Jurnal Intan 1
Jurnal Intan 1
Jurnal Intan 1
1 (2019)
ISSN: 2541-7207
This study aimed at analysing materials needed for nursing students of SMK
Kesehatan Bali Medika Denpasar; developing materials for teaching English for nursing
students of SMK Kesehatan Bali Medika Denpasar; analysing the quality of the developed
materials for teaching English for nursing students of SMK Kesehatan Bali Medika
Denpasar as perceived by expert judges. This study used R & D model proposed by
Sugiyono (2013), in which the procedures were initiated by an identification of potency &
problem. To analyze target and learning needs of English for nursing students, Hutchinson
& Waters’s Learning-Centered Need Analysis Framework (1987) was employed. The
present study was limited into developing the product and expert judgment. Therefore, the
field test was not conducted in the present study. Every unit of developed materials is
presented in a consistent format, comprising input, content focus, language focus, and task.
The findings of this study showed that there were 8 units of English for nursing students’
materials that need to be developed. Those were; (1) Introduction; (2) Giving Directions in
Hospital; (3) Health Problems; 4) Types of Symptoms; 5) Diagnosing Patient’s Problems;
6) Discussing Observation; (7) Assessment; (8) Patient Assessment. The materials were
focused on developing the students’ speaking ability. The quality of the product very good
(Product Quality = 4.13) and had met the criteria of material and categorize as very good,
which means that these materials are ready for use in the school.
English as an International language is used as instructional language of scientific study,
economy and business, technology information, and others. English is the language of
globalization, international communication, and commerce. Learning English as an
International language is very important for people who want to expand relations with those
who come from other countries and also we can communicate effectively with other people
around the world. English is used as communication tool. Therefore, it makes the mastery of
English very essential. It is now becoming a necessity to have effective communication skills
and resources, so that’s why many people interest to learn English. In Indonesia English is the
first foreign language, which is taught as a compulsory subject in the school, from the
elementary school until university level. As a compulsory subject, students should master
English if they want to pass the final exam. Harmer (2003:70) asserts that for many years
communication was seen as a supplementary to the main purpose of language teaching
namely the acquisition of grammatical knowledge about the language.
In studying English, students should master the four language skills, namely listening,
speaking, reading, and writing. Speaking is one of four skills needs to be developed by the
students. It is because speaking has a big role in conversation. By mastering the skill people
can carry out conversation with others, give the ideas and exchange the information, especially
for students who will use English in specific purposes of speaking like hospitality, medical
sector, business, etc. By mastering English for specific purpose, the English learners will be
able to communicate their ideas in the form of specific purposes. Learners can explore their
thoughts and inspiration which are communicated into a specific aspect.
Nowadays, along with the strengthening position of English as a language for
international communication, teaching of English for specific purposes has become
increasingly important. Due to the large number of students who want to study English in order
to be able to use English for communicative purposes, the teaching of English for specific
purposes is very important. This is apparent in Richards and Renandyas (2002) publication
where they stated, a large percentage of the world’s language learners study English in order
to develop proficiency in speaking. English is not only taught ad learned, but it is used as a
There are many discussions about the level of Indonesian students speaking proficiency
and the ability of English for specific purposes in the literature concern, the result showed that
Indonesian students commonly do not have a good level ability of oral English proficiency.
Those problems that happen in Indonesia, specially happen in SMK Kesehatan Bali
Medika Denpasar too. From the preliminary observation that has been done by the researcher,
students of SMK Kesehatan Bali Medika Denpasar were found to have a low ability to speak
English, especially English that will be used in the hospital to handle patient. That problem
happens because the Indonesian National Syllabus does not focus provide English used in the
hospital, And also from the interview with the English Teachers in SMK Kesehatan Bali Medika
As one of the institutions of education that focus preparing qualified human resources in
the field of medical sector that located in Cargo Sari Dana Street, this school produces
professional output by equipping the students with some subjects related to medical sector
need. One of the subject is English which is taught for each grade of student to build all
professional students to be ready to enter the globalization era.
To achieve the output standard competencies above and to be able to produce qualified
human resources in this sector, the school should also provide the English teacher who is good
mastering English for nursing program with the syllabus and material for their teaching.
According to Nunan (1988), Syllabus design covers to selection and grading of content,
while methodology deals with selection of learning task and activities. Those to adopt a broader
view question this strict separation, arguing that with the advent of communicative language
teaching the distinction between content and tasks is difficult to sustain. The following
quotation has been taken from Cadlin (1984) which provides an overview of the range and
diversity of opinion on syllabus design. It is stated that:
Syllabuses are concerned with the specification and planning of what is to be learned,
frequently set down in some written form as prescription for action by lecturers and learners.
