly white-coded.
The sitters fall in the age group of 18-25. For decades, the country music mainstream has been jealously guarded by
It is this demographic that photographer a reactionary Nashville elite that has worked hard to exclude black artists
Prarthna Singh and writer Snigdha Poo- from the genre’s history and its present. The inspiration for Cowboy Carter
nam have attempted to profile and under- comes from an incident in 2016, when the Texas-born Beyoncé first came up
stand in their multimedia collaboration, against country’s conservative establishment. That November, she joined
Notes from a Generation, which has been country renegades The Dixie Chicks onstage at the 50th annual Country
curated by Pune-based writer-editor Skye Music Association (CMA) Awards to perform Daddy Lessons, a track off Lem-
Arundhati Thomas. onade that flirts heavily with country music.
The portraits are accompanied by a spe- The performance was triumphant, a thrilling affirmation of her southern
cial soundscape, which contains conversa- black heritage (and all the complicated baggage that comes with it). But it was
tions and testimonies by some of these met with immediate, and often racist, backlash. Large parts of the audience
individuals—revealing their aspirations, sat in grim silence, ignoring Beyoncé’s attempt to get them to clap along.
dreams and heartbreaks. “2024 is a his- Social media was awash with posts that implicitly—and sometimes explic-
toric year for elections; nearly half of the itly—argued that a black artist had no place at the CMAs. A month later, the
world’s population, in 64 countries, will Grammys disqualified Daddy Lessons as an entry for the country category. “I
head to the polls. India is one of them. Each did not feel welcomed…and it was very clear that I wasn’t,” Beyoncé wrote
individual in 2024 is a young citizen, a about the incident in a recent Instagram post about the new album.
fresh, politicised, and sprightly protago- Instead of being scared off though, she doubled down, digging deep into
nist of a tumultuous, chaotic and complex the history of country and cowboy culture to excavate their black roots (the
moment in the political and social history term cowboy itself, as the album’s press release notes, derives in part from
not only of India, but of the world,” states ing and researching about the lives of space. It feels as if the various portraits are white ranchers calling their white employees “cowhands,” and their black
the curatorial note. These micro stories Indian youth gave me a broad framework not just conversing with you but with one employees “cowboy”). Five years in the making, Cowboy Carter is Beyoncé’s
then come together to create a vivid tapes- that helped guide the conversations that another. “We would set up a tent when stinging riposte, a richly annotated critique of the country music establish-
try of the present-day sociopolitical fabric shape the ‘2024’ exhibition,” elaborates photographing and interviewing people. ment. Using the sounds and iconography of country music as a launching
of the country. The images and the sound- Poonam. “I could easily understand their Youth would be invited in, and exchanges point, it explores and reclaims the black roots of American folk culture and
scape end up becoming an important his- anxieties about career, identity, and per- would take place within that. The tent history, channelling everything from the Mississippi Delta blues to gospel
torical record of a demographic, which will sonal relationships, and their efforts to ended up becoming a safe space where and R&B.
go on to shape the future of the country. define themselves on their own terms. people could come and reveal themselves Opener Ameriican Requiem drips with the gritty contempt of a generational
The project has been bookended by two Having said that, many of these conversa- to us. The audio element and the listening pop superstar scorned, a bold mission statement that establishes Beyoncé’s
elections, with the work on the series hav- tions took me by surprise.” room that you see later in the show is sym- Texan bona-fides and blasts the hypocrisy of an America that wants to forget
ing started after the 2019 general election, She was especially struck by the enor- bolic of this tent,” explains Singh. that the country was founded on the backs of black slaves. “Used to say I spoke
finally culminating in the exhibition right mity of battles that young Indians—espe- The portraits lead you to a small space ‘too country’/And the rejection came, said I wasn’t country ’nough,” she sings,
before the forthcoming polls. Singh and cially women and other gender minori- enclosed by diaphanous handwoven mul- over music that draws from both gospel and glam rock. For her cover of The
Poonam have known each other for years, ties—were fighting at home, against their mul sheets. This is the listening room Beatles’ Blackbird—inspired by the struggles of black students during school
starting their collaboration with the pro- parents, relatives, and wider communi- where one can hear the various exchanges desegregation—she drafts four young black country singers to accompany
file of a rising TikTok star from an Indian ties, to earn the freedom to make their and revelations. It harks back to the idea of her, their presence a shot across the CMA’s bow.
village for The Economist’s 1843 magazine own choices. “Many of them spoke about the tent, where people would meet each Always a canny curator, Beyoncé brings in collaborators from across coun-
(September 2019). Their individual prac- enduring years of pain and abuse before other, often leading to some sort of cama- try music history, as well as pop (Miley Cyrus) and rap (Post Malone). Outlaw
tices have often focused on the aspirations cutting off ties or running away from raderie. “Someone would come back with country legend Willie Nelson gives radio-DJ style spoken word intros to two
of the youth. Poonam published a book, home,” says Poonam. “I was also surprised a friend, others would exchange notes on songs—the boogie and hoedown referencing stomp Texas Hold Em, and Just
Dreamers: How Young Indians Are Chang- to find that it is a norm rather than a tem- the courses that they were pursuing,” adds For Fun, a gospel-indebted track about time healing wounds that also fea-
ing The World (2018), about young men porary situation for young people to have Singh. The format of the listening room tures young black country musician Willie Jones.
and women in towns and villages, whose two or three jobs at one time. It hinted at While the 26 portraits have allows for similar conversations between Linda Martell—the first female black country singer to be commercially
dreams have not been realised, while the broader scenario of a broken job mar- been treated in a similar manner, the visitors as well. With two sets of chairs successful—also appears on two tracks. She opens rap cut Spaghettii with a
Singh has created portraits of female ath- ket as well as their own defiance against they differ in expression, and headphones, you end up sharing the voice-over that puts the album’s key idea in simple words: “In theory, (genres)
letes of Haryana—photos from the series professional straitjackets.” attire and demeanour. space with strangers, listening to different have a simple definition that’s easy to understand. But in practice, well, some
have been published in newspapers such Singh wants her work to go beyond the parts of the audio together. may feel confined.” Her statement reinforces a point made very clearly in the
as The New York Times and exhibited at act of image-making. Both she and Poo- In a way, while sitting within the listen- previous track daughter, a cowgirl revenge ballad into which she drops an
The National Portrait gallery in London. nam decided against making environ- ing room you can’t help but reflect on how 18th century opera aria (sung in Italian, no less).
Notes from a Generation brings their per- mental portraits. The idea was to separate both technology and political ideologies Elsewhere, there are interpolations of Nancy Sinatra and the Beach Boys,
sonal vocabularies together to create a the youth from their immediate environ- have led to a sense of isolation, dividing and a rousing cover of Dolly Parton’s Jolene, reinterpreted as a warning (“I’m
research-backed multimedia project. ment—office, home, college—to enable society into silos. In such a scenario, a still a Creole banjee bitch from Louisiana, don’t try me”). One of the most effec-
For the past five years, the duo travelled them to come free, without any baggage. project like this, which enables dialogues, tive genre-bending cuts is Riiverdance, whose finger-plucked bluegrass gui-
through towns and cities, starting with “The series is also a comment on where is poignant. Poonam feels that listening tar is paired with house-music keys and a thumping four-to-the-floor beat. If
Singh’s home city of Jaipur. “The idea was photography is headed. With the advent and seeing without judgement is one of country music won’t welcome Beyoncé, the track—and the album—seems to
to tell a larger story through these individ- of Artificial Intelligence and Deepfakes, the most radical acts of resistance that we be saying, then she will take the tropes of country music and claim it as her
ual truths,” says Singh. “It was such an this work is embedded in a time when we have in an increasingly fractured world. own.
expansive vision to chronicle what the are fighting disinformation and fake news “The exhibition urges people to step out of With 27 tracks, the album can sometimes feel a little overstuffed, but even
youth is feeling. How was one to tackle it at every level. We wanted an approach in their bubbles—social, political, ideologi- on the weaker tracks, there’s more than enough going on to keep you inter-
logistically? So, we decided to give our- which information could be presented in cal—to engage deeply with the faces and ested. If there’s one quibble, it’s that Beyoncé’s engagement with politics here
selves a timeline for making the work, four a way that felt genuine, without any The duo worked with voices of people who are strangers to remains vague and tenuous, with lots of nods to revolutionary forebears, but
years between two major election cycles.” manipulations,” says Singh. Hence she them. In the course of doing that, we hope little concrete to say about the state of the nation today. That’s okay though,
The duo started working with local photographed everything on film and local researchers, journalists, some assumptions will be challenged and because Cowboy Carter is just the beginning of the conversation, initiating a
researchers, journalists, not-for-profit printed it in the dark room. not-for-profit organisations fresh dialogue can take place,” she adds. debate that’s now playing out on social media, in newsprint, and in the halls of
organisations and even casting agents to At the gallery, the display is not static. and even casting agents Nashville institutions. It’s now up to her listeners to, as she puts it on Amen,
invite and interview young individuals. As you walk through the rooms, there is a Notes from a Generation can be viewed “purify our father’s sins.”
