Imaging of Pulmonary Hypertension - Pictorial Essay - ScienceDirect
Imaging of Pulmonary Hypertension - Pictorial Essay - ScienceDirect
Imaging of Pulmonary Hypertension - Pictorial Essay - ScienceDirect
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Chest, Volume 157, Issue 5, May 2020, Pages 1394-1395
Erica Altschul, Martine Remy-Jardin, Stephen Machnicki, Roxana Sulica, Suhail Raoof
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Chest, Volume 157, Issue 2, February 2020, Pages 471
Erica Altschul, Martine Remy-Jardin, Roxana Sulica, Suhail Raoof
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Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is an end result of a diverse array of complex clinical conditions that invoke
hemodynamic and pathophysiological changes in the pulmonary vasculature. Many patients’ symptoms
begin with dyspnea on exertion for which screening tests such as chest roentgenograms and more definitive
noninvasive tests such as CT scans are ordered initially. It is imperative that clinicians are cognizant of
subtle clues on these imaging modalities that alert them to the possibility of PH. These clues may serve as a
stepping stone towards more advanced noninvasive (echocardiogram) and invasive (right heart
catheterization) testing. On the CT scan, the signs are classified into mediastinal and lung parenchymal
abnormalities. In addition to suspecting the diagnosis of PH, this paper provides a pictorial essay to guide
health care professionals in identifying the etiology of PH. This paper also provides concrete definitions,
wherever possible, of what constitutes abnormalities in PH, such as dilated pulmonary arteries, pruning of
vessels, and increased thickness of free wall of the right ventricle. The sensitivities and specificities of each
sign are enumerated. The common radiographic and clinical features of many different etiologies of PH are
tabulated for the convenience of the readers. Some newer imaging modalities such as dual-energy CT of the
chest that hold promise for the future are also described.
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Key Words
chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension; dual-energy CT; ill-defined nodules; mosaicism;
pulmonary hypertension
CHP, chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis; CTD, connective tissue disease; CTEPH, chronic thromboembolic
pulmonary hypertension; DECT, dual-energy CT; ILD, interstitial lung disease; IPAH, idiopathic pulmonary
arterial hypertension; IVS, interventricular septum; LDPA, left descending pulmonary artery; LV, left
ventricle; mPAP, mean pulmonary artery pressure; PA, pulmonary artery; PA/Ao, pulmonary artery/aorta
ratio; PAH, pulmonary arterial hypertension; PAVM, pulmonary arteriovenous malformations; PH,
pulmonary hypertension; PVOD, pulmonary veno-occlusive disease; PVR, pulmonary vascular resistance;
RHC, right heart catheterization; RHF, right heart failure; RPDA, right descending pulmonary artery; RV,
right ventricle; RVH, right ventricular hypertrophy
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) encompasses a composite of pulmonary and cardiac diseases that affect the
pulmonary vasculature. It is defined by the European Society of Cardiology/European Respiratory Society
guidelines as an elevation in the mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) ≥25 mm Hg measured by right
heart catheterization (RHC)1; however, this well-known definition is thought to inadequately capture
patients with PH, specifically those with early PH. Additionally, it includes patients that may have
postcapillary PH. The World Symposium on Pulmonary Hypertension Task Force recently proposed
changing the definition of precapillary PH to an mPAP >20 mm Hg and pulmonary vascular resistance ≥3
Woods unit.2 The etiology of PH can be categorized into five groups (Table 1). Dividing PH into precapillary
and postcapillary with RHC measurements can guide a clinician to pulmonary, systemic, or cardiac causes,
but overlap between groups is common. The incidence of PH differs per group and the combined incidence
is unknown. Approximately 200,000 hospitalizations occur annually with a diagnosis of primary or
secondary PH.3 It is widely accepted that left heart disease (group 2) is the most common cause of elevated
pulmonary artery pressures in the United States,1 whereas schistosomiasis is the most common cause of PH
in the developing world.3 Although the definitive diagnosis of PH is made with RHC, there are imaging clues
to suggest PH and its causes. Although findings may be nonspecific, 90% of patients with idiopathic PAH
(IPAH) will have an abnormal chest radiograph at the time of diagnosis.1 CT imaging of the chest can not
only suggest the diagnosis of PH, but also can evaluate vascular, cardiac, parenchymal, and mediastinal
abnormalities that can help determine the etiology. The aim of this paper is to help provide a pictorial essay
to guide pulmonologists when to suspect PH and to look for clues on imaging studies that may shed light on
the underlying etiologies. In this approach, a close collaboration between clinicians and radiologists is
imperative for optimal extraction and analysis of the data.
