Fpsyg 13 962291
Fpsyg 13 962291
Fpsyg 13 962291
Artificial intelligence-based
OPEN ACCESS organizational human resource
management and operation
Sang-Bing Tsai,
Wuyi University, China
Xuetao Li,
Hubei University of Automotive
Technology, China
Jinyan Lin,
Yang Yang *
Yango University,
School of Management and Economics, North China University of Water Resources and Electric
Power, Zhengzhou, China
Yang Yang
[email protected] The trend of globalization, marketization, and informatization continues to
SPECIALTY SECTION strengthen, in today’s development environment, how to seize the opportunity
This article was submitted to and obtain a competitive advantage in human resources is an important issue
Organizational Psychology,
a section of the journal that needs to be explored. Human resource management refers to the effective
Frontiers in Psychology use of relevant human resources inside and outside the organization through
RECEIVED 06 June 2022 management forms under the guidance of economics and humanistic thinking.
ACCEPTED 05 July 2022 It is a general term for a series of activities that ensure the achievement of
PUBLISHED 22 July 2022
organizational goals and the maximization of member development. With
Yang Y (2022) Artificial intelligence-based
the rapid development of society and economy, the competition between
organizational human resource enterprises has intensified. If an enterprise wants to adapt to social development,
management and operation system. it is necessary to strengthen the internal management of the organization. The
Front. Psychol. 13:962291.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.962291 internal management also needs to rely on human resource management. The
purpose of this paper is to study an organization’s human resource management
© 2022 Yang. This is an open-access article and operation system based on artificial intelligence. It expects to use artificial
distributed under the terms of the Creative intelligence technology to design the human resource management system
Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The
use, distribution or reproduction in other and to improve the quality of employees to make the enterprise develop
forums is permitted, provided the original toward a more scientific and reasonable method. It uses artificial intelligence
author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are
technology to mine the relevant data of enterprises, understand the situation
credited and that the original publication in
this journal is cited, in accordance with of enterprises in a timely manner, and adjust unreasonable rules. This paper
accepted academic practice. No use, establishes a dynamic capability evaluation model and an early warning model
distribution or reproduction is permitted
which does not comply with these terms. for human resource management and further studies the improvement
approach based on human resource management. This paper analyzes the
application, feasibility, and practical significance of data mining technology
in human resource management systems. It focuses on the commonly
used algorithms in the field of data mining and proposes specific algorithm
application scenarios and implementation ideas combined with the needs of
human resource management practices. The experimental results of this paper
show that the average working life of incumbent employees is 3.5years, the
average length of employees who leave the company is 5years, and some
employees are 5–6years old. From this data, it can be seen that the average
number of years of on-the-job employees is short, and the work experience has
yet to be accumulated.
It shows that the turnover of different positions is different; the performance appraisal, performance communication and
incumbency rate of low salary is 67%, the incumbency rate of feedback, and performance improvement.
general salary is 79%, and the incumbency rate of high salary is The property owner is separated from the laborer, and the
88%. It shows that salary is an important factor affecting remuneration paid by the owner to the laborer is called salary, and
employees, and retaining employees can start from salary. The we now call it the value created (Shivam et al., 2020). With the
turnover rate without promotion within 3 years is 25%. The progress of the times, people are increasingly concerned about
turnover rate of job promotion is 10%, indicating that long-term things other than external compensation, that is, inner feelings,
lack of promotion is an important factor leading to which we call intrinsic compensation. This is an important reason
employee turnover. for the internal imbalance of employees (Belizon et al., 2017).
External remuneration refers to salary bonuses, allowances and
subsidies, insurance benefits, etc., including monetary and
Human resource management nonmonetary returns. We can think of this kind of compensation
operation system method as human needs. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs,
we can divide it into different categories, and its distribution
Human resource management pattern is shown in Figure 1.