Poonam’s rigorous research-based prac- gentle murmur of conversations—as part
to invite and interview at Tarq, Mumbai, till 11 May, Tuesday-Sat-
tice helped in this aspect. “Years of report- of an audio element—that softens the young individuals urday, 11am-6.30pm Bhanuj Kappal is a Mumbai-based writer.
12 SAturDAy, 13 April 2024
Sanjay Sharma
CONVENIENCE CREATOR The CEO of Orkla India talks about 100 years of MTR, changing food behaviours,
and why he thinks the ‘grandmother’ is their biggest competitor
Illustration by Priya Kuriyan
Mahalakshmi Prabhakaran
[email protected]
n a balmy Saturday morn-
ing in March, a team of 75
chefs and students of the
MS Ramaiah College of
Hotel Management stood
in front of a customised induction stove at
MTR Foods’ factory in Bommasandra,
Our promise is to
Bengaluru. As chef Regi Mathew, head of
MTR’s Centre of Excellence (an in-house
set-up that researches and archives Indian
recipes and innovates food products for
reduce the amount
the brand), gave commands over the
microphone, the team carefully flipped a
dosa that was turning crisp on the stove.
of these three
Loud cheers rang out when it was
announced that the 123ft-long dosa had
won the Guinness World Record title for
the Longest Dosa ever made. The culinary
ingredients (fat,
event was part of the year-long celebra-
tions being held to mark the 100-year-
long journey of MTR.
salt, sugar) in our
Started in 1924 by brothers Paramesh-
wara Maiya and Ganappayya Maiya as a
restaurant called Brahmin Coffee Club,
and renamed Mavalli Tiffin Rooms (MTR)
offerings by 5% over
in 1951, MTR is a household name for
Kannadigas everywhere. While the origi-
nal restaurant on Lalbagh Road in Benga-
luru continues to be a major draw for food
the next three years.
enthusiasts of all stripes, the brand is also
a multi-million dollar company in the
packaged food business. Its basket of 140
products includes ready-to-eat meals,
breakfast mixes, traditional spices and
masalas and sweets, among others.
“Hundred years is not a common mile-
stone and we are thinking of a range of cel-
ebrations for the entire year,” says Sanjay
Sharma, 57, CEO of Orkla India, sitting in
his spacious office in Koramangala.
Samsung to
Bharti Hexacom jumps 43% after
unveil US Last-mile transmission a big
India’s biggest IPO in a year
Shares of telecom service provider Bharti Hexacom Ltd surged
about 43% in their Mumbai debut after completing India’s largest
initial public offering in about a year.The stock closed at ₹813.30,
Chip push
next week
hurdle to policy rate cut
after rising as much as 54% to ₹880 during the intra-day trading
on Friday. Shareholder Telecommunications Consultants India Bloomberg
Ltd sold 75 million shares in the company at ₹570 rupees apiece [email protected]
last week. BLOOMBERG Previous repo rate hikes yet to fully impact lending rates; deposits too lag central bank actions
amsung Electronics Co.
is preparing to take the
US NSA Jake Sullivan to travel to wraps off a $44 billion Shayan Ghosh goes up, all lending rates go up, cost of
investment in US chipmaking [email protected] credit goes up, and that should ideally
India next week for talks as soon as next week, a signa- MuMbai affect demand and curb inflation.
ture project in Washington’s Economist Saugata Bhattacharya said
broader effort to bring semi- hat’s holding back that despite liquidity conditions being
conductor production back to India’s central bank tight in late 2023, banks do not seem to
America. from cutting policy have passed on the higher cost of funds
The world’s biggest memo- rates? Apart from to borrowers whose loans are linked to
ry-chip maker plans to outline inflation, which is yet MCLR. “One reason could be a concern
the project in Taylor, Texas, to align with Reserve Bank of India’s tar- regarding losing these loan accounts to
alongside Commerce Secre- get of 4%, transmission of past repo rate competitors and, hence, loss of market
tary Gina Raimondo, accord- actions into lending rates play a part. share. Pricing of MCLR interest is more
ing to people familiar with the The monetary policy committee complex than EBLR, involving deposit
matter. It’s secured more than (MPC) of RBI raised the repo rate by 250 mix, margins, etc., and so there is more
$6 billion of US government basis points (bps) between May 2022 leeway in transmission,” said Bhatta-
grants for an investment out- and February 2023. It has since kept the charya. EBLR refers to external bench-
Washington: US national security advisor Jake Sullivan lay that’s expanded signifi- key policy rate unchanged, looking for mark-based lending rate, which is
will travel to India next week to “compare notes on the cantly to a total of $44 billion ‘durable’ signs of disinflation and a fuller linked to benchmarks like the RBI repo
Indo-Pacific”, talk about technology cooperation and also over multiple years, the peo- transmission of rates. The MPC of RBI raised the repo rate by 250 basis points between May 2022 and rate and is used to price loans.
meet his counterpart Ajit Doval and others to take the ple said. However, between the start of the February 2023. It has since kept the key policy rate unchanged. MINT The central bank recently asserted
US-India relationship to the next level.Sullivan is likely to The timing and details of tightening cycle in May 2022 and till that transmission is in progress and its
meet Doval for the annual review meeting for the initiative the announcement could still February 2024, the weighted average change as the repo rate moves, the “Today, we have a situation where effort is to ensure fuller transmission of
on critical and emerging technologies (iCET) that was post- change before they’re final- lending rate on fresh loans by banks MCLR depends on the cost of deposits. banks have selectively increased deposit policy actions and anchoring of house-
poned due to the cancellation of his visit in February due to ized, the people said, asking increased by 185 basis points (bps), To be sure, retail and small business rates because there is a lot of uncertainty hold inflation expectations. “So, we are
other global commitments. PTI not to be identified discussing showed data in RBI’s half-yearly mone- loans are linked to external bench- on when the cycle will turn,” said Madan still seeing a little bit of transmission
private matters. tary policy report released last week. marks, and corporate loans are still on Sabnavis, chief economist, Bank of Bar- going through and we feel that as the
The award is the latest in a The last mile of trans- oda. According to Sabna- mobilizing of deposits takes place at
Rameshwaram cafe blast: NIA spate of multibillion-dollar mission, akin to the last TRANSMISSION TROUBLE vis, banks have been only higher and higher rates, there will be
handouts from the Biden mile of disinflation, seems increasing the short-term further transmission to lending rates,”
arrests two key accused administration, which is to be the hardest for len- OvER 40% LOANS linked to THE MCLR depends rates or those of up to two RBI deputy governor Michael Patra told
New Delhi/Kolkata: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) using the 2022 Chips and Sci- ders as over 40% of system of the system
credit is not
marginal cost of
funds-based lending
on the cost of
deposits. Corporate
years as they do not want a reporters at the post-policy press con-
on Friday arrested two key accused, including the mastermind, ence Act to try and revitalize credit is not linked to the linked to the rate (MCLR) are loans are still on situation where deposits ference on 5 April.
in Bengaluru’s Rameshwaram cafe blast case from West Bengal, American chipmaking after repo rate. Although loans repo rate lagging the rate hikes the MCLR are locked in for five years, Bankers said it takes at least nine
a development that triggered a war of words between the BJP and decades of production shift- linked to external bench- but the rates decline in the months for deposits to reprice once the
the state’s ruling TMC.While the BJP alleged that the TMC has ing to Asia. The broader pro- marks—mostly the repo coming months. old ones mature and fresh funds come in
turned West Bengal into a “safe haven for terrorists”, Chief Minis- gram is also intended to coun- rate—have been repriced, those linked the MCLR. The external benchmark Experts said RBI believes that if it at the new rate. As per RBI data, the
ter Mamata Banerjee said the accused were arrested due to the ter the technological rise of to the marginal cost of funds-based rate has moved in tandem with the repo, wants to make the repo rate a meaning- weighted average term deposit rate on
state police’s prompt action. PTI China, which is building up its lending rate (MCLR), an internal bench- but the median one-year MCLR has ful monetary policy tool, it has to ensure fresh and existing deposits increased by
own domestic semiconductor mark, are lagging the rate hikes. While lagged and gone up 155 bps between that interest rates go up when the key 241 bps and 183 bps, respectively,
industry. the external benchmark rate would May 2022 and March 2024. rate moves up. In theory, if the repo rate between May 2022 and February 2024.
