Work Immersion

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I express my deepest gratitude to Ms. Kris and Ms. Abi for providing us

with the chance to work at KS Financials. I expressed my gratitude to them for

allowing me to see the true world. I appreciate you both allowing me the

opportunity to get to know you. Working with the two of you was enjoyable.

We are incredibly grateful to our adviser, Ms. Oliva, for looking after us

during our work immersion. I sincerely appreciate everything you did for us,

especially the checking and asking how we were doing. You have my sincere

gratitude, Ma'am Oliva.

Thank you to Sir Jayson and Sir Joshua for allowing me to work in the

school's computer lab. I also appreciate your checks and fixes for the Internet

in the lab. Thank you for allowing us to work here once more despite the rules

we broke.

Without the support of my group members, I could not have completed

this work immersion. I would not be here today without Mark, our leader, who

took great care of us and put in a lot of work to create the website. I would

also like to thank Joshua for picking me up at our home each day during our

work immersion. Finally, Joash, I want to thank you for supporting me and

giving me the willpower to go through this, for serving as my motivation, I

really admire your hardworking skills. I'm grateful to you.

Thank you very much to my supportive parents for being understanding

of what I had to and still need to accomplish, for not bothering me while I'm at

our house, and for not assigning me housework. I sincerely appreciate you

both, mom and dad. Thank you very much.


My journey through the Work Immersion program at KS Financial was a

significant learning experience, aiming to enhance my skills in coding, time

management, and accountability. Throughout the program, which involved

activities such as meetings and website development tasks, I gained practical

insights into the world of ICT.

Despite the enriching experience, there were notable challenges that

we encountered. These included limited access to essential facilities like the

computer laboratory, disruptions caused by noise in the environment, and

intermittent internet connectivity issues. These challenges sometimes slowed

down our progress and made collaboration difficult.

In suggesting improvements for future Work Immersion programs, I

recommend a more thorough evaluation process to understand students'

needs better, addressing infrastructure concerns to ensure smoother

operations, and prioritizing access to facilities for those participating in Work


Despite these challenges, the program proved invaluable in preparing

me for the demands of the professional world. By implementing suggested

improvements, future Work Immersion experiences can be even more

beneficial for students, ensuring they are better equipped for their chosen

careers in ICT.
Table of Contents



Company Profile…………………………………………………………………...2

Immersion Activities……………………………………………………………….3

Problems Encountered……………………………………………………………5


Accomplished Evaluation Form………………………………………………….6

Certificate of Completion of Training……………………………………….……7

Daily Time Record………………………………………...…….………………...8

Approved Endorsement Letter……………………………………………………9

Photo Documentation…………………………………………………………….10

One component of Senior High is Work Immersion. Students will be

familiar with the field they pick because of their job experience. Their

competency and skill levels will rise as a result. Students’ perceptions of the

outside world and the realities of our world will open because of this work

immersion. Students who participate in Work Immersion program gain

practical experience.

During their work immersion program, students will work for a company

that is associated with their area of study. Students will be able to observe

how the business operates daily, which will enable them to apply the skills to

their academic success. Students should also take advantage of this chance

to speak with experts in the subject and get advice.

Through genuine work experience, Work Immersion also assists

students in learning new information. For students, work immersion is

essential to prevent culture shock when they begin working in a sector of their

choice. This also demonstrates to them the realities of the field they select.

They are both learning and gaining experience. Their work immersion enables

them to put their learning into practice.

Work Immersion helps to develop the skills they needed for their

chosen field. This will prepare them physically and mentally. This also

improves the way the students communicate and build teamwork. This is also

a stage for graduating students to show their skills and know the limits of their

skills by identifying their own capabilities and be more attentive.


Work Immersion is a big help to graduating student especially to an ICT

student like me. This helps me improves my skills and enhanced my critical

thinking. The work immersion opens me to reality, this taught me to be more

hardworking and it teaches me many lessons.