1. PAH
a. Idiopathic PAH
b. Heritable PAH
v. Schistosomiasis
CTD = connective tissue disease; CTEPH = chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension; ERS = European Respiratory
Society; LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction; PAH = pulmonary arterial hypertension; PCH = pulmonary capillary
hemangiomatosis; PH = pulmonary hypertension; PVOD = pulmonary veno-occlusive disease.
Adapted From ERS (2018).2 Reproduced with permission of the © ERS 2019: European Respiratory Journal 53(1): 1801913; . Published 24 January 2019.
Figure 1. Frontal chest radiograph demonstrating right atrial enlargement. A, From the midline to the right
heart border is measured to be 61 mm (>44 is abnormal). Also noted is oblique edge due to engorgement of
the pulmonary artery (thin arrow) and left ventricular enlargement. B, Increase in the hilar to thoracic ratio
of 0.47 (>0.44 is abnormal). This can be compared to a normal frontal chest radiograph (C).
Figure 2. A, Lateral chest radiograph demonstrating fullness of the retrosternal space (arrow) commonly
seen in right ventricular enlargement on the left. B, Normal lateral chest radiograph provided on the right
for comparison.
Normal Size of RDPA Is Affected by Sex, Age, Height, and Body Weight11
Matthay et al12 assessed patients with severe COPD and PH, comparing the RDPA and LDPA size with
measurement of mPAP. There is a statistically significant correlation with a RDPA ≥16 mm and LDPA ≥18 mm
and the presence of PH. If both the LDPA and RDPA were enlarged on chest radiography, the positive
predictive value of detecting PH was 93% (Fig 3).
Figure 3. Frontal chest radiograph with enlargement of the right descending pulmonary artery (RDPA) and
left descending pulmonary artery (LDPA) in a patient with pulmonary hypertension (arrows). RPDA >16 mm
and LDPA >18 mm are considered abnormal and predictive of the presence of pulmonary hypertension. Note
the additional presence of a focal infiltration in the left axillar region.
Figure 4. Frontal chest radiograph with plump pulmonary arteries seen coursing to the outer 1/3 of the lung
with rapid tapering of vessels consistent with vascular pruning (arrows). The presence of vascular pruning
is thought to be associated with vascular remodeling of the pulmonary arteries.
CT Evidence of PH
Although chest radiograph can be useful for clinicians to pick up clues and suspect PH, there are many
limitations and findings may be nonspecific. Clues to PH are better delineated on chest CT scan; chest CT
scans should be evaluated in all patients suspected of having PH.
Pulmonary Artery
Static Measurements
Similar to chest radiograph, a dilated PA can be a clue to elevated PA pressures and is more easily measured
on a CT scan. It is important to note that there are many causes for a dilated PA, and its presence does not
confirm PH. For example, a dilated PA can be seen in conditions other than PH, such as high altitude,
vasculitis, or idiopathic.14, 15, 16 The best location to measure the PA is at the level of the PA bifurcation
perpendicular to its long axis.15, 16 On CT angiograph, it is the vascular lumen that should be measured; on
non-contrast CT scans the vessel wall is included.15 Many studies have assessed what a normal PA diameter
is on chest CT.15 It is generally accepted that a PA ≥29 mm in males and ≥27 mm in females is considered to
represent abnormal dilation based on the results of the Framingham study.16, 17, 18, 19 Although the
correlation may vary depending on the etiology of PH, there remains a moderate to strong correlation of PA
diameter with PH20; however, the ability to determine a “cutoff” mark has been more difficult.21 According
to the Framingham study, a ratio of PA/aorta (PA/Ao) of 0.91 is found to be within the 90th percentile of
healthy subjects. This suggests a ratio >.90 is associated with PH,15 which was also confirmed by a
retrospective study that found a ratio >1 correlated with mPAP >20 mm Hg, with a specificity of 96%14, 15
(Fig 5) and a positive predictive value of >95%.18 For patients younger than age 50 years, the ratio of PA/Ao
correlated more strongly with mean PA pressure than the diameter of the main PA, and vice versa for
patients older than 50 years.22 In fact, a ratio of PA/Ao diameter may be able to predict the mPAP by using
the equation 3.7 + (24 × PA diameter/aortic diameter).15 Average sensitivity and specificity for PH based on
dilated PA is 71.9%.14 This improves to nearly 100% if the main pulmonary artery is ≥29 mm and the
segmental artery to bronchus ratio is >1:1 in three of four pulmonary lobes (Fig 6).14, 17, 23 A normal PA
diameter does not rule out the diagnosis of PH. The presence of PA/Ao ratio >1 on CT scan can also be
helpful in patients who do not have adequate views on echocardiogram to screen for PA. For example, even
patients with COPD, who not uncommonly have poor acoustic windows, have PH on RHC 83% of the time if
they have a PA/Ao >1.24 Although the size of the PA can be useful in diagnosing patients with PH, it has been
found to continue increasing in size without relation to the pressure of the PA and should not be used for
estimating PA pressure during routine follow-up.25
Figure 5. CT angiogram of the chest demonstrating a significantly enlarged pulmonary artery at the level of
bifurcation with an increased pulmonary artery to aorta ratio >1:1 (black lines).
