Handbook OHS

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Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises


Improving occupational
safety and health in small
and medium-sized enterprises
XX occupational
safety and health in small
and medium-sized enterprises

This document is a product of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Labour Administration,
Labour Inspection and Occupational Safety and Health Branch (LABADMIN/OSH), the ILO
Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises programme (SCORE) and the ILO Vision
Zero Fund (VZF). The document was produced by Andrew Christian - Technical Specialist on
Labour Inspection and Occupational Safety and Health (LABADMIN/OSH), Pranati Mehtha –
Technical Officer (SCORE) and Maria E. Munaretto – Technical Officer (VZF), with the support
of Evans Lwanga – Technical Officer (VZF Ethiopia) and Kesava Murali Kanapathy – Technical
Officer (Better Work).

Labour Administration,
Labour Inspection and
Occupational Safety and Sustaining Competitive and Vision Zero Fund
Health Branch Responsible Enterprises (VZF)
LABADMIN/OSH works SCORE is an ILO global VZF brings together
in the areas of labour programme that improves governments, employers’
administration, labour productivity and working and workers’ organizations,
inspection and occupational conditions in small and companies, and other
safety and health to develop medium enterprises (SMEs). stakeholders to jointly
comprehensive strategies The primary goal of the global advance towards the vision
that deliver services and programme is the effective of achieving zero severe and
products that are solutions to implementation of SCORE fatal work-related accidents,
governments, employers, and Training - which combines injuries and diseases in global
workers priority problems. practical classroom training supply chains. It works at
Through the Safety+Health with in-factory consulting. global, country and workplace
Flagship Programme, it offers More information: ilo.org/ levels to strengthen the
support to ILO constituents score enabling environment for
on 4 strategic areas: building safe and healthy working
knowledge, strengthening conditions; improve national
national capacities, legal and policy frameworks;
creating conducive national and implement more effective
frameworks and promoting prevention, protection and
demand for safe and healthy compensation mechanisms
workplaces for women and men working
in targeted supply chains.
More information: ilo.org/vzf
Copyright © International Labour Organization 2021
First published 2021

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Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises (comprising Trainer’s Guide,
Participant’s Handbook and PPT slides)

International Labour Office – Geneva: ILO, 2021

ISBN: 9789220339619 (print),

ISBN: 9789220339626 (web PDF)

Also available in French: Améliorer la sécurité et la santé au travail dans les petites et moyennes entreprises,
ISBN 9789220342176 (print), 9789220342046 (web PDF); and Spanish: Mejora de la seguridad y salud en el
trabajo en las pequeñas y medianas empresas, ISBN 9789220342183 (print), 9789220342039 (web PDF)

The designations employed in ILO publications, which are in conformity with United Nations practice, and the
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The responsibility for opinions expressed in signed articles, studies and other contributions rests solely with
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Information on ILO publications and digital products can be found at: www.ilo.org/publns.

Acronyms and abbreviations 8

Preface 9

1. Occupational safety and health in SMEs: Overview and

rationale 10
2. Occupational safety and health definitions and concepts 12
3. Risk assessment 26
Step 1: Identify hazards and why they are present 28
Step 2: Identify who might be harmed and how 38
Step 3: Evaluate risks: Identify and decide on the safety and
health risk control measures 39
Step 4: Record who is responsible for implementing which
control measures and the time frame 56
Step 5: Monitor and review your risk assessment and update
when necessary 57
4. OSH management systems 60
4.1 Occupational safety and health management systems 60
(OSHMS): Definition and goals
4.2 The enterprise OSH policy
4.3 Towards continuous improvement in OSH 67

List of ideas for improvement 69

Sample enterprise improvement plan (EIP) 70

Useful links 71

Appendices 72

This document was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views
expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.
8 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

XX Acronyms and abbreviations

XX AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

XX GHS Globally harmonized system

XX HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus

XX HSE Health and Safety Executive (United Kingdom)

XX ILO International Labour Organization

XX JSHC Joint safety and health committee

XX OSH Occupational safety and health

XX OSHMS Occupational safety and health management system

XX SDS Safety data sheets

XX SMEs Small and medium-sized enterprises

XX WISE Work improvement in small enterprises

XX WHO World Health Organization

Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises


Companies with the highest occupational safety and health (OSH) standards and a healthy, safe
and motivated workforce are also the most successful and competitive; prevention has shown
to be cost-effective.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are important contributors to national economies
worldwide. However, they tend to have higher rates of occupational accidents and diseases,
owing primarily to human and financial resource deficits, lack of awareness on OSH matters
and difficulties in access to external support and training. In addition to the serious ethical
concerns raised by human suffering, the impact of occupational accidents and diseases affects
productivity and economic growth.

The ILO’s comprised of this participant’s handbook, a trainer’s guide and a presentation, builds
on the experience of the organization in the fields of OSH and enterprise development. It
was jointly developed by the ILO Labour Administration, Inspection and Occupational Safety
and Health Branch (LABADMIN/OSH), its Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises
(SCORE) Programme, its Vision Zero Fund programme and SIRAYE: A programme on Advancing
Decent Work and inclusive industrialization in Ethiopia.

It is largely based on SCORE’s Training Module “Safety & Health at Work- A Platform for
Productivity” , and introduces the main OSH principles, concepts, processes and tools in order
to help SME workers, employers and managers to establish a safety and health culture with a
view to continuous improvement at their enterprises.

To effectively improve OSH in SMEs, cooperation among employers, workers and their respective
representatives is needed to ensure positive and continuous evolution; in other words, “OSH is
everybody’s business”.

We hope that many employers and workers in SMEs will find this manual useful in practice.

Joaquim Pintado Nunes Michael Elkin Ockert Dupper

Chief ILO Global manager Global manager
10 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises



Each year, 2.78 million workers die from occupational accidents and diseases and 374 million are
affected by non-fatal occupational accidents worldwide.1 In other words, over one million workers
are injured at work every day. And this impressive data reflects only the injuries and illnesses that
occur in formal, registered workplaces; the actual size of the problem is even more dramatic.

“SMEs” are entities that employ more than 10 but fewer than 250 workers, with some variation
in definition across countries.

The available data suggests that these workers are more likely to suffer occupational accidents
and ill health than those employed by larger enterprises: accidents are 20 per cent more
frequent than in enterprises with more than 100 workers and 40 per cent more frequent than
in enterprises with more than 1,000 workers.2 This disproportion is assumed to be even greater
in developing countries undergoing rapid industrialization.

Various factors explain the generally poorer OSH management and insufficient application of
OSH regulations in SMEs. These include:

XX lack of in-house safety and health personnel;

XX lack of access to external OSH services;

XX limited experience on the part of employers and workers since SMEs tend to start
up and go out of business relatively quickly;

XX limited knowledge of what constitutes “safe” equipment and machinery;

XX lower unionization rates since the presence of trade unions in a workplace is

associated with better OSH conditions;

XX perceived cost of improvements since SME employers often fail to make the link
between, on the one hand, accidents, ill health and their associated costs and, on
the other, OSH, productivity and profits;

XX limited access to information and training opportunities.

Certain sectors, such as construction and small-scale mining, are particularly hazardous owing
to the nature of the work, which, in the absence of appropriate risk control measures, entails
risks such as falling from a height and entrapment.

1 ILO: Safety and Health at Work (web page), https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/safety-and-health-at-work/lang--en/index.htm

2 ILO: Training package on Workplace Risk Assessment and Management for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (Geneva,
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

Other sectors that are generally perceived to be less hazardous, such as the textile and ready-
made garments factories, are vulnerable to occupational accidents (e.g. fires and building collapse)
with consequences that are worsened by inadequate evacuation routes and poor housekeeping.
While the occupational risks may differ in each sector, a comprehensive approach to improving
OSH conditions may be proposed and adapted to the needs of the enterprise in question.

Continuing progress requires cooperation between employers, managers, workers and their
respective representatives; in other words, “OSH is everybody’s business” and its improvement
makes sense from the ethical, business and legal points of view.

XX It’s the right thing to do: All cultures value human health and wellbeing.

XX It’s the smart thing to do: Studies show that the companies with the highest OSH
standards and a healthy, safe and motivated workforce are also the most successful
and competitive; prevention has been shown to be cost-effective.

XX It’s the legal thing to do: Most countries’ legislation requires employers to
protect their workers from hazards to their safety and health. Compliance with
OSH laws prevents the imposition of economic and other penalties (fines and even
imprisonment) on employers, their representatives and, in some cases, workers.
As the informal sector and SMEs account for the majority of employment (Figure
1), improving OSH in these sectors is highly effective in improving public, and
therefore global health.

ff Figure 1. Contribution of different sizes of enterprise to worldwide

The data clearly shows that self-employed workers, together with micro- and small
sized enterprises, account for the majority of global employment (about 70 per cent).


32.8% 23.1%
(10-49 PERSONS) (10-49 PERSONS)

14.3% 29.8%

Source: Small matters - Global evidence on contributions to employment by the

self-employed, micro enterprises and SMEs, ILO, 2019.
12 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises



“Occupational” refers to issues related to working life. “Safety” is the condition of being free
from hurt, injury or loss.

“Health” is defined in the Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO)
as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not just the absence of disease
or infirmity”.

“Occupational health” is the branch of medicine that deals with the prevention and treatment
of work-related injuries and diseases. It is recognized by the WHO as a discipline closely linked
to public health and health systems development.

“Occupational safety and health (OSH)” is the discipline that deals with the prevention of work-
related injuries and diseases and the protection and promotion of workers’ safety and health.
It seeks to improve working conditions and the environment and involves many specialized
fields (such as occupational medicine, industrial hygiene, toxicology, education, industrial safety,
ergonomics and psychology) and professionals (including occupational health physicians and
nurses, industrial hygienists and inspectors).

Both safety and health issues must be addressed in every workplace.

A “hazard” is anything with the potential to cause injury or damage to a person’s health. The
potential for harm is a natural and permanent property of hazards.

Hazards can be found in virtually any workplace and come in many forms, such as:

XX chemicals;

XX electricity;

XX noise;
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

XX heat;

XX work at height (Figure 3);

XX unguarded machines;

XX bacteria;

XX viruses;

XX stressful work;

XX poor organization of work.

To better understand hazards and their potential effects, we can classify them as “safety
hazards” or “health hazards”.

Safety hazards (and the resulting risks) are generally more easily identified than health hazards
and are therefore easier to address. The high level of risk from an unguarded but dangerous
machine, such as a die cutting press, and the injury that can result are evident to all whereas
health hazards and the resulting risks are often less obvious.

Health problems caused by work can develop unnoticed and, in some cases, may not appear
until much later in life.3 Early diagnosis and treatment may prevent the problem from worsening,
and even save the worker’s life. The effects of repeated and often low-dose exposure to a hazard
over weeks, months and years must also be taken into consideration. For example:

XX exposure to some chemical pesticides (e.g. insecticides, fungicides and herbicides)

may result not only in poisoning (an immediate or “acute” health effect), but also in
cancers that can take many years to appear. Such effects are often associated with
repeated low-dose exposure;

XX exposure to crop or animal dust can result in asthma, which may take time to
develop. This, too, is often associated with repeated exposure and may result in
recurrent long-term illness or asthma attacks;

XX carrying heavy or awkward loads on a regular or occasional basis may result in

permanent pain, physical disability or impairment in later life.

Permanent disabilities and illnesses are known as “chronic” health problems, meaning that they
cannot be fully cured or reversed.

