The Physics of Metals

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The physics of metals

John C. Slater

Citation: Physics Today 2, 1, 6 (1949); doi: 10.1063/1.3066390

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Published by the American Institute of Physics
T y p e of fault w h e r e there
is a local deficiency of bubbles.
This and other
photographs of effects
in metals as simulated by soap
bubble models, are
by the courtesy of
W . L. Bragg and J. F. Nye.
From Proc. Roy. Soc. A, volume 190.

W i t h the end of the w a r international scientific
meetings began to revive and the s u m m e r of
1948 s a w American physicists sailing to E u -
rope in considerable numbers. Physics T o d a y
here presents a report of a conference on met-
als held last July by the International U n i o n
of Pure and Applied Physics at A m s t e r d a m .
Dr. Slater is a vice president of the I.U.P.A.P.
by John C. Slater

The International Union of Pure and Applied

Physics held an International Conference on the
Physics of Metals in Amsterdam on July 12—17,
1948, in connection with a meeting of its General
Assembly. It was a popular meeting for Americans:
thirty out of the 311 physicists in the official list of
participants came from the United States, a dele-
gation exceeded only by those from the Netherlands,
which naturally had the greatest number, and Great
M a n y of the Americans came away with two firm
impressions: that international cooperation of the
type encouraged by the International Union is most
valuable, and not enough known and appreciated in

this country; and that European physics, far from of the Rijksmuseum and a collection of van G o g h
lagging behind our o w n postwar efforts, is flourish- paintings, and an address by the mayor of Amster-
ing in a highly healthy state. d a m ; sight-seeing trips on the canals; excursions
T h e International Union is an organization to the various physical laboratories in Amsterdam,
which w a s rather inactive before the war, but has Leiden, Utrecht, and Delft; all such things were
been revitalized since, partly by the encouragement arranged with great skill and hospitality, as was the
of U N E S C O . S o m e of its business is of the unin- difficult problem of housing an unexpectedly large
teresting but necessary sort: discussion of units, group of visitors in a city still not completely re-
nomenclature, and such things. B u t in addition it covered from the war. In spite of all difficulties, the
encourages international cooperation by correlating meeting w a s run on the whole almost more smoothly
the w o r k of various national societies, and by spon- than any comparable session in this country. T h e
soring conferences like this one. It has had a n u m - Dutch laid themselves out, and their visitors were
ber in the years since the war, a m o n g them one on greatly impressed and filled with admiration.
cosmic rays in October 1947 in Cracow, and one on It is always interesting, in these days of inter-
thermodynamics in January 1948 in Brussels; fur- national tensions, to observe whether representa-
ther conferences are being planned, for example one tives are present from this or that country. T h e
on statistical mechanics in 1949. conference w a s sandwiched in between an earlier
T h e Union has commissions on various subjects, one at Zurich, a rather small invitation affair deal-
some of them joint commissions with other unions. ing mostly with the two problems of low tempera-
This and similar unions in other fields are tied to- tures and of nuclear physics, and a later one at
gether in the International Council of Scientific Oxford, the meeting of the Physical Society, which
Unions, organized and supported financially by conducted a symposium on microwave spectroscopy
U N E S C O and the various countries. M e m b e r s of and related subjects. M a n y of the participants went
from one to another, and one w a s meeting friends
all over Europe. Switzerland, a neutral, had invited
a number of G e r m a n physicists, and the members of
t)F METALS the Zurich conference could not fail to notice the
cordiality with which Heisenberg, Meissner, Gent-
the executive committee of the Physics Union (the ner, and others were welcomed by physicists from
president is H . A . Kramers, of Holland) are drawn the various countries, and the geniality with which
from a number of countries, including the United Sommerfeld, at eighty, spoke after the official din-
States. T a k e n altogether, the Union fulfills in in- ner. A t Amsterdam, on the contrary, the G e r m a n s
ternational physics some of the functions of the N a - had not been invited.
tional Research Council and the American Insti- O n e cannot blame the Dutch and French physi-
tute of Physics in American physics. T h e General cists, with the m e m o r y of the harsh treatment their
Assembly, a business meeting of the Union (the countries received during the war, for still hesitat-
first one held in two years), came during the week ing to welcome their former enemies. It w a s inter-
before the conference on metals, and w a s attended esting and heartening, with this in mind, to see the
only by official delegates. Naturally, most of the executive committee of the International Union,
participants in the conference on metals did not led by its Dutch members, take the position that it
k n o w of the business meeting; but it accomplished would not oppose the invitation of selected G e r m a n
the groundwork necessary for similar conferences physicists to future conferences sponsored by the
in the future. Union. Nevertheless one felt that the question of
A s for the conference itself, most of the arrange- relations with G e r m a n science w a s still a touchy
ments were m a d e by the local committee of the one on the continent. A s for the "Iron Curtain,"
Netherlands Physical Society, and very fine arrange-
ments they were. G r o u p lunches for the participants,
John C. Slater, who once studied with Niels Bohr in Copenhagen,
in the restaurant of the magnificent m u s e u m in taught at Harvard for six years before going to Massachusetts Insti-
whose lecture hall the meeting w a s held ; evening tute of Technology, where he has been chairman of the physics de-
receptions, with special views of the art collections partment since 1930. A theoretical physicist, he is almost unique in
the range of his work, which includes atomic spectra, the solid state,
microwaves and radar, and chemical physics.
Holes which
a r cannot be closed
by local
appear and disappear
when the crystal
*'#'lwV • is "cold-worked."