They have, traditionally, the mark of authority. They are concerned with the achievement of
end, often, though not always, associated with the pursuance of particular means (Candlin,
Syllabus means a learning plan on a subject matter/ specific theme and/ or a group of
subject matter /specific theme that covers competency standard, basic competencies, subject
material, learning material, learning activities, indicators, assessment, time allocation and
source/ material/ instrument of learning (BSNP:2006). It is detailed explanation of competency
standards and basic competencies that are realized into subject matter/learning materials,
learning activities and assessment indicators or competency achievement. at the end of
learning the students are hoped to master a set of competence in own self ( attitude, skill,
knowledge, capability, personality, principles, values, interest and conviction); passing process
of active, creative, pleasant, and effective learning that could be used for their future.
To make a successful learning, this syllabus needs to be equipped with a good learning
material. O’Neil (1990) argues that materials may be suitable for students’ needs, even if they
are not designed specifically for them, the textbooks make it possible for students to review
and prepare their lesson that text books are efficient in term of time and money and that text
books can and should allow for adaptation and improvisation.
However, the expectation above contrasts with the reality which happens at SMK
Kesehatan Bali Medika which already discussed above. Based on some reflection in teaching
and text books analysis it was found out that they use a text books which some of the material
are not support to communicative for nursing program. One of the examples is the text books
give a lot of definition of tenses and some of texts but less of the dialogue that the students
need to communicate to other especially in medical sector and need a lot of medical
Learning material is the source as well as guidance for the students; the effectiveness of
the material can be identified by considering their practicality, compatibility, and usefulness.
Thus, all material practices and exercises should be properly designed in order to be highly
functional, easy to be applied, match with standard of competencies, basic competencies and
indicators stated in the school syllabus and curriculum, and beneficial for the students’ future
Due to the needs of the students at this school, then it is important that they are provided
with special English teaching materials that concentrate on their expertise program. In order
words, the students should be taught by using English materials which are useful, contextual,
highly functional and easy to be applied.
Considering the importance of specific learning material for English subject in SMK Bali
Medika Denpasar and the lack of such kind materials, the need to develop learning materials
for teaching English for specific purpose at this school is highly required to develop a new
material developing material, a research about the students’ need and an analysis about the
existing material. The result of the research is used as guideline. This kind of research is known
as Research and development (R&D).
The present study was used Sugiyono’s Model of R & D (2013). Step 1 (identifying the
potency & problem phase or need analysis phase) of Sugiyono Model of R&D Design used
Hutchinson & Waters’s Learning-Centered Need Analysis Framework (1987) because
Hutchinson & Waters’s Learning-Centered Need Analysis Framework was more
comprehensive than Sugiyono’s. It was used to analyze target needs and learning needs of
English for nursing. The present study was limited into developing the product and expert
judgment. Therefore, the field test was not conducted in the present study. The material of
English for nursing was developed by using the model of ESP material design of Hutchinson
and Waters (1987:108) which consists of input, content focus, language focus, and task. The
materials were evaluated using the criteria of material evaluation checklist proposed by
McDonough et al (2013).
The present study was conducted in SMK Kesehatan Bali Medika Denpasar in order to
find the needs and interest of the students. Furthermore, the present study was also conducted
in Wangaya Hospital in order to know the target needs regarding the job description of the
Since need analysis was conducted to identify the learners’ needs, the students of nursing
department were used as the main subjects of this study. Their needs and problem relating to
English for nursing were gathered and analyzed. Nursing officer and English instructor was
also used as the subjects of the present study.
The object of the study was English for nursing material. In order to develop English for nursing
material, the researcher conducted need analysis to analyze the target need at hospital
industry and learning need at XI grades students of SMK Kesehatan Bali Medika
There data analysis which were used in this study namely qualitative data analysis. The
step of data analysis can be seen as follows. Firstly, the data were taken from observation,
interview, document-study and checklist instrument were qualitatively analyzed. The data were
analyzed using the data analysis technique of Miles and Huberman in Sugiyono (2013:340).
Firstly, the raw data were narrated in the field note. The next step is data reduction in which
the data were redacted and categorized according to the category: 1) Target Needs (task and
competencies required), 2) Learning Needs (2.a. students’ profile; and 2.b. SMK Kesehatan
Bali Medika Denpasar needs & resources related to the course) the next step was data display
in which the data were presented into patterns. The last step was conclusion drawing or
verification in which the important data would be concluded to be used to formulate the
hypothesis of the drafts materials and the unimportant data would be leaved out. The
hypothesis of the drafts materials was used to make the draft of English for nursing course
After the draft of materials had been designed, the draft was sent to expert judges Dr.
