(EcoProduction) Paulina Golinska-Dawson, Adam Kolinski (Eds.) - Efficiency in Sustainable Supply Chain-Springer International Publishing (2017)
(EcoProduction) Paulina Golinska-Dawson, Adam Kolinski (Eds.) - Efficiency in Sustainable Supply Chain-Springer International Publishing (2017)
(EcoProduction) Paulina Golinska-Dawson, Adam Kolinski (Eds.) - Efficiency in Sustainable Supply Chain-Springer International Publishing (2017)
Paulina Golinska-Dawson
Adam Kolinski Editors
Efficiency in
Series editor
Paulina Golinska-Dawson, Poznan, Poland
About the Series
Efficiency in Sustainable
Supply Chain
Paulina Golinska-Dawson Adam Kolinski
Faculty of Management Engineering Poznan School of Logistics
Poznan University of Technology Poznan
Poznan, Wielkopolskie Poland
vi Preface
FMCG industry. The discussion on how to make the supply chains more efficient is
continued in the subsequent chapter. The authors present application of GRAI
modelling approach and discuss its benefits for the improvement of efficiency of
supply chain operations. The subsequent chapter highlights ecological aspects
of the implementation of logistics processes in fast growing domain of e-commerce.
The first part of this book is concluded with the chapter on to the issues of sus-
tainable development of the transport sector and the definition of eco-efficiency in
Part II of this book presents operational aspects of supply chain in relation to the
efficiency improvement. The value chain perspective is taken, as the authors of
subsequent chapters provide contribution on design, manufacturing, transport and
First issues related to eco-design are discussed. Eco-design provides an inte-
grated approach to reduce negative environmental impact and increase energy
efficiency in the whole life cycle of the products from the design, through pro-
duction and use phase till recovery. Its outputs influence the efficiency of operations
in the whole supply chain. The authors of the two related chapters provide dis-
cussion on the eco-design methods and present relevant case studies on different
products. The subsequent chapter addresses issues related to the impact of
eco-efficiency in production on availability of machines and equipment. Then, a
case study on the analysis of economic and environmental effects of cooperation
between enterprises and in the provision of transport is presented. The concluding
chapter provides insight into efficient demand management in retailing through
category management.
The good scientific quality of the chapters was assured by a rigorous blind
review process.
Although not all of the received chapters appear in this book, the efforts spent
and the work done for this book are very much appreciated.
We would like to thank all reviewers whose names are not listed in the volume
due to the confidentiality of the process. Their voluntary service and comments
helped the authors to improve the quality of the manuscripts.
viii Contents
Abstract Humanity is concerned about changes that occur in the climate and the
level of pollution. Countries and producers of goods and services have to introduce
the concept of sustainable development thereby decreasing the volume of harmful
emissions into atmosphere, searching resource saving technologies affecting the
level and pace of business. Only wealthy countries can be a good example for the
adoption and strict implementation of commitments by all countries of the world in
the field of sustainable supply chain management, the implementation of which has
a significant impact on the quality of the environment.
1 Introduction
Influenced by the world global crisis humanity is experiencing a period of rapid and
devastating changes. Humanity is concerned about changes that occur in the climate
and the level of pollution. Countries and producers of goods and services have to
introduce the concept of sustainable development thereby decreasing the volume of
harmful emissions into atmosphere, searching resource saving technologies
affecting the level and pace of business. These transformation caused the transition
from marketing 1.0, where the focus was on products, marketing 2.0—with focus
on customers to a new level—marketing 3.0 (or marketing values), where a key role
is given to orientation on person and change of consumer behavior—the demand
for sustainable goods and services. This evolution of consumer behavior caused
changes in traditional supply chains, requiring them a sustainable approach (Kotler
As the evaluation indicators use system of indexes. Scientists from Yale and
Columbia University (USA) periodically publish evaluating indexes. Index EPI
(Environmental Performance Index)—an index that takes into account 20 factors,
grouped in six categories: state of the environment, water resources, diversity and
the environment; production of natural resources, climate change). Table 1 shows
the first thirty countries rated by EPI index, given also their membership in the G7
and G20, GDP and population density in 2014 year respectively (EPI 2014).
However, superficial analysis of ranking countries by the EPI index shows their
scant presence in the upper part: only two countries in the top ten from group G7
(Germany and UK) and 8 of the first 30 from group G20. Graphical interpretation of
depending GDP per capita and the EPI index of countries in 2014 are presented in
Fig. 1.
Ongoing in recent years statistical studies on identification of dependencies
between evaluation indexes and level of development have not found enough strong
dependence, but allowed to make a differentiation matrix representation of which is
shown in Fig. 2.
According to the analysis of correlation field (Fig. 1) and matrix (Fig. 2), we can
do following conclusions:
– there are no countries with high and medium level of development (GDP) with
low or middle EPI index, what is a good fact;
– countries with high EPI index belong to the group of countries that have high
level of development;
Sustainable Supply Chain in Forming Environmental Macro Responsibility 5
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
EPI index
Fig. 1 Graphical interpretation of depending GDP per capita and the EPI index. Source prepared
by authors based on (EPI 2014)
Higher, more
than 40000
GDP at purchasing power parity per capita,
international dollars
Medium , 15000-
more more
Low, till
Fig. 2 Matrix differentiation between the EPI index and the level of GDP. Source prepared by
authors on the basis of (EPI 2014)
Sustainable Supply Chain in Forming Environmental Macro Responsibility 7
– most of countries with low and middle EPI index have a low level of devel-
opment that is not accidental.
We believe that it would be more correct to assess the progress of the impact on
the environment through the use of available indicator of the potential to reduce the
impact, because it reflects not only the extent of the effort, but their intensity.
Applying on this S-curve (curve of experience), we can argue about progress
availability of different effects on the environment in countries with high and low
levels of calculated based on GDP per capita. Graphic interpretations will look like
(Fig. 3).
Figure 3 shows us that availability as a measure of effort to achieve progress in
ecologization is different for countries with different income: for countries with
average level it is considerably higher than in countries with high development, and
for the last one each successive next unit of availability associated with progressive
GDP growth. DGDP—unit of GDP per capita growth, which is accompanied by
increased potencial (P). Natural factors such as area, population, resources can be
considered as essential factors of influence, but not sufficient. Increasingly affecting
soft factors such as consciousness, behavior and attitude. Therefore, such a result is
obtained correlation, allowing hypothesis, not necessarily the country with high
GDP have a high level of EPI index. In our opinion, this non-linear relationship
between potential environmental progress and level of development is that
Potential environmental progress
of the country, P
low level = medium level = high level
Fig. 3 Graphical interpretation dependency between GDP per capita and the country’s potential
environmental progress. Source own study
8 Y. Krykavskyy and N. Mashchak
which the enterprise operates (Table 2). Checking organizations and customers are
causing more pressure on companies that do not control the activities of their
suppliers. The need for a broader view on supply chain management is the result of
many modern trends. Sustainable supply chain management can not only identify
them but also to manage potential risks and turn them into opportunities and
business benefits for all participants in the supply chain (Krykavskyy 2005).
Sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) is the management of economic,
social and environmental impact of the supplying process in the whole product life
cycle to create, health and long-term development of the economic, social and
environmental value for all interested parties in the process. According to SSCM
three groups of criteria are taken into the account (Gruszecka-Tiesluk 2013):
1. Economic criteria—fair conditions of contracts, timely adjustment of debts,
transparency in establishing of business contacts between participants of the
supply chain, prevention of corruption.
10 Y. Krykavskyy and N. Mashchak
Table 3 Logistics decisions and benefits of introducing the concept of sustainable development
in the supply chain
The elements of Logistics decision The potential benefits
the supply chain
Procurement – The choice of environmental friendly Social and environmental
materials effects:
– Optimal choice of suppliers and their – Optimal use of exhaustible
appropriate localization and limited resources
– Selection of suppliers that adhere to Economic effects:
the concept of sustainable – Cost saving during the
development purchase of resources
Production – Closed cycle of water, energy Social and environmental
circulation effects:
– Reducing the weight of packaging – Reduction of waste products
– Production of energy – Reduction of water and
saving/low-cost/water saving energy consumption,
products Economic:
– Reduction of distribution
– Reduction of costs
associated with the use of
energy, water etc.
Transportation – New technologies that limit harmful Social and environmental
emissions effects:
– Intermodal transportations – Reduction of environmental
– The elimination of empty runs pollution emissions of CO2
– Full load of vehicles Economic effects:
– Optimization of logistic
– Reduction of transportation
Consumption – Optimization of purchases Social and environmental
– Selection of organic products effects:
– Waste products segregation – Limiting of dissipation
– Choice of recyclable packaging – Reducing waste
– Advantages of the reverse
Economic effects:
– Optimization of consumer
Utilization of – Well organized reverse logistics Social and environmental
waste system effects:
– Packaging that contains information – Reduction of environmental
about impact on environment contamination
– During whole supply chain Economic effects:
– Reduction of costs, related to
the reverse flows
Source prepared by authors on the basis of (Swietlinska M 2014; Vorobey 2014)
12 Y. Krykavskyy and N. Mashchak
supplier, you can maintain the existing gradual development and implementa-
tion of their own ethical standards.
– Involvement of business partners for joint social activities.
– Managing of diversity in the supply chain—equality of rights and treatment to
men and women participants in the supply chain, involvement of disabled
people and others.
Thus, the company has a whole arsenal of possibilities to make its chain sus-
tainable and to comply with current trends and social consciousness by choosing
the most relevant to the field and specific character of goods and services.
According to the concepts of Marketing 3.0 (by Kotler), this means prioritization
purposes of responsible development (to the environment and society) at the mis-
sion, vision, objectives and principles of operation level that allows appropriately
implement appropriate policies based on the concepts of sustainable development.
Auxiliary there may be good practice identified in the context of benchmarking
regarding to the environmental standardization decisions in relation with supply
chain (suppliers, carriers and other intermediaries and clients). Obviously, such
instruments do not are too rigid and are soft, they require absolute priority of human
values, including the appropriate level of economic consciousness pro environ-
mental position and the daily routine pro environmental behavior.
Today the sustainable supply chain management strategy is an integral part of
business management. Enterprise can not forget that its duties also include suppliers
with whom it works. Enterprise is responsible not only for its business but also for
the whole supply chain, within which goods or services are manufactured and
supplied to consumers. The automotive industry is one of the most difficult and
complex supply chains. Like other car manufacturers, Ford is working with thou-
sands of suppliers who supply materials, components and services needed to create
end products. The width and depth of supply chain and relationships in it can lead
to difficulties in business administration and cause problems related to a sustainable
development. Ford is always able to cope with these problems because of the
numerous, effective decisions (Lancuch dostaw Ford 2014):
– Ford was the first automotive manufacturer, that recognized the importance of
protecting human rights in the whole supply chain for many years, which is an
important element of sustainable development;
– Strategy on Human Rights of the Ford company includes adherence to the Code
of human rights, fundamental working conditions and corporate responsibility
(Letter 24), as well as evaluation of actions and behavior of all suppliers in
Sustainable Supply Chain in Forming Environmental Macro Responsibility 13
respect of the said Code. It also includes training of suppliers and assisting them
in meeting the requirements of sustainable development;
– providing of adequate tools to support suppliers in managing the issues of
sustainable development and risks of its own operations in the supply chain.
Training and presentations were prepared and conducted in the following areas:
human rights, working conditions and greenhouse gases emissions.
In a rapidly changing industry where transportation, technology and production
continues to increase, thus increasing its effects on the environment, Ford is devoted
to working with suppliers to help them to resolve any problems and doubts.
To the number of benefits that are received from a sustainable supply chain we
can also include (Jastrebska 2015):
– to choose suppliers by using environmental criteria (for example, 70 % of the
main suppliers of Danone company are registered in the a SEDEX—a platform
that contains information about 28 thousand suppliers, such as compliance with
labor standards, ethics, environmental protection and so on. Danone carries out
the purchase of milk, raw materials and packaging from local producers and thus
affects the local economy, because such purchases constitute 95 %.);
– to implement codes for suppliers (e.g., a Code of Conduct of SABMiller
Suppliers describes the obligations of suppliers in the field of sustainable
behavior concerning the environmental protection and promoting the principles
of the Code in their own supply chains);
– to conduct audits of suppliers (again, the Danone company under the FaRMs
program evaluates cooperation with agriculture companies every six months in
the field of the environmental protection);
– the awareness of all interested participants of the supply chain (e.g., eco cal-
culator of DB Schenker logistics operator is offered to customers to monitor
energy consumption and fuel as well as environmental contamination during
transportation of their cargo).
For example, Unilever under the “Life in a sustainable way” programme, makes
measurements and calculations of 1500 products in 14 countries. Each product is
analyzed in terms of environmental impact at all stages of the life cycle. American
supermarkets chain Wallmart implemented an “Index of goods”, according to
which it informs all interested parties, including consumers, about the entire process
of manufacturing its products (Michael E. Smith 2010).
Table 4 contains good practices of global enterprises on different links of sus-
tainable supply chain.
As you can see from the Table 4, successful implementation of good practices
could be based on benchmarking and selecting best of them according to the
specific product and industry of Ukrainian domestic enterprises. Such implemen-
tation is evidenced by successful performance of these companies in the world
14 Y. Krykavskyy and N. Mashchak
market for many years. In order to improve the management of a sustainable supply
chain, companies can use the following tools (Table 5) (Gruszecka-Tiesluk 2013).
In May 2013 Global Reporting Initiative—an international organization that
created the rules of reporting in the sustainable development and announced the
so-called fourth generation of reporting the rules (G4). Key changes were in
non-financial reporting with greater emphasis on providing information related to
the supply chain, both in terms of environmental protection and human and workers
rights. For business it means to emphasize the importance of accountability for
their suppliers. In addition, the principles of G4 will be an inspiration to create
Sustainable Supply Chain in Forming Environmental Macro Responsibility 15
(or expand) a dialogue between the supply chain participants on the subject of
improving standards relating to governance, ethics and the environment. These
innovations will also encourage enterprises to implement the principles of sus-
tainable supply chain management into their business operations (G4 Sustainability
Reporting Standards 2014).
5 Conclusions
In the process of giving globalization the “human face” and resolving increasing
threats for the civilization an enterprise should be included. They should strive to
develop their own supply chains according to the idea of a sustainable development,
but not only because of the possible risks of social and environmental impacts that
occur in the supply chain, but also because of the benefits that SSCM can bring to
the company. According to the research of statistics data of EPI index and the GDP
indicator was revealed the absence of countries with high and medium level of
development (GDP) with low or middle EPI index, what is a positive fact and
countries with high EPI index belong to the group of countries that have high level
of development. These outlines confirm the correctness and effectiveness of the
inclusion of environmental factors in the different areas of business.
Existing trends of nowadays put new challenges to supply chain management.
Through the supply chain management, to improve the productivity of social,
environmental and economic activities of the company, the business is working for
itself and its stakeholders, and SSCM is an important factor in the growth of
indicators of all it’s participants.
These good practices of global companies in the field of SSCM confirm the
effectiveness of the implementation of the following activities in logistics activities
of the companies and can be used on the basis of benchmarking at Ukrainian
enterprises, considering the specificity of the industry, products and services. To
improve the management of sustainable supply chain company can use some tools:
tools to help control such supply chains and IT-solutions to manage them.
And, although the actions of the company, in accordance with the principles of
sustainable development, may have a higher initial cost, but it is important to take
into account the entire life cycle of products and services. The more energy efficient
and eco-friendly equipment and processes the company has, the smaller is its
impact on the long-term operating costs. Enterprises and society must develop with
common values. So, first of all the supply chain managers must respond to new
challenges: to find suppliers who adhere to the principles of sustainable develop-
ment and to minimize the use of non-renewable resources with parallel limitation of
the company’s costs.
Sustainable Supply Chain in Forming Environmental Macro Responsibility 17
1 Introduction
human needs while maintaining the quality of the environment (Zaman and
Goschin 2010).
While monitoring the values of economic indicators which refer to the three
pillars of sustainable development, it should be noted that the implementation of the
idea is at various stages in various countries. Considerable disproportions are vis-
ible even after narrowing the search area to the European Union. Therefore,
questions arise what should be done to make sustainable development an economic
reality, and not merely a concept of thought implemented in selected economies.
A particularly important role in implementing the idea of sustainable develop-
ment is played by the methods, tools and techniques which serve the rationalisation
of material flow in supply chains and, in consequence, in entire economies. One of
the methods that aim at reducing the consumption of raw materials is a closed-loop
supply chain. It enables maintaining economic growth without exploiting new
natural resources, which also considerably reduces the social costs of such growth.
The aim of the chapter is to present the need to implement closed-loop supply
chains in the Polish economy. The proposed methodology is based on selected
stages of the decision-making process directed towards the transformation of tra-
ditional supply chains into closed-loop supply chains are presented. These stages
include: the analysis of current status developed based on the authors’ own set of
macroeconomic indicators a the level of economies of individual countries, as well
as the selected models of implementation focusing on the analysis of the
closed-loop supply chain model implementation method.
2 Material Flows
Worn products
Fig. 1 Model showing the flow of material resources in economy, in a closed cycle (with
recirculation), own study
P product
Z material resource (amount of
O2 waste (amount
(amount of used obtained kz consumption
kw generation (efficiency NO of generated
resource) material) (efficiency of the Is it possible
of the product’s waste)
product’s wearing to reuse?
generation process)
R worn product
O1 waste (amount of
generated waste)
Fig. 2 Scheme of a model of the flow of material resources with recirculation own study
3 Macroeconomic Analysis
The re-use of materials as part of supply chains with closed material loop is a
challenge not only for production and distribution companies, but also for regional,
national and international authorities. Macroeconomic analysis refers to such
aspects of company operations as the use of materials, the productivity of resources,
the amount of generated waste, or the per cent share of recycled materials. It was
carried out with the use of macroeconomic indicators. Due to Poland’s location in
Europe and its membership in the European Union, the authors decided to compare
the situation of Polish companies to European enterprises. In order to unify the
analyses and make them more transparent, data from selected European countries
has been presented. Mean values for 28 EU member states and detailed data con-
cerning the Visegrád Group (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary), the
Weimar Triangle (Poland, Germany and France) and United Kingdom have been
shown. Selection of the research perspective was influenced by different degree of
development of European economies. Countries such as Germany, France or United
Kingdom are considered to be states characterised by high economic culture. States
comprising the Visegrád Group are the states which accessed the EU in 2004 and
have been dynamically developing since then. They lead changes in Central and
Eastern Europe. On the basis of available data, the 2012 situation has been
The first measure analysed is Domestic Material Consumption (DMC) per
capita. It is defined as the total amount of material directly used in an economy per
inhabitant. DMC equals Direct Material Input (DMI) minus exports. DMI measures
The Transformation of Supply Chains in Closed-Loop Supply Chains 23
the direct input of materials for the use in the economy (Eurostat 2015). Results of
the DMC per capita analysis for selected countries have been presented in Graph 1.
The consumption of materials in Polish economy is the highest in analysed
countries. It could show that manufacturing sector in Poland is really well devel-
oped, or manufacturing in Poland is unproductive. The consumption of materials
itself proves considerable demand for them and high scale of manufacturing
activity. However, it does not show how effective the processing stages occurring
within an economy are. This issue is synthetically presented by the resource pro-
ductivity index. Resource productivity is gross domestic product (GDP) divided by
DMC (Eurostat). Analysis results have been presented in Graph 2.
While comparing the analysis results presented in Graph 1 with resource pro-
ductivity, it should be explicitly remarked that high consumption of materials in
Polish economy is translated into a high added product value. Resource produc-
tivity of Polish economy is lowest among all analysed countries. Whereas it comes
as no surprise in the context of comparison with the countries of the Weimar
Triangle or United Kingdom, it is surprising in the case of comparison with the
states forming the Visegrád Group. Mean resource productivity of these economies
is 100 % higher than Poland’s. It shows how low the added value of technological
processes executed in Polish economy is.
While analysing the results presented in Graphs 1 and 2, the question about the
amount of waste generated by the economies of individual countries is of particular
interest. The amount of waste itself does not fully reflect the issues tackled in the
present chapter. It is therefore essential to present the amount of generated waste
against a different macroeconomic indicator. A decision was taken that value of an
indicator being the quotient of the total amount of waste and gross domestic product
would be calculated. The value shows how many tonnes of waste are generated in a
domestic economy to achieve GDP of one million EUR. Measures used in the
quotient formula of the suggested indicator have been presented below.
Graph 3 Generation of waste by gross domestic product at market prices (Eurostat 2015)
than twice higher that European average and over three times higher than German
and Slovak economies. High value of the indicator proves that generation of a
considerable amount of waste is required to obtain a million EUR GDP.
Apart from analyses showing the use of materials and the generation of waste, the
amount of waste subject to recycling and re-use has been presented. The scope of
available data has allowed the authors to focus only on two groups of waste: electronic
waste and packaging waste. Electrical and electronic waste (e-waste) is a risk to
environment because of its hazardous components. However, it also provides a high
potential for recycling precious metals and other highly valuable materials. The
indicator presents the effective recycling rate of e-waste which is the collection rate
multiplied by the efficiency of treatment of waste electrical and electronic equipment
(WEEE). Recycling rate for packaging waste means the total quantity of recycled
packaging waste, divided by the total quantity of generated packaging waste (Eurostat
2015). Collective results of analyses have been presented in Graph 4.
Conclusions regarding the results presented in Graph 4 should be divided into
two groups. Recycling waste for e-waste is, in the case of Poland, on average
European level. In the case of packaging, the indicator for Polish economy is lowest
among all analysed economies. It should be noted that the economies of the Czech
Republic and Slovakia deal with the aspect particularly smoothly.
the situation of the uncertainty of the demand. The elaborated model describes four
levels. The final goods, in the described model, can be destined to the market
through the distribution network, from the warehouse or directly from the pro-
duction plant. The backward flow of used goods takes place from a client (market)
to various points of the supply chain. The used goods (or their parts) go also outside
the described structure and are identified with wastes (are not used within the
analysed chain structure).
Jonrinaldi and Zhang (2013) presented the proposal of the model of the integration
of products and stocks with regards to backward logistics in a finite time period. Total
costs of functioning of the supply chain (of each part among mentioned below) are the
aim function of this model. The model assumes the existence of a supply chain of
6-level structure. The described model was used by authors to inspect the influence of
the coordination of the production process with stocks in conditions of the supply
chain performing both forward (from producer to client) and backward (from client to
producer) goods’ flow on total costs of functioning of such supply chain.
The re-use of materials from goods used by consumers provides materials whose
supply has not been precisely determined, which makes determination of optimum
sizing of the lot of material flow on all stages of the supply chain more difficult.
This issue has been discussed in the paper written by Zhendong et al. (2009). The
authors have developed a supply chain model providing for a closed loop. A conceptual
approach to a closed loop has been presented in Fig. 3.
Due to possible variants of performing the production process presented in
Fig. 3, Zhendong et al. have presented four possible variants:
– capacitated dynamic lot sizing problem with only disposal,
– capacitated dynamic lot sizing problem with only remanufacturing,
– capacitated dynamic lot sizing problem with remanufacturing and disposal,
– dynamic lot sizing problem with capacitated production and uncapacitated
remanufacturing, for optimising the flow of materials.