Govt mulls allowing molasses
stock for ethanol making
TCS surpasses estimates Airport looks, resort ICICI
wear hit the ramp Securities
deal pipeline on “AI and genera-
tive AI projects has doubled to FROM PAGE 16 ramped up our selection of
nearly $900 million for the
resort co-ord sets and athlei-
travel and beauty,” said Nitin sure co-ord sets by over 200% Quantum
A poll of 29 analysts by Chhabra, chief executive, Ace to cater to the already evident
Bloomberg had projected TCS’s
fourth-quarter revenue at
Turtle, which holds licences for rise in demand this season,”
brands such as Wrangler and said Jayanti Ganguly, vice pres-
cries foul
New Delhi: The government is considering allowing sugar $7.38 billion and net profit at Dockers in India. ident, business, Myntra.
mills to manufacture ethanol using their excess B-heavy $1.45 billion, while a second Retailers are now looking to The online retailer is also FROM PAGE 16
molasses as feedstock, amid comfortable sugar supply and poll of 43 analysts had forecast leverage the increasing thirst working with influencers to cre-
stable prices in the market, according to sources. Currently, FY24 revenue and net profit at for travel to attract shoppers ate holiday OOTDs, or ‘outfit of on which the Valuation
sugar mills are holding an excess stock of more than $28.97 billion and $5.53 billion, with specific travel gear. And the day’ looks. The retailer has Reports have been made,”
800,000 tonnes of B-heavy molasses. PTI respectively. The company, consumers seem quite willing amped up its menswear holiday Quantum states in its letter.
thus, beat analyst estimates on to upgrade their wardrobe collections, too, with a 250% While ICICI Securities
all fronts, barring March quar- A poll of 29 analysts by Bloomberg had projected TCS’s fourth- before a vacation. jump in selection across over- trades at 15.7 times its price-to-
New tech could boost Hindustan ter’s revenue. quarter revenue at $7.38 billion and net profit at $1.45 billion. MINT A n o t h e r sized t-shirts, earnings ratio, brokerages
On 5 April, Mint reported cit- retailer cashing in Retailers are now resort shirts, jog- Angel One Ltd, 360 One, and
Zinc’s metal recovery rate ing quarterly investor notes Analysts are viewing TCS’s however, did say that FY25 on the Indian looking to gers, etc. Anand Rathi Wealth trade at
Mumbai: Hindustan Zinc is set to implement a new technology from Nomura and HDFC Secu- quarterly and annual perform- “should be a better year… even travel bug is Myn- leverage the rising Reliance Retail, PE multiples of 20.4 times,
in partnership with Bhopal-based VEXL Environ Projects Pvt Ltd rities that TCS was expected to ance as fairly strong. “The though it is too early to call...”. tra, which is see- thirst for travel to too, has launched 34.2 times, and 70.1 times,
to increase its metal recovery rate and generate zero waste in its report quarterly revenue overall financial performance The company’s growth ing a “substantial”
attract shoppers collections tai- respectively, as per the data
operations.The new technology could potentially increase the growth of around 1.5%, which it by TCS looked strong, espe- comes as Dublin, Ireland-head- increase in lored for summer cited in Quantum’s letter.
zinc metal recovery rate of the Vedanta group company from 97% fell just short of. cially looking at its order book quartered Accenture, the demand for trav- with specific holidays. “Travel The swap ratio was declared
currently to up to 98.5%, Arun Misra, chief executive of Hindu- TCS also reduced its net for the quarters ahead—which world’s largest IT services pro- el-related shop- travel gear remains a key pas- in June last year and was
stan Zinc, told Mint. NEHAL CHALIAWALA headcount by 13,249 people the management claimed was vider, lowered its FY24 growth ping. Apart from sion point and has arrived at independently by
through FY24, in what was one one of the highest ever,” Tank- guidance to 1-3%—down from holiday-wear, only become PwC Business Consulting Ser-
of the weakest years for hiring sale said. “This signals that its initial projection of 2-5%— luggage and other travel acces- more prominent after covid. vices LLP and Ernst & Young
Trai: Allow only Indian entities to of tech graduates by one of FY25 could be a significantly on 21 March. The revision sories, demand for sunglasses With that comes an opportu- Merchant Banking Services
India’s largest mass recruiters. better year for growth—both reflected persistent weakness and caps, too, has spiked. The nity to market our athleisure LLP. Further, ICICI Bank had
participate in regulatory sandbox Milind Lakkad, chief human for TCS and for the overall IT in the overall businesses of IT sunglasses category, in fact, has category as well as sneakers,” appointed JM Financial Ltd
New Delhi: Only Indian nationals or entities should be eligible resources officer of TCS, said services industry. All eyes will service providers. witnessed a 70% growth so far said Jayesh Sali, head of mar- and ICICI Securities had
to participate in telecom regulatory sandboxes that can provide wage hikes will be rolled out to be on Infosys’s results on 18 Tanksale, on this note, added this month on Myntra as com- keting, Reliance Retail. “This appointed BofA Securities
real-time but regulated access to networks and customer resour- all employees starting this April, to understand if the that the bounce-back for IT pared with all of April last year. phenomenon is not only lim- India Ltd to provide a fairness
ces during product or technology tests, sector regulator Trai rec- month itself, and would be health of the overall sector is revenue growth may not be “Co-ord sets, maxi dresses, ited to urban audiences but has opinion on the ratio.
ommended on Friday. The Telecommunications Act, 2023, has between 4.5% and 7%. “Top recovering.” immediate, and all IT services oversized t-shirts, and para- also trickled down to tier-I or “Prior to the voting, we were
introduced the provision of setting up multiple regulatory sand- performers will be given dou- TCS does not offer revenue companies could post better chute pants are popular with tier-II markets, signalling a shocked to learn that the man-
boxes. PTI ble-digit hikes,” he said. growth guidance. Krithivasan, growth after Diwali. our women shoppers. We have change in the nature of travel.” agement of ICICI Bank was
contacting the retail share-
holders of ISEC and coaxing
them to vote in favour of the
Geopolitics, Fed, tax treaty snip IIP, CPI deliver twin thrust to economy Scheme of Merger,” Quantum
further said in its letter.
ICICI Bank employees had
1% off markets after historic high FROM PAGE 16 Bank India) left the policy rate/
repo rate unchanged at 6.5%,
and food inflation being on
expected lines, and low state
reached out to ICICI Securities
shareholders to urge them to
vote on the delisting pro-
sumer goods segment is still yet signalling that interest rate cuts loan auctions, the 10-year yield, posal, Mint had earlier
FROM PAGE 16 Meanwhile, safe-haven will have to wait and see,” said to recover. But positive growth may take some more time. which touched 7.18%, is reported. This led to an outcry
asset gold soared to a fresh all Andrew Holland, CEO, Aven- in electronics is encouraging,” Regulating interest rates is a expected to go back towards from investors, who raised
the latter on the Iranian con- time high of $2,400.67 an dus Capital Public Markets he added. key instrument for the central 7.15% levels on Monday, said concerns about their private
sulate in Damascus on 1 April ounce at the time of writing. Alternate Strategies LLP. In the April-February (FY24) bank to control inflation. A Murthy Nagarajan, head-fixed information being shared by
that killed seven Iranian revo- Another factor that contrib- However, a few constituents period, factory output higher interest rate regime income at Tata Asset Manage- ICICI Securities with ICICI
lutionary guards. A retaliatory uted to Friday’s fall is an attributed Friday’s dip to over- expanded 5.9%, a notch above makes borrowing costs more ment. The 10-year yield is used Bank.
strike is being anticipated over amendment to the India-Mau- bought markets. the 5.6% expansion reported expensive, which can reduce as a proxy for mortgage rates In response to queries from
the weekend. ritius Double Taxation Avoid- “These were merely excuses during the year-ago period. demand among banks, other and is also seen as a sign of the stock exchanges on the
A jump in crude could hurt ance Agreement used by investors March inflation fell from 5.09% financial institutions and even investor sentiment about the subject, ICICI Securities said
domestic user companies’ of 2016 to plug Meanwhile, safe- to book profits in February and 5.1% in Janu- the general public to borrow economy. the outreach was meant to
operating margins with India misuse of tax con- haven asset gold after a sharp ary, aided by a slower rise in money. Reducing the supply of Meanwhile, factory output maximise shareholder partici-
importing around 85% of its cessions by enti- soared to a fresh run-up in the prices of food items like eggs, Output in manufacturing rose money in the market can measured in terms of the IIP pation in the voting process.