Luh Putu Artini, M.A. and Dr. Dewa Putu Ramendra, S.Pd., M.Pd, in order to know to what
extend is the quality of developed materials for teaching English for Nursing of students of
SMK Kesehatan Bali Medika Denpasar. For getting information about the quality of developed
materials, the results of data were calculated and classified into some categories. The
categories were determined by using the following mean formula (See Table 1):
∑ Xi
X i = each of the score in turn
N = the total number of scores in the distribution
After the researcher found the problem then gathered the information from administration
of questionnaire, interview, and document study which were used as data to design English
materials for XI class of SMK Kesehatan Bali Medika Denpasar as a product.
a. Questionnaires
Target needs questionnaire and learning needs questionnaire were kinds of
questionnaires that were used to collect the data. Target needs questionnaire was
distributed to the nursing officer used to identify skills and knowledge needed to function
in the target situation.
While, learning needs questionnaire was distributed to the students in SMK
Kesehatan Bali Medika Denpasar used to identify attitudes/wants/potential of learners
and to identify needs /potential/ constraint of learning/ teaching situation. The function of
learning needs questionnaire was to know theoretical views of learning and analyze
learning situation in SMK Kesehatan Bali Medika Denpasar.
b. Interview
Comprehensive interview was done to collect the data for making the design of the
product. Interview was conducted to the head master of SMK Kesehatan Bali Medika
Denpasar and the nursing officer in the hospital. Interview with the head master of SMK
Kesehatan Bali Medika Denpasar was for knowing learning needs of students and
interview with nursing officer in hospital was to know target needs in the medical field.
The head master of SMK Kesehatan Bali Medika Denpasar, Drs, Gde Rimaya, DMM
said that nursing students needed to study English for nursing materials because it was
important for them, but there was no English teaching materials supplied by government
for medical vocational high school. He said he wanted the output of SMK Kesehatan Bali
Medika Denpasar have an English language competency because it is helpful them to
find job in medical field and can improve the prestige of the school.
Based on the interview with the nurse officer in Wangaya hospital, Ns. I Gusti Ayu
Dewi, it can be concluded that English for nursing was very important because
sometimes nursing officer got foreign emergency patient. She added “In Wangaya
hospital rarely get foreign patient, foreign patient usually choose international hospital
like Siloam Hospital or Bali Med Hospital”.
On the other hand, based on the profile of learning needs, the materials draft which
should be developed was English for nursing department purposes which would be used in
hospital. The material also needed to focus on developing the speaking ability of the students.
In addition, the researcher should develop the material draft based on nursing standard
competencies which contained the following materials bellow:
1. Conducting interpersonal communication in implementing nursing procedure
In conclusion, the researcher synthesized the findings of target and learning needs data
redaction. The researcher should develop more material which focuses on developing
students’ speaking ability. In other words, the materials would be designed into 8 units.
4). Design Validation
Design validation is a process to measure the product design which was designed by
the researcher. In this step, the researcher validated the design by bringing out the experts to
measure the product.
After being judged by two experts namely Dr. Luh Putu Artini, M.A. and Dr. Dewa Putu
Ramendra, S.Pd., M.Pd, the draft of the materials still covered 8 units. The materials were still
designed by following the model of ESP material design of Hutchinson and Waters (1987:108)
which consists of input, content focus, language focus, and task.
The input still contained introductory picture with some questions as stimulus material
for activities, new language items, correct models of language use, a topic for communication.
On the other hand, Content focus still contained non-linguistic content in the form of
reading passage. The function was to teach the student the theory of the topic; therefore, the
students could generate meaningful communication in the classroom. Content focus also
contained reading comprehension question in the form of True and False exercise. The
function was to check the students whether they have understood the reading passage or not.
On the other hand, Language focus contained common language expressions of English
for nursing students. The function was to encourage learners use language accurately and
introduce the learners to the common language expressions of English for nursing.
On the other hand, the Task still contained communicative task in which learners use the
content and language knowledge they have built up through the unit. Controlled Practice aimed
to develop the specific lexis of nursing and the students’ speaking ability and writing ability
5). Design Revision
After the experts measured the design, it was found some weaknesses of the product.
Then it would be revised the design by the researcher. For the revising it based on the
weaknesses found after validated by the expert judges.
