PCN 12335
PCN 12335
PCN 12335
Regular Article
Aims: The role of the serotonin transporter (SERT) in list Depression Scale and the Symptom Checklist
the pathophysiology of depression is unclear and Global Severity Index. With cut-off values applied, it
only a few follow-up studies exist. Our aim was to was found that SERT availabilities increased in
measure changes in SERT availability during psycho- patients with high baseline symptoms, and decreased
dynamic psychotherapy in patients with major in patients with low baseline symptoms.
depression over a follow-up time of 12 or 18 months.
Conclusions: Together with our earlier finding of
Methods: The patients were studied with iodine-123 decreased SERT in patients with depression, these
labelled 2β-carbomethoxy-3β-(4-iodophenyl) serial results indicate a state-dependent and possibly a
single-photon emission tomography imaging and compensatory role of decreased SERT availability in
clinical rating scales of symptoms. depression.
Results: Changes in SERT availability had no correla-
Key words: follow-up, midbrain, psychodynamic
tion with the change of symptoms, but the change of
psychotherapy, serotonin transporter, serial single-
SERT availability during psychotherapy in the mid-
photon emission tomography.
brain was predicted by the baseline severity of the
clinical symptoms measured by the Symptom Check-
INDINGS CONCERNING SEROTONIN trans- have reported decreased SERT binding. Positron
F porter (SERT) in major depressive disorder
(MDD) are inconsistent. Several,1–4 but not all,5
emission tomography (PET) studies have reported
decrease,6–11 increase12–14 and no significant differ-
single-photon emission tomography (SPECT) studies ence15 in SERT availability of patients with MDD
compared with healthy subjects. A recent meta-
analysis indicated reduced SERT availability in the
*Correspondence: Mikko Joensuu, MD, Department of Forensic midbrain and amygdala in MDD patients compared
Psychiatry, University of Eastern Finland, Niuvankuja 65, 70240 with healthy subjects.16
Kuopio, Finland. Email: [email protected] In recovered MDD patients, SERT availabilities do
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00594711.
not significantly differ from those of healthy con-
Received 23 November 2014; revised 16 June 2015; accepted 30 July trols.17,18 A recent follow-up study19 reported
2015. increases in SERT availability during 12 weeks of cog-
SERT MB change
The SERT availability in the MB and the MPC was 0.20
measured at baseline for all 33 patients with an inten-
tion to treat. When their overall change was assessed, 0.10
from randomization to follow up (i.e., during 18
months in the waiting group and 12 months in the 0.00
direct therapy group), no statistically significant –0.10
changes were found; MB baseline, 1.14 (SD 0.1),
follow-up of psychotherapy, 1.16 (SD 0.17); and –0.20
MPC baseline, 0.25 (SD 0.07), follow-up of psycho-
therapy 0.25 (SD 0.07). Furthermore, no overall dif- –0.30
0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00
ferences were found between the distributions of MB SCL-90-GSI baseline
or MPC values for the two study groups during
follow-up (P-value for interaction = 0.33 for MB and Figure 1. Change in midbrain serotonin transporter (SERT)
0.89 for MPC). Accordingly, at the end of the follow- availability and the Global Severity Index of Symptom Check-
list (SCL-90-GSI) at baseline.
up, the MB difference between the groups, adjusted
for the baseline MB level, was negligible, 0.05 (–0.05,
0.15), while the corresponding value for MPC was
−0.004 (–0.059, 0.050). (Supporting information 1). The change in SERT for
the MB was predicted by the baseline severity of clini-
cal symptoms measured by SCL-90 GSI (R = 0.58,
Comparison and combination of
P = 0.02, n = 18) and DEP (R = 0.60, P = 0.02,
treatment groups
n = 18) (Table 2, Figs 1 and 2). Moreover in a
As no significant differences were observed between dichotomized analysis (Supporting information 2)
the two treatment groups in the changes of SERT with cut-off values (i.e., low vs high levels of the
availability in MB and MPC during follow up, these symptomology) applied, it was found that SERT
groups were combined for the analysis of the deter- availabilities increased in patients with baseline
minants for SERT changes (i.e., baseline SERT, symp-
toms at baseline and their clinical change at follow
Baseline SERT
Baseline SERT did not significantly predict changes in
SERT MB change
GSI ≥ 1.7 (MPC +0.08, MB +0.17; n = 5) and tive to more comprehensive symptom burden and
decreased in patients with baseline GSI < 1.7 not only to depression. The lack of correlation
(MPC −0.03, MB −0.02; n = 13), p(MPC) = 0.003, between baseline HDRS-17 and BDI and SERT
p(MB) = 0.002). SERT MB availability increased in change further suggests that specific depressive symp-
patients with SCL-90 DEP > 1.7 (+0.07; n = 14) and toms are possibly not key factors in the relation
decreased in patients with SCL-90 DEP ≤ 1.7 (–0.11; between SERT and depression.