annual oil needs. In addition, ties investing in all time high of markets to three milk and milk products, fruits, 5% annually. BLOOMBERG also bring down consumer rose by 5.7% in February 2024, Quantum also alleged con-
prospects of an early rate cut Indian shares straight highs on pulses and spices. spending. against 6% in February 2023. flict of interest on the part of
$2,400.67 an
by the US Fed dimmed after from the island 8-10 April,” said CPI inflation remains above of the overall consumer price Earlier during FY24, high Output in manufacturing two directors of ICICI Securi-
unemployment claims fell by a nation. This ounce at the time Gaurang Shah, the central bank’s target of 4%, basket. It stood at 8.3% in Janu- inflation levels, especially food rose 5% annually, mining 8%, ties who voted in favour of the
sharper-than-expected would deny for- of writing senior VP at Geo- but has stayed within its toler- ary, and 9.53% in December. inflation, had prompted the and electricity 7.5%. Capital delisting despite holding a sig-
211,000 for the week ended 6 eign entities jit Financial Ser- ance range of 2-6% for the sev- Bhardwaj said that the MPC government to take supply- goods production, a proxy for nificant number of ICICI Bank
April against Reuters econo- exemption from vices. enth consecutive month. (monetary policy committee of side measures such as releasing fixed investments, rose 1.2% in shares.
mists’ poll of 215,000 filing for capital gains arising from sale “It’s a healthy correction Overall, food inflation fell to the RBI) is expected to remain substantial cereal stocks from February. Alongside, con- “These interested Directors
jobless claims. of Indian shares if the purpose that we anticipated earlier this 8.52% in March, down from in wait-and-watch mode until reserves while proactively sumer durables production, who each have a substantial
A delay in US rate cuts could of location is solely to avail of week, and the bullish trend 8.66% in February, when it had H1FY25, with possible easing managing the imports and which highlights consumer shareholding in ICICI Bank
delay RBI’s move to cut rates the tax benefits. will continue to prevail,” Shah seen a sharp rise in prices of later in FY25, “depending on exports of pulses to ensure sup- sentiment, also rose 12.3% clearly amounts to a conflict of
back home, which is expected “Since the treaty amend- said. meat, fish and eggs, and vegeta- the evolution of monsoons, plies. The government had also annually during the month. interest, as the said directors
in the second half of the cur- ment has to do with tax, it Shah expects the market to bles. Food inflation, measured crude oil prices and timing of restricted exports of rice and In February, the monthly directly stand to gain out of the
rent fiscal, obviating lower could have an impact on FPI trade in a 22,250-22,750 range by the consumer food price Fed’s rate easing cycle”. sugar to tame inflation. industrial output growth was delisting of ISEC,” Quantum
borrowing costs for India Inc. investments into India. We in the short term. index, accounts for nearly half Last week, RBI (Reserve On the back of retail inflation the fastest since October. said in its complaint to Sebi.
14 SAturDAy, 13 April 2024
Govt advises
India GDP growth
to slow to 6.1% in
‘Net-zero milestones must citizens to
CY24: Moody’s arm be linked to executive pay’ avoid travel
to Israel, Iran
Rhik Kundu & Shivangini
NEW DELHI Shashank Mattoo
[email protected]
Deloitte reports insights on climate leadership, role of boards and executive compensation
oody's Analytics NEW DELHI
expects India's GDP to
grow at 6.1% in calen- ndia on Friday issued an
dar year 2024 (CY24), deceler- Gireesh Chandra Prasad advisory, warning its citizens
ating sharply from 7.7% in [email protected] against travelling to Iran and
CY23, hurt by a slow recovery NEW DELHI Israel due to escalating tensions
from the pandemic and its vari- between the two West Asian
ous aftershocks, and as geopoli- ompanies should link exec- nations.
tical conflicts snap supply utive compensation to spe- “In view of the prevailing sit-
chains. Despite the slowdown, The RBI expects the economy cific milestones for achiev- uation in the region, all Indians
India will still remain the fast- to expand at 7% in FY24. HT ing their net-zero goals, are advised not to travel to Iran
est-growing major economy in and establish board com- or Israel till further notice. All
the world. It said that a look at October last year, even as Rus- mittees to supervise climate initiatives, those who are currently resid-
GDP relative to its trajectory sia and Ukraine remain at war. Deloitte said in a report based on a sur- ing in Iran or Israel are
before the pandemic reveals Earlier this week, the Asian vey of chairpersons of 28 Indian compa- requested to get in touch with
that India and southeast Asia Development Bank (ADB) nies. Indian embassies there and
have seen some of the largest raised India’s GDP growth fore- The report, titled Chair of the future - register themselves. They are
output losses worldwide due to cast for FY25 to 7%, from its The role of the Chair in climate transition, also requested to observe
the pandemic and are only previous projection of 6.7%, shared exclusively with Mint, explored utmost precautions about their
beginning to recover. lifted by robust public and pri- the insights of company leadership on safety and restrict their move-
It added that economies in vate investments and a strong climate change, its integration with ments to the minimum,” the
south and southeast Asia will services sector. business strategies, and the potential ministry of external affairs
see some of the strongest out- Last month, Fitch Ratings role of the boards of directors. (MEA) said. This advisory
put gains this year. also raised India’s growth fore- The participating companies com- comes after Tehran accused
"The performance of India cast for the ongoing financial prised some of the largest public and Israel of launching an airstrike
and Asean economies is flat- year to 7% from 6.5%, projec- private Indian corporations, as well as on its consulate in Syria on 1
tered by a delayed post-pan- ting investment to be a signifi- multinationals from sectors including The report, citing the recommendations of the chairpersons surveyed, said that incentivizing environmental, social, and April, which killed some of its
demic rebound," Moody's Ana- cant driver of growth. During banking, financial services, and insur- governance objectives within corporate boardrooms is pivotal to effectively addressing climate change. BLOOMBERG top military commanders.
lytics said in a report titled Apac the October-December quarter ance, oil and gas, fast-moving consumer Tensions between the two
Outlook: Listen- of FY24, the goods, and industrial products. relying on ad hoc measures. “One has to porate actions are guided by the leader- organisational goals towards sustaina- countries have increased stead-
ing Through the Despite Indian economy The report, citing the recommenda- work towards it, and implement projects ship’s vision, linking executive remu- bility, the report added. ily since, with reports suggest-
Noise. The report the slowdown, surprised with a tions of the chairpersons surveyed, said to get there. In order to make sure these neration with ESG goals is a step in the According to the report, businesses ing that Israel is preparing for
highlighted that India will still precipitous 8.4% that incentivizing environmental, projects are prioritized, it requires active right direction, as it would aid in ensur- and consultants are increasingly focus- potential military actions by
the Asia Pacific remain the growth, shrug- social, and governance (ESG) objectives involvement of the management.” ing that sustainability strategies trans- ing on green development as climate Iran in the coming days.
(Apac) region ging off fears of a within corporate boardrooms is pivotal “Based on whatever is the net-zero late into action on the ground, and is vis- action has, in some instances—such as Countries including France
overall is doing slowdown, as to effectively addressing climate pathway that might be committed, it’s ible to stakeholders in the way business the European Union’s implementation and the US have issued similar
better than other major economy in manufacturing, change. important for the management to follow is done,” said Neha Malhotra, partner, of a carbon border tax—resulted in trade travel advisories for the region.
parts of the world, the world electricity and It also underscored the impor- barriers. This transformation India has expressed its concern
with the Apac construction con- tance of commitment by the leader- gREEN INITIATIVE underscores the importance over the rapidly-deteriorating
economy slated to tinued to fire on ship, particularly from the CEO and accorded to green development in security situation in West Asia.
grow at 3.8% in 2024, com- all cylinders. This rapid growth the executive team. “CEO compen- BUSINESSES and THIS transformation ExPERTS see merit THE participating the global agenda, as evidenced by “We have noted with concern
pared to a 2.5% pace for the prompted a revision by India's sation should have one component consultants
are underscores the
importance given to
when pay is linked
with environmental,
firms comprised
some of the largest
G20 leaders’ resolution to strike a the attack on Iranian diplo-
world economy during the cal- National Statistical Office in the related to ESG performance,” it said. focusing on green green development social and public and private balance between pursuing environ- matic premises in Syria on 1
endar year. Tensions in West GDP growth estimate for FY24 Considering that companies are development in the global agenda governance goals Indian corporations mentally sustainable action and April 2024. India is distressed
Asia ratcheted up after Iran to 7.6%, from 7.3% it had pro- now defining their net-zero strate- inclusive economic growth during at the escalating tensions in
vowed retaliation alleging jected earlier. gies, a key aspect of the corporate a meeting in Delhi last year. West Asia, and their potential
Israel attacked its consulate in The Reserve Bank of India journey to achieve these goals involves that through. And hence, the achieve- sustainability and ESG solutions, Nangia The Deloitte survey also highlighted to fuel further violence and
Syria on 1 April that killed two expects the economy to expand meeting various milestones along the ment of those milestones can be a part of Andersen India. the participating chairpersons’ sugges- instability. We urge all parties
commanders of its Islamic Rev- at 7% in FY24, while the Inter- way, said Viral Thakker, partner, and the evaluation process. We believe it is As climate change risks escalate, the tions to establish dedicated committees to avoid actions that go against
olutionary Guards Corps and national Monetary Fund has sustainability and climate leader, possible to align profitability with pur- ‘Chair of the future’ must direct the within boards for overseeing climate commonly accepted principles
five others. Israel continues to pegged GDP growth for the fis- Deloitte South Asia, pose,” he added. leadership’s focus towards adaptation action, mirroring the role of audit com- and norms of international
wage a war on Gaza, after being cal year ended March at 6.7%. He also underscored the importance Experts found merit in linking execu- and mitigation strategies, and incentiv- mittees in companies, which oversee law,” Randhir Jaiswal, spokes-
attacked by Hamas militants in [email protected] of a calibrated approach rather than tive pay with ESG goals. “Given that cor- ise alignments between individual and accounting policies and statutory audits. person, MEA, said last week.