delegates were present from Poland, Czechoslovakia,days of w a v e mechanics, based on the classical
and some other countries, taking part freely in thetheory of Drude, which assumed that the electrons
meetings, but reporting difficult traveling conditions.
in the metal were essentially free, but suffered col-
Only the Russians, of the various countries on thislisions with atoms, which limited their free paths.
questioned list, raised no problems; they didn't This classical theory explained metallic conductivity,
come, and that was that. but failed to take account of the specific heat of
T h e scientific sessions of the conference dealt with
metals: it would predict that the free electrons,
three main topics: the electronic structure of metals,
acting like a gas, should have the specific heat char-
plasticity and crystal growth, and ferromagnetism. acteristic of a gas, whereas in fact they have almost
Principal speakers on thefirsttopic were R. Kronig,no specific heat.
of Delft, giving a general survey of the electronic Sommerfeld removed this difficulty by showing
structure of metals; H . Jones, of London, on the that according to quantum theory the free electrons
structural and elastic properties of metals; L. Paul-
should obey Fermi statistics, should thus fill their
ing, of Pasadena, on valency in metals; A . B. Pip-lowest available energy levels almost completely,
pard, of Cambridge, England, on the high frequency and should have no specific heat, in accordance with
skin resistance of metals at low temperature; and observation. This simple theory w a s m u c h too crude,
C. J. Gorter, of Leiden, on superconductivity. T h e
however, for it had to be fitted into our k n o w n
second topic was led off by Sir Lawrence Bragg, on models of atomic structure, models which have de-
slip in metals, followed by C. Zener, of Chicago, veloped with great success from wave mechanics.
on relaxation phenomena in metals; N . F. Mott, of A free electron, w h e n it strikes an ion in a
Bristol, on work-hardening and creep in metals; metal, acts m u c h like one of the electrons of the
W . G . Burgers, of Delft, on crystal growth; G . ion, and its theory must be handled accordingly. T o
Borelius, of Stockholm, on transitions in super- take care of this, theories were worked out by Bloch
cooled metallic solutions; and A. Guinier, of Paris,
and Brillouin, and extended by W i g n e r and Seitz,
on precipitation in alloys. Ferromagnetism w a s in-
to describe h o w an electron would act in a periodic
troduced by J. H . V a n Vleck, of Harvard, with a field: it finds essentially free space in the regions be-
general survey, followed by R. M . Bozorth, of the tween atoms, but a strong attractive field of the
Bell Telephone Laboratories, on ferromagnetic do- nucleus, as shielded by the outer electrons, near each
mains, L. Neel of Grenoble, on theories of the ion. Electronic motion in such a periodicfieldbrings
coercive force, and J. L. Snoek, of Eindhoven, on in mathematical problems like those of electron and
time effects in ferromagnetism. In addition to these
x-ray diffraction ; it leads to a prediction of allowed
major talks, there were smaller sectional meetings bands of energy levels, in which electrons can move,
on the same general topics handled in the larger and forbidden bands, in which no electrons are al-
sessions. lowed, the forbidden bands showing a mathematical
relation to the Bragg reflections.
Electronic Structure If in a solid there are just enough electrons to
fill certain allowed bands, leaving a forbidden band
The electronic structure of metals is a compli- immediately above thefilledbands, it w a s shown
cated and abstruse subject. O n e approach to the that the solid is an insulator; if on the contrary a
problem w a s suggested by Sommerfeld in the early band is partlyfilled,leaving empty bands immedi-