Recyling Returned Recyling
Disposal New items Customers
center items center
Reman ufacturing
Fig. 3 The closed-loop supply chain with production, disposal and remanufacturing, own study
based on (Zhendong et al. 2009)
The Transformation of Supply Chains in Closed-Loop Supply Chains 27
In this variant, the general optimisation model assumes the following form
(Zhendong et al. 2009):
min ðft ðxt Þ þ ht Itr Þ
T the length of the planning horizon
t the index of the planning horizon, t = 1, … , T
ft ðxt Þ the cost (or profit) of disposing x returned products in period t
ht Itr the inventory cost of holding I of returned products held in inventory at the
end of period t
In this variant, the general optimisation model assumes the following form
(Zhendong et al. 2009):
min ðft ðyt Þ þ ht Itr Þ
T the length of the planning horizon
t the index of the planning horizon, t = 1, … , T
ft ðyt Þ the cost (or profit) of returned products remanufactured in period t
ht Itr the inventory cost of holding I of returned products held in inventory at the
end of period t
In this variant, the general optimisation model assumes the following form
(Zhendong et al. 2009):
28 R. Domański and M. Adamczak
min ðft ðxt Þ þ gt ðyt Þ þ ht Itr Þ
T the length of the planning horizon
t the index of the planning horizon, t = 1, … , T
f t ð xt Þ the cost (or profit) of disposing x returned products in period t
gt ðyt Þ the cost of remanufacturing y returned products in period t
ht Itr the inventory cost of holding I of returned products held in inventory at the
end of period t
In this variant, the general optimisation model assumes the following form
(Zhendong et al. 2009):
min ðgt ðyt Þ þ et ðzt Þ þ ht Itr þ ;t Its Þ
T the length of the planning horizon
t the index of the planning horizon, t = 1, … , T
gt ð y t Þ
the cost of remanufacturing y returned products in period t
et ðzt Þ
the cost of producing z new products in period t
ht Itr the inventory cost of holding I of returned products held in inventory at the
end of period t
;t Its the inventory cost of holding I of serviceable products held in inventory at
the end of period t
The variants described above may be broadened with conditions of limited
capacities for each of the production activities (primary production, utilisation and
re-use). For a situation in which the limitation of capacities changes in time, the
issue of determining the size of material flow in a supply chain becomes a serious
problem. Its practical solution is possible in a situation where various types of
production processes coexist, but their capacities are definite (unchangeable) or
indefinite (are not a limitation) (Zhendong et al. 2009).
The Transformation of Supply Chains in Closed-Loop Supply Chains 29
5 Conclusion
Acknowledgments This chapter has been the result of the study conducted within the grant by
the Ministry of Science and Higher Education entitled “Modelling of economic order quantity in
the supply chain” (project No. KSL 1/15) pursued at the Poznan School of Logistics in Poznań.
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Innovative Approaches to Improve
Sustainability of Physical Distribution
in Dutch Agrifood Supply Chains
1 Introduction
Since the publication of the Brundlandt report (1987), companies have put sus-
tainability at the top of their agendas (Szekely and Knirsch 2005) and incorporated
sustainability into their strategy (McDonough and Braungart 2002; Porter and
Kramer 2004). Organizations in the agrifood sector have also incorporated sus-
tainability into their strategy (Van der Vorst et al. 2013). This aspect is not a recent
issue, as the agrifood sector has a long history of sustainable awareness on the use
of land, water, pesticides, fertilizers and energy (Maloni and Brown 2006; Smith
2008; Leaver 2011; Leach et al. 2012). In 2008, the Dutch agrifood sector generated
50.5 billion Euros added value, which was 9.6 % of the total added value of the
Dutch economy, employing approximately 685,000 people. Distribution of agri-
food products in the Netherlands accounted for 12 billion Euros and 178,000 jobs
(Van der Vorst 2011). The logistics sector is also important to the Dutch economy,
contributing € 40 billion (8.5 %) to the Dutch GDP and an estimated 750,000 jobs
(10 %) in 2010. In 2008, freight transportation was responsible for 6 % of all CO2
production within the Netherlands (Van der Meulen and Kindt 2010; Pieters et al.
2012). Agrifood transport makes up 28 % of all physical transport (RLI 2013b),
generating 1.7 % of all CO2 production within the Netherlands.
Most literature on transportation of agro-business products concentrates on food
security (Henson and Caswell 1999; Maloni and Brown 2006; Godfray et al. 2010).
An amount of studies has addressed the role of sustainability when transporting
agrifood products (Wognum et al. 2011; Van der Vorst et al. 2013; Schott and
Andersson 2015; Papargyropoulou et al. 2014). But it remains unclear how the
main players in the agrifood supply chain (logistics service providers, food pro-
cessors and wholesalers) translate strategic policies into tangible innovations to
make physical distribution within the agrifood sector more sustainable. With 1.7 %
of all CO2 production, Dutch logistic service providers and shippers of agrifood
products should consider their responsibility to control, or even better, lower the
amounts of CO2 produced.
This research focuses on sustainability in the physical distribution of agrifood
products and the role the various partners in the supply chain—logistics service
providers, shippers and private carriers—play in this process. Do they approach
sustainability as an integrated and repeatable phenomenon or is it seen as a singular
action concerning individual situations or do these actions require cooperation
within or outside the supply chain? And what are the new, innovative ideas con-
cerning making physical distribution more sustainable? The purpose of this study is
to help increase our understanding on how the relationship between shipper, private
carrier and logistics service provider in the agrifood industry relates to improving
sustainability. If properly understood, it will help us in making physical distribution
in the agrifood industry more sustainable.
Environmental issues enjoy wide attention, governments, companies and insti-
tutions have incorporated sustainability in their business strategies (McDonough
and Braungart 2002). The EU wants freight transport to be cleaner (European
Innovative Approaches to Improve Sustainability … 33
Commission 2004, 2011). It is expected that sustainability will become one of the
prime drivers within the supply chain (Rao and Holt 2005; Carter and Rogers 2008;
Ploos van Amstel 2008; Van den Broek 2010). In 2008, transportation was
responsible for 21 % of all CO2 production within the Netherlands. The main part
(79 %) of this figure was taken up by road transport (private and freight). The
remainder was divided into inland shipping (5 %), air transportation (2 %) and sea
transport (14 %). Within road transport, freight transport had a share of 36 % (Van
der Meulen and Kindt 2010). These figures show that the Dutch freight transport
sector did produce a considerable amount (6 %) of CO2 in 2008.
This increased environmental awareness for making physical distribution more
sustainable will require a change in management policy as well as new techno-
logical innovation (Colicchia et al. 2013). Can lessons be learned from experiences
with innovations in making physical distribution in the Dutch agrifood supply
chains more sustainable? And what is the role played by co-operation on a hori-
zontal or vertical level within these supply chains?
First we will introduce a concept for innovation in physical distribution and
secondly we will setup a framework to determine the sustainability of physical
distribution of agrifood products. Thirdly we will discuss the various strategies
which can be employed to make physical distribution of agrifood products more
sustainable. After these theoretical discussions we explain and defend our chosen
methodology and show the results of our research.
Innovation involves the creation and marketing of new ideas (Kline and Rosenberg
1986; Van de Ven 1986; Baregheh et al. 2009). Organizations introduce new ideas
in order to achieve a cost advantage, a quality improvement, a competitive differ-
entiation, or a combination of these results. These innovations should achieve a
competitive advantage over other players in the market. Most definitions of inno-
vation fall back on Schumpeter’s idea that innovation is either: a new product or
service, new method of production, new way to organize business or opening up
new markets—purchasing markets as well as sales markets (Hospers 2005, p. 23).
Innovations do not have to be 100 % new. They can be a combination of old ideas,
or a copy, or an imitation of existing ideas. An idea is called an innovation as long
as the people who are involved perceive this idea as new (Van de Ven 1986,
pp. 591–592). For our research we consider anything to be an innovation, provided
the interviewee mentioned this as being new to either his organization or his supply
Jacobs (2009) discerns innovations in being (a) technical—based on new tech-
nology—or (b) non-technical—requiring human skills or intervention. New tech-
nology often requires help from partners—often suppliers—who have access to this
technology. For non-technical innovations, a change is required when implement-
ing these new ideas or new approaches in either their own organization, in the
34 R. Pieters et al.
supply chain or between different supply chains. We will follow this division and
for our research concentrate on innovations, which have an impact on the CO2
emissions during physical distribution, increase food quality, improve food security
or result in reduction in losses of agrifood products during the whole distribution
What makes freight transportation services sustainable is not altogether clear (Rittel
and Webber 1973; Levin et al. 2012). This could partly be due to a lack of a
generally accepted definition of sustainable transportation (Pezzey 1997). As for the
concept of sustainability, the definition of sustainable development provided by the
Brundtland Commission (World Commission on Environment and Development
1987) is often used (Mihyeon Jeon and Amekudzi 2005):
Sustainable development is development which meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (World Commission
on Environment and Development 1987).
As, for instance, most trucks still employ a combustion engine, it can be stated
that every liter of gasoline used for transportation today will not be available for
future generations. The Brundtland-based definitions therefore fail to be realistic
and usable for our research. A definition of Environmentally Sustainable
Transportation (EST) as developed by the Organization for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD) is more precise and will therefore serve as the basis for
our research:
Transportation that does not endanger public health or ecosystems and meets the needs for
access consistent with (a) use of renewable resources at below their rates of regeneration,
and (b) use of non-renewable resources at below the rates of development of renewable
substitutes (OECD 1999).
This definition takes three aspects of EST into account: public health, ecosys-
tems and natural resources.
When discussing sustainable transportation, the attention focuses on reducing
exhaust gases. For the Netherlands, the main exhaust gases are carbon dioxide
(CO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter
(PM) (Francke et al. 2009). There are more polluting exhaust gases concerning
transportation like carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HC) (Van der Meulen
and Kindt 2010). The available literature on sustainable freight concentrates on CO2
reduction. The other gases are hardly mentioned. Our research follows this lead and
also concentrates on innovations, which result in a reduction of CO2.
Holden and Gilpin (2013) discern three main sustainable transport strategies in
literature: efficiency, alteration and reduction. The efficiency strategy concentrates
Innovative Approaches to Improve Sustainability … 35
As mentioned before, three strategies can help to make physical distribution more
sustainable: (1) efficiency strategy; (2) alteration strategy and (3) reduction strategy
(Holden and Gilpin 2013). We first need to discuss innovations linked to each of
these strategies.
(1) Efficiency strategy
The efficiency strategy aims at making better use of the available modes of
transportation. This can be accomplished by (a) improving the amount
36 R. Pieters et al.
5 Methodology
For the current research we will proceed as follows. First, we review the forces for
change literature on innovations. We then present our view on the concept for “sus-
tainable” physical distribution, laying out the various aspects for the Dutch agrifood
sector. Next we introduce structures for sustainable physical distribution, which are
being utilized by logistics service providers, private carriers and shippers in the Dutch
agrifood sector. This section is based on interviews we held in the period December
2013 till June 2014 at 14 companies: six logistics service providers (LSP), three retail
organizations or wholesalers (WS), and five food processors (FP) of agrifood prod-
ucts. We used a convenience sample, selecting companies, which actively supported
sustainability and we ensured that various aspects (size, ownership, place in the value
chain) were represented in our sample as is shown in Table 1. All interviewed com-
panies are connected to the University of Applied Sciences of Arnhem and Nijmegen
through work-placement schemes, etc.
All logistics service providers, two food processors (FP3 and FP4) and one
wholesaler (WS1) are members of Lean and Green, an award scheme for compa-
nies, who want to improve sustainability of their physical distribution. This scheme
has been set up by the Dutch government to speed up the process and to structure
discussions (Pieters et al. 2012). One logistics service provider (LSP6) also buys
fruit and processes pulp, which is then frozen and sold to other food processors. In
principle, LSP6 could also have been seen as an agrifood processor, but it sees
physical distribution as its main activity. Therefore, it has been placed under
logistics service providers. LSP2 is an expediter and has no trucks of its own. It
organizes the whole transport for customers and rents anything it might need from
other logistics service providers. Except LSP6, that only transports agrifood
products, all other logistics service providers interviewed transport non-agrifood
products as well. One (FP5) also trades in fresh flowers for the consumer market.
WS3 operates a chain of biological food corners within supermarkets. It only
delivers agrifood products; fresh and processed. WS1 and WS2 sell also
non-agrifood products. WS1 mainly sells to large institutional customers like
hospitals and canteens. WS2 is a regional chain of supermarkets. LSP6 buys fruit
from a wholesaler, processes it into fruit pulp and sells the frozen fruit pulp to
another food-processing industry for further processing.
The interviews were held at the company’s location and the interviewee was
always (co-) responsible for developing the company’s strategy on sustainable
physical distribution. Every interview was recorded, transcribed and send to the
interviewee for correction and omissions. In the interview, we asked how the
company approaches and improves sustainability from its own point of view within
physical distribution of agrifood products. Which strategies it has developed for
sustainability. What kind of actions did it undertake in the field of sustainability
and, what kind of innovative ways it has introduced to make physical distribution of
agrifood products more sustainable.
To limit our scope, the current research will concentrate on the sustainability
aspects of the actual transport itself. In order to concentrate on the actual physical
distribution itself, innovations undertaken to improve sustainability, but not related
to the actual transport—such as more environmentally friendly ways of cleaning
cars etc.—are additionally not included in our research.
6 Results
For our conceptual framework, we assume that every logistics service provider,
private carrier or shipper operates within its own specific environment (finance,
market, customers and location) and has its own special mix of forces for change
(drivers, enablers and barriers). Combining these elements, the logistics service
provider, private carrier or shipper could each on its own develop a plan for
achieving a higher level of sustainability. This strategy can be written down
explicitly, or implicitly embedded into the company’s mission. Based on this
42 R. Pieters et al.
strategy, the logistics service provider, private carrier or shipper implements the
plan or maintains the status quo. Using this conceptual framework, we want to
understand if innovations have been developed due to a change in the company’s
strategy for sustainability. These innovations could be either organizational, like
new types of physical distribution networks, or technical, like new software or
fuels, or a combination of both. This change in strategy may (or may not) be
influenced by the forces for change as explained above. We expect these innova-
tions will result in new demands on physical distribution systems and, even further,
that they will drive innovations in sustainable physical distribution.
Based on this conceptual framework, for our research we asked our interviewees:
1. How they approach strategically sustainability within physical distribution of
agrifood products?
2. What were the drivers, enablers and barriers for the sustainability innovations?
3. What kind of actions do they undertake on the field of sustainability and if so,
what kind of innovative ways they have introduced to make physical distribu-
tion of agrifood products more sustainable?
4. Who initiated these innovations?
Ad (1) All interviewees mentioned sustainability as part of the mission of the
company. Only one (FP5) took a higher level and also mentioned corporate social
responsibility (Maloni and Brown 2006) as the focus of its mission. It placed sus-
tainability in this framework, but was more concerned with employees’ health pro-
grams, local schools and local food programs. The main driver for being sustainable is
cost reduction. All mention that they perceive sustainability in physical distribution,
with a higher rate of efficiency and therefore reduced costs. One (FP3) states that new
innovations may be taken on, providing costs are equal to the former situation. This
concept that sustainability should be linked to lower costs is also found in the Lean and
Green award scheme. Members of this Dutch scheme set themselves the goal of
reducing in five years’ time CO2 by at least 20 % and to lower the cost for physical
distribution (Pieters et al. 2012). All logistics service providers mention that a higher
price for sustainable physical distribution will not be acceptable for the customer. Two
food processors and one wholesaler (FP3, FP4 and WS1) agree with this view. The
remaining five interviewees (WS2, WS3, FP1, FP2 and FP5) mention that they find
either a combination of higher price with improved quality, trust or reliability more
important. For FP5 there is no alternative but to use air cargo to ship the products from
East Africa to Europe. Shipping by boat would deteriorate the product before it
reaches destination. It has one competitor that produces the same product in South
America, and fails to deliver a standard quantity/quality ratio. But if it were possible,
FP5 would use a container barge for the East Africa-Europe route. All other inter-
viewees place the cost for physical distribution at between 3 and 8 % of total cost, but
FP5 has calculated a staggering 34 %. Another driver was personal commitment from
the owners of the company (LSP1 and FP3).
Ad (2) The enablers for making physical distribution more sustainable have for
all companies a technological (Jacobs 2009) approach, e.g. new vehicles or IT
Innovative Approaches to Improve Sustainability … 43
accordance with Van de Ven (1986). We labeled the given answers and split them
into two categories (1) the basic form of an action being either: (a) non-technical—
requiring human skills or intervention—or (b) technical—based on new technology
(Jacobs 2009) and (2) the intended strategy of the innovation—(a) efficiency
strategy; (b) alteration strategy and (c) reduction strategy (Holden and Gilpin 2013).
Combining these two categories, we obtained an overview of the innovations our
survey group use or will be using to make physical distribution more sustainable, as
is shown in the Tables 2 and 3 below:
For the non-technical innovations, no reduction strategy actions were undertaken
by the respondents. This does not mean that no reduction of CO2 was generated by
these innovations, but that reduction strategy was not the prime one for
non-technical innovations, as mentioned by the interviewee. We were surprised to
see that only three interviewees mentioned the new driving style, which features as
a much-used action by members of Lean and Green for achieving sustainability
(Pieters et al. 2012). Another surprise was that not all respondents mentioned
planning as something they intend to alter. We had expected that this aspect, in
combination with co-operation, would be a straightforward choice. Co-operation,
vertical and horizontal, is very popular. WS2 and LSP5 want to work together with
competitors. The logistics service providers LSP1, LSP2 and LSP3, as well as the
food processors FP1 and, FP2, see more integration with another link in the supply
chain. FP3 wants to tackle both forms of co-operation. FP3 has shared for some
months river boat capacity with other shippers of food products, even if they are all
competitors for the same agrifood market. Without sharing capacity, this mode of
transportation would have been out of reach for FP3 and its competitors alike. Now
they all have lower CO2 emissions and have drastically reduced their transportation
costs. This project was co-initiated by FP3.
If we look at new product and market, we have found two interesting examples.
LSP2 is an expeditor and arranges transport and other logistic services for customers.
The company does not have a fleet of transport equipment itself, but when needed
rents transport capacity from other logistics service providers. In order to help cus-
tomers to decide, LSP2 developed a software tool to calculate the prices, times and
CO2 production of various alternative routes between the starting position and the
desired finish. For this calculation, the software program uses information on the
customer’s attitude towards price, time and sustainability. This software program
calculates various alternative routes and the planner preselects the five best routes for
the customer to choose from. As alternative options are given for one route, this
system has been called synchromodal transportation. LSP1 introduced a new service
by which the customer paid for CO2 neutralization. With this money, trees were
planted to compensate for the CO2 emissions during transportation. The extra costs
amounted to 5 %, but only 1 % of all trade was handled under this scheme.
Some technical actions that we were expecting—like fleet maintenance or
electrical vehicles—were not mentioned at all. Splitting trucks was done by all
wholesalers. In the case of WS2 by its logistics service provider on request of WS2.
This seems logical, as the wholesalers have to ship a wide variety of products from
their central warehouses to the shops or institutional customers. Of the three
Table 2 Non-technical innovations for making physical distribution more sustainable
Strategy Action Company
Wholesalers Logistics service providers Food processors
Efficiency strategy Planning × × × × × ×
New driving style × × ×
Alteration strategy Modal transport × × × × ×
Innovative Approaches to Improve Sustainability …
Horizontal co-operation × × × ×
Vertical co-operation × × × × × ×
New markets × × ×
New products or services × × × ×
New methods × × ×
interviewees who were using the new driving style, only one mentioned that it will
monitor the information gathered with this new driving style. FP5 mentioned that
its supplier suggested a change of wrapping material. Due to this new material, the
processed and packed vegetables did not turn black at the cutting edge. Bent
vegetables, which previously had to be rejected, can now be chopped, packed and
sold as prime products for the European market. The wrapping material also helps
to extend the shelf life of the other uncut vegetables, which gives the company an
extra advantage on the market. Packaging seems to be a food processor aspect. FP4
started a new way of packing, which resulted in less air being packed with the
products. This meant that (a) more products could be stored and shipped and
(b) less energy was needed to cool the products. FP1 used a new material for
canning, which needed less energy to manufacture and which was easier to recycle.
In total, 58 innovations were mentioned. The majority (30 = 52 %) of these
innovations were mentioned by the logistics service providers; the wholesalers
mentioned 13 (22 %) and the food processors mentioned 15 (26 %). Of the inno-
vations, 17 (29 %) were intended to improve efficiency, 34 (59 %) are aiming at
changing the existing patterns and 7 (12 %) were connected to reduction. Most (35–
60 %) innovations were of a non-technical nature, with the remainder (23–40 %)
focusing on technical solutions. For the 23 technical solutions, the division in the
three strategies is almost even. Efficiency and Alteration strategy having eight
innovations and reduction strategy scoring 7. But the food processors seem to
concentrate on innovations connected with reduction strategies and have not
mentioned any innovation aimed at efficiency. A change in packaging and wrapping
up products for distribution was particularly mentioned by food producers. The
wholesalers and logistics service providers concentrate on innovations connected
with efficiency and changing existing patterns as can be seen in Fig. 1.
WS - Wholesaler
LSP - Logistics Service Provider
FP - Food processing company
48 R. Pieters et al.
WS - Wholesaler
LSP - Logistics Service Provider
FP - Food processing company
Innovative Approaches to Improve Sustainability … 49
7 Conclusions
Prior work has shown that for making physical distribution more sustainable,
various strategies can be distinguished (e.g. Holden and Gilpin 2013). Research of
agrifood products (Henson and Caswell 1999; Maloni and Brown 2006; Godfray
et al. 2010; Van Beek 2010; Wognum et al. 2011; Van der Vorst 2011; Van der
Vorst et al. 2013; Schott and Andersson 2015; Papargyropoulou et al. 2014) has
focused primarily on aspects like cost reduction, food safety and prevention of food
losses as much as on being green in distribution. However, these studies did not
focus on the role of innovations for making physical distribution more sustainable
and the position in the supply chain from where an innovation originates.
In this study, we researched how 14 organizations—logistics service providers,
food processor and wholesalers—translate strategic policies into tangible innova-
tions to make physical distribution within the agrifood sector more sustainable.
During the—open and unstructured—interviews, we asked the interviewee how
her/his company approached sustainability in physical distribution and what she/he
considered to be new.
From our question—what innovative actions have Dutch logistics service pro-
viders, shippers and private carriers in the agrifood industry undertaken to make
physical distribution more sustainable?—we found that the researched companies
used technical innovations as well as non-technical innovations for improving the
sustainability of their physical distribution. Certain types of innovations were
common amongst a specific group, like innovative packaging among food pro-
cessor and trucks with multiple compartments for wholesalers.
As for the initiator of these innovative actions, we found that applied technical
innovations were mainly put forward by someone from outside the company,
especially suppliers of transport material, packaging material, cooling equipment
and software programs, e.g. for planning, truck monitoring and temperature regu-
lation. These technical innovations require a thorough insight in the functioning of
the new product or service and how this innovation can be adapted, used or applied
for usage in the company. Non-technical innovations often involve co-operation
with other links in the supply chain or in parallel supply chains. Here the initiator
could come from inside its own company.
From the experience of innovations in making physical distribution in the Dutch
agrifood industry more sustainable, we learned that the strategy for achieving
sustainability as employed by the organization seems to be vital. Innovations at
food processors relied more on reduction strategy and wholesalers were more
focused on innovations related to efficiency strategy. Logistics service providers
relied more on changing the traditional patterns. Our results indicate that our
interviewees had a focus on a specific aspect—a transport or a product—involving
their own organization and, perhaps, the previous or next link in the value chain, or
identical organizations in different value chains. This could be called a “bottom up”
approach. Surprisingly, not one of the interviewees mentioned an innovation
intended for the supply chain as a whole. By looking at the supply chain from a
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Sustainability—Indispensable Part
of the Logistics Development
Martyna Zdziarska
Abstract Each company operating in a free market economy wants to reduce the
cost of its activities. But often managers attempt to reduce costs pushing them into
other actors operating in the supply chain or even to its surrounding environment.