Dynamic Measurements
Whereas many studies have evaluated static findings on CT scan that suggest PH, some dynamic parameters
are accessible on routine CT angiographic examinations. They are based on the fact that an elevated
pulmonary pressure will lead to hemodynamic changes affecting IV contrast flow in central pulmonary
• As pressures rise in pulmonary artery, back pressure will cause increased pooling of IV contrast at the
prearteriolar level of the pulmonary bed, increasing density in the main pulmonary artery (Fig 7).
Additionally, this can cause increased IV transit time, leading to relatively late aortic opacification and an
elevated pulmonary artery/thoracic aorta ratio. These findings are only accessible for injection protocols
triggering data acquisition with a region of-interest positioned within the pulmonary trunk.
Figure 7. CT angiogram of the chest demonstrating a significantly enlarged pulmonary artery at the level
of the pulmonary artery bifurcation with an increased pulmonary artery to aorta ratio >1:1. Increased
contrast density in the main pulmonary artery is due to increased resistance at the pre-arteriolar level,
leading to increased pooling of IV contrast relative to the aorta.
• PA distensibility is reduced in patients with PH. This is calculated by the change in cross-sectional area of
the right pulmonary artery during systole and diastole can but can only be measured using ECG-gated CT
RV Size
In normal subjects, the RV is a thin-walled chamber that has a smaller diameter than the left ventricle (LV).
As pulmonary pressures increase, the RV begins to hypertrophy to maintain stroke volume and cardiac
output.19 It can eventually dilate and fail. The changes in the RV on chest CT include the following.
Figure 8. CT angiogram demonstrating increased right ventricle (RV) free wall thickness (white arrows),
RV/left ventricle (LV) ratio >1 (black line), and bowing of the interventricular septum into the left ventricle
(black dashed arrow) with an enlarged right atrium. RV and LV measurements are made perpendicular to
the axis of the ventricular cavities from the endocardium to the interventricular septum. The widest
diameter is used for each ventricle; of note, this may occur at different levels.
Interventricular Septum
• Straightening/bowing. In healthy patients, the interventricular septum (IVS) should have a convex shape
with bowing into the RV. As the pressures on the right side of the heart rise, the IVS begins to flatten and
even reverse its convexity (Fig 8).23 Once the IVS begins impeding on the LV, cardiac output is
compromised. Patients with an mPAP ≥30 mm Hg have been found to have leftward deviation of the IVS
into the LV (Fig 8).14
• Septal angle. The septal angle, defined as the angle between the IVS and a line drawn from the sternum
midpoint to thoracic spinous process, increases with RV overload.14 In fact, a septal angle >135 can
predict PH with a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 79%.30
Pericardial Effusion
Pericardial effusions can also be seen with PH of any etiology, but remains a nonspecific finding.16 Presence
of a pericardial effusion in the setting of PH has been associated with a worse prognosis.18 In patients with
connective-tissue disease PAH, inflammatory etiology of pericardial effusion is also possible, as
demonstrated by higher prevalence of moderately large pericardial effusions in this group of patients (Fig
Figure 9. Transverse view of non-contrast chest CT scan demonstrating pericardial effusion in patient
previously diagnosed with scleroderma (white arrows). While it is a nonspecific finding, a pericardial
effusion in pulmonary hypertension (PH) is associated with poor prognosis. Additionally, pericardial
effusion may be related to underlying connective tissue disease causing the PH.
Etiology of PH on CT Scans
In the context of suspected or confirmed PH, the clinician can begin to look for clues in an effort to suspect
etiology of PH. Some of the common etiologies and their radiologic features are summarized (Table 2).