 Time Management – to develop a time managerial skill so that I will not

be pressured when an activity or a task was given to me and to have

enough time to finish a task.

 Enhanced Coding Skills – to expand my knowledge in programming

and enhanced critical thinking skills when it comes to coding, explore

the world of IT and be more helpful to community by learning in


 Exhibit Accountability - to foster a self-discipline by being responsible to

every task and making sure to finish it on time, to value every work and

not to cram.

Company Profile

KS Financial

CEO: Ms. Kris Sanchez

KS Financials stands for Knowledge, Stewardess and Finance. It is a

job for programmers. The history of KS Financials started when Ms. Kris

graduated as an IT student. She soon thinks of an idea to build a company

where she will hire programmer to create her ideas and that’s how the KS

Financials born.

Immersion Activities

-Day 1: Monday, February 19, 2024

We watch a live video on Facebook at 7am. After that, we did a

reflection paper about the live. At 11 am, we had a meeting via zoom. Ms. Abi

gave us some introduction about the company and some advice.

-Day 2: Tuesday, February 20, 2024

An activity was given to us, we had to think about a topic since we need

to do a case study. We had a brainstorming in our group. We decided to do a

website about Online Booking of a Cafe. After that, we passed the title and

executive summary through mail.

-Day 3: Wednesday, February 21, 2024

We started to do the company name, name of technology, vision,

mission, purpose, core values and tagline. I also check the paper of my

groupmates if it’s correct. We passed our revised paper because there were

some errors in making the company name.

-Day 4: Thursday, February 22, 2024

This day, we identify the problem and solution that we see. We started

coming up with more ideas and how the website’s going to run. We also had a

zoom meeting and send our take aways in comment section of a Facebook


-Day 5: Friday, February 23, 2024

This is the last day of our first week in work immersion, we finished our

paper including the value proposition and the business model. It was a hard

week as an intern.

-Day 6: Monday, February 26, 2024

We watch a live again for Power Monday, fix the paper format, got

revised and start from scratch again. We did not understand the case study

that’s why we have so many revised.

-Day 7: Tuesday, February 27, 2024

I did the presentation in Canva, put everything we need to put except

for the value proposition since the other member is not passing his part to me.

-Day 8: Wednesday, February 28, 2024

I started to fix our paper and changing some of it because we only had

some days before the presentation. It was hard because I was doing it alone,

like I’m the only one who’s inputting the content in paper.

-Day 9: Thursday, February 29, 2024

This is the last day of our work immersion, and I am still doing our

paper because tomorrow is our presentation.

-Day 10: Friday, March 01, 2024

The day of presentation, we did not finish making the website though

because a week is not enough. I believe we did well in the presentation.

Problems Encountered

The first problem I encountered was when we need the Computer

Laboratory and there was a class, so we had no choice but to wait outside

until the class is over. Second, the internet connection, it suddenly

disappeared and randomly be gone for a couple of minutes. One time, there

was no connection for about 30 minutes, and we missed the zoom meeting.

Third, the noise in Computer Laboratory was just too much, there were

students who just came in and they were start laughing and talking so very

loudly. Also, some of the students eat inside the Computer Laboratory and

leaving their trash, Sir Jayson almost kicks us out of the Computer Laboratory

because of the mess. Next problem is some students who I know have an

internet and enough technology but choose to be in Computer Laboratory

because they’re ‘bored’ they just bring more noise and trash, it’s just so hard

to focus.


I hope they look at the student very well and see who really needs to

work in school. I also suggested to fix the internet connection problem

because we missed some activities that we need to do but can’t because of

the internet connection. Also, I hope you gave the Computer Laboratory for 2
weeks on students who do the work immersion inside the school because I

think that you can make PowerPoint for your students without using the

Computer Laboratory and it’s just 2 weeks so let the students who work used

it than the students who only listen to discussion.

Accomplished Evaluation Form

Certificate of Completion of Training
Daily Time Record
Approved Endorsement Letter
Photo Documentation

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