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Bangladesh: Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural

Development Project

Project Name Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project

Project Number 42248-013

Country / Economy Bangladesh

Project Status Closed

Project Type / Modality

of Assistance

Loan 2763-BAN: Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural

Source of Funding / Development Project
Asian Development Fund US$ 55.00 million

Strategic Agendas Inclusive economic growth

Gender Equity and Mainstreaming

Drivers of Change
Governance and capacity development

Agriculture, natural resources and rural development /

Land-based natural resources management - Rural water policy,
Sector / Subsector
institutional and capacity development
Transport / Road transport (non-urban)

Gender Gender equity theme

The Project impact will be increased rural household incomes in

CHT subproject areas. The outcome of the Project will be
increased employment and income generating opportunities in
Description subproject areas. There will be five main outputs: (i) institutional
development and capacity building; (ii) rural roads and markets;
and (iii) community infrastructure; (iv) micro agribusiness
development (MAD); and (v) project management.

The design of CHTRDPII is based on the following main lessons

from CHTRDP: (i) lack of village access to local markets impedes
the development and transformation of production, and
subproject development needs to be more directly linked with
improved access; (ii) transformation of production requires
Project Rationale and security of land tenure; (iii) community's main needs are for
Linkage to irrigation infrastructure and village water supply; (iv)
Country/Regional sustainability of small rural infrastructure investments may be
Strategy at risk due to limited beneficiary participation in the
development process and insufficient awareness of their
operation and maintenance (O&M) roles and responsibilities;
and (v) empowerment of local leaders and communities, and
sustainability of rural development interventions require more
intensive capacity building efforts

Impact Increase in rural household incomes in subproject areas in CHT

Project Outcome
Description of Increased income-generating opportunities for men and women in
Outcome subproject areas

The project was physically completed on 30 June 2021. To increase the

income-generating opportunities for men and women in subproject areas
of hill districts, Micro-Agribusiness Development (MAD) component was
introduced as a project output. A consortium of NGOs has been selected
Progress Toward
as MAD-NGO and contract has been signed on 6 March 2016. MAD-NGO
covered 44 union of 9 upazilas of 3 hill districts. The activities were
completed on 30 June 2019. Data will be available after socioeconomic
survey for the project completion report which is expected to be
conducted in 2022.
Implementation Progress
Institutional Development and Capacity Building
Rural Roads
Description of
Community Infrastructure
Project Outputs
Micro Agribusiness Development
Project Management
For institutional development and capacity building, total 8 Annual Work
Plans have been endorsed by Chittagong Hill Tracts Regional Council
(CHTRC). The Work plans were endorsed within 15 days of submission by
project management office (PMO). Total 46 Human Resource
Development (HRD) Trainings; 124 Workshops; 780 Trainings/Workshops
on Safeguards & Awareness; and 4 overseas study tours (OST) were
carried out. Four OST on institutional development were conducted in (i)
Chiangmai, Thailand in 2013, (ii) the Philippines in 2017, (iii) The PRC in
December 2018 and (iv) Laos & Cambodia in 2019. Total 60 government
officials and PMU staff were accommodated in the OST program. Two
international study tours on Watershed Management to Nepal were also
completed. Three revenue posts for assistant engineer under hill district
council (HDC) was to be created, funded and supported by the
government. On 29 January 2017, PMO requested MoCHTA for the three
revenue posts and on 8 June 2017, MoCHTA requested HDC for the posts.
The five implementing NGO consortia employed 117 facilitators of whom
39 were women, which was equal to the DMF output target of 33%.
In rural roads component, LGED completed 66 packages including 3
packages for functional buildings and 7 protective works packages. 54.82
km of union roads and 29.54 km of upazila roads were upgraded to
agreed quality. Total 84.36 km of roads were upgraded to Herring Bone
Bond (HBB) road or Bituminous Carpeting (BC) road where HBB was 31%
and BC was 69%. The extension of three functional buildings were
completed on 30 June 2015 in Rangamati, 31 September 2017 in
Bandarban, and 15 March 2017 in Khagrachari. Also, 2,051.8 meters of
ancillary structures were constructed.
The community infrastructure component comprises of small village
Status of
roads and footpaths between and within village and market, small-scale
water resources infrastructure, and watershed management. The project
Progress (Outputs,
completed the construction of 111.78 km village access roads and 23
Activities, and
market sheds, improved small-scale infrastructure in 601 villages, and
piloted 6 watershed management sites. The small-scale infrastructure
includes 47.08 km irrigation canal, 368.1 m footbridges, 36 gravity flow
systems, 4 infiltration galleries, 638 shallow tubewells, 1,271 deepset
tubewells, 212 ring wells; 57 water reservoirs, and 309 m earthen dam.
Under this component, total 942 power tillers and 1,127 irrigation pumps
were supplied. 23 market sheds were constructed at suitable sites. The
small scale works or supply of equipment under this output were
procured and implemented by the para development committee (PDC) at
the village levels with the handholding support from the PMO and DPMOs.
Through these interventions, a total of 11,236 workdays (WD) were
created by using Labor Contracting Society principle where 6,126 WDs
for women. Total, 11,568 hectors of land have been covered by irrigation
and 232.30 hectors by 6 watershed management sites.
Micro-agribusiness Development (MAD) component covered 44 union of 9
upazilas of 3 hill districts. The activities under this component were
completed on 30 June 2019 when the implementing NGO consortium's
contract ended. The implementing NGO consortium completed almost
100% of the trainings included in the RDPP benefiting 18,051 farmers
with 36% women, organized 903 producer groups and 90 marketing
common interest groups. At completion on 30 June 2019, all planned
capacity building activities for the component were completed (i) training
of 829 batches with 16,129 participants where 35% women participated;
(ii) 284 exchange visits for 8 different activities with participation of
5,418 farmers where 35% were women; (iii) 6,300 demonstrations where
40% were women; (iv) 11 buyer group meetings; (v) 12 Replication of
Processing Technique; and (vi) establishment of new fruits orchard on
986 hectares of land.
Alikadam, Bagaichhari, Bandarban District, Bandarban Sadar, Belaichari,
Belaichhari, Betbania, Chengmi, Jurachari, Kamdebpara Barmachari,
Kaptai, Kawkhali, Khagrachhari, Kuhalong, Lakshmichhari, Lama, Lama,
Langadu, Mahalchari, Mahalchhari, Manikchhari, Matiranga, Myanimukh,
Naikhongchhari, Panchari Bazar, Panchhari, Raikhali, Rajasthali,
Rangamati district, Roangchari, Rowangghhari, Ruma, Ruma Bazar,
Sapchari, Subalong, Thanchi, Tumbru
Safeguard Categories
Environment B

