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Antimicrobial Antioxidant and Antidiabetic Potenti

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Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Antidiabetic Potential of Suaeda fruticosa L

Article · June 2021

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8 authors, including:

Dr Asma Noureen Javed Ahmed Ujjan

The University of Lahore Defence Road Campus Lahore Shah Abdul Latif University


Saba Manzoor
University of Sialkot


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International Journal on Emerging Technologies 12(2): 155-160(2021)

ISSN No. (Print) : 0975-8364

ISSN No. (Online) : 2249-3255

Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Antidiabetic Potential of Suaeda fruticosa L.

Ishtiaq Ahmad1, Hira Gul2, Dr. Asma Noureen3, Javed Ahmad Ujjan4, Saba Manzoor5, Wali Muhammad
Achakzai6, Shagufta Saddozai7 and Saleem Jan*1
Department of Chemistry, University of Science and Technology Bannu,
Bannu-28100, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
Department of Chemistry, Government Post Graduate College Kohat, Bannu-2600, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
Department of Zoology, Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology (IMBB),
The University Of Lahore Road, Campus, Lahore.
Associate Professor Department of Zoology, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur Sindh Pakistan.
Department of Zoology, Wildlife & Fisheries, University of Agriculture Faisalabad.
Department of Zoology, University of Baluchistan, Baluchistan, Pakistan.
Department of Zoology, Sardar Bahadur Khan Women University, Quetta, Pakistan.
(Corresponding author: Saleem Jan*)
(Received 27 March 2021, Revised 27 May 2021, Accepted 12 June 2021)
(Published by Research Trend, Website: www.researchtrend.net)
ABSTRACT: In traditional medicine, Suaeda fruticosa has importance due their usage for therapeutic
purposes. They have antibacterial, antioxidant, and anticancer properties reported by few studies. In
Pakistan, Suaeda fruticosa is commonly found but their biological potential has not been determined.
Therefore this study was carried out with the aim to determine the antimicrobial, antioxidant and antidiabetic
potential of Suaeda fruticosa L. The S. fruticosa whole plants were collected in Latamber areas of district
Karak in August 2019. The collection process was carried out in flowering season which helped in
identification process. Different plants extract were prepared and then antibacterial, antidiabetic and
antioxidant potential of different extracts were determined. The antibacterial activity was determined using
the well diffusion technique. The antioxidant activity was determined by ferric reducing antioxidant power
assay while antidiabetic activity was determined by α-Glucosidase Inhibition Assay. All the fractions of S.
fruticosa have shown activity against all the bacteria. The study showed that the extracts of Suedea fruticosa
have concentration dependent antimicrobial activities against E. coli, S. aureus, P. aureginosa and K.
Pneumoniae. In S. fruticosa, all extracts showed a significant level of antioxidant activity, ranging from 11.98
mmol to 27.52 mmol Fe(II)/g in dry plant. In the α-glucosidase assay, the methanol extract showed a
significant impact, dependent on concentration. Our study concludes that S. fruticosa have excellent
antibacterial, antidiabetic and antioxidant activities. Further study to determine the toxicity is recommended.
Keywords: Antimicrobial; Antioxidant; Antidiabetic; Suaeda fruticosa L
I. INTRODUCTION medicine for clinical objective and locally prescribed for
the various chronic diseases [2]. Approximately 90 % of
Scientists are working on medicinal plants to extract total medicines belong to plants. Most of the plants have
different drugs and medicine for the welfare of humanity. been used for the ailment of various diseases in ancient
They want to isolate different compounds from plant to era [3]. The world health organization (WHO) suggested
cure various diseases and then try to synthesize these that more than 80 % people are related and depends on
compounds in laboratories in bulk. In 1978 World Health traditional medicine extracted/isolated from plants for
Organization (WHO) has stressed on the research and their primary health care needs. Vast areas of peoples
activities related to medicinal plants for the promotion are related to medicinal plants and their products which
and usage of these plants for health care process required their needs in the form of finance. Sufficient
scientifically and conventionally. The use of medicinal revenue is generated in the development of indigenous
plant products proved the healing, defensive, remedial medicine and the use of medicinal products for the
competencies in many chronic diseases [1]. There were treatment of various diseases [4]. Pakistan is a rich
few medicinal products isolated from the different parts source of medicinal plants and approximately 600 to 700
of plant but in present about 35,000 to 70,000 different medicinal plants have been investigated and observed.
species in form of plants or their extracts are in usage in In mountain areas, peoples are using plants species for
human societies. Nowadays, various projects and various ailment as they have easy access and also
researches are in progress to extract and isolate the know their usage and importance. The hilly areas
natural products from plants to promote the culture of peoples prefer medicinal plants species over
introducing new method to help societies in a better synthetically made products [5]. Pakistan has wide