Consequently, such actions are very short-sighted, because all the costs generated
by the logistics network are finally being felt in the external environment and price
of the final product. Indeed focus should be on fighting disturbance in the supply
chain, that include the sustainability issues. Main objective of the chapter is a
presentation of different sustainability dimensions with its future development, as
well as introduction of Physical Internet influence on logistic challenges in terms of
sustainable growth. Following social, business and technology trends by improving
cooperation and better access to information among cells operating in the supply
networks and their surrounding lead to significant positive results especially in fast
growing FMCG industry, as the author presents later in the chapter.
1 Sustainability Dimensions
Sustainability from the logistics perspective means greening and improving process
efficiency respecting the existence of the human economy and cooperating with its
environment. Thus the specific perception and adherence to the required standards
of environmental protection and public safety, while maintaining the desired
standards of quality and economics in business leads to the tangible benefits.
Sustainable growth in logistics may be understood also as a method of design and
implementation of supply chain management, respecting economic reasons and to
minimize the environmental burden in the distribution network.
M. Zdziarska (&)
Institute of Logistics and Warehousing, Poznan, Poland
e-mail: [email protected]
Nowadays, competition goes much further. Not only companies but whole supply
chains compete between each other. The most successful firms are always the part
of an efficient network. Willingness to adapt to the dynamics of the development of
the modern economy requires enterprises to increase their competitiveness
(Christopher 1998).
Demanding customer expects to receive a high quality product at the lowest
price possible in the shortest possible time. Moreover, universal access to infor-
mation allows him to compare any number of listings and to choose the most
convenient for him. “Logistics is an integrated process of shaping and control of
physical movement of products and their determinants in order to obtain infor-
mation similar to the optimal relationship between the level of services provided
and the level and structure of the costs” (Urbańska 2008). Effective supply chain
management allows you to fully respond to the expectations of our customers while
building a competitive advantage (Skowronek and Sariusz-Wolski 2008). Volatility
of market trends and consumer preferences requires company’s flexibility and
adaptability, which is unfortunately often associated with a costs increase. The main
logistics objective is to optimize the processes by minimizing expenses while
maintaining a high service quality. Organization treated as a complex, coherent
system, in which an observation of cause and effect dependence helps to identify
problems, enables faster introduction of improvements.
However, even holistic approach to the logistics management is insufficient if it
focuses only on the level of a single enterprise. Effective supply chain allows
managers to fully respond to the expectations of the customers while building a
competitive advantage. Partnership in the supply chain is a key factor of success
when it comes to the long term mutual growth and business development of pro-
ducers, suppliers and logistics service providers.
Concept of the Physical Internet is a next step towards logistics network
extension based on full sharing of global supply chains, resources and infrastruc-
ture, while use of standardized, modular packaging. Its main purpose is to develop a
universal framework for cooperation in an open logistics environment, assuming an
utter and unwavering flow of information and collaboration that goes far beyond the
standard schemes.
The current level of distribution efficiency, flow the of goods in supply chains,
and the situation in the global logistics especially in the FMCG sector is not
optimal. Despite many attempts to manufacture process optimization, logistics
operators, distributors and finally customers continue to incur very high costs
associated with handling of the goods. It manifests itself not only in terms of
economic but also environmental and social aspects. The solution to this imbalance,
is a task on a global scale. The aim of the great challenges is to enable global
sustainable development of mobility (transportation, handling) physical goods, their
storage, execution (manufacturing, assembling, processing) and distribution to the
final customer. From an economic point of view, the aim is to multiply profits in the
58 M. Zdziarska
This innovative concept is based on three main pillars. The combined infrastructure
means that companies start to take action aimed at optimizing the operation of such
resources like storage space, vehicles capacities and production systems through
sharing. The current situation shows that most companies are not in a position to
fully exploit its potential, thereby freezing their capital. The market of logistics
services will strive to create a common infrastructure. Logistics centres, hubs and
transit points located all over the world will be widely available to all operators,
thus creating one global network. The ability to use a large amount of docs will
increase the efficiency of transport. The first tests of such activities were conducted
by P&G and Tupperware. Thanks to the collaboration and joint programming of
supplies they were able to reduce logistics costs by 15 %, reduce CO2 emissions by
Sustainability—Indispensable Part of the Logistics Development 59
2 million tonnes per year and increase the vehicle utilization from 55 to 85 %. But
these are not the only such initiative in the market. Companies such as Walmart,
HP, Volvo and Boeing are also heavily involved in the implementation of this
concept among its business partners.
The second area is the introduction of modular cargo units. Trying to be
achieved through the use of analogy of the Digital Internet data distribution in
physical processes in the real world. Digital Internet does not provide the infor-
mation but only transmits packets with embedded data. These packages are
designed in such a way as to be easily recognizable by internet networks.
Information in the package is closed and is not directly decoded by the network.
The packet header contains all the information necessary for the identification and
designation of transit routes to the destination. Digital Internet is based on protocols
that structure the data packets regardless of the mode of transmission. In this way,
they can be processed in different systems and networks such as modems, fibre
optic cables, routers, local area networks, Intranet, Extranet and virtual private
networks. Similarly to the Physical Internet (open logistics network) will not handle
the goods directly (whether they are raw materials, components or finished prod-
ucts), but only manipulated specially designed modular containers that allow an
encapsulation of these goods. Target solution involves a complete change of pallet
system into modular loading units. This involves, of course, the adaptation of
vehicles, handling equipment and warehouse space that will allow handling this
type of packaging. However, simulations conducted for research projects clearly
demonstrate that the investments made in the long term will help to significantly
reduce logistics costs and losses related to the movement of goods. Containers
thanks to the folding panels can create boxes of various sizes tailored to the indi-
vidual needs of the sender. M-Boxes are easy for handling, storage, transport,
loading and composition. They have a standard phrases recognizable throughout the
system and are equipped with sensors and transmitters to maintaining full control
during the transportation process. As a result, shipping safety is maintained
throughout the journey, and all actors involved in the distribution have full over-
view of the status of the order. Moreover, the package is reusable and easy to
The last pillar is the exchange of data. This is the most crucial element of the
whole concept. Physical flow of information in the Physical Internet will operate
through an integration of infrastructure. In the PI you would be able to report and
organize the individual orders from your own ERP system in a standardized format,
which will be processed into ‘the cloud’ and decrypted by the other participants in
the process. An important aspect in this data exchange is the access level. The
architecture concept, developed so far, has designated four areas. Information on
the container (its designation, dimensions, special conditions of carriage) will be
available to all, then the data associated with the transport process (detailed route
and delivery address), reserved only for the carrier. Another area is an information
covering the delivery data such as sender and recipient, description of goods, value
of the contract and the terms and time of delivery. For this type of data only
logistics operators and customs will get an access. Most sensitive information will
60 M. Zdziarska
be used only by the sender and recipient, and will be associated with contracts,
number of orders, invoicing or discrepancies in the delivery.
Logistics operators, carriers and owners of the storage infrastructure will also
share their detailed information. They will provide information on the availability
of their resources, capacity and the status of implementation of orders. By com-
bining all these data, the system will optimize the process and suggest the best
possible solution for minimizing the cost of each of the participants in the process.
Physical Internet is called the concept of win-win-win, because it allows the bal-
anced growth of all actors in the supply chain (Zdziarska 2015).
Although the concept of the Physical Internet is still being developed there are a
few examples of the business initiatives that are based on the idea. Companies
Nivea and Energizer due to the fact of having distribution centres in Gądki/Poznan,
agreed to cooperate in the distribution of their products in order to maximize
ecological and cost-effectiveness. Both companies gave up their own flexibility to
get better results. Common delivery to retail chains run in partnership with a
logistics operator allowed both companies to effectively dispose the logistics
infrastructure. All project partners obey the rule of confidentiality. Each partner
could at any moment to leave the project, but the companies continue to cooperate,
because resource sharing allows them to cut costs and fuel consumption by a few
percent and raise quality of the service.
Another example in FMCG sector is Procter and Gamble. The long-term vision
of sustainable development which gives direction to the company’s operations
covers three areas: products, production and logistics, and social engagement. In
each of those areas, the vision is supported by specific goals that will be achieved
by 2020. Objectives of the area of production and logistics is projected to reduce by
2020 an additional 20 % energy and water consumption, CO2 emissions and the
amount of waste generated per unit of production. In the field of transport P&G also
intends to reduce the transport of heavy goods vehicles by 20 % per unit of pro-
duction in relation to the size of 2010.
An important element of sustainability is an intermodal transport. In a new
approach towards transportation and logistics, P&G is expanding its use of rail. The
company decided on a significant increase in the share of rail transport of P&G
products in Europe from 10 % of tonne-kilometres in 2008 to 30 % in 2016.
Implementation of the plan goes smoothly—as in 2012, the share of rail transport
reached 28 % of tonne-kilometres. This means that the traffic on the roads of
Europe, including Polish, decrease in number of 70,000 trucks, which is translated
into a reduction of CO2 emissions by 33,000 tons.
Henkel company is also very involved in sustainable actions. They optimize
logistics operations in order to reduce transport emissions. Firm positions its
warehouses and distribution centres to minimize the distance between the sites and
its customers. Wherever possible, they combine shipments between individual sites
and warehouses.
In 2014, Laundry & Home Care replaced four distribution centres with a
high-bay storage facility in Düsseldorf in order to reduce transport mileage and
energy needs. The new central warehouse is situated directly next to production,
Sustainability—Indispensable Part of the Logistics Development 61
thus eliminating supply shipments and cutting the ton kilometres travelled to cus-
tomers by 20 %. Laundry & Home Care also worked with suppliers to upgrade
transportation vehicles to more efficient emissions standards. Beauty Care is
working with retailers and suppliers to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. In France,
for example, Beauty Care launched a pilot project with customers to deliver
products on cardboard pallets instead of wood pallets.
Adhesive Technologies is consolidating customer deliveries in Western Europe
to reduce the number of truckloads shipped as well as carbon dioxide emissions. In
2015, Electronics business begins replacing Styrofoam coolers used to transport
heat-sensitive products with reusable, thermal containers. The new containers
reduce the carbon footprint by 75 % and waste per container by 95 %.
5 Conclusions
To achieve compromise within the modern supply chain companies, researchers are
looking for the solutions that enable sustainable, based on harmony with nature
development of the industry, involving both the economical as well as ecological
use of resources. Sustainability is an indispensable part of the logistics develop-
ment. Fast moving consumer goods sector is just a great example on how business
actions influence environment and society. Physical Internet concept that was first
introduced to FMCG distribution shows that sustainable growth can be achieved by
sharing resources, information exchange and new reusable and recyclable pack-
aging under the condition of willingness to collaborate among involved parties.
Physical Internet shows the new approach towards logistics operations and its
positive impact on sustainable development need to be further examined. Although
the idea is still developed there are a few business cases on the FMCG market that
presents tangible benefits of the new sustainable approach.
Amiti M, Shang-Jin W (2004) Fear of service outsourcing. Is it justified? In: IMF working paper,
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Christopher M (1998) Logistics and supply chain management, strategies for reducing costs and
improving service, II edn. Financial Times—Pitman Publishing, London
Grant DB, Trautrims A, Yew Wong Ch (2013) Sustainable logistics and supply chain management:
principles and practices for sustainable operations and management. London, p. 11
Korczak J (2012) Globalizacja łańcuchów logistycznych. Czasopismo Logistyka 6(2012):713–718
Mihyeon JCh, Amekudzi A (2005) Addressing sustainability in transportation systems: definitions,
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Sathaye N, Li H, Horvath A, Madanat S (2006) The environmental impacts of logistics systems
and options for mitigation. Berkley, p. 3
62 M. Zdziarska
1 Introduction
2 GRAI Environment
This part explains the concepts developed according to this environment: GRAI
methodology and GRAIMOD. GRAI Methodology is one of the three main
methodologies (with PERA and CIMOSA) used for modelling enterprises.
GRAIMOD is software being developed for supporting this methodology in the
improvement of enterprise performance.
Using DMAIC for Making Sustainable Supply Chain Efficient … 65
therefore possible to easily understand the system and pinpoint the strengths and
The ‘TO BE’ correspond to models for the future originating from the design
phase of the GIM (GRAI Integrated Methodology) approach.
In the GRAIPROGI approach the ‘SHOULD BE’ illustrate the ‘vision’ of the
future system and are considered as a key goal in the trajectory of the development
of the company. The elaboration of ‘SHOULD BE’ consists in defining a very
long-term business plan including strategic objectives, from which development
actions would be established.
Because the environment of the enterprise is in constant evolution, it is necessary
to regularly update the ‘SHOULD BE’ in order to ensure the coherence of the
development process. The definition of ‘SHOULD BE’ must allow to determine the
key factors for the success of the enterprise. It is precisely these elements, which
will enable the enterprise to achieve its global objectives.
The ‘AS IS’ and ‘TO BE’ models have the same structures (physical, decisional,
informational, functional and process models). The ‘TO BE’ models are therefore the
result of a combination of the enterprise ambitions, the constraints of the existing system
and the realistic aspirations taking into consideration the economic environment.
Then an action plan is defined. The next stage is the execution of the action plan
over short, medium and long terms. At the same time the ‘TO BE’ model is
transformed into specifications needed firstly to obtain the road book, to reorganise
the enterprise, to improve its performance and secondly to select the most suitable
Fig. 2 Use of enterprise modelling for choosing an SCM tool, own study
Using DMAIC for Making Sustainable Supply Chain Efficient … 67
• the improvement part defined for giving tools needed for improving enterprises
and elaborating future models, action plans required. It composed of five
The Knowledge based system contains a rule base used for analysing the dif-
ferent models in order to detect inconsistencies and propose corrections.
A dictionary is used to translate the user’s expressions into standard expressions
provided by the GRAI methodology.
The knowledge capitalization process needs some aptitudes to manage different
know-how and points of view. It must integrate this knowledge in an accessible,
usable and maintainable form. It offers an expertise model based on the knowledge
of the experts but also on the previously realised studies. The capitalization module
is composed of an acquisition module for integrating other expert knowledge, a
case base for capitalizing cases and reusing them during a new modelling, and a
reference models base containing models according to different types of enterprise
domain. For elaborating the reference models, a production typology is done. This
typology is improved by the addition of new criteria.
GRAIWORKER is the work base elaborated for managing, modifying and
capitalising knowledge about the case studied. GRAITRANS is a Transfer
Interface used for putting the new case in GRAIXPERT in order to improve its
Cases Base. The reference model elaborated for each enterprise domain will be
improved by the acquisition of this new model in GRAIXPERT (Dossou and
Mitchell 2009a, b; Dossou and Pawlewski 2010).
GRAISUC is a module used for managing the choice of an ERP or SCM tool for
an enterprise. It is composed of two sub-modules SpeMM and SpeCM. The
Specification Management Module (SpeMM) is used for choosing the appropriate
ERP or SCM Tool of an enterprise. The specifications obtained are capitalised in
the Specification Capitalisation Module (SpeCM).
This tool requires acquisition of specialist knowledge. Concepts developed for
GRAIXPERT are reused for this new module (Dossou and Mitchell 2009b, 2012a).
These concepts are used during the different phases leading for choosing and
implementing of a SCM tool. For instance, the reference models and the rules are
used during the analysis and the design of the future enterprise models.
GRAIQUAL is a module used for managing quality approach implementation
or quality improvement in an enterprise. It contains two sub-modules IMM and
QUALKBM. The Improvements Management Module (IMM) is used for managing
the different quality action plans of the enterprise. It contains different quality tools.
In the IMM we can notice for example tools such as SPC (Statistical Process
Control). SPC is a powerful quality control tool whose objective is to reduce the
variability of the process in order to constantly satisfy the technical specifications of
the products and improve the manufacturing procedures. It is founded on the
continuous detection of procedure evolutions, favourable or unfavourable, allowing
to foresee stability over time. SPC consists in controlling samples after the machine,
by recording the data on a control card. As soon as the values exceed the control
limits (at a point before the product is considered unacceptable), or when a suspect
deviation is detected, the machine is stopped and a search for the cause must be
We can also find Poka Yoke (a mistake proofing system). It is a relatively simple
means to prevent human error. Mistake proofing systems exist in everyday life as,
70 P.E. Dossou and G. Dedeban
for example, the gas pump nozzle for leaded petrol cannot be inserted into the petrol
tank orifice of cars using unleaded petrol. There is nothing new in this concept.
What is new is the generalisation of its use. They can be simple: a template in which
only parts with the correct dimensions fit, photoelectric cells detecting the presence
of a shape on a conveyor etc.
The Quality Knowledge Base Module (QUALKBM) is being elaborated for
containing the rules related to quality certifications in order to use them for
improving or elaborating quality in an enterprise. This method is used for organ-
ising the global implementation of a quality approach, for managing the associated
quality system and improving the enterprise performance. In this section we also
look at the concepts, which form the basis of the GRAIQUAL. Some of them were
developed for GRAIXPERT and reused for this new module (Aamodt 1994;
Arezoo et al. 2000; Brown and Chandrasekaran 1985). Reference models, rules and
old case are reused.
For instance, the concept of reference model allows with GRAIXPERT to define
according to the domain the optimum realizable in terms of the quality approach
and the implementation of certification. For example, this could be the management
of the process and all the necessary stages to obtain ISO 9000 version 2000 with the
entire implementation phase and follow up.
The discovery phase and the mastery of the vocabulary and principles (ISO
9000), the quality assurance demands (ISO 9001) and the main axes for the
improvement of enterprise performance (ISO 9004) are established. The established
rules are exploited in the initial audit (modelling of the existing system) as well as
in the phases concerning application of norms and the internal audit (analysis and
design). Adding a case study enables to enrich the data base comprising the dif-
ferent studies undertaken in order to render the use of CBR (Case Based Reasoning)
more efficient.
In order to manage all the GRAI Quality approach and the design of the ‘TO BE’
models the problem resolution method developed for the expert system
GRAIXPERT is used. It is based on several reasoning mechanisms: CBR (Case
Based Reasoning), Decomposition, Transformation and direct correspondence
(Dossou and Mitchell 2012b). Once defined the architecture allows to bring to the
company all the expertise in the field of quality, continuous improvement tools and
certification procedure.
The most important factors of the developed model are used for doing a com-
parative study in order to show to the company decision makers, the interest of
implementing quality approach (procedure, continuous improvement, or certifica-
tion). Investing in quality management is always profitable in the medium term,
even if decision makers often demand instant results. The economic and financial
arguments to convince them are made more credible by using this module.
GRAI_SSE is the new module being developed specially for integrating social,
societal and environmental dimensions in the improvement of enterprises. It is
composed of a sub-module GRAICARB destined to manage carbon footprint and
GRAI_SO being elaborated for improving the other aspects of environmental,
social and societal dimensions.
Using DMAIC for Making Sustainable Supply Chain Efficient … 71
It appears that a focus has to be made on the use of this criterion. A new module
GRAI_SSE is being added to GRAIMOD in order to pinpoint the environmental,
societal and social dimensions in enterprises. This module would integrate for
example changes associated to carbon management, ISO 26000, ISO 14000
implementations, social and societal evolutions impacts on enterprises but also
territorial collectivities (states, associations, districts, etc.) (Dossou and Mitchell
2012a). The objective is not to dissociate this criterion but to obtain a best com-
bination by really studying this aspect of the enterprise in order to propose
appropriate solutions. The difficult enterprise context due to the crisis and the
research of alternative solutions to the basic QCD optimization, are the cause of this
new focus on how social, societal and environmental dimensions are important and
how it is benefit for enterprises to find a new optimized solution by focusing on
these aspects.
The architecture of this system contains three different bases for managing the
study of a new case. A model base is used for managing elaborated reference
models. A rule base is used for analysing the models of the system in question. And
a case base is defined for capitalizing different studies for future use. This tool
proposes the combination of CBR (Case Based Reasoning) and Multi-agent sys-
tems for solving enterprise-modelling problem and improving enterprise
A new typology of enterprises is being elaborated by realizing a detailed study
on Vendee enterprises. The results would be presented later but this new typology
allows to define enterprises making a different management form by integrating
alternative considerations. The capitalist model based on market economy, is not
totally efficient. Then it appears that elaboration of a typology taken into account
this aspect and pinpointing the enterprises with alternative solutions is welcome.
A questionnaire has been elaborated and sent to enterprises.
GRAICARB is composed of different modules. CARBMM is a module for
managing carbon reduction policy of enterprises. It used allows to define and
manage according to social, societal and environmental dimensions and to elaborate
and manage improvements based on these aspects. CARBKBM is destined to
contain rules related to ISO 14000 certification and carbon management rules in
order to be able to implement or improve enterprises according to this norm. The
structure of this sub-module is the same to GRAIQUAL structure (Fig. 4).
Carbon footprint management is an approach. It represents the elaboration of
evaluation project and gas emission reduction. Six key steps could be defined:
growing awareness of carbon management, Definition of the study area, Data
acquisition, Results exploiting, Elaboration of reduction action plan, Executing
reduction action plan.
The approach chosen is based on the method proposed by ADEME (French
environment agency). It is composed of the previous steps, specific calculation
rules, calculation software tool (database) and the associated documentation.
For developing GRAIMOD and these modules an intelligent CAD systems
theory was used and a problem solving method combining different reasoning
72 P.E. Dossou and G. Dedeban
DMAIC (Fig. 5) is a problem solving method used in the frame of total quality
management for improving quality of an enterprise. The steps of the method are
adapter for improving progressively quality of the supply chain and reducing cost.
The approach used is the following:
• Define: well define the process used, critical characteristics, limits and taskforce
• Measure: find a good tool for measuring the system, data acquisition, check
quality of the system
• Analyse: examination of the system, data analysing, find factors with a real
impact on the system,
• Innovate: experimenting, modifying, improving, optimising, showing statisti-
cally that improvement are efficient
Using DMAIC for Making Sustainable Supply Chain Efficient … 73
The idea is to use this method on the supply chain in order to control ad to
manage changes. The advantage of this method is the use the necessity to define,
measure and improve. During the evolution of the system we could measure every
time the state of the system and propose improvement. Then the obtained results
due to the applied improvements could also be measured. The system is under
control. The following chapter shows how to combine this method with the con-
cepts of GRAIMOD.
quality and lead time, it is proposed to use carbon footprint, social, societal,
environmental indicators (Fig. 6).
The approach developed is based on decomposition reasoning and the use of
criteria for each part. The improvement of the system by using quality criterion has
a real impact on lead time and cost. Cost and lead times are also optimized in the
same way by choosing a SCM tool for the enterprise in order to manage the whole
supply chain from the suppliers to customers (Dossou and Mitchell 2013; Dossou
et al. 2013).
Indeed, for each sub-part of the supply chain, we can define a type of quality and
measure the level of quality. This quality improvement also implies the respect of
environmental demands. For each part of the supply chain everything is done for
making the supply chain sustainable. According to energy reduction and carbon
management, supply chains need to:
• Assess dependence on fossil fuels,
• Anticipate fluctuations in energy prices,
• Limit the impact of the activity on the environment.
Even if researchers do not agree on the degree of damage to the planet caused by
human beings, it is now clear and validated by COP21 (more than 195 countries)
that each people, each enterprise (supply chain), each town, each country has to
reduce its carbon level. GRAIQUAL, one of GRAIMOD modules, allows to
improve each part of the supply chain by using well-known quality tools and
GRAISSE is used for managing the social, societal and environmental criteria
(energy management and carbon reduction). For quality criterion, this improvement
could globally be represented by the Fig. 7.