The continuous development of enterprises is inseparable
With the development of the times, the connotation of from the progress of employees. Compared with recruiting new
human resources continues to expand. However, “human employees, training existing employees in line with the
resources” was first proposed in the middle of the last century. company’s development strategy is one of the lowest-cost and
At that time, scholars believed that human resources were a fastest effective human resource management measures.
special kind of resources, which must be stimulated by relevant According to the actual situation, it is also verified that training
incentive mechanisms, thus bringing their due value (Grzonka and development is an important means to improve the
et al., 2017; Lee et al., 2017a). Enterprises believe that human comprehensive quality of employees. Corporate training enables
resource management refers to the deployment requirements employees to quickly understand the corporate culture and have
and macro directions according to the enterprise development a general understanding of the company’s work. In this process,
strategy. It fully mobilizes the enthusiasm of employees to work, the company can also conduct a comprehensive evaluation of
stimulates the potential of employees, and finally achieves the employees and match employees to jobs. Conventional
strategic goals of enterprise development. People are the active enterprise training management includes a four-step process of
force of social development. If people cannot develop their training needs analysis, training plan formulation, organization
knowledge and skills, the development of all new things will and implementation, training effect evaluation, and feedback.
be hindered. Human resource management has the ability to Development is not the same as training. Development needs to
predict the human resources of the organization screen improve the creativity and skills of employees, coordinate the
personnel according to the predicted conditions, integrate personal goals of employees and corporate goals, and enable
compensation, and optimize the construction of the entire employees to develop healthily and quickly in the enterprise.
organization (Lee et al., 2017b; Youssef et al., 2017). Due to the hysteresis of the training effect and the differences
Organization optimization is the planner of the overall layout and personalization of individual employees in their work,
of the enterprise; organization optimization is the founder of scientific and objective evaluation of the training effect is the
enterprise system; organization optimization is the promoter of most difficult part of the training management process (Cooke,
enterprise reform; organization optimization is the cultivator of 2017; Ones et al., 2017). Figure 2 shows the enterprise talent
enterprise cultural heritage. development planning model.
There is a lot of content in human resource management, and
here we briefly describe performance compensation and training
(Labovitz et al., 2017). Performance refers to the stage results Self-
achieved by employees according to their duties and the behavioral realization Spirituality
performance in the process of achieving the stage results. What
we call performance management is a series of measures taken to
achieve performance (Agrawal et al., 2017; Price and Flach, 2017). Social Matter
Performance management forms an objective and fair closed-loop
management mechanism to motivate employees to make work Security
behaviors that are beneficial to the development of the enterprise,
to achieve organizational goals and achieve closer integration of Physiology
Brief introduction of artificial intelligence operation function used to measure the difference between the
predicted value f(x) of the model and the real value Y. It is a
Data mining is a continuous process. When using this nonnegative real-valued function, usually represented by L [Y,
method, it is first necessary to determine the mining objects and f(x)]. The loss function, the smaller it is, the more robust the
targets. In the process of data mining, we need to classify the model is.
objects according to the rules. The theme of this paper is human Combined with human resource management, we can use the
resource management, so we can subdivide the goals into linear regression method to establish a human resource demand
employee-related elements such as performance and turnover in forecast model. The regression algorithm has many data features,
the data mining process, and then select the appropriate target set and it is an algorithm used to evaluate the relationship between
according to the relevant target groups. Figure 3 shows the the dependent variable and multiple independent variables. In a
relevant flow chart of data mining. human resource management system, the emergence of a decision
The multiple regression algorithm belongs to the primary will affect multiple factors. However, the algorithm needs to
artificial intelligence algorithm, and its principle is very simple, so determine whether there is a certain linear correlation between
it is very widely used in practical applications. In regression the influencing factors of human resources and the prediction
analysis, if there are two or more independent variables, it is called target in the actual application process.
multiple regression. In fact, a phenomenon is often associated From an enterprise’s point of view, human resource
with multiple factors, so it is more effective to predict or estimate management is mainly determined through experience and needs,
with multiple independent variables than with only one but its basis is a relatively subjective element, and there are no
independent variable. We briefly introduce it. specific rules to follow. Through the linear regression algorithm,
the relevant factors that affect the human resource demand of the
gε ( a ) = ε 0a0 + ε1a1 + ε 2 a2 + + ε k ak (1) enterprise can be accurately found, to help the enterprise manager
to more clearly define the amount of human resources required by
the enterprise, make a more scientific and reasonable allocation
In formula (1), gε ( a ) represents the multiple regression method, and lay a good human resource for the development of
value, k represents its dimension, and ε k ak represents the the enterprise. Base.
sample set. K-means algorithm belongs to the clustering algorithm and is
widely used in the field of data mining. We can also use it in the
gε ( A ) = ε ∗ A (2) human resource management module to establish a performance
appraisal model. It helps enterprises to construct the correct
decision-making method, realize the objectivity of assessment,
In formula (2), A represents a dimension matrix. and realize scientific management.
preproce model
collect application
ssing selection Evaluate
Relevant flow chart of data mining.