3 The period from exposure to onset of mesothelioma (a cancer caused by exposure, generally occupational, to asbestos) can be
long, even spanning decades. (“Malignant Mesothelioma Mortality — United States, 1999–2015”, in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
Report (MMWR), Vol. 66(8), 3 March 2017, pp. 214–218. Available at: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/66/wr/mm6608a3.htm
14 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

ff Figure 2. Occupational hazards

Left: A worker filling a bin with toxic chemicals

Right top: An underground mine operator standing by the rig that he controls
remotely, away from the noise, heat and dust in the workplace

Right bottom: A technician working in a laboratory where HIV/AIDS testing is

carried out

Chemicals, noise, heat, dust and viruses are all examples of occupational hazards.

The main exposure routes for hazardous substances, i.e. how they come into contact with or
enter the body, are:

XX Inhalation of substances such as gases, asbestos fibres, wood dust and mould,
which may enter the body through breathing;

XX dermal uptake of substances such as solvents, which may enter the body through
the skin;

XX accidental ingestion of substances such as hazardous chemicals, which, if stored in

an unlabelled bottle, may be swallowed.
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises
With new technologies (e.g. extensive digitization), global competitiveness, changes in
population and climate and new forms of employment and work (e.g. teleworking), it is more
important than ever to anticipate new and emerging work-related safety and health risks and
related accidents and diseases.

Psychosocial risks deserve particular attention and should be included in enterprise risk
assessments since the combination of new work practices and economic crisis increases the
risk of work-related stress, violence and harassment.

Work-related stress occurs where the demands of a job do not match the worker’s capabilities,
resources or needs or where the worker’s knowledge or ability to cope do not match the
expectations of an enterprise’s culture. Some workers (e.g. those who work with the public) may
experience greater stress than others. Stress can manifest itself in many ways, from feeling ill in
the morning to serious health-related problems such as cardiovascular disease, depression, loss
of sleep and even suicide. Workers may also react by adopting unhealthy coping mechanisms
such as alcohol and drug abuse, unhealthy diet and insufficient physical activity.

“Violence and harassment in the world of work” means unacceptable behaviour and practices
or threats thereof that aim at, result in or are likely to result in physical, psychological, sexual
or economic harm, including gender-based violence and harassment. These behaviours and
practices affect a person’s psychological, physical and sexual health, dignity, and family and
social environment.

“Gender-based violence and harassment” means violence and harassment directed at

persons because of their sex or gender or affecting persons of a particular sex or gender
disproportionately; this includes sexual harassment. Because such violence and harassment
disproportionately affect women, enterprises must adopt an inclusive approach that addresses
causes and risk factors, including gender stereotypes,4 discrimination and unequal gender-
based power relations or treatment, in order to end violence and harassment at work.

In addition to their impact on health, these factors also affect many aspects of an enterprise,
including the quality of services that it provides and its reputation, organization of work,
workplace relations and productivity. They therefore have no place in the promotion of
sustainable enterprises.

The ILO recognizes the right of everyone to a world of work free from violence and harassment,
which can constitute a human rights violation or abuse and a threat to equal opportunity.
Violence and harassment are unacceptable and incompatible with decent work.5 Enterprises
must facilitate the prevention of these behaviours and practices by providing a working
environment where, with the collaboration of all parties (not only employers, managers and
workers, but also contractors, clients and visitors), violence and harassment find no place.

4 Preconceived ideas whereby women and men are arbitrarily assigned characteristics and roles that are determined and limited
by their gender, e.g. “A woman should not be a pilot” or “Men don’t have to do housework”.
5 ILO: See Article 16 of the Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190), available at: https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/
16 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

A “risk” is a combination of the likelihood (high or low probability) that a hazard will actually
result in injury or illness, together with an indication of how serious the harm could be.

Risk = probability of harm x severity of harm

Exposure to a hazard presents safety and health risks to workers: a toxic chemical, e.g. a
pesticide, is a hazard but if it is produced in a perfectly enclosed system, no one is exposed;
therefore, during manufacture it does not present a risk to human health. However, when it is
sprayed on a field, unprotected workers may be exposed to it through inhalation (breathing),
skin contact (dermal absorption) and/or accidental ingestion (swallowing).

ff Figure 3. Exposure to hazards

House painters working without a working platform, guard rails or harness in

Antananarivo, Madagascar, 2017. These workers may fall from a height and are
therefore at risk of serious injury or death.

Falling bodies and objects (e.g. the ladder, the paint bucket or tools) may also harm
passers-by or co-workers.

Weather conditions should also be considered when working at height since

extreme temperatures and humidity (e.g. wet, slippery surfaces) can make this
activity even more dangerous.

Risk matrices are tables used to evaluate existing risks on the basis of their likelihood of
occurrence (probability, chance of happening) and the severity of their consequences (harm to
safety or health).
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises


To estimate the level of risk, select its likelihood (vertical column) and severity (horizontal
rows) in the following table. The risk level is the intersection between those two factors: Risk =
Likelihood x Severity.

For example if, at an enterprise, flammable materials are stored and handled with a lack of
preventive measures, this would mean the likelihood of fire is “probable”, and its anticipated
severity is “very harmful”. Therefore, the risk is classified as “high risk”, in the red zone, and
immediate action to prevent it is needed.


Potential Severety or consequences of the event

(likelihood) of event Slightly Moderately Very
happening harmful harmful harmful

Low probability Low risk Low risk Medium risk

Probable Low risk Medium risk High risk

Highly probable Medium risk High risk High risk

Risk matrices can also be used to evaluate residual risk (the risk remaining despite
the control measures currently in place).

Risks that fall into the red zone have the highest priority and must be addressed first as
they are the most likely to occur and their potential consequences in terms of harm to
safety and/or health can be very serious.

It is good practice to define what we mean by each level of severity, likelihood and risk. This is a
3x3 matrix; in other words, there are three levels for each of the three factors.

For the likelihood (probability) of an event happening:

XX 1. Low: the chance of someone being harmed would be unlikely in the present

XX 2. Probable: there is a strong likelihood of someone being injured or becoming ill

when working in the present circumstances.
18 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

XX 3. Highly probable: work situations in which it is almost certain that someone will
suffer with injury or illness in the present circumstances.

For the severity of harm:

XX 1. Slightly harmful: Injury or illness requiring, at most, minor first aid treatment. It
does not keep anyone off work for more than a couple of days, if at all;

XX 2. Moderately harmful: More serious injury or illness causing temporary incapacity

from which the person can recover (e.g. a broken arm or minor fracture). The injury
or illness keeps the victim off work and unwell for a substantial period of time;

XX 3. Very harmful: Potential death or serious injury or illness with long-term or

permanent consequences (e.g. amputation or noise-induced hearing loss). The
event is life-changing.

The matrix shows three levels of risk as the intersection between the level of harm and the
probability of its occurrence:

XX 1. Low risk: A slight risk of minor injury or illness;

XX 2. Medium risk: the severity of injury or ill health are serious, or the probability is
raised, even when less serious harm can be expected to result.

XX 3. High risk: it is probable or highly probable that there would be moderate or

serious injury or illness or death.

In general, high and medium risks are unacceptable and require that remedial action, including
the provision of information and training, be taken as soon as possible.

Low risks may not be a priority but could also be considered for remedial action as soon as
possible, even while action is being taken to address higher-risk situations.

Although risk matrices are widely used in a variety of situations (e.g. enterprises, climate change
studies and security research), they have significant limitations. Different persons may arrive at
different ratings for the same risk because not everyone perceives its likelihood and/or severity
in the same way. It is therefore essential to provide a clear description of each factor (likelihood,
severity and risk level).

If properly handled, risk matrices can be practical and easy to use. As with all steps of this
process, risk assessment by a team rather than one or two persons is likely to produce more
balanced results by facilitating discussion of any controversial issues.
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises


Hazards and risks are different concepts and the difference between them may lead to
confusion. It is important to remember that while hazards are linked to a specific substance or
process, risks arise from the probability of injury and the severity of the potential consequences.
The level of risk varies according to the measures used to control it.

For example, pesticides are toxic and therefore hazardous, and spraying them may present
serious health risks to farmers or farmworkers. But where their application is properly
controlled, these risks can be reduced to acceptable levels. In other words, the same hazard
can present different levels of risk.

ff Figure 4. The same hazard (an unguarded fan) at the same workplace,
but its location presents different levels of risk

Left: On the desk, the unguarded fan presents an obvious risk.

Right: Placing the fan on top of the bookshelf reduces the risk.

“Acceptable risk” is the degree to which a person, organization or society is willing to tolerate a
factor that has the potential to result in illness or injury (whether physical or psychological). Risk
acceptance is a complex matter as different persons and societies have different ideas about
what is acceptable. Technical, ethical, political and economic (what is the value of life or health?)
and even psychosocial considerations are taken into account.

When deciding on the acceptability of a risk, it is important to consider the gender, age and
health of the workers for whom the assessment is being conducted and to value their input.
20 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

An “occupational accident” is an occurrence arising out of or in the course of work which results
in a fatal or non-fatal injury.

Like other undesired workplace events, occupational accidents are generally caused by various
factors, some more evident than others, which form a causation chain leading to the accident.

ff Figure 5. Occupational accident

A young operator is injured when his hand comes into contact with the unguarded
blade on the circular saw bench which he is operating.

Generally speaking, many factors contribute to occupational accidents, including

(among other things) age, job experience, training, workplace stress, fatigue, productivity
rhythms, unguarded machinery, unsafe work procedures, supervision and OSH

A young operator is injured when his hand comes into contact with the unguarded
blade on the circular saw bench which he is operating.

Generally speaking, many factors contribute to occupational accidents, including

(among other things) age, job experience, training, workplace stress, fatigue,
productivity rhythms, unguarded machinery, unsafe work procedures, supervision and
OSH management.
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

Commuting accidents may also be considered occupational accidents.

Mobility to and from work significantly impacts women’s access to the world of work, and
studies show that safety and security problems (e.g. harassment and assault) may discourage
them from using public transportation. Night shifts may present a higher risk for all workers
(male and female) and their needs and concerns should be taken into consideration by the
enterprise’s management: if public transportation cannot offer safe conditions, the enterprise
should provide it or make arrangements to prevent commuting-related risks to safety and

The term “occupational disease” means any disease contracted as a result of exposure to risk
factors arising from work activity, such as noise-induced hearing loss, silicosis (a lung disease
caused by the inhalation of dust containing free crystalline silica), asthma (from exposure to
wood dust or chemicals) and musculoskeletal disorders (caused by repetitive forceful work).

It is important to note that non-occupational diseases can also be affected by work; for example,
high blood pressure may be worsened by work-related stress.

ff Figure 6. Global deaths resulting from occupational diseases and

accidents (per day)

People die due to unsafe and
unhealthy working conditions
every day

6,500 of deaths globally
die from work related diseases die from occupational accidents

Most deaths caused by unsafe and unhealthy working conditions are the result
of work-related diseases. A safe and healthy workplace can prevent occupational
diseases and accidents.
22 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

A “dangerous occurrence” is a readily-identifiable event defined under national laws and
regulations with the potential to cause injury or disease to persons at work or to the public.

“Near misses” are incidents, not defined under national laws and regulations, in which there
was no injury or property damage but the potential for injury existed. In other words, these are
incidents that could have caused harm to workers or the general public (e.g. a brick falling from
scaffolding without hitting anyone).

Accidents, diseases and near misses should be investigated and analysed in order to:

XX determine why they happened (the cause);

XX identify the controls needed to prevent their recurrence (so that they don’t
happen again);

XX prevent future injury or loss of productivity;

XX gather and preserve evidence for claims.

ff Figure 7. Near misses

Fatal or serious injury 1

Minor injuries 3

First aid treatment injuries 50

Property damage accidents 80

Near misses 400

For every fatal or serious accident, there were 400 near misses where
lessons could have been learned, thus preventing fatalities or serious
injuries in the future.
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

Collecting information on near misses and dangerous occurrences (“incidents”) can be useful
in preventing occupational accidents and diseases and should therefore be investigated in
order to answer the following questions (the “5Ws and 1H”):

XX Who was injured, suffered ill health or was otherwise involved in the event
under investigation?

