Medical For
Medical For
Medical For
Name of Medical Facility:
Dear doctor,
The applicants intended to work in lsrael must be healthy and without disabilities, who have
not suffered in the past from serious, chronic illness or disability. Applicants arriving in Israel
with pre-existing medical conditions or disabilities will not be covered by lsraeli medical
insurance. Without insurance, medical costs will be very high; applicants will only be able to
receive emergencies treatment.
E- mail:
Home Address
2 2023 nt,xtc'r nrp,-Tl Health Declaration
Do you drink, or have you been drinking alcoholic beverages regularly? Please
specify the quantity of consumption: olasses per dav
Have you been hospitalized in the last 10 years? Please describe in detail the
reason for hospitalization and the treatment that you have received:
During the last 10 years, have you been taking, or have you received a
recommendation to take medications regularly? PIease describe in details the
problem for which you are treated I have been treated, the treatment, and for
how long have you been taking the medication?
Have you ever been diagnosed with any allergies in the past?
Have you been diagnosed with any illness, syndrome, disorder related to one Yes No
or more of the issues specified below:
EPancreatic diseases / infections EEsophagus ECallOIaOder Ecall-
bladder stones
Other digestive system disease / problem Eruo !Yes, if - Yes - please
Liver: l__lJaundice lHepatitis B, C, D EFatty liver lCirrhosis,
8) Other digestive system disease / problem Eruo !Yes, if - yes - please
Hernia: Location of the hernia: ln the diaphragm / in the navel i in the right
groin / in the left groin
e) Have you undergone a surgery to treat the hernia? ENo !Yes, when
ls the problem solved? Etto lYes
Kidney and urinary tract: [_]Recurrent infections EKidney and urinary
stones lXiOney cysts EAnomalies of urinary tract lRenal failure,
other kidney and urinary tract disease / problem [trto !Yes, if - yes -
please specify:
Joints and bones: Arthritis EGout EBack / spine EJoints trKnees
111 Other
joints and bones disease / problem Etto EYes, if - Yes - please
I hereby declare that the above answers are true and complete and given voluntarily,
and that I do not use medication on a daily basis.
I certify that I don't suffer from alcoholism and I am not an alcoholic and I do not
drink alcohol on occasionally nor do I use drugs and I understand, that appearing at
work after use of alcohol or drugs will lead to my discharge from work and
Passport No
7 2023 nrxrct nrp'-Tl Health Declaration
I hereby confirm that after taking the medical history of the applicant,
Name passport No. (hereinafter: the
applicant) and examining the results of the above laboratory tests and physical
examination, I have found that the applicant is healthy, does not show signs of alcoholism
or drug abuse, has never in the past suffered from mental illness or severe or chronic
physical illness such as cancer or diabetes, and does not suffer currently from mental
illness or severe or chronic physical illness as above In addition, I confirm that I have found
that the applicant does not suffer from any mental or physical illness or disability, which
requires medication or which would not allow the applicant to @rry out full time strenuous
physical work in lsrael, including such as heavy lifting, working in the sun or in the rain or
cold etc.