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VII Paper 19

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MJ Turner*

The Paper outlines an approach to the safety evaluation

of cross—country pipeline systems carrying flammable
substances and indicates how such evaluations might be
used to:

i) identify necessary improvements in safety, and

ii) provide guidance for the routeing of pipelines


In the UK there are several thousand kilometres of pipelines transporting

materials outside the "boundary of any particular works or site. They
range in length from a few metres to several hundred kilometres. The
purpose of this paper is to deal with the safety assessment of those pipe-
lines that carry flammable materials, although some aspects could equally
apply to pipelines carrying other substances or to on—site pipeline systems.

Pipelines are subject to regulatory control under a number of Acts of

Parliament, the most significant of which are outlined in Appendix 1. The
principal control with regard to safety lies with the Health and Safety at
VJork etc Act 1974- It was in this context that the Department of Energy
asked the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) for a safety evaluation on the
proposed St Fergus to Moss Morran pipeline for which the Secretary of State
for Energy has the responsibility for determining whether a Construction
Authorisation should be granted. The Report to the Secretary of State by
the HSE (1) issued in July '78 was the basis of the advice that the HSE saw
no health and safety grounds for objecting to the proposed pipelines. The
details of the method used in that report to evaluate the possible effects
of the potential hazard were outlined in a paper (Bryce and Turner)(2)
presented to the Third International Conference on the Internal and External
Protection of Pipes held in September 1979. This paper sets the assessment
in a wider context and indicates hovj such evaluations might be used to
identify improvements in safety and to provide guidance for the routeing of

* Health and Safety Executive, 25 Chapel Street, London NW1 5DT



The safety assessment of a pipeline system can he divided into three main
activities, namely:

i) The identification of important features of the system.

ii) The quantification of the potential hazards.

iii) The quantification of the risk.

While these activities might "be considered separately, each depends upon or is
affected by the others and the whole process is iterative until a stage is
reached where some judgment can be made regarding the safety of the system.
Thus typically it would be necessary initially to determine the main design
parameters of the system, for example the pipeline length and diameter, the
pressure and nature of the material conveyed. From this it should be
possible to determine the potential hazards usually in terms of the possible
effects from leakages. Then with information concerning the frequency or
probability of realisation of the hazards it should be possible to evaluate
the potential risk. The first stages of the evaluation are likely to raise
more queries leading to more information being required concerning the system,
the hazard, or the resulting risk. Taking the three activities in turn, the
following sections outline the main elements that might be important in an


The ultimate safety of a pipeline system depends upon how well it is designed,
constructed, operated, inspected and maintained. It is not possible to give
an exhaustive list of the aspects that might be of importance, but rather an
indication of the type of information that might be required.

For example, it is almost certain that it will be necessary to know:

i) the extent to which recognised codes and standards have been

used in the design of the pipeline;

ii) the likely pressure to be encountered in the system: here it will

be necessary not only to identify the •normal* operating condition,
but also maximum pressures under both static and dynamic or surge

iii) the pipeline diameter and wall thickness used throughout the system
and how these relate to the system—operating conditions;

iv) the pipeline joint design;

v) the manufacturing inspection procedures, particularly with regard

to material quality, weld joint integrity and coatings;

vi) the existence of potential leakage points, eg glands, seals, flanges

and fittings;

vii) the corrosion potential of the transported material on the pipeline;

viii) the nature of the pipeline coating;


ix) the cathodic protection system adopted and the protection from
sources of interference;

x) the depth of cover and protection against external interference;

xi) the need for special features or design requirements at particular

sections of the route: for example, road, rail or river crossings
or in areas which might "be subject to landslip, washout, subsidence
or underground fires;

xii) the provision of block valves and their operation.

These features relate to the pipeline as installed, and to some extent these
can be separated from the operational aspects which need to be known and
might include:

a) how the system is managed, who is in control, at what time and from

b) what control system is provided for the pipeline, including details

of how the various data are handled and displayed;

c) how the communications are arranged;

d) what leak detection system is employed and what actions are envisaged
for various levels of leak rate and what time—scale is involved;

e) what surveillance of the pipeline is used and at what frequency;

f) what system of testing is employed, particularly for the cathodic

protection and stop valves;

g) what corrosion checks are employed;

h) how the coating is monitored;

i) what special arrangements are made or needed for certain pipeline

operational conditions such as low or no flow (eg static shutdown
of pipeline);

j) what emergency or evacuation procedures are available.

