CNF - MELC7.docx Q4 M1 Presenting Commentary Critique
CNF - MELC7.docx Q4 M1 Presenting Commentary Critique
CNF - MELC7.docx Q4 M1 Presenting Commentary Critique
Creative Nonfiction
Quarter 2 – Module 7:
Presenting a
Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any
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work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the
payment of royalties.
This English Learning Kit is developed by the Schools Division of Iloilo and to
be utilized by DepEd Region VI - Western Visayas.
Introductory Message
Grade 11/12-Creative Nonfiction 2
Competency: Present a commentary/critique on a chosen creative nonfictional text representing a particular type
or form (Biography/Autobiography, Literary Journalism/Reportage, Personal Narratives, Travelogue, Reflection
Essay, True Narratives, Blogs, Testimonies, Other Forms) (HUMSS_CNF11/12-IIb-c-17)
Welcome to Grade 11/12 Creative Nonfiction!
The English Learning Kit is a product of the collaborative efforts of the Division
of Iloilo Secondary English Teachers Association (DISETA) and the Division English
Coordinators Association (DECA) writers, illustrators, layout artists, reviewers, editors,
and Quality Assurance Team from the Department of Education, Schools Division of
Iloilo. This is developed to guide you dear learning facilitators in helping our learners
meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum.
The English Learning Kit aims to guide our learners in accomplishing activities at
their own pace and time. This also aims to assist learners in developing and achieving
the lifelong learning skills while considering their needs and situations.
The English Learning Kit is developed to address the current needs of the
learner to continue learning in the comforts of their homes or learning centers. As the
learning facilitator, make sure that you give them clear instructions on how to study and
accomplish the given activities in the material. Learner’s progress must be monitored.
The English Learning Kit is developed to help you, dear learner, in your needs to
continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning material aims to primarily
provide you with meaningful and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an
active learner, carefully read and understand to follow the instructions given.
Presenting a Commentary/Critique
Grade 11/12-Creative Nonfiction 3
Competency: Present a commentary/critique on a chosen creative nonfictional text representing a particular type
or form (Biography/Autobiography, Literary Journalism/Reportage, Personal Narratives, Travelogue, Reflection
Essay, True Narratives, Blogs, Testimonies, Other Forms) (HUMSS_CNF11/12-IIb-c-17)
Activity 1
Directions: Identify what is being described in each sentence. Choose your
1. The writer constructs a true story about a time or period in his/her life, one that
had significant personal meaning and a universal truth. The writer composes the
story using the first person “I.”
2. It is short for web log which refers to an online diary that looks like a web page.
3. It is an old canon of Literature, dealing with nature writing, adventure writing,
exploration writing, guide books etc.
4. The writer composes his/her life story, from birth to the present, using the first
person “I.”
5. It uses technique of journalism (such as interviews and reviews) in order to look
outside of the straight forward, objective world that journalism creates.
6. It is an emerging form of creative nonfiction which refers to published oral or
written “first-hand accounts” which the witnesses wrote themselves, or dictated to
a transcriber.
7. It is an analytical practice of describing a real or imaginary scene, thoughts and
adding a personal reflection.
8. It gives a description about a particular topic, or describes the traits and
characteristics of something or a person.
9. It is a detailed description or account of a person’s life.
10. Like a pen-and-ink drawing, it acts as a cameo or miniature life story.
11. It is a kind of biographical narrative which focuses on a particular facet of the
featured person’s life as well as requires research and couple of interviews.
12. It is a quotidian or day to day record of the specific events that have transpired
in the life of its author and is ideally kept on a daily basis.
Directions: Read the article to be reviewed. Complete the details in the table that follow.
No one has ever dared turn the knob open. Every family exactly knows what lies
beyond every door. For Nay Consoling and her family, their home is a safe place. They
know that once they break it open, they might have invited in carelessness and haste an
unforeseen stranger which may take their lives away.
For the last couple of months, the world remains in pursuit operation while the culprit
has continuously robbed many lives and left the rest of the living both restless and scared.
They shut their houses down for safety while the profile of the killer has been tracked
The killer is in the guise of a novel strain of corona-virus known as COVID-19 which
was first detected in December 2019 in Wuhan, China after an outbreak of pneumonia
without an obvious cause. Now the killer virus has shaken more than 200 territories across
the globe and was characterized as pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) in
March 2020.
Stranger it is. Even today, it is unclear where the virus has come from. It was only
understood to have originated in a food market in Wuhan and subsequently spread from
animal to human. Some research has claimed that the cross-species transmission may be
between snakes and human; however, even this claim has been refuted.