Involuntary Resettlement A

Indigenous Peoples A
Summary of Environmental and Social Aspects
The project was categorized B' for environmental safeguard in
accordance with ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS) 2009
because of the likely environmental adverse impacts to be caused
due to implementation of project works during pre-construction,
Environmental construction and operation phased. An Environmental Assessment
Aspects and Review Framework (EARF) was prepared and disclosed for the
project. An Initial Environmental Examination was prepared and
disclosed on the website as per the EARF guidance. The project duly
submitted semi-annual environmental monitoring report for 2021.
The project performed 7 protective works.

The project is category A for both Involuntary Resettlement (IR) and

impact on Indigenous People (IP). Land acquisition and Resettlement
has been triggered by the RR component and to be executed by
Involuntary LGED. For this part, 17 Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plans were
Resettlement prepared and disclosed under the project. The project required
129.42 acres of land of which 73.277 acres were registered, and
56.14 acres were customary land. So far, 1,480 entitled persons were
identified to be affected.

The area is home to 41% of Bangladesh's total indigenous peoples

population. An indigenous peoples plan details principles and
Indigenous methodology to design and implement the project to ensure
Peoples indigenous peoples (i) receive culturally appropriate social and
economic benefits, (ii) do not suffer adverse impacts as a result of
projects, and (iii) can participate actively in projects that affect them.
Stakeholder Communication, Participation, and Consultation
The project has been designed through extensive and rigorous
consultation with all stakeholders. All relevant institutions including
the Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs and the Ministry of
Finance, the Chittagong Hill Tracts Regional Council, the three hill
district councils, circle chiefs, the Local Government Engineering
Department, upazila and union parishads (elected council) members,
various headmen and karbaris (village elder), and several
nongovernment organizations were consulted. The TA team carried
During Project
out many field surveys and field visits and had strong representation
of indigenous peoples on the team. At various stages, findings and
design suggestions were discussed in public forums, including district
and regional workshops. Stakeholder analysis was conducted
through a series of focus group discussions in the project area, with
different groups to identify both the supply- (service providers) and
demand-side (beneficiary) stakeholders. Scope for involvement and
the means of participation of these groups during project
implementation were also identified.

A participation strategy was proposed that includes mobilizing

community groups including women through extensive consultation
During Project about the project components and the accruable benefits, and their
Implementation roles and responsibilities, so that they can develop a sense of
ownership and access the benefits. Communities were selected and
construction were carried out for village-based infrastructure.
Business Opportunities
Advance contracting for project implementation consultants was
Consulting approved for the Project. All consultants and nongovernment
Services organizations will be engaged using ADB's Guidelines on the Use of
Consultants (2010, as amended from time to time).

All procurement of goods and works will be undertaken in accordance

with ADB's Procurement Guidelines (2010, as amended from time to
Procurement time). There will be no contract using international competitive bidding
procedures. Cvil works and supply contracts valued at less than $1
million will use national competitive bidding procedures.

Responsible ADB Officer Haque, Mohammed Sayeedul

Responsible ADB Department South Asia Department

Responsible ADB Division Bangladesh Resident Mission (BRM)

Executing Agencies Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs Bangladesh

Concept Clearance 09 Mar 2011

Fact Finding 01 Mar 2011 to 07 Mar 2011

MRM 27 Apr 2011

Approval 14 Jul 2011

Last Review Mission -

Last PDS Update 03 Aug 2021

Loan 2763-BAN

Approval Signing Date Effectivity Date
Original Revised Actual
14 Jul 2011 02 Oct 2011 13 Dec 2011 30 Jun 2019 30 Jun 2021 20 Mar 2022
Financing Plan Loan Utilization
Total (Amount in US$ million) Date ADB Others Net Percentage

Project Cost 69.36 Cumulative Contract Awards

ADB 55.00 21 Nov 2022 46.87 0.00 100%

Counterpart 14.36 Cumulative Disbursements

Cofinancing 0.00 21 Nov 2022 46.87 0.00 100%

Status of Covenants
Category Sector Safeguards Social Financial Economic Others

Rating - Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory - Satisfactory

Project Page https://www.adb.org//projects/42248-013/main

Request for

Date Generated 06 April 2024

ADB provides the information contained in this project data sheet (PDS) solely as a resource
for its users without any form of assurance. Whilst ADB tries to provide high quality content,
the information are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied,
including without limitation warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose,
and non-infringement. ADB specifically does not make any warranties or representations as
to the accuracy or completeness of any such information.

Source URL: https://www.adb.org/projects/42248-013/main

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