Fig. 6 Efficient and sustainable supply chain performance indicators, own study
Using DMAIC for Making Sustainable Supply Chain Efficient … 75
The quality system has to be improved by adapting a quality policy and plans.
Then it means that each part of the production system will be improved for
respecting quality. The quality system of an enterprise will be improved every day.
So we can measure all the time the level of quality. The steps of DMAIC would be
used in combination with the quality concepts of GRAIMOD presented above.
u(t) is the representation of the input (it means the quality required by the
customer), v(t) the representation of the output, g(t) the function associated to the
served system (the quality system) and k(t) the function of the feedback (customer
and internal audits). Laplace transforming could be used for formalizing this sys-
tem. If e(t) is the difference between the quality required and the quality compre-
hended by customers and people in the enterprise, then the objective is to reduce
this difference to zero. We can calculate the transfer function as follows:
Then the temporal relation between v(t) and u(t) could be deduced. This loop
will be applied to each part of the supply chain. A zoom on the procurement part
and the relation with suppliers allows to define a vector qp associated to the product,
and then to able to quantify the local optimum for this supply chain part and
simultaneously take into account the impact on the environment. The best quality of
raw material could be chosen according to lead time. An economic study allows the
choice of the best raw material not only in terms of cost performance of the supply
chain but also in respect of the environment. Using a set of software adapted to the
76 P.E. Dossou and G. Dedeban
enterprise helping it to react more quickly and to meet customer’s demands does the
optimization of the global supply chain. The goal is to be able to guarantee to the
customers the delivery date and quality of the product and furthermore to reduce
It means the management and optimization of each part of the supply chain from
suppliers of suppliers to customers of customers, but also the integration of all the
chain. It is essentially the synchronization of the industrial, logistic and commercial
processes, the reduction of information-handling and decision-taking cycles, and
the reduction in enterprise process complexity. We can deduce that the choice of
these tools is crucial for the enterprise. The addition of the environmental dimen-
sion also complicates the situation. The use of GRAISUC allows to facilitate the
improvements of the supply chain and to choose and implement the appropriate
SCM tool for the enterprise.
We consider the set of supply chain E as a vector space (Fig. 5). We can define
L1 an endomorphism of E and u a vector of E associated to a given supply chain (an
object O). We also define uk the vector of E associated to the sub-object Ok, uk
being a basic vector of L1. Each supply chain is improved by optimizing the main
performance criteria such as quality, cost, lead-time. For quality criterion, each
vector uk corresponding to a given supply chain sub-part will be composed of
vectors qf, qp, qpr, qs associated respectively to the main aspects of quality. The
vector qf represents Quality of suppliers, qp Quality of products, qpr Quality of
process, and qs global Quality of the system. These vectors are defined for each
sub-part and indicate the global state of the sub-part according to the performance
criterion Quality. We obtain the following Eqs. (1) and (2):
L1 ðuk Þ ¼ ðal ql Þ ð1Þ
n X
L1 ðuÞ ¼ kk al ql ð2Þ
k¼1 l
The following step is the design and local optimization. The global optimization
objectives are detailed in local attainable objectives for a sub-part. An optimization
of criteria is obtained for each supply chain. The coefficients al associated to vectors
defining uk are optimized by using the reference models defined in GRAIQUAL.
The basic values kk associated to each sub-part are implicitly optimized and by
deduction of the sub-part. We transform by successive iterations the sub-part Ok
into designed sub-part Ock.
Indeed, we define a vector space F associated to the designed object Oc. It has
the same dimension as E. Let us also define L2 a linear application from E to F
which transforms each basic vector uk associated to the object Ok into a vector vk
associated to a designed sub-object Ock as follows (3) and (4):
Using DMAIC for Making Sustainable Supply Chain Efficient … 77
vk ¼ L2 ðuk Þ ¼ dk uk ð3Þ
L1 ðvÞ ¼ rk vk ð4Þ
Oc ¼ Ock ð5Þ
As its name suggests, GRAIQUAL tool is used for managing different aspects of
quality. It allows to analyse the quality approach (if it already exists) of an enter-
prise, and to propose an improvement process, action plan in conformity with
reference models along with existing quality tools in GRAIQUAL. The defined
process of quality acts on each part of the supply chain.
We can consider that for radically improving the performance of the supply
chain, we need to carry out the same transformations based on the other perfor-
mance criteria. In reality, the definition of a global optimum in terms of quality is
not separable from an improvement to cost and lead time. Indeed, the elimination of
defects in the manufacturing of a product for example, leads to reduced production
and transport costs in order to satisfy customers and avoid penalties or claims due to
the bad quality of products. It also improves the manufacturing process and thus
reduces lead time. The implementation of a global quality approach greatly influ-
ences the performance of the supply chain.
The different aspects of quality are studied. Then each part of the supply chain is
improved and logically the global supply chain. But simultaneously, the different
reference models contained in GRAIQUAL in order to implement certifications
could also be used for respecting the environment. The consequence is that the
implementation of the certification ISO 14001 is generally obtained. The different
phases of the implementation are managed with GRAIQUAL. This theory is
coherent with the organisation of new production systems in order to respect sus-
tainable development expectations.
For the vector qf associated to the quality of suppliers specifications are defined
for verifying the nature of the supplier production. For instance, the assurance of
using only adults for production, of respecting the environment (norms and certi-
fications), of using ecological means of transport. A weighting could be defined for
each specification in order to evaluate the environmental position of the supplier.
78 P.E. Dossou and G. Dedeban
For the vector qp associated to the product, the choice of the nature of the raw
materials is studied in order to respect the environment. An economic study allows
the choice of the best raw material in respect of cost performance of the supply
chain but also in respect of the environment.
For the vector qpr associated to the quality process, we have to manage the
rational use of raw materials in order to optimize the quantity of materials and
minimize defects. Ecological choices have to be made for the production system.
The use of energy is not necessary polluting. For a wood enterprise for example,
shavings could be reused for heating of the enterprise or they could be resolve in
order to be transformed into pellets for the new generation of heating stoves.
For the vector qs associated to the quality of the system, the life cycle of the
product including recycling could be prepared. The ecological and economic
organization of transport would also be studied. Thus the management of the
product movements during the process would be optimised.
The application of these different types of quality improvements allows to
simultaneously improve environmental and supply chain performance.
The improvement of the supply chain corresponds to the optimization of the
triptych quality, cost and lead-time. Carbon management could be added as a new
criterion because of the impact of environmental demands and sustainability on
future supply chains. By using GRAIQUAL, quality related to each part of the
supply chain could be improved.
For instance, a zoom on the procurement part and the relation with suppliers
allows to define a vector qp associated to the product, and then to able to quantify
the local optimum for this supply chain part and simultaneously take into account
the impact on the environment. The best quality of raw material could be chosen
according to lead-time. An economic study allows to choose the best raw materials
not only in terms of cost performance of the supply chain but also in respect of the
environment. Using a set of software adapted to the enterprise helping it to react
more quickly and to meet customer’s demands does the optimization of the global
supply chain.
The goal is to be able to guarantee to the customers the delivery date and quality
of the product and furthermore to reduce costs. It means the management and
optimization of each part of the supply chain from suppliers of suppliers to cus-
tomers of customers, but also the integration of all the chain. It is essentially the
synchronization of the industrial, logistic and commercial processes, the reduction
of information-handling and decision-taking cycles, and the reduction in enterprise
process complexity. We can deduce that the choice of these tools is crucial for the
enterprise. The addition of the environmental dimension also complicates the sit-
uation. We can notice that the improvement of quality also implies the respect of
environmental demands. For each part of the supply chain everything is done for
making the enterprise sustainable. So the three main performance criteria are highly
Using DMAIC for Making Sustainable Supply Chain Efficient … 79
Li ¼ aj l j
Oj ¼ b Li þ k Ci þ c Qi þ l Si
O¼ gi Oi
Then GRAIQUAL as shown, contains tools for really transforming the supply
chain in order to improve each performance criterion and integrate them.
Let us now focus on the carbon management criterion and its constraints. The
objective for the enterprises is to use the opportunities to optimize waste man-
agement by reducing cost. The regulations relating to waste are constraints for
enterprises, so it is obvious that they have to reorganize each part of their supply
chain according to this new approach. Waste management has to be organized step
by step: identification of potential partners, identification of partners having the
same waste typology, knowledge of recycling domain, definition of partner’s
policy, economic and environmental validation of the optimized flows (carbon
impact, tonne per km, empty return rate, load factor…).
The second point is transport. In France the use of road transport has not ceased
to expand over the last twenty years. But we know how ecologically expensive it is
to use road transport for procurement or for dispatch. So it is interesting to use
alternative transport: railway, air, maritime, or waterways. Nowadays, road trans-
port represents 85 % of merchandise traffic compared to 58 % in 1984. It means
that we have an increase in non-ecological transport use. The problem is that there
is no suitable alternative solution for short distance transport. The potential idea,
which could be interesting, is to use the tramway network or local railway for
distributing products directly to enterprises.
For long distances we do have alternatives. The increase in the price of oil and
gas and the ecological constraints encourage the research of other viable solutions.
We have for example the use of high-speed trains for transporting products pre-
viously transported by truck or plane. The combination of rail and road appears a
clear way forward if we use electric motors for road vehicles. Electric trucks could
be integrated in the environmental development of a town replacing current
diesel-driven trucks. There are other alternative motors being developed but their
efficiency still needs to be confirmed.
The following examples allows to illustrate this last section and facilitates
showing how to make the best choices using GRAIMOD to make enterprises and
their supply chains sustainable.
The first step Define is used for expressing the indicators that would take into
account for measuring the existing level of the system (supply chain). A dashboard
is elaborated containing these indicators. This phase allows to take into account the
modelling of the existing system. A handbook is elaborated with functional analysis
tool according to the enterprise requirement. GRAIXPERT and the sub-module
Using DMAIC for Making Sustainable Supply Chain Efficient … 81
GRAIKERN are used for realising this step. An important analysis is made on
potential risk by using FMEA (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis).
The following step is Measure. The existing supply chain is measured by using
indicators defined previously. The grid for FMEA is made and validated with action
plan for critical points. For instance data corresponding to each quality criterion
defined for a sub-part of the supply chain are acquired and measured by using
GRAIQUAL. GRR (Gage, Reproducibility and Repeatability) coefficient is cal-
culated for the quality criterion, for validation the capability of the measure
instrument. The evolution of a sub-part could be followed by implementing a
dashboard and observed during all the deployment of the approach.
The third step Analyse is destined to check capability of the supply chain and
define the optimisation desired. It would be possible at this step to use Ishikawa
diagram for finding all parameters impacting the optimised response. The use of
Design of Experiments (DOE) and FMEA will be used for choosing factors
influencing the system (part of supply chain) and critical parameters.
The fourth step Innovate is the main step for reducing variability, for optimising
the system, for making the system efficient. The DOE would be used for extracting
the parameters with a high influence on the response. The coefficients of the model
representing the response would be found: the exact response would be given.
The fifth step Control is for checking if the chosen influent parameters are able to
furnish the optimised solution. The DOE is used for verifying if the mathematical
model founded above is good or not. The factors would be in the appropriate level
and the real response will be observed. A dashboard will be elaborated for mea-
suring the indicators elaborated previously.
The last step Standardise is destined for capitalising the approach and extended
the obtained approach to the rest of supply chain.
5 Illustration of DMAIC
This example is presented for illustrating the different concepts presented above.
The enterprise is specialised in military and aeronautics pieces control, repairs and
maintenance. The enterprise work force is about 49 employees. This enterprise,
located in the area of Sénart just near Paris in France, has a turnover of 4 million €.
The activities of this company are non-destructive control, repairs and
assembly/disassembly. The enterprise has more than 250 customers with three of
them very important in terms of high technologies and aeronautics.
The activities of the company were handmade. The growth of this enterprise is
important because of the number of customers. The process was not adapted to this
new challenge. In 2008, a new president has purchased the enterprise. He decides to
reorganise the company for becoming industrial.
The enterprise has difficulties to solve, due to the different changes and the
increase of customer demand. The economic environment and the actual context of
the enterprise impose the elaboration of a new organization and the optimization of
82 P.E. Dossou and G. Dedeban
the whole supply chain. The main problems were about respect of customer
lead-time, quality of products and processes, and carbon management.
GRAI Methodology combined with DMAIC is being used in this enterprise for
solving all problems. The objectives consisting in being industrial are defined for
three years with steps to achieve every six months.
The following parts present the first step realised.
The first step of modelling phase was for acquiring the project context. Interviews
were done, for knowing exactly how the enterprise was organised. This step cor-
responds to Define of DMAIC. Functional requirements were realised. The result
obtained was a handbook, containing according to FAST method requirements,
objectives, but also Beta-corn and octopus method. Interviews were realised by
using GRAIMOD. The acquired Knowledge was used for elaborating models of the
The second step of the modelling phase served for elaborating existing models
according to GRAI methodology. The enterprise processes were observed for
modelling the production cycle. Actigram formalism was used for representing the
enterprise physical system and functional view (links between services).
GRAIGRID and GRAINETS correspond to the decisional system: how the enter-
prise decision were structured (Fig. 8). UML (unified modelling language) were
used for elaborating the informational system. Extended actigram served for rep-
resenting processes. VSM (Value Stream Mapping) was also used for representing
the production system.
The first step of the analysis phase was the study of the elaborated models for
finding inconsistencies. The module GRAIXPERT containing rules, was used for
realising is the analysis phase. As expected, GRAIQUAL was used for the
detection of inconsistencies due to a lack of quality (products, process, SQA
(Supplier Quality Assurance) and respect of norms). The analysis of the actual
VSM points out inconsistencies related to lead-time. The impact on cost was
clear due to the activity sector cost reduction was not priority, however by
improving quality and lead-time, cost reduction would be effective. The envi-
ronmental, social and societal aspects of the enterprise were analysed by using
Table 1 presents a part of points to improve and the corresponding requirements.
The second step of this phase consists in the definition of performance indicators
for measuring the existing system organisation. The objective was to be able to
know exactly how to improve the enterprise but also how to achieve the defined
Fig. 9 presents an example of indicator and how this indicator will measure the
existing system and the future system in order to show the impact of the
This phase is being realised. For instance, the green touch is being applied on the
enterprise supply chain according to GRAISSE module. The quality approach of
the enterprise is underdone; the improvement of lead-time by using VSM principles
is effective. The proposed design tries to respect environmental demands and
reduces carbon levels in order to obtain a sustainable chain.
A special attention is paid to traceability, and ERP implementation. GRAISUC
is being used for choosing and implementing an ERP tool in this enterprise in order
to manage the whole system in the short, medium and long term. For instance, the
improvements were also about the organization of the enterprise and the software.
One of the inconsistencies was the small area available in the manufacturing
system. In this phase a new implementation is being studied. The points Innovate,
Control and standardise corresponding to the last part of DMAIC will be tested
during this phase.
All the European enterprises have to resist economically and financially to the
present crisis. However, they have to be ready for the future economic growth in
Europe. The evolution of their structure will allow to achieve this objective. GRAI
Methodology could be used for helping them. The concepts elaborated for
GRAIMOD have been illustrated in this chapter and their combination with
DMAIC method has been presented. The steps Innovate, Control and standardise
are not finished but the example given shows how the concept will be used. The
main performance criteria (cost, quality, lead time) are completed with social,
societal and environmental aspects. The efficiency of the enterprise supply chain is
very important for the global strategy of an enterprise. The introduction of envi-
ronmental dimensions everywhere in this enterprise is an advantage. The design
phase will be finished in two months and the defined indicators will show the
realised improvements.
Brown DC, Chandrasekaran B (1985) Expert system for a class of mechanical design activities.
Knowledge engineering in CAD. Elsevier, Amsterdam
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Dossou PE, Pawlewski P (2010) Using multi-agent system for improving and implementing a new
enterprise modeling tool, PAAMS2010. Salamanca, Spain
Dossou PE, Mitchell P (2012a) A rudder in the economic storm for the SMEs, FAIM 2012.
Helsinki, Finland, pp 643–650
Dossou PE, Mitchell P (2012b) Using environmental demands to improve supply chain
performance. In: Environmental issues in supply chain management: eco production, Springer,
pp 3–23
Dossou PE, Mitchell P (2013) Elaboration of reference models for improving enterprise
performance. In: Advances in sustainable and competitive manufacturing systems. Lecture
notes in mechanical engineering, Springer, pp 899–910
Dossou PE, Mitchell P, Pawlewski P (2013) Using multi-agent systems for developing an
enterprise modeling aided tool. In: Highlight on practical applications of agents and
multi-agent systems, vol 365, Springer, pp 86–93
Russell SJ, Norvig P (1995) Artificial intelligence. A modern approach. Englewood Cliffs,
Xia Q, Rao M (1999) Knowledge architecture and system design for intelligent operation support
systems. Expert Syst Appl 17(2):115–127
Ecological Aspects of the Implementation
of Logistics Processes in E-commerce
1 Introduction
The Internet is presently the most popular tool for searching information on various
areas of life. It is also used for sending messages via e-mail accounts, chatting,
making money transfers etc. Such enormous popularity of this form of communi-
cation and common access to the Internet has been quickly noticed and used by
entrepreneurs as another channel for making sales and purchase transactions.
According to the classification suggested by GUS (Central Statistical Office) (Jelen
and Sawicki 2015), this type of commercial exchange is referred to as e-commerce,
and it includes transactions made via networks based on an IP protocol. Goods and
services are ordered online, whereas delivery and payment may take place on- or
offline. It should be noted that e-commerce does not include orders made by phone,
fax or email.
The e-commerce market in Poland is growing very dynamically (Value of Polish
e-commerce market is estimated at PLN 33 bn). Growth of the market is determined
by several factors: delivery speed, service quality, online payments, mobile pay-
ments. An increasing number of Poles buy online; according to estimates, the
market in next years will grow 15 %. (PMR Report 2014). It is a consequence of
broader access to the Internet, and greater trust towards virtual transactions. Until
recently, e-commerce was identified with buying goods in e-shops, only by private
persons, while companies running this type of activity were usually micro- and
small enterprises. The scope of goods available for online purchase also keeps
growing. According to the E-commerce report (Chocholowski 2015), both services
(such as buying tourist trips, booking hotel rooms) and a wide scope of goods, from
the ones available in traditional bookshops, clothing, shoe and jewellery shops, and
specialist shops, such as medications, home electronics, household appliances, may
be bought online.
Another step in the development of e-commerce is transferring Internet users’
purchasing habits from private life to the level of enterprises they run or they are
employed at (Cardona et al. 2013; Jin and Cho 2015). Typical example are
microenterprises assembling installations in houses, designing interiors etc. The
tendency was soon observed by companies distributing various materials and
devices used for these installation works (Falk and Hagsten 2015). In consequence,
next to a traditional distribution channel via wholesale companies and specialist
shops, in which a customer purchases goods in person or orders them on the basis
of producer catalogues, distributors open their own e-shops (Savrul et al. 2014).
At the initial stage of launching a new sales channel by distributors, only the
goods whose dimensions allowed ordering a delivery by a courier company were
sold. At the next stage, to satisfy customers’ requirements, decisions related to
broadening the scope of goods sold in e-shops were made, which, consequently,
resulted in significant increase in costs related to handling warehouse processes and
transport. Observing the increasing sales in the area of e-commerce, distributors
started to consider reorganising processes of distributing goods bought via the
As in every type of business operations, there are both advantages of this form of
sales, as well as certain limitations. What is more, some elements related to
e-commerce pertaining to the sale of services will generate profits only, while in a
situation where an entrepreneur sells goods, they will cause specific limitations. At
the same time, in the case of selling a wide variety of goods, these features may be
Ecological Aspects of the Implementation of Logistics Processes … 89
out, lowering the margin was not enough. Courier companies had to start intro-
ducing changes to their operations. On the one hand, they had to give attention to
costs generated by the changes and, from the other, to the level of customer service
they offered, such as 48-hour delivery.
One of the main reasons for high delivery costs identified by couriers were
repeated attempts to deliver the package to the final customer. The majority of
customers of the e-commerce market are private persons who, in a number of cases,
were absent from specified places of delivery when drivers made last-mile deliv-
eries. The reason was simple: they were at work.
First of all, actions related to prior notification of a courier’s arrival by phone
were taken. The action, however, proved rather inefficient and did not significantly
improve cost-related parametres connected with the processes employed at courier
companies or any other ecological indicators or customer service level.
Significant development of the IT industry and IT systems applied by individual
courier companies made it possible to significantly reduce the problem. Companies
started to introduce various forms of parcel tracking by notifying customers by
email on its status, location and expected delivery time. The solution, however, did
not eliminate the problem, since the courier was able to provide only general
information about the day on which the delivery would be made. The customer still
had to spend all day waiting for the courier, which was not always possible. Courier
companies therefore failed to eliminate repeated deliveries to one address in a
satisfying extent.
One of the companies implemented a solution which provided for sending
information (by email and text message) on planned delivery date, indicating a
two-hour time frame in which a customer could expect the courier’s arrival, and
suggesting two successive delivery days as an alternative. Absence of customer’s
reply meant having accepted the company’s first suggestion. A reply containing the
specified code meant having selected one of the alternative dates. It might be
concluded that there were many more variants of cooperating with customers and
eliminating the problem of repeated deliveries than there were courier companies in
the market (RUCH 2016; DHL Express 2013; DPD Poland 2013; FEDEX 2015).
The introduction of self-service parcel pick-up stations (“Paczkomaty”) was
crucial. InPost is Poland’s leader in this solution. Implementation of this solution
has significantly changed the process of last-mile deliveries. This time, a customer
does not have to wait for a courier to deliver the parcel. The parcel waits for the
customer at a pick-up station for 72 h. As it has turned out, 72 h is enough for a
customer to come to a station located in the most convenient place, and collect the
parcel. After 72 h, a customer may pick up the parcel directly from a distribution
centre in a specific region (INPOST 2015).
InPost conducts broad research (Integer EKF 2015) and verifies upgrades which
are later introduced to the market. The solution has significantly affected the
environment, which might be discussed in a separate chapter. Here, the authors only
wanted to emphasize that self-service parcel pick-up stations have marked a
breakthrough point in the e-commerce market. It is logical that other courier
Ecological Aspects of the Implementation of Logistics Processes … 93
companies had to respond to the above actions to lower the costs of last-mile and
first-mile deliveries, and improve the impact of their operations on the environment.
One of the alternative solutions introduced to the market was the so-called
“Paczka w Ruchu1” (RUCH 2015). Courier companies sign agreements with
newsagent’s shops or other small points of sale located in the vicinity of recipients.
Under the agreements, a courier leaves a parcel in such a shop and informs the
customer who may pick up the parcel at the specified location e.g. after work.
Both solutions undoubtedly contribute to lowering the number of deliveries to
one location, at the same time having positive impact on the environment, as well as
on courier companies’ costs and customer service level. However, a significant
advantage of self-service parcel pick-up stations is their 24-hour availability.
Pick-up points located at newsagent’s shops are available only in their opening
Summing up the process of evolution in the e-commerce market, it seems natural
to expect the establishment of a chain of parcel pick-up stations throughout the
country, made available to all courier companies on specified business terms.
4 Indicators
The list below includes the most important indicators which allow evaluation of
the level of customer service in e-commerce:
• indicator of timeliness of deliveries [%]—determined as the share of the number
of timely deliveries in the total number of deliveries a month.
The indicator may also be determined on the basis of the value of returns and the
value of orders sent to customers.
Monitoring the reasons for returns, which may serve as guidelines for intro-
ducing changes to processes, is a separate element.
