What Are The Gestalt Principles - All 5 Explained
What Are The Gestalt Principles - All 5 Explained
What Are The Gestalt Principles - All 5 Explained
6 mins read
Communication plays a central role in both user interface (UI) and user experience (UX)
design. Understanding how your users perceive and interpret your work is key. The Gestalt
Principles can help you do so.
Developed by Gestalt psychologists, the Gestalt Principles describe how we interpret and
process complex stimuli around us. They state that our minds have a tendency to group and
organize elements and do so in predictable ways. The ways in which our mind does so are
summarized in the Gestalt Principles.
In this guide, I’ll introduce you to the five Gestalt Principles and how Blog
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they contribute
to user-
friendly design.
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During the 1920s, German psychologists Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka and Wolfgang Kohler
studied human perception and chaos. They were invested in understanding how our mind
goes about making sense of our chaotic surroundings.
Through observation, Wertheimer, Koffka and Kohler theorized that we tend to group
elements, recognize patterns, and simplify complex imagery. But we don’t do so randomly—
our efforts tend to fall under certain principles. They called these principles the Gestalt
Since their conception, the Gestalt Principles have been adopted by designers of all
disciplines. UI and UX are no exception.
1. Proximity
2. Similarity
3. Continuity
4. Closure
5. Connectedness
Feel free to use the clickable menu to skip to a Gestalt Principle that piques your interest.
Now, let’s begin.
1. Proximity
The principle of proximity states that we tend to perceive elements asBlog
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a group when they are
close to each other. To better understand it, consider the cool checkout form by Mattias
UI below.Web
Pretty neat, huh?
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Source: Dribbble
In it, we see four main groups of elements, marked and numbered below.
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These groups don’t sit inside boxes or have clearly delineated borders around them. Yet we
perceive them as separate clusters of content. We do so because the elements in each
section sit close to each other.
If you look a little closer, you’ll notice subgroups in each group. In group 3, each input field
and label are perceived as a separate group. In group 4, each list item is perceived as
another. This is the principle of proximity in action.
2. Similarity
Throw a bag of M&Ms on a table and your mind will immediately
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to group them by color.
Red will be one group, green another, and yellow a third. We’re inclined to group elements
UXthat lookUIlike eachWeb
other. Data Digital More UX UI More
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In the Dribbble shot below by Sherzod Mirzaakhmedov, size is used to communicate
relationships. Theaters and movies that have the same characteristics are set on tiles that are
the same size. By quickly skimming the page, we’re able to tell which theaters and movies
belong to the same groups. Informative and visually appealing!
3. Continuity Online Events Blog Login
We can use lines to capture and guide users towards important elements within an interface.
Devin Jacoviello creatively uses a series of platforms to engulf and guide users to Asana’s tool
Timeline’s value proposition on his landing page.
4. Closure Online Events Blog Login
Loaders are a common element in user interfaces today. Whenever a product needs a little
more time to complete a task, like refreshing or processing a payment, loaders will let us
know the product is still working in the background.
Khrystyna illustrates the principle of closure in her loader below. The moving, developing lines
in the animation never really touch each other and yet we see a circle.
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5. Connectedness
Out of all five Gestalt Principles, connectedness is arguably the easiest to grasp.
Connectedness states that we tend to group elements when they are connected to each
other. That’s it!
Many apps feature onboardings these days. These are the first few screens you see when you
pop open a new app. Often, they’ll feature stunning animations and graphics and will share
the best parts of your newly-downloaded app with you.
We’ve shared an onboarding by Paperpillar below. In Online
it, the Events
lovely couple
lives inside a pink
bubble. It houses the characters and elements around them, grouping them visually.
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If you want to learn more about creating awesome designs, check out the following articles:
1. What are the Gestalt principles?
Developed by Gestalt psychologists, the Gestalt Principles describe how we interpret and
process complex stimuli around us. They state that our minds have a tendency to group and
organize elements and do so in predictable ways. The ways in which our mind does so are
summarized in the Gestalt Principles.
2. What are the 5 Gestalt principles and meanings? Online Events Blog Login
The Gestalt Principles can help UX and UI designers understand how the end user will
interpret and navigate their work. They provide a framework to effective and easy-to-
understand designs that are visually appealing.
2. Take part in one of our FREE live online UI design events with industry experts, and read about UI
graduate Florian’s career change to product design.
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all of our career-change programs Book your application call and secure your spot today!
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