XX Where did the incident occur?

XX When did the incident occur?

XX What happened at the time of the incident?

XX How did the incident occur?

XX Why did the incident occur?

Employers need to record information not only on occupational accidents and diseases,
but also on dangerous occurrences and near misses. Reporting them to the competent
authorities is normally a legal requirement. The report should include the essential
information on how the person was injured or came to be ill so that the event or condition
can be analysed, the circumstances understood and the necessary steps taken in order to
prevent its recurrence.

Employers must ensure that workers understand their obligation to report to their
supervisors any hazardous situation or abnormality observed in the workplace. Workers and
their representatives should be aware of any reported cases and the circumstances under
which they occurred so that they can help to improve working conditions. This information
is valuable not only for prevention, but also for statistical purposes and studies.

It is important for enterprises to have a “no-blame culture” for reporting incidents since
they might otherwise not be reported and an accident might occur. Having a form on which
to record incidents makes it easier to take corrective action. A sample workplace incident
report form is provided in Appendix I.

Remember that occupational accidents, diseases and other undesired events are preventable!


It is important to remember that occupational accidents and diseases do not affect all
workers equally.

Young workers (aged 15–24), women and migrant workers are particularly vulnerable to
occupational injuries and illnesses, especially when they work in hazardous sectors, such
as construction and agriculture, and under precarious conditions, such as the informal
economy. Different needs in the workforce must be considered in order to achieve safety
and health for all.
24 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

ff Figure 8. Information on vulnerable workers

Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

Pregnant and nursing workers

Many countries have legal measures in place to shield pregnant and nursing
women from work-related risks, including by requiring dangerous substances to
be identified and prohibiting their use. Where a significant workplace risk exists,
legislation often requires employers to mitigate those risks by transferring the
woman to other tasks or allowing her to take maternity leave sooner.

All forms of discrimination against pregnant and nursing workers should be

The protection of maternal health is included in Sustainable AND WELL-BEING

Development Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing

for all at all ages.

“Prevention” means stopping something from happening.

A growing number of countries are now giving higher priority to OSH and the prevention of
accidents and ill health rather than reacting after they have occurred. Perhaps most importantly,
many more stakeholders – governments, employers, workers and others – now accept that
the burden of occupational accidents and ill health is much greater than previously believed.
It is now widely recognized that occupational accidents and diseases have a major impact
on enterprises’ productivity, competitiveness and reputation, as well as on the livelihoods of
individuals and their families. Moreover, occupational accidents and ill health place an intolerable
humanitarian and economic burden on a country, damaging its reputation for good business
and undermining sustainable economic growth. In short, prevention pays.

The ILO Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No.
187)7 describes a national preventative safety and health culture as one “in which the right to a
safe and healthy working environment is respected at all levels, where government, employers
and workers actively participate in securing a safe and healthy working environment through
a system of defined rights, responsibilities and duties, and where the principle of prevention is
accorded the highest priority”.

To summarize, exposure to hazards at work can cause occupational accidents and ill health or disease.
OSH is the discipline that prevents, anticipates and controls or minimizes workplace risks, including
psychosocial risks, by maintaining and promoting workers’ safety and health and a safe and healthy
working environment.

6 The cost-effectiveness of prevention has been demonstrated by several studies, e.g. Lahiri S et al., “The Cost Effectiveness of
Occupational Health Interventions: Prevention of Silicosis”, in American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Vol. 48(6), December 2005,
pp. 503–514, preprint available at: https://www.who.int/quantifying_ehimpacts/global/8silicosis.pdf
7 ILO: Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No. 187), Article 1(d). Available at: https://
26 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises


Owners/managers of SMEs and workers can act together to improve OSH in their workplaces.
Work-related injuries and ill health can ruin lives and affect productivity, and small businesses
are particularly vulnerable to the impact of occupational accidents and work-related ill health.

To pursue safe and healthy workplaces and promote productivity and competitiveness,
enterprises can take a number of steps, including by adopting safety and health policies,
establishing OSH committees and training programmes and conducting risk assessments,
which are key to managing risks at the enterprise level.

The term “risk assessment” means a careful examination of potential work-related causes of
injury or ill health. It allows employers to determine whether they have implemented suitable
risk control measures, or whether they should do more to reduce risk to an acceptable level for
both workers and members of the public. The aim is to ensure that no one is injured or falls ill.

The outcome of a risk assessment should help employers to choose which form of risk control
measure is most appropriate. Workers and others (including visitors) have a right to be protected
from potential harm caused by an employer’s work activities. Laws may not expect employers to
eliminate risk but require them to reduce it as far as reasonably practicable8 in order to protect
safety and health in the workplace.

Risk assessment is a valuable tool that gives employers and businesses a means to be proactive,
identify hazards and take action to remedy problems before they cause an accident or ill health.
In other words, risk assessment can help to make the workplace safer, healthier and more

This should not be a complex procedure since employers and workers know their own
workplaces, and it is useful to help them find cost-effective, practical ways to control risks at
work. Another advantage is that risk assessment may be applied to any type of risk, including
psychosocial risk (workplace stress).

The responsibility to conduct risk assessments lies with employers (who may designate one or more
competent persons for this task) under the laws of most countries. These designated persons
should have a good knowledge of the workplace and work processes, know where to find and
how to make use of good practices and have the employer’s authority behind them. They should
also have the ability to identify hazards and levels of risk, an understanding of the necessary
risk controls and how to put them into practice, and the authority to do so.

8 See Article 16 of the Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No. 155). Available at: https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

Where this expertise is not available in-house, competent external persons can help. In such a
case, the employer should verify that they are familiar with specific work activities and have the
ability to assess them.

Risk assessments in SMEs do not normally need to be conducted by safety and health experts,
but the persons selected to conduct them should have:

XX an understanding of the general approach to risk assessment;

XX the capacity to apply this to the workplace and the task at hand. This may require:

XX identifying safety and health problems;

XX assessing and prioritizing the need for action;

XX suggesting options for eliminating or reducing risks, explaining their relative

merits and evaluating their effectiveness; and

XX promoting and communicating safety and health improvements and good


XX the ability to identify situations in which they are unable to adequately assess a risk
so that further assistance can be sought.

Workers’ collaboration is fundamental since their observations arise from direct experience.
They should receive basic training in risk assessment in order to ensure that the relevant
concepts and steps are clear to them.

While workplace inspections can be compared to “snapshots” of the workplace, risk assessment
is an ongoing (continuous) process and may be carried out at various levels:

XX for the enterprise as a whole (covering all activities, processes and workers);

XX in a section of the workplace (e.g. a machine repair shop with a specific group of

XX for a hazardous activity or process (e.g. problems with handling heavy loads).
28 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises


A practical method of conducting risk assessments is to follow the five steps listed below:

Step 1: Identify hazards and why they are present

Step 2: Identify who might be harmed and how

Step 3: Evaluate risks: Identify and decide on the safety

and health risk control measures

Step 4: Record who is responsible for implementing which

control measures and the timeframe

Step 5: Monitor and review the risk assessment and

update it when necessary

A template to facilitate the recording of risk assessments is provided in Appendix II.


A risk assessment begins with identification of the hazards in a workplace (not only those arising
from work activities, but also factors such as the layout of the premises). The goal of this step
is to identify anything that can cause harm to persons at the enterprise. If a hazard is not
identified it cannot be controlled, so it is crucial that this step be as comprehensive as possible.
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

For those who work in a place every day, it is easy to overlook hazards. Here are some tips for
identifying the ones that matter. The employer, designated worker or external service should:

XX walk around the workplace and look for anything that could reasonably be expected
to cause harm;

XX determine which work activities and processes are the most dangerous/hazardous
and where they are located. It may be helpful to make a checklist; in any case, it is
important to take notes for use when the written risk assessment is prepared;

XX ask the workers or their representatives about the dangers they encounter in the
course of their work and how they think workplace accidents and ill health can
be prevented. They may have noticed things that are not immediately obvious to
whoever is conducting the risk assessment;

XX learn from previous accidents and work-related ill health, which can often draw
attention to less obvious hazards;

XX remember to think about both hazards that present an immediate danger to safety
and health, and those that pose a long-term danger to health (e.g. high noise levels
or exposure to harmful substances);

XX contact any trade association of which he or she is a member since many of them
can provide useful guidance;

XX check manufacturers’ instructions and data sheets, which they can be very helpful
in identifying chemical and equipment hazards and putting them into perspective;

XX ask co-workers if they can think of any hazard that has not been identified and any
worker at a potential risk that may have been missed.

OSH checklists are another valuable tool for identifying hazards and assessing and controlling
risks in an organized manner. These are lists of closed-ended (YES or NO) questions that must
be answered each time a risk assessment or workplace inspection is conducted. They focus on
specific problems (e.g. machine safety, work at height and waste disposal) and, once completed,
offer a “snapshot” of the workplace or section thereof that is then used to guide remedial action.
30 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

Sample checklist Yes No

Is the workplace generally clean and tidy?

Are dirt, rubbish and waste removed on a regular basis?

Are the floors washed and swept on a regular basis?

Are the ceilings, in particular, kept clean?

Are worktables and benches kept clear of unnecessary items?

Are there adequate signs:

(1) to encourage good safety practices and housekeeping?

(2) to warn persons of hazards in the work area?

Are all materials, supplies and stock stacked safely?

Are storage areas appropriately identified/marked?

Are all aisles, stairs and passageways kept clear of stock, rubbish and obsolete

Are separate containers for the collection of stock and rubbish provided?

Are floor surfaces level, non-slip (i.e. free of water, oil or other liquid spills) and in
good condition?

Are ramps for the easy movement of materials and workers provided?

Are passageways/aisles of the requisite width and clearly marked with painted

Are passageways/aisles kept clear of any obstructions that might hinder the flow
of goods and persons?

Are pedestrian walkways separate and clearly marked to distinguish them from
vehicle driveways (e.g. in warehouses)?

Are fire evacuation procedures displayed and have practice evacuations been

Have fire emergency equipment, fire exits, etc. been checked and maintained at
regular intervals?

In other words, checklists are a simple way to ensure that attention is paid to critical OSH
problems at the enterprise.

Whoever is carrying out the risk assessment should establish the area to be checked, which may
be the whole enterprise or some of its sections.

A walk through the workplace and careful observation are needed before the checklist is
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

After reading each checkpoint on the checklist (below) and interacting with the workers, decide
whether to check the box “Do you propose action?”

Check the box under YES if action is needed and under NO if an adequate corrective measure
is already in place.

Use the space under “Remarks” to write down your suggestion or its location. Then select the
items where improvement would yield the greatest benefits and mark them as PRIORITY.

A small-group discussion should follow in order to agree on the improvements that should be
made immediately.

Sample checkpoint on a checklist:

Work Station and Work Tools

Put frequently used tools, switches and

materials within easy reach.

Do you propose action?

No Yes Priority


Checklists have many advantages: they draw attention to significant safety and health issues,
provide a written record of each checkpoint and the problems noted, can be used as a basis
for hazard reports and discussions or tailored to each workplace (with additional checkpoints
added as needed), facilitate an organized approach to good practices and reinforce team spirit.
They also have limitations: since they are not exhaustive and do not cover all potential problems,
items not included in the checklist may be ignored or overlooked.

Regardless of the tools selected, the search for workplace hazards should begin with what could
be reasonably expected to cause harm. In the following example, three examples of hazards in
the woodworking industry are listed (first column):
32 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Who might What are Action Action
What are the hazards? be harmed you already by by Completed
action is
and how? doing? whom when

Exposure to wood dust


Manual handling

Step 5: Monitor and review the risk assessment and update it when necessary

All relevant activities (e.g. production, planned preventative maintenance and breakdown
maintenance) and areas must be addressed.

