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Guadalupe Nicole L.

BS – Architecture 2J

Architectural Design 4: Midterm Examination Prepared by:

Arch. Serknight Benoya


1. The purpose of the NBC is to provide for all buildings and structures, a framework of standards
and requirements which is the
a. maximum b. minimum c. regular d. definite
2. Under the NBC abutment on lot lines are allowed only in
a. R-1 zones b. R-2 & R-3 zones c. Fire zones
d. prohibited zones
3. Under the NBC, every corridor and exterior exit balcony servings as a required exit for an occupant
load of more than ten width shall not be less than
a. 1.10 mts b. 1.20 mts c. 1.40 mts d. 1.50 mts
4. Under the NBC, the vertical distance between landings shall not be more than a. 2.5 mts
b. 3.00 mts c. 3.30 mts d. 3.60 mts
5. Under the NBC, open spaces for corners and through lots is
a. 10% b. 20% c. 40% d. 50%
6. Under the NBC, open spaces inside lots is
a. 20% b. 30% c. 40% d. 50%
7. Under the NBC, space required for interior lots is
a. 20% b. 30% c. 40% d. 50%
8. Under the NBC, the minimum dimension for court or near yard from the property line to the face of
the building is
a. 1.50 mts b. 2.00 mts c. 2.50 mts d. 3.00 mts
9. Under the NBC, a building in R-1 zone shall comply with the open space requirement in the form
a. 3.00 mts b. 4.00 mts c. 5.00 mts d. 6.00 mts
10. Under the NBC, clearance between established grade of the street and/ or sidewalk and the
lowest under surface of any part of the balcony shall not less than
a. 2.10 mts b. 2.40 mts c. 3.00 mts d. 3.60 mts
11. Under the NBC, the interior lots shall have an access road with a minimum width of a. 1.50mts
b. 2.40 mts c. 3.00 mts d. 3.60 mts
12. Under the NBC, gasoline filling and service stations shall classified under what occupancy
a. accessory b. assembly c. industrial d. business &
13. Under the NBC, display windows or wall signs within how many meters above the sidewalk
a. 2.40 mts b. 2.70 mts c. 3.00 mts d. 3.30 mts
14. Under the NBC, general units of measurement on consonance with the current worldwide
practice follow the
a. Uniform Construction Index b. International Standard
c. System International d. English System
15. Under the NBC, the minimum requirements for a parking space is a.
2.30x4.70 b. 2.50x5.00 c. 2.80x5.50 d. 3.00x6.00
16. Under the NBC, for Group A Dwellings, stairs shall have a clear width of at least a. 600 mm
b. 750 mm c. 900 mm d. 1000 mm
17. Under the NBC, mezzanine floors shall have a clear ceiling height not less than how many?
a. 1.80 mts b. 2.00 mts c. 2.10 mts d. 2.40 mts
18. Under the NBC, all inner courts shall be connected to a street or yard either by a pass with a
minimum width of
a. 1.20 mts b. 1.50 mts c. 1.80 mts d. 2.00 mts
19. Under the NBC, every room intended for any use and not provided with artificial ventilation
system shall be provided with a window with a total free area of opening equal to at least how many
percent of the floor area of the room?
a. 10% b. 12% c. 15% d.20%
20. Under the NBC, the term that shall mean the total number of persons that may occupy
a building or a portion thereof at any one time is
a. usage b. capacity c. occupant load d. occupancy

21. That portion of the foundation of a structure which spreads and transmits loads directly to the
ground or soil.Footing Spread Footing
22. R.A. 7277 - Magna Carta for Disabled Persons. The act supports the rehabilitation, personal
growth, and independence of people with disabilities as well as their incorporation into society
at large.
23. A long interior passageway providing access to several rooms. Corridor
24. A term which may be used synonymously with a partition. Cross wall
25. P.D.. 1096 - National Building Code. This was passed in order to create and establish a
standard building code that would reflect the most recent and cutting-edge technological
understanding of building design, construction, usage, occupancy, and maintenance.


Answer the following on the blank space provided before the number. Read each question carefully.

D. 1. Social Contact and interaction in a pavilion would be promoted most by which of

the following design decision?
a. Making the dimensions of the pavilion small enough so the anticipated number of
users would cross into each other’s personal distance,
b. Designing benches around the support columns so people would have a place to sit
and talk
c. Organizing the cooking and servicing area distinct from the dining area and
d. Providing an informal variety of spaces of different sizes, locations and uses.
C. 2. A speculative office building probably would not be built if the developer discovered
a. All of the catchments area was not served by arterial street.
b. The site consisted of mostly sandy soil with a 6-foot top layer of expansive
c. The vacancy rate of office space in the city was three times the national
d. The neighborhood community objected to the sight of the parking lots.
D. 3. Which of the following causes the foundation problems:
a. Extensive underground rock formations just below the surface
b. A 5-foot water table
c. Expansive clay and organic soil
d. All of the above
B. 4. In planning a new building, an architect would have to look at regulations other than
the zoning ordinance to find a requirement for which of the following:
a. The width of the loading berth
b. The required size of utility easement
c. Minimum lot size
d. Parking area size
e. Permissible roof covering
D. 5. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
a. A 1 ½ % slope is suitable for rough parking
b. Landscaped areas near buildings should have a 2% slope
c. A safe sidewalk would slope 2 ½ %.
d. Roads in northern climates can safely have up to 12% grade.
D. 6. Which of the following would result to the best site circulation?
a. Planning the service entry drive separated from the automobile entry and drive
b. Making parking areas oversize to accommodate pedestrian circulation
c. Designing all two-way roads at least 24-feet wide
d. Limiting parking area traffic to a single entrance away from the
pedestrian walks
e. Laying out walks parallel to parking areas.
D. 7. A property can best be described with which of the following?
a. Metes and bounds
b. Reference to a section and township
c. Location within a subdivision
d. All of the above
B. 8. If land is limited, which of the following is the best way to plan parking lots?
a. A two-way circulation with 90-degree parking on both sides of the drive
b. 30-degree parking on both sides of a one-way loop system
c. Combining service circulation with parking at 45-degree angle
d. 90-degree parking on one side of a one-way circulation drive.
C. 9. The illustration below shows a portion of a recreation area. Which area would be
best for locating a restaurant and visitor’s center?

0 5’ 10’ 15’

lake 1. 25’

a b

ii. 30’ 25’ 15’ 25 30’

Lot area is 600’ x 400’

C. 10. If the contour interval is 2.0 meters and the contour distance is uniformly at
5.0 meters, what is the slope of the topography?
a. 27 percent
b. 53 percent
c. 40 percent
d. 67 percent

II. PART B. Identification: write your answer besides the number.

1. The science of human settlement. Ekistics
2. A spatial organization concept a general view of the pattern of land use in a city developed by
Ernest W. Burgess. The city is conceived as a series of five concentric zones with the cores as the
central business district and fanning out from which are the residential and commuter zones.
Concentric Zone Concept
3. The remaining space in a lot after deducting the required minimum open spaces. Buildable
4. A wall that serves 2 dwelling units, known also as party wall. Common Wall
5. In architectural terms, it is the relationship of the number of residential structures and people to a
given amount of space. Density
6. The improvement of slum, deteriorated, and underutilized areas of a city. Urban Renewal
7. Minimum road width in a neighborhood development to ease traffic flow. 6.00 mts
8. The projection of a future pattern of use within an area, as determined by development
goals. Land-use Plan
9. A survey of landed property establishing or reestablishing lengths and directions of boundary
line. Land Survey
10. The art of arranging buildings and other structures in harmony with the landscape. Site Planning

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