K-0413 (English) (Paper - III)

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Test Paper : III

Test Booklet Serial No. : _______________________

Test Subject : ENGLISH
OMR Sheet No. : _________________________________
Test Subject Code : K-0413
Roll No.
(Figures as per admission card)
Name & Signature of Invigilator/s

Signature: ____________________________________ Signature : ___________________________________

Name : ____________________________________ Name : ___________________________________
Paper : III
Subject : ENGLISH
Time : 2 Hours 30 Minutes Maximum Marks : 150
Number of Pages in this Booklet : 8 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 75
A»Ü¦ìWÜÚWæ ÓÜãaÜ®æWÜÙÜá Instructions for the Candidates
1. D ±Üâo¨Ü ÊæáàÆᤩ¿áÈÉ J¨ÜXst Óܧ٨ Ü È
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3. ±ÜÄàPæÒ¿á ±ÝÅÃíÜ »Ü¨È Ü É , ±ÜÅÍ° æ ±ÜâÔ¤P¿
æ á®Üá° ¯ÊÜáWæ ¯àvÜÇÝWÜáÊÜâ¨Üá. Êæã¨ÜÆ 5 ¯ËáÐÜWÙÜ È Ü É 3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet will
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K-0413 1 ±Üâ.£.®æãà./P.T.O.
*K0413* Total Number of Pages : 8
Paper – III
Note : This paper contains seventy-five (75) objective type questions. Each question
carries two (2) marks. All questions are compulsory.

1. Who said “A man who contemplates revenge 6. Identify the texts in which blank verse is used.
keeps his wounds green” ? (i) Paradise Lost
(A) Bacon (B) Shakespeare (ii) Prelude
(C) Dr. Johnson (D) Pope (iii) Tintern Abbey
2. The title of Somerset Maugham’s novel (iv) Ode to the Westwind
Cakes and Ale is taken from (A) (i) and (ii)
(A) As You Like It (B) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(B) Twelfth Night
(C) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(C) Measure for Measure
(D) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(D) Henry V
7. The phrase “Carpe Diem” means
3. The characters Christian, Faithful and
Hopeful figure in (A) Seize the night (B) Carpet Design
(A) Absalom and Achitophel (C) Seize the day (D) Save time
(B) House of Fame 8. Match the following :
(C) The Faerie Queen (a) Dissociation of (i) Empson
(D) The Pilgrim’s Progress sensibility
4. Match the following : (b) Ambiguity (ii) Cleanth Brooks
(a) Queen Elizabeth (i) 1660 (c) Irony (iii) Arnold
(b) Charles – II (ii) 1603 (d) Touchstone (iv) T.S. Eliot
(c) James – I (iii) 1625 method
(d) Charles – I (iv) 1558 Code :
Code : (a) (b) (c) (d)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (A) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(A) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(B) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
(B) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
(C) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(C) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
(D) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
(D) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
9. Who among the following writers was not
5. Which of the following works was not
published in 1922 ? born in India ?
(A) James Joyce’s Ulysses (A) William Makepeace Thackeray
(B) Wasteland (B) George Orwell
(C) Mrs. Dalloway (C) Rudyard Kipling
(D) Hermann Hesse’s Siddhartha (D) E.M. Forster