COVID-19 is found to be contagious. Increasing number of confirmed diagnoses,
including health care professionals, has indicated that person-to-person spread of the virus
is occurring. It is spread by respiratory droplets produced by infected persons when they
sneeze or cough.
As the virus strikes at the respiratory tract, common presenting symptoms include
fever and dry cough with some patients having sore throat, nasal congestion, malaise,
headache and myalgia or even breathing difficulty. In severe cases, COVID-19 can cause
pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and death.
While there is no reported vaccine yet to cure the infected, Nay Consoling takes
Article Author
Supporting Points
Target Output
2. Autobiographical narratives range from intimate writings made during life that
not necessarily intended for publication (including letters, diaries, journals, memoirs,
A critique is a short paper, usually about one book or article. First, it gives a short
summary of what has been said in the article. Then, it looks at the article critically. In
presenting the critical comments, one has to look into the strengths and weaknesses of
the article. A critique can be positive or negative. However, it is better that the critique
points out to improving the article.
2. Think carefully about what you have read and ask yourself questions about the article.
1 minah chugtai, “How to Write a Critique - Lecture Notes 7,” StuDocu, 2016,
5. Conclusion. This includes your general take/comment on the article. This could be
the summary of your impressions on the technical and creative sides of the piece.
Finally, like any other essay of the author, this piece is a description of a
moment in a vivid detail with some scene left hanging for the readers to
think about and for him to visually experience. But for Fennelly, I am quite
certain that her painful experience of a blizzard – of her father - creates
memories she has lived to survive and share.
Creative nonfictional texts can be categorized into five broad categories namely
(1) biographical narratives, (2) autobiographical narratives, (3) personal or informal
essays, (4) special types, and (5) emerging new forms.
Biographical narratives include biography, profile, character sketch, and interview
Autobiographical narratives include autobiography, memoir, diary, and journals.
Personal or informal essays can be descriptive or reflective in form.
Special types include travel writing, food writing, and nature writing. Travelogue
can be used to describe all these three forms.
Emerging new forms include testimonio, blog, and Facebook Status Report.
A critique is a short summary of what has been said in the article which includes
the discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the well as points out how to
improve the article.
In writing an article critique, one must observe the following steps namely: (1)
Read the whole book or article thoroughly and highlight text that you think important or
make notes as you go along; (2) think carefully about what you have read and ask
yourself questions about the article; (3) re-read material to make sure that you have
understood the author’s ideas; (4) try to summarize what you have read; and (5)Think
about different points of view
The critique can be written in five paragraphs: (1) introduction which presents the
general ideas/points in the article , (2) presentation of strengths and weaknesses n terms
of content, arguments, evidences, and writing style, (3) commentary on how you relate to
the article, (4) literariness or the quality of the article to be considered as creative work,
and (5) conclusion or the summary of your impressions on the technical and creative
sides of the piece.
Grade 11/12-Creative Nonfiction 14
Competency: Present a commentary/critique on a chosen creative nonfictional text representing a particular type
or form (Biography/Autobiography, Literary Journalism/Reportage, Personal Narratives, Travelogue, Reflection
Essay, True Narratives, Blogs, Testimonies, Other Forms) (HUMSS_CNF11/12-IIb-c-17)
Activity 4
Directions: Read the given sample article critique and pay attention to the structural
features. Use the graphic organizer Full House in answering the
questions below in your activity notebook.
Activity 5
Directions: Accomplish the infographic. Write your answers in your CNF notebook.
How are you doing so far?
Things I still do
Commentary -an analysis of the given passage, its function and its characteristics.
It should examine the key themes and stylistic devices of the
passage, showing how the language works to convey (or at times
undermine) its content.
Literariness - is the organization of language which through special linguistic and
formal properties distinguishes literary texts from non-literary texts.
The defining features of a literary work do not reside in extra-literary
conditions such as history or sociocultural phenomena under which
a literary text might have been created but in the form of the
Aguilla, Augusto Antonio, Galan, Ralph, and Wigley, John Jack. Telling the Truth: The Art
of Creative Nonfiction for Senior High School (2017). Quezon City: C & E
Publishing, Inc.pp 169-181
Barrot, Jessie. Academic reading and Writing for Senior High School (2016). Quezon
City: C & E Publishing, Inc.pp 169-181
chugtai, minah. “How to Write a Critique - Lecture Notes 7.” StuDocu, 2016.
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