ately above, the solid is a conductor, since then it is is because the free electron, or energy band, theory
possible for an external field to accelerate electrons, fails to take proper account of the interactions be-
raise them by very small increments of energy. T h u s tween the various electrons in the energy bands; it
the energy band picture, as outlined by Kronig, of does not really bring in the electrostatic repulsions
Delft, in his introductory talk in the conference, of the electrons for each other, which will prevent
leads to an understanding of m a n y features of m e - them from coming very close together. It treats
tallic structure. these forces only on a sort of averaged-out basis, so
Jones took up the question as to whether this as to replace the many-body problem of interac-
model can explain the mechanical properties of the tions of all the electrons by one-body problems, mak-
metal: its lattice spacing, crystal structure, and ing each electron m o v e in a fixed field of force set
elastic constants. For this, one must m a k e a very up by the average behavior of all other electrons.
accurate calculation of the total energy of the crys- Heisenberg has proposed a theory of superconduc-
tal as a function of its volume and shape. It is not tivity in which he tries to take account of these re-
hard to m a k e this calculation crudely, and show pulsive interactions between electrons, and the gen-
that there is a stable state for a lattice spacing in eral opinion seems to be that he correctly points to
the general range of the experimentally determined these interactions as the probable source of the
value; but it takes a very accurate calculation in- trouble with existing theories, but that his pro-
deed to distinguish between the stability of various cedure of correcting the error is too crude, so that
possible crystal structures, and to determine such his theory in detail has small chance of correctness.
things as the shear modulus, in which the shape of Experimentally, there is good evidence that some
the crystal is distorted without change in its total of the electrons in a superconductor have their m o -
volume. Jones took up the detailed terms coming tions correlated, probably as a result of these re-
into the calculations of energy, and showed that they pulsive forces, in such a w a y that they can all move
allow one to go rather far with these problems, through the crystal lattice rather as an army would
though the field is still far from worked out. march, the correlation tending to hinder any one of
Pauling, thinking of individual atoms rather than the electrons from being deviated from the ranks;
a crystal as a whole, has endeavored to build up a since such deviation, or scattering, is the mechanism
theory of metals, and in particular of the iron group, of electrical resistance, this explains the resistance-
from ideas of chemical valency. In assuming that less character of the supercurrent. A t the same time,
each atom is tied by valence bonds to a number of there is good evidence that some of the electrons are
neighbors, he thinks that sometimes an atom is not organized into this marching army, and can dart
bonded to one of its neighbors and sometimes to an- back and forth like the ordinary free electrons of a
other, and that consequently, on the average, it normal metal. Part of the evidence for this two-
seems to have a fractional valence. These ideas, fluid type of theory is taken from specific heats and
which are stimulating from the chemical and crys- other aspects of the thermal behavior of the transi-
tallographical point of view, do not necessarily con- tion from superconductor to normal metal, and this
tradict the other type of energy band theory; simi- aspect w a s particularly stressed by Gorter in his
lar problems come up in molecular structure, and talk on superconductivity; it is a field in which he
it has been k n o w n for m a n y years that the two has m a d e important contributions.
points of view form simply different starting points O n e of the most direct evidences for the two-
for the calculation, and that if either one is worked fluid theory was discussed by Pippard. It is the
out in enough detail, taking all correction terms effect of microwave frequencies on superconduc-
into account, it is bound to end up with the same tivity, an effect under investigation at the Massa-
answer in the end as the other. Each picture is par- chusetts Institute of Technology and Yale Univer-
ticularly useful for those features that it can explain sity as well as in Pippard's w o r k in Cambridge,
simply in its lowest order of approximation. England. Pippard, in his main address, considered
Existing theory is fairly good for elastic prop- the behavior of normal conductors at low tempera-
erties and conductivity of metals; but so far it has ture and high frequency. There the skin depth, the
had small success in explaining superconductivity, distance which an external field penetrates into the
that most elusive property of metals. This probably conductor, becomes very small—smaller than the