From the information concerning the pipeline installation and its operation
is possible to assess the overall standard of the system, which is a crucial
aspect in the judgment of the potential risk. Firstly, however, it is
necessary to determine the hazard potential of the system.


Hazard is defined here as the potential to cause harm or damage. To assess

this potential threat a number of factors need to be considered, principally
i) the inherent properties and nature of the material contained in the

ii) the rate and quantity of the material that can escape;


iii) the atmospheric dispersion characteristics of the material released, and

iv) the possible effects of the released material.

Taking these in turn the following comments are appropriate:

The Inherent Properties of the Material

The majority of pipelines contain flammable hydrocarbons and most of the

remarks in this paper are directed towards pipelines carrying such materials,
although there seems no reason why the approach should not be applied to pipe-
lines carrying other materials.

The principal hazard from flammable materials is clearly that on

escaping from the containment of a pipeline they will mix with air and when
the vapours are in concentrations between the flammable limits will, if
ignited, burn or explode. The material is more likely to burn than to
explode if ignition occurs in the open air soon after the initial escape to
atmosphere, in which case a fire will persist at the point of emission until
the flammable material is exhausted. Here, the main hazard arises from
thermal radiation damage to people and property nearby, which may be
significant at hundreds of metres from the pipeline. However, if ignition
is delayed there is the possibility of an explosion as the flammable vapour
may build up in a confined space such as a duct or drain, or form a large
vapour cloud containing large amounts of material. It is apparent that if
a cloud of flammable material is ignited before the cloud reaches a nearby
population, the population is liable to be exposed to thermal radiation or
explosion blast effects, depending on the distances involved. A potentially
more serious situation will occur if the cloud reaches the population before
ignition takes place because this situation will involve more direct exposure
to flame, radiation and blast.

The Rate and Quantity of Material that can Escape

This aspect of the hazard evaluation is linked to the physical properties of

the pipeline system. It is necessary to postulate certain hole sizes or
ranges of hole size, and the statistics of previous pipeline failures may be
of help in determining the most appropriate size from which to calculate the
possible leakage rates. This in itself can be a complex fluid dynamics
problem, particularly with two—phase flow, as would be the case with natural
gas liquids. Such factors as the pipeline diameter and lengths, system
pressure and flow rates need to be taken into account. The total quantity
of material that can escape is generally more straightforward and will depend
upon the detection time of the system for particular leakage rates and the
distance between stop valves and the time it takes to close these. In this •
context it should be remembered that for typical petroleum products
significant quantities of material (amounting to 100 - 250 tonnes per km for,
say, a 300 mm diameter pipeline) can be contained in a pipeline, and for
particularly hazardous material the value of remotely actuated stop valves
that can readily be closed is an important consideration in assessing the
potential consequences of a leakage.


Atmospheric Dispersion of Materials Released from a Pipeline

Materials released to atmosphere may he expected to become non-hazardous

only by dispersion in the atmosphere. An initially flammable material will
only become non-flammable after it has been diluted to a concentration below
the lower flammable limit by the processes of atmospheric dispersion, a
potentially toxic material will only become non-toxic after equivalent
dilution to below the lower limit of toxicity.

The rate of dispersion will be dependent on the particular atmospheric

conditions prevalent at the time, but independent of these the atmospheric
concentrations of released material at a fixed point down-wind of the point
of emission in general will vary directly as the rate of release to atmosphere.
Thus, dangerous concentrations of flammable or toxic materials will reach a
given population only from rates of release above a certain threshold level
under given weather conditions. The rate of release will depend directly on
the size of the hole in the pipeline wall through which the material is

The process of atmospheric dispersion begins to operate immediately

this material is released into the atmosphere. The rate at which it
disperses depends upon a number of factors and the concentration at any given
point depends in most model analogies upon the distance from the source and
on the degree of turbulence in the plume. This latter aspect is usually
taken to vary according to a classical system of categorising the weather from
A to P according to Pasquill, where the tendency towards P is for more stable
and therefore less turbulent conditions. Using initial conditions with, if
possible, dilution effects due to such effects as jet entrainment, it is
possible to estimate, say, the distance to the lower .flammable limit for a
release rate of a flammable material.

A potentially important aspect in determining the course of atmospheric

dispersion is the density of the emitted material relative to the surrounding
atmosphere. The established methods for estimating atmospheric dispersion
deal with gases with a specific gravity close to that of the surrounding air.
The methods for neutrally buoyant gases should not be used without an aware-
ness of other considerations for gases such as methane, which at ambient
conditions is less dense than air and will tend to rise in the atmosphere, or
for gases such as propane or butane, which are more dense than air and will
tend to stay near to the ground. Dense gases released to atmosphere will
often form a low—lying pancake—shaped cloud which may on occasions flow
against the wind and which will follow surface gradients down available
valleys etc to collect on low—lying ground.

Positive density effects may be affected by the nature of the material

emitted or by the circumstances of the emission. Pipelines are found which
transport liquids held under pressure at temperatures above their boiling
points. Damage to such a pipeline would release liquid, which would
immediately undergo adiabatic flushing as its temperature fell to its
boiling point under atmospheric pressure. A cloud of vapour and suspended
droplets would result. The droplets would evaporate and in this evaporation
would take up heat from the entrained air. This would cool the air, and as
a result a vapour—air mixture might be formed with a net density greater than
that of the surrounding air, despite the fact that the material released from
the pipeline had a relative density less than that of air under normal
conditions of temperature and pressure. Such a mixture would disperse as a
dense gas.


Alternatively, it is to be noted that conditions might exist with a

dense gas such as propane where the jet characteristics of an emission might
be such that sufficient air was entrained to give a resultant cloud with
density little different from the surrounding atmosphere which would thus
disperse in a neutrally—buoyant fashion.

In summary of this section, therefore, the concentration of airborne

material received at a population near a pipeline, in the event of leakage
from the pipeline, will:

i) be larger with larger rates of release,

ii) be larger with more stable weather conditions,

iii) be smaller with increasing jet entrainment of air at the

point of emission,

iv) be dependent on the wind direction, unless the emitted

material forms a cloud which is more dense than air, when
surface gradients may be important,

v) be smaller with larger wind speeds in situations where

effects caused by the density of the emitted cloud are not

The Effects of the Released Material

The appraisal of the potential hazards from a pipeline depends upon

consideration of the material properties, the rate and quantity of the
release and the dispersion characteristics as discussed above, and the
i^ular location. For a flammable material, realisation of the hazards
depends primarily or. the material being ignited. Ignition sources are most
likely to be found near to and among dwellings. The frequency with which
the hazard will be realised depends to a large extent upon the frequency with
. vapours above the lower flammable limit will reach the dwellings.
This frequency depends in turn upon the relationship between hole sizes that
occur in pipelines and their frequency of occurrence.


Risk is defined as the probability of a hazard or certain consequences

irring. Thus statistics on pipeline failures are clearly important in
a pipeline hazard assessment. However, it is often difficult to obtain
. that are relevant to the particular pipeline under consideration. In
References 1 & 2 statistics were reviewed from American, European and UK
sources and, while all three were found to be broadly compatible, the latter
v;ere considered particularly relevant and useful in assigning failure
rates to the pipelines under consideration. The information from the United
States is extensive as pipelines have been used there for more than 60 years.
t he data, however, it is not always possible to identify particular
::ies of pipelines statistics that might be relevant, except in the
broadent sense, for a hazard assessment.

A broad comparison of the three sources can be as follows:

U:-: Data (NT5B(3))- For 1968

Number of a c c i d e n t s - 421
" miles - 115,233


g i v i n g an o v e r a l l accident r a t e per km of 23 x 10~'1 km" yr~ 1

For 1975
Number of a c c i d e n t s — 169
" " miles - 121,278
g i v i n g an o v e r a l l accident r a t e per km of 9«4 x 10~4 km" yr~'

European ( 1 ) .
For 1972 - 76
Number of a c c i d e n t s - 93
" " kilometres—years — 86.4 x 10-5
g i v i n g an o v e r a l l accident r a t e per km yr of 10.8 x 10"^ km yr-'
JK ( 1 ) . For '69 t o '77
Number of a c c i d e n t s - 75
" " km-years - 134 x 10"~3
g i v i n g an o v e r a l l accident r a t e of 5*5 10"^ km" yr

Breaking t h i s down to accident causes, vie get i n percentage terrr.s:

Cause us European UK
Corrosion 45 38 28
External Interference 28 32 28
Defective P i p e l i n e or
Weld 12 23 12
I n c o r r e c t Operation 2 4 -
Other Ji 3 32
100ft ice; a JOpj
This d a t a , while h e l p f u l , i s not s u f f i c i e n t for the type of e v a l u a t i o n
o u t l i n e d i n References 1 & 2, where i t i s necessary t o know t h e p o s s i b l e
f a i l u r e r a t e s for varying hole s i z e or leakage r a t e . The European d a t a
appeared on f i r s t a n a l y s i s t o provide ijome i n d i c a t i o n i n t h i s d i r e c t i o n , as
from a sample of r e l e v a n t i n c i d e n t s i t was found t h a t :

jfo of t h e i n c i d e n t s gave a s p i l l a g e i n excess of 1,000 m^

2jfo " " " " " " between 100 & 1,000 m3
70$ " " " " " " of l e s s than 100 m^.

This d a t a was however t r e a t e d with c a u t i o n a s , while t h e r e was a

l i k e l i h o o d of a c o r r e l a t i o n between hole s i z e and t o t a l leakage, i t was not
p o s s i b l e t o confirm t h i s without more d e t a i l s of t h e a c t u a l i n c i d e n t s —
information t h a t was not r e a d i l y a v a i l a b l e . The UK d a t a was more h e l p f u l ,
and from t h e 31 r e l e v a n t i n c i d e n t s used i n Reference 1:

yfo occurred with a hole s i z e g r e a t e r than an 80 mm equivalent diam—

10$ " " " " " between 20 & 80 mm " ^" r
87$ " " " " " l e s s than 20 mm equivalent diameter

Using t h i s or s i m i l a r d a t a , i t i s possible t o b u i l d up an estimate of

ri:;k for which, one method i s o u t l i n e d i n Reference 2 .


The prime purpose of a safety evaluation of pipeline systems will be to

provide some guidance as to the safety of the particular system under
consideration. Beyond this immediate concern, however, evaluations can be
of value in a more general context. For example they will help in identify-
ing improvements in safety that can be made and in providing guidance for
the routeing of pipelines.

In the previous section a comparison was made of the various causes of

pipeline failures. Clearly corrosion and external interference together are
the major factors and demand attention. The combination of improving pipe-
line coatings, monitoring procedures and reliable cathodic protection are
making a valuable contribution to the reduction of corrosion as a problem.
The steady reduction of the overall failure rate in the US data from
2.3 x 10-3 in 1963 to 9.4 x 10-4 km" 1 yr- 1 i n 1975 is largely due to the
reduction of failures due to corrosion. External interference is not so
readily tackled but the combination of such aspects as deeper cover, increased
wall thickness, particularly in populated regions, regalar surveillance, good
relations with land/owners and adequate awareness of the problems by key
people along or with interests in the route should make a significant
reduction in failure from this cause.

The other area where safety evaluations can be of value is as background

to advice concerning what developments or land use is prudent to allow in the
vicinity of pipelines carrying hazardous materials. Voluntary arrangements
Lanning authorities to consult the HSE on developments at, or near to,
•major hazard sites have been in existence for some time, and while these
arrangements did not specifically include pipelines, some Authorities are
beginning to ask for advice on the safety and routeing.

The safety of people living near a pipeline is achieved firstly by

measures, outlined in Section 3, that are aimed at ensuring the integrity of
the pipeline system, then as an additional precaution by the provision of a
separation distance. These two aspects should not be considered in
isolation and any consideration of a separation distance must be based upon
some assumed standard of integrity of the pipeline system. In the first
instances, in order to obtain maximum separation, it might be reasonable to
take, say, the presumption that any person who is in control of a pipeline
system fulfils his duty under the HSW Act to take all reasonably practicable
means of ensuring the health and safety of persons who might be affected by
his activity. This implies that the engineering and operational
considerations that have a bearing on safety are to some minim-am overall
requirement taking one feature with another. A separation distance could
then be set so as to make it most unlikely, although not entirely eliminating
the risk, that people would be affected by the pipeline, taking into account
the probability of a leakage occurring, the possible dispersion character-
istics, the chance of ignition and the possibility of moving away from the
danger. With separation set in this way, it would be possible, if it could
be clearly demonstrated that there are features of a pipeline system that
result in a material improvement in safety above the minimum as defined above,
for a reduced separation to be adopted. These additional features might
include increased wall thickness, depth of cover, effective leakage detection,
rc-.otely—operated valves and special surveillance systems.