6). Final Product
After revising the product, the final product was ready to be used as an English teaching
transferring patients from bed to brankard and vice versa; 12) mobilizing the client / patient
sloping. In addition, nursing staff should also have a good personality and ability to speak
foreign languages in order to support his or her carrier in the hospital. Therefore, English for
nursing material should accommodate 13 tasks of nursing staff proposed by national nursing
standard competencies.
Furthermore, based on the findings of the study, the materials contained 8 topics as
follows: 1) Introduction; 2) Giving Direction in Hospital; 3) Health Problems; 4) Types of
Symptoms; 5) Diagnosing Patient’s Problems; 6) Discussing Observation; 7) Assessment; 8)
Patient Assessment. Each topic can have a number of subtopic. Some of 13 tasks as proposed
by national nursing standard competencies were inserted to the 8 topics. In short, the current
topic of English for nursing supports the profile of nursing national standard competencies.
2) The material focused on teaching speaking ability.
As it can be seen from the need analysis findings, nursing job demanded speaking skill
more at workplace than other skill. Therefore, English for nursing material contained more
speaking practice material in order to give the student more practice in speaking.
3) The material should promote some of learning activities
Need analysis findings showed that the materials should promote one of the learning
activities such as hand-on activities (for example role play), watching video, learning by solving
the problem, seeing power point slide show, and learning by picture strip story because the
students enjoyed learning by those learning activities. The current material of English for
Nursing used more hand-on activities, namely role play, and simulation because the students
enjoyed learning by those learning activities.
4) All units from Unit 1 to Unit 8 used the model of ESP material design of Hutchinson
and Waters (1987:108)
Theoretically, the model of ESP material design of Hutchinson and Waters (1987:108)
consists of input, content focus, language focus, and task. Input can be in the form of a number
of things such as stimulus material for activities, new language items, correct models of
language use, a topic for communication. This could be a text, dialogue, video-recording,
diagram or any piece of communication data, depending on the needs which have defined in
the analysis. The present input of the material of English for Nursing Course draft used picture
with some questions. The use of picture or other realia can support the language acquisition
of the students (Krashen, 1982:66). Therefore, the design of input of the material of English
for Nursing is consistent with the theory stated in review of the related literature, proposed by
Krashen (1982:66) who states that the use of picture or other realia can support the language
acquisition of the students
Content focus is non-linguistic content which functions to generate meaningful
communication. The present content focus of the material of English for Nursing Course draft
used familiar reading passage. The topic of reading passage was taken from a number of
resources such as Nursing Standard Operational Procedure, nursing Job Desk and internet.
The comprehension of reading passage was checked by the use of True and False (T/F)
exercise. The reason of using reading passage is to teach the student the theory of the topic;
therefore, the students could generate meaningful communication in the classroom. Reading
Passage also can take advantage of the student’s knowledge of the world in helping
comprehension by discussing topics which are familiar to the students. Krashen (1982:66)
states that discussing or reading about a topic which is totally unknown will make the message
harder to understand. Therefore, the researcher designed the reading passage with familiar
things regarding Nursing department. It also functioned to encourage the students to learn
something they wanted to read about because they were interested in being Nursing Staffs;
therefore, the researcher designed the reading passage about nursing department.
Consequently, the design of content focus of the material of English for Nursing is consistent
with the theory stated in review of the related literature, as proposed by Krashen (1982:66)
who states that discussing or reading about a topic which is totally unknown will make the
message harder to understand.
On the other hand, Language Focus functioned as enabling learners to use language
accurately. In order to encourage learners use language accurately, the materials should equip
the learner with enough of the necessary language knowledge. The present content focus of
the material of English for Nursing Course draft contained Nursing language expression in
order to equip the learner with enough of the necessary language knowledge. Therefore, the
design of language focus of the material of English for Nursing is consistent with the theory
stated in review of the related literature, proposed by Hutchinson and Waters (1987:108-109)
who states that Language Focus should contain enough of the necessary language knowledge
to enable learners to use language accurately.
Last but not the least, Task functioned as leading learners towards a communicative task
in which learners use the content and language knowledge they have built up through the unit.
The ultimate purpose of task is to use language communicatively. Controlled Practice
functioned as teaching the learners correct habits of language use. In other words, the
researcher expects the learners to master the standard language of nursing language
expression since hospital authorities expect the learners to be able to use polite standard
language when they work at nursing department. Correct habits of language use can be taught
by dialogues, drilling, repetition, memorization and a number of repeated exercises (Richards
and Rodgers, 1986:53). Therefore, the current draft of Controlled Practice contained Speaking
and Writing Practice with a number of repeated exercises.
Therefore, the design of Task is consistent with the theory stated in review of the related
literature, as proposed by Hutchinson and Waters (1987:108) and Richards and Rodgers
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