Table 2. Clinical Conditions Associated With PH and Their Corresponding Imaging Findings
Pulmonary arterial Group 1 Patchy ill-defined nodules, RV dilation possible, deviated IVS, mosaic
hypertension attenuation
disorder markings
Atrial septal Group 1 Direct visualization of septal defect, left to right intracardiac contrast
defect/ventricular septal shunting
Pulmonary arteriovenous Group 1 Rounded pulmonary opacities, feeding artery, and draining vein
Pulmonary veno- Group 1 Diffuse ill-defined nodules, mediastinal lymph node enlargement, pleural
occlusive disease/PCH effusions, and thickening of the interlobular septa
Chronic (fibrotic) Group 3 Ill-defined centrilobular nodules, diffuse mosaic perfusion, upper lobe
hypersensitivity predominant bronchocentric fibrosis, reticulation, traction bronchiectasis
CTEPH Group 4 Endoluminal filling defects, vascular webs, mural thrombi, pulmonary
segmental artery narrowing distal to obstruction, pouch-like defects,
neovascularity, bronchial and nonbronchial collateral vessels, mosaic
Pulmonary artery Group 4 Endoluminal filling defect with invasion into and through the vessel wall;
sarcoma FDG avidity on PET scan is greater than PE
Pulmonary Langerhans Group 5 Diffuse cystic lung disease with a preference for upper and middle lung
cell histiocytosis zones, nodules of varying size which may or may not cavitate
Fibrosing mediastinitis Group 5 Soft tissue-attenuated mediastinal infiltrative mass that encases or invades
nearby structures
IVS = interventricular septum; PE = pulmonary embolism; RV = right ventricle. See Table 1 legend for expansion of other
Mediastinal Images
The mediastinal images may help assess for vascular changes associated with chronic thromboembolic PH
(CTEPH), PA obstruction, and cardiovascular causes.
Vascular Remodeling
The depiction of mural thrombi, webs, bands, and severely stenosed PAs allows diagnosis of chronic
thromboembolic disease.14 The thrombi can also cause pouch-like defects, or complete convex-shaped
obstruction in the lumen of the vessels (Fig 10).18 The more distal obstructions are apparent by narrowing
and stenosis of the smaller branches of the pulmonary arteries. CT pulmonary angiogram shows the extent
of the disease, allowing the clinician to determine if thrombi exist proximally and/or distally; this
morphological information will help decide whether patients with CTEPH are candidates for surgical
intervention.14 Note that CTEPH is observed in the context of dilated PAs resulting from elevated PA
pressures with the possibility of depicting calcified thrombi.14 Neovascularity, described as small,
serpiginous pulmonary vessels located in peripheral or centrilobular regions, can be seen in patients with
PAH. Its presence, although not pathognomonic, has a much higher association with PAH resulting from
congenital heart disease (72%) than patients with PAH (22%).32 Portopulmonary hypertension appears
similar to PAH on CT scan with a dilated PA, enlarged PA/Ao ratio, and a segmental artery to bronchus ratio
>1. Esophageal varices may also be apparent on chest CT scan as enhancing nodular opacities that bulge into
the esophagus (Fig 11).33
Figure 10. CT scan with contrast of different patients with evidence of pulmonary embolism. A, Axial image
of patient with bilateral webs suggesting chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (white arrows).
B, Axial image of patient with large pouch-like filling defect in the right main pulmonary artery (star). C,
Coronal CT scan with multiple intraluminal filling defects in the segmental and subsegmental pulmonary
arteries (white arrows).
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Figure 11. Axial and coronal contrast enhanced CT scan through lower chest demonstrating esophageal
varices. A, B, Axial (A) and coronal (B) images of the same patient with esophageal varices. Serpiginous
enhancing structures adjacent to distal esophagus, consistent with varices (white arrows). C, D, Axial
contrast enhanced CT images through lower chest in different patient with portal hypertension. C,
Serpiginous enhancing structures adjacent to distal esophagus, consistent with esophageal varices (black
arrow). D, There is a shrunken liver with a nodular contour, consistent with cirrhosis of the liver (triangle).
Large ascites is also present (star).