In order to obtain a reasonable framework in which to set separation

distances, it is necessary to identify on one hand various groups of pipeline
and on the other various categories of development or land use. Clearly a


wide range of pipeline systems could be identified to take account of the

various flammable material that could be transported and combination of design
that might be possible. However, for workable and practicable guidance it
might be possible to define, say, three groups of pipeline system which would
relate to the possible consequences following loss of containment and which
would depend upon the nature of the material conveyed and the pipeline system.
For example:

A hazard group 1 might contain pipeline systems conveying substances

that would be unlikely to cause large vapour clouds if a leakage should occur.
Thus this group would contain flammable materials of low vapour pressure,
eg kerosene, that would be unlikely to present a hazard beyond a short
distance from the pipeline. It might also include pipelines containing
materials of higher vapour pressure where the effect of an escape was limited
due to small diameter piping or a low-operating pressure.

A hazard group 2 might contain pipeline systems conveying substances

where, while there could be the possibility of a large vapour cloud, there are
significant mitigating factors. For example, the escaping vapours may be
lighter than air, allowing rapid dispersion, or the vapour cloud may be
unlikely to explode with significant overpressures. As for the Group 1
pipeline, the effect of the escape might also be limited by factors such as
the pipeline diameter or the operating pressure.

A hazard group 3 might contain pipeline systems containing materials that

en escape to the atmosphere could give rise to large vapour clouds that could
travel large distances before dispersing safely and give rise to the
possibility of an explosion.

Similarly development or land use might be separated into categories and

when combined with the pipeline groupings a matrix would be formed to give
basic separation distance. With regard to separation distances, HSE's
present advice would b e that it would be prudent to allow 400 metres between
the highest hazard category of pipeline and the category of development that
involves large numbers of people who lie in the vicinity for a large
proportion of the time, for example hospitals or residential developments.
This distance would be general guidance, without taking into account any high
standard that might be associated with any particular pipeline system. Such
separation distances would only be recommended for new pipelines and for new
developments in the vicinity of existing pipelines. It should be recognised
that separation recommendations are a new concept and will only be achieved
over a period of time. Existing populations that are closer than would be
recommended in any particular circumstance are not necessarily substantially
at risk. In these cases HSE would recommend that they should be examined
and, as required by the Health and Safety at Work Act, improvements should be
made where these are called for.


The purpose of bringing together the information outlined above is to provide

some guidance as to the safety of the particular pipeline system under
consideration. In making any decision, judgments will be required on a
number of aspects of the assessment. For example, how good are the
standards of design and operation in relation to the normal requirements or
the statistical estimates; how valid are the statistics themselves and how
realistic is the hazard evaluation? The answers to such questions are
crucial as they indicate how realistic and confident one can be 'in the
evaluation. Areas of uncertainty should be exposed and important assumptions


in the analysis highlighted. This in turn can lead to requirements for

further study or more information on certain aspects. For example, there
is clearly a need to investigate further the modelling for heavy dense gas
dispersion in relation to the more usually adopted neutrally—buoyant models.
This is an area in which the HSE has taken a particular interest. Also
there is a need for improving the recording and reporting of pipeline
statistics. It would be helpful if there were more data regarding leakages
and the hole sizes — information that should not be difficult to record.
Also it should be relatively easy to record statistics relating to depth of
cover. Is a pipeline with half a metre cover significantly more at risk
than one at one and a half metres.

Notwithstanding these queries, it is clear that in a relative sense

safety evaluations can be important in highlighting features that have
special safety significance. As the previous section pointed out, corrosion
and third party damage are rightly aspects that warrant the attention being
paid to them.

With regard to safety evaluations being used in an absolute sense, that

is, relying solely upon the results to determine a particular course of action,
more caution is required. The safety evaluation should only be used as
guidance to making judgments as there are usually many unquantifiable factors
involved which need to be taken into account in any particular case. This
would apply to the considerations relating to routeing as given in the
previous section. The safety evaluations can only give a framework within
which particular judgment can be made and provide some consistency across a
wide range of situations. The determination of certain criteria must be
open to discussion in a wider context in order to arrive at a consensus view
as to what is realistic, practicable and acceptable over a large range of

.-;;y--.~ ;::::•

1. H e a l t h and S a f e t y E x e c u t i v e . "A S a f e t y E v a l u a t i o n of t h e Proposed

3t Fergus t o Moss Morran N a t u r a l Gas Liquids and 3t Fergus t o Boddam
Gas P i p e l i n e s " J u l y 1978.