• average order completion time [days], where order completion time includes
time from making the order by a customer to the moment of delivering the
goods to the customer (it provides for order acceptance time, picking goods,
order shipment, delivery of the package).
Also marketing indicator.
Ecological Aspects of the Implementation of Logistics Processes … 95
The table presents the most important indicators that allow analysing ecological
aspect in the following areas:
• noise emission indicators/measures,
• indicators/measures pertaining to waste and recycling,
• indicators/measures pertaining to the emission of pollutants,
• indicators/measures pertaining to the use of natural resources.
The scope of applied indicators is individual for each company, depending on
the strategy it has adopted (Table 1).
The process of delivering goods may be subject to monitoring with the use of the
following indicators/measures (Rutkowski et al. 2011):
• timeliness of deliveries,
• completeness of deliveries,
• flexibility of deliveries,
• percentage of damages,
• level of customer service.
Each of suggested indicators may be determined in an aggregated form (on the
level of the entire enterprise) or separately, according to a chosen criterion.
Frequency of determining individual indicators depends on such factors as com-
pany characteristics or dynamics of changes. Nevertheless, in the case of
e-commerce most indicators should be determined on a monthly or quarterly basis.
5 E-Commerce Trends
• Consumers Hold the Reins—as a result of strong market competition and access
to applications allowing the comparison of prices or promotions, it is customers
who dictate terms to companies. Meeting their expectations increases the
probability of success.
• Efforts to Stand Out—to be noticed, a company should offer its customers such
solutions or additions which will improve customer service and streamline the
selling process.
• Comfortable payments—Although there are numerous innovations in the world
of e-payments, all of them concentrate on customers’ comfort. The possibility to
finalise the transaction by a single click (or touch of the screen) is of key
• Holiday Competition—offering additional promotions related to holidays, not
only Christmas or Easter, but also Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day.
• Omnichannel—using all possible channels to reach final customer.
• Driving Loyalty—loyalty to customers and creating a need for a customer to be
loyal to the shop.
Ecological Aspects of the Implementation of Logistics Processes … 97
• Free Return Shipping—more and more companies nowadays offer their cus-
tomers free shipping and a possibility to return purchased products free of
• Using social media—Experts appreciate their vast range, possibility for a
marketing message to reach a precise target, and easy scalability.
• The content they sell—e-shops build relations with customers by offering
additional content defined as content marketing. The content may include
engaging videos that go viral in social media, guides or hints making life easier,
and interesting stories concerning offered goods (their origin, quality or
The above aspects show that companies are forced to carry out continuous
actions that aim to increase competitiveness and provide customers an appropriate
level of service and satisfaction.
6 Conclusions
Borison R (2014) 7 E-Commerce trends to watch in 2015, Inc. The Magazine for Growing
Companies, December 2014–January 2015. www.inc.com
Cardona M, Kretschmer T, Strobel T (2013) ICT and productivity: conclusions from the empirical
literature. Inf Econ Policy 25(3):109–125
Chochołowski B (ed.) (2015) E-Commerce report, interakytwnie. com (in polish)
Coyle J, Bardi E, Langley C (2003) The management of business logistics: a supply chain
perspective. South-Western
Dant RP, Brown JR (2008) Bridging the B2C and B2B research divide: the domain of retailing
literature. J Retail 84(4):371–397
DHL Express (2013) General conditions of carriage for express shipments. http://www.dhl.com.pl/
pl/express/wyslij_przesylke/informacje_dodatkowe/terms_conditions.html (in polish)
98 K. Kolinska et al.
Marina A. Zhuravskaya
1 Introduction
The start of green logistics development was initiated by the German scientist
Erwin Müller in 1989. Together with colleagues, he paid great attention to transport
logistics, noting the strong link between the logistics, the environmental protection
and natural resources (Verify Technologies Limited 2006–2008).
Green Logistics as the Basis for Improving … 101
Fig. 1 Matrix of transport sustainable development, own study based on (Litman 2015)
Later German scientists from the Technical University of Dresden continued the
research and studied the interrelation between business and the environment
(Günter 2008).
There are recently many works devoted to ‘green logistics’ as part of sustainable
human development; there are several points of view on its place in the economic
activity and they are offered various approaches to supply chain management across
the ecology. For example, De Burgos and Lorente (2001) talk about environmental
improvement as about an operational objective, and the deliveries are on the second
place. Baumann et al. (2002) emphasize the development of green products within
the narrow framework of the logistic chain. Abukhader and Jönson (2004) analyzes
the interaction and interrelation of the environment and logistics. Kleindorfer et al.
(2005) conducted a review and assessment of the publications in the field of
‘Sustainable operations management’, but consider the issues related to the supply
chain. The review and assessment of publications on the topic: ‘Environmental
accounting from an economic perspective’ but with thorough study of carbon
accounting issue was held by Stechmesser and Guenther (2012).
The issues of green logistics were researched by scientists from different
countries. So a team of scientists from the University of Lublin (Slovenia) inves-
tigated the potential benefit of the use of standards when investing into transport
activity, which is environmentally friendly. They also analyzed the interrelations
between logistics, supply chain efficiency and quality standards. Particular attention
102 M.A. Zhuravskaya
was drawn to the ISO 14001, as an effective tool to increase the sustainability of
transport and logistics services (Actual problems of logistics, 2012).
Scientists from Romania summarized the experience of green logistics solutions
for some agglomerated regions and countries, and developed a business plan on the
implementation of green logistics principles in Istanbul (Angheluta and Costea
This chapter lists only a small part of works, describing the positive experience
of implementing green logistics principles in transportation systems. However, it is
worth noting, that mostly all of them are dedicated to the study of transport systems
in European countries.
But Chinese scholars Yong Zhang, Xiangtai Bao and others note the low social
sensitivity to green logistics in China and the need to draw attention to the problem
of unfavorable ecological situation in the transport sector at the national level
(Zhang et al. 2014).
The analysis of foreign countries expertise to implement the concept of sus-
tainable development and green technologies on transport was also provided held in
the works of Russian scientists (Voronkov et al. 2012). But the authors (Kizim
2013) noted the readiness of the participants of economic relations to pay more for
‘green’ logistics solutions.
However, in paper (Zhuravskaya 2015) it is noted that the Russian environ-
mental doctrine was adopted only in 2002 by the participants of the IV All-Russian
Congress of the Environmental Protection, and the environmental policies on
transport appeared later. Thus, the corresponding order in JSC ‘Russian Railways’
was signed only in 2009, and the situation is even less optimistic on other types of
Therefore, the aim of this chapter is a synthesis of knowledge on the impact of
different types of transport on the environment and the development of recom-
mendations to improve eco-efficiency on transport.
E¼ ð1Þ
Green Logistics as the Basis for Improving … 103
We will agree with the given formula of efficiency, and taking into account the
theory of sustainable development, will enlarge it:
C matrix of economic factors, C = (cij);
T matrix of social factors, T = (tij);
n matrix of ecological factors, n = (eij).
Generally speaking, the matrices C, T, n—can have various number of
Since the purpose of this chapter is eco-efficiency, let us consider it in more
detail. The analysis of the scientific literature, allowed the author to develop the
classification scheme of environmental factors affecting the eco-efficiency of
transport. First of all the factors are divided into two large groups: (1) factors, which
negatively affect the environment during the construction of transport infrastructure,
and (2) the negative factors, that appear directly in the process of transport and
logistics systems operation. These groups are subdivided into three subgroups
(Fig. 2):
• energy consumption;
• physical bioenvironmental effect;
• wastes.
These three subgroups of factors, which unfavourably affect the environment, are
presented both in the construction phase and during transport systems operation.
Recycling Utilization
Energy consumption
Certainly, throughout the world the negative impact of transport on the envi-
ronment will be different. The developed economies successfully solve the prob-
lems of emissions, discharges, noise reduction, and the use of renewable energy and
more effectively solve the problem of waste management. But the eco-efficiency on
transport depends both on the level of country economic development and on the
transport industry itself, consisting of different types of transport.
The impact of different types of transport on the man himself and the environment
varies widely. Thus, the analysis of just one factor, ‘emissions’ from the scheme of
Fig. 2, showed that the maximum negative impact of carbon dioxide emissions is
caused by road transport, and rail (railway) transport has the minimum impact on
the environment, and this trend is typical both for Russia and for European
countries (Fig. 3a, b).
Today, however, on the roads of the world there are approximately 40 million
units of vehicles, most of which are over ten years old and don’t satisfy any
environmental standards (Voronkov et al. 2012). On average, one car burns per
every 1000 km the annual rate of oxygen needed for a man, and instead emit
poisonous mixture of about two hundred substances, including carbon and nitrogen
oxides, formaldehyde, lead compounds and others. This list includes substances
that cause many diseases such as the causative agent of cancer (cancerogene)
benzopyrene. Among residents of large cities the incidence of lung cancer is three
times higher than among rural residents. Typical diseases of large cities are allergic
diseases, diseases of the upper airways, etc.
However, air pollution—is not the only negative impact of transport on the
environment. The noise generated by road transport is stable in the range of 85–
90 db. It was found that the negative impact of megalopolis noise on a man is 36 %
more than the impact of smoking tobacco; and life expectancy reduces by 10–
12 years (Voronkov et al. 2012; Morozov 2014).
Urban area requires additional cleaning service of automotive dirt, 85 % of
which is on the asphalt pavement, worn off by studs of winter tires (studs wear off
about 5 mm of pavement per year, and it is more than 50 t of toxic dust).
All these problems are exacerbated in urban areas during so called rush hours
(Fig. 4). According to the research results the author found out that when reducing
the speed of vehicular traffic flow by factor of 2 or more, air pollution increases in
inverse proportion.
Thus, Healthcare Service and overall economy of countries receives an addi-
tional load from the unfavourable impacts of transport. At the same time, it should
be noted that in Russia the road transport doesn’t have economic responsibility to
the society: a vehicle owner pays nothing but the tax on vehicles; and the society
almost invests in this kind of transport.
Green Logistics as the Basis for Improving … 105
Review of the role of various transport types in the context of the energy savings
identifies weak position of the road transport and strong position of the rail transport
(Table 1).
According to Table 1 it is easy to conclude that the rail transport development
really makes sense. That is why nowadays ‘green’ logistics as a tool to improve the
106 M.A. Zhuravskaya
Speed diminution
average speed
Fig. 4 Increase of environment-unfriendly emissions from road transport operation during rush
hours in an average city of Russia, own study
Talking about the economic efficiency of transport, we note that each mode of
transport has its own optimum range. For short distances (150–300 km) and with
small cargo and passenger traffic by railway transport it is difficult and often
impossible to compete with road transport (Zhuravskaya and Kazakov 2012;
Brusjanin et al. 2013). The range of effective operation of road transport is
determined by the change point of transport service, which is calculated by the
formula (3):
F1 F2
CP ¼ ð3Þ
V2 V1
where F1 6¼ F2 —the fixed costs of the first and second modes of transport,
respectively; V1 6¼ V2 —the variable costs of the transport modes (Fig. 5).
The graph (Fig. 5) shows that the cargo or passenger traffic, falling in the range
from 0 to the point CP is economically more profitable if transported by road and
now this range is quite high. For example, in the Russian Federation, it is about 20
thousand t-km. Indeed, in the present model environmentally unfriendly impact
factors of a particular mode of transport, social factors they are not taken into
account. In these circumstances, it is needed the mechanism of compensation of
social, ecological and economic damage caused by the offender. In Russia, fol-
lowing the experience of European countries, the principle ‘the polluter pays’
should be implemented (Kodolova 2015). According to the calculations of Western
scientists in developed countries, the damage from negative transport activity
reaches 3–5 % of GNP. According to estimates of experts in Russia economic
damage from pollution is 10–15 % of GNP.
Environmental taxes occupy a significant place in tax systems of most countries
of the European Union (Tsentr mezhdunarodnykh issledovanij). In these countries
in the sphere of tax policy it is implemented resource conservation, increase of
eco-efficiency and solving of a wide range of social problems. With regard to the
environmental trends of modern tax policy, they now cover different levels of the
economy, including the global one, and focus on the priority contamination sectors.
The main objective of environmental payments is not the replenishment of the state
budget, but a payer’s stimulation to positive environment-friendly behaviour.
Environmental taxes are the taxes that mainly serve to the environmental protection.
108 M.A. Zhuravskaya
F2 + V2
F1 + V1
CP Cargo turnover
Fixed costs of transport mode 1 and 2
Variable costs of transport mode 1 and 2
General costs of transport mode 1 and 2
Fig. 5 Dependence between volume of shipments and transportation costs when choosing the
type of transport, own study (Zhuravskaya and Kazakov 2012)
a1 F 1 a2 F 2
CP ¼ ; ð5Þ
b2 V 2 b1 V 1
where a1, a2—green coefficient of fixed costs of 1st and 2nd modes of transport:
a1;2 ¼ GreenSj ; ð6Þ
b1, b2—green coefficient of variable costs of 1st and 2nd modes of transport:
b1;2 ¼ GreenSj : ð7Þ
To get the values in the right-hand sides of the formulas (6) and (7) is the subject
of a separate study. They can be determined by methods of expert assessment or
mathematical modelling (Kazakov et al. 2011). To visualize how the change point
of the transport service CP will change with the introduction of GreenS is possible
with the help of the graphs (Fig. 6).
The graph shows that with the introduction of GreenS system the area of road
transport cover (Fig. 6—transport №2) is dramatically reducing, and the railway
transport cover (Fig. 6—transport №1) is increasing. This approach of transport
types evaluation in terms of their integration into logistic supply chain is both fair
and effective, as the use green logistics principles is a compulsory way of devel-
opment both of a separate mode of transport and the whole transport industry.
Thus, the GreenS system enables to control the cover of each mode of transport
and more accurately calculate the cost-effectiveness, and thus eco-efficiency both of
a separate mode of transport and the transport industry.
110 M.A. Zhuravskaya
(a) (b)
F2 + V2 Costs
F2* + V2 F2 + V2
F2 + V2*
F1 + V1
V2* F1 + V1
CP* CP Passenger,
Cargo turnover CP* CP Passenger,
Cargo turnover
Fixed costs of transport mode 1 and 2 F2*
Fixed costs of transport mode 2 with strafe
Variable costs of transport mode 1 and 2 V1,2
Variable costs of transport mode 2 with strafe
General costs of transport mode 1 and 2 F + V* General costs of transport mode 2 with strafe
Fig. 6 Shifting the change point of the transport service with the introduction of green fines for
fixed costs (a) and variable costs of road transport (b), own study
6 Eco-efficiency Calculation
International organizations and individual countries propose the criteria and indi-
cators of sustainable development, often containing quite complicated system of
indicators. Working out indicators of sustainable development is often quite com-
plex and expensive procedure that requires a large amount of information, which is
difficult or sometimes just impossible to obtain.
From our point of view, classical calculation of eco-efficiency is well represented
in the paper (Kolinski 2013). In the other paper as indicators when assessing the
cost-effectiveness of environmental projects by reference to time characteristics, the
algorithm of calculation based on net present value, profitability index is proposed
as the indicator (Plotnikova 2008).
Environmental efficiency of production in the paper (Martynov 2010) is eval-
uated by six indicators of man’s impact on the environment. To get integral value
E3 the procedure of regulation of each type of impact on revenues or staff is used.
Then for the whole complex of enterprises they were determined the average values
of each impact out of the normalized ones, which are assumed as the norm of
100 %. Accordingly, each of six types of impacts of any company can be expressed
as a percentage to the level taken as 100, these six evaluations can be summarized
and divided by six. The obtained ratio of environmental impact and economic
potential (E3/E2) is essentially the inverse value of the eco-efficiency, which is
calculated by the relevant conversion.
Green Logistics as the Basis for Improving … 111
In the paper (Suraeva 2011) there is an attempt to use together with the existing
synthetic indicators the integral ones, which are calculated as geometric mean value
ы in order to assess the effectiveness of innovative processes in rail transport. So the
integral indicator of environmental efficiency is determined on the basis of synthetic
indicators by the following formula:
Kэ coefficient of ergonomics (noise, vibration, etc.);
Kcв coefficient of reducing emissions to the atmosphere;
Kcш level of reducing fines for breaking the environmental balance.
Taking this formula as a basis, we will modify it taking into account the pro-
posed classification (Fig. 2) and formula 2. It should be noted that Kcш should be
included in the proposed GreenS system, and the GreenS system itself should enter
into the economic efficiency of the mode of transport.
In the first approximation we replace the matrix of environmental factors
Ɛ = (eij) with the given scalar value, which integrally takes into account all
environmental factors:
KW coefficient, which takes into account the activity of mode of transport with
the wastes;
KEC coefficient, which takes into account the energy consumption of mode of
KPhIm coefficient, which takes into account physical impact of mode of transport
on biosphere (emissions of NOx, SOx into atmosphere, oil outflows,
discharges to soil and water, noise, etc.).
Construction of ecological matrix in this chapter is not examined as it is a
separate sophisticated problem. Such method of assessing the eco-efficiency of
processes on transport on the basis of green logistics is based on the identification
of possible sequence of individual indicators with assessing the probability of each
intermediate index, with calculating the sum of terminal event probability.
The basis of the assessment of transport environmental efficiency is the defini-
tion of its role in building a sustainable society. In order to determine the envi-
ronmental efforts, it is necessary to accurately measure and evaluate the impact of
the activities of the transport sector on the environment and the results of envi-
ronmental activities.
112 M.A. Zhuravskaya
Acknowledgments The author would like to acknowledge the Russian and foreign partners in the
international project TEMPUS ‘RECOAUD’ and personally Professor Edeltraud Günter.
Interesting and fruitful work in the project provided the author with positive motivation for writing
this chapter.
The author would also like to express the words of gratitude to Adam Kolinski—the author of
this monograph for inviting to co-authors and to Elena Ershova—the translator of this chapter.
Abukhader SM, Jönson G (2004) Logistics and the environment: is it an established subject? Int J
Logistics: Res Appl 7(2):137–149
Alexandrova K (2014) The links of one Chain. RZD Partner Int 3(39):38–39
Angheluta A, Costea C (2011) Sustainable go-green logistics solutions for Istanbul metropolis.
Transport Probl 6(2):59–67
Bashmakov IA, Myshak AD (2012) Rossijskaja sistema ucheta povyshenija energoeffektivnosti i
ekonomii energii. [Russian accounting system to improve energy efficiency and energy
savings] - M.: Tsentr po effektivnomu ispolzovaniju energii (TsENEF)
Baumann H, Boons F, Bragd A (2002) Mapping the green product development field: engineering,
policy and business perspectives. J Clean Prod 10(5):409–425
Brusjanin DA, Say VM, Vikharev SV (2013) Obosnovanie transportnykh sredstv na marshrutnoj
seti reguljarnykh avtomobilnyhk i zheleznodorozhnykh passazhirskikh perevozok [Justification
of vehicles on the route network of regular road and rail passenger transport] // Vestnik
UrGUPS. № 1(17), pp 50–64
114 M.A. Zhuravskaya
Abstract In the chapter a combination of the virtual reality technology with the
ecological approach to the design of electrical appliances of everyday use has been
discussed. The case study on a hammer drill is presented. The authors present how
useful can be the virtual reality technology in the process of environmentally
friendly design of products. The basic functions of a product, its design and
operation can be evaluated by means of the virtual reality technology before the
product is put into production. The product disassembly method and duration, as
well as the waste reclamation and recycling levels, can be determined at the design
1 Introduction
2 Virtual Reality
Fig. 1 Laboratory of virtual design at Poznan University of Technology (Hamrol et al. 2013)
• Device control (turn the welding machine on/off, table rotation, opening/closing
the pneumatic clamps),
• Placing the semi-finished product (sheet metal) on the workplace,
• Stud welding using a special tool (weld gun).
Virtual reality is also using in the process of product design. Technology of
virtual reality make it possible to simulate the assembly and disassembly of
products already in the phase of their design. Shorten the design concept devel-
opment, monitoring the effects change, let us perform experiments on multiple
virtual versions of the product before making a final decision and before referring
the implementation of the project into production. This reduces the risk of making a
mistake construction, which can be very costly.
3 Ecodesign
Design is a complex process, very important in the life cycle of any product.
Decisions made at the design stage affect the manufacturing costs (Dostatni 2004)
and determine actions that will have to be performed in the final phase of the
product’s life cycle, after it has been withdrawn from service.
To enjoy an extended product life cycle (Fig. 3), every product should be
recycled following the period of operation. There exist a number of methods
Assesment and
Reclamation of parts and
Reclamation of raw
Waste storage
Fig. 3 Extended product life, own study based on Weiss and Karwasz (2004)
124 J. Trojanowska et al.
extending the product life cycle. One of them consists in regeneration, repair and
resale. Others are based on product disassembly and reclamation of its components,
or reclamation and reuse of materials for the same or another purpose. If this is
impossible, the technology of incineration with energy reclamation can be applied.
The method of last resort is waste storage.
Research and production experience has shown (Weiss 1998) that modern
recycling technologies give the most significant results if they are implemented at
the early stages of product development, i.e. in the design stage. Therefore, the
earlier the environmental impacts are identified and included in the life cycle of a
product, the better the results of such actions. Ecodesign, increasingly popular, is an
approach where special consideration is given to environmental issues at the early
stages of design to reduce the product’s adverse impact on the environment in
further stages of its life cycle. It is also related to legal issues, as manufacturers are
legally forced to observe certain standards for material recovery from end-of-life
Ecodesign is of particular importance for household equipment, as the appli-
ances consist of numerous components made of plastics. Plastics can be recycled
and re-used to make new products. Therefore, recyclability of household equipment
is crucial. A product should be designed to include the largest possible number of
standardised and recyclable materials. It is important to properly label the materials
to make them easily distinguishable in disassembly and recycling. A product made
in line with ecodesign principles should have enhanced usability, i.e. it should be
possible to re-use it (or its selected parts). Also, procedures for dealing with
end-of-life product should be established (collection and recycling of the product),
and it should have a disassembly manual. When designing a recyclable product one
must remember that the materials that must be recovered should be located close to
each other, and there should be easy access to all the parts to be removed. Another
aim of ecodesign is to minimize the consumption of raw materials. Recycling is one
of the priorities in product development. Figure 4 shows a schematic overview of
different aspects to be considered in designing environmentally friendly products.
Designers should also think about the type of joints to be used in the product.
Joints should be designed to facilitate quick and smooth disassembly, particularly
when the use of incompatible or hazardous materials is unavoidable due to func-
tional reasons.
Companies which intend to implement the ecodesign can use a broad array of
support tools. These include ecodesign methods and IT systems (Pigossoa et al.
2013), the most important of which include: “Design for Environment Matrix”
(Yarwood and Eagan 2003), “Ecodesign PILOT” (Wimmer et al. 2005),
“Environmental Effect Analysis” (Lindahl 2006; Tingstrom and Karlsson 2006),
“Environmental Quality Function Deployment” (EQFD), “Environmental Design
Industrial Template” (Spicer and Wang 1997), “Life Cycle Assessment” (Rydberg
1995; Finnveden and Moberg 2005), “Ten Golden Rules” (Luttropp and Lagerstedt
2006), “Alternative Function Fulfillment” (Van Der Zwan and Bhamra 2003),
“Strategy wheel” (Van Hemel 2002), and other.
