Sydney Murray Student Teaching Reflective Journal - 2
Sydney Murray Student Teaching Reflective Journal - 2
Sydney Murray Student Teaching Reflective Journal - 2
Week One
Week Of: 3/18-3/22 (Central)
My Inquiry Question: How can I make sure I am providing enough activities and
work to take up the entire class period? How can I make sure they’re engaging?
My Response: Hopefully I can try to relate some of the activities to their interests
or things they’re excited about. I can change up activities so it is not the same instruction
everyday. I can also practice and present the material and activities to myself to try to see
how long each lesson will be.
My Inquiry Question: When I stand in front of a class for the first time in a new
placement just to talk to them or start a lesson, I am always nervous. I get nervous that
the students won’t respect me or consider me a “real teacher” who can provide instruction
to them. How can I grow into myself as a teacher and not feel so nervous in front of my
class the first few times?
My Response: I can make connections with each of my students in each class and
get to know them on a better level. I’ve struggled with the students telling me that I’m
not a real teacher and that they don’t care what I think. I think if I were to try to make
stronger connections then maybe they would think I was a real teacher and I mean what I
say. They might pay more attention if they respected me.
My Response: I have to realize I’m doing my best and I can’t change everything. I
can’t let it weigh me down because I’m just going to burn out and mentally struggle with
this. I have to realize that these students have had no discipline and the teachers in the
school cannot even get them to quiet down or stop being so disrespectful. I will tell
myself I’m just in a new environment and I will leave everything at the door when I leave
at the end of the day. All I can do is try my best everyday and leave it at that.
Week Two
Week Of: 3/25-3/29 Spring Break (Central)
My Inquiry Question: How can I make sure to switch up instruction and make it
My Response: I can do research on different activities to switch up my
instruction. Sometimes, I feel like my plans are similar but I can change them up. I will
have to do research on which activities would be most helpful and provide most
instruction for my students. I will have to make sure that it takes up a good amount of
time and has enough information for my students.
Category 2: Classroom Environment:
My Inquiry Question: If I have to stay in Central Middle School, how can I work
on my student relationships? What can I do?
My Response: I will have to just try my best every day. Maybe I can try to work
with only a couple of students at once and try to connect with them first. Hopefully by
connecting with a few students at a time, I can foster a healthier classroom environment.
If I connect with students, they will respect me more and in turn listen to instruction
My Response: I will need to advocate for myself. I will have to discuss with my
cooperating teacher that I feel she is not giving me enough time and we need to plan
instructional time. I can discuss that I want and need those thoughts and criticisms that
will help me become a better teacher. Also, I will say that it is important to me to be able
to plan the lessons with my cooperating teacher so I understand what is wanted and
Week Three
Week Of: 4/2-4/5 (Northwest)
My Response: I am starting to eat lunch with my entire team, not just my mentor
teacher which has been great because you are all able to talk to each other and bounce off
of each other. I make sure to say hello to everyone I pass or am in the same space with
and I am always respectful and kind to the students at Central. I also plan to write great
lessons to effectively teach my students. Hopefully I will make a good impression on
Northwest staff with my lessons and relationships with the students.
Week Four
Week Of: 4/8-4/12
My Inquiry Question: I feel like everyday my mentor teacher has the same type of
lesson and routine. How can I change around my lesson plans to make students more
engaged and excited to learn?
My Response: This is one I struggle with because I don't know what I can do to
make some of the students listen. I don’t know if it's me or if the students struggle with
discipline as a whole. I work to set my expectations in the beginning of the lesson or
activity so that the students understand how they should behave or act. I redirect students
but sometimes they don't always listen. I tell them that even though I am a student
teacher, I am still a teacher and that I respect them so they should respect me. I ask them
how they would feel in my place.
Category 3: Instruction and Instructional Delivery:
My Inquiry Question: I feel like the students are bored with some of the content.
What is the problem?
My Response: The content is kind of the same day in and day out. From what I
have witnessed so far, it seems that with each unit on ancient civilizations, there are
PearDeck and interactive PowerPoints and an independent reading/work after. I can
change the direct instruction up and maybe have students interacting with each other
instead. I can have students get up around the classroom and move instead of sitting in
one seat the entire time.
My Inquiry Question: This semester I have been doing my work and everything I
can to improve but my drive is lacking. I don’t know if it is because I am close to being
done with college or if I am just tired. What can I do to change this or change my way of
My Response: I can tell myself I am still learning and I need to push through the
next couple of weeks. It's understandable to be ready to graduate, be done with college,
and have my own job and classroom, but if I can get all the practice for teaching I should
take it. I have to try not to let my thoughts affect how I am professionally or in the
Week Five
Week Of: 4/15-4/19
My Inquiry Question:
My Response:
My Response:
Category 3: Instruction and Instructional Delivery:
My Inquiry Question:
My Response:
My Inquiry Question:
My Response:
Week Six
Week Of: 4/22-4/26
My Inquiry Question:
My Response:
My Response:
My Inquiry Question:
My Response:
My Inquiry Question:
My Response: