The Importanceof Big Data Analyticsin Business ACase

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The Importance of Big Data Analytics in Business: A Case Study

Article in American Journal of Software Engineering and Applications · October 2017

DOI: 10.11648/j.ajsea.20170604.12


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4 authors:

Hiba Alsghaier Mohammed Akour

Yarmouk University Prince Sultan University


Issa Shehabat Samah Aldiabat

Yarmouk University Jordan University of Science and Technology


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American Journal of Software Engineering and Applications
2017; 6(4): 111-115
doi: 10.11648/j.ajsea.20170604.12
ISSN: 2327-2473 (Print); ISSN: 2327-249X (Online)

The Importance of Big Data Analytics in Business: A Case

Hiba Alsghaier1, Mohammed Akour2, Issa Shehabat3, Samah Aldiabat3
Computer Information Systems Department, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
Software Engineering Department, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
Management Information Department, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan

Email address:
[email protected] (H. Alsghaier), [email protected] (M. Akour), [email protected] (I. Shehabat),
[email protected] (S. Aldiabat)

To cite this article:

Hiba Alsghaier, Mohammed Akour, Issa Shehabat, Samah Aldiabat. The Importance of Big Data Analytics in Business: A Case Study.
American Journal of Software Engineering and Applications. Vol. 6, No. 4, 2017, pp. 111-115. doi: 10.11648/j.ajsea.20170604.12

Received: August 21, 2017; Accepted: September 5, 2017; Published: October 2, 2017

Abstract: Companies all over the world try to get the benefits from accessing to information that is available in social media
to improve their performance and increase their revenue, processing heterogeneous type of data to extract the valuable data is a
problem that many organizations try to solve. One of the most important trends is in general known as “Big Data”, technology
for Storing, Processing and analyzing data, companies are Managing data in order to use it in new levels and direct decision
makers to make agile decisions in real time, Big Data trend have the capability to guide a revolutionary transformation in
research, invention, and business marketing. In this research we highlight some aspects of Big Data and its importance on
organizations' business performance and how companies can use the famous open source platform Hadoop to process data to
gain the competitive advantage.
Keywords: Big Data, Big Data Analytics, Business Improvement, Hadoop, Data-Driven Companies

1. Introduction
Big data became the most famous event in the last decade, in other types. For example Hadoop, which is software that
many organizations like Google, yahoo, eBay, Facebook and sort massive types of data, does it is work beside the
twitter concern about big data since the beginning of it is mainframes of IBM. The rapid flow of data means that it
shown on the business scene [1]. Big data is higher and richer should be arranged sorted and processed quickly [1].
data that shows more details about behaviours, activities and Some companies who concern about telecommunications
events that happened all around, so analytics of these big data have shrewdness into the volume and speed of high road
give the access to variety and different types of data from traffic got the benefit from information collected from the
huge recourses with less response time [2]. power of big data, another example Disney land gets the
Companies that collect data might be used it to produce benefit from big data analytics by introducing “magic
new income streams. So that companies must begin with a wristbands” in their parks, these bracelets enhance the
business reason for analytics after that detect which form of attention of visitors around the park [4]. Amazon can predict
analytics they want in order to determine how data will be what the customer prefers to buy and introduce the products
collected, sorted, and processed for the previous selected to them according to their preferences.
analytics form [3]. The opportunities that are related into data analysis in many
Since organizations that didn’t have the traditional forms organizations have generated an important interest in business
or sources of infrastructure, they didn’t face the problem of intelligence, which is sometimes point to the techniques and
incorporating the old technology with big data analytics. technologies that help to produce better understand ability of
However, Analytics big data get along with data analytic the market and also make decisions in accurate time [5], also
112 Hiba Alsghaier et al.: The Importance of Big Data Analytics in Business: A Case Study

organizations conclude the biggest value from big data when available at lower cost points. But firms are taking data in
workers are free to explore their analyses. Establishing this order to use it in new levels, using information technology to
type of environment leads the IT work team to change from a shore accurate, stable business experimentation that direct
serving into enabling models [4]. decision makers and to examine outputs, business models,
Big Data is unexpectedly everywhere and everyone try to and regeneration in customer experience sometimes, the new
collect and analyze it, also collecting money by using its trends help firms to make decisions in the real time. These
power. when we are talking about collecting and analyzing trends have the possibility to guide a revolutionary
billions of search engines queries and billions of Smartphone transformation in research, invention, and business
records to determine signals of terrorist attacks and activities, marketing. Some companies, like Amazon, eBay, and
or billions of airline situations to select the suitable time for Google, considered as early commandants, examining factors
buying tickets, big data is the state of these cases. By that control performance to define what raise sales revenue
merging the power of new computing trends with the and user interactivity. Finance establishments are strong
numerous digital data, it undertake to solve practically any experimenters as well as principal one who keep to emend its
problems like crimes, health care and other problems just by methods for segment credit card customers. Brick and mortar
processing large amounts of information or perform companies are also using big data for rigid testing the
operations of great complexity, especially by computer. capability to advise customer data by gathering transactional
data from millions of customers by using a loyalty card, the
1.1. Research Questions collected information is used to analyze new opportunities,
What is the benefit from big data analytics? for example, how to achieve the most efficacious promotions
How organizations can collect numerous amounts of data? for particular customer parts and to cognize decision on
How organizations can employ big data analytic to pricing, advancement other firms using data mining to collect
enhance their business and gain a competitive advantage? information from social media, southwest airlines, Ford
motor and Pepsico, analyze consumer posts on social media
1.2. Research Significance like Facebook and Twitter to standard the instantaneous
influence on campaign and to examine consumer opinion
Big data analytics aid organizations to utilize their data and about their products. Using big data as fundamental factor of
employ it to find new opportunities. Furthermore it leads to making decision which need new capability, most firms are
intelligent business moving ahead, more effective operations, far away from accessing all data resources [13].
high profits and satisfied customers. So organizations should Companies in various sectors have acquired crucial insight
deal with big data analytics seriously and smartly to enhance from the structured data collected from different enterprise
and improve its development issues. systems and anatomize by commercial database management
systems. Companies must not let previous existing data
2. Background warehouse and present business intelligence processes rein
the organization back. Reengineering processes maybe used
The beginning and growth of big data was on early 2011, within the organizations to merge big data analytics to
although it is still in the early stages of development it is still employ the strengths of big data and harvest the advantages
suffering of many problem and programming difficulty of it. Big data analytics need business processes to modify
issues, it is so obvious that utilizing its capabilities gives full and stratify with the IT infrastructure of the organization to
business services. Big data is an expression added to data sets shore the business actions. data analytics influence on
that are so huge where usually software tools cannot hold, infrastructure components, so companies must concentrate on
manage, and process them during an acceptable time in a cost this now and later on to achieve the competitive advantage
effective manner[6], The enforcement of big data is widely [14].
accepted by many industries and companies, which leads
them to improve their business processes [7]. So big data has 3.2. Utilizing Hadoop in Big Data Analytics
imparted golden opportunity to the universal market, every
part of industry is trying to evaluate the higher possibilities to Hadoop is "an open source software platform that enables
gain and analyze information to take better decisions, much processing of large data sets in a distributed computing
data means much more use-cases, more use-cases leads to environment", the authors in [9] discussed some concepts
more illustration of business evaluation which ultimately according to big data, the rules for building, organizing and
leads to best business decision making. This scenario will analyzing huge data-sets in the business environment, they
lead to much profit, by changing the traditional approach of offered 3 architecture layers and also they indicate some
managing data into helpful new approaches [8]. graphical tools to explore and represent unstructured-data,
the authors specified how the famous companies could
improve their business for example Google, Twitter and
3. Literature Review Facebook show their attention in processing big data within
3.1. Big Data Analytic’s Benefits Toward Business cloud-environment Many companies get the benefit from
collecting and analyzing data from comments on social
Technology for holding, analyzing data is broadly media. Zynga is a game maker who collected data from
American Journal of Software Engineering and Applications 2017; 6(4): 111-115 113

customer service and he used these collected data to design business growth. Also the authors in [15] refer that
new version for his game. Another example is Caesars companies are trying to reveal the answer to very basic
Corporation who analyzed health-insurance data for 65,000 questions that are important to adjust their business.
employees and their families about how they used medical- Communication and distribution of information between
services and used these data to deal with specific drugs different corporations is easy nowadays by using big data
companies. The authors in [9] build a big-data infrastructure analysis and IT techniques. These organizations can collect
for their project; they presented a new database called data from their customers to enhance their business. for
"NoSQL" for storing big data, and implemented it on Hadoop example IBM developed a cooperating and reacting
for gathering structured and unstructured data. The first methodology to help retired people, IBM implemented this
architecture layer designed to collect any type of data methodology for retired people in Italy who need services
whether it is structured or unstructured the second one is like, healthcare and other emergency services this developed
processing the previous collected data using Hadoop and the technology depends on sensors distributed within the home to
last one is analyzing Big Data by using analytical business measure heat, O2 level, clamminess, water and electricity,
and modelling tools. any abnormal thing in these patterns will alert the responsible
The organizations who concern about big data they need service like fireman, paramedics or police according to the
huge amount of data that is quantifiable, tools like Hadoop situation. This collaborative responsive technique has helped
and high qualified staff with skills in science, privacy and reduce assistance cost of retired people up to 30 percent and
understandability of business environment. Hadoop is also it help to deliver the required in shorter time with less
document system, which permits capacity for whatever sort disbursement [15]. Another research developed by [16] who
of the data, Hadoop goes by on the fly demonstrating of the focused on commercial oriented-databases for extraction
data, which might be truly a chance to be imperative and at business aims, the author chose the database to support
the same time coordinated and available for huge measuring important topics in industry with concern of big
information, so analytics might improve those benefits of the data the author show that specific types of companies may be
business insights [10]. On the other hand the authors in [11] classified into objective groups relating to big data many
introduced a big-data-analytic technique which establish a firms are interested in the big data analytics to improve their
business context in phrase of the significance level of a query business for example IBM and Microsoft are prominent
their proposed model using Hadoop within a grocery market, representatives. IBM represented many big data options that
the proposed technique consist of 3 steps, the first one is enable users to storing, managing, and analyzing data
representing the business context by specifying the keywords through various resources; it has a good rendering on
that will be used in the query to collect data, the second one business-intelligence also healthcare areas. Compared with
is collecting relevant data to the business context from all IBM, also Microsoft showed powerful work in the area of
conceivable grocery and finally analyzing the final data, the cloud computing activities and techniques another example is
query was "How were the customers experiences with fruit Face-book and Twitter, who are collecting various data from
and vegetable purchased from the shop?" the answers are user's profiles and using it to increase their revenue [16].
collected and analyzed using Hadoop, the results show that
their technique basically increases the amount of the 3.4. The Performance of Data Driven Companies
collected data and increase the revenue values [11] The major skeptic question that may pose most companies
Big data depend on the implementation and procedures of is “how the using of big data will improve business
difficult manners comparing to small datasets. Problems with performance?” the press of the business is full of case studies
big data involve record, memorize, search and analyze. that suppose of being a data driven, the problem is that no
furthermore, in every analysis process new data will be one takes the mentioned question seriously, to cover this gap,
produced sometimes big data analysis procedure include the the authors in [17] let a team in a specific digital business
extended data and computing models, an example of center, work with McKinsey’s and displayed a test hypothesis
computing model is "MapReduce" which target on parallel about driven- data companies if they are doing better
processing of the big extended data which was utilized in performers the author carry out a structured interview with
many applications, like searching in DNA strings, the most administrator of 330 public companies asking them about
popular implementation of the "MapReduce" is Hadoop their technology, and management policies, and collect
framework which include diverse memory data processing, executed data by using the yearly reports and autonomous
depending on this framework, huge big data can be processes sources, the author found that an expansive concatenation of
quickly and efficiency [12]. situations and approaches in all industries and the companies
3.3. The Employment of Big Data Analytics on IBM in the highest position of industry who use the data driven
decision making on average, 5% are more productive and 6%
Big data techniques improve operational effectiveness and are more profitable than other competitors, this different
efficiencies of generating great revenues in business. The execution stick around strong after considering the
effectiveness and Efficiency of these techniques have been contribution of capital, purchased services and labor.
analyzed in the literature review uses the point of view that it Big data analytics can Improve airline agencies for
brings greater understanding of business value and develops example if an airplane land before the staff are ready, the
114 Hiba Alsghaier et al.: The Importance of Big Data Analytics in Business: A Case Study

