Competency Tracking Sheet PB NSG

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Name of Students /

S.No. Student Name 1 Student Name 2

Name of Procedures
Maternal Nursing TC SL CA TC SL
1 Assessment of antenatal mother
2 Testing pregnancy by kit
3 Caculation of EDD
4 Head to foot examination
Abdominal Examination
i. Inspection
ii. Palpitation
1 Fundal height
2 Fetal lie
3 Presentation
4 Auscultation FHR
Breast Examination
Detection of following signs
Management of Pre-Eclamsia/Eclampsia
Antenatal exercises
Breast Care
1 Preperation of labour room
2 Preperation of mother for delivery
3 Conducting normal delivery using 5 C's
1 Receiving the newborn
2 Drying the baby
3 Suctioning
4 APGAR Scoring
5 Resuscitation of a high risk new born
6 Cord care
7 Tying identification tag
8 Kangaroo mother care
9 Checking congenital anomalies
10 Burping
11 Weighing the baby
12 Monitor vital signs
Administration of Vitamin K injection
Baby Bath
Postnatal (Mother)
1 Expulsion of Placenta
2 Assess Involution of uterus
3 Perineal Care
4 Incomplete Abortion (Digital Removal Method)
Assisting in procedure, setting tray for
1 Caesarean section
2 Abnormal deliveries
3 MTP procedures
4 Episiotomy suturing
5 Performing IUCD insertion
Initial management of PPH
Medical Surgical Nursing
Nursing Assessment
1 History Taking
2 Physical Examination
3 Identification of health problem
Safety Measures
1 Hand washing
2 Use of Mask
3 Use of Gloves
4 Use of Gown
5 Restrains
6 Disposal of Waste
Infection Control
1 Medical asepsis
2 Surgical asepsis
3 Standard safety measures
Vital Signs
1 Temprature
i. Oral
ii. Axial
v. Vaginal
2 Pulse
3 Respiration
4 Blood Pressure
5 Calculation of oral dose
6 Administration on Injection
7 Instillation of Drops
Injection of Oil/Tube on Skin
Therapeutic Measures
a) Oxygen administration
1 Oxygen Mask
2 Nasal Cannula
3 Oxygen tank
4 Nasal catheter
5 Venturi Mask
6 Nebulization
7 Ambu bag
8 Oxygen Hood
b) Hot application
1 Hot water bag
2 Seitz bath
3 Infra red/Ultra Violet lamp
4 Steam inhalation
c) Cold application
1 Cold compress
2 Ice caps
3 Ice collar
4 Tepid Sponge
5 Cold sponge
Hygienic Needs
1 Oral care
2 Back care
3 Sponge/bathroom bath
4 Hair care
5 Perineal Care/wash
6 Care of hand/nails
7 Foot care
8 Skin care
Nutritional Needs
1 Tube feeding
2 Parental feeding
3 Input-Output chart maintenance
Emimination Needs
1 Catheterization
2 Enema
3 Bowel wash
4 Suppository
5 Use of Flatus tube
6 Offering Bedpan
7 Offering urinals
Specimen Collection
1 Urine culture
2 Feaces/Stool
3 Vomitus
4 Peripheral Smear
5 Throat swab
6 Vaginal discharge
7 Rectal Swab
First-Aid & Bandages
First Aid in
1 Haemorrhage
2 Shock
3 Blunt
4 Fracture
5 Poisoning
6 Dog bite
7 Drowning
8 Splints
9 Bsic CPR
10 Bandaging
Pre-Operative Care
1 Skin preparation
2 Pre-Operative teaching & counselling
3 Psychological preperations
4 Removal of ornaments & Artificial dentures
Post-Operative Care
1 Unit preperation
2 Care of wound
3 Care of the drainage
4 Post-operative exercises
Diagnostic Procedures
Preperation for and assisting with
1 Abdominal paracentesis
2 Thoracentesis
3 Lumbar Puncture
4 Bone Marrow aspiration
5 Liver biopsy
6 Kidney Biospy
7 Endoscopy
8 Sternal Puncture
9 Supra Pubic Puncture
10 Rectal examination
Operative Room Care
1 General Preperation of O.T. Room
Scrubbing,Gowning & Technique of wearing
2 gloves & mask
3 Identification of instruments for common surgery
4 Setting up trolley-general
Preperation od operating table depending upon
5 operation
6 Positioning of patients on the operating table
7 Scrubs
Setting up Trolley for
1 Orthopeadic Surgery
2 Rectal Surgery
3 Gastro-Intestinal Surgery
4 Neurological Surgery
5 Gynae Surgery
Major Abdominal Operations
1 Colostomy
2 Intestinal obstruction-/CA a abdominal organs
Post Operative Care
1 Unit preperation
2 Immediate post operatuve care
3 Maintain recovery room
Neurological Conditions
1 Setting tray for neurological Examination
2 Checking Neurological reflexes
3 Assissting in Lumbar puncture
4 Assisting in venrtricular puncture
5 Assisting in Sternal puncture
6 Glassgow coma scale
7 Sensory & motor examination
8 Assisting and preperating the patient for
C.T. Scan
Cardiothoracic Conditions
1 Cardiac Monitoring
2 Cardiac Catheterization
3 Endocardiogram
4 Electrocardiogram
5 Bronchography
6 Stress test
7 Cardiac Enzyme test
8 Changing intracostal drainage
9 Pulmonary function test
10 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
11 Bronchoscopy
12 Mantoux Test
13 Thoracentesis
14 Pacemaker
15 Defibrillation
16 Cardiac test
17 Chest Physiotherpay
Gastro-Intestinal Conditions
1 Assessment of G.I. System
2 Care of Drainage tube
3 Care of colostomy tube
4 Endoscopy Care
5 Gastrostomy Feeding
6 Administration of total prenatal nutrition
7 Gastric Analysis