MUFG said to India plans to widen bridges running across highways Border row: China
discuss buying
$1.7 bn stake
Subhash Narayan
[email protected]
for better India ties to grade separated areas),” the time the development of our
MoRTH circular said. The cir- highways has led to an increase
cular further reads: “It is utmost in the average speed of vehicles
important to have continuity & plying on the highways and to PTI “China and India are in close
he government is plan- uniformity of roadway width the increase of vehicles on the [email protected] communication through diplo-
Bloomberg ning to widen all bridges (carriageway width+paved highways. So it is important BEIJING matic and military channels to
[email protected] running across highways shoulder width+earthen shoul- from a safety point of view and address issues related to the
to make them as wide as the der width+shyness for raised as well as smooth and swift hina and India have border situation, and have
itsubishi UFJ Finan- highways themselves. median kerb/depressed movement of traffic to ensure made “positive achieved positive progress,”
cial Group Inc. Narrowing road bridges median) in that the bridges progress” to resolve the Chinese foreign ministry
(MUFG) is in talks to across highways are often approaches to Narrowing road on highways are of border standoff, with both spokesperson Mao told a media
acquire a roughly $1.7 billion blamed for vehicles crashing bridges/grade bridges across the same width as sides maintaining close com- briefing in Beijing in response
stake in HDFC Bank Ltd.’s con- through parapets and crash separated struc- highways are the roads running munication through diplo- to a question on Modi’s inter-
sumer lending unit to tap barriers. The move will escalate MoRTH has proposed that all highway routes maintain the width tures/RoBs as well often blamed for at ground level,” matic and military channels, a view with Newsweek.
booming demand for personal the cost of building new high- as clear deck
of surface highways at par with bridges and other structures. MINT
vehicles crashing Arun Kumar, senior foreign ministry official “China believes that a sound
finance loans in India, people way stretches with provision width of struc- partner, Induslaw said in Beijing on Friday. and stable relationship is in the
familiar with the matter said. for uniform shoulders. the width of the shoulder being pavement edge break, parking tures to avoid through parapets said. This pro- Foreign ministry spokesper- interest of both China and
Japan’s biggest lender is The Union ministry of road kept at 2.5 metres. At present, of errant/broken down vehi- vehicles crashes and crash barriers posal will increase son Mao Ning’s remarks were India,” she said.
nearing the purchase of a 20% transport and highways for 2-lane highways, the width cles, sufficient offset for placing with parapets/ the cost of con- further elabora- “We hope that
stake in HDB Financial Services (MoRTH) has issued a draft cir- of shoulders in open country of safety barrier etc. To serve all crash barrier...” struction, espe- tion on China’s Since the eastern India will work
Ltd, which offers personal, gold cular proposing that all high- and isolated built-up area in the intended functions men- “The proposal to widen cially since most highways are reaction to PM Ladakh border with China to
and auto loans, said the people, way routes maintain the width plain and rolling terrain is a lot tioned above in cost-effective bridges across all highways to either 6-lane or in the process of Narendra Modi’s standoff on 5 May place the bound-
who asked not to be named of surface highways at par with narrower at 1.5 metres and 1.0 manner, it has been decided bring its width at par with high- being converted to 6-lane. recent statement 2020, relations ary question
because the information is pri- bridges and other structures metre respectively. This leaves that in two/four/six-laning of ways running at ground level is There will be an increase in in which he said
between the two appropriately in
vate. It would mark one of the along a stretch. The ministry little space to park broken- national highways, width of a welcome move. Narrow cost in ongoing projects for that for New bilateral relations
biggest financial sector deals proposes to have uniform down vehicles and leads to con- paved shoulder and earthen bridges or bridges which have augmenting the width of exist- Delhi, ties with nations have and manage it
involving lenders of the two norms for shoulders (paved and gestion on highways and acci- shoulder shall be a total of 2.5 width lesser than highways at ing bridges or to build wider Beijing are impor- remained frozen properly, and put
countries. Negotiations are in earthen) in all types of high- dents. “It is highly desirable metres (entire paved shoulder ground level have been leading bridges on new highways that tant and the “pro- the relationship
the final stages, terms may ways including two-, four-, six- that the width of shoulder of 2.5 metres for roads in to vehicles crashing into para- are under development, he longed situation” on a sound and
change and it’s possible that no and eight-lane highways with should be sufficient to protect build-up areas and approaches pet walls and barriers. With added. at the borders should be steady track,” Mao said.
agreement will be reached, addressed urgently. The relations between India
they added. Shares of HDFC, In an interview with News- and China have been frozen
which fell as much as 1.5% in week magazine, Prime Minister except for trade ties ever since
earlier trading, recouped some
of those losses after the news
about the deal talks.
Voda Idea’s ₹18,000 crore FPO opens on 18 April Modi expressed hope that the eastern Ladakh border
through positive and con- standoff erupted on 5 May
structive bilateral engagement 2020, following a violent clash
The move marks the latest in at the diplomatic and military in the Pangong Tso (lake) area.
a string of acquisitions by Gulveen Aulakh & Ujjval Jauhari shares, with bids required to be According to the exchange At the upper limit of the FPO at a discounted price band, levels, the two countries will be The two sides have so far
Japan’s top banks in India, a NEW DELHI in multiples thereof. According filing, the telco will start road price band, Vi is offering the and had appointed Axis Bank, able to restore and sustain held 21 rounds of corps com-
market which is rapidly to industry insiders, institu- shows and interact with inves- shares at a discount of around Jeffries Group and State Bank peace and tranquillity at their mander-level talks to resolve
becoming a pillar of their Vodafone Idea will tional investors’ portion has tors and analysts across India 26% to the recently approved of India as lead bankers for borders. the standoff.
growth plans after building out launch a follow-on pub- already been fully subscribed. from 15 April until preferential issue managing the share sale. The
a presence in Asia’s other lic offer (FPO) worth However, neither did Voda- the bid closing The company said price of ₹14.87 FPO marks the culmination of CORRECTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS
emerging economies. Rival ₹18,000 crore next week at a fone Idea, India’s third largest date. the five-day offer apiece for the pro- several attempts by the loss-
Sumitomo Mitsui Financial price band of ₹10-11 apiece. In a telecom services provider, “The capital will open on 18 moter entity, Ori- making telecom services pro- Mint welcomes comments, suggestions or complaints about errors.
Group Inc. bought a majority filing on the BSE on Friday, the make any official statement, raising committee April, while ana Investments vider to raise funding. It had
stake in Fullerton India Credit Aditya Birla Group company nor did it comment on Mint’s is scheduled to be Readers can alert the newsroom to any errors in the paper by
Co. for about $2 billion in 2021,
anchor investors Pte. Ltd. It also first announced its capital rais-
emailing us, with your full name and address to
said the five-day offer will open queries till press time. held on 16 April represents a dis- ing plans in September 2020.
2024 for the pur- will gain access on count of about
[email protected].
purchasing the remainder of on 18 April, while anchor inves- According to a Reuters Vodafone Idea’s sharehold-
the company last month. tors will gain access on 16 April. report, investment firm GQG poses of allocation 16 April 15% over Thurs- ers had approved a ₹45,000- It is our policy to promptly respond to all complaints. Readers
“Today, some media reported Typically, 50% of FPO shares Partners and State Bank of of equity shares to day’s closing price crore fundraising initiative, dissatisfied with the response or concerned about Mint’s journalistic
on our bank’s strategic invest- are reserved for qualified insti- India Mutual Fund are consid- the successful of ₹12.95, it added. including a ₹20,000-crore integrity may write directly to the editor by sending an email to
ment in India,” MUFG said in a tutional buyers, while 33-35% ering investments of up to anchor investors pursuant to Last week, Mint reported equity-based capital infusion [email protected]
statement on Friday. “But it is is reserved for retail investors. $800 million in the FPO, the offer and for determination that the Aditya Birla Group- from existing investors.