ways in friendly environment. More than 50% natural spread mountainous, valleys and lands which contain
products and their derivatives from plants are in use as
Ahmad et al., International Journal on Emerging Technologies 12(2): 155-160(2021) 155
various types of herbs, shrubs and trees. These different Therefore this study was carried out to determine the
varieties of plants have medicinal compounds but few of biological activities of Suaeda fruticosa L. This study will
them are known for medicinal activities. Large varieties help the researcher for further study to determine the
of plants are not investigated for their medicinal toxicity and then utilization of this plant for treatment
approaches and yet have no access to them. A proper purposes.
approach and concentration may be made to explore
the medicinal properties of those plants which are not III. MATERIAL AND METHODS
yet studied for research purposes [6-8]. Suaeda A. Plant Collection
fruticosa belong to Amaranthaceae family, classified The S. fruticosa whole plants were collected in
under Chenopodiaceae. The general English term for Latamber areas of district Karak in August 2019. The
Suaeda fruticosa is “Alkali Seepweed” and its name in collection process was carried out in flowering season
Urdu is “Laani” [2]. These plants have small leaves and which helped in identification process. It was identified
falls in annual herbaceous category and germinating in at the Department of Botany, University of Science and
saline soil. Technology, Bannu. The plant specimens were
The Suaeda fruticosa has distribution in many parts of deposited in Botany Department for future reference.
the world. It is generally found in the Atlantic coastal
areas of Portugal and southern Spain, in the Arabian B. Preparation of Plant Extract and Fractionation
Peninsula, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Iran, the Horn Collected sample material (1Kg) of S. fruticosa (Whole)
of Africa, Canary islands, south east of England, were protected from direct sun light in order to avoid any
Bangladesh and France. The soils where these are decomposition in its constituents and were dried in the
found can be salty marshes which are sandy in nature, shade for more than seven days at room temperature
alluvial land flooded regions of coasts soil with and were then grounded to a fine powder by using clean
enormous amount of clay, dry places, flats of salts and grinder. The powder was weighed on digital balance.
the bases of dry mountains. They have associations The net weight of powder was 500 g. The powdered
with grass Odyssea paucinervis and Tamarix plant material of S. fruticosa was dissolved at room
usneoides [9]. Shrubs and plants like Capparis decidua, temperature in 80% aqueous methanol. To get a crude
Salvadora oleoides, Salvadora persica, and including extract, the methanolic extract was evaporated using a
Tamarix dioica grow in habitats of salinity [10]. Suaeda rotary evaporator at decreased pressure. Care was
fruticosa seeds and leaves are utilised as a taken to keep temperature at normal level in order to
phytoremediation technique and have been recognised avoid any decomposition. The initial crude was defatted
as safe for human food or fodder [11, 12]. A newly with hexane and then resulted extract was suspended in
discovered polysaccharide from S. fruticosa exhibited water and was extracted successively with
antioxidant, anti-filamentary, antinociceptive, dichloromethane and ethyl acetate by using separating
hypoglycaemic, and antihyperlipidaemic activities in in funnel. The solvent-solvent extraction was based on
vitro and ex vivo tests [13, 14]. When related to other polar dissolve polar and like dissolve like substances.
halophytes in the same family, such as Salsola kali [15],
Suaeda fruticosa shoots and leaves are rich in phenols,
flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, saponins,
proanthocyanins, and carotenes, indicating a
remarkable pharmacological range. The seeds and
young shoots of Suaeda fruticosa have been used for
food. Arabs use it as a fodder for their camels. This
plant is the source of a huge quantity of sodium, so this
has potential usage in soap making and washing soda
and also in the industries of the glass making [16, 17].
Their seeds are the source of extraction of edible oil; the
plant is also the source of fatty acids which are
unsaturated. In structure, this plant is obligate
halophyte. Suaeda fruticosa is utilized for fertility of soil
and as a treatment of salinity. Experts suggest the
cultivation of Suaeda fruticosa on large scale for the
remedy of metals which are toxic and contaminate soil
[18, 19].
In traditional medicine, Suaeda fruticosa has importance
due their usage for therapeutic purposes. The edible S. Fig. 1. Separating funnel for fractionation of S.
fruticosa exhibits hypoglycemic and hypolipidaemic fructicosa.
properties in this scenario [20]. Leaf extracts of suaeda Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) was utilized to guess
fruticosa are utilized in the cure of opthalmia [21] and
the nature of constituents in the extracts and to compare
antibacterial, antioxidant, and anticancer properties the fractions. A TLC tank and capillary tubes were used
have also been documented.[22]. Very limited data is
for this purpose. The TLC behaviors of these fractions
available about the biological potential of Suaeda
were checked initially by visualizing under UV light
fruticosa in the literature.
followed by Ceric sulfate (CeSO4) as spraying reagent
In Pakistan, Suaeda fruticosa is commonly found but
followed by heating. A clear difference in RF ratio of
their biological potential has not been determined.
fractions at TLC plates indicated good fractionation.