Human resource management
operation system experiment
System structure design
Promotion manager
information algorithm Analysis
Employee promotion phase algorithm-related model.
TABLE 2 Departmental table related structure. the perspective of employee turnover, we conducted a survey
on the company’s turnover within a week. According to the
Name Type Size
survey data, the number of departures on Saturday is the
Number varChat 5 largest, and the number of departures on Wednesday is the
Name varChat 10 least. However, employee turnover occurs every day, and most
Manager varChat 20 on weekends. This may be related to the reality that most
Address varChat 20 employees choose to leave on the weekend may have the basic
Phone number varChat 50 work at hand completed. And it is free to schedule an interview
next week.
Judging from the number of incumbent employees and new
TABLE 3 Attendance sheet related structure.
employees in the company, the number of employees in the first
Name Type Size 2 days of the week is relatively small, but the overall number
ID Bigint 8 fluctuates little, which belongs to the normal flow of personnel.
Number varChat 5 As the number of interviewers increases, the total number of
Name varChat 10 people in the company will continue to increase. According to
Commuting status varChat 5 the survey data, the company has 330 employees on Saturday, the
Off duty status Datetime 5 largest number in a week. Judging from the number of new
Date Datetime 8 employees, the number of new employees on Friday was the
Remarks varChat 10 least, with only 19, and the most on Monday was 35. This
situation is basically consistent with the actual situation,
indicating that the records of the human resource management
TABLE 4 Structure related to payroll. system are consistent with the facts, and we can use the data
provided by the system to analyze the situation of the employees
Name Type Size
of the enterprise.
Month varChat 20 Employees are the most important resource of an enterprise.
Number varChat 5 How to retain employees is essential to improve the development
Name varChat 10 of the company. To this end, we analyzed the relationship between
Basic salary Money 5 employee turnover and working years. According to the data in
Allowance Money 5 Figure 8, we have investigated the working years of the current
Leave of absence Money 5 and former employees of the company. First of all, we observe the
Deductions Money 5 on-the-job employees. The average working life of on-the-job
Actual salary Money 5 employees is 3.5 years, and half of them have less than 2 years.
From this data, it can be seen that the average number of years of
on-the-job employees is short, and the work experience has yet to
mainly to investigate the relevant data indicators of employees. be accumulated.
Enterprises include different departments, and employees may Judging from the situation of resigned employees, the
leave or newly join at different stages. We can intuitively show average age of resigned employees reached 5 years. Some of the
them according to the relevant functions of the system. The employees are 4–5 years old, and some employees are 5–6 years
management can also analyze the management situation of the old. According to this data, we know that most of the employees
current department based on these data, so that the enterprise can who leave are old employees. The “runaway” of these people is
develop in a more scientific direction. a large loss for the company. According to this situation, at
We briefly introduced the relevant data of employees above. present, the company’s labor turnover is relatively large, the
In Figure 7, we took Company A as an example to investigate working years of new employees are not enough, and the
the employee turnover of the formula. According to the data in number of old employees is decreasing. Management needs to
the data classification, we divided it into resigned employees, adjust company policies under objective conditions to retain
incumbent employees, and new employees. First of all, from employees. The situation of employees can be displayed very
Number of people
Monday Tuesday Wed Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
280 15
270 10
260 5
250 0
Monday Tuesday Wed Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Description of employee resignation and job hunting.
1 1
Employee working year analysis.
to the situation of the century, the treatment of different positions positions and sales positions, and marketing positions have the
is different, and the resignation of employees in different positions lowest incumbency rate at 71%. From the overall situation, the
is also different. To investigate the resignation situation of incumbency rate of each position is relatively high, indicating that
employees in different positions, we used the human resource there is no shortage of employees in Company A. However, this
management system to summarize the in-service and resignation data does not represent the quality of employees. It can be seen
situations of employees in different positions. The details are from the above that a large number of “runaways” of old employees
as follows. is the most deadly.