Mint’s journalistic Code of Conduct that governs our newsroom is
not made public from our com- Retail investors have to bid for including a $500-million com- of the anchor investor alloca- promoted firm will raise money gulveen.aulakh@live- available at
pany or our bank.” a minimum lot size of 1,298 mitment by the US-based fund. tion price,” the company said. from the markets through an
First published in February 2007 to serve as an unbiased and clear-minded chronicler of the Indian Dream.
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LIVEMINT.COM NEWS SAturDAy, 13 April 2024
New Delhi 15
showed. The two-wheeler exports are all passenger vehicle sales. n internal Boeing duction problems.
more than five times the passenger However, the recovery was not uni- review found that Other executives in the
vehicle shipments of 165,888 units in form across all segments. The two- Chief Executive David revised disclosure—finance
the quarter, which experienced a small wheeler category, which grew to 17.97 Calhoun and other top execu- chief Brian West; recently
decline of 3.4%. In terms of value, how- In January-March, two-wheeler exports grew 30.6% year-on-year to 915,507 units. HT million units in FY24, faces ongoing tives took personal trips worth departed commercial chief
ever, passenger vehicles have a higher challenges in the entry-level seg- more than $500,000 on the Stan Deal and defense chief Ted
unit cost and generally account for the ness of both availability and rate of units, all other automotive segments the passenger vehicle and two- ments, still keeping it 14% below its company’s private jets and Colbert —may also use Boeing’s
most valuable export segment in India. currencies in key markets as well as declined. Commercial vehicles saw a wheeler segments. For the entire fiscal pre-covid peak seen in FY19. other planes that were fleet of private jets for personal
Similarly, three-wheeler exports grew the ability of customers to digest the drop of 16.3% in exports to 65,800 year, total domestic sales across seg- The commercial vehicle segment improperly recorded as busi- trips. For these executives, the
by 13% year-on-year to just over consequent inflation this far,” Rakesh units, and two-wheeler exports, ments increased 12.5% over FY23 to exhibited a modest improvement ness travel. revisions include some per-
70,000 units during the quarter, con- Sharma, executive director, Bajaj despite the strong last quarter, 23.8 million vehicles. compared to the previous year, albeit The review and correction, sonal flights on charter, leased
tributing to an overall increase of In the March quarter, domes- with mixed performance across sub- which Boeing disclosed in a or commercial aircraft.
22.5% in total automotive ship- EyEING STEADy RECOVERy tic sales saw a more pronounced categories. While there was a marginal securities filing, was prompted Last year, Boeing said the
ments of 1.17 million units in Jan- 20.1% year-on-year growth, decline in the light commercial vehi- by a Wall Street Journal inves- company followed all laws and
uary-March. fOR the full fiscal COMMERCIAL TWO-wheeler STRONG domestic pointing to a sustained con- cles (LCVs) segment, the medium and tigation last year into the exec- regulations when it came to
However, Bajaj Auto, the larg- year, PVs saw a
modest annual
vehicles saw
a drop of 16.3% in
exports, despite the
strong last quarter,
sales in the PV and
sumer demand and significant heavy commercial vehicles (M&HCVs) utives’ use of the company’s classifying executives’ aircraft
est exporter of two-wheelers, increase in exports exports to recorded a 5.3% segments helped the easing of the supply chains lead- category showed signs of growth. Spe- fleet of private jets, people use: “As it relates to the track-
expects a ‘very gradual recovery’ of 1.4% 65,800 units drop year-on-year auto sector ing to better availability of PVs cifically, M&HCVs experienced a familiar with the matter said. ing and categorization of
in the segment going forward. and premium two-wheelers. slight uptick, contributing to a mar- Boeing’s review found that flights, we have professionals
“The export recovery has “If you look at the fundamen- ginal increase in the overall CV sales some flights by the executives and subject matter experts
commenced from its low point, but it Auto, told Mint. recorded a 5.3% drop year-on-year. tals, the economy is expected to do well figures. However, the sector as a whole in 2021 and 2022 “were not who help us strictly comply.”
is going to be very gradual at least for For the full fiscal year, while passen- However, the automotive industry and monsoon outlook for this year is saw only a small improvement, with previously classified as perqui- In the September 2023 arti-
the first half of the year. Thereafter, its ger vehicles saw a modest annual saw significant growth in the domestic also positive. The forecast for FY25 is, total CV sales reaching 968,000 units sites by the company but cle, the Journal reported that
acceleration depends on the steadi- increase in exports of 1.4% to 672,105 market in FY24, led by strong sales in therefore, that the industry as a whole in FY24, just 0.6% increase over FY23. should have been classified as Calhoun and other executives
such in accordance with SEC hadn’t relocated to the plane
rules and guidance,” the com- maker’s headquarters in
pany said in its proxy filing on Arlington, Va. Instead, flight
mazon CEO Andy Jassy such as its physical stores and Amazon in February said in his letter. cially counted as personal or out of offices near their homes,
said generative artificial healthcare. Jassy said the com- announced a new AI-powered Jassy has said he expects AI business trips. the Journal reported. Boeing
intelligence could be pany thinks of its successes as shopping assistant for its to drive tens of billions of dol- In general, a private jet opened a small new office near
one of the largest technological businesses that can spur other mobile app named Rufus that lars of revenue over the next flight taken for commuting the Connecticut homes of
transformations in decades. In successful projects. He listed executives said is designed to several years for the company, purposes may be considered a West and treasurer David
his annual letter to sharehold- AWS and the company’s logis- improve the shopping experi- yet Amazon has also tamped perquisite, and thus a taxable Whitehouse.
Elon Musk, American ers, Jassy laid out a vision for tics operations as two previous ence and enhance its product down expectations by repeat- event, while flights between Calhoun addressed the
businessman and investor. PTI how generative AI could be a initiatives that accomplished search bar. edly saying that it is the “early two company offices may not Journal’s article at an internal
critical building block in estab- that and said that beyond AI, it Late last year, it also intro- days” of AI. be. The pandemic and more meeting with employees in
Musk’s xAI lishing the company’s next pillar
of growth following its online
sees promise in units such as
grocery and Prime Video.
Amazon CEO Andy Jassy. MINT duced a chatbot for workpla-
ces. It also started a program to
Jassy also expressed opti-
mism about the company’s
time spent working from
home have complicated the
November, saying he wanted
executives to travel and spend
retail Marketplace, Amazon Jassy also said Amazon has been trying to boost its train millions of workers in Prime Video streaming ser- matter. time visiting its operations.
seeks $4 bn Prime and its cloud-computing
unit Amazon Web Services.
remains committed to cost-
standing with new offerings at
AWS and its retail operations.
artificial-intelligence skills as
it competes with Google, Mic-
vice, citing its library of exclu-
sive content including Thurs-
When executives use a
company jet for personal
“I don’t want anybody, by
the way, to misinterpret a silly
lon Musk’s fledgling AI of societal and business benefit letter. The among a hundreds of jobs from across space endeavors. Jassy said its IRS have different reporting In its proxy filing, Boeing
startup X.AI Corp. is look- from the solutions that will be company group of AWS, a move that came after it satellite internet business, requirements for personal jet reported $514,000 in personal
ing to raise $3 billion to $4 possible will astound us all.” overhauled its delivery systems notable tech companies said it would remove its “just dubbed Project Kuiper, hit “a flights. flights on company aircraft for
billion in a deal that would Jassy’s annual shareholder in the past year to place items it building large language mod- walk out” cashierless technol- major milestone” in October Boeing’s executive flight- Calhoun in 2023, part of his
value the company at $18 bil- letter, his third since he took sells in warehouses closer to cus- els and other cutting edge ogy from its Amazon Fresh when it launched two proto- operations unit and its board total compensation of $33 mil-
lion, according to materials over as CEO, follows a long- tomers, which it says saves costs. technologies. As part of its grocery stores in the U.S. The type satellites into space. The of directors scrutinize per- lion that year.
