Final Justice Paragraph
Final Justice Paragraph
Final Justice Paragraph
healthcare that they need, they are severely in debt, and the healthcare system failed them in
many ways.
Before discussing all the background and flaws with Access to Healthcare it is important
to understand what justice is. There are four main types of justice but the main one that pertains
to accessing healthcare is the distributive justice. Distributive justice requires distribution and
fairness but also requires distribution through taxation and fair access to resources. An
insufficiency in the distributive justice may look like two people getting the same treatment but
one person is paying more for the treatment. The healthcare system currently is lacking in the
distributive justice system and there are many Americans who are not able to afford the system.
Healthcare needs to take a more traditional route and use the justice of fairness. In a book named
A Theory of Justice written by John Rawls he states, “All social values—liberty and opportunity,
income and wealth, and the bases of self-respect—are to be distributed equally unless an unequal
distribution of any, or all, of these values is to everyone's advantage.” In this quote he states that
any social value we may have shall not distinguish how our rights are distributed and if they are
distributed unequally everyone should have the same rule. The current healthcare system has
created a diverse system, leaving many Americans at a loss and can no longer pay for it anymore.
Access to healthcare has become very sparce and hard for many Americans to have.
There are many statistics, anecdotes, and current events to back up how hard it is to have access
to healthcare. Many Americans have been impacted by the healthcare in America and some have
had to choose their house mortgage or have money to be able to put food on the table instead of
prioritizing their health. In Alabama 27% are uninsured adults and 33% of them skipped out on
statistically showing that if someone does not have enough money for groceries, they will more
than likely not have enough for their health insurance. There was a daughter named Alicia, her
mother had cancer and fought until she could no longer pay for her medical bills. In the article
Alicia wrote she stated that her insurance was 80-20 meaning Alicia’s mom was paying 80%
while her insurance was paying only 20%. This is just one of many Americans who have
watched or personally been affected by the healthcare system. This topic is becoming more and
more talked about and is used by many politicians to connect with Americans.
Is access to healthcare really a true crisis that is going on in our country? While many
may argue that there isn’t and there has been a massive breakthrough in access to healthcare in
America. In 2010 the Affordable Care Act also known as the “ACA” was put into place.
Basically, the ACA is a way to make health insurance more affordable and accessible to others.
While this sounds like it would help and make healthcare better it actually made it way worse for
some Americans. It increased the taxes and, in some cases, had higher insurance premiums. The
ACA is also very political, and some Americans do not agree with it. Nearly nine in ten
democrats believe it is favorable while about two thirds of republicans believe it is unfavorable.
Although this act did help many Americans there is still many who are suffering in debt and may
lose their life because they do not have enough money to access the healthcare that they need.
In conclusion the healthcare system is affecting many Americans who struggle to get the
access to healthcare that they need, they are severely in debt, and the healthcare system failed
them in many ways. The American healthcare system is lacking in distributive justice and needs
to work towards justice of fairness. The deteriorating system is very publicized and widely
known throughout our nation. This issue needs to be fixed and fairer for our country.