Paper III 2 K-0413

*K0413* Total Number of Pages : 8

10. Match the following characters with the 17. The words “happy” and “nappy” are an
authors : example of a __________ pair.
(a) Becky sharp (i) George Orwell (A) Homophonic (B) Minimum
(b) Snowball (ii) Thackeray (C) Polyphonic (D) Minimal
(c) Thomas Becket (iii) James Joyce
18. The lines “The better part of valour is
(d) Stephen Dedalus (iv) T.S. Eliot
discretion; in the which better part I have
Code : saved my life” are uttered by
(a) (b) (c) (d) (A) Henry IV (B) Hotspur
(A) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii) (C) Prince Hal (D) Falstaff
(B) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(C) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii) 19. The statement “It is real hardwork doing
(D) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv) nothing” is an example of
(A) Irony (B) Conceit
11. Govinda and Kamala figure in the novel
(A) Siddhartha (C) Antithesis (D) Paradox
(B) Island 20. The first British writer to win the Nobel Prize
(C) The Financial Expert was
(D) Cat and Shakespeare (A) Rudyard Kipling
12. Restoration Comedy is characterized by (B) John Galsworthy
(A) Prudery (B) Rural themes (C) Bertrand Russell
(C) Wit and repartee (D) Religious conflict (D) T.S. Eliot
13. Iswar and Om in A Fine Balance are 21. Identify the incorrect statement about the
(A) Actors (B) Tailors writers T.S. Eliot, John Galsworthy and
(C) Coblers (D) Watchmen Harold Pinter.
14. Which of the following writers is not Canadian ? (A) All of them are British
(A) Margaret Laurence (B) They wrote plays
(B) Margaret Atwood (C) All of them were born in the 19 century
(C) Alice Munro (D) They won the Nobel prize for literature
(D) Christina Stead 22. Which of the following did not happen in 1939 ?
15. The term “Sociolect” refers to a variety of (A) Birth of Margaret Atwood
language spoken (B) Death of Freud
(A) In a geographical region (C) Death of Yeats
(B) By a social class
(D) Nobel Prize for William Golding
(C) In a society of intellectuals
(D) By sociolinguists 23. The title ‘Decolonizing the Mind’ is associated
16. The International Phonetic Alphabet was
invented by (A) Ngugi Wa Thiong’o (B) Chinua Achebe
(A) The International Phonetic Association (C) Edward Said (D) Bill Ashcroft
(B) Danial Jones 24. Which writer is not German ?
(C) Danial Jones and A.C. Gimson
(A) Bertolt Brecht (B) Gunter Grass
(D) The International Phonological
Association (C) Franz Kafka (D) Albert Camus

K-0413 3 Paper III

*K0413* Total Number of Pages : 8

25. The definition “Language of a highly colloquial 33. Match the following :
type, below the level of standard educated (a) Plato (i) Agamemnon
speech” applies to
(b) Aristotle (ii) Frogs
(A) Register (B) Jargon
(c) Aristophanes (iii) The Republic
(C) Ideolect (D) Slang
(d) Aeschylus (iv) The Poetics
26. Which event in the 11th century changed the
Code :
course of the English language ?
(A) The Norman Conquest (a) (b) (c) (d)
(B) Coronation of Henry I (A) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(C) The Teutonic triumph (B) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
(D) Death of Edward I (C) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv)
(D) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
27. The pseudonym ‘Ambai’ is used by
(A) Lakshmi Holmstrom 34. Who among the following writer’s writes in
(B) Lakshmi Rajan his local language and translates it into
(C) C.S. Lakshmi English ?
(D) Chudamani Raghavan (A) Anantha Moorthy
28. The author who was not a contemporary of (B) Devanoor Mahadev
Daniel Defol was (C) Girish Karnad
(A) Jonathan Swift (B) Eliza Haywood (D) Vikram Seth
(C) Leigh Hunt (D) John Arbuthnot
35. Match the following :
29. Which victorian writer’s work deals with ‘the (a) Arun Kolatkar (i) Speaking of Shiva
unravelling of the skein of crime’ ? (b) Kamala Das (ii) Jejuri
(A) Wilkie Collins (B) Anthony Trollope
(c) Nissim Ezekiel (iii) A Hot Noon in
(C) George Gissing (D) Water Pater Malabar
30. The play Six Characters in Search of an (d) A.K. Ramanujan (iv) A Goodbye party
Author is by for Miss Pushpa
(A) Ionesco (B) Albert Camus T.S.
(C) Jean Paul Sartre (D) Lugi Pirandello Code :
31. Emily Dickinson glorifies _________ in her (a) (b) (c) (d)
poetry. (A) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(A) God (B) Nature (B) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(C) Man (D) Death (C) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
32. “The novel is so good that ears that are (D) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
trained upon poetry can wholly appreciate
it”. Who made this remark in relation to 36. Which of the following playwrights is not
Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea ? associated with the “Theatre of the Absurd” ?
(A) E.M. Forster (B) Rudyard Kipling (A) N.F. Simpson (B) Eugene Ionesco
(C) T.S. Eliot (D) James Joyce (C) Arthur Miller (D) Alfred Jarry