8 Oesophageal Ballon
9 Seitz bath
10 Surgical soak
11 Care in specific procedure
Barium Enema
Metabolic & Endocrine Conditions
1 Glycosylated Haemoglobin
2 Thyroid function test
3 Diabetic test
4 Glucose tolerance test
5 Insulin pump
Musculoskeletal Conditions
1 Care of patient with plaster of paris
2 Care of patient with Traction
3 Care of patient with fracture
4 Care of pateint with Total hip/knee replacement
5 Care of patient with Amputation/stump
6 Care of patient in Rehabilitation
Opthalmic Conditions
1 Eye Surgery
2 Setting Opthalmic Examination tray for
3 Eye irrigation
4 Ear irrigation
5 Application of Eye ointment
6 Application of Ear Ointment
7 Application of Nose ointment
8 Opthalmic Dressing
9 Removal of foreign bodies
10 Assist in throat swab culture
Child Health Assessment
1 Physical Assessment
New born
Sick child
2 Anthropometric measurement
3 Assessment of low birth weight
4 Assessment of degree of dehydration
5 APGAR Scoring
Vital Signs
1 Temperature
2 Pulse
3 Respiration
4 Blood Pressure
Nutritional Needs
1 Preperation of formula
Breast feeing
Artificial feeding
Nasogastric feeding
Bottle feeding
Assist in child with C.I./C.P.
2 Sterilization of feeding articles
Hygienic Needs
1 Baby Bath
2 Cord care
3 Mouth care
4 Eye care
1 Mummification
2 Elbow
3 Clove hitch
4 Jacket
5 Mitten
Administration of
1 Oral Medication
2 I/M
3 I/V
4 S/C
5 Intra-venous Infusion
6 Eye drop
7 Ear Drop
8 Nasal drop
Steam Inhalation
Oxygen Administration
Blood Transfusion
Assisting in Immunization Programme
Exchange Transfusion
Assisting in Special Procedure
1 Lumber Puncture
2 Resuscitation of a high risk new born
3 Phototherapy
4 Ventilator Care
5 Incubator Care
6 Radiant Warmer
7 Chest Physiotherpay
8 Administration of fluids with Infusion pump
9 Total Parental Nutriton Monitoring Babies
Pre-operative Care
Post-operative Care
Care during Paediatric Emergency
1 Asphyxia
2 Head Injury
3 Convulsion
4 Haemolytic Disorder
1 TC- Theory class completed
2 SL - Attainment of competency in skill lab
3 CA - Attainment of skill competency in clinical area
4 Faculty should sign with date after student is competent to perform each skill
udent Name 2 Student Name 3
Name of Students /
S.No. Student Name 1 Student Name 2
Name of Procedures
Community Health Nursing TC SL CA TC SL CA
1 Home Visit
2 Techniques of I.P.R.
3 Maintaining Health Records
4 Community Survey
i) Demographic Survey
ii) Sanitary Survey
iii) Epidemiological Survey
Health Survey
5 Nutritional Survey
Assessment of
1 New Born
2 Infant
3 Toddler
4 Pre-school
5 Adolscent
6 Adult
7 Old age
8 Antenatal Mother
Assisting in
1 Antenatal clinic
2 Postnatal clinic
3 Family welfare
4 Health Camps
5 School health programs
6 In servuce education for P.H.C. Staffs
7 Under Five clinic
Health Needs
1 Anthropometric Measurement
2 Nutritional needs
3 Hygienic needs
4 Elimination needs
5 Community nutritional programmes
Demonstration of Procedures in
Nursing Care
1 Performing hand washing at home
2 Performing bag techniques at home
3 Checking Weight & Height
4 Nutritional Assessment
5 Performing Urine Analysis
Collection of specimens for laboratory
6 investigation
7 Checking temperature at home
Estimation of haemoglobin at home
8 using haemoglobin meter
Estimation of haemoglobin at home
9 using haemoglobin testing paper
10 Collection blood for peripheral smear
11 Dressing a wound at home
12 Giving baby bath/tub bath
13 Giving Lap/Leg Bath
14 Care in Fever
15 Oral Rehydratiob Therapy
16 Scabies treatment
17 Medication/Injection
1 Home for aged
2 Certified Schools/Certifies Schools
3 Community Mental Health Centre
4 Sub-centre/PHC/CHC
5 Rehabilitation Centre
6 Communicable disease hospital
7 National Family Planning
8 Remand home
9 Orphange
10 Voluntary health organization
11 Well baby clinic
12 National leprosy home
13 Water Purification Plant
14 Sewage treatment plant
15 Milk Dairy visits
16 Professional Visits
1 Admission Procedure
2 Discharge Procedure
3 Performing Mental Status Examination
4 Conducting Process of Recording
5 Preparing patient for ECT
Preparing a patient for Chemical
6 convulsive therapy
Assisting Patient with:
2 Chemical convulsive therapy
3 Recreational Therapy
4 Occupational therapy
5 De-addiction therapy
6 Drug therapy
7 Milieu therapy
8 Rehabilitation therapy
9 Social therapy
10 Nacroanalysis/Abreactive therapy
11 Individual/Group Therapy
12 Family/Community Therapy
13 Music/Dance therapy
14 Light/color therapy
15 Aroma therapy
Counselling About:
1 Premarital
2 Marital
3 Genetic
4 Individual
5 Group
6 Family
7 Educational
Modalities/Administration of
Psychiatric Emergencies
Crisis Intervantion
a) Principles
b) Techniques
c) Process
Therapeutic Communication &
Nurse-Patient Relationship
Student Name 3

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