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Outlining A Reading Text

By: Michelle T. Gomez, LPT
Learning Objectives:
In this lesson, you will learn to:
1. Define a reading outline and writing outline
2. Describe the importance of outlining
3. Differentiate an informal outline from formal
4. Recognize the appropriate use of informal
outline on a narrative text
5. Create a reading outline in various
Read the paragraph and fill out the missing
words on the space provided. Choose your
answer from the word bank below.

Defining an Outline:
An (1) _____________ is a summary that
gives the essential features of a
(2) _____________.
There are two kinds of outlines: the
(4)______ _________ outline and
(5)____________ __________ outline.
A (6)____________ ___________
outline is used to get the main ideas of the
texts that are already written.
It helps you understand the text’s structure
more critically because you will have to find
the text’s (7) ______________statement
and (8)__________________. You will
better understand how a writer connects
and sequences the information in the
Meanwhile, a (9) _______________
outline is a skeletal version of your essay. It
is used as a (10)
____________________ to organize
your ideas. It is usually done before you write
the first draft of your essay.
Let’s have a brief recall about the previous lesson.
Write smiley if the statement is correct, otherwise
write X.

_______ 1. The thesis statement should be

_______ 2. The thesis should cover only what
you will discuss in your paper and should be
supported with specific evidence.
_______ 3. The thesis statement usually
appears at the end of the first paragraph of a
Let’s have a brief recall about the previous lesson.
Write smiley if the statement is correct, otherwise
write X.

_______ 4. A topic may change as you write, so

you may need to revise your thesis statement to
reflect exactly what you have discussed in the
_______ 5. The statement, ‘My family is an
extended family’. is an example of a strong
thesis statement.
Organizing ideas in a reading selection seems a
demanding job, but lesson aims to show you how
it is done effectively and why it is beneficial for
you. Let us do first the following activity to give
you a heads up about what the lesson is about.
Always read the directions carefully.
Read the list of words or phrases below.
Decide which two name general categories,
then put the rest of the words and phrases in
the correct category. Set a timer for one
minute, and your timer starts now!
Let’s think it over:
1. Have you categorized all the words and
phrases in one minute? Why or why not?

2. What have you learned from the initial

Most likely, you now have an idea about the


nutshell, involves organizing information for
easier understanding of texts. You will learn
more about outlining as you move on to the
next lesson.
What is an
An OUTLINE is simply a framework for
presenting the main and supporting ideas
for a particular subject or topic. Outlines
help you develop a logical, coherent
structure for your paper, making it easier to
translate your ideas into words and
sentences. Once your outline is complete,
you’ll have a clear picture of how you can
develop your paper.
What is the
difference of
Formal and
Informal Outline?
Differentiating Formal and Informal Outline:


Roman numerals and capital or lowercase letters
to show hierarchy of information, which can be an
effective way to organize ideas, however, there
are other ways, and they don't always need to be
formal. An INFORMAL OUTLINE tailor fits your
outline specifically to your liking; jotting down key
sentences, short phrases or only key words, for as
long as the main ideas are listed with key details
of each sub-section.
Differentiating Formal and Informal Outline:

An INFORMAL OUTLINE makes use of graphic

organizers, especially to visual learners who can
better understand and process information when
they are arranged using drawings, illustrations,
diagrams, charts, and symbols.
What is the two
Types of Outline?
Two Types of Outline:

A READING OUTLINE is used to get the main

ideas of a text that is already written. It helps
you understand the text’s structure more
critically because you will have to find the
text’s thesis statement and support. You will
better understand how a writer connects
and sequences the information in the
Two Types of Outline:

A WRITING OUTLINE is a skeletal version of

your essay. It is used as a guide to organize
your ideas. It is usually done before you write
the first draft of your essay.
What is the
importance of
Outlining a
Reading Text?
Importance of Outlining a Reading Text:

• Outlining reveals the ability to

locate the main ideas, reveals the
coherence, and complexity of a
Importance of Outlining a Reading Text:

• Outlining involves knowing how to

distinguish ideas according to
their importance, filter reading
and write down the bare
Importance of Outlining a Reading Text:

• Foremost, you cannot outline

something you do not understand,
thus it proves one’s
understanding and
comprehension of the reading
What are the
Steps to Outline
Effectively a
Reading Text?
Steps to Outline Effectively a Reading Text:

Writing a reading outline for books,

news, articles, or scholarly journals
may follow these steps:
Steps to Outline Effectively a Reading Text:

1. Read the article or chapter first, noting

any words or phrases not understood
and finding their definitions for
2. Read the article through a second time.
Take notes starting with the topic and
write the thesis or main point that the
author wants to convey.
Steps to Outline Effectively a Reading Text:

3. In every main point, begin arranging

the key concepts covered based on
section titles, bold subheadings, or
main idea communicated through
each paragraph. Under each section
title or main idea, list important details
related to that sub-topic.
Steps to Outline Effectively a Reading Text:

4. Go over the article again, checking

what you've noted as main ideas and
key details.
5. Finally, summarize the main idea of
each section in words, phrases, or
What is the
Basic Structure
of an Outline?
Basic structure of an outline?