sent to investors. standing tradition set by Ama- Amazon has hundreds of ware- deal with Amazon, Anthropic company in recent months has goal is to provide broadband in sonal use of company aircraft, The revisions concerned
Emails about the potential zon founder Jeff Bezos , who as houses throughout the U.S. is using Amazon’s custom eliminated hundreds of posi- remote areas, a business cur- the Journal previously the prior two years. The
financing, including a roughly CEO of Amazon for 27 years Amazon shares are up 22% chips to build and deploy its tions across divisions such as rently dominated by Elon reported. Boeing said in its revised 2022 tally for Cal-
20-page pitch deck, are circu- released annual letters that were this year through Wednesday’s AI software. entertainment and its Alexa Musk ’s Starlink. proxy that flights to attend houn’s personal flights came
lating among Silicon Valley’s studied across the tech industry close, with a market cap Amazon disclosed Thurs- division. Jassy said he expects Ama- outside board meetings or to about $332,000, an
venture investing community, and beyond. Bezos, who stepped approaching $2 trillion. The day it added Dr. Andrew Ng , Jassy has spoken about a zon to launch its first produc- speaking engagements may increase of $93,000 from the
according to a person who down as Amazon CEO in 2021, stock has outperformed the S&P a computer scientist, entre- three-pronged approach to AI tion satellites this year. count as perquisites under company’s calculation last
received one. typically used the letters to speak 500 by more than double amid preneur and AI expert, to its innovation. He said Amazon is “We’ve still got a long way to SEC rules. year, according to securities
People close to Musk have about Amazon’s accomplish- investor excitement over AI. board. A former Google and focusing on the AI models, fol- go, but are encouraged by our Boeing’s board requires Cal- filings. For 2021, the tally
have had conversations within ments and ambitions and wrote Amazon fell behind its tech Baidu executive, Ng has spe- lowed by the applications built progress,” Jassy said. houn to use the company’s pri- increased by $49,000.
their own networks to gauge them with storytelling flair. rivals in the AI race, though it cialized in developing on top of the models, like © 2024 DOW JONES & CO. INC. vate jets for personal travel, not © 2024 DOW JONES & CO. INC.
interest in participating in the
deal, said the person, who
asked not to be identified dis-
cussing private information.
The terms and dollar values
of the funding round are still in
Who wields the power in the world’s supply chains?
flux and could change, the per-
son said. The Wall Street journal FROM PAGE 16 giant one. Now “retailers have tory. “Companies can’t afford ductors and consumer elec- sumer products. But whatever always,” sums up GE Vernova’s
earlier reported some details of the insights,” and these are to simply increase their inven- tronics, the value of such they make, manufacturers are chief executive, Scott Strazik.
the deal. their products displayed on based on real purchasing tories and not address the big- “channel inventory” is trying to ease the pain. A com- Producers of hot products will
The pitch deck highlights those scarce shelves. Manu- behaviour, not market ger structural resiliency between 30% and 110% higher mon tactic is to cut down the always be able to dictate terms—
potential selling points for facturers’ hopes that e-com- research. This, he says, is put- efforts,” says Mourad Tamoud, than at the end of 2019. So long variety of goods they produce. and prices—to buyers. But what
investors—touting Musk’s merce would strengthen their ting pressure on firms like his who oversees the supply chain as all of it sits on resellers’ bal- Hasbro, a toymaker, said in counts as a hot product can itself
track record at Tesla Inc. and hand by giving them direct to deliver “on time in full” of Schneider Electric. The ance-sheets, they are unlikely February that it was refocusing change rapidly, ultimately as a
Space Exploration Technolo- access to buyers were dashed; (otif). If they cannot, that French maker of electrical to order more from manufac- on “fewer, bigger, better” function of what consumers
gies Corp., and noting that xAI shoppers chose the conve- means lower sales, adds the equipment has built an extra turers. This causes finished brands. Coca-Cola has cut the want. A shortage of semiconduc-
will be able to train on the high- nience of e-emporiums such supply-chains chief at another factory in two regions and goods to pile up at factories, number of its brands in half tors between 2020 and 2022
quality data from Musk’s social as those of Amazon, Target big consumer-goods firm. plugged them into a more local which then prefer to hold off over the past few years. Newell strengthened chipmakers’ hand.
network X. and Walmart. Retailers’ pan- The OTIF motive network of suppliers. on procuring their inputs—and Brands, which makes every- A subsequent glut in 2023, after
Having access to data is cru- demic-era willingness to let OTIF requires suppliers to Those extra factories cost so on down the value chain. thing from Sharpies to stroll- everyone who wanted a new lap-
cial for building large language suppliers dictate prices and do one of two things. They can money to build and maintain, Whether by investing in ers, has trimmed its range of top, smartphone or car had
models, the technology that the timing of payments and use forecasts to make products which can hurt profitability if Technology has bolstered spare capacity or betting on scented Yankee candles from bought one, weakened it. For
powers AI chatbots, an area deliveries, just to get goods on in advance, and keep their fin- they run with plenty of idle retail further. ISTOCKPHOTO the size of spare stocks, it is the 200 to 150. GE Vernova, which manufacturers—of chips and
where xAI aims to compete shelves, proved to be a blip. gers crossed they made the capacity. And demand fore- manufacturers that pick up the makes power-generating everything else—inventory
with other well-funded busi- Technology has bolstered right amount. The alternative is casts can be wrong, especially tors or retailers. Nicole tab. And this tab grows with equipment, used to sell nine aches and pains are increasingly
nesses such as OpenAI. A rep- retail further. Consumer- to build spare production at a time when supply chains DeBlase of Deutsche Bank cal- distance to the consumer. types of nacelle, a wind-tur- a chronic condition.
resentative for xAI did not goods firms used to know capacity, which allows them to are backed up with goods culates that for many large cat- Makers of industrial goods are bine’s central hub. Now it ©2024 THE ECONOMIST NEWS-
respond to a request for com- more about shopping habits, react to changes quickly with- which have left factories but egories of products, including turning over their stocks more makes three. “It’s easier to jug- PAPER LIMITED. ALL RIGHTS
ment. recalls the chief executive of a out having to hold more inven- have yet to be sold by distribu- car parts, machinery, semicon- slowly than sellers of con- gle three balls than nine— RESERVED.
New DeLhI, MUMBAI, BENGALURU, kOLkATA, CHENNAI, AHMEDABAD, HYDERABAD, CHANDIGARH*, PUNE*, LUCkNOW* VOL. 18 NO. 90 Rs. 10.00 . Price with Hindustan Times Rs. 15.50 16 PAGES
SENSEX 74,244.88 793.27 NIFTY 22,519.4 234.4 DOLLAR ₹83.42 ₹0.23 EURO ₹88.93 ₹1.44 OIL $92.05 $0.43 POUND ₹104.26 ₹0.02
8 15
However, growth concerns remain around its biggest revenue region and business 6
5.70 Link executive pay with climate
Shouvik Das had expected our quarterly reve-
5 5.10 action: Deloitte report
[email protected] nue growth to be higher by 50-100 4.85
Companies should link executive
4 0
NEW DELHI basis points. But this did not hap- Dec 2022 Mar 2024 Dec 2022 Feb 2024 compensation to specific milestones for
Having beat analyst expectations, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
pen due to uncertainties in the achieving their net-zero goals, and establish
expects the current fiscal to be better. Source: Ministry of statistics and programme implementation
board committees to supervise climate
ata Consultancy Servi- market, and decisions being taken
ces, India’s largest IT ser- TCS beats Street expectations, but... at very short notices,” said Krithiv- SATISH KUMAR/MINT initiatives, Deloitte said in a report based on
vices firm, kicked off the
earnings season for the
sector by closing FY24
India's largest IT services firm reported quarterly and full-year revenue growth,
but the pace of full-year growth slowed in FY24.
Revenue Net profit (in $ bn) Revenue (in $ bn) Growth (in %)
asan, adding that he wasn’t disap-
pointed with the overall growth.
Net revenue for FY24 grew 4.1%
IIP, CPI deliver twin a survey of 28 large Indian companies. >P14
services industry through FY24. FY24
601,546 The company’s overall numbers he Indian economy upbeat. “The headline inflation
The company reported net reve- Q1FY24 Q2FY24 Q3FY24 Q4FY24 FY24 fared in line with analyst expecta- showed signs of buoy- for March has come in line with
nue of $7.36 billion for the January- Source: Company Q4 filings tions, including what Omkar Tank- ancy towards the end of expectations,” said Upasna ‘India GDP growth to slow to
March quarter, up 1.1% sequen- sale, equity research analyst at bro- the fiscal year 2023-24, as Bhardwaj, chief economist at 6.1% in CY24 from 7.7% in CY23’
tially—in line with analyst expecta- THE CONCERNS kerage firm Axis Securities, termed industrial output rose to a four- Kotak Mahindra Bank. “While Moody's Analytics expects India's GDP to
tions of up to 1.5% growth. Net TCS reduced net bFSI, its top sector, NOrTh America, its as a “strong” end to FY24. However, month high and retail inflation core inflation continues to grow at 6.1% in calendar year 2024 (CY24),
profit for the fourth quarter was headcount by 13,249 saw revenue decline biggest geography, TCS’s overall financials continued fell to a 10-month low, data moderate, we remain wary of decelerating sharply from 7.7% in CY23, hurt
$1.5 billion, up 6.4% sequentially. people through FY24 by 1% year-on-year saw revenue fall 2.3% to signal weakness in revenue from released on Friday showed. the heatwaves going ahead, by a slow recovery from the pandemic and
While growth was labelled by the banking, financial services and Industrial output grew 5.7% which could keep food infla- its various aftershocks, and as geopolitical
industry experts as “strong”, ana- insurance (BFSI) segment, as well in February, up from 4.14% in tion elevated and volatile in the conflicts snap supply chains. >P14
lysts signalled caution due to key and a 20.2% growth in India reve- two verticals accounted for 19.5% of as from the North America region— January and 4.3% in December, summer months.”