Workers should be actively involved in this process, including by explaining (directly or through
their representatives) the dangers of their work, how they think that they could be injured
and what near misses they have had. Their knowledge of the workplaces makes this is a very
important point since others might overlook or ignore potential hazards.

Tools for helping to identify hazards:

• Previous workplace inspections or surveys
• Written or verbal hazard/accident reports
• Personal observations
• The safety and health committee, if one exists
• Warning labels or signs
• Manufacturers’ safety data sheets
• Manufacturers’ manuals or instructions



The GHS is an internationally harmonized (single) system developed by the United Nations in
order to inform and protect persons involved in the production, handling, transport, use and
disposal of chemicals. It also includes their environmental risks.
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

Countries that have adopted the GHS are “speaking the same language” in the classification of
chemicals because their labels and safety data sheets (SDS) have the same characteristics and
requirements. The hazard information provided on GHS labels and SDS is particularly useful for
transport and other workers, emergency responders and consumers.

The information on GHS SDS must cover, in order, the following points:9

1. identification;

2. hazard identification;

3. composition/information on ingredients;

4. first aid measures;

5. fire-fighting measures;

6. accidental release measures;

7. handling and storage;

8. exposure controls/personal protection;

9. physical and chemical properties and safety characteristics;

10. stability and reactivity;

11. toxicological information;

12. ecological information;

13. disposal considerations;

14. transport information;

15. regulatory information;

16. other information.

9 A sample GHS SDS for 2-propanol is available at:

34 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

The six types of information that must be provided on GHS labels are summarized below:

ff Figure 9. Six Elements of a GHS-Compliant Label

Product identifier: the chemical identity of the substance and its shipping name

Signal words: indicate the level of severity of the hazard, including “Danger” (more
serious) and “Warning” (less serious)

Hazard statements: phrases (and codes) describing the nature and, where
appropriate, the degree of the hazard, e.g. “Causes skin irritation”

Precautionary statements and pictograms: phrases and/or pictograms

indicating recommended measures to be taken in order to minimize or prevent the
harmful effects of exposure to, or improper storage or handling of, a hazardous
product. There are 5 types of precautionary statement: general, prevention (e.g.
“do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source”), response (in the event of
spillage or exposure), storage, and disposal

Supplier information: detailed contact information (name, address and phone

number) for the manufacturer or supplier

Pictogram: a graphical composition including a symbol, shape, border,

background and colour that is intended to convey specific information
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

ff Figure 10. GHS pictograms





Up-to-date information on the safety and health hazards and risks associated with products and
agents used in the workplace should be obtained from labels and SDS.

A “label” is a display affixed to a container and includes the name of the substance and basic
information on its safe use and handling. Labels provide an immediate warning of the hazards
to which workers may be exposed. All hazardous chemicals introduced into or used in the
workplace must be in labelled containers.
36 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

Employers and workers must be aware of the hazards presented by the chemicals used in the
workplace and the protective measures to be taken. The hazards of storage are minimized by
the packaging but in the event of a spill or other accident, workers and emergency responders
need to know what mitigation measures are appropriate.

In many countries, manufacturers and suppliers are required to provide professional users with
an SDS indicating the properties of the substance; the danger to health and the environment; the
hazards arising from its properties, use, storage, transportation and disposal; and guidance on
the protection of workers (e.g. firefighting and other measures to be taken following accidental
release and first aid measures if necessary).

In short, the SDS describes the hazards presented by a chemical and how it can be safely
handled, used, transported, stored and disposed of. SDS may be used together with labels,
safety bulletins, training and other communications.

Workers and their representatives should have the right to receive SDS and similar information in
forms and languages that they can easily understand.


A simple way to help hazard identification is to draw a map of your workplace and its layout,
then marking on it the various hazards (Hazard Map).

Draw a map of your workplace and accurately mark its main features, including doors, windows,
stairs and passageways. Then mark on it any potential hazards and risks, showing the location
of each hazard in the enterprise as a whole or in selected sections or departments. Hazards
are usually indicated by coloured circles or shapes; different risks may be marked in different

Having hazards clearly located makes it easier to eliminate them wherever possible. Collaboration
with workers is key since their experience and knowledge of the workplace facilitates detailed
identification and location of hazards through this simple, low-cost method.

Mapping provides an overview of the status of OSH at the enterprise and makes it easier to
identify appropriate risk control measures. The hazard map should be kept on hand and updated
whenever significant changes (e.g. new machine guards on existing machines) are introduced.

In the example provided below, all of the reported slips and trips are marked and their causes
(e.g. water or ice on the floor) indicated. You may also wish to include the normal location of key
personnel (e.g. first aid staff or members of the firefighting team.
ff Figure 11. Slips and trips mapping in an enterprise kitchen

10. Available online at: https://www.hse.gov.uk/slips/mappingtool.pdf

Source: United Kingdom Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Slips and trips mapping tool: An aid for safety representatives.10
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises
38 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises


Information on workplace hazards may also be obtained from suppliers, trade associations and
OSH organizations, scientific journals, databases on toxicity and health effects, and international
sources of information.

Records of previous accidents and work-related diseases are another valuable source of
information. In many countries, the statistics on occupational accidents and diseases at the
enterprise level must be shared with workers and/or their representatives).

As stated above, hazards to health are generally less evident than hazards to safety. For this
reason, additional care is needed in order to identify them properly (e.g. high levels of noise
and exposure to hazardous solvents in the printing industry or to pesticides in agriculture).
Psychosocial hazards (e.g. poor interpersonal relations at work or workplace stress) should also
be identified and assessed.


Having identified the hazards, the assessors must identify the persons at risk and determine
when, where and how these hazardous agents could harm workers and others.

For each hazard identified in step 1, they should determine and write down who might be
harmed and how. This is important since different hazards may require different control
measures. The process involves identifying groups of workers (e.g. persons working in the repair
workshop or cleaning staff) and other persons (e.g. truck drivers, clients and visitors) rather
than single individuals who might be exposed and the illnesses or injuries that could result (e.g.
shelf stackers may suffer back injury from repeated lifting of boxes).

It is also essential to assess the different hazardous situations that might arise; for instance,
in construction work, passers-by could be harmed by falling objects while their unauthorized
presence inside the construction site may present different risks (e.g. falling into excavated
areas and being hit by suspended loads or moving vehicles).

For each identified group, it is necessary to state how they might be harmed (what injury or
ill health might result). If the number of persons exposed is known, it should be indicated (in
brackets in the table below).

This sample table illustrates step 2 where the hazard is exposure to wood dust:11

11. It should be borne in mind that the sample risk assessment (above) identified three hazards – exposure to wood dust,
machinery and manual handling – in step 1. For each of these hazards, all of the other steps in this risk assessment model must
be followed.
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Who might What are Action Action
What are the hazards? be harmed you already by by Done
action is
and how? doing? whom when

Exposure to wood dust All workers (n.

35) are at risk
of respiratory
diseases, such
as asthma, from
inhaling wood
dust. Machinery
operators (n. 15)
are at higher risk of
Hardwood dust
exposure can cause
cancer, particularly
of the nasal cavity
(nose area).

Step 5: Record your findings, monitor and review, update as necessary

As noted above, some workers have greater safety and health vulnerabilities with new or young
workers, pregnant or nursing women and persons with disabilities at particular risk. Moreover,
even where exposure to hazardous chemicals presents a risk to all workers, it may affect men
and women differently not only for biological/reproductive reasons, but also owing to different
patterns of exposure to chemicals at home or elsewhere (e.g. use of solvents for spot cleaning
or frequent use of cosmetics) and to the concentration of women in certain economic sectors
(agriculture, services and informal work). Pregnant and nursing workers need to be especially
protected in order to preserve the health of both mother and child from hazards such as lead
and mercury.



Steps 1 and 2 identified the hazard and the persons at risk. Step 3 assesses the level of risk
based on the controls currently in place and using the risk matrix. If that level is medium or
high, it is unlikely to be acceptable and further controls will be needed in order to reduce it to
an acceptable level.
40 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

Slightly Moderately Very
harmful harmful harmful

Low probability Low risk Low risk Medium risk

Probable Low risk Medium risk High risk

Highly probable Medium risk High risk High risk

Many countries’ legislation requires employers to make every effort to protect workers and
others from harm. This can be achieved by comparing what is being done with good practice.

A logical and effective strategy for reducing the level of risk is the Hierarchy of Controls, which
provides guidance to both employers and workers. Its principles are illustrated below. Measures
at the top of the triangle are more effective than those at the bottom and should thus be
preferred wherever possible.

ff Figure 12. Hierarchy of controls









This order of priorities should be followed in controlling risks:

1: elimination of hazards; 4: safe work methods, practices,

organization, information and
2: substitution of hazards;
training, hygiene and welfare;
3: engineering, technolog y,
5: personal protective equipment (PPE).
equipment, tools;
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises
The reason for deciding on and implementing these risk control measures in the order in which
they are listed in the Hierarchy is to identify and decide on collective risk controls that protect the
work area and all of the workers before considering individual risk controls that simply protect
the individual who wears or uses them.12

As the order or priorities moves towards the bottom of the triangle, the effectiveness and
sustainability of the control measures decrease and the degree of participation, supervision,
training and surveillance required increases.

The use of PPE, which is widespread in workplaces, should be the last line of defence
against hazards and risks as it is the least effective (bottom of the triangle, in red).

The following table shows the risk assessment template with step 3 completed, indicating the
existing and suggested control measures according to the Hierarchy of Controls.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Who might What are Action Action
What are the hazards? be harmed you already by by Done
action is
and how? doing? whom when

Exposure to wood dust All workers (n. • Dust is • Fit each

35) are at risk vacuumed dust-causing
of respiratory regularly. machine
diseases, such • Good with dust
as asthma, from washing extraction
inhaling wood facilities and equipment
dust. Machinery showers are (local exhaust
operators (n. 15) available. ventilation).
are at higher risk of • Disposable • Remind
exposure. dust masks staff never
are provided to sweep dry
Hardwood dust
and wood dust
exposure can cause
regularly but to use
cancer, particularly
replaced. a vacuum
of the nasal cavity cleaner
(nose area). instead.
• Ensure that
are properly
trained in the
use and basic
of dust

Step 5: Record your findings, monitor and review, update as necessary

12. This principle of eliminating or substituting for the hazard, followed, if these control measures are not applicable or sufficient,
by protection of the workplace with individual protection as a last resort, is common to the various control hierarchies used in
42 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

We shall now examine in greater detail each of the control measures listed in the Hierarchy of
Controls, together with examples of their practical application at the enterprise level.


Elimination or substitution of hazards

Common sense suggests that eliminating (getting rid of) a hazard is the most effective risk control
measure. Eliminating or (when elimination is impossible) substituting the hazard effectively
reduces the risk of anyone being exposed, and thus of being seriously harmed, to zero or as
near to zero as possible. Examples include:

XX farming organically in order to avoiding using a toxic pesticide;

XX switching to a less toxic pesticide or substituting a pesticide that would normally be

sprayed to one applied in granular form;

XX selecting a less risky substance or work process, e.g. a water- rather than a solvent-
based paint;

XX replacing machine tools with intrinsically safer alternatives, e.g. using a pneumatic
tool instead of an electrical one;

XX substituting asbestos for safer alternatives (of which there are many);

XX replacing a noisy machine with a quieter one;

XX on tall buildings, redesigning windows so that they can be cleaned from the inside
rather than relying on potentially hazardous external access.