travellers and crew are surly trapped, the a majority of US how to merge the expertise domain with data analytics will
airlines get the benefit from the local study that 10 % of roll away from their competitor because Some companies
flights have a 10 minute between the evaluated time for maybe even don’t dominate the required technologies to hold
arrival and the real time arrival, the airlines depend on the and analyze the priceless information, moreover, they didn’t
flight industries, The aviator made these predictions through have the completely skill and procedures to collect data and
their last approach to airport, they have another demand on extract value from huge amount of data.
their time and attentiveness. As a solution, the airline turns The problem in utilizing Hadoop in big data analytics is
out into Passur Airlines, as a provider of support- decision the incorporation between Hadoop and the previous ERP
technology for the airline industries. At the beginning of systems of the organizations, a likely scenario in [9] point to
2001 Passur start showing their arrival predictions as a an integrated architecture that integrates Big Data
service called "RightETA". It calculate the times by technologies in real systems, companies should be agile
consolidate aboveboard available information about weather, when they merge the old infrastructure with the new one.
flights schedule, and another factors with data of company Once Big data can used with respect of all the mentioned
itself collected, include feed from networks of a radar station risks, companies will realize how much suddenly revenue
that is installed next of the airports to collect data from all the will increase, and customer's services will continually
planes in the sky, Passur start with a few installations, by scanned from billions of people, also it will help in
2012 they collect a enormous range of data about all planes, forecasting and planning to reach best expectation in online
that produce a huge amount of digital data. Moreover, the sales, and the main benefit of big data is the competitive
Passur keep all information that is collected, so they have advantages that can be achieved by listening to the customers
multidimensional data span more than 10 years. Passur ideas and support their ideas by introducing to them what
confirm that qualifying the airlines to know when their they really want.
planes are going to land off and accordingly plan worth many
billion dollars. The straightforward formula is by using the 5. Research Gap
big data analytics will lead to best prediction, and best
prediction produce best decision [17]. The weakness in the environment of big data is large
Big data analytics and Business intelligence are united because of the lack in organization's skills and technologies,
fields which became widely significant in the business and the lack of knowledge about big data and lack of experience
academic area, companies are permanently trying to make in the big data analytics utilization, there are internally
insight from the extending the three V's ( variety, volume and motives from managers into externally motives from the
velocity) to support decision making. Organizations focus on supply sides of big data. The weakness in the environment of
recognizing trends to gain competitive advantage and get the big data lead to fill the gap in the presence of suitable
opportunities related to data analytics. However, researchers technologies that lead to overcome the barriers discussed in
argued the leveraging technology benefits and the ability to the literature.
make the best use of new agility trends, Insights from big
data analytics have the possibility to enable business process 6. Conclusion
oversight and measurement, reinforce quality management
and the relationship with customers [18]. Exploitation of big data analytics in industrialization
procedures can promote the agility and industrialization
4. Interpretations performance. The transmit toward big data analytics shore
the performance predictors which allow decision makers to
Big data analytics is a new trend that start to show on the employ further data in taking account many actions when
scene in the last decade, many intelligent companies try to striving the organization goals, when organizations employ
implement big data analytic to be in the race within the big data analytics, they can preferable predict already
industrial environment, so the idea here how to be agile to unpredictable things, and upgrade the process performance.
implement big data analytic to improve business, many Organization realize operational processes benefits by cost
companies failed to obtain big data analytics because they reduction, best operations plan, lower inventory levels, best
didn't have the required infrastructure to implement Hadoop, organizational labor force and eliminate wasteful resources,
other companies didn’t consider the privacy licence by also they influence improvements in operations efficiency.
entering into unauthorized information. An organization big data analytics capabilities (like data
The risk in utilizing of big data analytics is obviously the resourcing, accessing, integrating, and delivering) and
privacy aspects, not all the required information can be easily organizational factors (like big data analytics strategy) could
accessed, so that companies must consider the rules of taking speed up of efficient exploitation of big data analytics in
information from other websites or from individual's private processes and operations.
accounts. So the major question that companies ask is “How We might not say that every success organization will
to be agile in using big data analytics?”. The guide is pure, utilize big data to change decision making, but big data
data driven decision lead to the best decisions which make educate us to implement big data analytic to improve
administrator foster this fact, and companies that discover business in respect with all risks, big data analytics educate
American Journal of Software Engineering and Applications 2017; 6(4): 111-115 115

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