Paper III 4 K-0413

*K0413* Total Number of Pages : 8

37. Max Harkheimer and Theodore Adorno are 42. Which of the following novels is not epistolary ?
two Marxist theorists associated with (A) Tom Jones
(A) Prague school (B) Frankfurt school (B) Clarissa
(C) Chicago school (D) London school (C) Liaisons Dangereuses
(D) Julie, Ou la nouvelle Heloise
38. In a famous essay on changing popular
culture, George Orwell compares two 43. Which ancient classic begins with the phrase
“arms and the man” (arma virumque cano) ?
detective novels. Which are they ?
(A) Oedipus (B) Odyssey
(A) The Hound of the Baskervilles and The
Murder of Roger Ackroyd (C) Iliad (D) Aeneid
(B) Raffles and No Orchids for Miss 44. Which eighteenth century author wrote
Blandish strongly in support of the American
(C) The Murder of the Rue Morgue and The Revolution but strongly against the French
Revolution ?
Big Sleep
(A) Edward Gibbon (B) Edmund Burke
(D) The Sign of four and The Martesc Falcon
(C) Samuel Johnson (D) David Hume
39. French author Jules Verne and British author
H.G. Wells are known for their 45. Who was the Pioneer of New Criticism ?
(A) William Empson
(A) Detective fiction (B) Historical fiction
(B) L.C. Knights
(C) Horror stories (D) Silence fiction
(C) I.A. Richards
40. Match the following : (D) John Crowe Ransom
(a) Anglo-Saxon (i) John Milton
46. Earth hath not anything to show more fair
attitudes Dull would he be of soul who could pass by
(b) Antic Hay (ii) John Donne A sight so touching in its majesty
(c) For whom (iii) Lewis Carroll
In the above lines the poet is describing
the Bell Tolls
(A) Tintern Abbey (B) Scafell Pike
(d) On the Beach (iv) T.S. Eliot (C) Thames River (D) Lake Windermere
Code : 47. An eponymous character in a work is
(a) (b) (c) (d) (A) The most important character in the work
(A) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii) (B) A character that is never named
(B) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii) (C) One that appears under an assumed
(C) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv) name
(D) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv) (D) One whose name is also the title of the
41. Of which novel did Edward said produce a
post colonial critique ? 48. In The Canterbury Tales which two pilgrims
(A) George Eliot’s Mill On The Floss are portrayed as traditional rivals ?
(B) E.M. Forster’s A Passage to India (A) The knight and the squire
(B) The Miller and the Reeve
(C) Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park
(C) The wife of bath and the prioress
(D) Daniel Defol’s Robinson Crusoe (D) The Summoner and the Pardoner