2. Bryce D J and Turner M J 1979 " S a f e t y E v a l u a t i o n of P i p e l i n e s " . BHRA

Third I n t e r n a t i o n a l Conference on t h e I n t e r n a l & E x t e r n a l P r o t e c t i o n of
P i p e s , London.

3. N a t i o n a l T r a n s p o r t a t i o n S a f e t y Board " S p e c i a l Study - Safe S e r v i c e

Life for Liquid Petroleum P i p e l i n e s " Report No NTSB-PSS-78-I
October 12-1973


The a u t h o r wishes t o e x p r e s s h i s thanks t o t h e Health and S a f e t y Executive

for permission t o p i b l i s h t h i s paper, which e x p r e s s e s views t h a t are
e n t i r e l y personal and a r e not i n any -way a statement of o f f i c i a l policy.




The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 is the principal Act which
statutorily controls the health and safety aspects of pipelines. This Act
provides a general requirement that persons conducting an undertaking should
take all reasonably practicable means of ensuring the health and safety of
persons who are affected by his work activity, which includes not only other
people at work, but also members of the public.

Other regulatory controls for pipelines are derived from a number of

Acts, the principal of vihich, as far as this paper is concerned, are:

Pipelines Act 1962

Gas Act 1972
Land Power (Defence) Act 1958
Aspects of particular relevance are as follows:
The Pipelines Act 1962
This Act applies to pipelines laid across land, including any portion
of the pipeline that crosses a river, lake or estuary and any portion of a
submarine pipeline that i s above the low water mark. Under the Act,
pipelines are classified as "cross-country" (defined as greater than 10
miles in length) or "local", (less than 10 miles). There are over 3,500
kilometres of pipelines covered by t h i s Act, the vast majority of which are
defined as cross-country. They carry ^grange of substances, the principal
of which are petroleum products ranging from crude o i l to refined petroleum
s p i r i t s (white o i l s ) .

The prime purpose of the Pipelines Act i s to ensure the orderly

provision of cross—country pipelines to meet the requirements of pipeline
users, while at the same time protecting the rights and obligations of those
who might be affected by the pipeline, in particular farmers, landowners and
Local Authorities. The Secretary of State for Energy i s responsible for
these functions, which are administered by the Pipelines Inspectorate, which
i s part of the Department of Energy. The sections of the Pipelines Act
concerned with safety were made relevant statutory provisions of the Health
and Safety at Work etc Act 1974* They are therefore the responsibility of
the Health and Safety Executive, who have made the Pipelines Inspectorate
their agents for these and certain other aspects of the Health and Safety at
Work etc Act.
The Gas Act 1972
The extensive natural gas (principally methane) transmission system of
over 14,000 km of pipeline operated by the British Gas Corporation i s
controlled by the Gas Act. In laying a pipeline the Corporation consult
relevant Planning Authorities and other local and national bodies and obtain
rights to control a s t r i p of land, usually about 25 m in width, along the
length of the pipeline. This control does not affect normal agricultural
operation;;, but prevents any activity which might affect the integrity of the
pipeline, as, for example, the erection of buildings. In addition, Planning
Authorities are invited to notify the British Gas Corporation of any develop-
ment within a wider corridor of about 400 m either side of the pipeline at
the e a r l i e s t possible moment, to identify any conflict of interest and to


allow discussions to "be held between the Planning Authority, the Corporation
and the developer.

Land Powers (Defence) Act 1958

This Act allows pipelines to be laid for purposes of defence and is

usually, if not wholly, related to refined petroleum products. The Act
allows the Government to acquire land and rights over land for the pipelines.
Part of the control is to prevent, without the consent of the appropriate
Minister, activities within 10 ft of the surface of the land immediately above
the pipeline which might affect the pipeline integrity. No consent is
required for normal agricultural operations. The pipeline system is
operated for the various Government departments by a single body known as
the British Pipelines Agency.


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