Virtual Reality Based Ecodesign 125
E Longevity
I Logistics
M Concepts of use
T Maintenance concept
Recycled products
E Functionality
S Production process
Raw material productivity
E Ecological assessment and optimization
O Closing the cycle of raw material
D - ease of disassembly
- use of renewable raw materials
T - recycling of waste materials
- improving disassembly possibilities
- improving repair possibilities
- repair, technological development
- minimizing material diversity
- single material products
- avoidance of old „forbidden” materials
- safe disposal of harmful substances
- maximum use of recycled materials
Fig. 4 Recycling as a part of sustainable design and development of products, Own study based
on Stewart (2000)
126 J. Trojanowska et al.
The EON Reality software supports testing of product functionality, enables the
reduction of servicing costs and provides technical support and virtual training
sessions. Its key modules include:
• EON Studio—an application for constructing interactive 3D models. Users at all
levels of competence can develop high-end virtual reality applications with no
previous programming experience;
• EON Professional—an extension of EON Studio. The Physics module supports
simulation of complex mechanical objects in real time; the Human module
enables adding realistic models of human behaviour;
• EON ICATCHER—a stereoscopic projection system based on standard LCD or
DLP projectors, in combination with the EON software;
• EON ICUBE—a new, revolutionary multi wall projection system; uses from 3
to 6 walls that generate a virtual world which completely surrounds the viewer
with image and sound. The user can grab and manipulate objects drifting in the
3D space;
• EON Sales Assistant—an independent sales module, run in combination with
EON Studio. Developed for phase-based customization of automotive, real
estate, medicinal, electronic and many other types of products. It supports
multiphase configuration of products in the virtual reality technology with the
possibility to rotate and drag objects as well as verify the principles of operation
of the designed products.
128 J. Trojanowska et al.
If we want to simulate the movement of parts between them, appear like a road or a
speed dismantling in VR we must first prepare 3D product models.
Methodology of the case:
Step 1:
Create a 3D product model in a CAD system
Step 2:
Import 3D product model to virtual reality
Step 3:
Giving interaction and behaviour simulation 3D model
Step 4:
Add the disassembly tools
Step 5:
Showing the way dismantling sequels
Step 6:
Calculation of the actual time of disassembly of the device part
Step 7:
Evaluation of disassembly/collisions tool-part
Step 8:
Evaluation and analysis of the level of product recycling, dismantling
factor, time dismantling, recycling potential
Step 9: Create a new product variant or modification of the existing
An analysis of disassembly of an N-90-012 hammer drill with an electric drive
motor has been conducted to pinpoint disassembly problems and prevent them
through changes introduced at the design stage. In the study, the CATIAv5 with the
surface and solid modelling capability has been used. The hammer drill has been
modelled and its disassembly visualized with the support of the Deep Exploration
software to assign defined materials and colours to particular drill components. The
Deep Exploration software has also been used to export the model from CATIAv5
to EON Studio, where visualization of the disassembly has been made possible
using the feature of rotation.
The steps of disassembly, the list of tools used for particular operations and the
duration of the operations are presented in Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4.
After disassembly, all the parts have been weighed. The total weight of all the
parts of particular components have also been provided in Tables 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
The weight of a part is a significant value; it serves as the basis for determination of
the percentage share of a particular type of material in a product. It provides
information on compliance of the product with, e.g., the Act on used electric and
electronic equipment.
Disassembly problems have been defined as any operation which requires:
• the use of more than one tool at a time (e.g. a vice and a release fork);
• the use of a force that poses a risk of damaging the part.
The disassembly process can be facilitated in two ways: technologically and
design-wise. Design-wise facilitation of disassembly is achieved through intro-
ducing changes at the stage of product design, aimed to meet not only the strength,
mechanical and functional requirements, but also the requirements concerning easy
disassembly of the product. Technological facilitation of disassembly is achieved
through taking into consideration product disassembly at the design stage, where
Virtual Reality Based Ecodesign 129
1.3 Removal of the screw which tightens the handle and the Manually 0.2
130 J. Trojanowska et al.
the fitting applied, the tolerances of the manufactured parts or the methods of
connecting the parts are all aimed to support easy disassembly of the product.
Problem identification and analysis of facilitation possibilities of disassembly
• The body has been welded after the stator had been mounted; it is impossible to
disassemble the stator without damaging the body.
The disassembly can be facilitated by using screws for connecting the body
instead of welding it. Welding the body requires the use of appropriate tools and
additional control of performance. What is more, it impedes, or even prevents
complete disassembly of the body.
It should be noted here that round threads, due to the shape of notches, are wear
resistant and can be successfully applied for connecting parts exposed to wear
due to hammering action (Magnucki 2008).
• Extreme close fitting of the fan with the rotor; there is a risk of damaging the
rotor and the fan during disassembly.
Virtual Reality Based Ecodesign 131
The disassembly can be facilitated by using a multiple spline fitting between the
fan and the rotor (Fig. 5). It would not have any impact on the operation of the
fan, and would eliminate the risk of damaging the rotor or the fan made of
132 J. Trojanowska et al.
Table 6 List of parts of the hammer drill—three-jaw chuck tightened with a wrench
Part Quantity Weight (g) Material
Three-jaw chuck tightened with a wrench
Locating sleeve 1 314 Steel
Nut 1
Clamp jaw 3
Total 5 314
Fig. 5 Diagram of a present fitting of the rotor and the fan, b new fitting of the rotor and the fan,
own study
134 J. Trojanowska et al.
6 Conclusions
The CATIAv5 software has been used for modelling a hammer drill. The software
has supported accurate mapping of the drill. The Deep Exploration and the EON
Reality software has been used for visualization of disassembly. The functionality
of interaction has made it possible to jump from one operation to another at any
time. During the disassembly, the motion of the tools used as well as the released
parts and the connectors have been tracked to measure the duration of disassembly.
The interaction between the connectors and the disassembling tools has been
checked for any collision.
The CAD3D and EON systems support analyses of assembly and disassembly of
products before the products are physically manufactured. The systems enable
reduction of the number of design errors. They can also serve as tools to anticipate
and influence the disposal of electric goods, what has become a requirement
imposed on manufacturers under the European Union regulations.
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Virtual Reality Based Ecodesign 135
1 Introduction
2 CAD 3D Systems
The disassembly method may be assessed already at the product design stage, by
determining how the individual elements will work together during product usage,
and which materials can be recovered and reused at the end of product life.
For this purpose, computer systems such as CAD (Computer Aided Design) are
used to facilitate the work of designers. The designer may create virtual 3D models,
simulate the motion of cooperating parts, detect collisions during assembly, make
strength calculations and analyses, create design documentation, simulate the
machining of the individual parts without having to build the actual, physical
With CAD modules it is possible to generate the design documentation of the
product, detect potential collisions during the assembly and disassembly of its
components, simulate the motion of the cooperating elements, perform strength
calculations and analyses. Such systems include e.g. CATIA, SolidWorks, Inventor,
Pro Engineer and many others.
Virtual 3D models allows to show more manufactured products. With a 3D
model of the product it is possible evaluate and analyze environmental (check the
disassembly for maintenance, calculate the time disassembling, dismantling costs,
environmental costs), check the availability of tools for disassembly, simulate the
way and the time of removal (Karwasz et al. 2016).
Virtual 3D model allow to obtain information about his weight or the material
used, import them into the program evaluator which accelerates time to assess the
Using CAD 3D System in Ecodesign—Case Study 139
product. The diagram in Fig. 1 shows the steps which have to be taken with the 3D
model and the assessment of the recycling of the product.
Figure 1 shows methodology of sustainable design which is realized in eleven
NO Is there a 3d model
of the product?
Generate documentation
attesting to the level of
CAD system such a CATIA features several supporting modules, such as (Bernard
2003; Plantenberg 2012):
• Mechanical Design—Part Design—used to model an individual element.
• Mechanical Design—Assembly Design—allows the users to create assemblies,
analyze them, detect collisions, analyze geometric constraints, simulate the
movement of individual parts or sets.
• Digital Mockup—DMU Fitting—enables the evaluation of a design in terms of
ease of assembly and disassembly. It provides useful information on space
reserved in the event of having to disassemble the product, which should be
taken into account in future modifications of the product. It is also easier to
determine the track during disassembly.
The path of disassembly for all the product elements can be determined based on
the predetermined tracks, as shown in dashed line in Fig. 2.
The disassembly time for every part and for the entire product is calculated based
on the specified path and its length. This can be visualized by determining also the
speed expressed in m/s.
Using CAD 3D System in Ecodesign—Case Study 141
Fig. 2 Determination of the track, time and speed of disassembly, own study
After estimating the tracks for all the disassembled elements it is possible to
determine the sequence of disassembly for each element. This is made possible by
the function “Sequences and Actions”, as shown in Fig. 3.
Using the formula above we can calculate the disassembly time for each step, the
total disassembly time for the entire product, and the total number of all steps. It is
also possible to delay the disassembly of the next part due to tool replacement or
due to having to put down a disconnected part.
It is important to determine the appropriate sequence of the disassembly process.
From a mathematical point of view, the task is complicated because there are a lot
of possible solutions. The variety of positive solutions may result in the search for
the optimal solution, which requires that appropriate criteria be formulated. It is
particularly important to adopt appropriate criteria if one is searching for a disas-
sembly process which is the best, and the most cost-effective. It is also important to
decide whether the disassembly process should be destructive, non-destructive, or
partially destructive, and whether it is performed for the purposes of product
maintenance or for recycling.
The disassembly may be simulated in order to measure the disassembly time, to
determine the sequence of removing the disassembled parts, the disassembly tracks,
the locations of dangerous areas, the location of parts which require replacement or
which are defective. It is used in product maintenance or in companies dealing with
product disassembly to select recyclable materials.
3.1 DeforDis
Our own tool, created at Poznan University of Technology, DeforDis (Design for
Disassembly) offers access to product data in an automated and simple way from
the CAD 3D system (Karwasz 2009). Figure 4 shows the structure of the DeforDis
software. The main aim of the DeforDis software is to analyze the level of product
recycling rate already at the product design stage. Using this tool, we can also
evaluate a product already withdrawn from service. DeforDis compares different
variants of the product and its rate of recycling with the guidelines laid down in the
directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment—WEEE (EU Directive
The core of DeforDis is a module used to estimate the rates of recovery and
recycling, and to check the disassembly coefficient of the product.
The software includes databases, such as: the database of disassembly tools,
materials, joining techniques, and the database of standards and directives. The
database of disassembly tools includes a set of basic disassembly tools, such as a
hammer, a file, a reamer, etc. The database of compatible materials contains
information about the compatibility of different plastics for their recycling. The
database of joining techniques is a database of separable and inseparable joints,
such as screw joints, snap connections, adhesive joints, etc. The database of norms
and directives contains the information about the rate of recovery and recycling, to
use for comparison with the data on recycling and recovery rate obtained in the
DeforDis generates information as a set of rating indices: WDW (DRP, disas-
sembly rate of product) and WDC (DRPP, disassembly rate of product parts), as
well as statistical data, such as the number of disassembly tools, and the number of
materials included in the product. Figure 5 shows the main window of DeforDis,
and Fig. 6 shows the window of product variant development.
Figure 7 shows the analysis window, where product parts and the entire product
are analyzed.
Using CAD 3D System in Ecodesign—Case Study 143
- Product structure
- Weight of parts
- Product weight
- Material of elements
- Joining techniques - ISO/TR 14062
- Evaluation model - WEEE directive
- Compatible materials
- Analysis module - EuP directive
- Disassembly tools - RoHS directive
- Rate of recycling
- Product variants
- Disassembly index
- Statistical data
The first step in DeforDis product analysis consists in the manual completion
of product data or, alternatively, automatic upload of the data from a virtual data
structure of the CAD 3D system. At the same time, the designer should manually
fill in all the missing product information, such as the marking of plastic, or the
144 A. Karwasz and J. Trojanowska
information whether the product is hazardous. The recycling rate of the product is
determined based on the information entered to the system. The rate is then
compared to the recycling rate specified in the Act on waste electrical and
electronic equipment (the Act 2012). The designer, by modifying an existing
product or modeling a new one, may check the database to verify the compati-
bility of selected materials, the choice of connections, and the marking of
materials. It is also possible to compare several versions of the product to select
the best variant (Fig. 6). The tool shows the designer, in a descriptive manner,
which material or connection is the best from the point of view of design for
recycling, the features to be taken into account when designing the product, and
how to mark the hazardous elements. The final step consists in the generation of a
report with the information about the recycling and recovery rate and the tools to
be used during disassembly (Fig. 7).
Using CAD 3D System in Ecodesign—Case Study 145
The analyzed piece of appliance was a Whirlpool microwave oven (Fig. 8) model
AVM541M/P/WH, made in China in 2002. In accordance with Art. 25 of the Act
on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment of 23 July 2005 (The Act 2005), as
amended, the piece of equipment belongs to large household appliances. Under
Directive 2012/19/EU and Art. 30 of the Act on waste electrical and electronic
equipment, it is obligatory to achieve a certain rate of recovery and recycling of
components for waste electrical and electronic equipment; for large appliances the
rates are, respectively, 80 and 75 %. Table 1 shows the basic parameters of the
product. Tables 2, 3 and 4 contains a list of components of the appliance.
Schematic diagram of the oven is shown on the graph (Fig. 9).
The disassembly of the oven began with the dismantling of the outer casing with
a Phillips PZ screwdriver. The casing was attached to the frame with 9 screws
(Fig. 10).
The disassembly of casing proceeded in three directions: first, the rear part of the
casing was raised—1, pulling the casing backwards—2, and removing the casing—
3. The steps are shown in Fig. 11.
Then, we dismantled the connector supporting the structure, connecting the front
and rear part of the frame. The element was attached with two screws (Fig. 12).
In the next step the control module was dismantled. The module was attached
with one screw (Fig. 13). After removing the screw it was possible to dismantle the
entire module. The positive connection used there required a two-way disassembly
(Fig. 14).
Next, parts of the control module have been removed from the casing. First, we
dismantled the knobs, fixed with a clip. These could be dismantled without tools, in
one direction. Next, we dismantled the plate, to which the electronic system was
attached. The final steps in the disassembly of the module consisted in separating
the gong from the electronic system. It was attached with two screws, and the
dismantling proceeded in one direction. A diagram of the control module is shown
in Fig. 15.
Next, the bulb guard and fan guard were dismantled. The positive connections
used there allowed for a quick removal without the use of any tools. Figure 16
shows the removal of the bulb guard on the left side, and the fan guard on the right
The turntable located in the working part of the microwave oven, attached to the
motor with a clip, was then dismantled. The turntable could be dismantled on one
direction, without the use of tools. At the same time, it was possible to remove the
bottom plate, which was attached to the frame with four Pozidriv-head screws.
A diagram of the removal of the frame from the bottom plate is shown in Fig. 17.
Next, using a torx X screwdriver, we removed the emitter, attached to the frame
with four screws. Figure 18 shows the disassembly of the emitter screws.
During the removal of all the components, we determined the materials they
were made of.
Table 5 presents the list of elements made of plastic.
To evaluate the appliance for its disassembly, we used the DeforDis software
supporting design. During the disassembly we identified the following three groups
of materials used in the microwave oven: steel, plastic and electronic components.
The elements belonging to the group of electronic components were designated as
Using CAD 3D System in Ecodesign—Case Study 147
Turntable Electronic
Transformer Capacitor Knobs Casing
motor system
Fig. 9 Schematic diagram of the oven, own study based on Wnuk (2010)
disassembly directions, the tools used and the weight of parts is less then 15 min.
The rate of recycling was 54.87 %. According to the appliance classification the
minimum rate of recycling as set forth in the regulations is 80 %; therefore, the
microwave oven does not comply with the legal requirements.
During the study a similar product was modeled, with the same number of parts,
but with several changes aimed at improving the appliance’s rate of recycling. The
changes consisted in assigning a code to unmarked plastics, thus specifying the
material from which they were made. Out of 86 elements of the appliance, 22 were
made of plastic. Unfortunately, only 11 of the 22 elements bore information on the
Using CAD 3D System in Ecodesign—Case Study 149
Fig. 10 Screws connecting the outer casing to the frame—explanatory figure, own study based on
Wnuk (2010)
Fig. 13 Removal of the screw attaching the module to the frame, own study based on Wnuk
Fig. 14 Removal of the control module connecting, own study based on Wnuk (2010)
Using CAD 3D System in Ecodesign—Case Study 151
Fig. 15 A diagram of the control module, own study based on Wnuk (2010)
Fig. 16 Removal of the bulb guard and fan guard, own study based on Wnuk (2010)
type of the plastic from which they were made. After introducing the changes, every
element made of plastic was properly marked.
For the group of electronic elements, after the disassembly, the rate of recovery
was changed in accordance to the previously determined rate of recovery of
materials. The rate has been set at 100 %. The assumption is possible if the elec-
tronic materials used in the microwave oven will be re-used. The proceedings in the
case of change in the rate of recovery is given in Fig. 20.
The results of analysis carried out after the changes are shown in Table 7.
152 A. Karwasz and J. Trojanowska
Fig. 17 A diagram of the bottom plate removal, own study based on Wnuk (2010)
Fig. 18 The disassembly of the emitter screws, own study based on Wnuk (2010)
If we compare the rate of recycling in Tables 7 and 8, one can note that by using
one type of material in the classification it was possible to achieve the rate of
recycling required by law. Also the weight of waste materials decreased.
A transformer is an example of an electronic element treated as waste. It is
treated as a complex assembly and its disassembly is very time-consuming. Also,
the elements that can be recovered may be only partially re-used. Figure 21 shows a
diagram of the transformer from the microwave oven.
Using CAD 3D System in Ecodesign—Case Study 153
Fig. 21 The construction of a transformer—1 tore 2 primary winding 3 secondary winding 4 the
electronic circuit, own study based on Wnuk (2010)
disassembly. In spite of its frequent incidence, the share of the steel in the total
weight of the appliance is smaller than the share of the material referred to as
Mix/Electronics. The percentage share of each material in the total weight of the
appliance is given in Fig. 23.
Figure 23 illustrates how important it was to change the category of components
originally referred to as Mix. Although the material was used to build only 12
156 A. Karwasz and J. Trojanowska
Fig. 23 Percentage share of each material in the total weight of the appliance, own study based on
Wnuk (2010)
elements, its share in the total weight of the appliance was estimated at 50 %. As a
result of the re-classification, the rate of recycling increased by over 4 kg, which
makes up over 30 % of the total weight of the appliance.
Using CAD 3D System in Ecodesign—Case Study 157
In order to check the usefulness of the module supporting the disassembly simu-
lation, a 3D model of a computer speaker was created with the use of SolidWorks
software (Fig. 24), together with a 3D model of an iron made with CATIA software
(Fig. 25). The disassembly process follows the development of a computer virtual
model of the product, complete with all of its elements and connections among
During the disassembly simulation the tracks and directions of the disassembled
connected elements were determined (marked with dashed line in the figures). The
authors indicated the manner and order of extracting the elements from the product,
the joining of parts, and the tools used during the product disassembly.
When disassembling the iron, eight steps were distinguished (see Fig. 26):
Step_1 disassembly of the rear casing with the water tank,
Step_2 disassembly of the power cord,
Step_3 disassembly of the sprinkler buttons,
Step_4 disassembly of the temperature adjustment knob,
Step_5 disassembly of the front casing,
Step_6 disassembly of another part of casing,
Step_7 disassembly of the water tank,
Step_8 disassembly of the soleplate cover.
As a result of the simulation of the disassembly process, we calculated the total
disassembly time for the iron, equal to 13 min and 21 s. Three tools were used for
the procedure: a PH2 screwdriver, a flathead screwdriver, and pliers.
During the disassembly of the computer speaker, six stages were distinguished
(Fig. 27):
Step_1 disassembly of the speaker base,
Step_2 disassembly of the panel cover,
Step_3 disassembly of the panel from the cover,
158 A. Karwasz and J. Trojanowska
Fig. 26 Simulation of the disassembly of an iron, own study based on Chruszcz (2010)
Fig. 27 Simulation of the computer speaker disassembly, own study based on Szczęsny (2009)
5 Conclusion
CAD 3D systems support the work of builders and designers of household appli-
ances. You can use them to show how the dismantling of products, availability of
tools to connect, length and way of removal. At the design stage, you can determine
the level of recycling of products, the amount of recovery. At the design stage, you
can also check whether the designed product meets the requirements of EU
Bernard F (2003) A history of CATIA by former CEO of Dassault Systèmes, Dassault Systems
Chruszcz M (2010) Analysis of disassembly household appliance. Poznan University of
Technology, Thesis written under the supervision of Anna Karwasz
Directive 2002/96/EC of the European parliament and of the council of 27 January 2003 on waste
electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)
Directive 2012/19/EU of the european parliament and of the council of 4 July 2012 on waste
electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)
Dostatni E, Karwasz A (2008) Selection of materials and connection of designed product with
regard to recycling. Scientific papers of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and
Management of Poznan University of Technology, No. 9, series: engineering and production
management, Poznan
ISO/TR 14062:2002 Environmental management—integrating environmental aspects into product
design and development
Karwasz A (2009) The method of assessment designed taking into account the disassembly for
recycling, ATMIA, pp. 105–112
Karwasz A, Dostatni E, Diakun J, Grajewski D, Wichniarek R, Stachura M (2016) Estimating the
cost of product recycling with the use of ecodesign support system. MPER Manag Prod Eng
Rev 7(1):33–39
Plantenberg K (2012) An introduction to CATIA V6 release 2012, SDC Publications
Szczęsny R (2009) Design of household appliance for disassembly purposes, Poznan University of
Technology, Thesis written under the supervision of Anna Karwasz
The Act of 29 July 2005 on waste electrical and electronic equipment. J Laws, No. 180, item. 1495
Wimmer W, Lee KM, Quella F, Polak J (2010) ECODESIGN—The competitive advantage,
Springer, Berlin
Wnuk F (2010) Analysis of household appliance for disassembly purposes, Poznan University of
Technology, Thesis written under the supervision of Anna Karwasz
Yim HJ (2007) Consumer oriented development of ecodesign products. Vulkan-Verlag, Essen
The Impact of Eco-efficiency in Production
on Availability of Machines
and Equipment
Adam Kolinski
Abstract Production efficiency is one of the most important problems for modern
management, both at operational and strategic levels. Ecological aspect is very
often undervalued and even missed by the management of a company. It needs to
be noticed that there is growing interest in environmental aspects not only in
production companies or whole supply chains but also in policies of many countries
in the world. This chapter focuses on the availability of working machines and
equipment as the element of operational efficiency of the production process which
affects the evaluation in ecological aspect. The author decided that the amount of
produced defects and the degree of productive resources use, has an important
impact on efficiency evaluation in ecological aspect.
1 Introduction
A. Kolinski (&)
Poznan School of Logistics, Estkowskiego 6, 61-755 Poznan, Poland
e-mail: [email protected]
Ecological aspect is very often undervalued and even missed by the management
of a company. It needs to be noticed that there is growing interest in environmental
aspects not only in production companies or whole supply chains, but also in
policies of many countries in the world (Quariguasi et al. 2009, p. 670). The
purpose of eco-efficiency is to maximise value creation while having minimised the
use of resources and emissions of pollutants. Eco-efficiency is, in most cases,
expressed by the ratio (Verfaillie and Bidwell 2000):
The eco-efficiency is calculated using absolute values for the product value and
environmental influence (Michelsen et al. 2006, p. 291). The idea of Eco-efficiency
in production is shown in Table 1.
Companies do not need to make tradeoffs between sustainability and profitability.
Sustainable supply chain management can be translated as: (Golinska 2010):
• increasing cost of energy,
• increasing cost of raw materials,
• increasing cost of waste disposal.
On a company level the requirements of sustainability can be translated as
(Golinska and Kuebler 2014, p. 201):
• economical utilization of the resources,
• environment friendly utilization of the resources,
• utilization of the resources in the way that provides ergonomics and safety at the
facility and minimum external burden to affect the surrounding communities.