Figure 12. Bronchial and nonbronchial collaterals. A, Coronal maximum intensity projection (MIP) image
demonstrating prominent internal mammary artery (arrows) and intercostal arteries (arrowheads). B,
Coronal MIP image demonstrating prominent bronchial artery collaterals (arrows). Development of dilated
collaterals suggests vascular collateral supply developed to overcome chronically obstructed pulmonary
Obstruction of the PA
PA Tumor
A PA sarcoma can be mistaken for acute or chronic thrombus. The filling defect can be shown as an
enhancing mass; it is usually centrally located and can invade into the mediastinum, extending past the
vessel walls (Fig 13).18 Case series have shown diagnostic utility in performing a PET scan to differentiate
tumor from embolism because, although pulmonary embolism has been seen to show PET avidity,34 the
uptake is much less intense. The presence of PH in these cases is due to direct occlusion or obliteration of
the pulmonary vessels.18
Fibrosing Mediastinitis
Symptoms develop with progressive fibrosis of mediastinal structures, including the pulmonary
vasculature.35 When obstruction of the pulmonary venous system occurs, patients develop secondary PH
and cor pulmonale.35 Less commonly, secondary PH can occur with obstruction of the PAs. Fibrosing
mediastinitis will appear as a soft tissue-attenuated infiltrative mass that encases or invades nearby
structures (Fig 14).35 With pulmonary venous occlusion resulting from the fibrosing mass, patients will
develop mosaic attenuation, ground-glass opacities, and thickening of the interlobular septa similar to what
is seen with pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD) and pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis (PCH), as
discussed later.35 Although these two entities were originally considered separate, they are now considered
a common entity and are classified as a subgroup of PAH.2
Figure 14. Axial (A) and coronal (B) contrast enhanced CT scan images demonstrate infiltrating soft tissue
mass encasing the vessels in upper mediastinum. A, There is obstruction of the superior vena cava (star) and
left brachiocephalic vein (triangle) with development of collateral vessels (thick white arrow) in anterior
mediastinum. B, Portions of the mass contain calcification (thin white arrow).
Mediastinal lymphadenopathy is a common radiologic finding and lacks sensitivity, but may be present in
patients with PH resulting from multiple conditions. Bergin and Park36 found that 45% of patients with
CTEPH had mediastinal lymphadenopathy, possibly secondary to right-sided failure and increased
lymphatic flow. This finding was more commonly seen in patients with pericardial and pleural effusions for
the same reason. Sarcoidosis has been frequently associated with PH, although the exact prevalence is
unknown.37 The etiology may be multifactorial, including vasculopathy and chronic hypoxia, but extrinsic
compression of pulmonary vessels from enlarged lymph nodes is present in 21% of the PH patients with
stage IV sarcoidosis.37 Lymphadenopathy is another distinguishing feature of PVOD/PCH that is not as
commonly seen in PAH. Limited data exist in evaluating mediastinal lymphadenopathy in PAH, but in one
small study mediastinal lymphadenopathy was found in 20% of patients with IPAH with no other obvious
cause,38 whereas lymph node enlargement is seen in up to 80% of patients with PVOD/PCH.39 A combination
of centrilobular ground-glass opacities, septal lines, and lymph node enlargement is suggestive of
PVOD/PCH. In fact, the presence of two or more abnormalities on chest CT scan is highly associated with
PVOD/PCH,40 but the absence of radiographic findings cannot rule it out.
Chest CT scan can help in analyzing the shape and convexity of the IVS. Imaging of the IVS may demonstrate
septal defects. These defects can cause a left to right shunt that, when left untreated, can lead to shunt
reversal resulting in PAH (group 1). Large ventricular septal defects may be directly visualized or be seen as
a focal jet of contrast into the RV.16 Atrial septal defects have also been associated with PH, but are difficult
for a pulmonologist to detect on CT chest (Fig 15). Other evidence of group 2 PH includes LV dilation, left
atrium dilation and calcification of aortic or mitral valves.16
Figure 15. CT scan with contrast demonstrating defect within the wall of the atrial septum with evidence of
contrast flow from left atrium to right consistent with a left to right shunt (circle) with an associated
dilation of the right atrium (RA) (white arrows) consistent with volume and pressure overload of the RA due
to shunting. Also notable is LV hypertrophy and RV dilation with an RV:LV ratio >1. See Figure 8 legend for
expansion of other abbreviations.
Figure 16. CT scan with contrast with a pulmonary arteriovenous malformation. A, B, Show the rounded,
tortuous opacity within the lung periphery (white arrow, white circle). C, Shows the same rounded opacity
with a feeding and draining vessel (black arrows).
Figure 17. CT chest scan in the mediastinal window demonstrating partial anomalous pulmonary venous
return (white arrow).
Figure 18. CT scan section obtained at the level of the left atrium in a patient with unilateral agenesis of
pulmonary veins. Note the absence of pulmonary venous return at the level of the left atrium with no
opacification of ipsilateral pulmonary arteries. Presence of small-sized vascular sections in the right hilum,
suggestive of collateral vascular supply.
Lung Images
Lung parenchymal findings can help pinpoint contributing factors to elevated PH and should be evaluated
Mosaic Attenuation
Alternating patchy areas of hypo- and hyperattenuation can be seen in a variety of lung diseases associated
with PH, including CETPH, obstructive airway disease, PAH, and chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis (CHP).