m e a n free path of the electrons, which increases properties affected only in a secondary w a y by
with the decrease of normal resistance at low tem- minute impurities, strains, and in general by the
perature. W h e n this situation occurs, naturally structure and history of the metal. O n the other
O h m ' s law no longer holds, since each electron hand, it is well k n o w n that m a n y other metallic
traversing the skin depth is accelerated by the field properties—breaking strength, for example, and
only over a small part of its m e a n free path. plastic deformation—depend very greatly on struc-
A theory has been set up for the effect to be ob- ture. M o s t of the rest of the conference dealt with
served, and experiments are in tolerably good agree- these structure-sensitive properties. T h e general pic-
ment with this theory. In the superconducting case, ture one got from it was the very large number of
which Pippard discussed in one of the smaller ses- properties of actual metals that depend on disloca-
sions, the two-fluid behavior shows itself in this tions, flaws, and impurities in the lattice.
w a y : thefieldpenetrates the superconductor to a It has been k n o w n for a long time that a straight-
certain distance and induces a supercurrent as under forward calculation of the breaking strength of a
direct current conditions; but on account of their perfect crystal gives values of a m u c h higher order
inertial effects, the superconducting electrons do notof magnitude than the values found experimentally;
form perfect shields for the interior and some of and from the work of G . I. Taylor, O r o w a n , and
the field accelerates the normal electrons simultane- others, w e k n o w that this discrepancy can be ex-
ously present, causing resistive losses. These finiteplained if w e assume lattice irregularities of a type
called dislocations. Just as a piece of paper or cloth
tears m u c h more easily once the tear is started, or
as glass breaks more easily w h e n a nick is formed,
so a crystal breaks m u c h more easily w h e n it has
one of these dislocations to start from. T h e disloca-
tion can be in the interior as well as on the edge;
but in the process of shearing it moves across the
crystal from one side to the other, a plastic deforma-
tion being a resultant of the migration of a very
large number of such dislocations. Sir Lawrence
Bragg, in his opening address for this part of the
program, gave a very fine illustration, by far the
most spectacular thing in the conference, showing
h o w these dislocations move.
Bragg had had the idea of making a model of a
crystal out of soap bubbles. H e found a w a y of
A grain boundary. blowing very large numbers of minute bubbles, a
fraction of a millimeter in diameter and uniform
resistive losses below the superconducting transitionin size. A study of their properties shows that the
are observed at high frequencies; and while the forces between two bubbles in contact simulate with
theory worked out on the basis of the two-fluid remarkable accuracy the forces between atoms, so
hypothesis explains the phenomena with qualitative that a crystal model m a d e up of such bubbles is
success, it seems on present evidence to be far from really a very good model of a metal. In the w o r k
correct quantitatively, which throws some doubt, he presented, the models were generally two-dimen-
in Pippard's mind, on its fundamental correctness. sional, one or two layers thick, so that they were
Further conclusions in this particular field must not strictly comparable with real metals, but still
await more experimental evidence. showed m a n y of their properties. Bragg had m a d e
motion pictures of the bubble crystals, which showed
Plasticity and Crystal Growth their behavior very graphically.
In the absence of stresses, a great mass of bub-
All these matters deal with the perfect crystal of bles, laid d o w n together, automatically formed regu-
a metal, and with structure-insensitive properties, lar crystalline packing; but in the process a good