sluggish metrics across the com- nue, which collectively account for the company’s overall revenue. the IT sector’s largest income and after falling to an eight-month On industrial output, Madan
pany’s largest contributing busi- 22.1% of the TCS’s net revenue. TCS also reported a 150 basis growth drivers. low of 2.5% in November. On Sabnavis, chief economist, Auto exports recover in Q4;
nesses and geographies. In terms of segments, BFSI, point expansion in operating mar- “We are seeing weakness in the the other hand, consumer price Bank of Baroda, said although gradual turnaround expected
North America, which contrib- which contributed the largest share gin in the final quarter of FY24, at BFSI sector nearing its bottom, index (CPI)-based retail infla- the latest IIP (index of industrial
Exports of two-wheelers and three-wheelers,
utes to half of TCS’s net revenue, of TCS’ revenue (32%), declined 1% 26%. Growth during the period was which suggests that a revival could tion fell to 4.85% in March, the production) growth is impress- which account for nearly 85% of all
saw revenue decline by 2.3% year- year-on-year. Manufacturing, and largely driven by its $1.83-billion be on the cards. But it’s too early to statistics ministry said, the first ive, it is not broad-based, as it is automotive shipments from India in terms of
on-year in the March quarter, and life sciences and healthcare, were digital transformation contract say if we are there yet,” said Krithiv- month after November 2023 more of the infra-based indus- volumes, showed clear signs of a rebound in
by 20 basis points for the full year. the top performing businesses for with state-run telecom operator, asan, adding that the company’s that it has gone below 5%. tries that have done well. “Con- the final quarter of FY24, helped by improved
Growth was driven by a 10.1% y-o-y TCS in FY24, growing 7.3% and Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL). A Mint poll of 14 economists demand in key overseas markets. >P15
increase in revenue from the UK 4.8%, respectively. Together, the “At the start of the quarter, we TURN TO PAGE 13 had estimated retail inflation at TURN TO PAGE 13
day after closing above (-0.84%), Sun Pharma (-3.99%) n a rare instance of investor This will result in a loss of
22,750 Nifty 50
the 75,000 mark for and ITC (-1.57%) alone contrib- activism by an asset man- ₹6.1 crore to the unit holders of
the first time, the 22,700
uted to over two-fifths of agement company, Quan- Quantum Mutual Fund and a
Benchmark BSE Sensex—and Nifty’s 234.40-point fall. tum Mutual Fund has written loss of about ₹1,777 crore to all
The online retailer is also working with influencers to create the NSE Nifty as well—fell over 22,650 “It seems that geopolitical to the markets regulator minority shareholders of ICICI
holiday OOTDs, or ‘outfit of the day’ looks. MINT 1% each on Friday. The fall tensions in the Middle East are objecting to the delisting of Securities, Quantum alleged in
resulted in investors losing a 22,600 22,677.35 having a significant impact on ICICI Securities Ltd on its letter, which is addressed
the global economy,” said
Shrikant Chouhan, head-eq-
uity research, Kotak Securi-
grounds of unfair valuation for
the brokerage’s minority
shareholders. Currently, ICICI Bank holds
also to ICICI Bank and ICICI
Quantum Mutual Fund
nkita Sehgal was geared said Kavindra Mishra, chief banking, IT, infra, oil and gas, sional ₹6,341.53 crore. $90.71 at the time of writing as ICICI Securities last month ICICI Bank for every 100 ICICI comparison data but also fail to
up for her 10-day vaca- executive of Shoppers Stop. and pharma. In comparison, broader fears of a reprisal by Iran on held a shareholder vote on the Securities shares they hold. disclose the basis of the valua-
tion to Vietnam, but for Earlier this week, the depart- The Sensex corrected by markets led by the Nifty Small- Israel rose following a strike by proposal to delist the company In its letter, a copy of which tion and the information based
one detail that she had to tick ment store chain announced a 1.06% to 74,244.90 while the cap 250 and the Nifty Midcap and make it a 100% subsidiary was published on its website,
off her to-do list: shopping. Not partnership with online travel Nifty fell by 1.03% to 22,519.4 150 indices outperformed, TURN TO PAGE 13 of parent ICICI Bank. Cur- Quantum said that the swap TURN TO PAGE 13
in Vietnam, rather for. booking platform EaseMyT-
“While I did plan to shop to launch vacation-spe-
while on holiday, I still needed cific promotions and rewards.
some things before the trip,”
said the 35-year-old, who
ended up spending around
Apparel retailers have been
grappling with tepid sales the
past several quarters with con-
Who wields the power in the world’s supply chains?
₹7,000 on pre-travel shopping, sumers spending more on
including for a new pair of “experiences” such as travel still rack Ukraine and Gaza. before the pandemic. The fig- divergence. Retailers’ invento-
sneakers, personal care prod- and eating out, stifling demand These disruptions pale next ure may have risen since. ry-to-sales ratios have been
ucts, and some comfort cloth- for products such as clothing to the snarl-ups of the covid-19 Each dollar tied up this way is coming down since the early
ing such as shorts and shirts. and electronics. pandemic. But each is a a dollar not invested in pursuit 1990s. For manufacturers, they
“Sneakers for long walks as well In a recent joint report, Bos- reminder of the business lesson of future profits. No wonder, are (bar a brief pandemic spike)
as some casual clothing since ton Consulting Group and the upply-chain managers of that period: it is better to be then, that chief executives, for higher than at any time in the
my wardrobe is mostly office Retailers Association of India cannot seem to catch a safe than sorry. Politicians regu- all their resilience-related nod- past 30 years. What is going on?
clothes,” said Sehgal, an opera- said consumption in India had break. Consider the past larly hector companies to make ding, try to unshackle as many of As supply chains became
tions manager with a leading undergone a “paradigm shift” month alone. A collapsed bridge their supply chains less “just in those dollars as they can. Some more efficient in the 1990s
consulting firm. over the past two years, with has walled off the Port of Balti- time” and more “just in case”. are having considerably more thanks to globalisation, retail-
Indians have moved past the consumers favouring travel more, one of the biggest on Corporate bosses often nod luck than others. This reflects ers drove a harder bargain
post-covid revenge travel and entertainment over tradi- America’s east coast, until at along, vowing to make their longer-running changes to the with suppliers. Being closer to
phase, and are now actively tional purchases, a trend that least late May. A big earthquake supplier networks shockproof. balance of power across the the consumer, they had a bet-
holidaying both in India and has notably influenced the allo- in Taiwan, where a large share of The simplest way to do this is world’s supply chains. ter idea of what shoppers
overseas, spending their dis- cation of expenses. The result: microchips are made, has rattled to build bigger buffers, both of As supply chains became more efficient in the 1990s, retailers For American business as a wanted and when they wanted
posable income on collecting high-ticket categories such as an industry that increasingly raw materials needed to pro- drove a harder bargain with suppliers. BLOOMBERG whole inventories look roughly it. At the same time, notes
“experiences”—a trend retail- jewellery and durables are now underpins a lot of the world’s duce whatever it is a company as plump as they did on the eve Niraj Dawar of Brand Strategy
ers are looking to cash in on to competing with mutual fund manufacturing. Houthi rebels in makes and of its finished prod- inventory and paying suppliers, index of America’s large firms of the pandemic, relative to Group, a consultancy, limited
make up for their tepid sales. savings and holidays. Yemen keep lobbing missiles at uct. In practice, this simple dearer. A shortage of ware- had more than $600bn trapped sales. For all the talk of the sup- shelf space allowed shop own-
With Indians high on travel- “Over the last one year, the ships in the Red Sea, a critical solution comes at a big cost. house space means higher rents in working capital (the value of posed supremacy of “just in ers to demand that producers
ling, retailers are actively curat- share of consumer wallet seems passage for seaborne trade. And that cost is rising. Higher to stash the extra stocks. JPMor- a business’s inventories plus time”, such stockpiles had in hold more inventory them-
ing “vacation looks” and to have moved in favour of America and China are still at interest rates make short-term gan Chase, a bank, calculates what it is owed by customers fact been getting plumper for a selves in exchange for having
launching holiday-specific col- loggerheads over their mutual loans used for day-to-day oper- that by the end of 2022, compa- minus what it owes suppliers). decade before covid-19. Yet
lections across categories such TURN TO PAGE 13 economic entanglements. Wars ations, including holding nies that make up the S&P 1500 That was two-fifths higher than that general trend conceals a TURN TO PAGE 15