• In the typical structure of an outline, the

headings, which are the main topic of
each section, are accompanied by a
Roman numeral. Under the headings,
further ideas are marked with a capital
letter. Ideas beneath the capital letter
are marked with a number, and sub-
ideas of those ideas are marked with a
lower-case letter.
Basic structure of an outline?

• Most outlines move from the general to

the specific in each section. The outline
should begin with an introduction that
lays out the general ideas of the paper
and includes a thesis, and then move on
to points that support the overarching
Basic structure of an outline?

• Each section should also move from the

general to the specific. The heading of
each section of the outline should be a
general idea in support of the thesis.
Under that main idea is supporting
information—specific evidence about
your subject that bolsters the idea.
Basic structure of an outline?

• It is usually best to have a section for

each distinct idea, including a section for
the introduction and for the conclusion.
This generally corresponds to one
Roman numeral per paragraph. A good
way to gauge if you have enough ideas
for Quick Tip: A general rule of outlines is
that when there is an A, there is a B; when
there is a 1, there is a 2; and so on.
Basic structure of an outline?

• In writing your outline, you could choose

between a topic outline which lists
words or phrases, or a sentence outline
which lists complete sentences.
Sample Reading Outline:
Sample Reading Outline:
Sample Reading Outline:
Sample Reading Outline:
Activity Time!
Answer the following activities for you to
practice what you have learned. This lesson
intends to hone your skill in outlining a
reading text properly and effectively.
After learning the fundamental concepts in
outlining, let us apply what you have learned
by creating an outline from a story text.

Let us try first a graphical way of outlining,

then soon enough, as your skill progresses,
you would come to realize that outlining is not
that difficult after all.
Now that you have finished the story outline,
at this point, you would have to draft for
another reading outline, the next activity will
help you prepare writing a full-blown reading
outline later on.
What I have
Now that you have finished the lesson, you
may have learned that:
• Outlining is an important skill for any
student to learn and develop. It
teaches you how to organize ideas
from a larger context and reduce it to a
more substantial, meaningful and
understandable manner. It makes
comprehension more effective by
Now that you have finished the lesson, you
may have learned that:
• presenting the essential parts of texts,
the sections that are subordinate to the
main idea, and how they are related to
one another.
Now that you have finished the lesson, you may
have learned that:
• You learned that there are different
types of outlining: a reading outline
and a writing outline. You have learned
the importance of both, as to how and
when to use them. A reading outline
presents the main ideas of the texts
that are already written which
Now that you have finished the lesson, you
may have learned that:
• help one to better understand more
critically how the author connects and
sequences the information in the
reading text. You could also make
outlining more interesting, fun, and
visual by using an informal outline,
whenever possible.
Now that you have finished the lesson, you
may have learned that:
• Furthermore, the skill in writing a
reading outline helps students like you
in doing research studies and other
scholarly works; like essays, research
papers, and scientific studies, by
making the texts manageable and
Now that you have finished the lesson, you
may have learned that:
• It would allow you to thoroughly and
carefully read texts and determine the
relevant ideas to focus on; those that
are just essential and worth knowing.
What can I do?
Now that you have the foundation and
essential skills in creating an outline. You
are now ready to create a full-blown
reading outline.
Follow the instructions carefully.
1. Create a formal outline from the given essay
2. You may use the sample template as guide,
however, customize it accordingly as required by
the given text.
3. Please refer back to the above lessons for writing
guidelines and tips, or as often as needed.
4. Use a sentence outline.
5. You may need a separate paper for your final
You may now begin reading the essay, Why People Should
Exercise, on the next page, then start drafting your reading
You may now begin reading the essay, Why People Should
Exercise, on the next page, then start drafting your reading
You may now begin reading the essay, Why People Should
Exercise, on the next page, then start drafting your reading
You may now begin reading the essay, Why People Should
Exercise, on the next page, then start drafting your reading
Ms. Michelle T. Gomez, LPT
“To God Be The Glory”

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