Ahmad et al., International Journal on Emerging Technologies 12(2): 155-160(2021) 156

Five different concentrations (125, 250, 500, 750, 1000
µmol/L) of FeSO4.7H2O were used. The amounts were
shown as antioxidant concentration possessing a
reduction capacity of ferric which was equal to that of 1
mmol/L FeSO4. For every S. fruticosa sample, the
antioxidant potential was measured five times. The
tubes size for this process was 10 ml each. The
concentration of each sample was the same i.e.100ml.
The standard was FRAP. For the sake of measuring the
inhibition, the freshly prepared solutions having alike
concentration were moved by applying dual beam
UV/Vis spectrophotometer. The obtained values
expressed a corresponding relation in the antioxidant
potential at 0.755 nm [23].
E. α-Glucosidase Inhibition Assay
Fig. 2. Fractions of S. fructicosa. In a reaction mixture (100 µL volume), the mixture
comprised of 1.2 µg/mL α-glucosidase, a 25 µL each
250mM buffer of phosphate which has pH 6.8, and
drugs of experimentation which was 2.5 mM pNPG.
The plates were incubated for 10 minute at 37 °C
temperature, By using the plate reader of Multiskan, the
measurement of absorption of para-Nitrophenol take
place during hydrolysis reaction which was catalyzed by
enzyme [3].
A. Antibacterial Activity
The antibacterial data was investigated against four
bacterial strains namely E. coli, S. aureus, P.
aureginosa and Klebsilla Pneumoniae using
Fig. 3. Microtiter plates used in antibacterial assay ciprofloxacin as a standard drug. The different extracts
showed moderate activity against all the tested bacteria
C. Antibacterial Bioassay as compared to that of the standard drug. By using the
For carrying the test of the different antibacterial action agar well diffusion method antibacterial activity was
of different methanol extracts which were freshly assessed. Antibacterial activity was noted by measuring
prepared, the micro titer plates were used [3]. A dilute the MIC values.
culture amounting to 0.1 ml was dropped on each plate. All the fractions of S. fruticosa have shown activity
The plates were solidified for duration of half an hour at against all the bacteria. S. fruticosa n-hexane and
temperature of 37°C. The extract of the sample which dichloromethane extracts have moderate antibacterial
dissolve in DMSO having different concentrations were activity against the multidrug resistant strains of E. coli,
prepared in wells having 2 mm diameter. Four bacterial Staphylococcus, P. aureginosa and Klebsilla
strains namely E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pneumoniae having MIC values of 3.25 mg/ml. The
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumonia study showed that the extracts Suedea fruticosa has
were used to determine the antibacterial activity. concentration dependent antimicrobial activities against
Ciprofloxacin was used as standard control. The plates E. coli, S. aureus, P. aureginosa and K. Pneumoniae.
were incubated at temperature of 37°C for 24 hours. (Fig. 4, Fig. 5).
The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was
calculated. B. Antioxidant Estimation
In S. fruticosa, all extracts showed a significant level of
D. Antioxidant Bioassay antioxidant activity, ranging from 11.98 mmol to 27.52
FRAP (Ferric reducing antioxidant power assay) which mmol Fe(II)/g in dry plant (Fig. 6).
is method of HAT (Hydrogen atom transfer) was used.
FRAP reactant contains 50 mL of acetate buffer and 5 C. α- Glucosidase (Antidiabetic)
mL of a (10 mmol/L) 2, 4 ,6- tripyridyl- s- triazine (TPTZ) The anti-α-glucosidase activity of S. fruticosa methanol
solution in 40 mmol/L HCL plus 5 mL of FeCl3 (20 extract was determined using a well-established in vitro
mmol/L). It was fresh preparation having warming assay protocol and was observed as potent [24]. The
temperature of 37ºC. A 100 µL amount of aliquots were methanol extract exhibited a strong activity dependent
put into 3 mL FRAP reactant. At the same time the upon concentration. These results indicate that the
reaction mixture’s absorption was measured to be 593 methanol extract was more potent against -glucosidase
nm in Spectro-photometric manner after incubating for as compared to other extracts (Table 1).
the duration of ten minutes at the temperature of 37ºC.

Ahmad et al., International Journal on Emerging Technologies 12(2): 155-160(2021) 157

5 Staphylococcus
aureus MIC(mg/ml)
E coli MIC (mg/ml)

Fig. 4. Antibacterial activities shown by different extracts of S. fruticosa.

3 P. aureginosa and
Klebsilla Pneumoniae MIC
1 (mg/ml)

Fig. 5. Antibacterial activities shown by different extracts of S. fruticosa.


