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Topic: In the World: Ancient, Middle and metallurgy or ironwork more especially

Modern Ages from carbon steel.

*It brought significant changes to daily life –
Evidence of Science and Technology during from the way people grew crops to the way
the Pre- Historic Times they fought wars.
*Much of the people had settled into small
1. Stone Age village life.
∙ This period was marked by which stone *Villagers toiled the soil with iron
was widely used to make tools farming tools, made the process more
implements. efficient, and allowed farmers to
∙ A man was a food gatherer, depended for his exploit tougher soils.
subsistence on hunting wild animals and birds,
fishing, and collecting wild fruits, nuts, and Technological Advancements of the Ancient
berries. ∙ Tools developed gradually from single Civilizations
to all-purpose tools to a collection with a 1. Sumerian Civilization ( Sumer, Mesopotamia
specific function. ( Iraq))
∙ Sumer – located on the southernmost
3 Separate Periods tip of ancient Mesopotamia. ∙ It is the
1. Paleolithic period (early) cradle of the world’s earliest known
a. Pebble – tool traditions civilization and was first established in
b. Bifacial – tool/ hand-axe traditions the region in about 3600 BC.
c. Flake-tool traditions ∙ It is known as the “ first city” in the world.
d. Blade – tool traditions ∙ It transformed families into tribes that
*tools for cutting, chopping, occupied territories which soon became
scraping, and sawing cities and later were called states.
∙ Known for their high degree of cooperation
2. Mesolithic period (middle)
with one another and their desire for great
*” prepared core technique” this things – this desire pushed them to develop
technique probably raised the
many things connected with science and
level of standardization and predictability technology.
in stone technology. *making of pro
jectileweapons ( spears, darts, arrows)
Science and Technology Developments
*inventions appeared such as needles and
a. Cuneiform – the first writing system
thread, skin clothing,
- is a set of word pictures depicted in
the harpoon, the spear-thrower, and special
symbols made of triangular marks around
fishing equipment)
3100 BC.
- Pictograms or drawings representing
3. Neolithic period ( new)
actual things
a. herding societies
- allowed the Sumerians to keep records of
b. bronze smelting
things with
c. adoption of agriculture
great historical value or their
d. food-producing everyday life.
e. development of pottery (sediments and b. Wheel/Potter’s wheel- a heavy flat disk
made of hardened clay. - it was spun
f. agriculture was developed horizontally on an axis to allow the potter to
g. domesticate animals inform evenly.
h. processed and consumed wild cereal grains - the Sumerians simply turn this clay-
2. Bronze Age splattered wheel on
* Beginning of mining and metallurgy its end and hook it to a wagon to make a
* Denotes the first period in which metal was wheel as a
used means of a practical method for moving
*Man began smelting copper and alloying heavy objects
with tin or arsenic to make bronze Tools and from one location
weapons. to another.
*A time of extensive use of c. Sailboat- essential in transportation
and tradings as well as in
metals and developing trade fostering, culture, information, and
networks d. Plow – with this tool, farmers could
cultivate larger parcels of land faster,
3. Iron Age * Is the period in enabling them to mass-produce food
without taking so much effort and time.
prehistory when the dominant
e. The great Ziggurat of Ur- “ Mountain of God”
-the structure was constructed using sun-baked
tool-making material was iron.
- the temple showcases the elaborate and
*Characterized by the production of
intricate Sumerian architecture but also the
tools and weaponry using ferrous
remarkable mineral Galena.
technology. - their function was for both health and
aesthetics reasons.
f. Irrigation and Dikes –constructed to -The Egyptians were Kohl around the eyes
bring water to farmlands and control to prevent and even cure eye diseases.
the flooding of the rivers. -one of the - The Egyptians believed that a person
most beneficial engineering works. wearing make-up was protected from evil
and that beauty was a sign of holiness.
g. Sexagesimal system-counting in units of 60
e. Wig- The wigs were used to protect the
which served as the basis of 360 circle and
shaved heads of the wealthy Egyptians
the 60 minute hour. h. Wool from sheep made
into textiles, mastered the arts of bleaching from the harmful rays of the sun.
and dyeing -it was considered cleaner than natural hair
because it prevented the accumulation of
2. Babylonian Civilization head lice.
∙ The ancient region bordering the Tigris and f. Water clock/Clepsydra-this device utilizes
gravity that affects the flow of water from
Euphrates rivers. ( Iraq) ∙ Babylon is the capital
and served as a commercial and religious one vessel to the other.
center in the Tigris- Euphrates valley. -The amount of water remaining in the
Science and Technology Developments
determines how much time has elapsed
a. Hanging Gardens of Babylon –a structure since it is full.
made up of layers upon layers of gardens g. Art and Science of Embalming-The method
that contained several species of plants, of embalming, or treating the dead body,
trees, and vines. that the ancient Egyptians used is called
- However, no physical evidence has mummification. -The Egyptians believed that
been found to the mummified body was the home for this
prove the existence of the hanging gardens soul or spirit. If the body was destroyed,
of Babylon. the spirit might be lost.
- According to legends, the great h. Pyramid- a monumental structure with a
Babylonian King square or triangular base and sloping sides
Nebuchadnezzar II built the gardens for his that meet in a point at the top, especially one
wife, Queen built of stone as a royal tomb in ancient Egypt.

3. Egyptian Civilization .

Situated in the northeastern part of the African

continent, located along the Nile River which
provided a fertile delta.
Science and Technology Developments
a. Paper or Papyrus – this invention was a
major accomplishment in Egyptian
record-keeping and communications.
- Papyrus was a plant that grew
abundantly along the
Nile River in Egypt. They were able to process
the plant
to produce thin sheets on which one could
write down things.
b. Ink – engraving ceased to be used in writing.
-combined soot with different
chemicals to produce inks of different
-it was used to record history,
culture, and codified laws.

c. Hieroglyphics –a system of writing using

-a writing system provided
by the gods.
-the language that tells the modern world
of the history and culture of the ancient
-the records were well-preserved since they
were carved at the walls of pyramids and
other important Egyptian structures.
d. Cosmetics- The Egyptians also invented
the use of cosmetics (Kohl). -Kohl was
created by mixing soot or malachite with

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