Lecture Digital - Governance

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Digital –Governance

E-Governance Models

Aarti Rani
School of computer Applications
Babu Banarsi Das University
Lucknow -UP
The use of IT to improve the ability of
government to address the needs of
society. It includes the publishing of policy
and programme related information to
transact with citizens. It extends beyond
provision of on-line services and covers
the use of IT for strategic planning and
reaching development goals of the
⚫ Concept of E-Governance
E-governance is the good usage of information and
communication technologies to transform and enhance
the efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and
accountability of informational and transactional
exchanges with in government, between government
agencies at National, State, Municipal & Local levels,
citizen & businesses, and to authorise citizens through
access and use of information. Fundamentally,
E-governance, entails electronic governance which
uses information and communication technologies at
various levels of the government and the public sector
to improve governance (Bedi, Singh and Srivastava,
Overview of e-Governance Models
Any system, when starts hatching is mainly influenced
by its development models. e-Governance models are
purposely and specifically designed to guide the
implementation and development of e-Governance
applications in a stage-wise manner.
The evolution revolves from immature manual systems
to the mature Digital Democracy. The advantage of
having a stage-wise approach is to offer governments
abilities to measure the progress and also to generate
momentum that could subsequently be maintained.
Models of digital governance are still
evolving in developing countries. A few
generic models have shaped up, which are
finding greater recognition and are being
replicated. These models are based on the
inherent characteristics of ICT such as
enabling equal access to information to
anyone who is part of the digital network
and de-concentration of information
across the entire digital network,
connecting all sources of information.
In simpler terms, information does not
reside at any one particular node in the
Digital Governance models but flows
equally across all the nodes-a fundamental
change from the more common
The five generic models of digital governance in
developing countries are:

⚫ 1.Broadcasting/Wider Dissemination Model

⚫ 2.Critical Flow Model
⚫ 3.Comparative Analysis Model
⚫ 4.Mobilisation and Lobbying Model
⚫ 5.Interactive-Service Model(G2C2G)
⚫ 1. Broadcasting/Wider Dissemination Model
⚫ The model is based on dissemination of information
relevant to better governance that is already in the
public domain into wider public domain through the
use of ICT and convergent media. The rationale behind
the model is that a more informed citizenry is able to
better understand the governance mechanisms and is
more empowered to make informed choices and
exercise its rights and responsibilities. Further, there is
a greater likelihood that society in which the
individuals are equally informed will ensure that the
agenda and forms of governance are not biased to
favour a few.
1. Putting government laws and legislation online.
2. Making available the names, contact addresses, emails, and
fax no’s of local government officials online.
3. Making available key information pertaining to
governmental plans, budgets, expenditures, and
performances online.
4. Putting key quote judgement/judicial statement that are of
value to common citizens and creating our precedence for
future actions online, viz. Key environment related
judgements, state v/s citizen court rulings, etc.
⚫ If national governments aggressively adopt
this model, they will effectively create an
environment that enhances participation of its
people in domestic matters. This model is the
very first move in achieving e-governance
platforms since it facilitates free flow and
access to information to all parts of the society
hence can be referred as the building block of
digital governance.
⚫ This model is not useful when the government
controls the information being put in the
public domain. Also, the model is pointless
when free flow of important content is not
encouraged. Therefore, it is the sole
responsibility of civil societies and
government organizations to ensure that this
⚫ Successful projects based on the wider model of
The official National E-government website
provides comprehensive information about the
government as well as integrates citizens tothe
South Africa
In South Africa, there is a network called the
Chapter 2 Network which is a center to clear
communication and information for social justice.
This network distributes information about
research and political intelligence, support
campaigns and legislation scrutiny to civil society
organizations involved in social justice. Earth
Negotiations Bulletin-is a network service that
keeps citizens around the globe aware of
international environmental negotiations,
decisions, and processes. It’s of primary value to
2. Critical Flow Model
⚫ The model is based on challenging information of
critical value to a targeted audience or spreading it in
the wider public domain through the use of ICT and
convergent media. The model requires foresight to
understand the significance of particular information
set and use it strategically. It may also involve locating
users to whom the availability of a particular
information set would make a critical difference in
initiating good governance.
Applications The application involves making available:

⚫ Information on corruption (by an appropriate legal authority ) of a

particular government ministry or government officials, to its electoral
constituency or to the concerned governing body(e.g. the websites of
Central Vigilance Commission);
⚫ Research studies, enquiry reports and appraisals commissioned by the
government to the affected parties;
⚫ Human Rights violation and Criminal impeachment records against
government officials to NGOs and concerned citizens; and
⚫ Environment related information to local communities, e.g.,
information on radioactivity spills, wealthy discharge in rivers, green
ratings of a company, etc.
Evaluation of critical flow model
1.Critical model is based mostly on the direction of its
information and its prospective users. By concentrating
on the important aspect of data, it the weakest feature
of governance and its decision-making body.
2.This model informs people about particular instances
of political failure and improper governance.
3.While fuelling public strife, this system puts pressure
on the responsible government officials and bodies to
take into consideration the concerns and the opinions
of citizens while making decisions.
⚫ Cons
1.The government itself may have a limited motivation, and
attitudes in sharing such important information.
2.The only way to achieve such a model is to lay its
implementation responsibility to civil societies so as to
have efficient watch on government actions and policies
3.The model may not work properly on instances where the
government bodies do not encourage public contributions
and criticize all information of critical nature
4.Finally, the model will also fail where the government
maintains tight control over all information and remains
available to only a few top levels of the government.
⚫ Successful projects based on critical flow model

India Central Vigilance Committee has a website which provides
access to information freely about the government servants who
have been implicated in legal charges related to corruption to the
citizens. In this site, people can file complaints aligned with a
public servant who falls in the jurisdiction of the commission.
Bangladesh Human Rights Portal: the networking of this port
actively endorse human rights changes in the political
boundaries of Bangladesh. Also, the portal supports women,
marginalized communities, children and citizen in resisting any
social repression.
3. Comparative Analysis Model
⚫ The Comparative Analysis Model is based on exploring information
available in the public or private domain and comparing it with the
actual known information sets to derive strategic learning’s and
arguments. The model continuously assimilate new knowledge
products and uses them as a benchmark to evaluate, influence or
advocate changes in current governance policies and actions.
⚫ The comparison could be made over a time scale to get a snapshot of
the past and present situation (before-after analysis) or between two
different situations to understand the effectiveness of an intervention
(with or without analysis).
⚫ The strength of this model lies in the boundless capacity of ICT to
store information in a retrievable manner and transmit it almost
instantaneously across all geographical and hierarchical barriers.
1.Gauging the effectiveness of current policies by gleaning
learning’s from government policies and action from the
2.Establishing conditions of prior precedence, especially in
the case of judicial or legal decision making and use it to
influence future decision making. This could be useful in
resolving patent related dispute, public goods, ownership
rights, etc.
3.Enabling informed decision making at all levels by
enhancing the background knowledge and provide a
rationale for future course of action.
4.Evaluating the performance record of a particular
government official or ministry.
Evaluation (Pros and Cons)