Production efficiency in ecological aspect must, therefore, include indicators of a
traditional production process, detailed analyses of production quality and indica-
tors connected with ecological aspect.
Production efficiency
Economic efficiency Operating efficiency
Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency of the Work
of the Organization of the Process Station
Fig. 1 The place of operating efficiency in the model for assessing production efficiency (Kolinski
and Kolinski 2013)
164 A. Kolinski
Yes No
Is the product classified in Group A?
OEE Analisis
(Overall Equipment Effectiveness)
schedules for all the products, components and complete documentation of these
elements. Requirements planning of production potential occurs at three basic
• material requirements planning in accordance with the method of forward
• material requirements planning in accordance with the method of backward
• analysis of the differences between the variants conducted to identify possible
gaps of time, enabling a shift in the implementation of individual operations.
Taking into account the aforementioned steps, requirements planning of pro-
duction potential allows a comprehensive analysis of the working machines
availability already in the planning stages of production, also using multivariate
An indicator that enables monitoring and controlling the realization of the
production process is OEE analysis (Overall Equipment Effectiveness), which
shows the efficiency of the production potential of machinery and equipment
reduced by the impact of distorting factors of their work (Vijaya Kumar et al. 2014).
OEE analysis is mostly used for assessing efficiency of equipment and resources
based on actual resource availability, the degree of implementation of production
and quality of the product. Table 2 shows the main types of losses taking into
account their impact on the availability, performance and productivity and quality
of working machines and equipment.
OEE is the product of availability; performance and productivity; and quality
shown in percentage terms. OEE analysis also presents the detailed method of
determining the value of the indicator, divided into components of individual ele-
ments, such as running time, operating time, etc. For this reason, analysis of the
availability of working machines and equipment takes into account the method for
determining the OEE indicator, shown in Table 3.
The overall result of OEE analysis is a percentage, showing the use degree of
machinery and equipment. The value of OEE indicator closes to 100 %, means
almost complete elimination of losings of production process. It should be noted
due to the higher probability of production orders on time, in case of any production
downtime caused by equipment breakdowns or late deliveries of materials.
During the verification of availability algorithm of working machines and
equipment, OEE analysis was based on the mean value and the probability of
breakdowns and defective units. As a result, this algorithm can be used in making
operational decisions regarding future period (subsequent planning periods).
The first step is to carry out the classification of ABC in order to identify factors
which influence the availability analysis of machines and equipment. In the case of
products classified in group A, the machines are focused on execution of special-
ized production orders.
In the analysed production cycle, unit Q, S and T are produced, which are
classified as group A, according to the schedules, material requirements, and
technologies presented in the following Tables 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Taking into account the limited production potential, if the forward scheduling is
carried out, the result of material requirements planning must be estimated
(Table 11).
In case of availability analysis of working machines with limited production
potential, it was taken daily working time of a workstation—7 h and production in
one shift (production start—7:00).
On day 4 the production of two products was planned (T and S). Due to the
imposition of production schedules of these products, it is necessary to determine
the sequence of their realization. Because of the higher total workload of product T,
it was decided to execute it at first. Considering the work time constraint (pro-
duction until 14:00), part of the production order had to be carried out the next days.
The analysis of use of each workstation is shown in Fig. 3.
On day 5 the greatest use of individual workstations may be noted. However,
due to the OEE analysis for both variants, it was decided to conduct the analysis for
machine ST5 on day 7.
OEE analysis was based on data from the past and supplemented probability of
breakdown, planned downtime or defective units, in the examination period.
Therefore, performing the OEE analysis by the probability of planned downtime or
defective units, assumed constant value risk of disruption in production.
According to the technological specification, the average duration of break-
downs or unplanned downtime is 20 min, and the risk of its occurrence is 10 %.
Based on this data, it determined that in the nearest future, 2 min of breakdowns
and unplanned downtime should be taken into account. Developing the volume of
defective production is similar. According to the technological specification, the
average number of defective units is 10 pcs., which with a certain probability
(50 %) allows to establish the occurrence of defective units in the amount of 5 pcs.
per batch of 100 pieces. OEE analysis is shown in Fig. 4.
Elaborated analysis assumes the Planned Production Time as two working hours.
It is caused by the scheduling of use of this workstation only at 12:00–14:00. The
two-hour production on this machine makes the ability to produce 40 units
(100 units/5 h). However, due to the probability of breakdowns, available
Operating Time was reduced to 2 min, causing at the same time reducing of Total
Pieces up to 39 units (time to produce 1 piece—3 min).
The obtained result of overall equipment effectiveness, higher than 90 % should
be considered as satisfactory. However, you should consider to extend working
time this workstation during the next working day due to the necessity of producing
a sufficient number of pieces.
Taking into account the limited production potential, if the forward scheduling is
carried out, the result of material requirements planning must be estimated
(Table 12).
In case of the availability analysis of working machines with unlimited pro-
duction potential, it was considered as a priority for completion of the production
order on the day of its beginning. Also retained under the assumption that daily
172 A. Kolinski
Table 13 shows the aggregate results of OEE analysis, taking into account the
ecological aspect.
This table shows the aggregate results of both variants use. Both from the point
of view of efficiency of the workstations and the costs generated by the ‘idling’ of
machines and equipment, variant V2 can be specified as an economic variant.
However, it should be noted that the workstation ST5 is a machine of the final
production and the costs of ‘idle’ machines that perform other operations should be
taken into account. This comparison does not include planning methods (forward
scheduling and backward scheduling), which has a direct impact on lead time of
production orders. In this comparison the available production potential is not taken
into account. Table 14 shows the costs generated by ‘idle’ of individual machines.
The use of workstations in both variants (Figs. 3 and 5) provides non-working
day 1 and start working from day 2. It is worth noticing that the variant V1, assumes
limited production potential, it uses six days to carry out all production orders
scheduled for this case study. In contrast, the variant V2, carried out with the
assumption of unlimited production potential foresees the use of 7 days. Time
availability of individual machines in variant V1 defined as 8 h, but in variant V2 as
24 h. “Idling” machine is defined as unproductive time of machine in which the
machine consumes electricity, but not performing any production order.
While making a comparison, it should be noted that the variant V1, despite the
less efficient use of workstations (OEE analysis), longer lead time of production
orders (7 days), generates a much lower cost of electrical energy consumption to
“idling” of individual machines. This is due to the fact that the variant V1 only
provides the time for machines working on one work shift. It should be noted that
the shutdown of machines after the operation is completed may be unprofitable
because of the high costs associated with the start-up.
The Impact of Eco-efficiency in Production … 175
APICS (2004) APICS dictionary, 11th edn. American Production and Inventory Control Society
Inc., Falls Church
Golinska P (2010) From traditional non-sustainable production to closed loop manufacturing:
challenges for materials management based on PPC and EMIS integration. In: Teuteberg F,
Marx Gomez J (eds) Corporate environmental management information systems: advance-
ments and trends. Hershey, New York, pp 106–120
Golinska P, Kuebler F (2014) The method for assessment of the sustainability maturity in
remanufacturing companies. Proc CIRP 15:201–206
Kolinski A (2013) The role of production efficiency regarding ecological aspects. In: Golinska P
(ed) Ecoproduction and logistics, Springer, Berlin, s. 93–102
Kolinski A, Kolinski M (2013) The use of Hungarian method in the evaluation of production
efficiency. In: Knosala R (ed) Innovations in management and production engineering.
Publishing House of Polish Association for Production Management, Opole, pp 116–127
Michelsen O, Fet A, Dahlsrud A (2006) Eco-efficiency in extended supply chains: a case study of
furniture production. J Environ Manag 79(3):290–297
Quariguasi J, Walther G, Bloemhof J, van Nunen JAEE, Spengler T (2009) A methodology for
assessing eco-efficiency in logistics networks. Eur J Oper Res 193(3):670–682
Rummler G, Brache A (1995) Improving performance: how to manage the white space on the
organization chart, Jossey Bass Business and Management Series
Sliwczynski B (2011) Operational controlling—a tool of translating strategy into action.
LogForum 7(1):45–59 5
The Impact of Eco-efficiency in Production … 177
Abstract The aim of the chapter is the analysis of effects of joint organisation and
provision of transport by independent enterprises. Based on the data obtained from
four independent market enterprises, the analysis of potential for cooperation in two
basic variants has been carried out and the measurable effects of this cooperation
were examined. The study demonstrated the scale of cost savings which can be
achieved as a result of combination of transport orders and the level of environ-
mental effects, understood in this case as the change in the CO2 emissions. The
obtained level of results allows the conclusion to be made that the cooperation
between the Companies is beneficial both in the micro scale (positive economic
effect for the respective companies), as well as in the macro scale (a reduction in the
CO2 emissions).
1 Introduction
expected profits (Kempny 2013, pp. 17–31). At the same time, the strong influence
of the government administration offices and executive bodies of the European
Union, promoting the pro-social and pro-environmental activities of companies are
presently noticeable in the business environment. In connection with this, enter-
prises, while conducting their activities, strive to remain in compliance with the
principles of balanced development and CSR requirements (Searcy et al. 2016,
pp. 2907–2921). Due to the complex construction of the transportation system and
the fact that it comprises the elements of the environment which are part of the point
and linear transport infrastructure (Hajdul 2010, pp. 45–56), the processes related to
the movement of goods, that is, the transport processes have the greatest impact on
the permanent and sustainable development (Skawińska and Zalewski 2009,
pp. 21–35). In consideration of this, the method which enables the entrepreneurs to
run a sustainable business which will simultaneously allow the achievement of
expected economic profits is the commencement of cooperation between the
companies that are involved in the joint creation of supply chains with regards to
the organisation of transports (Fertsch 2008, pp. 1–6). The cooperation between the
companies is the method to conduct business activity, which allows the consider-
ation of both the objectives of the enterprises and the intentions of the society. It
also allows such operation that limits the possibility of occurrence of negative
phenomena, both in the enterprise itself and its environment. The possible variants
of cooperation between the enterprises in the implementation of transport processes
as well as the economic and environmental effects which this cooperation brings are
presented in this chapter.
Fig. 1 Illustration of the idea of cooperation between companies within the framework of variant
1 (consolidation of supplies), own study
As part of the study of the potential benefits which can be achieved as a result of
joint organisation and provision of transport by independent entities, the numerical
analysis based on real data about completed transport orders provided by four
enterprises—the partners of the project—were analysed. During the first stage, the
above-mentioned analysis was carried out on an economic basis. The aim was to
investigate the potential of economic benefits resulting from the joint organisation
of transports.
Fig. 2 Illustration of the idea of cooperation between companies within the framework of variant
2 (elimination of empty transports), own study
were selected. The comprehensive visualisation of the routes covered within the
framework of the said orders is presented in Fig. 3.
As has been shown in Fig. 3, the total volume of all four independent orders
amounted to 29 pul (pallet unit loads) with the total weight of 9.8 tonnes. The
Polish law allows maximum total weight of the unit, i.e. the tractor with the
semi-trailer, container and goods, not bigger than 40 tonnes (in the case of vehicles
registered before the year 2003—42 tonnes). This confirms the possibility of
consolidation of loads from the 4 presented orders on one vehicle. For the purpose
of final comparison of the transport costs before the consolidation and after the
consolidation, it was necessary to diagnose the real costs, which were incurred by
the enterprises in the case of the independent provision of transport on the given
routes. Each of the companies settled the accounts with the carrier, taking into
consideration only the laden kilometres. The costs of the respective orders were as
• Company 1—route: Bytom–Kostrzyn—5 pul, 1.8 tonnes—cost: PLN 480,
• Company 2—route: Katowice–Poznan—12 pul, 4.2 tonnes—cost: PLN 876,55,
• Company 3—route: Ruda Śląska–Komorniki—9 pul, 2.8 tonnes—cost: PLN
• Company 4—route: Ruda Śląska–Gądki—3 pul, 1.0 tonne—cost: PLN 594.
The Analysis of Economic and Environmental Effects … 183
Pul—pallet unit loads.
184 M. Cudzilo and J. Sobotka
loads co-formed the order load, thus striving for the determination of the share of
the respective companies in the total cost of the order. The described activities with
regards to the division of costs and savings were performed in accordance with the
algorithm for the settlement of costs of joint operations, prepared in the Logos
project2. The results of cost analyses are listed in Table 1. It follows from the table
that the analysed variant of cooperation of the enterprises allows the cost savings at
the level of almost 41 % to be obtained. This is an economic confirmation of the
relevance of cooperation between the companies in organisation of transport.
After the analysis of the cases study based on Varian 1, Variant 2 of cooperation
between companies was subjected to validation. From among 4 companies, whose
orders were subjected to analysis in the first case, two companies were selected for
the purpose of testing the economic potential of the benefits resulting from coop-
eration in Variant 2. The subject of the study included two specific orders,
demonstrating the potential for cooperation because of convergence of the departure
and destination locations. The description of the case, which was subjected to
analysis, is presented in Fig. 5.
The Logos project bearing the title: “The model of coordination of virtual supply chains that
meets the requirements of the corporate social responsibility”, with the number PBS1/B9/17/2013,
implemented using funds awarded by the National Centre for Research and Development.
The Analysis of Economic and Environmental Effects … 185
Table 1 Cost savings of companies during the cooperation within the framework of Variant 1,
own study
Company Company Company Company Total
1 2 3 4
Price for individual orders 480.00 876.55 768.00 594.00 2718.55
Combined order price (PLN) 1606.33
Difference in costs—savings 1112.00 40.9 %
Order volumes (pul) 5 12 9 3 29
Percentage share (%) in the 17.24 41.38 31.03 10.34
total load
Division of savings (PLN) 192 460 345 115 1112
Percentage savings for 40 52.5 44.9 19.4
companies (%)
Order price for each of the 288.24 416.32 422.83 478.94 1606.33
companies (PLN)
Fig. 5 Detailed visualisation of transport orders from companies demonstrating the potential for
cooperation within the framework of variant 2, own study
As has been presented in Fig. 5, the first Company (F1) completed the full truck
load order along the route running from Ruda Śląska to Komorniki, transporting a
load in the form of 32 pallet unit loads with the total weight of 11.2 tonnes. The
said company settled accounts with the carrier using the rate: PLN 3.35 per km.
Without being obliged to provide the return load to the driver. In this case, the cost
of completion of the order would amount to PLN 1286.40 (the rout of
384 km * 3.35 PLN/km = 1286.40 PLN). The second company (F2) was to
transport a load consisting of 28 pallet unit loads with the total weight of
9.8 tonnes. The conditions for the settlement of accounts with the carrier were
slightly different: the established rate per km was PLN 2.8, however the company
was obliged to ensure the load for the carrier during the return route. In the analysed
186 M. Cudzilo and J. Sobotka
Fig. 6 Variant 2 of cooperation between companies—the combination of orders for the purpose
of elimination of “empty returns”, own study
case, company F1 was not able to ensure such a load, which practically resulted in
the necessity of payment for “empty kilometres”. The cost of the analysed order in
such a case was PLN 2066.4 (the route of 369 km * 2.8 PLN/km * 2 = PLN
2066.40). For the analysed case study, the second variant of cooperation between
the companies in the implementation of the transport processes was applied. Two
individual orders were combined into one coordinated order. The vehicle of the
carrier cooperating with Company 1 was selected to cover this route, that is, the
same one which was selected for completion of the order in the first analysed case.
The vehicle, considering the fact that the return load was ensured, is settled using
the rate in the amount of 2.8 PLN/km. The coordinated order starts with the loading
of 32 pallet unit loads in Ruda Śląska. The load is transported to Komorniki, where
it is unloaded, then the vehicle goes to Gądki wherefrom it takes the load of
Company 2–28 pallet unit loads. The load is transported to Katowice, where it is
fully unloaded. The total length of the route is 771 km. The details for the covered
route and the calculation of the costs at the respective road sections are illustrated in
detail by Fig. 6.
In this case, the division of savings resulting from the completion of the com-
bined order between the companies participating in the order turned out a bit easier.
Company 1, in accordance with the accepted assumptions, covers the cost of
travelling along the route from Ruda Śląska to Komorniki. The coverage of
The Analysis of Economic and Environmental Effects … 187
Table 2 Cost savings of companies cooperating within the framework of Variant 2, own study
Company 1 Company 2 Total
Price of individual orders (PLN) 1286.40 2066.40 3352.80
Combined order price (PLN) 2158.80
Difference in costs—savings (PLN) 1194.00 35.6 %
Order volumes (pul) 32 28 60
% share in the total load (%) 53.33 46.67
Division of savings (PLN) 211 983 1194
% savings for companies (%) 16.4 47.6
Order price for each of the companies (PLN) 1075.20 1083.60 2158
travelling costs from Komorniki to Gądki and the cost of order completion along
the route from Gądki to Katowice is covered by Company 2. The results of cost
analyses in Variant 2 of cooperation between the Companies are demonstrated in
Table 2. It follows from the table that the analysed variant of cooperation between
the enterprises allows cost savings at the level of almost 36 % to be obtained. This
is another confirmation of the relevance of cooperation between the enterprises on
organisation and provision of transports.
In the published White Paper on Transport, the European Commission talks about
the revolution in transport in Europe, introducing the exhaustive Transport 2050
strategy, where one of the major assumptions is the reduction of exhaust fumes
coming from transport by 60 % by the year 2050. In connection with the guidelines
of the European Commission, the initiatives taken by companies, aimed at reduc-
tion of the CO2 growth rate in the area of transport are increasingly important.
Therefore, within the framework of the analysed case, as well as demonstration of
the economic benefits resulting from the cooperation between companies, an
evaluation of the results of this cooperation in the environmental aspect was also
In this case, the tool used was the CO2 calculator (Korzhenevych et al. 2014)
built by the Institute of Logistics and Warehousing (Polish: Instytut Logistyki i
Magazynowania—ILiM), using the MSExcel sheets, which allows the estimation of
the amount of emissions of exhaust fumes for different types of EURO. Owing to
the use of the calculator, it was possible to carry out a detailed analysis, which
allowed the CO2 emission level both in the case of independent organisation of
transports by the analysed enterprises and in the case of cooperation on each of the
analysed variants.
188 M. Cudzilo and J. Sobotka
Table 3 Permissible exhaust fume emission values in the respective EURO standards for the
vehicles equipped with the petrol engine, http://transporteuropejski.pl/20/nowe-normy-emisji-
CO2 2.72 2.2 2.3 1 1 1
The basis for the calculation of the amount of CO2 emissions includes several
basic pieces of information on the conditions of the implemented transport process.
The information mentioned above constitutes the base data for the calculator. These
• the size and the weight of the transported load expressed in units of measure,
• the type and size of the vehicle involved in the transport process,
• the combustion standard for the vehicle involved in the transport process—the
list of EURO standards with the specification of the permissible value of exhaust
fume emissions for each of the standards is presented in Table 3,
• the vehicle load factor and the distance with the so called empty mileage, if they
• the total weight of the transported load and the distance between the starting
points and the reloading points.
Based on the provided data, the amount of CO2 emissions was calculated. The
analysis was carried out in several steps. The initial and the most important stage of
the analysis of CO2 was the calculation of the amount of emission for individual
routes broken down into different types of means of transport, taking into
• the weight of the transported load,
• the permissible mass of the load which a vehicle can carry,
• the combustion standard—for the purpose of analysis, the assumed combustion
standard for the vehicles was at the level of EURO IV, as in accordance with the
performed analysis, this is the most frequently occurring combustion standard,
taking into consideration the available transportation fleet of the carriers coop-
erating with companies that take part in the model validation.
• the distance between the respective points.
By using the CO2 calculator, the calculation “before” and “after” was made, i.e.
the amount of emissions of CO2 was calculated as the priority with the assumption
of the lack of cooperation between the companies and with independent completion
of transport orders. Second, the calculations were made taking into account the
characteristics of the transport order which combines the individual orders from
companies (variant of cooperation). For each of the variants, a table containing the
information about the loading and unloading sites was presented, including the size
of the transported volume and the main information about the vehicle by means of
which the transport was realized. Another table contains, in turn, the summary of
The Analysis of Economic and Environmental Effects … 189
the results of simulation and the basic information about the route and the amount
of emissions of CO2.
The first analysis referred to four individual routes, which were covered indepen-
dently by the enterprises using different means of transport. For all the vehicles,
(used on all routes), in accordance with the assumptions, the accepted combustion
standard was at the level of EURO IV. The data concerning the realisation of all the
routes are given in Table 4.
Table 5 includes the result of the conducted simulation. The amount of CO2
emissions for the respective routes was calculated. As can be concluded on the basis
of the data, which are presented in Table 5, the greatest emission of exhaust fumes
is generated along the route from Katowice to Poznan and amounts to about 338
[kg]. The route mentioned in this specification is the second longest route and the
first one in terms of the volume which was transported. This means that the size of
the transported load has a significant impact on the amount of used CO2.
Table 5 The consumption of CO2 on the routes covered independently by 4 companies, own
Route Distance CO2 emission (kg)
Bytom–Kostrzyn 303 239.953
Ruda Śląska–Komorniki 369 271.249
Ruda Śląska–Gądki 322 236.700
Katowice–Poznań 336 338.087
190 M. Cudzilo and J. Sobotka
Table 6 Specification of the combined route sections (Variant 1), own study
Loading/ Loading/ Distance (km) Volume (pul) Vehicle % Vehicle EURO
unloading unloading payload (pul) filling (%)
Ruda Śląska Bytom 23 12 33 36 EURO IV
Bytom Katowice 23 17 33 52 EURO IV
Katowice Poznan 336 29 33 88 EURO IV
Poznan Kostrzyn 24 17 33 52 EURO IV
Kostrzyn Gądki 35 12 33 36 EURO IV
Gądki Komorniki 20 9 33 27 EURO IV
Table 7 CO2 emission along Route Distance (km) CO2 emission (kg)
the sections of the combined
route (Variant 1), own study Ruda Śląska–Bytom 23 8.416
Bytom–Katowice 21 12.658
Katowice–Poznań 336 364.047
Poznań–Kostrzyn 24 13.208
Kostrzyn–Gądki 35 12.806
Gądki–Komorniki 20 4.455
The next step involved the calculation of the amount of CO2 emissions after the
consolidation of the loads. In accordance with the idea of Variant 1 regarding the
cooperation between companies, all the loads on the route were consolidated, and
the transport was organised using one means of transport. For the vehicle selected
to complete the consolidated order, (payload of 33 pul), the accepted combustion
standard was at the level of EURO IV. Table 6 shows the respective sections of the
combined route: Ruda Śląska–Bytom–Katowice–Poznan–Kostrzyn–Gądki–
Komorniki. The table also shows the length of the respective sections of the
combined route and the volume transported along these routes, taking into account
the performed loading and unloading operations, resulting from the demand of the
respective Companies, which co-participated in the combined transport order. As
follows from the data, which are presented in Table 6, it is possible to notice the
value in column “Volume” and “% of filling” increases until the moment when the
vehicle is additionally loaded in Katowice (% of filling is 88 %), and decreases
from the moment of the first unloading operation in Poznan (% of filling—52 %).
Another table (Table 7) presents the calculated amount of CO2 emissions at
respective sections of the combined route. The total amount of CO2 emissions along
the whole route between Ruda Śląska and Komorniki was about 415 kg of CO2.
The greatest emission was measured along the section between Katowice and
Poznan, which follows from the length of this section and the volume which was
transported—the consolidated load of 4 companies (29 pul).
The Analysis of Economic and Environmental Effects … 191
The conducted simulation showed that not only did the cooperation between
Companies based on assumptions of Variant 1 bring economic effects, but also it
was advantageous taking into account the environmental aspects. The consolidation
of loads from 4 orders and their transport by means of one vehicle on a combined
route allows the reduction of CO2 emissions by more than a half (from 1086 to
415 kg).