If the measures identified can be implemented through elimination, the risk assessment for the
hazard in question stops here; the risk has been reduced to zero or as close to zero as possible.
Consequently, for this hazard only, there is no need to identify, decide on and put into place any
further control measures.

If, however, it is determined during the risk assessment that elimination is not possible, it is
time to consider other measures, starting with the next lower level of the Hierarchy of Controls
(substitution/engineering controls etc.).

Engineering controls

These come in many forms, depending on the hazard, and have the advantage of providing
collective protection not only of the individual, but for all in the work area.
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

For example, in controlling exposure to substances that are hazardous to health, engineering
controls may range from small, on-gun solder fume extractors to dust hoods, fume cupboards,
glove boxes, spray booths and, finally, large-scale industrial installations.

All of these controls have the same requirements:

XX collect or prevent access to the hazard;

XX conduct it away from the worker reliably; and

XX keep exposure below the prescribed limits.

Further examples of this type of control measure are:

XX guarding of machinery – if adequate protection is not provided by the manufacturer

or if the machine is built to an older standard, improved guarding may be needed;

XX fitting noisy machines with a soundproof enclosure in order to reduce noise levels,
even if some risk remains;

XX completely isolating and/or enclosing hazardous processes such as X-ray equipment

or the solvent-gluing section of a workshop;

XX placing a handrail around a high work platform;

XX using something as simple as a wheelbarrow or handcart to move heavy loads;

XX placing work surfaces or workbenches at the right height for the persons working
there and providing suitable seating;

XX using tools, e.g. spades, shovels and brushes, that are the right length for the users
so that they do not have to bend unnecessarily.

Some of these controls are more easily introduced at the design stage of an enterprise/work
process. They may be expensive but should be regarded as an investment in OSH.
44 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

ff Figure 13. Engineering control measures

These range from simple and inexpensive, such as the circular saw bench guard
on the left, to the expensive spray paint booth on the right (which captures paint
overspray with a curtain of water).

The video “Example of machinery guarding and others safety features” shows different types
of engineering control.13

Administrative controls

Administrative controls may also be introduced in order to reduce exposure to hazards.

Safe working methods and practices are simple, cost-effective ways of controlling workplace risks.
Many work accidents and illnesses occur simply because the employer has not thought through
and implemented safe work methods, practices and organization and because managers,
supervisors and workers are not well informed about or properly trained in correct safety and
health procedures. Organizing jobs safely is the responsibility of employers and their managers
and supervisors in cooperation with the workforce. Not only are risk control measures often
simple and easy to put into operation; they also promote business efficiency.

Examples include:

u Organizational practices

Organizing the work may include:

XX lengthening rest breaks;

13. ILO: Machinery, plant and equipment (web page), https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/labour-administration-inspection/

Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

XX providing additional relief workers;

XX introducing exercise breaks in order to vary body motions;

XX rotating workers through different jobs;

XX limiting exposure to hazardous operations through scheduling or by reducing

employee exposure or implementing other rules;

XX providing effective training programmes.

u Safe work procedures

Work procedures should meet the requirements of national legislation and, except for
the simplest tasks, be written down. This is especially important for maintenance, testing,
examination and repair of plant and equipment, transfer of chemicals – including loading and
unloading – and identification of the contents of containers, including potential hazards and
corresponding precautions.

Work procedures must be developed and followed for all workplace hazards (e.g. operation
of machinery, vehicles and work at height) to protect workers against the hazards identified
in the risk assessment. Such a procedure should be devised after other appropriate measures
for eliminating and minimizing risks (such as use of the appropriate chemicals, technology and
engineering controls for a specific purpose) have been chosen and should incorporate the most
effective use of the control measures provided.

It should be clear who is in charge of the work and the specific tasks to be included (as well as
the responsibilities of each person involved where there is an overlap) and to provide for the
exchange of necessary information at shift changeover.

Where a hazard’s potential risk is very high (e.g. during plant and equipment maintenance
requiring entry into a confined space), a formal written procedure, referred to as a “permit-to-
work” system,14 is required. A permit-to-work form states exactly what work is to be done, how,
when and by whom. The person responsible should assess the work and check for safety at
each stage and upon completion, and the workers should sign the permit to show that they
understand the hazards and the necessary precautions.

For persons working alone, particular attention should be paid to work procedures and to the
arrangements in the event of an emergency with special provisions made where appropriate.
Procedures for the emergency shut-down of chemical processes should be established.

14. These are often needed for maintenance activities and are sometimes referred to as “lock out / tag out procedures” (Lock
Out, Tag Out (LOTO) or Lock Out, Tag Out, Try Out (LOTOTO)). Locking and tagging is a safety procedure used in industry and
research settings to ensure that dangerous machines are properly shut off and cannot be started up until after the completion
of maintenance or repair work.
46 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

Frequent checks on work procedures should be conducted at the same time as the checks and
reviews on information and training. They should be included in the review of control measures
with appropriate action taken. The review should include:

XX changes in staff, materials, equipment, location and operating procedures;

XX procedures followed outside normal working hours;

XX adequacy of supervision;

XX whether systems and practices are followed as intended;

XX arrangements for leaving a job that cannot be finished.

Among other organizational risk control measures, employers need to ensure that workers do
not smoke or work under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.

Emergency prevention, preparedness and response plans should be established and maintained.
They should identify the potential for accidents and emergencies and provide for prevention
of the associated OSH risks. The arrangements should be tailored to the size and nature of the
enterprise and should include:

XX all necessary information, internal communication and coordination so that

everyone will be protected in the event of an emergency at the worksite;

XX notification of and communication with the competent authorities and the local and
emergency response services;

XX first aid and medical assistance, firefighting and evacuation of everyone at the
worksite; and

XX information and training for all of the enterprise’s staff at all levels, including regular
emergency prevention, preparedness and response exercises.

For instance, workers in underground mines must be physically able and trained to use
emergency shafts. This is not an easy task as the metal stairs may be slippery due to the
presence of water, lighting may be limited and escape through these evacuation systems can
be very fatiguing. Miners who are physically unable to use the evacuation systems should not
be authorized to work underground.

Emergency prevention, preparedness and response arrangements should be established in

cooperation with external emergency services and other bodies where applicable.

It is important that all staff, as well as external parties, know how to evacuate the area, where
the emergency exits and escape routes are located, and what procedures trained personnel
should follow in order to stop processes and equipment safely during an emergency.
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises


The workplace, equipment, machines, tools and facilities should be maintained, in an efficient
state, in efficient working order and in good repair, at all times. Proper maintenance contributes
to work safety. Regular (scheduled) maintenance can prevent unexpected failures (e.g. periodic
maintenance of fire extinguishers ensures that they can be operated when needed while failure
to do so can allow a small fire to spread, causing serious harm to persons and property).

There are two main types of maintenance:

XX planned preventive maintenance involving periodic checks and repairs; and

XX breakdown maintenance (also called corrective or reactive maintenance): making

unplanned repairs to workplace facilities or equipment after sudden breakdown or
failure. This is usually more hazardous than scheduled maintenance as there may
be pressure to complete the repairs quickly so that the work can resume.

Risk assessments tend to consider normal operational conditions. During maintenance,

particularly where unplanned, hazardous conditions with potentially serious or even fatal
consequences may arise. Thus, maintenance activities must also be risk-assessed to ensure
that the appropriate control measures are in place.

Maintenance can expose workers to all kinds of hazards. Great caution is needed in order to
prevent, for example:

XX falls from height (e.g. while performing maintenance on roofs or raised parts of

XX the fall of heavy items (e.g. while lifting heavy loads wrongly owing to time

XX being trapped or crushed by a moving part or machine (e.g. while entering the
action area of a malfunctioning robot);

XX exposure to asbestos (e.g. while removing asbestos panels).

A careful risk assessment must be conducted in order to analyse and control any specific
risks since operating under malfunctioning/failure conditions may render the equipment less
predictable. The potential severity of maintenance accidents is seen from the fact that in recent
years, they accounted for 25–30 per cent of all manufacturing industry fatalities in the United
Kingdom.15 Training and experience are vital for employees and contractors who install and

15. See the United Kingdom Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidelines on hazards during maintenance:
48 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

maintain equipment and must be verified (including by checking work permits) before these
activities are performed.

First aid and medical assistance

Accidents can happen even with safety and health measures in place. “First aid” is the immediate
care given to victims of accidents or health emergencies (e.g. heart attacks) before healthcare
workers arrive.

Every factory should have a well-stocked first aid box and at least one responsible person
trained in first aid available during working hours. (National legislation should establish the first
aid requirements for enterprises.) Generally speaking, the organization of first aid procedures
should take into account, at a minimum, the nature of the enterprise’s activity, the hazards, the
number of workers employed, the layout of the plant and the availability of other healthcare
resources/facilities. If possible, workplaces should also have an infirmary (sickroom) where
injured or ill workers can lie down and be treated in a quiet, safe environment. This room could
also be used for nurses’/doctors’ visits and check-ups.

Common accidents such as minor cuts and burns, bruises and sprains may be treated on-site
while a clear plan for more serious events should be prepared by occupational health physicians
and their collaborators. Examples of cases that require medical or hospital care include:

XX eye injuries: these require specialized attention in hospital since attempted removal
of a foreign body (metal or wood chip) from the eye by untrained personnel can
cause serious harm, and even loss of vision;

XX extensive/deep burns;

XX deep cuts.

Emergencies such as heart attacks, poisoning and electrical shocks require immediate medical

While large enterprises have their own ambulances, smaller ones must make arrangements
to ensure the safe transport of injured/ill workers to hospitals and other healthcare facilities.

It is recommended that workers be trained in first aid and basic life support techniques in the
event that they are requested to assist healthcare staff, and to prevent well-intentioned actions
that can have serious or even deadly consequences if performed by unskilled workers (e.g.
moving a worker after a fall from a height may cause or worsen damage to the spine, leading
to paralysis and even death). On the other hand, unless the airways are kept free of obstruction
by the tongue, an unconscious person may choke to death.

16. In cases of cardiac arrest (a heart attack causing the heart to stop), treatment (defibrillation) administered within four
minutes raises the survival rate from 5 per cent (without treatment) to 40–50 percent. (“First Aid”, in ILO: Encyclopaedia of
Occupational Health and Safety, 26 January 2011. Available at: https://www.iloencyclopaedia.org/part-ii-44366/first-aid-a-
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises
Many enterprises offer periodic first aid training in order to ensure that they have a number of
adequately trained employees on staff.17 Emergency drills should also be planned with a view
to rapid response to an earthquake or fire.


Better housekeeping involves, among other things, keeping workplaces tidy and passages clear
and wetting dust before sweeping it up.

ff Figure 14. Examples of housekeeping

Poor housekeeping – a messy A neat and tidy workplace is a sign of

workplace is a sign of an inefficient an efficient business.

Do not sweep or use compressed air

to clean machines - use an industrial

The workplace is the workers’ “home” for at least 8 hours a day and should be kept clean and
tidy with the cooperation of everyone concerned. Inspectors frequently lament that they find
cluttered workplaces, dusty workbenches and piles of boxes blocking passageways, doors and
windows. Not only are these bad practices unhygienic (where materials pile up, pests can thrive);

17. The Red Cross offers free first-aid applications: https://www.redcross.org.uk/first-aid/first-aid-apps#app

50 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

they also hinder the normal flow of production and present serious risks of fire, entrapment
inside buildings in the event of an emergency and limited air flow. Conversely, workplaces that
introduce regular cleaning programmes using industrial vacuum cleaners not only reduce dust
and dirt in the workplace but improve the general working environment and workers’ health.
They also:

XX reduce maintenance costs since machines remain clean for longer periods;

XX reduce absenteeism through sickness;

XX give the factory a competitive advantage through increased productivity.