If the mediastinal windows are more suggestive of vascular findings associated with CTEPH, the lung
parenchyma will also have certain changes to support the diagnosis. The narrowing of pulmonary vessels
leads to a mosaic-like pattern in the lung parenchyma14 with areas of low attenuation correlating with
hypoperfused areas.16 The vessel diameter can be defined as narrow when its diameter is smaller than the
corresponding bronchus diameter as they usually course through the lungs in a 1:1 diameter ratio.18 The
hyperdense areas are due to increased blood flow through open vessels. These regions of alternating
attenuation usually follow a segmental or subsegmental pattern. Chronic infarcts resulting from
thromboemboli will cause peripheral parenchymal opacities.14 Although these changes are nonspecific on
their own, the vascular evidence in conjunction with parenchymal evidence is highly suggestive of CTEPH.
This is in contrast to the mosaic pattern that can been seen in idiopathic PAH that usually occurs in the
perihilar or peripheral distribution (Fig 19).18 Alternatively, hypersensitivity pneumonitis more commonly
presents variably with diffuse mosaic perfusion in association with upper lobe predominant bronchocentric
fibrosis and ill-defined centrilobular nodules.43 The presence of mosaic attenuation in association with
hypersensitivity pneumonitis is more common in patients without evidence of pulmonary fibrosis.44
Figure 19. Axial CT scan of the chest showing alternating patchy areas of increased (circles) and decreased
(arrows) attenuation. Mosaicism may be due to air trapping vs chronic thromboembolic disease or
pulmonary arterial hypertension. Hypoattenuated areas due to both air trapping and vascular disease show
decreased vasculature and may be difficult to differentiate. Occasionally, expiratory CT films may be helpful.
If mosaicism is due to air trapping, the hypoattenuated areas will remain hypoattenuated on expiration. On
the contrary, in vascular disease and pulmonary hypertension, the previously hypoattenuated areas will
show an increase in attenuation and appear more gray.
Centrilobular Lucencies
Dilation and destruction of the small airways resulting in centrilobular lucencies are consistent with COPD.
Mild to moderate centrilobular emphysema can progress to become confluent (spanning several secondary
pulmonary lobules) and advanced destructive (hyperexpansion of secondary pulmonary nodules and
disruption of the pulmonary architecture) according to the most recent Fleischner Society guidelines (Fig
20).45 Although PH can occur in any patient with COPD or emphysema, it is most common in those with
severe obstructive airways disease. The prevalence of PH in patients with COPD is unknown, though studies
have a reported a range of 30% to 70%.46 Severe PH, defined as mPAP >45 is relative uncommon in patients
with COPD and is reported in <5%.47, 48 If severe PH is present, 60% of such patients likely have comorbid
disease that can jointly contribute to PH rather than emphysema alone.46 COPD is also associated with
exercise-induced PH and patients should be evaluated for PH if they are having worsening exercise
tolerance or dyspnea on exertion.49 The presence of coexistent emphysema in the upper lobes and
pulmonary fibrosis in the lower lobes has correlated with a higher prevalence of PH, approaching almost
Figure 20. CT scan of the chest in a patient with advanced destructive emphysema (A, B). Both images
demonstrate hyperlucency with complete disruption of the pulmonary architecture. Image (B) shows areas
of destructive emphysema (white arrows) as well as areas of mild to moderate centrilobular lucencies (black
Ill-Defined Nodules
As mentioned previously, the presence of mosaic attenuation can be seen in CTEPH and PAH. Assessing lung
parenchyma may allow differentiation between primary PAH and chronic lung disease. The presence of
patchy, ill-defined nodules is seen in idiopathic PAH as frequently as 41%.56 The distribution of these
nodules is predominantly (>50%) centrilobular.56 These nodules are most likely the result of cholesterol
granulomas within small vessels.16 PVOD/PCH can develop similar centrilobular nodules as seen in PAH. In
PVOD/PCH, the presence of centrilobular nodules are significantly more frequent than in PAH; in one study,
centrilobular ill-defined nodules were present in 87% of patients with PVOD/PCH vs 33% of patients with
PAH.39 The presence of smooth interlobular septal thickening located preferentially subpleural without a
craniocaudal predominance can help distinguish PVOD/PCH from PAH.16, 39 Although it is a rare disease, it
is important to be able to recognize features of PVOD/PCH because treatment with vasodilator therapy can
result in morbidity and mortality resulting from pulmonary edema.16, 39 Despite the fact that PVOD/PCH is
classified as World Health Organization group 1 PH and has many similarities to PAH on CT imaging, ill-
defined nodules should not be confused with ground-glass opacities. Centrilobular nodules can also be seen
in subacute (cellular) hypersensitivity pneumonitis, although it is more likely to be associated with diffuse
ill-defined opacities and mosaic attenuation. CHP, which is more commonly linked with PH, usually
demonstrates evidence of fibrosis as described previously, superimposed on poorly defined centrilobular
nodules and bilateral ground-glass opacities.51 Assessing the size and distribution of ill-defined
micronodules in conjunction with other radiographic findings can be helpful in differentiating between PAH
and PVOD/PCH (Table 3, Fig 22).