As the priority, by analogy to the analysis within the framework of Variant 1, the
individual routes covered independently by two companies using different means of
transport were summarised. In accordance with the assumptions, for both vehicles
(travelling along two routes), the combustion standard was assumed to be at the
level of EURO IV. The data regarding the covered routes are provided in Table 8.
As the table shows, Company 2 realises the so called “empty return” along the route
from Katowice to Gądki.
Table 9 contains the amount of the calculated CO2 emission for route 1 and
along two sections of route 2. As can be seen based on the data presented in
Table 9, the greatest exhaust fume emission is generated along the route between
Ruda Śląska and Komorniki and amounts to about 450 kg. Nevertheless, the fact of
Table 9 Consumption of CO2 on the routes covered independently by 2 companies, own study
Route Distance (km) CO2 emission (kg)
Ruda Śląska–Komorniki 369 450.1
Gądki–Katowice 308 319.8
Katowice–Gądki 308 6.986
192 M. Cudzilo and J. Sobotka
generation of almost 7 kg of CO2 along the route between Katowice and Gądki,
which constitutes the so called “empty return” deserves some attention.
In another step, the amount of CO2 emissions was calculated after combining the
routes of both companies and completion of two independent orders on one route.
In accordance with the idea of Variant 2 regarding the cooperation between com-
panies, the “empty return” was eliminated. As in the previous cases, for a vehicle
(payload of 33 pul) completing the combined order, the combustion standard was
also assumed at the level of EURO IV. Table 10 shows the respective sections of
the entire route: Ruda Śląska–Komorniki–Gądki–Katowice. Along the “access”
road section, the vehicle filling is 0. It is a short section where the vehicle, after
unloading the consignment coming from order of Company 1, reaches the loading
site specified in the order issued by Company 2.
Table 11 contains the summary of consumption of CO2 along the respective
combined route sections and the summarised specification of the consumption of
the whole “circle”. A big difference between the route running along Ruda Śląska
and Komorniki, and the route along Gądki and Katowice can be seen. Both with
reference to the distance and the volume, the values for the first one of them are
The conducted simulation demonstrated that the cooperation of the Companies
based on assumptions of Variant 2, being in compliance with the developed model
of coordination of the virtual supply chains, brings positive effects from the per-
spective of evaluation of environmental aspects. Nevertheless, in this case, the
benefit observed in this aspect, expressed by the total CO2 emission, is not as
significant as in the case of analysis of Variant 1 for cooperation between com-
panies. The combination of orders of two independent companies into one route
Table 11 CO2 emission along the combined route sections (Variant 2), own study
Route Distance (km) CO2 emission (kg)
Ruda Śląska–Komorniki 369 450.1
Komorniki–Gądki 20 0.5
Gądki–Katowice 308 319.8
The Analysis of Economic and Environmental Effects … 193
allows the reduction of CO2 emission by almost 7 kg. In this case, the economic
benefit and the fact that its achievement does not cause negative effects for the
environment in the context of the CO2 emission are fundamental. It must be
emphasised that the assumptions on which the algorithm for calculation of CO2
consumption is based, implemented in the used calculator, has a great impact on
drawing such conclusions. In the case when each company completed their orders
separately, the total number of kilometres for both routes amounted to 985 km.
After combining the route, its length was significantly reduced—to 697 km, by
elimination of the “empty return” of Company 2. However, as it turns out, the CO2
emission along the return route in the case of Company 2 was small due to the lack
of load.
5 Conclusions
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Efficient Demand Management
in Retailing Through Category
1 Introduction
Supply chains are almost always characterized by a higher power of one echelon, or
one supply chain member. Over time this power usually shifts from one member to
the other because of many reasons coming mainly from market conditions and
relations, and triggered mostly by final consumers’ habits. Over the last decades
2 Background
the supply chain. Since other members of the supply chain are largely dependent on
retailers (e.g. in the supply chains of food products), retailers’ decisions regarding
supply chain management greatly affect other members of the supply chain (not
only their logistical operations, but also their entire business). This dominant
approach to supply chain management by retailers is prevalent, especially in the
FMCG sector.
The RSCM is continuously developing and improving (Segetlija et al. 2012).
According to recent research (Randall et al. 2011), modern retailers are developing
agile management strategies that enable a faster response to changing consumer
needs and, what is extremely important, they place a greater emphasis on the
balance between costs and customer services, and reduce the prevailing focus on
just reducing the costs, which is traditionally associated with supply chain
In comparison with the traditional notions of supply chain management, RSCM
has particularities in all areas of supply chain management. It is especially suc-
cessful in demand management. In order to achieve more efficient demand man-
agement, modern retailers (along with some of the other members of their own
supply chain) perform category management. This process approach to managing
product categories as strategic business units enable retailers and their suppliers to
have a significant impact on the demand of end customers. According to Dayyani
(2010), many industry experts consider category management as the most complex
activity of supply chain management. Demand management through category
management is carried out through a series of strategies and tactics, aimed largely at
the retail assortment and its space management. In this way, category management
processes become the intersection, but also the starting point of marketing and
supply chain activities of retailers.
future demand). While collecting POS data and using sophisticated software to
analyse it, the collected data can give a good deal of information about the habits
and preferences of the customers. However, we can only see the real effects by
unifying this data with the manufacturer’s data. Given the fact that the manufacturer
monitors and analyses the behaviour of customers in relation to a much smaller
number of stock keeping units (SKU)—its brands and related product category—he
usually has more general market information about a certain product category than
the retailer (who analyses several thousand or even tens of thousands of items).
Only a joint analysis of both retailer’s and manufacturer’s data (and information
from “external” sources such as a market research agency, etc.) can be a prereq-
uisite for effective demand forecasting, and consequently planning and coordinating
supply with forecasted demand.
While analysing retail value (supply) chains, Finne and Sivonen (2009) devel-
oped a demand management process called a Shopper-oriented demand manage-
ment process model that consists of four steps:
1. shopper segmentation and positioning
2. format development and category portfolio management,
3. category management,
4. store level implementation
Because the retailer implements the first two steps only when he first starts the
business, or when he does some radical changes in the business (focus on an
entirely different customer segments while changing his own retail format), it can be
concluded that they occur very rarely and are not an everyday activity of demand
management. On the other hand, the last step of this model, implementation at
stores, in most theoretical work on category management is one of the stages of the
process of category management itself. In the end, this model comes down to the
fact that demand management in modern RSCM is actually an implementation of
category management.
can be classified into two groups according to their prevailing orientation in the
supply chain. The first group of strategies is oriented towards demand and is
commonly referred to as (or classified under) the concept of category management,
while the rest of ECR strategies are commonly classified under supply chain
management (supply side). However, all these strategies are intertwined, they are
inseparable and take place simultaneously.
ECR has provided the most accepted definition of category management—a
retailer/supplier process of managing categories as strategic business units, pro-
ducing enhanced business results by focusing on delivering consumer value (ECR
Europe 2014). There are two key accents in the category management definition:
product/service category as seen by customers is a central point of business
activities, and it should be a joint process of retailers and suppliers. This approach
to category management is seen as marketing category management, and sometimes
it is also called micro-marketing, shelf management, space management, schematic
development or fact-based selling (Ursin 2004).
Except in marketing or selling, category management is also used within the
purchasing function. Marketing category management is focused on the product
category that is sold in the store (and on each SKU in that category) with the goal to
arrange it and promote it according to customers’ needs and buying habits to
maximize category profit. Opposite of marketing category management is pur-
chasing category management. O’Brien (2009) defines purchasing category man-
agement as the practice of segmenting the main areas of organizational spend on
bought-in goods and services into discrete groups of products and services
according to the function of those goods or services and, most importantly, to
mirror how individual marketplaces are organized. We can conclude that pur-
chasing category management is a supply-oriented process. In this chapter, as we
consider demand management in RSCM, the emphasis will be primarily on mar-
keting category management (hereinafter category management). Nevertheless, it is
important to emphasize that even in marketing category management, category
managers are engaged in purchasing.
Efficient Demand Management … 201
Thus, category management in retail seeks to optimize the entire supply chain. In
accordance with the aforementioned reasons, the activities of category management
in retail can be directed in two ways in the supply chain:
A. to customers/consumers—in order to increase demand for the category by
increasing customer traffic in the store (the number of customers who visit the
store), and/or increasing the probability of purchasing in the category for the
customers who are already in the store.
B. to suppliers/manufacturers—with the aim of improving the supply and logistics
(i.e. coordination in supply chain management with suppliers) by providing
information on demand and other information required to ensure optimization
of the chain, and requesting additional work and information about the category
from supplier.
In this paper both directions are analysed through the category management
process, but the main accent is on upstream cooperation for optimal downstream
The category management process is carried out through eight phases when
implemented in the company or supply chain (ACNielsen et al. 2006): definition of
category, role of category, category assessment, category scorecard, category
strategies, category tactics, implementation and category review.
As shown in Fig. 2, category management is a cyclic process (Segetlija and
Dujak 2013b). During the whole process the most power, and the greatest
responsibility, lies on the category managers—employees responsible and
accountable for the overall operations related to a particular category or categories
of products, such as business owners who manage their business units. Therefore
they are involved in all stages of category management process. In the first two
phases (definition and role of category) the top management is also included. This is
of particular importance since the first two phases determine the direction in which
the economic operator will proceed and this should be aligned with the general
business strategy (or it should modify it), so it is necessary that the key people are
involved in this part of the process, having the broadest picture of the status and
capabilities of the undertaking and its environment. The next four phases (assess-
ment, scorecard, strategies and tactics) are conducted mainly in the category teams
that are formed by category manager, and they conduct a number of analyses and
plans by which they prepare the “field” operationalization. Men on the “field”—
employees in stores, usually carry out the last two phases (implementation and
review). Along with them, there are also (if necessary) so-called SWAT teams
(Special Weapons And Tactics). Analogous to the police units that are specially
trained to help in certain dangerous situations, category management SWAT teams
Efficient Demand Management … 203
Fig. 2 Category management process. Source Adapted by author from ACNielsen et al. (2006)
consist of employees of category teams that assist in problems during the imple-
mentation of the previously set plans.
This original category management process is commonly used during the first
implementation of category management, and after some time companies usually
adapt it to their needs and combine different phases of the original process in a
smaller number of phases (mostly with the help of consulting companies).
Although all stages of this process achieve a full effect only in a joint action, it is
necessary to emphasize the phases of category assessment and category tactics.
Activities in the assessment phase represent a significant and demanding ana-
lytical process with a double purpose (ACNielsen et al. 2006):
• to determine the potential for possible growth of category (or some of its parts),
• to prepare the foundation on which retailer (alone or in conjunction with the
vendor) can create goals, strategies and tactics of category in subsequent phases
of the category management process.
Concerning the time and cost, this is probably the most demanding phase of
category management process. Permanent and multi-angle analyses have to be
performed. In doing so, the analysis can be carried out from the perspective of the
customers, from the perspective of the market, from the perspective of the retailers
and from the perspective of the suppliers. Assessment is performed at the level of
categories, but also at its subordinate levels (sub-category, segment, sub-segment,
micro-segment, SKU) to obtain a complete picture of the opportunities for growth
within the category. The retailer’s category team at this stage must do significant
204 D. Dujak et al.
analytical work and they often seek help from suppliers—best analyses are per-
formed when retailers and manufacturers collaborate.
Numerous indicators are used during the analysis of each category, and one of
the key indicators is Gross Margin Return on Inventory Investments (GMROI),
which indicates how many units of currency of gross margin retailer will earn on
one currency unit invested in inventories. It is calculated as gross margin divided by
average inventory at cost (Levy and Weitz 2012). Frequently used is group of
indicators for efficiency of length/space of retail shelves (e.g. profit/gross margin
per one cm/inch of shelf), as well as indicators of turnover, gross margin, market
share and market growth of each SKU. Also, particularly important are indicators
that indicate the influence of individual SKU (its location and the space allocated to
it) on the other SKU in the category or even in other categories (cross-category
In the category tactics phase, operational activities of category management are
defined by four marketing elements of category management (Muller and Singh
2006): assortment, price, promotion, and shelves presentation. However, category
management is mostly focused on assortment management and the associated space
management (shelves presentation).
Assortment management is a set of methods that dynamically (usually in
monthly intervals) determine assortment for each category and for each retail format
(or a deeper division if necessary). The result of these processes is a planogram
representing optimized assortment of category (or sub-category), which should
bring maximum profitability to the retailer in the next period (e.g. one month).
A planogram can also be defined as a diagram that illustrates how and where
specific merchandise should be placed on shelves or displays to increase customer
purchases (Levy and Weitz 2012). A planogram is the main tool as well as an
evidence of strong impact of category management on consumer demand.
According to the analyses category managers decide on the strength of each
individual SKU and therefore propose strategies to replace, maintain, reduce or
increase SKU in a category, or to introduce private label SKU (ACNielsen et al.
2006). Increasing or decreasing of SKU in a category means to increase or to
decrease the number of faces of this product (SKU) on the shelf. These analyses
have contributed to a significant reduction in the number of SKUs in multiple
categories, and frequent changes in the structure. The beginning of product filtration
is indirectly initiated by purchases by final consumers, as well as directly by
retailers. By using the above methods of assortment management, retailers select
only the highest-selling and most profitable products in the category (these are the
products that are most profitable independently, but also those whose existence in
the assortment has impact on the profitability of the entire category).
One of the key restrictions of category assortment is space defined by a certain
type of store and category itself, therefore space management is an inseparable
activity of assortment management. Actually, space management is a continuation
of the location management policy in retail that can be observed at four levels:
Efficient Demand Management … 205
Fig. 3 Planogram for subcategory “Juices in brick”. Source Internal materials of Konzum d.d.
Since one of the target customer/consumer groups in this category are children,
groups of small packages of brick juices are positioned at the level height of the hand
(which for children represents the eye level—the most conspicuous level for them).
This segment is horizontally presented with horizontal multi facings and has similar
rules for positioning of SKU—flavours are arranged in the same order as with other
segments (packages “for adults”), but the number of faces per SKU is decreased so
that all the items (SKUs) offered fit in one horizontal part/level of a shelf. In this way
the retailer kept compact segment for children and facilitate their easier orientation
(although it deviates from the vertical multi facings as with other segments).
The planogram as a result of assortment and space management has to be
dynamic (its maintenance should be periodical, but also according to the changes on
the market); must minimize the possibility of out-of-stock situations; must reflect
the mind-set of customers in the purchasing process; and has to result with the
highest possible profit for the category and the whole store for the retailer.
market. Necessary information usually appear in the form of category customer data
(e.g. habits and behaviours of customers from the panel of households), data on
competition (e.g. market shares of brands at different retailers from research con-
ducted by the market research agency) and trends about category market (e.g. new
products forecasting, new demand trends). Also, suppliers are encouraged (and
some are themselves the initiators) to new creative marketing activities related to
the category—again with the aim of raising category sales and profit.
In exchange for the information, but also the specific advice given to retailers,
category captains become privileged suppliers. In addition to getting the POS data
for more accurate forecasts (often common forecasts) and faster response to
demand, category captains are able to propose planograms with the schedule and
the amount of space for certain products in the category. In this way, they certainly
retain a greater degree of control over the category than other suppliers have (read: a
greater percentage of its own brand on the shelf). At the same time, category
captains must at all times ensure that the proposed planograms and actions result in
the highest possible sales and profitability of the category (not just category cap-
tain’s brands) for retailers.
In reality, this kind of cooperation does not always work perfectly. For this
reason, retailers are lately beginning to work more closely with other supplier called
the category validators (Ursin 2004). The purpose of the category validator, except
to collect additional information that may not be submitted by the category captain,
is to check the information and suggestions offered by the category captain, and to
confirm or reject it. In this way excessive bias towards captain’s products (brands)
is controlled and avoided. Wal-Mart, one of the world’s largest retail chains, often
gives the category captain’s plan to the validator for a review. It is even possible
that a supplier, which has been given the confidence and function of category
captain, gets sued for exploiting his position. One such example occurred in the
United States. In May 2002, the U.S. federal appeals court has issued a verdict
punishing the U.S. Tobacco Company, the largest U.S. supplier of moist tobacco,
with $350 million in damages. The court cited evidence that the U.S. Tobacco, as a
category captain, cheated retailers in a way that gave their products more space,
which they justified with false sales data (Raskin 2003).
The main shortcoming of demand management in the retail practice is that demand
management usually ends at the relationship between retailers and its suppliers (as,
unfortunately, most of today’s activities in supply chain management). In rare
Efficient Demand Management … 209
cases, demand management extends to the suppliers’ suppliers, but in this case,
retail is usually not involved in these activities, so data about independent demand
does not come as quick as it could, or even does not reach more than one echelon
Taylor and Fearne (2009) conducted an interesting study on demand manage-
ment in six different supply (value) chains of fresh food. They primarily found that
there is variability in demand in supply chains of fresh food, with the demand of end
customers/consumers being the least variable of all demands in the supply chain. In
other words, they confirmed the existence of the bullwhip effect in supply chains of
fresh food. Supply chain members should get together to find the causes of vari-
ability in demand and try to solve them, and for that part of the variability of
demand which cannot be resolved subsequently it is necessary to find ways to
increase the flexibility of demand by identifying bottlenecks and potential dan-
gerous places and finding cost-effective solutions (Croxton et al. 2008).
In the same study (Taylor and Fearne 2009), authors determined the operating
characteristics of the system and demand management procedures implemented in
the supply chains of fresh food. Following are some of the characteristics proven to
be problematic, especially those that do not allow the effective management of
supply chains and pose an obstacle to coordination of upstream in the retail supply
chains (Taylor and Fearne 2009):
• complexity of the procedures for managing information on demand,
• accuracy, availability and consistency of data,
• proliferation of demand—there is not one common and shared demand to the
entire supply chain. They give an example of a meat supply chain where eight
different demand forecasts have been developing, which of course lead to the
bullwhip effect,
• lack of timeliness and consistency in sending orders to suppliers,
• problems with sharing POS data.
One of the potential problems in category management between retailers and their
suppliers again arises from the retailer’s concentration and power. Despite category
management rules according to which certain products should get less space on the
shelf (e.g. because of their lower market share), retailers allocate significantly more
space (faces) and a better position on the shelf to certain products. This is primarily the
case with the so-called private label brands. The term “private label” has many syn-
onyms like retail brand, store brand, house brand, own brand, distributer brand. Levy
and Weitz (2012) define private label brands as products developed by retailers (de-
sign or specification) that are either produced by manufacturers, or retailer working
with big vendor to develop a special version of its standard product (design, speci-
fication and production done by vendor) that will be sold exclusively by the retailer.
210 D. Dujak et al.
Vranešević (2007) defines private labels more broadly by saying that those are brands
owned by intermediaries who engage manufacturers to produce products to which the
brand will be assigned. A private label’s significance can be evaluated based upon an
increase in the private label’s share of turnover in overall retailing, and it can be
concluded that private label’s share of turnover in the FMCG sector are also higher in
economically more developed countries with a higher GDP per capita (Segetlija and
Dujak 2013a). It is also connected with the implementation of modern retail marketing
and management concepts in developed countries like category management.
Although private labels do not have market shares like big national or interna-
tional brands, they often get the same or bigger/better space on their owner’s shelf.
The reason for this is usually higher margins for retailers, but also the retailer’s
attempt to strengthen its product image and its overall (store) image with customers,
in this way eventually raising customer loyalty that would result in positive impact
on other private labels in other product categories.
This uneven treatment of some products sometimes results in confusion in
retailer-manufacturer relationships and becomes a source of conflicts, as manu-
facturers (sometimes even category captains) propose different planograms that, in
their opinion, would raise the overall sale and profit of the category even more.
While a planogram indicates how a retailer (or joint retailer and its vendor) tries to
successfully meet consumer demand expressed during past periods, it is also the
main in-store tool for influencing and changing consumer demand. For
example, consider retailer’s category X consisting of a certain number of products
(SKUs) including product A and product B. Even if product A has higher market
share than product B, by allocating more shelf space and/or better shelf position to
product B than to product A, the retailer will induce greater impulse buying of
product B. Thus, category management through a planogram is changing the
product B’s share in a retailer’s category, and eventually in the same category in the
whole market (market share). Allocating shelf space to a certain product that is not
in accordance with the market share of a SKU can be caused by various reasons:
• the product has a significantly high margin for the retailer in his category,
• the product is the retailer’s private label,
• the manufacturer has provided significant marketing and/or financial support for
the product in certain time period,
• the product very positively influences the sale of other (complimentary) products
in his or some other category, that has significantly higher margin or turnover,
• the product has a very high turnover rate,
• etc.
Efficient Demand Management … 211
Category management could be also a business concept that can obtain not only
business (economic performance) efficiency, but also significant environmental
performance of the company and/or whole supply chain.
Category management as a way of demand management requires significant
changes in all distribution processes in retail supply chain. Usually retailers and
their vendors decide to change their distribution design and instead of
direct-to-store distribution (or direct distribution) system, they start to use central
distribution system. Central distribution system has proven to be more reliable and
212 D. Dujak et al.
supply chain, i.e., to help them to be better prepared. Also, it is possible, through
small shifts in coordination, to harmonize the methods and ordering time, to avoid
waiting for the supplier, and therefore, stressful and ineffective responses. These are
all areas where the small retailer concessions in coordination can ensure many
positive points for negotiations in other areas of supply chain management (e.g.,
small shipments, retail ready packaging, pre-labelling, transportation, etc.).
Through category management relationship between the retailer and his vendor
(especially through the category captainship concept), all of these activities can be
achieved. At the end, they will not only help the vendor or the retailer, but they will
ultimately raise the retail sale of focal products (by avoiding out-of-stock situations
and increasing product availability on the store shelf) as an ultimate benefit for all
supply chain members.
As in any demand management process, one of the major objectives in the
category management process is to eliminate (or minimize) out-of-stock situations.
Furthermore, category managers must keep records of out-of-stock causes, their
emergence and duration. Causes of emergence are studied in order to avoid it in the
future, and the duration of out-of-stock situations helps in forecasting future
demand (allows approximation of past demand as the sum of sales and lost sales
during out-of-stock time). Decreasing out-of-stock situations can be done through
several activities:
• better allocation of space to products in the planogram according to more fre-
quently updated turnover information,
• more efficient methods of detecting out-of-stock situation and other differences
between the realogram and planogram,
• more efficient shelf (stock) replenishment methods.
Concerning the last proposed activity, both retailers and manufacturers have
recognized the potential of so called retail ready packaging (RRP) for faster shelf
replenishment. According to Dujak et al. (2014) RRP is a form of transit packaging
designed not only for transportation purposes, but also to ease and facilitate the
process of in-store replenishment (supply chain function). By having more than one
product in a RRP box that can be easily put on the shelf simultaneously, shelf
replenishment is becoming significantly faster. At the same time, RRP packaging
enhances the shopping experience of the consumer (Pira International 2011) and in
this way benefits all the supply chain members (the marketing function).
Although RRP is a form of packaging that mostly benefits retailers, and almost all
production costs of RRP are on manufacturers, research conducted in the food
manufacturing industry in Croatia (Dujak et al. 2014) has indicated that manu-
facturers also see the advantages of RRP—mostly as a direct rise of shelf visibility
and in creating a better relationship between brands and consumers, to help with
impulse buying and brand positioning at the point of sales. In the same research,
more than half of manufacturers (56.5 % respondents) stated that RRP imple-
mentation mostly decreases their shelf replenishment costs.
214 D. Dujak et al.
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