20 11.98

15 FRAP Value(µg)

SF-CH2Cl2 SF-Crude SF-H2O

Fig. 6. Ferric reducing antioxidant power of different Suedea fruticosa extracts.

Ahmad et al., International Journal on Emerging Technologies 12(2): 155-160(2021) 158

Table 1: Suedea fruticosa methanol extracts Anti-α- This action was less significant when compared to
glucosidase activity. solvent polarity water and hexane extracts [28]. The
methanolic extract of S. fruticosa had the highest
Sample % inhibition activity when compared to a medicinal plant (Juglans
SF Extraction 34.8% regia) and conventional antioxidants like Trolox (2.17
(0.037mg/ml) 0.22 and 2.52 0.35 lmol TE/mg, respectively) [29]. Ex
Acarbose 65% vivo, the antioxidant activity of these extracts was
1 determined using a cellular-based test [30]. An earlier
0.019µM study done by Saleh et al reported that S. fruticosa
IV. DISCUSSION hexane extract can be considered as potent anti-cancer
agent [31]. The anti-α-glucosidase activity of S.
With chronic illnesses being the leading cause of fruticosa methanol extract was determined using a well-
morbidity and death globally, there is a growing demand established in vitro assay protocol and was observed as
to concentrate on herbal medicinal therapeutic plants potent [24]. The methanol extract exhibited a strong
from a scientific point of view. The majority of chronic activity dependent upon concentration. These results
conditions (cardiovascular disease, diabetic problems, indicate that the methanol extract was more potent
and other disorders) are the result of a combination of against –alpha glucosidase as compared to other
etiological causes displaying the accompanying extracts. A previous study performs an in vivo study on
symptoms [25]. But, using numerous medicines to rats to determine the anti-diabetic activity of S. fruticosa
prevent and cure these important chronic diseases may and reported that it has high potential as anti-diabetic
result in negative consequences and adverse effects potential [32]. Another study determines the antidiabetic
[26]. As a result, covering several targets at the same potential of S. fruticosa and reported that methanol
time with several active principles in a balanced and extract shows potent antidiabetic activity [18]
individualized manner is ideal. Herbal medications are
chemically complex mixtures including numerous major V. CONCLUSION
and minor elements, typically capable of addressing Our study concludes that different fractions of S.
numerous possible targets when treating a complicated fruticosa showed moderate activities against the
chronic condition. According to evidence suggesting, different strain of bacteria. The minimum inhibition
multiomic approaches such as metabolomics, concentration (MIC) values of the extracts were less
genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, epigenomics than the MIC value of the standard, ciprofloxacin. The
and others will be extremely useful in reviewing existing antioxidant data showed that S. fruticosa extracts are
treatments to gain new insights and will also provide potent as its antioxidant values are comparable with the
prospects for the establishment of innovative types of standard. The antidiabetic data of the extracts indicated
medications. that S. fruticosa is an excellent antidiabetic agent. Our
In our study, the different extracts showed moderate study only determine the biological potential of this plant
activity against all the tested bacteria as compared to and further study is needed to determine the toxic
that of the standard drug. All the fractions of S. fruticosa effects of this plant on human and animal.
have shown activity against all the bacteria. S. fruticosa
n-hexane and dichloromethane extracts have moderate VI. FUTURE SCOPE
antibacterial activity against the multidrug resistant
This study will help the researchers to consider this
strains of E. coli, Staphylococcus, P. aureginosa and
Klebsilla Pneumoniae bacterial strains having MIC plant as useful medicinal plant and further work on it to
values of 3.25 mg/ml. The study showed that the determine the toxic effects of this medicinal plant.
extracts of Suedea fruticosa have concentration Conflict of interest. The authors declare that they
have no conflict of interest.
dependent antimicrobial activities against E. coli, S.
Acknowledgements. Authors are thankful to Dr
aureus, P. aureginosa and K. Pneumoniae. These
Saleem Jan, Assistant Professor, Department of
findings are in line with the findings of previous study
Chemistry, University of Science and Technology
who reported that n-hexane extract have moderate
Bannu, Bannu-28100, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
activity against many bacterial pathogen [27]. A
previous study done by Rashid et al. determines the for their kind supervision.
antimicrobial potential of Suedea fruticosa and reported Author contributions. All authors contributed equally.
that they have potent antimicrobial activity against REFERENCES
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How to cite this article: Ahmad, I., Gul, H., Noureen, A., Ujjan, J.A., Manzoor, S., Achakzai, W.M., Saddozai, S.
and Jan, S. (2021). Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Antidiabetic Potential of Suaeda fruticosa L. International Journal
on Emerging Technologies, 12(2): 155–160.

Ahmad et al., International Journal on Emerging Technologies 12(2): 155-160(2021) 160

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