Pulmonary arterial Patchy, ill-defined centrilobular nodulesa Higher incidence of RV dilation and deviated IVS
Pulmonary veno- Diffuse, ill-defined nodules Interlobular septal thickening, mediastinal lymph
occlusive disease node enlargement and pleural effusionsb
Pulmonary capillary Diffuse, larger ground-glass opacities Basilar reticulonodular and micronodular opacities
Hypersensitivity Ill-defined centrilobular nodules, diffuse Reticulation, traction bronchiectasis which are
pneumonitis mosaic perfusion, upper lobe predominately subpleural and peribronchovascular
predominant bronchocentric fibrosis which typically spares lung bases
Most common in PAH secondary to scleroderma.
Can also be present in PCH, but less commonly so.
Figure 22. Examples of neovascularization and lobular ground-glass opacities in a patient with (A) heritable
pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) with patchy and ill defined centrilobular nodules, thought to be due
to cholesterol granulomas within small vessels. Also notable on this image is the presence of
neovascularization with serpiginous peripheralpulmonary collaterals (black arrow). B, Pulmonary veno-
occlusive disease with diffuse, ill-defined small pulmonary nodules (boxes) due to venous obstruction and
associated with interlobular septal thickening (white arrows). C, PAH due to limited cutaneous scleroderma
and ill-defined micronodules associated with CVD (white arrows). D, E, Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia
(NSIP) with predominantly peripheral ground glass opacities (circle) with subpleural sparing (stars) and
traction bronchiectasis (thick black arrows); E, Shows the same patient with NSIP in a coronal view
highlighting the craniocaudal gradient seen with NSIP (long black arrow).
Pleural Effusion(s)
The presence of pleural effusions is generally a nonspecific finding because they can be associated with
many conditions, although it is most commonly associated with left heart failure; however, studies have
shown that pleural effusions can also be seen with right heart failure (RHF). Approximately 21% of patients
with IPAH or hereditary pulmonary arterial hypertension have been found to have pleural effusions, 14% of
which had no other explanation for the development of an effusion and almost all had associated RHF.57
Although there has been no notable hemodynamic differences between patients with RHF who have pleural
effusions and those who do not, there has been a statistically significant increase in mortality in patients
with effusions and RHF.57 Pleural effusions are also seen in patients with PVOD/PCH, although the incidence
is similar to IPAH and its presence cannot distinguish between the two.39 It is more common to see pleural
effusions with RHF when associated with PH resulting from connective tissue disease (CTD); in one study,
34% of patients with PH secondary to CTD had pleural effusions with no alternative explanation.58 Although
all CTD can be associated with pleural effusions, it is much more common in patients with systemic lupus
erythematous, rheumatoid arthritis, and mixed CTD.58 Pleural effusions resulting from hepatic hydrothorax
are seen in 5% to 10% of patients with cirrhosis. These effusions are most commonly present on the right
side, but can be seen on the left and, less commonly, bilaterally.33
Although few cystic lung diseases have been associated with PH, the latter is frequently associated with
advanced pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis. The diagnosis is uncommon, but PH confirmed by RHC
has been seen in 92% to 100% of patients with pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis referred for lung
transplantation.59, 60 This diffuse cystic lung disease is associated with bizarre-shaped, thick-walled cysts
demonstrating a preference for upper and mid-lung zones. Associated findings include micronodules of
varying size that may cavitate (Fig 23).61
Figure 23. Transverse chest CT scan with diffuse bizarrely shaped thick-walled cysts of varying sizes
consistent with pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis.