Brief Activity: Do a walk-through of your enterprise and write down the materials that
should be stored properly and safely. Note whether any spaces and surfaces need
to be cleaned by removing dust or debris. Keep the whole plant in good order every
day and train new workers to do so.


Adequate washing facilities should be provided so that workers can maintain personal hygiene,
including by washing their hands. Good hygiene limits exposure to workplace hazards and the
spread of hazardous chemicals and infectious agents.

Washing facilities should be easily accessible, situated so that they are not contaminated by
workplace activities and be appropriate to the workers’ needs. Sinks should be large enough for
workers to wash their forearms and taps should be turned on and off with a single movement
(preferably foot-operated).

Changing rooms should be provided where protective clothing is used or there is a risk of
contamination of outerwear by hazardous substances (in the past, the families of asbestos
miners caught asbestos-related diseases, including cancer, from exposure to fibres on these
workers’ clothes). Changing facilities should be situated and designed so as to prevent the
spread of contamination from protective to personal clothing and from one facility to another.
Separate rooms for men and women should be provided.

To reduce the risk of ingesting hazardous substances, workers should eat, chew, drink or smoke
only in designated facilities (e.g. canteens/smoking areas). In order to avoid contamination of
food and beverages, canteens and rest areas should not be placed close to workshops. They
should be kept clean and particular attention should be paid to pest control since leftover
food can attract insects and mice. To prevent contamination, any materials used during food
preparation should be stored in closed cabinets after use.
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

Water, sanitation and hygiene are fundamental in maintaining safety and health, particularly
during infectious disease outbreaks such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Equal access to and
availability of safe drinking water and proper sanitation services are far from achieved at the
global level18 and the workplace is sometimes the only place where workers can find safe
drinking – and even running – water.

Toilets must be kept clean and well maintained, have a constant supply of hot/warm and cold
running water, soap, hand sanitizer and toilet paper and, wherever possible, be equipped
with hand dryers or paper towels since fabric towels, particularly when shared, can spread
infection. The number of toilets should be proportional to the workforce and they should be
easily accessible to all workers, including those with disabilities. Where possible, there should
be separate facilities for women and men and in any case, privacy must be guaranteed (e.g.
through the ability to lock the door). Toilets should have proper ventilation and lighting and a
location away from potential sources of contamination and should be available to everyone at
the enterprise, including catering staff, visitors and truck drivers. On construction sites or in
rural settings, portable toilets should be available.

A workplace should be a safe, healthy environment and factors such as temperature, humidity,
ventilation, and lighting pay an important role. Clearly, environments where these factors are not
optimal present additional risks for workers and can lead to accidents. Employers are responsible
for ensuring safe and healthy environmental conditions, including through the use of natural
light and ventilation where possible. Where natural ventilation is not sufficient, adequate
systems (e.g. fans or air conditioning units) should be installed and properly maintained (by
changing filters and verifying air flow). Work that generates dust or fumes may require localized
exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls, such as water-based systems. Employers
should ensure that inspections include noise, vibration and hazardous factors (not only obvious
ones, such as chemicals, but also less obvious ones, such as radiation).


Employers should post safety signs where there is a significant risk that cannot be avoided or
controlled through safe systems of work or in any other way. These signs must comply with
national regulations and be placed in visible and appropriate places, including on machinery.
Because they must be understood by all, their text should be in the official language and
translated into local languages if necessary.

Visitors and any other external persons with access to the enterprise should be informed of
the meaning of safety signage and the need to respect it; perhaps an explanatory leaflet can
be distributed. The pictures should be clear and both text and pictures should be readable
from a distance since getting too close to machinery in order to read them may present a life-
threatening risk of being hit or crushed.

18. ILO: Employment-Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) Guidance: Technical note on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)
interventions in response to COVID-19, 14 May 2020. Available at: https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_emp/
52 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

Safety signs must be followed in all places and activities where persons are employed. Where
necessary, employers should:

XX use signs to regulate road traffic in workplaces;

XX maintain the safety signs that they provide;

XX provide training on all safety signs posted, explain new and unfamiliar signs to their
workers and tell them what to do when they see one.

Workers should follow the instructions indicated by the safety signs and refrain from removing,
ignoring or covering them.

The instructions on safety signs also give a clear warning to external parties (e.g. delivery
workers and customers). Their use and display in the workplace should be assessed through a
walk-through and careful recording of existing safety signs, posters, markings and tags. Any
warnings of hazards that have been eliminated should be removed since unnecessary safety
signs can distract from those that are relevant.

Their size, colour, image and wording (usually: DANGER, WARNING or CAUTION) must comply
with existing national regulations in order to ensure that they are reasonably visible from a
distance (usually at least 1.5–2 metres for general safety signs) when correctly installed and
convey a clear message.

ff Figure 15. Examples of safety signs

Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises


The ILO strongly advocates OSH education and training19,20 not only at the enterprise level, but
in the general education system.

This approach is highly effective in increasing the knowledge and skills of workers and employers
and promoting awareness of the importance of safety and health for the world of work.

In many countries that have adopted ILO standards, employers are legally required to provide
OSH training, which has produced concrete, measurable results for workers.

OSH education and training can improve workers’ safety and health at work. This study of 300
harvesting forestry workers in South Africa shows a significant decrease in the number of
occupational injuries following the introduction of OSH education and training programes in
2005; in the graph on the right, the purple bars indicate the number of injuries per year.

ff Figure 16. Lost time injures of a forestry company before and after
annual safety training that commenced in 2005 (2003-2013)

Number of occupational injuries



55 51
60 49 45 44
40 28 28
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Source: Hloni Nkomo, MHSc, Ivan Niranjan, DTech, and Poovendhree Reddy, PhD. Effectiveness of Health and Sa-
fety Training in Reducing Occupational Injuries Among Harvesting Forestry Contractors in KwaZulu-Natal. Continuing
education. Workplace Health & Safety, vol. 66, Nº10.

19. Convention No. 155 requires Member States to take measures to promote the inclusion of OSH education at all levels of
education and training.
20. The ILO Global Commission on the Future of Work calls for “the formal recognition of a universal entitlement to lifelong
learning and the establishment of an effective lifelong learning system” (Work for a brighter future (Geneva, 2019), p. 20. Available
at: https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---cabinet/documents/publication/wcms_662410.pdf).
54 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

The advantages of education and training include psychosocial benefits such as motivation,
willingness to participate in OSH activities, safer/healthier behaviour and organization of work.

To be successful, training must be supported by employers and managers and embedded into
the business. Workers and trade unions should be actively involved and contribute through,
among other things, the experience of senior workers who can act as mentors or trainers.
The content and materials must be tailored to the specific productive sector and its risks, be
balanced in terms of theory and practice and be presented through a participatory approach.

Training should be delivered in a way that is easily understandable and accessible by all
participants (in the local languages where necessary and through mobile units in remote rural

Training programmes should:

XX cover all members of the enterprise;

XX be conducted by competent persons;

XX include effective, timely initial and refresher training at appropriate intervals;

XX include the participants’ evaluation of their own comprehension and retention of

the training;

XX be reviewed periodically; the review should include representatives of the safety

and health committee, where one exists, and the training programmes should be
modified as necessary to ensure their relevance and effectiveness;

XX be documented where appropriate in light of the size and nature of the enterprise’s

Training should be provided to all participants at no cost and should take place during working
hours. This ensures that employers fulfil their training responsibilities without placing a burden
on their employees in terms of time and money.


Employers must provide adequate and appropriate supervision of their workers.

Supervisors need to know what is expected from them in terms of safety and health. They
need to understand the employer’s safety and health policy, where they fit in and how the
employer wants safety and health to be managed. They may therefore need training in the
specific hazards of the enterprise’s processes and how the risks are expected to be controlled.
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

Supervisors need to ensure that workers in their charge understand the risks associated with
the work environment and the measures used to control them. New, inexperienced or young
persons, as well as those whose first language is not that of the country, are likely to need more
supervision than others.

Employers should ensure that their workers know how to raise concerns and that supervisors are
familiar with the potential problems arising from unfamiliarity, inexperience and communication
difficulties, and supervisors should verify that the risk control measures used are up-to-date
and are properly used, maintained and monitored. Employers should have arrangements in
place to check that the work of contractors is being done safely.

Effective supervision can help employers to monitor the effectiveness of the training received
and to determine whether workers have the necessary capacity and competence to do the
job. Where supervisors see a lack of compliance with OSH provisions, they should take action
to remediate the situation; for example, a welder working without a protective shield is both
putting his or her own safety and health at risk and compromising the employer, who may incur
healthcare and raised insurance costs and loss of reputation and company image as a result of
the worker’s failure to comply.


The last level of risk control is PPE: individual equipment that offers protection from workplace
hazards and reduces the risk of being harmed by them. It can be designed to protect various
parts of the body in the form of, for example, helmets, safety goggles, face masks, respirators,
earmuffs, aprons, harnesses, gloves, safety shoes and boots.

As stated above (under the Hierarchy of Controls), PPE should only be provided where other,
more effective risk control measures are not sufficient to adequately control the risk. In such
cases, employers are responsible for providing workers with individual means of protection
against a specific hazard (such as noise, dust or a chemical).

PPE must comply with national legislation and meet national or, where relevant, international
standards. It should be suitable and provide effective protection (e.g. safety shoes to protect
kitchen staff in the food industry from falling objects, such as large metal pots and appliances,
and prevent slips and burns from hot liquid spills). It should be correctly sized for the user (e.g. a
selection of protective glove sizes should be offered in order to fit all workers, including women),
provided free of charge to the worker, and be adequately maintained and replaced as required.

Workers must receive training in the proper use, maintenance, disposal and storage of PPE. Any
defects (such as holes in insulating gloves for electrical work) should be reported immediately
to the employer or supervisor since they can lead to serious harm if ignored or overlooked.

Remember that PPE should be viewed as the last line of defence against hazards.
56 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

ff Figure 17. Workers wearing various types of PPE



In this phase, the safety and health risk control measures selected in Step 3 should be
implemented by the employer and responsibility for their implementation assigned, usually to
a supervisor or manager or to the enterprise’s safety and health committee. A reasonable time
frame for implementation should be established and once the control measures are in place,
the date should be recorded for future reference since, among other things, it may be requested
by inspectors in order to verify compliance with regulations.

To summarize, the following must be clearly established and recorded:

XX the person who will take action at the enterprise;21 that person’s full name and job
title should also be recorded in the risk assessment table (e.g. Manager: Margaret
Chang; Supervisor: Robert Achebe);

21. Employers normally assign these tasks to managers or supervisors, who should have adequate OSH knowledge and skills.
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

XX the target date by which the action will be taken –e.g. 20/12/2020–;

XX the date on which the risk control measure was implemented: e.g. 01/11/2020.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Who might What are Action Action
What are the hazards? be harmed you already by by Done
action is
and how? doing? whom when

Exposure to wood dust All workers (n. • Dust is • Fit each Manager 20/11/2020 15/09/2020
35) are at risk vacuumed dust-causing M. Chang
of respiratory regularly machine
diseases, such • Good with dust
as asthma, from washing extraction
inhaling wood facilities and equipment
dust. Machinery showers are (local exhaust Supervisor 01/10/2020 01/10/2020
operators (n. 15) available ventilation) R. Achebe (immedi-
are at higher risk of • Disposable • Remind ately)

exposure dust masks staff never

are provided to sweep dry Manager 31/12/2020 30/09/2020
Hardwood dust
and wood dust M. Chang
exposure can cause
regularly but to use
cancer, particularly
replaced a vacuum
of the nasal cavity cleaner
(nose area) instead
• Ensure that
are properly
trained in the
use and basic
of dust

Step 5: Record your findings, monitor and review, update as necessary


Each step of the risk assessment and the relevant information must be recorded and readily
available to workers, supervisors and OSH inspectors. The sample table provided above can
serve this purpose in a simple manner.