⚫ The developing countries can use this model to their benefit as
ICT unlocks access to local knowledge and global products a
very low cost. Organizations trusted in maintaining this digital
platform may use it to track the performance of electoral
candidates and share the records in their constituencies.
⚫ This model can become useless/ ineffective in the absence of
vigorous civil societies welfares and little public memory Also,
the model relies on the availability of other information’s for
comparison and the attitude of people to examine and come up
with self-explanatory or strong arguments from the analysis.
Successful projects based on critical flow model
⚫ The Philippines have a website call vote.Ph, which
is non-sectored, non-partisan online information
bank. This is the reference center for Philippine
elected officials on the local and the national level.
This directory is used by voters to know who runs
in their electoral areas and who their current
representative is.
⚫ India, the Center for Science and Environment
carries out surveys of how environmental friendly
Indian industries are. This project is mainly an
attempt to facilitate fair and independent
examination of the relative environmental
performance of various industries. It attempts to a
perspective which supports accountability in
industries and on the other hand encourage poor
performers to compete. After evaluation, the
performance of these companies is shared online
4. Mobilisation and Lobbying Model
⚫ Mobilisation and Lobbying Model is one of the most
frequently used digital governance models and has often
come to the aid of civil society organisations in developing
countries to impact international decision making
processes. The model is based on planned, directed,
strategic flow of information to build strong virtual allies to
strengthen action in the real world. It takes up the proactive
approach of forming virtual communities which share
similar values and concerns, promoting active sharing of
information between these communities, and linking them
with real world activities.
1)Fostering public debates on global issues, themes of
upcoming conferences, treaties, etc.
2)Formation of pressure groups to pressurize decision makers
to take their common concerns into cognizance.
3)Amplifying the voices of marginalized groups such as
backward classes or minorities who are traditionally
marginalized from the decision making process.
4)Encouraging wider participation in decision making
5)Developing global expertise on a particular theme in the
absence of localized information to aid decision-making.
⚫ Evaluation (Pros and Cons)

1.This model gained ground after the onset of the Seattle round of
WTO which led to the formation various virtual communities
that advocate the concerns of the developing nations in the WTO
agreement. This was as a result of massive discussions that must
have taken place over virtual networks before the summit.
2.The model increases the range of membership of individuals and
communities in debates and any policy issues.
3.The model creates a limit for members to be careful or get the
opinion of the global members is against them.
4.This model can also be used to gauge public opinions by the
government, especially on particular issues.
5.Interactive-Service Model/
Government-to-Citizen-to-Government Model
⚫ Interactive-Service Model in many ways is a
consolidation of the earlier digital governance models
and opens up avenues for direct participation of
individuals in the governance processes. This model
fully captures the potential of ICT and leverages it for
greater participation, efficiency and transparency in the
functioning of government as well as savings in time
and costs relating to decision-making.
⚫ Establishing an interactive communication channel with policy
makers such as video conferencing and online dialoguing.
⚫ Conducting electronic ballots for the election of government
officials and other office bearers.
⚫ Conducting public debates/opinion polls on issues of wider
concerns before formulation of policies and legislative
⚫ Filing of grievance petitions, feedback and reports by citizens
with the concerned governmental body.
⚫ Performing governance functions online such as revenue
collection, filing of taxes, governmental procurement, payment
transfers, etc.
⚫ Carrying out video conferencing, and online discussion with
policy makers.
⚫ Evaluation of G2C2G
⚫ This model of governance is more applicable in the
developed nations and has been projected for use in the
developing countries.
⚫ The model is highly reliable to technology as
compared to other models hence making it hard to
copy in the developing countries which lack reliable
ICT infrastructure
⚫ Successful projects on Interactive Service Model
This model of E-governance has been used in Dhar, which
is a district in Pradesh. It connects rural cybercafés to cater
for the everyday need of citizens. The site offers services
such as online applications and registrations, copies of land
maps, and public complaint redress.
Secondly the model has been used in Philippines custom
bureau which is an online system that has been developed
to aide in clearance at the ports, duty payment, and delivery
of orders for ships to leave the doc. This digital platform
has reduced cases of the graft within government arms
hence making the revenue bureau maximize revenue
⚫ Every government, either in the developed or the
developing countries should work towards achieving a
digital governance model. We can be sure that
E-governance models bring adequate transformations
in the on hand forms of governance as they transform
the situation of citizen governance relationship and
bring in a new era of influencing governance
decision-making processes. E-governance models
make certain that the voice of the people is reflected in
the decision-making organs

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