Single-Energy CT Scan
There are two standard CT scan techniques that can be proposed for the evaluation of patients with PH, both
based on single-energy CT scan. Noncontrast CT scan is sufficient for the evaluation of most lung diseases
because it allows identification of structural changes in the airways and lung parenchyma. A variety of PH
etiologies can be suspected, such as COPD, ILD, PAVM, and PVOD/PCH. It is noticeable that the nonvascular
features of CTEPH are depictable on noncontrast scans, justifying the subsequent use of chest CT
angiography to assess for the diagnosis of chronic thromboembolic disease. This approach allows for
evaluation of the differential causes of PAH, including CTEPH, and provides diagnostic information at the
level of the cardiac cavities. The comprehensive evaluation of all anatomical compartments with CT scan
has led to reconsideration of its use in the diagnostic workup of PH. Although the traditional schema relies
on ventilation/perfusion scintigraphy aimed at differentiating CTEPH from other causes of PH, standard CT
angiography is currently considered as an effective and reliable first-line imaging modality.62, 14, 63
Dual-Energy CT Scan
The introduction of dual-energy CT (DECT) offers new perspectives by combining traditional cross-sectional
imaging with the creation of iodine maps through which perfusion defects can be analyzed. Inclusion of CT
pulmonary angiography allowed for visualization of endoluminal defects of the pulmonary vasculature.
Lung scintigraphy allows for evaluation of the relationship between perfusion and ventilation within the
lungs. With the advent of DECT, clinicians gained the ability to simultaneously evaluate both the physiology
and anatomy of the lungs in detail and incorporate it into the diagnostic workup for PH. In the clinical
context of PH, most attention has been directed toward the description of DECT perfusion changes in
CTEPH.64, 65, 66 The patterns of DECT perfusion changes have a high level of concordant findings with V/Q
scintigraphy in the differential diagnosis between PAH and peripheral forms of CTEPH.67 In CTEPH patients,
there is a combination of pulmonary edema-type perfusion defects, seen with the concurrent presence of
patchy and/or more extensive perfusion defects (Fig 24). In PAH, DECT perfusion is either normal or shows
patchy perfusion defects in the same proportion as that seen with scintigraphy. The excellent agreement
between DECT perfusion and V/Q scintigraphy in the triage of patients with PH68 and the strong diagnostic
accuracy of DECT perfusion scans for the diagnosis of CTEPH69 suggest an evolving diagnostic algorithm for
PH patients. The main advantage of DECT is that it relies on the possibility of providing standard diagnostic
information and lung perfusion from a single acquisition.14
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Figure 24. Morphologic and perfusion images generated from the same dual-energy CT scan acquisition of a
patient with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. Mosaic perfusion on lung images with CT
features of peripheral chronic pulmonary embolism depictable in the right lower lobe (A, B, C).
Corresponding perfusion images showing numerous triangular perfusion defects in both lungs, more
important on the right side (white circles in D, E, F).
Many diverse etiologies and complex diseases can result in PH, which necessitates distinct management
strategies. The diagnosis of PH requires RHC, obtained in patients with a high echocardiographic suspicion
for PH; however, the first step requires a high degree of clinical suspicion to diagnose this condition. Most
patients will have chest imaging performed before undergoing advanced testing. Careful analysis of the
images by pulmonologists, in conjunction with radiologists, can help clinicians in determining both the
presence of PH and its etiologies. Visualizing the lung parenchyma with CT scan may demonstrate specific
signs associated with the various groups. New imaging modalities such as DECT may come to offer a
noninvasive alternative to diagnose, prognosticate, and monitor patients with PH. Radiographic imaging
cannot definitively diagnose PH, but using the signs discussed can give invaluable information to the
pulmonologist approaching a patient with new-onset PH. This greater awareness can then translate into
earlier detection and treatment, hopefully improving outcomes for patients.
Financial/nonfinancial disclosures: The authors has reported to CHEST the following: M. R.-J. receives
clinical research support from Siemens – Germany. None declared (E. A., S. M., R. S., J. A. M., A. S., S. R.).
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…Proximal PV lesions can be revealed by echocardiography in some patients with PH-FM.46,47 Patients with PH-FM
usually show signs of FM, including widening of the mediastinum, atelectasis, mediastinal masses and hilar
enlargement, and pulmonary congestion or interstitial pulmonary edema in the upper lobes, as well as signs of PH,
including a prominent main PA and enlarged right heart on chest radiographs.20,21,48 The terminology “FM dyad” and
“FM triad” have been used to describe the chest x-ray manifestations of PH-FM.49…
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…We used systolic (20%-30%) image reconstruction with the fewest artifacts identified through visual assessment for
analysis of the ascending aorta and PA, while diastolic (80%-90%) image reconstruction was used to analyze mid left
ventricular (LV) and mid RV diameters, as well as mitral annular and tricuspid annular diameters. PA diameter was
measured at the main PA bifurcation, with the maximum diameter being perpendicular to the long axis of the main PA
within 3 cm of the bifurcation (9,10). The maximum diameter of the aorta was measured at the same level.…
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