In practice, a risk assessment will identify many hazards for action. Some that are common
to different types of enterprises are chemical exposure; noise; slips, trips and falls; vehicles;
58 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

electrical problems; and fire. As stated above, risk assessments should be tailored to the needs
of each enterprise.

Keeping risk assessments on file shows that all significant hazards have been identified and
addressed, taking the number of persons concerned and their vulnerabilities into account, and
that the control measures are adequate and the residual risk low. This written record is useful
for employers, supervisors, workers and inspectors. It indicates the commitment of everyone at
the enterprise to providing a safe and healthy working environment in accordance with the law.


It is also important to monitor the effectiveness of risk control measures and ensure that they
are maintained. Were the improvements identified during the risk assessment successful, i.e.,
for each of the hazards identified, were the risks reduced and the target group or groups better
protected? Staff members who conduct workplace inspections should verify whether workers
are using the controls identified during the risk assessment as already in place or needed.
Not only workers and members of the safety and health committee, but also managers and
supervisors should conduct this monitoring. Its frequency will depend on the inspection’s
findings; if effective control measures are in place and the workers understand the hazards
and risks, the frequency of monitoring can be reduced. Conversely, if no controls are being
used and the enterprise has untrained workers, monitoring will need to occur more frequently.

It is useful to measure the effectiveness of control measures both quantitatively and qualitatively.
This can be done through the use of indicators.

“Progress indicators” are measurable, assessable data that make it possible to judge the
effectiveness of an enterprise’s OSH policy and to see whether its OSH goals are being met.
They can be derived from various sources, including occupational accident and disease records,
number of completed/revised risk assessments, workplace inspections and public statistics.
This type of indicator must be defined and measured during the initial monitoring exercise,
and then at intervals so that changes can be tracked over time (e.g. trends in occupational
accidents after the introduction of regular OSH training for workers). To be meaningful, progress
indicators must be clearly related to their subject, measure both quality and quantity, cover
performance in different sectors and be based on good, reliable data; for example, if accidents
or diseases are underreported, the data will not reflect reality and the extent of the problem
will be underestimated.

By comparing the data over a period of time, the risk assessment team can get an idea of
how the enterprise is controlling its risks. It is recommended that the team conducting the
assessment set realistic objectives, such as training all new workers within a given time frame,
as this will facilitate the development of related indicators (e.g. the number of new workers
who achieved the top score when tested on the enterprise’s current – including psychosocial
and musculoskeletal – risks). Possible subjects of the indicators include workers, the workplace,
machinery and working procedures, workplace inspections, control measures, compliance with
the law, safety information provided to visitors and voluntary standards.
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

Other key indicators to track are the existence of a joint worker–management OSH committee
and/or policy, the number of risk assessments, workplace inspections, unsafe acts, the condition
of emergency exit routes, the use of PPE, accidents and near misses, and investigations thereof.


Risk assessments are not one-time activities; they must be reviewed and, if necessary, amended
at least annually and more frequently in some cases (for instance, whenever new equipment,
substances and/or procedures are introduced).


Occupational health physicians, nurses and other trained workplace health personnel should
work actively to promote workers’ health and detect and/or treat occupational injuries and
diseases. Health surveillance activities include medical visits (pre-assignment, periodic, as
needed, upon resumption of work after a long absence for health reasons and after leaving
work) and specific testing and instrumental examinations when needed. Employers are
responsible for ensuring that workers receive the medical services required by law.

The results of medical examinations and all other medical information and data are strictly
confidential and must not be used to discriminate against a worker. They may, however, be
made available to workers and their representatives in a collective, anonymous (de-identified)
form for informational purposes (e.g. type and number of occupational accidents per year).
Medical records must be kept in a locked place and protected at all times, including when data
are processed or stored on computers or digital media. They must be kept for future reference
and workers must have the right to access their own records. Occupational medical records are
also valuable for use in study and research.

There is no specific template for step 5, but having all five steps recorded and updated is proof
of an enterprise’s commitment to improvement in OSH.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Who might What are Action Action
What are the hazards? be harmed you already by by Done
action is
and how? doing? whom when

Step 5 Monitor and review the risk assessment and update it when necessary
60 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises


Risk assessment is a fundamental pillar of OSH at the enterprise level. Without commitment on
the part of employers, managers and workers and a clear picture of the hazards, the risks and
the efficacy of control measures, any progress will be sporadic and unlikely to achieve sustained
improvement. Risk assessment introduces a systematic approach based on measurably effective
action that is beneficial not only to safety and health, but also to productivity.

The ILO has issued guidelines for the promotion of OSH at the national and enterprise levels.
These are of direct relevance to SMEs and are intended to:

(a) provide guidance regarding the integration of OSH management system elements into
the [enterprise] as a component of policy and management arrangements; and

(b) motivate all members of the [enterprise], particularly employers, owners, managerial
staff, workers and their representatives, in applying appropriate OSH management
principles and methods to continually improve OSH performance.22




Management systems are often used in decision-making processes both in business and in
daily life, e.g. during the purchase of equipment, expansion of a business or selection of new
furniture. The establishment of an OSHMS is based on OSH criteria, standards and performance.
It seeks to provide a logical, stepwise method for assessing and improving performance in the
prevention of workplace incidents and accidents through the effective management of hazards
and risks in the workplace and is used to decide what needs to be done and how best to do it;
monitor progress toward the established goals; evaluate the steps taken; and identify areas for
improvement. It can be adapted to changes in the enterprise and to legislative requirements
as needed.

OSH, including compliance with national laws and regulations, is the responsibility and duty of
the employer,23 which should show strong commitment to OSH activities at the enterprise level
and make appropriate arrangements for the establishment of an OSHMS. The primary elements
of this system are illustrated below.

22. ILO: Guidelines on occupational safety and health management systems, ILO-OSH 2001 (web page), section 1: “Objectives”.
Available at: https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/safety-and-health-at-work/normative-instruments/WCMS_107727/lang--en/
23. Workers also have responsibilities, as stated in Article 19(a) of Convention No. 155 “[W]orkers, in the course of performing
their work, co-operate in the fulfilment by their employer of the obligations placed upon him”.
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

ff Figure 18. The ILO Guidelines on OSHMS: The continual improvement

Policy Organizing
OSH policy Responsibility &
Worker accountability
participation Competence & training
OSH documentation



Action for
Planning &
ud Planning & implementaion

it A

Action for u dit A u

Preventive and implementation
Initial review

corrective action improvement
System planning,

development and
improvement Evaluation

l im
OSH objectives
Con tin u Hazard prevention

monitoring and
Audit Management

An OSHMS is a logical toolbox that is flexible and can be tailored to the size and activity of the
enterprise and be focused on all hazards and risks associated with such activity. The OSHMS
approach ensures that:

XX prevention and protection measures are implemented efficiently and consistently;

XX policies are established;

XX commitments are made;

XX all workplace factors are considered when assessing hazards and risks;

XX management and workers are involved in the process at their respective levels of
62 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises


To ensure acceptance of the OSH policy’s objectives, the employer should establish it through a
process of information exchange and discussion with the workers. The policy should be:

(a) specific to the [enterprise] and appropriate to its size and the nature of its activities;

(b) concise, clearly written, dated and made effective by the signature or endorsement of
the employer or the most senior accountable person in the [enterprise];

(c) communicated and readily accessible to all persons at their place of work;

(d) reviewed for continuing suitability;

(e) made available to relevant external interested parties, as appropriate.24

It should also include, at a minimum, the following key principles and objectives to which the
[enterprise] is committed:

(a) protecting the safety and health of all members of the [enterprise] by preventing work-
related injuries, ill health, diseases and incidents;

(b) complying with relevant OSH national laws and regulations, voluntary programmes,
collective agreements on OSH and other requirements to which the [enterprise]

(c) ensuring that workers and their representatives are consulted and encouraged to
participate actively in all elements of the OSH management system;

(d) continually improving the performance of the OSH management system.

The OSHMS should be compatible with or integrated into other management systems in the

The OSH policy should be clearly written and appropriate to the enterprise for which it is
intended and should be circulated so that every employee has the opportunity to become
familiar with it.26 Verbal communication should be used where required by a worker’s literacy
or visual function. The policy should also be prominently displayed throughout the workplace
to serve as a constant reminder to everyone.

24. ILO: Guidelines on occupational safety and health management systems, section 3.1: “Occupational safety and health policy”.
25. Ibid.
26. A sample policy statement by the United Kingdom HSE is available at: https://www.hse.gov.uk/simple-health-safety/policy/
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises


Recognizing diversity, including gender differences, in the workforce is vital in ensuring the
safety and health of both men and women workers. While some progress has been made in
this area, the ILO believes that more can and should be done. Gender differences should be
considered during the development of OSH policies and prevention strategies.

A gender-sensitive approach acknowledges and makes visible the differences between men
and women workers so that OSH risks can be identified and effective solutions implemented;
because of the different jobs that they do and their different societal roles, expectations and
responsibilities, they may be exposed to different physical and psychological risks in the
workplace and may thus require different control measures.

This approach also recognizes that the sexual division of labour, biological differences,
employment patterns, social roles and social structures all contribute to gender-specific
patterns of occupational hazards and risks that must be taken into account if OSH policies and
prevention strategies are to be effective.



Workers’ participation is a central element of the OSHMS. Employers should ensure that
workers and their safety and health representatives are consulted, informed and trained
in all aspects of OSH, including emergency arrangements, and that they have the time and
resources to participate actively in the organization, planning and implementation, evaluation
and improvement of the system.

To that end, employers should ensure the establishment and efficient functioning of a joint
safety and health committee (JSHC)27 and should recognize their workers’ safety and health
representatives in accordance with national laws and practice. JSHCs are advisory bodies
comprising an equal number of management and workers’ representatives with the common
goal of OSH maintenance and promotion for the entire workforce. They should involve OSH
specialists where available and/or mandated by law, and their members should normally be the
workers and managers with the greatest knowledge of workplace hazards and risks, as well as
OSH principles and regulations. The JSHC provides an opportunity for workers to participate
actively in the enterprise’s OSH policies and decisions. Records of its meetings and decisions
should be kept and it should meet and conduct workplace inspections on a regular basis.

The JSHC is a participatory mechanism and an expression of commitment to OSH. Its existence
is associated with a lower incidence of occupational accidents.

27. The ILO Guidelines on occupational safety and health management systems define a “safety and health committee” as “[a]
committee with representation of workers’ safety and health representatives and employers’ representatives established and
functioning at organization level according to national laws, regulations and practice” (p. 19).
64 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

Studies have shown that participatory workplace approaches result in improved OSH
performance through OSHMS, particularly in unionized workplaces. Full worker participation is
strongly promoted in all ILO standards on OSH.28

OSHMS cannot function properly without effective social dialogue within the JSHC and other
mechanisms (e.g. collective bargaining). Workers and their representatives should have an
opportunity to participate fully in the management of OSH at the enterprise level through direct
involvement and consultation. An OSHMS cannot be successful unless all stakeholders are given
well-defined responsibilities for its operation.

For a JSHC to be effective, it is important that adequate information and training are provided
and effective social dialogue and communication mechanisms established and that workers
and their representatives are involved in the implementation of OSH measures. External
stakeholders (e.g. regulators, subcontractors, neighbouring communities and organizations,
clients and consumers) should also be involved in the implementation of information and
communication measures.

OSH training at all levels, from managers to workers, is a major factor in the implementation of
any OSH programme. This training should be provided on an ongoing basis in order to ensure
knowledge of the system, and instructions should be updated to reflect any changes in the


Responsibility and accountability: The employer should have overall responsibility for the
protection of workers’ safety and health, provide leadership for OSH activities and ensure that
OSH is a line management responsibility that is known and accepted at all levels.