K-0413 5 Paper III

*K0413* Total Number of Pages : 8

49. Who was the founder-director of the Centre 56. Derrida’s Of Grammatology is translated into
for contemporary cultural studies established English by
in Birmingham ? (A) Linda Hutcheon (B) Gayatri Spivak
(A) Raymond Williams (C) Paul de Man (D) Homi Bhabha
(B) Terry Eagleton 57. Which famous American thinker wrote the
(C) Stuart Hall book The Closing of the American Mind ?
(D) Richard Hoggart (A) Geoflrey Hartman (B) Cleanth Brooks
50. ‘Summer in Calcutta’, ‘The Freaks’ and ‘The (C) Allan Bloom (D) Harold Bloom
Dance of the Eunuchs’ are written by 58. Which among the following statements are
(A) Nissim Ezekiel correct about cultural studies ?
(B) Kamala Das (i) It is the comparative study of world cultures
(C) Jayanth Mahapatra (ii) It looks at culture as the standard of
(D) A.K. Ramanujan ethical and aesthetic excellence
(iii) It emphasises the materiality of culture
51. Which of these works by Robert Browning (iv) It looks at culture as the location of
does not have an Italian setting ? power
(A) My Last Duchess (A) (i) (B) (iii)
(B) Fra Lippo Lippi (C) (i) and (ii) (D) (iii) and (iv)
(C) The Ring and the Book
59. E.P. Thompson is famous for his work
(D) Red Cotton Night-Cap Country
(A) The Making of the English Working
52. The plot of Virginia Woolf’s Orlando is partly Class
set in the reign of (B) Long Revolution
(A) Charles I (B) Charles II (C) Country and the City
(C) George I (D) George III (D) The Uses of Literacy
53. Wordsworth and Coleridge differed with each 60. Who coined the term Ecocriticism ?
other on the issue of (A) Joseph Meeker
(A) Imagination (B) Fancy (B) Simon Estok
(C) Poetic diction (D) Creative process (C) William Rueckert
(D) Raymond Williams
54. Which among the following works is not
authored by Terry Eagleton ? 61. C.J. Dodson is associated with
(A) The Ideology of the Aesthetic (A) The New Method
(B) The Bilingual Method
(B) Marxism and Literary Criticism
(C) The Grammar Translation Method
(C) Criticism and Ideology
(D) The Structural Method
(D) Marxism and Literature
62. Which of the following is not a component of
55. The term ‘hegemony’ was coined by communicative competence ?
(A) Walter Benjamin (A) Linguistic competence
(B) Antonio Gramsci (B) Sociolinguistic competence
(C) Raymond Williams (C) Stylistic competence
(D) Theodore Adorno (D) Discourse competence

Paper III 6 K-0413

*K0413* Total Number of Pages : 8

63. Match the following : 68. Which novel of Chinsua Achebe does not
(a) Publication of (i) 1848 deal with the subject of colonization ?
The Lyrical Ballads (A) Things Fall Apart
(b) Death of Wordsworth (ii) 1832 (B) Anthills of the Savannah
(C) A Man of the People
(c) Passage of the (iii) 1850 (D) Arrow of God
I Reform Bill
69. Which is not a novel by Gunter Grass ?
(d) Communist Manifesto (iv) 1798
(A) The Tin Drum (B) Cat and Mouse
Code : (C) The Overcoat (D) Dog Years
(a) (b) (c) (d) 70. Who is Agamemnon’s wife ?
(A) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) (A) Jocasta (B) Clytemnestra
(B) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (C) Antigone (D) Ismene
(C) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv) 71. In A House for Mr. Biswas, Biswas marries
(D) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i) (A) Shama (B) Tara
(C) Tulsi (D) Radha
64. Willy Loman is a character from
(A) Emperor Jones 72. Fyodor Dostoevsky declared it to be “flawless
as a work of art”. He was referring to
(B) The Hairy Ape
(A) Hamlet (B) War and Peace
(C) Death of a Salesman
(C) Anna Karenina (D) Madame Bovary
(D) A Street Car Named Desire
73. The author of Pere Goriot is
65. Which of the following is not a novel by (A) Balzae (B) Flaubert
Chetan Bhagat ? (C) Kafka (D) Zola
(A) Revolution 2020 74. Who wrote the famous novel The Magic
(B) Two States Mountain ?
(C) Five Point Someone (A) Thomas Mann (B) Fyodor Dostoevsky
(D) One Day in the Call Centre (C) Leo Tolstoy (D) Walter Scott

66. ‘Abhilash Talkies’ figures in the novel 75. Match the following :
(a) Raju (i) The Financial Expert
(A) No Longer at Easte
(b) Margayya (ii) The English Teacher
(B) The God of Small Things
(c) Krishna (iii) Waiting for the Mahatma
(C) Rich Like us
(d) Bharati (iv) The Guide
(D) Swami and Friends
Code :
67. Priya Duryodhani is a character in the novel (a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) The Torch Bearers (A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(B) Midnight’s Children (B) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(C) Kanthapura (C) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(D) The Great Indian Novel (D) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)

K-0413 7 Paper III

*K0413* Total Number of Pages : 8

Space for Rough Work

Paper III 8 K-0413

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