m a n y dislocations were formed, of just the type pre-
dicted by Taylor and O r o w a n . W h e n the model
crystal w a s stressed, the dislocations ran back and
forth in the predicted manner, and could be seen in
the motion picture, darting around in very graphic
fashion. W i t h such direct evidence from a simple
model, it is clear that this picture of dislocations
must be accepted as correct.
W h e n a crystal undergoes plastic deformation, M/&
some of the dislocations travel through the crystal,
and come out at the boundaries; but on occasion
they can be effectively reflected at the boundaries,
and m a d e to travel back and forth from one side to
the other, allowing more and more distortion of the
crystal. This w a s pointed out by Mott, and illus- m •' • '
trated by a mechanical model. Furthermore, some- :••••:•:••':,••.;••:• !, •.:•:••••.•:••,'•:/
• • '
times the dislocations stop inside the metal. W h e n
........ ...,..»M.... ............ .
they do this, they interfere with the propagation of
other dislocations through them, and thus they ? w m . i m x <<•;.••-•>• *;;- '-•;•.- is-t/i. y>, :•»w>
harden the metal. M o t t showed h o w work-harden- ...•,;•'• . •
ing is largely a result of this formation of m a n y "••y-fyy-y:,-.-- • .-
dislocations in the interior of the metal. H e also > . ••:•. ••..••••• •. . • : • • •. • • •
showed h o w impurities, precipitates, and other ir- rmm&ymayym^mmmm:
regularities in the lattice can impede the motion of Wryiyi<^^mfyMW}MMm'.
W•IH-.m•m ' • v •. '• :
dislocations, and hence contribute to the hardening •
Spff •.
•. --/.
..- • .
'•• '
. ..
•••: :
of a metal. ' •','• .
T h e dislocations are of importance not only in mmmmmxmmyy.
the elastic behavior, but also in the phenomenon of
crystallization, and this w a s discussed by Burgers.
H e considered h o w the surface of a crystal could
SiliSiiiyyy 'yi: .'.••<: •;••:.:
form from the melt, and showed that the normal
thing w a s for dislocations to be formed in the
process of crystal growth. It is these dislocations,
present from the time of the crystal's formation,
which presumably m a k e it capable of being dis-
torted plastically.
A m o n g the experimental methods of studying
creep and other types of elastic phenomena is the W:<yW^y:.y:y%Wm
acoustic method, the study of absorption of energy
by the crystal w h e n it is deformed periodically, and my&yyi^y&ymyyy*
this subject was discussed by Zener, w h o has m a d e ilallliie
an extensive study in thisfield.T h e mathematics is
not very complicated: one assumes that the force
tending to oppose an external stress is m a d e up of
two parts, one proportional to the external stress
and opposing it (an elastic restoring force), and the
other a force proportional to the velocity, and op-
posing it (a frictional force).
If one studies the resulting motion, under a pe-
riodic external force, one finds a frequency depend- A raft of bubbles, stirred vigorously
a n d then allowed to readjust itself,
JANUARY 1949 s h o w n re crystallizing two, fourteen, a n d
twenty-five minutes after stirring. Photo-
graphs taken immediately after stir-
ring s h o w very m u c h smaller grains.

ence which is characteristic of such phenomena, are arranged in a regular array. Boreliusfirstap-
called relaxation phenomena, and by measuring the plied thermodynamic arguments to a study of the
energy loss as a function of frequency, one can equilibrium, then considered the actual process of
evaluate the frictional term and help interpret it. rearrangement.
Since these frictional forces are generally of the
nature of viscous forces, and have activation ener- Ferromagnetism
gies, they depend on temperature in a character-
istic way, and it turns out that a study of energy The remainder of the conference dealt with fer-
loss as a function of temperature at constant fre- romagnetism. V a n Vleck led off with a general dis-
quency, or of frequency at constant temperature, cussion. T h e general theory of metals leads to a
give similar sorts of information. Zener explained fairly complete understanding of ferromagnetism.
h o w this method led to better understanding of It can be approached either from the point of view
such things as the motion of twin interfaces and of the energy band theory, or of the atomic valence
the rate of precipitation. picture such as Pauling suggested. For metals,
Precipitation, and the precise details of the proc- either method has its value, while for paramagnetic
ess of formation of crystal nuclei in an alloy, were salts the atomic picture is more appropriate. This