n = 4, P = 0.03). The severity of baseline TAS correlated with
SERT MB availability increased (P = 0.01) in changes in SERT. The connection of TAS with
patients with BDI > 17 (+0.07; n = 17) and decreased changes in SERT availability may be explained by its
in patients with BDI ≤ 17 (−0.12; n = 5). In patients connection to depression, as TAS is reduced together
with TAS > 60, SERT availability increased (MPC with the alleviation of depressive symptoms44
+0.05, MB +0.14; n = 10) and decreased in patients and with an improvement in cortical emotion
with TAS ≤ 60 (MPC −0.07, MB −0.10; n = 8), processing.45
p(MPC) = 0.01, p(MB) = 0.003. There were more significant findings connected
with SERT in MB than in MPC, which is in line with
decreased MB SERT in depression in our baseline
DISCUSSION study2 and other studies, compared with mixed find-
SERT changes during psychotherapy in the total ings in MPC.16
sample were not correlated with any symptomatic There was no healthy control group included in
change in depression, anxiety, general psychiatric our study, but the reproducibility of the SPECT
symptoms or alexithymia. imaging for MB was reliable (unpublished data). The
Our finding contradicts the results from Amster- lack of a significant correlation between symptom
dam et al.,19 who reported increases in SERT availabil- change and SERT change may be a result of the small
ity connected with recovery. The current study sample size. However, the possibility of a type II error
included a longer follow-up period than previous is small, given the low R-values. The use of multiple
studies by Laasonen-Balk et al.23 and Amsterdam tests without control for familywise error rate is a
et al.19 and some patients in those studies had previ- statistical limitation of the study. Only two tests out
ously used antidepressants, which may have affected of 12 were statistically significant, so it is possible that
the results. The therapeutic modality used by Amster- the associations are chance findings.
dam et al.19 may have been more oriented towards Drug-naïve patients willing to participate in a study
stress coping, which might have an effect on SERT that included a long period of non-pharmacological
availability. intervention and a possible waiting time may not
Decrease of MB SERT availability is connected represent an average patient group with depression.
with major depression, but the causal mechanism The combination of two follow-up groups (WG and
is unclear. If the downregulated MB serotonin DG) can be seen as a disadvantage making it difficult
reuptake system would represent a mechanism to conclude whether the changes in SERT and clinical
maintaining or increasing serotonin transmission, parameters were caused by psychotherapy or other
this endogenous compensatory effort may return factors, such as regression toward means. However,
toward normal when the stress load is lightened by there were no significant differences in the findings
treatment, as we found in patients with high between these groups.
symptom burden. This would be in line with recent As [123I] nor-β-CIT also binds to dopamine trans-
results showing a positive correlation of social porter (DAT) and noradrenaline transporter (NORT),
support and MB SERT availability.40 we cannot rule out the possibility that our findings
The role of stress in SERT regulation is supported may be partly caused by differences in DAT and
by the findings in animal41 and genetic studies,42 as NORT availability. However, according to autoradio-
well as correlations between SERT availability and the graphic studies, MPC does not contain significant
dexamethasone suppression test.43 densities of NORT or DAT.46,47 The noradrenergic
The correlation between baseline severity and SERT nucleus caeruleus and the dopamine cell body-rich
change was found not only in depression measures, substantia nigra are situated close to the MB. In the
but also in the global symptom measure SCL GSI, study by Hiltunen et al., one healthy male subject
suggesting that SERT availability may also be sensi- pre-treated with 30 mg citalopram had 52% lower
MB [123I] nor-β-CIT binding than that of unmedi- 6. Parsey RV, Hastings RS, Oquendo MA et al. Lower sero-
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7. Miller JM, Oquendo MA, Ogden RT, Mann JJ, Parsey RV.
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10. Frokjaer VG, Vinberg M, Erritzoe D et al. High familial risk
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12. Ichimiya T, Suhara T, Sudo Y et al. Serotonin transporter
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