Competence29 and training: The OSH competence requirements should be defined by the
employer and arrangements should be established and maintained to ensure that the relevant
persons are competent to fulfil their safety and health responsibilities.

Documentation: OSH documentation should be established, maintained, reviewed and revised

as necessary in light of the size of the enterprise and the nature of its activities.

These documents should be communicated and readily accessible to all appropriate or affected
workers. They may cover the OSH policy and assigned responsibilities; significant workplace
hazards and risks and arrangements for their prevention and control (risk assessments);
records of OSH activities (workplace inspections); work-related injuries, ill-health, disease, and
incidents; national OSH laws and regulations; health surveillance data; records of exposure
and monitoring of the working environment; and technical and administrative procedures,
instructions and other relevant internal guidance documents.

28. Particularly in Convention No. 155, the Occupational Safety and Health Recommendation, 1981 (No. 164) and the ILO
Guidelines on occupational safety and health management systems.
29. The ILO Guidelines on occupational safety and health management systems define a competent person as “a person with
suitable training, and sufficient knowledge, experience and skill, for the performance of the specific work” (p. 19).
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

Communication: Arrangements and procedures for receiving, documenting and responding

appropriately to internal and external communications related to OSH; ensuring the internal
communication of OSH information between relevant levels and functions in the workplace;
and ensuring that the concerns, ideas and input of workers and their OSH representatives are
received, considered and addressed should be established and followed.


Initial review: The OSHMS management system and arrangements should be evaluated through
an initial review in order to provide a baseline for measuring continuous improvement. Where
no such system exists, the initial review should serve as a basis for its establishment. The
review should be carried out by competent persons in consultation with workers and/or their
representatives as appropriate.

System planning, development and implementation: The purpose of planning is to create an

OSHMS that supports:30

XX at a minimum, compliance with national laws and regulations;

XX the elements of the [enterprises] OSH management system; and

XX continuous improvement in OSH performance.

Arrangements for adequate and appropriate OSH planning should be based on the outcome
of the initial review, subsequent reviews or other available data. These planning arrangements
should facilitate the protection of safety and health at work and cover the development and
implementation of all aspects of the OSHMS.

Occupational safety and health objectives: On the basis of the OSH policy and the initial or
subsequent reviews, measurable OSH objectives and requirements specific to the workplace
should be established. They should be consistent with national laws and regulations, focused
on continuous improvement in workers’ OSH protection, realistic and achievable, documented
and communicated to all relevant functions and levels, periodically evaluated and updated as

Hazards and risks to workers’ safety and health should be identified, risk assessments conducted
on an ongoing basis and prevention and protection measures implemented following the
Hierarchy of Controls. Hazard prevention and control procedures or arrangements should:

XX be adapted to the hazards and risks encountered in the enterprise;

XX be reviewed on a regular basis and modified as needed;

30. ILO: Guidelines on occupational safety and health management systems, section 3.8: “System planning, development and
66 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

XX comply with national laws and regulations and reflect good practice;

XX reflect the current state of knowledge, including information and the reports of
labour inspectorates, occupational safety and health services and other bodies as


Procedures for monitoring, measuring and recording OSH performance on a regular basis
should be developed, established and periodically reviewed. Responsibility and authority
for monitoring at different levels of the management structure should be allocated and
management held accountable.

Investigations of work-related injuries, ill health, diseases and incidents and their impact on
OSH performance should identify and document any failures in the OSHMS. They should be
carried out by competent persons with the appropriate participation of workers and their
representatives. Where a JSHC exists, it should review the outcome of the investigation and
make appropriate recommendations. The investigation data and recommendations should then
be communicated to the appropriate parties for corrective action, included in the management
review and considered for continuous improvement.


“Auditing” is the monitoring of a process by a competent independent person or team. Periodic

audits help to determine whether the OSHMS and its elements are in place and whether they
are adequate and effective in protecting workers’ safety and health and preventing incidents.
They provide a means of measuring the system’s performance over time and propose corrective
action and new objectives for further improvement.

Arrangements for conducting periodic audits of each element of the OSHMS should be
established in order to assess the overall performance and effectiveness of the system. An
audit policy and programme, including a designation of auditor competency, the audit’s scope,
the frequency of audits, audit methodology and reporting, should be developed.31


OSH progress indicators should not be limited to those that measure trends in occupational
accidents and diseases or the presence and management of hazards and risks at the enterprise.
They should also measure aspects of the OSHMS, such as the establishment and performance

31. A sample auditing template (“Safety and health program audit tool) used by the United States of
America Department of Labour Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is available at:
32. See above under Monitoring the effectiveness of control measures.
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

of the JSHC (e.g. the number of regular meetings and decisions taken), updating of training
materials, compliance issues resolved, health promotion programmes, observance of voluntary
safety standards, and awareness campaigns.

Management reviews should be conducted periodically in order to evaluate the overall OSHMS
strategy and determine whether it meets planned performance objectives and workplace
needs. These reviews should be based on data collected and action taken during the period
under consideration and on identification of the aspects and priorities that should be modified
in order to improve performance and achieve objectives.


Preventive and corrective action: Arrangements for preventive and corrective action resulting
from OSHMS performance monitoring and measurement, audits and reviews should be
established and maintained. Where evaluation shows that prevention and protection measures
are inadequate, the work activity should be reassessed and corrective measures taken (following
the Hierarchy of Controls), completed and documented in a timely manner.

Arrangements for continuous improvement of the OSHMS and its various elements should take
into account the system’s objectives and the information and data gathered under each of its
elements, including the outcomes of assessments, performance measurements, investigations,
audit recommendations and management reviews; changes in national laws, regulations and
collective agreements; new information; significant technical or administrative modifications in
workplace activities; and the outcomes of health protection and promotion programmes. OSH
processes and performance should also be compared with other efforts to improve safety and
health performance.

OSHMS are a logical and useful tool for the promotion of continuous improvement in OSH
performance at the enterprise level. Mechanisms for promoting their application vary from
legislative requirements to voluntary adoption. Key elements of their successful application
include management commitment and active worker participation in the joint implementation
process. More and more countries are integrating OSHMS into their national OSH programmes
in order to promote the development of sustainable mechanisms for OSH improvement in

As awareness of the need to improve OSH for all spreads at the international level, including
through global supply chains,33 a new vision is challenging the old belief that occupational
accidents and diseases are inevitable. The Vision Zero Fund34 works towards the goal of zero
fatal and serious work-related injuries and diseases by improving OSH practices and conditions.

33. The term “global supply chains” refers to the cross-border organization of the activities required to produce goods or
services and bring them to consumers through inputs and various phases of development, production and delivery.
34. The ILO Vision Zero Fund “brings together governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations, companies, and other
stakeholders to jointly advance towards the vision of achieving zero severe and fatal work-related accidents, injuries and diseases
in global supply chains” (https://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/how-the-ilo-works/departments-and-offices/governance/
68 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

ff Figure 19. Challenging the old belief that occupational accidents and
diseases are inevitable
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises


Risk assessment






Setting up an occupational safety and health management system (OSHMS) in the workplace






XX Identify urgent, high-risk issues.

XX Identify “low-hanging fruit” by asking:

XX How likely is this improvement to be achieved?

XX Can I start implementing it immediately?

XX Can I implement it without a major investment?

XX Will initial results be visible within a month?

XX For each improvement idea, award 0, 1 or 2 stars* for each of the above questions.

XX Pick six to ten improvements.

XX Discuss and agree with your whole team.

XX Use the stars to get an indication of “quick win” improvements.

XX Record priority improvement ideas and the necessary action using the enterprise
Improvement plan (EIP) template (see below).

Start Scheduled Actual

Project and Person Progress
Ref. completion completion Comments
sub-activities responsible indicator date
date date

Establish a joint safety and health committee (JSHC)

Arrange meetings • Two meetings held and

decisions recorded Union represen-tatives
of section union
Personnel to hold section meetings,
1.1 representatives with three • At least 90% 10/1/11 10/3/11 26/2/11
Director seeking interested workers
directors to establish the attendance at each from each section
membership of the JSHC meeting

A written proposal Proposals being

Identify budget and
Personnel presented to a meeting considered and to be
1.2 work-time allocation for 10/1/11 10/3/11 21/2/11
Director of union representatives finalized at a future
committee work
and directors meeting
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

Risk Assessment

Production Report to go to the next
Identify a factory section • Two meetings held and
2.1 manager/ 10/1/11 12/1/11 14/2/11 meeting of directors and
for pilot risk assessment decisions recorded
OSH supervisor union represen-tatives

Risk assessment
Complete risk assessment manager/
2.2 template complete and 15/1/11 28/1/11 21/2/11
for production line OSH supervisor
action taken
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises


International Labour Office (ILO). 2014. A 5 step guide for employers, workers and their representatives on
conducting workplace risk assessments (Geneva). Available at: https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/safety-

----. Action Checklist: Fire Safety (Geneva). Available at: https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/-


----. 2012. Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safet y (Geneva). Available at: https://

----. 2013. Training package on workplace risk assessment and management for small and medium-sized
enterprises (Geneva). Available at: https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/safety-and-health-at-work/

----. 2016. Personal Protective Equipment Helps You Stay Safe and Healthy (Geneva). Available at: https://

----. 2017. Wise Action Checklist, in Global Manual for WISE: Work Improvements in Small (Geneva), p.
8. Available at: https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_protect/---protrav/---safework/

----. 2020. Occupational Safety and Health – A Guide for Labour Inspectors and other stakeholders (Geneva).
Available at: https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/labour-administration-inspection/resources-library/

World Health Organization (WHO). 2020. Health topics: Occupational health (Geneva). Available at:
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises


Fill out this form to report a workplace incident resulting in injury or a disease, dangerous occurrence or
near miss. Return the completed form to:

This form serves to document (select all that apply):

Occupational Occupational Dangerous Other near

accident disease occurrence miss

Individual affected – To be filled out by the person injured / involved if possible.

Name of the person completing the report:

Gender Date of Birth Date of entry into position

Role Unit

Supervisor’s name:

Date and time of the incident:

Where exactly did the incident occur?

Persons involved:

Describe what happened in as much detail as possible.

For instance: –the name of any substance involved;

–the name and type of any machine or vehicle involved;

–the events that led to the incident;

–the part played by any person or persons.

In the case of a personal injury, give details of what the person was doing. Describe any action that has
since been taken to prevent a similar incident. Use a separate piece of paper if necessary.


To be completed only in the case of an occupational accident or disease

Type of injury/disease:

Cause of lost time, injury or first aid:

Was medical treatment necessary? If so, name of the hospital /physician: Yes No

Employee signature Date Supervisor signature Date

XX Risk assessment

Work Activity: Date of risk assessment:

What are the Action Action


What are Who might be What is the Do you need to do anything else
current control by by Done
the hazards? harmed and how? residual risk? to control this risk?
measures? who? when?
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises
What are Who might be What are the What is the Do you need to do anything else Action Action
current control by by Done
the hazards? harmed and how? residual risk? to control this risk?
measures? who? when?

The ILO would like to acknowledge that this template has been adapted from information published by the Health and Safety Executive, United Kingdom and licensed under the United
Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises

Kingdom Open Government Licence v1.0

76 Improving occupational safety and health in small and medium-sized enterprises


Action checklist for fire safety https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_protect/---



Global Manual for WISE: Work Improvements in Small Enterprises, Action Checklist, page 8:
Current & Past Donors


The Vision Zero Fund is part of Safety & Health

for All, an ILO flagship programme building a
culture of safe, healthy work

International Labour Organization

Route des Morillons 4 CH-1211
Geneva 22 Switzerland
[email protected]

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