Care of Unconscious Patient
Care of Unconscious Patient
Care of Unconscious Patient
Care of unconscious patient
SUB: Nursing foundation
Vaishali singh
Nursing tutor
Venue : Classroom
No.of students :
General objectives:
Definitio Definition: .
2 min
n of A state of unarousable Lecture cum Black board
unconsci responsiveness, where the client is discussion and PPT Define the
ouness unaware of self and surrounding and unconscious
no purposeful response to obtained to ness?.
external stimuli.
3 Enlist causes
Enlist Lecture cum Black board
min Causes of CAUSES discussion and PPT of
unconsci 1. Cerebrovascular accident. unconscious
ous 2. Head Injury patient?.
patient 3. Brain tumour
4. Drug overdose
2 min Explain GeneralNursingConsideration: Lecture cum Black board general
General discussion and PPT nursing
nursing 1. Always assume that the patient consideratio
considera can hear, even though he makes n?
tion no response.
In the end of the class, I would like to conclude that, I finished my lecture and cleared all doubts of students.
The students gave me a good feedback at the end of the class.
(Parry potter. Fundamental of nursing. Jaypee Publisher. 7th edition. Page no.1057-1084
Lillis Taylor. Fundamental of nursing.Wotters kluwer.6th edition. Page no.1365-1409
Kaur Maninder.Fundamental of nursing.PV.2014 edition. Page no.528-544