Different positions have different attractiveness to employees. From the perspective of salary, we conducted surveys from three
Some employees may like this job, and some people are looking dimensions: low salary, general salary, and high salary. According to
forward to this salary. According to the data in Figure 9, the data survey, the incumbency rate of low salary is 67%, and the
we conducted a survey from the aspects of position and salary. turnover rate is 33%; the incumbency rate of general salary is 79%,
We first analyze the situation from the position. According to the and the turnover rate is 21%; the incumbency rate of high salary is
survey, the incumbency rate of management positions is self-high, 88%, and the turnover rate is 12%. It can be seen that the turnover
reaching 80%, and the turnover rate is only 20%. It can be seen rate of low salary is the highest, and the turnover rate of high salary
that the management positions of the company A are the most is the lowest, indicating that salary is an important factor affecting
popular positions among all positions. It is followed by R&D employees, and retaining employees can start from salary.
On duty Separation
On duty Separation
Analysis of employee positions.
On duty
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
On duty
Not promoted promoted
Analysis of employee promotions.
Employee promotion situation the turnover rate is 93%. It can be seen from this that employee
treatment is not the only factor that affects employees leaving
Employees need to seek progress in the enterprise, and if the job. It may be due to external competition leading to brain
employees have been unable to get promoted, they may leave. drain. In response to this situation, companies need to take
Because the inability to be promoted may lead to the inability early countermeasures to reduce the occurrence of
to raise wages, which will dampen the enthusiasm of employees this situation.
and be detrimental to the normal development of the company. From the perspective of employee promotion, according to
Therefore, enterprises need to formulate a scientific and the basic laws of the market, we conducted a survey on employee
reasonable job promotion system to stimulate the enthusiasm turnover in the experiment using one promotion every 3 years.
of employees. To investigate the promotion situation of According to the data, the incumbency rate of those who have not
employees, we conducted a survey on the operation projects been promoted within 3 years is 75%, and the turnover rate is
and promotion situation of employees, and the details are 25%; the incumbency rate of those who have been promoted
as follows. within 3 years is 90%, and the turnover rate is 10%. According to
Projects and promotions of employees were investigated. the data, employees who have not been promoted within 3 years
According to the data in Figure 10, first of all, looking at the have a higher chance of leaving, which also shows that long-term
projects handled by employees, the incumbency rate of lack of promotion is an important factor leading to
employees who only handle one project is 20%, and the employee turnover.
turnover rate is 80%. 65% of employees who have handled the
two projects have an on-the-job rate and a 35% turnover rate.
The employees who have handled the three projects have an Conclusion
on-the-job rate of 95% and a turnover rate of 5%. From this
situation, it can be seen that in the number of projects 1–3, the With the continuous impact of the economy and the
in-service rate of employees is increasing. In the number of environment, the competition of enterprises is becoming
projects 1–3, the on-the-job rate of employees is declining, increasingly fierce. If we want to maximize the benefits of
and the turnover rate of employees is rising. Especially in the enterprises by relying on high-tech means, we must closely follow
7 projects handled, the on-the-job rate of employees is 7%, and the needs of technological change and establish a new management
model. Therefore, this paper aims to study the organizational Author contributions
human resource management and operation system based on
artificial intelligence. It expects to use artificial intelligence YY has participated in conception and design, analysis and
technology to design human resource management systems. It interpretation of the data, drafting the article, and revising it
improves the quality of employees so that the enterprise develops critically for important intellectual content.
toward a more scientific and reasonable method. Experimental
investigations have found that compensation, performance, and
promotion are effective ways to manage employees. Especially in Funding
terms of salary management, it needs to be adjusted in time
according to the actual situation, and at the same time, it is Supported by the high level talent scientific research startup
necessary to formulate employee promotion channels to meet the foundation of North China University of Water Resources and
development needs of employees. Enterprises can use the human Electric Power (No. 201801004).
resource management system to understand the situation of
employees in a timely manner and adjust the management policies
of the enterprise in time. By continuously improving the strength Conflict of interest
of the workforce, they work together to forge ahead with the
company’s development goals. Although this paper has some The author declares that the research was conducted in the
conclusions in the process of exploration, there are still absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could
shortcomings: the operating efficiency of the system needs to be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
be improved, and the system is not efficient enough when dealing
with a large amount of data.
Publisher’s note
Data availability statement All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors
and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations,
The original contributions presented in the study are included or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product
in the article/supplementary material; further inquiries can that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its
be directed to the corresponding author. manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.
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