Here a magnetic recording tape was pressed on the surface of a single crystal of cobalt
and then photographed in the same manner as was the tree pattern shown opposite.

the subjects of the talk of Guinier, w h o based his atomic picture is the basis of Heisenberg's well-
results on detailed x-ray studies. Similar matters k n o w n theory of ferromagnetism, which interprets
were taken up by Borelius, w h o was concerned with a magnetic material as having atoms which them-
the rate of ordering of a metallic solution below selves are magnetic, on account of the spin of the
the transition temperature. In m a n y cases such solu- electrons they contain.
tions have their atoms arranged in a regular crystal These magnets tend to line up, not so m u c h on
lattice, but with atoms of either type interchange- account of magnetic forces (which are compara-
ably occupying each lattice site, above a transition tively w e a k ) as on account of a typical quantum-
temperature. Below such a temperature the atoms mechanical effect called exchange forces. A t low


temperatures these forces are great enough to give the existence of the domains in a very graphic m a n -
a very complete lining up, but at high temperatures ner, and allow a complete analysis of the directions
the thermal agitation opposes the orientation, until of the field in them.
finally there is a transition temperature, called the Hysteresis, and the coercive force responsible for
Curie temperature, where the spontaneous orienta- the existence of a permanent magnetic m o m e n t in a
tion disappears; above this temperature the mate- permanent magnet even w h e n it is not in an ex-
rial is paramagnetic, requiring an external field to ternal field, are clearly frictional effects, and it is
magnetize it, instead of being permanently mag- not surprising that m a n y of the same features enter
netized. V a n Vleck reviewed these well-known here which are found in studying the creep and
theories. other frictional effects in the mechanical properties
In an actual ferromagnetic material, both theory of metals. Neel discussed the coercive force, and the
and experiment have shown that the substance splits various hypotheses which have been m a d e to ac-
up into domains, microscopic regions within any count for it. A n d it was significant that here again
one of which the magnets all point the same way, w e came to lattice irregularities resulting from im-
at least at low temperatures, but with a different purities, strains, and similar things, as the significant
orientation from one domain to the next. A n un- causes of permanent magnetization. Snoek discussed
magnetized piece of iron consists of domains whose time effects in ferromagnetism: the w a y in which
individual magnetic fields, pointing in different di- some magnetic effects change gradually with time,
rections, cancel each other, so that the sample as a just as mechanical properties change with aging.
whole shows no net magnetization. If the iron is Here again it is lattice irregularities, in this case
placed in a magnetic field, several things happen. small quantities of carbon and nitrogen in solid
T h e magnetic moments of the individual domains solution in the iron, which are determining factors
swing around to point in the direction of the field, in the rate of the process, governing the rate of dif-
and the domains whose moments point in the direc- fusion of dislocations, and in turn the relaxation of
tion of the field grow at the expense of those point- stresses. Finally Snoek m a d e some remarks on the
ing in the opposite direction, by an actual motion magnetic resonance in ferromagnetic bodies. This
of the surface of separation. B y a study of this subject, which w a s merely touched on in Amster-
domain behavior, the hysteresis curve and phe- dam, formed one of the main topics of the Oxford
nomena of the magnetization process are explained. conference which followed the Amsterdam meet-
Bozorth not only described these phenomena, but ing, and w e m a y well omit its discussion, since it
showed beautiful photographs of domains, taken by could best be described in connection with a re-
an improved powder pattern technique, which prove port on the Oxford meeting.

A drop of liquid containing magnetic powder in colloidal suspension is placed on the surface of a single crystal of
iron (containing some silicon), which has been electrolytic ally polished. The drop is covered with a thin cover glass
and photographed through a microscope while the crystal is subjected to various magnetic or different kinds of me-
chanical stress. This is called the tree pattern.
H. J. Williams, R. M. Bozorth. W. Shockley

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